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The ulTimaTe mini guide To

cosmetic surgery

Choosing The righT practitioner

reClaiming the face of your youth

Page 2: cosmetic surgery

02 ulTimaTe CosmeTiC TreaTmenTs an indePendenT suPPlemenT ProduCed BY lYonsdoWn media grouP

Page 3: cosmetic surgery

Qualified?Check that the practitioner is medically qualified and specialist trained.

• Check the practitioner's healthcare Commission certificate, which lists the services that they are licensed for. registered practitioners, approved by the healthcare Commission, must show they meet safety and quality standards. • The practitioner must be medically qualified, e.g. a registered nurse, doctor, dentist or surgeon. You need to know that he/she has received specialist training, is familiar with the technique and is successfully carrying out the procedure regularly. • Certificates providing qualification and training details may be displayed in the clinic. also ask for details of their professional indemnity insurance. • if receiving your treatment in your home, check that the practitioner has a special licence and is insured to carry out the procedure in a home environment.

environmentThere is a growing trend for “treatment parties” but receiving medical aesthetic treatments whilst under the influence of alcohol is undesirable, as is the associated peer pressure.

• The surroundings should be hygienic and clean. • it is not unreasonable to ask the clinician to open any sealed sterilized packs, containing syringes and needles for your treatment, in front of you. This demonstrates that the practitioner considers your safety of utmost importance. it also ensures that you can see the name of the product being used.• ask yourself if you feel comfortable with the practitioner. do you feel that he/she can be trusted and do you feel confident about being treated?

Consultationreputable practitioners will offer you a consultation prior to treatment to discuss your requirements and expectations. You too should have the opportunity to ask lots of questions. There should be a “cooling-off” period for you to consider the treatment fully.

• expect practitioners to ask you questions about your medical history. They need to know if you are allergic to any medicines, if you have a history of allergy or cold sores, or if you are pregnant or breast feeding.• Written information should be provided about the medical aesthetic procedure and the products to be used. ask for the product brochures so you can find out more about the manufacturing company, what substances constitute the product and if any clinical research or studies have been carried out.• The consultation should also include discussion about possible complications and side-effects.

• ask about what forms of anaesthesia are available and which form is most appropriate. • Think about your own experiences, for example, the level of pain relief you require when undergoing dental treatment. it is important that the practitioner is sympathetic to your pain relief requirements.

expeCtationsduring the consultation your expectations of the treatment should also be discussed. is the effect sought achievable? more importantly, is it desirable? how long will the effects last? how much is the treatment going to cost?• reducing lines caused by deep folds may require several visits to achieve the desired effect. • ask to see before and after treatment photographs.

afterCareduring the consultation, you should also discuss the aftercare you may need.

• ask if written information is provided about what to expect after treatment and what you can and cannot do. it is good professional practice to be offered a post treatment checklist and an emergency telephone number to call if you have reason to become concerned about reactions to your treatment.

finallyBe wary of flashy websites, glossy mailers, brochures, and adverts promising discounts and bargains! These are not the most reliable ways to choose the right practitioner for your medical aesthetic procedures.

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useful addresses:

British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (BAAPS)The royal College of surgeons, 35 lincoln’s inn Fields, london WC2a 3PnTel: 020 7405 2234 www.baaps.org.uk

British Association of Dermatologists19 Fitzroy square, london W1T 6ehTel: 020 7383 0266 www.bad.org.uk

British Association of Cosmetic Doctors www.cosmeticdoctors.co.uk

PUBLISHER: Bradley scheffer, [email protected]

CREATIVE DIRECTOR: andy sweetman, [email protected]

PROJECT MANAGER: Yanina stachura, [email protected]

PRODUCTION MANAGER: nikki dudley, [email protected]

uCT is fully protected by copyright, reproduction without permission is strictly forbidden. The publisher, editor and authors accept no responsibility in respect of any products, goods or services that may be advertised or referred to in this issue or for any errors, omissions, misstatements or mistakes in any such advertisements or references.

There are many respecTed pracTiTioners who perform rejuvenaTion using medical aesTheTic (non-surgical) Techniques buT finding a really good one can be confusing. however, here are a few Tips To help you wiTh your choice...

Choosing therighT pracTiTioner


T: 08449 360 226 W: www.lyonsdown.co.uk E: [email protected]






moving from cream to needle. dermal fillers could revolutionise your appearance.

simple health boosts in your handbag.

The ultimate mini guide to cosmetic surgery.

expert panel. six experts talk about their treatments and surgeries.

Beauty at what cost? The BaCd discuss the new techniques to help you achieve a natural smile makeover

Page 4: cosmetic surgery

04 ulTimaTe CosmeTiC TreaTmenTs an indePendenT suPPlemenT ProduCed BY lYonsdoWn media grouP

Moving fromaT a cerTain poinT in our lives – beTween mid 30s To laTe 40s – skin creams and early nighTs no longer seem able To work Their magic for many of us. now, a new soluTion has arrived in dermal fillers.

cream To needle

What makes the ageing process even more depressing is that we still feel young on the inside. it’s just our wrinkly foreheads and

deepening nose to mouth lines that leave our self-confidence in tatters.

so, do we fork out on yet another skin cream, full of pseudo-science promises, or do we book in for a full on face-lift? Thankfully many of us are waking up to the fact that there is a middle ground. non-surgical cosmetic treatments are ideal for women who believe surgery is one step too far. no longer considered extreme and the preserve of film stars and celebrities, these treatments are now mainstream.

Consultant dermatologist dr russell emerson, of hove skin Clinic, thinks we are deluding ourselves if we believe that skin creams can live up to all their promises.

“There is only so much a cream can do as it doesn’t penetrate the dermal layers. Creams sit on the surface of the skin and although they are important for conditioning and sun protection, they are not going to turn the clock back.”

Five star creams full of hi-tech ingredients definitely don’t come cheap either. some of the “super” serums can cost several hundred pounds. even those on more modest budgets are spending a significant amount each month on anti-agers.

non-surgical treatments are becoming not only more accessible but more affordable too.

“fillers are used To sofTen Tell-Tale ageing lines”

dr emerson says: “We have seen a huge increase in the number of cosmetic treatments performed at the clinic over the past two years. unlike skin creams, botulinum toxin and a tried and tested filler, such as restylane, can deliver action to the dermis where it is needed to deliver noticeable benefits.”

he adds: “hyaluronic acid, which is found in several fillers, plays a huge role in anti-aging because it not only plumps out wrinkles but it adds suppleness and softness to the skin. it is a natural substance found in the skin which boosts the skin’s hydration system which encourages the production of collagen.”

dr emerson agrees that it is a big step for women to make the leap between face creams and cosmetic treatments but believes that in the hands of an experienced cosmetic medical practitioner, botulinum toxin and fillers are a good middle ground.

