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    Marc J. Epstein


    This paper provides a review of the progress made in both academic literature

    and corporate practice over the last forty years. Although there has been an

    increase in the number of companies producing social and environmentalreports, the quality of the disclosures has not increased. Further, there is little

    evidence of progress in the integration of social and environmental impacts

    into management decisions. The paper provides suggestions on research

    needs to increase the integration of social and environmental impacts into

    management decisions and improve both the internal reporting and external

    disclosures and accountability of corporations.


    In recent years there has been a proliferation of academic and managerial

    publications concerned with the subject of social reporting and the integration of

    social, environmental, and economic impacts into managerial decision-making.

    This trend parallels a similar surge of interest in social accounting during the

    Advances in Environmental Accounting and Management

    Advances in Environmental Accounting and Management, Volume 2, 129

    Copyright 2004 by Elsevier Ltd.

    All rights of reproduction in any form reserved

    ISSN: 1479-3598/doi:10.1016/S1479-3598(03)02001-6


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    1970s; it reflects a renewed academic and corporate concern for principles

    of corporate social responsibility. To the potential detriment of its longevity,however, this sense of responsibility has not as yet been fully integrated into

    corporate decision-making. In the 1970s this lack of integration resulted in a

    failure to bring about enduring and substantive social impacts. Thus, the present

    context begs the question: Will the current discourse engender lasting changes in

    corporate action or will these progresses simply dissipate as in the 1970s?

    This paper reviews and reflects on the development, current state of the art, and

    future prospects for the identification, measurement, and reporting of corporate

    social impacts. It provides insights into the developments that occurred over

    the last four decades, describing the path that social accounting1 has taken and

    examining the reasons for that path. It investigates the organizational barriers

    that were created and the impacts of the organizational environment on social

    accounting development. Additionally, a research and management program to

    improve the implementation of social accounting in corporations is provided.

    This investigation is based on reviews of both the academic and managerial

    literature and extensive field research by the author throughout this period. Other

    recent reviews of the development of social accounting include Mathews (1997),

    Woodward (1998), and Gray (2001).

    This paper is also based on the authors extensive involvement in the develop-

    ment of social accounting in both academia and business over the last thirty years

    in both the United States and Europe. Though I have engaged in an earnest attempt

    to be objective, my extensive involvement has certainly impacted my views of

    these developments. Though beginning my research in the area in the late 1960s

    and writing in the early 1970s, my role as both an external consultant and as a full

    time employee as Director of Social Measurement Services at Abt Associates,

    Inc. during the 1970s has certainly impacted my understanding of the early

    developments. Abt Associates, as discussed later in this paper, produced social

    audits for their own annual reports and for both internal and external reports for

    many clients. I was involved in most of those activities and directed the social auditefforts. I have also been involved in research and consulting in the identification,

    measurement, and reporting of social, environmental, ethical, and economic

    impacts in for profit and not-for-profit entities for more than thirty years with both

    North American and European based companies. My books and articles (some of

    which are referenced in this paper) reflect some of my thoughts and experience

    along with reporting on extensive field, survey, and other research. Though much

    of the popular press has suggested that the increased social disclosures reported

    by companies is significant, I see little evidence that in many cases it is much more

    than public relations or that it has fundamentally changed the organizations cul-ture, concern for social issues, and social performance. Further, though European

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    The Identification, Measurement, and Reporting of Corporate Social Impacts 3

    based companies have a higher level of social disclosures than North American

    companies, I have seen little evidence that they integrate social and environmentalimpacts into either operational management or capital investment decisions to any

    greater extent. Globalization and the global capital markets have caused the con-

    cern for shareholder value to be preeminent. Companies are focused on short term

    earnings to meet financial markets expectations and many companies are reluctant

    to invest in social and environmental improvements that have a speculative long

    term gain when other investments have a more identifiable short term profit. Social

    and environmental managers have largely been unsuccessful in convincing their

    leaders that there is a payoff from social investments especially when budgets

    are tight. Neither academic researchers nor corporate managers have provided

    Fig. 1. The Stages of Evolution in Social Accounting.

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    enough compelling measurements, analysis, and justifications to convince CEOs

    to allocate the necessary funds to make significant improvements in corporatesocial performance.

    Although many observers have presented optimistic views of current devel-

    opments in corporate social accounting (ACCA, 2001; Watts & Holme, 1999),

    others in increasing numbers are concerned whether the changes in corporate

    culture and disclosure are (a) institutionalized and (b) likely to be maintained.

    This paper recommends caution for those optimistic views, arguing that despite an

    increase in the quantity of companies that provide social disclosures, the quality

    of those disclosures has not improved, nor have companies integrated social and

    environmental information into managerial decision-making or institutionalized

    it sufficiently to change corporate culture. Ultimately, then, increased social

    disclosures may have improved corporate accountability but may not have

    improved social and environmental performance. Using an historical perspective,

    this paper analyzes both recent and prior developments from 1960 to the present,

    which can be broken down into five stages (Fig. 1).



    CONTRIBUTIONS IN THE 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, AND 1990s

    Stage 1 19601969 Antecedents of Social Accounting

    During this stage, the focus in both academic research and managerial practice was

    primarily on the evaluation of government sponsored social programs and their

    contributions to social welfare. Social science measurement techniques, including

    those developed for the evaluation of military efficacy, were refined and applied to

    social programs. This was accompanied by increased academic and government

    emphasis on both the efficiency and effectiveness of government spending (Dunlap& Catton, 1979). Attempts to broadly define and measure the growth and improve-

    ment in societal wealth and welfare were often included in discussion under the

    rubric of social accounting (Terleckyj, 1970; U.S. Dept of H.E.W., 1970).

    This occurred within a context of significant community pressures and protests

    of various corporate and government activities. Corporations were challenged on

    issues such as the manufacture of weapons, environmental emissions, civil and

    human rights practices, community contributions, and employee diversity (Boyer,

    1984; Hammond, 1987). The role of corporations in society became an issue of

    concern, and corporate leaders began making it an important point of discussion.Incongruously, significant discussion did not equate to significant action, despite

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    The Identification, Measurement, and Reporting of Corporate Social Impacts 5

    the development of many tools for implementation of programs intended to ensure

    corporate social responsibility (Wilson, 2000).

