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Copyright by Michael S. Watson, 2012 Statistics Quick Overview.

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Given That 1/3 of the Bag is Of Each Type, What is the Probability Of…… Getting 1: 33.3% Getting 2: 33.3% x 33.3% = 11.1% Getting 3: 33.3% x 33.3% x 33.3% = 3.7% Getting 4: 1.2% Getting 5: 0.4% Getting 6: 0.1% 3 When did you get suspicious of my claim?
Copyright by Michael S. Watson, 2012 Statistics Quick Overview
Page 1: Copyright by Michael S. Watson, 2012 Statistics Quick Overview.

Copyright by Michael S. Watson, 2012

Statistics Quick Overview

Page 2: Copyright by Michael S. Watson, 2012 Statistics Quick Overview.

Copyright by Michael S. Watson, 2012; Slides from Managerial Statistics book 2


Page 3: Copyright by Michael S. Watson, 2012 Statistics Quick Overview.

Copyright by Michael S. Watson, 2012; Slides from Managerial Statistics book 3

Given That 1/3 of the Bag is Of Each Type, What is the Probability Of……

Getting 1: 33.3%

Getting 2: 33.3% x 33.3% = 11.1%

Getting 3: 33.3% x 33.3% x 33.3% = 3.7%

Getting 4: 1.2%

Getting 5: 0.4%

Getting 6: 0.1% When did you get suspicious of my claim?

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Copyright by Michael S. Watson, 2012; Slides from Managerial Statistics book 4

You Formed a Hypothesis….

Proportion of Hersey’s is not 33%

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Copyright by Michael S. Watson, 2012; Slides from Managerial Statistics book 5

Hypothesis Testing

H0- Null Hypothesis (everything else)

Ha- Alternative Hypothesis (what you want to prove)


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Copyright by Michael S. Watson, 2012; Slides from Managerial Statistics book 6

Hypothesis Testing- Candy Example

H0- Null Hypothesis (Is 33%)

Ha- Alternative Hypothesis (Hershey’s Not 33%)


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Copyright by Michael S. Watson, 2012; Slides from Managerial Statistics book 7

Hypothesis Testing



Reject Not Reject

Get this for Free

1 2

Is 33%

Not 33%

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Copyright by Michael S. Watson, 2012; Slides from Managerial Statistics book 8

Hypothesis Testing



Reject Not Reject

Get this for Free

1 2

What kind of evidence do we need to Reject the Null?

Is 33%

Not 33%

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Copyright by Michael S. Watson, 2012; Slides from Managerial Statistics book 9

Hypothesis Testing

H0- Not Guilty

Ha- Guilty

Why this way? “Innocent until proven guilty”

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Copyright by Michael S. Watson, 2012; Slides from Managerial Statistics book 10

Hypothesis Testing



Reject Not Reject

Get this for Free

1 2

Does this mean Innocent?

Not Guilty


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Copyright by Michael S. Watson, 2012; Slides from Managerial Statistics book 11

Hypothesis Testing- types of Errors


Not Guilty

Guilty Innocent


l Fin

ds D



Defendant Really is….

What do we do to avoid these errors?

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Copyright by Michael S. Watson, 2012; Slides from Managerial Statistics book 12

Basic Statistics– Mean and Standard Deviation

Data Point Tire Failure Miles1 31,603 2 32,586 3 34,394 4 38,954 5 42,503 6 31,754 7 29,459 8 36,157 9 38,559

10 36,478 11 45,809 12 30,981 13 39,355 14 37,406 15 29,545 16 35,975 17 34,867 18 38,878 19 26,031 20 43,564 21 32,852 22 35,589 23 41,458 24 31,989 25 34,576

Packaging Example

Tire Failure

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Copyright by Michael S. Watson, 2012; Slides from Managerial Statistics book 13

Important Attributes

Mean: The average or ‘expected value’ of a distribution. Denoted by µ (The Greek letter mu)

Variance: A measure of dispersion and volatility. Denoted by σ2 (Sigma Squared)

Standard deviation: A related measure of dispersion computed as the square root of the variance. Denoted by σ (The Greek letter sigma)

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Copyright by Michael S. Watson, 2012; Slides from Managerial Statistics book 14

Which Process is More Variable?

