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IT 10 018 Examensarbete 30 hp Maj 2010 Cooperating Tools for Wireless Sensor Networks Qian Li Institutionen för informationsteknologi Department of Information Technology

IT 10 018

Examensarbete 30 hpMaj 2010

Cooperating Tools for Wireless Sensor Networks

Qian Li

Institutionen för informationsteknologiDepartment of Information Technology

Teknisk- naturvetenskaplig fakultet UTH-enheten Besöksadress: Ångströmlaboratoriet Lägerhyddsvägen 1 Hus 4, Plan 0 Postadress: Box 536 751 21 Uppsala Telefon: 018 – 471 30 03 Telefax: 018 – 471 30 00 Hemsida: http://www.teknat.uu.se/student


Cooperating Tools for Wireless Sensor Networks

Qian Li

Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) simulators, testbeds, and environment simulatorsare indispensable tools for WSN research. Existing WSN tools were developed withdifferent purposes without the intention of cooperation. Nevertheless, thedevelopment of a WSN technology (e.g, a middleware, a protocol, or an application)usually requires the cooperation among multiple tools. This calls upon a breaking ofthe incompatible barriers between any pair of tools.

In this thesis, I propose the Common Input and Output integration approach (theCIO approach). This approach attempts to define a standard configuration file formatcontaining input and output data common to WSN tools. In hope that by supportingthis standard configuration file format, tools can cooperate. The WiseML [23] formatdefined by the WISEBED [29] project is fully in compliance with the requirement ofthe CIO format. Therefore, it is chosen as a concrete representation of the CIOformat.

To evaluate the CIO approach, I developed a bidirectional online converter for one ofthe WSN simulators - COOJA [42]. The converter is capable of converting betweenthe WiseML format and COOJA's native CSC format on-the-fly. It provides not onlythe support for both the input and output of the WiseML format but also thefunctionality of converting the text format temperature log file generated by testbedsto WiseML format.

While I was working on this work, a number of other international organizationswere also adding WiseML supports to their own tools. We exchanged our WiseMLfiles and observed gratifying results: (1) WSN simulators can load each other'sWiseML files and reproduce the same network topologies and scenarios in their ownsimulation frameworks; (2) The WiseML format scenarios generated by testbeds andenvironment simulators can be directly inserted into a WiseML file, and take effectduring simulations; (3) The time and space overheads of the converter is acceptableand proportional to the complexity of a simulation. A WiseML file of a few hundredsKB and a format converting time of a few hundreds milliseconds can meet therequirements of most of the simulations. For example, a WiseML file containing 800motes without scenario and trace sections has a size of approximately 200 KB, and aformat converting time of around 500 milliseconds.

Tryckt av: Reprocentralen ITCIT 10 018Examinator: Anders JanssonÄmnesgranskare: Justin PearsonHandledare: Thiemo Voigt / Fredrik Österlind


This work was funded by the European project Cooperating Objects Net-

work of Excellence [3]. It was carried out at the Networked Embedded

Systems group at the Swedish Institute of Computer Science and at the

Information Technology Center at Uppsala University.

The author wish to thank Thiemo Voigt and Fredrik Osterlind for their

conscientious and methodical supervision, to acknowledge Justin Pearson

for his comments and suggestions for this thesis.



Contents i

1 Introduction 1

1.1 Motivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

1.2 Problem Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

1.3 Approaches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

1.4 Delimitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

1.5 Scientific Contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

1.6 Thesis Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

2 Background 7

2.1 Wireless Sensor Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

2.2 Wireless Sensor Network Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

2.2.1 Wireless Sensor Network Simulators . . . . . . . . . . 10

2.2.2 Wireless Sensor Network Testbeds . . . . . . . . . . . 11

2.2.3 Environment Simulators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

2.3 WiseML . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

2.4 COOJA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

3 Related Work 17

4 Design 21

4.1 Integration Approaches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

4.2 Data structure design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

4.3 Program structure design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

5 Implementation 27

5.1 Implementation decisions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

5.1.1 Adaptation v.s. Converter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27



5.1.2 Interaction with COOJA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

5.1.3 Assumptions regarding WiseML schema . . . . . . . 29

5.2 Assisting data structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

5.2.1 Internal assisting data structures . . . . . . . . . . . 30

5.2.2 External assisting data structures . . . . . . . . . . . 33

5.3 Package Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

6 Evaluation 37

6.1 Experimental setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

6.2 Micro-benchmarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

6.2.1 Code size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

6.2.2 Space complexity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

6.2.3 Time complexity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

6.2.4 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

6.3 Cooperation evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

6.3.1 Validation of COOJA generated WiseML files . . . . 48

6.3.2 Cooperating WSN simulators and environment simu-

lators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

6.3.3 Cooperating WSN simulators . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

6.3.4 Cooperating WSN simulators and testbeds . . . . . . 51

7 Future Work 55

8 Conclusion 57

Bibliography 59

A Example configuration files 67

A.1 example.csc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67

A.2 example.wiseml . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71

A.3 example.cooja . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73

List of Figures 77


Chapter 1


This chapter introduces the problem this thesis tries to solve and summa-

rizes the solutions. It begins with the discussion of the significance of the

cooperation among Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) tools. Next, it states

the problem faced when we try to integrate these tools. Then, the Common

Input and Output integration approach is proposed. Finally, the definition

of limitations, the scientific contributions and the structure of this thesis

are presented.

1.1 Motivation

Wireless sensor network tools are indispensable to wireless sensor network

researchers. Without them, the development of a WSN technology can be

immensely frustrating. To start with, wireless sensor nodes are tiny devices

with constrained resources, such as, energy, computing power, and storage.

A sensor node is typically dedicated to one application, only this application,

the underlying middleware and the necessary system software are installed,

programs, like, debuggers, are not available. This makes debugging directly

with sensor nodes a formidable challenge. Secondly, a Wireless sensor net-

work application often needs to interact with its environment. However,

some environments are not always available, such as, an earthquake [5] or a

tsunami [13], some are difficult for a human to access, for example, on top

of a volcano [55] or under a deep ocean [32]. In the above situations, test-

ing a program in its real environment is almost impossible. Finally, to the

research community, we often just want to evaluate a program (e.g., a mid-



dleware or a protocol), but do not want to put it into practice. Using tools,

such as, WSN simulators and environment simulators can save considerable

amount of time, money, and effort, compared to real world deployment.

WSN tools can ease the development of a WSN technology. A WSN sim-

ulator usually provides easy-to-use graphical user interfaces and powerful

debugging mechanisms, such as, break points, watch variables, and execu-

tion tracing, which make program debugging much easier. A WSN simu-

lator is able to test programs under simulated hostile environments. But

WSN simulators are inaccurate due to the simplifying assumptions made

[38]. A testbed consists of real sensor nodes, hence, is accurate. But WSN

testbeds still cannot solve the problem of realistic program testing, because

the number of nodes in a testbed and the deployment environment of it are

different from those of the real networks. An environment simulator sim-

ulates the environment basing on mathematical models. Rare and hostile

environments can be obtained by simulation.

However, a specific tool only serves specific purposes, to meet the require-

ments of an all-rounded research, the cooperation among multiple tools is

needed. For instance, due to the complexity of environment simulation, this

functionality is not included in traditional WSN simulators, instead, it is

realized by dedicated software, that is, environment simulators. A testbed

can gather data from the real world, therefore, provide real life scenarios.

Therefore a WSN simulator needs an environment simulator or a testbed to

provide scenarios for it. WSN simulators work on different levels (instruc-

tion, network, application, etc.), and sometimes, are dedicated for different

operating systems. If we want to compare the performance of an algorithm

on two different operating systems, say, TinyOS and Contiki, we need the

cooperation of two simulators, in this example, TOSSIM and COOJA. Of-

ten, we need to test the performance of a target technology at different levels

at different stages of its development. For example, we want to get good

performance with respect to the sensor node itself as well as the communi-

cation with other nodes, we need the cooperation of two WSN simulators,

one works on the instruction level and another on the network level.

In conclusion, the cooperation among WSN tools is crucial to the devel-

opment of WSN technologies. However, the current situation is that the

existing WSN tools were not developed with the intention of cooperation,

to make them work together, a great deal of translation work must be done



manually and the result is not satisfactory. Thus, it has become a seri-

ous and pressing problem to find out an efficient way to make WSN tools


1.2 Problem Statement

The problem handicapping the cooperation among existing WSN tools is

the incompatibility of their configuration file formats. Different tools save

their input and output data to different format configuration files. Most of

existing tools can only load from and save to their own configuration file

formats. It is impossible for one tool to directly use the input/output data

generated by another tool without format conversion. Scenarios generated

by testbeds and environment simulators cannot be directly used by WSN

simulators, they have to be converted into the formats that the WSN sim-

ulators can understand. The same applies to the communication between

WSN simulators. To cooperate with N tools, a tool has to use N converters

to convert N different configuration file formats to its own format. This

approach is low efficient, inflexible, and inextensible. Before introduce the

solution, I distinguish different types of incompatibility and dig deeper into

each type. The incompatibilities can be further divided into three cate-

gories: input incompatibility, output incompatibility, and input and output


Input incompatibility means that the input data format and the language

used to describe the input data vary from one tool to another. This seriously

hinders the free information exchange among WSN tools. For instance, to

compare the performance of an application on three different middlewares,

three different simulators supporting desired middlewares are needed. A

user has to prepare three different format input files to each simulator even

if the content of the input is the same. This increases the workload of a

WSN researcher.

Output incompatibility denotes that the output of different WSN tools are

represented in different formats. Frequently, a WSN researcher needs to

compare the output from different WSN simulators. For example, examin-

ing the trace files generated by different WSN simulators to compare the

energy consumption of the same program on different platforms. This will

cause serious problems, when the formats of the trace files do not conform

to one standard format.



Input and output incompatibility means that the format of the output data

of a WSN tool differs from the input data format required by another tool.

This blocks the information flow from one tool to another. By way of

illustration, let us consider the following scenario. A user wants to test the

correctness of a WSN protocol under a forest fire scenario. A fire simulator

[4] needs to be employed to generate the fire scenario, which should be

used as input to a WSN simulator capable of testing the protocol. But

the generated scenario by the fire simulator is stored in a database, and

the employed WSN simulator is only able to take in data in pure text

format. Even if the fire simulator generates pure text data, the formats

of the text data can differ significantly. The incompatibility of input and

output formats makes information exchange between the fire simulator and

the WSN simulator difficult.

1.3 Approaches

To eradicate the incompatibility problem, I propose the Common Input

and Output integration approach (the CIO approach). The essence of this

approach is a standard configuration file format. This format contains both

input and output data common to WSN tools. Different from previously

defined formats, this configuration file format only contains common data,

tool specific data is not included. During the carrying out of this work,

another project WISEBED [18] was working on the integration of different

WSN testbeds and also aiming to let testbeds provide real life scenarios for

simulation. Therefore, they defined the WiseML [23] format. The WiseML

format is fully in compliance with the requirements of the CIO format and

has gained support from a number of tools. Hence, in my thesis, I use the

WiseML format as a concrete representation of the CIO format.

The Common Input and Output integration approach roots out all the

incompatibilities between configuration files generated by different WSN

tools. First, it removes input incompatibility. A certain network configu-

ration can be expressed with this standard format, and then be used with

multiple WSN simulators without any change. Second, it gets rid of output

incompatibility. All WSN simulators save their results in the same format,

hence, it is much easier to discover the similarities and differences between

output data. Finally, it eliminates the input output incompatibility. En-

vironment simulators and WSN testbeds save their results in the WiseML



format, which can directly be loaded by WSN simulators without format


The Common Input and Output integration approach is not the only choice.

Alternative approaches, such as, source code integration and integrating via

webservices, are discussed in more detail in Chapter 4.1.

