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    10 Easy Steps toDevelop Intuition

    By Sherry Bowers

    Y O U R I N T U I T I V E B E S T . C O M

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    10 Easy Steps to DevelopingIntuition!

    Table of Contents

    Introduction .................................................................................... 3

    1. Creating your Time, Place and Attitude .............................................. 4

    2. The Importance of Hydration ........................................................... 5

    3. Get Your Journal.......................................................................... 5

    4. Prepare Your Questions .................................................................. 6

    5. Relaxation .................................................................................. 8

    6. Grounding .................................................................................. 9

    7. Setting Your Intention & Opening Prayer ............................................. 9

    8. The Power of I wonder? ............................................................. 10

    9. Is It JUST My Imagination? ............................................................. 11

    10. Trust and Act On It................................................................... 11

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    What is intuition? I would define it as the ability to know or sense some

    information that you had no way of knowing previously.

    Some call it a hunch, a vibe, a little voice, inner knowing. Whatever you call it; It

    is an amazing and wonderful skill that we all have. We are all born with it. It is

    our sixth sense.

    Unfortunately it is woefully underappreciated by most people. Think for a

    moment the amount of good that could be created in the world if each person

    made it their goal to develop this skill to its utmost! Wow, would your lifechange? How would your families lives change or the worldjust think about it

    for a brief moment?

    I feel that with the events going on in the world today, the way we are all

    stressed, over scheduled and living our lives at break neck speed, this is a skill of

    live saving proportion. As a species we need to evolve and grow and tap into this

    amazing link to knowledge, creativity and awareness of the energies that

    influence us but are not seen with the eyes.

    I commend you for taking this step. I have no doubt that once you experience the

    value of using your intuition, not just for the Big things but for everything, you

    will wonder how you ever survived without it.

    So lets get started

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    1.Creating your Time, Place and AttitudeIn the beginning you will want to create a specific place and time to practice and

    work with your intuition. As you become more accustomed to the ways in which

    you receive your intuition and recognize it, you will be able to consciously access

    it at anytime, anywhere. That is when things get REALLY exciting.

    So for now you will want to pick a time where you will have about15 minutes each

    day to be undisturbed. It can be anywhere. It can even be in the bathroom if that

    is the only time and place you have available. (As a mother with small children I

    have used this option at times)

    The place need not be fancy, just a comfortable area to sit and learn to tune in

    and Listen. Intuition is all about listening with all of our senses, not just our


    You will want to try and use the same time and the same place each day in the

    beginning. The reason for this is to get your body and most importantly your

    logical mind to get used to the idea of sitting quietly. In the beginning it may

    surprise you how hard that can truly be at times. We are not a culture that sits


    The other important thing you MUST do in the beginning is to decide that you will

    NOT judge, analyze or second guess the information you get. For now keep if fun

    and light hearted, make it a game that is just fun to plan with no need to Win.

    This will allow you to develop a detachment to the outcome that is crucial to

    becoming aware of the information you will receive.

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    2.The Importance of HydrationThis is so important and so overlooked. We all know that our bodies are composed

    of mostly fluids. We also know that water conducts electricity. Did you realize

    the neurons in the brain that control our conscious thoughts and all of our bodily

    functions operate like tiny electrical circuits? The release chemical neuropeptide

    that travel through the fluid filled spaces between the cells in the brain to be

    picked up by the next neurons receptors. Ok thats the ultra simplified scientific

    reason. The bottom line is our entire body works better when it has enough water

    in its system.

    So before your daily practice drink a glass of water. It does not have to be huge,

    just a regular glass. This will make all the cells in your body more conducive to

    receiving subtle changes in energy, sensations or thought vibrations; and these

    are all possible ways you will receive your intuitive information.

    3.Get Your JournalOk so now you have created your Time and Place and you charged up your

    electrical power source (with a drink of water). The next step is to get something

    to write on. You will want to keep a journal or log of your daily practices as well

    as any insights, impressions, inspirations you receive thorough out the day.

    So I would suggest choosing a journal, pad or notebook that will be easy to carry

    with you all day. Or perhaps you will want two. One regular sized notebook to

    record your questions, daily practices and end of day summary and a smaller

    pocket sized one to carry with you during the day and jot down things so you

    dont forget them. Then at the end of the day you could transfer them to your

    larger journal.

