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Copper speciation in San Francisco Bay: A novel approach using multiple analytical windows Kristen N. Buck T , Kenneth W. Bruland Department of Ocean Sciences, University of California Santa Cruz, 1156 High Street, Santa Cruz, CA 95064, USA Received 16 June 2004; accepted 6 January 2005 Available online 8 April 2005 Abstract Dissolved copper speciation and total dissolved copper concentrations were determined at six San Francisco Bay sites in January and March of 2003. Multiple analytical windows were incorporated into an established competitive ligand exchange-adsorptive cathodic stripping voltammetry (CLE-ACSV) method, which employs salicylaldoxime (SA) as the added competitive ligand for speciation analyses. The titration results were integrated into [Cu T * ] versus log [Cu 2+ ] plots, combining data from each of the different competing ligand concentrations and providing a powerful approach to visually interpret the variation in [Cu 2+ ] as the natural Cu-binding ligands in the sample are titrated over a wide range of [Cu T ]. In addition, the data for different analytical windows were interpreted with Langmuir and Scatchard linearization techniques to estimate natural Cu-binding ligand concentrations [L i ] and conditional stability constants K CuL i ,Cu 2+ cond . All results indicate that ambient ligand concentrations exceed total dissolved copper concentrations at each site, with dissolved copper greater than 99.9% complexed by the strong copper-binding L 1 ligand class. The [Cu 2+ ] does not exceed 10 13 M at any site, a concentration sufficiently below the toxicity threshold for microorganisms. Thus, the excess of strong Cu-binding ligands appears to effectively buffer free Cu 2+ at low concentrations and the existing levels of copper do not impair San Francisco Bay. D 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: Copper speciation; Voltammetry; Multiple analytical windows 1. Introduction The toxicity of copper to marine microorganisms is well documented (Anderson and Morel, 1978; Brand et al., 1986; Stoecker et al., 1986; Sunda and Guillard, 1976; Sunda et al., 1987; Sunda et al., 1990). These studies have shown that the toxicity of copper is a function of the concentration of the free hydrated Cu 2+ ion, and not the total dissolved copper concentration. The threshold for Cu 2+ toxicity varies among phytoplankton phyla, with cyanobacteria being the most sensitive and diatoms generally the 0304-4203/$ - see front matter D 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.marchem.2005.01.001 T Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 831 459 2682; fax: +1 831 459 4882. E-mail address: [email protected] (K.N. Buck). Marine Chemistry 96 (2005) 185 – 198 www.elsevier.com/locate/marchem


Marine Chemistry 96

Copper speciation in San Francisco Bay:

A novel approach using multiple analytical windows

Kristen N. BuckT, Kenneth W. Bruland

Department of Ocean Sciences, University of California Santa Cruz, 1156 High Street, Santa Cruz, CA 95064, USA

Received 16 June 2004; accepted 6 January 2005

Available online 8 April 2005


Dissolved copper speciation and total dissolved copper concentrations were determined at six San Francisco Bay sites

in January and March of 2003. Multiple analytical windows were incorporated into an established competitive ligand

exchange-adsorptive cathodic stripping voltammetry (CLE-ACSV) method, which employs salicylaldoxime (SA) as the

added competitive ligand for speciation analyses. The titration results were integrated into [CuT*] versus log [Cu2+] plots,

combining data from each of the different competing ligand concentrations and providing a powerful approach to visually

interpret the variation in [Cu2+] as the natural Cu-binding ligands in the sample are titrated over a wide range of [CuT].

In addition, the data for different analytical windows were interpreted with Langmuir and Scatchard linearization

techniques to estimate natural Cu-binding ligand concentrations [Li] and conditional stability constants KCuLi,Cu2+

cond . All

results indicate that ambient ligand concentrations exceed total dissolved copper concentrations at each site, with

dissolved copper greater than 99.9% complexed by the strong copper-binding L1 ligand class. The [Cu2+] does not exceed

10�13 M at any site, a concentration sufficiently below the toxicity threshold for microorganisms. Thus, the excess of

strong Cu-binding ligands appears to effectively buffer free Cu2+ at low concentrations and the existing levels of copper

do not impair San Francisco Bay.

D 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Copper speciation; Voltammetry; Multiple analytical windows

1. Introduction

The toxicity of copper to marine microorganisms

is well documented (Anderson and Morel, 1978;

0304-4203/$ - see front matter D 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


T Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 831 459 2682; fax: +1 831 459


E-mail address: [email protected] (K.N. Buck).

Brand et al., 1986; Stoecker et al., 1986; Sunda and

Guillard, 1976; Sunda et al., 1987; Sunda et al.,

1990). These studies have shown that the toxicity of

copper is a function of the concentration of the free

hydrated Cu2+ ion, and not the total dissolved copper

concentration. The threshold for Cu2+ toxicity varies

among phytoplankton phyla, with cyanobacteria

being the most sensitive and diatoms generally the

(2005) 185–198

K.N. Buck, K.W. Bruland / Marine Chemistry 96 (2005) 185–198186

least sensitive (Brand et al., 1986). Free Cu2+

concentrations as low as 10�11 M can completely

inhibit cyanobacteria growth rates, while at Cu2+

concentrations above ~10�11 M, it appears as though

the viability of many phytoplankton species, includ-

ing diatoms, begins to decline. In addition, the

naupliar larvae of various zooplankton have been

San Pablo Bay

Redwood Cree

San Bruno Shoals


Yerba Buena Island

122˚30'0"W 122˚20'0"W

122˚30'0"W 122˚20'0"W







0 9 184.5 Miles

Fig. 1. Sampling sites in San Francisco Bay, California. All six sites were

David Johnston.

