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Cosmic Awareness 1977-08: (Manifesting the new Age) Your help Required Now to move Spirit In

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Ret l etaeZ e4g4 #73 . 8 Cosmic Awareness Communication s P. O . Om 115 . Olympia, Washington .8850 7 (MANIFESTING THE NEW . AGE ) YOUR HELP REQUIRED NOW TO MOVE SPIRI T INTO FORM SO PLANE CAN BE TRANSFORME D (An address by Cosmic Awareness to Its Ministers of the Aquarian Churc h of Universal Service, Feb . 12, 1977 . Paul Shockley, Interpreter ) This Awareness indicates that the actions which are now occurring in this place, . with these entities present, as that which is the culmination of many actions wherei n many entities have been led to move into certain high levels of relationship with on e another, to come together in an action which has been indicated for some time previous . This Awareness indicates these entities herein present and those others who are t o he involved in this action shall find themselves moving into closer harmony, close r understanding, closer in terms of co-creative action and shall find that they ar e working as a unit in an action that begins to emanate and flow and bring forth majo r levels of light and vitality and wisdom to other entities . This Awareness indicate s that this light shall emanate, shall radiate and shall begin to spread to other areas , and in this action a field of light shall begin to develop . This Awareness indicates that the purpose of bringing these entities together, th e 'purpose of bringing that together . which is the Aquarian Church of Universal Service , is to bring into action, to bring down onto . this plane to manifest and to put int o practice those theories and philosophies and . ideals that this Awareness has been feedin g to this plane for some thirteen years . This Awareness indicates that the actions of Cosmic Awareness Communications a s that which is to provide the philosophical expression, the understanding, the ideals , and to give forth the abstract wisdom whereby entities can begin to understand them - selves and their universe more clearly . This Awareness suggests that in the action of the AA uarian Church, this be one o f application, wherein the application of these principles are plotted upon the physica l plane and wherein the application of these principles is made such .that entities ca n begin to experience in reality levels that which has been,spoken of in previous times . This Awareness indicates that it has been given that the Aquarian Church shall b e a church which is giving support to other churches, to other groups . This Awarenes s indicates that the support which is to be given is that ., support which assists in realign - .ing those organizations, those churches which have veered off the course . This Awareness suggests that down through the,ages this Awareness has watche d entities upon this plane moving from place to place searching for purpose, searchin g for meaning, finding false values, discovering areas of greed, lust and power, pursuin g self-interest, only to discover self-destruction . This Awareness has watched nations rise and fall, has watched civilizations gro w and diminish, has watched cultures come into being, flourish and . been blown away . .
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RetletaeZe4g4#73.8 Cosmic Awareness Communication s

P. O . Om 115 . Olympia, Washington .88507



(An address by Cosmic Awareness to Its Ministers of the Aquarian Churc hof Universal Service, Feb . 12, 1977 . Paul Shockley, Interpreter )

This Awareness indicates that the actions which are now occurring in this place, .with these entities present, as that which is the culmination of many actions whereinmany entities have been led to move into certain high levels of relationship with oneanother, to come together in an action which has been indicated for some time previous .

This Awareness indicates these entities herein present and those others who are t ohe involved in this action shall find themselves moving into closer harmony, close runderstanding, closer in terms of co-creative action and shall find that they ar eworking as a unit in an action that begins to emanate and flow and bring forth majo rlevels of light and vitality and wisdom to other entities . This Awareness indicate sthat this light shall emanate, shall radiate and shall begin to spread to other areas ,and in this action a field of light shall begin to develop .

This Awareness indicates that the purpose of bringing these entities together, th e'purpose of bringing that together. which is the Aquarian Church of Universal Service ,is to bring into action, to bring down onto . this plane to manifest and to put int opractice those theories and philosophies and . ideals that this Awareness has been feedin gto this plane for some thirteen years .

This Awareness indicates that the actions of Cosmic Awareness Communications a sthat which is to provide the philosophical expression, the understanding, the ideals ,and to give forth the abstract wisdom whereby entities can begin to understand them -selves and their universe more clearly .

This Awareness suggests that in the action of the AA uarian Church, this be one o fapplication, wherein the application of these principles are plotted upon the physica lplane and wherein the application of these principles is made such .that entities canbegin to experience in reality levels that which has been,spoken of in previous times .

This Awareness indicates that it has been given that the Aquarian Church shall bea church which is giving support to other churches, to other groups . This Awarenes sindicates that the support which is to be given is that ., support which assists in realign -.ing those organizations, those churches which have veered off the course .

This Awareness suggests that down through the,ages this Awareness has watche dentities upon this plane moving from place to place searching for purpose, searchin gfor meaning, finding false values, discovering areas of greed, lust and power, pursuin gself-interest, only to discover self-destruction .

This Awareness has watched nations rise and fall, has watched civilizations gro wand diminish, has watched cultures come into being, flourish and . been blown away . .

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This Awareness has watched entities as they discovered great truths and the nwatched these truths being sold on the market place a€ the price of their souls .

Thh s`Awdreness has t,aatched entities as they moved into Level of awareness, a s

they have moved into the discovery of the truths, as have moved into effort sto give forth their understanding, as they communicated with this Awareness an d

have attemptedt6-re-communicate this has watched this effort by man y

is they attempt to give forth their vision to the masses, and has watched the masse stake this vision and distort this vision into religions which condemn, which becom ea means of manipulation which becomes the efforts of a few to control the minds an dnurses of many, and has watched these religions make war upon other religions whic hessentially were begun by the same source . . of information .