    This may sound sort of boring or tedious but it is a very important part of

    developing your skills. Anytime we develop a new skill we do so by practice and

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    reviewing the results. Then we can see what areas we are improving on and what

    areas need more attention.

    Well, the same is true for your Intuitive skills. Our society has trained us to be

    logical, trust the facts and require proof the more you can provide yourself

    with the proof as confirmation of your developing skills the faster they will

    improve. It will help you build your trust in your own ability to receive

    information that the general population may not acknowledge for you.

    4.Prepare Your QuestionsOn the surface this seems like a No-Brainer, but it is actually a step that can

    greatly influence the quality of the Intuitive information you receive.

    If you have ever taken a computer class to learn a programming language or to

    learn a particular software application, you have probably heard the phrase

    Garbage In, Garbage Out. Well, that is the gist of this section.

    You will want to look at the wording of your question and change it as needed to

    zero in on the information you want to receive and to phrase it in a way that

    implies there is a solution and you expect to receive it. Here is an example. Say

    you are having trouble with a friend or co-worker. You have been butting heads

    and you are both upset.

    The first question that comes to your mind may be something like

    Why is John Doe so hard to get along with?

    This question has two problems. The first issue is that you will get more of what

    you say you want. In this case, you have not asked for what you want. You have

    not asked what steps you can take to make this situation better.

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    The second issue is that you also get what you imply that you want. Yes, you

    want him to be easier to get along with. However, the wording of this question

    implies that he is and will continue to be hard to get along with.

    So lets reword this question in a way that is positive and asks for solutions.

    What steps can I take today to create an enjoyable, successful relationship

    with John Doe, for the highest good of each of us?

    Can you see the subtle difference? Reread each one slowly and pay attention to

    how it makes your body feel. That is a good indication of the energy attached to

    the question and what kind of information you are requesting. Does the first

    question make you feel, tense, grouchy, indignant, irritated?

    What about the 2ndquestion? How does this one make you feel? Hopeful,

    expectant, empowered?

    Guess what! By doing this little exercise you have just received your first

    official intuitive information. Dont discount it because you think that it means

    nothing that it is just your emotions and not intuition! This is part of the

    agreement you made with yourself in step one. You must not discount or dismiss

    the feelings, thoughts or sensations that you receive. For now you have agreed to

    withhold all judgment and simple, observe and record your observations.

    Intuition is very soft, it comes as a subtle change in energy or feel, or perhaps you

    will feel a knot in your stomach. It may come as a fleeting thought out of the

    blue that makes no sense at that moment or maybe the wisp of a nagging thought

    that briefly resurfaces in your mind throughout the day.

    Other people may see a flash of an image in their mind that comes and goes asfast as the blink of an eye and may be hard to even articulate. For others you may

    Hear spoken words in your mind that seem like you own mental chatter but are

    somewhat softer and not what you would normally think of.

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    These are all valid intuitive signals! This is why keeping a journal is SO important!

    If you record what you get without judgment, later when you review these

    entries in a week or a month. You will see valuable information about how you

    receive your intuitive information (feelings, sensations, thoughts). You will also

    see how often you really did get valid information, even though at the time you

    thought it was nothing.

    So the bottom line is, take the time to carefully word your questions. Also, when

    you get answers that dont seem to fit, see if there is a different way to ask for

    what you want. See if you can approach the problem from a different angle and

    create a new question.

    5. Relaxation

    Ok, now for the guts of your daily practice. Get your journal and pen, drink your

    water and go to your quiet spot.

    Sit comfortably in an upright position so your spine is straight but comfortable.

    You can put pillows behind your back to get more comfortable.

    I will describe the process that I use, but that in no way means that this is the

    ONLY way. Feel free to change the process in however you want so that it fits you

    better; because that is the goalfor YOU to be able to access YOUR intuition

    quickly and easily.

    Now, close your eyes and take a slow, deep breath in through your nose. As you

    inhale mentally say Only good flows to me. Feel the air fill your lungs. Then

    exhale slowly while mentally saying Only good flows from me. I am totally

    relaxed. Repeat this three times.

    The start at your feet and imagine a wave of golden energy flow up and through

    your body as if you were wading into the ocean. See each wave relaxing all the

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    muscles in your body. When you reach your head, you can imagine the water is

    replaced by warm sunshine leaving you feeling completely relaxed and refreshed.


