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Wireless Service Provider Solutions Observation Counter Dictionary PE/DCL/DD/0125 14.14/EN Preliminary June 2004 411--9001--125
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Wireless Service Provider Solutions

Observation Counter DictionaryPE/DCL/DD/0125 14.14/EN Preliminary June 2004411--9001--125

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< 125 > : Observation Counter Dictionary

Wireless Service Provider Solutions

Observation Counter DictionaryDocument number: PE/DCL/DD/0125

411--9001--125Document status: PreliminaryDocument issue: 14.14/ENProduct release: GSM/BSS V14.3Date: June 2004

Copyright © 2000--2004 Nortel Networks, All Rights Reserved

Originated in France


The information contained in this document is the property of Nortel Networks. Except as specifically authorized inwriting by Nortel Networks, the holder of this document shall keep the information contained herein confidential andshall protect same in whole or in part from disclosure and dissemination to third parties and use for evaluation,operation and maintenance purposes only.

You may not reproduce, represent, or download through any means, the information contained herein in any way or inany form without prior written consent of Nortel Networks.

The following are trademarks of Nortel Networks: *NORTEL NETWORKS, the NORTEL NETWORKS corporate logo,the NORTEL Globemark, BSC12000, S8000, S12000. GSM is a trademark of France Telecom.Sybase is a registered trademark of Sybase, inc.UNIX is a registered trademark of the UNIX Systems Laboratories.

All other brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.

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Publication HistoryNortel Networks Confidential iii

Observation Counter DictionaryCopyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks



June 2004

Issue 14.14/EN Preliminary

For CR Q00873161, added counter definition for 1162/0, /1, /3, /26, /27, and /28.

For feature 26797, added counters 1065/1, 1066/1, 1067/1 and 1068/1.

For CR Q00872099, added counter definition for 15005/0 and 15005/1.

March 2004

Issue 14.13/EN Draft

For CR Q00792758, incorporated minor changes.

For CR Q00836666, incorporated minor changes.


December 2003

For CR Q00707442--01, incorporated minor changes.

Issue 14.12/EN Standard 14.3

CR Q00761253--01

CR Q00790580

CR Q00795093

CR Q00760735

CR Q00707442--01

November 2003

Issue 14.11/EN PreliminaryX

CR Q0076073

Tiger team comments

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Preliminary 14.14/EN June 2004 Copyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

August 2003

Issue 14.10/EN Preliminary

Added AMR V14 counters in appendix A.

Added new BSC 2G V14 counters and BSCe3 V14 counters in Appendix A.

Checked the AMR and e3 counters.

Added the following e3 counter description: 3002, 3003, 3006, 3007, 1507/0,1507/1, 1507/2, 1507/3, 1507/4.

Added the following AMR counter description: 1197/2, 1197/3, 1780/1, 1780/2,1906/0, 1917/1, 1929/1.

Modified the following counter description: 1780/0, 1917/0, 1929/0.

Added the following V14.3 counter description: 1816/0, 1817/0, 1818/0, 1819/0,1820/0.

Modified the name of the following counters: 1803/0, 1803/1, 1803/2, 1803/3,1803/4,

Checked the S12000 introduction impact on this NTP.

Taken into account:

CR Q00685162

CR Q00686958

CR Q00184739

CR Q00185002

CR Q00182988

April 2003

Issue 14.09/EN Preliminary

Taken into account:

internal comments

CR Q00548005 (correction, counters 15028/1 and 15030/1)

CR Q00566940 (correction, Annex of the document)

CR Q00581808 (counters 15005/0 and 15005/1)

CR Q00581804 (counters 15005/0 and 15005/1)

CR Q00614305 (counters 1606, 1607, 1608, 1701, 1609, 1611, 1613, 1700)

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Observation Counter DictionaryCopyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

January 2003

Issue 14.07/EN Preliminary

Taken into account:

CR Q00411337

CR Q00548005

CR Q00500889

CR Q00470148

CR Q00431517

CR Q00431468

CR Q00389797

CR Q00252063

CR Q00252054

CR Q00208602

CR Q00583446

CR Q00582009

CR Q00566940

December 2002

Issue 14.06/EN Preliminary

Update for V14.3 system release (BSS)

