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Copyright @ Study-IQ education Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has strongly condemned the attack...

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Copyright @ Study-IQ education
Page 1: Copyright @ Study-IQ education Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has strongly condemned the attack on AmarnathYatris in Jammu and Kashmir. Prime Minister has also spoken to Jammu and

Copyright @ Study-IQ education

Page 2: Copyright @ Study-IQ education Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has strongly condemned the attack on AmarnathYatris in Jammu and Kashmir. Prime Minister has also spoken to Jammu and

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Page 3: Copyright @ Study-IQ education Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has strongly condemned the attack on AmarnathYatris in Jammu and Kashmir. Prime Minister has also spoken to Jammu and

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Page 4: Copyright @ Study-IQ education Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has strongly condemned the attack on AmarnathYatris in Jammu and Kashmir. Prime Minister has also spoken to Jammu and

Identify ?

Page 5: Copyright @ Study-IQ education Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has strongly condemned the attack on AmarnathYatris in Jammu and Kashmir. Prime Minister has also spoken to Jammu and

PM's interaction with Chief Secretaries of States and Union Territories

ThisinteractionwaspartoftheNationalConferenceofChiefSecretariesonthetheme of "States as Drivers for Transforming India." Thisisthefirsttime,thatthePrimeMinisterhasaddressedsuchagathering,atsuchanevent.

Thebest practices presentedbytheChiefSecretariesincludedthemes such as ruraldevelopment,skilldevelopment,cropinsurance,healthinsurance,tertiaryhealthcare,welfareofdivyang children,reducinginfantmortality,tribalwelfare,solidwastemanagement,sanitation,drinkingwater,river



Page 6: Copyright @ Study-IQ education Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has strongly condemned the attack on AmarnathYatris in Jammu and Kashmir. Prime Minister has also spoken to Jammu and


InthisregardhementionedHaryana and Chandigarh becoming kerosene-free.

Haryana became kerosene-free as the supply of the fuel has been stopped under the public distribution system (PDS) from April 1

Page 7: Copyright @ Study-IQ education Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has strongly condemned the attack on AmarnathYatris in Jammu and Kashmir. Prime Minister has also spoken to Jammu and


Haryana isthefirstKerosenefreestate/UTofIndia

The PAHAL scheme waslaunchedfortheconsumerstomandatorilyhaveanAadhaar number foravailing


Jharkhand becamethe firststate inthecountrytoimplementDirectBenefitTransfer(DBT)in Kerosene

Page 8: Copyright @ Study-IQ education Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has strongly condemned the attack on AmarnathYatris in Jammu and Kashmir. Prime Minister has also spoken to Jammu and




Page 9: Copyright @ Study-IQ education Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has strongly condemned the attack on AmarnathYatris in Jammu and Kashmir. Prime Minister has also spoken to Jammu and

Success of Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) for liquefied petroleum gas (LPG)/cooking gas



whichthePrimeMinisterhimselfencouragedcustomerstogiveupLPGsubsidy.About 15 million families gave up subsidy under “GiveItUp”.ThegovernmentclaimstohavesavedatleastRs 21,000 crore (Rs 210billion)through eliminating fake and duplicate LPG connections and


Page 10: Copyright @ Study-IQ education Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has strongly condemned the attack on AmarnathYatris in Jammu and Kashmir. Prime Minister has also spoken to Jammu and

Truth is different

Thefigurewas,however,contestedbyaComptroller and Auditor General report,whichsaidonly Rs 1,764

crore (Rs 17.64billion)insubsidywassavedonLPG onaccountoftheschemesandthebulk of Rs 21,552 crore

was due to a sharp fall in global prices.

Page 11: Copyright @ Study-IQ education Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has strongly condemned the attack on AmarnathYatris in Jammu and Kashmir. Prime Minister has also spoken to Jammu and

RapidimplementationofDBTforLPG waspossiblebecauseofastreamlinedandunifieddigitalconsumerdatabase

Here,theentiredatabaseacrossIndiawasmanagedbyjust three public sector oil marketing companies,whicharedirectlyundertheMinistry of Petroleum and

Natural Gas.

(Indian Oil Corporation (IOC), Bharat Petroleum CorporationLimited(BPCL)andHindustan Petroleum CorporationLimited(HPCL)

This enabled easier coordination for a nationwide rollout of the scheme.

