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could be had Fren&c etkCoffee - chroniclingamerica.loc.gov fileActs No. 7, folio 209. In faith...

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Tta GonaltsoiII Cliel' Mississippi Valley Route Steamer Virgie J. G. DAVIDSON, J. HICKSCON Captain. GleC K. This swift and Elegant Boat Makes FOUR TRIPS DAILY bet;' _ - :,,t-; r; i .,_r", -•; R- ~'• c ,lC " lean; w a :"'. i u an ' i L ,;' oaN•d. 5 , to af -• rin so;(,r en ine b,..a " TRUfNKS and BAGGAGE HANLED exas & Pacific ra ' Time Table FpI; 98: GEr t HAINb GOING EAST. , , rN -o i i : "i (- ------- ---- ' -• -. ., " N (. - 1-:}! .:i Jr,.'! Y;%r :'- ' ----- -- _ - * iO \.' . •No. ic 'mmotaton ..-- ------ -' . " P. m . - Early Bird" ------------- .29 A. L-FOURICHE BRANCH. No. I -Leaves for Thiiodau ---- 7.. . No 3-; 9rrivts from 'Thibodaux -- --- x15A.- No.5 (;r e f ,r 'Thibodu rf10r.. . No. g ;- rive from Thibodaux- .15 T. u. NAOLiONVIOiLE BIiANi('. No. 9'--ieaveCforrNitpolonvillic _.- No,. 4i-5 rrivels from N oienvle N__lms ui.a a . at. No. 9- .e-an s for Napoleo. vill.e... . 10.3.. 5 A. I. io. -Arrwce ,frotm Niaptoleon vill.... .. . . Lesal fret "' trains eact: way daily,. L. Bn . AarTTINGLY, Local Agent. N ',,I-- CHARTER - of - Donaldsonville A-muzLu Company. State of Louislana-Parish of As- cension, 1E IT NOWVN, that on this, the S15th day of April, in the year 191", before me, Walter Lemailn, a notary iublic duly commissioned, qualified and sworn in and for the state and parish aforesaid, t.ial- iy came and appeared th ' persons whose names are subscribed hereto, who declared that they hereby form thniesel ves fnto a corporation under the name of the DONALDSONVILLE A-MUZ-UJ COMPANY, for the purpose of owning, operating and leasing parks and buildings for amusement pnrposes of all kinds, and gener'ally to carry on any lawful business not inconsistent with the constitutions of Louisiana and of the United I States. Citation shall be served on the president, or in his absence on the vice president. The capital stock of this corporation shall be five thou- ;.Sand dollars, divided into two hin- dred shares of the par value of twenty-five dollars each, to be paid in money or property or services qealdeded in such manner as the board of directors shall determine. This corpapration shall commence business as aind as three thousand dollars of its cpil<al stock shall have been subscribed for. All powers of this corporation shall be veat.ed in a board of directors composed of Hne stockbolders, The directors shall be elected ausaally on the first Mon- day of March l Pach year. The di- -rectors at their tatnl meeting after election shall elect aor president, a vice president, and a secretta.;treas- nrr-t. At the termination suios chaater its affairs shall be liquidated iby the board of directors then in of- fice. Thus done and passed in the paristh of Ascension on the day, month and year first above written, in the presence of the undersigned witnesses, who have signed these presents, together with appearers and me, notary, after due reading of the whole. ORIGINAL SIGNED: (NAMES OF SUBSCRIBERS.) WALTER LEMANN, e i Notary Public. .T. Fd. FERNANDEZ, GEO. H. RICHARD. State of Louisiana, Parish of As- cension-I do hereby certify the above and foretgoing to be dimly recorded in Book of Miscellaneous Acts No. 7, folio 209. In faith whereof, witnesms y hand and seal of office, at t)onalids onville, La., this 1Mth day of April, 1913 1 J. Fd. FERNANDEZ, Deputy Clerk and Recorder. A true copy of thie original, omit- ting nmes ofr subscribers. J. Wd. FERNANDEZ, Deputy Clerk and bcordicr. *How to Cure a Horse of Kicking. A contributor to the current issue of Farm and Fireside says that his horse stopped kicking when he gave him the following treatment: "We filled a stout gunny sack with sand and suspended it from the ceil- ing with a rope directly in the rear of the kicking horse in such a posi- tion that Its heels could have a good play upon it. This mammoth pendulum, needing but. a forceful touch, would swing with clock-work precision as soon as the horse be- gan to play its gymnastic stunts up, on it. At the first kick the bag would swing away only to return with great momentum, giving the horse as good as it sent. Of course this unexpected state of affairs re- sulted in a general mixup between the horse and the bag of sand for a few minutes, but the bag held its own, returning all it received with interesti, till the horse, coming to the full realization that there was no use to combat, was perfectly cowed. 'Thle :bag was allowed to hang for about a -week to insure an absolute cure, and: up to the present tine there has been no ieed of repeatfing the pwcm." The House Fly. E. S. Tucker, associate entomnolo- ri. of the Louisiana agricultural ex- ri,-nt station at Baton Rouge, ri •,, as follows concerning that dan • ;: pest, the common house fly, :i th:,' Country Teview of April 24: '!r -I of the posts that intrude in i•oe- are insects, but some of the fr.,• which are generally called in- e=cts do not rightfully belong to the ;r.!<. ,. Besides insects and their al- I;;s, rats and mice are the other im- Sortan: , foes. "'Tih.. common house fly is not only a trou blCsome but also a very danger- ,:s insc•t. It is dangerous on ac- r-m,,t of its filthy habits, as it comes ronr all sorts of vile places and ::irri'-: filth and disease germs to :r fod. Infection with typhold ,rm has so frequentlty been traced +1 , s,, yt that it haen been renamed - b '- id fly.' It breeds in ma- -r- hifly and to ?o:ne ext-nt in a, ad ether foul matter. "..1 .many as 120 ri gs are laid by fe on:?l1 fly. Durins midsummer the a-: <tch in eight hours. On hatch- ' 0 fnm the egg, the insect is a ,an!l maggot. Th1i . quires about ,n days to grr a y~•nsform into f-. The pr• uc.'• of 1200 flies 'rom a pound lf horse manure has Si (-n found possible. "'Sc,,r•ning of houses and especial- 1 v other buildings in which perish- .h-, food products are prepared or 'old is essentlal for protection against flies. Sticky paper, poison and traps cain b" used for the destruction of many fliPs. But the pest must be prevented from breeding if it were to be put under subjection. Most ef- fective restriction can be made by keeping daily accumulations of stable manure in covered or darkened places until the amount may finally be hauled away and properly distrib- utiled in fields. Great security will be afforded by excluding flies from garbage and putrid refuse. Sanitary management is the course to pursue for warding off pestilence, and the danger of the fly as a carrier of dis- cIase will be greatly reduced when prudent action is taken. Therefore ihe o•.ttruction of privies in such a manner as to exclude flies can not ,^, ir( -,t(nigly uniged. "Oti--r kinds-of flies sometimes ap- 1 pear in houses, being generally at- tracte.d by meat and fruit. Blow flies are usually the most noticeable vis- itor. Occasionally the stable fly will enter a house and bite persons. Itis believed to be capable of trans- mitting infantile paralysis. Owing to its resemblance to the common pest, many persons fail to distinguish - it and wrongly believe that the biting xwas done by the house fly, when, in fact, the latter can not bite." Compare Your Baby with These Measurements. Thb, Woman's Home Companion Is carrying on a great fight; for "better babies' by promoting baby shows at which the standard of perfection is health rather than beauty. In the May nmnbe: it reports a unique and scientific 1a 4". recently held in Denver. Following is an extract showing what some of the standards are for judging children: "The normal or perfect child pre- sents the following physical points, counting that a girl baby weighs one pound less: "Average weight, height and cir- cumference of head and chest of coys: "Al birth-Weight, 7 pounds; height, 201 inches; chest, 13' in- ches; head, 14 inches. "One year-Weight, 21 pounds; height, 29 inches; chest, 18 inches; .head, 18 inches. "Two years--Weight, 26% pounds; lg ight , 32. inches; chest, 19 inches; fenad, j9 incles. "Three yartt~.•-VWeight, 31 pounds; height, 35 inches; c•Gest, ! (nchles; ihead, 19,I inches. "Teeth-Central incisors appear about the seventh month; lateral in- c1isors from eighth to tenth; anterior ,olars, tw' ifth to gighteenth; eye aniid stomnach, fourteenth to twen!tieth; p:ostrrior molars, eighteenth to thirty- sixth. "The child should first attempt to sit at about the sixteenth week, be -'airly successful about the fortieth wveek, and firmly seated at the tenth or el-,venth month. "The child should attempt to stand habout the thiry-eighth week, and be Itrtceessful at eleventh or twelfth nu•o ;. Hle should walk unsupported at ti' - lcurtentth or fifteenth month -ce,'-tinly not later than the eight- eeth month. Precocity in walking Ss not desirable. "The skin should be pink, flesh firm: anCr lips red, breath sweet, ton- gue ,la'l He should breathe through the l~ots pni' and should not be fretful. lie should py be rest- less!l' acuive, r, dsnlix'd to play."t AStorywith Irai. 1pD in, \'right county, )xa, they have been teaching agriculture and home economics in the rural schools for four or five years, and have been fortunate enough to secure capable iand enthusiastic county superintend- "nts -who knew how to make these :ub;jec.ts:• ,ttractive to the boys and iris. lefo-re this work began the ,ac .irs ihad been asking the boys :nd girls in the country whether or ".ei thtxy wished to stay on the farm :fter they grew utp. The answers were suriprising: 157 boys and 163 -:iris said thiy did not; seven boys tud eltev-ei gFirls that they did. Af- ter three years uf agriculture and homie ecoanomics in the schools, the sanme qluestions were asked in the •a.e sct'ool. The answ-ers were sur- prisin- again: 1;u2 boys and 161 girls wxished to stay on the farm, and tiwelve boys and seventeen girls to 'axc. AX: y moral in thils story for ciithirn ' ' 'c-ers and parents?