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Correlation Between DFMEA and Process Capability at Automotive Part Supplier - 24 Pages

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  • 8/19/2019 Correlation Between DFMEA and Process Capability at Automotive Part Supplier - 24 Pages


  • 8/19/2019 Correlation Between DFMEA and Process Capability at Automotive Part Supplier - 24 Pages


  • 8/19/2019 Correlation Between DFMEA and Process Capability at Automotive Part Supplier - 24 Pages




    This research is about the Design FMEA study in Automotive Part Supplier

    Company. FMEA are stands for Failure Mode Effects Analysis which the

    methodology of FMEA was used to identify the potential failure of a system and its

    effects. And it also used to assess the failures to determine actions that wouldeliminate the change of occurrences. The selected automotive part supplier company

    for this study is a Madetill (M) Sdn. Bhd at Balakong, Selangor. Through the

    objective of the study, is to identify the correlation between FMEA and Cpk and also

    develop a framework relationship between DFMEA and Process Capability. The

    framework was created as a guideline to help Madetill company when they encounter

    a problem and can used as a standard tooling to reduce the major problem. The

    framework shows how the DMAIC help the company to settle the problem. 

    Framework also gives confident because FMEA was famous technique in automotive

    supplier and will use to continuous quality improvement. Therefore, do the literatures

    review to identify the several approaches of Design FMEA and process capability

    implementation that applied at industries. In the literature review also look at the

    some of the main Design FMEA projects, the major benefits are gained and the

    DFMEA approach used. At the end of this research, the correlation between FMEA

    and Cpk was can be done based on Occurrences.

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    Penyelidikan ini berkisarkan kajian rekabentuk FMEA yang digunakan pada Syarikat

    Pembekal alat ganti kenderaan. FMEA adalah singkatan dari ‘ Failure Mode Effect

    Analysis’ di mana metodologi FMEA digunakan untuk mengenalpasti potensi

    kegagalan sistem dan kesannya. Ianya juga digunakan untuk menilai kegagalan danseterusnya menentukan tindakan yang akan diambil bagi mengatasi masalah tersebut.

    Syarikat Pembekal alat ganti kenderaan yang dipilih adalah Madetill (M) Sdn. Bhd di

    Balakong, Selangor. Tujuan kajian adalah untuk mengenalpasti hubungan antara

    FMEA dan CPK dan juga mencari persamaan dan hubungan diantara DFMEA dan

    ‘Process Capability’dan membuat rangka kerja. Rangka kerja ini dibuat untuk

    membantu syarikat Madetill ketika mereka menghadapi masalah dan boleh

    digunakan sebagai alat bantuan untuk mengurangkan masalah utama. Rangka kerja

    ini menunjukkan bagaimana DMAIC membantu syarikat untuk menyelesaikan

    masalah. Rangka kerja juga memberikan kepercayaan kepada syarikat kerana FMEA

    adalah teknik terkenal di gunakan oleh pembekal automotif dan akan digunakan

    secara berterusan untuk meningkatkan kualiti.

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     For my beloved family and friends for their loves and supports.

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    Several people played an important role in the accomplishing of this thesis and I

    would like to acknowledge them here. First of all, I want thank to Almighty God for

    reasons too numerous to mention. I also would like to thank to PM Dr Chong Kuan

    Eng, my supervisor for the support and encouragement to pursue to this thesis andalso for the invaluable guidance he has provided. All the knowledge that he gives me

    will helpful to my future. I also wish to give a special gratitude to Mr Ariazizi,

    Executive production at Madetill (M) Sdn. Bhd, the company that the case study

    were conducted and also his effort to help me in data collection for use in this study.

    Without him, this thesis would have been most difficult. Besides, thanks also to my

     parents for their financial supports along case study progress. Last but not least, I

    would like to thank to my friends, for their comments and suggestions to improve the

    quality of my thesis.