Page 12: Copyright @ Study-IQ education Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has strongly condemned the attack on AmarnathYatris in Jammu and Kashmir. Prime Minister has also spoken to Jammu and

For Kerosene, The biggest hurdle is the lack of a streamlined and unified digital consumer database

Incomparison,thedatabaseofsubsidised kerosenebeneficiariesfallsunderthePublic Distribution System (PDS), whichismanagedand

maintainedbyeachStategovernment.CoordinationamongthelargenumberofState-levelactors,especiallyinthecaseofanon-digitised PDS beneficiary database,createsbarriers.



Page 13: Copyright @ Study-IQ education Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has strongly condemned the attack on AmarnathYatris in Jammu and Kashmir. Prime Minister has also spoken to Jammu and

Thesecondhurdleisthepoliticaleconomyassociatedwithsubsidised kerosene.

WhiletheCentreburnsthefiscalimpactofsubsidy,the States determine who gets the subsidy and to what extent — intermsof

thequantum of subsidised kerosene.

ThisisanimportantpoliticalcurrencyforStategovernments.Thus,political alignment of States tobuyintotheideaof DBTK iscriticalinensuringeffectiveimplementationofthescheme.

Page 14: Copyright @ Study-IQ education Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has strongly condemned the attack on AmarnathYatris in Jammu and Kashmir. Prime Minister has also spoken to Jammu and

Amajordrawbackisthelimited ability of DBTK toreduceincentivesfordiversion.

Currently,subsidised keroseneismainlydivertedas a substitute or as an adulterant to diesel.

GiventhesignificantCentralexciseandStatetaxesondiesel,itsmarketpriceremainsmuchhigherthantheunsubsidised priceofkerosene.

AnalysisbytheCouncilonEnergy,EnvironmentandWater(CEEW)showsthatunlessthegovernmentrestructuresthemarketpriceofkerosene,the price differential between unsubsidised kerosene and diesel would be in the range

between Rs.18 and Rs.32 per litre — varyingacrossStates.


Page 15: Copyright @ Study-IQ education Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has strongly condemned the attack on AmarnathYatris in Jammu and Kashmir. Prime Minister has also spoken to Jammu and

Anotherchallengeisinensuringthatthesubsidyisaccessibletoitsmajorbeneficiaries— poorhouseholds.

ThePradhanMantri Jan-Dhan Yojana (PMJDY)hassucceededinprovidingbankaccountstoasubstantialnumberofhouseholds,accessingthesubsidyamountisstillnoteasyforseveralpoorerhouseholds,whomay,attimes,losetheirpotentialdaywagein

withdrawingthissubsidyfromfar-located bank branches.

Page 16: Copyright @ Study-IQ education Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has strongly condemned the attack on AmarnathYatris in Jammu and Kashmir. Prime Minister has also spoken to Jammu and

TheCEEW’s analysis ofNational Sample Survey Office datahighlightsthatkerosene ispredominantlyusedasalighting fuel inruralIndia,withless

than 1 per cent of households using it as a primary cooking fuel.

Inurban-poor households,itisusedforbothlightingandcooking.ArecentreportbytheCEEWshowshowshiftingfromkerosenetoalternativessuchassolar-assisted solutions for lighting and LPG for

cooking couldbeeconomicallybeneficialforboththegovernmentaswellashouseholds.

Page 17: Copyright @ Study-IQ education Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has strongly condemned the attack on AmarnathYatris in Jammu and Kashmir. Prime Minister has also spoken to Jammu and



AsLPG is a clean and efficient fuel,itisrationaltocontinuesubsidising itfortheunderprivilegedwhocannotafforditotherwise.However,withenergysecurityandcleanenergyaccesshighonIndia’spriorities,we

must look beyond kerosene toprovidecookingandlightingsolutionstopoorhouseholds,whileensuringaffordability,reliabilityanduniversal


Page 18: Copyright @ Study-IQ education Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has strongly condemned the attack on AmarnathYatris in Jammu and Kashmir. Prime Minister has also spoken to Jammu and

Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana (PMUY)8000 crore, 5 cr, 1.5 crore

ModilaunchedthePradhanMantri Ujjwala Yojana (PMUY)onMay1lastyear, Thepromisewastoprovidefive crore LPG connections toBPLhouseholdsoverthreeyears.2.5

croresofar(Successful)• The BPL families are identified in consultation with the governments of States and Union


Aflagshipprogramme,PMUYaimstoedgeoutsmokefromthekitchensofIndianhouseholdsbyprovidingcleancookingfuel.Thereachoftheprogramme issuchthatitwastoutedasoneofthereasonsforBJP’ssweepingwininUttarPradeshAssembly

elections, 4.3millionconnectionsinthestatetoBPLfamilies.