And this Awareness has watched these conflicts grow from time prior to my form

of written history upon this plane, has watched this repeated again and again . ThisAwareness' indicates that at the present time many religions again have distorted th eteachings of those who have been in touch with higher levels of censciousness, an dagain these religions are often condemning, creating guilt among their followers ,creating feelings of hostility toward others, toward other religions, and in genera l

;ostering (and festering) that which does make war between thoughts, ideas of consciou s -

ness and entities .

This Awareness suggests that at this time, this Awareness'has moved in close upo nthis plane to communicate with entities, not to change the old religions, not to destro y

the old religions, but to realign their directions, their navigations, to assist thes egroups and religions as they navigate toward their. Source .' '

This Awareness suggests that the action of the Aquarian Church shall be to assist

in communicating certain principles which allow entities to see the fruits and th e

results of these principles when applied .

This Awareness suggests that the action of the magazine is according to your owndiscretion, yet this Awareness suggests that a magazine of some type be presented for

the Aquarian-Church, that this magazine be one wherein this Awareness can communicat e

with entities upon this plane, to assist in bringing about that New Age ; that Kingdomwhich has been promised whereby entities upon this plane shall have freedom from want ,

freedom from fear, freedom to live in harmony .

This ;Awareness that much has already been given whereby' entities cantrunk about these principles, can think about these abstract realms, that this Awarenes srow wishes theuarian Church to present some form of magazine or newspaper or news -


:otter that goes forth unto entities and does begin to bring down-unto the physica' ., plane those concepts, those principles, those ideals and those abstracts which have beenindicated for the ' Aquarian Age as a social lifestyle .

This Awareness indicates that time'is growing short in'many ways upon this plane ,that there is a great need for focusing which must occur ; for without that focusingthere are those entities which can very easily move this energy into an entirel yO .ifferent direction .

This Awareness indicates that the year previous to this . was' a great turning p et

in the direction of power upon this plane . This Awareness' indicates that certainforces were deflected, and the actions of those who would have set up a world dictator -ship have been at least temperarily set back, ' and now is the time wherein' entitie shave the opportunity to carry forth the revolution whicli 'was 'begun in the'foundingof the United States of America, wherein certain principles which were begun at tha ttime are now carried through, and other principles may be added to these wherein allmen and women and children upon this plane find themselves the inheritors of freedom .

This Awareness suggests that it is time for entities to come together, to wor ktogether, to add their energies together, to think deep, to look deep, to cease i nefforts of escapism, to see what the priorities are, to see what the urgencies are ,

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and to ask themselves and each other : ".'What, can I do to assist in . bringing in theNew Age, in bringing in this new Space Age Society?"

This Awareness indicates tha t , the, efforts to bring this new Space Age Society intobeing can be viewed as difficult, but this is not necessary . This Awareness suggeststhat all that is necessary is that entities remain open, communicate clearly, respon dto each other and respond to urgencies which can be felt and seen, and communicat ethese urgencies to one another .

This Awareness suggests that in terms of the financing of this action that you no tconcern yourself greatly with where the money. shall come from; that you allow thisAwareness to speak to entities regarding this, and that these entities shall feel th eurgency and shall participate in the action wherein they can see that something i sactually being accomplished rather than abstract concepts being discussed .

This Awareness suggests that this as not necessarily the magazine in which youare presently concerned with. That the choice is yours . That the magazine can b ecombined with this action or can be through some other form of action . This Awarenes sindicates that if the choice is . that this Awareness may communicate with entitie sthrough this magazine or through another magazine through the Aquarian Church, thisAwareness suggests that the newsletter, magazine or newspaper contain a message fromthis Awareness in each issue, and that further explanations of the progress may b egiven; that the story which is being channeled through this Interpreter may also b eincluded .

This Awareness indicates that there is an alchemical in this, imaginary story o fthe three ships . This Awareness indicates that the ship as a logo for the Aquaria nChurch is by no means an accident, that this is a symbol which is very ancient a nhas its symbology as being that of the soul as it sails through time and space .

This Awareness indicates that you understand also that the soul is the imagination ,that you understand also that the three ships, the ship known as the Goodship bein gthat which is the addressor : the ship which is the merchant ship, which is the aquisitio naspect of the soul, and the Friendship that which is the associating aspect of thesoul, that part which communicates with other aspects of the universe ; and the Enterprise ,that which is the individuality which searches for being, searches for its Source .These three aspects make up the true soul, and . the action of having a story basedaround these qualities is that which communicates deeply to the subjective, or thesubconscious mind of entities, to allow a unification to take place between thes esubjective levels and the conscious levels .

This Awareness indicates that the movement . of the Aquarian Church symbolized asa ship is that which is assisting in a navigation . process, whereby many of the religion swhich were based upon spirit, but which have moved into form and formality, again be 'reoriented to sail through the straight and narrow passage that leads from the PisceanAge into the Aquarian Age .

This Awareness wishes entities,to understand that the magazine, the Aquarian Church ,the United States of Awareness, all of these projects are but the form and are not th espirit ; yet, the form is that which is necessary for the spirit to enter and have it seffect upon this plane .

This Awareness indicates that . the cup. carries the water, yet the cup is not thewater, yet the cup is necessary for the water to be carried .

This Awareness indicates that it is essential, it is necessary in order to brin gabout changes upon the physical plane, to move the spirit through form ; it is theresponsibility of entities to create and hold those forms long enough for the spiri tto have its effect .

