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Cost of bass fishing at Ridge Lake, Coles County, Illinois ·...

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Page 1: Cost of bass fishing at Ridge Lake, Coles County, Illinois · atothersmalllakeswhereopening-dayfishinghasbeenheavy.Apparently,bassthatsur- vivethefirstfewhoursoffishingbecomewaryafterexposuretoevenmoderatefish-


Page 2: Cost of bass fishing at Ridge Lake, Coles County, Illinois · atothersmalllakeswhereopening-dayfishinghasbeenheavy.Apparently,bassthatsur- vivethefirstfewhoursoffishingbecomewaryafterexposuretoevenmoderatefish-





Page 3: Cost of bass fishing at Ridge Lake, Coles County, Illinois · atothersmalllakeswhereopening-dayfishinghasbeenheavy.Apparently,bassthatsur- vivethefirstfewhoursoffishingbecomewaryafterexposuretoevenmoderatefish-



Page 4: Cost of bass fishing at Ridge Lake, Coles County, Illinois · atothersmalllakeswhereopening-dayfishinghasbeenheavy.Apparently,bassthatsur- vivethefirstfewhoursoffishingbecomewaryafterexposuretoevenmoderatefish-
Page 5: Cost of bass fishing at Ridge Lake, Coles County, Illinois · atothersmalllakeswhereopening-dayfishinghasbeenheavy.Apparently,bassthatsur- vivethefirstfewhoursoffishingbecomewaryafterexposuretoevenmoderatefish-
Page 6: Cost of bass fishing at Ridge Lake, Coles County, Illinois · atothersmalllakeswhereopening-dayfishinghasbeenheavy.Apparently,bassthatsur- vivethefirstfewhoursoffishingbecomewaryafterexposuretoevenmoderatefish-



Page 7: Cost of bass fishing at Ridge Lake, Coles County, Illinois · atothersmalllakeswhereopening-dayfishinghasbeenheavy.Apparently,bassthatsur- vivethefirstfewhoursoffishingbecomewaryafterexposuretoevenmoderatefish-

STATE OF ILLINOISAdlai E. Stevenson, Governor



George W. Bennett and Leonard Durham

Printed by Authority of the State of Illinois


Harlow B. Mills, Chief

Biological Notes No. 23 Urbana, Illinois February, 1951

Page 8: Cost of bass fishing at Ridge Lake, Coles County, Illinois · atothersmalllakeswhereopening-dayfishinghasbeenheavy.Apparently,bassthatsur- vivethefirstfewhoursoffishingbecomewaryafterexposuretoevenmoderatefish-

Equipment represents a major item in the cost of fishing in Illinois.

Page 9: Cost of bass fishing at Ridge Lake, Coles County, Illinois · atothersmalllakeswhereopening-dayfishinghasbeenheavy.Apparently,bassthatsur- vivethefirstfewhoursoffishingbecomewaryafterexposuretoevenmoderatefish-


George W. Bennettand

Leonard Durham*

More people engage in angling than in any other participation sport in the United

States, and the amount of money spent for fishing equipment, travel, and lodging incident to

angling is greater than the amoiint spent in following any other participation sport.

No one questions the intangible value of fishing as a form of recreation, but when

intangible values are weighed against values that can be expressed in monetary terms (such

as the value of the corn produced on a drained lake bottom) the intangible values usually do

not receive due consideration. For this reason it seems justifiable to analyze costs associ-

ated with sport fishing, not in an attempt to convert intangible values into monetary terms

but rather to illustrate the sum the public is willing to pay to participate in this form of out-

door recreation.

Costs of fishing could be figured on an hourly basis, but, as the fish to be taken

furnish the incentive for expenditures in special equipment and travel, as well as time, it is

more expedient to assign these costs to the individual fish or the pounds of fish that are


The pursuit of certain kinds of game fishes requires (according to expert advice)

certain kinds of tackle, some kinds more expensive than others. Some of these fish are

widely distributed and others are restricted in range, so that their pursuit involves a great

variation in travel and related expense. Finally, game fishes vary in abundance and in

wariness, so that the time element (time required to catch one fish or 1 pound of fish) is a

important consideration in figuring costs.