    Stage 2 19701977 Birth and Initial Development of Social Accounting

    Many of the current developments in social accounting can be largely attributed to

    the contributions of Ray Bauer, a Harvard management professor, and Dan Fenn,

    who coauthored The Corporate Social Audit (1972). Their work was based on

    extensive field research on the implementation of corporate social responsibility

    and the development of social audits. Also contributing to the genesis of the field

    were John Corson and UCLA professor George Steiner, who wrote Measuring

    Businesss Social Performance: The Corporate Social Audit(1974), a book based

    on a survey of corporate activities focused on evaluating social performance.

    Academic researchers and practicing accountants were also involved in the

    early developments of the field. The American Institute of Certified Public

    Accountants conducted a seminar on social measurement. Following the seminar,

    the institute formed a committee to investigate the potential role of accountants

    in the further development and evolution of social accounting. The committees

    report The Measurement of Corporate Social Performance: Determining the

    Impact of Business Actions on Areas of Social Concern (1977) presented exten-

    sive material on both measurement and reporting of social impacts, including

    areas such as customers, environment, nonrenewable resources, suppliers, and

    employees. It examined objectives, measures, and data collection. The American

    Accounting Association also established and published works related to the topic

    (AAA, 1975, 1976).

    The National Association of Accountants supported a field research study that

    examined social accounting at General Electric, First National Bank of Minneapo-

    lis, and Atlantic Richfield (Epstein et al., 1977b). The research also included a

    survey of corporate activities in this area and was part of a series of three studiessponsored by the NAA that also included an environmental study (Nikolai, Bazley

    & Brummet, 1976) and a human resources study (Caplan & Landekich, 1974).

    Other accounting academics and practitioners were also working on the

    development of models for the measurement of corporate social impacts. Estes

    (1973, 1976), Seidler and Seidler (1975), Linowes (1972, 1974), Epstein et al.

    (1977a, b), Dierkes and Bauer (1973), and Dierkes and Preston (1977) all provided

    early contributions with field studies, theoretical classifications, measurement

    frameworks, and reporting formats. Reports of both survey and field research in

    the application of social accounting to product and service contributions werereported in Epstein et al. (1977b).

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    In addition, numerous corporations advanced the development of social account-

    ing by implementing it within their companies. Most notable among these wereAbt Associates, First National Bank of Minneapolis, Eastern Gas & Fuel, Scovill

    Manufacturing, First Pennsylvania Bank, and Phillips Screw (see Epstein et al.,

    1976, 1977a, b). During this stage, much of the methodology for the social audit

    was developed, and over 100 such audits were conducted, many in consultation

    with Cambridge, Massachusetts based social science research and consulting firm,

    Abt Associates, Inc. In a few cases, complete social income statements and balance

    sheets were constructed. More often, data was aggregated to improve managerial

    decisions in a particular context, rather than attempting to fit it into a standard

    reporting format. Since the reports were customized for clients, some reports were

    distributed externally but more often they were for internal management evalu-

    ations only or for use with particular stakeholder groups. Many were developed

    for specific purposes, such as communicating more effectively with certain stake-

    holders and aiding managers with particular decisions. These included evaluations

    of potential facility locations and the impact of plant closure on community well-

    being, as well as the evaluation of product labeling practices, employee benefit

    programs, and the value of company products and services to the community. The

    reports also examined issues related to management control systems that could

    be used to systematize social responsibility in ways that might substantively link

    strategy to action.

    Social accounting was the mechanism by which senior executives intended

    to implement various strategies for social responsibility. During this stage, new

    techniques for measurement were developed and others from the social sciences

    were adapted, refined, and applied to the evaluation of corporate social impacts.

    Many of the techniques, based on economic, sociometric, and psychometric

    approaches, are still used today to evaluate the impacts of corporate products,

    services, processes, and activities on a companys various stakeholders.

    One of the most important developments was the work completed in the

    early 1970s at Abt Associates. Abt utilized a constituent impact approach toconstruct social income statements and social balance sheets for inclusion in

    its own corporate annual report and for many of its clients. Client social audits

    included evaluations of corporate social programs, broad evaluations of corporate

    social impacts, and evaluations of the impacts of both profit and not-for-profit

    organizations on society. Also, these social audits often included evaluations of

    the impacts of products, services, corporate social programs, and of corporate


    The social audit that was included in Abt Associates, Inc.s corporate annual

    reports in the early 1970s focused on reporting the impact of the company onits various stakeholders including employees, customers, the community, and

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    The Identification, Measurement, and Reporting of Corporate Social Impacts 7

    shareholders (Epstein et al., 1976). All items were reported in monetary terms

    and in a balance sheet and income statement format with extensive footnotes toprovide details on the measurements used for each of the line items.

    The social balance sheet included a subtraction of social liabilities from social

    assets to calculate societys equity in the social resources of the company.

    The social income statement reflected a netting of the social benefits and social

    costs of the companys activities on society. Abts reports also made progress by

    calculating the financial returns on social investments patterned after traditional

    corporate return on investment calculations. These practices reflected the com-

    panys belief that the financial earnings of the company are the result of both its

    financial and social assets.

    The academic literature in management also made progress in the identification

    and measurement of social and environmental impacts. Post and Epstein (1977)

    developed a framework for the development of a social accounting information

    system capable of continuous identification and monitoring of actual social

    demands and public expectations.

