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lfe’ a  Beach! coron  www.two2travel.com

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lfe’ a


coron www.two2travel.com

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coron  part of Two2Travel’Lfe’ a Beach ere.

lfe’ a

 Beach! www.two2travel.com

An isLAnd orth of mala Palawa, Coro

a kow hpwreck vg te. dvg

ethat rave over the Worl War ii

hpwreck ereath t water, bt trch mare lfe—oe of the mot vere

the Phlppe—gve experece

wmmer a chace at a blockbter

erwater experece all the ame.

A to th echatg boat re that take

yo throgh towerg kart a la

wth beatfl whte a beache, all

of whch make yo wh yo col ‘lve

here forever’, a oe Hollywoo tar

recetly remarke, referrg to oe of

Palawa’ eqally beglg la.

coron To experience all the goodness of   Coron, you have to get wet, because  all the action happens underneath.

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Getting There 

Getting Around 

Fly rectly from Mala to Baga throgh

ay of the for major Phlppe arlecompae: Arphl Expre, Ceb Pacfc,

Phlppe Arle, a Zet Arway.

Hop o a va from the Baga Arport toCoro tow proper 30 mte away. staar

fare P150 each. Ejoy weepg lacapealog the way, eogh to ecorage yo toret a motorcycle a go back to ome of

t mot cec pot, jt lke we .


navgate throgh the tow’ hlly terraa throgh the cotrye, ejoyg

fte expae of gree a ble,pl rollg hll all aro for P500.

BY TRiCYCLEPalawa’ trcycle ca comfortably ft fve

paeger. Ak yor frely trke rverto take yo to earby pot for P10 each.


Oce yo’re Coro’ tow proper,gettg aro the etablhmet byfoot, from retarat to over hop

to the market, wol be eay. There arealo everal bak wth ATM a well acorer ervce for emergecy ee.

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Hoppg o a motorcycle gve yo rewar lke th: a eerteroa wth oly the mota a the occaoal cow for compay.

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Mot hotel offer tow package tor. dtchthat a go to yor ow o-ge tor for P500a ee how far yor waerlt ca take yo.

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Clmbg Mot Tapya o eay feat.At more tha 700 tep, th ’t for the

fat-hearte. Gog ow wth hakgkee ’t a walk the park ether.

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start clmbg jt before et, a th

vew wll greet yo whe yo reach the peak.

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 And now,

 for the main course.

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Yo ca’t have goe to Coro a ot haveorkele. That’ lke gog to Boracay

wthot wmmg at Whte Beach, or gogto Ceb wthot at leat tatg lecho.

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ila hoppg ee ot be o the teep e. Yo ca havea whole ay’ oe of , a, a ea for P750, a meet

other lke-me traveler alog the way.


Kayaga Lake, Tw Peak, Atwaya Beach, CYC Beach, &

Tw Lagoo

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 kayangan lake The cleaet lake the cotry, Kayaga a 10-mte

hke p a lmetoe clff, whch mea yo’re gogto be wmmg o top of oe of thee hge toewoer that have become yoymo to Palawa telf.

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The vew that grace mot Coro potcar fo halfway throgh the clmb to Kayaga Lake.

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 atwayan beach A mall la wth a vtg beach that’ alo

goo for orkelg, Atwaya yor perfect pttop for a whole ay of la hoppg. it haa pot for beach volleyball a everal cottage

for that perfect eae lch. droolg yet?

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 atwayan beach 

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cyc beach Yo ca leave yor lfe vet o the boata walk the 10 meter of hallow water

leag to th ty patch of beach,whch alo home to a mokey a a cat,who appeare to be the bet of fre.

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 twin lagoon 

swm whle rroe wth towergkart oe of the two lagoo,acceble va a crevce or a par of

makehft laer rg hgh te.

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 icing on the cake word from the wise: completely optional 

 and more.

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THE Calat ila Game Preerve & Wllfe sactary home to graffe, zebra, wlboar, the eemc Calama eer, a other pece of amal, all of whch are free-rage.

Havg bee traporte from Keya the 1970 to ave ther mhg

poplato, thee amal have ce e ot the la, bt ot aftergvg brth to thoe freely roamg aro the 220-hectare game preerve toay.A oe of the caretaker wol pt t, the amal Calat toay are all Afrca-Pinoy.

if yo thk zoo are overrate, th oe excepto.

P.s. it’ ot a zoo.

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Getting There  ROuTE: COROn - BuLuAnG - CALAuiT


Travel tme: 2 horCot: P2,600* per pero for a

mmm of 5 

 VAN. Travel tme: 2 hor

Cot: P2,300* per pero for ammm of 5


Travel tme: 3 hor

Cot: P150 per way


Travel tme: at leat 2 horCot: P500 for retal; P500 for


*rate are bae o CoroGaler’ package tor, where we

avale of or la hoppgpackage. For more fo, vt



Take the boat f yo wat cecvew of magrove a lmetoeclff.

Pblc be leave for new

Baga at 11 AM a 2 PM fromCoro. From new Baga, hre

a habal-habal or motorcycle totake yo to Blag ome 15mte away.

Take the motorbke f yo’re

the avetro type wthample experece rg a

bke throgh teep lope.

Hre a motorbke from

Boyet’s (mply ak aroCoro where h hop .

Everyboy kow everyoe ot’ ot ffclt to look

for hm).

if yo’re takg the

motorbke, yo ee to gap (fll tak) at leat

twce to cover the rotrprote. Fel p Coro,

salvaco, a new Baga.

do’t take off at ght o

yor ow ce the roa’fal tretch ha the

teepet lope, wth ohoe or lamppot. Brga map, or make re yor

GPs workg offle (ocellphoe gal throghot

the rote).

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Boat from Blag to Calat

Travel tme: 5 mteCot: P400 ro trp per boat

Etrace fee (a of Feb 2012)P100


Tor trck hre (great f yo’re a bggrop; ca accommoate 20 people): P1000

Campg fee (there’ a orm-typeaccommoato the la. Th the

bet way to go f yo wat to be p aabot early the morg to ee the

amal grazg): P350 p to 7 people.

P100 for every pero exce

The bet tme to be Calat 5:30 to 7 AM, where amal come otto graze the ope. Later tha 7 AM, they all retreat to the hae,bt yo ca alway pot a pack or two eve a late a 11 AM.

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“Traveling is a brutality. It orces you to trust strangers and to lose sight o all that amiliarcomort o home and riends. You are constantly of balance. Nothing is yours except theessential things – air, sleep, dreams, the sea, the sky – all things tending towards the eternal

or what we imagine o it.” – Cesare Pavese

To the people who had helped us get back to our feet--literally--and carried our load when we most needed during this trip, thank you for being such a blessing. May the Universe reward your kind hearts a thousand times over.

March 2012

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 busuanga island, palawan, philippines 

coron & calauit 

lfe’ a



Thi photo e-book i trictly iteded for o-commercial purpoe.

All material foud i thi e-book are the origial creatio of sherwi G. Balletero & Paulie nikka A. Corio. 

a project of