1.4 Delimitations

The goal of this work is to evaluate the Common Input and Output integra-

tion approach, but not to fully implement the WiseML standard. In light

of this goal, implementing the fundamental portions of the WiseML schema

suffice. Some features that do not affect the final evaluation results are not


Due to the constraint of time, the Common Input and Output integration

approach is implemented as offline, although the online approach is more

appealing. By offline, I mean cooperating WSN tools cannot execute at the

same time, a consumer tool must wait until a configuration file is generated

by a producer tool and the configuration file is exchanged manually. By

contrast, online denotes the parallel execution of different WSN tools and

automatic on-the-fly configuration data exchange.

1.5 Scientific Contributions

One scientific contribution of my thesis is the unique taxonomy for a number

of possible integration approaches. The ultimate goal of this thesis is to

explore a viable solution to the problem of integrating WSN tools. To serve

this goal, I investigated into a number of possible integration approaches,

and gave them a unique taxonomy. Interested readers can refer to Chapter

4.1 for a more detailed description.

Another contribution of my thesis is the Common Input and Output inte-

gration approach. This approach tries to define a standard configuration file

format which only includes input and output data common to WSN tools,

tool specific data is not included. This effectively confines the number of

input and output data within a controllable range. However, previous stud-

ies [24] only concentrated on defining an all-embracing configuration file

format, which encompasses every possible input and output data used by



existing WSN tools. This proved not feasible, because the number of in-

put and output data to be included is so huge that enumerating them is


I see the evaluation of the Common Input and Output approach as a con-

tribution. Because I have noticed a number of related work that are also

working on the CIO approach. For example, the WISEBED [18] project

defined the WiseML [23] format, which is a CIO format. A number of orga-

nizations [52], [34], [39] have already added WiseML support to their tools.

But none of them has evaluated the CIO approach. I did so. The evaluation

results show that by supporting the WiseML format, different types of tools

can cooperate at acceptable time and space overheads.

1.6 Thesis Structure

This thesis is organized as follows. In Chapter 2, a set of background knowl-

edge pertaining to the CIO approach is introduced. Chapter 3 presents

related work. Chapter 4 discusses the design of the data and program

structures of the WiseML converter. In Chapter 5, I describe implemen-

tation decisions, specific data structures and the package structure of the

converter. The evaluation results are revealed in Chapter 6. Chapter 7

looks into the future, and identifies possible directions for future research.

Finally, Chapter 8 concludes the thesis.


Chapter 2


This chapter is intended to familiarize the reader with a set of fundamental

concepts pertaining to this thesis. First, Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs)

and their applications are discussed from a broader perspective. Next, a

series of tools assisting the development of a WSN technology are investi-

gated. It is followed by the introduction to WiseML [23] – the configuration

language employed by this work, and COOJA [42] – a WSN simulator, to

which I added the WiseML support.

2.1 Wireless Sensor Networks

A Wireless Sensor Network consists of, usually, from dozens to a few thou-

sands wireless devices (called sensor nodes) capable of interacting with their

environment by sensing or controlling physical parameters, such as, sound,

light, temperature and humidity. As shown in Figure 2.1, there are three

integral components in a WSN: (1) an assembly of sensor nodes, (2) one or

more sinks, and (3) an interconnecting network.

Wireless sensor nodes are small wireless devices. The volume of sensor nodes

varies from cubic nanometers to cubic decimeters [48]. Sensor nodes are

typically constrained on resources, such as, energy, memory and processor

capacity. A sensor node is usually comprised of a power unit, a processing

unit, one or more sensing units, a transceiver, an antenna, and some optional

components, such as a location finding system, a power generator, and an

actuator, as depicted in Figure 2.2.



Figure 2.1: The architecture of a typical Wireless Sensor Network. TheWSN consists of a collection of sensor nodes interconnected by wirelesslinks and is connected to the Internet via a sink or gateway.

Sensor nodes are data sources, while a sink is the entity where the data is

gathered. A sink can be a normal node in the network, an entity outside

the sensor network, or a gateway to another network such as the Internet


To accomplish their tasks, sensor nodes have to cooperate. Most often,

they communicate via radio. 802.15.4 [33] or IEEE ZigBee [57] is a typical

standard for low data rate and high loss rate radio channels used by WSNs.

Other wireless medium include optical, sound, and inductive medium.

WSNs support a broad spectrum of applications, ranging from vehicle track-

ing to environmental monitoring, from battlefield surveillance to homeland

security, from remote patient monitoring to home automation, and from

habitat monitoring to catastrophe detection. For example, WSNs may be

deployed outdoors to detect toxins and to trace the sources of contamina-

tion. Tiny sensors can be embedded into a patient’s body to continuously

monitor her physical conditions. Volcano eruption, earthquake, and tsunami



Figure 2.2: The architecture of a sensor node (copied from [48]). A sensornode consists of at least one sensing unit, a micro-controller, a transceiver,an antenna, a power unit, and some optional units, such as, a locationfinding system, a power generator, and an actuator.

can be detected by large scale deployed sensor networks. Interested readers

can find a more comprehensive list of WSN applications in [49].

2.2 Wireless Sensor Network Tools

A variety of WSN tools have been developed to ease the development and

evaluation of WSN technologies, such as protocols, middlewares and appli-

cations. Typical tools include WSN simulators, testbeds, and environment


These tools are indispensable to the development of a WSN technology. To

start with, WSN simulators provide user-friendly graphical interfaces and

powerful debugging mechanisms, like, break points, watch variables, and

execution tracing. Program testing and debugging with WSN simulators is

much easier than with real sensor nodes, which have no debugging mecha-

nisms installed. Secondly, compared to field deployment, simulation saves

significant amount of time, money, and effort. Thirdly, a WSN Simulator

provides a platform for researchers to test a program under a (simulated)



hostile environment. Forth, environment simulators simulate the environ-

ment, provide scenarios for WSN testbeds and simulators. With the help

of environment simulators, we can easily repeat our experiments under the

same scenarios, test our programs under hard-to-obtain scenarios, such as,

an earthquake or a tsunami. Finally, a testbed is more accurate and can

gather real life scenarios for WSN simulators.

2.2.1 Wireless Sensor Network Simulators

A WSN simulator simulates sensor nodes, communication channels and sen-

sor networks by means of software. WSN simulators play an indispensable

role in the early stages of the development of a WSN technology. First, WSN

simulators are often equipped with easy-to-use graphical user interfaces and

powerful debugging mechanisms (e.g. break points, watch variables, and ex-

ecution tracing) to ease and speed up program development. Second, testing

programs by simulation reduces the cost incurred by purchasing real hard-

ware and real world deployment. Third, simulation saves time. Setting up a

simulated environment is much faster than field deployment. Forth, A WSN

simulator can provide a simulated hostile environment, such as, on top of

a volcano or under a deep ocean, for researchers to test their programs. In

contrast, testing programs under such environments in real world is almost

impossible. Finally, in the real world, a scenario is not repeatable. But with

simulation, the experiment can be conducted many times under the same


Existing WSN simulators were built with different purposes, hence, work on

different abstraction levels, for different operating systems, and have vary-

ing functionalities. This brings the necessity to classify them. According to

at which level a simulator works, WSN simulators can be classified into four

categories: instruction level, operating system level, network level, and ap-

plication level simulators. No simulator can simulate every level accurately

without any simplifying assumptions due to the difficulties in construction

and the unacceptable computational costs. Existing simulators all have

varying degrees of emphasis on different levels. For example, MSPsim [28] is

a pure instruction-level emulator, which emulates MSP430 microcontroller-

equipped sensor boards, but does not support nodes communications and

mobility. ATEMU [45] and Avrora [51] emulate the operation of individ-

ual sensor nodes equipped with AVR microcontrollers in an instruction by

instruction manner, but simulate the interactions between nodes in a real-



istic manner. TOSSIM [40] is a simulator dedicated to TinyOS. It captures

TinyOS behavior at a very low level but makes several simplifying assump-

tions in terms of node architecture and radio medium. COOJA [43] is a

simulator for the Contiki [27] operating system. It works on the OS level,

but also provides instruction-level emulation.

As a WSN simulator often makes a variety of simplifying assumptions, this

simplifies the construction of a simulator but, in the meanwhile, incurs

fidelity loss. A program passes the test of a simulator doesn’t guarantee

that it can run in a real environment without errors. This is proved by

[38], which summarizes 6 commonly used assumptions by simulators: (1)

the world is flat; (2) a radio’s transmission area is circular; (3) all radios

have equal range; (4) if I can hear you, you can hear me; (5) if I can

hear you at all, I can hear you perfectly; (6) signal strength is a simple

function of distance. Hence, simulators are only suitable for early stages of

WSN technologies development. The later stages of a development involves

the assessment of the realistic performance, error resilience and other non-

functional properties of the target technology.

2.2.2 Wireless Sensor Network Testbeds

A WSN testbed can provide more accurate evaluation of a target software

over a simulator. WSN testbeds are widely used in the later stages of the

development of a WSN technology. A WSN testbed is a platform deployed

in a controlled environment to support the development and evaluation of

WSN technologies. A WSN testbed usually consists of a moderate number

of real sensor nodes installed with middlewares, protocols, and applications.

Auxiliary hardware and software are provided for debugging and system

management, such as, system-wide reprogramming [30].

The difference between a WSN testbed and a WSN simulator is that the

former employs real sensor nodes and is deployed in a real environment,

whereas, the latter involves no hardware and real world deployment, every-

thing is simulated by software. Compared to a field deployment, a WSN

testbed usually consists of smaller number of nodes, has auxiliary hardware

and software and is sometimes deployed in a different environment (espe-

cially when the real deploy environment is hard to obtain or access). A WSN

testbed confines the number of sensor nodes to a degree that the debugging,

sensor nodes reprogramming, and other system analysis can be conducted in

a controlled and efficient way. A WSN testbed often incorporates hardware



and software facilities to enable program debugging, node reprogramming,

and scenario simulation etc. A WSN testbed cannot root out the problem

of realistic program testing, because, its deployment environment is often

different from that of the real sensor network.

The following are some example WSN testbeds. MoteLab [56] is an open

source WSN testbed developed by Harvard University. Users can upload

and dispatch jobs to the sensor nodes in the testbed and download results

through an easy-to-use web-based interface. TWIST [30] is a scalable and

reconfigurable indoor WSN testbed. In addition to traditional testbed ser-

vices, it also provides several novel features: incorporating heterogeneous

node platforms into one experiment, active control of node power supply,

and supporting both flat and hierarchical sensor networks. Sensei-UU [46]

is a WSN testbed that supports mobile sensor nodes. It utilizes robot tech-

nology to localize mobile nodes.

2.2.3 Environment Simulators

An environment simulator is a simulator that simulates one or more facets

of a deployment environment of a WSN. It outputs the changes of the status

of the simulated object. For example, a fire simulator [4] can simulate the

trend and temperature of a large wild forest fire. Volcano simulators [16]

simulate the eruption of a volcano. Ocean wave simulators [31] simulate the

direction and strength of ocean waves. Earthquake simulators [5] simulate

the changes of related environmental factors during an earthquake. Mobility

simulators generate position changes of nodes over time. The generated

scenario information can be used as input of a WSN simulator or a testbed

to test the performance of a target technology under certain scenarios.

2.3 WiseML

Having decided the content of the standard configuration file, the next step

is to choose an appropriate configuration language to describe the config-

uration file. A desired configuration language should satisfy the following

requirements: (1) Ease of use. This can always be a criterion to evaluate

a programming language. No one would refuse a language whose syntax

is unambiguous and close to natural language. (2) Flexibility and exten-

sibility. These two properties appear especially important in the case of



WSN tools integration. Since the number and type of simulation parame-

ters and results approximate to innumerable, and are subject to change, a

language that allows its users to define, add, remove, or modify configura-

tion parameters freely gains favor. (3) Supported by major programming

languages. If a configuration language is not supported by popular program-

ming languages (e.g., C/C++ and Java), then parsing and storing data can

be very challenging. Supportive libraries or packages of a programming lan-

guage can significantly simplify the process of configuration file processing.