“dermal fillers can be temporary, semi-permanent or permanent. many doctors are wary about using permanent fillers as they are more prone to complications, and are difficult to reverse. also remember your looks will change over the years, what looks good in your 30s, may look silly in your 50s.”

he says: “Fillers are used to soften tell-tale ageing lines such as nose to mouth lines and for plumping

areas such as the cheeks to provide a non-surgical mid face lift which restores

shape to the mid face to give a more refreshed look.”

dr emerson believes a good practitioner-patient relationship and realistic patient expectations are critical for obtaining optimum results with cosmetic treatments.

he says: “most of the patients i see ask lots of questions, especially about the safety aspects. i explain to them the most important thing is that a reputable product with a proven safety track record is used and that an experienced

cosmetic medical practitioner administers it. Then the chances

of the procedure not meeting the patients’ expectations are minimal.

most product websites now include a local practitioner finder service, which is a

good starting point.”


q: WHAT ARE DERMAL fILLERS?a: dermal fillers are substances that are

injected below the surface of the skin to fill in lines and wrinkles and add volume to the cheeks and chin for a more natural and youthful appearance.

q: WHAT TyPES Of fILLER ARE THERE?a: dermal fillers can be temporary, semi-

permanent or permanent. many doctors are wary about using permanent fillers as they are more prone to complications, and are difficult to reverse.

q: HOW DO TEMPORARy fILLERS WORk?a: By using a series of small injections just

under the skin, the product will fill lines and wrinkles, which will naturally be reabsorbed into the skin over the course of 3 – 9 months.

q: WILL I NEED MORE THAN ONE TyPE Of fILLER?a: all fillers come in different thickness. a

thicker filler is more effective to plump the lips, smooth deeper lines and add volume and contouring to areas such as the cheeks and chin. Thinner fillers are used to reduce fainter, less noticeable lines.

q: HOW SAfE ARE fILLERS?a: Temporary fillers without animal proteins,

allergens or chemicals are safe. But recently there has been a surge of new fillers coming into the market but a lot of these have far less research behind them, apart from restylane which has over 12 years of clinical experience and extensive clinical data to prove that it is safe and effective.

q: WHAT ARE THE RISkS?a: side effects are rare. There can be a small

amount of bruising and swelling, plus a little redness where the needle has been injected. also, badly administered fillers can cause unevenness but as long as a temporary filler is used, any adverse results will disappear.


a: Your appointment will be around 30 minutes. The actual injections only take a couple of minutes but the bulk of the time will be spent talking through the patient’s expectations and concerns. a local anaesthetic cream will be applied to numb the area, which may feel slightly uncomfortable when injected.

q: CAN I GO STRAIGHT BACk TO WORk?a: You can, but it would be advisable to go

home after the treatment. Your face may feel a little sore and tender.


a: no. most fillers are absorbed into the body gradually and disposed of naturally. The process will be gradual.

even the most expensive creams have limited effects

Page 5: cosmetic surgery

How many times have you followed an exercise programme with the goal of shifting a few inches from your hips only to find that your boobs lose half a cup size instead? Help is now at hand with the latest targeted fat-busting, Liposonix ultrasound, from Europe.

Liposonix challenges all other non-invasive fat removal systems. The real ‘lunchtime fix’, this procedure can be performed quickly with no cuts, minimal discomfort (nerves are unaffected), no anaesthetic and no downtime. Sound waves are delivered at high intensity and frequency essentially blasting and killing carefully targeted fat cells whilst surrounding tissues, skin surface and underlying organs are left untouched.

Leading consultant plastic surgeon Ms Angelica Kavouni FRCS EBOPRAS says: “Until now non-invasive ultrasonic fat removal devices have somewhat under performed due to their reliance on relatively low energy frequencies. Liposonix is different in that it delivers energy at a much higher level, offering cosmetic surgeons a real alternative to surgical fat removal.”

Angelica adds: “We are very excited to be one of the first UK clinics to invest in this new generation

body sculpting device. It is great news for the patient as it actually works (!), keeps costs down

and involves no downtime; for us it means we can accurately target stubborn fat pockets

within the comfort of our clinic.”

Ideal candidate:Men or women with a BMI of 30 or less (not for obese patients) – must have at least 2cm fat on the target areaHow does it work?Great for sculpting bellies, waists, love handles and thighs. This high intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) hits the fat at a deeper level than other more superficial body-sculpting devices. Fat cells are destroyed via a process termed ‘thermal coagulation’ with residual debris collected by the body’s macrophage (scavenger) cells, this is eventually further broken down and excreted by the liver.

Over 1800 people have tried Liposonix experiencing an average of 2.0cm circumferential loss with the results improving over 3-6months as the surrounding tissue packs down reducing volume; some even experienced a 4-8cm reduction.Does it hurt?Experiences can vary but generally patients may experience cold, prickling, tingling, warmth and mild to moderate discomfort Cost: From £1800.00 depending on size of area to be treated – only one treatment required

Free consultation with Ms Kavouni for Lyonsdown readers: Call : 020 7486 9040Email : [email protected] : www.cosmetic-solutions.co.uk

Liposonix utilises a 2MHZ transducer compared to lower frequency Ultrashape which utilises a 0.2MHZ transducer

Ultrasonic fat busting gets better, and without a cut!New to the UK - Liposonix

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Page 6: cosmetic surgery

An estimated 70,000 premature deaths in the uK could be avoided each year if diets

matched nutritional guidelines on the consumption of fruit, vegetables, salt, saturated fat and sugar. roughly 1 in 7 British children are very obese. overweight children are likely to grow into overweight adults, with a higher risk of serious health problems like diabetes, heart problems and cancer.

The Food standards agency’s main tips for eating well are: a) base meals on starchy foods; b) eat lots of fruit and vegetables; c) eat more fish; d) cut down on saturated fat and sugar; e) try to eat less salt - no more than 6g a day; f) get active and try to be a healthy weight; g) drink plenty of water and h) don’t skip breakfast.

some changes are easier to make than others. For example, simply put less salt into your cooking, or try using fish in a meal rather than chicken or beef. have a glass of water instead of that extra coffee and put less sugar on your cereal or in your tea.

one of the simplest methods, ‘5 fruit and veg a day’, is often ignored. some may find it boring or inconvenient cramming so much fruit and veg into their everyday diet. Yet such a huge source of goodness shouldn’t be sidelined. Fruit and vegetables of contain diverse mixtures of phytonutrients (protective plant compounds), which can act as powerful antioxidants, protecting the

body from harmful free radicals and helping to protect against chronic diseases. in particular, cherries are one of the few known food sources of melatonin, a potent antioxidant produced naturally by the body’s pineal gland that helps regulate biorhythm and natural sleep patterns.

so how can we get some of this goodness into our lifestyles easily? The department of health says a 150ml smoothie or fruit juice counts as 1 portion of your fruit and veg. Buy blended fruit juices or juice from concentrate or alternatively, create your own! one example of a juice booster is Cherryactive Concentrate. John Carey, director of Cherryactive ltd says, “Cherryactive Concentrate is made from 100% carefully selected montmorency cherries, with no added sugars, preservatives or other additives. recent tests have shown that it is packed with antioxidants – in fact just 30ml contains more antioxidants than 20 average fruit ‘n’ veg portions!”

other ideas include mixing fruit with cereal, yogurt, salads or pancakes. For the sweet toothed individual, have muffins or cookies with fruit pieces, instead of chocolate. Take dried fruit for a handy snack at work or the gym.

all in all, making small changes to your lifestyle could have a significant effect on your health and wellbeing. so why not shake things up a little?

