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Page 1: Copyright © 2016 Roulette-Mastersroulette-masters.com/RM-prevent_your_bankroll_from_burning.pdf · Strategies are the holy grail of roulette. We are looking for the one that beats
Page 2: Copyright © 2016 Roulette-Mastersroulette-masters.com/RM-prevent_your_bankroll_from_burning.pdf · Strategies are the holy grail of roulette. We are looking for the one that beats


Copyright © 2016 Roulette-Masters

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Do you know that feeling? All is going well, it’s a beautiful day and suddenly…. • You lose the ground under your feet because you are standing on

a sinkhole. • While driving for a short weekend break you get hit by a car

(fortunately only the car is damaged). • You read in the paper that the stock exchange is crashing and

your funds are being decimated. • Your girlfriend is leaving you and you have to sell the house (and

you thought everything was fine). In my life, I’ve had three out of four. I haven’t experienced a sinkhole – not yet anyway. But things turned out okay. I bought a new car with the money my lawyer negotiated. My girlfriend is much sweeter, smarter and sexier than the ex. This time I’m having fun keeping her happy. I am out of stocks because I have no control over the market. And the new house is much cozier. In short, everything has changed for the better. Fortunately, I could turn it around – and it wasn’t luck! Back to roulette. At roulette unexpected outcomes can also happen. One minute you’re doing fine and then suddenly the numbers all start going wrong. And before you know it, your profit is gone. I can say truthfully I’ve invested at least 6000 euro in this e-book. This is money that I lost because I had a choice and I made a bad one. It wasn’t bad luck, it was bad choice. The simple truth is I didn’t have enough skills. Now, it’s true, I don’t decide what numbers the wheel puts on the table, but I control the strategy that I’m playing. For me, times have changed – I now reach my win targets.

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In my humble opinion, skills give you an edge in roulette. You can learn the skills that will make you a better player. I paid for my lessons the hard way and I was able to turn it around. I’d like to share that with you. The following steps can make the game much more profitable for you. It’s a system for success. And no, it’s not what you think. Perhaps you are expecting a system that never loses a roulette game. To search for such a system would be a fool’s game. Even if such a system existed, it would kill the game because everyone would win and the casinos would soon be closed. There is however, a system for success for everything in life. My God, it's Such a Powerful Idea. It's the MGSPI system for success. I use it when I play roulette, and it helps me win.

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The MGSPI system for success: 5 steps Step 1: Mindset In order to be successful, any success, it starts in your mind. You need to have the right mindset, a supporting mindset. This is not as simple as it sounds, because every area of your life requires a different mindset. You need to have a supporting mindset.

Sometimes your mindset doesn’t support what you are trying to achieve. Let’s look at the peculiar case of a big loss. If you have just experienced a significant loss at the roulette table, you are going through emotional pain, whether you like it or not. To be clear, a big loss is relative to the gambler.

Another way of saying this is that, it's not the size of the loss, but more the amount of emotional pain you have incurred.

The reason you should take a break is you unknowingly will conjure up the need to make the money back. This will take the form of feeling wronged by the wheel or you may start to use pronouns such as "they" when speaking about how the casino has wronged you.

What you need to realize is that the game does absolutely nothing without your permission. You are the master of your destiny and your playing results are only a mere reflection of your relationship with money.

However, when you view the game through the prism of “the casino has stolen my money”, or “I need to get back what I've lost,” you are on the brink of over gambling.

Because you lost the money in a few spins, you will undoubtedly have the expectation of being able to make the money back just as quickly.

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Let's quickly recap, you will feel the need to bet bigger because you have less funds, and you will want to make back your money in roughly the same time it took to lose it.

Do you see now how you can begin over gambling? This is why, although every fiber in your being will be pushing you to fix what’s broken, but you must take a break.

You have to let the emotional pain pass, so that you don’t start putting on bets for the sake of making things right. The break should last until you no longer feel the pain or the need to win back your money at all cost has passed. For some gamblers, this may take a few hours, a few days to get out of their system. For others, this could be a month or more.