* The senior author is Aquatic Biologist and Head, Section of Aquatic Biology, Illinois NaturalHistory Survey. The junior author is a Technical Assistant employed by the Illinois Depart-ment of Conservation and assigned to the Illinois Natural History Survey for administrativeand technical supervision.

Page 10: Cost of bass fishing at Ridge Lake, Coles County, Illinois · atothersmalllakeswhereopening-dayfishinghasbeenheavy.Apparently,bassthatsur- vivethefirstfewhoursoffishingbecomewaryafterexposuretoevenmoderatefish-

The largemouth bass, because of its wide distribution in lakes and sluggish rivers

throughout Illinois, is considered by many as our most innportant ganne fish. Various figures

have been used to represent the recreational value of (cost of catching) a pound of bass. In

a recent paper, Bellrose & Rollings (1949) describe wildlife and fishery values of some bot-

tomland lakes along the Illinois and Mississippi rivers. In this paper they use a recrea-

tional value, furnished to them by us, of $2.50 per pound for largemouth. This value was

derived from rather meager data on the time required to catch a pound of this species. Since

this estimate was nnade, the United States Fish and Wildlife Service in its Manual of Instruc-

tions, River Basin Studies, has used a value of $2.00 per pound as the estimated recreational

value of bass.

Weighting and measuring the catch is part of Illinois Natural HistorySurvey research at Ridge Lake.

Page 11: Cost of bass fishing at Ridge Lake, Coles County, Illinois · atothersmalllakeswhereopening-dayfishinghasbeenheavy.Apparently,bassthatsur- vivethefirstfewhoursoffishingbecomewaryafterexposuretoevenmoderatefish-

Aerial view of Ridge Lake, showing dam and spillway in foreground.


Page 12: Cost of bass fishing at Ridge Lake, Coles County, Illinois · atothersmalllakeswhereopening-dayfishinghasbeenheavy.Apparently,bassthatsur- vivethefirstfewhoursoffishingbecomewaryafterexposuretoevenmoderatefish-

A carefxil estimate of the cost of bass fishing in Illinois was obtained at Ridge Leike,

Fox Ridge State Park, Coles County, Illinois, in 1949. In that year, the lake contained a large

known population of bass and essentially no other fish and was fished by the public under a

permit system designed to allow the recording of complete information on the catch- -indivi-

dual lengths, weights of fish, hours of fishing, and baits. Fishermen knew that only bass

miight be caught there; so all angling was for that species.

Three fisherman and their catch on the 1949 opening day at Ridge Lake.

Page 13: Cost of bass fishing at Ridge Lake, Coles County, Illinois · atothersmalllakeswhereopening-dayfishinghasbeenheavy.Apparently,bassthatsur- vivethefirstfewhoursoffishingbecomewaryafterexposuretoevenmoderatefish-


At Ridge Lake, experiments in largemouth bass management have been in progress

since 1941. This 18-acre artificial impoundment, which is about 7 miles south of Charleston,

is opened to the public for fishing under a permit system developed to allow a complete in-

ventory of all fish caught. In the early spring of every other year the lake is drained, and

the fish are taken from the lake, counted, and weighed. Some water is then allowed to col-

lect behind the dam, and fish (bass and sometimes other species) large enough to be caught

by anglers are marked and returned to the lake. The lake basin usually is full again by the

opening of the bass season in June.

In 1949, the Icike was drained in March and a population of bass and bluegills was

removed and censused. Following the census, 1,027 marked bass were returned to the lake,

but the bluegils were not. Rainfall was subnormal during the spring months of 1949, and by

June 1 the water level of the lake was up only to the ll-acre contour. Thus, all of the larger

bass that had developed in 18 acres of water were concentrated in an ll-acre lake; the popu-

lation density per acre was about 93 bass weighing 73 pounds. Also, one of the important

sources of bass food, the bluegill population, had been eliminated. Conditions seemed op-

timum for excellent bass fishing.