Forty percent of women have visible hair loss by the time they are aged 40, according to the

american academy of dermatology. Causes of hair loss vary, though it is often the result of our genetic make-up and an imbalance of the male sex hormones (androgen) - specifically the hormone, dihydrotestosterone (dhT). hair loss can also be linked to malnutrition, stress, illness, pregnancy and dermatological scalp disorders.

There are many options for sufferers looking to regain their confidence and a head of hair, however, hair transplantation is the only permanent solution. The process sees hair moved from one area of the body (usually the back of the head, referred to as ‘the donor area’) and transferred to the thinning or balding area (‘the recipient site’). The transferred hair is genetically programmed to grow for the rest of one’s lifetime; maintaining its own characteristics such as colour, texture and growth rate.

Furthermore, innovative techniques have since been developed that achieve natural results and accelerate healing

by transplanting small grafts very close together. Today, hair is transplanted in groups of 1- 4 hairs and as it grows naturally, gives the hair transplants a natural appearance.

The most popular method of transplantation is the strip harvesting method, which has the possibility of transplanting up to 3,000 grafts in one convenient session. in this procedure, there is a fine strip of hair extracted from the donor area, which is then dissected into individual grafts containing 1-4 hairs and transplanted into the bald or thinning area. This will only leave a very fine scar in the donor area that is always covered with hair.

salvar Bjornsson, a senior consultant at nu/hart hair clinic explains, “even though the strip harvesting method is the best procedure for most patients, it’s important to evaluate every case individually. The consultant has to take into consideration the number of grafts needed, the texture and type of hair, the density of the donor area and so forth, but the client’s expectations and how they can be met are the most important issues to address.”

Saying no to hair lossofTen seen as a problem for men, sTaTisTics show ThaT an increasing number of women also suffer from hair loss. proTecTing

yourself againsT healTh problems needn’T be a burden.

Simple health boosts

in your handbag

Antioxidant-Rich and Delicious!A recent study has discovered that a 30ml shot of a delicious cherry concentrate from award-winning company, CherryActive, has greater antioxidant power than 20 average portions of fruit and veg*!

CherryActive Concentrate is made from carefully-selected Montmorency cherries, uniquely-processed to harness and preserve their potent antioxidants. CherryActive counts towards your five-a-day target of varied fruit and veg and contains no added sugars, preservatives or other additives.

Mix CherryActive with water to make a delicious cherry juice or add to a favourite fruit juice, smoothie or natural yoghurt. Great for adults and kids alike!

Buy CherryActive from www.cherryactive.co.uk or call 08451 705705. Also available from health food stores (please contact us to find a stockist near you).

* 8260 ORAC units for 30ml CherryActive Concentrate v 1790 ORAC units for 5 average portions fruit and veg (source: Brunswick Labs, USA)

06 ulTimaTe CosmeTiC TreaTmenTs an indePendenT suPPlemenT ProduCed BY lYonsdoWn media grouP

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Revolutionisingskin treatmentCutting-edge laser technology capable of dramatically enhancing skin in a single treatment has been unveiled in the UK. The ‘Fraxel re:pair’ laser - to treat wrinkles, irregular texture, age and sun spots and acne scarring - is now available for the first time in the UK by Bristol based consultant plastic surgeon Simon Lee in his Lifestyle Surgery clinic.

It is Fraxel’s brand new and best ever laser. It not only tightens aged and damaged skin, but may also avoid the need for a future facelift as it prevents loose skin from forming - with a typical treatment requiring only a twenty minute single session.

The Fraxel’s accuracy and speed is increased by combining the effectiveness of traditional CO2 laser resurfacing with innovative technology which fractionates the laser beam. By ‘fractionating’ the laser beam with the use of an integrated computer scanner, it produces thousands of tiny but deep columns of treatment to minute sections of the skin. Just as it may be necessary to alter a photograph pixel by pixel to maintain its quality, the same is applied here to the skin.

This brand new type of selective treatment is the first that can penetrate the full thickness of the skin regenerating collagen throughout its thickness- the protein that gives structure and support to the skin - whilst leaving much of the skin’s surface

unaffected. The skin then heals much faster compared to other treatments that have to treat the entire area but only have a superficial effect. The healing time is quicker the result the best ever!!

Typical patients are men and women spanning a wide age range - from those in their young twenties wishing to reduce acne scarring to anyone in an older age group wanting to resurface skin and reduce wrinkles. Following the procedure

patients are able to return to routine activities in 3 to 5 days. Lifestyle Surgery was pioneered by leading consultant plastic surgeon, Simon Lee, whose experience spans over 12

years working in some of the world’s leading hospitals. Simon says: “Fraxel re:pair is the biggest step forward in skin resurfacing for more than 30 years. What appeals to many patients I treat with this is how adaptable it is to their often busy lifestyles. Patients get outstanding results in a single session with fast recovery.”

“Key to the new Fraxel laser’s success is its ability to improve on and almost eradicate the unwanted effects of the traditional CO2 method. For example, CO2 alone has been shown to have a high risk of scarring andhypopigmentation - loss of skin colour; something which is not a problem with this new combined technique. It is also

the only laser technique with FDA approval to treat all the ageing effects of the sun.”

Lifestyle Surgery is a centre of excellence; offering a high standard of personalised care and specialising in facial plastic surgery, cosmetic breast surgery and body sculpting.

For more information on a Fraxel laser treatment, fact sheets and healing times, visit: www.lifestylesurgerycom/fraxel-bristol.htmor telephone: +44 (0)117 904 1311 or email: [email protected]

Page 8: cosmetic surgery

Jowls and loss of Jaw line definition

non-inVasiVe Sculptra

Not a filler as such but instead stimulates soft tissue growth

and collagen production to give the face extra padding

which ‘lifts’ and tightens.Lasts 2 years+ with one top up

Costs from £500 inVasiVe

Short Scar Facelift is an effective way to lift the mid to lower face and a heavy jowl. This modern surgical technique is very popular for both

men and women in their40’s and 50’s.

Lasts 5 years+Costs from £5000

nose Jobnon-inVasiVeFlat noses can be dealt with using Radiesse. It can build up the bridge of the nose very effectively. Previous botched jobs can also be disguised.Lasts 12 monthsCosts from £650inVasiVeRhinoplastyFunctional or cosmetic rhinoplasty is a procedure to be performed with care. Computer imaging helps you to make up your mind.Lasts a lifetimeCosts from £4500

deep nose to mouth lines?non-inVasiVeDermal fillers like Restylane, Perlane, Juvederm and Radiesse.Lasts 8-12 monthsCosts from £450inVasiVeMid Face Endotine liftRevolutionary devices used to pull back a sagging mid face. Lasts 3-5 yearsCosts from £4000

hands announcing your age?non-inVasiVeSculptra injectionsThis innovative injectable soft tissue stimulant can help plump out the hands disguising enlarged veins. Lasts 2 yearsCosts from £500

Restylane VitalSmall injections of hyaluronic acid replenishes the skin, improving elasticity and tone.Lasts 6-12 months Costs from £300inVasiVeFat transfer to hands is done under anaesthetic. It requires a relative fat abundance in your thighs or tummy!Lasts permanently but may require top-ups.Costs from £3500

loose neck skin? turkey neck? double chin? non-inVasiVe

Neck endotine liftLess invasive than a

full neck lift, endotine devices can draw back

loose skin with small incisions hidden in the

hairline.Lasts 3-5 years

Costs from £3000inVasiVe

Neck liftRemoves excess skin, tightens muscles and improves the jaw line. Can be combined with

neck liposuction.Lasts around 7 years+

Costs from £5500

bat ears? non-inVasiVe

Some believe that ears can be strapped to the head in some attempt to train them to sit to

the head but only in the first few months of life!


