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Coping with Change Ideology, Politics and Revolution 1815- 1850.

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Coping with Change Ideology, Politics and Revolution 1815- 1850
Page 1: Coping with Change Ideology, Politics and Revolution 1815- 1850.

Coping with Change

Ideology, Politics and Revolution 1815- 1850

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Isabey, The Congress of Vienna, 1815

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Autumn 1814- gathering of victors (of the Napoleonic Wars) in Vienna

Goal: redraw the map of Europe, design a lasting peace

The most celebrated gathering of people in history- politicians, nobles, monarchical representatives (and a Tsar), literary celebrities, merchants and a partridge in a pear tree

The Congress of Vienna

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The VictorsGreat Britain- Lord Castlereagh

Prussia- Baron Hardenberg

Russia- Tsar Alexander I

Austria- Prince Metternich*

France- Talleyrand- what the...

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The PrinciplesNever again Napoleon

Legitimacy- territories should once again be placed under the control of the old ruling houses by traditional order (Bourbons, Habsburgs, Hohenzollerns)

Stability- maintaining a balance of power within Europe, with a focus on restraining France and her ideas

Restrain ideas?

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FranceLenient attitude toward France- the victors wished to turn France into an ally

France escaped the congress with very minor penalties

Restoration of the Bourbons under Louis XVIII, return France to its 1789 boundaries and force them to pay reparations (due to Napoleon’s escape from Elba and eventual 100 day war)

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TerritoriesEurope was completely along tactical and traditional lines

Establishment of buffer states surrounding France, increased size of Prussia in the Western part of Europe, Unification of Netherlands and Denmark, increase in size of Kingdom of Piedmont and the old monarchy was restored in Spain

Holy Roman Empire was not returned but a new German Confederation of states was created, ruled by Vienna

Colonies were given to Britain, Poland given to Russia (as well as Sweden and Finland)

Austria gained Lombardy and Venetia in Northern Italy

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so if France was ever bad again...

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little concern for the “people” of Europe

As you can see from the painting- the concerns were 2nd estate and upper 3rd estate concerns

Minimal concessions towards liberty, hardly any concessions about equality and a pure denial of the idea of fraternity- look at the map again

The Congress did produce a settlement that contributed to 100 years free from war, slavery was abolished throughout...but more importantly Conservatism won the day (more on this later)

What about the People?

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Securing the SettlementMetternich set up the political machinery

Europe must act in Concert to suppress and crush revolutionary ideas (ideas like liberalism, socialism and nationalism)

Collective Security through alliances

Holy Alliance- Russia, Austria, Prussia- commitment to preserve the traditional christian order- allowance to intervene on other states in order to maintain peace

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Securing the SettlementQuadruple Alliance (Concert of Europe Alliance)- Austria, Russia, Prussia and Britain- hold meetings to discuss common problems

1818 France joined the alliance- all agreed to provide military support if internal strife was threatening the traditional order

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The Congress Applied1821 Kingdom of Naples (southern Italy)- insurrection against King Ferdinand I by liberal rebels (wishing for a constitution and some loosening of their estate style system)

The Concert of Europe authorized Austria to send an army to quell the uprising in the Kingdom- very successful for Austria

1822- authorization for France to send troops to Spain to quell a rebellion

1822- authorization for Russia to send navy and troops to quell uprisings in Spain’s Latin American colonies

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IdeologiesConservatism- restore the traditional order and way of life (pre- 1789)

Metternich’s profound belief in it and excellent diplomacy strengthened the conservative movement as the most powerful and dominant ideology in all respects in Europe

Under the impact of the French Revolution and the industrial revolution, the centuries old aristocratic order and agriculturally based society crumbled (especially in France)

In this climate intellectuals and average everyday people exerted immense influence as they set out their goals and plans for how the world should be- Napoleon spread the enlightenment and it took root everywhere

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IdeologiesConservatism- restoration of traditional order

Liberalism- individual freedom and political reform

Nationalism- Common identity and National Liberation

Romanticism- Freedom, instinct and spontaneity

Early Socialism- Ending Competition and inequities

Scientific Socialism- say hello to Marxism

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The Post Vienna WorldConservative forces vs. all of the other ideologies

Restoration, reaction and repression- the historical process takes shape

Under which the industrial revolution was drastically changing people, their ideas and their powers

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Wave of Revolution and Reform1820- 1831- Constant European rebellions- mostly liberal/nationalist

France- Restoration of Louis XVIII- conservatism and moderation (retained the Napoleonic Code- relaxed rule- the returning emigres were ultra royalist- they wanted everything they had lost in the revolution)

Louis XVIII dies 1824- Charles X crowned- returned land to nobles lost during the revolution, gave power of education back to the church, dissolved the parliament body of France, abolished freedom of the press- Absolutism returning?

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Wave of Revolution and ReformGermany- 37 German states under the control of Metternich and Austria through the German confederation

Austrian Empire consisted of 35 different nationality/language groups- very fearful of nationalism

Conservative repression- secret police, spies, censorship, and travel expenses to support the status quo- Carlsbad Decrees- repression laws against German students

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Wave of Revolution and ReformItaly- borders returned to pre 1796 states

“geographic expression”- most lands ruled by Austrian royals or French royals using Austrian soldiers to solidify their power

Kingdom of PIedmont-Sardinia was the only independent Italian State- House of Savoy (very liberal for a Royal Family)

Rome- Pope revived the inquisition, reconstituted the index of prohibited books and annulled all Napoleonic religious toleration laws

Anything that was seen as liberal (street lighting, public school and road building) was stopped

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Wave of Revolution and ReformRussia- ultra conservatism- enjoyed by Upper and lower classes in Europe


Alexander I- championed autocracy and conservative traditional policies

Nicholas I- first day as Tsar in 1825 quelled the Decembrist rebellion (liberal military officers wishing for a constitution)

Russia was the ultimate autocratic, disciplinary and conservative state (some would say backward)

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Wave of Revolution and ReformGreat Britain- Centuries of liberal representative policies were halted

5% of adult males could vote, noble families ruled the law making government bodies

Liberal riots only strengthened the resolve of the conservative order (Luddites, Peterloo Massacre)

1801 Britain fully absorbed Ireland- Protestants now controlled Catholics- Ireland peasantry suffered immensely (Genocide)

Irish Potato Famine (1845)

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Wave of Revolution and ReformWar for Greek Independence (from the Ottoman Empire) 1821- 1829

1830 Revolutions across Spain, France, Italy, Germany, Belgium and Russia

July 1830 Liberals joined with Workers in Paris and ousted Charles X (last Bourbon King)

Bourgeois Monarchy- King Louis- Philippe- called himself the citizen King, dressed in western style suits- liberal property, economic and voting policies

1830- full on liberal revolts, almost every single one is quelled or concessions are given, but only slightly

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1848The Dam Bursts...
