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Cosmic Convergence G11

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  • 8/21/2019 Cosmic Convergence G11


    Cosmic Convergence: 2012 and Beyond 

    http://cosmicconvergence.org/?p=5559http://cosmicconvergence.org/?p=5559Where Cosmic Convergence Intersects Mayan Calendrics and the Kali Yuga

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     AWESOME  Earth Changes Coming Around The Corner 

    Posted on November 14, !1" b# cosmicconvergence!1


    Cosmic Convergence Accelerates Epochal Planetary Transformation ~


     What happens when an unparalleled Solar Maximium occurs while Pluto is cruising

    through Capricorn, seismic activity and vulcanism (both undersea and on land) have

    already seen a dramatic uptick, technospheric breakdown has greatly accelerated,

    entire species have vacated the planet as whole ecosystems are irreparably destroyed,

    global climate change appears as global warming, cooling, drought or deluge, and the

     worldwide inancial system is on the verge o collapse, as in a total and complete,

    irreversible monetary meltdown! "elieve it or not, these actual occurrences and

     various eventualities are the very least o our problems# $ere%s why&

    'here are certain progressive% developments and converging circumstances which

     will dictate the course o our uture as a global civiliation and human race * the ith

    (and si+th) root race(s)-. to have inhabited planet /arth since it has revolved around

    the sun# 'hat which will serve to 0accelerate epochal planetary transormation1

    considerably more than any other ma2or precipitating cause can be summed up as



  • 8/21/2019 Cosmic Convergence G11


    “When scientific knowledge and applied technology reach a

    critical level of advancement, without being informed by spiritual

    truths and guided by moral authority, the current civilization will

    relinquish its right to continue as it is.” 

    ~ Cosmic Convergence Research Group

    'ruly, the greatest determinant o the immediate uture o humanity is the e+tent to

     which science and technology * unalloyed to ethical and moral considerations *

    continue to challenge what has historically allen within the 0domain o the gods1#

    'he ancient 3reeks had some very poignant mythical legends which clearly spell out

    the relevant lesson or humankind concerning this most proound and highly

    conse4uential prognostication#

    Perhaps the story o 5carus * lying too closely to the Sun with his wa+ wings * is an

    apt metaphor or the current direction that our civiliation is heading in# Certainly it

    could represent the way humanity has approached so many new and diverse untested

    technologies, as well as countless scientiic applications in use throughout the world#

    6or as long as his story has been told, 5carus has served as a tragic mythological

    e+ample o hubris and blind ambition, arrogance and ignorance#

  • 8/21/2019 Cosmic Convergence G11


    7 Icarus falling to the earth after flying too close to the sun ith his ings of 


    'here are many practical reasons why speciic cosmological and natural laws are laid

    down at the inception o each human race that populates the planet# Planet /arth

    does not e+ist in isolation as it concerns the rest o the Solar System, or the 8ilky Way 3ala+y or that matter# 5n act there are many established, as well as some not

     very well understood, relationships which e+ist between /arth and its planetary

    neighbors# What occurs here on our blue orb does aect the other heavenly bodies

    much more than we realie, and visa versa# 9 course, astrology enthusiasts

    understand that we are only stating the obvious#

    'hereore, when the scientists on /arth start to push beyond the acceptable limits,

    not only on this orb but also in ways that impact our sister planets, there will be

     blowback eects which are as inescapable as they are unathomable# 'he etheric

  • 8/21/2019 Cosmic Convergence G11


    civiliations, which inhabit these other planets, have their own destinies, their own

    karma, and their own right to evolve without intrusion rom earthly inluences#

    Clearly, those intrusions have reached an unprecedented crescendo because o the

    level o spiritually uninormed and wantonly unethical scientiic achievements and

    technological leaps e+perienced by the current race o humanity#

    'his state o aairs cannot continue# $owever, beore we e+plore why this is the case,

    let%s take a closer look at the various layers o meaning surrounding this

    unolding Cosmic Convergence#

    First of all, just what is Cosmic Convergence?

    Cosmic Convergence reers to the convergence o multiple events and happenings,

    signs and omens, and established trends and tra2ectories throughout all o the

    ollowing interpenetrating realms o Planet /arth, the Solar System, the 8ilky Way

    3ala+y, and the Universe# 0 !s a"ove# so "elo1 sums up the cosmic nature o this

    regularly occurring cycle as it serves to greatly 0accelerate epochal planetary

    transormation1# 'he resulting process o transmogriication will be so thorough and

    undeviating in nature that the e+isting civiliation will eectively cease to e+ist in its

    current orm:

    $owever, like all the great movements o one era to the ne+t, this planetary

    metamorphosis is occuring in its and starts alternating with a seeming slowness and

    surety, which conounds reason as much as it does e+pectation# ;evertheless,

     whether you see the tip o the iceberg or glimpse the mass o ice below the surace,

    this cosmic convergence will ine+orably make itsel known in every sphere o lie and

    on every s4uare inch o the globe#

  • 8/21/2019 Cosmic Convergence G11


    $As in he%ven, so on e%rth&

    ;ow, let%s take a closer look at the convergence side o this cosmic drama#

    Convergence o what&

    < Paralleling o =ncient Calendars

    < Simultaneous Closing o /ras

    < 5ntersection o World 'ime >ines

    < 8a2or /arth Changes (Seismic, ?olcanism, and Coastline)

    < 3lobal Climate Change aka 3lobal Warming

    < /nvironmental@/cological Points o ;o Aeturn

  • 8/21/2019 Cosmic Convergence G11


    < =tmospheric B 9ceanic 'ipping Points

    < 'echnospheric "reakdown

    < issolution o the 3lobal Control 8atri+

    < Societal "reakpoints (/conomic, Political B Social)

    < Clashes o Civiliations@Cultures@Aeligions

    < Scriptural Prophecies

    < Scientiic Prognostications

    < >uminary =lignments

    < =strological Predictions

    < =stronomical Phenomena

    < Constellation Placements

    < 5ntensiied Solar 8a+imum

    < Solar System in 3reat 6lu+

    < 3alactic Center /nergy /manations

    'his list is by no means complete, but is airly e+haustive as ar as this discussion is


