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Cotton Production Efficiency in Small-scale Farming Systems End Stage Report - Stage: 1 Project...

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Cotton Production Efficiency in Small-scale Farming Systems End Stage Report - Stage: 1 Project Executive: George Oduor Project Manager: Daniel Karanja Date: 11 th March 2011 Project Finance Code (if applicable): CR10009 ESR Version: August 2009

Cotton Production Efficiency in Small-scale Farming Systems

End Stage Report - Stage: 1 Project Executive: George Oduor

Project Manager: Daniel KaranjaDate: 11th March 2011

Project Finance Code (if applicable): CR10009ESR Version: August 2009

Project Objectives

Overall objective (Goal)● Reduce rural poverty, improve farmers’ livelihood, and

promote sustainable agriculture in cotton based cropping systems in Kenya and Mozambique

Specific objective (Purpose)● To improve cotton production efficiency through formulation

and promotion of innovative ICM options in the cotton production systems in Kenya and Mozambique by involving private enterprises and public organizations

Project Objectives

Outputs● Best practice ICM packages formulated● Promotion and adoption of ICM packages● Stakeholder linkages built for sustaining ICM ● Impact of ICM adoption evaluated

Progress to this Stage- Stages

Stage Project To Date

- Planned

Project To Date

- Actual

1 Inception workshop Inception workshop held (24 -26 Nov 2009) in Maputo, Mozambique as planned

Set up project coordination team & project steering committee (PSC)

National coordinators appointed and PSC constituted in Kenya and Mozambique

Conduct local stakeholder workshop

A local stakeholder workshop held in Kenya (March 2010) & Mozambique (April 2010)

Progress to this Stage- Stages

Stage Project To Date-Planned

Project To Date

- Actual

1 Conduct baseline survey Survey completed: pre-adoption socioeconomic situation, production and post-harvest handling practices established

Identify needs & constraints of farmers and markets

Needs & constraints of farmers and markets identified

Formulate best practice ICM Specific ICM modules for Kenya & Mozambique formulated based on the identified needs

Conduct Training of Trainers (ToT) workshop

2 (Kenya) and 1 (Mozambique) ToT workshops conducted based on the cropping seasons

Progress to this Stage- Stages

Stage Project To Date-Planned

Project To Date

- Actual

1 Establish Farmer Field Schools (FFS)

15 FFS (Kenya) and 13 FFS (Mozambique) established in 2010. Season-long FFS training ongoing

Conducts training on CFC Financial & Administration procedures

PIA’s Project accounts & national coordinators already trained by CABI. Both financial & technical backstopping are ongoing

Monitor project progress Monitoring visit was conducted by ICAC&CABI in Kenya (8 -10 Nov 2010) and Mozambique (11 – 13 Nov 2010)

Hold Annual planning & review Workshop

Annual planning & review workshop was held (14-15 Dec 2010) in Nairobi, Kenya as planned

Progress to this Stage- Stages

Stage Project To Date

- Planned

Project To Date

- Actual

1 Compile quarterly financial reports for CFC/EU

Quarterly financial reports completed and submitted to CFC

Prepare Annual work plans and Budgets

Consolidated annual work plans & budgets for the PIAs and PEA were compiled and submitted to CFC/ICAC

Prepare semi-annual and annual progress (technical) report

First semi-annual (Dec 2009 – Jun 2010) & annual (Dec 2009 – Dec 2010) technical reports were compiled and submitted to CFC/ICAC

Progress to this Stage- Financials


Report Stage

- Planned

Report Stage

- Actual

Original Full Project

- Planned

Project To Date

- Planned

Project To Date

- Actual

Full Project – Current Projection

Costs Billed to Project Donor

Gross Revenue: 333,908.00






Collaborator Costs: 179,668.00






Net Revenue: 154,240.00






CABI Implementation Costs

CABI Staff Costs: 54,428.00






Direct Costs: (travel etc) 34,514.00






Net Profit/Loss:(‘Project Contribution’)

65,298.00 63,669.00





Net Project Contribution: (%)

42% 48% 39% 42% 48% 39%

Dissemination of Results to Date

Dissemination and Measures of Results – Planned

Dissemination and Measures of Results - Actual

Effectiveness Key Success?