(4) Platform independent. Simulators are usually written in different lan-

guages, work on heterogeneous software and hardware platforms. For the

ease of information exchange, configuration files should be independent of


WiseML [22], standing for WIreless SEnsor network Markup Language,

meets all the requirements stated above and is the configuration language

used to describe the Common Input and Output format. There are still

other WSN simulators that support WiseML, such as, Shawn [39] and WS-

NGE [34]. WiseML is defined by the WISEBED project. It is an XML

(eXtensible Markup Language) [17] based language confined by WiseML

schema [23]. It inherits all the properties of XML. For example, WiseML

data is stored in plain text format, which makes it platform independent;

Almost all of the major programming languages provide support for XML,

hence, WiseML; XML enables its users to define their own tags and syntax

with ease. This makes WiseML a highly flexible and extensible language, in

that, the only thing to change to modify it is the WiseML schema. WiseML

also have the advantage of the ease of use of markup languages. However,

WiseML also has its weakness. It assumes there are common node types

and applications. However, in fact, it is extremely difficult to find out a

node type or an application supported by all WSN tools. The format of a

WiseML file is not optimal for implementation. For example, the scenario

section could use a hierarchical structure to make the implemented system

more efficient (See Chapter 6.2.3 for a detailed explanation).

A configuration file written in WiseML is called a WiseML file. The WiseML

schema defines that a WiseML file should contain both input and output

data common to WSN tools. A WiseML file consists of three sections: the

setup section (static input), the scenario section (dynamic input), and the

trace section (output). The setup section contains the static information

relating to the simulation as a whole (e.g., the duration of a simulation,

the coordinate type of a WSN etc.), the node properties (e.g., position,



node type, etc.), as well as link properties (e.g., encrypted, rssi, etc.). The

scenario section specifies the dynamic changes of the nodes’ and links’ prop-

erties during the simulation. It describes, for example, at which time a node

or a link fails and at which time a node moves. The scenario information

can be obtained from a user’s manual input, from an environment simula-

tor, or from a testbed. Unlike the first two sections, the trace section is

used to store simulation results. It records the sensor readings and topol-

ogy changes and so on in chronological order. A file written in WiseML is

supposed to has an extension of .wiseml. Please refer to Appendix A for an

example WiseML file generated by COOJA.


COOJA [42] is a discrete event WSN simulator to which I added WiseML

support. It is a WSN simulator dedicated to the Contiki OS [27]. It fea-

tures cross-level, cross-platform simulation, deployable code simulation, and

extensibility. It supports five different types of motes working on three dif-

ferent levels (instruction level, OS level, and application level). Deployable

code (the code running on a real sensor node) can be compiled by COOJA

into a simulation, which makes it much easier to compare, between COOJA

and testbeds, the execution results of deployable codes. COOJA is platform

independent because of its programming language - JAVA. Extensibility is

achieved by the deployment of plugins and interfaces. Plugins are inde-

pendent programs that add new functions to COOJA. They interact with

the current simulation and extend the power of COOJA. Plugins can be

added to or removed from COOJA with ease. Sensor node properties, such

as, position, temperature sensor, humidity sensor, etc., are implemented as

interfaces. Interfaces of a node can also be added or removed. This gives

COOJA flexibility and extensibility. Figure 2.3 is captured from COOJA.

The GUI consists of four windows (which correspond to four plugins) – the

control panel, the visualizer, the log listener, and the timeline window. In

this simulation, five contiki nodes and five sky nodes are running simultane-

ously, they are distinguished by color managed by the mote type interface.

The numbers to the right of each node are their positions managed by the

position interface, and the colored rectangle piles to the left of each node

represent LEDs equipped by each node, they are managed by the LED



2.4. COOJA

Figure 2.3: The COOJA simulator screenshot. Four sub-windows corre-spond to four plugins: the control panel, the visualizer, the log listener, andthe timeline. Sensor nodes with their positions and LEDs are visualized inthe visualizer.

COOJA stores its configuration information into an XML file with an exten-

sion of .csc. This configuration file contains information with regard to each

node and link (e.g., node types, node interfaces, positions, and link prop-

erties etc.) and information regarding the whole simulation, such as, the

plugins used in one simulation. Please refer to example.csc in Appendix A

for an example.


Chapter 3

Related Work

Some efforts have been made during the past decade to integrate existing

WSN tools with various motivations. Previous work mainly focused on one

of the following aspects: the unification of WSN simulators, the integra-

tion of WSN testbeds, the coupling of environment simulators with WSN

simulators and testbeds or the integration of different types of WSN tools.

COOJA [43] integrates multiple WSN simulators by unifying their source

codes. It integrates two instruction level emulators – MSPsim [41] and

Avrora [12] into its own simulation framework. MSPsim is an emulator

for MSP430 [8] microcontroller-equipped sensor boards, and Avrora is an

emulator for AVR [1] microcontroller-equipped boards. By integrating in-

struction level emulators, COOJA is able to simulate on three different

levels: instruction level, OS level, and application level.

MiXim [36] combines and extends several OMNeT++ [10] based WSN sim-

ulators. It incorporates the mobility and connectivity functionalities of the

Mobility Framework (MF) [26], radio propagation models of CHannel SIM-

ulator (ChSim) [53], and the protocol libraries of the MAC simulator [7], the

Positif framework [11], and the Mobility Framework. The base of MiXiM

supports environment models, nodes connectivity and mobility, signal re-

ception and collision, experiment setup, and a protocol library containing

a rich set of communication protocols. MiXiM also introduces a number of

extensions to enrich its functionalities. The full support of 3D, models for

walls and obstacles, different frequencies and transmission media, to name

but a few.

Park et al. [44] integrated a network level simulator (SensorSim) with a



node level simulator (ESyPS) via the tight integration approach. The node

level simulator is capable of providing power profiling for each running task

as well as detailed power statistics for the CPU, radio, sensors, and other

peripherals of a sensor node. And the network simulator features support-

ing a number of communication protocols, noise models, realistic scenarios

simulation, and target tracking. By combining these two simulators, the

authors can obtain more precise estimation of the energy consumption of a

sensor node or a task in a sensor network under a specific scenario.

Work [43], [36], and [44] stated above integrate multiple tools into one

by unifying their source codes. This technique is classified as the tight

integration approach according to the taxonomy presented in Chapter 4.1.

This integration approach can only be applied to the simulators written in

the same programming language. This requirement limits the number and

type of simulators that can be integrated.

Bonnmotion [52] integrates itself with a number of other WSN or network

simulators by supporting multiple output formats. These formats are ob-

tained by offline translations. This integration approach is classified as the

simple offline loose integration approach in Chapter 4.1. Bonnmotion is a

mobility scenario generation and analysis tool. It provides mobility sce-

narios for WSN or network simulators. The current version supports five

mobility models: the Random Waypoint model, the Gauss-Markov model,

the Manhattan Grid model, the Reference Point Group Mobility model,

and the Disaster Area model. The generated scenario can be used with

multiple simulators, including ns-2 [9], GloMoSim/QualNet [25], COOJA,

and MiXiM.

NetTopo [47] integrates simulation and real sensing from a testbed into

one framework. Simulated sensor nodes and real nodes of a testbed are

incorporated into one virtual WSN, and communicate with each other. The

integrated testbed provides real-life scenario to the simulation, and validates

the target technology in a realistic and accurate manner. On the other hand,

the simulator enables large-scale WSN simulation with little cost. This

solution effectively attacks the monetary problem related with large-scale

deployed WSN testbeds and the inaccurate problem incurred by simulation.

Sridharan et al. [50] combined a structural simulator with a WSN simulator

(TOSSIM [40]). The structural simulator is used to generate the responses


of a building to external forces, the computer generated scenario data is then

input into TOSSIM to validate a structural health monitoring algorithm.

FireSenseTB [37] integrates a fire simulator with a WSN testbed. The fire

simulator is used to generate fire scenario for the testbed, and the testbed is

then used to validate an fire detection algorithm. This approach gets rid of

the bureaucracy and unrepeatability problems caused by setting up a real

forest fire, and the inaccuracy problem caused by simulation.

Work [47], [50], and [37] described above use the smart online loose in-

tegration approach defined in Chapter 4.1 to integrate various tools into

one. Compared to other approaches, this approach is more advanced and


Abdolrazaghi’s work [24] has many similarities with this one, in that it also

tries to define a standard configuration file format to eliminate the com-

munication barriers among different WSN tools. But the method used by

Abdolrazaghi requires a configuration file containing every possible param-

eter used by WSN simulators. However [54] argues that this method is not

feasible because the number of configuration parameters to be included is

numerous. The integration approach used by work [24] is the simple of-

fline all-embracing loose integration approach according to the taxonomy

provided in Chapter 4.1.

WISEBED [29] has the closest relation with this work. It focuses on testbed

integration, but also aims at providing traces of data from the physical envi-

ronment and deriving models of real-life scenarios for simulation. To serve

the latter purpose, the WISEBED group defined a configuration file for-

mat, the WiseML format, for WSN simulators and testbeds. The WiseML

format contains both input and output data common to WSN tools. The

WiseML format is fully in compliance with the Common Input and Output

format. Therefore, it is directly adopted as a concrete representation of

the CIO format proposed by this work. The integration approach used by

this work is the simple offline CIO loose integration approach according to

Chapter 4.1.


Chapter 4


In this chapter, I first present and compare a number of integration ap-

proaches and give a unique taxonomy for them. Next, I describe the data

structure used by wisemlCooja – a bidirectional online WiseML converter

for COOJA. Finally, I elaborate the functional structure of wisemlCooja.

4.1 Integration Approaches

As discussed in Chapter 1.1, to meet the requirements of the development

of a WSN technology, WSN tools must cooperate. I investigated into a

number of possible integration approaches, and classified them as follows.

According to the tightness of the integration, integration approaches can be

classified into tight integration and loose integration. Tight integration

refers to joining existing simulators’ source codes tightly and locally to form

a new inseparable simulator. After this integration, each participating sim-

ulator will loose its independent format, and become a component of the

new simulator. Successful examples are COOJA [43], which incorporates

MSPsim [28] and Avrora [51] emulators into one simulation framework, and

MiXiM [36], which joins and extends the Mobility Framework (MF) [26], the

CHannel SIMulator (ChSim) [53], the MAC simulator [7], and the Positif

framework [11]. However, tight integration can only be applied to simula-

tors written in the same programming language, which limits the number

and type of simulators that can be integrated. Loose integration employs

a medium to bridge the differences among different WSN tools. The most



common medium is a standard configuration file supported by each WSN

tool. Loose integration can be further categorized according to three clas-

sification criteria stated as follows.

Criteria 1: The degree of automation

According to how much human effort is involved in a cooperation, loose

integration approaches can be classified into two categories.

Category 1: Simple loose integration As suggested by its name, it

is a very simple approach in the sense that the interaction among WSN

tools is performed by users instead of programs. A user has to prepare

the configuration file for one tool, and then transfer it to another locally

or remotely by traditional file transfer methods, such as, email attachment

and USB flash disk copy.

Category 2: Smart loose integration

Smart loose integration refers to loosely connecting WSN tools into a fed-

eration. This is usually achieved by adding intermediary software to tie dif-

ferent tools into a virtual tool. Different tools can reside on the same host.

These tools are then interconnected by local glue software (local smart ap-

proach). Or they can be installed on geographically distributed hosts and

are connected over the Internet by network sockets or webservices (network

smart approach). The result virtual tool usually has a unified GUI. A user

interacts with the GUI to set configuration parameters and get results. The

system will automatically send user input to appropriate tools and return

desired results to the user. We have noticed some effort [47], [50], and [37]

on the local smart approach, but to the best knowledge of the author, no

attempt at the network smart approach.

Criteria 2: The content of the standard configuration file

What hampers the cooperation among WSN tools is the incompatibility

of their configuration file formats. This calls for a standard configuration

file format supported by every WSN tool. According to what should be

included in this standard configuration file, loose integration approaches

can be classified into the following two categories.