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    The Galactic Center of the Mily !ay is "efine" #y a $upermassive %lac


    'his essay is obligated to give much deserved attention to the e+tremely powerul

    emanations o energy released rom the Galactic Center o the 8ilky Way, which

    pass through our solar system rom time to time# 'he Cosmic Convergence Research

    Group has placed much emphasis on the sun regarding the true reasons or most o

    the recent earth changes# $owever, in addition to the ongoing and e+traordinary

    solar transormation causing these awesome changes, there are other 4uite

    prodigious inluences which can be traced to the Galactic Center#

    5n act there lies at the Galactic Center a supermassive black hole which periodically

    releases tremendous amounts o energy that eventually permeate the entire gala+y#

    'he primary orms o these energy releases are as ollows& (i) a cosmic 2et which is

    e2ected directly rom the black hole perpendicular to the galactic plane and (ii) a

    spreading wave or pulse o energy which moves along the galactic plane throughout

    the entire gala+y to its edges and beyond#

  • 8/21/2019 Cosmic Convergence G11


    "ecause the sun has been approaching the galactic plane and thereore aligning with

    the Galactic Center or several years (ecember D-, DE-D has been proposed by some

    as the e+act day o alignment), it has been receiving and mediating many o the

    energies lowing rom the galactic core as they wash over the entire solar system#

    $ence, we see the acceleration o global climate change, increasing number and

    intensiication o seismic and volcanic events, ma2or oceanic current changes, vast

    methane releases at the poles and throughout the seven seas, among many other

    e+amples o proound planetary change#

     = deeper penetration o this matter will reveal that it is ultimately the Great Central

     Sun o the Universe which triggers the cyclical energy outlows rom the black hole

    center o the 8ilky Way# Since every gala+y possesses a supermassive black hole at

    its core, this same dynamic is operative throughout the whole o creation# 'he key

    point is that both the e+pansion period and subse4uent contraction o the universe

    are directed by a primordial orce at the very heart o the cosmos itsel# 'he

    maniestations o this orce, o course, whether creative and orderFproducing in

    nature or destructive and chaotic, always relect those which are appropriate to the

    age# $ence, we are now e+periencing solar activity marked by great volatility which

    4uite accurately relects the current tempestuous human activity throughout every

    sphere o lie on tumultuous Planet /arth#

    7 Solar flares $a%a Coronal Mass &'ections or CM&s(# Sunspots#

    Geomagnetic storms# Solar inds# Solar tsunamis# Solar tornadoes# Solar

  • 8/21/2019 Cosmic Convergence G11


     prominences# )lasma "lasts and &lectromagnetic fluxuations across the

    surface of the sun increase in num"er and intensify during Solar Maximums*

    'r#ital (ariance Theory 

    Can there be any 4uestion that the Sun is now (as always) the Governor o so much

    that is happening all over, inside and above Planet /arth! =ctually, we need look no

    urther than the surprisingly selFevident +r"ital ,ariance -heory to understand the

    astrophysical dynamics which underlie the current phase o global warming#

    'his theory lays bare the simple mathematics and spiralFbased nature o the true

    mechanics o our solar system# =ll credit or this theory goes to 8ilutin 8ilankovitch,a Serbian astronomer, mathematician, astrophysicist and geophysicist, who is ."est

  • 8/21/2019 Cosmic Convergence G11


    %non for his theory on ice ages relating variations of the &arth/s or"it and long0

    term climate change no %non as Milan%ovitch cycles*1


    So that the awesome ramiications o the various calculations, key relationships and

    critical numbers shown below are not overlooked, the Cosmic Convergence Research

    Group oers the ollowing distillation o the +r"ital ,ariance -heory#

     &arth is currently on an or"ital tra'ectory hich is "ringing it closer to the Sun

    each day1 hence# e see the phenomenon of glo"al arming all around us $It/s 23

    degrees in the Southeast 4S! on 5anuary 63# 7368(* In fact the &arth/s or"it

     proceeds according to specific cycles the most significant of hich no sees our

     planet moving progressively closer to the Sun* -his tightening or"ital pattern is

    then folloed at regular intervals "y the &arth moving progressively aay from

    the Sun* -he length of a full cycle is 697#233 years hich contains a 2:#;33 year

     period hen the &arth is revolving aay from the Sun# as ell as an e days hen the &arth has reached

    its furthest point from the Sun# the shortest is pegged at 8;8*;6 days hen the &arthis at its closest point* +ur current year length is 8;>*62 days and shortening

    annually as the planet approaches the ?middle/ of the present contracting cycle#

    hich essentially mar%s the end of the most recent long0term ice age* Which is

     precisely hy the sea levels are rising as the polar ice caps melt# glaciers are

    shrin%ing at meteoric rates# and massive ice"ergs are "rea%ing off on a regular

    "asis* !s the years continue to shorten# this "lue or" ill continue to move closer to

    the Sun until it reaches a point of reversal mar%ing the "eginning of the next

    2:#;33 year phase in hich the &arth moves progressively further aay from the


    rbital !ariance "heory e+plained in greater detail&

  • 8/21/2019 Cosmic Convergence G11


  • 8/21/2019 Cosmic Convergence G11


    '()*+: http://---.%oh%.net/0ohnbo#/orbit%.htg/v%ri%nce.htm2


  • 8/21/2019 Cosmic Convergence G11


    '()*+: http://---.%oh%.net/0ohnbo#/orbit%.htg/v%ri%nce.htm2

  • 8/21/2019 Cosmic Convergence G11


    G-he preceding 7 screenshots are from a e"site page entitled .Glo"al Warming#

     )recession of the &

  • 8/21/2019 Cosmic Convergence G11


    prolieration o such terminology can seed the collective consciousness with the

    perect awareness at the perect time in the perect place# 'ruly, such language can be

    pregnant and overlowing with signiicance and purpose# $ow many times have you

    recently heard or read any o the ollowing as you go about your lie!