IPO counters in paragraph have been removed

Mentions to instrument panel in paragraph 1.7.1 and 1.7.3 have been removed

ORT has been changed in IPO for the counter no. 9600 in paragraph A3.1

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Publication History Nortel Networks Confidentialvi


Preliminary 14.14/EN June 2004 Copyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

November 2002

Issue 14.04/EN Preliminary

Update for V14.3 system release (BSS)

The following features have been taken into account:

BSC e3 counters (22526)

AR 1209--6 BSC e3 observation counters (22673)

The following modifications have been made to the manual:

chapter 1 “Introduction”:

• The following counters have been added:

– all 19xx counters (refer to paragraph 1.5.2, 1.5.3 and counters settable by the operator (AMR),

Chapter 2 “Counters Description”:

• The following counters have been added:

– all 19xx counters (refer to paragraph 2.2.2--Raw permanent BSS counters(AMR).

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Observation Counter DictionaryCopyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks


October 2002

Issue 13.07/EN Standard

The following modifcations have been made to the manual

Added screenings to the counter 1104 (1104/0 and 1104/1)

Added screenings to the counter 1106 (1106/2 and 1104/3)

August 2002

Issue 13.06/EN Standard

Minor editorial update

Issue 13.05/EN Preliminary

The following modifications have been made to the manual:

Chapter 1 “Introduction”

• Modified the following PCUSN Data Flow Diagrams (paragraph 1.2.9):

– BVC flow control and MS flow control mechanisms

– Discard of LLC PDUs

– Establishment of an UL TBF in two phases access with first phase inCCCH

– Establishment of an UL TBF during DL TBF

– Normal UL TBF release

– Abnormal release of an UL TBF due to non progression of V(Q)

– Abnormal releaseof anULTBFdue to nonprogression ofV(Q) during fullduplex transfer in the case that the DL TBF is also released

– Non response from the mobile station after N3101 scheduled blocks(means with USF set in downlink)

– Non response from the mobile station after N3101 scheduled blocks(means with USF set in downlink) during full duplex transfer, in the casethat the DL TBF is also released

– Non response from the mobile after UP_NASSIGNMAX Packet UplinkAssignment messages

– Non progression from the mobile after UP_NASSIGNMAX PacketUplink Assignment messages during full duplex transfer, in the case thatthe DL TBF is also released

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Preliminary 14.14/EN June 2004 Copyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

– Non response from the mobile after N3103 Packet Uplink Ack/Nack sentwith FAI=1

– Non response from the mobile after N3103 Packet Uplink Ack/Nack sentwith FAI=1 during full transfer, in the case that theDLTBF is also released

– Paging procedure initiated by the network for downlink packet transfertowards a MS in standby state

– Downlink establishment towards a mobile in Ready State and Packet IdleMode

– Establishment with Packet Downlink Assignment and Packet TimeslotReconfigure

– Normal DL TBF Release

– Abnormal release of an DL TBF due to non progression of V(A)

– Abnormal releaseof anDLTBFdue to nonprogression ofV(A) during fullduplex transfer, in the case that the UL TBF is also released

– Non response from the mobile after N3105 downlink data with S/P=1

– Non response from the mobile after N3105 downlink data with S/P=1during full duplex transfer, in the case that the UL TBF is also released

– Non response from the mobile after DN_NASSIGNMAX PacketDownlink Assignment messages

– Non response from the mobile after DN_NASSIGNMAX PacketDownlink Assignment messages during full duplex transfer, in the casethat the DL TBF is also released

– Non response from the mobile after NN0002 downlink data blocks sentwith FBI=1 and S/P=1

– Non response from the mobile after NN0002 downlink data blocks sentwith FBI=1 and S/P=1 during full duplex transfer, in the case that the ULTBF is also released

– Preemption of radio timeslots

– Cell reselection from cell A to cell B and establishment of a new uplinkTBF in cell B

• Created newparagraph 1--6 “RawPermanent PCUSNObservationCounters”

Chapter 2 “Counter Description”:

• The following counters have been modified:

– 1056 tchAveragedAvailableMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

– 1068 hoSuccessOutgoingInterBss

– 1078 hoSuccessOutgoingFirstInter

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– 1700 tchAveragedAvailableTrZoneMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

– 15028/1 upMultiSlotRequest1

– 15028/2 upMultiSlotRequest2

– 15028/3 upMultiSlotRequest3

– 15028/4 upMultiSlotRequest4

– 15030/1 dwMultiSlotRequest1

– 15030/2 dwMultiSlotRequest2

– 15030/3 dwMultiSlotRequest3

– 15030/4 dwMultiSlotRequest4

– 15031/1 FirstDlUnitDataFrame

– 15031/2 dlTBFAllocFailure

– 15031/3 dlTBFRadioFailure

– 15032/3 ulsecondPhaseAllocFailure

– 15034/0 PDANWithUlReq

– 15036/0 ulsecondPhaseRadioFailure

– 15041/0 upUserdatablocks

– 15043/0 RequestedRetransmittedDataBlocksDN

– 15058/4 dnPipebetween22and33kbps

– 15061/0 upPipeless11kbps

June 2002

Issue 13.04/EN Draft

March 2002

Issue 13.03/EN Standard

Changed to Standard -- minor editorial update

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Publication History Nortel Networks Confidentialx


Preliminary 14.14/EN June 2004 Copyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

August 2001

Issue 13.02/EN Preliminary

V13.1 release update after internal review

The following changes were made in individual chapters:

About this document

• updated Paragraph “Applicability”

• updated Paragraph “How this document is organized”

Chapter 1 “Introduction”

• updated Paragraph “Observation types”

• removed Paragraph 1.4 “Instrument panel observation counters(V10)”

• removed Paragraph 1.5.2 “PCM links”

• removed Paragraph 1.5.3 “Handovers”

• updatedParagraph “Rawpermanent counters settable by theoperator”

• created new Paragraph 1.6.3 “Correspondence between BSC 2G and BSC e3Counters”

• updated Paragraph “Counter numbering”

• updated Paragraph 1.7.3 “Counter definition”

Chapter 2 “Counter description”

• removed Paragraph 2.2 “Raw instrument panel counters”

• removed Paragraph 2.4.3 “Temporary PCM observation”

• removed Paragraph 2.4.4 “Temporary Handover observation ”

• removed Paragraph 2.6 “Synthetic instrument panel (IPO and ORT)counters”

• updated the Function and Event fields of the counters 15057/0 to 15057/4

• updated the Function and Event fields of the counters 15058/0 and 15058/1

• created the new counters 15075/0 to 15075/4, and 15076/0 to 15076/1

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Observation Counter DictionaryCopyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

July 2001

Issue 13.01/EN Draft

The following changes were made in individual chapters:

Chapter 1 “Introduction”

• updated Paragraph “Observation types” with completion of the V13release column

• created Paragraph “Abnormal Completions” with integration of thefollowing data flow diagrams (DFDs):

– no available resource (SDCCH)

– negative response from the BTS

– no response to CHANNEL ACTIVATE

– timer 3101 expiry

– incorrect first L3 message

– traffic with the MSC closed



– rejection from the MSC

• updated Paragraph with integration of the counters 3000/n to 3008/n

• renamed Paragraph 1.6.1 “Raw counter configuration” by “Raw counterconfiguration (BSC 2G)”

• created Paragraph 1.6.2 “Raw counter configuration (BSC e3)” withintegration of the counters 3000/n to 3008/n

Chapter 2 “Counter description”

• created Paragraph 2.3 “Raw permanent BSS counters (BSC e3) withdescription of the following counters:

– 3000/n to 3008/n

Appendix A “V13 Release Counters”

• created Paragraph A.1 “V13 release counters”

• created ParagraphA.1.1 “NewV13 counters”with integration of the counters3000/n to 3008/n

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Preliminary 14.14/EN June 2004 Copyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

System release: GSM/BSS V12

July 2001

Issue 12.09/EN Standard

The following changes were made in individual chapters:

Chapter 1 “Introduction”