Category 1: All-embracing configuration file format

Started out with the best wishes, researchers expected that an all-embracing

configuration file encompassing every input parameter required by and out-

put data resulted from any tool can bridge the differences among WSN



tools, hence, eliminate the barrier of collaboration. Some special programs

called translators were expected to translate the standard configuration files

to or from a tool’s native configuration files, so as to minimize the changes

to existing tools. This approach was partially evaluated by Abdolrazaghi

[24]. Due to the sheer number of possible input and output data, Abdol-

razaghi only evaluated a small number of input data on a few WSN simula-

tors. Translators were built to translate unidirectionally from the standard

configuration file format to a tool’s native format. Even if with such great

simplification, the implementation was still very tough. Practice and theory

[54] both proved that this approach is not feasible because it is impossible

to enumerate every possible input and output data.

Category 2: Common Input and Output configuration file format

The problem of the all-embracing configuration file approach lies in that the

amount of information that is tried to embrace into the standard configu-

ration file is unlimited. To attack this problem, the easiest way is to reduce

the quantity of information. Consider that, tools have different purposes,

some input or output data are only specific to one tool, it is not necessary

to include every such kind of specific information into the standard config-

uration file. Only input and output data common to WSN tools are needed

to be included into the standard file, tool specific information can be saved

into another separate file. This approach effectively keeps the quantity of

information in the standard configuration file within an acceptable limit.

Criteria 3: Concurrency

According to if cooperating WSN tools can execute simultaneously and

interact with each other at run-time, loose integration approaches can be

classified into another two categories.

Category 1: Offline integration

This approach only allows at most one tool to execute at a time. One tool

must wait until the whole data set required is generated and saved into a

configuration file by another.

Category 2: Online integration

This approach allows multiple WSN tools run simultaneously. A tool can

consume the data generated by other tools before the whole data set is


After compared the strengths and weaknesses of each approach and took

the time constraint into account, I decided to adopt the simple offline CIO



loose integration approach. Within the context of this thesis, this name is

briefly referred to as the Common Input and Output integration approach

or the CIO integration approach.

4.2 Data structure design

The Common Input and Output integration approach is based on the as-

sumption that there must be a set of input and output data that is common

to WSN tools. It requires that the standard configuration file should only

contain the common input and output data, tool specific data should be

saved into another file. Hence, it is necessary to split the configuration data

into two portions, with one portion containing the common input and out-

put data and another containing tool specific data. In the case of COOJA,

I divided COOJA’s native CSC configuration file (Appendix A file one) into

a WiseML file (Appendix A file two) and a COOJA file (Appendix A file

three). The COOJA file contains COOJA specific information, such as,

plugins and interfaces. The WiseML file stores the common input and out-

put data, such as, node types and node positions. Figure 4.1 depicts the

relations among these three files.

4.3 Program structure design

Based on the modular programing theory, I divided the functionalities of

wisemlCooja into three modules: (1) the loading model, which converts the

WiseML format into COOJA’s native format; (2) the saving model, which

converts COOJA’s native format into WiseML format; and (3) the scenario

generation model, which converts text format testbed temperature logs into

WiseML format scenarios. The advantages of this program structure are

ease of implementation, errors being confined within a single module, and

code reuse. The structure is shown in Figure 4.2.

The left branch of Figure 4.2 shows the structure of the saving model.

The saving module splits COOJA’s configuration file into COOJA specific

information and common information and saves them into a COOJA file (by

the .cooja sub-module) and a WiseML file (by the .wiseml sub-module).

The right branch of Figure 4.2 presents the structure of the loading mod-

ule. It comprises two sub-modules: the setup sub-module and the scenario



Figure 4.1: The data structure design of wisemlCooja. A CSC file is splitinto a COOJA file containing COOJA specific information and a WiseMLfile containing common input and output data.

sub-module. The setup sub-module loads the setup information by distin-

guishing two situations. One is that only a WiseML file is available (e.g.,

the WiseML file is generated by another simulator). Another is that both

a WiseML and a COOJA file are available. The first situation is handled

by the single loading sub-module and the second situation is handled by

the double loading sub-module. The single loading sub-module asks miss-

ing COOJA specific information from a user, because there is only common

information in a WiseML file. The double loading sub-module extracts

necessary information from both files without the help of a user. These

two modules, respectively, combine the information gathered and convert it

into COOJA’s configuration format and pass the converted information to

COOJA. The scenario sub-module creates scenario events from the input

WiseML file and adds these events to COOJA’s event queue.



Figure 4.2: The functional structure of wisemlCooja. It comprises threemodules: the loading module, the saving module, and the scenario buildingmodule.


Chapter 5


In this chapter, I discuss the core issues with respect to the implementation

of the wisemlCooja. I first present a series of key implementation deci-

sions. Next, some essential assisting internal and external data structures

are discussed. Finally, I describe the package structure of wisemlCooja.

5.1 Implementation decisions

During the implementation, a series of decisions were needed to be made

for various reasons. In the following, some important decisions are listed.

5.1.1 Adaptation v.s. Converter

There are two possible approaches to make COOJA support WiseML. One

is to adapt COOJA’s source code directly, let it accept WiseML as its sole

input and output format. The original COOJA configuration file format

is replaced by WiseML. Another is to build a converter in the form of

a COOJA plugin. The converter converts between WiseML format and

COOJA’s native configuration format on-the-fly. The latter approach allows

for the coexisting of both WiseML and COOJA’s native format.

The advantages of adaptation are that it can make use of COOJA’s existing

code to the largest extent and that it has better performance. The reason

is that it modifies COOJA from inside, hence, reduces method invocations

and saves time and space. The disadvantage of this approach is that the

adaptation of COOJA may interfere with other updates. That is, COOJA is



an open source software, it is updated at a high frequency, the adaptation

in question can be paralleled with other updates to COOJA. It is very

likely that on the completion of the adaptation, we will find that we will

have implemented the proposed approach on an older version of COOJA.

Further more, COOJA is a well established system with a considerable

extent of complexity, modifying it from the core can be very complicated

and error-prone.

A converter adds extra converting time to the original loading and saving

process. But it is simple, independent and clean. It does not interferes

with other updates of COOJA and does not have the danger of system

collapse caused by changing COOJA’s source code. As a result, I choose

this approach.

5.1.2 Interaction with COOJA

Having decided to develop a converter, the next step is to decide how to

exchange information between COOJA and this converter. There are two

choices: (1) invoking multiple low level methods provided by COOJA di-

rectly; (2) invoking one high level COOJA method, which is responsible to

interact with the low level methods in choice 1. The first choice involves

less method invocations and is hence more efficient. But it requires the

knowledge of COOJA’s low level techniques, hence, more complicated and

error-prone. The second choice is the opposite. It takes slightly more execu-

tion time and space, but significantly simplifies the implementation. Thus,

I choose the second choice. Figure 5.1 visualizes the interaction between

wisemlCooja and COOJA using the second choice.

Figure 5.1: The interaction between wisemlCooja and COOJA



5.1.3 Assumptions regarding WiseML schema

I make some assumptions regarding the WiseML schema while I am im-

plementing wisemlCooja, because the definition of the WiseML schema has

not been finalized at the time of implementation.

Assumption one: WiseML schema requires that each sensor node should

have a node type associated with it, but it doesn’t specify how to name

different node types. In this implementation, two kinds of node types are

distinguished: the common node types, which are commonly used by WSN

tools, and the tool specific node types, which are only supported by one

or a few tools. I defined a number of node types as standard node types

and assigned them specific names. These standard node types are referred

directly by their names in a WiseML file. For simulator specific node types,

I use the following format:

LLL : simulator’s name : simulator specific node type : other help


This format always starts with three capitalized letters (LLL) to distinguish

them from standard node type names. Colons (:) are used to separate each

item of the compound name. The second field is the name of a simulator,

which supports the specific node type. The third field is the node type’s

name used by this simulator. And the last field is an optional field, which

is used to save some help information to ease the implementation.

A simulator supporting WiseML should be able to distinguish common node

types from simulator specific node types by examining the format of the

node type name. If it starts with LLL, then the simulator should go on and

examine the second field to see if it is its own name. If yes, it can simulate

this node, otherwise, it can either ignore this node or choose another type

of node to simulate.

Assumption two: Since one simulation can include multiple scenarios, it

is necessary to assign each scenario an ID. The WiseML schema doesn’t

specify the format of scenario IDs, therefore, I assume scenario IDs are

simply serial numbers.



5.2 Assisting data structures

I classify the data used by wisemlCooja into two categories: internal data

and external data. As suggested by its name, external data are saved on the

second storage in the form of files. The external files have various usages:

maintaining a relationship between the WiseML format and COOJA’s na-

tive format or maintaining a list of recently opened files. Internal data are

constructed at run-time, they only reside in memory. Internal data are used

to maintain various relations between the WiseML and CSC files.

5.2.1 Internal assisting data structures

In this sub-section, I present the most important internal data structures

used by wisemlCooja. They are described in a structured way: ”Name”

is the name of a JAVA data structure used by wisemlCooja. ”Data type”

defines the type of this data structure (e.g. a list, a tree, or a map). ”Data”

describes the content of a data structure. But it only presents the structure

of the content, specific values are not provided. Different entries of data are

embraced in parenthesis and separated by commas.

1. Name: idMap

Data type: HashMap

Data: {(standard node ID 1, COOJA node ID 1), (standard node ID

2, COOJA node ID 2),...}Usage: Used to maintain mapping relations between a standard node

ID and a COOJA node ID.

Description: In a standard configuration file, a wireless communi-

cation link between a pair of sensor nodes is identified by the source

and the destination node IDs as follows:

<link source="urn:wisebed:node:sics:X1"


COOJA only accepts the following format:


<src>Sky 4</src>

<dest>Sky 1</dest>






Therefore, it is necessary to maintain a mapping relation between a

standard node ID (e.g., urn:wisebed:node:sics:X1 in the above exam-

ple) and a COOJA node ID, which is a serial number (e.g., the last

figures between the <src >and </src >tags in the above example) so

that the loading module of wisemlCooja knows what number should

be assigned to a COOJA’s source or destination node when it tries to

load a simulation from a WiseML file.

2. Name: Relations

Data type: User defined class

Data: {standard node type, corresponding COOJA node type, COOJA

node type identifier, application, {ID1, ID2, ...} (IDi is the ID of a

standard node which has the same node type and application as spec-

ified by fields one and four)}Usage: Used to maintain a mapping relation among a standard node

type and the nodes that belong to this type and the corresponding

COOJA node type.

Description: When wisemlCooja loads a simulation from a single

standard configuration file, all COOJA specific information is missing,

hence, it does not know which COOJA node type should be created

when it encounters a node type in the standard configuration file. The

program asks the user to decide which COOJA node type should be

used, and then saves this mapping relation in this data structure. This

mapping relation is revisited by wisemlCooja when it constructs the

mote type, mote, and edge information for COOJA to load.

3. Name: Node

Data type: User defined class

Data: {node ID, {x, y, z} (node position), {(sensor name 1, reading),

(sensor name 2, reading), ...}}Usage: Used to record a sensor node’s position and sensor readings

at a certain time.

Description: The property values (position, sensor readings, etc.)

of a sensor node at a given time recorded by this data structure can

be used to construct scenario events, which specifies the changes of



the network (including node property changes), at a certain time, and

then is processed by COOJA in chronological order.

4. Name: Link

Data type: User defined class

Data: (source node ID, destination node ID)

Usage: Used to represent a wireless communication link by its source

and destination sensor nodes.

Description: This data structure is used to identify a link in a sce-

nario event, which then is entered into COOJA’s event queue waiting

for processing.

5. Name: linkRatios

Data type: HashMap

Data: {(Link 1, transmission success ratio 1), (Link 2, transmission

success ratio 2), ...}Usage: Used to keep the transmission success ratio of a link.

Description: The scenario section of a standard configuration file

allows the simulation of link failures. This is achieved by change the

success ratio of a link. In COOJA, if the success ratio of a link is 0,

then nothing can be transmitted via this link, which is equivalent to

disabling this link. However, a disabled link can resume work at a later

time, and it should has the same success ratio as before. Therefore, it

is necessary to keep the success ratios of links when they are disabled

and restore these values when they are enabled. Note that, the Link

used in this data structure is the same as the 4th (Link) data structure.