    -) =rmageddon

    D) =pocalypse

    H) /nd 'imes

    I) "ook o Aevelation

    J) 'he Second Coming

    K) Aeturn o Lesus Christ

    M) >ord 8aitreya

     >ord Nalki

    O) 'he 8adhi

    -E) uetalcoatl

    --) 'he 6our $orsemen

    -D) ;ew =tlantis

    -H) 5ron =ge aka Nali Quga

    -I) 3olden =ge aka Satya Quga

    -J) 0= ;ew $eaven and = ;ew /arth1

    -K) 3olden =ge o the 3ods

    -M) 'he Aeturn o the 3ods

    -R) 8ayan Calendar7>ong Count

    -O) 'he ;ew =ge

    DE) 'he Aapture

    D-) =scension

    DD) /vent $orion

    DH) /A9 Point 7 Singularity 

    DI) Jth ensity DJ) ;ibiru ~ Planet T ~ -Eth Planet

    DK) /+tinction >evel /vent (/>/)

    DM) /dgar Cayce Predictions

    DR) 8other Shipton Prophecies

    DO) 'he $opi Prophecy7"lue Star Nachina

    HE) ;ostradamus uatrains

    H-) Prophecy o the Aeunion o the Condor and /agle

    HD) 3arabandal Warning, 8iracle B ChastisementHH) 'he 'hird Secret o 6atima

  • 8/21/2019 Cosmic Convergence G11


    HI) 'en Secrets o 8ed2ugor2e

    HJ) 8ary%s 8essage to the World

    HK) ecember D-, DE-D


    7 -he appearance of Eord Kal%i signifies the end of Kali Yuga

    +ecem#er -, #$%#

  • 8/21/2019 Cosmic Convergence G11


     =s or ecember D-, DE-D, perhaps it is merely the cosmic meme that has been

    implanted by the Universe itsel in order to best prepare us or what is yet to come# 5t

    does not represent a day, or a year, or a moment o time in which a single event or

    group o earth changes will occur during the ongoing !scension# &'C()'*)  *

     What the heck is that!:

    9 course, no one ever tells you what !scension really means# Aarely is it represented

    as the transormation o the field  upon which the earth plane is laid# 'here are many

    dierent aspects and eatures o this field  which are e+periencing unprecedented

    change in real time# >ooking at this planetary lu+ through the lens o 8ayan

    cosmology and calendrics, these changes are indicative o the tightening o the time

    low spiral and 0turning inside out1, as it were, o the spaceFtime continuum# 'he

    resulting time warps and compression o time e+perienced by so many also relects

    this predicted, transitional phase o a regular cosmic cycle at work#

    7367 also represents the rapid unoldment o changes concerning the immediate

    uture o our global village, especially within the economic@inancial control matri+

     which overlays world governance# Since currency (Qou%ve heard o the !lmighty

     Follar, haven%t you!) is what controls the running o the world, the ongoing tectonic

    shits is this arena will ultimately translate to monumental political, social and

    economic shits#

    5n keeping with the transormational energies associated with the Pluto in Capricorn

    (DEER thru DEDI) there is no doubt that a revolutionary ervor will continue to sweep

    across the globe# 'he =merican Aevolution occurred during the last transit o this

    nature, although at a vastly dierent point o the 8ayan time spiral# ;evertheless, we

    can e+pect an even greater emancipation rom the orces which blindold and shackle

    the nation (this would include not only the US o =, but the entire global community

    o nations as well) during the present global upheaval#

    5n regard to lie on /arth, 7367 represents a sustained process o proound and

    undamental transormation * both within and without * which will inevitably

    maniest in the lives o every resident o the planet# 'hroughout each hemisphere and

    every continent, within every nation and province, city and state, town and village

    the wave o !scension will make its presence known# 'hereore, every inhabitant o

    the planet will be challenged to ride their own wave to its karmic destination#


  • 8/21/2019 Cosmic Convergence G11


    Aarely do you hear or read that !scension reers to the transormation o the

    resonant energy ield, alteration o the various earthbound re4uencies (e#g#

    Schumann%s resonance), shiting o the /arth%s magnetic poles or an a+ial pole shit

    o the planet# 5t%s as though the morphogenetic field  o our entire planetary realm is

    e+periencing a preFprogrammed alteration o its basic code# 5n act, many o us are

     watching the entire solar system undergoing a similar metamorphosis#

     =stute astronomers are observing the neverFbeoreFseen eects o the solar systems%s

    slow and steady passage through the )hoton Delt  7 a region o the gala+y which is

    suused with an e+traordinary amount o light# 9 course, the operative word here is

    >53$': Who has ever seen the gas giant Lupiter 7 oten reerred to as a potential

    second star 7 burn so brightly! Who has ever seen ?enus shine with such radiance

    as both an evening and morning star! 'his 4uadrant o the gala+y is currently being

    saturated with brilliant, puriying and benevolent light, as well as being permeated

     with a shower o cosmic rays#

    Positive >ightning Strikes 5ntensiy =s Cosmic Aays 5ncrease

    +omet H%e 3opp puts on % d%ing disp%# %bove the re%t P#r%mids o6 i%during sunrise.