-Pro- :ressivOec F,?rm :or. Why Do You Scratch? Royaline ''eiter Ointment will stop that i;.ching or your money back. 50 cents. New Treatment for Lockjaw. One of the most remarkable cures ever recorded of lockjaw is an fnounced by Dr. Adolph H. Urban, of ;Brooklyn, who used a new method never tried in this country. It is a combination of the recognized an- ti-tetanus serum with subsequent sub- cutaneous injections of carbolic acid. The case reported by Dr. Urban is that of a 5-year-old boy, Oliver Pinkey. He was apparently infected while playing in the earth of his yard. In a short time h . developed convulsions, and finally the rigidity that is usually a precursor of death. Dr. Urban decided to resort to heroic measures. The child apparently did not re- ;pond for several hours; rigidity and ntense depression continued. Sud- lh'iy, however, he began to show he effects of thle tr eatlment, and 1he inmprove--ennt was remarkably -apid. The child was attacked in St pntm- ; or. Now he is apparently as well as -ver.-New York Globe. A Card. I desire to announce that, beginning April 10, I will conduct a lodging and boarding-house, in addition to my mercantile, grocery and saloon busi- ness. The cuisine and service will be of the highest order in every re- spect, and the utmost attention will be accorded. guests at all times. Rates reasonable and first-class ac- commodations assured. The patron- age of my friends and the traveling public is solicited. Oysters served in any style. DOMINICK CASSO, Darrow, La. The best fly is the fly that never was born. CH A R R - of - HAYWARD & SPAHR COMPANY. State of Louisiana--Paiish of Orleans- City of New Orleans. ?. E IT IKNOWN, that on this, the S3st day of the month of March, in the year of our Lord one thousand. nine hundred and thirteen, ant of the :ld -pndence of the United St tes of America the one hundred and thirty- Seventlh, before me. Charles F. Fletc+h- nnger, a notary public, duly commis- -ioned and qualified in and for the :ity, parish and state aloresaid, therein residing, and In the presence of the esses hereinafter named and under- _ personally came and appeared the s&e-ral persons whose names are iereunto subsc.ribed, who declared that, .trailing themselves of the provisions of tie laws of this state relative to the formation and organization of corpora- tions, they have covenanted and agreed, and do by these presents coveinan t, ~grlee and bind themselves, as well as those who may' hereafter bl-come asso- iated with them, to form themselves into a corporation for the objects and p;urlposes, with the name, and under the stipulations following to- wit: ARITICLE I. The name and style of this corpora- dion shall be Hayward & Spahr Cons- pany, and by said corporate name it shall have succession and enjoy existence fior a period of fifty years, unlegs sooner dissolved in the manner provided by iani and the 'a'oticles of this charter; "and, under said, eoeorpte . name e-, .it shall have power arnd aut arity- to cog- tract, sue and be Sued, to "iake aind use a corpoprat seal, lie same to alter or break at pleasure; to make all nec- essary rules and regulations for its . )otrate mlan-ameiten t and control, and shall have and enjoy all the rights, privileges and immunities which are now conferred upon or may hereafter be granted to corporations of the same kind and character. ARTICLE II. The domicile of this corporation shall be in the town of Hohen Solms, parish of Ascension, state of Louisiana, and a"11 citations and other legal processes shall be served upon the president, or, in his absence or inability to act, upon any other officer of the corporation. ARTICLE III. Tilo jects and purposes for which tI . orporation is organized are de- cla-ed to be to conduct and carry on the -business of wholesale or retail gro- cers, or both, including the sale of dry goods and liquors, in the parish of Ascension and such other places in the state of Louisiana as the- stockholders omay hereafter determine; to acquire; by purchase, lease or otherwise, real estate, and to hold, iiiiprove,'lease, mort ga-e, sell or otlherwise dispose of tfe same; and, in furtherance of the above purposes, said corporation may o vxI, acquire and build and thereafter lease or sell fatia ry- or: business sites,' in-dlut- ing w-arehouses, and riay co'ristruct alid olcraite switch tracks and other facili- t.its ill, to and from such buildin;s, and, c-enerally, to do and pelrfolrn all acts incidental or gernlmane tile purposes above spegflied,. The capital stock of this corporation is hlereby fixed at seventy-five hun- dlred ($7500) dollars, divided into seven- ty-five shares of tile par value of one hundred ($100) dollars each, which -- aid stockl shali be issueul Oly fo ';! o" in payment of pr:operty or services actually received by or rendered to said .orporation. This corporation shall com- rience business and btecoie a going concern as soon as three thousand ($3000)dollars of its capital stock shill hlave been subiscribed and paid for. Tihe residie O i o saistock to e issxedl .1 i pay'ment made thlerefor subject ito tlhe action and call of the board of direct ors. Said stock shall be fully paid at hlie time of its issuance and, ithere- after, non-asssssahle, anid tile caplital stock may be inicreased or decreased in5 hlie manner provided by the liaws of th's state. Aii parties to this act declared thar they bereby subscribe for tile numberh of sliharies of said capital stock set opposite their respective signatures hereto, so that this act of incorpora- tion shall serve as an original sub- scriptio•n, ALT CLP + All the poweri of this corporation shall be vested in and be exercised by a board of three directors, to be elect- ed each year by the stockholders at the annual meeting; the said directors shall be bona fide stockholders, and the first board shall consist of: W. Camp- bell Hayward, who shall be president; James E. Alexander, who shall be vice president; Carl Spahr, who shall be sec- retary-treasurer. On the first Monday in January, 1913, aind annutally thereafter, except when Aich day shall fall on a legal holiday, then, upon the next following lay-day, the atockholders shall elect a board of directors for the ensuing year, the board already installed to continue to hold over until their successors are elected and qualified. The hoard of di- rectors so elected shall select from their own nlumber the officers of the corporation, who shall be a president, ia vice president and a secretary-trcas- urer. The election of directors shall be by ballot, and the persons receiving the largest number of votes shall be de- clared. elected. For electin directors or for any other purpose, each share of stock, whether present or by proxy, shall be entitled to one vote, and a majority of the votes cast shall be re- quired to pass any resolution or decide apy question subnlitted to the stock- holders, except for the alteration or amendment of this charter, or the dis- solution of the corporation as herein- .I after provided. The said board of directors shall have power and authority to make all necessary rules and re•ulations for the management, operation and control of the business of the corporation, as well as to make all necessary rules and by- laws, with power to fill any vacancy occurring in their number, or any va- Icancy occurring amnong the officers of the corporation. A majority of the di- rectors voting at any one time, in par- son or by proxy, shall be rei- ir:ed to pass any resolutioni or adopt ;,n:, ;- law, which, when so adopted, shell ,b-- come valid corporate acts. ARTICLE rI. Notice of all meetings of stockhol i- ers for c ting directors, or for any other purpose, excoat as may be here- inafter directed, shall be given, in writ- ing, by the secretary, to be deposited in the mail at least ten days before such me-tina, directed to each stoclk- holder at his last known address, ap- pearin;- upon the ioo:. of the corpora- tion, unless said notice is waivedl in writ- ing by all the stockholders appearing as such upon the Ioorks. ARTICLE VII. This act of incorporation may be modified, added to, changed or amend- od, or this corporation may be disso'ved by and with the consent of the holders f three-fourths in a;oun1t of its teen OWttstanding stock, given at a general meeting of the stockholders to be con- vened after ten days' prior notice to be given in one of the daily newspapers published in the city of New Orleans, In addition to the personal notice to each stockholder as provided in Arti- cle VI. of this charter. And such changes as may be made, in reference to an increase or decrease of the capi- tal stock, shall be preceded by such notices, delays and formalities as , by blw required. In the event of the dissolution of maid corporation, either by limitation of its charter or otherwxise, its afflairs shall be liquidated by three commission- ers to be appointed and elected at a special meeting called for that purpose, as above provided, and who shall re- 'mtin in office until the affairs of said corporation shall be . fully liquidated; ann, in case of the death of one or more of said liquidators, the survivors or survivor shall con!inue to act. ARTICLE VIII. No stockholder shall be held liable or responsible for the contract or faUlts of this corporation, in any further sum than the unpaid balance due to the corporation on the shares owned by him, nor shall any mere informality in organization have the effect of render- in.r this charter null or of exposing a stockholder to liability beyond the a'ount of his unpaid stock, if any. Ti2hu done and passed in my office in the city of New Orleans, on the day, month and year first hereinbetofe writ- tel, in the presence of Ashton l)ucateJl and Frances Eiser, competent wit- s l, r eh t h'ere;nto den tieir names, together with said appearers and me, the notary, after a due reading of the whole. ORIGINAL SIGNED: (NA-.MES OF SUBSCRIBERS OMITTED) it 11ness. TLs: -A, DIUCATEL, CHAS. F F. FLETCHINGE, Notary Public. State o;' Louisiana, Parish of .seen- sion--. the undersigned, clerk of couirt and ex-officio recorder in and for said p'arish and state, do hereby certify thitt the nbove alnd foregoing act of incor- Il)ralion of HAY VA )i &. SaPA - ,hR COs'\xAN_ ' w•-s this day duly recorded ie Iy- o0i:1 in ooh, of discellaneous kActs No. 7, folio 206 et seq.. Donaldsonville, La.. April 5, 1913. J. FD. FERNANDEZ, Deputy Cl-rk and IRecorder, A true copy: ClIAS. F. FLETCFlINGEI., Notary Public. CHARTER. -of thp-, - ST. ELMO AND,; ASNSION BUILD.