    Grounding is the process of grounding or anchoring your energy to the earth much

    like the way electricians ground electrical wires. This will help your body bridge

    the energy differences between the denser, physical energy we live in and the

    lighter, more subtle energy and impressions we wish to receive. It also will help

    you body not be to Wired afterwards as can sometimes happen. The feeling of

    being ungrounded is similar to drinking too much coffee, where you get the

    caffeine jitters. At least that is how it is for me.

    So back to where we left offstanding in the sunshine.feel the sunshine change

    into a warm golden light that fills your body and expands out around your body

    for several feet in all directions. Feel the energy as it flows through you.

    Now feel this energy that is flowing in through the top of your head, filling you

    body and surrounding space and then flowing down into the earth through your

    feet. Enjoy and strengthen this feeling for a few moments.

    7.Setting Your Intention & Opening PrayerNow that you are relaxed and grounded you should set your intention by speaking

    or mentally saying an opening prayer or invocation. It is not a prayer in the

    traditional sense. This is a way to create a personal ceremony that your body and

    subconscious mind will recognize as time to stop and listen. It also sets the tone

    or frequency of your energy to the highest, positive, reception level that you can.

    I use a short prayer that was created by Sonia Choquette, who is a wonderful,

    author and intuitive. I highly recommend her.

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    Divine Spirit, direct me to make the rightdecisions, move my lips to speak the right words,move my feet in the right direction and move mymind towards integrity.

    - Sonia Choquette

    I follow it with my own addition:

    Assist me in receiving clear information for thehighest good for all.

    Now mentally ask your question and pause, remaining open to whatever

    sensation, sound, smell, thought, picture or feeling you may receive at this time.

    Spend a

    Few moments in this receptive mode and when you are ready, take another deep

    breath through your nose and close with the following affirmation or a similar

    one of your own choosing.

    I am grateful for the clear answers I easilyreceive now and in the future for the highest

    good for all.

    Then go about your day. Do not worry if you did not receive anything at this

    moment. Just pay attention throughout the day, the week for the answer to

    appear. It always will in some fashion, frequently in the form of the common

    Coincidences that we so easily overlook. So pay attention!

    8.The Power of I wonder?So you have sent out your question and are waiting THE ANSWER. Oh, how we

    all wish that it would come like a phone call, a shout in our ear or a formal

    instruction letter! But that is not how it works. So, to keep yourself open and

    receptive and to ward off the judging, chattering mind that has been trained to

    doubt, us the Power of the two words I WONDER.

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    When you wonder about something, you are in a relaxed, expectant, open state to

    receive information. So throughout the day if you start going down the doubting,

    Oh, this is silly path, STOP, and repeat your question with I WONDER in front

    of it.

    I wonder if today would be the best day to ask for my raise.

    I wonder how the answer to my question will appear.

    Then continue on with your day WITHOUT dwelling on WHAT IS THE ANSWER


    9. Is It JUST My Imagination?This section goes hand in hand with what you just read. It is NOT JUST your

    imagination..your imagination is actually JUST PART of your INTUITION.

    This is an important concept to think about. Once you really understand that

    imagination is just a human label slapped on the process we all use to create new

    things, (hey where did you get that thought to imagine anyway?) you will

    realize it really doesnt matter what you call the information you receive. What

    matters is, is it useful, is it helpful, does it improve your life in some way? So

    when you imagine something, smile and realize that your intuition is working

    perfectly and additional information is probably around the corner.

    10. Trust and Act On It.The final step and perhaps the hardest step for all of us, is taking the answers

    you receive and acting on them. It involves trusting that your intuition IS real,

    that you are GUIDED, that it will lead to something better. It is scary. Anything

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    unknown is scary. BUT, by acting on it you are validating that you do want to

    receive intuitive information. On an energy level this keeps the connection open.

    If you get information and dont act on it, it is like turning down valuable advice

    from your most trusted friend. The more often you ignore it the harder it will be

    to received, becausewhy bother, right?

    The best way (once again) to move through this with confidences is to keep you

    notebook up to day and review it periodically. You will see the pattern of what

    transpires when you ignore your intuition compared to what happens when you DO

    trust it and move forward.

    So there you have it10 Easy Steps to Developing Intuition! I think you will agree

    that none of the steps are difficult; however, some of them are hard to

    remember to do.

    I invite you to visit my blog and share your experiences and growth. I would love

    to hear from you. There you will find additional resources to continue on your

    path of exploring, developing and using your intuition.

    Wishing you, Your Intuitive Best!

    Sherry Bowers

