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Core Concepts in Economies where Information is Almost Complete Stefan Krasa and Wayne Shafer August 17, 2000 Abstract The paper analyzes the properties of cores with differential information, as economies converge to complete information. Two core concepts are in- vestigated: the private core, in which agents’ net trades are measurable with respect to agents’ private information, and the incentive compatible core, in which coalitions of agents are restricted to incentive compatible allocations. We wish to thank an anonymous referee for very helpful comments. Address of the authors: Department of Economics, University of Illinois, 1206 South Sixth Street, Champaign IL 61820.
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Core Concepts in Economies where Information isAlmost Complete

Stefan Krasa and Wayne Shafer∗

August 17, 2000


The paper analyzes the properties of cores with differential information,as economies converge to complete information. Two core concepts are in-vestigated: the private core, in which agents’ net trades are measurable withrespect to agents’ private information, and the incentive compatible core, inwhich coalitions of agents are restricted to incentive compatible allocations.

∗We wish to thank an anonymous referee for very helpful comments.

Address of the authors: Department of Economics, University of Illinois, 1206 South Sixth Street,Champaign IL 61820.

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1 Introduction

The main focus of this paper can be seen in two ways. First, is the completeinformation core a good predictor in environments with “almost complete” infor-mation? Second, are existing notions of a core with differential information closeto the complete information core when informational asymmetries are small?

We consider two alternative core concepts with differential information thatrepresent the main approaches in the literature. The first concept is that of the pri-vate core of Yannelis (1991). In his concept coalitions of agents are restricted to al-locations that are measurable with respect to each agent’s private information. Thesecond concept that we consider is the incentive compatible core of Allen (1994),Ichiishi and Idzik (1996), and Vohra (1999). In this concept coalitions of agentsare restricted to those allocations that are Bayesian incentive compatible. Thesetwo approaches differ substantially. However, because there is no clear benchmarkagainst which the predictions of these two very different concepts can be comparedwhen there are significant asymmetries of information, one of the main motivationsof this paper is to compare them when informational asymmetries are small andwhen the standard (complete information) core can be used as such a benchmark.

Consider a pure exchange economy with differential information in which eachagent receives a possibly noisy signal about the true state. Thus, agents’ informa-tion can be specified by means of a prior over the signals and the true states. Thereis complete information if the prior assigns probability 1 to each agent receivingthe correct signal. In order to describe what it means to be “close to complete infor-mation,” we use the priors to parameterize economies. Behavior close to completeinformation is analyzed by considering sequences of priors that converge to thecomplete information prior.

Our first Theorem provides a generic result on the convergence behavior ofthe private core. We show that the private core does not converge to the standardcomplete information core for all sequences of priors, for which information isasymmetric before the limit. More precisely, we prove that generically the set oflimit points of private core allocations has empty intersection with the standard(complete information) core, as the noise in the agents’ signals converges to zero.Thus, the complete information core cannot be seen as an approximation of privatecores of economies with almost complete information. The intuition for this resultis that the private core models the difficulty of information sharing by assumingthat agents base trades only on their private information. Therefore even “small”informational asymmetries lead to very different outcomes when compared to thecore with complete information.

Our second and third Theorem analyze the incentive compatible core. In con-trast to the private core, the incentive compatible core need not exist in general


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(Allen (1994), Vohra (1999)). However, in Theorem 2 we show that it does existclose to complete information. Moreover, Theorem 2 also shows that almost everystandard core allocation is the limit point of incentive compatible core allocations.Does this imply that the incentive compatible core behaves more like the standardcore close to complete information? It turns out that this is not the case. Theorem 3shows that there is a robust class of economies for which the set of limit points ofincentive compatible cores is strictly larger than the standard core.

As mentioned above, the two core notions analyzed in this paper are represen-tative of two tracks of research. Specifically, in the literature on core concepts withdifferential information authors either impose restrictions on how information isshared by coalitions of agents (see Wilson (1978), Yannelis (1991), Allen (1992),Berliant (1992), Koutsougeras and Yannelis (1993), and Koutsougeras (1998)), orthey impose incentive compatibility restrictions on the allocations a coalition ofagents can obtain ( Boyd, Prescott and Smith (1988), Allen (1994), Ichiishi andIdzik (1996), Vohra (1999), Ichiishi and Sertel (1998)).

In addition to the private core, the first group of papers also investigates othercore concepts, most notably the coarse core and the fine core. In the coarse core,coalitions of agent are restricted to trades that are measurable with respect to com-mon knowledge information. In contrast, in the fine core a coalition can use thepooled information of its members (c.f., Yannelis (1991) or Koutsougeras and Yan-nelis (1993)). In this paper, we investigate the private core because it has beenshown to have desirable properties (c.f., Koutsougeras and Yannelis (1993)). Thatis, the private core exists in general, it takes informational asymmetries into ac-count, and it is incentive compatible.1 Moreover, our main result for the privatecore implies that the same result holds for the coarse core.

In the second group of papers, where authors impose incentive compatibilityrestrictions, the concepts differ with respect to the participation constrained used,i.e., whether the blocking notion is ex-ante or interim. In this paper we use theex-ante notion, because it avoids information leakage problems that arise whencoalitions can block in the interim period (c.f., Krasa (1999)).

2 The Model

Consider an exchange economy with n agents, indexed by i∈ I = 1, . . . ,n. Thereis uncertainty over the state of nature ω∈Ω, where Ω is finite. Each agent i receivesa possibly noisy signal φi ∈ Φi about ω. For simplicity assume that Φi = Ω for all

1Krasa and Yannelis (1994) show that if the grand coalition cannot block, then coalitional incen-tive compatible notions are fulfilled. These incentive notions are stronger than Bayesian incentivecompatibility, and therefore imply Bayesian incentive compatibility.


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agents i. Let Φ = ∏ni=1 Φi. Any φ = (φ1, . . . ,φn) ∈ Φ will be also denoted by

(φ−i,φi). Let π be a probability on Ω×Φ which is the common prior of all agentsover states and signals. Let µ be the marginal probability on Ω.

Assume there are goods, and let Xi = R+ be the consumption space of agent i.

Each agent i’s preference ordering is given by a state dependent von Neumann-Morgenstern utility function ui : Ω×Xi → R. Note that an agent’s utility dependsdirectly only on consumption and the true state ω. Consumption itself, however,will depend on the signals. A consumption bundle for agent i is therefore given byxi : Ω×Φ → R

+. An allocation x is a collection of consumption bundles xi, i ∈ Ifor all agents. Agent i’s ex-ante expected utility is then given by

Vi(xi) =Z



Agent i’s endowment is given by ei : Ω×Φ→R+. We assume that the endowment

ei only depends on the true state ω. Thus, with a slight abuse of notation, we willoften write ei(ω) to denote agent i’s endowment in state ω.