Case 1 Average: 50 Standard Deviation: 25

Case 2 Average: 5,000 Standard Deviation: 2,000

Case 3 Average: 10,000 Standard Deviation: 3,000

Coefficient of Variation (CV) CV = (Standard Deviation) / (Average)

The CV allows you to compare relative variations Case 1: 50% Case 2: 40% Case 3: 30%

Let’s take a look at spreadsheet

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Copyright by Michael S. Watson, 2012; Slides from Managerial Statistics book 15

What-If With Packing VariabilityOriginal Case

Less Variability More Variability

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Copyright by Michael S. Watson, 2012; Slides from Managerial Statistics book 16

Strategic Importance of Understanding Variability (From GE)

1998 GE Letter to Shareholders Six Sigma program is uncovering “hidden factory” after “hidden factory” Now realize that “Variability is evil in any customer-touching process.”

2001 Book “Jack”− “We got away from averages and focused on variation by tightening what we call ‘span’”

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Copyright by Michael S. Watson, 2012; Slides from Managerial Statistics book 17

Probability Distributions

Many things a firm deals with involves quantities that fluctuate Sales Returned items Items bought by a customer Time spent by sales clerk with customer Machine failures Etc…

One way to summarize these fluctuations is with a probability distribution

Although “demand” or some variable is random, it still follows a “Distribution” A Distribution is a mathematical equation that defines the shape of the

curve that the distribution follows

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Copyright by Michael S. Watson, 2012; Slides from Managerial Statistics book 18

Probability Distributions

A probability distribution allows us to compute the chance that a variable lies within a given range

Examples: Probability sales are between 10,000 and 50,000 Probability that a customer buys 2 items Probability that a machine will break down and probability that it will take

more than 2 hours to fix Probability that lead time will be more than 2 weeks

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Copyright by Michael S. Watson, 2012; Slides from Managerial Statistics book 19

Probability Distributions: Types

Probability distributions can be Discrete: only taking on certain values Continuous: taking on any value within a range or set of ranges


The number of items that a customer buys follows a discrete probability distribution

The daily sales at a store follows a continuous probability distribution

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Copyright by Michael S. Watson, 2012; Slides from Managerial Statistics book 20

Continuous Distributions

This area represents the probability that Sales will be between 20,000 and 30,000

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Copyright by Michael S. Watson, 2012; Slides from Managerial Statistics book 21

Normal Distribution

One of the most common distributions in statistics is the normal distribution

There are actually innumerable normal distributions each characterized by two parameters: The mean The standard deviation The standard normal has a mean of zero and a standard deviation of one

Why the Normal? Many random variables follow this pattern When you are doing many samples from unknown distributions, the output

of the samples follow the Normal distribution When you are dealing with forecast error, it only matters that the forecast

error is normally distributed, not the underlying distribution Normal is mathematically less complex than others

− Easily expressed in terms of the mean and standard deviation

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Copyright by Michael S. Watson, 2012; Slides from Managerial Statistics book 22

The Normal Distribution: A Bell Curve

The area under this curve (and all continuous

distributions) is equal to one

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Copyright by Michael S. Watson, 2012; Slides from Managerial Statistics book 23

Normal Distribution: Symmetric

This half has an area = 0.50

So does this half

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Copyright by Michael S. Watson, 2012; Slides from Managerial Statistics book 24

Three Normal Distributions

-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4




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Copyright by Michael S. Watson, 2012; Slides from Managerial Statistics book 25

