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Corporate Training with Paul Terrell

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Corporate Training with Paul Terrell is a brochure introducing the personal development program called, Matrix Training, and the Sustainable Organisation Training called, The Flow Process.
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Personal Development MATRIX TRAINING Free your Mind Paul Terrell www.inversiontherapy.net 1 How to achieve Personal & Group Sustainability in a time of rapid change and new challenges. CORPORATE TRAINING September 2011 with Paul Terrell Group Training The Flow Process Free the Latent Creative Genius in your Company
Page 1: Corporate Training with Paul Terrell

Personal DevelopmentMATRIX TRAINING

Free your Mind

Paul Terrellwww.inversiontherapy.net


How to achievePersonal & Group Sustainabilityin a time of rapid changeand new challenges.


with Paul Terrell

G r o u p T r a i n i n g

T h e F l o w P r o c e s s

Free theLatent Creative Genius

in your Company

Page 2: Corporate Training with Paul Terrell

T h e F l o w P r o c e s s P a u l T e r r e l l


This guide offers an overview of a strategy, in 3 steps, called The Flow Process.

It is an integrated method we have designed to encourage and increase the flow of existing and latent creative energy in order to produce results on both personal and group levels.

This leads to increased effectiveness in a way that can be felt and measured in the benefits to the company’s bottom line and beyond.


“Flow in the workplace is where skill, leadership and group cooperation

meet challengesin a harmonious and creative way.”

G r o u p T r a i n i n g

T h e F l o w P r o c e s s

Free theLatent Creative Genius

in your Company

Page 3: Corporate Training with Paul Terrell


T h e F l o w P r o c e s s P a u l T e r r e l l

Step 1. Taking Personal Responsibilityfor the willingness to change, learn and grow as an individual. Changes on a corporate level are a reflection of changes at the personal level. We want to grow and develop in the workplace but there is a natural resistance to making changes in established routines, especially if they take time and effort.

This is why, acquisition of the practice, insights and values of step 1 of The Flow Process, on an individual level, are integrated into the practice of the group strategies acquired in...........

Step 2. Maintaining Sustainable Organisation.This step involves introducing into the normal business activities, a set of strategies and values that facilitate increased results and work flow. This reduces time and energy lost to internal competition for supremacy of ideas, dysfunctional culture, poor internal and external communication and stress.There is also little, if any, time lost to training as a separate activity as the strategies are fed into, experienced, practiced and learnt directly in normal business meetings and activities by way of facilitating and coaching.

Step 3. Quantum Leap.Once positive results are being experienced, the new strategies feel more intuitive for most of the members and more time and energy is available, then the leap to the new paradigm of co-creation can be made. This involves co-creating the new vision, values and strategies of the company taking advantage of the collective creative genius of all the members of the company.

This collective process empowers everyone and ensures that they are all singing the same song as regards:• Vision/Mission Statement/Goals,• Values• Organisational Structure and Process• Communication Skills and Strategies

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Integrity, Tolerance and Respect.

The Flow Process is a small family of tried and tested strategies that are simple to understand and use. In essence they seek to unlock the latent creative genius in the personnel of the company....all of them.

A one day introduction to the Flow Process by using it in an experiential way at a normal company meeting is sufficient for you to be able to judge the results.

New Inspiration.There are many reasons why the initial enthusiasm, passion and creative fire from the conception and early years of the company can lessen over time.• The founder was not able to inspire the new personnel,• The company grew so rapidly that the original vision got diluted or

forgotten,• Circumstances have changed sufficiently for the original vision and values

to be outdated, • Lacking a company education for new staff they imported and practiced

their own culture within the company,• Internal conflicts, stress, overwork, inefficiencies.

A company that can:• Resolves its existing areas of stuck, internal energy and old conflicts,• Document its vision/mission statement/goals and its values on a single A4

page,• Empower its staff to take personal responsibility for the success of the

whole company,• Raise the competence of its communication and listening skills ........

is unstoppable.

T h e F l o w P r o c e s s P a u l T e r r e l l

The Flow Process! ! is designed by us,! ! ! ! to empower you.

“Flow is what happens naturallywhen a sense of integrity, tolerance and respectpervades the processes of the organisation.”

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Ways to take advantage of The Flow Process

1.Ask for a Company Health Check.

Share with us an outline of the mission statement, structure and function of your company.We will give you an assessment of the potential for freeing up more productive and creative energy, and offer a strategy for doing so.

2. Ask for a one day taster of The Flow Process.

Invite us to be present at one of your regular company meetings, preferably the leadership group or board, and we will introduce you to the ‘energy circle strategy’. This can be used at one of three levels of formality: High, Medium and Low, depending on the agenda.

This will involve one or two of you being coached to facilitate the regular meeting using this strategy so you acquire the experience, and little time is lost to presentations or training.The session ends with a short evaluation and the answering of a short questionnaire to be able to assess the results of the session.2-4 hours.

The other half of the day will involve experiential learning of the basic communication tools starting with a presentation. This will be, preferably, with the same group as for the morning session. Numbers can be up to 40, but are normally around 5-20.

3. After 1 and/or 2 ask us to introduce the Flow Process throughout the company.We will prepare a strategy and time scale for implementation.