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    Abstract i

    Abstrak ii

    Dedication iii

    Acknowledgement iv

    Table of Content v

    List of Tables vii

    List of Figures ix

    List of Abbreviations x


    1.1 Background of study 1

    1.2 Problem Statement 2

    1.3 Objectives 2

    1.4 Scope 3

    1.5 Report outline 3


    2.1 Introduction 4

    2.2 FMEA 4

    2.2.1 Purpose of FMEA 4

    2.2.2 History of FMEA 5

    2.2.3 Types of FMEA 6 Design FMEA 6 Process FMEA 7 System FMEA 7 Service FMEA 8 Software FMEA 8

    2.2.4 Timing 8

    2.2.5 Benefits of FMEA 10

    2.2.6 FMEA RPN 11

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    vi Severity 12 Occurrences 13 Detection 14

    2.2.7 Inputs, Outputs and Other Quality Tools Related 15 Input to FMEA 15 Output from FMEA 15 Other Quality Tools related to FMEA 16

    2.3 Design FMEA 17

    2.4 Statistical Process Control 19

    2.4.1 The basic tools for SPC 21

    24.2 The benefits of SPC 22

    2.4.3 Real benefits of SPC in organizations 22

    2.5 Process Capability 23

    2.5.1 Concept of Cpk 25

    2.5.2 Relative of capability 26

    2.6 DMAIC 27

    2.6.1 Define 28

    2.6.2 Measure 28

    2.6.3 Analyze 29

    2.6.4 Improve 29

    2.6.5 Control 29

    2.7 Conclusions 30

    3.0 METHODOLOGY 31

    3.1 Introduction 31

    3.2 Phase I (Conceptual phase) 33

    3. 2 Phase II (Implementation) 34

    3.2.2 DMAIC Methodology 35

    3.2.3 Define 36

    3.2.4 Measure 36

    3.2.5 Analyze 36

    3.2.6 Improve 36

    3.2.7 Control 37

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    3.3 Phase III (Conclusion) 37


    4.1 Organization Profile 38

    4.2 Company Policy 39

    4.3 Company Details Profile 40

    4.4 Vision and mission 40

    4.6 Company MOTTO 41


    5.1 Group of FMEA 42

    5.2 Define (DMAIC) 43

    5.3 Measure (DMAIC) 44

    5.3.1 Generate RPN number 44

    5.3.2 Dimension each part 47

    5.4 Analyze (DMAIC) 48

    5.4.1 Analyze each dimension 48

    5.4.2 Revised RPN Number 49

    5.4.3 Cpk vs. Occurrences 50

    5.5 Improve (DMAIC) 53

    5.5.1 Result Correlation between Cpk and Occurrences 53

    5.5.2 Status of correlation between Cpk and Occurrences. 54

    5.6 Control (DMAIC) 56

    6.0 CONCLUSION 57



    A Gantt chart PSM 1

    B Gantt char PSM 11

    C Group FMEA

    D Data from MDT

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    2.1 Table of severity in FMEA 12

    2.2 Table of Occurrence in FMEA 13

    2.3 Table of Detection in FMEA 14

    2.4 SPC definition 20

    5.1 Table of Define a Car Jack problem 43

    5.2 Table of 1st FMEA 45

    5.3 Table of dimension 475.4 Table result of SPC software 48

    5.5 Table of revised RPN number 49

    5.6 Occurrences status 50

    5.7 Rating of Occurrences 51

    5.8 Correlation between Cpk and Occurrences 52

    5.9 New ranking of Occurrences 53

    5.10 Status of correlation between Cpk and Occurrences 54

    5.11 FMEA result 55

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    2.1 Design development stages 9

    2.2 Sources at CCBG from Roger Lee 27

    3.1 Research methodology 32

    3.2 Research methodology (Phase I) 33

    3.3 Research methodology (Phase II) 34

    3.4 DMAIC methodology 35

    3.5 Research methodology (Phase III) 37

    5.1 Framework CQI for relationship between DFMEA and Process Capability 56

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    Cpk - Process Capability

    DFMEA - Design Failure Mode Effects Analysis

    DMAIC - Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control

    FMEA - Failure Mode Effects Analysis

    MP - Mass Production

    PFMEA - Process Failure Mode Effects Analysis

    PP - Pre Production

    TP - Test ProductionMSD - Madetill (M) Sdn.Bhd

    Dim - Dimension

    SD - Standard Deviation

    USL - Upper Specification Limit

    LSL - Lower Specification Limit

    Spec - Specification

    RPN - Risk Priority Number

    C&E - Cause and effect diagram

    SPC - Statistical Process Control

    CQI - Continuous Quality Improvement

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    1.1 Background of study

    FMEA is stands for Failure Mode Effects Analysis which the methodology of FMEA

    was used to identify the potential failure of a system and its effects. And it also used to

    assess the failures to determine actions that would eliminate the change of occurrences.

