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copy of the genealogy

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INVENTA]RE GENEAIOGIOUE DES TAtrItrIENT Originaires de fa Commune drOrmont-Dessous, Canton de Vaud, Suisse Etabli en juiir 1972 par IMLENE TARDENT-MASSET LAUSANNE SUISSE JUIES TARDENT_HORN GOTDCOAST AUSTRAIIE MICIML TARDENT-TROESCH ],ANGENTHAI SU]SSE Lroriginal est d6pos6 aux Archives cantonal-es vaud-oj-ses b Lausanne Exemplaire personnet de L'*r<rVVo forbg"t llt& \Inrrs fi s1)Tcq. i la page AT 29 sous l-e numtjro ^5.\'/4 Votre ascendance est narqutie en rouge
Page 1: copy of the genealogy

I N V E N T A ] R E G E N E A I O G I O U E



Orig inai res de fa Commune drOrmont-Dessous, Canton de Vaud, Suisse

Etabli en juiir 1972 par




Lroriginal est d6pos6 aux Archives cantonal-es vaud-oj-ses b Lausanne

Exemplaire personnet de L'*r<rVVo forbg"t llt&\ Inr rs f i s1)Tcq. i la page AT 29 sous l -e numt j ro ^5. \ ' /4

Votre ascendance est narqut ie en rouge

Page 2: copy of the genealogy













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1 9 o 1





'l Rq3



Not ices histor iques et biographiques sur Ia famil leTARDENT (Nicolajev/Russie 1BB7)

Recherches arrr Archives cantonales vaud.oises h l,ausanne

Recherches d.ans la branche australienne

Descend.ants du fondateur de Ia colonie suisse d.e Chabag enBessarabie, rentr6s en Suisse aprbs la guerre L939-\945.Ont part ic ip6 aux recherches d.ans cette branche.

Recherches dans Ia branche belge

Extrai ts d.e registres dt 6tat c iv i l -

Etude histor ique sur Ia val l -6e des Ormonts. Thbse d.e doctorat.Payot & Cie Lausanne I9oJ

La, co lon ie su isse de Chabag. Not ice h is to r ique Ia22- I922

R6srrn6 historique d.e la Colonie suisse de Chabag . L952

Das Ende einer schweizerischen Kolonisat ion in Osten Europas.Pratt ler Heinatschri f ten No.4, Verlag Max Muff 197o

Page 3: copy of the genealogy


C6n6"slit6s En 1866 brolait Ia cure dlu S6pey aur ornonts, et avec.elfe la loajeu€ lartie des registres paroissiauxdas 1578. Fort heureusenent, IAVID TA-RDENT lI'757-L827 ) qui fut instituteur h Vevey, avait, en 1815,Te1ev6 de ces ?egistTes tout ce qui intdressait notre fenil le. Ces notes, son petit-f i Is IoUIS rINCEI{ISAXUIL (1787-1816, Ies prit avec Iui lors ale aon 6nigration A Chabag en Bessarabie er 1822. C'est la quemNRI ALEXIS TARDEI{T (185r-1929) Ies trouva fors de ss vlsite h 1a cofonie en 1872. Dans son ouvrageintitul6 " l{otices histo?iquee et biographiques sur Ia fanilfe Tardent", alont Ie nanuscrit est ddlosdaux Archives cantoBales vaualoises ) Lausanne, et que nous alpefle?otrs par 1a suite tout sinplenent 1l

"Eistorique", I 'auteu? di i que ces notes, conpldtdes de d6teifs fournis par Ies branches russe et belgede notre fanilIa, ale volunineuses corresponalances, ilrantiques actes ile partaqrt et autrea, lui perdircntde r6diger cet Eistorique en 188?, ann6e ale son dnigration en Australie.

En outre, au d6but de notre sibcle, I rEtat de Vaud chargea FRANQOIS ISABEI, inst i tuteur b Antagne sur01lon, connu pour ses 6tudes sur l -e d. istr ict dtAigle, de proc6der aux recherches n6cessaires b l -a recons-

t i ' tu t ion d .es documents d t6 ta t c iv i l d isparus d .ans l r incend. ie . C tes t b l ra ide de n inu tes de no ta i res ,d r inscr ip t ions au cadas t re , d ren t re t iens avec de v ie l - Ies personnes e t d - 'au t res sources , eu€ ce pr<5c ieuxchercheur parvint b d6poser aux Archives cantonales une d-ocumentat lon trbs ut i l -e.

Pour pouvoir dresser ce tableau, i I a fal lu proc6der b d"e longues et l -aborieuses recherches. AinsiJUIES TARDENT-HORN (1894) en Australie, fils de I{ENRI ATEXIS cit6 plus haut, parcourut l-e continentaustral ien pour y retrouver les descend,ants de son pbre et d.e son oncle MARC ALEXIS TARDENT (fAOo-fgZe)

6migr6, 1ui , en 1891. De son c6t6, I IEIEM TARDENT-MASSET (19o1) b Lausanne, foui l l -a aux Archives canto-na les reg is t res , te r r i -e rs e t au t res documents jusqutau 16bne s ibc le . Les Autor i t6s d rOrmont -Dessousfournirent de nombreux extrai ts d.t6tat c iv i l . Diverses paroisses d"u canton de Fribourg donnbrent desrenseignements sur Ia branche d.evenue fr ibourgeoise, et qui a conserv6 lrorthographe TARDIN jusqurb

ce jour (p"S" FR 4T). Enf in quelques descend.ants de la colonie suisse de Chabag et de cel-ui de la branchebelge, contr ibubrent b 1'6di f icat ion de cet inventalre g6n6a1ogique. Que chacun soit remerci6 de saco l l -abora t ion .

Lrampleur des infornat ions ainsi obtenues 6tai t tel le, eue Ia quest ion se posai- t sr i - l fa l- l -ai t ne dresserun tableau que des seuls TARDENT actuel- lement en vie, ce qui ef i t 6t6 chose ais6e, ou alors ut i l iser tous1es renseignements acquis et suivre chacun et chacune. Crest cette second-e solut ion qui fut adopt6e.De ce fai t nous obtenons non pas une g6n6alogie convent ionnel le, mai-s bien plut6t un inventaire g6n6a1o-gique. Pour les f i l les de Ir6poque moderne nous sommes al-16s assez loj-n dans l-a d.escend.ance, 1es recherchesd.rarchives 6tant superf lues. Dans ces condit j -ons, Ia seule forme possible est le tableau, ) . l - rexcl-usionde l ra rbre , imposs ib le b r6a l i ser tan t i I sera i t tou f fu , donc i l l i s ib l -e .

Page 4: copy of the genealogy


Origine Nous ne poss6dons aucune pr6cision quant b notre or igine. Un terrain si tu6 au sud. du S6pey est nent ionn6en '1398 sorrs ' le

non d-e SERTARDENT (ae ' ressert tr , eui s igni f ie l ieu d6fr ich6) ; aujourdthui i l est appel6v L L L t J v

SCEX TARDENT, ee qui est une al-t6ration de Ia forme aph6ritique d.e SERTARDENT.

Ceci pennet d.raff i rmer que de nos anc6tres habitaient les Ormonts au l-4bme sibcle. Droi l venaient- i ls?

Selon lrHistoriqlue, une trad.ition orale d.ans Ia branche belge veut que nous soyons originaires deNeuchdtel en Nonnand. ie. Af in drapporter quelque lumibre sur cette quest ion, nous nous sornmes adress6saux autor i t6s d.es communes suivantes: Neufchdtel-sur-Aisne (Aisne), Neufch6tel-en-Bray (Seitre mari t ine),Neufch6tel- I Iardelot (Pas-de-Calais), Neufch6tel-en-Saonois (Sart tre), NeufchAtel-Urt ibre (Doubs) et enf inNeuchdtel ( louts). De partout les r6ponses furent n6gat ives. I l - nry a pas d-tautres Neufchdtel- ou Neuch6en I'lanceUne autre versioa est celle qui voualrait 6avoj.r les TA.RDENT orlgineires du lardenoie en Chanpagne. Qurenpenser? lilous rejoignons alors 1e lveufchAtef-sur-Aisne citd plus haut.

Au cours ale nos recherches aous 1piliie contact avec des TA.R.DAN origitrai?eo des $rr6n6es. Ce fut d'abordARI{AIJD TAR}AN ir Pa"ls, pui6 JEAN IARDAN ! [erico. L6e derD( nous renvoy]rent aur naireE de quelquescod.nunes telLes qurAfirdy, Le€car, TslaletE. !e6 renseigyreDe4ts !e9u6 ne perrettent pas ou pas encore,de ddceler une origine colrnune avec celle dles Suisses. Peut-€tre que de futurs chercheurs y parviendlront.

Reste le po6sibilit6 d'une origiie Eavoyafde, coDne le alit lrEistorique, origine qui serait celle ile IapLupart des fanilles ales omotrts. Sous 1e vocabfe Savoie, iI faut entendlre 6galenent 1e Chsblais. 0rltAcaddnie chablaisienne h Thonon n€ velfihaevolr drun patronJrne TARDEST.

En concfusion et faute ale preuvea historiqu€s, force trous sst de lais6e? ouverte 1a question de notreorigine.

orthographe Au cours dles silcles, notre non, corfile beaucou! drs.utrer, fut orthographi6 ale diff6rentes fa9ons. Noustrouvo48 IARDENI, IARDEI'I, TIXDEI{S, TARDAIN, TARIAII{T, TA.RDEI, TARDIN, TERDENT, TREDEII, TEtrRDEIT. Pourdes raisons de phon6tique, 16s brenches nrsse et bessarabienne srappelaien! occasionnelleoenr TARDAN,IL en va de nelre ales nors g6ogra?hiques tels que CERGNAI, CERNIAT, SERNIAS, SERI{YA, MEILEYS, mIY, I|EII,et nous €n ?s,6sona.f l sragit part iel lenent d'6critures phon6tiques de prononcietione psl,oises,

Chabag Ce nom 6voque, b qui sr j -nt6resse b l thistoire des TARDENT, toute une aventure v6cue par plusieurs g6n6ra-t ions. 0n ne peut, d.ans le cadre de cette introd.uct ion, nren donner qurun apergu.

tsar Alexand.re ler de Russie, intervient auprbs d,e son ancien pr6cepteur, l -e Vaudois Fr6d6riHarpe, af in quri l engage quelques uns d.e ses compatr iotes b venir restaurer et d6velopper I

Bessarabie, province que 1e Trai t6 de Bucarest d.e 1812 rattacha b la Russie b l -a sui te d.e

En 1821, IeC6sar de lavignes d-e Iasa v ic to i re sur les Turcs. Des agricul teurs-vignerons de 1a r6gion l6manique sr i-nt6ressbrent b la dhose.

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Ltun dreux, IOUIS VINCENT SAMUET TARDENT (fZeZ-f8eo) fut d616gu6 pour al ler sur place discuter desmod.al i t6s d-rune innigrat ion. Les condit ions sont bonnes:Ies colons seraj-ent exon6r6s dt inp6ts et deservice militaire pend.ant dix ann6es, auraient Ia libert6 de parler leur langue, de pratiquer leurrel igion et dtavoir leur 6cole. Chaque colon recevrai- t gratui tement 6o d6ciat ines de terres (environ6! hectares), jouirai t de Ia l ibert6 d-e cornmerce et d.evrai t pr6ter serment de f id6l i t6 b Ia Couronne.

TARDENT revint faire rapport. En octobre L822 huit farnilles romandes 6migrent. l,e mouvement continuejusquren 1851. Le nombre de col-ons f ix6 dls le d6but nrayant pas 6t6 atteint , 1e Gouvernement russe f i tappel b des fani l les suisses al6naniques et al l -emandes. La colonie 6tai t organis6e civiquement, avait sonpasteur et son inst i tuteur venus de Suisse; on 6tai t en relat ions sporadiques avec Ia mbre-patr ie, onnacrai* da nrdf6lglse ci toyen suisse. Ira r6gion, s i tu6e sur la r ive droi te du Lj-man d.u Dniester, au bordde l-a Mer Noire, est fert i le. Les bonnes r6coltes al ternaient avec drautres. Tout al l -a tant bien que maljusqurb la guerre de 1914-f918. En l9IB, Ia Bessarabie est occup6e par les arm6es roumaines, ce qui lapr6serve ;d.e la rdvolut ion et de ses misbres. En tr94o, Hit ler f i t cadeau de l-a province aux Russes quiI 'occupbrent b nouveau ]e 28 juin 194o. Cette annexion fut l rarr6t, d.e nort d.e l -a colonj-e. Certainscolons purent fuir b tenps et venj-r en Suissel d.rautres furent engag6s d.e force d,ans I farm<5e russe;on ne sa i t ce qur i l s son t devenus.

En 1892, un groupe de colons d.e Chabag sren va fond.er sur les bords du Dnieper, prbs de Kherson, unenouvel- le col-onie quri ls appel lentrrOsnovarr, et en 19o9, drautres fond.ent dans l-a m6ne r6gion Ie "NouveauChabag". Tout laissait pr6sager un succbs, mais 1a guerre et La R6volut ion russe an6ant irent Ies plusbel- l -es promesses. Ce fut Ia ruine.

On ne sait clue peu d.e chose de rros anc6tres aux Ormonts. Certains furent ch6telains. II faut entendrepar lb une fonct ion publ ique qui correspond quelque peu b cel- l -e de nos pr6fets draujourd'hui . I l - estcertain que plusieurs drentre eux furent d.e gros propri6taires terr iens. Parmi ceux d.rune 6poque plusr6cente, i I en est qui , soi t par leur intel l igence, leur courage ou leur espri t d.raventure, font f iguresd.e proue. Si nous en parlons cfest que des documents qui Ies concernent sont pass6s b la post6r i t6.

Prenons drabord DAVID (t l l l -nZo)(voir AT 9.111) 11 ouvre en 176o une 6co1e au S6pey, oi l i t introduitde nouvel les n6thodes drensei-gnenent; i l se net b dos 1es autor i t6s qui craignent en lui un r6volu-t ionnaire. En 1766 i l est r6gent, l isez ins,t i tuteur, b Chernex sur Montreux. Enf in, dbs L77l- , i I t ientclasse b. Vevey, et ceci pend.ant 44 ans, tout en prenant part act ive b Ia vie de 1rEg1ise. 11 a pub1i6plusieurs ouvrages 6l6mentaires d.e p6dagogie, dont uneItHj-stoire de I tHelv6t ierret unertGranmaireabr6g6e pour apprend.re Itorthographe sans savoir le latinrr.

Son pet i t - f i ls IOUIS VINCENT SAMUEL ( l |Al- ]€Z6)(voir AT 11.82) est le fondateur d.e Ia colonie suissed.e Chabag en Bessarabie. Voir ci-d.essuDts.'{ sous Chabag.


Page 6: copy of the genealogy


Prnn r i A ' 15<

AUGUSTE I{ENRI ( fa4e-:-9o9)(voir AI L3.22) quit te la maison paternel le trbs t6t , et t ravaj- l - l -e danslragricul ture d.ans Ie Canton de Vaud. En 1869, b Genbve, i I fa i t Ia connaissance fortui te drunepersonnal i t6 russe qui l fencourage b 6migrer en Russie. I I le fera. I I passe quelques mois enAl lemagne, arr ive h St-Petersbourg, alors capitale de Ia Russie. Tour b tour r6p6t i teur dans despensionnats, I iquoriste, comptable, marchand de vins, on Ie trouve b Ni jni-Novgorod, Moscou, Odessaet ai l teurs. En IB75r les menaces de guerre contre Ia Turquie l rengagqtb se mettre au service de IaCroix-Rouge. Dbs lors i I passe d.tun champ de batai l le b l rautre, organisant Ie transport des bless<5s,pour lequel il a d6velopp6 d-iffdrents types d.e chariots. Pendant plusieurs ann6es il est l-e collabo-rateur imm6d"iat du g6n6ral Balatchof, d616gu6 en chef d-e la Croix-Rouge russe. I I l raccompagne enChine. Pendant Ia guerre russo-japonnaise de 19o4-19o5, i I ne quit te pas Port-Arthur oir le ret iennentses obl igat ions hunanitaires. Entre les campagnes i l sroccupe de son 6col-e part icul ibre drErivan auCaudase, dans laquel le enseigne 6galement sa femme V6ra.

ISNRI ATEXIS ( l8aTWZg)(voir AT 1r.27) Conne.son frbre AUGUSTE i l - s 'expatr i -e encore trbs jeune. I1passe d-eux ans en Gal ic ie en qual i t6 de pr6cepteur, en prof i te pour 6tudier 1e polonais et l ral lemand,va en Podol ie (Ukraine). App""nant fortui tement l rexistence d.e Ia col-onie suisse d.e Chabag, i I srypan.r ll r/ r'err- la connaissance oe celre qu:- oeviend.ra sa femme, HORTENSE TAR-DENT (nSl-tgZZ) (voir- - J

AT 1r.86)pet i te-f i l le du fondateur de Ia colonie. 11 est r6p6t i teur dans un gJrnnase b Od.essa, puispr6cepteur b Tirastopol, travaille Ie rrrsse et Ie latin, passe b. Nicolaief d.ans un gyrnnase. Pend.antd-ouze ans j- l est dans lrenseignement, ce qui lu i vaut Ie t i t re de Consei l - l -er drEtat. En IBBT i l6migre en Aus t ra l ie avec quat re en fan ts . 11 fond.e le journa l ' rThe Democra t " , s ressa ie b Ia l i t t6 ra -ture, fai t l -e cornmerce de vins| tente b Ia pol i t ique, fond.e et d. i r ige les d.eux premibres stat ionsdr essais agricoles d.u Queensl-and.* en assoc ia t ion avsc son f rb re MARC ALEXfS ( fe6o-1928) (vo i r AT I r .24) qu i 1 'a re jo in t en Aus t ra l ie6 h t x u Iv r r + v J 4 .

Enfin ci tons encore CHARIES RODOIPI{E ADRIEN (fefZ-fef6) (voir AT 12.1o2), f i ls d.u fondateur de Chabag.T ' l r r q r r i vs aca d-e neuf ;ans , s t in t6 ressa aux sc iences na ture l les , dev in t un oeno logue oe renonr par1a publ i -cat ion d-tun ouvrage sur Ia vi t icul ture et l . roenologie. Une trois ibme 6dit ion d.e cet ouvragesort j - t en 1874, soi t d. ix-huit ans aprbs Ie d6cbs de lrauteur.

A t i t re d.e cur iosi t6, nous avons refevd quelques inscr ipt ions dans fes terr iers. El- l -e concernent desacquisi t ions, des ventes ou d.es h6ri tages d.e terres par un ou une TARDENT. Ces textes sont j .nt6ressari tspar leur tournure, Ies mesures de surface, et tout part icul ibrement par les noms gt5ographiques focauxde 1'6poque, noms qui- , pour Ia plupartr ont d" isparu.On saura que:

pasqui-er d.6signe un p6turageraspe se di t drun terrain d.e peu de valeurseyteur ou seytor6e ou seyturde repr6sente la surface qurun homme peut faucher d.run matinquarte d.e terre est probablenent 1e quart dfun seyteur.

Entre parenthbses, les num6ros drordre de Ia personne d"ans notre Inventaire.

Page 7: copy of the genealogy

JACQUEMOZ TARDENS de Ia Mosse(gO"$'eJ ""

femme Claudaz Jacquerod" Ie 15.g.L565 une pose et demi-ede bois, terre, pr6, au Trestorrent, l ieu di t au pomey. Quatre seytur6es d.e pr6s et pasquiers hIa P1anaz Joux, autrement d.it "en Chauvaigetrr.Au pasquier commun du Larsey, a Ia Combaz, une pose de terre et une d.emi.i de seytur6e d.e pr6s, siseb Ia Mosse. Eneole b la Planaz Jovx: neuf seytur6es de pr6 et sept seytur6es de pasquiers en bordurede Ia charr ibre publ ique. Au pasquj-er d.e Ia Frassettaz, quatre seytur6es, au terr i toire du Draday(Vouettes) trois seytur6es d6 d.eni de pr6 avec grange dessus.

PIERRE, f i ls r lu pr6c6d.ent, mari d.e Pernette Chablaix ( . fA l . f ) Ie 15.9.L565, d-e sa femme: d.emi posede terre et d. ix seytur6es en bois et pasquiers b Ia Combaz. A achet6 au Trestorrent une quarte de terre.Au terr i toire d.e Ies St inies, deur seytur6es d.e pr6s et de raspes. Pernette a eu au Coudray, d.emi- posede terre et t rois seytur6es de bois et d.e raspe avec une grange d-essus au Morel, un "morselz 'r d.e pr6aux Vouettes (pfanara), un "Chesault" d.e grenyer aux Sernyes. Trois seytur6es d.e pr6s tant bonnes quest6r i les sises au terr i toire des Vouettes avec les maisonnements d.essus existants. Au Coud.ray unequarte d.e terre avec un seyteur et deni de pasquier ou de bois. A Ia montagne de Sonnaz, FERNETTEest reconnue trcomparsonnibretr avec Nanternoz Oggu.ey.

ImRivlET ("1.1 f . fo5) de Ia Combal laz et des Chanps t pdr sa femme Marie Burt in; Ie 4 octobre 1565,a achet6 b" PLanaz Joux un seyteur de pr6. A eu d.e sa femme onze seytur6es de pasquiers aux Champs.En ind. iv i , une pose de terre, deux seytur6es de pr6s et les maj,sonnements d.essus existants, avecClaude Herd.ryon autrement Monney, Frangois Rolyer de la Conbaz Jean Burtin. Au Jochet troi-s seytur6esde pr6s .

CTAUDE (6.27) de feu LOUIS TARDENT de JEAN Ie 8.9.1565, h6ri te avec ses frbres IOUYS et PIERRE et JEANde biens au Vernay soit en Chesaulx Mugnier et au Puys. Il- a reconnu b sa femme Claudaz Mottier desb iens en Ouzon, en Canet taz , aux S ie rnes .

JEAN (JJ 2.4) d-e Sernyat (aate ?) a eu aveo son frbre GUITLAUME loune maison et grange en l-a vi l - l -ede Sernyat jouxte les possessions d.e d.ivers TARDENT (noUert et feu Jean) . 20 en 1az Toneyre. 70 awRuart. 40 En Rovynaz en 1a preysaz. 50 En Chavallet. 6o En Ia Preysaz. 7o En Oud.on b Ia Palaz.BoEn les Conbes autrement en Ramel. 90 En Bad.ouse, au Lavanehie. Ioo En les coruruns d.es Chables,l ieu d. i t es cornes du Chavalet. 11o des biens'rque solayent ' r (soient l )6tre de feu CLAUDE TARDENTen Ia montagne des Charbonnyeres.

PIERRE TARDENT des Moilles (,1,1 4.6o?), Le 4, aofit 1565, en indivis avec MIOI{EL de MICI{EL TARDENTet CLAUDE d'ANTOIl lE, drune pi lce au terr i toire d.e Ia Rovinaz, au Croz en 1a Presaz.

PIERRE et ses soeurs ( .1,r +.6o/q.At) (aatef) h6r i tent de terrains au terr i toire des Combes d6uzon,d.essus Loz siez de Ia Tryau, et du Lavanchier en Badouze.

CLAUDE TARDENT (wtt :.1o) ae fiiILIEnilrE (aatef) avait des terres au Verney, h6rit6es de tous temps,au Chesal let , b Ia Frasse, sur le Fey, b la Leschibre, au bey d.u Cerfz.

Page 8: copy of the genealogy

VIGRAND CLAUDE ( l l l .eo) le 4.9.Lj65 h6ri te d.e son pbre Amey au pied de Sernyat, en Ia Combaz, enEontannaz, en Lessert , b 1a Barma, en La Frasse, en Ouzon, en Fracherel- en emodioux, en Vi l l - iodaz.

CIAUDE ( lr +.2) ae CIAUDE d|ANTOINE a h6ri t6 de son pbre au pied d.e Sernyat, au ]- ieu di t en Lexerr,en l -a Chintryaz, en }a Palaz, en Longcharnpt, en la Frasse, au Crestal l -et , aux Granges, en Chabloz.

CLAUDAZ (Uf +.21) ae feu MERMET TARDENT a des biens en Cretaz (e.9.f565)

CIAUDAZ (t t +.Bo) de feu CLAUDE (5.g.L565) h6ri te des biens venant de feu ROBERT de feu JEAN, aul ieu d- i t Laz Palaz, de feu CLAUDE dTANTOINE T. en la Combaz.Sa soeur FRANCOISE (JJ.4.81) fenne de JEMN de feu Antoine Dupertuis et son neveu CLAUDE (; . f f .1o6)de PIERRE, des biens au Verney. CIAUDAZ a. hdr i t6 de Ia Combaz.

CLAUDE TARDENT (; ; f .1o6) des Mel leys (aatef) a regu ou acquis des bi-ens venant de MICHEL f i l -s deCIAUDE au pr5 d.u Vua en Rouvenaz, ou d"e ROBERT d,e feu JEAN aux Melleys ..au Cerf z J.i.eu dit planyt

Nous arr6tons lb cette 6m.rm6rat ion

Bad,ouzeBarmaBeyChauvaigetCharbonnybresChablozCheval- letChesault MugnierChintrSrazCerfzCombazCoudreyCres te tCr ) t azCres ta l l -e tCrouxCrozCul lazCurt i l Court i l

pour ne retenir que Ies noms de l-ieux comme

Dradey Palaz (taz)Enodioux Planard (Vouettes)

/ ^ - \ * --t'arcoll-az (Plan/ Pl-anaz JouxFey PlanytFontannaz PomeyFracherel PreysazFrasse PuysFrassettaz RamelGenchouses RouvinazGranges SciezLarsey S j-oux

l,avanchie Lavanchier Sonnazl,eschibre SorevizLessert LexertLogimaz des MulfinsLongchamptMoreIMel leys M6l i e tc .Oudon d 'OuzonOuzon

. / . \Jr]-nr_es \ res /Tres tor ren tTryanVi l l iodazVuaVuaffiz

Plus l -es recherches reculent dans le temps, moins i l est possible de dist inguer Ie degr6 de parent6entre les nombreux porteurs d.u m6rne pr6nom b la m6me 6poque, et ceci rnalgr6 certaines pr6cisionsconme " du Pont de la T ine ' r ou "des Vernets r rou au t res . 11 n 'es t d .onc pas poss ib le d"e t rouver un


Page 9: copy of the genealogy


anc6tre communr ce qui nous engage b dresser cet inventaire en rrbranchesrr et par g6n6rations.Nous avons donc

branche dIANTOINE pages AT I b 46 IFribourgeoise FR 47 it 54 #de JEAN LrAlItE JA 55 b 6o +de JEAN l,E JEUNE JJ 61 b 9o +de MERMET de Verneto MT 91 b 96 +de JEAN dou Bouil-l-et JB 97 +

f en.o"e vivantes actuef lement. Pour permettre dren suivre Ie d.6veloppement,^^a h6-^s blanches sont b d. isposit ion d.bs l -es no AT 41 et, TR 52.U Y D I / 4 5 e

+ sont probablement <5teintes, drot le papier d.e couleur di f f6rente.

Enf in tous les noms ne trouvbrent pas place dans l- 'une ou lrautre d.e ces branches, b causedrimpr6cision de d.ate ou d.raff i l iat ion ou autre raison. I Is f igurent en f in de tab1eau surune l iste d-e rrnon class6srr, page NC 98. Peut-dtre seront- i ls ut i les b de futurs g6n6alogistesplus pers6v6rants.