4. Developing existing flow skills and acquiring new ones.

5. Coaching. For particular Groups or Individuals.

6. Trouble Shooting. Conflict Resolution, Crisis Management.

7. Quantum Leap. Co-Creating the:• Vision/Mission Statement/Goals• Values• Organisational Structure and Process• Communication Skills and Strategies

T h e F l o w P r o c e s s P a u l T e r r e l l

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MATRIX TRAININGMatrix Training is a personal development program in modules for individuals, groups and businesses.

Part 1. Raising Perspective.

Starting at the individual level we check list our personal and professional skills, talents and experience as well as defining our limitations and areas we would like to optimise.

Using a rapid and effective form of personal enquiry we reveal the limiting programs we have been using subconsciously and transform them by altering our perspective.

From this new perspective we can more easily and effectively make new choices regarding our; health, relationships, effectiveness, confidence, vitality, etc....

Part 2. Discovering our multi-dimensional nature.

We do this through a process of investigating:our needs, our emotions ( what they are for, and how to use them for that purpose ), our power, our social skills, our intelligence, our beliefs ( and the attitudes, values, habits, prejudices and behaviour that arise from them ) and our personality.Then we investigate the possibility of an internal landscape beyond personality and the restrictions of the choice making, judgmental mind process.

Part 3. The Limits of Belief.

Using traditional methods for increasing mental focus we can explore and expand our ability to manifest our goals and visions to better serve ourselves and others.


MAT R I X T R A I N I N G P a u l T e r r e l l

Personal DevelopmentMATRIX TRAINING

Free your Mind

Page 7: Corporate Training with Paul Terrell

Paul Terrell, LLB., Bsc.,Workshop Leader, Trainer, Coach,

Consultant, Researcher,Musician and Therapist.

Founder of The School of Inversion Therapy.www.inversiontherapy.net

Corporate Training‣ Personal Development.‣ Group Development.

Talks & Seminars.



In the face of increasingly unsustainable consequences of many personal, business, social, political and environmental strategies..............

I believe we have come to that time in our development as human beings that we are ready to adopt new strategies, priorities and values in order to achieve our personal and collective goals while creating and contributing to a better world............

This requires a new focus and new strategies.


Paul Terrell has more than thirty years experience as a therapist, coach, teacher, speaker and musician.During the 70’s Paul gained two degrees, one in law and the other in biology, worked in a law office, travelled around the world and worked at a wide variety of jobs from car mechanic, truck driver, street acrobat to industrial designer and distribution manager for a multinational company.He founded a cooperative joinery and furniture making business in 1983 that is still running today in the UK, a musicians cooperative, ‘Acousticality’, in the UK and Switzerland and has run his own design and manufacturing business. Then, in 1993 after more than ten years of teaching and practicing Yoga, meditation, Tai Chi, and massage, Paul felt the call to devote himself fully to the arts of healing, training and music. In that year he developed the revolutionary new yoga therapy, Inversion Therapy and founded the School of Inversion Therapy.For the last eighteen years Paul has c o a c h e d a n d t r a i n e d m a n y organisations in the Flow Process with rapid and positive results.

T h e F l o w P r o c e s s MAT R I X T R A I N I N G

Page 8: Corporate Training with Paul Terrell


The New ParadigmThere is much written about a new paradigm for the economy, in business and science. What they are often talking about is a new set of rules that will ensure profit and lowered risk in a world where there is increasing uncertainty and change.

There are a few reasons why the old way is working less well. One is that people are better educated and better informed. They enjoy more freedom and more choice. The other is that it is becoming clear to everyone that the consequences of continuing in the old way is threatening to life on earth. Environmental threats continue to escalate. One needs only name the Gulf of Mexico and Fukushima. Less life threatening, but still concerning are the state of the global economy, crises in the health business, the food industry and education. Across the board one sees that the old strategies are not producing the world of peace, justice, leisure, health and clean technical modernity that we were offered as the vision of the future.

The new paradigm is not somewhere we are going, it is not a script for the way we should think or act. It is the w a y w e c r e a t e t h e s c r i p t itself,.........together.This way, nobody gets left out and we get the benefit of everyone’s creative intelligence. Our experience is that Co-Creation, the practice of pooling our skills, wisdom, knowledge, and other resources to create entirely new strategies, is the way forward to achieve the goals that we, collectively, vision............

and create a better world for ourselves and others.

The new paradigm is not to repeat the strategy of searching for a new set of rules, but to make a quantum leap by taking the responsibility for writing our own rules.

“The problems that exist in the world today cannot be solved by the level of thinking that created them.” Albert Einstein.

Scripts written for us by experts in the controlling academic elite are, increasingly, not working for many of us. Research shows that crowd sourcing is often ten percent more reliable and accurate than the prognoses of ‘experts’.

In other words, together, we are smarter, and probably wiser, than the experts.

We already have the skills and technology to make all our visions come true. The limiting factor is that we are present ly p laying out someone else’s script. It is time for us to start writing our own scripts for the future, together.

For this, the new paradigm of co-creation, to happen, we need to be sufficiently passionate about change and sufficiently passionate about taking responsibility in playing our part.

All of us are geniuses, or at least we were when we were four years old, if we were to have been tested for our divergent thinking skills at that time.


T h e F l o w P r o c e s s MAT R I X T R A I N I N G