documented to be sensitive to Cu2+ toxicity at this

concentration (Sunda et al., 1987; Sunda et al.,


The speciation of copper is particularly important

in coastal and estuarine regions, as these areas

generally have elevated total dissolved copper con-

centrations from anthropogenic inputs. Coastal total

Grizzly Bay



122˚10'0"W 122˚0'0"W

122˚10'0"W 122˚0'0"W







sampled 27–28 January 2003 and 27 March 2003 aboard the R/V

Table 1

Effect of increasing salicylaldoxime (SA) concentration on com

petition strength (a) of analytical window at salinity 28

[SA] added (AM) aCu(SA)0


1 1040 4870

2.5 6500 16,000

10 104,000 141,000

50 2,600,000 2,800,000

100 10,400,000 10,700,000

K.N. Buck, K.W. Bruland / Marine Chemistry 96 (2005) 185–198 187

dissolved (b0.45-Am pore size) copper concentra-

tions, [CuT], within the Northeast Pacific may range

from 2 to 40 nM, while in San Francisco Bay, the

range is between 15 and 50 nM [CuT] (Cutter, 1991;

Flegal et al., 1996). Currently, national and Califor-

nia state regulations for copper toxicity are based

upon total dissolved copper concentrations (EPA,


In natural waters, however, copper may exist in

any of several forms: as the free or hydrated Cu2+

ion, as kinetically labile inorganic complexes, or

chelated by natural organic ligands in a compara-

tively inert form. The distribution of dissolved

copper between these different forms will change

from system to system, preventing a consistent

correlation between total dissolved copper concen-

trations and the hydrated Cu2+ ion concentration. In

estuarine and coastal waters, complexation or

chelation with strong Cu-binding organic ligands

appears to dominate the speciation of dissolved

copper (Donat et al., 1994; Kozelka and Bruland,

1998; Moffett et al., 1997; Van den Berg et al.,

1987). This strong complexation leaves the copper

markedly less available to the phytoplankton


In order to accurately quantify the Cu2+ ion

concentrations (and the correlating copper toxicity)

at the chosen sites in San Francisco Bay (Fig. 1),

it was necessary to thoroughly characterize the

dissolved copper speciation of these samples. To

accomplish this task, we employed an established

competitive ligand exchange-adsorptive cathodic

stripping voltammetry (CLE-ACSV) method, which

uses salicylaldoxime (SA) as the added competitive

ligand. This method is favored for its enhanced

sensitivity over direct measurements of [Cu2+]

(Bruland et al., 2000).

The assimilation of multiple analytical windows

into this study enhanced speciation results by provid-

ing a more comprehensive characterization of the

spectrum of organically complexed copper in San

Francisco Bay: from the strongly complexed copper

to the weakly complexed copper. With multiple

windows, the high range portrays the ambient

speciation and the strong ligand class, while the

intermediate and low windows focus on the weaker

ligand classes. This weak ligand class is particularly

important in understanding the effect of increasing

total dissolved copper concentrations on [Cu2+] in San

Francisco Bay. Thus, in this study, we assess not only

the ambient copper speciation at sites throughout San

Francisco Bay, but also, for the first time, the

important weaker ligand class and its associated

buffering capacity for increasing total dissolved

copper concentrations in the Bay.

2. Theory

CLE-ACSV is commonly used to examine the

speciation of copper in estuarine environments. In this

technique, a well-characterized added ligand (AL) of

known competition strength is allowed to equilibrate

with the natural ligands present in the sample and a

range of added dissolved copper concentrations. The

analytical competition SA establishes with the natural

Cu-binding organic ligands in the sample is deter-

mined by the side reaction coefficient, a (Table 1).

This a is defined as

aCu SAð Þx ¼Cu SAð Þx� �

Cu2þ� � ¼ bcond

2 d SA½ �2 þ Kcond1 d SA½ �


where Cu SAð Þx� �

¼ Cu SAð Þ02h i

þ Cu SAð Þþ� �


and b2cond and K1

cond are the respective conditional

stability constants of the Cu(SA)20 and Cu(SA)+

complexes in terms of [Cu2+]. Campos and Van den

berg (1994) have previously characterized this b2cond

for SA at different salinities and SA concentrations in

seawater, such that log b2cond=15.78–(0.53 ! log sali-

nity). At the lowest concentrations of SA utilized in

the competition experiments ([SA]=2.5 AM or 1.0

AM), the mono Cu(SA) complex is important. At


K.N. Buck, K.W. Bruland / Marine Chemistry 96 (2005) 185–198188

higher [SA] values, it becomes insignificant relative

to the bis complex, and Eq. (1) can be simplified to

Eq. (3):

aCu SAð Þ02¼

Cu SAð Þ02h i

Cu2þ� � ¼ bcond

2 d SA½ �2 ð3Þ

As outlined in Eqs. (1) and (3), a is a function of

K1cond, b2

cond and [SA]. Since K1cond and b2

cond are

constants, a range of different analytical windows can

be applied to a given sample by simply increasing or

decreasing the added SA concentration. The side

reaction coefficient, a, is employed to describe the

competition strength of the Cu(SA)x complexes. The

higher the value of a, the more competitive the

Cu(SA)x complexes are against the natural ambient

copper–ligand complexes, CuLi, and the larger the

tendency is to form Cu(SA)x at the expense of CuLi.

The propensity of SA to form a bis-complex with Cu

allows us to use a wider range of competition

strengths (or a values) for a given SA concentration,

since at higher [SA] a will be mainly a function of

[SA]2. A wide range in a values will allow competi-

tion against both the weak and strong ligands in


2.1. [CuT*] versus log [Cu2+] plots

Organic complexation of copper has a dramatic

impact upon the concentration of the free Cu2+ ion

concentrations. In order to visually interpret the

[Cu2+] at ambient and alternate total dissolved copper

concentrations, the January and March 2003 data sets

were put into [CuT*] versus log [Cu2+] plots, where


h i¼ CuT½ � � Cu SAð Þx

� �; ð4Þ

or Cu4T

h i¼ CuLi½ � þ CuV

� �ð5Þ

since CuT½ � ¼ CuLi½ � þ Cu SAð Þx� �

þ CuV� �


With a competitive equilibrium approach, simply

plotting [CuT] versus [Cu2+] is not as useful since CuT

includes both CuLi and [Cu(SA)x] for each titration

point. It is much more revealing to examine the [Cu2+]

dependency on [CuLi] without the added ligand

present, as SA is not a natural aspect of this system.