Performed under local or general anaesthetic, this simple procedure

can make such a difference to how you feel about yourself.

Lasts a lifetimeCosts from £3000

hooded eyelids? non-inVasiVe

Muscle relaxing injections will help brighten up the eye area by reducing crow’s feet wrinkles.

Lasts 3-6 months Costs from £250

inVasiVeUpper eyelid lift/upper

blepharoplasty will remove excess skin hanging

over the upper eyelid that is a common first sign of ageing.

A simple procedure that can be performed under local anaesthetic

with the scar hidden in the eye socket.

Lasts 5 years+Costs from £3000

eyebags, dark circles non-inVasiVe

Tear Trough filling can disguise hollows and shadows under the

eyes with a small injection of hyaluronic acid.

Mesotherapy with homeopathic injections straight into the fat

pockets can also improve the appearance quite effectively.

Lasts 12-18 monthsCosts from £450

inVasiVeLower eyebag removal/lower

blepharoplasty. Fat bags can be removed invisibly from the

inside – ask your surgeon for the ‘transconjunctival approach’.

Lasts 5 years+Costs from £3000-£4000

arms haVe no shape or tone?

non-inVasiVeStraight to the gym for you!

inVasiVeVaser liposelection

Great for small areas of fat removal it can

help to sculpt the arms establishing a toned shape.

Lasts around 5 yearsCosts from £3500

embarrassed by batwings?

Arm lift is ideal for removing loose skin.

Scarring can be a problem as the incision

is usually from armpit to elbow however, shorter

scar arm lift is appropriate for some individuals.

Lasts around 5 years+Costs from £3500

flat cheek bones?non-inVasiVeSubQ – injectable filler for fuller cheek bones.Lasts 12 monthsCosts from £600inVasiVeSillhouette cheek lifts are the new generation thread lifts that can be performed with sedation.Lasts 3 years+Costs from £3000

boobs too small?non-inVasiVeMacrolane can be injected into the breasts to achieve a one cup increase. Safe with predictable results, a great solution for women not keen on having surgery.Lasts 12-16 monthsCosts from £3000inVasiVeBreast AugmentationImplants can now be tailored for each individual, still the most popular cosmetic intervention.Lasts a lifetimeCosts from £4500

boobs too big or droopy?Mastopexy and/or breast reductionThe ‘lollipop’ incision is an efficient way to reduce and/or uplift a breast. With minimal scarring.Reclaim the perky boobs of your 20’s!Lasts 5 years+Costs from £5000

man boobs?Gynaecomastia correction with removal or liposuction allows you to wear tight T-shirts again!Lasts a lifetimeCosts from £4000

drooping flat eyebrows?heaVy lids?

non-inVasiVeMuscle relaxing injections

Tried and tested, muscle relaxing injections will help to lift the

eyebrows, ‘opening’ the upper face. In experienced

hands the eyebrows can be left with natural movement and a

lovely arch. Lasts 3-6 monthsCosts from £300

inVasiVeEndoscopic brow lift

The endoscope is a small camera placed under the skin. It

has revolutionised the brow lift reducing scarring and hair loss.

In experienced hands it gives a natural lift, avoiding the

permanently surprised look.Lasts 7 years+

Costs from £4500

cosmetic surgery

08 ulTimaTe CosmeTiC TreaTmenTs an indePendenT suPPlemenT ProduCed BY lYonsdoWn media grouP

The ultimate mini guide to

Page 9: cosmetic surgery

loose thigh skin? Thighlift removes excess skin and fat. Scarring can be a problem as the incision starts in the groin and ends at the knee. Usually for those who have lost a huge amount of weight very quickly. Lasts until next period of weight gain Costs from £4500

dull skin, flat texture, pigmentation and sun damagenon-inVasiVeFraxel laserWith minimal ‘downtime’, this state-of-the-art laser is becoming increasingly popular for its skin resurfacing and anti-ageing effects. Can be applied on neck and chest.Lasts 3 yearsCosts from £900 per session

Chemical TCA peels are the oldest and most effective treatment for skin resurfacing. Be prepared to shed your skin for 5-7 days! Can be applied almost anywhere... face, neck, hands and chest.Lasts 3 yearsCosts from £800

has your bum lost its curVe? enVy J-lo’s genetic luck?non-inVasiVeMacrolane can be injected into the buttocks to improve the shape and natural curve. Lasts 12-16 monthsCosts from £3000inVasiVeFat transfer can help to boost the fullness of the buttocks. Initially expect a larger volume to be inserted than required as there are some fat losses soon after implantation.Lasts permanently but may require top-ups.Costs from £3500

cosmetic surgerybelly neVer recoVeredafter babies? non-inVasiVeRegular exercise regime in conjunction with a healthy dietary plan.inVasiVeMini tummy tuck is suitable for those without too much excess abdominal fat. Minimal scar is hidden in the bikini line.Lasts indefinitely or until the next pregnancy or weight gainCosts from £3500

ugly c-section scar that you can neVer disguise? C-section scar revision can thin and tidy up an unsightly scar.Lasts indefinitely or until the next pregnancy or weight gainCosts from £3000

loose abdominal skin after big weight loss/multiple pregnancies?Full tummy tuck will tighten the abdominal muscle wall, remove excess fat and skin. Large hip to hip scar that is hidden in the bikini line.Lasts indefinitely or until the next pregnancy or weight gainCosts from £5000

belly button tidy upUmbilicoplasty can be done under local anaesthetic, from an outie to an innie! Lasts indefinitely or until the next pregnancyCosts from £2000

excess fat on the abdomen or loVe handles non-inVasiVeMesotherapy involves injections of homeopathic solutions that can help to smooth the appearance of cellulite and firm the skin. Lasts around 3-6 monthsCosts from £150, needs 4-6 treatmentsinVasiVeVaser liposelection targets areas of fat which melts and is removed with a suction cannula. This sophisticated laser technique reduces pain, recovery time and bruising.Lasts until next period of weight gain Costs from £3500

excess fat on the thighs, knees and/or calVes?Tired of trying to hide shapeless legs and ankles?non-inVasiVeMesotherapy involves injections of homeopathic solutions that can help to smooth the appearance of cellulite and firm the skin.Lasts around 3-6 monthsCosts from £150, needs 4-6 treatmentsinVasiVeVaser liposelection targets areas of fat which melts and is removed with a suction cannula. This sophisticated laser technique reduces pain, recovery time and bruising.Lasts until next period of weight gain Costs from £3500

crêpy skin on your chest? sun damage? non-inVasiVeFraxel laserCan boost collagen growth in the chest skin.Lasts 2 yearsCosts from £900 per sessionSculptra injectionsThis innovative injectable soft tissue stimulant can help plump out the chest disguising wrinkled skin.Lasts 2 yearsCosts from £500

bothered by one or two inVerted nipples?Nipple correction can put paid to the embarrassment caused by inverted nipples. Can be performed under local anaesthetic.Lasts a lifetimeCosts from £1500

hate your weak chin? is it out of proportion with your other facial features?non-inVasiVeSubQ or Radiesse injections give definition to a weak chin.Lasts 12 monthsCosts from £650inVasiVeA chin implant can define the area giving more balance to the face. Often performed in conjunction with rhinoplasty.Lasts a lifetimeCosts from £3500

Contact: Angelica kavouni for further information at [email protected] | 020 7486 9040

The number of cosmetic procedures seems to grow daily and it can be more than confusing trying to make sense of all the invasive and non-invasive options. We asked plastic surgeon Angelica Kavouni to help us outline the most popular and cutting edge techniques.