6. Name: ScenarioEvent

Data type: User defined class

Data: {timestamp, {enabled Link 1, enabled Link 2, ...}, {disabled

Link 1, disabled Link 2, ...}, {Node 1, Node 2, ...}}Usage: Used to record the changes of the network at a certain time.

Description: The information presented in the scenario section of a

standard configuration file is organized in a chronological order. All

the changes of the network (including the changes of node positions,

sensor readings, and disabled and enabled links and nodes, etc.) at a

time is associated with a timestamp. A scenario event is constructed



for one timestamp to hold the changes at that time. Note that the

Node and Link used here is the same as the data structure presented

in 3 (Node) and 4 (Link).

5.2.2 External assisting data structures

The external data are also presented in a structural manner. ”File name”

is the name of the disk file. ”File structure” defines the content of the file.

1. File name: node type map.mappings

File structure:

{standard node type 1 = COOJA node type 1

standard node type 2 = COOJA node type 2

...}Usage: Used to return the corresponding COOJA node type when

the standard node type is given, or to return the standard node type

when COOJA node type is provided.

Description: There are many times when we need to know the cor-

responding node type, when either COOJA node type or the standard

node type is known. This file stores the mapping relations between

COOJA node types and standard node types in plain text format for

every standardized node type.

2. File name: node class info.mappings

File structure:

{COOJA node type 1 = COOJA node name : prefix of source or

destination node of a COOJA edge : prefix of COOJA mote type

identifier : interfaces of the COOJA node type : the file extension

of the firmware used on this type of nodes : the target platform of a

compilation : the name of the mote ID interface used by COOJA

COOJA node type 2 = ...

...}Usage: Used to retrieve other COOJA specific information when

COOJA node type is given.

Description: When the system loads a simulation from the new for-

mat, the information in the new format should first be converted into

a format that COOJA understands and then be passed to COOJA to

be loaded. During the conversion, a set of COOJA specific parameters



are needed. Among these parameters, COOJA node type is compar-

atively easy to obtain, but others are hard to get. Fortunately, there

is a fixed relationship between a COOJA node type and other param-

eters. If we store the relationships into a file, like this one, then we

can get other parameters easily as long as we know the COOJA node

type. These relationships are stored in this file in plain text format.

Different parameters are separated by colons.

3. File name: wisemlhistory.txt

File structure: {X.wiseml ; Y.wiseml ... } (max 10 file names)

Usage: Used to keep a history of recently opened WiseML files.

Description: When a user wants to load a simulation from the new

format, she is asked to select a WiseML file for loading. wisemlhis-

tory.txt records the latest 10 files opened by the user. The latest

opened file is displayed in the file choosing dialog as suggestion so

that the user doesn’t need to go through the complicated file selection

process if she just wants to use the same file as the suggested one.

This eases the selection of configuration files.

5.3 Package Structure

The package structure of wisemlCooja is shown in Figure 5.2.

The wisemlCooja package contains two first level class files – WisemlPro-

cessor.java and ScenarioGenerator.java. The first class is the main class

of this package. It comprises the loading module and the saving module.

The ScenarioGenerator.java class is used to convert text format tempera-

ture values logged by a testbed into WiseML format and insert it to an

existing WiseML file as scenario. The gui package contains all the dialogs

used by the system. They provide user friendly graphical interfaces. Fig-

ure 5.3 shows a dialog displayed when the system tries to load a simulation

from a single WiseML file. As we can see, the information from the stan-

dard configuration file is displayed in the upper area and the lower area is

used to gather user input of COOJA specific information. Note that node

type together with the application running on this type of nodes identify

a unique group of nodes, which is called a mote type in COOJA. In Fig-

ure 5.3 there are 2 ESB nodes executing radio-test.esb. The system will

also create exactly 2 nodes in COOJA with the desired COOJA node type

and application provided by the user.



Figure 5.2: The package structure of wisemlCooja. It consists of two firstlevel class files (wisemlProcessor.java is the main class) and a gui sub pack-age, which contains dialogs used to provide a graphical interface to theuser.



Figure 5.3: A screenshot of wisemlCooja. It was captured when wiseml-Cooja was trying to load a simulation when COOJA specific informationwas not available (only a WiseML file available). The upper area of the di-alog displays the information retrieved from the WiseML file, and the lowerpart is the area for user input.


Chapter 6


In this chapter, I evaluate the Common Input and Output integration ap-

proach. After the introduction of the experimental setup in section one. I

present the micro-benchmarks evaluation results in section two. It includes

the size, the space, and the time complexity of wisemlCooja. The last sec-

tion is intended to reveal the evaluation results of the cooperation between


6.1 Experimental setup

The experiments in this chapter are conducted on a DELL Latitude D630

laptop computer. The operating system used is Windows XP with Service

Pack 3. I use Instant Contiki [6] as the experimental platform, because

it introduces a Linux environment on top of the Windows system and has

most of the required software installed. To use the Instant Contiki virtual

machine, a virtual machine player, called VMware player, is needed. A more

detailed description of the hardware and software used by these experiments

is presented below.

– Hardware –

Model: DELL Latitude D630 Laptop.

CPU: x86 Family 6 Model 15 Stepping 13 GenuineIntel 1995 Mhz

BIOS version: Dell Inc. A13, 2008-7-28

Main memory: 1,024.00 MB

Hard disk capacity: 120 GB



– Operating System –

Windows XP with Service Pack 3

– Other software –

Instant Contiki [6]: A virtual machine, which provides a Ubuntu Linux [14]

8.0 OS environment, on which all the necessary tools for developing contiki

software are installed.

VMware player [15]: A virtual machine player.

The experiments in this chapter are carried out after the stablization of the

system. Each simulation is repeated at least 5 times under the same exper-

imental settings, some exceptionally large or small results are discarded to

eliminate the side effects generated by any temporary interferences irrele-

vant to the target system. When the experiments are being conducted, no

other unrelated applications are running.

WisemlCooja allows loading a simulation from a pair of configuration files

(a WiseML file and its corresponding COOJA file) as well as from a single

WiseML file. Because the various processing time used by these two ap-

proaches have similar patterns, for clarity, the following text only presents

the results of the first situation.

Throughout the remainder of this chapter, several types of files are inten-

sively used: a WiseML file – a configuration file written in WiseML, it con-

tains configuration data commonly used by various WSN tools; a COOJA

file – a configuration file produced by wisemlCooja to collaborate with a

WiseML file, it only contains COOJA specific information; a CSC file –

COOJA’s native configuration file.

6.2 Micro-benchmarks

This section aims at assessing the time and space overheads of the target


COOJA supports five types of motes working on three different levels. The

lower the level a mote works on the more the overheads caused by this type

of motes. Due to the constraint of time and experimental infrastructure,

the system is only evaluated with disturber motes, which work on the ap-

plication level, send out disturbing signals to their neighbors, and require



the least resources. The time and space overheads caused by other types of

motes can be examined in future work.

A WiseML file consists of three sections – a setup section, a scenario sec-

tion, and a trace section. These three sections are processed at different

time points. The setup section is the first section to be processed so that

the node and link information can be loaded into the current simulation. Af-

ter the topology of the network is set, wisemlCooja builds scenario events

based on the information in the scenario section and inserts these events

into COOJA’s event queue. When a simulation is started, scenario events

are executed and simulation traces are exported to the trace section of a

WiseML file. Due to the different characteristics of these three sections,

they have to be evaluated separately.

6.2.1 Code size

The size of a program reveals, to some extent, the complexity of the system.

It is worthwhile to assess the size of the wisemlCooja converter. Wiseml-

Cooja converts between the WiseML format and COOJA’s native config-

uration format on the fly. It is written in JAVA. It consists of 7 classes,

among them, 5 are Graphical User Interfaces (GUI) handlers. The size of

wisemlCooja is 137.6 KB with the main class WisemlProcessor.java 82.9

KB, accounting for approximately 62 percent of the total size (Figure 6.1).

11 COOJA classes and 54 standard classes are imported into the converter.

Figure 6.1: wisemlCooja’s components and their proportions



6.2.2 Space complexity

The size of a WiseML file affects, to some extent, the viability of the CIO

integration approach. It is essential to know the sizes of WiseML files and

the determining factors. Figure 6.2 illustrates the relation between the

size of a configuration file and the number of motes contained in it. The

configuration files examined in this experiment are all only contain static

setup information, the scenario and trace data are not included.

Figure 6.2: The sizes (in KB) of different configuration files containing 100,200, 400, and 800 disturber motes respectively. They all have linear growthwith the increase of the number of motes contained in them.

This graph reveals an important phenomenon: the sum of the sizes of a

WiseML file and its corresponding COOJA file is less than the size of the

corresponding CSC file. This suggests that the new format uses less space

than COOJA’s native format. To explain, a CSC file is split into two

portions when it is converted to the new format. One portion contains con-

figuration data common to WSN tools, such as node and link information.

Another portion consists of COOJA specific information. The first portion



is transformed into WiseML format and stored into a WiseML file. And the

second portion is stored into a COOJA file without any change. Because

WiseML uses a more concise and compact way to describe nodes and links,

the same information takes up less space when it is presented in WiseML.

Therefore, we can conclude that WiseML is an efficient topology description

language. We can also observe that, the sizes of all of these files increase

linearly with the increase of the number of nodes contained in them. In

particular, the sizes of CSC and WiseML files double with the double of the

number of motes contained in them.

A setup only configuration file containing 100 disturber motes has a size of

26.0 KB. If it is expanded with a scenario, which updates nodes’ positions

once per second for 5 minutes, its size becomes 3.8 MB – 1462 times of

the setup only configuration file. If we simulate for 5 minutes and enable

trace exporting while simulation, then after 5 minutes, the file doubles its

size to 7.6 MB. Therefore, scenario and trace account for the majority of a

WiseML file. As we have noticed, the number of motes is the only variable

that determines the size of the setup section. However, the size of the

scenario section is determined by multiple factors, including, the number of

motes, the frequency of scenario events, and the duration of the scenario.

The size of the trace section is determined by the number of motes, the trace

recording frequency, and the exporting duration. In other words, there is

no upper limit for the size of a WiseML file, it is only determined by the

requirement of the application. It is not uncommon that we have a WiseML

file of Giga bytes.

6.2.3 Time complexity

The time used to process WiseML files, such as, loading, saving, scenario

events building, simulating and trace exporting, also plays an important

role in determining the viability of the CIO approach. To time various op-

erations, some statements are inserted into the source code of wisemlCooja

and COOJA. The results are presented below. The conclusions drawn be-

low are based on the assumption that the experimental setup, including

hardware and software, is given.

The loading operation (new format) can be divided into three steps: (1)

Loading the configuration files into memory; (2) Converting WiseML format

to COOJA’s native format; and (3) Creating the simulation. The time used

by the first step is determined by the sizes of the pair of configuration files



(WiseML and COOJA files) to be loaded. The time used by the second

and the third steps, in theory, are only determined by the number of motes

contained in a WiseML file. However, in practice, the time used by these

steps increases with the size of the WiseML file as a whole even if the number

of motes contained in this file does not change. This is because the sizes

of the memory or the caches of the computer confine the number of data

can be loaded into them. When the size of a file exceeds the threshold, the

file has to be split into many parts and different parts have to be swapped

between memory and cache or disk and memory. Please note that this kind

of time overheads are caused by the architecture of the computer, instead of

WiseML or wisemlCooja. Figure 6.3 depicts how the time used by various

operations are affected by the number of motes contained in a configuration


Figure 6.3: Mean loading time (in ms) of different configuration files con-taining 100, 200, 400, and 800 disturber motes respectively. The WiseMLconverter performs well when the number of motes exceeds 400 in a config-uration file.

The gap between the mean total loading time of the new and the old formats



is mainly caused by the format conversion operation, because loading from

the old format only involves loading the configuration file into memory and

creating the simulation, but loading from the new format needs an extra

operation – format conversion. The total loading time of the old and new

formats both experience slow increases when the number of motes in a

configuration file does not exceed 200. However, when the number of motes

exceeds the threshold, the loading time of both formats increase faster.