Removing the [Cu(SA)x] component allows the

multiple analytical windows to be more directly

correlated to the natural sample and provides a

graphical estimation of the relationship between

[Cu2+] and [CuLi] in the unperturbed sample.

Plotting the data in this type of figure provides two

important pieces of information: the ambient [Cu2+] as

well as how the free [Cu2+] varies when the [CuLi] is

titrated with increasing (or decreasing) levels of [CuT].

It is important to note that at high SA concentrations,

where the aCu(SA)x is strong enough to effectively

compete with the natural strong Cu-binding ligands,

SAwill also out-compete some of these ligands for the

ambient copper, resulting in CuT* and Cu2+ data below

the ambient concentrations.

A disadvantage of these plots is the inability in

providing much information at extremely elevated

[CuT] beyond the titration of the ambient ligands (Li)

– any copper added will be complexed almost

exclusively by SA – which is then subtracted out of

the CuT* term, preventing [CuT*] from increasing


The change in [Cu2+] as the Cu-binding ligands are

titrated provides information on the bcarrying capacity

of the ligand pool.Q As dissolved copper is added to

the sample, [CuT*] versus log [Cu2+] plots reflect the

corresponding increase in [CuLi] and the effect on

[Cu2+]. We suggest that the best way to visualize the

free [Cu2+] under ambient or perturbed conditions is

with the use of [CuT*] versus log [Cu2+] plots.

2.2. Linearizations of the data

The Scatchard linearization method (Mantoura and

Riley, 1975; Ruzic, 1982) and the Langmuir/Ruzic/

van den Berg linearization method (Ruzic, 1982; Van

den berg, 1982) were also used on the copper titration

data to determine Cu-binding ligand concentrations

and their conditional stability constants.

In the case of only a single ligand class, both of these

linearization techniques present the data as a single

line. The presence of two or more ligand classes is

depicted as two distinct lines. With these linearizations

it is not possible to see more than two ligand classes,

and any additional ligand classes tend to be incorpo-

rated more into the second line—such that the weak

ligand class includes the ligand classes beyond the

strong L1 ligand class (Miller and Bruland, 1997).

K.N. Buck, K.W. Bruland / Marine Chemistry 96 (2005) 185–198 189

The two linearization methods give averages of

ligand class concentrations and conditional stability

constants at each analytical window such that the

ligand concentration and stability data from these

techniques works out to an average of the actual

sample characteristics. These average values may then

be used to calculate the speciation of the ambient

copper. Although different analytical windows can

yield differing estimates of ligand concentrations and

binding strengths (with [Li] decreasing and Ki

increasing as the analytical competition strength

increases), the [Cu2+] calculated from these data sets

have been shown to be quite similar at different

analytical windows (Bruland et al., 2000).

3. Materials and methods

3.1. Sample collection

Trace metal clean techniques were employed in the

collection of samples on two separate occasions from

six sites within San Francisco Bay, California (Fig. 1).

These sites were chosen in order to give a spatial

overview of copper speciation in the Bay. The first of

the two cruises took place over a 1-day period, 27–28

January 2003 on the R/V David Johnston. The second

sampling cruise was completed in a single day, 27

March 2003 on the same vessel.

At each site, samples were filtered through an in-line

acid-washed cartridge with a pore size of 0.45 Am, as

described by Donat et al. (1994) and collected in 1-L

and 2-L trace metal clean Teflon (FEP) bottles. These

samples were then stored in the dark, on ice, until

delivered to the lab refrigerator (4 8C) each evening. Inaddition, nutrient and DOC samples were collected,

immediately frozen on dry ice, and stored in the lab

freezer until analyzed. Nitrate (plus nitrite), phosphate

and silicic acid concentrations were measured on a

Lachat QuickChem 8000k Flow Injection Analysis

system using standard methods (Parsons et al., 1984).

A Dohrmann DC-190 (Rosemount Analytical,

temperature: 680 C, catalyst: 0.5% PtAl2O3) was used

for the DOC analysis (Ogawa and Ogura, 1992; Sharp

et al., 1993). The frozen samples were thawed and

shaken before 50 AL of 6 N H3PO4 was added (final

concentration c0.06 N). The acidified water was

bubbled with high-purity zero CO2 air at a flow rate of

~100mL/min for 10 min to completely purge inorganic

carbon species. One-hundred-microliter samples of this

solution were then manually injected into the combus-

tion column of the DC-190. The injections were usually

repeated 3 or 4 times per sample. Typical precision was

2.5–4.0 AM (SD) or b10% (CV).


The dissolved copper speciation as well as the total

dissolved copper values were determined following a

modified version of the competitive ligand exchange-

adsorptive cathodic stripping voltammetry (CLE-

ACSV) method developed by Rue and Bruland

(1995) for dissolved iron studies and described for

copper in Bruland et al. (2000). Originally detailed by

Campos and Van den berg (1994) as a method for

copper speciation, this method incorporates salicylal-

doxime (SA) as the added ligand.

Sample analyses were carried out on a BioAnalyt-

ical Systems (BAS) controlled growth mercury

electrode (CGME) interfaced with a CV-50 W

voltammetric analyzer. The static mercury drop

electrode (SMDE) instrument setting was used,

employing a large (size 14) mercury drop as the

working electrode, an Ag/AgCl (3 M NaCl) reference

electrode, and a platinum wire counter electrode.