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The ultimate mini guide to

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Reclaiming the face of your youThNikki DuDley discusses The conTinuing search for The definiTive anTi-ageing and menopause producT.

iT is viTal To esTablish a good skincare rouTineelizabeth King recommends that skin suffering the consequences of menopause, like pigmentation, increased sensitivity and dryness, can be greatly helped with products like dr.hauschka’s intensive Treatment 05. With the support of the precious ingredients, silver and ruby, they work to regenerate the skin, help balance the blood circulation and restore the moisture balance. dr.hauschka’s regenerating serum is rich in moisture-giving and anti-oxidant ingredients like, Quince seed extract, red Clover and Clover Blossom honey. The serum gives the skin the ability to regenerate itself and noticeably refines the complexion.

another trend is towards natural and/or organic products as consumers are becoming more concerned about

Every so often, a promising ageing or menopause treatment comes along, causing huge excitement.

This was demonstrated by the cases of two Boots products, no7 Protect & Perfect Beauty serum in 2007 and Tri-aktiline wrinkle filler cream in 2009. in both these instances, customers stripped the stock from the shelves and those who missed out had to go on a waiting list for the next shipment.

We know that, with age, skin becomes thinner and wrinkles appear as cell renewal slows and we lose some of the collagen which helps keep it looking plump and firm. elizabeth King, Principal of Training and development for dr.hauschka skin Care, explains that therefore, how we touch our skin becomes very important with age. ‘Because the skin is often thinner and more sensitive, avoid products that involve harsh rubbing and scrubbing movements. instead, use gentle press and roll movements when cleansing. use warm and cool compresses in your cleansing routine. This exercises the skin by constantly increasing blood and lymph flow. as a result, nutrients are delivered effectively to the skin cells.’

all of this illustrates that it is vital

ingredients which they see as potentially ‘harmful’, for example parabens which are commonly used as preservatives.

an example of a more natural product is Flexitol naturals skin nourishing oil. steve mcgowan, national sales and marketing manager for uK distributor m&a Pharmachem says, “Young-looking skin is well-nourished and properly hydrated. Flexitol naturals skin nourishing oil is packed with plant extracts and essential oils which have been carefully chosen and formulated to give skin the nourishment it needs to help fight signs of ageing. it is free from preservatives and presented in an atomiser which delivers a fine spray on to the skin. a trial carried out in australia has shown that the oil can have remarkable results in improving the appearance of blemishes such as scars, stretch marks and uneven skin tone.”

so next time you’re shopping for anti-ageing skincare, ensure you’ve done your research and are spending your hard-earned cash on well-formulated products which will suit your skin – and your budget.

to establish a good skincare routine as early as possible and review it regularly throughout life to make sure you are using the most suitable products for your skin type, your age and your budget. The credit crunch dictates that we should not be wasting our budget on the wrong lotions, potions, creams and serums!

The main point to remember when considering a suitable anti-ageing cream or regenerating serum is the ingredients. research has shown retinol to be effective, but not all skins react well to it and products sold in the high street may contain only a small amount. additionally, some creams have water based or moisture enhancing elements. These include Fatty acid supplements, which can enhance your skin’s capabilities to absorb water. Furthermore, hydrophilic agents prevent water loss from cells and maintain the skin’s barrier function. other important ingredients in anti-ageing products include antioxidants, peptides and ahas.

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Eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty) continues to be a very popular cosmetic procedure and is one

of the most effective ways of providing facial cosmetic enhancement. usually a relatively minor operation, it provides patients with a rejuvenated appearance.

WhaT iT doesupper eyelid surgery (upper blepharoplasty), can rejuvenate puffy, sagging or tired-looking eyes by removing or redistributing excess fat, skin and muscle. it may be performed for purely cosmetic reasons, or to improve sight by lifting droopy eyelids out of the field of vision. lower eyelid surgery (lower blepharoplasty), helps rejuvenate lower eyelids by removing or relocating excess fat bulging beneath the eyes, and where indicated, tightening loose or sagging tissue such as the skin, muscle and eyelid rim. The results are softened wrinkles, tightened skin and improved eyelid function.

WhaT’s neWTraditionally, eyelid surgery is performed through the removal of skin, muscle and/or fat. however, an aged appearance

technique, which involves two incisions. The first accesses the fat deposits from the inside surface of the eyelid (trans-conjunctival blepharoplasty) and is followed by a second incision below the lashes to address any external issues related to loose and wrinkled skin.

although the dual access technique may take longer to perform, it creates less scarring and improves the surgeon’s ability to evaluate levels of fat removal. more important, accessing the eyelid from the inside means it is possible to maintain the structural integrity of the eye muscle and keep its nerve supply intact. it is a minimally invasive procedure, with little down time that delivers long-lasting natural results.

BeTTer Techniques, naTural resulTsas we consider the true effects of ageing, it becomes increasingly evident that a “less is more” approach is the preferred route for cosmetic surgery. recent progress in surgical techniques has made it possible to retain tissue volumes and focus on delivering natural aesthetics. although, undoubtedly progress will continue to be made, the current level of development in this area means that plastic surgeons capable of performing these high precision techniques can now provide some satisfying results.

By Jesper sorensen, Md, Phdaestetic and reconstructive Plastic surgeon, www.drsorensen.com

What’s new in cosmetic eyelid surgery?

is often marked by the loss of fat and volume in the face, so although the procedure may reduce wrinkles, it has become increasingly evident that the undue removal of tissue may not be the most effective method for producing a full and youthful appearance. in order to address some of the shortcomings of the traditional procedures, new methods are being utilised.

VoluMe enhancing uPPer eyelid surgeryFor the upper eyelid, a new volume enhancing technique has been developed that preserves the muscle and fat around the eyes, restores fullness, and improves lid crease definition. maintaining the balance between fat and tissue, this approach resolves the issues surrounding the effects of further ageing. Furthermore, the procedure can also be adapted to individual patient needs, such as for the correction of lid asymmetries.

Muscle-conserVing loWer eyelid surgery - The dual access TechniqueFor the lower eyelid, there is a new method known as the dual access eyelid

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Facial sculptress – non surgical face lifting and rejuvenation for men and women

Dr Deborah McManners clearly loves her job - looking radiant and line free, she is a wonderful example of today’s sophisticated approach to beauty and wellbeing.