In a complete information economy, each agent i observes the true state ω.Thus, the signal φ is given by φ = δ(ω) = (ω, . . . ,ω). Let ∆ = (ω,δ(ω))|ω ∈ Ω.Then π(∆) = 1 in a complete information economy, and only the consumption in(ω,δ(ω)) matters. As a consequence, for complete information economies we willoften denote agent i’s consumption in (ω,δ(ω)) by xi(ω).

Finally, we describe our notion of convergence of allocations of the incompleteinformation economies to an allocation in a complete information economy.

For each k ∈ N, let xki , i ∈ I be an allocation of the incomplete information

economy with prior πk such that limk→∞ πk(∆) = 1. Then xki , i ∈ I converges to xi,

i ∈ I if limk→∞ xki (ω,δ(ω)) = xi(ω,δ(ω)) for all ω ∈ Ω and all agents i.

3 The Core Concepts

3.1 Complete Information Economies

Consider an economy, in which the signals perfectly reveal the true state. Thus,there is uncertainty at t = 0 about the state ω, but ω becomes known to all agents att = 1. As mentioned above, a consumption bundle can then be written as a functionof ω alone, i.e., xi : Ω → R

+. Agent i’s ex-ante expected utility is then given byVi(xi) =

RΩ ui(ω,xi(ω))dµ(ω). Thus, we can use the standard definition of the core

of an exchange economy.

Definition 1 An allocation x is in the core of the complete information economy ifand only if


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(i) ∑i∈I xi = ∑i∈I ei, µ-a.e. (feasibility);

(ii) The following does not hold:

There exists a coalition S ⊂ I and yi : Ω → R+, i ∈ S with

(ii.i) ∑i∈S yi = ∑i∈S ei, µ-a.e.;

(ii.ii) Vi(yi) ≥Vi(xi) for all i ∈ S, where at least one inequality is strict.

An allocation x is a strict core allocation if x is a core allocation and if the sameutilities cannot be obtained by any strict subcoalition, i.e., there do not exist S Iand yi : Ω → R

+ with ∑i∈S yi = ∑i∈S ei, µ-a.e., and Vi(yi) = Vi(xi) for all i ∈ S.

For example, it is easy to show that if there exists a competitive equilibrium (x, p)with the property that ∑i∈S xi = ∑i∈S ei for all coalitions S I then x is also a strictcore allocation. Note that under the above assumption, p is no longer a competitiveequilibrium price vector if the economy is decomposed into two parts. Thus, theexistence of a strict core allocation (which we require in Theorem 2 below) can beviewed as an indecomposibility assumption on the economy.

3.2 Economies with Differential Information

If the signals are noisy, then agents are differentially informed. We provide twodifferent core notions for differential information economies.

3.2.1 Definition of the Private Core

In the private core of Yannelis (1991), each agent i is restricted to consumptionbundles that are measurable with respect to his private information Fi. We firstprovide the definition of the private core, and then describe in (1) how Fi is derivedfrom the signal φi and the observed endowment realization ei(ω). Also note thatconsumption bundles and endowments are now written as functions of ω and φ.

Definition 2 An allocation x is in the private core of the differential informationeconomy if and only if

(i) ∑i∈I xi = ∑i∈I ei, π-a.e. (feasibility);

(ii) xi is Fi-measurable for all agents i.

(iii) The following does not hold:

There exist a coalition S ⊂ I and yi : Ω×Φ → R+, i ∈ S with

(iii.i) yi is Fi-measurable for all i ∈ S;


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(iii.ii) ∑i∈S yi = ∑i∈S ei, π-a.e.;

(iii.iii) Vi(yi) ≥Vi(xi) for all i ∈ S, where at least one inequality is strict.

Note that the main difference between the private core and the complete informa-tion core is the measurability restriction imposed on the core allocation and on anyblocking allocation. Yannelis (1991) provides a very general existence result forthe private core.

It now remains to describe how each agent i’s private information Fi is derived.Let σ(ei) be the information generated by ei, which can be interpreted as a partitionof Ω×Φ.2 In addition, agent i knows the signal φi. Thus,

Fi = σ(ei)∨n

Ω×Φ−i ×φi φi ∈ Φi

o. (1)

For example, consider the case where all agents’ signals are accurate. We nowshow that any complete information core allocation x corresponds to a private coreallocation x. Define xi(ω,φ−i,φi) = xi(φi), where (with a slight abuse of notation)xi(φi) corresponds to agent i’s consumption in the complete information core allo-cation if the state is ω = φi. Then each xi is Fi measurable. Because the signal isaccurate, ∑i∈I xi = ∑i∈I ei, π-a.e., i.e., the allocation is feasible. Finally, x cannotbe dominated by another Fi-measurable allocation for any coalition S. Thus, x isin the private core.

3.2.2 Definition of the Incentive Compatible Core

We first provide the standard definition of incentive compatibility.

Definition 3 A consumption bundle xi is incentive compatible for agent i if andonly ifZ



φi,ei≥ Z




for all φi,φ′i ∈ Φi.

We now provide the definition of the incentive compatible core. The main differ-ence between this core and the core of a complete information economy is thatthe core allocation itself and any allocation used by a blocking coalition are re-quired to be incentive compatible. The trades of members of coalition S must beat least measurable with respect to the pooled information of all of its members.Otherwise, the coalition could not execute the trades. Again, Fi is given by (1).

2Thus, σ(ei) is the information generated by the sets of the form ω|ei(ω) = ei×Φ, whereei ∈ R

+ .


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Definition 4 An allocation x is in the incentive compatible core of the differentialinformation economy if and only if

(i) ∑i∈I xi = ∑i∈I ei, π-a.e. (feasibility);

(ii) xi is incentive compatible andW

i∈I Fi-measurable for all agents i ∈ I.

(iii) The following does not hold:

There exist a coalition S ⊂ I and yi : Ω×Φ → R+, i ∈ S with

(iii.i) yi is incentive compatible and measurable with respect toW

i∈S Fi forall i ∈ S;

(iii.ii) ∑i∈S yi = ∑i∈S ei, π-a.e.;

(iii.iii) Vi(yi) ≥Vi(xi) for all i ∈ S, where at least one inequality is strict.

As indicated in Allen (1994) and Vohra (1999), the incentive compatible core doesnot exist in general. However, in Theorem 2 we show that it exists for economiesthat are sufficiently close to a complete information economy.