- . !NG- AN• •1 .. P~ SOCIATION. ' United States of America--State of Lou- isiana--1ai islh of Orleans--:ity of New Orleans. 'E IT INOWN,; that on this, the f t dUay of the inmount of Aprl, i in tie year iaL ur Lord, one thousanld nione hundrced and thirteen, and of the e indepeuiueice of tile United States of a :ic rica th-e one hundred and thirty- e Sseventh, bucloe li'e, ALEXIS BLisAN, aI I notarIy pulU , duly conimissiotd and i qu:aliiied within and for the parish of l ,lPeaens, st.:te of Louisiana, and in thie i r.l' .scilie o, tile witnesses hereinafter , ilalled and undersigned, personally cania and appeared the several personsi whose t l11iit-sa le hereunto subscribed, who i declared that, availing thenselves of a t,, iprovisions of ti.e laws of the state o, Louisiana relative to the establish-ii Sme!n and condluct of building anid loan! aussuiltiuous, they have contracted and r i'e.d, and do by thes ptresenlts con- SLfract, agree aRd bild themselves, as W•el ls Scli oLC-' ,O1il5011S as lnay hereasf- i terI - 53Cc-e as.sucated w-ith them, to eo. ith•'ia clorIoi ation i for the purposes and witr the po:Ve-s hereillnafter set forth, s and have adlolpted thisi as their charter 0 ar act of incorporation, to-wit: AtIIICLE I. The name and title of this cor c''ration UIDNG ND LOX ~isiCIA I ix." -ts a" liicile si:a!l be at ,. 1.u1o i1 a tie parlis" of \scension, state oif ILai- I. It xhal i ejo cororate exist- :nce for ai peI'iod of" niet-inEs-1ne (.1•) eats, lnlesss so0ner dissolved un1der ti1e iriovisiolis of this chalter. AIRTICLE II. Said corporation shall have power to coni.ract, to sue and be sued, to lilake 1in'd use a corioratei seal; to hold, re- t ceive, lease, Ilurchase, conve, mort- -a-ge anld pledge property, both real arnd Scisonal; to lilend oa borrosw inoneys oil n security of any kind or character; to -1stabljsh and mlaintain out of its rev- ':5s I f'oc alis- source such special ;ilt.is as nlay be necessary to coser loses or meet tie liabilft?- or iledep- P tion or paymelnt of the matured shares; i to imake and .estab!lish such by-laws, ri-es and regulalions for the proper manalgaenr ent andi conduct of the af'Sirst of said corpoiraion as may" be neessaryi I land piro1el, aind the samne to change and alter at pleasurle; to nanme and appoint su:ilh ollicei-s t1(1nd agents as the intter- tsS and convenience of said corlpolation ay require;l anrd generally to do all sui" acts anid things as are or mnay be c .ss'• anld proper to carry out tch' ojects and purposes of said cor- l'0r'tiosi. c AI'TICLE III. The objects and purposes for which this corporatcion is.estsa!ished, and the nature of the business to be conducted iby it, are deciared to be: To assist the members thereof in purchasing. iuilding, ini')iprnng an4 -l'pfiriitg T.nel esatea on hoinesteadd, and rerrioving the cni•umibraiees therefirom and for the Purpose of loaning mloney to the mem- bers t!ereof; to provide means for thle sife and prof'itable inviestment oiii s•iiisci-i,ts tp the capital stock, -•nr a, in t ses, ilfltrest on loans, paid- up stosk ant otlfcr ources, in the pur- "i•e anii sae of real estate, the build- ine, renting and sale of homesteads, !the ipn•/i1n of n.olley to the membelrs 1p11on!uotge s,.u.ity in the parishl of -scension and upon tie sllaree of the stock of this corporation as may be lJl' "0 idco iin tile by-faxs. AiiTIC'LE IV. The capital st-rk of this corpora tibn hall be five hnndilr d thousand I$500.- t jo dollars divided into ftifty t!lousand i'!.t) tiil sar's of tfe par value of one hundrd dollairs I$0O0) each. The said sto,: shall be issued in consecutive in- stallments or so.ries. Said stock shall be div idiInto twro different classes: full paid ithiilhrawj!e stuck and install- ment stocik, Full paid withdrawahle stock s5all 1,e issued at par on de- niand, and tii nPitcher of such shares iarall ifc leeulated iny resolution of the ard of iri-ctrs. aid full paid with- With'a ci ;toek 11 lay e paid for in fill on is.u an.ce, or subiscriptions therefor inaLy e taken and subscribers permnitted to ipay on a5tOciunt tf•eeof such install- Sien anft , n at isuc h timus as may be agreed upon, and said sums shall be entered in a rec-eipt book until such times as thle subscriber may desire to apply all or part of the accumulated Magnificent Coffee of the Old French Market Now on Nearly Every Dining Table in the South! There was joy in t1 ousands of Southern homrnes when it was anncuncec that the genuine old French blend of French Market Coffee could now be had everywhere in the South. Fren&c etkCoffee For over a hundred years is famous old blend could be en- joyed only at the old French Market in New Orleans. But the building of the French Mark t Mills and the invention of the new hermetically-sealed can, mad it possible to ship real old French Market Coffee anywhere, wi all its delicious aroma and flavor unimpaired. , So that now it is found on almost every din- ing table in the South, and has become the NATIONAL DRINK OF THE SOUTH. Roasted by our unique hygienic projess. FRENCH MARKET MILLS (New Orleans Coffee Co., Ltd., Props.) NEW ORLEANS I~-- - di-- - -- pr aYments to the purchase of one or imore full paid shares, when he shall surrender his receipt for the successive payments and receive in lieu l5yf a certificate of stock of an eq ount par value: it being und'erstoor however, that until such subscriber shall have demanded his certificate of stock, tre shall not be a stockholder of said cor- po'atiuor, nor have any privileges or lia- .ilities as such. All sums thus paid in by subscribers on account of full paid shares shall earn inteiest at a rate to be fixed by the board of directors, not to exceed three and one-half per cent (3/.,) per annum, to commence sixty (60) days after its receipt by the association, and to be payable whenever the amount is with- dra wn or converted into full paid shares by the subscribers. Installment stocrK shall be issued on demand of the subscriber after payment in full of all installments due thereon bfr rue month of the issue shall have been made. Said stock shall be paid for in installments of not less than 12I cents per week per share, the amount,. of said weekly . installments to be fixed at the time of subscribing in accoruance with the by-laws of this association, and said installments must be paid regularly each week until the proportion tl-hereof imputed to the Sstock, together with the profits or divi- dends to be credited thereto, shall equal the full face value of the shares, at which time the installments shall cease and the said shares shall mature. Any member shall have the right to pay more than the amount of his re- equired installments, and interest shall be allowed on such advanced payments at a rate to be fixed by the board of directors for the average time prior to the close of the current dividednd e- nriod, provided such Paytnent shall a•rmunt to at least twenty-six (26) weekly installments; and provided any instaliment so paid' within a dividend iperiori in excess of the sum due shall * a credited as dues in adv and shall begin to earn dividen' om tie commecemencement of the dividend pe- iiod next following that within which it Is paid. Installments payable on installment siares shall begin with the tirs.t unle of the month of issuance. Should any portion of the install- nicnts paid on shares be withdrawn in accordance with the provisions of this charter, said itihdnawal shall not iut the shares in default, provided future installments on the shares shall there- after be regularly paid. iWhenever the paid up value of install- ment shares pledged to this association as additional security for a loan upon real estate, shall equal fifty per cent (50) of their face value, then the bor- rower at his option may discontinue pay- ing installmeas on accourn of said shares and aw same to lecome ma- tured or full paid by the acumulation of accruing profits; provided such bor- rowers must continue the interest "on their loans regularly in accordance with their loan contract, unitl their indebted- ness is fully liquidated as contemplated by said contract. Installments when paid shall be im- puted to the obligations of the share- iolder in such manner as may be pro- vided in the by-laws. Installment shares when matured shall be liquidated in cash or converted into full paid shares at the option of their holder. Members may withdraw full paid witihdrawal shares, or part or all of the sanme paid in on account of such full paid shares or their unpledged in- stallment shares, by filing notice 'in writing at the office of the associatioff and shall receive the amount'so with- drawn together with all dividends pre- viously credited thereto:; or if it be payments on account of shares, they shall r'eceive all interest thereon earned up ' to late of -''their' notice, less 'any pnpaid charges, the pro -rata share ,of losses if any, in excess of 'thie amount in the contingent lbe•s fund. Notices shall he regltfete4t and number- ed In the dierlt df their receipt, and withdrawals liquidated in sequence as registered, upon the return and proper cancellation of the certificate of stock, if the withdrawval be total, or proper re- ceipt if the w lthdrawal be partial, out of the first unappropriated money in the treasury; provided that not more than one-half of the monthly receipts shall ever be used for the liquidation"of withdrawn shares, unless there should he an over-accumulation of funds which cannot be loaned upon real estate. \'rhenever a borrowing member de- [auits on his loan contract, the asso- ciation, as pledgee of his stock, shall have the right to cancel and withdraw the accrued value thereof and awtlhd s•ame to thi' lionruidation of the debt on which default has occurred and there- after to foreclose upon the mortgage reld by the association for the balance 'lie the association, Stouild there ever be an accumuiation of funds heyond the requlrenmets of the ssociation, the board shall have the right to call in unpledged full paid :vithdrawahie shares for redemption, :nd such shares shall be redeemed for :heir face value, plus interest at the rate per cent per annum on the last dividend for the time intervening since their nlst dividend. Should all of the fuIl! paid shares be redeemed, then in- mtallment shares in the same order may he called in to be redeemed at their vithdirawable value. Any suhbscriher to weekly installmert stock who shall for a term of six .