This Awareness indicates that a sthrough these forms and has its eifec

these forms are held and the spirit begins to move 't upon this plane, other forms shall be create d

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and shall pick up and hold and convey the spirit . This Awareness indicates that ; .,aslikened unto a great fountain which is :1jiig 'given and ispouring forth upon thi splane, this fountain being that which pours forth anti-matter, which pours forthspirit, which pours forth the waters of passion ; and whereby entities may come,withtheir vessels, with their forms, With their' organizations, with their concerns . and.their ambitions and their dreams and hopes, and whereby these may b e , filled and wherebythese may be touched and vitalized with this spirit, with this water . And, in thisaction of spreading th e –light, the light of Akasha, a new world can begin to be : nourishedfrom these waters and new forms shall appear .

This Awareness indicates the"choice of how entities wish to present this particula rmagazine is yours, but this Awareness auggests that within the Aquarian Church amagazine be created which allows a focus whereby this Awareness - can communicat eentities upon this plane .

This Awareness indicates in the particular magazine which this Awareness woul dcommunicate, this 'Awareness will give guidance to entities upon thi s ' plane . wherebytrade centers may be set-up, whereby counseling services may be set u_pa whereby communa lrelationships may he created" in such a''Manner ' that a sharing occurs, whereby entitiesmay begin to work together to do those things ' that: they enjoy doing, and ;n

This Awareness indicates that much information on this has already beenigiven~_ ...that there has been "that"which this'Awarenessrefers to as the ''United States of Awareness ,whereby entities can co-create and work together without the medium of money exchange ,and yet, whereby all entities prosper and benefit greatly--more greatly than wherei nmoney is being used and controlled by afew .

This Awareness indicates that the AquarianChurch and ;entities involved have bee nasked to serve one another, that this action of entitiesserving one another is suchtlat all may win and none may lose . This Awareness indicates in the old ways wherei ncompetition reigned there always those who lost and the who won . This Awarenes sindicates that it no longer the fashion to ' inyour victory over the loss o fanother .

'–e This Awareness indicates that any entity who finds his security at the expense o fanother is not in the accordance' with' the il :of 'airs Awareness ; that any entitywho can work with others, and through co-creati've'action assist himself and the other ,that this is in accordance with the will of this Awarenes s

This Awareness indicates that the energies upoh this plane are growing and changin gin such a manner that the old ways shall no longer profit . This Awareness has .watchedfor eons of time and has watched entities benefit at the expense of others . ThisAwareness has watched the forces of greed, the forces ofpower as they violated anddestroyed others and grew more powerful :'"

This Awareness indicates that these times are over ; that now there shall be noforce of power that can violate others without being caught in a whirlwind and brough tinto the, front. and into the for all of consciousness to look at, lto observe. and. , ; ;to bring, back into realignment .

ri !

This Awareness indicates that in terms of what projects shall be 'brought forth,that these projects shall be such that entities who become involve d , . shall profit tenfoldthe amount of energy that they put into the project . This Awareness ' indicates that th eentities who become involved in these projects shall find themselves growing in level sof responsibility : and in giving service to others, and in finding . association withothers, and in finding a purpose and direction in their own lives ` wlich gives greatermeaning to their lives than they have ever previously experienced . '

. . ,

This Awareness indicates that this action of becoming involved in these variou sprojects shall assist in creating a new world, whereby not only,, the entities that shal lfollow, the children and the grandchildren shal l . benefit, but .,the entities present andliving today who associate with it, 'these also shall benefit .

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find their needs supplied .

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This Awareness indicates that each of these projects shall be breught into greate rfocus in further readings and in further messages relating unto these correspondences .This Awareness suggests that in terms of the magazine, that the articles containe dwithin the magazine may be of general interest and of broad scope, that the particularmessage which this Awareness would convey shall be presented with each issue and shal lbring forth the methods by which the new Space Age Society may be made manifest upo nthis planet .

This Awareness indicates that for many years you have struggled and worked to b eresponsive to the requests of this Awareness . This Awareness indicates that it is no wtime for others to begin putting in their energies and responding to these actions .This Awareness indicates that it will not be much longer that you shall be in grea tneed and find such difficulties in continuing the response to the requests of thi sAwareness . This Awareness suggests that there soon comes great benefits which allo wyou to have the funds, the means and the energies whereby ' you can begin and carr yforth the manifestation of the New Age upon this plane .

ED ' S NOTE : The first issue of the magazine Awareness requested in this reading i s

just now off the press . It contains numerous New Age articles, messages from Cosmi eAwareness and an article by Paul Shockley, assistant editor and trance Interprete r

for Cosmic Awareness . C .A .C . member's are requested to support these beginning action s

of the Aquarian Church of Universal Service that must be energized if the New Age i s

to manifest upon this plane on schedule . Asubscription to their new magazine, LIGH Twill keep you informed on these important projects that YOU can participate in a s

Spirit is moved into form to bring about the changes that must occur on the physica l

plane . The first issue also contains information on the proposed new money syste m

and'a New Age credit union for entities on this plane . Additional information an d

the " Cosmic Awareness Co-Creation Bond of Freedom " (an offer to join with Awarenes s

i:.o help manifest the New Age) is enclosed with the magazine' . . Subscription rates t o

LIGHT Magazine are $9 .00 per year or $5 .00 for six months . The address : Aquarian

Church of Universal Service, P .O . Box 40083, Portland Oregon 97240 .