     Normally in industries, FMEA is applied during the initial stage of designing process

    development. In FMEA there are many types of FMEA.

    Hence, this study will be focused on Design FMEA which analyse on failures in current

    design (performance, functional, design) and detection of the failure which concentrate

    on dimensional items of the products for automotive industries. Meanwhile, process

    capability is an ideal process as well as target for production. In the quality system,

    Process Capability (Cpk) is the important key performance indexes (KPI) to ensure

     process producing a good product follow the customer specification. DMAIC define as

    (Define, Measure, Analyse, Improve, Control) will be used to integrated Design FMEA

    and Process Capability (Cpk) in this study as well as a system to enhance product

    quality performance.

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    1.2 Problem Statement

     Nowadays, in design process, it is difficult to identify which part of dimension that is

    important and not important. The important dimension normally knows as critical

    dimension because it can give effect for function user and cause failure to the product

     performance. Critical dimension decide by customer but there are no standard method to

    determine the critical dimension. Besides that, there was no study initial stage on that. In

    each product, there are many dimensions in one part. So each part must be checked

     based on part drawing. This is wasting of time and high cost for labor because there are

    a lot of dimensions and some of the dimensions are not important to check. In this case,

    it is difficult to decide the important dimension because there was no standard flow to

    determine the parameter. During industrial study in FMEA studies, there is no standard

    approach to link between FMEA and process control.

    1.3 Objectives

    To describe more details about this study, the objective was stated here to give a more

    comprehension to the problem statement. Basically, in this part, the objective will

    clearly define that purpose to shown the framework and explains what to do next. An

    objective of this study is:

    i) To find correlation between DFMEA and Process Capability

    ii) To develop a framework of continuous quality improvement (CQI) for

    relationship between DFMEA and Process Capability

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    1.4 Scope

    This study will thoroughly focus on correlation between Design FMEA and Process

    Capability analysis for dimensional only which selected during new model development.

    The dimension of part is very crucial since it will affect assembly process and product

     performance. In this research, a manufacturing company will be selected to implement

    this project which this company will supply products or part to automotive assembly

    industries. DMAIC methodologies will be use as a guideline in this research. DMAIC

    define as (Define, Measure, Analyse, Improve, and Control). 

    1.5 Report Outline

    Chapter 1: Introduction

    •  This chapter briefly explained the background of the project study, the objective

    that want to achieved, the problem statement and finally whole project through

    Gantt chart.

    Chapter 2: Literature Review

    •  This chapter was collection of research information that relate to the study from

    any trusted resources.

    Chapter 3: Research Methodology

    •  This chapter explains the structure on how project was done.

    Chapter 4: Background Company

    •  This chapter introduces and explains about company profile that we choose to

    complete this research.

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    2.1 Introduction

    This chapter part was specifying the review of source and history related information

    about FMEA. Generally, literature review is a critical analysis segment which sources

    from books, journal, article, reports and major on the knowledge related with summary,

    and comparison of research studies, reviews of literature and theoretical articles. It also

    will explain about methods and tools of DFMEA which generally used in various fields

    and the related theory in this research.

    2.2 FMEA

    2.2.1 Purpose of FMEA

    The acronym FMEA, for readers who are less familiar, stands for Failure Modes,

    Causes, and Effects. FMEA is a systematic analysis of potential failure modes aimed at preventing failures. FMEA can be described as a tool for evaluating potential failures

    and the related causes and resultant effects in a six sigma process. This is intended to be

    a preventative action process carried out before implementing new or changes in

     products or processes from reaching the customer and to assure the highest possible

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    yield, quality and reliability. FMEA is used to prioritize potential failures, in order of

    their severity, and attempts to minimize, if not totally eliminate, the probability of such

    failures happening.

