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Cost accounting scaned by nasir

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Cost and management accounting (ICSB Level 2 Evening) Download Institute of Chartered Secretaries of Bangladesh (ICSB) teacher's lecture notes. Institute of Chartered Secretaries of Bangladesh (ICSB) level 2 Cost and management accounting
ct(t refu 20t lPd-B): Coa.rd a4nzetu 1@ut S Oott M4 lt u*qcttt ctr.t *ttountia4 Md,MoDow.r Hos.in FCMA FCPA, ACS, AcA Audlt coNult rt (Ceneral M...9..1 Rup.ll B..t Ltd fiqd one, Dhata - 100{,, En.il nd m6nm?.6v2rd6m * fair$-IlrrllE
Page 1: Cost accounting scaned by nasir

ct(t refu20t lPd-B): Coa.rd a4nzetu 1@ut S

Oott M4 lt u*qcttt ctr.t *ttountia4

Md,MoDow.r Hos.in FCMA FCPA, ACS, AcAAudlt coNult rt (Ceneral M...9..1

Rup.ll B..t Ltdfiqd one, Dhata - 100{,,

En.il nd m6nm?.6v2rd6m


Page 2: Cost accounting scaned by nasir

201 lPd.E) Cdtadtta as.nat 14o@1ht

s{q.d C.d.r FCMA 20t FI|'ANOAI CO6I AfloMANAGEMTI{i ACCOi'Irnfl 6

h, o4'.*i.4. j w4hir (io*dg.oridl*, I ro dMlop und.abndhs ol

co6rrxDM NAGaM$f ACCO0TnNC


| &.ou^rh8, .on tc@liihs and 6h.gem$t n@nr i3

A3..na|sB,p't'i€.|ro.lipc.ldillu!oln*ij:^d*.ounlin.th.no',i'd'g.nonaid@ltrdi!,.p3b'nod*-bae stoir.a. |''d dd.fu'

lr&!r.l@j cb$irisron of labor .

04!&i!:j Ndum, da3irioiion, orr*r. .eknLtoi or d.id trdJ *dd,4. Mdhddt dt cdn! : ourp{r o' unit 6rin! lob dd b.th @ns& op€n

'edfrlntoibY.olodudJandromFdudsn,armenl :ero b$. bu4dns: p.domr.e bu4dh.

i,ll I snn!.d .6rii{ dErinluided lm budFbry toihr .yp.r or n.ndrd!

'|ylk: M4inar.onid d nhs! shed fion lbrdproi.di ilrEtp Groi or mr8m

3, brlys.nd lddr..bdd. or nmnd.l il2l.ffc: hurc, ohi.typd .id bri oi ii.Bal sbrem.nt:n*rit aa*nti.{ ElGraiiarid;

e. c$h now st.m.d.t : r.lrdlon a<oudln!, LLnioronr or h

n' r6@i'iuhy atdd|4 : Bxt tsii

Page 3: Cost accounting scaned by nasir

to] aPo -B): cdt o^d Mqos^.ht a..dr|lrg




. rd. ot hrn.l.rui. a@urn^t

q!!!6roi b.t{en rinm.l:l reounrii!, 6r x.oudiir .nC r.

. pn int of @ipr rnd r!iu! o, n.e


. ch$ifiorion or bbfl,6rB,

- n.ruEdnt or hb*'.ttui.nq.id prcadidryj- i:ba'!nd'.nd.m.dl.lmru..'

tr.harotrdh n..ido€riin..

. n,rqr...ord'or.id.b$raM8ddts Nnu(, .bdrorioi, d.e. ||rdrim,

. r.in.nt or by,rodudr .nd joint prcdudi.

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2ol tPd-D): cdt otd tL^aed .le.tuig

sbidrd ol|ri| hd rn.M.i.lw, :, 3rnd'd.6rin!dkrintuRh.dnoi bldeeury.ont6rl

' d€arh id oi or *ind'di

a'.rF& -d hbFtr.dd dftrnd.r ffi

s.sldeib,Y l&d..bryMhr,I F .Fdion dldiour iyFr ol h4sj


typ.,.'dd|lo|fr^.i.h|rd.n.^.o|'tsjr<dntint Dlio.{hsm.iion;

' cra.rtk onol6intb$,

. Alstroirordlo^otpr*0acsd.mp.per

3:.i. pdmrd.r @fi.6 [email protected]|hy4ponh,hpknmbton'-oltrn'Dlhr|*!dib.i.iB:iddlilid|'a;

' s'r3L:99:lr!'