Lecture Les pr6noms en majuscules concernent essent iel- lement des TARDENT.Les pr6noms usuels, connus conme tels, sont soul ign6s.* = n6_€+ = d6c6d6-e

:-:-:t:"::n""" res ranilles de la m6me g6n6ration= s6pare les g6n6rat ions

Conclusion Les auteurB ale cet lnventai?e 6ont cor,sciente ile lrinperfection ale leur travail, larticulib?enentpour ce qui concerne 1'6poque des silcles pass6s. Celenalant Ies rocoupenents op6r6s avec les ren*seignedents sur les afliauces avec alraut?es fs.nill-es de la rdgion faissent espdrer un nirlinumde lacrmes.

outre Ia latience tles chercheurs, sachons adnirer f institution de 116tat civif, dles cads.stxeset ile6 archives de notre soci6t6. Sans ces sources de renseig1lenentE i1 eot 6t6 iapossible alenener a chef cet inventaire g6n6alogique al |une fanille ale nontagnarde qu6 ni fortung tri titrede noblesEe ne p?dalestiralent b eucune cd16brit6,

Nous tenona A renercier UM. Arnold Gachet, de Biolley-orjulaz et tr'renQoie Dunur, de Cull"y, de' lFr r nr i . iFrsF .^ l . laborat ion.

l,es auteura

Page 10: copy of the genealogy


D is t r ibu t ion OrJ-gina1 aux

I exemplaireIII12 o2 o


Archives cantonales vaudoises b Lausanne

personnel b tous les n6s ou n6es TARDENT adultes, V.c. Iesb lrAutor i t6 conmunale d rOrmont-dessous

h Ia Soci6t6 vaud.oise d.e g6n6alogieb Monsieur Gachet, Siol ley-Orjulazb Monsieur Dumur, Cullyb Jules Tardent, Austral ie, b d. isposit ionen r6serveb diff . Fribourgeoj-s

Austral iens. Total

Page 11: copy of the genealogy

AT l -a1 . 1 ANTOINE


f be fore 1505 ( a f o r m o f A n t h o r r y )

1 . 1 2 . I ANTOINE (quoted in 1505) 2 .2 CLAUDE z 2 .3 ESTIEVENT (= Et ienne = Stephen)


Cha te la i n i n t 527 \ r / : 3 .2 JENETTE oo Col le t Bor la tz . I

2 .2

z . J

AJVIEDEECLAUDE known as 'Li t t le Claude' + n d t n r a I h { a \

3 . 103 . 14


: 3 . l1 JENETTE: 3. 15 JACQTJEMAZ

z 3 .72 FRANCOISE( = J a c q u e l i n e )

;;;;;-(2): 3 . 13. ? 1 A WULLIAIvIAZ (= Wilhemina and variants)

3 .20 MADELEINE oo Pierre Duoertuis

4 . I P IERRE qu, r ted in 1530 t 4 .2 CLAUDE ca l led 'P ichoz C laude ' quo ted i n 1570 ( t ) (o r r r * , cha te la in i n 1530)

3 . 1 0 4 . 1 O C L A U D E

4 . I

4 . 2

\ z )

( g )



5.2 CLAUDE *1578 : 5.3 JEANETTE *1580 : 5.4 JACQUES *1583 (= James)*1584 oo Jaques Duper tu is

_ - - - ra l - - - - - - - - - - -5.10 i4ARIE *1577 : 5.1I JEAN( =John )*1579 oo Mernettd'Iauxe5. I2 'CLAUDE o f Le Sdpey ' *1581 oo Marie Mermoud5,13 JACQT EMAZ *1583 : 5.I4 LoUISE *153? : 5.15 MERI4EI *1590 : 5.16 WULLIAMM *1s94 ! 5.17 MARIE *1596

In that year Farel preached the Refornation at the OrrnonLs.(I) Chatelain is an ancient forn of civic, judicial and mil i tary chief, denocratlcal ly elected every three yeals.

The t i t le was adopted from that of the chief of the Valley's Chateau - fort or Cast]e, after fuedal tule ceased aboutthe mid 1400rs. The Valley of ormont becane Ornonts when lt was divided by the establishment of two Conmunes, (IocalAuthorit ies ) I Upper and Lower OrnDnts, the latter! ormonts-dessous being the least rugged, with Le Sdpey ViIIage as theseat of L.A. Administration. The Valley has been the 'cradlerof the Tardent Family fo! at least 600 years. AMEDEE )Ancient form of Claudine ot Claudette, viz az = fen., oz = n. ( is pronounced Am-ay-day and SEPEy is Say-pay. I

Pichoz is an o1d dialect (patois) surname.

Fern. form of Mexmet, a Christ ian nane of the region and period.


Page 12: copy of the genealogy

4 . 1 0 5 .20 WULLIAMAZ *1588 5 . 2 1 CLAUDE rtI592 AT 2-a

5 .2

5 . 12

i:]-----]:1I-*--1:3--l1li::----.-:::::-:]:?6 . 106 . 13



oo 1641 Es ther Duper tu is ca l1ed

*1606 f before 1687 oo Anne Ginier r , 6.12 JEAN xl608

1609 carpenter and bu i lder 1 be fore 16751612 daughter o f Abrarn (MU e .SA)Poyet. Whe'n widowed she oo at Aigle, 1676, Abram Tauxe

5 . 2 I 6 . 2 06 . 2 3

CLAUDE *1615 z 6.2I MARIEMARIE oo 1638

6.22 JEAN x1617V incen t Chab la i xe soh o f C laude

1616 :1619 oo

6 .11

6 . L3

N .B .

7 . I7 ,37 .5

7 .6

MARIE x163? oo 1657 Daniel Borloz t 7,2 ESIHER *1640 oo Jean Tavernier of Vouettes(hamlet)oo1687ANNE 1643 oo 1668 Jean Longetl Notary (form of sol icitor) z 7.4 SUZANNE xI646JEAN of T ine Br idge x1650 (Ront de la T ine)oo L679 SUZANNE MARIE TARDENT (JJlOr7.95) *fOSg daughter of Isaac of Vernay. Widowedroo 1698 Abram PittexMADELEINE *1653 z 7.7 DAVID *1657 oo 1688 Marie Chablaix z ' '7.8 EVE x1661 oo 1687 David Tauxe

7 .10

7 . 137 .167 . IB7,2r



+F.I A??



7.11 PIERRE *1634 z 7 . I2 MARIE

7.I4 JEAN xI645 : . 7.15 SUZANNEMARIE TARDENT (. :N E.36): 7.T7 ESTHER1678 Jean A l lamand z 7 . I9 ISACC

It l63B. These 3 by lst oo, 9 by 2nd oo

xI647 oo 1679 Abram Pit tex1652 (mmrr oo 1669)L657 z '7.2O PIERRE *1659

'DAVID of SERGNI{L*2I .10.1660 f a f ter 1711; quoted 1696. Common ancestra l s i re of Henrv $ Hgr tenseGrr - \ ^ ^ ^ L + r z . o r l c , , - ^ - * ^ t r t ^ * : ^ r r , , ^ ^ * + , , : ^ t D ^ * ^ - - ^ r / - : ^ r . - ^ - ^ \ v r n u s L r q r r qlT oo abt. 1680 SuzanneMar i e Dupe r tu i s r 'Ba ronne ' ( nickname )2) oo 1692 Eve Catherine Joret (t) s 3) oo 1706 MARIE TARDENT (.1:9.9f) *1693, daughter of Isaac

6 .23 7 .30 M a r i e ( C h a b l a i x ) *1639 7 . 3 1 C l a u d a z x I 6 4 O

7 . L 8. r8 .38 .48 .5

Abram (Ber loz)M a r i eSuzanneJ e a n

x1658 z 8.2 Danie lx1659166016631664

7 . r ) 8 .6E . 78 . 8g . g


*1668T67 T16731676

(f) H.A,T.in 1881 sighted the wil l of Eve Joret 's father whereln he teft his considerable estate to hls 5 gir ls.This is an example of the way that estates can be reduced through the female descendance. In this case itworked fot the Tardent interests but over the last 20o years i t has reduced the once extensive fardent-ownedplopert ies in the Valley to NIL.


Page 13: copy of the genealogy

7 .3 Q r n

8 . 1 16 . I Z

B . i 3

P i e r r e F r a n c o i s ( L o n g e t ) * f O 0 g 2 7 . 3 , 8 . 1 4 A b r a m * 1 6 7 5Marguer i te 1671 : 8 . 15 Es ther 1676Suzanne 1672 : 8.16 Emmanuel 168I future NotaryP ieme oo 1699 MARrE suzANNE TARDENT * '75 (daughter o f Abram, JJ B .B l )

AT 3-a

' 7 F . 8 .208 .228 .23


SUZANNE * i680 z B ,2 I ABRAM *1681 f be fore 1735 oo 1709 Suzanne Bor lozDAVID 'o f Pont de Ia T ine ' +1685 ( t ine Br idge, near Le Sepey) oo I72O Barb i l le TauxeSUZANNE *1691 1) oo 1711 P ieme Oguey son o f P ie r re ; 2nd oo 1722, Jean Rou i l le r

x 1 6 9 17 . 7

7 , 8

7 . 1 6

8 . 4 08 . 4 2

- t - \

J e a n ( I a u x e , l, Jean Bap t i s te

1687 3*1693 oo 1735 EVE TARDENT *1711,

8 . 4 I D a v i ds e e A T 9 . I . :

* 1 6 9 18.43 Mat th ieu x I699

8 . 5 08 . 5 28 . 5 4

8 . 6 08 . 6 1

MARIE *1670 :.JEAN 1675 :MRIE 1680 oo

8.51 ESTHER8.53 JONAS1698 Jean Bor loz

1674 oo ITOO Jonas Monod, son1677o f P o n t e t s e s o n o f J e a n C l a u d e

o f

o f

J aques

La Mosse


16907 . 1 8

z.zr( 1)

N.B .

M a r i e ( R t t a m a n d )Mar ie *1681 z 8 .62 EVE

1679 :1682 :

7 . 1 8 r 8 . 6 3 S u z a n n e8.64 Suzanne

8 . 7 0

9 . 7 1

8 . 7 2

8 . 7 48 . 7 68 . 7 7B . 7 8g . 7 g

I . 8 0B . 8 2

B . 8 38 . 8 4

DAVID 1680 f ab t . 1715. Chate la in in 1704. Paterna l ances tor o f theA u s t r a l i a n a n d m o s t o f t h e S w i s s T a r d e n t s a n d t h e B e l k i n s o f U . S . A .

oo 1704 Suzanne Echenard , daughter o f P ieme o f la Forc laz ; w idowed, oo 1716 Jean Wur lod , son o f Dav idABRAM *1683 f be fore 1747, L ieu tenant C iv i l (Mag is t ra te )oo 1708 Suzanne A l lamand 1690 (daughter o f the

l a t e J e a n ) , * C h a t e a u - d ' O e xJEAN FRANCOIS *1685 ! 8.73 JEAN*16B7 f abt. 1736, Tavern owner at la Forclaz (hamlet)

oo 1705 Es ther Tavern ie re daughter o f I saacr Notary .SUZANNE *1689 ! 8.75 ESTHER MAR]E *1691CATHERINE x1693 oo I7 I2 Dav id Monodr son o f Jean o f The P lans (= P la ins)MARIE xL694 oo 1712 Emmanuel Durgniat xI692 son of David, NotaryJEROME x1695GEDEON x I697 Assessor (anc ien t t i t te approx imat ing Deputy Mag is t ra te )

oo 1724 Suzanne Durgniat *1701 of la Rionzettazl daughter of David, Notary and SUZANNEBENJAMIN xL7O2 3 8.8 I P IERRE *1706DAVID cal led 'DARK DAVID' xI707 oo 1734 Esther Dupertuis. Emigrated to Montreux 1740-ances tor o f Hor tense o f Aus t ra l ia and o f some Swiss repat r ia ted f rom reg ion o f Odessa

nee TARDENT)(.lJ e .24r)

(Rbt. 27 Km! )(ex Chaba Cotony)

i n 1 9 4 0 , ( S e e P a r t I V ' C h a b a r . )

SUZANNE x1710 oo 1731 Jos ias Tavern ie r , son o f Isaac , Nc taryJEROME x1711 Hote l ie r , quoted in 1768

oo 1736 Suzanne nee Bor loz l daughter o f Zacchar ie and w idow o f A lber t P i t tex

( t ) Of the 15 ch i ld ren s i redb 'yDAVID o f SERGNIAT 1660,6 were Duper tu is r 5 Jore ts and 4 TARDENTS.362

Page 14: copy of the genealogy

8.2r 9.1 EVE *I7I1 I) oo Jean-Baptiste (AT 8.42) *1693 2\ oo l '744 Daniel Mott ler ' son of Daniel AT 4-a

9.2 ABRAM 'rI7T2

A.22 9.10 SUZANNE MARIE *1722 oo!747 Jean David Borloz' Garde Consistorial (I) ! 9.f1 DAVID xI72A

8 .23 9 .15 Suzanne (OgueY)

8 .51 g .2O Es the r (Monod)9 .22 Jonas

1700 z 9 .2 I Suzanne L7O21706 z 9 .23 Jud i th I7O9

8.54 9.30 Abram (Bor loz) 1699 : 9 .3I Mar ie 1700g.32 Jean *1703 oo 1731 MARIE TARDENT *I7I4 (JJ 9.171) : 9.33 Suzanne *1709

B.ZO g,4O !4LID ol,!!9 !13!!E: (a locality) *1706 consistorial Guard,{quoted in 1722' was also probably;o r-?25jre-Tret--A;iahter of rate Jean ( chatelain about l?50

8.71 9.50 SUZANNE *I?09 + before 1756 r 9.50A ABRAM *1712t 9.51 GATHERINE *u13 t before 1719 ! 9.504 lyoung9.52 MARIE 17I4r Quoted ln 1756 oo 1?34 Enabuel ogueyr Head Teacher9,53 EVE 1?16 oo 1?4I Abrarn Dupeltulsr Scindicq (Mayor) of OrnDnts detsous (Lower ormonts)9.54 CATHERINE I7l9 oo I ' t4' l Gedeon Mott ier ' of Vl1la es Francs at Reposoir i t before I?629.55 ESTHER 1722 oo 1744 David Tauxe' r 9.56 ABBM *1725 , 9.51 DAVID *1728

9.58 'ABRAM of 1a Bionzettaz' (a locali ty) *t?30 oo 1762 Esther Morex; both t before 1809

8.73 9,60 JEAN *1707 r 9,61 CATHERINE *l?08 : 9.62 JEAN *1709 | 9.63 I4ARIE *1712 oo Jean l ' lart in9,64 EVE l?13 oo 1736 Abran Marletaz' 'of Ia Forclaz' r 9.65 EMI.4ANNUEL *1714 oo ESTHER TARDENT *I7I9 (JA 10.40)9,66 JEAN L7I6 | 9,67 ESTHER *1717 t 9'68 SUZANNE *1719 oo 1738 Abram Morex9.69 JEAN 1720 quoted in 1751, oo 1731 Malie Borloz daughter of Mimont B.9.?O CATHERINE *I72I | 9'1I JEAN-PIERRE *1723 oo L744 Esther chablaix9, '12 DAVID *1725 | 9,?3 ESTHER *1728 oo I?50 Jacob Oguey

' 8 .76 9 .BO Suzanne ( tqonod ) lfI7 T4 9 . 8 1 D a v i d * 1 7 1 5

A.77 9.90 Suzanne (Dupeltuls) *tztg r 9.91 Suzanne xl7I5 | 9.92 Ennanuel *1718 | 9.93 l. tarie *1721

9.94 Cstherine xIT r 9.95 Josias-David *172? ! 9.96 Gedeon x1732

8.79 9.100 GEEON *1725 r 9.1OI SUZANNE MARIE *1728 ! 9.102 DAVID *1729 : 9.103 DAVID EMMANNUEL n17309.104 St ZANI{E *1732 oo Abram Pittex, Juryman *17349.105 GEDEON of 1a Rionzettaz *1734 oo 1760 lqarie Dupertuis 1739-1814, t a widow9.106 EMMNUEL *l?37 oo Suzanne Marie iqonod I?58 - lB299.lO? MARIE *l?39 oo 1761 Gedeon l4ott ler-Rond, of Plan-Chanp (= Plains Field) both + before l8O79.log SI.IZANNE CATHERINE *1741-1816 oo 1770 Joslas Ti l le' * l?45' she i a widow

(t) ,A Conslstorial Guard was an ancient post of i tnpoltance. fhe Consistoire replaced the cathollc episcopate andthe nen appointed were deeiEd the wisest and nost 1ike1y to conmand lespect for the laws and customs! (H61dne).


Page 15: copy of the genealogy

B.82 9 . T iO ESTHERESTHER x1736 ( t { . 9 . 9 .113 , g . IL4 & 9 .115 * a t Mon t reux ) AT 5 -aDAVIDREGENT' ( t ) (=Head Teacher)* tzst - tazo 00 1757 Esther Mart in , t 17891 s€e In t roduct ion

SU2lilfiFffiillF*iz+o : 9.r13 ESTFIER cATFIERTNE xr745 ! 9.1r4 RosE MARGUERTTE xr747 : 9.1r5 JEAN *17539 . 1 1 19 .7 r2

8.83 9 . I20 Suzanne (Tavern ie r ) x1733 z 9 . I2 I Jos ias x1735 z 9 . I22 Jean x l73g

8.84 9.130 JEROME *1737 r 9.131 JEAN *I74O ' 9.132 JEAN *1?42 r 9.133 DAVID *'46 : (9.I3O oo Madeleine Ptl let )9.19 SUZANNE MARIE *1755-1810 oo 1783 Plerre 09uey r 9.135 JACqUEIIAZ *l?5? oo 1778 Jean Borloz

9 . I 1 0 . 1 J e a n - P i e r r e ( T a u x e )

10.3 Suzanne (mot t ier )

x I736 : 10 .2 Es ther x1739

1746 ! 10.4 Suzanne 1747 : tO.5 Esther xL752

9 . 1 0 1 0 . 1 0 S u z a n n e M a r i e ( B o r l o z ) * n q g : 1 0 . 1 3 J e a n E m m a n u e l * I 7 6 L10.11 Jean Emmanue l 175C : 10 .14 Freder ic I77OIO. I2 Jean Dav id 1756 3 10 .15 Dav id Jean Samuet x I775

9.40 10.20 CATHERINE *!729 t IO.21 ESTHER IIARIE *I73l,oo,50 Jean Monod !10.22 DAVID *173210.23 s:uzANNE 1733 r t0.24 EVE *t?34-I804 oo at Leysin 1?52 ABMfi TARTNT ( U28-I?94) JJAa-a)f 0.25 @l?L *1735-t8to As€essol. Lieutenant clvil

oo 1764 Suzanne Malie Borloz, of Pont 1742-1816n,26 S1JZANNE I.4ARIE x1739 oo 1769 David Borloz, of ]a Conbaz

9.52 10.30 I'larie (Oguey) iI734 r 10.31 Suzanne Marle *1736 3 10.32 Ennanuel *1741 t 10.33 Malie *1748

9 .53 10 .40 Suzanne (Duper tu i s )10.43 David

xI742 : 10.41 Abram xI743 z LO.42 Jean xI7471750 z 10.44 a-qir l xI754

9.54 10.50 Gedeon 'c f the Vouet tes ' (mot t ier ) fzae- f8fg Chate la in (See AT 3.1) oo Suzanne Duper tu is10.51 Catherine (mott ier) *1750 : 10.52 Suzanne Marie xI752 : 10.53 Catherine xL75710.54 Mar ie x I762 the la te Gedeon Mot t ier 's dauqhters

9.58 10,60 JEAN El,lr.lAM,EL *1764-1833 oo 1802 Catherine MarI etaz '?0104; oo I8O9 Rose Marguelite Oguey *178G-1840

9.64 10.70 Malie (Martetaz) *1736 ! IO.7I Jean *1738 | 10,72 Suzanne Marie *1?3910.73 Esthe! Catheline 1742 | 10.74 Jean Emnanuel 1?44 t 10.75 Ablan 174510.?6 Eve 1746 | LO.77 Jean Eflmanuel 1750 3 10.78 Eve 1753

(l) For 4a yeals was Head of vevey school. Autho! of school text books 'Learning spell ing without knowing Latlni1795 and rA Blief History of Helvetla or switzel land' 1809. F€]ix has a copy of one and Jule6 of the other.' copies are in Lausanne Archlves. The grammar was sonewhat revohitionary as previously Vevey school teach€rshad alwavs been oagtors and Latin was an oblioatorv subJect for students of sDell lnq.(cal led 'regent' by Henry to

- seperate'him froi l the dozens of Davids nanred in ol i i doc-uments,)(2) Assessor (AT 8,?9.1. Liautenant civt l r lattei was t ie clvt l and ni l i tary chief;a.Iaterr rDdif ied fotm of

Chatelain.r 36\

Page 16: copy of the genealogy

Io.8o ESIHER *174I oo 1764 Pierre oguey' son of Pierre who was consistol lat Guard (s"e AT 9.40) AT 6-a

9 .65

9 .68

9 . 104

9. 105

9 . 106

9 .107

9 . 108

9 . 111

10.90 Esther (morex) xt747

IO.IOO David Gedeon (Ptttex) *1756 : 10.101 Abrarn *1759 r I0.102 Abran *1762 ! IO.1o3 Benjamin *176?

i3:i1l if,ffif,ffi *r?5e-1814, * u*"rl"i],13'i*i"'Jiln"iT:::::'!'ililt, at Dessau, Gernany, rTBo-rBo810.142 ESTHER CATHERINE *1760-176I r 10.143 ABRAM *t?61-1762 r I0.I44 JEAN *1763-1763 .10,145 DAVID JOSIAS * & t 1764 | 10.146 JEANNE ESTIER *1769, t after 1819 oo a t4r. Buvelot10.147 JEAN DAVID y!!q$ *1769-1794 Skil led pennan (cal igraphist) teacher of handwrit ing10.146A (See below) 16t Lieut. in the Vevey Reglrnent10.148 LOUIS }{ARC SAMUEL *I772-L8OI Pastor at Frankfurt. (See Part.f ) og Jeanne Cather. lne Gagoin *1?70-180510.149 SoPHIE JACQ{JELINE ELTS+BETH *I773-I78O : 10.149A JEANNE lvlARJE *1774 (10.148 oo 179I)10.150 JEANNE !q!4,S9 ANNA (1) 17?5-1853 To Dessau, Germany in 1818 and + there. Succeeded IO.14I

above, as confidante and governess to the Grand Duchess and her ch!1d!en.19:.r!.r--9BM 94IC-E!-IEEP-EEI9----------:-rZ19-t--9:1:-19?!:-c-!es!eler--t--!9:-r93--94YI9-EEEPEB19-11199:-tZ9-s---

9 . 1309.130 10.160 FRANqOISE CATHERINE 1776ver man

10.160er many years f rom the la te 170C's , to her be loved n iece Uran ie ,

oo at Be-x 1799 r Pieme David Denoreaz of yvorne

10.110 DAVID *1763 !.10.111 DAVID *1766-1811 oo 1787 SIrZANNE T.(JJ1f.5*I766). Widowedr oo 1813 Gedeon Mott ier(AT ro.12t )

10.112 S:(IZANNE MARIE q!IEE!E *1766 twin of DAVID : 10.113 S'UZANNE CAIHEBINE *1768 oo l8O3 Jean David Petrod10.114 SUZANE MARIE CATHEBINE 1776 oo I?9A David Frederlc Mottier (-Roud.) *l?62, her coustn, AT,1o.t2o below

10.115 JULIE MARIE *1798 1)oo lB20 Jean Louis Burn ier 2)oo - - - a Mr. Duper tu is10.116 SUZANNE CATHERINE *1804 oo 1829 Frederic Mermcd

IO.I20 David Frederic (Mottier -(?Roud) *1762 oo 1798 SUZANNE MARIE CATHERINE TARDENT *17?6 his cousin,ATl.O.II410.121 Gedeon +1765 oo SUZANNE TARDEN| *1766 widow of DAVID TARDENT (AT 10.111 above) - oo 1.81310.122 Suzanne Catherlne *1768 B 10.I23 Jean Emnanuel *I77O I IO.I24 Pierre Benjamin *177310,125 EIte Frederic *1775 : 10.126 Suzanne Marle *1778 t I0.I27 Rose Marle *l?80 oo 1807 Abram Borloz (son of


1 0 . 1 3 0 S u z a n n e C a t h e r i n e ( t i t t e ) * I Z Z O : 1 0 . 1 3 I D a v i d * 1 7 7 3 : 1 0 . 1 3 2 J o s i a s D a v i d * L 7 7 410.133 Suzanne Mar ie x I775 : 10 .134 Jean Emmanue l x I77B : 10 .135 Es ther Mar ie x1780

grandfiDther of Hortense (1852), are held today by Ju]es and Felix in Queensland. l4any of thern date from beforethe days of €nvelopes and stamps and are ln an excellent state of preservation (AT 11.82a) strangely enough,thoY never actually met! The letters mcstly 6oncern family natters but sone include stronq crit lcisn of seriousproblems such as about the 'problern chi ld' Uran1e Jnr. (1819-{46). Her loose, f ldsguided l i fe was a sad anddeplorable tragedy.

^ +

365l 0 . 1 4 6 A F R E D E R I C * M o n t r e a u x a b t ( t ) O e c . 1 7 6 8 ; T 8 y rs . . ' . ab t 1776. A l l o thers . * a t Vevey

Page 17: copy of the genealogy

A T 7 - a . ' rI L I . L

I I . Z

I I . 4

I 0 . 2 5 I 1 . 5

1 1 . 6I I . 7

DAVID (1 ) * r zos -1825



oo 1BO4 Mar ie Chab la ixJULIE *1780 oo 18OB DavidLOUIS SAMUEL *1785-1854 oo

A g e n t N a t i o n a l o o J u l i e M a r i e M o t t i e r o f C o l - d e - I a - C r o i x i n 1 7 9 8: 11 .3 ESTHER MARIE x I77 I oo 1792 Jos ias .Dav id Oguey x I767 (Rt f t .a t )

Head Teacher a t Vouet tesx I774- I837 oo 1800 Jean Dav id Vur los , were d ivorced

1777-1842 inheri ted the Vernay propertyt7B4-1850 daughter o f Ben jamin and Mar ie Cather ine nde Ansermet

Abram Bor loz o f the Chenev ie res l soD o f Abram anC Esther n6e Guye1BO9 Jeanne Cather ine Duper tu is *1788-1839 daughter o f Jean and Sr rzanne,

a lso Duper tu is

r0.26 1 i . l 0 R o s e C a t h e r i n e1 1 . 1 1 J e a n E m m a n u e lI I .L2 Rose Mar ie

(Bo r loz ) r7701772I774

IO.2() 11 .1311 . 1411 . 15

Jean Dan ie l x I775Ju l ie Cather ine 1776El i A lexandre 1777

10 .50

10 .80

1 1 . 2 0 J u l i e M a r i e ( P t o t t i e r )I I .2 I Jean (e ig John) x2 oo

1792HENRIETTE AMELIE TARDENTxr799-1886 (AT 12.r)

11 . 40I1 .41I I .4211 .43

Jean Emmanue l (Oguey)Jos ias Dav idP ier reJacob x I772 | IL .44 Mar ie

1792 ESTHER MARIE TARDENT XI77I (ET rT.S)T8O1 ROSE MARIE TARDENT XT768 (;.T rr.O)11 .45 Jacob x I777

17651767 oo1768 oo1775 :




1796 oo

oo 1814 Louise Ramuz xI792-1867 (daughter of Henri). Aoth 1at Morges

1820 at MorQes,Rose Marguer i te Leubaz*1794- IBB7

10. 113

10 .114

I0 . I 16

11 .60 Suzanne Ca the r ine (Pe r rod ) 1804 11.61 Cather ine *1806

11 .70 Dav id A lexandre (mo t t i e r ) 1799

l 1 . 7 5 Marguer i te Sy lv ie (Mermod) 1830 oo DavidReqi strar

Alexandre Andrer Ormonts-desous

Monod, Greatgrandfather of Roger Monod,at Le Sepey, L97O

( f) hgent Nat ional ' . This was a memberthe pre l im inary peace was s igned ins o u t h o f V e r I ' E g l i s e . ( S e e P a r t I . )

o f 'S ta te ' Counc i l o r Cab ine t .1808, a f te r the ba t t le o f La Cro i .x

At his hcuse at VelardPass on the D iab le re ts

near Le S6peyea lp ine range,





Page 18: copy of the genealogy

10 . I40

CHABAG 1I.82emET-Brn


o o o . . . A n n e M a r i e W e l n g a r t n e rLOUIS.VINCENT SAMUEL

oo 1806 Srrzanne Henriet te UranieGrandjean

rr1783\fResearches re this family in 1966 & '67 in several tot ln.trXt"r7B0J$ru i t less; v iz Kussnacht east o f Lucerne; Adl igenswi l (Lucerne

Canton) and Hei l igkreutz (Thurgau Canton)1787-1836 1 Chabag. ' IgglgSI ' in IB22 of Independent Swiss Colony

C h a b a g . S e e N a r r a t i v e & H i s t o r y 1 8 8 7 - P a r tNat ive o f Neuchate l Canton , (Grandmother o f Hor tense)

1789-1852 daughter o f F ranco is and Rosa l ie , nee Dubo is

o fI

11.83 MRIE-IOUISE *1790-1860 t Paris. I) oo a Mr. Friedrich, 2) oo l, lr . Pl ion ox Plihou, a bail . i f f( l . tal le-Louise had one child al ive with her ln Palis in 183?) (Louise - Ulanie letters)

11.84 EQ9E ELISASETH ti{ARIE FRAI'4DISE ( t ) . 1793- I85? i Paris at he! sister's, Marte-Louise

IO.I+6\' / I l .8s Frltz, elder son, oo,..?; had 2 chi l"dren in 1829. Confectioner, Vevey, then in Belne11.86 Alexandre, had bookshop Vevey. Then with old employer, Kallsrhue, Germany11,87 Louise, teaching French to Pllncesses 2 sons at Rondolstat (?)11.88 Jenrryr oo..?.. i t l ives Geneva whele orms successful guest house'II .89 Charl.otte ( 'helps Jenny and l ives with her')II.B9A Sophier 17 years in Englahd, then oo Mr. Uxsenbach of Lausanie who has property and dolng ',ivelt in his

ceneva business in Ig29 | (Louise - Uranle Letters)




10 .148 11 .90( g ) 11 .91



oo 1834 Therese Pir let

Germany. (See H.A.T .BrusseIs . Founder

History 1887 )of the Belq ian


xL799 - 1838 xFrank furt-on-Main,PHILIPPE 1800-1860 xWaldor f (Hesse)r t

1798-1882 xlouvain, f Brussels

11 . I

11 .3

11 .5

11 .6


I2.I HENRIETTE MELIE *1798-1886 oc 1826 Jean David Samuel Borloz, son of Jean David of Cnesalet2)oo ? Jean Mot t ier , 'BIG Joi - tN ' o f V i l le-es-Francs (At 11.21)

L2.2 JEANNE JULIE *1802- 1879 oo 1826 Jean David Vurlod

;;;--;;;i;-;;;;;;;i;il;j-;;,jel(,;;;;-;;;il-;;;i;;,-;;;;il;;;;;;;;;-;;;;;;;---------I2. l I Jean Vincent " x1802 i 12.12 Bose Maxie *1805

JULIE MARGUERITE CATHERINE of Vernay *1804-1890 oo Vincent Mott ierLOUIS VINCENT x1810 f young 2 12,22 FELIX VINCENT *1819-1830

12.30 Marc (eor loz)

( t ) Bo th s is te rs were o f uns tab le charac ter . About mid lB2O's Rose was d ivorcedthe i r ch i ld ren , except one, hav in3 prev ious ly d ied .

by her husband for inf idel i ty,

(2 ) B i r t h o rde r o f t h i s f am i l y i s unce r ta in .from a long letter from LOUISE at Dessau( to. rso) obta ined t t re polTf f i i for 11.87.

appears to be Mr. Buvelot . The 10.146Chaba dated 28. I2 .1829, he ld in Qld.

women and gir ls in making Brussels Lace. See


The fa therto URANIE at

detai ls above areAUNT LOUISE

P a r t I(g ) They owned a renowned 'A te l ie r '1 employ ing 4OO

Page 19: copy of the genealogy

A T 9 - a1 . 7 1 2 . 4 0

1 2 . 4 2N.B. 12 .43

12 .4412 .4512 .46



xIB l0-18 I3 : 12 .41 ROSE LOUISE, Sp ins ter x1811- I880 1 C larensIBI4-1872 oc 1B4B Jean Franco is Ansermet

MARC LOVIS qAMUEL | 1816-1881 Father o f Auquste , Henry , A lex is , Lou is e tc . In C iv i l- - lSonderb0nd) War lS4T,commanded a Va1 lS Cont ingent * i t f t spec i i f ran f o f Capta in .

oo 1844 Marie-Louise Perrod 1824-I9O7 Daughter of Alexandre and Suzanne Marie, nee Pit tex1821-1868 oo Vincent Duoer tu istB24 l i v i ng a t Leys in i n lBB7e oo d Mr . Monod

HENRI FREDERICH IB23-I874 f Le Sepey. As a mercenary, served in Wolf f 's 3rdReg iment a t Nap lesr K ingdon o f the Two S ic i l . y ' s , 1852-59. Then taught a t Leys in Schoo l ,Ormonts Va l1ey ; had many and var ied o ther occupat ions .

