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Cosmic Awareness 1978-37: The Law Of Love (A Revision By Cosmic Awareness)

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rI y 4 ♦- 5 dt - 41' 78-37 Cosmic Awareness Commusicafion c r . o. u' . u5 . Olycrpts, W■tdtnaton 9050 7 (•OShiI(' \ ,\RlfSt . S`1 is the that l.x re .sctl kiwi! !nrtin ;h l . ttgu ; layer, Irv„ of Na/ .tteth . the t(utldh:t . l :rt .hnn , mollainmcd . ;md other gte :u avul :us wh,t .rival :u <'h :mne{',' for the 'tl, :a .ruh l sa g s, .' . and u•{u, sneak, a}' .dut as th e wurltl hegtn, tt enter the Veit .1 ,0' .f ir ;tu .+l t'cxtseiou .tt, . . an,l acc :rrraes . Jinre I9h ( 'txtni, . .\w :ttt•ttt:,a I t . heen cotIIntttnt- timing, through c rU,itt c:tretully trained clt :outcls the it :tormati<tct e ,s(ain&•,{ herein was , .staved Ir,mn drop tr :tntr state', :In d 'inttrprcted• h} an entry a(filiaicrt vith (' .A t' . I hi, nlet nt7ilitat is Iot t il t„ ,. el l s tnhrv'il She 1'cvv :1ge Awatrma .. leis, coil no t to bcltetr :tnglhittg, but to qucau,n, rtttl, .n :. dnuhl :)i) i dr rutrr Ior yonr .rli ',that is th . tr,tth . („+nlir •Sw :nrncs . only in rlie:ftep and ulg,gt:',Is . Paul Shockle y (Trance-Interprete r THE LAW OF LOV E (A Revision by Cosmic Awareness ) _Question : (C.A.C . General Reading, July 28, 1978 ) Awareness, we are here today for a final general reading . Does Awareness have an opening message ? COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness suggests that the Interpreter previously mentioned the revisin g of the Law of hove . This Awareness indicates this as that which is appropriate a s was indicated . This Awareness indicates that as the movement of energies in the readings i s disseminated to the general . public, there needs to be greater clarification o f certain wordings of messages so that these words do not create the shocking effec t upon those new members and those who are new to this material . This awareness indicates in die ts particular instance, whereas the Law of hav e presently as given ends With thest , temont 'that resists not evil ;' this statemen t meing also one which is found it the Biblical message of the Christ relating t o the turning of the cheek . M This Awareness indicates that :any entities appear to be shocked by that phras c and do not realize that this phrase, 'resist not evil, ' was spoken also by th e Christ, by Jesus himself, and is found in the Book of Matthew . This Awarenes s suggests that this often becomes block to further communication whereby certai n fundamentalists, who are not familiar with this passage in the New Testament , assume that because the Law or Love makes the statement ' resist not evil ' that th e Awareness movement must be of the Devil . This Awareness suggests that due to this continuing challenge, it appear s appropriate that a modification of this Law is suitable in the following manner : This Awareness suggests the Law may be read as follows : The haw of Love is that law which places the welfare and concer n and feeling for others above self . The T:aa of Love is that clos e affinity with all forces that entities associate with good . Th e Law of Love is that force that denies the existence of evil i n the world, that resists not . Love follows the course of leas t resistance .
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♦- 5

dt - 41'