COOJA’s processing time has similar increase pattern as the total loading

time of the new and old formats. But the WiseML converting time follows a

different increase pattern. When the number of motes in a configuration file

is less than or equal to 400, the converting time experiences a sharp linear

increase. After the 400 threshold is exceeded, the increase slows down.

Converting a 800-mote configuration file only takes 79 milliseconds more

than converting a 400-mote file. This suggests that the converter performs

well when loads large scale network simulations.

The saving operation (new format) can also be divided into three steps:

(1) extracting configuration data from current simulation as old format; (2)

converting the old format to WiseML format; and (3) saving configuration

files to the second storage. The time used by the third step is affected by the

size of the pair of configuration files (WiseML and COOJA files) to be saved.

Similarly, the time used by the first and the second steps, theoretically, are

only determined by the number of motes contained in a configuration file. In

reality, the time overheads caused by these steps increase with the increase

of a WiseML file even if the number of motes contained in it does not change.

Figure 6.4 illustrates how the time used by various saving operations are

affected by the number of motes in a configuration file.

The difference between the total saving time of the new format and the

old format is largely caused by the format conversion operation. Saving

as old format only consists of configuration data extraction and saving to

disk operations, format conversion is not necessary. The various processing

time used by saving increase near-linearly with the increase of the number

of motes in a configuration file.

If noticed otherwise, the scenario used in the remainder of this section de-

scribes a mobility scenario where motes move according to the Random

Waypoint model. Motes’ positions are updated once per second for 5 min-

utes. The trace is obtained by logging the nodes’ movement for 5 minutes.



Figure 6.4: Mean saving time (in ms) of different configuration files con-taining 100, 200, 400, and 800 disturber motes respectively. Saving as newformat takes much more time than saving as old format due to the infor-mation splitting used by the format converter. But the absolute values arestill very low.

Loading a WiseML file containing scenarios adds an additional time over-

heads – the scenario events building time. COOJA is a discrete event WSN

simulator. Scenarios are considered made up of a series of scenario events

occurring at different time points. Thus, after the static network setup

information is loaded, the next step is to build scenario events based on

the scenario. Figure 6.5 illustrates how the scenario events building time

increases with the increase of the number of motes in a configuration file.

As we can see, the mean scenario events building time increases sharply with

the increase of the number of motes in a configuration file. One reason for

this sharp increase is the undesired format of the WiseML file. The WiseML

format defines that a timestamp tag is parallel to other tags describing

events happening at the time point specified by the timestamp. It is this

format which makes the parsing of the WiseML file and the building of the



Figure 6.5: Mean scenario events building time (in ms) of different configu-ration files containing 100, 200, 400, and 800 disturber motes respectively.The scenario building time increases sharply with the increase of the numberof motes in a configuration file.

scenario events from this file more complicated. If the WiseML file used

a nested format for the timestamp and its corresponding event tags, the

scenario building process would be pretty much simplified and take much

less time.

Next, let’s take a look at the simulation time of various sized network (Fig-

ure 6.6). The simulated networks comprise 100, 200, 400, and 800 disturber

motes respectively. Each corresponding configuration file can be attached

with a scenario. Simulation times are counted in three different ways: (1)

the time used on static simulation; (2) the time used on simulation with

scenario processing; and (3) the time used on simulation with scenario and

trace processing.

As we can see, with the increase of the number of motes in a configuration

file, all three kinds of simulation have dramatic time increase. Enabling

scenario simulation adds 9% to 11% overheads to static simulation for each



Figure 6.6: The time used by a 5-minute static or dynamic simulation withdifferent sized networks. The simulation time increases dramatically withthe increase of the network scale. Scenario processing adds no more than11% overhead to static simulation, and trace exporting adds up to 10%overhead to scenario enabled simulation.

different sized configuration file. Adding trace exporting can add from 2%

to 10% overheads to dynamic simulations. Trace exporting accounts for 3%

to 9% of the total simulation time (a simulation with scenario and trace

processing). The gaps between the simulation time of the scenario-only and

the scenario-and-trace-enabled simulations are the trace exporting times.

To give the reader a clearer picture, I plot the trace exporting time in a

separate figure (Figure 6.7).

The trace exporting time experiences sharp increase when the number of

motes in a configuration file is less than or equal to 400. When this threshold

is exceeded, the increase slows down.

6.2.4 Conclusion

In conclusion, wisemlCooja is a lightweight (137.6 KB) converter. The size

of a WiseML file only containing the setup section increases linearly with

the increase of the number of motes contained in it. The sizes of the scenario



Figure 6.7: The trace exporting time of a 5-minute dynamic simulation withdifferent sized networks.

and trace sections depend on specific simulation requirements. The format

converting time used by loading and saving operations, in theory, are only

determined by the number of motes in a network, but in reality, they also

increase with the increase of the size of a WiseML file even if the number of

motes contained in it does not change. They increase near-linearly with the

increase of the network size. Scenario building time increases dramatically

with the increase of the network scale, when the scenario is given. The

simulation and trace exporting time are determined by the network scale,

the scenario events update frequency, the trace exporting frequency and the

required number of simulated seconds.

6.3 Cooperation evaluation

This section tests if by supporting the WiseML format, different tools can




6.3.1 Validation of COOJA generated WiseML files

This subsection aims at validating COOJA generated WiseML files against

the WiseML schema using a validation program.

A WiseML file is an XML file. If a WiseML file is in compliance with XML

syntax, it is well formed. If a WiseML file is not only in compliance with

XML syntax but also conforms to the rules of an XML schema, then it is

valid. [20] lists the XML syntax rules used to validate a well formed XML

file. I use the Linux command xmllint [21] to check the validity of the

WiseML files generated by COOJA. The WiseML files pass the validation

against the wiseml.rng schema.

6.3.2 Cooperating WSN simulators and environment sim-


This section tests if COOJA, with the help of WiseML, is able to load a

scenario generated by an environment simulator or more specifically a mo-

bility scenario generator, bonnmotion [52], and evaluates the performance

of the cooperation.

Bonnmotion is a mobility scenario generation and analysis tool developed

by University Bonn, Germany. It is the official motion generator used in the

European project Cooperating Object Network of Excellence [3]. The latest

version of bonnmotion supports 5 mobility models: the Random Waypoint

model, the Gauss-Markov model, the Manhattan Grid model, the Reference

Point Group Mobility model, and the Disaster Area model [2]. The gener-

ated scenario is stored in a .movements file. Using bonnmotion’s built-in

translators, this native format can be translated into several other formats

that can be used with ns-2 [9], GloMoSim/QualNet [25], MiXiM [36] and

COOJA. Bonnmotion recently added the support to WiseML. A built-in

WiseML translator can translate a .movements file into a .wml file, which

contains scenario information in WiseML format.

To verify the possibility of the cooperation between bonnmotion and COOJA,

I created a simulation with 6 disturber motes and saved the simulation to

sim.wiseml (14.7 KB) and sim.cooja (2.1 KB). The sim.wiseml file only

contains static information, that is the setup section of a WiseML file. To

generate a mobility scenario for these 6 motes, I issue the following com-

mand in a terminal:



bm -f mov RandomWaypoint -n 6 -d 600 -i 3600

The command above generates a scenario where 6 motes move according to

the RandomWaypoint model for 600 seconds, the scenario data is recorded

after the initial 3600 seconds has past. The scenario is stored into a file

called mov.movements (3 KB). I use the following command to translate

this file into WiseML format:

bm WiseML -f mov -N nodeIDs.txt

A mov.wml (501 KB) file is generated containing the scenario in WiseML

format. Note that, the mov.wml (501 KB) file is much larger than the

corresponding mov.movements (3 KB) file, because the latter is a node by

row file only containing raw data, but the former has descriptive tags in

addition to position information. nodeIDs.txt (1 KB) contains the node

IDs of all the 6 nodes used in the sim.wiseml file. I Inserted the content of

the mov.wml file into the sim.wiseml file, and let COOJA load the expanded

configuration file. Figure 6.8 shows the movement scenario taking effect in

COOJA. Nodes change their positions from time to time as specified by the

scenario. The network topology at simulated seconds 0, 100, and 600 are

shown in pictures (a), (b), and (c), respectively.

Figure 6.8: Bonnmotion generated scenario taking effect in COOJA. (a)network topology at simulated second 0; (b) network topology at simulatedsecond 100; (c) network topology at simulated second 600

6.3.3 Cooperating WSN simulators

This section inspects the possibility of cooperations between WSN simula-

tors. Cooperation means that one simulator can take, as input, a configu-

ration file generated by another simulator, and simulate accordingly. The



first part of this section examines if COOJA is able to load a non-COOJA

generated WiseML file. The second part looks into if COOJA generated

WiseML file can be loaded by another simulator.


This subsection examines if COOJA is able to load a WiseML file generated

by another WSN simulator WSNGE [34].

WSNGE is a flexible and extensible WSN simulator focusing on user-friendliness,

multiple protocols simulation, and online simulation reconfiguration. WS-

NGE released its support to WiseML 2.0 and posted an exported setup-only

configuration file on its website [19].

The WiseML file contains 6 sensor nodes interconnected by 17 links. Figure

6.9 (a) (copied from WSNGE’s website) illustrates the network’s topology

generated by WSNGE, (b) is the screenshot of COOJA after it successfully

loads the WSNGE generated WiseML file. As we can see, the nodes are in

the same positions. Assign each sensor node a node type and an application,

then we can start a simulation with COOJA. If we want to reload the simu-

lation in the future, we can save it as either COOJA’s native configuration

format (CSC) or WiseML format.

Figure 6.9: WSNGE defined network being loaded into COOJA. (a) networktopology presented in WSNGE, copied from its website [19], (b) the samenetwork being loaded into COOJA.

The size of the WSNGE generated WiseML file is 5.1 KB. The mean total

loading time of this file is 541 ms, in which, 109 ms is used on format



conversion. In other words, by supporting WiseML, COOJA is able to load

a simulation created by another simulator directly at a cost of 109 ms. The

time overhead is considerably low compared to recreate the same simulation

with COOJA manually by a user.


This subsection tests if COOJA exported WiseML files can be loaded by

other WSN simulators, in this case, shawn [39].

Shawn features large scale network simulations. To achieve this goal, it

abandons low level emulation of hardware and network, adopts abstract and

exchangeable models (e.g. communication and transmission models) for low

level effects. This significantly speeds up the simulation, and enables itself

to support up to 106 nodes in one simulation.

Figure 6.10 presents the screenshots captured from both shawn (the first

row) and COOJA (the second row) when they are simulating with the same

configuration file generated by COOJA. This configuration file contains a

node movement scenario generated by bonnmotion. The network topologies

at simulated seconds 0, 30, and 60 are shown in Figure 6.10 (a), (b),

and (c), respectively. The shawn screenshots are provided by Christian

Singer (one of the developers of shawn) from Braunschweig University of

technology, Germany. Because shawn and COOJA use different coordinates

to visualize network topologies, the screenshots generated by shawn are

flipped vertically for easy comparison.

6.3.4 Cooperating WSN simulators and testbeds

This section is intended to test COOJA’s ability to load, as scenario, the

log data exported by a testbed.

The testbed consists of one sink node and three sensing nodes. The three

sensing nodes sense temperature and print out values once per second, these

values are logged into log files and are converted to WiseML format temper-

ature scenario after the completion of the experiment. The sensing nodes

broadcast packets at a speed depending on the current temperature. To

be specific, if the temperature is less than or equal to 25 degrees Celcius,

each of the three nodes sends out 2 packets per second, if the temperature

is greater than 25 but less than or equal to 27 degrees, sends out 4 packets



Figure 6.10: Network topology change overtime presented by two differentsimulators. The first row consists of the screenshots of shawn, the secondrow comprises the screenshots of COOJA. The two simulators simulate withthe same configuration file containing the same node movement scenario.(a) The network topology at simulated second 0. (b) The network topologyat simulated second 30. (c) The network topology at simulated second 60.

per second, otherwise, 8 packets per second. The three nodes keep send-

ing out packets at the fixed speed until a whole second has past and new

temperature values are sensed. The sink counts the number of packets it

receives during one second, and prints out the results.

