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Copyright 2007 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a Office Skills: A Practical Approach 4e by Horsfall and Turner Slides prepared by David Plowman 15-1 Chapter 15 BSBADM306A—Create electronic presentations BSBADM307A—Organise schedules BSBADM405A—Organise meetings BSBADM406A—Organise business travel BSBADM407A—Administer projects

Copyright 2007 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a Office Skills: A Practical Approach 4e by Horsfall and TurnerSlides prepared by David Plowman


Chapter 15

BSBADM306A—Create electronic presentations

BSBADM307A—Organise schedulesBSBADM405A—Organise meetings

BSBADM406A—Organise business travelBSBADM407A—Administer projects

Copyright 2007 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a Office Skills: A Practical Approach 4e by Horsfall and TurnerSlides prepared by David Plowman


Contents 1

• Electronic presentations– Safe working practices (BSBCMN306A/01)

– Prepare presentation (BSBCMN306A/02/03)

• Organise schedules– Schedule requirements (BSBADM307A/01)

• Organise meetings– Types of meetings (BSBADM405A/01)

Copyright 2007 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a Office Skills: A Practical Approach 4e by Horsfall and TurnerSlides prepared by David Plowman


Contents 2

• Business travel– Itineraries (BSBADM406A/01)

– Travel arrangements (BSBADM406A/02)

• Administer projects– Plan the project (BSBADM407A/01)

• Summary

Copyright 2007 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a Office Skills: A Practical Approach 4e by Horsfall and TurnerSlides prepared by David Plowman


Safe working practices (BSBCMN306A/01)

Effectively using an electronic presentation• Text size is important when members of the

audience may be sight-disadvantaged• Always focus the projector before the audience

arrives. Bad focus creates headaches and shows a lack of professionalism

• If you are using a modern projector be sure to set the correct aspect/trapezoid ratio for your presentation

Copyright 2007 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a Office Skills: A Practical Approach 4e by Horsfall and TurnerSlides prepared by David Plowman


Prepare presentation (BSBCMN306A/02/03)

Planning your presentation• To inform your audience?• To promote an idea or change in policy?• Decision making?• Instructions for a new procedure or equipment?

Analyse your audience• What do they know about the subject?• Why would they attend your presentation?• What is your audience’s relative education level?• What will be their attitude to new ideas?

Copyright 2007 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a Office Skills: A Practical Approach 4e by Horsfall and TurnerSlides prepared by David Plowman


Prepare presentation (BSBCMN306A/02/03) cont.

Plan the presentation• Are aids required, e.g. handouts, samples?• What needs to be set up, e.g. load file on

computer, room seating arrangements, lectern?• Prepare the speech

– Introduction– Body– Conclusion

• Giving the presentation– Manage your time– Control your nerves– Test the presentation on a captive audience

Copyright 2007 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a Office Skills: A Practical Approach 4e by Horsfall and TurnerSlides prepared by David Plowman


Schedule requirements (BSBADM307A/01)

Arranging appointments• Incoming

– Decide priority

– Avoid overlaps

• Outgoing– Include travel time

– Try to schedule appointments in the same area consecutively

– Take into account meal breaks and start and finish times

• Using personal organisers– Personal diary

– Desk pad

– Wall planner

Copyright 2007 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a Office Skills: A Practical Approach 4e by Horsfall and TurnerSlides prepared by David Plowman


Schedule requirements (BSBADM307A/01) cont.

Electronic scheduling (email)• Electronic diaries often use an email program to

transmit information • Shared files and folders permit groups of people to

view the information at the same time• Schedules can be made up to a year in advance

and alarms set so that pending appointments are not overlooked

• Daily task lists can be programmed in advance and ‘ticked’ off after completion

Copyright 2007 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a Office Skills: A Practical Approach 4e by Horsfall and TurnerSlides prepared by David Plowman


Types of meetings (BSBADM405A/01)

Common types of meetings• A committee or sub-committee comprises a small

number of individuals with similar skills whose purpose is to complete a specific task

• A convention may comprise hundreds of delegates representing various groups

• A conference is for consultation, discussion and information-sharing on a common theme

• A seminar may comprise a small number of people who meet to discuss a particular topic

Copyright 2007 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a Office Skills: A Practical Approach 4e by Horsfall and TurnerSlides prepared by David Plowman


Types of meetings (BSBADM405A/01) cont.

Substitutes for physical meetings:• Email and web cameras• Internet relay chat sessions• Computer videoconferencing• Threaded discussions

Despite advances in technology nothing is as effective as actually meeting face to face in a dynamic situation

Copyright 2007 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a Office Skills: A Practical Approach 4e by Horsfall and TurnerSlides prepared by David Plowman


Types of meetings (BSBADM405A/01) cont.