12.60 Rose Mar ie (Oguey) * t lgg : 1 2 . 6 I J e a n V i n c e n t x 1 8 0 2 : L2.62 l lenr iet te x1805I I .42

11 .50

11 .5 r

12.70L2 .72


z 72.7I LOUISE HENRIETTE SOPHIE, spinster*1823- 1877 t Morges z 12.73 JEANNE MARIE

*1818-1880 f MorgesSUZANNE XI827


oo 1850 Lou ise Henr ie t te Sooh ie12.82 JEAN FREDERIC12.83 JEAN LOUIS oo 1850 at Commt-rgny


1823-1858 f MorgesJacques *1830 oo Morges . No ch i ld ren

1825-1827IB29- I874 oo Jeanne Ju l ie Char les *1823, f Geneva I9O2

12.90 ALOYSE 1830 *Kussnacht , Lucerne Canton ; see no t ing AT 11.81

11 .82


tj' . t

,,{,l.rti, i


' ' ;!i'lrll









12 .100

12 .101


12 .103

12.IO412 . 10512 .10612.ro712 .108

12 .109

I '4ARC DAVID LOUIS €8 Sept. 1807-1830 f cholera epidemic. At 15 yrse by waggon across Europeo o 1 8 2 3 C a r o l i n e V a i l l a n t * 1 8 1 2 w h e n w i d o w , o o 1 8 4 5 b r o - i n - l a w ( f 2 . f O f )

JEAN FRANEOIS LOUIS 1810-1889 paralysed for 32 years before foo 1845 Caro l i ne Ta rden t nee Va i l l an t x1812 see 12 .100 above ( she bo re each a ch i l d )

CHARLES I ROD0LPHE ADRIEN *1812-1856 L ieut .Swiss caval ry .J l f o f nasal carbuncular sept icaemiaoo Lausanne 184I , Jeanne Phi l ipp ine Bal lenegger 'Jenny 'x?-+f8gsl ,Famed v i t icu l tura l researcher .See Par t

CHARIfS PHILIPPE SMUEL 'Malet te ' r I814-1889? l iv inq in 1887. ( fa t f ,er o f Hor tense of Austra l ia)"oo-Iffi0-E-liEEEeffi-Tagsfotz ? ? oo Chabag (maf et fty')


1818-1874 oo Major Koutcharovsk i ; had 3 sonsr 3 daughters1819-1846 Sp ins ter r f in Swi tzer land; sad caser p rob lem ch i ld

AII :OINETIE SIIZANNE oo 1841 l82l l iv ing in 1887r oo Vincent Sart inskiCAROLINEGo 1840 's CoI .Soudkovo i ) 1826 f Swi tzer land, had 5 g i r l s & a son by Co lone l Soudkovo i

oo lB82 Major Spor re (when Caro l ine S6) he f f885 a t P ia t igorsk ; Caro l ine l i v ing in l8B7 a t OdessaAURELIE(oo?1854 Admi ra l Louzanof f ) t8gZ l i v ing a t Sebastopo l in f887 (Admi ra l , Danube F lee t )

a l i v e i n P a r i s i n 1 8 3 7 ( L o u i s e - U r a n i e l e t t e r s )

. j

:iitrl11 .83 12. tO9A a c h i l d

368 r"i,i{l,lA


Page 20: copy of the genealogy

1r .91 12.1 fO JEAN L9UIS PHIL IPPE ( l )xBrusse ls IB35 t Par is 1918. Hardware Merchant ; Scho lar . oo l8?112.111 GUSTAVE * & + 1835 tw in o f 12 .1 I0 . : 72 .112 HELENE *1837 11935 Brusse ls r oo1862 Gustave12.113 HENRI * IB40r Brusse ls : f ? Vo lun teer 1870 French Army med ic . o rder ly ; Bat t les : Beaumont &

o o 1 8 8 5 A d o l p h i n e Z u r s t r a s s e n ' t 1 3 . 8 . 1 8 8 5

AT IO-aMar ie KaasemakerRyex 1835-1918Gravelot te

12.212 .1012.42

L2.43N .B .


N .B .


12.4512 .80

12 .83


13 .23


13 .25L3.26L3.27

13.I Vincent (Vurloz) Teacher at La Fof,claz*?: 13.2 Alexia Teacher at l , lossess hamletr *?

I3.5 Jul ic : 13.6 Da\. id r I3.7 Henri ]----------13.10 Henllette Marguerite (Ansennet)*i{ay 1848 nde TARmNI' accepted by her fathe! when he oo 1848, H.A.T.

oo a M!. Dupettuis (says ' l t .M.D. was a widow in I88?, caring well for a large fanily'

t3.20 FELIX VTNCENIoo tB80 Addle


WatchmakerCharmot (widowl

rLB44- IBB6 (x le Sdpey, f Fesches- le-ChateI (Doubs, Francs) Swissnee Tissot) ( in fant ry L ieut . , Neuchate l . Head of EteOch Blanch

Ll47-rgo4 xte sdpey, f pompaples (st-roffitsoo 1867 Caro l ine El isa Lapierre 1841-1907 d ivorced 1878. oo and f Le Sdpey

AUGUSTE HENRI xte Sdpeyr fTif l is tB48-1909 . Bgcgme famous. See Nar ra t i ve and H is to ry 1887(Par t I )* I 6E .gV ie raBach inskya l r27 -7 - lB7o - rg rg / z6 - (? )@ic ,A rchange1 ,soona f t e r ] e t t e ro f . 26 .8 . ] . 919oo 1889 Viera tsachinskya x27-7- lU- /o-L9L9/2O\ ' / ) t Epidemlcr Archangel , soon af ter le t ter o f 26.8.191

HENRI ALEXIS 'HENRY' ( 'H.4.T. ' ) lB53-1929 *Le Sdpeyr .F i rs t fami ly l { is tor ian, f Wynnum, Austra l ia , )- 13 .86 ) , s l - t gzz *&ooChabd - (g raveBu1 imbaCemy)

1860-1928 xle Sepey, f Roma. To Aug!1qlia in 1B9l1B6i -1941 Chi ld of David Rtexa@ of Le Sdpey

13 .3013 .3 I- 13:32


10-.95 -

(grave Bul imba Cemy


1862-1865 xle Sdpeya bachelor, bushman 1865-1943 *Le Sdpey, Cremated Brisbanei to Aust. with Henry 1887

1B67 - I935xLeSdpey ' f Langen tha l .Accoun t@c tsoo IB90 Louisa Adele Jaques 1867-1958 *St-Croixr f Langenthal. Child of Jules Gustave Jaques andJulie CniiTo' lTeYCuendet. Of qreat characterr she mothered most of the elder Swiss Tardents of todav.neg '

Sy lv ie (Duper tu is) (oo Vincent Monod) * aut . 1845Ldono_re, (oo Phi l ippg^Clrgv_af lgy) x ? She emigrated to Gal ic ia , then to Odessa. oo Chabag-Sylv fe-(Monod) : " 13.33 Loui 'se : 13.34 Al is ie ] - - - - - - - --CHent.Ef,dHnfSfl

bachelor 1849-1871 Born out of Wedlock to 18.20; * and f at Morges

13 .4013 .41



oo Geneva, toLas t o f Eve C.

Antoine Marie RenaudJ o r e t ' s L i n e , ( R t - 7 . 2 I 8 )

oo Geneva 1891, Joseph Emi le Spycher

12. lo0 13 .50 CHARLES ETIENNEoo lB53 Thdrdse

'CHARLES-MARKOVITCH' *1829F l o c k e n * a b t . 1 8 3 3

f a f t e r 1 8 8 7 . ( = ' s o n o f M a r c ' )o o C h a b a g , ( a d o c t o r s d a u g h t e r o f O d e s s a )

( f ) W e h a v e L O U I S ' o r i g i n a l l o n g l e t t e r d e t a i l i n g h i s f a m i l y ' s h i s t o r y f o r H . A . T . i n 1 8 8 5 .


Page 21: copy of the genealogy

1 3 . 6 0

1 2 . 1 0 1

LOUI SEo o 1 8 5 1

AT l l - a J (

Ba r the lemy Charen tona b t . 1 8 3 2 ? P a i n t i n g o f t h i s

French merchantl a d y ; s e e

o f O d e s s a .i 1 l us t r a t i on ( f rom f r on t page r

( z ' abe i l J -e ' Feb . 1940

12. r02 1 3 . 7 013 .70A1 3 . 7 11 3 . 7 313.747 3 . 7 4 4t J . / o12. '7'7


o o a b t l B 5 0 ' x 6 - I - I 8 4 2x a b t . I B 4 4

. . . . K r a v t s o f+1848*1849

* a b t . D e c . 1 B 5 t*1854

+? oo her cous in DAVID 13.80 , be low' o n l y l i v e d B m o n t h s ' ( U r a n i e l e t t e r )

a 13.72 MATHILDE xIB47 oor o o.Colonel Masto1 ) o o . . . . T o l k o u c h k i n e 1 , 2 ) o o . . . . S i p i a g u i n e1 ) o o . . , . V i c h i n s k o i i 2 ) o o . . . . C a p t . M i e v i l l e

: 13.75 I IELOISE *1853 oo Edmund Ruppert 1872 at Chabaoo Mr . Tchewdar , a Bu lgar iane Customs Of f i cer , Akkerman( o f ' L e C o u t r e ' ) x C h a b a g f a t D i n i t r a c h k o v s k i ? ( s e e f o o t n o t e )

a chi ld ; ve,ry short- I ivedAURELIE-THERESE'Z ina 'CHARLES II 'Dimitr i John'1 ) oo 1879 Fanny

Char lo t te Mar ie2 ) o o a b t . ( ? ) 1 9 0 0 ,

( t ) * 1855 -1920

B a l l e n e g g e r * 1 8 5 6 - 1 8 9 5 o o a t L a u s a n n e ( f r i s c o u s i n )A R u s s i a n L a d y C h a r l e s I I v i s i t e d C h a b a 1 9 1 8 , w i t h h e r

12 .103 13 .80 DAVID


o o . W a n d e l i n e M i c h a e l o v n a13.82 ANTOINETIE VIRGINIE

von Bram


oo 1878 Wi lhe lmine Sauze 'M ina '



I13.87 AUREL]E

13 .8313 .84

13 .8513 .86

*28-7-1838 t?

XIB42xtB42- 1889

xIB44-1928*1836- 1905x1848- ?x1850- ?x1853-*1852- 1866xLB57-1932

f due severe exposurex Chaba + QId .

* ou t o f wed lock ; accepted by h is fa ther . Sh i re C lerk o fChaba. (Pre fec t ) feAZ; Mayor 1885; ab le admin is t ra to r( h i s cous in , 13 .70 above )

' V a n d a ' . P o l i s h b o r n . V a n d a f b e f o r e 1 9 2 5G r a n d s o n i s P r o f . D r . E u g e n e S . r M o s c o w J a n . ' 7 5

German Chem. Engnr and Wine Maker r f Odessa(oo Emi l ie Besson) shor t , o f mass ive f rame. Was prosperous)

xChaba (Cfrana Vigneron)( a i e o a f t e r 1 9 3 1 ? ) o o o d e s s a

r IB53-L929 (see AT, 13.23)*1865- +? oo, o r .Leonid Lobanof f

ch i l l ; probably pneumonia( Founders of Austra l ian

l grancn 1887 A.D.t -

( h a d o n e c h i l d )


12. 105

12 .107

12 .108

13 .90 3 sons and 3 g i r ls (Koutcharovsk i ) ( no other records )

13 . 100 Emi l i e ( Sa r t i nsk i ) oo . . .K i t z i nsk i

1 3 . I 1 0 C l e o p a t r e ( S o u d k a v o i ) :13 .113 Olympe :

1 3 . 1 1 1 Z i n a i d e13. l14 Lyd ie

13 .11213 . r15

Valen t ineA p o l l o n f a t T y e a r s

( i ) eV Le S6pey records Char les I I + 22 .1 .1939 bu t fa i r l y re l iabJ-y (? ) repor ted 4-3-1925 by ChabaA. Anse lme: ' t 1920 a t Kamenka where he managed a la rge v ineyard owned by Pr ince Wi tkens te in . 'v igneron as was h is son Char les I l I (A f f+ .130) . La t te r ' s death da te migh t have been confused

C h a r l e s I I .NOTE: ,Le Cout re ' -means a p lough cou l te r . (Char les I apparent ly carved deep ly h is new es ta te

' M o v e d i n t o q r a n d n e w h o u s e a b t ' o c t ' 1 8 5 1 ' - u r a n i e L e t t e r ) ' l t i s n o w u s e d b y u ' s ' s ' R '370

His tor ianIJe was a noted

w i t h h i s f a t h e r ' s ,

f rom v i rg in land!s e c r e t s e r v i c e ! i ,{

Page 22: copy of the genealogy

1 3 . l 2 O V a l e r i e ( L o u z a n o f ) t ) o o , b a d i e n d e d b y h i s d e a t h . 2 ) o o G r a m a t i k o v , o f f i c e r B I a c k

a a

13 .130 THERESE (oo . . . .Georges De fau re ) * fezZ +? l i v i ng Par i s 1887, she f Seou l ,Seou l , Korea13. 13 I PHIL IPPE ' bache lor ' IB73 +? Engineer. +

AT l2-aSea F1eet . Very happy 1BB712. 109

12 . I l 0


K o r e a ' s o o n a f t e r o o

13. l4O Georges Francois (nyex) 1863-1909 : 13.141 Louise foo 1892 Henr i Fonta ine)*1864-1933

13 .20 14,I g4ggu ARTHUB *1885 Montbeliard' t Valentlgngrr I941. {Original erployee of moto! magnate Peugeot,,then aoo 1.907 Loulse Catherine Plangon 1894-1939 (mdest cycle builder rvith a staff of six!

14.2 JE4SE TEIENE 1889-1956 * at Fesches- le-Chate1 ' + Nantes' Franceoo 1908 Louis Euvrard tB90-1957 * a t Valent igney, f Nantes


TB67Spinster 1869- 1948Le Sepeynl ived 4 months :

1876- 1950

l ived 2 days, * Le Sepeyx Le Sepey, f Mont reux . (Ju les met14.13 LOUIS EDMOND xIB74 Le Sepey,x Chateau d 'Oex * Lausanne

her 1919, Montreux)+ 1942 at Aigle

L3.22 14.20 INNA AUGUSTA xYerevan, Caucasusoo L9L2 N ico las Pau l Be lk in ( t )

14.2I ALEXANDRE 'SACHA' )FYerevanO O . . . . ?

14.22 LYDIA'LYDUSKA'O O . . . . ?

1BB9-1955 B .A . 1908 Lausanne Un iv . Mu l t i - l i ngu i s te , + U .S .A .1878- 19651891- ? Al ive in Yerevan L928; In Army, Siber iardur ing revolut ion

r89B- ?No ch i ld renx Caucasus . oo dur ing Revo lu t ion ; husband was k i l ledShe and her ch i ld d ied o f an ep idemic , p robab ly be fore 1920

I3.X 14.30 PAIrr t lFNFr rdrrq (a famtly historianj *1877-1954 *Nicolaiev near Odessa. State Insurance Manager, C.e.oo 1904 EELI} Dalton nde Hil l ier *1871-1916 widow, oo lpswich. t Toowoonba Q

2)oo L922 4Egq\g Li.I l ian Maude Ostenfeld *I891 tI7.I.74 at Rockhanpton C.Q.14.31 VIRGINIE ELISA TVIRGIET

t Brl sbane*1878- 1958 Teache! of Flench, Ples. All iance FlanQaise, QId.. oo 1899 P!LLi.!g,e Albert Rochat lPhllr *1878-192I *Ceneva, i Brisbane fron war gas, France '14-18

(Five * at 14.32 @ AUGUSIE 'EMIL' o! 'NUGGET' *1880-1933 Journalist. Won ,MM. 1918' Soflne i t of wounds' Nicolalev) + oo 1908 Malgaret Agnes Doyle 'Madge' *1879-t966 Teacher. Both buried Bulinba Cemy. Q. near H,A.T.

14.33 @!9!l!9! AIMEE (2) *1882-I9?o (1 Surfers Paradisei burled southpolt.Q. Lawn cenietlyoo 1900 Chrlst lan Jullus (Hon. Menber Flench Polax Expedit lon

Stephensen 'Chr is ty t 1878-1953 Coachbui lder f Hobart14.34 HEl,lRI *Feb.'83 lived 4 days. 3 14.35 Unnamed MaIe ,11885 ! 14.36 DAVID AIEXANDBE ,8?; both + at birth

* l , l adge was bo rn a t ca r r i ck_on-shann6n , coun ty Le l t r lm , l r e land .(f) f4.20A Nichotas had a law degree (Kharkov Uni.) and an estate 'Manachlnovka' and f lour mil ls hea! Kupiansk,

Uklaine' 100 km S.E. of Kharkov and was also a Judge ln Poland. He and Inna died in U.S.A. (They f ledto Constantlnople 1918-1922. Lived Patis 1922-28, ther to t .S.A.-New YoI'k,

(2) At SO years clrcled the wolld in.ISOO tons Arctic Ships'Magga Dan'andThala Darf; away 11 ribnths; visitedFrance, G.B.r Switzel land etc. 371

Page 23: copy of the genealogy

AT 13-a14.37

13 .23

1 4 . 3 874.39

1 4 . 4 0


LINA HELENE 'BROWNTE' ( ' l ity' )oo 1911 Joseph B iddu lph Scrope

Shrapnel 'JOE'

*1890-1933 * Roma Q. f Br isbane. Schoo l Teacher1879-1955 widowedr oo 1934 Ruby Laura Arny Markwel l of

'Archookoora ' r t I I .2 .75

HENRIETIE 30-5-1892-1893 (tived 13 rnirnths ) + RomaJIJLE!-LO]JIS; family historian IAga- n92 (14-lS Egypt, cal l ipol l , Francei t ]utR and 42nd Bn A.I.F.tr/oo I92f @IE Phil lys Harpsonr(]) {Liaison off lcer ' lB,French Arrry, Sonme. c de c.

1896-1942 Secretary (Staff Off icex 39-45, Surveyor, ploneer State Forester (M.LF.A,)260 1946 LVgg Pringle Holn ndeHoy 1895 Stenographer - Secretary.

-Round - Wolld 1962

LTCIE GABRIELLE .IA95 I l l t School Teacher and Social Wolker. A family hlstorianoo l9l5 l . lalter Reglnald Barri t t 'Rex' *1882-1.968 cxazier and Cane Farmer ( '2RB'), Social Worker

EmIARD FELIX 'TED' 1899-1917 t Warneton, Be lgium 31.?.t9t7. 42nd Bn Lewts Gun N.C.O.K,I.A. 3rd Batt le of Ypres. Orig, grave war-iorn 19I8.-Nam; on panel 27, Menin cate Memorla], ypres

13.24 14.50 SAMUEL LOUIS ISM'

oo 1913 Se l ina A l i ce Stancombe14.5I DAVID ALEXANDRE 'DAVE', bachelorT4.52 CHARLES ALFRED

oo 1920 L i l ian Grace Schefe14.53 JULIE MARGUERITE

o o l 9 4 l J a m e s H . S a v i l l e14 .54 OSWALD URBAIN 'OSSIE ' (2 )

near Amiens ;14.55 OLGA IDA

oo 1919 Jacob Horn14.56 LYDIE SYLVIE 'LYN'


oo 1960 Frank Carne, widower

1884-1946 x Le Sepey f Townsvi l le N.Q. Carpenter'Lena ' *1887-1965 tBr isbane Q

IB87-L949 x Le Sepey, f Roma, Q. 'Gun' Shearer1889-1933 x Le Sepey, f Br isbane Q. Grazier, Romar895 Has 25 Grand Ch i ld renr24 Gt . G. Ch i ld len by 1982

IB92r 1',15'7-75 Teacher of Dressmaking and Designer; f Brisbane1886-1958 Bui lder1894-1913 P la toon Comdr . 25 Bn A . I .F . f Ba t t l e o f Mor lancour t ,Sorune, France. Buried Querriux Cerny. No. FRI16. Stockman

1896- 1960IBBB-1961 Booksel ler and Newsagent1900 Helpero 'Meals on Wheels ' , Ashgrove, Q.1B9t- f971 Farmer and Bushworker190 f -1916 f Roma Q, D ip the r ia (? )1904 Secre tary and Dressmaker l re t i red1906 +7.9.74 was Teacher of Dressmaking; cared for aged mother

- l:::- f-Bl- -:::::::-::::l :l: - - llll- :: :::l - ::::: - - :l-1: I :i:- -- -19.27 rA.OO SlrGilG IOUIS SAliuEL A.Corn.(Laus.) *1a9r-2.!2.'77 * Le Sepey. Taught.36 yrs, State . conlnol,c lal cotlege(tt.s.) rausanne. coroner, cttier-ot-s taff , lst'Div, swiss ermi. ,irpinr"t. crimu"J rqiiieriirnt

oo 1923 4!g!E!3 Marie EIla Ptlet 1894-1964 * Epesses: coverness (the only Tsldent to do this,14.61 MRCEL JULES At GUSTE *&oolausanne 1893-1973 Professional soldieli confianded loth .A]pine Bde & Iater

2nd Div, Swiss AriV. Expert Alplnlst & Holsemah, Honouled by effigy on 1974 Alpine Bde Rescue !.tedalli,on(a high $viss 'R.S,L, type' honour)

oo 1922 Htilirne Louise Masset 1901- tqlt *Bussigny. Family Histor ienne & Researcher of note

Sister of Shella Blackwood and Eileen Banks ( 'Lanah'); cousin and close kin cf Dulcie Mcculgan and MavisEastgater both n5e Pownallg sister and aunt of a nunber of the Harnpsons of Monto. oo Nanango, t Brisbane.The origin of rossierst second name puzzled his sisters. I t appaxently derlves f lom the Abbott of St. urbain(abt. 1600 A.D.), Confederation of Vevey Vignefons. 372

14,5714. 581 4 . 5 9

( r)


Page 24: copy of the genealogy

L3.27(Con t ' d )


13 .50

13 .60



14 .65



AT l4-a*1894-1901 x Lausanne l f Pu I Iy r o f d ip ther ia

1898-1968 Lu t ry , oo & f Langentha l . Porce la in Works-Manager1900+1973 HerzogenbuchseeISOO t7 t l Pu l l y ' oo Langentha lf898-1979 St - Imier . Ar t i s t & Porce la in des ign-ch ie f . Ret i red1901 Pu l ly . Bu i lder & porce la in techn ic ian . Ret i red1907-1945 Zur ichr f De1emont , oo Langentha lI92L-L949 Lotzwi l , oo and f Langenthal

oo 1951 He id i Gr i j t te r L92I Roggwi l , oo Langentha l . Porce la in a r t i s t & lab . tech .MICIIEL ALEXANDRE xlausannemolten I9O4' i l tb Industr. exec. Noted family l l istor ian. Art i l . Off icer-tTg3S

Lydia Marqueri te Tr i jesch 'Mimi ' *1908-1972 (June) tOlten, f langenthal. LinguisteFREDERIC CHARLES * Lausanne 1905-3 .6 .78 oNeucha te l . A Senr . C Ie rk , Po rce la in Works .

14.69 Alfred (Moncd) * e t 1870 z 14.69A Marguerlte xl891r l iving in 1976; oo Mr. Badoux

T4.7O LOUIS FREDERIC x23 Oct . 1863 At 14 years , in 1887 was s tudent a t Chabag Co l lege (H.S. )


oo 1925 Rosal ie 'R{ is i ' BumiLUCETTE LOUISA

oo 1923 Fernand Walter RenferJEAN FRANCIS

oo 1929 Yvonne Vischoffoo 1947 El1a Rutschmann

oo 1938 lEE Mathilde Ghatelatn l9OO-t.lq+* Chaux-de-fonds. Tralned nulse14.68 IruS OscAR I9!o- tltr? Lausanne. Porcelain art dlrector-oo

1938 clu"a Helnlne Hofstetter 1910- !66 * and oo Langenthal (cll ir i)

14 .8014 .8114.82

Anne @!g!gg (Charenton) oo Paul A l tundj i (Scarce any.* or f data of these three ch i ldren)Eleonore, oo n, Anselme xL842, + 20.n. I927 (Father of Chabag His tor ian, AT 15.195)Caro l ine l ooo. . Skalsk i Caro l ine t 1927 : 14.83 A son f a t 13 years

13 . 71

13.72 aL3 .73 ->13 .75


;;:;- --;;;;;-iil;;;l- -

- - - - - . . - .