In test fishing operations from June 1 to June 14, Natural History Suryey personnel

caught 50 bass weighing 52.5 pounds in 1 7 hours, 45 minutes. This catch gave a calculated

average rate of one bass per 24 minutes of fishing or 1 pound of bass per 18 minutes. The

lake was opened to public fishing on June 15. Once a concentration of fishermen appeared on

the lake, the bass quickly became wary, and the catch rate dropped from a high rate early in

the first day of public fishing to a much lower rate before the end of the day. The rate for

the day was only one bass per 2.3 hours. The catch rates for the second to fifth days, in-

clusive, were one bass per 5.6, 14.3, 10.0, and 11.1 hours, respectively. Fishing improved

somewhat during July, but never was better than an average of one fish per 5 hours for any


The reduced rate of catch which began at Ridge Lake before the end of the first

day of the open season, after less than 10 man-hours of fishing per acre, is believed to rep-

resent a normal response of bass to intensive fishing. A marked drop in catch rate has

occurred before the end of the first day of fishing in every year of fishing at Ridge Lcike and


Page 14: Cost of bass fishing at Ridge Lake, Coles County, Illinois · atothersmalllakeswhereopening-dayfishinghasbeenheavy.Apparently,bassthatsur- vivethefirstfewhoursoffishingbecomewaryafterexposuretoevenmoderatefish-

at other small lakes where opening-day fishing has been heavy. Apparently, bass that sur-

vive the first few hours of fishing become wary after exposure to even moderate fish-

ing pressure.

At the end of the 1949 fishing season (September 1) the total catch at Ridge Lalce

was 594 bass weighing 540.5 pounds (49.1 pounds per acre). Fishermen had spent 3,949

hours in catching these bass, at an average rate of 0.15 fish per man-hour (one per 6.7

hours) or of 0.14 pound per man-hour (1 pound per 7.1 hours). The authors believe that

these rates of catch may be better than those prevailing on many lakes because (1) the pop-

ulation of bass, in number of catchable fish per acre, was larger than is present in most

lakes and (2) the natural supply of food for these fish had been greatly reduced at the time

of lake draining.


A questionnaire was prepared and sent to 344 fishermen who had made reserva-

tions for boats at Ridge Lake in 1949. The questionnaire provided spaces to be filled in on

number and cost of rods, reels, lines, baits, tackle boxes, leaders and hooks, boots, special

fishing clothes, boats, motors, miscellaneous gear used in fishing, and annual replacement of

lost baits and other equipment. It also provided spaces for stating the nximber and average

distance of short, local fishing trips taken per year, and the number and average distance of

long trips (300 miles or more round-trip) taken per year; average number of persons going

with driver on short and long trips; length of time spent on long trips, average costs of food

and lodging on long trips, kinds and poundages of fish caught, and extra costs such as guide

service and boat rentals.

Of approxin^ately 165 replies to the questionnaire, 126 were complete and contained

the desired fishing costs information.


A tabulation of the catch data on the creel cards of the 126 fishermen Avho completed

the questionnaire shows that these fishermen caught 34.5 per cent (by weight) of the 1949 bass

catch at Ridge Lake in 34.6 per cent of the total man-hours of fishing. Man-hours, numbers

and weights of bass caught, and numbers and pounds of bass per man-hour for all fishermen


Page 15: Cost of bass fishing at Ridge Lake, Coles County, Illinois · atothersmalllakeswhereopening-dayfishinghasbeenheavy.Apparently,bassthatsur- vivethefirstfewhoursoffishingbecomewaryafterexposuretoevenmoderatefish-

and for the sample of fishermen are shown in table 1. Fishermen in the sample who fished

Ridge Lake more than four times were more successful than those who fished from one to

Table l.--The 1949 catch rate of all fishermen at Ridge Lake and the catch rateof the sample of fishermen who filled out the fishing-cost questionnaire.


Page 16: Cost of bass fishing at Ridge Lake, Coles County, Illinois · atothersmalllakeswhereopening-dayfishinghasbeenheavy.Apparently,bassthatsur- vivethefirstfewhoursoffishingbecomewaryafterexposuretoevenmoderatefish-

items, such as spinning rods and reels, were owned by only a few reportingfishermen, and the

annual cost per fisherman was only 5 cents for spinning rods and 4 cents for spinning reels.