4 The Convergence Results

In this section we analyze whether or not the private core and the incentive com-patible core are close to the complete information core if the economy is close to acomplete information economy. Our economies can be parameterized by endow-ments, preferences, and priors. When we characterize properties of the core with“almost” complete information, we fix endowments and preferences. An economyis then close to complete information if π(∆) is close to 1, i.e., if the probabilitythat all agents receive the correct signal is close to 1. In all of our Theorems wetherefore consider sequences of priors limk→∞ πk = π, where π(∆) = 1, and inves-tigate whether or not the limit points of sequences of incomplete information coreallocations coincide with the complete information core. The Theorems investigatefor what type of sequences πk, k ∈ N convergence can be obtained.

4.1 Convergence of the Private Core

We now show that private core allocations of economies with almost completeinformation will in general differ substantially from complete information core al-locations. In particular, Theorem 1 below shows that generically the set of limitpoints of private core allocations has an empty intersection with the complete in-formation core. We first illustrate the main intuition of Theorem 1 by means of anexample.


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Example 1 Assume there are two agents i = 1,2 and three states ωi, i = 1,2,3,each of which occurs with positive probability. There is one good in each state.The agents’ preferences are given by

u1(ω,x) =

(√x if ω = ω1;

x otherwise;u2(ω,x) = x, for all ω.

Each agent has a state independent endowment of 1 unit of the consumption good.Assume that agent 1 can perfectly observe ω1, but that his signals about states

ω2 and ω3 are incorrect with probability ε > 0. In contrast, agent 2 correctly ob-serves state 3, but his signals about states ω1 and ω2 are also incorrect with prob-ability ε. Because the endowments are state independent, agent i’s consumptionin the private core can only depend on φi, and can therefore be denoted by xi(φi).Feasibility requires that x1(φ1)+ x2(φ2) = e1 + e2 for πk a.e. φ = (φ1,φ2). Giventhe noise in the signals described above, all φ ∈ Φ occur with positive probability.Thus, feasibility implies that x1 and x2 are independent of the signals. Hence, theprivate core consists only of the agents’ endowments.

In contrast, it easy to see that in a complete information core allocation, tradewill always occur. Agent 1 will give up a strictly positive quantity of the good instate ω1 in exchange for an increased consumption in states ω2, ω3.

The result illustrated in Example 1 will hold for a generic economy, with gener-icity over agents’ preferences. It is easy to see that we can only get a generic result.For example, consider an economy, in which the endowment is Pareto efficient inthe complete information economy. Then no trade is also the only private coreallocation, and both core notions will therefore coincide.

In order to provide a generic result, we parameterize each agent i’s utility func-tion in state ω ∈ Ω by θi(ω) ∈ Θi,ω where Θi,ω is an open subset of R. Agent i’sutility is therefore given by ui(ω,x,θi(ω)). As we allow agent specific perturba-tions of utility functions in different states ω, the entire parameter space, Θ, hasdimension |Ω|n. We say that a result holds for a generic set of economies, if thereexists a set Θ which is closed in Θ and has Lebesgue measure 0, such that the resultholds for all economies except possibly those inΘ.

In the following, let θ ∈ Θi,ω, and x ∈ R++. For the genericity argument, the

following standard assumptions must be fulfilled.

Assumption A1

(1) Each ui(ω,x,θ) is smooth, has strictly positive first derivatives with respect tox, and has a negative definite matrix of second derivatives D2



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(2) D2xθui(ω,x,θ) is non-singular.

(3) For all ω ∈ Ω, and for all sequence xk, k ∈N, with xk ∈R++ and limk→∞ xk

l = 0for some good l, it follows that limk→∞ ‖Dxui(ω,xk,θ)‖ = ∞.

(4) Each agent’s endowment is strictly positive.

The main result of this section, Theorem 1, shows that the private core doesnot converge to the complete information core as long as for each agent i, one ofthe signals is noisy in a state that agent i does not learn about from the endowmentrealization.

Theorem 1 Assume that the economy fulfills Assumption A1 and that there are atleast two goods in each state. Then for a generic set of economies the followingholds:

Let πk → π be an arbitrary sequence of priors that fulfills

1. π(∆) = 1;

2. for every k ∈ N and for each agent i there exist states ωi, ω′i with ei(ωi) =

ei(ω′i) and πk(φi = ω′


ωi) > 0.

Let Ek be the economy with prior πk. For each k ∈ N, let xk be a private core allo-cation of Ek. Then none of the limit points of xk, k ∈ N is a complete informationcore allocation.

Before proving the Theorem, we need Lemma 1 below. Lemma 1 shows thatgenerically Pareto efficient allocations of the complete information economy willprovide agents a different level of consumption in different states. Because thereare n agents, we add more than n independent restrictions on Pareto efficient al-locations if we require each agent i’s consumption to be the same in two differentstates for all goods. Lemma 1 therefore follows from the fact that the Pareto setitself has only dimension n−1. The proof of Lemma 1 is in the Appendix.

Lemma 1 For all agents i, let ωi = ω′i. Let Pθ be the set of all Pareto efficient, (ex-

ante) individually rational allocations with xi(ωi) = xi(ω′i), for all agents i. Then

Pθ = /0 for generic θ.

We now prove Theorem 1.

Proof of Theorem 1. Let ωi = ω′i, i ∈ I be arbitrary. Then Lemma 1 implies

that there exists a generic set of economies such that no Pareto efficient allocationfulfills xi(ωi) = xi(ω′

i). We next show that the limit of private core allocations mustalways fulfill such restrictions.


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Let xk be a private core allocation for the economy with prior πk. Then becauseeach agent i has a noisy signal, there exist φ′i = ω′

i = ωi, such that πk(φ′i|ωi) > 0.Then

xki (ωi,δ−i(ωi),φ′i) = xk

i (ω′i,δ−i(ω′

i),φ′i), (2)

because agent i’s consumption must be measurable with respect to his informationFi (he can neither distinguish the states from observing his signal, nor from learn-ing the endowment realization). Now note that in state ωi, all agents other thanagent i cannot determine whether agent i received signal φi or signal φ′i, becausethe signal is private information to agent i. Thus xk

j(ωi,δ(ωi)) = xkj(ωi,δ−i(ωi),φ′i)

in all private core allocations for all agents j = i. Because the aggregate endow-ment only depends on ω and not on the signals, and because both φi and φ′i canoccur with positive probability in state ωi, feasibility implies

xki (ωi,δ(ωi)) = xk

i (ωi,δ−i(ωi),φ′i). (3)

Thus, (2) and (3), and the fact that ω′i = φ′i imply

xki (ωi,δ(ωi)) = xk

i (ω′i,δ(ω′

i)). (4)

Now consider a limit point x(ω) of the sequence xk(ω,δ(ω)), k ∈ N of private coreallocations. We can assume without loss of generality that (4) holds for the samestates ωi, ω′

i, for all elements in the subsequence of xk, k ∈ N that converges tox. Therefore xi(ωi,δ(ωi)) = xi(ω′

i,δ(ω′i)). Thus, for a generic economy the limit

points of private core allocations are not Pareto efficient in the complete informa-tion economy, and therefore not in the complete information core. This proves theTheorem.