3.3. Reagents

A stock solution of 5 mM salicylaldoxime (SA) in

methanol and a sub-stock of 1 mM SA in Milli-Q

water were prepared as described in Rue and Bruland

(1995). The samples were buffered to pH 8.2 with an

EPPS (4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazinepropane-sul-

fonic acid) buffer. The 1.3 M EPPS buffer was made

in 1 M NH4OH, of which 50 AL added to a 10-mL

sub-sample results in a final concentration of 6.0 mM

EPPS. A range of copper standard solutions, from 2

AM to 40 AM, were prepared by dilution of a Fisher

1000 ppm (15.74 mM) atomic absorption standard

with Milli-Q and acidified to pH 1.8 with quartz-

distilled HCl (QHCl).

3.4. Total dissolved copper

Approximately 100 mL of each sample was

aliquoted into trace metal clean Teflon (FEP) cups

K.N. Buck, K.W. Bruland / Marine Chemistry 96 (2005) 185–198190

with quartz lids and UV-oxidized at ambient pH in a

Jelight Model 342 UVO-Cleaner for 2 h at 10 mW/

cm2. Once UV-oxidized, 10-mL sub-samples were

pipetted into trace metal clean and previously con-

ditioned Teflon (FEP) voltammetric cups. 50 AL of the

EPPS buffer was added to the samples (final concen-

tration 6.0 mM and pH 8.2), followed by copper

additions of 0 to 150 nM. Samples were then

transferred to a second series of voltammetric cups

conditioned to the ligand addition, and 25-AM SAwas

added to each aliquot. The prepared samples were

lastly purged with oxygen-free argon gas for 3 min

preceding analysis.

During deposition, the electroactive Cu(SA)x com-

plexes formed in the sample were adsorbed onto a

fresh mercury drop at an applied potential of �0.15 V

for 60 s while the sample was stirred with a clean

PTFE stir bar at 600 rpm. Following this deposition

step, the stirring was stopped for a 10-s quiet time.

The samples were subsequently scanned in differential

pulse mode from �0.15 V to �0.60 V at 20 mV/s

(sample width 17 ms, pulse width 35 ms, pulse period

200 ms, pulse amplitude 50 mV, and 10 AA/Vanalyzer sensitivity) while the change in cathodic

stripping current resulting from the reduction of Cu2+

in the adsorbed Cu(SA)x was recorded by the

analyzer. The sensitivity of this method varies slightly

(b10%) with respect to each sample, with an average

sensitivity of 7 nA nM�1 min�1.

3.5. Copper speciation

As with the total dissolved copper measurements,

10-mL sub-samples from every site were aliquoted

into a series of up to 11 clean voltammetric Teflon

(FEP) cups and 6.0 mM EPPS buffer was added to

each of them. Dissolved copper was then added to all

but two of the cups, with total added copper

concentrations ranging from 0 to 350 nM (with more

closely spaced additions at lower concentrations and

more widely spaced additions at higher concentra-

tions). The very high copper additions were used in an

attempt to ensure saturation of any weak ligand class.

Sealed in airtight polyethylene containers, the

samples were allowed to equilibrate with the added

copper for 2 h in their respective Teflon cups. Once at

equilibrium, samples were transferred to the second

set of ligand addition cups, and the appropriate

concentration of SA was added. The samples were

subsequently left to equilibrate again, this time for 15

min. Following this second equilibration, each sample

was purged for 3 min with argon and analyzed using

the CSV parameters detailed above for the total

dissolved copper samples.

All speciation analyses were completed within 6

days of collection. Analyses were conducted at three

different analytical windows for each of the samples:

2.5-AM, 10-AM, and 50-AM SA. In addition, the

Dumbarton Bridge samples were analyzed at the 1-

AM and 100-AM SA analytical windows in order to

further widen the detection window for the ambient


It has been suggested that shorter equilibration

times, on the order of minutes, are sufficient to bring

samples with high organic content into equilibrium

with the added copper and ligand (Kogut and Voelker,

2001; Kogut and Voelker, 2003). We conducted

laboratory studies in order to determine whether our

longer equilibration times were necessary, or if the

shorter equilibration times, such as used by Kogut and

Voelker (2001) would be sufficient. A 1-ppm Suwa-

nee River Humic Acid (SRHA) solution in UVSW

and the Dumbarton Bridge sample were used as the

media for these studies.

The procedure detailed in Kogut and Voelker

(2001) (SA added to the sample first, allowed to

equilibrate 3 min, followed by the addition of copper

and a subsequent 5-min equilibration time) was used

to examine the possibility of using short equilibration

times. Additionally, we examined our longer equili-

bration times, as described above, on both the SRHA

standard solution and a sample. We chose to look at

these equilibration times at a low (1 or 2.5-AM SA)

and a high (50-AM SA) analytical window. Upon

completion of the respective equilibration times, the

concentration of Cu(SA)x was measured as a function

of time to determine whether the samples had truly


As shown in Fig. 2, the shorter equilibration times

used by Kogut and Voelker (2001) resulted in an

initially higher response, which would lead to an

overestimation of the free copper concentrations in

these samples. This response, seen in the samples

where SAwas added before the copper, represents the

immediate complexation of added copper by the

relatively high SA concentration present in the

Fig. 2. Equilibration time experiment results. Experiment was

carried out in 1-ppm Suwanee River Humic Acid (SRHA) standard.

Short equilibration times follow Kogut and Voelker (2001, 2003)

and were conducted at a low analytical window (1 AM SA: 5) and a

high window (50 AM SA: q). Long equilibration times follow the

method outlined within this paper and were also conducted at low

(2.5 AM SA: n) and high (50 AM SA: z) analytical windows.

K.N. Buck, K.W. Bruland / Marine Chemistry 96 (2005) 185–198 191

sample. The signal then decreases over time as the

copper begins to equilibrate with the natural ligands in

the sample.