(6) months fail to pay the weekly install- meats on his stock, shall by reason of such default, and without notice, forfeit his rights under his subscription con- tract, and the association shail a•ve u- right to cancel said stock. Upon such cancellation the amount paid on said stock, together with accumulated prof- its, shall cease to draw dividends and said amount and profits shall be held subject to the order of such subscriber, who shall be notified of such action of the association by a notice mailed to him. In case such subscriber shall not within one year after said =notice receive said amount and surrender his certifi- cate, the said amount shall revert to and become the property of the asso- ciation as liquidated damages. Shares of stock shall be transfera- ble and duplicate certificates may be issued for lost certificates in such manner as may be provided in the by- laws. Any person, whether of age or a minor, or any corporation may own shares, and each share which shall have been in force for- sixty (60) days preceding a stockholders' meeting shall be entitled to pn vote if cast by the 1 owner or his ' -a uthorized proxy. ARTICLE V. Loans may be made upon first mort- gage or mortgage and vendor's lien se- curity in the parish of Ascension or up- on shai-es of this corporation, provided i such shares are pledged by the own- I ers thereof, and that no loan shall be made upon any such shares for a great- er sum than the face of such shares. 1 Any shareholder who shall have ob- tained a loan upon his shares, and who shall have paid in not less than one year's subscription thereon, shall have I the right to cancel his subscription to I stock and apply the cash value of his I shares as a credit upon his note, and the balance of his indebtedness shall 1 be paid on such terms and insuch man ter as may be provided in the by-laws. All loans shall be made under the supervision and control of the board of directors, who shall have power to make such rules, regulations and by-law with reference to same as said boar may deem necessary and expedient. ARTICLE VI. On January l.and July 1 of each year the board of directors shall ascertain | the earnings of the association for the preceding six months. and out of such earnings they shall first deduct all the expenses of the association for such period; second, set aside to the fund b for contingent losses and such other f funds as may be created by said board, s duch amount as they may deem best, n until such contingent loss fund equals n five per cent (5) of the entire outstand- t ing mortgage loans, which fund shall o be invested as directed by the board; I third, the balance of said earnings s shall be declared as a lividend to the shareholders in proportion to the value of stock of each member at the time the preceding dividend was declared; and t all payments ma e between such divi- 0 dend periods sh Ibegin to earn div- P idends from the beginning of the en- c suing semi-annua term. s Whenever matt 'ed installment stock o s settled, said . ock shall participate s' n the contingen loss fund and such tther surplus fu ds as exist at the n :ime of the matu ity, in the iatio that ii he total amount said funds bears to " he paid up val of 6utstanding in- ti utallnment stock .~ff pful aid with- A Irawable stock i e.eist'ence atthe date .'hen said stock *al mature; provided Ih hat full "paid w hdrawable stock is- f ued as' such shRt pot participate in s C he said funds til ea~id shares shall ai lave been in'•e seven years from s, he date of" the issue, after which o01 :ime they shall being withdrawn tI )articipate in , unds in the same 11 nanner as mui)sc tock: and provided n 'urther, tha said ment shares rwith, h' Irawn or heir prior to their ma- IS u'ity shn that ,th. 'ticlpate In said undls. / Dtivide, 'fir} paid shares shall tc ie paid •, cash, rid those on install- tl nent shares shall be credited to their o1 nstaliment books. Ai'T .LE VII. All the power of this corporation shall be exercise by a board of di- rectors to consist f not less than five (5) nor more tha ten (10) stockhold- ers, each of who shall own at least five shares of st k in his own name. The directors sh be elected by the stockholders onf first Monday in April of 1914, d annually thereaf- ter. Any directo ceasing to own five (5) shares of stoc shall ipso facto va- c'ate his office. otice of said elec- tions shall be giv ten (10) days prior to the annual meeting by one publica- tion in one of the daily newspapers of the city of New Orleans and in Iwo successive weekly issues of a n•c•wsna- per published in the parish ofi Ascen- sion. Said electio sattall be held by ballot under the- -Upervision of three (5) shareh0iders appointed by the board of directors at the last precedIng recular meeting thereof, and share- holders receiving a majority of the 'otes cast shall he declared elected. All meetings shall be held at the dom- icile of the corporation. The failure to hold a nmeeting of an election on tihe day specified shall not dissolve the corporation, but the direct- Sors then in office shall serve until their successors shall have been duly elected and qualified. The directors Immediately upon their election annually- shall eect from their. numl•er a president" a vice president, a secretary, a treasurer' an attorneyt and a notary. They shall appoint such I, A true cop-:, ALEXIS BRIAN, Notary Public. I other officers and employees as may be necessary, who shall continue r 'employment subject to the pleasure o. board. They shall fix the salar ( 1-l officers and employes, but no salary shall be paid to any direeto except to the secretary and treasurer. Said board shall have the power to e- act by-laws not inconsistent with ti charter; to provide officers for the cer poration, to suspend any officer fo neglect of duty or misconduct, to- i any vacancy that may occur am the board or among the officers, such further authority as may be aee essary to carry out ithe objects and purposes and conduct the business o' the association. The said board-h not have the right to purchase. - estate, except for cash, nor to contrae any indebtedness without the affi tive vote of at least a majority oft board, and then only in furtheranes the usual and proper business of association, nor Shall they have: to borrow money or contract a n indebtedness -than for buildi tracts in the matte.of. s the - afftitrmatlVvote jority 'of the entire board A majority of the directors shalt stitute a quorum at all meetings o' board. Until the first annual meeting: the signing of this charter, the ber of said directors shall be five ) [Said number may be increased atny annual or special meeting of the sto holders to a number not exceeding"-t[ (10). Any director absent from the pa~isl of Ascension shall have the right :- no-nlnate in writing a substitute in hti steAd, provided such substitute shil possess at least five (5) shares of Stock in his own name, and shallfl his proxy with the secretary. ARTICLE VIII. The following named persons shall eo stitute the first board of director#;| serv until their successors are elect cordance with this charter, to- Brady, S. A. Marchand, Geo• . Reese, Wm. A. Reich, S. W. Settoon. ARTICLE IX; Special meetings of the sharehold shall be convened at the request: writing of ten (10) shareholders, st•t ing the purpose of such meeting. ARTICLE X. No shareholder shall ever be held U* ble or responsible for the contracts or faults o2 this association in any furt)?e sum than the amount of his indebtfd ness to the association, nor shall an mere informality in organization -ha3r the effect of rendering this charter._ or of exposing a shareholder to liability beyond the amount due thea sociation. ARTICI; XI. This ct of incors.•ation may bg - tered, amended or modified by a . of three-fourths (3-4) of the Se present and represented at a meet convened for that purpose, or thl sociation may be liquidated by a of two-thirds (2-3) of the capital ric scribed at a general meeting conve for that purpose, after ten (10) notice to be published in one of daily newspapers of New Orleans two weekly notices published in one- the papers published in the parish •, Ascension; provided the capital -of 6 association shall not be increased less a majority of all the shaesr force shall vote in favor of such- I crease, or until such notice he if and such publications be made such formalities complied with asr or may be required by law. Whene. the affairs of the association shall liquidate, it shall be done by three collS missioners chosen from among the st holders at the meeting at which te liquidation may be decided upon. ARTICLE XII. This association shall have the ri to begin business as soon as sev thousanrd five hundred dollars ($ of its stock shall have been subscrib The subscriptions set opposite the nao of the subscribers hereto, which sll be considered as the original stock asu scription list, show that said amount hO been subscribed, and this associatlon may begin business at once. Thus done and passed in my office "- the city of New Orleans, on the dSr andl date herein first above written, ce the presence of C. A. Miranne, Jr., " G. W. Schweitzer, competent- witnes&e who hereunto sign their nanmes witl said appearers and me, notary, after i reading of the whole. E. P. BRADY, fifty (50) shares. GrO. W. IREESE, ten (10) shares. WVM. A. REICH, five (5) shares. S. t- SETTOON, five (5) shares S. A. MAIaCHANDI, five (5) shares'- TOMAS WHITE, five (5) shares. JONE BRADY, two (2) shares.. Witnesses: C. A. MIIANNE, JR., G. W. SCHWEITZF,1i: ALRXIX 1 BRrA1 Nbt try Publtc State of Louisatte, Parish of A ie sion-I do herc.by certify the above ad foregoing tp. be duiy recorded i•n of Mortgages No. 37, folio 35I et sect In, faith W-hereof, witness my ha5' ak; seal of- office, at D1)naldsonVill, La., this 6th day of May, 1913. J. F.t FER:NANDEZ, Deputy Clerkl and Recorders.
Page 1: could be had Fren&c etkCoffee - chroniclingamerica.loc.gov fileActs No. 7, folio 209. In faith whereof, witnesms y hand and seal of office, at t)onalids onville, La., this 1Mth day