  • 8/21/2019 Cosmic Convergence G11


    'he human population has variously e+perienced many other surprising

    astrophysical events# Some o these celestial harbingers have taken the orm o

     breathFtaking cometary visitations (Who could ever orget $ale "opp!:), close

    asteroid lybys, dramatic meteor e+plosions, as well as the increasing incidence o

    meteorite impacts happening anywhere and anytime# While these events constitute

    the much more dramatic near /arth happenings, it is the privileged observations o

    the scientiic community that are being made throughout the ar reaches o our solar

    system which are serving as the writing on the wall#

    /ven the ?an =llen "elt is undergoing an unusual degree o unimaginable change as

    the ollowing headline indicates& ?an =llen Probes iscover a ;ew Aadiation "elt#

    5n act, the solar system has e+perienced such astonishing changes over the past

    twentyFive years that those occurring here on Planet /arth actually pale in

    comparison# =s unbelievable as it may sound, our home planet has e+perienced

    much more muted change compared to the rest o our sibling planets# Whether one

    considers the remarkable data coming back rom 8ars, the gargantuan storms

    moving across the ace o Lupiter, or the magnetic poles shits and a+ial pole shits

    e+perienced by the outer planets, it%s clear that& 0$U3/ Changes $ave =lready Come

    'o 'he Solar System1#

    Could it be that these changes are occurring because o the rapid e+pansion o thecollective consciousness, the raising o individual human awareness around

    e+istential matters or the marked increase in the pursuit o spirituality! 'hat our H

    plane o e+istence is gradually morphing into a Jth ensity realm is also sometimes

    cited as evidence o !scension, among many other momentous changes occurring

    DI@M throughout DE-D and beyond# 5t may very well be, as some have advanced, that

    our present transitional period is actually a Ith ensity so2ourn lasting only as long

    as it takes or both planet and people to assimilate the energies necessary to evolve to

    the ne+t stage o the development o consciousness#

    'his word * !scension * has certainly given us much to think about as some o the

    many connotations disseminated across the orld ide e" can be 4uite misleading

    like -he Rapture portraying the -II,EEE /lect% rising into the sky, while in their

    human orm, to meet their Savior# 8akes or a great Cecil "# e8ille production, but

    doesn%t 4uite capture the essence o what is currently transpiring across this entire

    planetary realm# =s a metaphor, however, perhaps there are those e+tremely

    ortunate souls who were called, and chosen, to e+perience a modernFday

     +&"-+(  while in blissul pursuit o SelFrealiation#


  • 8/21/2019 Cosmic Convergence G11


     !hen &umanity Encroaches 'n .The +omain 'f The Go"s/

    "ack to our central thesis&

    .When scientific knowledge and applied technology reach a critical

    level of advancement, without being informed by spiritual truths and

    guided by moral authority, the current civilization will relinquish its

    right to continue as it is./

     =gainst the backdrop delineated above, there is always a renied period marked by

    an intensiied push by science to achieve whatever possible in these last days o

    relative order# 'he entire scientiic community * aware as it is about the impending

    earth changes * knows better than the rest o us rom a purely empirical viewpoint

     what is literally around the cosmic corner# 'hey know, thereore, that their time is

     very short to accomplish their cherished goals# 5t is within this particular conte+t that

    0all hell has broken loose1#

  • 8/21/2019 Cosmic Convergence G11


    An %rtist7s rendition o6 the sin8ing o6 At%ntis

    ;onetheless, when the human spirit moves mundane invention in a direction that

    literally 0encroaches on the domain o the gods1, we have a serious problem# We need

    to look no urther than the multiFisland nation o =tlantisG to see what happens

    0when the gods eel threatened1# 'he marriage o advanced science and technology

     with a gravely misguided agenda o the priestly class throughout =tlantean

    civiliation is oten identiied as the reason why =tlantis sank in a day GG# 3iven the

    state o the art across many scientiic@technological disciplines, perhaps its time to

    take a very close look at the many slippery slopes humankind is trying to negotiate so

    that we do not e+perience a repeat perormance#


  • 8/21/2019 Cosmic Convergence G11


    G Many researchers and historical intuitives "elieve that many of the souls of

     !tlantis ere re"orn in those nations rimming the Aorth !tlantic +cean the

    original location of that ancient civiliHation* &specially the 4S!# the 4K#

    Continental &urope and Canada# here technological innovation and scientific

    advancement are so greatly valued and incentiviHed# it is "elieved that those ho

    ere ?operative/ in the final days of !tlantis may have reincarnated* It has even

    "een advanced that Ai%ola -esla assumed an incarnation at a pivotal point during

    the "urgeoning Industrial Revolution in a valiant attempt to esta"lish a clean

    source of .free energy@ as the status

  • 8/21/2019 Cosmic Convergence G11


    theatre o war, there were the Nuwaiti oil lakes and oil ires, as well as the 3ul War

    oil spills in 5ra4 and the Persian 3ul#

    $ere we have identiied two obvious areas o great deiciency in both scientiic

    understanding and technological application where humanity is bumping up against

    the proverbial wall# 5 we were to take a close look into the arenas o genetic

    engineering and eugenics, or geoFengineering, atmospheric engineering and oceanic

    engineering, we will 4uickly see where all this is heading# 'hrow into this mi+ a

    certain phenomenon known as * technospheric "rea%don * and all you have to do

    is wait or the perect storms to maniest wherever the right% circumstances


    'he upshot o this part o the discussion is that the human species has not

    suiciently evolved spiritually where it can responsibly play with the primordial

    orces o Creation# 'o do so is to put at great risk the entire planetary

    environment# 'hereore, we are compelled to ask& Why would those in charge even

     want to go there! Where is it that they really want to go!

    7 C&RA/s Earge adron Collider is the orld/s largest and highest0 energy

     particle accelerator* Clic% on the photo to enlarge*


  • 8/21/2019 Cosmic Convergence G11


    CE0*1s )arge &a"ron Colli"er provi"es another glaring e2ample of

    un#ri"le" scientific in3uiry an" e2perimentation4

    >et%s reer to another very similar e+position on this matter recently posted on the

    internet that speciically addressed the many unknown risks (to the human species,

    as well as the planet itsel) associated with C/A;%s >arge $adron Collider&

    Should we be conC/A;ed about such license being arrogated unto itsel by C/A; in

    the name o scientiic in4uiry! o these scientists really understand the unknown

    potential or inconceivable collateral damage, should these e+periments go awry!

     Can there be unseen and unelt to+ic side eects produced in this type o particle

    physics research laboratory that can escape rom the immediate environment and

    aect the surrounding 6rench and Swiss villages and countryside! o they really

    understand the implications o their unprecedented actions, should something occur

    in addition to the appearance o a strangelet(s)! 9r a black hole!: 9r the most

    elusive, sublime and sacred 3od particle!