• integrated the following data flow diagrams (DFDs):

– Immediate assignment: paging (normal completion), Paragraph– Dedicated channel assignment: mode modify, Paragraph– Intra--bts handover (normal completion), Paragraph

– Inter--bss handover (normal completion), Paragraph

– Direct retry handover, Paragraph

– Radio channel release (DEACTIVATE SACCH ACK received beforeRELEASE INDICATION), Paragraph

– Radio channel release (RELEASE INDICATION received beforeDEACTIVATE SACCH ACK), Paragraph

– Connection clearing required by the BSC (normal completion),Paragraph

– SMS service, Paragraph 1.2.6

Chapter 2 “Counter description”

• Answer to the Servivice Request:

– HB10400 (SR 30361193): renamed counter“sccpResourceFailureBscFailure” by “sccpResourceFailureBscRefusal”

• updated Paragraph 2.8.2:

– removed all the fields (Q3 name, Object, Function, Event, etc) of PCUcounters reserved for the manufacturer

– updated the Event field of the counter 15032/0

– renumbered the counter 15044 by 15044/0

– updated the Function and Event fields of the counter 15048/1

– updated the Event field of the counter 15050/0

– updated the Event field of the counter 15051/0

– changed the counter 15052 by 15052/0

– updated the Function field of counters 15054/0 to 15054/4

– changed the title of the counter 15058/0

– updated the Note field of the counter 15066/0

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Observation Counter DictionaryCopyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

May 2001

Issue 12.08/EN Preliminary

V12.4 release update after internal review

The following changes were made in individual chapters:

Chapter 1 “Introduction”

• created Paragraph 1.3.3 “PDTCH resources”

• integrated the following data flow diagrams (DFDs):

– immediate assignment (normal completion), Paragraph

– queuing in the assignment procedure (successful completion),Paragraph

– dedicated channel assignment (normal completion), Paragraph

– dedicated channel assignment (no resource available), Paragraph

– inter--cell intra--bss handover (normal completion with communication onTRAFFIC phase), Paragraph

– connection clearing required by the MSC (normal completion),Paragraph

– GPRS procedure (normal completion), Paragraph

– GPRS procedure (no resource available for PDTCH preemption),Paragraph

– GPRS procedure (negative acknowledgement by the PCU after the BSCattempted to preempt a PDTCH to make a TCH channel),Paragraph

Chapter 2 “Counter description”

• updated existing “Dataflows” fields and created new ones

April 2001

Issue 12.07/EN Draft

The following changes were made in individual chapters:

Chapter 1 “Introduction”

• created Paragraph 1.2.7 “GPRS” and added three data flowdiagrams (DFDs):

– GPRS procedure (normal completion)

– GPRS procedure (no resource available for PDTCH preemption)

– GPRS procedure (negative acknowledgement by the PCU after a PDTCHpreemption)

– gave the list of the 193 counters impacted by the circuit/packet aspect

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Preliminary 14.14/EN June 2004 Copyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

• created new DFDs:

– dedicated channel assignment (no resource available)

– queuing in the assignment procedure (normal completion)

• updated existing DFDs:

– immediate assignment (normal completion)

– dedicated channel assignment (normal completion)

– intercell handover (normal completion)

– connection clearing required by the MSC (normal completion)

Chapter 2 “Counter description”

• Answer to Service Requests:

– NK10370: corrected counter number for counters 15053/0nbSamplesUpQuality and 15053/1 nbSamplesDnQuality

– NK10371: corrected counter number for counters 15058/2dnTbfImmediateAssignment and 15058/1upTbfImmAssigRejectNoPdch

– NK10231: updated definition of counter 1057

– EE10113: updated definition of counter 1057

– NK10245: added DFDs for the following counters: 1039, 1052, 1057,1609, 1611, 1812, 1813, 1814, 1815

– NK10200: updated definition of counters 1812 and 1813

– SR 30349641 (master SR 30318353): updated definition of counter 1812

– HK10522: updated definition of counters 1609/0, 1609/2, 1611/0, 1611/2

– ER10013: updated definition of counter 1700

• updated the definition of all the counters concerned by TCH/FR andpreempted PDTCH