For those who do not wish to subscribe just now, a copy of the historic first edition

of LIGHT magazine is available for $1 .25, which includes postage and handling . Available

from the above address or from Cosmic Awareness Communications, PO Box 115, Olympi a ,, Wn .



Question :

Member. D .G . asks : "What were the human faces of gigantic proportions whic hwere seen floating by the object glass of the telescopes by a number of reliabl esources in London one summer in tha mid eighteen-hundreds? Did these profiles haveanything to do with a most malignant and fatal form of asiatic cholera which wa sr .gingthrough London one summer in the 1800's ?

Cosmic Awareness :

This Awareness indicates that there are, upon your plane, certain entities :these particularly beneath the surface of the earth, who have a very advanced ' science .

That the UFO's often seen, are connected with these entities . That these entitieshave been upon this plane for many centuries, for many thousands of years . Thi sAwareness indicates that many of the so-called " supernatural phenoimena" Which occur sup on your plane is the result of actions brought about by these entities .

This Awareness indicates in this case, these faces were projected by these entities ,using methods similar, but not the same, as certain methods which were used recentl yby the CIA in areas of Central America, wherein particles and substances were droppe dinto space and films were projected upon these particles to influence the superstitiou snatives upon the earth below . This Awareness indicates that the purpose of this was t o

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frighten the natives away from the area . This Awareness indicates that theactio nin England was of a different motivation and using a different kind of ptojection ,which did not use particles in the air, which were placed there, but did . makc`•useof particles which already present : these being more likened unto that forcewherein laser beams are used to create third dimensional images :

This Awareness indicates these forces which have existed and have used thei rmachines and technology from the, time of Atlantis and before, were essentiall yexperimenting with mind-control to affect the masses of England, and alsototes ttheir equipment . That this action can be duplicated on a Smalle'r'scale your laser ; beams scientific laboratories today .


t '" `

This Awareness indicates the information relating unto these entities ' a's, complex .That this relates unto the hollow earth theory and unto the origins of certain '2orces : the Titans, and others, are from other planetary systems, which would l " "!require more time than this

'3c :J `i1? -`'present reading can give .


.- o n

Awareness, one of the most common questions we keep getting persistently from ,members is requests for more information on UFO's and the middle earth . Is it tie .will of Awareness that sometime we could have complete arid- detailed reading o nthis subject, and we could publish it once and ;,for, ..all for the people?


Cosmic Awareness :

This Awareness indicates this as in the affirmative, That the information require more than one reading .


RECOMBINANT PNA 'TECI IQUE 0(How Entities Create thei r

.` •''

Own Bodies , before ,B r ..t*

vs -,i n

A question from C .H. of Arcata, Calif': ' "Recently, the technique of recombinantDNA, which many scientists claim offers,great promise for knowledge, but which als oholds the possibility for mutant strains- .e,fbacteria to escape and plague mankind ,has become the topic for public inquiry and-governmental Controls . I would like Awarenes sto comment on the arrival of this knowledge at this point of time on this whether this is an. echo of the Atlantean's experiments, or before . "

Cosmic Awareness :

This Awareness indicates this as in the affirmative . That in general the Atlante'n sapproached this in a much different manner . This Awareness indicates that the Atlnntean s:sere not as impressed by the nature of the DNA and the cellular structure, for the eunderstood all as being subject to consciousness .

This Awareness indicates, that through such concepts as hypnosis, as used byth e<.tlanteans, the DNA structure could be manipulated and changed through th e' imagingprocess, through suggestions, through repeated

,imaging .

This Awareness indicates that this is the process entities use in bringing fort htheir own bodies before entering this plane ; , Through tapping into the psyche of th emother and father and through their own imaging, they evolve a synthesis of he feelingsand images, this synthesis being the physical body at the time of birth . This Awarenes sindicates that .the present scientific approach be} .ng more concerned with the matter :seeing forces as though these forces were ma€era in nature is somewhat different fro mthe Atlantean approach, which recognized that there is matter as such , , but that' .111:

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is image and vibration, being created by consciousness, through its own ability t ofocus and to control the vibration and the forms, particularly when in deep, subjectiv elevels .


uestion :

1 would like Awareness to comment on my excruciating self-consciousness an dapparent guilt in facing the eyes of others, and what I can do to he free of this burden i

Cosmic Awareness :

This Awareness suggests that you are, in actuality, judging yourself as beinginferior to your own standards of what you should be . That wherein you look at other s:n( . see them looking at you, you assume that they see you as you see yourself ine'ation to your ideals, being unable or unwilling to live up to these ' ideals . .

This Awareness suggests that you look into a mirror, staring at your eyes . , . seeing .the pupils alone, focusing upon the pupils, visualizing the entity behind those pupilsas being your ideal self, being everything that you would ideally ., believe , yoursel fcapable of being . That you then make three spins or turns in'a clockwise direction ,look again at the pupils of the eyes in the mirror, visualize the eyes, the entit ybehind the pupil being everything that you dislike about yourself .

This Awareness suggests that then you make three turns clockwise, look again int othe mirror at the pupils ofthe eyes and visualize the entity as being a composite o fboth the ideal and the entity which you would despise or dislike, and seeing thes emove into the same form, seeing these come together .

This Awareness suggests that you visualize these two entities living withi nthe same physical body : the ideal and the inferior, both trying co inhabit and posses sand express themselves through this same body .

This Awareness suggests that, you imagine the ideal attempting to remain with it sideal values while being possessed by who is inferior and unable to, or unwillingo live up those ideals.