1 4 . 1 0 0 5 M a s t o c h i l d r e n r n o d e t a i l s

1 4 . l t 0 O l g a ( T o l k o u c h k i n e )1 4 . I 1 1 E u g e n i a

13 .73

L4.I2O 'P1enty of fairhaired Ruppert chi ldren' (H .A .T . i n IBS7 )

€ ' oo . co ( oox ao

. C('tP ('t( 6 . ( I J O- o . c O( 0 + r- c h c {L ' ( I )coq Nh ^ ( oO . r f C

- Q J O .( o > f {

" F r c o o, { O . C O )< b F { ; C

14.130 CHARLES II I LOUIS GEORGESr )-5'5-r!ffirie Adele Gerstheimer2 ) o o 1 9 3 5 A n n a V a s s i l i e v n a J a n a k i ,

at Dnitrochkovski14. 131 JEANNE HENRIETTE 'JENNIY'

14.I32 PIERRE PHILIPPEoo 1905 Ju l ie Mar ie Thevenaz


Russ ian Of f i cer '14- ' 18 , then vo lun teer in V ' l range l Arnry .oo at Swiss Colony of Osnova near Kherson. His father( tg . l l ) p robab ly d ied I92O. Ch. I I I i s repor ted to havemanaged a b ig co l lec t i ve v ineyard & w inery ab t . m id 1930 's

f Osnova on Dn ieper R iver (Caucasus)oo Osnova, ch i ld o f VrJ lad imi r and Soph ie nee Be ih lMARIE x87 oo at Kherson 1911 Jules Gustave Berthet of

Pampignyf Osnovaf Kherson'A wealthy German who later lost everything'

T w i n o f S o p h i e . 1 B r i t a n s k y ; A r t i l l e r y O f f i c e rWidow or Div. oo 1922 Wladimir Feodor Gerter at Kakhovka

*1879- 1939r882

r88 1- 189 I1883- t9 1BtB82




oo 1917 Natha l ie



Victor ine Dogny

1888- 192I1BB9- 1925

189 1- 1920lB93


Page 25: copy of the genealogy

AT I5-a1 a 1 1 1 A 1 2 Q

/ r ^ ^ + r r \SOPHIE VALERIE

oo. . .Leon Thevenaz x IB90x1891

S e e A T r 1 5 . 2 5 0Living Lausanne 19722 ) o o A n a t o l e D o g n y x l 8 8 5 r s o n o f V i c t o r ( f s . z s f )

I3.BO T4.I4O EUGENIEoo Gustave Forney

T4.T4I VICTORoo M l l e (? ) gaue r o f Odessa





14 .15014. 15 I

1860- r925t1923




abt 1879-1971?rB831B85

oo a Nava l o r Po l i ce Of f i cer

oo Masha Xe a Ukra in ianoo Olga Xr a Russ ian , d iv . 1943was an engineer at Akkerman

l d i a d r * O D r n c l' 1

I ' e

st i l 1-bornst i l l -born

1 3 . B 1


13 . 83

13. E4

14.L66I Z + . 1 0 /


f4 .165 Leont ine (Schanzer )




oo Vladinir MankovskiHor tense rTassayar

Jeanne rAnne l

V i rg i le (1 ) *Odessa: fMoscowoo 1905 Nata l ie Potashn ikova

1864-1934 f at Odessa No details of other I0 Schanzer children who f before IBBT

x ? + ? Matron of Maternity Hospitalr Bendery, 1937xaf ter1868t ? oo Serge Borzyakov x?, l?

1867-1911 Revolut ionary. Close associate of Lenin.1905. Book on h i .s l i fee 1969' I187I-1951 (*The Russian Maratr )

14.I7o ALE.XANDRINE ____-______1991______l)_99:::B9g9lp!9_Ii!!glgepi__?)-99:::4lgle!gl9_99999!___________

f Lausanne)

13.14I 14.210 Yvonne HdI tsne Victor ine LB93-1979oo 1921 Leon Le Jeune d . rA l legeerschcqueIBBS-1975 oo in Be lg ium

14.l-80 PAUL, Bachelor14.181 MARGUERITE HENRIETTE rGretjarI4.IB2 RAOUL ARTHUR , Vigneron

oo 1906 Jeanne Mar ie Haug (2)

14.27I Suzanne Mar ie (Sis ter Beatr ix)14.2I2 Ravmond

1 8 7 8 - 1 9 0 4 A 1 1 3 x C h a b a g1879-196I f B ienne, Swi tzer land; sp ins te rLBB6- I9M L ived in Samuel I rs .house r Chabag.1889-1967 oo Chabag. Widowedl oo L947, Lausanne, Jean Edouard Tapis (Jean and Marie

IB95-1978 Benedict ine Mother Superiorp ConventI9O2 oo 1932 Agnes Grandel x1907

( I)'Appar€ntly his nane is still lvidety honoured in Russia because th€ I9o5 Rdo]utlon forced the estabtishrnent ol the Douna or Parllanent.swiss born Dr. Jean-Pau] xAaAT (I?43-u93) was one of the instisators of the rseptenber Revolutiont (1792) rhich established theFrench Republic.

(2) See illuEtration of this coupt e and her son Her)li Sennr€l, Nith J.L.T. 1962, at Lausanne. Also Photo of 1922 Chabag Centenary CelebrationGroup by A, Anselme y{ith Key, ai Founde!'s ronb (L.v.s.T.) in his garden, during Centenaly celeblations.


Page 26: copy of the genealogy

1 4 . 1 l c i 1


ELIANE CATHERINE LOUISEoo 1934 Mar io Fugagno l i

PAUL GASTON CHARLESoo 1939 Suzanne Emerance

x25-3- 1909* 1909

* l - 10- 19 12M a b i l l e * 1 9 1 1

Tra ined nurse ; l i ve Le-Grau-du-Ro i , Rhone Es tuary AT 16-a

Sa l t -works mechan icW a s w i t h P e u g e o t C a r C o . P a r i s ; r e t . i r e d 1 9 7 3 ; w i t h / a \

(French Army 1939, Mag ino t L ine l P .O.W. Vosges I94OVt


14 .20

1 5 . 51 R 4 .

Char les Henr i (Euvrard)R o g e r L o u i s * 1 9 1 0 , 1 ) o o

1908- 19401932 Simone Rual x?

oo Raymonde Bredouxt I943, 2 ) oo 1945 Pau le t te Roussey

1 5 . 1 0 J o h n N i c h o l a s l P r o f . - D r . ( g e t k i n )o o 1 9 3 8 N a t a l i e Y a n t s i n ( D i v . ' a B )oo 1948 Lorraine Marvinoo 1970 Sharon Lee nee Rothsch i ld

(adopt . Shannon, by oo)1 5 . 1 1 P a u l N i c h o l a s

oo 1957 Ksana Lukaschev i tch1 5 . 1 2 I r e n e I n n a x P a r i s

oo 1945 John [ul inard Stevens (t)'S teve '

U . L . C . A . , U . S . A . W o r l d - f a m o u s a u t h o r ; E n t o m o I . & M o s q u i t o e s(oo Quent in S . Trac 'y , '54 . ) Teaches Russ ian , Seat t le Un i .Sc ience Secre taryB . S c . E n t o m o l o g y i l l u s t r a t o r o f n o t e , L o s A n g e l e s

B . S c . I c h t h , L i n g u i s t r U . S . A . O c c u p ' n F o r c e , E u r o p e ; r e t ' d .H . S . L a n g u a g e T e a c h e rL ingu is te , B .Sc . Landscape Arch i tec tu reB . S c . L a n d . A r c h ; M . S c . R e g i o n a l P l a n n i n g ; ( w i t h W i l b u r S m i t h )

1913 - 1 98019 151924- 19671942

19 15L924t92419 15

14 .30 15 ,2015 .2 r15.22L5.22A15.22815.23


HORTENSE ALEXIA 'LEXIE' , spinster 1905-1950 CashierS/DNEY (n ly Engine Dr iver) tB94-1965 nde Dal ton, adopted by PauI as Dal ton. 'Syd ' f T 'mbaVIoLET (Shopkeeper , sp inster) tB96- I955 Vio let f Sydney ( te f t wi fe and daughter)LINA MARGERY I9O7 lived 1 monthLOUIS HILLIERBETTY

oo 1955 Co l in He i lb ronnFELIX eusnrl

oo 1956 Franc lesWhi tehead

*May 1910-191f1923-L976r%t8- 198219261930

J B e t t y , S t a f f S g t P h a r m a c i s t , R . A . A . M . C . 1 9 4 2 - 4 5 N . Q .teo th were pharmac is ts and re t i red ho te l ie rs i CoI in was af Poet and Sh i re Counc i l lo r , Gracemere Q.'a

Bank Manager attached Commonwealth Bank, Brisbaneex Pharmacy Ass t .

1 4 . 3 1 1 5 . 3 0 C l a r a H 6 1 6 n e ' C l a i r e ' ( R o c h a t ) 1902- 1951

1 5 . 3 1 O l q a F r a n c e s c a H o r t e n s e15.32 A lber t Henr i 'Ber t '

oo 1940 Vera Ann Shennen15.33 Yvonne Kath leen

oo 1940 A l lan Benton

Secre tarv( 'Laur ie '

' remar r ied)oo 1922 Laurence Stanley Jef fer ies1896-1981

1903 Beaut ic ian and Red Cross worker1905-1971 T.axi and racehorse ownerL9O7-I97O Horsewoman19IO'2oot Secretary1 9 0 8 - 1 3 . 8 . 7 5 B u s i n e s s M a n a g e r , f B r i s b a n e ( L o n g i l l n e s s )

(1) During aII 1975 they l ived in Brlsbane while i l inard directed a 2s-year Strategic Land-use Planning Survey ofMoreton reglon of S.E. Queensland for State and Australian Governnents.

(2) Hardships, farm wolk etc. E. Prussia (ootern); contacted Bussian Army Jan. '45. Repatriated via Ukralne,odessa' DardanelLes and Harseil les to Parls on 23-3-1945.


Page 27: copy of the genealogy

AT I7 -a


15.40 ENID MARCA[i | : ] 'oo 1P27 Mark Fogrr ! -y

1 5 . 4 1 L E S L I E V I V I A N ' L e s '

oo 1939 Anr r Rob inson15.42 IRENE MAY

oo 1938 b l i 11 i am Saunders Mur ray 'B i I I '15.43 ESME AGNES

oo 1937 Den is Bernard Hogan\5 .44 RONALD 'RON' ex go l f champ.

oo 7946 Peooy Maureen l rw in , Reg. Nurse

x l9O9 - 11 . !> P ian is t , QId Opera ,Journa l i s t ( t v tus ic ) ; Wor Id ' Iour

LeaderI90 l Ret . i re rJ fu rn i tu re t rader , ex T .enn is rep .1 9 I I - / ? l t t B o m b e r O f f i c e r ( n a v . ) n . n . F . E u r o p e ' 3 9 - ' 4 5 , D . F . C . L e g a l1 9 1 5 r y ? l l O f f i c e r , T a x a t i o n - R e t i r e d , W a r w o u n d s , a b t , 1 9 5 31913 ry7 f Ba l le t accompan is te , p iano and mus ic teacher1912-1963 M, r to r Trader 1969 J Ret i red1914- ryqL SchooI teacher , f :o ;^ ihar les Heath - l i i i r " r C Ierk , t gO9-1g71L g I O - 1 9 4 6 l { o t e I i e r , G l a d s t o n eL9221922

B o m b e r C a p t . ' R A F 1 9 3 9 - 4 5 , 4 6 0 S q d n - s a m e a s L e s l i e . D . F . C .C i v i l A i r C a p t n e l l y r s . N o w O i l C o . E x e c u t i v e

i 4 . 3 3 1 5 . 5 0 P e r c v R e g i n a l d ' I n k y ' ( S t e p h e n s e n ) 1 9 O t - 1 9 6 5o o . . . W i n i f r e d S a r a l r ( n e e L o c k y e r ) I B 9 1 - 1 9 7 1

1 5 . 5 1 R o s a l i n e I v y ' R o s ' F . A . S . A . L 9 0 5 - f i q 71 5 . 5 2 V i o ] e t P e a r l ' P a t ' 1 9 1 4 - 1 9 6 8

oo 1939 Stan ley C l i f fo rd GreenwcoJ x I9O715.53 Er ic Dud ley 1916

oo 1956 Margare t15 .54 Cyr i l Edward 'Ted '

Famous Author & Pr rb l i sher . Rhoc les Scho lar 1924 (Oxford)W i . d o w ( w i t h s o n e J a c k , ) g a l l e L d a n c e r , d e v o t e d w i f eoo and Div, resumed maiden nameRadio scr ip t wr i te r'Ace ' Insurance broker - re t i red

Ar t i s t , carpenter -bu i lder , Landscape gardenerSweatman 'Peg ' 1916 ex L ib rar ian, A c c o u n t a n t 1 9 2 2 - 1 9 4 4 B o m b e r P i l o t O f f i c e r R . A . F , + 4 . 5 . I 9 4 4 r S t . M e s m i n ; s h o t

down near Troyes , Se ine R iver , F rance; in te r red St . Mesmin1925 Secretary - Business Manager1 5 . 5 5 J o a n

o oElwyn

1 9 4 3 B a s i l J a m e s D i c k s o n 19 19 Foreman Motor Mechan ic , Sawmi l le r e tc

14.37 15.60 Pau l Joseph Scrope (Shrapne l ) tg tZo o 1 9 3 9 C e c i l e I s a b e l l e W r i q h t 1 9 1 8

15.61 Dav id Needham Scrope15.62 John Edward Scrope

D e n t i s t ( e . o . S c . ) O a k e y r Q ; e x S h i r e C o u n c i l l o rSoc ia l Workerf pneumonia a f te r boat - race a t 'Church ie ' , Br isbaneB a n k M g r . f d u e N e w G u i n e a a n d M i d . E a s t w a r s e r v i c e A . I . F .N u r s i n g S i s t e r R . A . A . F .Twin o f Ph i l ip ; Accountan t ; Company D i rec to . r ; es tab . Aus t .G inger Indus t ry , Buder im. Q: Tobruk 'RAT ' , 2 /15 Bn A. I .F .Rad iographer and Secre tary . f near Br isbaneB.Econ.Hon. Manag ing D i rec tor o f h is Co. (Economic fo recas ters& B u s i n e s s C o n s u l t a n t s ) S y r i a n c a m p a i g n a n d N e w G u i n e a A . I . F . )

( rgsg-as )

oo 1947 Mar jo rv Kath leen Kenny I92L1 5 . 6 3 G e o f f r e v S c r o p e ( r n f . M a j o r ) M . f . D I 9 2 o - I 9 7 6

B o t h f c a r a c c i d e n t 1 4 O c t . M . B . E : .oo 1944 Sy lv ia Margare t Beech

1 5 . 6 4 P h i l i p S c r o p e ( e r t y . C a p t . )

oo 1946 Laura El izabeth Mi l ls 'Betty ' xI923

T914-192819 17- 196 1


14.39 15.70 *JOAN ANNIE(xdora 's ch i l c l ren)oo L942 Hardie Gaetaen Gowen

15.71 )eZOE HORTENSEoo 1949 Lloyd lhompson

L5.72 *PETER JULES FREDERICKX23.9 . '36 .8 .A .

Ig23- t |?b A.A. Hons. Psychology lecturer1922-9.O.1Zt I lum. & construct ion. Designed King Geo Sq. Park ing Br is .1927' loo l Was a Secretary wi th A.B.C. , Br isbane and Sydney1926 B a n k M a n a g e r ( C . 8 . + . )

oo 1965 Margaret-Ann Mary15.73 LORAINE PRIXIGLE TARDENT

S e a r l ee x A . B . C . R a d i o A n n o u n c e r . ' R . A . A . F . ( i r C m i n . O f f i c e r , A U S T . U S A & M a l a y s i a

2 3 . 9 . 1 9 3 7 N u r s i n g S i s t e r ( O . C . ) ( S q d n L d r , H . Q . , C a n b e r r a : A . C . T .1943 n6e Hornr adopted L9A6 by J .L .T . ; L i .b rar ia i r

Pr i t chard x lg43 Sen ior C le rk (Sh i re Eng ineer ing)o o 1 9 6 4 9 o l i n W i l l i a m R o b e r t


Page 28: copy of the genealogy

1 5 . 8 0 W a l t e r J u l e s ( B a m i t t )15 . B I Joyce Ethe lwyn ' Joy '

oo 1950 Meryvn Stas Paxinos15.82 l{enry Cl iye

oo 1948 l-orna Annette Schumann1 5 . 8 3 L e t t y E l a i n e

oo 1950 Bgynnnd Henry Walsh15.84 Major iq Ruth

oo 1963 fuy Freder ick .Entermann

f p p l i o ( ? ) e p i d e m i cDip lomarYouth LeaderMale Nurse and Soc ia l Serv ice Of f i cer7 D.A. Pas tor ; Conference Pres identSoc ia I Worker , Hea l th Food ManagerDip lomal Youth Leader & Nurse ; Soc ia lM e c h . E n g i n e e r & D e s i g nReg is t . Nurs ing S j .s te r and D ip . YouthQ . A . T . B . F i n a n c e O f f i c i a t ( R m U u t a n c e )

AT l8-a14.40 x19 16- 1932

I9I9 - t1q719231922192519261926- aoo t19381936



14 .50 15.90 LOUIS q 1915oo 1939 Constance Win i f red Swindel l x I916

15.9I PERCY ARNOLD I91Boo 1944 Li la Wrightoo 1959 Ne l l ie Dor is Terke lsen nee Webb

Refr igerat ion Engineex, Townsvi l le

Refr igerat ion Engineer , Ather ton, N.Q.Div. 1959

x I 9 2 O N e l l d i v . P . ' 8 1 ; 3 / a ' 8 2 , t o G o r d o n t ^ / i l l e t t s

L4.52 15 .100

15 . 101

15. 10215 . 103

15. I04

15 . 105

15. 106

15 . 107

THELMA GRACE T92Ioo 1945 James Reync lds ' J im ' 1918

ELSTEMAY GA- i -AD ( l ) e221g \2

oo 1945 Henry Mervyn Runnegar 'Harry' xI9I7ALICE DORIS 1924.T926bffi eNro rs25

oo 1944 Eric George Green 1924EDNA IDA 1927

oo 1946 Lesl ie Robert Clarke 1924OSWALD CHARLES 'OSSIE' 1928

oo 1961 Dor isBERYL DULCIE

oo 1950 Jack RavenswoodJOYCE MARIE-6i lgsg

Ronald Cl i f ford Young

was SecretaryP.M.G. L inesman ex War Serv icew a s T a i l o r € s s 1 e x Y . W . C . A . o f f i c i a lCar r ie r bus iness e tc .

w a s D r e s s m a k e r a n d Y . W . C . A . o f f i c i a lProp . Eng ineer ing Works , Br isbanewas C lerk ( 'Coast Rover ' ;B u s C o . l v t a n a g e r l e x A . I . F . 1 R o y a l V o l .Graz ie r - Manager & Gra in Farmc. r '

Hornsbyr N.S.W. )C o a s t a l P a t r o l o )

Young nde Roser 'Tommy' xL937 Bush- reared; do any th ing !1930 was Mi l l inerL 9 2 6 w a s T a x i D r i v e r . M i l k v e n d o r r s r u n ; p a r t n e r r s o n L a r r y1932 was Clerk1932 Motor trader

14.55 15 . l lO Oswald Thomas 'OSSIE ' (Horn)- i l ; t95o Ruth redford

3 ) oo 1963 fgyce Mary Camigg15. l I l F raser Sydney

oo 1964 Judith Ann Hockey 'Judy'

p / O . R . A . N . ' 3 9 - ' 4 5 . C h i e f E l c t n' tz / Z .g l" l1J A/oo t2.6.75 Dawnnee l ,ao l le foG r a z i e r M a n a q e r . S b o c k s a l e s ,Recept ion i s t

Me lb . 'Hera ld -W. T imgs lFarquar , *6 .11 .29 , Boo kb inder

Darl ing Downs

1920? - 1955

19 13- 1965I92I1928

14 .56 15 .120 A l l an John (Dray ) 1926 Carpen te r , Ra i l . Dep t . Re t i red Ocb . ' 78 ( i l l hea l th )oo 1951 Margaret Patr ic ia Wi l l iamson x1931 (Dr i .v . now lv l rs Cur t is , Redcl i f f e)

15.121 Owen Keith 1923 Plumberoo tgSZ Bever ley Joyce Kingston 1934-3.1973 ( f suddenly)

L5 . I22 Evan S tan ley ' I 931 - f931

(7) A verg large gaXhering attenileal ETsiets funera-l ser\rjce. The officiatingt njnister, who hail knct,n tll€ fanilyaefiveteit an inpressive euloqg. He. speciaf,Tg referreal to the Tong geats of voTunXatg executiye service thaXto the YWCA anil to Xhe bettez71€'nt of ]ife of goung etonen in Btisbane. Oeet 2OO aXtended Xhe fLnetaf sewlce.

for mang gears,Efsie had given

Page 29: copy of the genealogy

oo 1961 Ferdinand Lirthi15.I31 ANNE I\,IADELEINE HENRIETTE rAnnettet

oo 1960 Car l Wi lhelm Heinen

x Ruderswi l l , D ip lomat . Swiss-Consu l ; severaL cont inentsx & oo Lausanne, Ph.D. Nat . Sc ience & B.Sc . Chem.x Bamberg , Germany. Ph.D. Chem. Indus t r ia l . (C iba-Ce igy execut ive . )

19r9-l 98 11925T9T7

1 4 . 6 3 15.140 PIERRE ERNEST (M.Sc. Cantab) Ph.O. 1927- lQ| / xoo 1953 Elsbeth Ruth Siegfr ied 1931 )e

15.141 JEAN-PAUL 1930 - '"/?t" *oo 1957 Elisabeth Hanna Moser tHannvr 1930 r(

& oo Langenthal;Kirchberg, Berne.& oo Langenthal.S te f f i sburg

Prof . Zoology, Zur ich Uni .L inguiste. Scient is t

Ph.D. L i 'b- H.S. Ieacher,

Lingui st

Frenoh and History

14.64 15.150 Pierre Fernand (Renfer)oo 1952 Andrde Gonin

15.15I Suzanne Louisaoo 1956 PouI Elneqaard

1925' i97f , x Langenthal . PorceLain Ar t Designer1,926- i11, x & oo GenevaI92B * Langenthal, oo BerneI9I9 *looo J€ Denmark, Architect

14.65 15.160

1 q 1 4 1

1 5 . 1 6 2x15 .163

x15. 164x15. 165

193119341935- 19431938- 1943L954


FRANCIS HENRI (S ny tst oo)oo 1956 Mari-anne Miiller

MARCEL LOU]SLOUISA WONNEffiGF'reRRE (x = 3 by 3rd oo)

oo 7.4.79 Anne-Lise BorqeaudANDRE LOUISJUL]ETTE HEIDI

oo 1.7.78 Michel Buser

x Langenthal. Linguist; Wool Marketingx Mont reux : oo C larens , C l in ic Recept ion is te , te lephon is te

Studying engineer ing - text i les & construct ion mater ia ls for B.Sc.

Graphi .c Ar ts Cert i f . Rept i les at tendant , Zur ich Uni .Cert i f . in Publ ic i ty and Industr ia l Ar tMed. & chiropractor Underqrad. Both to Canada I97B-I982

1957r95 I



14 .68

15.170 / JACQUELINE ANNEoo 1958 Edwin Rausser

15.I71 LUCETTE YVOTINEoo 5.5"78 Guido Char les Bentz

15.L72 PHILIPPE MICHEL Both went Vietnarnoo 1968 E ls ie Wal lach (Red Cross)

15.I73 - MARIE.IOUISE MARGUERITEoo 1969 PauI Inqo]d

/ \15.180 ECE HELENE

oo 1966 Peter Baumann

x Langenthal . Specia l is t teacher, speech therapyx Bo11igen. oo Berne. Archi tect* Langenthal . L inguistee Specia l is t teacher lAot f r teach at Morgers SchooLB.A. Hist . & L i t . ; Dip. Curat ive Ed. (Basle) { for handicapped chi ldren.* Lr thal . Dip. Translator . Publ i .c Relat ionsx Berne, oo Geneva, Secretar ia l (o ip lomat ic)* & oo Lr thale Teacher; Bi rd-watcherx Lr thal r Ph.D. Nat . Sc. Berne Univers i ty ; orn i thologis t

* Langentha le oo Bas le . Pro f . Photographer)+ Bozenl Theatre Manager



15.I9O ANNE-MARIEoo 1962 lobert Viktor Steffen

15.I91 JEell-rOurSJF /ri.o;oo 1968 Anne-Marie Bachmann


x & oo Langenthalx Kut t igen ex lce Hockey acee Indus t . Chemis t r Bas lex Langentha l r Indus t r ia l , 'Chemis t - was te re -cyc l ingx & oo Langentha l : spec ia l o f f i ce du t ies


14. B1

15.190A Sophie (n l tundj i )oo Nicholas Laurent

apparently x abt 1875Sufildry (High nounanian official) oit893i? F .r - - -

15.195 Andrd (Anselme)oo Ka th r i ne X

15.196 Alexandre15.197 Mar ie

o f M u n i c h .188T-1965 Author TCHABAG History 1925t; B.Sc. Chen. Engineer, Vigneron. f in Gernany

(See AT L6.4A6)

( t ) A l1 Louisr ( tS.Zz) grandchi ldren learned Engl ish.


Page 30: copy of the genealogy

AT 20-a15 . t95A N icho las ( s ta rs t i ) 15.196A Made le ine oo Lev insky 15.197A Eugene14.82

14. 130 15.200 ANGELINE FANNY 'WNAi x1904 at Beris lav15.201 ELEONORE ANNE 'NORAT 1906 at BerislavT5.2O2 HENRIETTE 1910L5.2O4 BLANCHE ) -.15.205 SO'HIE

( These three were with

15.206 FRTQUET j c r 'a t les r r r in Russ ia ' 1931

oo 1934 A lexandre D imi t r i Gers the imer , @Odessaoo 1929 a t Osnova,V las Bred ik l ine Michae lov i tch15.203 LOUISE-Did no t go to Russ ia w i th Ch. I I I in 1931

l:'?9i lt^iTA l 1 o"ro'e 1e2Bl s .2o8 EDIA )

14.L32 15.210 JEANNETIE x1906-192015.211 FANI\M SOPHIE oo 1928 at Osnova I9O7I5.2I2 WLADIMIR NAPOLEON T9T2-T966

oo 1934 AlexanCra Maximenko x30-4-1913

x Chabag. oo Miche l Ber the t* Osnova, f Genevax a t Br i tansky , oo Kherson,

of Pampigney

l ives Geneva

15.22O Nicolas (Berthet)

15.230 Anto ine (Ueer)




14. 138


*191819 18

See son , 4T r16 .500Tw ins , x B r i t ansk i , s t a y e d i n R u s s i a

15.250 Wladimir ( thevenaz) 19 16I92 I1 5 . 2 5 1 V i c t o r ( O o g n y )

15.252 Jeannet te (oo . .Gr imshaw o f London) 1927-1966 f Lausanne.

f rom ls t oofrom 2nd oo o o . r . . M r l s G a r c h o u c h a

H a d o n e s o n ( A T 1 6 . 5 2 0 )

14.r40 Forny e had 8 ch i ldren inc lud ing these 4: -15.260 Louis :15.262 Georges oo Mis Podgorn ia :

(Doubt fu l x o rder )15 .261 Jeanne oo Mr . Gustave X15.263 Gustave oo Ml le Knore o f Ko losav

15 . x A la rge fami ly A 1 1 l e f t C h a b a g ( A T 1 4 . 1 4 r )

L5 ,27O V ic to r (Forny ) t a bache lor : 15 .271 Luc ien oo X i he had 2 sons

1 4 . L 4 1

t4. 143



1 5 . 2 8 0 a g i r l ; o o P a u l M i t t e l s t e t t , w h o t 1 9 1 8 Pau l was an Accountan t

15.290 DAVID15 .291 He lene , oo a15.293 VICTORIA, as

Natura lRuss ian ;she fsp inster went

son o f I4 . I47 , adopted by 14 .149(See AT 15.290 & AT21-a & 2B-a)1945 z 15.292 ANTONIA I Dq|, oo t94O a Romaniant o R o m a n i a w i t h M a s h a , A D R I E N ' S w i f e ( V . t + l a )

14 . 148 15.300 HELENE *.1912

19 13x & l i ves Chabag, L974Carpenter and Cabinet Makerr ex Vigneronoo 1947 Alexandre Karpenko

^ r ^ r r n r r / r r r r o ' , \ n .