Figure 6.11 depicts the averaged number of packets per second received by

the sink node over time. To ease observation, the moving average technique

is used. Each value of this graph is obtained by averaging over the next

20 actual packet yields. Three different thicknesses are used to distinguish

different curves when they overlap.

The straight line at the bottom of the graph is generated by COOJA when

no temperature scenario was provided. In this situation, every node always

senses -38 degrees, and sends out packets at the lowest speed. As a result,

the sink always receives the same number of packets per second, hence,

produces a straight line. The testbed curve and the COOJA with tem-

perature scenario curve almost always overlap. This suggests not only that

COOJA is an accurate simulator, but more importantly, that by supporting



WiseML, testbeds can gather real life scenarios for simulation and realize

realistic simulations. A further insight is that, a WiseML format scenario

generated by a testbed can be used by any WSN simulator that supports


Figure 6.11: Testbed log data being applied to COOJA as scenario throughWiseML. It shows the moving average of the packet yield at the sink node.The testbed and COOJA with scenario curves overlap with each other andincrease and fall with the change of the temperature. COOJA simulatingwithout scenario produces a straight line.

The setup only WiseML file corresponding to this experiment is 2.4 KB, the

testbed produced temperature scenario is 8.1 KB, in total, 10.5 KB. The

mean total loading time is 2961 ms, in which, 109 ms is used on converting.

The scenario events building time is 1 ms. The converting from testbed log

data to WiseML format scenario is carried out by wisemlCooja’s built-in

format converter (ScenarioGenerator.java), the mean converting time is 59

ms. Therefore, COOJA can load a testbed generated scenario directly at a

cost of 169 ms (109 + 1 + 59).


Chapter 7

Future Work

One possible future work is to add full WiseML support to a broader range of

WSN tools. The purpose of this work is to evaluate the Common Input and

Output integration approach. The WiseML format is chosen as a concrete

representation of the CIO format. Only a necessary number of WSN tools

are investigated to test this approach. The evaluation results show that the

Common Input and Output approach is feasible. Therefore, the next step is

to bring the integration approach from lab to reality, let more tools support

the WiseML format.

Another future work should aim at adding intelligence to the current im-

plementation. Currently, WSN tools cooperate in an offline manner. That

is, they are completely independent units, they cannot execute parallely,

and the configuration files can only be exchanged manually. A more elegant

system should has an integrated environment, which has a unique user in-

terface to the outside world, the cooperation among different tools should

be transparent to the users. For example, different WSN tools are con-

nected to the Internet, and a website can serve as the unique GUI, through

which, a user can describe her task, the necessary tools for this task can

be chosen automatically, and multiple tools can execute simultaneously, the

configuration data exchange can be done on-the-fly before the whole data

set is produced.


Chapter 8


Wireless Sensor Network simulators, testbeds, and environment simulators

are indispensable to WSN researchers. The development of a WSN tech-

nology requires the cooperation between different tools. However, existing

WSN tools were developed for different purposes. They usually have in-

compatible configuration file formats. As a result, the cooperation among

these tools is not easy to achieve.

This work proposes and evaluates the Common Input and Output integra-

tion approach. The philosophy of this approach is that a standard configu-

ration file format should only contain the input and output data common to

WSN tools. By supporting this standard format, WSN tools can cooperate.

I evaluated the CIO approach. The evaluation results show that this ap-

proach is viable. By supporting the WiseML format, different tools can

load each other’s configuration data directly at acceptable time and space




[1] Avr solutions. http://atmel.com/products/AVR/. [cited at p. 17]

[2] Bonnmotion. http://net.cs.uni-bonn.de/wg/cs/applications/bonnmotion/.

[cited at p. 48]

[3] Cooperating object network of excellence. http://www.cooperating-

objects.eu/. [cited at p. i, 48]

[4] Fire paradox. http://www.fireparadox.org/index.php. [cited at p. 4, 12]

[5] Forces of nature – earthquakes. http://environment.nationalgeographic.com/

environment/natural-disasters/forces-of-nature.html?section=t. [cited at p. 1,


[6] Instant contiki. http://www.sics.se/contiki/instant-contiki.html.

[cited at p. 37, 38]

[7] Mac simulator. http://www.consensus.tudelft.nl/software.html.

[cited at p. 17, 21]

[8] Msp430 mcus. http://focus.ti.com/mcu/docs/mcugettingstarteddetail.tsp?

sectionId=97&tabId=1511&familyId=342. [cited at p. 17]

[9] The network simulator - ns-2. http://www.isi.edu/nsnam/ns/. [cited at p. 18,


[10] Omnet++ community site. http://www.omnetpp.org/. [cited at p. 17]

[11] Positif localization simulation framework.

http://www.consensus.tudelft.nl/software.html. [cited at p. 17, 21]

[12] Source forge – cooja / avrora. http://contiki.cvs.sourceforge.net/viewvc/

contiki/contiki-2.x/tools/cooja/apps/avrora/. [cited at p. 17]



[13] Tsunami simulator. http://chair.pa.msu.edu/applets/tsunami/tsunami.html.

[cited at p. 1]

[14] Ubuntu home page. http://www.ubuntu.com/. [cited at p. 38]

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Appendix A

Example configuration files

This appendix presents three configuration files: example.csc, example.wiseml,

and example.cooja. Due to the limitation of the length of this thesis, this example

only contains two sky motes running the same application. The first configuration

file is COOJA’s native configuration file. The last two files are exported by

the WiseML converter wisemlCooja as new format. They describe the same

simulation as the first file does.

A.1 example.csc

<?xml version=” 1 .0 ” encoding=”UTF−8”?>

<s imconf>

<p r o j e c t> [ CONTIKI DIR] / coo ja /apps/mrm</ p r o j e c t>

<p r o j e c t> [ CONTIKI DIR] / coo ja /apps/mspsim</ p r o j e c t>

<p r o j e c t> [ CONTIKI DIR] / coo ja /apps/ avrora</ p r o j e c t>

<p r o j e c t> [CONFIG DIR ] / . . / exjobb / wisemlCooja</ p r o j e c t>

<s imu la t i on>

< t i t l e>Example s imu la t i on</ t i t l e>

<delayt ime>0</ de layt ime>


<motedelay us>1000000</ motedelay us>


se . s i c s . coo ja . radiomediums . DirectedGraphMedium


<s r c>Sky 1</ s r c>

<dest>Sky 2</ dest>



<r a t i o>1 .0</ r a t i o>

<delay>0</ de lay>

</ edge>


<s r c>Sky 2</ s r c>

<dest>Sky 1</ dest>

<r a t i o>1 .0</ r a t i o>

<delay>0</ de lay>

</ edge>



<l ogoutput>40000</ logoutput>

</ events>


se . s i c s . coo ja . mspmote . SkyMoteType

< i d e n t i f i e r>sky1</ i d e n t i f i e r>

<d e s c r i p t i o n>Sky Mote Type #sky1</ d e s c r i p t i o n>


[CONFIG DIR ] / . . / exjobb / con t i k i −2.x/ examples / rime /example−abc . c

</ source>

<commands>make example−abc . sky TARGET=sky</commands>

<f i rmware>

[CONFIG DIR ] / . . / exjobb / con t i k i −2.x/ examples / rime /example−abc . sky

</ f irmware>

<mote in t e r f a c e>

se . s i c s . coo ja . i n t e r f a c e s . Po s i t i on

</ mote in t e r f a c e>

<mote in t e r f a c e>

se . s i c s . coo ja . i n t e r f a c e s . RimeAddress

</ mote in t e r f a c e>

<mote in t e r f a c e>

se . s i c s . coo ja . i n t e r f a c e s . IPAddress

</ mote in t e r f a c e>

<mote in t e r f a c e>

se . s i c s . coo ja . i n t e r f a c e s . Mote2MoteRelations

</ mote in t e r f a c e>

<mote in t e r f a c e>

se . s i c s . coo ja . i n t e r f a c e s . MoteAttr ibutes

</ mote in t e r f a c e>

<mote in t e r f a c e>

se . s i c s . coo ja . mspmote . i n t e r f a c e s . MspClock



</ mote in t e r f a c e>

<mote in t e r f a c e>

se . s i c s . coo ja . mspmote . i n t e r f a c e s . MspMoteID

</ mote in t e r f a c e>

<mote in t e r f a c e>

se . s i c s . coo ja . mspmote . i n t e r f a c e s . SkyButton

</ mote in t e r f a c e>

<mote in t e r f a c e>

se . s i c s . coo ja . mspmote . i n t e r f a c e s . SkyFlash

</ mote in t e r f a c e>

<mote in t e r f a c e>

se . s i c s . coo ja . mspmote . i n t e r f a c e s . SkyCof feeFi l e system

</ mote in t e r f a c e>

<mote in t e r f a c e>

se . s i c s . coo ja . mspmote . i n t e r f a c e s . SkyByteRadio

</ mote in t e r f a c e>

<mote in t e r f a c e>

se . s i c s . coo ja . mspmote . i n t e r f a c e s . MspSeria l

</ mote in t e r f a c e>

<mote in t e r f a c e>

se . s i c s . coo ja . mspmote . i n t e r f a c e s . SkyLED

</ mote in t e r f a c e>

<mote in t e r f a c e>

se . s i c s . coo ja . mspmote . i n t e r f a c e s . MspDebugOutput

</ mote in t e r f a c e>

<mote in t e r f a c e>

se . s i c s . coo ja . mspmote . i n t e r f a c e s . SkyTemperature

</ mote in t e r f a c e>



<breakpo int s />

< i n t e r f a c e c o n f i g>

se . s i c s . coo ja . i n t e r f a c e s . Po s i t i on



<z>0 .0</z>

</ i n t e r f a c e c o n f i g>

< i n t e r f a c e c o n f i g>

se . s i c s . coo ja . mspmote . i n t e r f a c e s . MspMoteID

<id>1</ id>

</ i n t e r f a c e c o n f i g>



<m o t e t y p e i d e n t i f i e r>sky1</ m o t e t y p e i d e n t i f i e r>



<breakpo int s />

< i n t e r f a c e c o n f i g>

se . s i c s . coo ja . i n t e r f a c e s . Po s i t i on



<z>0 .0</z>

</ i n t e r f a c e c o n f i g>

< i n t e r f a c e c o n f i g>

se . s i c s . coo ja . mspmote . i n t e r f a c e s . MspMoteID

<id>2</ id>

</ i n t e r f a c e c o n f i g>

<m o t e t y p e i d e n t i f i e r>sky1</ m o t e t y p e i d e n t i f i e r>


</ s imu la t i on>

<plug in>

se . s i c s . coo ja . p lug in s . SimControl



<he ight>172</ he ight>

< l o c a t i o n x>0</ l o c a t i o n x>

< l o c a t i o n y>0</ l o c a t i o n y>

<minimized> f a l s e</ minimized>

</ p lug in>

<plug in>

se . s i c s . coo ja . p lug in s . V i s u a l i z e r

<p l u g i n c o n f i g>


5.194685229632315 0 .0 0 .0 5.194685229632315

−29.568542804095088 −369.99399190922446

</ viewport>

</ p l u g i n c o n f i g>



<he ight>300</ he ight>

< l o c a t i o n x>724</ l o c a t i o n x>

< l o c a t i o n y>0</ l o c a t i o n y>

<minimized> f a l s e</ minimized>

</ p lug in>



<plug in>

se . s i c s . coo ja . p lug in s . LogLis tener

<p l u g i n c o n f i g>

< f i l t e r />

</ p l u g i n c o n f i g>



<he ight>150</ he ight>

< l o c a t i o n x>0</ l o c a t i o n x>

< l o c a t i o n y>374</ l o c a t i o n y>

<minimized> f a l s e</ minimized>

</ p lug in>

<plug in>

se . s i c s . coo ja . p lug in s . TimeLine

<p l u g i n c o n f i g>



<showRadioRXTX />

<showRadioHW />

<showLEDs />

< s p l i t>118</ s p l i t>


</ p l u g i n c o n f i g>



<he ight>150</ he ight>

< l o c a t i o n x>0</ l o c a t i o n x>

< l o c a t i o n y>524</ l o c a t i o n y>

<minimized> f a l s e</ minimized>

</ p lug in>

</ s imconf>

A.2 example.wiseml

<?xml version=” 1 .0 ” encoding=”UTF−8”?>

<wiseml xmlns=” ht t p : // wisebed . eu/ns/ wiseml /1 .0 ” version=” 1 .0 ”>


<coordinateType>c a r t e s i a n</ coordinateType>

<d e s c r i p t i o n>Exported by COOJA</ d e s c r i p t i o n>

<d e f a u l t s>




<gateway> f a l s e</gateway>


<d e s c r i p t i o n>A mote @ COOJA @ SICS</ d e s c r i p t i o n>


< l i n k>

<encrypted> f a l s e</ encrypted>

<v i r t u a l> f a l s e</ v i r t u a l>

<c a p a b i l i t y>

<name>u r n : w i s e b e d : n o d e : c a p a b i l i t y : s u c c e s s r a t i o</name>