Page 5: Cost accounting scaned by nasir

ta3 ed-g): coe and Ma@sndt aeoutuirs

ml dPad-ll .d .nd M'&mi A.Ednd'

obje.rrve ol.onin3 !r:tem,Cost @mepB .nd @n da$ili..tion,EetrblBhang.Grin! 5y!r.n,

- Rol. ol man.gemenr ftcounr n3,- Took

'nd t4hnrquer ol maEsom.m eouhri.&

' Diiindioh b.lten 6i.iciat x.ou

nd.onrrctot.on.r' The pm.es oJ id en 0fyinc : nd €vatuatins produdron .onsr' sy*€m ror rcrodini and eF haiula(urins soods and pedon ns

seruicer in rhe affiE:re and in derair. Lr 'ndudes

m€thod5 to"eo4:ntrns, das ryiis, aroorns,aSgrec.ri.& and.elodrng..ruarco* and.onpa.ry rhem with n:ndard.os$ Derermn.tiof ot !nt

3 p,ne oi h. ro be.hnsed ^

\oo* ror oanohdu.jig : p@dud ror tMnrory vaturtion .eed ro b€ known ro pr?Dr. th€ barine rheer

r' &rnch or...ou^nq con.cft.d trh prcvidins rhe inro.m.tion rh.i enrbhs th€ n...semmr or a nr; ro

ounrtnsshi.h i5 mrd€rora(hiryiis rheobte.lrej ot.on erounrinr,'|",."'..1h""' ,.d , '"."" l;' ., .

ro, rcdu(lngwad4eaid mku* ol..iou(ej

6 obl.dh|..rc.dr sd.m:1 Con A*en. nn.^tz. oerehtnncs.lt4 Pn63. Con Conrrcl4. Con i.dudions. oete'mi.iruand connolifiEffici.n96 ra. .!ne PreDabrion o,ainin7 ProvidtB sa5ktoroperelng pori.y

r rDdno.cGd.asrnm -ta. sp..iti. ords @tiryj Ib 8a(h o*in! rc P'0.6s@j'nP ,

2. Adtuny $r.co! ryrysr6ns rhe.on n whi.h we

undn trad'l'on (6r^3 srrrem.

Ad viry bas. .on n3 rysten h the mod.m

Page 6: Cost accounting scaned by nasir

v:luaton ri tems ormonevorO)effon,l2l md{ aL, (3)G$*G, (4)trnaand ur lities consumed,lsli,k in.ured, and t5) oppodoirty toBone

'n prcducr on ,nd derivelY oa . cood o' €ricc all .Ip.nir :rc

.6r, but nd all.os Gu.h as those in.urei in:.quisnioi oran in.one senentngas*t):EerP.E6


Ad!:lprymenr of.trh or €rh-equva. for soods or s.rui.€s, ot a (hatse against av:ilabre tunds I

a.apihl.rpendltui. ir csh 6.d in

con nly be .lasili.d into dill.rentns a.e da$ aied are a3 fol owsl

p6ponion with everyi.(ease ord€modrdon r tnow^ * v.nabk.6

4 The.onwhi.hdoesnotvaryburrmain5.o^n.itwrhn,giv.nF odofrrh€andarnc.of.(lvq]oni:r.Mndfrr.d.6t's.meoli

Pononat.ly bui simulrtn.oudy d*

Page 7: Cost accounting scaned by nasir

20r tPod-8): cat od itdqe st tceoqthE

2. PEdld coltl ..d Pdlod consr. dccl .nd r.dd cda. D..kron M.kl.a co$ .id [email protected] c4as. R.rd.nt .nd lruld.nr cotB6. shudom .nd Slnr C..t7. Conrrcrr.br. .nd u.trr.ll.bl. c63B3. Awld.bl. or t&.p.br. coiE .nd Unawtd.br. o' In.upabt. c6Be.InFur.d of Hypdh€rr..r c8c

r1. orr.nunry cBtr:|. Inqbr., uirorti. d cohmon cdtld tEdu.rn., Admh|nnd.n znd s.[ha.id oindhfion c6B