Shapes of different Normal curves

Different Normal Curves








0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100





M = 50, Std = 4M = 50, Std = 8M = 50, Std = 16

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Copyright by Michael S. Watson, 2012; Slides from Managerial Statistics book 26

Normal Distribution Over Time

Demand over Time






1001 5 9 13 17 21 25 29 33 37 41 45 49 53 57 61 65 69 73 77 81 85 89 93 97

Time Period


ual D



M = 50, Std = 4

Demand over Time







1 5 9 13 17 21 25 29 33 37 41 45 49 53 57 61 65 69 73 77 81 85 89 93 97

Time Period


ual D



M = 50, Std = 16

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Copyright by Michael S. Watson, 2012; Slides from Managerial Statistics book 27

Relationship between demand variability and service level (1)

Assume that demand for a week has an equal chance of being any number between 0 and 100. Is this a Normal distribution? Average is 50, standard deviation is approximately 30

How much inventory do you need at the beginning of the week to ensure that you will meet demand 95% of time, on average

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Copyright by Michael S. Watson, 2012; Slides from Managerial Statistics book 28

Normal Distribution (Mean = 50, Std Dev = 8)








- 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Demand Value




Relationship between demand variability and service level (2)

Assume same average demand, with less variation

Now you need to holdonly 63 for 95% service level

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Copyright by Michael S. Watson, 2012; Slides from Managerial Statistics book 29

The average number of items per customer








-5 0 5 10 15 20 25


A Normal distribution with µ=10, σ=4

Area A measures the probability

that the average is greater than 14?

Typing =1-normdist(14,10,4,true) in Excel returns this probability

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Copyright by Michael S. Watson, 2012; Slides from Managerial Statistics book 30

Using Excel

In Excel, you can also click on Insert >>Function>>NORMDIST

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Copyright by Michael S. Watson, 2012; Slides from Managerial Statistics book 31

Using Excel (continued)

NORMDIST function provides the area to the LEFT of the value that you input for “X” In this case (X=14) that area equals 0.841

We want to measure A which is an area to the right of “X”

Since the total area is equal to one, we know that the area A equals (1 - 0.841) or 0.159

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Copyright by Michael S. Watson, 2012; Slides from Managerial Statistics book 32

Inverse Cumulative Normal Distribution

A Normal distribution with µ=10, σ=4









Area = 0.3


What value of X gives an area of 0.3 to its left ?We’ll use Excel’s NORMINV function to find out.

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Copyright by Michael S. Watson, 2012; Slides from Managerial Statistics book 33

Using Excel: NORMINV

In Excel, you can click on Insert >> Function >> NORMINV

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Copyright by Michael S. Watson, 2012; Slides from Managerial Statistics book 34

Inverse Cumulative Normal Distribution

A Normal distribution with µ=10, σ=4









Area = 0.3


When X=7.902 the area to the left equals 0.30 Let’s look at Tire Example

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Copyright by Michael S. Watson, 2012; Slides from Managerial Statistics book 35

The Standard Normal Distribution


The Standard Normal (with µ=0 and σ=1) is especially useful. Any normal distribution can be converted into the Standard Normal distribution.

If X is a Normal Distribution,

z = (X- µ)/ σ standardizes X and z follows a standard

normalz measures the number of standard deviation away

from the mean

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Copyright by Michael S. Watson, 2012; Slides from Managerial Statistics book 36

Using Excel

Computations for the standard normal distribution in Excel can be done using the same NORMDIST and NORMINV functions as before (with µ=0, σ=1)

You can also use the direct functions: NORMSDIST(z) NORMSINV(prob)

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Copyright by Michael S. Watson, 2012; Slides from Managerial Statistics book 37

Standard Normal in Excel

This function determines the Area under a standard normal distribution to the left of -0.75

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Copyright by Michael S. Watson, 2012; Slides from Managerial Statistics book 38

Inverse Standard Normal in Excel

This function determines the value of z needed to have an area under a standard normal of .2266 to the left of z

Let’s look at Tire Example