Lake, 1949.Table 2. --Average amortized costs of fishing equipment of 126 fishermen at Ridge

ItemEstimated Periodof Usefulness



Fly reels

Fly lines

Casting rods

Casting reels

Casting lines

Spinning rods

Spinning reels

Spinning lines

Flyrod lures

Casting lures

Spinning lures

Tackle boxes

Leaders and hooks


Special fishing clothes


Outboard motors

Anchors and miscellaneous

Additional baits and gadgets


12 years

12 years

2 years

12 years

12 years

2 years

12 years

12 years

2 years

2 years

5 years

3 years

7 years

2 years

4 years

4 years

10 years

6 years

7 and 5 years

1 year

$ 1.33





















The item "additional baits and gadgets" represents the annual cost of replacing lost

baits and other equipment and adding new baits. The figure for this item is the average of the

estimates given in the questionnaires and probably is too low. The sumof the amortized costs,

$39.40, represents the average annual equipment costs per fisherman. This figure was divided

by the average number of short fishing trips taken (not necessarily to Ridge Lake) by the fisher-

men in the sample, to give the cost of equipment per trip. Only short trips were included in the

calculation because most long trips (usually to northern lakes) were family affairs not pri-

marily for fishing but to escape warm weather. For such trips, separating the costs that

could be allocated to fishing was next to impossible.

10 (

Page 17: Cost of bass fishing at Ridge Lake, Coles County, Illinois · atothersmalllakeswhereopening-dayfishinghasbeenheavy.Apparently,bassthatsur- vivethefirstfewhoursoffishingbecomewaryafterexposuretoevenmoderatefish-

A 3.1 pound bass and its captor. The fish was capght at Ridge Lake in 1949.

The 126-fishermen varied in the number of short trips taken from 2 to 102 for the

1949 season; the average for all was 24.78. This group probably was unusual in the high

average number of fishing trips, which made the amortized cost of equipment per trip very-

low, $1.59:


24.78= $1.59


Page 18: Cost of bass fishing at Ridge Lake, Coles County, Illinois · atothersmalllakeswhereopening-dayfishinghasbeenheavy.Apparently,bassthatsur- vivethefirstfewhoursoffishingbecomewaryafterexposuretoevenmoderatefish-

The average fishing time per trip at Ridge Lake was found to be 3.4 hours. On

this basis, the average cost of eqviipment per hour of fishing at Ridge Lake was 47 cents:


3.40= 0.47

Cost of travel The road distance in miles traveled to and from Ridge Lake was

figured for each of the 126 fishermen, and, in the cases where individuals fished the Izike more

than once, their mileages were multiplied by the number of trips they made to this lake.

The sum of individual trip-miles for the sample group was 25,371.2. However,

as fishermen usually made boat reservations in pairs and traveled in pairs to fish Ridge Lake,

the individual mileage figure was divided by 2, giving a figure of 12,685.6 from which to cal-

culate costs. This mileage represented 404 trips.

17 AR^ QThus, ' = 31.4, the average number of miles traveled per trip, repre-

senting a cost, on the basis of 7 cents per mile, of 31.4 x 0.07, or $2.20 per trip.

The average length of time fished per trip was 3.4 hours. Therefore, the travel

cost per hour of fishing was as follows:

14^ = 0.647, or 65 cents3,40

Cost of meals. Many of 'the fishermen came from Charleston, the nearest large

town, 7 miles north of Ridge Lake, or from towns within a road distance of less than 50 miles

fronn the park. It was assumed that these fishermen probably spent little or nothing for meals

Those who traveled a road distance of 50 miles or more to reach the lake (100 miles or more

round-trip) probably stopped for meals along the way. An arbitrary distance-meal relation-

ship was set up for individual fishermen as follows:

100-150 miles, round trip 1 meal

151-225 miles, round trip 2 meals

226 or more miles, round trip 3 meals

Meals were assigned to individual fishermen on this arbitrary basis, giving a total

for the season of 140 at an assixmed average cost of $0.75 each, for a total cost of $105.00,



Page 19: Cost of bass fishing at Ridge Lake, Coles County, Illinois · atothersmalllakeswhereopening-dayfishinghasbeenheavy.Apparently,bassthatsur- vivethefirstfewhoursoffishingbecomewaryafterexposuretoevenmoderatefish-

On the basis of 404 trips, the cost per trip was- 26 cents:

m - »•"

The cost of meals per hour of fishing was 8 cents:

Total costs. An approximation of the total costs of bass fishing at Ridge Lake in

1949 was as follows:

Cost of license per hour of fishing $0.02

Cost of equipment per hour of fishing 0.47

Cost of travel per hour of fishing 0.65

Cost of meals per hour of fishing 0.08

Total cost per hour of fishing $ 1.22


Equipment \ . .» Travel


The calculated cost of catching a pound of largemouth bass at Ridge Lake in1949 amounted to $8.66: 53.2 per cent for travel, 38.6 per cent for equipment, 6.6 percent for meals, 1.6 per cent for license.