• updated the availability date of PCUSN counters (Paragraph 2.8)

March 2001

Issue 12.06/EN Draft

V12.4 release update after internal review

The following changes were made in individual chapters:

Chapter 2 “Counter description”

• updated the description of the triggering event of C15029/1, C15029/2,C15029/3, C15029/4, C15031/1, C15031/2, C15031/3, C15031/4

• updated the description of the function of C15039, C15040/0, C15042/0,C15042/2, C15044

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Observation Counter DictionaryCopyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

January 2001

Issue 12.05/EN Draft

The following changes were made in individual chapters:

Chapter 2 “Counter description”

• Answer to Service Requests:

– SR 30330395 (30430423): removed C15057/5 lossOfComNT1001

– SR EE00526 (30340254): added toC9500 bscSdcchAveragedUsedMoy/Max/Ech/Cum and toC9501 bscTchFrAveragedUsedMoy/Max/Ech/Cum, Paragraph 2.5

• completed the description of PCUSN counters, Paragraph 2.8

• added data flow diagrams to the description of counters C1812, C1813,C1814, and C1815, Paragraph 2.1

September 2000

Issue 12.04/EN Standard

The following changes were made in individual chapters:

Chapter 2 “Counter description”

• Answer to Service Requests:

– EE00525 C1839/n and C1840/n location is not on bts object, but onadjacentCellHandOver object

• completed the description of C1161/5, and C1629/0

• added three synthetic GSM--R specific counters: C8912, C8913, and C8919

June 2000

Issue 12.03/EN Preliminary

V12.4 release update after internal review

The following changes were made in individual chapters:

Updated 10 counters (1028, 1029, 1030, 1031, 1163/16, 1163/17, 1164/16,1164/17, 1604, 1605)

Answer to Service Requests:

• HT90289: added counter 1730

• EE90235: added counters 8723, 8724, 8725, 8736

• 30092371: noted that counters 1766/0, 1766/1, 1767/0 and 1767/1 are V11specific counters

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Preliminary 14.14/EN June 2004 Copyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

• 30112359: updated counters 1803/0 to 1803/4

• 30114015: added counter 1841/1

• 30124292: counter 1106 became counter 1106/0 and counter 1106/1

• 30125561: added counter 1700 in ORT list

• 30127417: counters 1600 and 1603, 1623 and 1624, 1625 and 1626 createdfor transceiverZone object

• 30127418: counters 1057 and 1060 are created for transceiverZone object

• 30135126: added counter 8040 (synthetic permanent)

March 2000

Issue 12.02/EN Draft

V12.4 release update

The following changes were made in individual chapters:

Chapter 2 “Counter description”

• added GPRS counters

• added counters related to feature TF995 “Automatic cell tiering”

January 2000

Issue 12.01/EN Draft


Chapter 1 “Introduction” contains the former Chapter 4 “BSS observationprinciples” which was removed from Manual < 07 >.

Chapter 2 “Counter description” contains the former Chapter 5 “Dictionary ofobservation counters” which was removed from Manual < 07 >.

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Table of contentsNortel Networks Confidential xvii

Observation Counter DictionaryCopyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

About this document 0--1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Applicability 0--1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Precautionary message 0--1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Audience 0--2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Prerequisites 0--2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

How this document is organized 0--2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Vocabulary conventions 0--2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1 Introduction 1--1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1.1 BSS observations 1--3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1.1.1 Observation management principles 1--3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1.1.2 Observation counters 1--4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1.1.3 Observation classes 1--7. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1.2 Observation counter incrementation principles and data flow diagram (DFD) 1--8. . . .