Tta GonaltsoiII Cliel'Mississippi Valley Route


Captain. GleC K.

This swift and Elegant Boat Makes

FOUR TRIPS DAILYb et;' _ -:,,t-; r; i .,_r", -•; R- ~'• c ,lC "

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•No. ic 'mmotaton ..-- ------ -' . " P. m. - Early Bird" ------------- .29 A.


No. I -Leaves for Thiiodau ---- 7.. .

No 3-; 9rrivts from 'Thibodaux -- --- x15A.-No.5 (;r e f ,r 'Thibodu rf10r.. .

No. g ;- rive from Thibodaux- .15 T. u.


No. 9'--ieaveCforrNitpolonvillic _.-No,. 4i-5 rrivels from N oienvle N__lms ui.a a .at.No. 9- .e-an s for Napoleo. vill.e... . 10.3.. 5 A. I.

io. -Arrwce ,frotm Niaptoleon vill.... .. ..

Lesal fret "' trains eact: way daily,.

L. Bn . AarTTINGLY, Local Agent.

N ',,I--


Donaldsonville A-muzLu Company.

State of Louislana-Parish of As-cension,

1E IT NOWVN, that on this, theS15th day of April, in the year

191", before me, Walter Lemailn, anotary iublic duly commissioned,

qualified and sworn in and for the

state and parish aforesaid, t.ial-iy came and appeared th ' persons

whose names are subscribed hereto,who declared that they hereby formthniesel ves fnto a corporation underthe name of the DONALDSONVILLEA-MUZ-UJ COMPANY, for the purposeof owning, operating and leasing

parks and buildings for amusement

pnrposes of all kinds, and gener'ally

to carry on any lawful business not

inconsistent with the constitutions

of Louisiana and of the United IStates. Citation shall be served on

the president, or in his absence onthe vice president. The capital stockof this corporation shall be five thou-;.Sand dollars, divided into two hin-dred shares of the par value oftwenty-five dollars each, to be paidin money or property or servicesqealdeded in such manner as the

board of directors shall determine.This corpapration shall commencebusiness as aind as three thousanddollars of its cpil<al stock shall have

been subscribed for. All powers ofthis corporation shall be veat.ed in aboard of directors composed of Hnestockbolders, The directors shall beelected ausaally on the first Mon-day of March l Pach year. The di--rectors at their tatnl meeting after

election shall elect aor president, avice president, and a secretta.;treas-nrr-t. At the termination suios

chaater its affairs shall be liquidatediby the board of directors then in of-fice.

Thus done and passed in the

paristh of Ascension on the day,month and year first above written,in the presence of the undersignedwitnesses, who have signed thesepresents, together with appearers andme, notary, after due reading of thewhole. ORIGINAL SIGNED:


e i Notary Public.


State of Louisiana, Parish of As-cension-I do hereby certify theabove and foretgoing to be dimly

recorded in Book of MiscellaneousActs No. 7, folio 209.In faith whereof, witnesms y hand

and seal of office, at t)onalids onville,La., this 1Mth day of April, 1913 1

J. Fd. FERNANDEZ,Deputy Clerk and Recorder.

A true copy of thie original, omit-ting nmes ofr subscribers.

J. Wd. FERNANDEZ,Deputy Clerk and bcordicr.

*How to Cure a Horse of Kicking.A contributor to the current issue

of Farm and Fireside says that hishorse stopped kicking when he gavehim the following treatment:

"We filled a stout gunny sack withsand and suspended it from the ceil-ing with a rope directly in the rearof the kicking horse in such a posi-tion that Its heels could have agood play upon it. This mammothpendulum, needing but. a forcefultouch, would swing with clock-workprecision as soon as the horse be-gan to play its gymnastic stunts up,on it. At the first kick the bagwould swing away only to returnwith great momentum, giving thehorse as good as it sent. Of coursethis unexpected state of affairs re-sulted in a general mixup betweenthe horse and the bag of sand fora few minutes, but the bag held itsown, returning all it received withinteresti, till the horse, coming to thefull realization that there was no useto combat, was perfectly cowed.

'Thle :bag was allowed to hang forabout a -week to insure an absolutecure, and: up to the present tinethere has been no ieed of repeatfingthe pwcm."

The House Fly.

E. S. Tucker, associate entomnolo-ri. of the Louisiana agricultural ex-ri,-nt station at Baton Rouge,

ri •,, as follows concerning that dan• ;: pest, the common house fly,:i th:,' Country Teview of April 24:

'!r -I of the posts that intrude ini•oe- are insects, but some of thefr.,• which are generally called in-e=cts do not rightfully belong to the

;r.!<. ,. Besides insects and their al-I;;s, rats and mice are the other im-Sortan: , foes."'Tih.. common house fly is not only

a trou blCsome but also a very danger-,:s insc•t. It is dangerous on ac-r-m,,t of its filthy habits, as it comes

ronr all sorts of vile places and::irri'-: filth and disease germs to:r fod. Infection with typhold,rm has so frequentlty been traced+1 , s,, yt that it haen been renamed

-b '- id fly.' It breeds in ma--r- hifly and to ?o:ne ext-nt in

a, ad ether foul matter."..1 .many as 120 ri gs are laid byfe on:?l1 fly. Durins midsummer the

a-: <tch in eight hours. On hatch-' 0 fnm the egg, the insect is a,an!l maggot. Th1i . quires about,n days to grr a y~•nsform intof-. The pr• uc.'• of 1200 flies

'rom a pound lf horse manure hasSi (-n found possible.

"'Sc,,r•ning of houses and especial-1 v other buildings in which perish-.h-, food products are prepared or'old is essentlal for protection againstflies. Sticky paper, poison and trapscain b" used for the destruction ofmany fliPs. But the pest must beprevented from breeding if it were tobe put under subjection. Most ef-fective restriction can be made bykeeping daily accumulations of stablemanure in covered or darkenedplaces until the amount may finallybe hauled away and properly distrib-utiled in fields. Great security willbe afforded by excluding flies fromgarbage and putrid refuse. Sanitarymanagement is the course to pursuefor warding off pestilence, and thedanger of the fly as a carrier of dis-cIase will be greatly reduced whenprudent action is taken. Thereforeihe o•.ttruction of privies in sucha manner as to exclude flies can not,^, ir( -,t(nigly uniged.

"Oti--r kinds-of flies sometimes ap-1 pear in houses, being generally at-tracte.d by meat and fruit. Blow fliesare usually the most noticeable vis-itor. Occasionally the stable flywill enter a house and bite persons.It is believed to be capable of trans-mitting infantile paralysis. Owing toits resemblance to the common pest,many persons fail to distinguish - itand wrongly believe that the bitingxwas done by the house fly, when, infact, the latter can not bite."

Compare Your Baby with TheseMeasurements.

Thb, Woman's Home Companion Iscarrying on a great fight; for "betterbabies' by promoting baby shows atwhich the standard of perfection ishealth rather than beauty. In theMay nmnbe: it reports a unique andscientific 1a 4". recently heldin Denver. Following is an extractshowing what some of the standardsare for judging children:

"The normal or perfect child pre-sents the following physical points,counting that a girl baby weighs onepound less:

"Average weight, height and cir-cumference of head and chest ofcoys:

"Al birth-Weight, 7 pounds;height, 201 inches; chest, 13' in-ches; head, 14 inches.

"One year-Weight, 21 pounds;height, 29 inches; chest, 18 inches;.head, 18 inches.

"Two years--Weight, 26% pounds;lg ight , 32. inches; chest, 19 inches;fenad, j9 incles.

"Three yartt~.•-VWeight, 31 pounds;height, 35 inches; c•Gest, ! (nchles;ihead, 19,I inches.

"Teeth-Central incisors appearabout the seventh month; lateral in-c1isors from eighth to tenth; anterior,olars, tw' ifth to gighteenth; eyeaniid stomnach, fourteenth to twen!tieth;p:ostrrior molars, eighteenth to thirty-sixth.

"The child should first attempt tosit at about the sixteenth week, be-'airly successful about the fortiethwveek, and firmly seated at the tenthor el-,venth month.

"The child should attempt to standhabout the thiry-eighth week, and be

Itrtceessful at eleventh or twelfthnu•o ;. Hle should walk unsupported

at ti' -lcurtentth or fifteenth month-ce,'-tinly not later than the eight-eeth month. Precocity in walking

Ss not desirable."The skin should be pink, flesh

firm: anCr lips red, breath sweet, ton-gue ,l a'l He should breathethrough the l~ots pni' and should notbe fretful. lie should py be rest-less!l' acuive, r, dsnlix'd toplay."t

AStorywith Irai.

1pD in, \'right county, )xa, theyhave been teaching agriculture andhome economics in the rural schoolsfor four or five years, and have beenfortunate enough to secure capableiand enthusiastic county superintend-

"nts -who knew how to make these:ub;jec.ts:• ,ttractive to the boys andiris. lefo-re this work began the,ac .irs ihad been asking the boys:nd girls in the country whether or".ei thtxy wished to stay on the farm: fter they grew utp. The answerswere suriprising: 157 boys and 163-:iris said thiy did not; seven boystud eltev-ei gFirls that they did. Af-ter three years uf agriculture andhomie ecoanomics in the schools, thesanme qluestions were asked in the•a.e sct'ool. The answ-ers were sur-prisin- again: 1;u2 boys and 161 girlswxished to stay on the farm, andtiwelve boys and seventeen girls to'axc. AX: y moral in thils story forciithirn ' ' 'c-ers and parents?-Pro-:ressivOec F,?rm :or.