Insixoutofeightnortheasternstates,theModigovernmentfailedtoprovideevenasingleLPGconnectionunderitsflagshipschemePradhanMantri Ujjwala Yojana (PMUY)tillMay2017,JustthetwoBJP-ruledstatesinnortheastIndia-- AssamandManipur-- saw


Page 19: Copyright @ Study-IQ education Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has strongly condemned the attack on AmarnathYatris in Jammu and Kashmir. Prime Minister has also spoken to Jammu and

The national average of LPG cylinder refills is around 7.6 per year, around one refill every 45 days.

However, the refilling rate varies across states. “For instance, Bihar and UP have quite high refill rates, but forest areas in Chhattisgarh and Madhya

Pradesh have low refilling rate of around two per year. This is because of easy availability of firewood

Motivation was the key

Page 20: Copyright @ Study-IQ education Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has strongly condemned the attack on AmarnathYatris in Jammu and Kashmir. Prime Minister has also spoken to Jammu and


• Forwomen,whoarethechiefbeneficiariesofthescheme,theassessmentsrevealedthatcookingongasstoveshelpedsaveatleast1-2hoursdaily,whichtheyusedforleisureactivitiesorotherhouseholdpursuits.Thiswaspartlybecausecookingongaswasfaster,andbecause it saved them the time and effort needed to go out to collect firewood.• Thelackofsmokehadalsoreducedhealthproblemsinwomen,suchasburningsensationintheeyes,coughingandevenheadaches.• Closeto80% people refillingthecylinders

• Beneficiariesrequiredinstructionsthatlow-risethatchedceiling,poorventilation,flammablehousematerialsandclothingweremajorriskswhilecookingongasstoves.

Page 21: Copyright @ Study-IQ education Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has strongly condemned the attack on AmarnathYatris in Jammu and Kashmir. Prime Minister has also spoken to Jammu and

State-runoilmarketingcompaniesareexpectedtohaveanadditionalcapacityof1,242metrictonnes perannumintheirLPGbottlingplantsbythestartofFY22throughsixbrownfieldand10greenfieldprojects,accordingtodatafromtheministryofpetroleumandnaturalgas.


Ujjawal plus?(Donations,SECC)

(The Greenfield project meansthataworkwhichisnotfollowingapriorwork.IninfrastructuretheprojectsontheunusedlandswherethereisnoneedtoremodelordemolishanexistingstructurearecalledGreen

FieldProjects.Theprojectswhicharemodifiedorupgradedarecalled brownfield projects)

Page 22: Copyright @ Study-IQ education Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has strongly condemned the attack on AmarnathYatris in Jammu and Kashmir. Prime Minister has also spoken to Jammu and

ThePrimeMinistergavetheexampleofmonthlyPRAGATI meetings,whichhadgivenadecisivepushtomanylong-pendingprojects

Pro-ActiveGovernanceAndTimelyImplementation(PRAGATI isauniqueintegratingandinteractiveplatform.Theplatformisaimedataddressingcommonman'sgrievances,andsimultaneouslymonitoringandreviewingimportantprogrammesandprojectsoftheGovernmentofIndiaaswellasprojects


Hesaid"ease of doing business"shouldbeaccordedtoppriority,andwouldgreatlyhelpStatesinattractinginvestment.


processing.ThePrimeMinistercalledforStatestofocusonagriculturereforms,ande-NAM inparticular.

Page 23: Copyright @ Study-IQ education Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has strongly condemned the attack on AmarnathYatris in Jammu and Kashmir. Prime Minister has also spoken to Jammu and

ThePrimeMinistersaidtheuseofAadhaar hasbroughtbenefitallaround,andeliminatedleakages.Heurgedall

presenttomaximizeitsuseintheinterestofgood governance.

HesaidGovernment e-Marketplace (GeM) couldprovideefficiency, savings and transparency ingovernment

procurement.HeaskedallState Governments tomaximize

theuseofGeM byAugust15th.