    In industry, have a lot of reasons why the organization wish to use FMEA. There are

    companies that use FMEA selectively to sort out a specific problem. Then there are

    companies with vision who wish to use FMEA more as a preventive measure to forestall

    likely failures. Some manufacturing companies opt for FMEA more as a company

     policy to constantly monitor and ward off or lessen failure potential.

    Tay and Lim (2006) explained that according to Chrysler Corporation et al. (1995),

    FMEA can be described as a systemized group of activities intended to recognize and to

    evaluate the potential failures of a product/process and its effects. Besides, FMEA

    identifies actions which can eliminate or reduce the chances of potential failures from

    recurring. It also helps users to identify the key design or process characteristics that

    require special controls for manufacturing, and to highlight areas for improvement in

    characteristic control or performance (Ireson et al., 1995).

    2.2.2 History of FMEA

    FMEA was developed in the United States Military. Military Procedure MIL-P-1629,

    titled Procedures for Performing a Failure Mode, Effects and Criticality Analysis, in

     November 9, 1949. At that time it was used as a reliability evaluation technique to

    determine the effect of system and equipment failures. The failures were classified

    according to their impact on mission success and personnel or equipment safety. Yang,

    Lin, Lin and Huang (2006) explained that in 1977, Ford Motor Company announced the

    operation standards of FMEA for promotion and application in the education manual

    (Ford, 1988), which was adopted by other motor companies one after another and

    further divided into Design FMEA and Process FMEA.

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    In addition to FMEA implemented inside a company, suppliers were asked to conduct

    design and process FMEA for the parts they supplied. In 1985, International Electronic

    Commission (IEC) published FMEA standards for system reliability. IEC812 is the

    modified FMEA operational procedures based on MIL-STD-1629A expounding FMEA

    for electronic, mechanical and hydraulic equipment or parts. Besides, it also mentioned

    the applicability of FMEA to software and personnel reliability analyses. The failure risk

    evaluation method in the education manual of Ford Motor Company is the most

    traditional and has been generally adopted by all walks of life currently. The data of risk

     priority number (RPN) are based on risk assessment. The multiplied risk factor indices

    refer to Severity (S), the outcome of a failure, Occurrence (O), the chance of a failure

    and Detection (D), the chance of a failure is not detected by customers or the difficulty

    level of detection (Tables I-III). A scale of ten-points is served to be a comparison table

    for the level and grade of these three factors. RPN is the outcome of multiplying

    occurrence, detection and severity and can be represented as Formula 1. For the decision

    factor number of RPN, different decision factors and grades judgment principles can be

    formulated in accordance with FMEA applications.

    2.2.3 Types of FMEA

    There are several types of FMEA; some are used much more often than others. The

    types of FMEA are design, process, service, system and software. Process and design

    are the most common use in industry.

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    7 Design or FMEA

    Design FMEA is used to analyze products before they are released to production. It is

    focuses on potential failure modes of products caused by design deficiencies. It is also

    helping to identify potential safety concerns so products design can be identified to

    eliminate the concerns. Process of FMEA

    Which is used for manufacturing and assembly processes. Process FMEA is focused on

     problems from how the equipment is manufactured, maintained or operated. Process

    Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (PFMEA) is a method to assess production processes

    weaknesses and potential effects of process failure on the product being produced.