In our method, we initially add the copper

additions to the sample to first equilibrate with the

natural ligands and then add SA followed by a much

longer equilibration time than used by Kogut and

Voelker (2001). We observed that the longer equili-

bration times we employ resulted in a consistent

response over time in both solutions. This indicates

that these longer equilibration times were necessary to

Table 2

Cumulative copper speciation data for San Francisco Bay

Site Date [Cuamb] [L1]

Dumbarton Bridge Jan 03 33.7 48(52)

Mar 03 27.0 29(33)

Redwood Creek Jan 03 26.4 25(27)

Mar 03 25.0 27(33)

San Bruno Shoals Jan 03 22.9 42(41)

Mar 03 27.1 31(33)

Yerba Buena Island Jan 03 18.9 58(58)

Mar 03 17.9 22(20)

San Pablo Bay Jan 03 25.0 68(70)

Mar 03 20.3 45(50)

Grizzly Bay Jan 03 27.7 265(263)

Mar 03 49.6 247(240)

All concentration units in nanomolar (nM), unless otherwise indicated.

linearizations performed on data sets at [SA]=10 AM. The Langmuir resu

bring the samples into equilibrium. In contrast, the

response from the shorter equilibration times (Kogut

and Voelker, 2001) fell off over time to approach the

values we observe with the longer equilibrations,

suggesting that the samples were not, in fact,

equilibrated adequately using these shorter equilibra-

tion times.

4. Results

4.1. Total dissolved copper

In Table 2, total ambient dissolved copper concen-

trations ([Cuamb]) are shown to range from 17.9 nM to

49.6 nM through the two data sets in January and

March. Within the January data set [Cuamb] ranged

from a low of 18.9 nM at the Yerba Buena Island

sampling site, near the Golden Gate Bridge and the

mouth of the Bay, to the highest concentration at

Dumbarton Bridge, the southernmost site, of 33.7 nM.

The [Cuamb] varied over a broader spread during the

March sampling series, ranging from 17.9 nM at

Yerba Buena Island to 49.6 nM in Grizzly Bay, the

north-easternmost site.

Macronutrient concentrations, outlined in Table 3,

were highest during the January 2003 sampling

period at the far reaches of the North and South

Bay. These concentrations remained high at the

North Bay sites through the March 2003 sampling,

but were strongly depleted at the South Bay sites.

Log K1 [L2] Log K2 [Cu2+] (M)

13.9 135(133) 12.1 10�14.0

14.3 78(78) 12.6 10�14.0

13.4 75(73) 12.7 10�13.5

13.9 66(66) 12.9 10�13.6

13.1 85(85) 12.2 10�13.5

13.8 64(67) 12.3 10�13.3

12.9 75(74) 12.1 10�13.5

14.0 48(50) 12 10�13.3

14.0 78(80) 12.4 10�14.5

13.6 55(50) 12.6 10�13.8

13.5(13.5) NDA NDA 10�15.5

14.0 133(133) 12.8 10�15.5

The [Li] and log Ki values were all estimated from Scatchard

lts are presented in parentheses for comparison.

Table 3

Cumulative pH, salinity, DOC (AM), [Mn] (nM), and nutrient data (AM) for San Francisco Bay sites sampled in January and March 2003

Site Date pH S DOC NO3� HPO4

2� H2SiO3 [Mn]

Dumbarton Bridge Jan 03 7.77 21.7 380 61.2 7.4 107 397

Mar 03 8.55 22.8 253 0 2.1 4.1 339

Redwood Creek Jan 03 7.71 22.9 398 35.6 5.3 92 90

Mar 03 8.54 23.6 222 0.4 2.4 4.1 22

San Bruno Shoals Jan 03 7.74 22.9 343 35.4 4.9 96 46

Mar 03 8.61 25.6 210 0 2.1 2.4 159

Yerba Buena Island Jan 03 7.86 21.1 294 19.3 2.2 109 112

Mar 03 8.26 26.4 264 3.7 0.9 16 216

San Pablo Bay Jan 03 7.67 13.0 305 23.2 2.2 158 104

Mar 03 8.05 17.3 279 14.3 1.7 90 39

Grizzly Bay Jan 03 7.53 0.0 308 24.2 2.0 184 262

Mar 03 8.10 0.5 307 29.4 2.5 230 394

K.N. Buck, K.W. Bruland / Marine Chemistry 96 (2005) 185–198192

This depletion of macronutrients in the South Bay

corresponded to one of the largest diatom blooms in

history observed by the USGS in San Francisco Bay

(Cloern, personal communication). The chlorophyll

a concentrations in the South Bay were as high as

75 Ag/L.

4.2. Data manipulation

In order to best portray the progression of data

manipulation, we used figures from one representative

data set (Dumbarton Bridge) of the January results

throughout the process. The results from the remain-

ing sites are listed in Tables 2 and 4. For each titration

data set, the measured peak heights were plotted

Table 4

Copper speciation results from linearizations of different analytical

windows at Dumbarton Bridge

Date [SA]












Jan 03 1 3.69 147 11.5 147 10.6

2.5 4.21 131 12 144 11.1

10 5.15 60 13.9 131 12.1

50 6.45 54 14.3 ND ND

100 7.03 53 14.5 ND ND

Mar 03 1 3.69 118 11.3 167 10.5

2.5 4.21 89 12.5 149 11

10 5.15 50 13.8 117 12

50 6.45 70 14 ND ND

100 7.03 50 14.6 ND ND

Apr 00 25 4.21 57 12.1 ND ND

Includes data from titrations in January and March 2003 with

[Cuamb]=33.7 and 27 nM, respectively (this study), and Rue data

from April 2000 with [Cuamb]=32 nM (Beck et al., 2002).

against the total dissolved copper concentration,


CuT½ � ¼ Cuamb½ � þ Cuadd½ � ð7Þ

where [Cuamb] is the ambient dissolved copper

concentration determined in each UV-oxidized sam-

ple, and [Cuadd] is the concentration of copper added

to each sub-sample of the titration.

A Dumbarton Bridge sample titration at five se-

parate concentrations of SA is presented in Fig. 3,

where peak height is plotted as a function of added

copper. It is apparent from Fig. 3 that with increasing

[SA], the competition of SA for the copper is stronger,

resulting in a larger signal, as the natural ligands are

out-competed. Eventually, these natural ligands

Fig. 3. Peak height as a function of added dissolved copper

concentration in titrations of Dumbarton Bridge January sample a

five unique analytical windows (1 AM SA: w , 2.4 AM SA: o, 9.7

AM SA: 5, 50 AM SA: 4, and 100 AM SA: q).