    One of the more interesting European implementations of social accounting was

    the 1976 report by Grojer and Stark (1977) of the social performance of Swedish

    based Fortia Group. The authors discussed both the theoretical underpinnings

    of the model and a description of the implementation. Like the Abt report in the

    U.S., the Fortia report looked at constituent impacts and examined the return that

    various stakeholders (including employees, shareholders, and the community)

    received from the company. In addition to the monetary measurements, the

    authors included descriptive discussions of those items they believed could not or

    should not be measured in monetary units. Consequently, unlike Abt, they were

    unable to calculate a social profit and loss. Nonetheless, the disclosures were

    substantial and provided more information than is typical of company reports


    Stage 3 19781986 Decline of Social Accounting

    During this period, government and businesses became increasingly focused

    on economic prosperity, relegating social concerns to the periphery. Thus, there

    was a lull in both academic development and corporate implementation (Purser

    et al., 1995). Those few still making progress discovered the transience of

    non-institutionalized changes as CEOs quickly eliminated programs, a purge

    reflecting both a primarily profit-driven corporate temperament and a failure

    to operationally integrate social accounting within corporate culture. Withoutinstitutionalized practices and protocol, social responsibility derives sustenance

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    from corporate focus, and when that focus shifted to profitability, preservation of

    these concerns could no longer be ensured. By early in this stage, the regressionwas so complete as to leave almost no evidence of social accountings progresses.

    Both academia and business seemed to have lost interest. Not until concern

    for improved management of corporate environmental costs increased did

    environmental accounting again become of significant interest (Bennett & James,

    1998a; Epstein, 1996b; Parker, 2000a, b).

    Also, external support and demand for information on environmental and social

    impacts declined, and by consequence, companies perceptions of the need for

    additional accountability to the public also declined. There was no systematic

    and organized measurement and reporting framework developed that would

    provide continuous support and acceptance of social accounting and no grassroots

    support for the external reporting of social impact information by external stake-

    holders. Thus, with insufficient internal impetus and waning external demand

    for the continued supply of information, corporate interest in the identification,

    measurement, and reporting of environmental and social impacts subsided.

    In academia, social accounting was not accepted as a discipline by the

    academic establishment, thereby depriving institutional support to those who

    would contribute research but needed to obtain tenure and promotion at their

    institutions. Not until the development in 1976 and increasing importance of

    Accounting, Organizations, and Society was there a respected outlet for research

    contributions in this area. Also, due to the decline in industrial support, some

    researchers lost sites for field visits and data for empirical studies.

    Stage 4 19871998 Revival of Interest in Social Accounting

    Although a marked burgeoning within the environmental movement may be

    traced to the first Earth day in 1970 (Dunlap & Catton, 1979; Freudenberg,

    1986), it was not until the late 1980s that social and environmental accountingcame again to the forefront. Significant environmental regulations enacted in

    the 1980s in conjunction with increased enforcement made companies recognize

    substantial environmental liabilities on their financial statements and required

    large expenditures for remediation of prior emissions. Numerous publications

    in both the academic and managerial press revealed the benefits of preventing

    negative environmental impacts rather than dealing with clean-up costs and fines

    (Berry & Rondinelli, 1998; Neu et al., 1998).

    In 1996, a major research study reporting the state of the art and best practices

    of corporate environmental management and accounting was published. EntitledMeasuring Corporate Environmental Performance: Best Practices for Costing and

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    The Identification, Measurement, and Reporting of Corporate Social Impacts 9

    Managing and Effective Environmental Strategy, the book reported the findings

    of the largest field research study ever conducted in this area (Epstein, 1996b).


    Although the study included a review of external reporting and auditing, it focused

    on the internal corporate systems and culture conducive to the implementation of

    effective social and environmental impact management strategy, structures, and

    systems. This book and numerous other contemporaneous developments directed

    attention to the field of social and environmental accounting, effecting its addition

    within the mainstream discourses of both managers and academics. Discussions

    about the ways in which social responsibility issues might be integrated within

    existing accounting and control systems and the appropriate breadth of stake-

    holder concerns included in the management decision-making process followed.

    Together, increased environmental regulation, mounting pressure from internal

    and external stakeholders, and a variety of both cost and revenue imperatives

    brought corporate environmental responsibility to the attention of managers and

    researchers alike.

    Professional accounting associations, academics, and other non-profit orga-

    nizations and industry associations also made significant contributions to the

    literature on both internal and external environmental accounting (Bennett &

    James, 1998a; CICA, 1993, 1994, 1997; Ditz et al., 1995; Epstein, 1996b; Gray

    et al., 1987, 1993; Ilinitch et al., 1998; Schaltegger et al., 1996; SMAC, 1995,

    1996). These contributions advanced the discussion of the state of the art and best

    practices, but the discussion was not accompanied by substantial improvements

    in corporate practice, nor did it lead to the advancement of theories, frameworks,

    or tools to identify, measure, and report social and environmental impacts.

    Also, there were few field based research projects that examined the corporate

    integration of social or environmental impacts into management decisions and

    their relation to both management accounting and management control until

    Epsteins study of corporate environmental performance in 1996. Even Epstein

    et al.s (1976) AOS article was primarily focused on external reporting. Though

    this was part of a major research project that did investigate the integrationof social and environmental impacts into management decisions generally and

    product and service contributions specifically and was funded by the National

    Association of Accountants (an association of management accountants), external

    reporting was the primary focus. That social accounting in the 1970s was

    directed towards innovative attempts to provide additional external disclosure

    of the impacts rather than institutionalization of these concerns into day-to-day

    management decisions is one explanation for this focus.

    Thus, Stage 4 was characterized by a proliferation of corporate environmental

    reports, most of which were intended for external rather than internal distribution.Some of the reports included extensive disclosures of environmental liabilities,

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    operating expenses, and capital expenditures, and others included detailed

    synopses of company programs aimed at the reduction of future environmentalimpacts. Some of the reports were also verified by environmental consulting

    firms or the companys independent auditors (Epstein, 1996b). Organizational

    structures evolved, decentralizing the function of environmental management

    to individual business units, thereby allocating environmental responsibility and

    performance expectations to all levels of management. This dramatic increase

    in environmental measurement and reporting and the concurrent evolution

    of environmental management was not, however, complemented by similarly

    significant advances in the measurement, reporting, and management of broader

    social impacts. More progress on these issues has been made during stage 5.