Page 31: copy of the genealogy

I4.I47 t5.z9o olvlo AT 21-a adopted ex 14.14? (ADRIEN) (see AT 2o-a & 28-e)

15.311 GEORGES rnobil lsed by the Russians 1941i disappeared, possibly K.I.A.?15'312 VICTORIA@ Hen r i lYak inenkorNava I Capth ; l l942td i ed boating accldent 1942 ,In great despair ' sh€ suicided

14.165 15,315 Serge (Mankovski) *1904 oo 1944 Katarlna Xr l lves Klshinev 1975. (See AT 16,550A)15.316 Antohina oo 1938 1906 oo Ivan Svlr ldov 11900. Llves Moscow. Have t ldns15,314 Eugdnie oo-x(Known as Mankovski ) 1898 Llves Kishlnev. Has daughte! (16.551)

- - - ' 191314.167 15,318 vera (Borzyakov) *gendery 188?r + Rostov-Don 1920, ;6Jichae1 Calasev, + Bendely I94O (Vera was a teacher)

15.319 Boris *1892-1972 oovNatal ie Narbut *Novograd-Vo lynsk, + Moscow 1969. (16,55+) l tatatte *tggg1 9 L 7

14.168 15.320 Eugdneu Sohanzer ) P!of. Dr. (1) t '26.12.1905 Geol. Dept, Moscow Univ.1975. Expert on Glaclers & Ice Ageoo 1929 lamara Mikullna * 4. 1.1903 Geoloqiste

I4 .L70 15 .330 C lemence (Winke lmann) oo ? Ca taneau , So l i c i t o r (2 by l s t oo )15 .331 Emi l i e oo . .D im i t r i u , Cava l r y Cap t .15.332 Nico las (Besson) conscr ip ted? 1940 oo 12. I . I928 Ml1e Laurent (ny ZnA oo)

14.142 15,340 HENRI-SAMUEL *Chabag *1906-1978? Llved Lausanne, Mult l l lngulst, varled, lntelestl ng careeroo I93I Annette Mievi l le 1908 * & oo Chaba Divorced 1938oo. 1940 Ellsabeta 8a!a 1915 * Bretcu, Romania, oo Bucharest

15.341 ORESTE i a mechanic 1910-1944 + Chabag, f Bucharest (Bombardnent.) ' was errny conscriptoo 1938 Vera Laulent 1906-1972 oo Chabag, + Lausanne (AT 16.5?0)

14,210 15.350 And!6 (Le Jeune) *1922 oo 195C olga Ponty The Le Jeunes apparently al] Iive Belgium. OIga *192415.351 Genevilve 1923 I 15.352 Pierre *1926-193715.353 Jaques 1929 oo 1961 Christianne Petit *1935

I4.2I2 15.360 Guy (Fontaine) *1933 oo 1965 Annick Rudaux *1944. The Fontaines apparently all llve Be191um' but Tardentblood has gleatly thlnned!

15.36I Monique *1934 3 15.362 Jacqueline 1936 oo 1966 Geolges Blnart *193315.363 Nlcole *1940 oo 1964 Pierre Delori 1936 : 15.39 Patrlck *L943 @ 1972 Bernadette H"th""at ( i l ,r"ro)

15.1 16.1 J_qqn:teqt Gaston (Fugagnoli) 1948 oo 1969 Maryse Meilhac xI949


,6. 1, d;'J:ff3'fH Hl,ili""'1946 ex Bank Clerk1937Lg47- ty ,St t * Physica l F i tness teacher inc lud ing sk i , p lus rhythm dancing

oo 1971 Jean-Yves Letortu 1945

(1) Enid Fogarty ln Janualy '74 6nd wlih Joan co$,en January r?5 (both nde Taldent) obtained family data fton EugCneand Tamara at thel. apartnent in Moscow.


Page 32: copy of the genealogy

15 . 10 1 6 . 2 0 N i c h o l a s J o h n , N i c k ' ( g e l t < i n ) *1942oo 1966 Martha Hanford Haynes(Div)xL942oo June 1972 Kr is t in Loehse 1947

I W a s L i b r a r i a n S ] a v o n i c D e p t . , S e a t b l e U n i v . U . S . A . r '( P h . D L o n d . L e c t u r e s h i p L o n d o n U n i . I n f o r m a t i o n a l S c . , r 7 6 - 8 1

P h . D ; L i b r h . I n L o n d . 1 9 7 4 - 7 6Meter Ma id , Seat t le . S tud ied ar t . oo 6 .z . rgzz{?9e^1 i l : '( f i ved in Mex ico C i ty to r77B.A. Languages) I ' Lo 'JU ' /J r'OI i ' i s B .Sc . Chem. Corn Produc t Co.Admin is t ra to rI n I n d u s t r g B . A . H u m a n i t i e s r B e r k e l e y U n i . C a l .Farming & Fores t ry work . Chr is t ian Communi ty ; N . Ca l .Christ ian farm communityl Needleworkg xDetroi t , Mich.P h y s . f i t n e s s t e a c h e r e t c , @ B r a d l e y ( s e e 1 6 . 2 5 , a b e l o w )adopted 7.2.I97L1 Dow Befki 'n. I5; ; Francisco






I6.2L Tanya(oo Dennis Wayne Ainsworth ) 1946L6.22 NathashE Joanne ( r I6.L2.4B) 1947

oo 1970 Ol iVerio Gui lermo Mart inezx1946L6.23 Laura Therese (a lso 'Temy' ) '16.24 Michael John 'Mike'


oo 27.2. '75 Sherrv Gai l Kraus x10-2-1952

L6.25 El izabeth Jean 'Betsy ' oo 1981*11-5-196216.26 Karl Edward nee Burmeister x 2-9-L964" 1 6 . 2 5 _ a _ 2 _ i - - - - - - - - - - - - L _ _ D j o n G i b b s : ' . 2 5 . 5 . 6 0 , N a p a , C a l . S h o p m a n a g e r' i l l - - -L* - - l

16.30 Michael Paul16 .31 He len ' Lene t

'Mi sha' (.ge t tcin )oo 19BO Wrn. St i lwel l

IDennis , 16.2Ia manages a Denta l(Group Accoun ts o f f i ce )




Carol Belk in (stevens) rgsoSusan Trayer;Ballet and Engl.Study 1955

MA. (Russian His tory)Un iv ' s , USA, Ger . & G .B .

J notn g i r ls much wor ld-) t ravel led

15 . l 1

15. 12


15 .30

15 .32

15 .33

16 .5016 .51

SUSAN ELIZABETH B.A. ,oo 20.12.80 '1957 H.S. Teacher oo La\^rrence ' r tawriet I .""

,_3'_i"l,1J_3;r+ ? fg, - - _ - _ Fu f ; = ; lugifi;,3!??: : bb?i*X?i ?!i?:!.9! t:, 8 . 4 .

t i l l D e c . 1 9 8 3

16 .60 Adrie! Phi l ippe Lawrenc.e (Jeffer ies )x1923oo Jean Horne 1950 I92O

Sa les Manager , ex p ro fess iona l s inge4 F l t . L t . R .A . F . 1 9 \1 -46Secretary

16.7O Dav id Ph i l ip (Rochat ) I945-L975 Bui lder . Br ick layer . Car acc ident 3rd May; t 10.5.75

16 . B0

16 .81

Richard Dav id 'D ick ' (Benton)oo 1971 Marc ia Den ise Fare l l

Roqer Char les 1 e lee t r i c iano o 1 3 . 1 2 . 7 5 R o s 1 y n H a n s e n

Industr ia l Computer Chief , Sydnef e N.S.W.Secretarybx R .A .N . e t rec , t ech . r U .S .A . & V ie tnam; coachPr i v . Sec .



capt . Europel(a Va r ious I

15.40 16.90 Ei leen May 'P ink ie ' (Fogar ty)oo 1954 Martin James Logan

16.91 Peter Markoo Bettv Marjory Day

16.92 [ggg Clareoo 1956 Frank Roland Hayes

16.93 Thomas Michaeloo 1966 Anna Mat iaschewski (uses

16.94 Mark Jamesoo 1964 Peta Burns

16.95 l4ari lyn Marieoo 1963 Barry Charles Brown

1928 Dress designer1927 Sta te Ra i lway Of f i cer , Br isbane1 9 3 0 P u b l i c S e r v i c e C l e r k G o l d C o a s t , e . ( e x D a r w i n N . T . ,1930 w6s Denta1 Nurse ; t f raceyrd isas ter ,1931 Conserva tor ium (Vo ice) , Beaut ic ian

Cyclone)has 1974


Fiui t Trader and FarmerDentist and Dip. l lypnot ist

'Mat ias ' ) * fggg was A i r Hos tess ; t r i -L ingua l Ukra in ian1940 Dent is t ; I [ oo l97B Judy Cass x l952.Denta l nurse

B.DSc. Dent is t (OOonJ

1942-1977 Kindergartner, Social ! , lorker & Art Gal lery proprietorI94L B.DSc. Dent is te (OOon)


Page 33: copy of the genealogy

'Al ' 2 3 - a 1 6 . 1 9 6

1 6 . 1 0 1

16. 10216. 10316. 10416 . 105


ANTilOI, l l / JOHN'Tonv'f f i t z (o i . r . r78 ) c lo r ineGREGORY B. Com. (Ota;

oo 1970 [gyleen HanrahanDAVID GLYNN

x1940Dolores Cor r ie

19421945 ex194719501953 was1955

Land Surveyor (L .S . )Aus t andC I e r k A . C . T .C lerk Lega l Sec t ion , Arnry :B a n k o f f i c e r .

F a r E a s t ( V o l u n t e e r A i d )

4 . C . T . i p r e - s c h o o l t e a c h e r ,(Townsv i l Ie , 1979

Trad ing Schooner Master , Thursday Is ld & fo r res St .

Accountan t - F inance Assessor - ManaqerShow r ider

15 .41 ' L i n '

15.42 1 6 . 1 1 0

1 6 . 1 1 1

1 6 . I I 2

16. I 13

16.I I4

Jan May 'Janie' ( t , tu.rray)oo 1965 Ivan Nesb i t

Sandra El ia neoo 1950 Ke i th Ne i l R ichards

G a y l e M a r g a r e t ( O i v ? 1 9 8 1 )oo 1963 Donald Robert Mc Donald

Ian John

N y a A l l i s o n

F i lm Act ressrHamburg , Ger . (pu f r f F i Ims, as Jan ie Mur ray)F i lm Ac torwas Teacher - governessG r a z i e r . S h e e p a n d C a t t l e r N . Q .

ex T .V. News Reader i Secre taryS Rea l Es ta te AgentOwner and Head, So l i c i to rsF i rm. B .A. LawBus iness Manager e tc .

Mus ic Teacher ; Un i . Under g rad ; F ine Ar ts , V ic . & Qld .

19401939I94I193 r194419301948


15 .43


16. 120



16.130 MICHAEL ROSS rMike ' D .F .C. , RAAFo o 2 . I I . 7 4 J i l l i a n A n n e W a t e r s

16.131 NANETTE MAUREENffi2.76 David Rawson

I n d u s t r . M g r . A c c o u n t a n t ( L t . C o m d r . R . N . R . )e x A i r H o s t e s s . L i b r a r i a n

Secre tary - Accountan t (separa ted) l i ves NambourWas garage Proprietor: Concrete TransportNurs ing S is te rO i l B u s i n e s s M a n a q e r , P l a n e a n d g l i d e r P i l o t . O f t e n t r a v e l s

;; ; ; ; ; ;; -; ;; - ;; ; ;; ; ;- ;J,'J;"""" 11"" J;ff ',Bil : ;;, ; f H ;cop,

",.147 oo Malays ia ; (o f Per th ) D iv i r7 t .B .2 /oo 1980 Andrea Muspra t tR e q i s t . N u r s eP 1 u m b e r , ( o f M a l d o n , E s s e x e U . K . ) o o B r i s b a n e

Desmond John (Hogan)oo 1959 Marlene A11man

Mary Margare! Annoo 1960 Darvl Jotrn Pashley

D e n i s e C l a i r eoo 196 l Noe l Smi th

I93819381 939r93619401939



15 .52

15 .55

16. 140

16. 14 t


Jane Marie (Greenwood)oo 1959 Daryl Antonio Camino


16. 150 Wamen Edward (Oict<son )oo 1966 Sandra Pul6s Div, L976

1 6 . 1 5 1 V i v i e n n e M a r i eoo 1970 Michae l S igne l I

Rosaline Ann x4-4-I944oo 4.8.1973 David Col in l les 1947

Christ ine May 1948oo 1967 Bryan Wayne Hutchinson 1947

Truck Owner, Tas.B . A . D i p . E d . T a u g h t F r e n c h ( H . S . ) l i v e s E n g l a n dM . S c . C i v . E n g r . B r i s t o l . G . B .Div. 1977 z Zfoo 1979 Graham Leonard Smith, Master Chefr+' !5

\ 2 / a D e c . r 8 l . l r e n e E l i z a b e t h B r e n n a n n e e R e i d * ' 4 3 r L i v e r p o o l , G . B .

I R . A . A ' . F i . ' S t a f f C o l l . A . C . T . ' B Z . S q ' n L d r , ( E q u i p . ) S u e z C a n a l ' 7 6 .'

Cater ing and Ba l le t teacher . 2 loo John LeeCater ing Manager ( re t i red)Advert is ing designer and Architectural Draftsman


Page 34: copy of the genealogy

f 5 . 6 0 1 6 . 1 6 0 H e l e n S c r o p e ( S f r a p n e l )

L6.I62 Peter John ScropeT161+.1r .75 'Jackie '

oo 1964 Walter Malcolm Patterson 193816.161 Patr ic ia Mary rPatsy or Pat ty ' 1943

oo 1965 Ernest Robert Reeve 1939

2 / a 2 6 . 7 . 7 9 P a t r i c i a D a p h n e

1947I ^ , - ^ - ^ \

A t K l n S O n ( U 1 v . I y l d j' T r i c i a r B u r r e l I t 9 5 O

16.163 C la i re Win i f red Scropeoo 26.I.80 AnEus Ian Munrol

ex TeacherGraz ie rex Med. labora tory techn j -c ianGraz ie r and gra in fa rmer . B .Sc . Aq.

AT 24-a

L i g h t p l a n e p i l o t a g e ; e a r t h - m o v i n g ; d r i v i n g i n s t r u c t 6 r ' . , C o - M g r --D i rec to r .Sw im € F i t ness Cen t re , Toowoombar i w i t h l tT r i c i a r l lD ip . Phys . Ed . ,

Dip. Speech therap. (Qld) Canada 73-74i S. Aus. 75:+78; Brisbane 1979-80B . Ve t . Sc .




;;:;-4"!G;;;;;iil""*;i-------i'i'---- 1;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;*.i;ffi;:-iil-;i"i$;i"""-iii'.--'i";-------Z/@ 30-1-82 Peta lak in,Town Planner 1958 tPlanning Dept . Per th, W.A. 1978. Town Pln i , Joond; lup Develop ' t t98 l

ho 16.12.72 Caro1 Anne Watklns 19-7-1952 Legal Secretary' I{.I.!1, Both in G.B. 1976-77i Div. 1977.l,6.L7L Richard John Scrope I949-L95616.172 Wi l l iam Scrope 'B i l l r 195316 .173 Jane Pa t r i c i a <o l JB l pe te r Mans in i (+ ' 53 ) 195716.174 Mj.chael Scrope rMiker 1960

B.Sc. App. Chem. Degree studies, Food Technology, Hospi ta l Diet i t ianQ ld Un i . A r t s , Mus i c s tud ies (Pe te r i s l andscape ga rd ine r )Under-grad, Archi tecture Q. I .T. 1978

r5 .63 16.180 John Scrope (Shrapnel)oo 1968 Marilyn Scott rMaryl

16.181 Robin Scropeoo 1969 Pamela Briggs

IO . IUZ Cat r iona rCat ree tnar (o r


M . B r Q ; D . R . ( L o n . ) ; F . F . A . , R . A . c . S .M . B , Q ; D . P . M . ( t o n . ) ; M . R . G . P s y . ( L o n . )B. Com. Executive Accountant, NambourDip. Kindergartnerex H.S. Teacher and Under Grad Arts Q. Uni . ( tMiss Popular i ty ' QId.)Four years studies B.Sc. & B.A. at Qld Uni .oo lB .B .72 Ross S tan ley

t N i n a t )

Edgar Walker

16. I90 El izabeth Antea (Shrapnel)oo 1970 Duong Tan Trunq

16.191 {gg! Cel iaoo 1976 Brian John Farrell

16.L92 Jenni fer J i11 rJennvr

f f i .17 Er ic Al i red AlexanderAsher

B.A. Dip. Ed. Taught Engl ish Br i t ta inyM. Sc. Elec. Englneer. (Vietnamese)

t -B.A. Dip. Ed. (Two gi r ls in Europe inB. Comm; H.S. Teacher, conservat ionis tB .A . H .S . Teache roo at Sydney; M.B.

1947194419491950195 Ir o q l

r77, Denmark f97B-80(separated 1976, Par is)1973 & 74)

15.70 16.200 Robert Gaetaen (Cowen)oo 1971 Shelagh Davey

16.20I Cel ia Gaetaenoo 1971 Henry Cl ive Handley

16.202 Brett Gaetaenoo 1968 Patr ic ia Kay Ke11y rTr ic iar

16.203 Grant Gaetaen

Engi-neering and Uni. Undergrad. London; now working BrisbanePubl ic Relat ions (U. f . ) This fami ly returned to Qld September 19BOAerial Gartographer, Airl ine office manageressDip. L.S. Land Surveyor , Armidale, N.S.W. (Consul tant)Refr igerat ion, Heavy Machinery Sales, etc . Par tners h is show-r ider wi fe inc lass ic Arab stud farmB.E . Hons , I 97B


I C . / I


16.2IO Robyn Lynnette (thompson) r950 T.A .A . A i r hos tess16.211 EE L]oyd 1959 Arts Undelglad, Qld University


1966-1967 x Brisbane Q. t at I yr 4 days, Southport* A.C.T. r Canberra ,,7 7 "* A.C.T. -z [",***y"*.x Malaysiao R.A.A.F. Baeee'Penang (oebroui l lafde!t) 'x Canberra




Page 35: copy of the genealogy

15 .73

15 .81



25-ag!!9gg Jane (nritchard)Andrew Colin Kenneth

x19661968 [ "oan

x southportr e.

16.240 Rhonda Joy (Paxinos)16.24I Brenda Anne

oo 1971 Peter Alan WvnstraL6.242 @neth Mffi

oo 9.4.78 -Ker)!l Jane Woollett16.243 Leanda Gay rAnda!

16.25I Ruth Annetti l-. oo 1971 Dav id Webs te r B .Sc . Ph .D .16.252 Beverly June

oo Alvin Frederick Christian

B.Sc. Di-p. Nutrit ion. Dietician Melbourne Childreris Hospi.tal

Trade Teacher; o\Jns weld ing worksr Gulgong, N.S.W.fs now a company Accountant in Bathurst

Interior Decorator.Governes€e Cape York Peninsula; clerk, Darwin; Travel Adviser, Cairns

195 I' l ot i?


15.82 16.250 y{en5!y Joy (Barritt) 1948 ex H.S. Teacher7 .D .A . Pas to r , N .Z .was Teacher New Britain; l ive NewcastleH .S . Teache r New Br i t a i n . i Lec tu re r Avonda le 7 .D .A . Co l l ege , New Sou th Wa lesDip. Primary Teacher; Shepparton ti l1 December 1979oo B . I . t 78 ; Eng inee r , Coo ranbong , N .S .W.

oo 2.1.73 Al1an Gi lber t Char les Morr is 1946r95019461955195 1

15 .83 16.260 Stahley James (wafsfr) (Sep 2/1982)oo 4.12.'74 Linda Mercer

L6.261 Raynond Rexoo 12.2.78 Iar.ig! Joy Leggett

16.262 Lvndon Jayoo 1979 Glenda CowJ.ey

16.263 Colleen Mayoo 20.6.76 T.A. Chang 'Sandy'

B . S c . ( L o n d . ) H . S . S c .H.S. Teacher i Bo th a tB . Com. Accountan t ,oo in N.Z . TeacherMotor Mechanic and Panel BeatingDental TherapistR e g i s t e r e d N u r s e , N . S . W . B a b e e x p e c t e d D e c r 8 2

x S ingapore , oo Sydney B. Com, D ip . Sec . and Accountancy

1 0 q 1


Teache r r N .Z .Auckland (Found a new par tner) !

N . Z .

15.84 L6.270 David Roy (Entermann)16.271 Calv in John15.272 GlffieirL6.273 Linda Jane16.274 lfi:r_crirre16.275 Sandra Joy



A m b u l a n c e D r i v e r - b e a r e r

A11 5 ' , tRedc1 i f fe , Q ld and l i ve on

farmle t r P ine Mounta in r Ipswich , Q ld

15.90 16.280 TREVOR ROYoo 1966 Daphne Pritchard

16.28I CLAIRE ALL]SONoo 1969 Arthur Baldwin

16.282 PETER LEWIS 'Peter


Refrigerati.on MechanicSecretaryex Bank Clerk; of f ice dut iestDraf tsman. Bui ld ing designs,Stockman, ref r igerat ion etc.

construct ion f i rmHas partner in building firm

husbandr sest imates.

15.100 16.300 Joan Margaret (Reynolds)16.301 Wavne Douglas

oo 9.10.71 Delma McManus16.302 Helen Joyce

oo 7.7.79 Dr. Ian Rov Wi l le t t a t

Aide at Sub-Normal Schooll various handcraftsPosta l Of f icerSchool TeacherRegis. Nurse, Royal Br isbane Hospi ta l ; 2 years Europe to October 1974

s p e c i a l i s t P h y s i c i a n s t u d i e s l G r e e n s l o p e s r 8 2 ; t o S o l i e l b . V i c . , ' 8 3 ; D e n v e r U . S . A J ' 8 4


B r i s .

1 5 . 1 0 1



16,310 Keitb Desmond (Runnegar)oo 1969 Roslyn Lynette Argent

16.311 @3y Raynond

Fruiterer, CarinaeWas Off ice Dut iesPr inter , in Europe


o n e y e a r ; C a n b e r r a 1 9 7 6 . W i t h B r i s . r C o u r i e r - M a i l r 1 9 B z

Page 36: copy of the genealogy

AL 26-a15 . I 03 x1945194219461944

L6.320 Lynet te Robyn (c reen)oo 1966 Rona ld Wal te r Roden

Kay Lora i i? f f i . R .H.T . Feb. 1981)oo L967 Ravmond Herbert Timms

e x C o m p u t e r C l e r k ( n o w t h o m e t e c h n i c i a n ' ! )Bathroom Equipment Tradere x C l e r k . R e c e p t i o n i s t a t m e d i c a l L a b o r a t o r y

Manufac turer & Agent , c lo th ing e tcL6.321

1 5 . 1 0 4 1 6 . 3 3 C L e n o r e E d n a ( C l a r k e )oo 1967 Wamen Henry Moules

16.331 @@ Mayo o 1 5 . 7 . 7 2 S t e p h a n 1 1 1 a r S t e v e '

L6 .332 Rober t Les l ieoo 1975 E l izabeth I Bod ina

16.333 ryggg! Anno o

. 16 .334 Eggory Char les Les l ieoo ) .977 E l izabeth I I Anne Park inson

1 6 . 3 3 5 O s w a l d A r t h u r L e s l i e r O s s i e r

1 6 . 3 3 6 T e r e n c e A l f r e d L e s l i e ' T e r r v r

16 .337 A lan Les l ie16.338 !gp@ Grace

i s p r i m a r y t e a c h l n g a t W o y W o y , l J . S . W .(ex wood mach in is t ) Tour -coach, Dr iver -Capta inH a i r d r e s s e r , O w n S a l o n , B r i s b a n eCar Sa les 'nan

w a s N . C . 0 . L a n d & W a t e r T t p o r t . A u s t . A r m y . T w i c e t o A n t a r c t i c . P a r t n e r w i t h G r e g .R e g i s t . N u r s e , H o r n s b y , N . S . W .NurseF a r m e r a t G r l f f i t h , N . S . W . ; l a r g e f a m i l y i r r i g a t i o n a r e aowns motor workshop, Hornsby , N.S.W.

Motor mechan ic bus iness . L976 champion Sydney motor cyc l i s tP a n e l b e a t i n g c o s t a s s e s s o r . R o d e s i d e - c a r i n O s s i e t s r a c e sBank te l le rR e c e p t i o n i s t , T r a i n i n g C e n t r e

1947194419481945195 Ir o 5 ?

'I O55

r95B1957' r o60


15.105 r6 .34C RON ) -1 6 . 3 4 r J O N i

r w r n s

L6.342 JOY MAR]E16.343 JENNIFER ANN 'Jenny '

o o 1 0 . 1 2 . 7 7 L e o n a r dL6.344 SUZANNE MARIE rSuer

oo Terence Maxwel l

(adop t . 196 i )James Pedersen(adop t . 1961 )

E 1 1 i s o n r 6 . B . 7 7

1 0 A ?


C a d e t , W h e a t B o a r d , G o o n d i w i n d iHand i capped

L ives ToowoombaB.Sc. Teaches H igh Schoo l Bundaberg , Q.A l s o B . S c . S c i e n c e t e a c h e r H . S . B u n d a b e r gwas Nurs ing a idF i t te r - tu rner , quamyman. oo Toowoomba, Q.

15.106 t6 .350 Mr ichae l John (Ravenswood) 'M ike '

oo 10 .9 .77 Susan tSuet Mary Burns16.351 lgggy James

oo Barbara Ann B lacke 24 .3 .7816.352 Kath feen Grace

Clerkoo Br isbane

w a s C l e r k . M i l k v e n d o r ; p a r t n e r w i t h f a t h e r

B e a u t i c i a n

' 1 0 6 1

1954r o h ?


15 . 107 16.360 Warren John (Young) f956oo Oct . 1979 Sa l lv E l i zabeth Reuther 1958

1 6 . 3 6 1 J o M a r i e 1 9 5 8oo 18 . l l .78 Rober t C l in ton Stewar t I95B

B . S c . Q l d I 9 7 B G e o l o g i s t i t h e nB . S c . ; m e d i c - t e c h n i c i a nBank te l le r ; coach dr iver ; now

Elec t r i c ian

b e c a m e q u a l i f i e d m a l e

housewi fe

n u r s e , P r i n c e s s A l e x a n d r aH o s p i t a l , B r i s b a n e

I 5 . I l 0

1 5 . I I t

r o . J / u b a r r y J o n no o 4 . 2 . 7 7

1 6 . 3 7 1 J u l i e J e a nKerry North


' i 0 5 l ex Mgr Night Club London; Accountant ; F l t Stewardr Qantasr SydneyAir Hostess TAAPharmacy Asst ; Travels; var ious occupat ions

16.375 Samuel (Horn)L6 .376 Dav id Fraser

1965-1965 L ived I dayI97l x Warwick

Page 37: copy of the genealogy

A^I 27-a

15. 120

15 . r21

Jeannette MargaretA1lan John II

(oray) (see belowr i sh t )

16 .380

- tO e JbZ

16. 383

x19521953I O q A


Wi l l iam Mervyn rBi l ly loo 31.3.1979 Dianne Jenni fer Candish

Daniel Peter rDanny'

was Computer programmer, Q. Uni . Motor Tour s taf f ,ex Army Electr ics l Mt . Tom Pr ice; then ocean f loorInst rument mechanic, RAAF Base, Richmond, N.S.W.Bank clerkMotor mechanic, Mi tchel l r S.W. Qld

Europe 1979-80bo r i ng c rew S .E . As ia

16.390 @!g Joyce (Dray)oo 1978 Michael rMick l

16.39f Lynet teMargaretoo 1969 Daniel 'Dannyt

16 .392 Den is S tan ley 'Denny l

16 .393 Ian James16.394 Judy




L95419481 oqA


was a J i l le rooRai lway employee, Char lev i l lee West Queens land

Dozer operatore sawyerr Foundry works, BrisbaneState Nat ional Parks Ranger (v is i ted USA Nat ional Parks 1979)Bank te l ler t a t 20 yrs c losely resembled Louis 12.43 in featuresStudent

1 5 . 1 3 1 16.40016 .40116.40216.403

19611962 \1964 )1967

Louise Anne Hdldne (tteinen)Marcei. Wilhelm HumbertPaul Eugene JohannesMarianne Elisabeth Hilde

t - - - -

; - ; ; ; - - - | ; ;H (o r "v )

v - t - , 81 i n London , c .B .I o a v i d S t u a r t o f N . Z . ' t 1 9 5 5

* Beachwood, New Jerseyr U.S.A. I

:-3::l:---- I15. r40

1 5 , 1 4 r





x Nap les , Mus ic s tud ies a t Bas le* Zur ich : B .A. s tud ies , ma jor ing in French

x Bienne: Tra inee teacher for the handicappedx Burgdorf (= Berthoud)* Burqdorfx Burgdorf ( th is fami ly a l l s tudents )



Suzanne (Renfer ) L954 x Langenthal;1957 t l98 l x Lan ien tha l ;

muJ. t i - l i ngua1; secre tary Govtp luck i l y overcame i l l -hea l th

Dept, Berne. Horsewomanl97B; workedArch i tec t rs Of f i ce

16.440 Anne-Sophie (Elnegaard) 1967 adopted 1968


1958 * Lausanne; conrnerc ia l ar t is tr9s9-r_959

15. 150

1 5 . 1 5 1

I C . r O U

15. 170


1 5 . 1 7 3

15 .180

15 . 190

(Rausser )r Ju l i e t t e I

L6.460 ChristianL6.46I Anne Julia

I97O - ljc1t7 adopted 19711973 adopted J-973

16.465 WES MICHEL L974 x Zur ich ; f i r s t b lood-grandch i ld fo r MICHEL!

16.470 Mat th ias ( Ingo ld ) 1975 )F Berne

L6.475 Vladimir (Baumann) l96B x B a s l e


Carol ine Simone (stef ten)Mar ie-Cla i re


x B a s l e* B a s l e

rs .190A 16.483 Dr. . o .Suf le ryo ( ? )- - - - -T- - - - -

iSiillf:111i1"-:::::l!':l'-::::l3i':-:i:::'?) (see te22 photo at Founderrs ronb' chaba)

x Chabar l i v ing Mun ich l9B015 . 195 L6.486 Gabr ie l le rGabyr (Anselme) L919


Page 38: copy of the genealogy

I5.2I2 16.490 PIERRE *1935 * Kherson' Caucasus. Decorator' SignnEite! AT 2a-aoo 1957 Nadege Pauline KDecht 1934 oo Geneva (sepalatod?)