. tDdu.tt n Codil. adnt.&i800 cd

r. .t cdiv Dktrtborion c.{

v'. o€v.roF.n! convi. pcrEdudt.. Cst

/ 3Yh.h.!iq:How do rons fluduare in rc5ponse to cha4er rn rh. votum€ or p'odudron inpds l. s., dired tab, hoN, bdrdrcdor umber6cd)d rodrtion outpur (e g, nudb*ofcha n produ.ed)

coeB Inored 4 p,n oa $. tunut ctlrtnt o' p'ldodd prc4* arc .han d to inv..rory and rhen w ten otf spa4of.on or soods sod seuinsand adhhilt.ative erp.n* lotten just s& A rxpeis€t arc al rrrose.on5 whtrh

f.dlnn3 o. prcdud'on pr@s, su.h :r $tes ronmnrion' $ es ebaes.a..ou.ting, tjDne, 8.n.Et ma..g.tunt etan.r :id offke 5u$tE'

r' By tr....bitity:MrnlaadurinS .osa aG cl.$ified .! €irh.. dt4.r or t.dd t.dred .oi6 :rc .ko known re 4..ti..d or bud€nndned.onr i'. th6o.o*5whi.h cannor be 3pecir6Iy a$o.ilred qnh a pad.ur.r.o{ objed ta.on obicd 3

r.hrrSed ^.on

obred rnghr be,.ohpcr.dunn orprodu.t . $bas*nbry,: d.pann.nt,. wort.. i. the d.paMeni. produd Liie,or en enn.e divroo or J1.4.r @rpo6rio..l wh.. w. btk .bour m.nutadnq .os, rh. ryptar @* objd r a uni. or outDui. se inp Md

I o.s.nh'dd HB ks. o,.ol y,esront. su.h i.acrn3 iraY be u*frJtii derehinin3rh. rctarive protftabitiv of the a$ociared conobjed lprodud5or division, tor danpr.l. Ho}€E,, ir ir ihpotunr to r.hehb.r th.i s an*.' wftei otr * pad ol @. oa S6odr !otd.

r' 3y i.l.v.ie b th. daislon rh.r w. e fr.H,uri maiv ddsion nating situnio.r, r.n.in @sB.4 tft{m.r. c6ts .rc nrct.vanr to a dcoeo. it rhe donldr,,rye sr.onsequen.e of rhe deojon.

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,43 lPdi R): ca! ad Manoxenlt it.tnthE

cx,AssmcATIoN 0r cosTs

t Did co.

it In&d ror

+ Edr!!ll!l!49r!!rll:lio;rha n*:llarion/.nablshofa.ddiissynemrequr.eserclu|.onsid.reronotth.tolowrylMint rclated

. ove.oniru th. phdiel dilfi.ultiee whde i^todu.i4 a svrt.n! Main considaranois thatshould sov.rtrh. innallatioi ofru.h a svian

rr.dlel olftdH6: The hp.tunl dirficulties li the ini.llari.n ol. .onjne 3ysem and th. russ€nio.t b


isQr cGlI Cddliu| cdii) Uiionldldlr co,L

)Imc 6d

iio s.Iirtlotii Dddtlio|ln9R&Ddr)E Fledimrla



,rirdco{ttYriur c6ln) s!|i Y|ilt! !d

Page 9: Cost accounting scaned by nasir

n, orr-R): c6, oLd Mdrretn\' )<autit,

oimruld.r h th. re|hdon ol r @.ir|t r*m sudnl... to oE(om ilE illfil.uhis

Theei ninsf n:n.lal a(ountngsblf nayofferr.3E$n.. ro rh. sr.t.n bedusa or . r.. ins or rh.irb.r4 decraed rcdu^d.nr undd rh. nry 3!5ren.

.. txr of supFor! trn rop ir.mam.nt

., r{on{eD.r.tron { otha lcv.ll

prdidins rh. b.sic dab whi.n n .s*nn.l for

Ih s d fii.ultt..d b. overcome byrakinsthetopmanas€n€it i.to .oifiden.e bllor. innd ins th€

This te crn beovercomebyerprlrn nsrhe{affrhdth.@ningsyrtehwourd not repra.e bur nrensthoi thcexrsl|ig sysen. Iwirropen newaiewhich sirr p'M b€neri.iar ro rhem.

They have ro be ro d orthe advidrSes rhdwir a(rue

ol efiicie.t Mjn3 ol th. lyn.h

conhg n a $echrlred iob in itsdr n th€ besinnln3, aqu.lifiednaffn.yior b€availabl.. Howav€r, th s

ditrolty€ib.o[rcon€bygivins|h.*iiirynallrcqui5ne v.inrna ..d r*ruiti.l .ddil]onar iatr if

e HeavyCons:rheconinssyn.murl'nvolvehealy.ons un es thij beentuirablydetS^.dro meer

ri vi4 ot rhe abd. diffi.ulti.t.nd iolt€irois, fonowha 6ourd b. th. m.oni4sFt€min.h'nufaduin!oltiniatioi:

Th..*ure or r produd ddem'ner ro. grc* erte th.rytsofconing3ynenbbeadopi.d.Ap6dudrcqunig

k..r time k€€p ngand wase synen

h.!ld b. dBlibot.d tr litfl. as p6rrsft?in the !i!. rnd ryts or dg.ni!.lion bere invodGin! rh€ m(int ryrt.h. Ih€ smp. or ru$oity or ea.h

vriousfranaS€ al lev.k 3hou d beeEfullvCoi.rhrough

Ih€ obr€di@t r nd hlo. matio. wh hh mr naSemenr wr nts ro .rh i.v. . nd acqu rre shou ld ako b€ rake. .are ot. for.d irr op€6tioB, th. ryn n orconi{ should be d.s,F.d in r way so as to

Page 10: Cost accounting scaned by nasir

The lystem ihould be inrrcdu.edaltera d.rallednudyolth.rechnie aspeds orrh. blri.s. Efiotu 3hou d b.cr,n.e and suppon oa th. pnncipal membeE of rh. superuiery n:tf and

d s f,p1..Inrhk.oni..tioi,the rollowins poins may ba nor.dO ftshouldbeopable olfurnbhiruth€ru l.*rnloh.tion Equired rcguta/yadd 3yn.drticly, jo that

progr.s ol bu{n.* tr po$'otetilsr,ndxd oftrcd 1316!.an be B

li I flrr'nfomdon abour d.p:frme n:ehoutdbe.t4rypnse.Gdandeverytcm of exp.nditurcihould be o6oervdasited.

I'v) Dar.,on9ldaand rcllrble in allr6p.d3 should b. oovid.d i.a tu.id lo.m $ rhat rh. Msu..h.m.t thead c6ts ir ssibr..

5. M.rhod.lM.lntn.n.e of cod i..od3A.ho.e h.r ro be mad. b.r*.en intesEl:nd.dn.inr.srt.couhtingsyiams.Inc*. of hreg.at ,..6un1ins

n by two ds or book re re.omi ed In .ase or I b ! busine*, I wi beet of book lorcoii t..iqdroh).

'Ih c @nin8 ryn€m shourd b. .]i nr and .ap.bre or ad.pr in3 ro rhe .haqrr mar rherefoh, be .on.rod€d arom rh. abft di*u$ion rhar .o{ins rynen irtbdu..d ri anv busin.$ wi0 norbe : succe$ n 6seof rhe rolowhsdruhihncB:

I rf r6uidulycomp i(.ted.id exDei5v.r rhe .oop.ration of h ./her ft6

4 rfth€r.!okaduanYa.hi.veda

k . buine$ tundioi r.tpn3ibte ror !.th.in! and rctsnins int.rnar finrn.i.ltu and uq oa a.munti., Lntomarion ro

rcvide rheo unh rh. bal6 to mat. i.tohed busr..sd€.k@ft thr wn a[.sih.m to be bdror€qu ppcd n then

Th. p.o.6s of pntsnng maiage rdde a..ur.r. and rim.lv tiian.iat andsid'nird,rromdo" 4uf.dbvm.n.9.aror:reday{cor,aldeho4rp,ro.(r06.Unlke rin.n.iar accounr

^3, whth prcdu..r:nnuat Epofrs many fo. err.na st.tehotddR, h.nasem..r

arcunrina 3..e..6 monrhry or e.kly ..p.tu io.:. o4aniationr ,.t€mrt ludt.nc a!.h .s d.panm.ir

senenr€d,:nounr orord.6 in hand, nar. ot artounts p:yabte and...ounb c..tabt€, odsbndtry debts, dym*erraid iivenrory, and oavarso'nduderend.haft., vaiiancean,tyds, aidotherna si6.

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Page 12: Cost accounting scaned by nasir

20t 4$rt): cat .d t4MtMt 1tu1ht

r|teriarAudt EndrrtA.ounnns


v' &ttg


AnalysE of finr..tat sbr.m€nts.

sbtniol and G..phiar r.dniqu6.conmuiharir (or R.pordns).



nol of rtu.{€m.n. A@dnr:the or. of manacanmt acedins is .tro d.sibed is poblen $tvinsi sod t.eping .id drentio^

- aFl|s $Mnc rh. rct. ., .@i0i! in pbbl.d sotins 6 b ,@d. rnrm.loi u*tut t.. s.ork..dnl. s.or.k .pini r.6d! rh. r.sut$ ot hn.us:dtos or the m.nlg€B.nd hetps ii.$.sins wh.rh€r tne r.surE dr.ded t om rh. y.nous .don5 aE Greo o, bi- And$d dldtnt fi. *6Bleph3 fudron in .ombiiabon whh dped.d ..sutB, rid