    Stage 5 1999Present Redevelopment of Social Accounting

    When the 1990s began there were few environmental reports produced, but as

    the decade progressed, hundreds of companies began producing corporate envi-

    ronmental reports. By the late 1990s an increasing number of companies began

    producing social or sustainability reports as substitutes for, or in addition to, their

    environmental reports indicating a shift back to broader social issues as companies

    have begun to determine that the analysis and integration of broader social impacts

    provides information necessary for improved decision-making by both internal and

    external stakeholders. A broad analysis of social impacts allows corporations to

    more accurately evaluate stakeholder needs and anticipate their responses, which

    then enables them to more effectively manage their relationships with the commu-

    nity and their customers, thereby driving increases in revenue. Additionally, the

    consideration of broad social impacts in day-to-day operational capital decisions

    can improve cost management. Leadership in external social reporting during this

    period was coming primarily from Europe, followed by North America, Australia,

    and Asia (Epstein, 1996b; Kolk, 1999; KPMG, 1999; SustainAbility, 2000).An increase in the number of social reports accompanied this shift in concern

    to broader social issues. The reports were often produced often under the rubric

    of sustainability, a broader framework than the predominately environmental

    perspective of the previous period. Public accounting and consulting firms

    began to offer services in this area with such titles as PriceWaterhouseCoopers

    reputation assurance (Peters, 1999) and KPMGs sustainability services.

    These services focused on reducing organizational risk by minimizing negative

    social impacts and enhancing reputation, and the reports often responded directly

    to corporate concern with determining the payoffs associated with specificinvestments in corporate social responsibility. Yet despite the growing number of

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    The Identification, Measurement, and Reporting of Corporate Social Impacts 11

    reports, the development of measurement and reporting frameworks still has not

    surpassed the progress made in the 1970s.



    Thus, although twenty-five years have passed since major developments occurred

    in the field during the 1970s, little progress has been made in social accounting. In

    1976, Epstein, et al identified seven classes of social reports: (1) internal reports;

    (2) external reports; (3) descriptive reports; (4) quantified reports; (5) monetized

    reports; (6) partial social accounting reports; and (7) comprehensive social

    accounting reports. Currently, these seven categories of social reports remain

    effective and, as was the case twenty-five years ago, very little activity exists

    in producing the comprehensive reports, which examine a broad range of social

    impacts and provide the most useful information for the effective management of

    the full scope of corporate impacts on both internal and external stakeholders.

    An examination of the coverage of social accounting in academic journals

    such as Accounting, Organizations and Society and Accounting, Auditing, and

    Accountability Journal provides insight into and a reflection on the developments

    in social accounting in both academia and industry. Beginning with Epstein

    et al.s (1976) article in its first issue, AOS published numerous articles on

    social accounting over the next few years. Most of these articles provided an

    examination of the disclosure of corporate social and environmental impacts, but

    these articles were focused primarily on the external reporting of these impacts

    rather than internal reporting and decision-making.4

    In many ways, a discussion of the reports analyzed in the current accounting

    literature is similar to the discussion of the state of the art and social accounting

    in the 1970s. The reports included discussions of intentions, concerns, policies,

    and results. Again, however, there is little evidence that this concern for socialor sustainability issues has been well integrated into the strategies, structures,

    systems, and cultures of the companies.

    The failure of social accounting, then, can be traced to the lack of insti-

    tutionalization of improvements in measurement and reporting for social and

    environmental impacts in either the organizations or the public. Without integra-

    tion of these impacts into routine management decisions, organizational change

    cannot be effective. In order for current developments in social accounting to be

    sustainable, it is necessary that the information such analyses provide be reported

    to both internal managers responsible for day-to-day operational decisions andexternal stakeholders who provide external accountability.

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    Notably, environmental issues appear to be better integrated into operational

    and capital decisions. Managers are expected to operate in environmentallyresponsible ways and make decisions that are consistent with this responsibility.

    Capital investment decisions typically require scrutiny and approval by envi-

    ronmental professionals. This is the result of extensive regulations, a decade of

    corporate concerns that are becoming more institutionalized, large liabilities that

    must be disclosed, and substantial cost savings from environmental improvements

    that are easier to both calculate and justify (Shrivastava, 1995).

    Still, social and sustainability disclosures are usually not widely distributed and

    are not typically written in such a way as to be useful to stakeholders. Ultimately,

    these disclosures appear in too many cases to be prepared for external distribution

    for public relations purposes rather and are not necessarily evident of integration

    and institutionalization of social and sustainability issues into corporate culture.

    Neither does it appear to be evident of concern for a more complete accountability

    to the diverse set of corporate stakeholders.

    The survival of interest in social reporting, however, requires that it not be

    focused primarily on external disclosure but rather that it operate as an integral

    part of a larger corporate and societal shift toward emphasizing the social roles of

    corporations. As part of this shift, corporate focus expands to include the recog-

    nition of multiple stakeholders in the corporate decision-making process. Social

    accounting cannot be constructed primarily to provide public relations material

    intended to placate community concerns but rather should be used to change daily

    decisions made within organizations (see Doane, 2000; Neu et al., 1998). Also,

    readers of social reports need to evaluate them to determine underlying changes

    in the corporations, managerial decision-making and corporate culture before

    assuming that lasting changes have been achieved.

    Of course, there are exceptions. Just as in the 1970s there were leaders in

    social reporting, there are leaders today. Still, there remains a significant amount

    of work that needs to be done by both managers and researchers to improve the

    identification, measurement, reporting, attestation, and management of corporatesocial impacts.

    Among the research contributions to the literature are recent collections of

    articles that provide an overview of some of the issues and developments in social

    accounting. These contributions include Bennett and James (1986b) collection

    of articles on management accounting issues related to the environment, their

    collection of articles on measurements for sustainability (Bennett & James, 1999),

    and Zadek et al.s (1997) collection related primarily to external disclosure of

    social impacts. More of these contributions are likely in the near future as this

    area continues its rapid development.

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    The Identification, Measurement, and Reporting of Corporate Social Impacts 13



    Much of the focus over the last decade, as was the case in the 1970s, has been

    on the measurement, reporting, and verification of social indicators for disclosure

    to external stakeholders. In an attempt to provide guidance and comparability

    to both information preparers and users, numerous organizations have promoted

    standards of social reporting as an attempt to satisfy various stakeholders needs

    and improve corporate accountability. Examination of these organizations and

    standards provides an understanding of both the state of the art and best practices

    in external social reporting.

    The ISO 14000 series of standards were published in 1996 to improve both

    environmental management and environmental performance (SMAC, 1998).