This average cost per hour of fishing multiplied by the average time required to catch a pound

of bass in Ridge Lake in 1949 (7.1 hours) gave $8.66 as the average cost of catching a pound

of bass:

1.22 X 7.1 = 8.66

The addition of a boat rental charge of $1.00 per day would raise the cost of catch-

ing a pound of bass to $9 .70 {3.4-hour day; two men per boat):

t4^ = 1-043.4 X 2

$8.66 + $1.04 = $9.70


Page 20: Cost of bass fishing at Ridge Lake, Coles County, Illinois · atothersmalllakeswhereopening-dayfishinghasbeenheavy.Apparently,bassthatsur- vivethefirstfewhoursoffishingbecomewaryafterexposuretoevenmoderatefish-


Largemouth bass fishing at Ridge Lake is principally a local undertziking; thus,

travel costs that can be assigned to it are considerably less than can be assigned to fishing in

areas of resort development.

Obviously, a key item in the demonstrated high cost of fishing for largemouth bass

is the average length of time required to catch a pound of this species. Many fishermen, when

confronted with the rate of catch recorded for Ridge Lauke, will claim that bass fishing must

be considered poor there, and that this rate cannot possibly represent their own experience.

It nnust be borne in mind, however, that these calculations include all of the unproductive hours

as well as the hours that produced fish; human nature being as it is, many fishermen forget the

times they have come home empty handed and remember only those times they caught fish.

Actually the catch rate at Ridge Lake in 1949 may have been higher than in most Illinois

waters because (1) the population of legal-sized bass returned to the lake cifter the March cen-

sus was larger than is found in most waters of the state and (2) when the bass were returned

to the lake the population was concentrated by low water levels; moreover, (3) bass food, in

the form of small bluegills, was nearly eliminated in March, shortly before the fishing season.

The sudden drop in the catch rate zifter heavy fishing started indicates to the au-

thors that bass become aware, in somie way yet unknown, of the danger of striking baits

attached to a line. These fish become wary of natural baits (live crayfish and minnows) as

well as artificials (Durham & Bennett 1949). Actually the catch rate for the 1949 season

averaged higher for some artificial baits than for either live minnows or live crayfish.

A comparison of the rates of catch during preseason and open-season fishing for T

other years at Ridge Lake shows a similar drop in catch rate beginning with the onset of heavy

angling. In 1944 the lake was not opened to public fishing until August because, previous to

that time, the brood of bass then dominant averaged less than 10 inches in length. Samples of

this brood caught by Natural History Survey personnel during May, Jione, and July were taken

at a very high rate per hour, but as soon as the lake was opened to the public the catch rate

became very low.

INo exact figures are available on the amount of fishing that may be done before bass

become wary, nor on the "rest" period necessary before these fish lose their wariness. During


Page 21: Cost of bass fishing at Ridge Lake, Coles County, Illinois · atothersmalllakeswhereopening-dayfishinghasbeenheavy.Apparently,bassthatsur- vivethefirstfewhoursoffishingbecomewaryafterexposuretoevenmoderatefish-

the 1946 fishing season, the lake was closed for 2 weeks to allow the bass to "forget," but the

catch rate was no better after the rest period. Whether a period of 1 or 2 months free from

fishing is siifficient to cause bass to lose their wariness is not known, because little fishing >

has been done at Ridge Lake in late September and early October after the lake has been fished

heavily during June, July, and August. However, by the spring following a season of heavy

fishing the bass seem to have lost their wariness.

Individual catch records of fishermen who fished Ridge Lake five or more times

during 1949 indicate that some fishermen are much more skillful than others in catching bass.