With a packed diary, Dr Deborah is both hugely knowledgeable as well as approachable. “We all want to look the best we can. People who visit my clinics want to improve the quality of their skin, as well as to tackle established lines.” With non-surgical approaches such as dermal fillers, she produces wonderful results with very little downtime. With skin peels and light-based treatments, Dr Deborah can also rejuvenate your skin.

Dr Deborah performs non-surgical face lifts and facial sculpting with tremendous results. She explains that as women get older, there is a gradual change from a feminine heart-shaped face to a squarer outline. “One of the most satisfying procedures is the restoration of a feminine profile and the delight that my patients feel. Likewise, if a man has been concerned that his chin is not a strong feature then I can improve this for him.”

“Making a real difference to acne scarring and blemishes dramatically boosts self confidence and for some of my patients treatment has completely turned their lives around.” The Queen of lip treatments, Dr Deborah also creates beautiful lips to achieve a sophisticated and natural look.

Her informative approach allows consideration of your priorities, expectations and budget. Dr Deborah offers a complete service and will develop a plan that will leave you feeling and looking instantly better.

With state of the art light based treatment, she will effectively remove unsightly thread veins on your legs, ready for the summer. Or you can see the years roll away, along with the effects of late nights, smoking and too much sun. Say goodbye to age spots, sun spots, spider veins, wrinkles and rosacea.

The first UK female doctor to become a Registered Naturopath, she advises on all aspects of healthy living and many of her patients will successfully lose several stones in weight.

As author of “The Ultimate Holistic Health Book” she also writes regular magazine columns focusing on Medical Aesthetics and healthy living. To plan a programme of treatments, book a no-obligation, free consultation to get yourself on a path of self improvement, contact one of her clinics now.

Dr Deborah McManners runs clinics in Regents Park - Central London, Blackheath, kent and Surrey.

what the experts say...


Consultant Plastic & Cosmetic surgeon

quality assurance in cosmetic surgery Mr Paul Banwell FRCS(Plast), a Consultant Plastic Surgeon in the South East and a member of the British Association of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons (BAPRAS) and the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (BAAPS) believes that any patient considering cosmetic treatments should first look on the BAPRAS or BAAPS website for their nearest surgeon. “I would recommend patients seek a consultation with a fully-accredited plastic surgeon for an unbiaised, balanced opinion of the cosmetic treatments available and the expected outcomes.”

Patients should also ensure that their treatments are carried out in accredited establishments such as hospitals from the BMI, Spire, Nuffield Health or Ramsay Groups – names synonymous with quality and the highest levels of care. Mr Banwell explains: “For instance, the McIndoe Surgical Centre (part of the BMI group) in East Grinstead is the largest Cosmetic Surgery Centre in the UK and offers a huge range of cosmetic surgery services.”

When asked if the credit crunch has affected referrals, he says “Whilst there is still a huge demand for cosmetic surgery, there is no doubt that patients are being cautious. However, breast augmentation, liposuction and tummy tucks are still extremely popular as are many of the non-surgical treatments including skin health treatments, prescriptive chemical peels, microdermabrasion, IPL, PDT, Botox and Dermal Fillers”. He adds, “Patients seem even more interested now in the concept of Skin Health and the relationship with excessive sun exposure. Many patients are now realising that using sun protection factors (SPFs) and medical-grade skin care regimes can actually reduce pigmentation, blemishes and fine lines as well as guard against skin cancer.” Initially a sceptic regarding so-called cosmeceuticals, Mr Banwell is now a firm advocate of medical grade skin care and he has seen first-hand some of the excellent results obtained as part of a long-term strategy. “The innovative and cutting-edge Rationale skin care products from Australia have been a huge success with my patients” explains Mr Banwell. “For instance, niacinamide is a unique immune protectant which also helps with pigmentation due to sun damage and ageing.”

Another potential up and coming non-surgical treatment for facial (and body) rejuvenation is Indiba. This celebrity-endorsed treatment has a variety of indications and utilises similar technology to that used in the rehabilitation of professional sportsmen. “We have been very impressed with the early results and patients love it!”


non surgical, anti-ageing treatments and procedures to enhance the face and body

Dr Robertson has nearly two decades of experience in Cosmetic Medicine having progressed from a background in Dermatology, to using Collagen and early skin regimes in 1990, and then onto Cosmetic and Laser Medicine.Having established his first full-time clinic in 1993, Dr Robertson, as Clinical Director of Cameleon Clinics, has two full-time clinics, (Watford & Southampton), three satellite clinics, (Bournemouth, Jersey & Windsor), and one overseas clinic, (Barbados).

The staff at all his clinics are informed and welcoming, offering a high level of personal service in ambient surroundings. All telephone enquiries receive the same friendly service.

Clinics are lead by Dr Robertson who sees all clients personally for any advanced techniques.

His portfolio of treatments include muscle relaxing injections, Dermal fillers (Restylane®, Juvederm®, Sculptra®, Radiesse®), Lip enhancement (Softline®, Restylane®, Juvederm®); Macrolane® breast enhancement, Fraxel® laser for skin resurfacing, advanced laser lipolysis, and radiofrequency using Thermage® or Radiage®.

In addition, his personally trained and experienced staff offer microdermabrasion, chemical peels and skin care regimes , IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) for hair removal, red vein removal and pigment removal, Ruby laser and YAG laser treatments.

Dr Robertson aims to produce optimal and consistent results using established treatments and procedures and is also involved in using new innovative techniques having first established their efficacy and safety.

His motto is that treatments should be safe, effective and incur minimal downtime.

Dr Robertson strongly believes in achieving professional not commercial results and his recipe for success is to aim to achieve what the client wants and not what he sees as a quick fix. In this way his clientele continues to grow by personal recommendation.

Dr Robertson is a founder member of British Association of Cosmetic Doctors (BACD) and is a former member of ESCAD (European Society of Cosmetic & Aesthetic Dermatology). His clinics are registered with the appropriate authorities.


0844 8009707 www.cameleonclinic.co.uk

[email protected]

08708 502050

www.drdeborahmcmanners.com0207 486 9040

129 Harley Street, London www.cosmetic-solutions.co.uk

0845 2600261 [email protected]

0207 460 7324 34a Hans Road, Knightsbridge,

London SW3 1RW www.drritarakus.com

0207 224 1622Professional Cosmetic Surgery

112 Harley Street, London, W1G [email protected]

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six exPerTs TalK aBouT Their TreaTmenTs and surgeries.


Cosmetic Plastic surgeon

On the UK’s specialist register and member of EBOPRAS, Ms Angelica Kavouni has become one of Britain’s most requested female cosmetic surgeons. As seen on Ch4’s Embarrassing Bodies and named in Tatler’s top UK plastic surgeon list, an increasing number of women seek Angelica for female body contouring of all varieties from straight forward liposculpting to the ‘Yummy Mummy’ package involving any type of breast enhancement with tummy tuck and labiaplasty. Passionate about non-invasive anti-ageing, her ethos of “I practice what I preach” means women all over the country also trust her with all their skin rejuvenation needs.

Angelica believes it is important to offer her patients the best and most natural looking outcome possible and to this end, readily embraces new techniques and procedures. For example, she firmly believes in minimal access surgery with minimal scarring, which finds her fully utilising the endoscope; producing subtle yet effective results for short scar face and brow lift.