    They provide guidance for certification and improvement in such areas as

    performance evaluation, auditing, labeling, and life cycle assessments. The

    only standard subject to certification, ISO 14001 is a process standard, rather

    than a performance standard, and thus does not prescribe a minimum level of

    environmental performance. Rather, it describes a system that will ensure that

    companies can measure their environmental performance and it is hoped thatthis will lead to improved performance. This is in contrast with EMAS (Europes

    Eco-Management and Audit Scheme), which is a performance standard and

    requires minimum levels of environmental performance.

    In 1997, the Council of Economic Priorities established SA 8,000 (Social

    Accountability 8,000) as a standard focused on workplace conditions. An affiliated

    accreditation agency was established to develop and verify the implementation of

    the standards and to accredit firms to be external auditors. The Institute of Social

    and Ethical Accountability, founded in 1996 and based in England, has developed

    AA1,000 (Accountability 1,000) as a set of standards of practice for the externaldisclosure and verification of social, ethical, and environmental information.

    Another recent development is the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). Estab-

    lished in 1997 with the participation of numerous corporations, consulting firms,

    and non-governmental organizations, the GRIs mission is to design globally

    applicable guidelines for corporate sustainability reports. In the pilot phase, some

    companies used the GRI framework in their sustainability reports. The World

    Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), an industry coalition

    of 120 international companies based in Geneva, Switzerland, has made some

    progress in the development of frameworks to promote, measure, monitor, andmanage corporate sustainability.

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    The WBCSD has been rooted in the belief that performance in the social area is

    inevitably more difficult to quantify than commercial or even environmental per-formance (Watts & Holme, 1999). This is a view commonly held in industry and

    offers one explanation for the lack of progress in the measurement of social and en-

    vironmental impacts. Misconceptions about traditional accounting reports endow

    them with unrealistically high levels of precision and reliability, provoking expec-

    tations of similarly unrealistic levels of empiricism in social accounting. These

    expectations deprive corporate social accounting of numerical legitimacy and, by

    consequence, hamper the integration of social and environmental responsibility

    into day-to-day corporate decisions. Yet, social science techniques that provide

    reasonable estimates for social and environmental performance do exist. These

    measures, though requiring further development, nonetheless provide substantial

    and valuable information, which enables managers to more accurately evaluate the

    tradeoffs made in day-to-day management decisions. Thus, definitions of corpo-

    rate profit and performance need to be expanded to include the increase or decrease

    of welfare for all stakeholders due to corporate action, rather than the easily mon-

    etized impacts on financial stakeholders alone (Epstein & Birchard, 1999).

    A perpetually increasing demand for reporting to both internal and external

    stakeholders Epstein and Freedman (1994) has generated a market for numerous

    consulting firms who have developed practices around the measurement, reporting,

    attestation, and management of corporate social and environmental impacts. One

    such consulting firm, PriceWaterhouseCoopers has developed a framework, a prin-

    ciples matrix, and a set of effectiveness indicators for stewardship, environment,

    health and safety, and communication. Notably, the framework and the indicators

    are focused on the effect of social and environmental issues on corporate reputation

    (Peters, 1999). Arguing effectively for the relevance of social and environmental

    concerns to long-term stakeholder and shareholdervalue, London-based consulting

    firm SustainAbility has also developed a framework for the integration of these and

    economic concerns (Elkington, 1998). Recent research has focused on the impact

    of a reputation for social performance on stock price (Schnietz & Epstein, 2003).Additionally, in an attempt to develop standards of corporate social respon-

    sibility, the Social Venture Network published a set of nine principles in 1999,

    including: (a) global principles of corporate social responsibility; (b) a guidance

    document to more carefully articulate the components of the principles; and (c)

    a measures document that began to identify possible measures for each of the

    principles (SVN, 1999). The SVN project was intended to be the first phase of a

    major research project that observed the strengths and weaknesses of the strate-

    gies, structures, people, culture, organizational change efforts, and management

    control systems that are necessary for the successful implementation of corporatesocial responsibility. Though never completed, the work contributed to efforts to

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    The Identification, Measurement, and Reporting of Corporate Social Impacts 15

    change corporate priorities and formalize the identification, measurement, and

    reporting of corporate social impacts.The New Economics Foundations (NEF), a non-profit U.K. based organization,

    has focused much of its attention on the development of a framework and tools

    for social accounting. In Social Auditing for Small Organizations: A Workbook

    for Trainers and Practitioners (Pearce et al., 1998), NEF provided a guide to the

    internal integration of social impacts, the disclosure of those impacts to external

    stakeholders, and the verification of the measures and disclosures by independent

    auditors. The workbook provides both a framework for beginning to perform a

    social audit and guidance on the development of indicators and benchmarks for

    evaluation of performance.

    Ralph Estes, who contributed much to the early development of social ac-

    counting in the 1970s, has proposed The Sunshine Standards and The Corporate

    Accountability Act, the latter of which mandates the disclosure of more compre-

    hensive information sets to the public (Estes, 1996). Estes emphasizes the way in

    which traditional assessments of corporate performance have overemphasized the

    value of shareholders interests to the exclusion of other stakeholders interests,

    making accounting complicit in the irresponsibility of corporate behavior.

    Standard setters, in attempting to make these various standards operational, have

    sought to establish a standard set of disclosures and approach performance metrics

    that permit comparisons of corporate social and environmental performance

    across industries. Differences in company size, geographic diversity, complexity,

    and nature and level of environmental and social impacts of products and activities

    complicate this task. Nonetheless, a broad set of measures that successfully

    integrates social, environmental and economic impacts would greatly benefit

    both internal and external stakeholders. In response to the requests for input

    from the Global Reporting Initiative, a number of organizations including the

    New Economics Foundation and PriceWaterhouseCoopers have developed social

    indicators for use in the proposed external sustainability reporting guidelines.