<datatype>decimal</ datatype>

<uni t>raw</ un i t>

<default>1 .0</default>

</ c a p a b i l i t y>

<c a p a b i l i t y>

<name>u r n : w i s e b e d : n o d e : c a p a b i l i t y : d e l a y</name>

<datatype> i n t e g e r</ datatype>

<uni t>m i l l i s e c o n d s</ un i t>


</ c a p a b i l i t y>

</ l i n k>

</ d e f a u l t s>

<node id=” u r n : w i s e b e d : n o d e : s i c s : 1 ”>

<p o s i t i o n>



<z>0 .0</z>

</ p o s i t i o n>

<programDetai l s>example−abc . sky</ programDetai l s>



<node id=” u r n : w i s e b e d : n o d e : s i c s : 2 ”>

<p o s i t i o n>



<z>0 .0</z>

</ p o s i t i o n>

<programDetai l s>example−abc . sky</ programDetai l s>



< l i n k source=” u r n : w i s e b e d : n o d e : s i c s : 1 ”

t a r g e t=” u r n : w i s e b e d : n o d e : s i c s : 2 ”>



<c a p a b i l i t y>

<name>u r n : w i s e b e d : l i n k : c a p a b i l i t y : l e n g t h</name>

<datatype>decimal</ datatype>

<uni t>meters</ un i t>


</ c a p a b i l i t y>

</ l i n k>

< l i n k source=” u r n : w i s e b e d : n o d e : s i c s : 2 ”

t a r g e t=” u r n : w i s e b e d : n o d e : s i c s : 1 ”>

<c a p a b i l i t y>

<name>u r n : w i s e b e d : l i n k : c a p a b i l i t y : l e n g t h</name>

<datatype>decimal</ datatype>

<uni t>meters</ un i t>


</ c a p a b i l i t y>

</ l i n k>

</ setup>

</ wiseml>

A.3 example.cooja

<?xml version=” 1 .0 ” encoding=”UTF−8”?>

<s imconf>

<p r o j e c t> [ CONTIKI DIR] / coo ja /apps/mrm</ p r o j e c t>

<p r o j e c t> [ CONTIKI DIR] / coo ja /apps/mspsim</ p r o j e c t>

<p r o j e c t> [ CONTIKI DIR] / coo ja /apps/ avrora</ p r o j e c t>

<p r o j e c t> [CONFIG DIR ] / . . / exjobb / wisemlCooja</ p r o j e c t>

<s imu la t i on>

< t i t l e>Example s imu la t i on</ t i t l e>

<delayt ime>0</ de layt ime>


<motedelay us>1000000</ motedelay us>


se . s i c s . coo ja . radiomediums . DirectedGraphMedium



<l ogoutput>40000</ logoutput>

</ events>


se . s i c s . coo ja . mspmote . SkyMoteType

< i d e n t i f i e r>sky1</ i d e n t i f i e r>



<d e s c r i p t i o n>Sky Mote Type #sky1</ d e s c r i p t i o n>


[CONFIG DIR ] / . . / exjobb / con t i k i −2.x/ examples / rime /example−abc . c

</ source>

<commands>make example−abc . sky TARGET=sky</commands>

<f i rmware>

[CONFIG DIR ] / . . / exjobb / con t i k i −2.x/ examples / rime /example−abc . sky

</ f irmware>

<mote in t e r f a c e>

se . s i c s . coo ja . i n t e r f a c e s . Po s i t i on

</ mote in t e r f a c e>

<mote in t e r f a c e>

se . s i c s . coo ja . i n t e r f a c e s . RimeAddress

</ mote in t e r f a c e>

<mote in t e r f a c e>

se . s i c s . coo ja . i n t e r f a c e s . IPAddress

</ mote in t e r f a c e>

<mote in t e r f a c e>

se . s i c s . coo ja . i n t e r f a c e s . Mote2MoteRelations

</ mote in t e r f a c e>

<mote in t e r f a c e>

se . s i c s . coo ja . i n t e r f a c e s . MoteAttr ibutes

</ mote in t e r f a c e>

<mote in t e r f a c e>

se . s i c s . coo ja . mspmote . i n t e r f a c e s . MspClock

</ mote in t e r f a c e>

<mote in t e r f a c e>

se . s i c s . coo ja . mspmote . i n t e r f a c e s . MspMoteID

</ mote in t e r f a c e>

<mote in t e r f a c e>

se . s i c s . coo ja . mspmote . i n t e r f a c e s . SkyButton

</ mote in t e r f a c e>

<mote in t e r f a c e>

se . s i c s . coo ja . mspmote . i n t e r f a c e s . SkyFlash

</ mote in t e r f a c e>

<mote in t e r f a c e>

se . s i c s . coo ja . mspmote . i n t e r f a c e s . SkyCof feeFi l e system

</ mote in t e r f a c e>

<mote in t e r f a c e>

se . s i c s . coo ja . mspmote . i n t e r f a c e s . SkyByteRadio

</ mote in t e r f a c e>



<mote in t e r f a c e>

se . s i c s . coo ja . mspmote . i n t e r f a c e s . MspSeria l

</ mote in t e r f a c e>

<mote in t e r f a c e>

se . s i c s . coo ja . mspmote . i n t e r f a c e s . SkyLED

</ mote in t e r f a c e>

<mote in t e r f a c e>

se . s i c s . coo ja . mspmote . i n t e r f a c e s . MspDebugOutput

</ mote in t e r f a c e>

<mote in t e r f a c e>

se . s i c s . coo ja . mspmote . i n t e r f a c e s . SkyTemperature

</ mote in t e r f a c e>


</ s imu la t i on>

<plug in>

se . s i c s . coo ja . p lug in s . SimControl



<he ight>172</ he ight>

< l o c a t i o n x>0</ l o c a t i o n x>

< l o c a t i o n y>0</ l o c a t i o n y>

<minimized> f a l s e</ minimized>

</ p lug in>

<plug in>

se . s i c s . coo ja . p lug in s . V i s u a l i z e r

<p l u g i n c o n f i g>


5.194685229632315 0 .0 0 .0 5.194685229632315

−29.568542804095088 −369.99399190922446

</ viewport>

</ p l u g i n c o n f i g>



<he ight>300</ he ight>

< l o c a t i o n x>724</ l o c a t i o n x>

< l o c a t i o n y>0</ l o c a t i o n y>

<minimized> f a l s e</ minimized>

</ p lug in>

<plug in>

se . s i c s . coo ja . p lug in s . LogLis tener

<p l u g i n c o n f i g>



< f i l t e r />

</ p l u g i n c o n f i g>



<he ight>150</ he ight>

< l o c a t i o n x>0</ l o c a t i o n x>

< l o c a t i o n y>374</ l o c a t i o n y>

<minimized> f a l s e</ minimized>

</ p lug in>

<plug in>

se . s i c s . coo ja . p lug in s . TimeLine

<p l u g i n c o n f i g>



<showRadioRXTX />

<showRadioHW />

<showLEDs />

< s p l i t>118</ s p l i t>


</ p l u g i n c o n f i g>



<he ight>150</ he ight>

< l o c a t i o n x>0</ l o c a t i o n x>

< l o c a t i o n y>524</ l o c a t i o n y>

<minimized> f a l s e</ minimized>

</ p lug in>

</ s imconf>


List of Figures

2.1 The architecture of a typical Wireless Sensor Network. The WSN

consists of a collection of sensor nodes interconnected by wireless links

and is connected to the Internet via a sink or gateway. . . . . . . . . . 8

2.2 The architecture of a sensor node (copied from [48]). A sensor node

consists of at least one sensing unit, a micro-controller, a transceiver,

an antenna, a power unit, and some optional units, such as, a location

finding system, a power generator, and an actuator. . . . . . . . . . . 9

2.3 The COOJA simulator screenshot. Four sub-windows correspond to

four plugins: the control panel, the visualizer, the log listener, and the

timeline. Sensor nodes with their positions and LEDs are visualized

in the visualizer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

4.1 The data structure design of wisemlCooja. A CSC file is split into a

COOJA file containing COOJA specific information and a WiseML

file containing common input and output data. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

4.2 The functional structure of wisemlCooja. It comprises three modules:

the loading module, the saving module, and the scenario building

module. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

5.1 The interaction between wisemlCooja and COOJA . . . . . . . . . . . 28

5.2 The package structure of wisemlCooja. It consists of two first level

class files (wisemlProcessor.java is the main class) and a gui sub pack-

age, which contains dialogs used to provide a graphical interface to

the user. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

5.3 A screenshot of wisemlCooja. It was captured when wisemlCooja

was trying to load a simulation when COOJA specific information

was not available (only a WiseML file available). The upper area of

the dialog displays the information retrieved from the WiseML file,

and the lower part is the area for user input. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36



6.1 wisemlCooja’s components and their proportions . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

6.2 The sizes (in KB) of different configuration files containing 100, 200,

400, and 800 disturber motes respectively. They all have linear growth

with the increase of the number of motes contained in them. . . . . . 40

6.3 Mean loading time (in ms) of different configuration files containing

100, 200, 400, and 800 disturber motes respectively. The WiseML

converter performs well when the number of motes exceeds 400 in a

configuration file. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

6.4 Mean saving time (in ms) of different configuration files containing

100, 200, 400, and 800 disturber motes respectively. Saving as new

format takes much more time than saving as old format due to the

information splitting used by the format converter. But the absolute

values are still very low. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

6.5 Mean scenario events building time (in ms) of different configuration

files containing 100, 200, 400, and 800 disturber motes respectively.

The scenario building time increases sharply with the increase of the

number of motes in a configuration file. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

6.6 The time used by a 5-minute static or dynamic simulation with differ-

ent sized networks. The simulation time increases dramatically with

the increase of the network scale. Scenario processing adds no more

than 11% overhead to static simulation, and trace exporting adds up

to 10% overhead to scenario enabled simulation. . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

6.7 The trace exporting time of a 5-minute dynamic simulation with dif-

ferent sized networks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

6.8 Bonnmotion generated scenario taking effect in COOJA. (a) network

topology at simulated second 0; (b) network topology at simulated

second 100; (c) network topology at simulated second 600 . . . . . . . 49

6.9 WSNGE defined network being loaded into COOJA. (a) network

topology presented in WSNGE, copied from its website [19], (b) the

same network being loaded into COOJA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

6.10 Network topology change overtime presented by two different simu-

lators. The first row consists of the screenshots of shawn, the sec-

ond row comprises the screenshots of COOJA. The two simulators

simulate with the same configuration file containing the same node

movement scenario. (a) The network topology at simulated second 0.

(b) The network topology at simulated second 30. (c) The network

topology at simulated second 60. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52



6.11 Testbed log data being applied to COOJA as scenario through WiseML.

It shows the moving average of the packet yield at the sink node. The

testbed and COOJA with scenario curves overlap with each other and

increase and fall with the change of the temperature. COOJA simu-

lating without scenario produces a straight line. . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