    Perhaps it%s time to pause and ask, 0Why!1 Why does our civiliation continue down

    this path o analying, and racturing, and taking apart, and splitting, and dissecting,

    etc# until there is nothing let on the laboratory table but # !

     = very prescient ellow once commented that all o these e+periments ultimately had

    at least one or two very speciic goals in mind or those who are actually behind

    them, and who pull the levers o power and money to guarantee their unding&

    5# -heir first goal is to play God* !nd to ?play/ ith everything in God/s Creation*

    55# -heir second goal is to "ecome God ithin their earthly domain* !nd# especially#

    to attain immortalityG#

    G$uman immortality, not divine immortality, is what they actually pursue through

    their limited understanding o elementary science and crude orms o technology#

    AUSS5=; 'QC99; PA/5C'S 5889A'=>5'Q W5'$5; DJ Q/=AS

    $uman immortality could be possible by DEIJ, say Aussian scientists


  • 8/21/2019 Cosmic Convergence G11


    $e urther commented that some at the very top o the pyramid really do want to live

    orever in the lesh without ear o ever dying# =nd that their inordinate ear o death

    arose rom the way they chose to live their lives#

    $e goes on to say that these misguided ones ail to understand some o the most

     basic laws o the universe&

    L6 &verything that is created $that ould "e the entire created universe( ill

    undergo dissolutiondestruction right don to the smallest particles and energies*

    L7 !ll living creatures ill li%eise undergo their on uni

  • 8/21/2019 Cosmic Convergence G11


    7 Eord Shiva# one of the three primary deities of the indu -rinity#represents the universal poer of destruction# as ell as the divine energy

    hich "rings a"out the dissolution of the individual ego*

    6or those who doubt the deductions stated above please know that with the advent o 

    the computer age there has been an e+ponential increase in the amount o research

    dedicated to those disciplines necessary to make their dream come true# 'he

    ollowing article will give you 2ust a glimpse in to the power and prowess o the state

    o the art and science o computing technology#

    -E,EEE,EEE,EEE,EEE,EEE calculations per second

    Paying a visit to the astest computer on earth

    So, you can imagine how 4uickly the scientists are working on the challenges o

    creating cells which selFrepair and tissues which selFreplicate with the purpose o

    massFproducing organs that never e+perience organ ailure so that organisms can be

    manuactured which do not age or die# 'he uman Genome )ro'ect  has gone a

    long way in this regard ensuring that the basic building blocks o the human genetic


  • 8/21/2019 Cosmic Convergence G11


     blueprint have been clearly identiied# 'hrough genetic engineering and eugenics

    they can then be purposeully manipulated to produce a very speciic and desired

    outcome until the perect human body is created or rather abricated#

    5 it were possible, might these same individuals attempt to use a soul into a lie

    orm that would never die%! =t the very least they might try to create a synthetic lie

    orm which, rom all appearances, would live or a very, very long time: =s or the

    animating spirit * or lie orce * necessary or real lie to e+ist#

     As we approach the clima2 of Cosmic Convergence, there is really only

    one place to go4

    So, where do the rest o us go rom here, e+cept inside# 'he outer realm has clearly

     been taken over by those who are hellbent on mastering the orces o Creation, even

    though they are not theirs to control# 'ry though they may to oist their vision o

    utopia upon the known world, the Universe is perect e+actly as it is# ;o degree o

    manipulation through science and technology can ever change that perection# 'o

    pursue such an illusory goal with such eal and myopia, even though such pursuit

    plays a part in the perect unoldment o this cosmic drama, is nevertheless utile at

     best and earthFshattering at worst#

     =ter all, 2ust as a bird knows not to 0soil its nest1, not a single other animal in the

    entire kingdom is known to irreparably ruin its own home#

    'he 4uestions then remain or each and every one o us witnessing this Cosmic

    Convergence in living color& What can we do! $ow might we respond to the ongoing

    and ine+orable changes which will alter * orever * everything we know and see and

    e+perience! $ow might we best relate to the steady disintegration o our entire


  • 8/21/2019 Cosmic Convergence G11


    7 -he )hoenix enters its on funeral pyre "efore rising from its ashes*

    Perhaps we might ind some understanding and consolation in the legend o ancient

    lore known as the ()*/ # 6or it is this mythical bird o /gyptian origin whose

    illuminating lie cycle% may serve as the perect allegory or the present predicament

    o humankind# 'he legend o the )hoenix  recounts the story a mythological irebird

     who builds its own uneral pyre upon which it selFimmolates# 'hen, rising out o its

    own ashes, it begins a new incarnation bringing orth all that it has learned and

    e+perienced rom its ormer sel#

     We trust that a new, enlightened race o humanity will likewise rise rom the ashes o 

    the present civiliation# =s 0 ! Ae &arth1 emerges rom its own uneral pyre, may it

     bring orth an evolved and wise humankind 7 9;/ that has learned the lessons

    necessary to properly inhabit and maintain 0the new heaven and the new earth1# =nd

    may this Ae &arth be a place where 0the lion shall lie don ith the lam"*1

    Cosmic Convergence Aesearch 3roup

    Updated& ;ovember -I, DE-HcosmicconvergenceDE-DVgmail#com

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]

  • 8/21/2019 Cosmic Convergence G11


     =uthor%s ;ote&

    8any have responded to this essay with an understandable concern and, in some

    cases, a elt trepidation# Please understand that this was not the author%s intent# 'his

    piece is, above all, a reality check or those who really want to know the true state o

    aairs throughout (postF)modern civiliation, as well as what drives it# =ctually,

    0What drives it cray!1 would be more appropriate#

    $aven%t you oten wondered why lie has become so renied, so harried in every

    sphere o endeavor! What is going on behind the scenes that e+erts so much pressure

    all the way to the top and all the way around!

    6or instance, what is so sacred about orever increasing worldwide economic growth!

     Won%t such a misguided policy, employed by those who 0rule the roost1, ultimately

    strip and e+haust this entire realm o e+istence!