    Another important recent development is the establishment of the Dow JonesSustainability Group Indexes in 1999. These include global indexes based on

    a systematic methodology that tracks sustainability performance and provides

    investors and companies a way to compare performance. Another company

    attempting to provide services to the investment community and corporate

    managers on sustainable performance is Innovest. With their tool, EcoValue21,

    the company tries to combine financial and environmental performance and

    exploit the risk migration and investment out-performance opportunities in

    the substantial but largely unrecognized differentials in the eco-efficiency of

    major industrial corporations. These all further the developments of probably thebest known of these indexes, the Domini Social Index, established in 1990 and

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    composite of 400 socially responsible corporations (Epstein & Birchard, 1999).

    These developments also relate to the increasing concern over the relationshipbetween social and environmental performance and financial performance.

    Though numerous studies and analyses of these relationships do exist in the

    literature (Aspen Institute, 1998; Blumberg et al., 1997; Margolis & Walsh, 2001;

    Zadek & Chapman, 1998), a clear relationship cannot yet be specified.

    Pertinent to the further development of social accounting is the development

    of the internet. Where previously prohibitive costs of collection and distribution

    stymied general access to environmental and social impact information, no

    such barriers currently exist. External stakeholders or companies could create

    uni-dimensional reports by stakeholder, facility or impact, or alternatively,

    aggregate the information into a total impact report with the provision of links

    to related and more detailed information. Thus, information can be easily posted

    and accessed, resulting in a broader forum of stakeholders involved in its analysis

    and able to ensure accountability. Increasingly, investors are demanding this

    information and its concomitant social accountability.

    However, a comparison of corporate annual reports, environmental reports, and

    sustainability reports from over 200 companies with those reported by Epstein

    et al. (1976) reveals little substantive progress. Although the quantity of these

    reports has increased dramatically since 1976, current reports are still inferior

    to Abts report of thirty years ago, containing fewer useful measures than some

    other reports from that time period. Furthermore, there is little evidence to show

    significant integration of a social and environmental concerns or a broad set of

    stakeholder interests into management decision-making or corporate culture.

    Prior research has shown that the levels of environmental disclosure and the

    level of environmental performance are often not highly correlated (Rockness,

    1985; Wiseman, 1982; also see Doane, 2000; Neu et al., 1998). Therefore, it is

    being suggested here that these are too often an exercise in public relations rather

    reflective of a deep concern for accountability and action.

    In order to ensure the continuation of the current interest in social accountingand further progress in the field, however, its developments must be integrated

    with the management accounting and control systems. Otherwise, the future of

    the field is likely to repeat its history, experiencing a surge of interest, as in the

    1970s, followed shortly by a decline, as in the 1980s.



    Increasingly companies are examining how to fit social and environmental issues

    into existing management systems. This often includes accounting systems like

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    The Identification, Measurement, and Reporting of Corporate Social Impacts 17

    activity based costing and strategic management systems like shareholder value

    analysis and balanced scorecard, which examine drivers of value in organizations(Epstein & Birchard, 1999; Epstein & Young, 1999). General managers achieve

    substantially better understanding and recognition of environmental and social

    impacts when they are measured in monetary terms since this allows them to

    integrate these concerns into operational and capital investment decisions and

    recognize where tradeoffs are necessary. Quantification in monetary terms also

    permits a more comprehensive understanding of impacts on various corporate

    stakeholders in both the short and long term.

    Life cycle assessment and life cycle costing are also being used in an effort to

    provide systematic evaluations of ultimate product responsibility during all phases

    of its life cycle, from product concept, material acquisition, R & D operations,

    manufacturing, customer use, to final disposal (Datar et al., 1997). Some commu-

    nity and environmental activists have been concerned that using economic value

    added or any other shareholder value metric acknowledges that shareholders are

    the primary stakeholders and denies the relevance of other potential stakeholders to

    management decisions. This particularly applies to those stakeholder impacts that

    are difficult to quantify and external impacts without clear methods of internaliza-

    tion. The most important issue, however, is that the identification and measurement

    of both the stakeholders and impacts must be broadened to encompass the impacts

    of capital investment decisions over the entire life of the investments, including

    product take back. Many companies currently do not consider broad life cycle

    impacts that will affect long-term corporate profitability (Epstein, 1996a; Epstein

    & Roy, 1997a).

    Thus, in order for social accounting to be an effective tool in sustainability,

    it must assess a wide range of stakeholder interests over the entire spectrum of

    product and service life, relating these issues directly back to profit over both

    the short and long term. This can be accomplished if the principles of corporate

    social responsibility and the processes of social accounting are fully integrated

    into corporate culture and management systems.




    The earlier discussion attributed much of the decline of social accounting in

    stage 3 of the evolution to the lack of institutionalization within organizations.

    Current organizational efforts to primarily improve managerial decisions relatedto social impacts and concerned with external disclosure secondarily may have

    more permanence. Using some of the newest measurement and management

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    systems, some companies have found that significant improvements can be made

    in the decision making process to improve both financial and social performance(Epstein & Wisner, 2001a; Wisner et al., 2002). However, many of these corporate

    systems are not widely promoted and are not tied to external disclosures, thereby

    inhibiting the realization of their full efficacy.

    Companies are nonetheless recognizing there are numerous opportunities

    to reduce negative environmental impacts and are adopting environmental

    management systems to improve their performances. Many are examining how

    these same approaches can be applied to broader social issues.

    In terms of structure, the corporate sustainability department is responsible for

    defining worldwide requirements and objectives and then measuring and reporting

    environmental performance. The central office has only a coordinating role, and in-

    dividual business units are responsible for developing their own programs to meet

    the established objectives. In the early stages of integrating this system, though,

    strong central management is necessary to both monitor and motivate performance.

    As companies search for ways to improve their performance, determining

    the best ways to thoroughly integrate these improvements into all parts of the

    company still causes difficulty. In order to improve this integration of social and

    environmental impacts into day-to-day management decisions, companies must

    tie the measurement and reporting of these impacts into the decision-making

    processes already in place. Further, these impacts must be measured and reported

    in financial terms and then integrated into the traditional investment models.

    To reduce the negative social impacts of corporate activities, the drivers of the

    costs and benefits must be analyzed. Understanding these drivers is necessary in

    order to better identify, measure, and manage social impacts. Epstein and Roy

    (2001) have developed a model to better understand the drivers of sustainability,

    considering both the drivers of sustainable performance and the sustainable

    drivers of financial performance, along with the development of appropriate

    measures (also see Epstein & Wisner, 2001b).