16.49I J@ ANDRE 1944 * Nyon' did Law?, Genevar to lianilla, Phitippines, 1976oo 1967 Chllstiame Chassot

15.240 16.500 a son (possibly x651 1942 at Bri tansky)

15.251 16.510 Vio let te (Dogney) * Lausanne, l ived there 1970

L5-271 !9:999---?-99s9--(ef-lssie!-Igr!sy)15.290 16.540 LEONARD PAUL II Raised by h is g rand Aunt , nee Mar ie Michoud l Romain 's w i fe

ls.312 lg:::9---y:9!9r-:yr!eli:--lYe!lEg!!9)-----15.315 16.5504I Niklta (xankovski) (son)

19!:9942-Ir1!i------- -----------------(gess!!er)---------------15.316 16.550rr Natal ie (svir idov) 1942

l9:999l?-Nim-------- ------191?-------:::::--------------------r5. 3 14 l9:19! - --Ii!-1ier- -(!er!evs!i ) - - - --- --- - -- -- -- ---1999- -- - - - - (5ee!E-s9-Iie!9v:!i ) -- -- -- -15.318 16.553 Al.exis (calasev) I9I3 * Bend€ry' Agronornist, Lives Krasnodar 1975 (see AT 32-a)

oo 1943 claudia Raush Teacher16.554 Nina I9I8?----------99-9grs9-!e9!9r9!!9------------------------------199-.!e:r-l-iys-s!-Pe!-dery,!se9-I-1s!i!e]-9!-Ps199!gr-Eiyer:----------

r5. 3 re 19:?::- - --Eli3e!9!!-- (Eg:=xe!gy)- - - -- --- -- -- ---- -l?tl - --- - --:-I9!e$1s9v:--Egl!9r-:99vl9!-E!9v9l9p eeg:9: -I9 999!-- -- -- - -- ---- -- -- --- -- ---- -15.320 16.s56 vlrginte (schanzer) 1929 reaches Geman, l.loscow Univ€lsity, January I97s

oo 1960 Borts Lebedev 1927 Technician. See AT 17.275 (Alexls)16.557 Ale).is I93L Geolosist. see AT 17.278 (Ivan)

----------99-1992-4rli!q-Islelepsreve----------------------9eelee::!r-liv-.-Ie!9e!---15.340 16.560 I{ABGUERITE 1934 * Buoharest' Rohanla

----------99-19!!-J9e!:E:r9-{e!!irs9r----------------------99-s!--Les!e9!9-----------15.341 16.570 CLAUDEITE oo 1952 I94A * at Bucharest

---,---------El-a:s9-41!qed-99sgverd-,----------------------99-9!--Ls!:9!49-----------15.3s0 16.580 clEistine (LeJeune) 1950 * Belgium

l9:99I---ElEIre------ ------!2!9-----------r5.353 i9:9!p---9ee!ie-(leJeeld-:jgg3-Eele:$?---:---19!:21--Er-.tesi!-119!3---l---11:!??--MeI-Ir-11?99---t---lp:99:--t!:lippe-l-r99915.360 t9!:2p- --9!:-':!ie!-(Ee!!si19)- ------ -- -----: --- 19:992--Bce gele-- --- -- -- -:---!p:929- -Es!9:!-- - -- -- -- - --- -(9 ee-Iree-9lee!-2)--- -I5.362!.6:t99..-91iyic-.-.(.B-1.!3.'].}-.--:!9Z1-----.-:---!g:999+-.ggl9]..:lI5.363 19:9911--Ir9!!e-lPgl eri)--:!2p:-Ee-re:s!3- --:- --i9!p9 ?-- !i9re!93-1I299---i -- -19:991- -4erir:Erels e-:1929---!-- -!9:p91--Jec!--:!229- ----- -- -15.364 16.606 caelane (Foniaine) *I9?3 t 16.607 Donatifle *1975 t 16.608 llarle-Noa:L]e *197a t 16.609 Danisn *1980


Page 39: copy of the genealogy

17 . 1 Laurent (Fugagno l i ) x1970

1 7 . 3t7.4

Christophe (mahd-.rosse)CeI ine




Par isnerDray , j " Iance

AT 29-a1 6 , I

1 6 . 1 0

1 0 . 1 I


I7.5 Stephane (Letor tu)17.6 Car ine17 .6 , 1 Je rome





Par i sPar isLa Chapelle-sur-Erdrer France

17.7 Pau l N icho las17.7 . I Anna E l izabeth




London, G.B.London

17 . B

> 17.9Alexe i O l iver io (Mar t inez)Lar issa Mar ia


x Mex ico C i . ty (? )x S a n J u a n C a p i s t r a n o r C a l . U . S . A

1 6 . 3 1 1 7 . 9 A . 1 J o h n N i p h o l a s ( s t i l w e l l ) i 1 9 9 116.22

16 .3 r

I O . O U

16. B0

r 5 . 8 1

16 .90

17 .10 Wayne S tua r t ( Je f f e r i es )oo 1974 $!mai Joy Tame

17.lt Qfgry Anne

195 I1949r953


B . A . D i p . E d . H . S . T e a c h e r o f F r e n c h e t c ; a l s o L i b r a r i a nReg. Nurse . oo Rockhampton, C. Q ld (D iv . f979)D io . Ed" H.S. Teacher r a lso L ib rar i -an

x a t Sydney ' N .S .W.x a t Sydney , N .S .W.

I7.L2 Mark Andrew (Benton)17.13 Adam Matthew

_+ 17.16 Jane Fleur (Benton) r979 x QueensJ.and 1 7 . 1 7 @ s i m o n ett r gBl

r7.20L I t z L


Chr is topher Mart in ( fogan)Deborah Clare rDebbi-e '

o 8 . 2 . 8 2 J o h n M o r r i s B a r r o fNina Margareth

Teaches gu i t a r ; has own rock g roup . 1981 D ip . sound eng inee rDent is t (qra uni ) Br isbaneB a n k c l e r k , t e r t i a r y u n d e r g r a d o L o n d o n , G . B .

Denta l Nurse; Secretar ia l Cert i f icate

I u a \

1957N . 2 . 2 7 . 8 . 5 2


1 6 . 9 1


17 . 30

1 7 . 3 1

{g Beryl (Fogarty)

Mark A1len

r oqA


ex Army Denta l Nurse.

Casual work.


17 .4 I17 .42

Carolyn El izabeth (Hayes)

$33go"y VictorUg,USsa Louise

i o57

1959. L Y O J

B.Mus, Obo is te . Orches t ras Ade la i -de and Br isbane. Teach lng

Motor mechanicS t u d e n t , A r t , C . A . E . S e v e n H i I l s 1 9 8 1

1 7 R n


t967r a6q


He lene Lou i se 'Ha l i a r (Foga r t y )

$p@ JamesRy issa Lee 'Rya t x Sth Aust .

1 6 . 9 3


I6 .95

17 .60I / . O l

Danie l leGeorqina

t967 - LltttI96B

Frances (Fogarty)Enid

Ktt-*e-o 1a n cc'tevf /N tyotl€J.

17 .70L 7 . 7 It7.721 7 . 7 3

Brendan Frederick

!g!@!s EnldAnthony MichaelVanessa Mav


t T o n y t

1964L9671969L97 T


Page 40: copy of the genealogy

17 .77 DOLORES ANNE x1963 Tech. Co l lege s tudent , Ca i rns N. QId ; Horsewoman AT 30-a16 .100

1 6 . 1 0 1 17 .801 7 . 8 I17 .8217 . 83



x Sydneyx Orange N .S .W.

1 6 . 1 1 1 17 .90T7.9I

17 .9217 .93I7 .94

l yo I1962

1965'r 060



ror t Kei th (Richards)nda Jocelyn tMandyt

GIen FrankReiry (a girl)Fiona

17 .10017 .10 r

Mumay (NcOonald) t964L970

17. t I0 Peter John (Hogan)17.111 David James17. I I2 Deslev Margaret


Under Grad. C iv . Eng ineer , Q ld Un i .Trainee Quamy Master






16. 13r

16. 140

I7.I2O jgy Douglas (Pashley)17. I2L Gi l l ian Clare17. \22 Cather ine Jane rKathyl


17. I3O 'Prudence Jane rPruer (Smi t f r ) L97L x Tamwor th N.S.W. 7 .131 E l izabeth CLare x I973, Man lye Sydneye N.S.W.Itr17.}35 REBECCA LOUISE r977

I7.I37 @gg!!g Marie (Rawson) L979 x Sth Aust .


I7 . I4 t


Anthonv Stanley (Camino)

Karen Margarete( D 1 9 8 1 V i c t o r M i c h a e l C o o m b e

Bronwen Patr icia

5@, AnnRichard FrancisMark Stephen

F a c t o r y s u p e r v i s o r , p l a s t i c s , O a k l e i g h , V i c t o r i a

w a s M e d . U n d e r g r a d H o b a r t - n o w i n P u b l i c S e r v i c e , H o b a r t , T a s m a n i a .

w a s P a t e n t a t t o r n e y t s c 1 e r k , S y d n e y ; c o m p u t e r o p e r a t o r , S y d n e y , N . S . N / .S t u d e n t

Jun io r ,Judo exper t . l





( r res ) ttr976r979

Cunthorpe,N. Femiby,

Humbers ide, G.B.10. rz+_L


16. r50

16. 15 I

17. r5017.151

Patricia Anne (Hutchinson)Michelle Jeannette


17. 160l / o I O l

Grant Edward (oickson)Yvette Louise ilI tMalays


W a r r e n ' s ( 1 6 . 1 t 0 ) s t e p c h i l d r e n :17 .162 Dayna (B rennan ) ' t 1974

____?_._16-3__L= ____n7-5-_-_---+

17 .170T7.L7IL l t I l l

Vanessa Joan Mar ie (Signel l )Jodi Kerry-AnnKel lv Louise





SydneySydneyBr isbane' Qld


Page 41: copy of the genealogy

AT 3 t -a16.160 17 .180 Cameron A lexander (Pat te rson)

17. IB I Dav id GeorgeI7 .L82 Ann-Cla i re

x19661969197 I

1 6 . 1 6 l f7. I90 Wi l l iam Ernest (neeve)17 .191 James Rober t17. I92 Richard Paul

1 6 . 1 8 0 1 7 . I 9 5 S o p h i e A n n ( S h r a p n e l )17.196 i l i f f . iam Scrope

16.18l L7.2OO Eve17 .2OI Sa I1y

( Shrapnel )

16.20I 17.206 Rachel Mary (Handley)17.2O7 Alexander Vincent


r o75


1 5 . 1 6 2 1 7 . 1 9 3 A . 1 , r l B . B . B 0 E m i l y K a t e ( s h r a p n e l )1 7 . 1 9 3 A . 2 1 . 5 . 8 2 A n n e - L o u i s e

1 6 . 1 6 3 1 7 . 1 9 3 8 . 1 2 6 . 1 l . 8 t A n g u s t a n S h r a p n e l ( M u n r o )

19:J!2____l!:12!___________-_?_._r_o_._8_r_ jgr_d1_ey__$sl:_ilj_)_______

l 7 - lq? Fh i lw l ' l l , ra 1978 Nahbour

x Br isbaneBr isbane

x C a n b e r r a A . C . T .^ ;u a n D e r r a A . u . . t .

x Br isbaneArm ida leo N .S .W.


L > I J

I6t2O2 I7.2LO Br€tt c.etaen (cow€n) t969 * Brisbane16.24I




I O . 2 3 - [

L7.220 Jason Peter (Wynstra)1 7 . 2 2 I H e i d i A l e i d a17.222 Toni. Anne



x N e w c a s t l e , N . S . W .

I7 .222A1 Laura Jane (Paxinos) 1980 * Newcast le. N.S.W.rz,zzztz-@--:y:-:l-------------------------]993---------!:-t:r-"-t-!:i:I-..

^, . ,;-;-i/. zzf -tr:ji:ifr; A-t;-f.j ,-'{:-z:;-ri--1--Ttir;;;e;;;;;')L7.223 Stepheg Danie l James (Morr is) Lg76 x Newcast le, N.S.W. l I t t 'zz> rerer

17.224 Deborah Ruth 1978 New Zealand lt 17.225.1

L7 .226t7.227

(webs te r ) r973r975

x NewNew

b r ] - t a l n I \ . ( J .B r i t a i n N . G .

16.252 17.229 Jonathan Luke t ^ t \

\ i /nr]- sr]-an / I9BO * Sydney Tlr

1 7 . 2 2 9 . 1 T i a n i R u t h : k 7 . 3 . 8 1 , * N . S . W .

16.26I . 17.229A1 Liset te Ann-

(war srr) r979 x New Zea land 17 .229A2 And rew Car l 1981

L6.2BO t7.23017.23I17.232L I o Z 5 5



rvoo1967-L9681969197 It973 x T o w n s v i l l e r N . Q .

16.28 f 17 .234AL L inda C la i re (satowin) L979


x T o w n s v i l l e , N . Q .

Page 42: copy of the genealogy

16.301 r7 "235- - -1J:2J21

16.310 r7 .236L7.23717.238

163.g10 -7t-.zqb-


AT 32-ar4a!j La Ann (Reynolds) 41977John Uayne l98l

6eth Darryl (Bunneea!) 1r7-a------"Rona]d Glegory 1977ReEecca Ani - - - - , 1981--- - - - - - - - - -

Jclle Lyn (8oden) Is6elEggICI Davtd I97l

L6"32t 17.25017.25L

l - . \

ura lq Haymono \ r lmms/


16.330 17 "255 Lesa-Gai (Moules) 196817.256 David Anlhonv 1969

16 .331 17 .260 Jacque l i ne Babe t te ( f f f a ) r977 * Br isbane17,261 Bradlev Steven Les]ie 1980 * Brisbane

17.264 Jern. i fer uar le 'Jenny ' (c larke) )976L7.265 ]$!g[y1 Ann r978


16.333 17.267 Adr ian Michael ( row)L7.268 Rebecca If



16.334 L7 ,269 Rebecca f Lou ise (C lar te )

C lare- - (Ravenswood)

' t q7R

1979 ----t

1 9 8 1 |- - J

u e c . I y / d

17 .269 8 .2 And rew James ' 81

I7.269.L Aaron Michael" Greqory 1980- -r i .eosar satty- l"a (El l ison)


16.351 __r7.2-69'Qr_1 6 . 3 6 1 L 7 . 2 6 9 C I

16.390 17.269DL

Tdnva Mar ie (S tewar t )

-l o n r - L e l g n f f / ( q u l n n i

16.391 17 .27417.27r17.272

ShayneStephen WayneSheree Joyce

( H u r l e l r970I97 TL97B

16.553 L7.273L7.273.1L7.273.2

I O U r d l l q

V l a d i m i r

( carasev ) L9441945L947

16 .556 I7 .275 A lex i s ( rebeaev) r960 x Moscow

16.557 17.278 lvan ( schanzer) T96 I 'n Moscow

16.560 17.2BO Marc Emmanuel (Natz inger ) 1969


x Swi tzer land

Page 43: copy of the genealogy


Moved to Tteyvauxr Fribourg Canton, 10 km South of Fribourg City, fron Ornl|rnts Valley

l.I JONAS (sired Jean at 48 yea!s!) *1643 cane from Lo$,er ornohts! date unknown HJ 8.f42)( but came prior to 1721 - see @ of 2.1 |

JEANoo L72I Anne Figuet, daughter

JACQUES *1690'sr f before 1766.

2 . I1 .1 *1691of Lou iso oo a t La Roche, Canton o f Fr ibourg . 2 )

1) oo 1722 Chtist ine Peiry, daughter of Jacques.3) oo Mar ie More l o f Ormonts . 4 ) oo Anne Mar ie

2 .2oo El isabeth Ruf f ieux2) oo ? MARIE TARDENTMory of Posat

2, I

2 .2


3.1 MARIE CATHERINE x1733 * at Praromanr by 2nd oo

3.10 JACQUES 1742 ! 3.11 MARIE MARGUERITE *L7433.L2 JEAN JOSEPH xI74O' s,of Ormonts. Cal led himself TARDENT oo 1766 Marie Antoine Paradis3.13 l'tnnte FRANEOISE TARDIN ther, 1769 to 4.1 Anne-Marie3.]4 MARIE MARGUERITE 1750 by 3rd oo3.15 was a natural daughter of Anne-Marie (2.2/4) : 3.16 ANNE MARIE *1753

3 . I 2 4 . I4 .24 .34 .44 .54 ,64 ,8


her God-mother was 3.13 aboveoo abt 1790 Anne Marie Salzmannoo Pierre Caste l la of Di r laretoo abt 1800 Anne Marie Jehl of St. Sylvestreoo 1795 Barbe Fracheboude Jean's daughterBRUNO *1781 f before 1837 oora\t 1804 Barbe Nicl isse, origin?

PULCI-IERIE xI786 at La Roche\r/




4 .2 5.15 .25 .5


God-father was Claude JosepheANNE MARIE xI799 : 5.4

*1803 : 5 .6

b ro the r (4 .5 )*1801

no name traced

h is5 .3

h i s fa the r ' sJEAI{ JACQUESa chi ld *1806

4 .4 5 . l 05 . 12


*1801 oo but 'wi fe 's name: 5.13 lvlARIE CHRISTINE

no t s ta ted . : 5 .11CATI{ERINE *1809- 1867


f at La Roche

4 . 7 5 .20

5 .215 .22

5 .23

PIERRE ADALRIC *1805-1880 oo 1839 Marie Anne Clairer daughten of Fnangois of Rossens2) oo ? Anna Baeriswyl l of Bonne-Fontaine

I4ARIE ELISABETH CLOTILDE *1808 alias VuelleCLAUDE JOSEPH 'The Sergeantr '1810-1887 his god-father was C1aude Josephl his father 's brother, (4.5)

oo 1838 E l isabeth Bro i l le t , o f Ponthauxe f in 187IMARIE AIINE 1Bl2 z 5.24 MARIE'JOSEPHINE 'Jossette ' *1814

( t ) f rom Lat in 'pu lcher , = beaut i fu l ! 392

Page 44: copy of the genealogy

5.10 6.I MARIE DELPHINE xIB42-Ig26 oo . .Pieme Simon Judo Michel, of Mau1es FR 34-a

5.20 6.tO MARGUERITE ADELE *1840 r 6.11 FRAI@IS FELIX 'Elie' *1843 oo abt 1877 Marie Adele Morel of Posat6.L2 JOSEPH l.tAXrME ' + a bacheror *1873 (2 by lst oo' 1 by 2nd oo)

5.22 6.2t PIERRE JOSEPH ltAtlRICE *L842 oo 1863 Eleonole Jerley' chlld of Joseph & Anne nee Castella6.20 PIERRE JOSEPH *1840-1905 oo at Treyvaux 1863 Anne-Marle Chavannaz of Vuistelnen5-en-0goz, nea! Fllbourg Ctt6.22 li{ARIE JOSEPHINE SCOLASTIQIJE *L844 | 6. GLAUDE VICTOR *1848-1905 oo 1876 Anne Josephine Vez of Seiry


6.11 7.IO I.4ARIE AI.BEnTINE *18?8-1894 r 7.II I4ARIE JOSEPHINE *1879-1894 t 7.12 JOSGPH EI'IILE *1882 (3 *Ireyvaux)7.I3 LEON MYttOltD *Rossens 1884 + Geneva 1956 oo 191I at Vulllens 'l,larle Fiquet' a Frenchwoman' t at Bernex 19687.L4 PIERRE VICTOR *1886 r ?,15 MAELEINE IDA *1888 3 7.16 PAULINE EMHA *1890 at Tleyvaux ' ool9l9 Alois )Alo i s )

( Mooser)

6,20 7.2O CLAU[)E. XAVIER *1863 r ?.2I PIERBE PAUL *?, oo Josephlne Poitout at DlJon' France7.22 PmLOMENE ARIE *1469 r 7.23 ADALRIC *1870 | 7,24 FEIJCIEN IlGOmnE *1871-1897 (7.8 rs @Igg ,NSIJ€ )7.25 CATHERINE LouI$ called Lldvine *18737.26 VICTOR JT LIEN rlouisr *18??-1929 + Lau6ann€ oo Flldoline Escher of Sltnplon-Village *?, tI961 at Porpaples

6.2I ?.30 Al[,lE PAULINE *1864 r ?.3I I4ARIE JOSEPHINE *1866 t 7.32 MARIE SCHOLASTIQIJE *1869 t ?.33 JEANNE EUPHROSINE*]8?7.34 JTICTOR MARTIN *1872-1931' t at Marsens, oo 1903 Elise Feutz f 1909 at Veveyi2)oo 1910 Geneva' Clara Kohly7.35 ANNE SOPHIE xI874 | 7.36 LEONIE ALPHoNSINE *1877 | 7.37 ROSIIE FAUSTINE *1879 ! 7.38 I0UISE ANToINE *1884

6.23 7.4O PIEBRE AMEDEE *1877-1878 t 7.41 I.{ARIE ELISABETH *1878 . 7.42 BAnBE COLOMBE *18797.43 PIERRE @ *188I oo I9I0 at Marly' Marie Baechler of Dlllaret7.44 FRAI@ISE ANNE *1882 r 7.45 JOSPH LOUIS *1884-1943 oo & t at Fri.bourg' oo Malle Hess of-Charpagrry7.46 ELIE HENRI *1888-1953 f Ffiboulg: oo 1923 at Vlllalvolald' Berthe Clerct t Lyon, 1924

7.13 8.1 ERNEST ROGER *IgI2 at Vuisternens-en-Ogoz1 oo 1944 Lucie Jul ie Gobat of S6les

7.2L 8.10 MARTHE MARIE * & t 1893 : 8.11 GERMAINE LOUISE *1895 : 8.I2 LUCIENNE ANGELE *1900

7.34 a.2o EMMA CI-ARA *1912 oo Pierre Joseph l{onney ! 8.21 ANDRE RAYl.lolD *1913 oo 1941 EIs!.e Jiirger of DiessenhofenA.22 RENE r+ & + 1916 ! 8.23 IDA RENEE *1917 oo Charles Edouard Ducotlun r 8,24 ELIE RoGER *1918

7.43 8 .30 HENRI *1910-1947, f Geneva; * a t Mar ly ' oo S imone Ve l le t o f Geneva8.31 MARIE JOSEPHINE xI9I2 at Posieux, oo Mr. Scharl i : 8.32 EIvl l {A ELISABETH *1914 at Posieux8.33 RAPHAEL JOSEPH *1915 at Fr ibourg, oo 1943 Simone Fernande Dessauges of Vaud Canton8.34 CHARLES LEON.*1921 oo 194.8 Lucette Aimee Drozl cal led Busset of Neuchatel Canton8.35 PAUL LOUIS *1923 at Colombier oo Marie Jul iet te Gay of Montheyr Rhone Val ley8.36 MICHEL ROBERT *1926 x Neuchatel


Page 45: copy of the genealogy

FR 35-a7'45 3:il----l3ll!-ll??3:-t-tL:11-:-l:il-l9T-ll?31:l?31-:-!:1?-T1l-1T-llll-:-1il-Ti:-ITT-:l:?:---------7.46 8.50 ANNE THERESE ELISA9ETH *1924 at Annecv

8.1 9.1 ROLANDE FRAI@ISE *1948 oo Jean Gabriol Hofer frorn Canton of Arqovle r 9.2 OmTIE ROSE *1951


x I942 oo 1963 Miche l Chr is t ian Rosset t i r an f ta l ianra t GenevaxI947 oo at Carouge 1968 Evelyne Leont ine Zel inie Lachat



8.34 9.4O CHRISTIAN *1952 z 9.4I THIERRY *1956

8.35 9.50 NICOLAS ,+1953 : 9.51 ANNE PAULINE *1958 t 9.52 BLAISE HEI{RI *1959

N.B, It would not .sufprise if there weie more descendents of TARDIN than those tlaced here by H6IEne T. In1979, at our lequestr Raynond

-Fontaine of Brugsels supplied al l the nissing det6i ls of the pelsons

of the Belgian Branch.


Page 46: copy of the genealogy

Branch of


JA 36 -a

1 .1

1 .1 2 .L2 .2

JACQUEMETJEAN, surnamed Reys

* ?; f before 1505; had more(al ias); (none knows why but there are Reys

in 1505 through his nephew Pierre

than one childin the nearby Vala is Canton) . Ident i f ied(3. r )

2 , I 3 .1 PIERRE, a minor in 1505 3.2 LOUISE oo CLAUDE TARDENT 'BIG CI-AUDE|e son of AIvIEDEE (.f.lg.sg)

3 .1 4 .L

4 .2


JACQI.JEMOZ rof la Mosserl quoted in

quoted in 1565 &of the lutel leys (JJClaudaz Jacqueroz,

f606 (in documents)5.103) - Another TARDENT branch.daughter of Guil laume, son of Jean

of PIERRE1565 }oo

arden t ! J

5 .L5 .25 .35 .45 .5

a s T e r d e n s . n o t

PIERRE rof la Mosse" quoted in 1565. oo Pernette Chablaixl daughter of Collet ChablaixFRAIPOISE oo Pieme Oguey of the VouettesJEAN of la Mosse or of Mattelon, quoted in 1606 oo Anthoinaz Dupertuis (fem. form of Anthony)CLALJDErof la Mosse'lMERMETTof la Mossel rr1578-t? Chatelainr probablyl in early 1600's

Probably oo Marie Burt in of The Champs (Fiefds)

6 .16 .3

JACQUEMAZ (= Jacqueline) *1578JACQUES

z 6.2 PERNETTE *1581*1582 q:oted in 1606r oo Claudaz Botloz

5 .1

5 .3

3 .4

5 .5

6 . L0 PIERRE 1578 quoted in 1606

6 .20 L577 6.2L JACQTJEMOZ *1580

6.30 l.tER.tEl *1579 3 6.31 JACqJEfiAZ l58t r 6.32 CLAUE *1587 00 Marie Durgnla! (Antolne's daughter).e162l

6 .3 7 .L7 .37 .4

_6_._L0- - - - _ -?-: J-0- - _6 .20 7 .20

7 .24

ANNE L6O7 z 7.2 ABRAM *1609MARIE I6L4 oo 1633 Claude Dupertuisr cal led

' 'Swiss'

CL-AUDAZ ({laudia or Claudine) 1616 oo L644 Claude Monodl sorr of JeanANNE *1618 00 1637 Pierre Tauxel widower (CrnUnnZ TARDENT MI 6'35) : 7.6 ESTHERJEAN. *1599 : 7.11 JEAN *1603 oo 1630 14 tsIE TARDENT (J: 0.zO) z 7,I2 MARIECLAUDE *1599 t '7.2L JEAN *1601 : 7.22 MARIE *1604 t 7.23 AIITHOYNA *1606

1609 . oo 1634 Pieme Oguey



Page 47: copy of the genealogy

6 .32JA 37-a

7 .307 .3 I7 .327 .337 .357 .36

( r ' lMERMET " ' *1616, Chate la in in 1651, oo L646 Wul l iamaz Bor loz (an o ld fo rm o f Wi lhemina)ABRAM *1618SUZANNE *1619 oo 1643 Jacquet Dupertuis; Mayor (Probably.Jacques = James or Jem, Jim, Jimmie)MADELEINE *1621 z '1.34 JACQUES xI622}IARIE xI625 oo 1651 Jean Durgniat of Vouettesl son of Abram and JACQUEIT4AZ nee TARDENT (;J 6.11l, 1593)ESTHER xI626 n, 7.37 CLAUDE xL629

B . l8 .4

Claudaz (Dupertuis) *1635Jean

z , 8 ,2 Jean1637 : 8.5

*r635Jean *1638

8.3 Jacques *16367 .3

7 .4

7 .5

7. r1

B. lO Claude (Monod) 1645

8.20 Anne ( tauxe) I638

8,30 IIARIE *1635 I 8.31 SEAN of la l,losse'*1638 oo 1663 Suzanne Dupertuts :8.32 CI^AUDE 1639 r 8.33 ABRIr;t *L642 oo 1663 tlalte Dupeltuis of Fieu8.34 ESIHER t644 r 8.35 'PIERRE of la }losser oo 1667 Suzanne Duoertuie *1645S.36 MRIE 1648 oo 1669 t4ERr.{ET IARDENT *1648 (AT ?.16)

g.4O Jean (Oguey) *1635 ! 8.4I Plelle *1636 r 8.42 Marle *1638 ! 8.4it Pierre *1639 r 8.,14 JEcques *1641

8.50 MARIE *L647 : 8.51 WULLIAMAZ xI6498.52 MARIE 1652 : 8.53 ABRNvl *1654 !

oo 1669 David Dupertuis'of Fieul8.54 MARrE *1657


7 .30

7 .32

7 .35

8.60 Marie (Dupertuis) *1.644 r 8.6L Marie8.63 Jacquet *1652 oo 1700 EVE TARDENT *1664

*)"@6 z 8.62 Suzanne *1648( :Je.2tS) : 8 .4 Esther *1653 : 8 .65 David *1657

8 .33

8 ,35

8 .70 David (Durgniat) *1651

9.1 A8Ml4 *1664 r 9.2 ABR&{ *1665 r 9.3 !'IARIE *1669

?:i_____llllT-31_l:l!13:_9Il:l:lt:13131_1t-1133:_-::_lll:_:::_:::t:___:___:::-_i9Y:--ll:l:------------------9.lO JEAN *1698 r I abt 1699 oo 1697 Esthe! l.{onod; wido}red, she oo ln ITOO JOMS TAnDENI (JJ 8.f84)9,It ABBN'I *16?0 od 1693 ANNE TARDENI (JJ8.217 *'68)1 9.12 MARIE *16?2 oo 1.697 Plelre Dupertuis' 'Nephew'(Nlcknane)

9.I3 SI'ZAME *1674 oo 1709 Jean-Baptlste Seguln' of VBI d'Ao6te t 9.14 JONAS n1677 | 9.15 ESTHER *16849.16 JERO4E *168? oo 1?19 EVE TARENI (JJ8.25 )'wldowodt sho oo l?4? Davld Mottle!, Assessor' (ancient tltle

*1694; of the Deputy Magtstrato)

17:-30)(t) Mermet^had buil t for him the

purchased by the famous Dr.f r iend of Helene Tardent -

1652 Chalet at Cergnat, preserved today as an histor ic StateRo l l ie r o f Leys in Sanator ia fame (s t i l l owned in L977 by h isH i s t o r i e n n e ) .


