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Copyright © 2005 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Benjamin Cummings Ch. 22 Descent with Modification

Copyright © 2005 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Benjamin Cummings

• Ch. 22

Descent with Modification

Copyright © 2005 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Benjamin Cummings

• The Origin of Species

– Focused biologists’ attention on the great diversity of organisms

Figure 22.1

Copyright © 2005 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Benjamin Cummings

• The Origin of Species

– challenged traditional views of a young Earth inhabited by unchanging species

– Shook the deepest roots of Western culture

– Challenged a worldview that had been prevalent for centuries

Copyright © 2005 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Benjamin Cummings

• Darwin

– said many species of organisms are descendants of ancestral species

– proposed natural selection as a mechanism for evolution

Copyright © 2005 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Benjamin Cummings

• The historical context of Darwin’s life and ideas

Figure 22.2

Linnaeus (classification)Hutton (gradual geologic change)

Lamarck (species can change)

Malthus (population limits)Cuvier (fossils, extinction)

Lyell (modern geology)

Darwin (evolution, nutural selection)

Mendel (inheritance)

Wallace (evolution, natural selection)


American Revolution French Revolution U.S. Civil War

1800 1850 19001795 Hutton proposes his theory of gradualism.

1798 Malthus publishes “Essay on the Principle of Population.”

1809 Lamarck publishes his theory of evolution.1830 Lyell publishes Principles of Geology.

1831–1836 Darwin travels around the world on HMS Beagle.

Darwin begins his notebooks on the origin of species.1837Darwin writes his essay on the origin of species.1844

Wallace sends his theory to Darwin.1858

The Origin of Species is published.1859Mendel publishes inheritance papers.1865

Copyright © 2005 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Benjamin Cummings

The Scale of Nature and Classification of Species

• The Greek philosopher Aristotle (384-322 BC)

– viewed species as fixed and unchanging

– said life forms could be arranged according to increasing complexity

• The Old Testament of the Bible

– states that species were individually designed by God

Copyright © 2005 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Benjamin Cummings

• Carolus Linnaeus (1707-1778)

– Grouped similar species into increasingly general categories reflecting what he considered the pattern of their creation

• a founder of taxonomy - the branch of biology dedicated to the naming and classifying of organisms

• Developed binomial nomenclature – a two-part naming system that includes the organism’s genus and species

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Fossils, Cuvier, and Catastrophism

• The study of fossils

– Helped to lay the groundwork for Darwin’s ideas

• Fossils are remains or traces of organisms from the past

– Usually found in sedimentary rock, which appears in layers or strata

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Copyright © 2005 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Benjamin Cummings

• Georges Cuvier (1769-1832)

– Developed paleontology, the study of fossils

– opposed the idea of gradual evolutionary change

– advocated catastrophism

• says that events in the past occurred suddenly and by different mechanisms than those occurring today

• This explained boundaries between strata and the location of different species

Copyright © 2005 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Benjamin Cummings

Theories of Gradualism

• Gradualism

– the idea that profound change can take place through the cumulative effect of slow but continuous processes

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• Geologists Hutton and Lyell (1797-1875)

– Developed the principle of uniformitarianism, the idea that the geologic processes that have shaped the planet have not changed over the course of earth’s history

• Importance: The earth must be very old.

– Exerted a strong influence on Darwin’s thinking

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Lamarck’s Theory of Evolution

• Lamarck (1744-1829) hypothesized that species evolve.

– Through use and disuse – parts of the body that are used extensively become larger and larger while those not used deteriorate.

– Acquired characteristics are inherited.

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Comparison of Lamarck and Darwin

Lamarck Darwin

Use and disuse Variation

Transmission of Acquired characteristics


Increasing complexity Differential survival

No extinction extinction

Lamarck recognized that species evolve but his explanation of how evolution occurs was flawed.

Copyright © 2005 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Benjamin Cummings

Darwin’s Research

• Charles Darwin

– Had a strong interest in nature

– After receiving his B.A. degree, he was accepted on board the HMS Beagle, which was about to embark on a voyage around the world

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The Voyage of the Beagle

• During his travels on the Beagle, Darwin

– collected many specimens of South American plants and animals

– observed adaptations of plants and animals in many diverse environments

Copyright © 2005 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Benjamin Cummings

The Beagle’s stop at the Galápagos Islands near the equator west of South America sparked Darwin’s interest in the geographic distribution of species.




Darwin in 1840,after his return


Cape ofGood Hope

Cape Horn

Tierra del Fuego

AFRICA HMS Beagle in port








Copyright © 2005 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Benjamin Cummings

Darwin’s Focus on Adaptation

• During and after the voyage of the Beagle,

– Darwin began to see a link between adaptation to different environments and the origin of new species

Copyright © 2005 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Benjamin Cummings

• From studies made years after Darwin’s voyage, biologists concluded that this is what happened to the Galápagos finches

Figure 22.6a–c

(a) Cactus eater. The long,sharp beak of the cactusground finch (Geospizascandens) helps it tearand eat cactus flowersand pulp.