Fig. 4. Scatchard linearization results from January Dumbarton

Bridge copper titration at 9.7 AM SA analytical window. The two

dashed lines represent the best fit of the data points for a two-ligand

system. The slopes and x-intercepts of these lines provide the strong

and weak ligand concentrations present in the sample, as well as the

conditional stability constants of these ligands.

Fig. 5. Langmuir linearization results from January Dumbarton

Bridge copper titration at 9.7 AM SA analytical window. The two

dashed lines represent the best fit of the data points for a two-ligand

system. The slopes of these lines correspond to the inverse strong

and weak ligand concentrations.

K.N. Buck, K.W. Bruland / Marine Chemistry 96 (2005) 185–198 193

become saturated by higher copper additions within

any single analytical window, resulting in a linear

relationship between current and added copper. To

quantitatively evaluate the electrode response of each

copper titration and convert the measured peak height

to a concentration of Cu(SA)x, an internal calibration

method was used.

The slope of each individual UV-oxidized sample

titration was employed as a measure of sensitivity

such that

Cu SAð Þx� �

¼ Ip=S ð8Þ

where Ip is the peak height and S is the sensitivity of

that sample after UV-oxidation. While the linear

portion of the speciation titration curve may be used

for the internal calibration, when the natural ligands in

a sample are completely titrated, the slope of this

linear portion is roughly equivalent to the slope of the

UV-oxidized sample response. However, in samples

where there were very high concentrations of the

weaker ligand class, titrating these ligands required

adding enough copper to result in nonlinearity of peak

height as a function of Cu addition.

The observation of nonlinear peak heights at

elevated dissolved copper additions results from the

saturation of the mercury drop by the increased

presence of Cu(SA)x complexes. This loss of sensi-

tivity at higher [Cu(SA)x] is a well-documented

artifact of the SA method (Campos and Van den berg,

1994; Moffett et al., 1997), and only seemed to affect

the highest copper additions where the peak height

surpassed ~800 nA. In this paper, data where ipN800

nA have been excluded, although Hudson et al.

(2003) have shown that these data could be used by

incorporating a sensitivity that decreases at these high


Scatchard and Langmuir linearization techniques

were applied to all of the speciation data from both

sampling periods. The result of these calculations for

each of the sites is presented in Table 2. Fig. 4 depicts

the Scatchard linearization applied to Dumbarton

Bridge January titrations. The Langmuir linearization

of the same data set is presented in Fig. 5. As shown

in these two figures, the speciation data from San

Francisco Bay are best modeled as a two-ligand


When using linearization data of individual titra-

tions at unique analytical windows, it is important to

be aware of the competition strength used and only

directly compare results between similar analytical

windows (Bruland et al., 2000). In Table 4, the

speciation results are presented for each analytical

window of the Dumbarton Bridge site in both January

and March, where the full range of competition

strengths was employed. In addition, separate data

sets from April 2000 at the same site, collected and

analyzed by Eden Rue (unpublished data), are also

included in Table 4 to provide a further comparison of

different analytical windows.

K.N. Buck, K.W. Bruland / Marine Chemistry 96 (2005) 185–198194

Different analytical windows give detailed infor-

mation for the speciation of a sample within that

window only, and as the window changes, so do the

results. As shown by the results in Table 4, with

increasing added ligand competition strength the L1

ligand class described becomes smaller and stronger

with respect to [Cu2+]. As the SA concentration varies

Fig. 6. The log [Cu2+] as a function of [CuT*] from titrations of all six Janu

analytical windows (1 AM SA: w , x; 2.4 AM SA: o, .; 9.7 AM SA:5,ndashed lines correspond to the National CCC of 48.8 nM and the Site-Sp

dissolved copper concentrations at each site are represented by a dotted line

presents a possible toxicity threshold for ambient diatom populations. (A

versus log [Cu2+] for Dumbarton Bridge titrations; (C) [CuT*] versus log [C

Yerba Buena Island titrations; (E) [CuT*] versus log [Cu2+] for San Pablo B

from 1 to 100 AM, the calculated L1 concentration

decreases from 118 nM to 50 nM, and the log K1

increases from 11.3 to 14.6.

At the higher analytical windows, the ability to

bseeQ the weaker ligand classes is lost, and the

ambient ligand class appears to increase in concen-

tration and decrease in binding strength briefly before

ary (empty symbols) and March sites (filled symbols) at five unique

; 50 AM SA: 4,E; and 100 AM SA:q,z). The short and long

ecific Objective (SSO) of 108.6 nM, respectively. The ambient total

for January and a solid line for March. The horizontal dash–dot line

) [CuT*] versus log [Cu2+] for Redwood Creek titrations; (B) [CuT*]

u2+] for San Bruno Shoals titrations; (D) [CuT*] versus log [Cu2+] for

ay titrations; (F) [CuT*] versus log [Cu2+] for Grizzly Bay titrations.

Fig. 7. Ambient total dissolved copper concentrations throughou

San Francisco Bay and corresponding strong L1 ligand class

concentrations. Data points from all sites sampled this study (Jan

2003: o, Mar 2003: .) and in Lessin and Bruland (unpublished

study (Jun 2001: w , Jul 2001: 5, Aug 2001: n). The dashed line

represents a 1:1 ratio between the ambient total dissolved coppe

concentrations and the strong L1 ligand class concentrations. Data

points falling above this line indicate an excess of strong ligand


K.N. Buck, K.W. Bruland / Marine Chemistry 96 (2005) 185–198 195

recommencing their trend. Indeed, at the highest SA

concentrations (50 and 100-AM SA), the L2 ligands

are undetectable. Then, as the SA concentration

decreases from 10 to 1 AM, the calculated [L2]

increases from 78 to 167 nM and the log K2 decreases

from 12 to 10.5. A similar effect has been previously

documented, in a study of Narragansett Bay water by

Bruland et al. (2000). This is consistent with a system

of with a mixture of Cu-binding ligands that have a

range of complexing strengths for the ambient copper.