This Awareness suggests that you then visualize the inferior entity who must liv ein this body with one who has such high ideals as are disgusting, as are impractical ,ard as are beyond the level of application in terms of what is actuality .

This Awareness suggests that then you visualize these two entities cozmnunicatin gtoget:her, making peace with one ano .t.her, wherein the ideal entity allows . certain to enter into the being, which are not of an ideal nature, but that the ideal>ri:ity allows himself to become .._ tolerant as though tolerance were also part of idealism .

This Awareness suggests that you also allow the entity who is inferior in feelin gto cake on certain ideals being impressed from that other entity, so that the entit y

is rebellious toward the ideals acknowledges that if you can be more tolerant o fm: r , I can also live up to certain ideals which you would like me to hold, withou tbeing hostile toward these .

This Awareness indicates in this manner, through self-talk, you can begin to accep tyourself and find a workable relationship between these two parts of yourself to allo wtherm to blend into one entity which has ideals and weaknesses, is neither perfect no r


mperfect, but is in fact, who you are, acceptable and loved, even with the flaws, eve n4s this Awareness accepts you .

This Awareness wishes entities to understand that It does not ask entities to b eperfect in the sense of ideal perfection .

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This Awareness indicates that It asks your to accept yourself and td lov e

one another .

This Awareness indicates that you 'are perfect when you cart accept your imperfection

rnd the imperfection ef others, and still work toward improving yourself .



!uestion :

We have just lost our youngest child, and have many deep feelings and wondering s

concerning this . One morning, our daughter of only 72 days left her body, due physicall y

to spinal meningitis . We wereonly'aware of her being ill for 12 hours . Would Awarenes s

nlease help us to understand why she came and left so fast, what her relationship t o

this 'psychic storm' that has been talked about Was, what lessons can be 'garnered fro m

this experience, what her and ourpreviods karmic links may have been, and if' we'l l

be with her again in this lifetime ?

Cosmic Awareness :

This Awareness indicates that the entity did return, knowing that her sojourn i n

this particular life would be very brief .

This Awareness indicates that the entity as one who inherited this brief lif e

through a karmic . experience from her previous lifetime . This Awareness indicates thi s

as that which needs not be looked at at this time.

That the entity did move into this plane and into AniriVolvement with you and your

family through a relationship of a previous lifetime, yet also as a message to you fro m

another plane : the message being that which was deemed as necessary in her life expressio n

dt .ring this brief time.

This Awareness suggests that you look at the brief experience as though it were a

statement being given to you by this entity. That this may be experienced as a statemen tt•l you about the levels of sensitivity which existed within your psyche prior to the

b'_rth and after the departure . That you may see the difference between the level o f

sensitivity before and after the statement .

This Awareness indicates that also the entity as working out certain karmic expressio nof her own, whereby the entity was previously involved in a life wherein, throug hnegligence, this entity was responsible for harm which came to others, and felt tha t

.she should experience a brief movement of dependency in this present situation . Thi sAwareness indicates that having experienced this for a brief time, the entity then lef tand is preparing again to assimilate the information gathered from the experience an d

incorporate this into the soul stuff . The entity shall return to you at a later time ,this being seen approximately five years from the present .

This Awareness indicates you shall'knowthis entity by the vibrations and the eyes .


(question :;Continued. from above reading )

Our second question is : Also since this occurrence, we have been quite concerne dabout our other child, age three . We were giving a yarn picture by Mexican Indian swhich we were told is a Peyote vision . In it there is a female entity seemingly givin g

en a young female child, and a male entity seemingly giving up a young male child . Wil lX areness please tell us the pictur e ' s meaning and its relationship to our little boy an d

to ourselves?

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Cosmic Awareness :

This Awareness indicates that you need not energize that concept which you feelwhen interpreting the . picture as being a fated vision, suggesting that you would los eyour children .

This Awareness indicates that the interpretation can he on any level you choose .That regardless of how it was intended, you have within your, own psyche the, ability t ochange the interpretation, or to add to the interpretation, to energize the origina l

interpretation, or to create a new interpretation .

This Awareness indicates that if you create a new interpretation, you may visualiz ethis symbolegy as being one wherein you can, if you choose, identify with these entities -see the young child, the girl, as being the daughter ; see the boy as being the son ;but instead of visualizing this as being a symbol of your son also being taken fromyou, you can visualize this as being a message which states that you do not own th echild, and must give up any feelings that would imply that you do own this child . Forthe child is his own being and you are but one who is a guardian and guide to assis tthis child in this lifetime .

This Awareness indicates that anytime there is a vision which can be construed a sbeing a vision of negative experience in your consciousness, anytime there is anyon ewho attempts to place upon you the forecast of loss, death, doom or tragedy, or anytim eyou tune into and see a tragic experience, believing this as coming to you, you hav ethe ability to energize and add to that vision in this manner, assisting to bring thi sabout, or you have the ability to misinterpret, or to change the interpretation t osomething other, which is more conducive to harmony and joy .

This Awareness suggests that how you visualize the next moment tends to change th e

nature and direction of that moment : That wherein 10 people join together and visualiz ean entity growing stronger in health and joy, indeed, this shall assist the entity in

growing stronger in health and joy . Yet, if one entity visualizes that entity becomin gsick and ill, and others begin to believe that prediction, indeed they can assist i nvisualizing sickness and illness coming upon that entity to such a degree that th eentity would have much difficulty in throwing off those images . This Awareness indicate sthis in the nature of black magic .