4.2 Convergence of the Incentive Compatible Core

We now investigate the convergence of the incentive compatible core. First, werequire that there are at least three agents. If there are only 2 agents, we cannotexpect to get convergence as Example 2 indicates.

Example 2 Assume there are two agents i = 1,2 and two states ω1, ω2. Each stateoccurs with probability 1/2. There is one good in each state. Agents’ preferencesare given by

u1(ω,x) =

(√x if ω = ω1;

x if ω = ω2;u2(ω,x) =

(x if ω = ω1;√

x if ω = ω2.


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Each agent has a state independent endowment of one unit of the consumptiongood.

First, consider the complete information economy, where each of the agentslearns the state ω when it is realized. It is easy to see that any ex-ante individuallyrational and feasible allocation x must fulfill x1(ω1) ≤ 1; x1(ω2) ≥ 1; x2(ω1) ≥1; and x2(ω2) ≤ 1. Moreover, at least one of the inequalities must be strict forcomplete information core allocations. We now show that no such allocation is thelimit of a sequence of incentive compatible core allocations.

Assume that each agent receives a noisy signal about ω. The signal is correctwith probability 1−ε, and incorrect with probability ε. Let xε be an incentive com-patible core allocations for the economy with noise ε. Without loss of generalityassume that xε(ω,δ(ω)) converges. We denote the limit by x(ω).

Because agents’ endowments are state independent, we can write their con-sumption as a function of the reported signals only. Thus, xεi (ω,ω′) denotes agent i’sconsumption if agent 1 reports signal φ1 = ω and agent 2 reports signal φ2 = ω′.Incentive compatibility of xε implies



1(ω1, ·)) φ1 = ω1

≥ EΩ×Φ2


1(ω2, ·)) φ1 = ω1




2(·,ω2)) φ2 = ω2

≥ EΩ×Φ1


2(·,ω1)) φ2 = ω2


where (5) is the incentive constraint for agent 1 if he observes φ1 = ω1, and (6) isthe incentive constraint for agent 2 if he observes φ2 = ω2.3

If we take the limit on both sides of (5) and (6) for ε → 0 we getp

x1(ω1) ≥limsupε→0


1(ω2,ω1) andp

x2(ω2) ≥ limsupε→0


2(ω2,ω1), which implies

x1(ω1)+ x2(ω2) ≥ limsupε→0

xε1(ω2,ω1)+ xε

2(ω2,ω1). (7)

Now assume by way of contradiction that x is a complete information core alloca-tion. Then as noted above x1(ω1)≤ 1 and x2(ω2)≤ 1, where at least one inequalityis strict. Thus, (7) implies xε

1(ω2,ω1)+ xε2(ω2,ω1) < 2 for sufficiently small ε, a

contradiction to feasibility.4 Therefore any limit of incentive compatible core allo-cations is not in the complete information core.

Example 2 demonstrates that if there are only two agents, incentive compatiblecore allocations do not necessarily converge to complete information core alloca-tions. The reason for this result is that incentive compatibility would require that

3Note that the expectation operator itself depends on the prior over Ω×Φ, and therefore dependson ε.

4Note that throughout this paper we assume that there is not free disposal.


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both agents are penalized by a low level of consumption when reports φ1 = ω2 andφ2 = ω1 are made. If there are more than two agents, penalties can be executedby transferring the consumption good to other agents. In fact, Theorem 2 belowshows that with three or more agents convergence can be obtained. That is, weshow that almost every complete information core allocation is the limit of incen-tive compatible core allocations. In particular, this result also implies existence ofincentive compatible core allocations close to complete information (see the firststatement in Theorem 2). This is a useful result, because as mentioned earlier, theincentive compatible core may be empty. In an interesting recent paper, McLeanand Postlewaite (2000) provide alternative conditions under which such core allo-cations exist.

In Theorem 2 we use the following regularity assumptions.

Assumption A2

(1) Each ui(ω,x) is smooth, has strictly positive first derivatives with respect tox∈R

++, and has a negative definite matrix of second derivatives D2xxui(ω,x).

(2) For all ω ∈ Ω, and for all sequence xk, k ∈N, with xk ∈R++ and limk→∞ xk

l = 0for some good l, it follows that limk→∞ ‖Dxui(ω,xk)‖ = ∞.

(3) Each agent’s endowment is strictly positive.

Theorem 2 Consider an economy where

(i) |I| ≥ 3, (i.e., at least three agents);

(ii) π is a prior over Ω×S with π(∆) = 1 (i.e., signals are not noisy under π);

(iii) assumption A2 holds;

(iv) there exists a strict core allocation x in the complete information economy.

Let C be the set of core allocations of a complete information economy. Thenthere exists a closed set N of lower dimension than C, such that for all sequencesof priors πk, k ∈ N that converge to a complete information prior π:

1. Incentive compatible core allocations exist in the economy with prior πk forall sufficiently large k.

2. Every core allocation x ∈ C \N is the limit of a sequence of incentive com-patible core allocations of the incomplete information economies with priorsπk (starting at a sufficiently large k).


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The proof of Theorem 2 is in the Appendix. We now explain the intuition.Lemma 3 below demonstrates that any allocation of the complete information

economy is the limit of incentive compatible allocations. Thus, in order to proveTheorem 2, one must show that the approximating sequence can be chosen to be inthe incentive compatible core.

The existence of a strict core allocation ensures that the core has full dimension(i.e., dimension n− 1, where n is the number of agents). Using Lemma 2 below,one can then show that all complete information core allocations except those in aset N of lower dimension than n−1 can be approximated by strict core allocations.Thus, it is sufficient to prove the result for all strict core allocations x.

The proof proceeds by way of contradiction. Assume we have a sequence ofincentive compatible allocations xk, k ∈ N that converges to a core allocation x ofthe complete information economy, but that xk is not in the incentive compatiblecore for all k. One can show that each xk can be selected such that the grand coali-tion cannot improve upon xk by choosing another incentive compatible allocation.Thus, if xk is not in the incentive compatible core, there must exist a coalitionS I, which can block it. Taking the limit as k → ∞ implies that there exists acoalition S I which can obtain for its members the same utilities as in the strictcore allocation x, a contradiction that proves the Theorem.