Monument,daughterr Ml le Rol l ier ,

Page 48: copy of the genealogy

8.5I 9,20 Dawid (Dupettuts) *I67L I g'2L Abram *1672 : 9.22 Marie *1675 'JA 38-a

9.23 Malie *1687 oo l7t9 JACQUEI@Z TARDENT (JJ 9.2?0)9.34 Catherioe *1689 ! 9.35 Pierre *169I : 9.36 Benjamin *tr692

9.4 10.1 ABRAM 1713 2 IO.2 EVE xI7I4

10.3 EVE x I7 I6 oo I74O Gedeon Jean Rou i1 le r , son o f Jean, 2 ) oo 1744 Jacques Av io la tIO.4 ABRAM 1718 : 10.5 EMMANNUEL xI722

9.1I 10.10 ESTHER *1693 oo l7l5 Abran Dupertuis (JJ9.254) Mayof, of Lwer Ornthts. 2) oo David Durgnlat10.1I AIINE x1695 oo 1724 l,loise Tauxe, kriown as 'Cordier' (rope-naker ) ! Io.I2 ABRAM *1701

9,I2 10,20 Marte (D,pertuis) *1698 : 10.21 Jean *1701 3 10.22 Pierre *1704 ! 10.23 Jonas *1707

9.13 10.30 Jean-Bapt is te (Seguin) x1709

9.16 10.40 SUZANNE ESTFIER I7I9 OO I74I EIVIMANNUEL TARDENT XI7T4 (AT 9.65)10.41 MARIE xI722 r LO.42 PIERRE 1725 ! 10.43 MARIE xI729

10.3 11 .1 Mar ianne (ev io fa t ) 1744 by 2nd oo

10.11 11 .10 Jean Emmannue l (Tauxe) t lZ j


Page 49: copy of the genealogy

Branch of JOHN JUNIORJ J 3 9 - a

( J e a n I e J e u n e = J J )

1.1 JEAN LE JEUNE (or 'YOUNG JOHN') + before 1505

I. l 2.L CIAUDE bf the ttoi l lesr, recognised 5.6.1505 (in documents)oo ..Peronnette Poesentr daughter of Jean son of Collet, son of WuilLerne

2.2 RoBERT ' recog. 7.6,1505 : 2.3 VUILLERME- (WiLl iam - Guil laumel | 2.4 JEAN , recog. t1,6,15052.5 LOUIS t 2.6 FRAIEOIS i before 1565, recognised 5.6.15052.7 MEDEE bf du Crouxr (cross) lecog. 7.6.1505; quoted in 1505 as owning a parcel of landi oo a Dupertuis

2. I 3 ,1 MERMET r 3 .2 P IERRE and 3 .3 MICHEL, bo th 'o f the Moi l les '

2 .2 3 .10 ROBERT and 3 .11 PIERRE both ment ioned in 1565

2.4 3.20 CLAUDE

2.6 3.40 PIERRE f before I6O6t oo Jenet te Duper tu is z 3.4I JENETTE oo Pierre Bur t in3.42 LOUISE oo Jean Duper tu is :3.43Nbtnamed; oo Mr. Chr is t inand of Leys in z 3.44 MARIE3.45 JEAN oo Jenet te Avio la t i 2) co Jacquet te, widow of Francois Tauxe

2.7 3.50 COIJ.ET ' quoted 1505 s 3.51 PIERRE oo 1.,/s 6ihie! : 3,52 ANTOINE t before 15653.53 CLATDE' 'BIG CLAUDE' quoted in 1565 oo LOUISE T. (JA3.2)€3.54IOYS quoted I54O oo Pernette Dupertuis

3.1 4.I MERMET z 4.2 CLAUDAZ oo Mermet Tauxe son of Gui l laume Tauxe- - - rT l - - -

3.3 4 .10 CLAUDE 'o f the good a igue ' * " quoted in 1567 z 4 . I I MICHEL oo Mar ie B isa t

3.20 4,2O JEAN 'The Picquin'(oo a Guinchoz)i he + b6fore 1606 (Probably a patois nickname = shoxt of stature)?

3.40 4 .3O PERNETTE z 4 .3 I JEAN quoted in 1606, oo C laudaz Charp in

3 .43 4 .4O Some daughters (Cf r r i s t inanA)

3 .45 4 .50 FRANCOIS:4 .SI CLAUDE z 4 .52 JENETTE (a l l 3 were minors in 1565)4.53 ANNE x after 1565; oo Pierre Tauxee son of Mermet

3 .51 4 .60 PIERRE 2 4 .61 some dauqhters

(f) eigue = ang]e, pointl shrit l , piercingi neans alL of these - take your pickl He possibly had a shti l l volce!


Page 50: copy of the genealogy

3 .52 JJ 40-a

4.74 ABRAM tof Pertuytr : 4 .75 ANTOINE fbe fore 25 .1 .1598

3.53 4.80 CLAUDAZ quoted in 1566; a wldow in 1566! oo CLaude Tauxe4.8I FRA!@ISE quoted in 1566, oo Jehan Dupertuis4.A2 CLAUDE. quoted in 1565 oo x wull iamtz' daugHer of Pierre' the son of Antoine4.83 PIERRE bf the Mel. leysi chatelain and Notaryi oo Pernette Bor]at ' daughter of Jean, son of Antoine

4.7O JEAN oo Jenette Borloz daughter of Monet BorLoz z 4.7I AMEDEE t 4.72 CLAUDE4.73 PIERRETof Per tuy t r f be fore L606, oo Pernet te Duper tu is , daughter o f Jean, son o f Anto ine

4 .90 PERNETTE oo Claude Dupertuis3 . 5 4

5 . 1 HUMBERT : 5.2 PERNON : 5.3 CLAUDE z 5.4 MARIE (a11 minors in 1565)

5 . 10 CLAUDE :5 .11 PERNETTE 5.T2 JEAN

4 , I

4 .20

4 .3 1

4 .50

4 .70


5 .30 JEAN *1576r quoted in 1606 5.31 MARIE X1579 oo JEAN TARDENT, son of MERMET (MTS.r)

5 . 4 05 . 4 25 , 4 45 . 4 5

CLAUDE : 5.41 JEANNE wasMARIE oo..Jean Dupertuis :LOEYS bt tr ,e Pontets ' f beforeUDINET quoted in 1565 3

oo before or in 1606 to Abram Durgniat5.43 CLAUDAZ 00..Pierre Jacquier

1606 , (= Lou is ) oo . .C laudaz G in ie r5.46 JEAN of the Pontets ' (Udinet ldn uhusudl l anc ient , male name)

5 .50 JENETTE oo Pierre Ginier 5.51 JEAN oo Mermet te Duper tu is , daughter of Jean4 . 7 2

4 . 7 3 R A A

5 .615 .64

PIERRE DAVAUD rof Pertuytr oo..ANNECTAUDOZ of Pertuytr, .quoted in 1606JENETTE :

TARDENT, daughter of Pieme tof the MeIleysr (. i ; S.fOZ)oo abt 1620 Claudaz Mottier z 5.62 JACQUEI4AZ : 5.63 WUILLAMAZ

5.65 FRANCOISE oo Pierre Duoertuis

5 . 7 0 ABRAlvl oo 1608 Marie Burnier4 . 7 4

5 .805 .835 . 85

MARIE X1586JEAN *1593 ooI'4ARIE daughter of

: 5.81 PERNETTE x1587 : 5.82 PIERRE bt pertuls,r *1589Jenette Borlozr daughter of Monet Borloz : 5.84 CLAUDE *1594the late Antoine x1598, oo 1620 David Dupertuis, Notary (form of sol icitor)

5 .90 FRANCOIS oo..Pernette Tuaxe 5.91 PIERRE4 . 8 2

4 . 8 3 5.100 PIERRE'Melyt quoted in 1565, oo Jenet te Bor loz, daughter of Amey, son of Jean5.10I JEAN quoted in 1565 : 15.102 A\INE quoted in 1606 oo PIERRE TARDENT (Oavaud) (;. f S.OO)5.103 PERNETTE quoted ln 1565, oo..PIERRE TARDENT (JA +.f)5 .104 MARIE quoteO in 1606 : 5 .105 MERMET quoted 1565, oo Mar ie Bur t in lo f the Champsr(F ie lds)5.106 CLAUDE JUNIORTof the Melleys'quoted in 1565 and 15661 ooo.Jenette Dupertuis


Page 51: copy of the genealogy

5.10 6.I } i lULLIAMAZ x1596

5.12 6.10 CLAUDES of the Planche€ *1582 : 6.II MARIE *1589 i 6.12 JEANNE *1594 oo 1625 Mernet Buxtin ! 6.13 MARIE*I59

5.44 6.20 CfAUDAZ t 6.21 ANNE i 6,22 PIERRE quoted in 1563, oo Marie D.rpeltuis6.A CIAUDE quoted in 1565, oo Claudez Mottie! : 6.24 JEAN oo Jenette Borloz, daughter of Jacquet Borloz6.25 JACqUES quoted in 1563' oo Marie Dupertuis ! 6.26 lOttYS (=Louis) *1579 oo Marie Dupertuis

5.46 6.30 PERNETIE *1578 : 6.31 CLAUDE *1580 ! 6,32 CI"AUDAZ *1589 ! 6.33 JENETIE *15906.34 JEAN *1595 : 6.35 MARIE *1596' oo 1619 Claude Rouiller r 6,36 JEANNE xI597 oo 1619 Melrnet cinier

5.51 6.40 MARIE oo. .Chr is tos Poesent

5.60 6,50 JENETIE *1597 : 6.5I CLAUDE *1605 (Twin of Marie)6.52 MRIE *1605 1) oo 1625 Jean Longet 2) oo 1626 J.P. Martin6.53 JENETIE x1607 : 6.54 SUZANNE *16086.55 ( 1)JEAN-'*I613, i before 1668i Notaryt r) oo 1636 Jeanne Melrlod, 2) oo 165r claudaz Dupertuis

5.6r ;:;;-- "fiffiilsol?607 ---;--------;:;;--;ffi;;--;;;;;;-;;-;;;;-;;;;-;;;;;;

6.62 ABRAM xI6I2 : 6.63 MARIE *1615, 6.64 MARIE x1616 oo 1638 Jean Burlet, widower of JACQUEMM TARDENT, (mt 6.S) : 6.65 JACQUEMOZ xI6I7

,+ 1,6035.?0 6,70 MARIE *1609 oo 1630 JEAN TARDENT( JA 7,I1)^t 6.7I ABMM *1612 ! 6.72 PIERRE *1615 oo 1636 Jacquemaz Dupertui

6.73 SUZANNE *1617 . 6.74 CLAIJ!IZ +1619 oo 1646 Christ Borloz - had 4 children6.75 JICQUEMAZ *162I,,. \ oo 1650 Jean Borloz of Vernay6,76 ISAAC *1623, Notary, oo 1644 Eve Hubert\ ' / (what a I 'OIHER! Bor€ ISAAC 16 bairns in 27 years !!)6.77 SUZANNE x1625 : 6.78 ABRAM *1627, oo 1&8 Pernon Favlod of Chateau-droex

5,42 6,80 SI'ZSNNE *1610 oo 1638 Jean-Louis Durgniatt of Mimont6.81 PIERRE xl6tl oo 1634 Claudaz Ttl le. 2) oo 1638 Pernette Monod6.A2 AME *1615 oo 1638 Marie BorLoz ! 6.83 JEAN FRAI€oIS of Pertuis +1617, oo at Aigle 1641 Claudaz Bo!1oz

5.83 6.90 JEAN bf Leysihr *1617 oo 1637 Ctaudj.ne Rouge calledrRojozr; 2f oo 1654 Marguerite Saugy' both oo at Aigle6.91 CLAUDE *1619- - - - - - - - i - - - - - - - - -

5.85 6.100 Lydie (Dupertuis) *t6Zt

5.90 6.110 CI^AUDE *1592 ! 6.11I JACQ{JEMAZ *1593 oo 1620's Abram Durgniat6,112 JEAN *1595 t 6.113 CIAT DE *l-596 : 6,114 UIILLIAI'IAZ x1602

9:l13---!iYi5-lli9l--:---!:lli--31T-:l::l---:---1lll--9TTIT-ll:l:--------------(2) eve ubert is a distant relative of Forest Guard Axthur Hubext of Le Sepey who dlove l4yrle & Jutes T. in

the VaIIey tn f962. (I) Jean-Francois (JJ6.55) was the f irst owner of the historj-c 1643 chalet at Le S6pey.400

Page 52: copy of the genealogy

6.120 MARIE *159I I 6.12I MARIE X1596 I 6.T22 CLAUDE *1598 I 6.123 JENETTE X1599 JJ 42-a5.9 r


*1586, f before 1611 oo 1606 Claudaz Berruex : 6.131 CLAUDE x1595oo 1632 Mermet TauxeTwin of CLAUDAZ, oo 1624 Jacques Monod son of O""rg??t.:iJ



5 .101

5. 105

5. 106

6.150 JEAN mentioned in 1606

6.160 JEAN x1598 : 6.161 JEAN *160I oo 1622 Jacquemaz Borlat z 6.162 PIERRE x1603 oo 1624 Marie Ginier

7 . I JEANNE oo..Abram Borloz 7.2 MARIE6 .24

6 .25

6 .35

6 .36

7.10 JENETTE oo..Discret Mermet Tauxe (another unusual Christ ian Name!) : 7.11 MARIE

7.2o Sarah (Rouitler) xL62O | 7.2I Jacques *1621 : 7.22 Mal1e xL622 | 7.Z3 Jean *1624 : ?.24 a girt x1625

7 .307 .347 .37

Jehanne (Cinier) *1620 z 7.31 Clairde xI627 z 7.32 Jean x1622 z 7.33 Marie xI624Mermet xL629 z 7.35 Anne *1630 ; 7.36 Anne *1631Jehanne *1633 : 7.38 Pieme xL634 : 7.39 Anne x1636 (: ennes! Amazing determinationf )

6 .52

6 .55

7.4O Jean (Longet) xt625, by lst oo; then 4 by 2nd oo7.4I P iene (Mart in) *1630 z 7.42 Jean x1631 : 7 .43 Claudaz x1633 z 7.44 Jean x1639

7 . 5 07.5 r7 . 5 47 . 5 7

; ; ; ;--------;; ;-(f i--;7""-iuu' Jean rauxeFRANEOISE xI&2 z 7.52 JEAN *1644 : 7.53 SUZANNE xI646 (These 4 by lst oo)ESTHER x1652ABMM 1657

: 7.55 MADELEINE xI654 z 7.56 JEAN *1655r oo 1687 Esther Monod: 7.58 ISAAC xL662 (t f rese 5 by 2nd oo-Claudaz)

7 . 7 0 MERMET *16396 .72

6 .75 7 . 8 07 . 8 I7 . 8 27 . 8 3

Marie (Bor loz )SuzanneJeanSuzanne *1663 t 7.84 Abram


7 .857 .867 .877 .88

Wul l iamaz (Bor loz) * f00gEsther 1672Abram 1676David 1679

( r) 'Th"

IvIETRAL in feudal timesthe pass ing o f feuda l

was the superviser ofcontrol in the Ormonts

for the nobleman'.probably became

About the mid 14OO'.rhitnthe Syndic or MayorJ

the CommunityVal ley, these


Page 53: copy of the genealogy

6 . 7 6

A ' 7 a

6 .80

6 .81

6 .82

"" t ; ; "

7 .937 .947 .957 .96.7 .997. ro27 . 105



1650z 7.92 ABRAlvl xL64B

oo 1675 Jean Mot t ie r ro f the Sc ie rnes tWidowed, oo 1693 Gabr ie l Mar t in , o f V i l leneuveEVE xI652 oo 1671 Pierre Lonqet.

SUZANNE MARIE *1653 oo JEAN TARDENT of the Tine (AT 7.5) , 2) oo 1698 Abram Pittex ( lst oo 1675)JEAN *1656 z '1.97 PIERRE r'of Perrosieres' xL657 f abt 1716, oo 1680 Marie Borloz of PontABRAlvl *1659 z '7.99 DAVID xI662 : 7.100 ESTHER xI664 : 7.101 ESTHER x1665ISAAC xI667 t 7.103 DAVID *1668 z 7.104 ISAAC xI669, oo 1695 Esther DupertuisESTHER xI67I oo 1690 Pierre Dupertuisr lvlayor=scindicq 3 2) oo 1698 David Tauxe called 'Cord ie r r

)GBspe-{c!erJ---- --

7.110 ESTHER x1649

;:;;;- --;;;;;--

i;;;;;;;;;- - -- -----;;;;----ll

7.I2I Claude 1640 l l7 .122 Jean 164I l l

! -!?'- - - -'-: : ::: : - :l y? - -'- - -:: I :i - :: I : ::: - - - - l:i : - - ll7.130 SUZANNE

A a n 7. I25 P ieme7.126 Made le ine7. I27 Es ther7.I28 Abram


7. r407 . T 4 7

1635 :7 .131 ANTHOYNAZ *1637 Both by lst oo

MARIE *1639 oo 1660 Abram Dupertuis, 2) oo 1667 Wull iamoz OgueyCLAUDAZ xI64I oo 1663 Pierre Dupertuiso Mayor of Ormonts-dessous; 2)oo Jean-Claude Muffat, School Teacher,

(oo 1669, was son of Claude)7.I42 JEAN of Pertuis7.T44 PIERRE7.145 ABRAlvl x1651 oo7.I47 MADELEINE7.I48 ESTHER


1673 Marie Mott ier :1657166I

oo 1674 Marie Ginier t 7.143 SUZANNE xI647oo 1671 Jenette Esther Borloz7.146 ISAAC xI654 oo Marie Borlat in 168loo 1681 Jacques Mot t ie r , ca l led Bugnonoo 1687 Dav id Monod ' 'B ig Dav id ' '

7 .150 JEAN7. 153 ABRAIVI

x L644 : 7 .151of Pertuis x1655

JEAN T64B :oo 1683 Marie Ginier

7.L52 MARIE xI652, oo 1675 Jean Dupertuisz 7.I54 ESTHER x1659

7 .160 loJ / oo 1667 Esther Borloz

o . t ' J

6 .90

6 .130




oo 1636 C laudaz Gin ie r7. r73' 1 . I74

7 . I 7 77 . 7 7 97 . I 8 2

oo 1638 Louis Jacquerod of Leysinoo Abt 1630 FrancoiseDupertuis; 2) oo. 1641 Bernardaz FavreFather of Jonase founder of the TARDIAIS of Fr ibourq

tffiMARIE xI6I7 oo 1638 Jean-Louis Nicolier of the Rosex, 2) oo 1646 Jean PerrodABRAM *1619 t 7.I'75 CLAUDE 1622 z 7.176 JEAN xI624FRAN$OISE xI626 z 7,178 LOUISE 1630 oo Collet Morex in 1648ABRAM *1633 : 7.180 SUZANNE 1635 oo 1663 Abram Dupertuis of Fieu : 7181 MADELEINE *1637JEAN FRAI'EOIS rof the Garettazr 1638 Chatelain oo 1665 Marie Borloz of Pont GeriOge)


Page 54: copy of the genealogy

7.190 Mennaz (Tauxe) *1633 ! 7.191 Pierre *1634 ! 7,192 Abram *1639 . 7.Ig3 Pierre *1645 JJ 44-a6. r32

A 1 e a 7.2007.2047.208

Mar ie (Nonod)Jenet tel . ] a n r n a c

1625 :1635 3

7.20I Suzanne*16277.205 Marie 1638


z 7.202 Georges xI629 :z 7.206 Jacquemoz x1640 :z 7.2O9 Suzanne xI645

7 .203 Anne 1616317.207 Jean x I64 I

o . - L o I 7 . 2 I O7.2 r27.2I37 . 2 I 47 .2 I5




: 7 .211 Jean x I625 F lour Mi l le r , oo 1646 Mar ie Duper tu is1) oo 1650 Suzanne Mermod;2) oo 1654 Suzanne Bor la t ; S) OO 1665 Suzanne Es ther Bor loz


oo 1657 JEAN TARDENT x1635 f before 1687, a widower, oo 1663 Suzanne Tauxe (.t.1 2.224)x1640

6.162 7.220 PIERRE7.22T MARIE7.222 ABRAIVI7.224 JEAN7.225 ANNE

x l630r oo 1652L632t oo 1654ff f is f before1637, oo 1669

x1629 oo 1652 Suzanne Mar ie Bor loz; 2) oo 1656 Claudaz Mar ie Huber tJean Tavernier, Notaryt 2) oo 1674 Jean-Louis Pernet, CurateMarie Pittex; 2)oo 1667 Esther Borloz z 7.223 SUZANNE x16341687 ( JJ7.2I4) oo 1657 MARIE TARDENT *1636; 2) oo t663 Suzanne TauxeSimeon Borloz z 7.226 JEANNE *1639

Q ' r t ^ \J e n a n ( I a u x e / 8 . 2 J e h a n n e 8.3 Suzanne7 . I 0

7 .93

7 .97

7 . I O 4

8 . 1 0

8 .206 t Z I

6 . Z Z

8 . 2 48 . 2 5

suzanne (Ytottier) *roeo 8.11 Suzanne x1683 z B. I2 Danle l *1690

'JACQUES of Mattelon' *1680 oo 1717 Marie Ti l le of MattelonMARIE 1683 oo I7l2 Daniel Borloz, son of Jean of the Champs (Fields)SUZANNE *1686 : 8.23 ESTHER 1688 oo I?07 Abram Jean Tauxe, son of Abxam & SUZANNE nee TARDENr( JJ9.232 )SUZANNE *1691 oo 1716 Ablam Dulgniat ' son of Jacob; 2, oo 1722 Jean Rouil ler ' son of JeanEVE *1694 oo 1719 JEROME TARIENI *t6s7(JA9.tO); Z) oo I?47 David Mott ier ' Assessor (Ancient Deputy Magistrate)

8 .308 .328 .33


1724 Abram Monod, son of David : 8.31 MARIE1721 David Durgniat, son of Davido Notary and

: 8 .34 DAVID x1710 3

x1698, oo 1719 Gedeon EchenardSUZANNE nee TARDENI (JJ 8.24I)8 .35 JEAN XI712

8 . 4 0 Dav id ( tauxe) xr702 8 .41 Es the r * ?

8 . 50g .5 I

Esther (Dupertui-s )I saac (P tu t ta t ) * r0zo ' se oo

*16631706 EVE(renOrNr)

s i red by Pierre D, ls t oowidow of Jacques Duper tu is ( . f ; 8 .215)

7. 105

7 . I 4 I

7 . I42

7 , I 4 4

7 . I 4 5

8 .608 .62

'ABRAIVI of theBridge'x1675r ooISMC XL678 :

1694 Suz. Esther Dupertuis8.63 MARIE ;*T682 :

: 8 .61 JEAN8 . 6 4


oo 1703 Eve Metmod*1685

8 . 7 0 SUZANNE xt672

8 . 8 0 ABRAlvl x l674r oo 17OO Madeleine Ramel : 8.81 SUZANNE *1675 oo 1699 Pierre Longet, son of Jeane NotaryMARIE


Page 55: copy of the genealogy

7 ,146JJ 45-,a'8 .90

8 .92I . 95

8 .96


ANNE X1685ISAAC Jr16g1

2 ) o o 1 7 3 0SUZANNE

oo abt. I7o4 Esther Mart in : 8.91 MARIE x1683 oo'DAVID TARDENT of Sergniat ' x1660, oo 1706

oo Jean Rouge of Aigre : 8.93 ESTHETi xr686 z 8.94 suzANNE :Hl8t"t ' ' (tt t 'zt)

a r m y p o s t i l l o n ( h o r s e m a n , m i l i t a r y v e h i c l e ) o o 1 7 2 8 F r a n c o i s e G i l I a r d o f V e v e y ;Eve Dupertuis (J. t 9.52) mid-wife; 3) oo 1744 ESTHER TARDENT )+I7I2 ( .1.1 q.164)


8 . 1 0 0 Suzanne (mot t ie r ) 106z

8 . 1 I 0 E v e ( M o n o d ) x r 0 g A : 8 . 1 1 1 D a v i d 1 6 9 r : 8 . 1 1 2 J e a n x 1 6 9 5 : 8 . 1 1 3 J u d i t h x l 6 g g

8.120 SUZANNE MARIE 1684 oo 1708 Jean Huber t , son o f Jean

7 . I 4 7

7 . T 4 8

7 . I 5 3

7 . 1 6 0

7 . 1 7 0


B. 125 ABRAM 1669

8 .130 Lou is (Jacquerod ) t o J v 8 . 1 3 1 M a r i e x I 6 4 3

B . 1 4 08 . I 4 2

TARDtp 8 .143rrrrrrr g. 145

8 . 1 4 8

MARIEJoNAS (renoeln)ESTHER XI645 :ABRM 1649 :ESTHER .1655 :


r6431639 : 8.141 CLAUDAZ *1641 oo 1659 Claude Benet

oo ?1 Left Ormonts Val ley. Founded FRIBOURG CANTON BRANCH1647, Notary ; Chate la in in 1694, oo 1676 Mar ie Gu inchoz1650 z 8.147 SUZANNE x1653r659 oo 1680 Mar ie Bor loz

7 . t 7 3

7 . I 7 8

8 . 1 5 0B . 1 5 3

Mar ie (N ico l ie r l x1540Abram (Per rod ) * tOst

8 . 1 5 1 A b r a m x I 6 4 3 : 8 . 1 5 2 M a d e l e i n e8 . 1 5 4 M a d e l e i n e x 1 6 5 4 : 8 . 1 5 5 J e a n


( s ny each oo )

B . 1608 . 1618 .1628 . 163

Mar ie (Morex)Es therJ e a nLou ise x1657 z 8 .164 P ieme


8 . 1 6 5 A b r a m8 . 1 6 6 J e a n8 . 1 6 7 L o u i sB . 1 6 8 J o n a s

1664r6661668167 1

7 . 1 8 0

7 . I 8 2!:ll9---i::r:-l3T*r:l-ll:1--:--i:lll--llYTll -!!2!'---:-!:!?-ti:;:il"i::':, l.,l?;ill--Tllll -:!2!2----,-8.f80 MARIE *1665 oo 1685 David gorlat, 2) oo 1693 Matthieu Tauxe'lscin of Piblre : 8,181 ABRAfi *16678.182 SUZANNE 1669 oo 1695 Abran Rosset, 2) oo 1698 Pierre l lonod : 8.183 ESTHER *16728.184 JoNAS *1677 oo 17OO Esther nee Monod, widow of JEAN TARDE$I (JA 9.tO)8.185 ABRAM 1680 oo 1711 Esther Paccot, daughter of Moise (Moses) ! 8,186 DAVID *1686 : 8.187 ESTHER x1688