The bottom line is, let time heal your wounds before you re-engage with the wheel. And remember, a big loss is not the same as ruining your entire bank account. So if you have a bad day, don’t let it get to you. Losing a battle is not the same as losing the war. Live to play another day!

How about this for a mindset? Sharp, fit, focused, clear (not troubled), convinced of your goal. Does this make the ball fall differently? No it doesn’t! But the correct mindset causes you to make better decisions. You will win not by how the ball drops, but by the decisions you make. The ball will drop either way!

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The MGSPI system for success: 5 steps Step 2: Goals You need to set the right goals. Why do you play roulette? Ask yourself that question. Do you like the adrenaline rush? Do you like to chat with the dealer? Do you like to impress the public, or someone in the public? With the wrong goals you are running in the wrong direction. My goal each month is to make 400 to 500 euro with roulette. I don’t need this money to live, so I don’t have to win every session. My business takes care of my income. So for me, roulette is a sport and I’ll do whatever it takes to reach the goal. Goals = Bankroll x Strategy Some strategies require a bigger bankroll than others, and if your strategy and bankroll don’t fit each other, you’re in for a disaster. To protect your account you can set a loss limit. If you bet progressively, there is a fine line between winning the series and losing all your money. To prevent your bankroll from completely disappearing it’s wise to set a loss limit.

Assuming you have ignored step #1 (mindset), if you implement step #2 you may still be okay. On the day, you need to establish a specific profit target and a loss limit where you need to call it quits.

This limit has to be set based on your playing results. The point is, these profit and loss limits on the day need to be based on your actual win rate – not hopes or fears.

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If you are able to limit your losses and also set a profit target for the day where you say to yourself, that's enough, then over time you will accumulate a nice war chest!

It's not about limiting yourself, it's about knowing that if you keep playing, you are likely to give back some of, or a good portion of your gains.

Now on the flip side, if you are losing money, then naturally you want to limit the amount of your losing bets because it just may not be your day. Therefore, having a maximum loss figure will prevent you from making a bad day even worse day because you couldn’t stop yourself from playing just one more spin.

Win targets and loss limits help you reach your goals. In my case, I have a monthly goal. One session loss doesn’t stop me from reaching my goal, but if I lose my bankroll of 2K, that stops me from reaching my goal. So a loss limit helps avoid wiping out my bankroll.

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The MGSPI system for success: 5 steps Step 3 Strategies You must ask yourself, “What strategies do I need in order to reach my goal?” Most people get this wrong. First, they decide what their strategies are, and then they define their goals. It doesn't work that way. First you choose where you want to go. Then you decide which strategies will take you there. Strategies are the holy grail of roulette. We are looking for the one that beats the casino, overcomes the house edge. For now, I want to address one that’s of the utmost importance. Instead of betting against the trend, ride the wave. Go with the flow. This has everything to do with risk management. For example, in the following series I lost big because in my mind BLACK was the obvious outcome of the next spin. The series was well on it’s way with reds 14, 32, 25, 19, 7, 18, 19, 21.

But IT DIDN’T HAPPEN FOR NINETEEN SPINS. So, what began with a simple five euro bet, ended with the loss of my entire bankroll. Had I ridden the wave, I would have made a nice profit, with hardly any risk. From an RQ way of seeing things, you need to be able assess risk. Everyone knows the meaning of IQ or EQ (emotional quotient). There is also RQ, or Risk Quotient, meaning your ability to take calculated

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risks. You simply don’t know what the wheel will throw at you, but one thing is certain, it’s not going to do something just because you want it to happen. The best thing you can do is read the trend and go along with it. To explain this, let’s look at the outside bets, red and black. It’s like tossing a coin, heads or tails. If you toss a coin 100 times, there will not be a regular pattern throughout the hundred tosses. In other words, it’s not going to be head, tails, head, tails ... for a hundred tosses. So patterns (or trends) will form. For example, heads, heads, tails, tails, or heads, heads, heads, heads, tails, heads, heads, heads tails ... and so on. You are more likely to lose your bankroll betting against the trend than with the trend, but sometimes you are so blinded by what you want to happen, you don’t see what’s actually happening. Strategy guide

• Find one that works for you. • Learn to know the difference between playing the wheel,

playing the table and playing random (not influenced by what happens on the wheel or on the table).