Finally, we state Lemma 2 and Lemma 3. The proofs are in the Appendix.In the following let U(S) be the set of attainable utilities of coalition S. Thus,

U(S) =

w ∈ Rn there exists x with ∑i∈S xi = ∑i∈S ei such that wi ≤Vi(xi), for all

i ∈ S

. Let bdU(S) be the boundary of this set.

Lemma 2 Assume that A2 holds. Then bdU(S)∩bdU(T ) has dimension n−2 forall coalitions S = T with /0 S,T I.

Lemma 3 Assume that:

1. There are at least three agents;

2. x is an allocation with ∑i∈I xi(ω,δ(ω)) = ∑i∈I ei(ω) (feasibility if informa-tion is complete);

3. xi(ω,δ(ω)) ∈ R++, for all i ∈ I, ω ∈ Ω;

4. πk, k ∈ N is an arbitrary sequence of priors with πk → π, and π(∆) = 1.

Then there exists a sequence xk, k ∈N, with limk→∞R

ui(·,xki (·))dπk =Vi(xi) for all

i ∈ I, where each xk is a Bayesian incentive compatible allocation for the economywith prior πk.


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Let C be the set of limit points of all sequence of incentive compatible coreallocations, for a given sequence of priors πk, k ∈ N. Let C denote the set ofcore allocations of the complete information economy. Theorem 2 shows thatCcontains C, except possibly for a negligible set. Are there cases whereC is strictlylarger than C? Theorem 3 below shows that this is the case. The intuition for thisresult is as follows.

In the incentive compatible core, blocking can be difficult for two agent coali-tions. We have already pointed this difficulty in Example 2. Thus, in order to findeconomies where C is strictly larger than C, it is sufficient to construct economiesin which blocking by two agent coalitions matters. Apart from constructing aneconomy that has these required properties, Theorem 3 uses an argument similar tothat of Theorem 2 to show that allocations that can only be blocked by a particulartwo agent coalition are limit points of incentive compatible core allocations.

Finally, we state Theorem 3. The proof is in the Appendix.

Theorem 3 Let |Ω| ≥ 4 and |I| ≥ 3. There exist economies that fulfill all conditionsof Theorem 2, but for which the set of limit points of incentive compatible coreallocations C is strictly larger than the complete information core C. The setC \Cis not negligible, and the economies are robust with respect to perturbations ofendowments and preferences.


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5 Appendix

Proof of Lemma 1. In this proof, let Ω = ω1, . . . ,ω|Ω|. For every agent i letωki ,ωk′i be the two states in which consumption should be the same. We now define

agent i’s expected utility by Vi(xi,θi) = ∑ω µ(ω)ui(ω,xi(ω),θi(ω)). Then let Pθ bethe set of all (x1, . . . ,xn, p,λ2, . . . ,λn) which solve

(E1) Dx1V1(x1,θ1)− p = 0;

(E2) DxiVi(xi,θi)−λi p = 0, i = 2, . . . ,n;

(E3) e−∑ni=1 xi = 0;

(E4) xi1(ωki)− xi1(ωk′i) = 0, for i < n; and xn2(ωkn)− xn2(ωk′n) = 0.

Clearly, Pθ is homeomorphic to the set of all Pareto efficient allocations for which(E4) holds, a set that contains Pθ. Therefore, it is sufficient to prove that Pθ = /0 forgeneric θ.

The matrix of derivatives of this system of equations is given by

E =

C BA 0


where C, the matrix of derivatives of (E1)–(E3) with respect to x1, . . . , xn, p, λ2,. . . , λn, is given by0BBBBBBBB@


V1(x1,θ1) · · · 0 · · · 0 −I · · · 0 · · · 0...

. . ....

. . ....

.... . .

.... . .

...0 · · · D2

xixiVi(xi,θi) · · · 0 −λiI · · · −p · · · 0

.... . .

.... . .


. . ....

. . ....

0 · · · 0 · · · D2xnxn

Vn(xn,θn) −λnI · · · 0 · · · −p−I · · · −I · · · −I 0 · · · 0 · · · 0



and the matrix of derivatives of (E1)–(E3) with respect to θ1, . . . , θn is

B =



V1(x1,θ1) · · · 0 · · · 0...

. . ....

. . ....

0 · · · D2xiθi

Vi(xi,θi) · · · 0...

. . ....

. . ....

0 · · · 0 · · · D2xn,θn

Vn(xnθn)0 · · · 0 · · · 0




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Finally, A = (A1, · · · ,An), where Ai is the derivative of (E4) with respect to xi, λ,and p. The only non-zero entries in matrix Ai correspond to the derivatives withrespect to xi1(ωki) and xi1(ωk′i) if i < n, and xn2(ωkn) and xn2(ωk′n), otherwise.

We now show that matrix E has full rank. Thus, consider a linear combinationof the rows of E which is equal to 0. The vector of scalars for the rows are denotedby w1 for (E1), w2, . . . ,wn for (E2); a for (E3); and b for (E4). Matrix B impliesthat wiD2

xiθVi(xi) = 0, i = 1, . . . ,n. Because D2xiθVi(xi) has full rank, it follows that

wi = 0 for i = 1, . . . ,n. Let a1,ω,k be the scalar multiplier corresponding to the partof (E3) that ensures feasibility for good 1 in state ωk. Because wi = 0, the linearcombination of the column elements of E corresponding to the derivative withrespect to xn1(ωki) yields a1,ω,ki = 0. Similarly, it follows that a1,ω,k′i = 0. Now leti < n and consider the linear combination of column elements of E correspondingto the derivatives with respect to xi1(ωki). Then since wi = 0 and a1,ω,ki = 0 we getbi = 0. Similarly, we can show that bn = 0. This immediately implies that a = 0.Hence all scalars are equal to 0 and E has therefore full rank. Because there aremore equations than unknowns, the transversality theorem therefore implies thatPθ = /0 except for a set Θ ⊂ R that has measure 0.

We now show that Θ is closed. Let θk, k∈N be a sequence in Θ with limk→∞ θk =θ. Let (xk, pk,λk) be a solution of (E1)–(E4) given θk. Then the associated matrixE will not have full rank, i.e. some of the rows of E will be collinear. Without lossof generality we can assume that the same rows are collinear for all k ∈ N. Becausefeasible allocations are bounded we can assume without loss of generality that xk

converges to x as k → ∞. Since all xk are individually rational and because of as-sumption A1 it follows that each xi is not on the boundary of agent i’s consumptionset. (E1) therefore implies that pk converges to p, where p > 0. Thus, (E2) impliesthat λk also converges. Therefore, the rows of matrix E are collinear for (x, p,λ)given θ. Thus, θ ∈ Θ.