.onpaBtive riaryllr of s6.6 ot v. ous comp.ni€s, drvrrions ind dercenl dh Druo6 p.n ds lhd o

rook and l..hntqu.t or M.i.t€he.r A6!.qnt:

Page 13: Cost accounting scaned by nasir

20t tPtd.Br Ca! ond Mdognmt.lLLoultts

Frn.id.l pranniru is th. ad ot de

prim.ry objedivesobj..tives o, rhe enterpde, loftudLic

rnan.ia potee aid d.v.lopin8 rh. ti.ai.ial pro..dme toa.hieve rhe obiediEr. rhe rcr. o

det.m nat oi aid dFt'buton or '

u5e or d€br aid €qu y.rpit,land d

AnalFit orfi mi.r.l d.md.rEaialyr s ir rn anenpt to d.t.rmineth. liei fic.i@:^d m*nrne of

pro.peds ror rutu.e eamii35, .b ltry,nd poriabilty of a sound divide

tements, t.nd :nalyits, lu^de r ownJtemeit:nd iatio an:M r rhE a.arysr r.rulB

'i lhe prerenGnon ol

hep rhe busine$.x..utiv.s, nvenou.nd

Ihe hisrlal .od .@un!u prdrclahs ro the o( or ea.h io4 p

.ompsiRon hay be made wth the *andird costr 5u.h comprson

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2at 1Pa/ R): c6t ad Ma,at.n.^t lrcbun'trs

onp,r in unit3

[email protected] us.s rhe r{h.ique ortundr nd i.r.ndr an od{ ro .iary? th. ch.na6 i.th. fin.n.ial rondhjon ol a buin*r €nr€lprie b€k.nrwo darer n r.|k where tom rh. r

how rh.* .r. beins 6ed In thebusine$ n h€lp! a lol in fh.trd.l.iay5k rnd c.ntol,

Page 15: Cost accounting scaned by nasir

201 -tPd-B, cat lnd Mc"oe.n"n' .r.ar,,rttr

wh.ne' rh.re .ft dirfs4t .n€m.ti€s of doi4 . prdj.ut., m4 trb6r out or.tt atrh.riE . rnis requn€s d..ision oi th. p:^ or rh. tui.,.me.t. Th€ 6rn:sen.nr

mrat.menr rhrLlh m.4nar .orr& ..oirr oudger.lg.

tdrdor .nd 6npH..t hdntauaTh€ mai.gement arourcnt u:esvanau< ft Brnar.nd 3r.diBll.chnrqu.. in o.de.ro mate thenshrnon mor. meaningtul :ndrenr.rion or rh. Fme r !.hn.n4em.ntindeision,makins.ni. Gch.iquer us.d ar. Manerch.r! ChadotSrt.sand €rn ns5,

Pro8Enm ns, shrisrrar qua/ny

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cmu.reii! lor R.!onhd.

i*;Pfte !ue!$ o.lail0rc ot the n.^.clad, wherh.. rcquirlr. intodalion ls p.ovrded to rh.man.!.mer i. 3ht lom i th. nshl tm. $ 6 io.mbhtheh ro .at.y our rh. fundoB of plinnin& @nrrcrln3 and

denioi-nali.i .rh.riv.ry- Th. m

r€@ th. n*.sery ap.6 fot prdldin! inrom*ioi t thc

differcnt rev.B ol man,gem.nt bY P

be pr.enred, o€antsarion or drb .r 3.ldii8 rh. apPrcpiarc

+ olrrrndon btur fidn.rdasrdn& cd rcou'dnt $d ltr...!sd aadna,4 Flnan.{.| .duntlnt heasur€s aid rc.odr buslne$ tans.dlons.id provldes frnandal isteneit

lnar ... b.!.d d IFR!. EEuft .6np€.€li.n ir ri.d ro prcfit fuuc Erod.d li the li'Nblnatments .nd .qlity sh.r. v.lraii6i is ako based ro . hr!. .rtent 6i thes finah.i.l lbren'nts'

p6vrd6 Inromano. io tr.'libb borh ma.a3.d..t ...ou'ti{ and an'n'iaa<ounrinc. B loos i5 mealui.s a.d rcpding ffia iatl a nd honfi..irotheconoracqlirnsorcoNun ry rcssesbv anofgmir*ion

4 Mri!n.'* eolnd.s t!. di*iplin. |o@s on a@udi4 inlomarion th{ hrilitai6 d*hionmari^s bt manased ol the o[rniario^ lf teu*s o^ rootin. a nd non6di.. .@unr ng retont