8.190 JEAN 1649 : 8 .191 MARIE 165rB. 193 PIERRE 1660 : B. 194 ISAAC 166I8. 196 DAVID 1664 z 8.I97 PIERRE 1670

8 . f 9 9 J E A N x 1 6 7 3 * b e f o r e 1 7 3 6 ' F l o u r m i l l e r ,

8 . I92 JEAN x1653 : 8 .1924 JEAN *16588.195 MARIE x I662 oo 1687 Jean Duper tu is

198 MADELEINE xL67I oo at Aigle 1689 Jacquemoz Clavel

Eve Gu i l laumer ca l led Senf roy ' R ichard 's daughter


oo l7O2404


Page 56: copy of the genealogy

JJ 46-a7 '2I2 9.?90 SUZ4NNE -!EI!.

x1651 oo 1673 David Dupertuis cal led 'Nephew' (This chi ld by Ist oo, 2 ea. by other two)8.201 ANNE *1658, oo 1697 Abran Borfoz ! 8,202 ESTIIER *16608.203 WULIJAMOZ *1666 | 8.2u4 MARIE +1672 oo 1692 Jean Durgniat

7,22A 8.210 MARIE *1653 (by tst oo) : 8.211 I,4ARIE *1656 oo 1675 Mennet Borloz (B by 2nd oo)4.212 JEAN 1658 : 8.213 SUZANNE +1660 oo 168I Abram Tauxe, cal led Claudet, son of PierreA.214 ISAAC 1662 : 8.215 EVE *1664, oo 1?OO Jacques Dupertuis, l tayor, + before ]706 (JA 8.63)

2 ) oo 1706 I saac Mu f fa t , son o f Jean , son o f C laude ( JJ 8 .51 )4.216 JUDITH 1665 z a.2I7 ANNE *1668 oo 1693 ABBAM TARDENT x1670 (JA 9,1I) : 9.218 DAVID +1622

7.22I A.22O PieFe (Tavernier) xl6S2 : 8.221 Jean x1654 | 8.222 David *1656 : 8.223 Marie *1659A,224 Jonas 1661 | A,225 Hoise *1662 t A.226 Suzanne *1664 , L227 Jean *1665A.228 Adam 16'7I | 8,229 Jean (Pernet) x1674 (9 by lst ooi I by 2nd oo)

7.222 8 .230 JEAN 1655 : 8 .231 PIERRE x1657 | 8 .232 SUZANNE i i16598.233 SUZANNE 1661 oo 1683 Thomas-Frango is Mermier ; 2 ) oo 1685 Dav id Duper tu is o f Po i8 .234 PIERRE 1664 oo 1699 Es ther P i t tex o f F ieu

7.224 8 .240 JONAS f660 (by ls t oo) oo 1685 Made le ine P iemet taz8 .24 I SUZANNE 1667 (by 2nd oo) oo 1687 Dav id Durgn ia t , Notary ( .1 .1 e .gZ)

7 . 2 2 5 8 . 2 5 0 J e a n ( B o r l o z ) * t O l t

8 . I2 9 .1 Dan ie l ( i v to t t ie r ) x7777, oo EVE TARDENT x1711 (e f g . t ) oo 1744


xI72O t ab t 1744 oo 1743 Jean Dav id Bor loz o f La Combal lazxr723 oo 1745 Jean Dav id Bor loz , her b ro ther - in - law (g . to above)

8 . 2 1 9 . 2 0 D a v i d ( B o r l o z ) * t l t Z z 9 . 2 I A b r a m x L 7 I 4 z g . 2 2 J e a n i ( I 7 1 69.23 Mar ie x I72O z 9 .24 Suzanne x I724 z 9 .25 Emmannue l x I727

8 . 2 3 9 . 3 0 J e a n D a n i e l ( T a u x e ) x t l t Z

8 . 3 0 9 . 4 0 A b r a m ( M o n o d ) x I726 z 9 .4 I Es ther x I728

8.31 9.50 Gedeon (Echenard) *L72O oo ? Marie Dnpertuis ! 9.5I Pierre *1722, Twin of 9.52 Esther9,53 Jean *1724 ! 9.54 Judith Marie *1725 ! 9,55 Abran I i2A9.56 David *1729 ! 9.57 Ennannuel *1731 : 9,58 David 1734

8 .32 9 .604 Jos ias (D ; rgn ia t ) * t zgs


Page 57: copy of the genealogy

J J 4 7 - a8 .60 9 .60 ABRAJVI xI697 : 9 .6I JEAN xI7O2

8.61 9.65 SUZANNE ESTHER *1706, oo 1726 Jacob Hubert (son of Jean), Arthur Hubert, Forest Guard at Le sepey 19?4,i s re la ted

8.80 9.70 ABRAM xI7O2 oo 1727 Esther Marie Dupertuis, widow of p. Martin9. '7I JERO}{E +1704, oo 1740 Katherlne Grey. This couple left the nountainous Valley to l ive on the Rhone P]ain9.72 SUZANNE *1706, oo 1730 Ab-ram Chamoxel : 9.73 DAVID +I'7Og | 9.74 DAVID +]7IO9.75 I"IADELEINE *1713 | 9.76 ANNE MARIE *1717 also oo a Mr, Chamoref

8,8I 9.80 Abram (Lbnget) *1700 : 9.81 Marie *1701 ! 9.82 Jean *1703 ! 9.83 Catherine *1707

8.90 9.90 ESTHER *1704 oo 1726 Pierre Tauxe! Chatelain & Notary : 9.91 MARIE *I7II oo 1730 Jean Bonzon

8.95 9 .100 ISAAC x I732 : 9 .101 JONAS ISAAC * I747- IB I2 bo th by 2nd oo9.Io2 ISAAC JONAS *I746-LBIT : 9.103 SI jZANNE MARIE xI748-lBOB (2 by 3rd oo)

8 .120 9 .1 I0 Es the r (Hube i t ) *1708 ! 9 ,1 I1 Mar ie *17 IO : 9 .112 Suzanne x I7 I2 | 9 ,L13 Jean *17149,114 Eve *1716 | 9.115 David *1721 : 9.116 Jonas *1725 | 9,711 Jonas 1727

8 . 1 4 1 9 . I 2 O E v e ( B e n e t ) * t 0 0 1 z 9 . I 2 I M a r i e x I 6 6 9 z 9 . I 2 2 P i e r r e x I 6 7 2

8 . 1 4 4 9 . 1 3 0 ' J E A N o f t h e B r i a u x ' x I676 oo 1699 Es ther Muf fa t

A'I49 9.140 JEBoI'1E x1681 oo I7I2 Suzanne nee Tauxe, widow of Gedeon Borloz ! 9.147 MARIE *16839.142 I4ARIE *1684 : 9.143 DAVID *1685 : 9.144 SIMEON *t6AB : 9.145 MARIE *169I oo l7l1 Jonas Burtin9.146 JEAN xI694 | 9,147 SUZANNE *1696 : 9.148 ESTHER *1699 oo 1724 Ermannuel Tauxe

8 . 1 8 0 9 . 1 5 0 S u z a n n e ( t a u x e ) xI694 by 2nd oo

8. 182 9 . 155 P ier re (Monod ) x I699 : 9 .156 Jean *1700

8.184 9.160 JONAS *1700 ! 9.16I SUZANiIE *1703 | 9,162 MADELEINE x1708 : 9.163 ASRAM *17119.164 EsrtlER *1712 oo 1744 rzAAc TARDENT *1691 (JJ 8.95) see JJ g.toolro3 : 9.165 ABRrqI4 *r7r3

8.185 9.170 JEAN *1712 : 9,171 I,IARIE *1714 oo ,,.Jean Borloz of La Mosse9.172 ESTHER *1715 oo 1735 Abram Borloz x1699 ! 9.173 JEAN *1718, Chatelain, oo 1747 Suzanne Marie wurloz

8 . 1 9 5 9 . 1 7 0 A E s t h e r ( D u p e r t u i s ) x 1 6 B B z 9 . 1 7 1 A E v e x 1 6 9 1 z 9 . L 7 2 A D a v i d * 1 6 9 3

8.199 9 .180 JEAN x1703 oo 1731 Mar ie Bor loz , daughter o f Dav id o f Vernay : 9 .181 SUZANNE x I7O4

9.182 PIERRE x7706 : 9.183 ANNE MARIE xI7O9 oo 1731 Jean Mermod


Page 58: copy of the genealogy

B .200 9 , I9O Marie ( Dupertui s ) x I674 : 9 .191 Dav id *1680 JJ 48-a

B.2oI 9 .2OO Suzanne (Bor loz) * t0g l

8.204 9 .2L0 Dav id (Durgn ia t ) * f6gg : 9 .2 I I P ie r re x I696 z 9 .2 I2 Made le ine x1698

8.2L I 9 .22O Mar ie (Bor loz) x I677 z 9 .22L Es ther xL679

8.213 9.230 Anne (Tauxe) *16A2 | 9, I Pierre *1683 : 9.232 Abram Jean *1685, oo 1?O7 ESTHER TARDENI *1688 )9,233 Harie *1687 : 9.234 Abram *1689 : 9.235 Abram *1693 | 9,236 a child *1692 (JJ a.23 I

8.215 9.240 Jonas (Dupertuis) x17O1 | 9.24L Suzanne *1?02 ! 9.242 Jacques *1705 r 9.243 Catheriner his twin

8.233 9.25O Isaac (Mermier) x I6B4 z 9.25I Suzanne (Duper tu is) *1686 (Uy Zna oo)9.252 Eve xI6B7 oo 1730 ISMC TARDENT *1691 (JJ A.gS) z 9.253 David (Dupertuis) *16899.254 Abram x1690, Mayor, oo 1715 ESTI{ER TARDENT *1693 (. ln fO.iO)9.255 Jacques x I692 r 9 .256 Made le ine x I694

e.B4 9.260 ESTHER *1707 oo 1726 Jean l"iottier of the Vouettes : 9.26I SUZANNE xI7O9 oo 1729 David Tauxe of Cretaz

8.240 9.270 JACQUEMOZ9.27I ' JEAN o f Mat te lon '

*1685 Notary, oo 1719 Marie Dupertuis *1682 daughter of Davidx1691 'oo 1710 Judith Durqniat

A.24I 9,280 David (Durgniat) *1688 : 9.281 Gedeon *1690 | 9,282 Enunannuel *1692, Notary9.2A3 David *1693 oo 172I l,tABIE n6e TARDENT, widow of Gedeon Dupertuis9.2a4 Suzanne *1696 | 9.2a5 Suzanne *I?OI oo 1?24 CCDEoN TARDENI *1697 (AT 8.?9) 3 9.286 Josias *IzoB

9.11 10.1 David (Bor loz ) *nA,6 : 10.2 Jean Danie l x I748 : 10.3 Emmannuel x l74g

9.65 10.5 Esther (Huber t ) xI727 : 10.6 Marie xI729

9.70 10.10 ABRAM *I72B-I794 Chate la in for 7 terms (2t yrs . ) inc lu . 1766 & 1772 (a record)oo 1752 EVE TARDENT at Leysin *I734-L8O4 (Af fO.Z+)

10.11 MARIE t73t oo 1753 Abram Echenard

9,7I 10.20 FREDERIC WILFIELM xI74I : 10.21 JACQUES x1743L0.22 JEAN NICOLAS xat Vi l lenuve xI745-I776 oo 1767 Jeanne Suzanne Margueri te Cattelaz10.23 JEAN MICHEL 1750 oo ? Margueri te Catere *?, t before 1795

9.72 10.30 Marie Madeleine (Chanorel) +1730 r 10.31 Suzanne Marie *1731 : 10.32 Jean Danlet *1234

19:ll___i:::':_9:::::_:_ll:l__:__19:li_ l:t_ltlll"t" .llll__:__13:ll_:::1:l_lll13__:__19:11_il::T_lTt?:1:::11,6407

Page 59: copy of the genealogy

JJ A O - ^

10 .40 Mar ie9.9O I0.44 Suzanne

(Tauxe) * t lzzx 1737

10.41 Jean x1728 : IO.4210.45 Suzanne Cather ine x I74 I

Pierre x1733 : 10.43 Esther Mar ie x I735: 10.46 Abram xI745

9.9 r

Y . I J U

10.50 Esther10 .52 Mar ie

(Bonzon )xr743 :

x17311 0 . 5 3 J e a n - L o u i s x 1 7 4 5

: 10 .51 Jean Emmannue l *1736: 10.54 Jean Pierre xr747

10.60 JEAN x1700, oo 1728 Madele ine Mot t ier ;10.61 ESTHER 1703T0.62 PIERRE 'L707

2) oo 1731 Mar ie Bor loz, daughter of Mimontoo 1733 Danie l Gin ier , son of the la te Mermetoo 1736 Cather ine Pi t tex, daughter of Abram

10.70 MARIE x1713 oo 1738 Jean Bor loz , son o f the la te Dav id 10.71 ABRAJVl *1715

10 .80 Marie ( Burt in ) 17 16

10 .90 Esther ( tauxe) 1725 10.91 David Emmannuel xI727

10 .100 Mar ie (Bor loz ) 173 I 10 .101 Mar ie x I734

10 .110 Es the r (Bo r loz ) * fZg0 3 10.111 Abram x I742 : 10 .112 Suzanne Mar ie x I744

9 . I 4 0

9 . L 4 5

9 . L 4 8

9 . 1 7 I

9 . r72

9 . 180

9. 183


9 .260

9 .270

10. 120ro.I22

MARIE xI732 oo 1754 Robert Et ienne EchenardSUZANNE XT742

: 10.121 JEAN x1735oo 7769 Jean Chabla ix of the Br iaux

10.130' P ierre (Mermod) * t lSZ 10.131 C laudaz x7733 : 10 .132 Jean x1735

10 .140 Dan ie l ( t auxe ) 17 t2

10.150 Jean Emmannue l (mot t ie r ) x I727 10.15 I Abram x I728 10.152 Mar ie Esther *1731

10.160 ANNE MARIE xI72O oo 1743 Jean David Borloz, Notary (were divorced), 2) oo Daniel Borloz of Vuargny10.161 JEAN I72L oo 1741 Eve Duper tu is , daughter o f Jacques

10 .10 1 1 . 1IL .21 1 . 3II.4

1 1 . 5

1 1 . 6II .71 1 . B

DAVID 1752 oo I77B Catherine Burt inSUZANNE MARIE xI754 oo 1789 Jean-Louis Burt in, Teacher (she is mentioned in 1813 as a widow)SUZANNE CATFIERINE L756-1810 oo 1776 Jean Emmannuel Oguey of DradeyMARIE ESTHER 1763

2) oo 1804 David Frederic OgueySUZANNE 17662) oo 1813 Gedeon.Mot t ier ( -Routd ) fZ6S

oo 1790 Jean Francois Mermoda widower, he oo 1814 Catherine BorlozOO L7B7 DAVID TARDENT XI766-18r1 (AT 10.1I1)son of Gedeon and I4ARIE nee TARDENT (AT 9.107)

1768-1838 oo 1798 P ier re Oguey, son o f P ie r re t x I76B (n f f f .+Z)I77I-IBI9 oo 1800 at Leysin, Abram Tauxe, Headteacher

ROSE.MRIEJULIE MARIEALEXANDRE EMMANNUEL xI77B. (Was wrongly convicted at Aigle for counterfei t ing, having been ' f ramed' by

scoundre fs . rH is master ly appea l o f 25 th May 1804 to the Sta te Par l iament Grand Counc i l (Cab ine t ) i sva lued as- a c lass ic lega l example and is p reserved as such in the Cantona l (S ta te ) taw Arch ives a tLausanne.) | 408

Page 60: copy of the genealogy

1o,I1 1I.10 Suzanne Malie (Echenard,f *1754 : 11.11 Abran *1757 | 1I.I2 Jean DavId *176I JJ 5o-a

1LI4 David F ederlc *1769, oo 94 Marie Jacquerod, chi ld of Moise and Suzanne nee oguey

__, 11.15 David Eflmannuel *1775 ! 11.13 Esther *1765

10.22 1I.20 JEAN-JACQUES *1768, oo 1790 Elisabeth Bosset, cal led 'Babay.' AI1 10.22 *VilLeneuve11.21 MARIE MADELEINE *&t177I t 1I.22 JEAN xI773 | .II.8 JEAN I,iARIE *1774 | IL24 Sllz, CATHERINE *date

___ ____-_-_(_ !ilseibteIO.A 1I.30 MARIE ELISABETH *177ors, oo 1795 Charles David Boulogner of Pri l ly, son of Piexre Daifel & Jeanne Louise

-( lce-gl,eyelley10.60 11.40 suzANNE (uy rst oo) xI729 oo 1753 Jerome Alexandre Aviolat

10 .61 11 .50 Dan ie l (C in ie r ) 1734 : 11.51 Jean xI737

10.70 11.60 Jean (Borloz) *1738 ! 1I.6I Jean Emnannuel *L743 | IL.62 David *1745 : 11.63 Jcg David *I?48IL64 Marie *1749

10.120 11.70 Su2anne Mar ie (Echenard) x tzsg : 11.71 Cather ine *1757 z I I .72 Pierre *176011.73 David xI763 oo 1792 Rose-Marie Mott ier

IO. I22 11.80 Mar ie Cather ine (Cfranla ix) t l lO : 11.8I Jean Emmannuel x I774

10.160 11.90 Jonas (Borloz) *1745 r 11.9I Suzanne *1748 r 1I.92 Jean lglid. *1750 3 11.93 Jean Pgyig, *1756 |

I0,161 11,100 EVE *]741 : I1.10I MARIE *I?43-1806 oo..Pierre Monod, cal led. 'Lit t l ierorrTinyr' tavern proprietor11.1O2 S:T',ZANNE CATHERINE *1744 : 11.103 ESTHER *I?46 I 1I.IO4 JEAN *174911.105 DAll ' ID *I75I r 11.106 SUZANNE ' (his twin) oo U7I Abram Dupertuis'of the Vouettesl

2) oo.. Abran l, lonod, 'Lit t ]e Abram' son of David bf the Voettes! (chi ldless oo)

I1.1 T2.I JEAN DAVID VII.ICIIff XI778-1842 . T2.2 JEAN EMMANNI,IEL *178012.3 JEAN EI,I'IANNUEL known as 'Jean of the Fenets' *I782-I8I4 + by accid€nt on a Eaw at Le Sepey ttlll

oo 1802 Marie Catherine Marlettaz *? t18O4 of T.B.i 2)oo 1809 Rose Marguerite 09uey *1774-1840

1L3 12.10 Jean Emnannuet (Oguey) xI77712.II Malle Catherlne *1778, oo Dav1d Frederlc Ginler, son of Jean-Enmannuel and llarie nee yelsinL2.I2 Jull-e Malle *1779 oo I8l0 Jean E unannuel Tauxe12.13 Jean Ennannuel 1783 oo 1804 Catherine Marlettaz *? +1807

2) oo 1810 Suzanne Harle Mott ie!, daughter of Jean and Esthe! ne6 Rouilte!

I1.4 12.20 a girl (oguey) *1805 by 2nd oo

l l .6 12 .30 Rose-Mar ie (Oguey) . * tZgg : 12 .31 .Jean V incent *1802 z 12 .32 Henr ie t te *1805


Page 61: copy of the genealogy

JJ 51-a 1 ' A^ Jean Dav id (Tauxe) * fgOf a t Per ros ie res z 12 .4 I Abram Lou is V incent xa t Levs in 1BO3l L . 7

t - . - " w E q r r s q v r u \ r q u ^ s / ' I e v I o U r E : t r | . J 5 f g J - t j : ) a I 1 . + L , . r U I d i i l . L ( J ( I J b V J . t l u g l l L ^ d U l - -

11 .20

11 .40

11 .101

12.50 SUZANNE x1791-1880 : 12.51 JEANNE FRAN9OISE xI795-I797 ' fel l in the f i re ' (Oiea12.52 JEAN FRANpOIS *1798-1854 Boatman, Femyman12.53 MARIE x1801; (bore out of wedlock in 1832, EmmannueL. He died at Lausanne in 1BB3;L2.54 MARIE ELISABETH t€1805' oo 1855 Frederic Louis Crausaz : 12.55 EMMANNUEL *1806. Al l

;;-;;;;;;j( i)

oo Rose-Scph ie6 xVi l leneuve

ft]-eoer j

12,60 Jean Jerone (Aviotat) *1753 : 12.61 Suzanne *1755 | 12.62 Suz. Ig& *1757 : 12,63 Jean Erunannuel *1759

I2.7O Abram Frederic (Monod) *t l lZ z 12.71 Abram Frederic xI774 z 12.72 Suz. Catherine xI77612.73 , Jean Dav id x I777 t 12 .74 Suzanne Mar ie x I779 s 12 .75 Dav id x178012.76 Marie Jul ie x ? oo 1806 Charles Emmannuel Hubert

I 1 . 106 12 .8012 ,82

Pierre (Dupertuis )Catherine

oo 1807 Jean-Louis Dupertuis,

xI778 : 12,81 Abram xI779x?

son of Jean and Marie, two Dupertuis who had married

(I) In those days the open hearth or f lreplace wa6 the rule in kitchens of homes of al l sizes. Today i4 thetwo 350-yr-old Tardent Chalets at Le Sdpey, nodern electr ical cooking has ruled fo! ove! half a centurybut the walls st i l l bear the honourable sncke-stains of centuries! Notbing of historical value can bealtered ln these rNational Monuments' ! Maov a chlld must have suffeled buxns.


Page 62: copy of the genealogy


of \&lgeto (MT)

1. I 'MERMET of Verneto' f before 1505

1.1 2,I 'CLAUDE of Vernayr + befole 15052.2 JEAN AduLt in 1505;traced through his lbrother Vull ierme and his nephews

oo., a Frangoise x (?) AMEDEE and PIEBRE (3,I and 3.2)2.3 vulLrERME (cuil laume = wil l iam) was a ninor in 1505

2.I 3. I AJVIEDEE a minor in 1505 z 3.2 PIERRE a minor in 1505, Notary. f before 1565

2.2 3.10 JACqJEMAZ oo.. Aimd Dupertuis of Fieu r 3.I1 MERMET

2,3 3.20 CI"AUIE, quoted in 1565 and 1570r oo.. Jacquemaz Chablaix, daughter of Vince.t, son of Gelard

3 . 1 0 4 . I C l a u d e ( D u p e r t u i s ) z 4 . 2 J e a n z 4 . 3 P i e r r e

3 .11 4 .10 MERMET o f Vernay , quoted in 1565. Was Chate la in in 1578, oo Jenet te Brun ie r4.I I .CLAUDAZ, quoted in 1565, oo Mermet Tauxe z 4.I2 JENNETTE oo Denis Tauxe : 4.13 ABRAM4.I4 ' . l .AcQuEs of Vernayl

3 .20 4 .2O JEAN, quoted in 1555 oo . . Jenet te Bur le t , daughter o f C laude and ? Cot te r loz

4.10 5.1 JEAN, quoted in 1606. oo MARIE TARDENT' daughter of FMNCOIS (JJ 5.90)5 .2 JENETTE oo. . Noe l Par isod , pas tor a t Le Sepey5.3 MERMET x1579, Notary at Cretaz, oo Marie Mermoud z 5.4 JACQIJES

4. I3 5 . lO 'ABRM of Vernay ' oo . . Suzanne Tauxe *1596 : 5 . t l ANTOINE

4.I4 5.20 JENETTE and 5.2I JACQIIES xI577, twins

5.1 6,1 PERNETTE *1588 r 6.2 CLAUDE *1589 : 6.3 JEJN *1601 : 6.4 CLAUDAZ *16056,5 JACQIJEMAZ *1610 oo 1633 Jean Burlet. A widower, oo 1638 I{ARIE T. *1616, daughter of CLAUDoZ (JJ 6.64)

5.2 6.10 Jean (Parisod) was a theology student at Geneva in 16056.11 Sarah oo.. Pierre Molet, pasteur of Bex in Rhone Valley, Sth of Aig]e6.12 christ ine oo.. Jean-Francols chevall iexr State Council lor (Cabinet Minister) at Orbe. Widowe!, oo Annele


( Masset

Page 63: copy of the genealogy

MT 53-a 6.20

5 .3 6 .25JEAN X1598MARIE XT6I4

t 6.2I JEAN *1604 z 6.22 MARIE *1606 t 6.23 ABRAlvl *16091) oo 1636 Jean Ber ruex , 2 ) oo 1640 Lou is Pernet z 6 .26

z 6.24 ISAAC *1610ABRAM XI62O

5 . I 0 6 .30/ ^ ^' o . J 5

6 . 3 5

6 . 3 66 . 3 8





! 6.31 CLAUDAZ *1598 . 6.32 ABRAM xI599oo 162I Francoise Dupertuis z 6.34 ABRAlvl xI6O4

{ ab t . L636, oo 1631 P ier re Tauxe ca l led 'Cord ie r ' (nope maker ) .

z 6.37 ABRAtvl x1611 oo 1631 Marie Jaouieroo 1631 HENRI FMNCOIS TARDENT *1609-1675 (Ar O. rg )

Widowed, oo 1637 ANNETARDENT (.rR Z.S)

5.2 r 6 .40 MARIE 1598 oo L622 Abram Mott ier 6.4T CLAUDE X1601

6 .25

6 .33

Mar ie (Berruex) *16377 .1

7 . 107 . I I7 . 127 . 137 . 15

CLAUDAZ xI626, quoted as a widow in 1678, had oo 1663 Abram Nicoll ierANNE xI629 oo 1655 Mermet Borloz, son of Christ Borloz cal led 'ChristMARIE *1631 oo 1652 Jacques Mott ier of MuretsSUZANNE *1636 oo 1658 Pieme Tauxe r 7.I4 ABRAI4 *1639 oo 1662 JenettePIERRE xI64I f before Feb. 1670 oo 1663 Suzanne Durgniat

Senior ' o r 'O ld Chr is t '

Bor loz

6.3s 7 .20 Mar ie ( tauxe )

8 . 18 . 3

Suzanne (N ico t l ie r ) x I65OMarie xI654

8 . 2 J e a n * 1 6 5 2 o o . .8 . 4 A b r a m x 1 6 5 5 o o . .

Made le ine Ber ruexSuzanne Berruex

7 . 1 0

' 7 ' 1 1, . f I

7 . 1 4

B. 108 . 15

J e a n ( B o r l o z )Marie *1665

*1657 : 8 .11 Anne x1660 : 8 .12 Abram x1661 :: 8 .16 Es the r xL666 : 8 .17 Anne x I667 z

8.13 David xL662 : B. I4 Suzanne *16638.18 Suzanne x1671

8 .208 .2 I8 .228 .26

ISAAC t664 ooABRAM 1666 ooMARIE 1669 3MADELEINE *1680

1700 Mar ie Bor lozr daughter o f C laudeto f Vernay l1689 Es ther Bor loz , daughter o f P ie r re

8.23 MARIE xI672 z 8.24 ESTHER xI674 z 8.25 JEREMIAS xI677z 8 .27 ESTHER x I682 oo 17 lO Jos ias Massard , Far r ie r (son o f Jean)

7 . 15 8 .308 .92

SUZANNE XT6@ :PIERRE x1670, (son

8.31 SUZANNE *1665 oo 1687 Jean-Pierre Monodof the la te P ie r re ) ; Chate la in in 1718 oo 1707 Mar ie Tauxe, daughter of Abram , the


B.2 I


9 .19 .49 .5


g .2 ABRAlvl *1691,

1708 Abram Charpin9.6 JONAS x1706 oo

f before 1735 : 9.3 MARIEca l led 'O ld Abram Charp in '1733 Es ther G in ie r ' 2 ) I I L747

xI692 oo 1719 Gedeon Durqniat

Mar ie Rou i l le r z 9 .7 S IMEON



Page 64: copy of the genealogy

a. 9.10 Marie (Dupertuls) *1698 : 9.11 Jean *t7ol : 9.I2 pierre *1704 | 9.Ig Jonas *1707 t ' tT 54-a

8 . 2 7 9 . 2 0 a c h i l d ( M a s s a r d ) * 1 7 1 3

8.31 9.30 Anne (Monod) * rOSe : 9 .31 Esther x1691 z g.32 p ier re x l6g89.33 Jonas *1700 z 9.34 Suzanne xI7O2 : 9 .35 Mar ie x l7o3 t 9 .36 David x I7O4

8.32 9 .40 PIERRE I7O7

9 .3 10. I Gedeon ( Durgni at ) oo . . Mari e Dupertui s

9 .4 10 .10 Es ther (Charp in ) * l7 t8 : 10 .11 Mar ie x I72O : 10 .12 Mar ie x I722

9 .6 10. 20 suzANNE ( ci.ni er ) ( oo whom ?? ) rrc4 : 10. 21 JEAN x1736

10.20 11,1 Davj.d Gedeon (Surname ??) 1756 : 1t.2 Abram *1759 s 11.3 Abram *17621I.4 BenJamin 7767


( J B . )

1 . 1 J E A N

1 . 1 2 . T J E A N

3 .2VULL IEnME(Gu i l l aume) l { en t i oned | (ondocunen ts )be fo re1505