    Perhaps they do know the general timing o those deining moments (they own every

    observatory on the planet) which will certainly occur during the upcoming

    denouement# =nd, because their motivations are what they are, building vast cities

    deep underground is their only and best% response in addition to carting o

    anything and everything that has material value while they still can#

     =s a result, we all see the daily desperation within the corporate world and hear

    about the aniness throughout the stock market, commodity e+changes, bond

    markets, as well as the currency, derivative and real estate markets, yes! =nd, o

    course, the innumerable orced and artiicially manipulated inancial@economicreactions then rele+ all over the place, oten reerring the worst societal symptoms

    and attendant pain to those who are the most vulnerable * US:

    Surely, there must be another takeFaway rom this imminent epochFending scenario#

    0Q/S1, there certainly is# We would recommend reading the ollowing response rom

    the resident Cosmic Convergence Coach& = Surer%s 3uide to Aiding the Wave o



  • 8/21/2019 Cosmic Convergence G11


    'ur6ing the %ve o6 Ascension is not 6or the 6%inthe%rted;


    -. 0PresentFday humanity is part o the ith root race o the /arth, called the =rian

    race# 'he irst root race was the Protoplasmatic race# 'hese beings were ully awake,

    divine individuals, with bodies that were semiFphysical, semiFetheric# 'hey were

    androgynous beings, having neither male nor emale se+ual organs# 'hey lived on the

    continent o 'hule, which was located where the ;orth Pole is now ound# 'he

    second root race was the $yperborean race# 'hese beings lived on the continent o

    $yperborea, in what in now ;orthern /urope# 'hey were also awake, divine, and

    androgynous beings, and reproduced by ragmentation# 'he third root race was the

    >emurian civiliation# 'he >emurians inhabited the great continent o 8u, which

     was ound where the Paciic 9cean is now located# 'he irst hal o the >emurian race

    consisted o beings that were hermaphrodite, whose bodies had both sets o se+ual

    organs# 'he splitting o the se+es into male and emale occurred during the second

    hal o the >emurian civiliation# 'he ourth root race was the =tlantean race# 'hese

     beings inhabited the continent o =tlantis, located where the =tlantic 9cean now

    stands# =ter the submersion o =tlantis, the ith root race to inhabit the /arth is our

    current =rian race# 'he si+th and seventh root racesG are yet to come, ollowing the

  • 8/21/2019 Cosmic Convergence G11


    end o our =rian civiliation#1

    (Source& &ercolu#us an" the $even 0aces by ?#8 Samael =un Weor)

    .-he evolution of man is accomplished through Seven Root Races ith their seven

    su"0races* -he Jirst Root Race appeared under the protection of the Sun and as

    called the Race of GodsN It developed here no the Aorth )ole is located* -he

     Second Root Race appeared under the protection of 5upiter and developed on the

    second Continent call yper"orean# on the Aorth of !sia# extending as far West as

     Seden# and Aoray# part of the Dritish Isles and Greenland* -he -hird Root Race

    came under the protection of Mars and as called Eemurian* -he Jourth Root Race

    came under the influence of Saturn and developed on !tlantis* -he &arth is still

     peopled "y a great num"er of them* -he Jifth Root Race is under the protection of

     Mercury Its principal mission "eing to develop the intellect* -he Sixth Root Race

    ill "e esta"lished here Aorth !merica is no* -he Seventh Root Race ill "e

    esta"lished on South !mericaO!t the present there are on the &arth a great

    num"er of souls "elonging to the Sixth and Seventh Root Races* -he cycle is very

    much delayed* -he Jourth Root Race especially should have left the earth for a

    higher evolution long ago1 thus over population# "ecause the Sixth and Seventh root 

    races are destined to enter no*@ 

    $SourceP *pathofthemiddleay*org(

    D. 0 Why is the world rushing headlong into environmental armageddon!1

    H. 0Lapan& = ;ation Consigned 'o ;uclear =rmageddon1 ( =n 9pen >etter to the

    People o Lapan)

    I. /+cerpt rom 0Strangelets, "lack $oles and the 3od Particle1


  • 8/21/2019 Cosmic Convergence G11


    As %bove, so beo-.


    DE-H Update& ;ovember -I, DE-H

     #$%0& 'he Chinese Qear o the Dlac% Water Sna%e

    'he truth be told, the destiny o every civiliation is written 4uite clearly in the stars,

     2ust as ma2or mundane events and une+pected celestial happenings are always

    directed by the luminaries (sun, moon and planets) which hover above# 'he present

    long term transits o the outer planets particularly relect 2ust how interesting% the

    times will become over the ne+t ten to twelve years o undeniable Cosmic



  • 8/21/2019 Cosmic Convergence G11


    5n addition to Pluto literally crashing through Capricorn until DEDI, we are watching

    Uranus rock and roll in =ries until DE-R, as well as ;eptune storm through Pisces

    rom DE-D to DEDK#

     =s i these highly inluential transits were not awesome enough in their contribution

    to this rapidly unolding cosmic drama, we are right now witnessing 2ust some o the

    eects o Saturn thrashing throughout Scorpio where it will continue to thresh% until

    September o DE-J#

    $owever, it may very well be the upcoming transit o Lupiter rumbling through

    3emini which triggers the main event that every resident o the Planet /arth has

     been either eagerly awaiting or an+iously anticipating#

    9 particular signiicance is that there occurred a series o three eclipses * two lunar

    and one solar * rom =pril DJ through 8ay DJ o DE-H 2ust prior to Lupiter entering

    3emini on 8ay HEth ater a particularly powerul ull moon on 8ay DIth#

    $ow do you say 1&2 3&24  1&2 3&244  1&2 3&2444 

     Why else might this particular astrological transition portend so much within the

    greater conte+t o so many other epochFending alignments, transits, placements andprogressions!