    Process FMEA emphasizes the importance of actions that can be taken to eliminate or

    reduce the potential causes leading to the process failures. However, it has been

    observed that manufacturing engineers are too occupied with how to make things work

    and thus fail to consider the potential pitfalls. Thus, it is imperative that Process FMEA

    is conducted throughout the process and should be revised whenever a change has been

    made to it. Process FMEA ensures that the manufactured products are met with the

    engineered product specifications and that the process defects do not result in product

    safety problems in the field. System of FMEA

    Which is used for global systems, System FMEA looks for potential problems and

     bottlenecks in larger processes, such as entire production lines. A system FMEA usually

    is accomplished through a series of steps to include conceptual design, detail design,

    development, test and evaluation. The design in this phase is an evolutionary process

    involving the application of various technologies and methods to produce an effective

    system output. The results will be used as an input for the design FMEA. The focus in

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    this stage is to transform an operational need into a description of system performance

     parameters and as perfect as possible system configuration through the use of an

    interactive process of functional analysis, synthesis, optimization, design, test, and

    evaluation Service FMEA

    This is used for services industry. The importance of actions that can be taken to

    eliminate reduce the potential causes leading to the service failures or. The field of

    service includes bank, hospital, and supermarket and so on. Software FMEA

    Failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA) software is used to track trends, generate

    statistics such as mean time between failures (MTBF), and determine the root causes of

    field failures (usually for products covered by a manufacturer’s warranty).

    2.2.4 Timing

    Initially, the FMEA should be performed while in the design stage, but it also may be

    used throughout the life cycle of a product to identify possible failures as the system

    ages. Failure mode and effect analyses may vary in the level of detail reported,

    depending upon the detail needed and the availability of information. Normally In

    industry, FMEA applies as below;

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    Attend concept meeting for new

    model and discuss about new


    Check the proto drawings and

    discuss with designer based on

     proto drawings. Hold the tooling

    discussion meeting

    Monitor tooling progress and

    approval schedule, approve the

    new parts for TP using.

    Monitor tooling modification and

    design change progress and

    approval schedule and using

    Design FMEA.

    Approve the parts and apply

    Process FMEA

    Figure 2.1: Design development stages (Sources from TDK_Lambda Sdn.Bhd)

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    2.2.5 Benefits of FMEA

    The FMEA programmer offers a wide range of benefit for the organization which

    implemented it. The several benefits that can be described are:

    i. Minimizes late changes and associated cost since FMEA is been carried out

    during design stage.

    ii. Identifies failure modes which will have significant impact

    iii. Identifies the causes of failures and minimizes them

    iv. Helps in redesigning to reduce the effect of failures

    v. Improve product reliability, maintainability and availability of the system

    vi. Increases customer satisfaction

    vii. Prioritize product / process deficiencies for improvement

    viii. Emphasizes problem prevention

    ix. Providing information of:

    •  Maintainability analysis

    •  Safety analysis

    •  Survivability


    Vulnerability•  Logistic support analysis

    •  Maintenance plan analysis

    •  Risk analysis

    •  Failure detection

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    2.2.6 FMEA RPN

    Risk Priority Number (RPN) is a measure used when assessing risk to help identify

    critical failure modes associated with your design or process.  The RPN values range

    from 1 (absolute best) to 1000 (absolute worst). The FMEA RPN is commonly used in

    the automotive industry and it is somewhat similar to the criticality numbers used in

    Mil-Std-1629A. Risk priority numbers (RPN) for the parameters are calculated by

    multiplying severity (S) by occurrence (O) and detection (D) (S x O x D).

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    12 Severity

    Severity is the factor that represents the seriousness or impact of the failure to the

    customer or to a subsequent process. Severity of failure relates to process failure effects

    and is independent of occurrence and detection. Severity of a failure effect is therefore

    the same for all failure causes. Severity should be considered as though no controls are

    in place.

    Table 2.1: Table of severity in FMEA

    Effect Severity of Effect Ranking


    without warning

    May result in safety issue or regulatory violation with



    warningPrimary function is lost or seriously degraded 9

    Very High Primary function is reduced and customer is impacted 8

    High Secondary function is lost or seriously degraded 7

    Moderate Secondary function is reduced and customer is impacted 6

    LowLoss of function or appearance such that most customers

    would return product or stop using service5

    Very LowLoss of function or appearance that is noticed by customers

     but would not result in a return or loss of service4

    MinorLoss of function or appearance that is noticed by customers

     but would not result in a return or loss of service3

    Very Minor

    Loss of function or appearance that is unlikely to be noticed

     by customers and would not result in a return or loss of



     None Little to no impact 1