    The model (see Fig. 2) begins with corporate and business unit strategyand examines the various ways that a companys sustainability performance is

    determined. Among these are actions a company takes deriving from corporate

    strategy. There are various structures and systems the can be used proactively

    on issues of social concern. These could include a combination of the four

    levers of control described by Simons (1995) as boundary, belief, diagnostic, and

    interactive system. These systems and structures could also be developed out of

    strategy to impact sustainability performance or instead in a reactive mode to

    respond to the performance indicators before the stakeholders are impacted or

    see the impact. The available systems and structures could also include reactionsto stakeholder concerns through feedback loops that are created to improve

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    The Identification, Measurement, and Reporting of Corporate Social Impacts 19





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    management of these issues and that may be directed to altering strategy or

    specific actions affecting sustainability performance.The model can be used to measure sustainability performance in either

    monetary terms or other metrics related to financial performance. Equipped with

    an enhanced understanding of the drivers of social costs and benefits, managers

    should be able to make better decisions regarding the tradeoffs that consistently

    must be made where corporate products and activities may have a positive impact

    on one stakeholder and a negative impact on another. Additionally, the model

    facilitates the inclusion of both leading and lagging indicators of performance.

    More information related to the strategies, structures, systems, and culture that are

    in place might enable better predictions of future sustainability. The information

    should then be of interest to both internal and external stakeholders.

    One of the major disappointments of social accounting in the 1970s was the lack

    of institutionalization within corporate culture. This allowed these concepts to

    die within corporations as senior leadership changed and the pressures to increase

    profitability and pursue other interests mounted. Thus, institutionalization of

    the vision and mission within corporate systems and structures is absolutely




    Many have argued that a major impediment to the development of social and

    environmental accounting is the inability to measure impacts and performance in

    the same objective manner as financial accounting. Further, it is often argued that

    auditing of social and environmental information is hampered because standards

    of reporting have yet to be established and thus verification of reports cannot be

    accomplished as it can in the auditing of financial statements (Pruzan, 1998).Although generally accepted accounting and auditing standards have yet to be

    developed for the measurement and reporting of corporate social impacts, neither

    internal nor external reporting need be constrained. Economists for years have

    employed various techniques for translating human values into monetary terms to

    enable the evaluation of the performance of public and corporate social programs.

    Techniques like willingness to pay and contingent valuation methods have been

    used successfully in economics and can be used effectively in measuring social

    and environmental impacts of corporate actions. Thus, companies should be

    developing methods to improve internal reporting and decision making so as toimprove their understanding of the issues and improve long term profitability.

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    The Identification, Measurement, and Reporting of Corporate Social Impacts 21

    Further, government regulators (such as the SEC in the U.S.) establish regula-

    tions for minimum disclosures required of all publicly held companies. They do notspecify maximum disclosures, so companies should disclose any information that

    will aid shareholders and other stakeholders in better understanding the condition

    and performance of the company and permit forecasts of future performance.

    Numerous measures have been developed for use in social accounting (Epstein,

    1996b; Epstein et al., 1997a; Epstein & Birchard, 1999; Peters, 1999; SVN,

    1999). These often draw on existing social science measurement techniques

    based on economics, psychology, and sociology (Freeman, 1993; Mishan, 1971).

    Accounting researchers must be involved in developing these techniques further

    and demonstrating how they may be applied to existing corporate evaluations

    because neither managers nor academic researchers have made much progress

    in the accounting or management of corporate social impacts over the last 25

    years. They have not developed the techniques, reporting frameworks, or the

    systems and structures necessary to drive this through organizations. And if

    social accounting is going to provide relevance and reliability of information for

    management decisions, both internal and external reporting as well as systems

    for implementation of sustainability strategies must be improved.

    Managers need to better understand the drivers of success in organizations,

    but the traditional models of shareholder value do not sufficiently examine the

    interests of non-financial stakeholders. Broader analyses that cut across internal

    corporate functions, consider the interests of all stakeholders, and examine the

    drivers of long-term organizational success, are required (see Epstein & Birchard,

    1999; Epstein et al., 2000; Epstein & Roy, 2001). Improved measurement is

    required. Improved internal and external reporting is necessary. Organizational

    leadership that recognizes the importance of a broad sensitivity to long term

    impacts and the systems necessary to implement these concerns in organizations

    is also required. Better analysis of the value of organizational relationships and

    the linkages between internal and external drivers of success is also needed. The

    measurements and the drivers must be brought together as companies evaluateboth leading and lagging indicators of success.

    Thus, in evaluating corporate social performance, both lagging indicators of

    past performance and leading indicators of future performance related to the

    systems and structures in place to reduce future negative impacts are needed. This

    analysis is at the core of the work ofEpstein and Roy (2001) described above.

    Developing a Model for Implementing Social Accounting

    As a response to the issues discussed in this paper, Epstein and Birchard (1999)have developed a model to integrate the internal and external components required

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    Fig. 3. The Accountability Cycle.

    for implementation of social accounting for both internal decision making and

    improved accountability in organizations. In Counting What Counts: Turning

    Corporate Accountability to Competitive Advantage, Epstein and Birchard (1999)

    provide a framework for accountability that includes four primary elements (see

    Fig. 3):

    (1) Improved corporate governance;

    (2) Improved measurements that include operational and social measures of per-

    formance along with a broadened set of financial metrics that include both

    lagging and leading indicators;

    (3) Improved reporting to a broad set of internal and external stakeholders of infor-

    mation relevant to decisions. This begins with internal reporting to managers

    and the selection of various voluntary disclosures to supplement the manda-

    tory external disclosures that are currently the primary content of corporatereports; and

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    The Identification, Measurement, and Reporting of Corporate Social Impacts 23

    (4) Improved management systems to drive these improvements through corpo-

    rate culture and change the way managers make decisions to improve bothcorporate accountability and corporate performance.

    The book provides a framework for social accounting that integrates both internal

    and external reporting. It links all of the necessary elements to operationalize

    social accounting and provides, the mechanism to link social, environmental, and

    ethical concerns to financial performance. It provides a model for the integration

    of social concerns into day-to-day management decisions and does so in a format

    that examines the relevance of social issues to overall corporate performance.