    5-67 The Chinese 8ear of the $nae

    "ecause o its inevitable and dramatic eects on the 3lobal /conomic and 6inancial

    Control 8atri+ (3/B6C8), that%s why: =ter all, the world does run on currency(ies)X

    thereore, when this sphere o lie undergoes an 0in your ace1 collapse (read

    irremediable structural breakdown) 7 as we are all currently e+periencing 7 =>>

    $/=?/; "A/=NS >99S/:

    ;ot to mention that we are already in the year o surprises known as the Chinese

    2ear of the Water 'nake#G

    G-he Chinese lunar sign of the Sna%e has a Western solar sign counterpart ell

    %non as -aurus# "oth of hich find their home in the month of May* -herefore#

    such a correlation may very li%ely imprint the month of May in 7368 ith

     particularly strong Sna%e energy# especially it/s tendency to surreptitiously slither

  • 8/21/2019 Cosmic Convergence G11


    up to its prey "efore stri%ing ith complete surprise* -he Year of the Sna%e

    officially "egan on 63 Je"ruary 7368 and ill end on 83 5anuary 736:*

    9P+ATE7 'he month o 8ay, DE-H did prove to be disastrous or the 9bama

     =dministration as one scandal ater another emerged seemingly out o nowhere#

    'here may be no precedent in US history where so many scandals suraced within

    such a short window o time during this month o the Snake#

    Presi"ent '#ama "rowning in corruption scan"als

    Some dramatic e+amples o Snake energy maniesting in DE-H are as ollows&

    < = pope has already resigned blindsiding the entire Catholic Church, and a Lesuit

    rom South =merica elected 7 both unprecedented

    < 'he 6>9'US (lanked by service members) presents the "est Picture 9scar to the

    most blatant warFmongering propaganda ilm in modern history 

    < ;orth Norea is threatening the world with nuclear warheads as though they are

    sticks and stones

    < 3ay marriage is beore the SC9'US

    < 3un control*serious gun control*is literally being legislated in C 9 > 9 A = 9,

    until now a gun owner%s paradiseX sheri%s iling lawsuit

    < =steroid, meteor, and meteorite events 7 mostly unoreseen 7 have seen an uptickthroughout DE-H

    < "illion o /uros in Cyprus savings accounts have been stolen in broad daylight

    < "itcoin blowout saw its value plummet by well over JEY in 2ust one day 

    < 3old has gone into a reeFall or all the reasons that it should be skyrocketing

    < 'wo e+plosions terrorie runners and spectators near the inish line at the "oston


    < "angladesh 6actory CollapseX 9ver --DJ dead and DJEE in2ured

    < DROO Aecord cold temps vs KKM record warm temps in U#S#rom Luly DI to =ugust


    < US ;S= Prism Program revealed by /dward Snowden

    < /gypt =rmy 9usts President 8orsi in a coup d%etat

    < etroit 85 iles or bankruptcy 

    < Spain train crash captured on video

    < Syria Chemical =ttack stuns the 8ideast

    < 'okyo Lapan wins to host DEDE 9lympics with ongoing Ju%ushima Auclear

     Fisaster in its backyard

    < Washington, C ;avy Qard Shooting


  • 8/21/2019 Cosmic Convergence G11


    < Nenya 8all =ttack 

    < US 3overnment Shutdown or -K days

    < +D!M!C!R&  crashes and burns again and again and again:

    5t is important to mention that past 0Qears o the Sna%e0 years include 56%%, earl

     arbor , the 7#5 Crash and the -O-M +ussian +evolution! /ach and every event

    a totally une+pected surprise: 'hey took place in September, ecember, 9ctober and

    ;ovember, respectively# So we%re not out o the woods, 2ust yet:

    The 8lobal (conomic and 9inancial Control 1atri:  %ecomes E2pose"

     =s ar as DE-H goes, we haven%t seen anything 2ust yet primarily because o the

    devolving worldwide state o aairs, particularly within the 3lobal /conomic and

    6inancial Control 8atri+ (3/B6C8)

    'here is no better pictorial representation regarding what is about to occur within

    the 3/B6C8 than the snake eating itsel# 'he snake, o course, represents the

    current and predominant orm o predatory capitalism pervasive throughout most o

    the world today# Nnown as !nglo0!merican capitalism in certain circles, this orm o 

    political economy always ends in the same selFdestructive way by literally

    consuming itsel# 'he ongoing plight o the /uropean Union and /uroone is a 4uitegraphic illustration o the snake o predatory capitalism eating itsel to death#

  • 8/21/2019 Cosmic Convergence G11


    .,irtually every manufactured mainstream media event today is a manifestation of 

    ma'or pro"lems ithin the 3lobal /conomic B 6inancial Control 8atri+1*

    Lapan%s multiFdecade economic@inancial malaise, China%s ailure to become the

    global economic engine it was predicted to be, and 5ndia%s seemingly endless

    diiculties adapting to the D-st century all demonstrate the ormidable obstacles

    acing the 3/B6C8#

    Aussia%s continual le+ing o its energy resource (read oil and gas) muscles,

     ?eneuela%s (the US=%s Z- oil supplier) outright hostility toward Qankee imperialism,and the demise o the petrodollar as the preerred e+change currency or global oil

    purchases also pose enormous challenges or the 3/B6C8#

    So are the ongoing wars in =ghanistan, 5ra4, Pakistan, Syria, and 5ran (war o words

    that the warmongers are relentlessly trying to turn into an outright military attack),

    as are those numerous armed conlicts over natural resources raging throughout

    continental =rica# >ikewise, the entire =rab Spring phenomenon in 'unisia, /gypt,

    >ibya, Qemen, "ahrain, =lgeria, Lordan, 8orocco and Sudan is symptomatic ocorrupt, corporate, crony capitalism devouring itsel on the ringes o its empire#