Page 24: Copyright @ Study-IQ education Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has strongly condemned the attack on AmarnathYatris in Jammu and Kashmir. Prime Minister has also spoken to Jammu and

The Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has strongly condemned the attack on Amarnath Yatris in Jammu and Kashmir. Prime Minister has also spoken to Jammu and Kashmir Governor Shri NN Vohra and Chief

Minister Ms Mehbooba Mufti and assured all possible assistance required.

Page 25: Copyright @ Study-IQ education Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has strongly condemned the attack on AmarnathYatris in Jammu and Kashmir. Prime Minister has also spoken to Jammu and

Seven Amarnath pilgrims from Gujarat, six of them women, were killed and 32 injured in a terrorist attack on their bus in Anantnag

The last time an armed attack was staged against the annual yatra which draws lakhs of Hindus from across India to the state was on August 1, 2000, when around 30

pilgrims and local porters were killed near Pahalgam

Policesaidthebuswasnotapartoftheyatra convoywhichisbeingprovidedelaboratesecurity.Itwasnotregisteredwiththeauthoritieseither.

Theterroristsfirstattackedabullet-proofbunkerofthepoliceatBotengoo,apoliceofficialsaid.Afterthepoliceretaliated, thegunmenmovedonand firedona


buscarryingtheyatris gothit.Whilethesepoliceaccountssuggesttheyatris wereasecondarytarget,someofthesurvivingpilgrimswerequotedbytelevisionchannelsassayingtheterrorists


Page 26: Copyright @ Study-IQ education Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has strongly condemned the attack on AmarnathYatris in Jammu and Kashmir. Prime Minister has also spoken to Jammu and


Page 27: Copyright @ Study-IQ education Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has strongly condemned the attack on AmarnathYatris in Jammu and Kashmir. Prime Minister has also spoken to Jammu and

45 percent rise in terrorism-related deaths – and 164 percent increase in civilian deaths alone – over the year ending 30 June


Page 28: Copyright @ Study-IQ education Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has strongly condemned the attack on AmarnathYatris in Jammu and Kashmir. Prime Minister has also spoken to Jammu and

On27June2017,UnitedStates designated Hizbul Mujahideen chiefSyedSalahuddin a“globalterrorist

Salahuddin alsoleadstheUnitedJihadCouncil,an umbrella organisation foranti-Indiaterroristorganisations suchasLashkar-e-Taiba andJaish-e-Mohammed,knowntooperateoutof

Pakistan-OccupiedKashmir.Salahuddin hasopenly admitted tocarryingoutattacksagainstIndia,


Page 29: Copyright @ Study-IQ education Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has strongly condemned the attack on AmarnathYatris in Jammu and Kashmir. Prime Minister has also spoken to Jammu and

PM condoles the demise of Shri Naresh Chandra




Page 30: Copyright @ Study-IQ education Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has strongly condemned the attack on AmarnathYatris in Jammu and Kashmir. Prime Minister has also spoken to Jammu and





Page 31: Copyright @ Study-IQ education Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has strongly condemned the attack on AmarnathYatris in Jammu and Kashmir. Prime Minister has also spoken to Jammu and

Old name - KarnavatiThewalledcityofAhmadabad,foundedby

SultanAhmadShahinthe15thcentury,ontheeasternbankoftheSabarmatiriver,presentsaricharchitecturalheritagefromthesultanateperiod,notablytheBhadra citadel,thewallsandgatesoftheFortcityandnumerous


Withinthiscomplexare28ASICentrallyProtectedMonuments.TheurbanstructuresofthehistoriccityofAhmedabadaredistinctiveduetotheirpuras (neighbourhoods),pols(residentialstreets),andkhadki (inner


Page 32: Copyright @ Study-IQ education Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has strongly condemned the attack on AmarnathYatris in Jammu and Kashmir. Prime Minister has also spoken to Jammu and

Indiastandssecond largest innumberafterChina (52,2ndintheworld)intermsofnumberofworldheritagepropertiesin

ASPAC (Asia and Pacific) region,itisoverallseventhintheworld.