    A new measure of corporate performance that supplements the lagging indi-

    cators that accountants have traditionally used with leading indicators is needed.This should include a broad recognition of those who have a stake in the equity

    of enterprises and the long term social impacts of companys products, services,

    and processes, so as to provide a comprehensive portfolio of a companys social

    and financial performance. Recognized stakeholders should include employees,

    customers, suppliers, and the community, in addition to financial stakeholders. By

    including these impacts in the measurement and reporting of an integrated measure

    of corporate performance and including the information in both internal and

    external reports and decisions, both corporate accountability and internal decisions

    related to the improvements of overall stakeholder value can be improved.

    The Next Step Current Needs

    In part, the failure of social accounting is due to the lack of an integrated model for

    both internal and external reporting and for the identification and measurement of a

    broader set of impacts and corporate performance. The model proposed by Epstein

    and Birchard is an attempt to rectify that failure and provide a broader concept and

    definition of the actions that lead to corporate accountability. They argue that theinternal reporting and external disclosures must be part of an integrated system that

    includes governance, measurement, reporting, and management control systems.

    Studies summarized in this paper have described the state of the art and best

    practices in the measurement and reporting of sustainability in both corporate

    practice and academic research. Both academics and corporations have further

    developed frameworks and techniques that can be uses to implement sustainability

    in order to reduce both corporate social impacts and improve accountability. How-

    ever, there remains much work to be done by managers, who must institutionalize

    the concern for sustainability and implement the structures and systems necessaryto support it. These must include improved measurement and integration into

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    day-to-day management decisions, including operating and capital decisions and

    performance evaluations.There is also substantial room for significant research contributions to both

    the theory and practice of corporate social accounting. Some of the current

    needs are:

    (1) Develop new techniques (and apply existing ones) for measuring social and

    environmental impacts;

    (2) Examine international differences in the state of the art and best practices in

    management of social and environmental impacts. Determine the causes for

    those differences and ways to improve corporate social and environmental

    performance;(3) Examine alternative frameworks for external reporting in corporate annual re-

    ports and sustainability and environmental reports. Determine the most useful

    measurement and reporting format for various external stakeholders;

    (4) Develop field research projects that test the success of various systems to

    identify, measure, monitor, report, and manage social and environmental

    impacts and determine the variables that drive success. Are these systems

    more successful in firms that are small/large, centralized/decentralized,

    global/locally adaptive, have high/low impacts, etc.?

    (5) Determine whether changing the information provided to managers issufficient to change their decisions or whether it is necessary to change their

    decision-making models in order to facilitate the consideration of social and

    environmental impacts. Must the management of these impacts be a part of

    the performance evaluation and incentive systems in organizations in order

    to bring them into managerial decisions?

    (6) Develop, refine, and apply models and techniques for the implementation of

    social accounting and sustainability strategies and the management of social

    and environmental impacts in organizations. Are the accounting and control

    systems different for managing these impacts?(7) Test the effectiveness of models such as the Epstein-Roy sustainability drivers

    model to both describe drivers of sustainability and financial performance to

    improve managerial decisions;

    (8) Examine the relationships of stock price and cost of capital to corporate social

    and environmental liabilities and performance.

    Through projects like these, accounting researchers can aid in the integration

    of social and environmental impacts into management decision-making and the

    implementation of corporate sustainability strategies. This can result in high

    quality academic research, improved management decisions, improved corporateprofits and reduced social and environmental impacts.

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    The Identification, Measurement, and Reporting of Corporate Social Impacts 25

    Now, as in the 1970s, many CEOs are describing their profound interest in

    providing greater benefits to the community. As aforementioned, too often this hasbeen either empty promises or an inability to deliver on the commitment. This is

    due to a lack of institutionalization and integration into day-to-day management

    decisions. If current activities are intended to be more than external reporting for

    public relations purposes, then they must be part of a comprehensive sustainability

    strategy that is driven through the organization.

    Having committed themselves to sustainability, many large companies and

    accounting researchers must now figure out how to use management accounting

    and control systems to implement the necessary changes. The development of

    social accounting may prove to be an excellent example of the importance of

    integration of governance, measurement, reporting, and systems and the critical

    importance of implementation and institutionalization in attempts to change

    organizational cultures, systems, and decisions. With reliance solely on external

    disclosures without internal integration, the social accounting of the 1970s

    was destined to fail. Likewise, without the institutionalization of governance,

    measurement, and reporting systems, current changes will not last.

    There is a significant amount of activity to develop various standards and

    improve indicators to identify, measure, monitor, and report social and environ-

    mental impacts to external stakeholders and to improve corporate accountability.

    This, however, is similar to the pattern of development in the 1970s, which did

    not lead to long-term success or the institutionalization of social accounting

    within industry or academia. As suggested earlier, an integration of the reporting

    to both internal and external stakeholders is required. Additionally, the linking

    of this reporting to a broader model of implementation that includes a broadened

    set of measures, improved corporate governance, and the uses of management

    systems to drive this through organizations is necessary (Epstein & Birchard,

    1999). Academic researchers can provide the frameworks and tools necessary to

    ensure that the academic and managerial developments of social accounting have

    more longevity and substance than those in the past.


    1. Despite more than twenty-five years of development in the field, terminology still lacksstandardization. Social audit, social accounting and accountability, social responsibilityreporting, social and sustainability performance measurement, and sustainability reportingare all terms used to describe the measurement and reporting of an organizations social, en-vironmental, and economic impacts, as well as societys impacts on that organization,

    including both positive and negative impacts. Corporate citizenship, social responsibility,accountability, stakeholder responsiveness, and sustainable development are all terms

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    used to represent the ways in which corporations, internal and external stakeholders,and society interact.

    2. In some cases the reports were descriptive and some quantitative. Measurements weresometimes in physical and other quantitative measures and some were monetized.

    3. The study reviewed the internal and external documents of over 100 companies andconducted visits and interviews at 35.

    4. For examples, see Lessem (1977) and Dierkes and Preston (1977).


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