Why Do You Scratch?Royaline ''eiter Ointment will stop

that i;.ching or your money back. 50cents.

New Treatment for Lockjaw.One of the most remarkable cures

ever recorded of lockjaw is anfnounced by Dr. Adolph H. Urban, of;Brooklyn, who used a new methodnever tried in this country. It is acombination of the recognized an-ti-tetanus serum with subsequent sub-cutaneous injections of carbolic acid.

The case reported by Dr. Urban isthat of a 5-year-old boy, OliverPinkey. He was apparently infectedwhile playing in the earth of hisyard. In a short time h . developedconvulsions, and finally the rigiditythat is usually a precursor of death.Dr. Urban decided to resort to heroicmeasures.

The child apparently did not re-;pond for several hours; rigidity andntense depression continued. Sud-lh'iy, however, he began to showhe effects of thle tr eatlment, and1he inmprove--ennt was remarkably

-apid.The child was attacked in St pntm-

; or. Now he is apparently as well as-ver.-New York Globe.

A Card.I desire to announce that, beginning

April 10, I will conduct a lodging andboarding-house, in addition to mymercantile, grocery and saloon busi-ness. The cuisine and service willbe of the highest order in every re-spect, and the utmost attention willbe accorded. guests at all times.Rates reasonable and first-class ac-commodations assured. The patron-age of my friends and the travelingpublic is solicited. Oysters servedin any style.


The best fly is the fly that neverwas born.

CH A R R- of -


State of Louisiana--Paiish of Orleans-City of New Orleans.

?. E IT IKNOWN, that on this, theS3st day of the month of March,

in the year of our Lord one thousand.nine hundred and thirteen, ant of the:ld -pndence of the United St tes ofAmerica the one hundred and thirty-Seventlh, before me. Charles F. Fletc+h-nnger, a notary public, duly commis--ioned and qualified in and for the:ity, parish and state aloresaid, thereinresiding, and In the presence of the

esses hereinafter named and under-_ personally came and appeared

the s&e-ral persons whose names areiereunto subsc.ribed, who declared that,.trailing themselves of the provisionsof tie laws of this state relative to theformation and organization of corpora-tions, they have covenanted and agreed,and do by these presents coveinan t,~grlee and bind themselves, as well as

those who may' hereafter bl-come asso-iated with them, to form themselvesinto a corporation for the objects andp;urlposes, with the name, and underthe stipulations following to- wit:

ARITICLE I.The name and style of this corpora-

dion shall be Hayward & Spahr Cons-pany, and by said corporate name it shallhave succession and enjoy existence fiora period of fifty years, unlegs soonerdissolved in the manner provided byiani and the 'a'oticles of this charter;"and, under said, eoeorpte . name e-, .itshall have power arnd aut arity- to cog-tract, sue and be Sued, to "iake ainduse a corpoprat seal, lie same to alteror break at pleasure; to make all nec-essary rules and regulations for its.)otrate mlan-ameiten t and control,

and shall have and enjoy all the rights,privileges and immunities which arenow conferred upon or may hereafterbe granted to corporations of the samekind and character.

ARTICLE II.The domicile of this corporation shall

be in the town of Hohen Solms, parishof Ascension, state of Louisiana, anda"11 citations and other legal processesshall be served upon the president, or,in his absence or inability to act, uponany other officer of the corporation.

ARTICLE III.Tilo jects and purposes for which

tI . orporation is organized are de-cla-ed to be to conduct and carry onthe -business of wholesale or retail gro-cers, or both, including the sale ofdry goods and liquors, in the parish ofAscension and such other places in thestate of Louisiana as the- stockholdersomay hereafter determine; to acquire;

by purchase, lease or otherwise, realestate, and to hold, iiiiprove,'lease, mortga-e, sell or otlherwise dispose of tfesame; and, in furtherance of the abovepurposes, said corporation may o vxI,acquire and build and thereafter leaseor sell fatia ry- or: business sites,' in-dlut-ing w-arehouses, and riay co'ristruct alidolcraite switch tracks and other facili-t.its ill, to and from such buildin;s, and,c-enerally, to do and pelrfolrn all actsincidental or gernlmane tile purposesabove spegflied,.

The capital stock of this corporationis hlereby fixed at seventy-five hun-dlred ($7500) dollars, divided into seven-ty-five shares of tile par value of onehundred ($100) dollars each, which -- aidstockl shali be issueul Oly fo ';! o"in payment of pr:operty or servicesactually received by or rendered to said.orporation. This corporation shall com-

rience business and btecoie a goingconcern as soon as three thousand($3000) dollars of its capital stock shillhlave been subiscribed and paid for. Tiheresidie O i o saistock to e issxedl .1 ipay'ment made thlerefor subject ito tlheaction and call of the board of directors. Said stock shall be fully paid athlie time of its issuance and, ithere-

after, non-asssssahle, anid tile caplitalstock may be inicreased or decreased in5hlie manner provided by the liaws ofth's state.

Aii parties to this act declared tharthey bereby subscribe for tile numberhof sliharies of said capital stock setopposite their respective signatureshereto, so that this act of incorpora-tion shall serve as an original sub-scriptio•n,

ALT CLP +All the poweri of this corporation

shall be vested in and be exercised bya board of three directors, to be elect-ed each year by the stockholders atthe annual meeting; the said directorsshall be bona fide stockholders, and thefirst board shall consist of: W. Camp-bell Hayward, who shall be president;James E. Alexander, who shall be vicepresident; Carl Spahr, who shall be sec-retary-treasurer.

On the first Monday in January, 1913,aind annutally thereafter, except whenAich day shall fall on a legal holiday,then, upon the next following lay-day,the atockholders shall elect a board ofdirectors for the ensuing year, theboard already installed to continue tohold over until their successors areelected and qualified. The hoard of di-rectors so elected shall select fromtheir own nlumber the officers of thecorporation, who shall be a president, iavice president and a secretary-trcas-urer. The election of directors shall beby ballot, and the persons receiving thelargest number of votes shall be de-clared. elected. For electin directorsor for any other purpose, each share ofstock, whether present or by proxy,shall be entitled to one vote, and amajority of the votes cast shall be re-quired to pass any resolution or decideapy question subnlitted to the stock-holders, except for the alteration oramendment of this charter, or the dis-solution of the corporation as herein-


after provided.The said board of directors shall

have power and authority to make allnecessary rules and re•ulations for themanagement, operation and control ofthe business of the corporation, as wellas to make all necessary rules and by-laws, with power to fill any vacancyoccurring in their number, or any va-

Icancy occurring amnong the officers ofthe corporation. A majority of the di-rectors voting at any one time, in par-son or by proxy, shall be rei- ir:ed topass any resolutioni or adopt ;,n:, ;-law, which, when so adopted, shell ,b--come valid corporate acts.

ARTICLE rI.Notice of all meetings of stockhol i-

ers for c ting directors, or for anyother purpose, excoat as may be here-inafter directed, shall be given, in writ-ing, by the secretary, to be depositedin the mail at least ten days beforesuch me-tina, directed to each stoclk-holder at his last known address, ap-pearin;- upon the ioo:. of the corpora-tion, unless said notice is waivedl in writ-ing by all the stockholders appearingas such upon the Ioorks.

ARTICLE VII.This act of incorporation may be

modified, added to, changed or amend-od, or this corporation may be disso'vedby and with the consent of the holders

f three-fourths in a;oun1t of its teenOWttstanding stock, given at a generalmeeting of the stockholders to be con-vened after ten days' prior notice tobe given in one of the daily newspaperspublished in the city of New Orleans,In addition to the personal notice toeach stockholder as provided in Arti-cle VI. of this charter. And suchchanges as may be made, in referenceto an increase or decrease of the capi-tal stock, shall be preceded by suchnotices, delays and formalities as , byblw required.

In the event of the dissolution ofmaid corporation, either by limitation ofits charter or otherwxise, its afflairsshall be liquidated by three commission-ers to be appointed and elected at aspecial meeting called for that purpose,as above provided, and who shall re-'mtin in office until the affairs of saidcorporation shall be . fully liquidated;ann, in case of the death of one ormore of said liquidators, the survivorsor survivor shall con!inue to act.

ARTICLE VIII.No stockholder shall be held liable or

responsible for the contract or faUltsof this corporation, in any further sumthan the unpaid balance due to thecorporation on the shares owned byhim, nor shall any mere informality inorganization have the effect of render-in.r this charter null or of exposing astockholder to liability beyond thea'ount of his unpaid stock, if any.

Ti2hu done and passed in my office inthe city of New Orleans, on the day,month and year first hereinbetofe writ-tel, in the presence of Ashton l)ucateJland Frances Eiser, competent wit-s l, r eh t h'ere;nto den tieir names,together with said appearers and me,the notary, after a due reading of thewhole.


it 11ness. TLs:-A, DIUCATEL,

CHAS. F F. FLETCHINGE,Notary Public.

State o;' Louisiana, Parish of .seen-sion--. the undersigned, clerk of couirtand ex-officio recorder in and for saidp'arish and state, do hereby certify thittthe nbove alnd foregoing act of incor-Il)ralion of HAY VA )i &. SaPA - ,hRCOs'\xAN_ ' w•-s this day duly recordedie Iy- o0i:1 in ooh, of discellaneouskActs

No. 7, folio 206 et seq..Donaldsonville, La.. April 5, 1913.