Understanding how women want to look, Angelica’s firm ideas regarding female body contouring has uncovered a passion for all aspects of body sculpture; blending several new generation fat removal devices to achieve that perfect result.

Angelica says: “There has been much hype over recent years with many fat removal systems promising the earth but not really coming through with good results; after all effective fat removal with minimum downtime is a main goal for all plastic surgeons. I use three devices that perform incredibly well and I offer my patients a choice according to their perceived problem, as each machine has its own unique applications.”

Angelica offers:Vaser Liposelection™ - General anaesthetic with reduced downtime of around 10 days. Patented ultrasonic technology from Vaser™ enables body fat to be melted before removal by gentle suction having less of a traumatic effect on surrounding tissues. Effective for moderate fat removal.Smartlipo MPX™ - Local anaesthetic with 2-4 days downtime. Powerful dual laser technology gives instant results (thanks to the new suction adaptor) that continue to improve over a few weeks with the added, important benefit of skin tightening. Great for arms, thighs and bellies.Liposonix™ - Completely non-invasive with no downtime. Sound waves are delivered at high intensity and frequency essentially blasting and destroying carefully targeted fat cells whilst surrounding tissues, skin surface and underlying organs are left untouched. Great for stubborn pockets of fat.

MR A. JEyA PRAkASH ms FrCs (ed)

fIELDS Of INTEREST: Consultant Cosmetic and Plastic surgeon, age

management Consultant (healthy ageing Clinic)

Mr Prakash has specialised in aesthetic surgery for the past 20 years and is widely regarded as a leading expert in his field. He is an innovator in cosmetic procedures, techniques and technology, with a particular interest in non-invasive Age Management. He has been in the public eye through many articles and television appearances and yet, prides himself on the fact that 90% of his patients are personal references.

His ethos is one of being a ‘safe surgeon’ working to achieve ‘a natural look’. Whilst clients may have a clear vision of what they want to achieve through their surgery, Mr Prakash guides each patient through all the appropriate options, always careful to ensure that expectations remain realistic. An experienced and ethical surgeon, his satisfied patients attest to his skill and artistic sense in surgical and nonsurgical cosmetic procedures.

Mr Prakash specialises in all face and body cosmetic surgery, including Breast Augmentation, Breast Reduction and Uplift, Endoscopic Brow Lift, Cheek and Face Lift, Lower Face and Neck Lift, Laser Blepharoplasty, Cheek/ Chin Implants, Buttock Augmentation, Abdominoplasty, Liposculpture and Rhinoplasty.

For those people who are actively interested in gradual, graceful and healthy aging with maximum functionality, Mr Prakash has introduced his very popular Healthy Ageing Clinic. This clinic provides the client with a comprehensive tailor-made program combining nutrition, supplements, exercise, stress management, skin care, and if required, aesthetic non-surgical/surgical procedures. The clinic is founded on the principles of preventive medicine and endeavours to meet the growing needs of those who are interested in improving and preserving their good health. Mr Prakash has been in this field for the last 7 years and regularly attends and presents at various International Age Management Symposiums, keeping abreast of the latest developments.

In addition to cosmetic surgery, there are other less permanent methods of keeping that ‘youthful look’. Along with the more conventional application of fillers and muscle relaxing injections, Mr Prakash offers the famous ‘non-surgical facelift’ [courtesy of a new breed of injectables of which Juvederm Ultra is the ‘New King’] and facial re-shaping with muscle relaxing injections.

For the past 10 years, Mr Prakash has routinely trained many doctors in both laser and non-surgical procedures. He is also actively involved in the research of facial aesthetics medicine and stem cell therapy for anti-ageing.


fIELDS Of INTEREST: Facial and Body Thermage®,

Fraxel®, liposonix®, macrolane® and injectables

With over 15 years of aesthetic experience in all aspects of non-surgical facial and body rejuvenation, Dr Rita Rakus MBBS provides the very latest treatments in her highly prestigious Knightsbridge clinic.

Dr Rakus has over 15 years of aesthetic experience and aims to provide the highest level of expertise in rejuvenation by way of facial line reduction and lip enhancement using dermal injectables (Restylane®, Perlane®, Restylane LIPP® and Juvederm Ultra®), muscle inhibitor treatments plus facial peeling and microdermabrasion for skin rejuvenation. IPL laser treatments are available for hair removal and skin rejuvenation plus sclerotherapy for leg veins. Velasmooth treatments for cellulite, Thermage® using radio frequency (RF) for facial and body contouring and cellulite, Fraxel® laser for skin rejuvenation are also provided together with Smartlipo® or Vaser® for the removal of subcutaneous fat using laser assisted technology. New LipoSonix® is also available using high frequency focused ultrasound for the removal of abdominal fat and Macrolane® injections for breast reshaping are also part of her extensive portfolio of non-surgical treatments.

A founding member and a Fellow of the British Association of Cosmetic Doctors (BACD), she is renowned for her work within aesthetic medicine and is known as the ‘London Lip Queen’ in recognition of her superb, but subtle results. Dr Rakus has also appeared on many TV shows e.g. ‘Under the Knife’ (ITV), ‘Lunch-Hour Facelift’ (C4) and ’10 Years Younger’ (C4). As a field leader she is also involved in training other doctors and setting standards in this extremely specialist field of medicine.

She is regularly featured in many media articles and is the 5th busiest practitioner internationally in Thermage® treatments, often combining Thermage®, Fraxel®, Liposonix®, Smartlipo®, Vaser® and Macrolane® to achieve the maximum results in facial and body enhancements for her patients.

Dr Rakus’s state-of-the art clinic is situated opposite Harrods Store.

For further information on the above treatments and the full range of services available including dermal fillers, muscle relaxant injections, IPL, anti-cellulite and laser hair removal services please contact as follows:

0844 8009707 www.cameleonclinic.co.uk

[email protected]

08708 502050

www.drdeborahmcmanners.com0207 486 9040

129 Harley Street, London www.cosmetic-solutions.co.uk

0845 2600261 [email protected]

0207 460 7324 34a Hans Road, Knightsbridge,

London SW3 1RW www.drritarakus.com

0207 224 1622Professional Cosmetic Surgery

112 Harley Street, London, W1G [email protected]

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Can your bite and jaws reallyaffecT your whole body funcTion? By Dr. Justin Glaister

As human beings, our nervous systems are programmed to ensure we can bring our teeth together to be able to eat. in evolutionary

terms, it is survival of the fittest.now imagine, as is the case with up to 80% of the

population; that you have a mis-aligned bite. This can be caused by a host of factors very early in life e.g.: forceps delivery, breathing issues as a child e.g.: tonsil/adenoid problems, whiplash injuries, tooth loss to name but a few.

The response to this mis-aligned bite is that our advanced nervous systems will adapt and instruct the muscles of the head and neck to drag the jaw into this mis-aligned bite every time we swallow or chew because once again – we need to be able to eat to survive.