Italy(53)– MostworldheritagesitesintheworldCultureMinisterDr. MaheshSharma

Page 33: Copyright @ Study-IQ education Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has strongly condemned the attack on AmarnathYatris in Jammu and Kashmir. Prime Minister has also spoken to Jammu and

Exercise Malabar Commences in Bay of Bengal/ North Indian Oceann


participationintoamultifacetedexercisewiththeparticipationofJapaneseMaritimeSelfDefense Force(JMSDF).

The21st editionoftheexercise,MALABAR-17willbeconductedintheBayofBengalfrom10to17July2017.

Theprimaryaimofthisexerciseistoincreaseinteroperabilityamongstthethree navies

Page 34: Copyright @ Study-IQ education Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has strongly condemned the attack on AmarnathYatris in Jammu and Kashmir. Prime Minister has also spoken to Jammu and

TheIndianNavywillberepresentedbytheaircraftcarrierINS Vikramaditya withitsairwing,guidedmissiledestroyerRanvir,indigenousstealthfrigatesShivalik andSahyadri,indigenousASWcorvetteKamorta,missilecorvettesKoraandKirpan,oneSindhughosh classsubmarine,fleet

tankerINSJyoti andLongRangeMaritimePatrolAircraftP8I.

The US Navy will be represented by the ships from the Nimitz Carrier Strike Group

Japan will be represented by JS Izumo

Page 35: Copyright @ Study-IQ education Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has strongly condemned the attack on AmarnathYatris in Jammu and Kashmir. Prime Minister has also spoken to Jammu and

TheUnionFinanceMinisterShriArun Jaitley tobetheChiefGuestontheoccasionof36thFoundationDayofNABARDdedicatedtocelebrate

theSilverJubileeofSHG Bank Linkage Programme

TheProgramhadacatalyticeffectinsourcingcollateralfreeloanstothetuneofRs 61,000croretothepoorwomenfromthemainstream




Page 36: Copyright @ Study-IQ education Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has strongly condemned the attack on AmarnathYatris in Jammu and Kashmir. Prime Minister has also spoken to Jammu and

Underthisprogramme,bankswereallowedtoopensavingsaccountsforSelf-HelpGroups(SHGs).SHGs are registered/unregistered entitieswhichusuallyhasa






LendingtoSHGsshouldbeincludedbythebanksaspartoftheirlendingtotheweakersections.AspertheRBI’slatest(May 2016) PrioritySectorLendingnorms,



Page 37: Copyright @ Study-IQ education Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has strongly condemned the attack on AmarnathYatris in Jammu and Kashmir. Prime Minister has also spoken to Jammu and

Prioritysectors- (1)Agriculture(2)Micro,SmallandMediumEnterprises(3)ExportCredit(4)Education(5)Housing(6)SocialInfrastructure(7)RenewableEnergy

Total Priority Sector - 40 percent of Adjusted Net Bank Credit (ANBC)$

Agriculture – 18% , Micro enterprise – 7.5%

Thereareanestimated48millionMSMEs inthecountrywhichprovideemploymentto11crorepeople,andcontributenearly45percentofmanufacturingoutputandaround



Page 38: Copyright @ Study-IQ education Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has strongly condemned the attack on AmarnathYatris in Jammu and Kashmir. Prime Minister has also spoken to Jammu and

Sinceitspilotstagein1992,theSHGProgrammehascomealongwayincoveringmorethan10 crore rural families.Ason31

stMarch, 2017 these

groupshadsavingsofmorethanRs 16,000 crore inbanks

Withmorethan8.5 crore rural women asthedirectparticipantsinthismassmovement

Page 39: Copyright @ Study-IQ education Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has strongly condemned the attack on AmarnathYatris in Jammu and Kashmir. Prime Minister has also spoken to Jammu and

Aaykar Setunewtaxpayerservicemodule ‘Aaykar Setu’,waslaunched byShriArun Jaitley

Page 40: Copyright @ Study-IQ education Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has strongly condemned the attack on AmarnathYatris in Jammu and Kashmir. Prime Minister has also spoken to Jammu and

CentralBoardofDirectTaxes(CBDT),adepartmentwithintheministryoffinance,hascomeupwithanappcalledAaykar Setu tohelpuserscarryoutbasictax-


ThetermAayakar meansincometaxandSetu standsforbridge.