J. FD. FERNANDEZ,Deputy Cl-rk and IRecorder,

A true copy:

ClIAS. F. FLETCFlINGEI.,Notary Public.



. !NG- AN• •1 .. P~ SOCIATION. 'United States of America--State of Lou-

isiana--1ai islh of Orleans--:ity ofNew Orleans.

'E IT INOWN,; that on this, thef t dUay of the inmount of Aprl, iin tie year iaL ur Lord, one thousanldnione hundrced and thirteen, and of the eindepeuiueice of tile United States of a

:ic rica th-e one hundred and thirty- eSseventh, bucloe li'e, ALEXIS BLisAN, aII notarIy pulU , duly conimissiotd and iqu:aliiied within and for the parish of l,lPeaens, st.:te of Louisiana, and in thie ir.l' .scilie o, tile witnesses hereinafter ,

ilalled and undersigned, personally caniaand appeared the several personsi whose tl11iit-s a le hereunto subscribed, who ideclared that, availing thenselves of at,, iprovisions of ti.e laws of the state

o, Louisiana relative to the establish-iiSme!n and condluct of building anid loan!

aussuiltiuous, they have contracted andr i'e.d, and do by thes ptresenlts con-

SLfract, agree aRd bild themselves, as W•ells Scli oLC-' ,O1il5011S as lnay hereasf- iterI - 53Cc-e as.sucated w-ith them, toeo. ith•'ia clorIoi ation

i for the purposes andwitr the po:Ve-s hereillnafter set forth, sand have adlolpted thisi as their charter 0ar act of incorporation, to-wit:


The name and title of this cor c''rationUIDNG ND LOX ~isiCIA I ix."

-ts a" liicile si:a!l be at ,. 1.u1o i1 atie parlis" of \scension, state oif ILai-

I. It xhal i ejo cororate exist-:nce for ai peI'iod of" niet-inEs-1ne (.1•)eats, lnlesss so0ner dissolved un1der

ti1e iriovisiolis of this chalter.

AIRTICLE II.Said corporation shall have power to

coni.ract, to sue and be sued, to lilake1in'd use a corioratei seal; to hold, re- tceive, lease, Ilurchase, conve, mort--a-ge anld pledge property, both real arnd

Scisonal; to lilend oa borrosw inoneys oil nsecurity of any kind or character; to

-1stabljsh and mlaintain out of its rev-':5s I f'oc alis- source such special;ilt.is as nlay be necessary to coserloses or meet tie liabilft?- or iledep- Ption or paymelnt of the matured shares; ito imake and .estab!lish such by-laws,ri-es and regulalions for the propermanalgaenr ent andi conduct of the af'Sirstof said corpoiraion as may" be neessaryi I

land piro1el, aind the samne to change andalter at pleasurle; to nanme and appointsu:ilh ollicei-s t1(1nd agents as the intter-tsS and convenience of said corlpolation

ay require;l anrd generally to do allsui" acts anid things as are or mnay bec .ss'• anld proper to carry outtch' ojects and purposes of said cor-l'0r'tiosi. c

AI'TICLE III.The objects and purposes for which

this corporatcion is.estsa!ished, and thenature of the business to be conductediby it, are deciared to be: To assistthe members thereof in purchasing.iuilding, ini')iprnng an4 -l'pfiriitg T.nel

esatea on hoinesteadd, and rerrioving thecni•umibraiees therefirom and for thePurpose of loaning mloney to the mem-bers t!ereof; to provide means forthle sife and prof'itable inviestmentoiii s•iiisci-i,ts tp the capital stock,-•nr a, in t ses, ilfltrest on loans, paid-up stosk ant otlfcr ources, in the pur-"i•e anii sae of real estate, the build-ine, renting and sale of homesteads,

!the ipn•/i1n of n.olley to the membelrs1p11on !uotge s,.u.ity in the parishl of-scension and upon tie sllaree of the

stock of this corporation as may belJl' "0 idco iin tile by-faxs.

AiiTIC'LE IV.The capital st-rk of this corpora tibnhall be five hnndilr d thousand I$500.-

t jo dollars divided into ftifty t!lousandi'!.t) tiil sar's of tfe par value of one

hundrd dollairs I$0O0) each. The saidsto,: shall be issued in consecutive in-stallments or so.ries. Said stock shallbe div idiInto twro different classes:full paid ithiilhrawj!e stuck and install-ment stocik, Full paid withdrawahlestock s5all 1,e issued at par on de-niand, and tii nPitcher of such shares

iarall ifc leeulated iny resolution of theard of iri-ctrs. aid full paid with-

With'a ci ;toek 11 lay e paid for in fillon is.u an.ce, or subiscriptions thereforinaLy e taken and subscribers permnittedto ipay on a5tOciunt tf•eeof such install-Sien anft , n at isuc h timus as may beagreed upon, and said sums shall beentered in a rec-eipt book until suchtimes as thle subscriber may desire toapply all or part of the accumulated

Magnificent Coffee of the Old FrenchMarket Now on Nearly Every

Dining Table in the South!There was joy in t1 ousands of Southern homrnes

when it was anncuncec that the genuine old Frenchblend of French Market Coffee could now be hadeverywhere in the South.

Fren&c etkCoffeeFor over a hundred years is famous old blend could be en-

joyed only at the old French Market in New Orleans. But thebuilding of the French Mark t Mills and the invention of the newhermetically-sealed can, mad it possible to ship real old FrenchMarket Coffee anywhere, wi all its delicious aroma and flavorunimpaired. , So that now it is found on almost every din-

ing table in the South, and has become theNATIONAL DRINK OF THE SOUTH.

Roasted by our unique hygienic projess.

FRENCH MARKET MILLS(New Orleans Coffee Co., Ltd., Props.)


I~-- -di-- - --

pr aYments to the purchase of one orimore full paid shares, when he shall

surrender his receipt for the successivepayments and receive in lieu l5yf acertificate of stock of an eq ountpar value: it being und'erstoor however,that until such subscriber shall havedemanded his certificate of stock, treshall not be a stockholder of said cor-po'atiuor, nor have any privileges or lia-.ilities as such.All sums thus paid in by subscribers

on account of full paid shares shall earninteiest at a rate to be fixed by theboard of directors, not to exceed threeand one-half per cent (3/.,) per annum,to commence sixty (60) days after itsreceipt by the association, and to bepayable whenever the amount is with-dra wn or converted into full paid sharesby the subscribers.

Installment stocrK shall be issued ondemand of the subscriber after paymentin full of all installments due thereonbfr rue month of the issue shall havebeen made. Said stock shall be paidfor in installments of not less than12I cents per week per share, theamount,. of said weekly . installmentsto be fixed at the time of subscribingin accoruance with the by-laws of thisassociation, and said installments mustbe paid regularly each week until theproportion tl-hereof imputed to theSstock, together with the profits or divi-dends to be credited thereto, shallequal the full face value of the shares,at which time the installments shallcease and the said shares shall mature.

Any member shall have the right topay more than the amount of his re-equired





be allowed on such advanced paymentsat a rate to be fixed by the board ofdirectors for the average time prior tothe close of the current dividednd e-nriod, provided such Paytnent shalla•rmunt to at least twenty-six (26)weekly installments; and provided anyinstaliment so paid' within a dividendiperiori in excess of the sum due shall* a credited as dues in adv andshall begin to earn dividen' omtie commecemencement of the dividend pe-iiod next following that within whichit Is paid.Installments payable on installmentsiares shall begin with the tirs.t unleof the month of issuance.Should any portion of the install-

nicnts paid on shares be withdrawn inaccordance with the provisions of thischarter, said itihdnawal shall not iutthe shares in default, provided futureinstallments on the shares shall there-after be regularly paid.

iWhenever the paid up value of install-ment shares pledged to this associationas additional security for a loan uponreal estate, shall equal fifty per cent(50) of their face value, then the bor-rower at his option may discontinue pay-ing installmeas on accourn of saidshares and aw same to lecome ma-tured or full paid by the acumulationof accruing profits; provided such bor-rowers must continue the interest "ontheir loans regularly in accordance withtheir loan contract, unitl their indebted-ness is fully liquidated as contemplatedby said contract.Installments when paid shall be im-puted to the obligations of the share-

iolder in such manner as may be pro-vided in the by-laws.Installment shares when matured shallbe liquidated in cash or converted intofull paid shares at the option of theirholder. Members may withdraw fullpaid witihdrawal shares, or part or allof the sanme paid in on account of such

full paid shares or their unpledged in-stallment shares, by filing notice 'inwriting at the office of the associatioffand shall receive the amount'so with-drawn together with all dividends pre-viously credited thereto:; or if it bepayments on account of shares, theyshall r'eceive all interest thereon earnedup ' to late of -''their' notice, less

'any pnpaid charges, the pro -rata share,of losses if any, in excess of 'thieamount in the contingent lbe•s fund.Notices shall he regltfete4t and number-ed In the dierlt df their receipt, andwithdrawals liquidated in sequence asregistered, upon the return and propercancellation of the certificate of stock,if the withdrawval be total, or proper re-ceipt if the w lthdrawal be partial, outof the first unappropriated money inthe treasury; provided that not morethan one-half of the monthly receiptsshall ever be used for the liquidation"ofwithdrawn shares, unless there shouldhe an over-accumulation of funds whichcannot be loaned upon real estate.