Formal meetings• Predetermined rules and

regulations• Official records are made

and kept of the proceedings

• Formal meetings will have– A notice of the meeting

– An agenda

– Specific time and place

– Invited members

– Official minutes

– Chairperson

Informal meetings• Held as necessary, e.g.

emergencies• No specific agenda• May have a leader but not

a designated chairperson• Some records may be kept

and perhaps referred to in later formal meetings

Copyright 2007 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a Office Skills: A Practical Approach 4e by Horsfall and TurnerSlides prepared by David Plowman


Types of meetings (BSBADM405A/01) cont.

1. Planning and organising a meeting• Planning the meeting will require a location

– Boardroom– Office– Conference centre

• Timing for business meetings– Regular intervals– During working hours– Not during busy times (end of financial year)

• Date for the meeting may be set in advance at a previous meeting or agreed upon by the members

Copyright 2007 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a Office Skills: A Practical Approach 4e by Horsfall and TurnerSlides prepared by David Plowman


Types of meetings (BSBADM405A/01) cont.

2. Informing members• By telephone, email or letter• A minimum number of members may have to

attend for the meeting to go ahead• Invitees should include technical experts or those

with the information to participate in the decision-making process

• Those personally involved in the situation should be invited

Copyright 2007 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a Office Skills: A Practical Approach 4e by Horsfall and TurnerSlides prepared by David Plowman


Types of meetings (BSBADM405A/01) cont.

3. Preparing should involve:• Minutes of previous meeting(s) to be available• Notice of meeting to inform all members of forthcoming

meeting• Agenda or the order in which topics are to be discussed• On the day, advise switchboard of meeting and have

phones call-forwarded• The venue could have:

– Name tags

– Appropriate documents

– Refreshments

– Spare copies of everything and note pads/pens

Copyright 2007 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a Office Skills: A Practical Approach 4e by Horsfall and TurnerSlides prepared by David Plowman


Types of meetings (BSBADM405A/01) cont.

4. Controlling the meeting• A successful meeting is one when all members

participate in the meeting process• The designated leader (or chairperson) should

control the time spent on particular items, who should speak and summarise any action(s) that need to be undertaken

• If the meeting requires a vote to be taken, it is the duty of the leader to cast the deciding vote in the eventuality of a tie

Copyright 2007 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a Office Skills: A Practical Approach 4e by Horsfall and TurnerSlides prepared by David Plowman


Types of meetings (BSBADM405A/01) cont.

5. Summarising and recording• Minutes are a formal record of all decisions and

events that take place at the meeting. The many purposes of the minutes include:– Record keeping for legal requirements– Formal decision making– To give authority in writing to undertake a specific action– To act as an historical record– To act as a reporting and reminder system– To give the meeting a permanent structure

Copyright 2007 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a Office Skills: A Practical Approach 4e by Horsfall and TurnerSlides prepared by David Plowman


Itineraries (BSBADM406A/01)

Domestic travel• Airline tickets• Car rental or taxi vouchers• Hotel accommodation• Appointments for meetings• Travel insurance• ItineraryInternational travel (in addition to above)• Visas• Health insurance• Passport

Copyright 2007 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a Office Skills: A Practical Approach 4e by Horsfall and TurnerSlides prepared by David Plowman


Itineraries (BSBADM406A/01)

• Departure and arrival times with associated flight numbers• Contact person or organisation• Name and address of hotel accommodation• Times and contact details of appointments• Dates and times for relaxation• Currency conversions (international)• Time zone allowances• Meals provided

Copyright 2007 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a Office Skills: A Practical Approach 4e by Horsfall and TurnerSlides prepared by David Plowman


Travel arrangements (BSBADM406A/02)

Required details • Name(s) of traveller(s)• Address, business and home• Departure and return dates• Final destination and preferred stopovers• Standard of travel and accommodation• Facilities required• Dietary requirements• Any health or special conditions• Passport number (international only)

Copyright 2007 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a Office Skills: A Practical Approach 4e by Horsfall and TurnerSlides prepared by David Plowman


Plan the project (BSBADM407A/01)

A major project will include the following activities:• Documentation, e.g. contract, technical details

including design drawings and financial statements• Time lines

– Using a Gantt chart specific milestones are scheduled to be completed by contractually agreed dates

• Milestones– Are significant activities or events which occur in logical

sequence during the delivery of a major project, e.g. levelling of site, building of foundations, erection of framework or superstructure

• Staff coordination roles

Copyright 2007 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a Office Skills: A Practical Approach 4e by Horsfall and TurnerSlides prepared by David Plowman


Summary• Clarify the purpose of the presentation• Check all equipment and test-run your presentation• Meetings are a valuable group communication process• There are five stages in organising formal meetings:

– Planning, Informing, Preparing, Controlling, Summarising and recording

• The itinerary must set out departure and arrival times and dates with corresponding flight numbers

• Appointments and contact details must be confirmed before travel commences

• All major projects will specify dates for completion of certain tasks or construction. These are termed milestones and are tracked using a Gantt chart.