Cosmic Awareness Commusicafion cr . o. u' . u5 . Olycrpts, W■tdtnaton 9050 7

(•OShiI(' \ ,\RlfSt . S`1 is the that l.x re .sctl kiwi! !nrtin ;h l . ttgu ; layer, Irv„ of Na/ .tteth . the t(utldh:t . l :rt .hnn ,mollainmcd . ;md other gte :u avul :us wh,t .rival :u <'h :mne{',' for the 'tl, :a .ruh l sa g s,.' . and u•{u, sneak, a}'.dut as th ewurltl hegtn, tt enter the Veit .1 ,0' .f ir ;tu.+l t'cxtseiou .tt, . . an,l acc :rrraes . Jinre I9h ( 'txtni,. .\w :ttt•ttt:,a I t . heen cotIIntttnt-timing, through c rU,itt c:tretully trained clt:outcls the it:tormati<tct e ,s(ain&•,{ herein was ,.staved Ir,mn drop tr:tntr state', :In d'inttrprcted• h} an entry a(filiaicrt vith (' .A t' . I hi, nlet nt7ilitat is Iot t il t„ ,. el l s tnhrv'il She 1'cvv :1ge Awatrma . . leis, coil no tto bcltetr :tnglhittg, but to qucau,n, rtttl, .n : . dnuhl :)i) i dr rutrr Ior yonr .rli ',that is th . tr,tth . („+nlir •Sw :nrncs . only in •rlie:ftep and ulg,gt:',Is .

Paul Shockle y(Trance-Interpreter

THE LAW OF LOV E(A Revision by Cosmic Awareness )

_Question : (C .A .C . General Reading, July 28, 1978 )

Awareness, we are here today for a final general reading . Does Awareness havean opening message ?


This Awareness suggests that the Interpreter previously mentioned the revisin gof the Law of hove . This Awareness indicates this as that which is appropriate a swas indicated .

This Awareness indicates that as the movement of energies in the readings i sdisseminated to the general. public, there needs to be greater clarification o fcertain wordings of messages so that these words do not create the shocking effec tupon those new members and those who are new to this material .

This awareness indicates in die ts particular instance, whereas the Law of have

presently as given ends With thest , temont 'that resists not evil ;' this statemen t

meing also one which is found it the Biblical message of the Christ relating t o

the turning of the cheek .M

This Awareness indicates that :any entities appear to be shocked by that phras c

and do not realize that this phrase, 'resist not evil, ' was spoken also by theChrist, by Jesus himself, and is found in the Book of Matthew . This Awarenes ssuggests that this often becomes block to further communication whereby certai n

fundamentalists, who are not familiar with this passage in the New Testament ,

assume that because the LaworLove makes the statement ' resist not evil ' that the

Awareness movement must be of the Devil .

This Awareness suggests that due to this continuing challenge, it appear sappropriate that a modification of this Law is suitable in the following manner :

This Awareness suggests the Law may be read as follows :

The haw of Love is that law which places the welfare and concer nand feeling for others above self . The T:aa of Love is that closeaffinity with all forces that entities associate with good . The

Law of Love is that force that denies the existence of evil i n

the world, that resists not . Love follows the course of leas tresistance .

Page 2: Cosmic Awareness 1978-37: The Law Of Love (A Revision By Cosmic Awareness)

This Awareness indicates there are . SoMeientities who would prefer to chang e

other lines in this law, particularly the reference tc placing the welfare an d

concern. of others above self, stating that it is more appropriate to place the

it welfare andConcernfor others along with self ..

.s . .



.This Awareness indicates that although It has suggested that entities no t

sacrifice themselves for this Awareness, it appears at this time in. consciousnessthat were entities to attempt to equalize the Law .22fLove wherein they placewelfare and concern for others along with self, this kind of concept would easil ybe discharged in its value .

This Awareness suggests that wherein you put the weltare and concern forothers above self, indeed . you are acting in a state of love ; that it: is suggeste dentities gtve the other a benefit of doubt and . a greater than. fifty-fifty

percentage in. a relationship .

This Awareness indicates that wherein an entity gives too much to anothe r

and ,is being devoured. by the other's energies, and is sacrificing oneself toanother, this may be considered as an. expression of love for a time ; but wherei nan entity is discerning, it becomes obvious that one who tramples upon another ,even. if that other is yourself, that one who tramples upon another is not bein ggiven justice in the relationship and it is the responsibility of the one who i sbeing violated to inform the other that this cannot be tolerated .

This Awareness suggests that it is important for entities to share witbroh eanother ; and in. order to share in a manner which allows a free flow of concer nand consideration for the welfare of others, to compensate far the tendenc yof entities to look out for their own self-interest, (a problem of identificatio nwith most entities), it is suggested that you consider the concept of placin gthe welfare and concern. for the other over your welfare and concern for yourself .This tends to balance the tendency to be more self-concerned than other concerned .

ED'S Note :


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