(c) Seed eater. The large groundfinch (Geospiza magnirostris)has a large beak adapted forcracking seeds that fall fromplants to the ground.

(b) Insect eater. The green warbler finch (Certhidea olivacea) uses itsnarrow, pointed beak to grasp insects.

Copyright © 2005 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Benjamin Cummings

• 1844: Darwin wrote an essay on the origin of species and natural selection

– reluctant to introduce his theory publicly, anticipating the uproar it would cause

• 1858: Darwin received a manuscript from Alfred Russell Wallace who had developed a theory of natural selection similar to Darwin’s

• 1859: Darwin quickly finished The Origin of Species And published it the next year

Copyright © 2005 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Benjamin Cummings

• In the Darwinian view, the history of life is like a tree

– With multiple branchings from a common trunk to the tips of the youngest twigs that represent the diversity of living organisms



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Copyright © 2005 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Benjamin Cummings

Natural Selection

• Adaptations– Heritable characteristics that enhance

organisms’ ability to survive and reproduce in specific environments.

Desert fox: large ears radiate heat. Arctic fox: small ears conserve heat.

Copyright © 2005 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Benjamin Cummings

For any species, population sizes would increase exponentially if all individuals that are born reproduced successfully.

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• Production of more individuals than the environment can support

• Leads to a competition for resources

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Variations in traits occur

Members of a population vary extensively in their characteristics. No two individuals are exactly alike

Figure 22.9

Copyright © 2005 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Benjamin Cummings

Survival depends on inherited traits and the resources available in the environment.

• Individuals whose inherited traits give them a high probability of surviving and reproducing are likely to leave more offspring than other individuals

• This leads to a gradual change in a population, with favorable characteristics accumulating over generations

Copyright © 2005 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Benjamin Cummings

Summary of Natural Selection

• Natural selection is differential success in reproduction

– results from the interaction between individuals that vary in heritable traits and their environment

Copyright © 2005 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Benjamin Cummings

• Natural selection can produce an increase over time in the adaptation of organisms to their environment.

Copyright © 2005 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Benjamin Cummings

Artificial Selection

– Humans have modified species over many generations by selecting and breeding individuals that possess desired traits

Figure 22.10



Brussels sproutsCabbage





Broccoli Wild mustard Kohlrabi



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Artificial Selection - breeding

Copyright © 2005 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Benjamin Cummings

• If an environment changes over time

– Natural selection may result in populations adapting to these new conditions.

• Populations adapt NOT individual organisms.

Copyright © 2005 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Benjamin Cummings

The Evolution of Drug-Resistant HIV

• In humans, the use of drugs

– Selects for pathogens that through chance mutations are resistant to the drugs’ effects

• Natural selection is a cause of adaptive evolution

Copyright © 2005 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Benjamin Cummings

• Researchers have developed numerous drugs to combat HIV

– But using these medications selects for viruses resistant to the drugs

Figure 22.13

PatientNo. 1

Patient No. 2

Patient No. 3



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• The ability of bacteria and viruses to evolve rapidly

– Poses a challenge to our society

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Homology, Biogeography, and the Fossil Record

• Evolutionary theory

– Provides a cohesive explanation for many kinds of observations

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• Homology

– Is similarity resulting from common ancestry

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Anatomical Homologies

• Homologous structures between organisms

– variations on a structure that was present in a common ancestor

Figure 22.14Human Cat Whale Bat

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Comparative embryology

– Reveals anatomical homologies not visible in adult organisms

Figure 22.15



Chick embryo Human embryo

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Vestigial organs

remnants of structures that served important functions in the organism’s ancestors

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Molecular Homologies

• Biologists can observe homologies among organisms at the molecular level

– Such as genes that are shared among organisms inherited from a common ancestor

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Homologies and the Tree of Life

• The Darwinian concept of an evolutionary tree of life

– Can explain the homologies that researchers have observed

Copyright © 2005 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Benjamin Cummings

• Anatomical resemblances among species

– Are generally reflected in their molecules, their genes, and their gene products

Figure 22.16



Rhesus monkey










Percent of Amino Acids That AreIdentical to the Amino Acids in aHuman Hemoglobin Polypeptide

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• Darwin’s observations of the geographic distribution of species, biogeography

– Formed an important part of his theory of evolution

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Figure 22.17

• Some similar mammals that have adapted to similar environments

– Have evolved independently from different ancestors



Copyright © 2005 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Benjamin Cummings

The Fossil Record• The Darwinian view of life

– Predicts that evolutionary transitions should be found in the fossil record

• Paleontologists have discovered fossils of many such transitional forms.

Copyright © 2005 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Benjamin Cummings

Theory of Evolution

• In science, a theory

– Accounts for many observations and data and attempts to explain and integrate a great variety of phenomena

Copyright © 2005 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Benjamin Cummings

• Darwin’s theory of evolution by natural selection

– Integrates diverse areas of biological study and stimulates many new research questions