This Awareness indicates that any entity, any psychic who predicts disaster fo ranother entity, any entity who publishes such predictions that this or that disaste ris going to occur to this or that entity, is adding their energy and the energy of al lothers who share in that image, to the energizing process of making that predictio ncome true .

This Awareness implores entities who see a prediction by any psychic, or any typ eof prediction which states that a certain tragedy is going to occur : this Awarenes simplores entities to nullify these predictions in their own consciousness, in thei rown psyche, to visualize something better happening, to visualize those predictions a sbeing in error .

This Awareness suggests that you make an X across that image, and that you visualiz ethat image as being placed upon a fire, being burnt, and that the image be thrown awa yand a new image being drawn, wherein that entity or situation which was destined fo rtragedy, is now discarded and a new image is being placed before your consciousnes swhich shows health, vitality, joy, harmony and light moving through that situatio nor entity .

This Awareness indicates that there are many entities who think they are bein gpsychic, who think they are reading the future, who, in actuality, are but predictin gnegative experiences and bringing these about by their predictions ; and are, whether

they realize . this or not, are practicing black magic .

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This Awareness indicates that the Universe appears and disappears every four -quadrillionths of a second, and every image or energy within the Universe appear sand disappears at that rate . That entities have it within their power to image the

next Universe which comes into being every four-quadrillionths of'asecond, tha tentities who understand will also understand that they create their own world throug h

images, along with others who are also imaging .

This Awareness indicates that if you join in .theimage of one who i,s ;projecting0 '

tragedy, you are assisting that image, and that .one-,yin the projection and creation '

of that tragedy .

This Awareness suggests that you begin to learn to work in co-imaging toward thcs e

images which bring forth joy, harmony and happiness to others and to yoursel fl ;and tha t

you begih ignoring more and more,and withdrawing your energies from those ,who•are . .' .

the prophets of doom.



flues Lion :

Member R .E .E . -asks : What is meant by the loosing of Satan, Or Lucifer, for ashort time after the current millenium, and how will that' affect man at ' that time

Cosmic Awareness : ;tale

i eme r

This Awareness indicates that the forces known . as Satan are forces which also ca n-,be attributed to the nature of the planet Saturn in astrological sense . This Awarenes sqndicates the planet Saturn being that which emaciates a force upon your!. plane that tend stcwa rd . •thefeelings of restriction . This Awareness indicates therestiiction as beingoften conceived of as negative, or of evil, but this ' constrietion`is not necessarilyevil if entities do not resist this constriction, but simply' this in a canerwhereby they ,feel the constriction without' resistance .

i%' e e

This Awareness indicates when this occurs, the nature of Saturn comes out andis seen as responsibility . An intensity of energy that must be looked at in this o rthat particular area Is responsibility, and that also may be as constriction o fone ' s expression .

This Awareness indicates that those forces which do not look carefully at theseintensities, these constrictions, and face their responsibility in dealing with these ,can conceive these as being forces of evil, imps of Saturn, or Satan . This Awarenes sindicates that from this, entities can begin to believe that' there are personalit yfactors behind these forces and refer to these forces asdevil's or demons .

This Awareness indicates that :these forces are,- in' ectifality, nothing more tha nareas wherein there is a constricted difficulty that must be faced and looked a tcarefully, often these relating unto feelings of guilt, inadequacy, and often thes erelated unto .feelings of superiority, greed or lust ; that wherein these are looked a t'carefully, a kind of responsibility in dealing with these comes into being ; that whereinthese are ndt looked at carefully, these forces may 'manifest themselves•a-5 greed, lust ,power or inadequacy .

. . ,

This Awareness indicates that entities who conceive these as being forces of evil ,of Satan, in the sense of personality forces, these entities are simply being caugh tby a literary device known as personification . This likened unto entities personifyin gthe planet Mars as Hercules ; Apollo, the Sun'; and Venus, the Goddess of Love--seeing

these planets as personalities . That the planet , • Saturn, its force emanating, iiiay b eseen as a personality known as Satan`,'and its •influence may be seen as an evil influenc eif this is what entities choose as their interpretation by using this literary devic e

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of personification .

This Awareness indicates that in terms of The Revelations wherein Saturn, or Sata nis chained and then released for a season', this relates unto an action of many level swherein entities, as a mass of conscioushes's, become aware of the force and power o fSaturn and learn to face their responsibilities, and in this manner become capable o fbringing about harmony upon this plane .

This Awareness indicates that this as partially related unto the influence of th eplanet Pluto, as well as that of Vulcan, as well as the passage of the solar system ,the sun on its cycle in that which may be termed the Aquarian Age . This . Awarenes sindicates that this also being a cycle does have its duration, and that the plane tPluto, which affects the masses of consciousness, does move on, and the effects of it smovement in terms of aspects toward Saturn are such that changes shall occur . And thesechanges shall occur, not only in the masses, but also within individuals .

This Awareness indicates the Book of Revelations does, indeed, have a correlatio nto the masses of entities upon this plane ; but in a greater sense, the Book of Revelatio nrelates unto the individual and the revelations that unfold to the individual .

This Awareness indicates the seven churches and candlesticks as relating unto th erising of consciousness through the chakras and endocrine system ; that the Beast asbeing that which is the structural and thinking process within the minds of entities .That Satan, or Saturn, may be thought of as the effects of the gonads upon the thinkin gprocess of entities--that which affects the energy flow to the pineal, whereby entitie scan easily become fixated and obsessed with lust, greed and power by having accentuatio nof the gonad-type of energy being brought into the pineal level .