One man who fished the lake 14 times during the season had an average catch rate of 1 pound

of bass per 1.76 hours; another who fished the lake 11 times caught bass at the rate of 1

pound per 1.92 hours. Both of these seasonal rates were better than the average rate of all

fishermen on the opening day. Still another fisherman who fished the lake 20 times had a

catch rate of 1 pound of bass per 11.1 hours, a poor rate as compared to the season average.

This fisherman apparently was unable to develop a satisfactory technique for inducing bass to


Most of the experienced bass fishermen who fished Ridge Lake more than once

were enthusiastic regarding the catches made there. Inexperienced local anglers who made

poor catches were satisfied because they had been unable to do as well else^where and they

appreciated the opportunity of having a place to fish -within a reasonable driving distance. It

is quite probable that a number of fishermen who drove 150 to 250 miles to fish and went away

empty handed were dissatisfied. Because of the xincertainty of bass fishing, no attempt has

been made to advertise the Izike other than to publish records of iinusual catches and to an-

nounce the opening dates in the newspapers of nearby to^wns and cities.

I For reasons mentioned pre^viously, the authors believe that the cost of $8.66 per

pound of bass taken in Ridge Lake in 1949 is low for bass fishing in Illinois. A pound of bass

from most lakes in Illinois might cost from $10 to $15. Yet many more sportsmen would pur-

chase fishing equipment and willingly pay other costs if satisfactory bass fishing were available.

If bass fishing has a recreational value equal to the costs involved, the crop of bass

produced by Ridge Lake in 1949 (540.5 poxmds) was worth $4,680.73; equivalent to $260.04 per

acre on the basis of a full lake (18 acres) and $425.52 per acre on the basis of the lake as it

r was in the svimmer of 1949 (H acres).15

Page 22: Cost of bass fishing at Ridge Lake, Coles County, Illinois · atothersmalllakeswhereopening-dayfishinghasbeenheavy.Apparently,bassthatsur- vivethefirstfewhoursoffishingbecomewaryafterexposuretoevenmoderatefish-

If we may assume that the cost of bass fishing and rate of catch (but not the man-

hours of fishing or total catch) have been nearly constant at Ridge Lake throughout the 7 years

the lake has been opened to public fishing, the total value of the recorded bass catch was

$20,424.18. This sum is equivalent to $2,917.74 per year or $162,10 per acre per year (18

acres assvimed as the average area of the lake). In addition to bass, 1,163.6 pounds of blue-

gills were taken in the years 1946-1948, inclusive.


1. In 1949, Ridge Lake contained a largemouth bass population having a per acre

average of 93 fish weighing about 73 pounds. The lake was opened to public fishing during

June, July, and August, and fishermen caught 540.5 pounds (49.1 pounds per acre) at the

average rate of 1 pound per 7.1 hours of fishing. The catch rate dropped from a high rate

early in the first day of public fishing to a much lower rate before the end of the day; it re-

mained low through August in spite of the fact that the bass were crowded and their food

supply reduced.

2. A questionnaire sent to 344 Ridge Lake fishermen was completely answered by

126. These men spent an average of $1.22 per hour to fish Ridge Lake and caught bass at

approximately the same rate as did all fishermen who fished this lake. Costs included amor-

tized cost of tackle and other equipment, $0.47 per hour; travel, $0.65 per hour; meals,

$0.08 per hour; and fishing license, $0.02 per hour. Based on the cost figures per hour of

fishing (exclusive of boat rental), the average expense of catching a pound of bass was $8.66.

3. If bass have a recreational value equal to the costs involved in catching them,

the bass crop produced by Ridge Lake in the 7 years of fishing there had an average annual

value of $162.10 per acre of lake.


Bellrose, Frank C, and Clair T. Rollings1949. Wildlife and fishery values of bottomland lakes in Illinois. 111. Nat.

Hist. Surv. Biol. Notes 21. 24 pp.

Durham, Leonard, and George W. Bennett1949. Bass baits at Ridge Lake. 111. Wildlife 4(2): 10-13.



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Page 26: Cost of bass fishing at Ridge Lake, Coles County, Illinois · atothersmalllakeswhereopening-dayfishinghasbeenheavy.Apparently,bassthatsur- vivethefirstfewhoursoffishingbecomewaryafterexposuretoevenmoderatefish-

'..'[l III-'-

I 'i