  • 8/21/2019 Cosmic Convergence G11


    Glo#al Financial Architecture an" Economic $ystems on (erge of


    Perhaps the most blatant sign that something is about to happen to the Money

     Matrix  is the incessant suppression o gold and silver prices# =rtiicially

    manipulating the price o gold downward has never been so obvious, especially in

    light o the act that there have been instances o goldFplated tungsten bars loating

    throughout the gold bullion market# 'he conse4uent repatriation o gold by

    3ermany, ?eneuela, Aomania and 'e+as are also 4uite telling o some imminent

    changes in the uture o precious metal commodity trading as well as all iat


    $owever, it is the covert and overt abandonment o the U[ ollar as the world%s

    reserve currency which truly orebodes the upcoming dissolution o the Money

     Matrix # With the ormation o the "A5CS 4uasi economic and inancial union, the reF

    emergence o =S/=; as a orce to be dealt with, as well as the ascendancy o China%s

    renminbi as a serious reserve currency player, many deliberate moves are aoot to

    challenge the once !lmighty Follar#

    Undoubtedly, the intensiying and increasing number o currency wars among

    nations, and especially between the inancial superpowers, oreshadow the last gaspo !nglo0!merican capitalism# 6or anyone who ever wondered what a dogFeatFdog

     world really looks like, 2ust sit back and watch the show# We%re talking about the

    Clash of the -itans here, where the biggest dog in the ight always wins the day#


  • 8/21/2019 Cosmic Convergence G11



  • 8/21/2019 Cosmic Convergence G11



    5ndeed, 0Cosmic Convergence is about to greatly accelerate epochal planetary



    'he CCA3 does not make predictions about speciic events yet to occurX thereore,

    the caveats contained in #$%0; "he Chinese 2ear of the etter to the 8ayan Prophets,

    our irst article on Cosmic Convergence DE-D, we recommend that you take some

    time to do so# 'hat essay lays the oundation and contains necessary background or

    this and other articles to be published in the uture#

    \ DE-H Cosmic Convergence& DE-D and "eyond

    Permission is granted to post this essay as long as it is linked back to the ollowing




  • 8/21/2019 Cosmic Convergence G11



  • 8/21/2019 Cosmic Convergence G11


    'he '0AC)E$ o =rdra

    3lobal 6inancial =rchitecture and /conomic Systems on ?erge o Collapse

    8lobal Climate Change & Causing Worldwide Weather =pocalypse

    F9:9$&;MA   & = ;uclear Catastrophe o /pic Proportions

    HA S/CA/' 96 6='58= 

    'he "ook 9 Aevelation /+plained

    C(1"+&*='  & = Planetary Catastrophe Created by 3eoengineering

    'he &merican ?uggernaut 

    'he 9-+ +'(1()   $erald the eath Nnell o Predatory Capitalism

    3>9"=> 89;/Q 8='A5T S/>6 /S'AUC'S

     =re 'he 8arkets $9P/>/SS>Q !ddicted to Feception!

    98/;s in =merica& Washington, C has been put on notice

     Who determined that the 8ayan Calendar ends on ecember D-, DE-D!

     =n Urgent 8essage or the Ae !ge Prophets

    'he 6inal "attle o the 5ron =ge

     &rc  )ightning & Causing 8assive /+plosions, /arth4uakes% and estruction Worldwide

    Special 8essage to the 1arket racles and 1oney 1asters of the -niverse

    'he ?enus 'ransit& Cosmic Convergence o #$%#

    'he US=& 8ilitary =rm 9 'he ;ew World 9rder

     )ositive Eightning Stri%es 5ntensiy =s Cosmic Aays 5ncrease

    'he 'hree Aogue ;ations& Producing +rder +ut +f Chaos

     Why does the World Shado Government destroy its own home (planet)!

    'he ;ew World 9rder /+posed * Part 5

    The Pacific 'cean ;s +ying

    Lapan& = ;ation Consigned 'o ;uclear =rmageddon

    3lobal Control 8atri+ Aevealed

     Who really runs the world!

    3lobal Population /+plosion 8arks the /nd o the 5ron =ge

    /arth4uake, 'sunami and ;uclear 8eltdown Converge to Create 3lobal Perect Storm

    Positive >ightning Strike, 'ornado and /arth4uake Swarms

    &ow is the $9* triggering many earth changes?

    &9GE Changes Coming To Planet Earth

    )or" :ali & $is =ppearance Signiies the /nd o the Nali Quga

    'echnology =nd 'he Coming 3lobal 'otalitarianism

    0 ;othing /+ists 'hat 5s ;ot Consciousness1

    /veryone is now e+periencing their own version o

    'he +(>=&))(3  6inancial and /conomic O@-- o DEER

    O@--& =n 'ME*  or the ;ew 8illennium


    Technospheric %rea"own7  9ngoing, Ubi4uitous and Unstoppable

    5A/ A/=>5'5/S 96 '$/ 8/'$=;/ PA/5C=8/;' 5; '$/ 3U>6 96 8/T5C9

    'he 3ul o 8e+ico is ying


  • 8/21/2019 Cosmic Convergence G11


     = Surer%s 3uide to Aiding the Wave o DE-D

     =n 9pen >etter to the DE-D Prophets

    Recent Comments

    69A"/=A=;C/ ̂ Cosmic Convergence& DE-D and "eyond on /veryone is now e+periencing

    their own version o  =W/S98/ /arth Changes Coming =round 'he Corner ^ Cosmic Convergence& DE-D and

    "eyond on &9GE Changes Coming To Planet Earth

     =W/S98/ /arth Changes Coming =round 'he Corner ^ Cosmic Convergence& DE-D and

    "eyond on 'he 6inal "attle o the 5ron =ge

     =W/S98/ /arth Changes Coming 'he Corner ^ Cosmic Convergence& DE-D and "eyond on

    3lobal 6inancial =rchitecture and /conomic Systems on ?erge o Collapse

     =W/S98/ /arth Changes Coming 'he Corner ^ Cosmic Convergence& DE-D and "eyond on

     )ositive Eightning Stri%es 5ntensiy =s Cosmic Aays 5ncrease


    ;ovember DE-H

    9ctober DE-H

    September DE-H

    ecember DE-D

    September DE-D

     =ugust DE-D

    Luly DE-D

    Lune DE-D

    8ay DE-D

     =pril DE-D

    8arch DE-D

    6ebruary DE-D

    Lanuary DE-D




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    Cosmic Convergence: 2012 and Beyond

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