Proof of Lemma 2. Let eS and eT be the aggregate endowments of coalitions Sand T , respectively. First, note that u ∈ bdU(S)∩bdU(T ) if and only if there existallocations x, y with the following properties:

x and y are feasible for coalitions S and T , respectively; x cannot be improvedupon by another allocation x′ with ∑i∈S x′i = eS, and similar for y; ui = Vi(xi) fori ∈ S and ui = Vi(yi), for i ∈ T .

Without loss of generality we renumber the agents such that S = 1, . . . ,k+ jand T = k, . . . ,k+ j, . . . ,m, where m≤ n. Then x and y must fulfill the followingequations:

(E1) DxiVi(xi)−λi p = 0, i ∈ S;


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(E2) DyiVi(yi)−µiq = 0, i ∈ T ;

(E3) Vi(xi)−Vi(yi) = 0, i ∈ S∩T ;

(E4) ∑i∈S(xi − ei) = 0;

(E5) ∑i∈T (yi − ei) = 0;

where λi,µi > 0, λ1 = µk = 1, and p,q > 0.We now show that the matrix of derivatives of (E1)–(E5) with respect to x, y,

p, λ, q, has full rank. The matrix A of derivatives with respect to x is given by


x1 . . . xk . . . xk+ j


V1(x1) . . . 0 . . . 0...

. . ....

. . ....

(E1) 0 . . . D2xkxk

Vk(xk) . . . 0...

. . ....

. . ....

0 . . . 0 . . . D2xk+ jxk+ j

Vk+ j(xk+ j)0 . . . 0 . . . 0


. . ....

. . ....

0 . . . 0 . . . 00 . . . DxkVk(xk) . . . 0


. . ....

. . ....

0 . . . 0 . . . Dxk+ jVk+ j(xk+ j)(E4) I . . . I . . . I(E5) 0 . . . 0 . . . 0



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The matrix B of derivatives with respect to y is


yk . . . yk+ j . . . ym

0 . . . 0 . . . 0


. . ....

. . ....

0 . . . 0 . . . 0D2

ykykVk(yk) . . . 0 . . . 0...

. . ....

. . ....

(E2) 0 . . . D2yk+ jyk+ j

Vk+ j(yk+ j) . . . 0...

. . ....

. . ....

0 . . . 0 . . . D2ymym

Vm(ym)−DykVk(yk) . . . 0 . . . 0


. . ....

. . ....

0 . . . −Dyk+ jVk+ j(yk+ j) . . . 0(E4) 0 . . . 0 . . . 0(E5) I . . . I . . . I


Finally, the matrix C of derivatives with respect to the remaining variables is


p . . . λk . . . λk+ j q . . . µm

−I . . . 0 . . . 0 0 . . . 0...

. . ....

. . ....

.... . .

...(E1) −λkI . . . −p . . . 0 0 . . . 0

.... . .

.... . .


. . ....

−λk+ jI . . . 0 . . . −p 0 . . . 00 . . . 0 . . . 0 −I . . . 0...

. . ....

. . ....

.... . .

...(E2) 0 . . . 0 . . . 0 −µk+ jI . . . 0

.... . .

.... . .


. . ....

0 . . . 0 . . . 0 −µm . . . −q0 . . . 0 . . . 0 0 . . . 0


. . ....

. . ....

.... . .

...0 . . . 0 . . . 0 0 . . . 0

(E4) 0 . . . 0 . . . 0 0 . . . 0(E5) 0 . . . 0 . . . 0 0 . . . 0


We now show that the rows of the matrix (ABC) are linearly independent. That is,consider an arbitrary linear combination of the rows which is equal to 0. Denote


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the vectors of scalar multipliers corresponding to (E1)–(E5) by wi, zi, αi, a, and b,respectively. We must show that all multipliers are zero.

From the columns corresponding to the derivatives with respect to xi we get


Vi(xi)+ aI = 0, for i < k; (8)


Vi(xi)+ αiλi p+ aI = 0, for i ≥ k. (9)

As λ1 = 1, the column corresponding to the derivative with respect to p yield

k+ j


λiwi = 0. (10)

Finally, from the derivatives with respect to λi we get pwi = 0 for i ≥ 2. This, and(10) implies

pwi = 0, for all i ∈ I. (11)

Now multiply from the right both sides of (8) and (9) by wi, and use (11). Thisyields wiD2

xixiVi(xi)wi + awi = 0. Then

k+ j




Vi(xi)wi + λiawi

i= 0. (12)

Now (10) and (12) imply that ∑k+ ji=1 λiwiD2

xixiVi(xi)wi = 0. However, since D2


is negative definite it follows that wiD2xixi

Vi(xi)wi < 0 if wi = 0. Thus, wi = 0 fori = 1, . . . ,k + j. Now equation (8) immediately implies that a = 0. Equation (9)therefore implies

wi = −αiλi pD2


−1. (13)

Thus, we get −αiλi pD2


−1p = 0, when we multiply both sides of (13)

from the right with p, and use (11). Note that pD2


−1p < 0 because p = 0.

Thus, αiλi = 0. Because λi = 0, we therefore get αi = 0.Similarly, we can prove that zi and b are zero. Thus, the matrix of deriva-

tives of (E1)–(E5) has full rank. Because there are m− 2 more equations thanunknowns, the set of solutions is therefore a m− 2 dimensional manifold. ThusbdU(S)∩ bdU(T )∩Rm has dimension m− 2. Consequently, bdU(S)∩ bdU(T )has dimension n−2.

Proof of Lemma 3. First, note that we can assume without loss of generalitythat the information an agent receives from observing the endowment realization


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is also contained in the signal. Formally, let ωi, ω′i ∈ Ω with ei(ω) = ei(ω′). Then

π(φi = ω|ω′) = 0. We can therefore assume that allocations in the incompleteinformation economy depend only on all signals φ = (φ1, . . . ,φn) but not on ω.

Now let x be a feasible allocation of the complete information economy. Wedefine an allocation x of the incomplete information economy as follows.

If φ = (ω, . . . ,ω) then xi(φ) = xi(ω). If φ = (δ−i(ω),ω′), for ω′ = ω thenxi(φ) = 0 and x j(φ) = x j(ω)+(1/(I−1))xi(ω). Finally, for all other signal profileslet xi(φ) be the agent’s endowment ei(ω).