When all of the data are put into the [CuT*] versus

log [Cu2+] plots described above, the data closely

overlap to present an overall image of the speciation

of dissolved copper in the bay. This is more valuable

than simply examining each individual titration

separately, since we are able to get a broader

perspective on the diverse ligands present.

In a system as complicated as San Francisco Bay, if

we were to only consider the stronger analytical

windows, which are most pertinent to ambient speci-

ation, we would not be able to describe the important

weaker L2 ligand class. However, at this strongest

analytical window, we are able to characterize the

strongest ligand class that would be important if the

[Cuamb] was significantly lower than determined now.

Thus, in performing these titrations at multiple

analytical windows and plotting the results in [CuT*]

versus log [Cu2+] plots, we are able to examine the

speciation and corresponding [Cu2+] at both lower and

higher [CuT] than the current [Cuamb].

Fig. 6A–F depicts the [CuT*] versus log [Cu2+] plots

for all sites sampled in January and March 2003. Fig.

6A presents the [CuT*] versus log [Cu2+] plot for the

Dumbarton Bridge site in both January and March,

where it can be seen that at the ambient dissolved

copper concentration, [Cuamb], of 34 nM in January the

[Cu2+] is ~10�13.5 M. Ambient levels of [Cu2+] ranged

from 10�13.3 to 10�15.5 throughout all of the sites in San

Francisco Bay over both sampling periods.

At the average [CuT] of ~30 nM observed in this San

Francisco Bay study, and lacking any chelation with

organic ligands, the free [Cu2+] would reach ~10�8.6.

This level of free [Cu2+] would be toxic to most, if not

all phytoplankton communities (Brand et al., 1986).

The strong copper complexation in San Francisco Bay

by an excess of organic ligands, yielding a large

bcarrying capacityQ for total dissolved copper, supportsthe results of the site-specific toxicity studies done in

South San Francisco Bay which proposed the level of

6.9 Ag/L (108 nM) as the toxicity threshold for

Dumbarton Bridge. As depicted in the [CuT*] versus

log [Cu2+] plot for South Bay water near Dumbarton

Bridge (Fig. 6A), exceeding this dissolved copper level

will most likely lead to toxic conditions, as the free

Cu2+ concentrations approach 10�11 M at this [CuT].

5. Discussion

Throughout San Francisco Bay, the total dissolved

copper is strongly complexed by natural organic

ligands in solution. These ligands complex greater

than 99.9% of the total dissolved copper at stations

throughout San Francisco Bay with the strong Cu-

binding ligand concentrations exceeding the dissolved

copper concentrations at all sites.

The concentration of the stronger L1 ligand pool

(determined at an analytical window set by an [SA] of

10 AM) versus the total dissolved copper concen-

trations over multiple sampling periods and at all of

the different sites is illustrated in Fig. 7. Similar data

at the same analytical window collected in summer

2001 by Lessin (2001) at the same six sites in San

Francisco Bay were also incorporated in this figure in




K.N. Buck, K.W. Bruland / Marine Chemistry 96 (2005) 185–198196

order to give a temporal perspective on complexation

in the bay. Fig. 7 accounts only for the L1 ligand class

(determined at [SA]=10 AM), whose concentrations

exceed the [Cuamb] in every case, with the exception

of the one Redwood Creek data point from the

January 2003 sampling period. At this Redwood

Creek site, the L2 ligand class plays a particularly

important role in complexing the ambient copper. This

reaffirms the importance of using multiple analytical

windows in order to characterize both ligand classes.

Despite the large decrease in macronutrient con-

centrations in the South Bay (Table 3) in March (nitrate

decreased from 61 AM to below detection at the

Dumbarton Bridge site between January and March

samplings) and the presence of a large phytoplankton

bloom (chl az75 Ag/L), copper concentrations and theassociated speciation remained relatively constant

between sampling periods. This suggests that the

phytoplankton community in the bloom does not

appreciably influence the presence of copper-binding

organic ligands, [CuT], or [Cu2+] in San Francisco Bay.

This is consistent with previous studies which have

shown that diatom blooms in San Francisco Bay

incubation experiments do not substantially impact

copper concentrations or speciation (Beck et al., 2002),

further evidence that the CuL1 complexes are rela-

tively inert with respect to phytoplankton assimilation.

Ligand and dissolved copper concentrations were

lowest at the Yerba Buena Island site through both

2003 sampling periods (Jan: [Cuamb]=19 nM, [L1]=54

nM, [L2]=75 nM; Mar: [Cuamb]=18 nM, [L1]=22 nM,

[L2]=48 nM) and generally increased further away

from the mouth of the bay and into the farthest North

and South Bay sites. The low concentrations of ligands

and CuT at Yerba Buena Island are not surprising, as

this site has the most influence from the NE Pacific

Ocean, where total dissolved copper concentrations

are very low ([CuT]=~1 nM, [L1]=~1.5 nM) (Coale

and Bruland, 1988; Coale and Bruland, 1990).

Opposing trends between [CuT] and free [Cu2+]

were observed, with the highest [Cu2+] values at

Yerba Buena Island ([Cu2+]=10�13.3 M), where there

was the lowest [CuT] and the least excess of strong L1

ligands. Additionally, the sites with the highest [CuT],

Grizzly Bay and Dumbarton Bridge, possessed the

highest excess ligand concentrations and the corre-

spondingly lowest [Cu2+]. Regardless, at every site

sampled and over both of the sampling periods,

ambient [Cu2+] never exceeded 10�13 M, a concen-

tration low enough to be nontoxic to the residing

phytoplankton population (Brand et al., 1986).