This Awareness indicates once this energy moves beyond the pineal level and int othe pituatary level, that this releases the fixation and focusing action into'level sof receptivity . This Awareness indicates when this occurs, the chains may be considered ,in an allegorical sense, as being placed upon Saturn, the gonad level, so that ther e.s greater receptivity to all that is occurring round about, rather than as just t othe focusing action of the pineal, which ould control or manipulate forces round about .

This Awareness indicates this as a very complex symbolism to explain, for the .levels of meaning are of a multiciplicity : that the interpretation can be ' foran : .individual's revelations, the opening of the Book of Revelation and seven seals dealin gwith the realization, or revelation, that occur to entities .as they unfold spiritually .This Also occurs on a social level so that entire nations and societies go through thesame evolving process, and'this'has been occurring down through history . That the grea tcultures 'of 'Greece, Rome, France, England, Germany, Russia, The United States : all o fthese have gone through the same stages, in one sense, of unfoldment as described i nthe Book of Revelations .That these unfoldments are occurring also upon your plane _ athe sense, not just of individal societies, but of the international level, or wha tmight be called the United Nations of the Earth .

This Awareness indicates that much of the unfoldment and the prophecy in the Bookof Revelations, being allegorical and symbolic, shall not come about in a literal sense .This Awareness indicates that, however, some of this shall be seen to some degree a scoming about . This Awareness wishes entities to watch carefully the money-changin g

`s Rastem, which is the heart of the Beast .

REVELATIONS OF AWARENESS is a cosmic newsletter published b yCosmic Awareness Communications, P .O . Box 115, Olympia, Washington, 198507 . Rates and membership information available upon request .

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I have two questions to ask . Will you please answer me to the point : You see Iknow there is no death, that we live on . Will I be on this earth planet in fiv eyears from now or will I have ascended ?

Cosmic Awareness :

This Awareness indicates there shall be that action and that movement wherei ncertain portions of yourself begin to make the ascension, even while other portion sof yourself remain on the physical plane .

This Awareness indicates that there ''isa breaking down of the barriers'"betwee nthis plane and the next . There is that'which allows entities toranove ! partially int othe Fourth Dimension even while still residing and being visible on the Third Dimension .This Awareness indicates this as related-unto the way of looking at the Universe .Wherein entities see the Third Dimension

the normal sense of that which has bee nvisualized in the past on your plane, these entities still can continue to see thing sof the Second Dimension but from the Third Dimensional viewpoint .

This Awareness indicates entities living on the' Fourth Dimension will also se ethose on the Third Dimension, but from a Fourth Dimensional point of view . ThisAwareness indicates, however, those of the Third Dimension will see only the Thir dDimensional beings, while those on the Fourth' Dimension will seethe Fourth Dimensiona laspects of themselves and the Universe others as well as the' Third and Secondand First Dimensional aspects .

This Awareness indicates that 'you understand the' Fourth 'Dimensional aspects o fyourself may be clearly through the realization that the Universe includin gyourself, appears and disappears every four-quadrillionths of a second, and the reapp-earance of the Universe is created by your imaging and your .imagination-along wit hthe imaginations of others, and is based on memory as'wel.las 'projection--projectingfrom the previous moment and the re-entry into that new moment, recalling from th epast moment what you wish to carry into the new . You thus create in your imaginatio nyour own physical beiitg, -which very similar to the previous 'being which existe dfour-quadrillionths of a second before in the previous' Universe .

This Awareness indicates entities who fully understand this, from, a' Fourth Dimen -sional view shall not only continue to exist this plane, but shall exist also o nthe Fou'r'th Dimensional plane, 'realizing that they are' imagination-and' that' they . cannot create themselves from' moment to but can also change , themselves, ' andcan even rejuvenate themselves and become younger and more healthy, and can `situat ethemselves so that their lifestyle becomes more°harmonious .

This Awareness indicates that you must' begin' understanding^ at some point in you rexistence that there is no!need to "drop the carcase, ' butthat ..if you wish to "dropthe carcass", this is your choice ; you may do'so.

This Awareness indicates that in your particular case, within the next five year sthe tendency at this time is for you to continue'existing, and 'for you to begin rejuv-'enating yourself somewhat, growing healthier and 'growing into harmony and letting goof certain attitudes of self-condemnation and judgment, of self-pity, and letting g oof certain other attitudes' which put your abilities and moving mor eand more , into attitudes of wonder and awe at which is coming upon thi splane .

This Awareness indicates that within you, you shall begin to feel the stirring sof ecstasy; and as you look this and experience-this-more and more, you shall beginto rejuvenate and move into a very smooth transition ..,from.the being that you have bee n

into the New Being .

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This Awareness indicates this as the t'endeacy at this Lillie .

it is aiwayaup to the individual whether or not the individual wishes to transmute the body int ohigher vibrations, moving its parts toward spiritual levels, or drop the carcas sand go on into the spiritual realms without it .

This Awareness wishes you to understand that from the Fourth Dimensional point o fview death is nothing but change ; such change is usually sudden and total as in th ephysical death. The slow transition from one experience to another is generally see nas change . These are actions which are basically the same except in terms of thei rtiming and speed : the action of change being that which is moved about in a manner whic his gradual and slow, whereas the action of death is that which moves in an action whic his usually very sudden . This Awareness indicates that there is much change whic hentities can move through in preparation for the sudden death . That this is that whichray be referred to as the lingering sickness or aging prior to death .