• Play with the trend, not against.

A big part of the fun of roulette is figuring out which strategies work.

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The MGSPI system for success: 5 steps Step 4: Plan A plan is organizing your strategies. First step, second step, third step and so on. Execute Your Plan! Any gambler that is actively engaged in the game of roulette needs a gambling plan. This doesn’t have to be some overly complicated list of items, but rather just list your step-by step plan and limits for gambling. At its most basic level, the plan should lay out your blueprint in such a way that over gambling isn’t even a possibility. After reading this article, you can see that a number of items I have listed are actually things that could go in your gambling plan. When you don’t organise the way to play, the chances are that nothing will happening! Or you are going in the wrong direction. For me, it works as follows. I organise an uninterrupted playing session that lasts for a maximum of 1.5 hours. I can play more sessions if I want, but I treat each session as independent, with it’s own goal. I use a checklist that helps me stick to the plan. It contains date, time, strategy and log of each bet amount, so that I can see which strategies are paying off and which are not (yet). So, if you don’t currently operate based on a betting plan, please take the time to write one down and start using it today!

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The MGSPI system for success: 5 steps Step 5: Implementation The last step and most important. What gets you closer to your goal? Implementation is the actions that enable you to achieve your goal. There is this story about a man with a mortgage, a wife, two kids, a small dog and a big car. He was struggling financially to keep his head above water. He loved his wife and his kids but wasn’t making enough money to support their lifestyle. In financial terms, the wife and kids were liabilities. The man had troubles that kept him awake at night, and when he couldn’t sleep he prayed to God and said: “Please God, let me win the lottery, please let me win the lottery!” And on a hot summer night the man was lying awake and sweating in his bed. It was the sixth time that week and every time he prayed to God, “Please God, let me win the lottery, please let me win the lottery!” And suddenly he heard a voice. The man didn’t know where it was coming from but a deep clear voice spoke to him, “If you want to win the lottery, BUY A TICKET!!!” So how can you expect results when you don’t take action towards your goal? Sitting and waiting won’t do the trick! And lying down and talking to the ceiling won’t either. And better than buying a ticket for the lottery, you can play roulette – the odds are much better with roulette! A little example on implementing. Just around the corner from where I live there is a Foodspot takeaway. They have delicious fresh food. It takes me 10 minutes to buy my food there. It saves me time shopping for groceries, cooking and cleaning the pans. When I use the time to play I make money on my dinner – if you get what I mean. Implementing makes the difference. Implementing makes the difference between enjoying your winnings and doing the dishes!

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Now, if you look at the picture, from left to right, there are 6 stacks of coins. You see, there's room for another step.

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Take the extra step Extra Step: Self service

Cashing in is self service. If YOU won’t do it, nobody will. Set your winnings aside by cashing in regularly during a session. Be disciplined and be sure not to use it before it’s in your bank account.

The rules are simple. There’s probably a little voice in your head saying: I already know all of this. So ask yourself these questions:

• Do I do it?• I’m I mastering it?• Does it show in my bank account?

You have to be honest with yourself, and at all costs, fight your impulsive side that wants to dictate the numbers on the table. It simply doesn’t work that way.

And at this point – I rest my case. Roulette is no more than a mirror of human behaviour. It says a lot about your relationship with money, your ability to deal with losses, your mental strength.

The last time I lost big, I went to the soccer field and watched my son playing very well. I wouldn’t miss this for the world, it was priceless. No money can buy that experience ;-) And our good fortune is that we can have it both ways – a priceless experience and money in the bank.

To your success!

Jacques International blogger www.roulette-masters.com