For the [Cu2+] to exceed 10�11 M at Dumbarton

Bridge, as depicted in Fig. 7, [CuT] would need to

approach the site-specific SSO of approximately 108

nM (or 6.9 Ag/L). This observation (that a [CuT] of

~108 nM is a concentration that would increase

[Cu2+] to concentration near or above 10�11 M) is

true for the majority of the remaining sites, with the

exception of those with exceptionally high (i.e.,

Grizzly Bay) or low (i.e., Yerba Buena Island) ligand

concentrations, where the site is going to be much less

and much more sensitive, respectively, to increases in

total dissolved copper concentrations.

The value of 6.9 Ag/L was derived from a water

effects ratio suggesting that South Bay waters were

less toxic and could handle higher [CuT] without

having adverse effects on sensitive indicator species

(Environmental Services Department, 1998). This

decreased toxicity of South Bay waters is due to the

presence of strong copper-complexing ligands, which

may not be present at such elevated concentrations at

other study sites, such as along the California coast—

or even at other study sites within San Francisco Bay,

where total dissolved copper concentrations and

copper-binding ligand concentrations are also much

lower (i.e., Yerba Buena Island site).

Donat et al. (1994) examined copper speciation at

the Dumbarton Bridge site in May and October of

1991. The authors also used CLE-ACSV, but uti-

lized the ligand 8-hydroxyquinoline (8-HQ) with an

aCu(8-HQ)20=105. This corresponds approximately with

the competition strength of an [SA]=10 AM. Using

8-HQ at this site, Donat et al. (1994) estimated a

single ligand class, L1, of [L1]=12.8F3.7 nM with

log KCuLi,Cu2+

cond =13.8 and [Cuamb] of 45.6 nM. This

ligand concentration is significantly lower than what

we observed in this study during any of the seasons.

This might infer that a significant change in ligand

concentrations has occurred over the last decade.

The ambient total dissolved copper measured during

the 1991 study of 45.6F0.7 nM is higher than the

current values, but more notably, it is much higher

than the ambient strong Cu-binding ligand concen-

trations determined during their study (Donat et al.,

1994). The excess of total [Cuamb] over the lower

concentrations of L1 leads to elevated [Cu2+] and

K.N. Buck, K.W. Bruland / Marine Chemistry 96 (2005) 185–198 197

the possibility that the system was stressed by

copper toxicity, particularly for the most sensitive


Following a method closely related to that pre-

sented here, Beck et al. (2002) reported copper

speciation data at Dumbarton Bridge in San Francisco

Bay in April 2000. Using the CLE-ACSV technique

with SA as the added ligand, the authors detected a

total dissolved copper concentration of 32 nM. Addi-

tionally, using an [SA]=2.5 AM, the strong ligand

class identified, with a log KCuLi,Cu2+

cond =12.1, was in

excess of the ambient dissolved copper at concen-

trations of 57 nM, resulting in free Cu2+ concen-

trations of 10�12 M. These values compare well with

data from the January and March 2003 data sets

reported here, indicating strong complexation of the

ambient dissolved copper at this site.

6. Conclusion

The ability to vary the analytical competition

strength by using the same competing ligand at

different concentrations is a property unique to CLE

methods. SA is particularly conducive to this applica-

tion, as it will adequately compete for the copper in

solution over a relatively wide range of concentrations.

The concentrations of SA employed in these analyses

were chosen in order to provide a wide range in the

value of aCu(SA)x, which allowed a more comprehen-

sive characterization of the copper speciation in San

Francisco Bay.

Employing multiple analytical windows for copper

titrations at each site is particularly valuable when

used in conjunction with [CuT*] versus log [Cu2+]

plots. Each analytical window gives a slightly differ-

ent perspective on the dissolved copper speciation

within a system and provides a continuum of values,

which can be used to predict the carrying capacity of

the ligand pool. The overlap of these analytical

windows on a [CuT*] versus log [Cu2+] plot affords a

graphical portrayal of the ambient [Cu2+] as the Cu-

binding ligands are titrated, and makes it possible to

predict the impact of increased total dissolved copper

concentrations on [Cu2+]. Without utilizing a range of

analytical windows, the data would not be available to

permit the examination of both the ambient [Cu2+]

and the ligand pool carrying capacity.

In San Francisco Bay, strong copper-complexing

ligands dominate the chemical speciation of dissolved

copper. The concentrations of these ambient organic

ligands exceeds the total dissolved copper concen-

trations at every site, and it is these ambient ligands

which complex greater than 99.9% of the dissolved

copper. The strong organic complexation of the

copper results in very low free hydrated Cu2+ ion

concentrations. Regardless of site or season, the

[Cu2+] values throughout San Francisco Bay did not

exceed 10�13 M, suitably below the toxicity limit for

aquatic microorganisms.

There is insufficient evidence at this time to be able

to conclusively state that there has been a major

change in the concentration of [Cu2+] in the South San

Francisco Bay during the last decade. However, the

data from Lessin et al. (unpublished) in summer 2001,

from Beck et al. (2002) in April 2000, and from this

study in January and March 2003, all support the

conclusion that, since 2000, the copper speciation in

San Francisco Bay has been dominated by a strong L1

ligand class that maintains free [Cu2+] to levels easily

tolerated by the ambient phytoplankton communities.

In addition, this work has reinforced the importance of

the weaker L2 ligand class in supporting the strong

ligands in San Francisco Bay, providing the ability to

buffer the water against subtle changes in total

dissolved copper concentrations within the Bay.


We thank Bettina Sohst for the nutrient analyses,

Sara Tanner at Moss Landing Marine Laboratories for

the DOC data, the UCSC GIS lab, and captain Gordon

Smith of the R/V David Johnston. We also thank Stan

van den Berg, Eric Achterberg and an anonymous

reviewer for their helpful comments. This work was

supported by a grant from the California Water

Resources Control Board. Support for K.N. Buck

also came from NSF grant OCE-0137085 and as an

Ida Benson Lynn Graduate Fellow in Ocean Health.


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