Page 41: Copyright @ Study-IQ education Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has strongly condemned the attack on AmarnathYatris in Jammu and Kashmir. Prime Minister has also spoken to Jammu and







Page 42: Copyright @ Study-IQ education Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has strongly condemned the attack on AmarnathYatris in Jammu and Kashmir. Prime Minister has also spoken to Jammu and

Oneofthekeyhighlightsoftheappisthatitallowsuserstolinktheir12-digitAadhaar numberwithPAN.FollowingtheSCrulingon9June,linking Aadhaar to PAN is mandatory forallexisting

Aadhaar cardholders.

Tomakeunderstandingtaxesmorefunandeasy,thedeveloperhasaddedaquizgamecalled Tax Gyaan.Itisdesignedtotest


Page 43: Copyright @ Study-IQ education Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has strongly condemned the attack on AmarnathYatris in Jammu and Kashmir. Prime Minister has also spoken to Jammu and

GiftsuptoavalueofRs 50,000/- peryearbyanemployertohisemployeeareoutsidetheambitofGST.

However,giftsofvaluemorethanRs 50,000/- madewithoutconsiderationaresubjecttoGST,whenmadeinthecourseor


Page 44: Copyright @ Study-IQ education Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has strongly condemned the attack on AmarnathYatris in Jammu and Kashmir. Prime Minister has also spoken to Jammu and





Page 45: Copyright @ Study-IQ education Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has strongly condemned the attack on AmarnathYatris in Jammu and Kashmir. Prime Minister has also spoken to Jammu and

IndianRailwaysOrganizationforAlternateFuel(IROAF)winsGolden Peacock Award forEcoInnovationfortheyear2017forintroducingecofriendlyandcostsaving




TheCNGbaseddualfuel1400HPengineusedinDEMUtrainsdevelopedbyIROAFhassuccessfullysubstituteddieselfuelwithCNGupto 20%.ThisinnovationwillreduceemissionsconsiderablybybringingdownNOxby16%,CO2 by6%andParticulateMatterby18%besidesachievingeconomyinfuelcostby8%.

Page 46: Copyright @ Study-IQ education Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has strongly condemned the attack on AmarnathYatris in Jammu and Kashmir. Prime Minister has also spoken to Jammu and

Golden Peacock Awards, instituted by the Institute Of Directors (IOD), India in 1991, are now regardedas a benchmark of Corporate Excellence worldwide. Golden Peacock awards have become a hallmark ofexcellence, both locally & globally. Based on internationally recognised criteria, the credibility of theseawards lies in the transparency depth & impartiality of the assessment process.

Present technology of 20% substitution of diesel by CNG, has potential to save uptoRs. 1360 crores annually if implemented over entire fleet of Diesel Locomotives of Indian Railways. Animproved technology of 40% substitution is at present being developed by IROAF. This will enhance thepotential of saving of fuel cost of IR to about Rs. 3400 crore per annum. The environmental benefits willalso double with this improved approach, if successful.future.

Page 47: Copyright @ Study-IQ education Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has strongly condemned the attack on AmarnathYatris in Jammu and Kashmir. Prime Minister has also spoken to Jammu and

IndianPowerSector- AnUpdate , AllIndiaStatisticsofIndianPowerSectorarereleasedbyCentral Electricity Authority (CEA) today. Themainhighlightsare


sourceswas99,209.47MWagainstatargetof88,537 MW,overachievingthesameby112%.Conventionalgenerationcapacityadditionachievedinthepast3years(2014-15,2015-16&2016-17)hasbeen60,752.6MW,whichisabout61%ofthetotalcapacityadditionachieved


In2015-16,conventionalgenerationcapacityadditionachievedwas23,976.6 MW whichisthelargestevercapacityadditioninasingleyear.

TheRenewableEnergySourcesinstalledcapacityason31.03.2014was31,692.14 MW.Ason31.03.2017,IndiahasachievedanInstalledCapacityof

57,260.2MWofRESshowinganincrease of 80% during 2014-2017.ThePeakDemandmetincreasedfrom130 GW in2013-14to157 GW in2016-17,whichworksouttoaCAGRof


Page 48: Copyright @ Study-IQ education Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has strongly condemned the attack on AmarnathYatris in Jammu and Kashmir. Prime Minister has also spoken to Jammu and



10 GWBiomass5GWSmallHydro

Page 49: Copyright @ Study-IQ education Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has strongly condemned the attack on AmarnathYatris in Jammu and Kashmir. Prime Minister has also spoken to Jammu and

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