The resultant tension created in the muscles of the head, neck, back has significant knock-on effects throughout the rest of the body, such as muscular fatigue which limits active performance and adversely affects our posture, headaches, dizziness, neck/shoulder/back pain, numbness in hands/fingers/arms, increased risk of injury etc.

in answer to this problem an unlikely union between a uK neuromuscular dentist and a Canadian fitness expert has created “The oso athletic” appliance (optimum sporting orthopaedics), which could prove

to be the most powerful, legal, sports enhancement device seen in sport.

The oso device is an orthopaedic appliance worn on the upper or lower teeth. it is created by nerve stimulation which relaxes the muscles of the head, neck and back. When worn The oso maintains this newly found relaxed muscular position.

The benefits of this include gains in muscular recruitment resulting in more power and strength, marked increases in flexibility and range of movement, improved balance and core stability, and due to the resultant decreased stored muscular tension in the body – the oso athletic can aid in recovery and prevent injury.

These dramatic results have not been lost on the elite of uK sport including golf, rugby, boxing and athletics. many have turned to the pairing of dr Justin glaister and his partner Chuck sproule to give them a significant competitive edge.

The real key to improving performance is the compounding effect i.e.: the oso appliance can improve performance by 20-35% but significantly, when used in tandem with sproule`s advanced tension relieving techniques, it does this every time you enter the gym.

in addition to the sporting benefits of the oso athletic, there are significant lifestyle benefits to

wearing the appliance, such as helping those with long standing injuries return to being active. even glaister himself, self-treated his own two prolapsed discs that had been previously diagnosed as needing surgery.

up until now the device has only been made available to uK`s sporting elite but sproule and glaister began training the first crop of uK dentists in december 2008 and January 2009, in order to make the appliance more readily available.

Beauty at what cost?

Conventional cosmetic dental procedures meant needles and painful drilling leaving teeth like stumps. however, these days a beautiful smile

can be achieved with no injections and no drills.Below i’ve illustrated various treatments, which can help you achieve a beautiful natural looking smile.

1. Whiteningalthough whitening is the least invasive cosmetic procedure available, it is important to visit a properly qualified dentist to ensure your whitening treatment is tailored to your personal needs. You can find a properly trained dentist in your area by visiting the BaCd website. Whitening treatments can be carried out with a Professional home Kit or in-surgery Power light. This leaves lighter, brighter, healthier looking smiles.

2. Bonding/ Re-ContouRingThese procedures are used to close gaps or re-form broken/chipped/malformed teeth. a piece of composite is bonded to the tooth surface or excess tooth is

smoothed off to restore shape, form and vitality to a smile.

3. implantsmissing teeth previously were replaced by dentures that would need to be taken out to sleep and can be difficult to eat in or bridges that can mean cutting down healthy teeth. implants now provide the option of a new tooth without causing any damage to the surrounding teeth.

4. invisiBle and RemovaBle BRaCesinvisalign and Clear step are invisible removable braces. They both use a series of clear aligners (that are custom-moulded to fit you), which gradually reposition your teeth into a smile you’ll be proud of.The inman aligner is a new technology removable brace that straightens teeth quicker than other methods and at a lower cost. it is a single brace with a thin clear bar across the front, that quickly straightens the front teeth (in 4-16 weeks) with very little adjustment needed from the dentist.

lingual braces are gold braces made specifically for you that fit onto the inside of your teeth so are also invisible to everyone else.

5. poRCelain veneeRsPorcelain veneers are the ultimate in beautifully shaped, white teeth. a veneer is a thin layer of porcelain made to fit over the front surface of a tooth. These are now available contact lens thin, forming perfect, natural looking smiles. everyone loves a beautiful smile and new advances in cosmetic dentistry have made it possible to have a natural new smile pain free. it is important to remember that no procedure is risk-free, so it is important to find a dentist properly trained in cosmetic dental procedures.

visit WWW.BaCd.Com to find a dentist in youR loCal aRea.

wiTh The crediT crunch in full swing, financial cosTs are on everyone’s mind. leT’s for a momenT Think abouT healTh cosTs. we wanT maximum resulTs wiTh minimum risk.say’s Dr. Manrina rhoDe, MeMBer of the British acaDeMy of cosMetic Dentistry.

perfect alignment

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It wasn’t that long ago that Brits were renowned for their lousy teeth. We saw nothing wrong with sporting a set of crooked,

stained gnashers - so much more natural-looking than those uniformly perfect hollywood smiles!

Thankfully, our attitude has changed and most of us now recognise the value of having attractive, healthy teeth and a winning smile. This sea change in public perception has been brought about largely by the efforts of one dedicated dentist – dr. surinder hundle, who, little over a decade ago, opened the uK’s first specialist clinic for aesthetic dentistry.

Today there are numerous cosmetic dentistry centres throughout the country, but surinder’s four lund osler clinics (three in london and one in manchester) are still in the forefront with their cutting-edge technologies and holistically integrated treatments. They continue to refine the art of the ‘dental face-lift’, the smile make-over which can change people’s personal and professional lives. What’s more, surinder himself has become the uK’s first ‘celebrity dentist’ through appearances on many radio and TV shows – in particular the long-running Channel Four series 10 Years Younger, on which he rejuvenates lucky participants with his dental make-overs.

Chatting to surinder – a 42-year-old londoner, born

and bred – one is struck by his passion for his work. in fact it’s hard to stop him from enthusing about every detail of it. he speaks of the advanced dental courses he has taken in the u.s. to enhance his expertise, as well as the years of valuable experience he gained in the nhs. and he explains his revolutionary concept of creating ultra-classy dental clinics with settings to rival the most stylish restaurants and hair salons (the idea is to get away from the old image of dental surgeries as austere places associated with pain).

“aesthetics and good health must go together,” he says. “i don’t believe in providing merely a superficial ‘fix’ to clients wanting to improve the appearance of their teeth, but in a total approach to personal grooming. one must cover every aspect - teeth, gums, skin, hair, muscle condition, general fitness, nutrition, mental relaxation – to create overall well-being.” he aims to bring all these varied disciplines and therapies together under one roof at his new ‘medi-spa’, due to open in london at the end of the year.

For his part, surinder still works as a six-days-a-week, hands-on practitioner of aesthetic dentistry, with an international clientele. he is excited at the way his field is developing, as we near the end of the first decade of the 21st century, and he intends to stay in the vanguard.

“of course, we’re already carrying out our treatments with state-of-the-art technology,” he remarks, “such as ozone therapy and air abrasion to deal with decay, high-end oral cameras to view inside the mouth, computer imaging to visualise a patient’s treatment options, laser therapy for gum re-sculpting, low-radiation digital x-rays. But through our growing range of non-surgical, non-invasive techniques, we’re going even more ‘natural’. increasingly, the emphasis is on subtle procedures instead of heavy-handed ones, and using products made of natural materials and ingredients - for instance, we’re about to introduce a new 100% natural toothpaste with the power to heal unhealthy gums.”

surinder’s type of advanced aesthetic dentistry will never be available on the nhs; it is too costly. But as he points out, not illogically: “People pay thousands of pounds for a car which loses value from the moment you drive it out of the showroom. But acquiring an attractive smile and thus changing the way the world sees you – and the way you see yourself – is an investment that never loses its value. it could make all the difference to whether or not you achieve your life’s goals. and how do you put a price on that?”

Luxury and passion for

By Monica Porter

beauTiful smiles aT lund osler

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