Through mass media - Invite radio and television agents to capture project events/hold interviews to raise awareness of the project activities

Kenya – Stakeholder workshop captured & broadcasted by Citizen K24 television (March 2010). Article produced on Business Daily Newspaper (Feb 2011)

Mozambique - DPA communication (Noticias newspaper) interviewed National coordinator during the ToT in Beira (September 2010) Mozambique. Local media (Noticias newspaper, Radio Mozambique, National Television) attended & reported the Cotton technical meeting in Namialo, Nampula (March 2010) & the cotton annual meeting (October 2010) in Maputo.

Increased awareness of the project activities

Impact of Project to Date– Scientific, Technical, Commercial, Social, Environmental

Planned Impact Actual Impact Comments Key Success?

(tick) None planned for the period under review

Not applicable

Commentary on Variations from Plan● Outputs: Signing of the project agreements and disbursement of initial Authorised

Allocation from CFC delayed (completed in Feb/Mar 2010), hence missed the planting season (2009/10) and Mar/April 2010 in Kenya (Coast & Rift valley) and Mozambique, respectively. Establishment of FFS in these areas was moved to Nov/Dec 2010 and Mar/Apr 2011, respectively. A new company took over the concession in one of the project areas (Sofala) in Mozambique (after the ToT) but refused (Jan 2011) to continue with the project activities initiated by their predecessor, hence new project sites had to be identified.

● Schedule: Delayed start of establishment of FFS in the areas which have only one cropping season per year, as mentioned above. Number of FFS to established in 2011 to be doubled in the affected areas to achieve the targets.

● Financials: Poor budget monitoring techniques by PIAs; long distances for local travel to project sites (cotton growing areas) - adjustments on travel budget

● Events Affecting Performance: Staff turnover in Mozambique especially the project accountant and trained FFS facilitators; lack of commitment by some of the concession companies working in some of the project sites in Mozambique

● Input / Effect of Donor, Partners, End-Users etc: Beneficiaries of the project had not been prepared and required significant change in mindset particularly in Kenya. The EU component of the project funding ends in Dec 2011

● Current Assessment of Business Case: Promising

Key Risks – Project( ) = Previous Rating

Risk Owner Likelihood Impact Total Management Strategy Update

Crop failure through climate or new pests

Executive 1 3 3 Reduction: Use improved varieties; promote GAP. Acceptance if wide spread climate problems

Same as previous despite of predicted Lanina in Kenya

Political instability Executive 1 3 3 Contingency: Move to different area of country. Prevention: terminate project if unsafe to proceed.

Same as previous

PIAs and actors fail to execute responsibilities

PM 1 2 2 Reduction: constant follow-up and technical support by CABI

Change in the ownership of concession companies in Mozambique is a potential threat but no change in rating

Production economics become unsustainable

Executive 1 3 3 Reduction: Use most cost effective ICM strategies. Acceptance

No change: Increase in cotton prices has been an incentive to cotton growers in Kenya

Commentary on Projection of Project

● Events Affecting Future Performance

● Risks● Previous Risk Total: Medium (average risk level 3)● Current Risk Total: Medium (average risk level 3)● Comments: There are no major changes in the expected risks.

The project should be able to meet its original objectives.

● Overall – Likely Impact on Next Stage: Neutral

● Overall - Likely Impact on Project: Neutral

Commentary - Additional

● Key Successes: Will be reported in the next stage

● Benefits Achieved: CABI’s profile raised among the cotton stakeholders in Kenya & Mozambique; CABI’s now an active member of regional network Southern and Eastern African Cotton Forum (SEACF)

● Has there been increased Scope for CABI than originally planned? None at the moment

● Lessons Learned: Farmers in both countries are willing to: adopt new ICM technologies; increase area under cotton production - if the price for seed cotton is stable, there are prompt payments, and credit for purchase of inputs for cotton production is assured. More commitment by the concession companies in Mozambique is needed. Availability of quality seed is a major problem hence, need for development of a sustainable mechanism for production and delivery of quality cotton seed to farmers.