This Awareness indicates this too may be your choice, .but this also does not seemto be that which is the movement at present . This Awareness suggests that there appear sto be a tendency toward rejuvenation and the gradual conversion of the physical part-icles teward the Light Being and the Spiritual Realm . That this may be altered accordin gto your wishes, for there is an aspect of impatience within your psyche wherein yon :tend to long for something on the other side . This Awareness suggests that you stil lhate certain things for which you need to be in the physical, to work out and to settl eprior to moving across .

This Awareness suggests generally speaking you will be here five years from now .This may be altered according to your will . This Awareness indicates the tendency a tthis time is that there will not be a lingering and suffering experience . This alsomay be altered according to your attitudes and your will .

Question :

Will I suffer long befere I go, or will I go quickly ?

Cosmic Awareness .

This Awareness indicates that the suffering will be at a minimum . That the sufferingonly begins within your own attitudes toward yourself and toward life, and then contin -

, ques intensifying until that attitude has its effect upon the physical body in such amay that the physical body can not stand the attitude and begins to "break out " in itsform of pain . This then often leads to suffering and death . This Awareness indicates ,that wherein you have an attitude toward yourself, toward life, and wherein your attit-ude is such that you love life, you love yourself, you love those about you, there wil lnot be great suffering .

question :

Will you pray if it be God ' s will that I will be able to communicate with my husban dthat has left this world . Will you ask that I can feel his presence with me .

Cosmic Awareness :

This Awareness indicates that the presence of your husband has a very profoundeffect upon your psyche and is already within you . This Awareness indicates that th eentity himself has moved on and is working in other levels,and for certain purposes i sassisting those on the other side in helping to bring about a greater communicatio nbetween that dimension and this dimension and is helping those others on that side t o,ring greater harmony and understanding among the peoples of this earth . This Awarenes sindicates that the entity does occasionally come and visit you in his spare time, part-icularly in dreams . That the entity wishes to convey the message to you that you no tworry . That the separation between the two of you is not of any great significance, fo rthere is coming a time wherein the energies of entities shall be freed from materia l"bondage and wherein these entities may move in and out of the material levels at will .

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This Awareneg s indicates this entity also wishes to eonVeYete von tht there i sa . tota'11Y different concept of time which does not feel the tMpatte n-ceaha the waiting .This entity recognizes this lifetime 1S'but a few moments', 'andtthen the''moVement int oother doorways and realms of existence : . '

This Awareness wishes yon to underStand . this entity is content and is concerne dmore about your anxiety than his own . This entity wishes you to feel more relaxed an dto enjoy th e . rest ef your sojourn on earth without being overtly attached' 'to him, fo rthis/does hinder his work and yours . This ' Awareness indicataa- this hindersahts Wor kin that it causes him to feel divided and obligated to assist you in a way'-that woul dsatisfy your desire, yet realizing that there 'is nothing which he can do liar you a tthis time other than : to ' force'some kind ofchange or cling to something that canno tyet be .



This Awareness suggests this entity does love you very deeply and wishes you t ofinish your action uPOn this earth in a manner that iS joyful, and move-into communicat-ation and harmony with others,: This Awareness indicates this will give a certai ncompletion to your action in this lifetime .

1 ; 2


Question :

rri :

A new possible development in my personal life has occurred : an acquaintanc e

named )3oh ; his gesture to me came as a surprise and turned my life into confusion .Would Awareness indicate what am I to expect .from him where we'reotng and whattype of relationship am ' 1 to expect regarding him? Is he replacing B1lln my life ?

Cosmic Awareness :

This Awareness suggests you not deal in expectations and replacements . This `Awarenes ssuggests you allow these relationships to be what they are . That you not createexpect-ations around any entity, hoptng'for this or that type of 'relatiOnship tO o6cUr ' fromthat which is, but rather accept and look at that which is, and allow it to grow ,change, or remain the same, according to how you relate with that entity and how tha tentity relates with you on a moment-to-moment basis .


This Awareness sugge gts the nature of 6'ect4oni's such that wherein One expect sa certain event to occur in ' relation to anOtherentitY, that exi')68t%tiOR' ;Egins t

o put upon that entity a direction/and

and movement andcontro acoor ng

tha twhich you perceive, is to happen .


- - s

This suggests in your'action ''of diPeaing anothei' ' tO sbehaVe in -a certainpattern or move toward a certain culmination in a relationship ; '' tht-I.;n yOnr eX'Pec t j tionis creating a control upon that entity, a psychic bond, attempting to force that entit yinto that image which you are projecting . This Awareness suggests this is no t ''Conduciveto freedom, nor to love, nor to the respect due one another .

This Awareness snggests yOunot think iri ` terms of one entity replacing another ; butthat you look at each entity as individuals, recognizing that there needs be no replace-ment, there needs be no particular place for entities in your life . Thatf-theY may-simplybe where they are, be what they are without your need to place them in a position o f

a :re:a :ea

,priority or secondary levels, or any Other placement .

This Awareness suggests you are no t' a ` plaCement bureau, you are 11'6i: to act as onewho must hire and fire : you ' are simply an entity who ha g relationships with others ,and these entities also have their relationship with yo4 . andthefterelatiOnshi3s ca nchange, can move about and in your allowanCe of this, yOn ' 'c 'an f' learn ' tO relate clearl y..and allow them to relate clearly withi you .

This Awareness indicates that you shall profit in your '6latiOnshiO when you holdclosely with open arns . This Awareness suggest you study theAaW -Of.Affection :*

*(See Revelations of Awareness #77-7, Page 10 )

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