\'rhenever a borrowing member de-[auits on his loan contract, the asso-ciation, as pledgee of his stock, shallhave the right to cancel and withdrawthe accrued value thereof and awtlhds•ame to thi' lionruidation of the debt onwhich default has occurred and there-after to foreclose upon the mortgagereld by the association for the balance'lie the association,

Stouild there ever be an accumuiationof funds heyond the requlrenmets of thessociation, the board shall have theright to call in unpledged full paid:vithdrawahie shares for redemption,:nd such shares shall be redeemed for:heir face value, plus interest at therate per cent per annum on the lastdividend for the time intervening sincetheir nlst dividend. Should all of thefuIl! paid shares be redeemed, then in-mtallment shares in the same order may

he called in to be redeemed at theirvithdirawable value.Any suhbscriher to weekly installmertstock who shall for a term of six .(6)months fail to pay the weekly install-

meats on his stock, shall by reason of

such default, and without notice, forfeithis rights under his subscription con-tract, and the association shail a•ve u-right to cancel said stock. Upon suchcancellation the amount paid on saidstock, together with accumulated prof-its, shall cease to draw dividends andsaid amount and profits shall be heldsubject to the order of such subscriber,who shall be notified of such action ofthe association by a notice mailed tohim. In case such subscriber shall notwithin one year after said =notice receivesaid amount and surrender his certifi-cate, the said amount shall revert toand become the property of the asso-ciation as liquidated damages.

Shares of stock shall be transfera-ble and duplicate certificates may beissued for lost certificates in suchmanner as may be provided in the by-laws.

Any person, whether of age or aminor, or any corporation may ownshares, and each share which shallhave been in force for- sixty (60) dayspreceding a stockholders' meeting shallbe entitled to pn vote if cast by the 1owner or his ' -a uthorized proxy.

ARTICLE V.Loans may be made upon first mort-

gage or mortgage and vendor's lien se-curity in the parish of Ascension or up-on shai-es of this corporation, provided isuch shares are pledged by the own- Iers thereof, and that no loan shall bemade upon any such shares for a great-er sum than the face of such shares. 1Any shareholder who shall have ob-

tained a loan upon his shares, and whoshall have paid in not less than oneyear's subscription thereon, shall have Ithe right to cancel his subscription to Istock and apply the cash value of his Ishares as a credit upon his note, andthe balance of his indebtedness shall 1be paid on such terms and insuch manter as may be provided in the by-laws.

All loans shall be made under thesupervision and control of the board ofdirectors, who shall have power to makesuch rules, regulations and by-lawwith reference to same as said boarmay deem necessary and expedient.

ARTICLE VI.On January l.and July 1 of each yearthe board of directors shall ascertain |

the earnings of the association for thepreceding six months. and out of suchearnings they shall first deduct all theexpenses of the association for suchperiod; second, set aside to the fund bfor contingent losses and such other ffunds as may be created by said board, sduch amount as they may deem best, nuntil such contingent loss fund equals nfive per cent (5) of the entire outstand- ting mortgage loans, which fund shall o

be invested as directed by the board; Ithird, the balance of said earnings sshall be declared as a lividend to theshareholders in proportion to the valueof stock of each member at the time thepreceding dividend was declared; and tall payments ma e between such divi- 0dend periods sh Ibegin to earn div- Pidends from the beginning of the en- csuing semi-annua term. sWhenever matt 'ed installment stock o

s settled, said . ock shall participate s'n the contingen loss fund and suchtther surplus fu ds as exist at the n:ime of the matu ity, in the iatio that iihe total amount said funds bears to "he paid up val of 6utstanding in- tiutallnment stock .~ff pful aid with- AIrawable stock i e.eist'ence atthe date •.'hen said stock *al mature; provided Ihhat full "paid w hdrawable stock is- fued as' such shRt pot participate in s Che said funds til ea~id shares shall ai

lave been in'•e seven years from s,he date of" the issue, after which o01:ime they shall being withdrawn tI)articipate in , unds in the same 11nanner as mui)sc tock: and provided n'urther, tha said ment shares rwith, h'Irawn or heir prior to their ma- IS

u'ity shn that ,th. 'ticlpate In saidundls. /Dtivide, 'fir} paid shares shall tcie paid •, cash, rid those on install- tlnent shares shall be credited to their o1

nstaliment books.

Ai'T .LE VII.All the power of this corporationshall be exercise by a board of di-rectors to consist f not less than five(5) nor more tha ten (10) stockhold-ers, each of who shall own at leastfive shares of st k in his own name.The directors sh be elected by thestockholders onf first Monday inApril of 1914, d annually thereaf-ter. Any directo ceasing to own five(5) shares of stoc shall ipso facto va-c'ate his office. otice of said elec-tions shall be giv ten (10) days priorto the annual meeting by one publica-tion in one of the daily newspapers ofthe city of New Orleans and in Iwosuccessive weekly issues of a n•c•wsna-per published in the parish ofi Ascen-sion. Said electio sattall be held byballot under the- -Upervision of three(5) shareh0iders appointed by theboard of directors at the last precedIngrecular meeting thereof, and share-holders receiving a majority of the'otes cast shall he declared elected.All meetings shall be held at the dom-icile of the corporation.The failure to hold a nmeeting of anelection on tihe day specified shall notdissolve the corporation, but the direct-Sors then in office shall serve until their

successors shall have been duly electedand qualified.The directors Immediately upon theirelection annually- shall eect from their.numl•er a president" a vice president,

a secretary, a treasurer' an attorneytand a notary. They shall appoint such I,

A true cop-:,ALEXIS BRIAN,

Notary Public.

I other officers and employees as may benecessary, who shall continue r'employment subject to the pleasure o.

board. They shall fix the salar( 1-l officers and employes, but nosalary shall be paid to any direetoexcept to the secretary and treasurer.Said board shall have the power to e-act by-laws not inconsistent with ticharter; to provide officers for the cerporation, to suspend any officer foneglect of duty or misconduct, to- iany vacancy that may occur amthe board or among the officers,such further authority as may be aeeessary to carry out ithe objects andpurposes and conduct the business o'the association. The said board-hnot have the right to purchase. -estate, except for cash, nor to contraeany indebtedness without the affitive vote of at least a majority oftboard, and then only in furtheranesthe usual and proper business ofassociation, nor Shall they have:to borrow money or contract a nindebtedness -than for builditracts in the matte.of. sthe - afftitrmatlVvotejority 'of the entire boardA majority of the directors shaltstitute a quorum at all meetings o'board.

Until the first annual meeting:the signing of this charter, theber of said directors shall be five )[Said number may be increased atnyannual or special meeting of the stoholders to a number not exceeding"-t[(10).

Any director absent from the pa~islof Ascension shall have the right :-no-nlnate in writing a substitute in htisteAd, provided such substitute shilpossess at least five (5) shares ofStock in his own name, and shallflhis proxy with the secretary.

ARTICLE VIII.The following named persons shall eo

stitute the first board of director#;|serv until their successors are elect

cordance with this charter, to-Brady, S. A. Marchand, Geo• .

Reese, Wm. A. Reich, S. W. Settoon.ARTICLE IX;

Special meetings of the shareholdshall be convened at the request:writing of ten (10) shareholders, st•ting the purpose of such meeting.

ARTICLE X.No shareholder shall ever be held U*

ble or responsible for the contracts orfaults o2 this association in any furt)?esum than the amount of his indebtfdness to the association, nor shall anmere informality in organization -ha3rthe effect of rendering this charter._or of exposing a shareholder toliability beyond the amount due theasociation.

ARTICI; XI.This ct of incors.•ation may bg -

tered, amended or modified by a .of three-fourths (3-4) of the Sepresent and represented at a meetconvened for that purpose, or thlsociation may be liquidated by aof two-thirds (2-3) of the capital ricscribed at a general meeting convefor that purpose, after ten (10)notice to be published in one ofdaily newspapers of New Orleanstwo weekly notices published in one-the papers published in the parish •,Ascension; provided the capital -of 6association shall not be increasedless a majority of all the shaesrforce shall vote in favor of such- Icrease, or until such notice he ifand such publications be madesuch formalities complied with asror may be required by law. Whene.the affairs of the association shallliquidate, it shall be done by three collSmissioners chosen from among the stholders at the meeting at which teliquidation may be decided upon.

ARTICLE XII.This association shall have the ri

to begin business as soon as sevthousanrd five hundred dollars ($of its stock shall have been subscribThe subscriptions set opposite the naoof the subscribers hereto, which sllbe considered as the original stock asuscription list, show that said amount hObeen subscribed, and this associatlonmay begin business at once.

Thus done and passed in my office "-the city of New Orleans, on the dSrandl date herein first above written, cethe presence of C. A. Miranne, Jr., "G. W. Schweitzer, competent- witnes&ewho hereunto sign their nanmes witlsaid appearers and me, notary, after • ireading of the whole.

E. P. BRADY, fifty (50) shares.GrO. W. IREESE, ten (10) shares.WVM. A. REICH, five (5) shares.S. t- SETTOON, five (5) sharesS. A. MAIaCHANDI, five (5) shares'-TOMAS WHITE, five (5) shares.JONE BRADY, two (2) shares..Witnesses:


ALRXIX 1 BRrA1Nbt try Publtc

State of Louisatte, Parish of A iesion-I do herc.by certify the above adforegoing tp. be duiy recorded i•nof Mortgages No. 37, folio 35I et sect

In, faith W-hereof, witness my ha5'ak; seal of- office, at D1)naldsonVill,La., this 6th day of May, 1913.

J. F.t FER:NANDEZ,Deputy Clerkl and Recorders.