We now show that x(φ) is incentive compatible given prior πk for all sufficientlylarge k. That is, we must show that


uiω, xi(φ−i,φi)




uiω, xi(φ−i,φ′i)

dπk(ω,φ−i|φi). (14)

If k → ∞ then πkω,φ−i

φi) converges to 1 if φ−i = δ−i(φi), φi = ω, and to 0 oth-erwise. Let ωi = φi. Then the lefthand side of (14) converges to ui(ωi, x(δ(φi))) =ui(ωi,xi(ωi)). The righthand side of (14) converges to ui(ωi, x(δ−i(φi),φ′i)) =ui(ωi,0). Because xi(ωi) > 0 and ui is strictly monotone, it follows that



uiω, xi(φ−i,φi)

dπk(ω,φ−i|φi) = ui(ωi,xi(ωi))

> ui(ωi,0) = limk→∞


uiω, xi(φ−i,φ′i)


Thus, for each i ∈ I and φi ∈ I there exists Kiφi > 0 such that (14) holds for allk ≥ Kiφi . Because the number of states and agents is finite, we can find K > 0 suchthat (14), and hence incentive compatibility holds for all k ≥ K and all φi.

Because limk→∞ πk = π and x(δ(ω)) = x(ω) we get


Zui(ω, xi(ω,φ))dπk(ω,φ) =

Zui(ω,xi(ω,φ))dπ(ω,φ) = Vi(xi).

Thus, we can define the sequence of allocations as follows: Let xk = x for all k ≥K;and let xk be an arbitrary incentive compatible allocation for k < K. This provesthe Lemma.

Proof of Theorem 2. We first show that the core has dimension n− 1. Moreprecisely, the core contains a set which is homeomorphic to an open subset ofRn−1.


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Because utility is strictly concave, the function ψ(x) = (V1(x1), . . . ,Vn(xn)) isa homeomorphism between Pareto efficient allocations and U(I). By assumption,there exists a strict core allocation x. Let u = ψ(x) be the corresponding vector ofutilities. Then by the definition of a strict core allocation u /∈U(S) for all S I.

Now recall that U(I) has dimension n− 1, i.e., it is homeomorphic to a setcontaining an nonempty open subset of Rn−1. Since u /∈ U(S) for all S = I andsince the sets U(S) are closed it follows that there exists a neighborhood W (u) ofu in U(I) with W (u)∩U(S) = /0 for all S = I. Thus, W (u) is homeomorphic to asubset of the set of core allocations. Because W (u) has dimension n− 1, the corehas dimension n−1.

Now define N =S

S =T ;S,T =I bdU(S)∩bdU(T ). By Lemma 2, N is a closed setof dimension at most n−2. Let N = ψ−1(N). Then the intersection of N with theset of core allocations has at most dimension n−2.

Let C be the set of all core allocations y with ψ(y) /∈U(S) for all S = I. Let xbe a core allocation with x /∈ N. We now show that x is in the closure ofC.

Assume that x /∈ C. Then u = ψ(x) ∈ U(S) for a coalition S = I. We nowconstruct a sequence of allocations xk, k ∈ N in C that converges to x.

Let xk, k∈N be a sequence of Pareto efficient allocations that fulfill limk→∞ xk =x and Vi(xk

i ) > Vi(xi) for all i ∈ S. Then uk = ψ(xk) /∈U(S). In order to show thatxk ∈ C for sufficiently large k, it is remains to prove that uk /∈U(T ) for all T = I.

Assume by way of contradiction that uk ∈ U(T ) for a coalition T = I for alllarge k. By construction T = S. Because U(T ) is closed, u ∈U(T ). Because x isa core allocation, it follows that u ∈ bdU(T ). Moreover, by assumption u ∈U(S)and hence u ∈ bdU(S). This, however, is a contradiction to x /∈ N.

It now remains to prove that every core allocation x /∈ N is the limit of incentivecompatible core allocations of incomplete information economies. Because the setof limit points of sequences is closed, it is sufficient to provide a proof for all x∈C.

For any consumption bundle y, let Vki (yi) =

Rui(ω,yi(ω,φ))dπk . Let x ∈ C. By

Lemma 3 there exists a sequence of Bayesian incentive compatible allocations xk,k ∈ N for the incomplete information economies πk, k ∈ N with limk→∞ V k

i (xki ) =

Vi(xi) for all agents i ∈ I. We show that one can assume xk to be constrained Paretoefficient5 for all k.

If xk is not constrained Pareto efficient, choose a constrained Pareto efficientallocation xk with V k

i (xki ) ≥ V k

i (xki ) for all i ∈ I. Then because of compactness,

xki , k ∈ N has subsequences that converges. By slight abuse of notation we de-

note this subsequence again by xki , k ∈ N. Let x be the limit. Clearly, Vi(xi) =

limk→∞V ki (xk

i ) ≥ Vi(xi). However, since x is Pareto efficient and because utility is5That is, there does not exist another incentive compatible allocation that makes all agents weakly

and at least some agents strictly better off.


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strictly concave it therefore follows that x = x. Hence, xk converges to x.It now remains to prove that xk is in the core for sufficiently large k. We pro-

ceed by way of contradiction. Without loss of generality we can assume that thereexists a coalition S that blocks xk for all k. Thus, for every k there exist yk withV k

i (yki ) ≥ V k

i (xki ) and ∑i∈S yk

i = ∑i∈S ei. By compactness we can assume withoutloss of generality that yk converges to an allocation y.6 Then ∑i∈S yi = ∑i∈S ei.Moreover, Vi(yi) = limk→∞ V k

i (yki )≥ limk→∞V k

i (xki ) = Vi(xi). Thus, ψ(x) ∈U(S), a

contradiction to the assumption that x ∈C.

Proof of Theorem 3. The proof proceeds as follows. First, we construct aneconomy in which blocking by the two agent coalition 2,3 matters. We denoteby E the set of allocations that are blocked only by 2,3 but not by any othercoalition. In the economy that we construct, E has the same dimension as the core.The economy has also strict core allocations. Then we show that these propertiesare robust if we perturb agents’ utility functions. The perturbed economies haveutility functions that fulfill assumption A2. Finally, we use an argument similarto that of Theorem 2 to show that the set of limits of incentive compatible coreallocations contains E , and is therefore larger than the core.

To simplify notation in the proof, we will consider the core in the set of attain-able utilities rather than in the set of allocations. In particular, if U(S) denotes theset of attainable utilities of coalition S, then v is in the core if v ∈ U(I) but not inthe interior of any U(S).

We start by constructing the example economy.There are n ≥ 3 agents. Assume there are four states, ωi, i = 1, . . . ,4. The

argument immediately generalizes to any number of states greater than four. Thereis one consumption good in each state. Agents’ utility functions are given by

u1(ω,x) =

(√x if ω = ω1;

x otherwise;u2(ω,x) =

(√x if ω = ω2,ω3;

x otherwise;

ui(ω,x) =

(√x if ω = ω2;

x otherwise.for i ≥ 3

Each agent’s endowment in the four states is (a,a,a,b), where b≥ (n+1)a. Agentstherefore know at t = 1 whether state 4 has occurred. However, their informationabout states ω1, ω2, and ω3 is noisy. Note that state ω4 is included to make utility

6More precisely, define yki = yi for all i /∈ S. The resulting sequence is bounded by the feasibility

restriction for coalition S.


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functions quasilinear and to avoid boundary problems. Thus, for the case of com-plete information, the economy can be transformed into a game with transferableutility. In particular, the set of allocations for a coalition S where marginal ratesof substitution are equated have the property that agent i’s consumption is 1/4 instate ω if ui(ω,x) =

√x and there exists j ∈ S with uj(ω,x) = x.

Now normalize each agent’s utility function such that E[ui(ei)] = 0. Let z =a−√

a+1/4. Let m be the number of members of a coalition S. The payoff of anycoalition S with at least two members is then given by

(i) V (S) = (m+ 1)z if 1,2 ⊂ S;

(ii) V (S) = mz if 1 ∈ S but 2 /∈ S;

(iii) V (S) = z if 2 ∈ S but 1 /∈ S.

The payoff of any single agent coalition is 0. Let v = (v1, . . . ,vn) be an allocationof agents’ expected utilities. Let D be the set of all v that fulfill the followingconditions.

v1 > (n−1)z, v2 > z, v j > 0, for all j, and ∑ni=1 vi = (n+1)z. Then D is a subset

of the core. In fact, D contains only strict core allocations, because∑i∈S vi > v(S)for all v ∈ D, and for all S I. Moreover, because D has dimension n−1, the corehas full dimension n−1.

Let E be the set of all v that fulfill the following conditions.v1 = 4z − t1, v2 = t2, v3 = t3, v j = z− t j, for j ≥ 4, ti > 0 for all i, t1 < z,

∑ j =2,3 t j < z, and t2 + t3 = ∑ j =2,3 t j.Note that E has dimension n− 1. Moreover, none of the allocations in E is

in the core, because they can be blocked by coalition S = 2,3. In particular,v(2,3) = z. However, since ∑n

j =2,3 t j < z it follows that v2 + v3 < z. Thus,2,3 can block. Also note that 2,3 is the only coalition that can block. Infact, ∑i∈S vi > v(S), for all coalitions S = I,2,3. That is, all allocations of util-ities in E are strict in the sense that the same utilities cannot be obtained for itsmember by a coalition S = I,2,3.

Because agents’ consumption is strictly greater than 0 in all states, we canmodify agents utility function such that all agents’ marginal utility at 0 is infinitein all states. We now perturb the utility functions.

Let ε > 0 be arbitrary. Consider the set Uε of all utility functions for the nagents ui, i = 1, . . . ,n with

ui(ω,x)− ui(ω,x) < ε for all ω ∈ Ω, i ∈ I and for all

0 ≤ x ≤ ∑i∈I ei. Clearly, Uε contains preferences which are strictly concave. Thus,the conditions of Theorem 2 are fulfilled for such preferences. Let U(S) andU(S)be the set of attainable utilities generated by ui and by ui, respectively. Then U(S)and U(S) will differ by less than ε. That is, let v ∈ U(S) be arbitrary. Then there


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exists v ∈ U(S) with ‖v− v‖ < ε. Similarly, for all v ∈ U(S) there exists v ∈U(S)with ‖v− v‖ < ε.

Let v ∈ D. Then as shown above v /∈ U(S) for all S I. Now choose ε <(1/2)dist(x,U(S)). Let Wε(v) be an ε-neighborhood of v. Then v′ /∈ U(S) forall v′ ∈ Wε(v), where U(S) is generated by utility functions u ∈ Uε. The coreof the economy with utility functions ui therefore contains all v ∈ bdU(I) withv ≥ v′ for some v′ ∈ Wε(v). Thus, v /∈ U(S) for all S I. Thus, there exist strictcore allocations in the perturbed economy. As a consequence, the core has fulldimension n−1.

Similarly, we can pick v ∈ E and prove that there exists a neighborhood Wε(v)such that v ∈ bdU(I) and v /∈U(S) for all S = I,2,3.

Now pick utility functions in Uε that fulfill the assumptions of Theorem 2.Let v ∈ E , and v be a vector of utilities generated by a Pareto efficient allocationx with v ≥ v′ for some v′ ∈ Wε(v). Note that the set of all such allocations x hasdimension n− 1. Moreover, x is not in the core as it can be blocked by coalitionS = 2,3. It thus remains to show that x is nevertheless the limit of utilities ofincentive compatible core allocations.

Let πk → π such that agents 2 and 3 are not completely informed about statesω1, ω2 and ω3, i.e., πk

φk = ωi

ω j

> 0, for i, j = 1,2,3 and k = 2,3. We nowproceed as in the last part of the proof of Theorem 2.

Lemma 3 implies that there exists a sequence of Bayesian incentive com-patible allocations xk, k ∈ N for the economies with priors πk, k ∈ N such thatlimk→∞


i (ω,φ))dπk = Vi(xi). Again, one can assume that xk is constrainedPareto efficient.

Now suppose there exists a coalition S that can block xk. Than as in Theorem 2one can conclude that S can block x. Thus, S = 2,3. In order to prove that xk

is an incentive compatible core allocation, it therefore remains to prove that 2,3cannot block xk for all sufficiently large k.

In order for agent 2 and 3 to improve through trade and receive an allocationclose to x, agent 2 must make a transfer to agent 3 in state ω3 which is strictlylarger than the transfer in the other states. Thus, similar to Example 2, the tradesare not incentive compatible. Agent 2 is better off reporting s = ω1 if s = ω2 or ω3

has occurred. Similarly, agent 3 is better off reporting ω3 when ω2 has occurred.Thus, the resulting allocation is not incentive compatible and agents 2 and 3 cantherefore not block. Hence x is a limit of incentive compatible core allocations.


Page 25: Core Concepts in Economies where Information is Almost Completeskrasa/Core.pdf · Core Concepts in Economies where Information is Almost Complete Stefan Krasa and Wayne Shafer∗


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