1.2.1 Radio resource allocation 1--8. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1.2.2 Call setup 1--10. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1.2.3 Dedicated channel assignment 1--46. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1.2.4 Handovers 1--63. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1.2.5 Resource release 1--90. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1.2.6 SMS service 1--110. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1.2.7 GPRS 1--114. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1.2.8 BSC equipment 1--137. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1.2.9 PCUSN 1--138. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1.3 Permanent bsc observation counters 1--188. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1.3.1 Counter classes 1--188. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1.3.2 Common control channel monitoring 1--188. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1.3.3 Radio resource allocation 1--188. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1.3.4 Interferences 1--190. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1.3.5 Call setup 1--191. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1.3.6 Dedicated channel assignment 1--191. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1.3.7 Directed retry handovers 1--192. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1.3.8 Handovers 1--193. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1.3.9 Radio resource release 1--197. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1.3.10 SMS service 1--199. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1.3.11 Layer 1 management 1--200. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1.3.12 A interface 1--200. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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1.3.13 Abis interface 1--201. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1.3.14 BSS/OMC--R link 1--202. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1.3.15 PCM links 1--202. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1.3.16 BSC equipment 1--204. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1.3.17 SS7 links 1--206. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1.3.18 GPRS 1--206. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1.3.19 ASCI (V12 -- GSM--R) 1--207. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1.3.20 Counter configuration 1--207. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1.4 Temporary observation counters 1--208. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1.4.1 SS7 links 1--208. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1.4.2 Abis interface 1--209. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1.5 BSS Permanent observation counters configuration 1--210. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1.5.1 Raw counters configuration (BSC 2G) 1--210. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1.5.2 Raw counter configuration (BSC e3, AMR) 1--222. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1.5.3 Correspondence between BSC2G and BSC e3 counters 1--226. . . . . . . . . . .

1.5.4 Synthetic counters configuration 1--228. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1.6 Raw Permanent PCUSN Observation Counters 1--234. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1.6.1 PCUSN Observation Classes 1--234. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1.6.2 PCUSN Observation Types 1--236. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1.6.3 Throughput Counters and Satisfaction Rate Counters 1--241. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1.7 Dictionary presentation 1--246. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1.7.1 Dictionary contents 1--246. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1.7.2 Observation counter references 1--246. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1.7.3 Counter definition 1--247. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1.7.4 Basic definitions 1--249. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

2 Counter description 2--1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2.1 Raw permanent BSS counters (BSC 2G) 2--1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

2.2 Raw permanent BSS counters (BSC e3, AMR) 2--344. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

2.2.1 Raw permanent BSS counters (BSC e3) 2--344. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

2.2.2 Raw permanent BSS counters (AMR) 2--404. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

2.3 Raw temporary counters (odiag excluded) 2--448. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

2.3.1 Temporary Interference observation 2--448. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

2.3.2 Temporary SS7 link observation 2--448. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

2.3.3 Temporary Abis interface observation 2--451. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

2.4 Synthetic permanent BSS counters 2--460. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

2.5 Raw permanent md counters 2--534. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

2.5.1 SYBASE counters 2--534. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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2.5.2 SCSE counters 2--538. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

2.5.3 UNIX counters 2--539. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

2.5.4 Q3 counters 2--544. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

2.6 Raw permanent manager counters 2--557. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

2.6.1 SYBASE counters 2--557. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

2.6.2 X.25 counters 2--561. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

2.6.3 UNIX counters 2--562. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

2.7 Raw permanent PCUSN counters 2--566. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Appendix A V14 Release counters 3--1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A.1 V14 release counters 3--2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

A.1.1 New V14 PCUSN counters 3--2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

A.1.2 New AMR counters 3--5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

A.1.3 New BSCe3 V14 counters 3--11. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

A.1.4 New BSC 2G V14 counters 3--11. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

A.1.5 Modified Counters in V14 3--12. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

A.2 V13 release counters 3--14. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

A.2.1 New V13 counters 3--14. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

A.2.2 Updated counters in V13 3--15. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

A.3 V12 release counters 3--16. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

A.3.1 New V12 counters 3--16. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

A.3.2 Counter renamed 3--22. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

A.3.3 Counter extension 3--23. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

A.3.4 Removed counters in V12 3--23. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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Figure 1--1 Guidelines for locating a BSS observation counter 1--2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Figure 1--2 Observation Classes 1--235. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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ABOUT THIS DOCUMENTThis Observation Counter Dictionary is a reference guide that describes all GSMBSS network observation counters that can be managed through the OMC--R.


This document applies to theGSM850, GSM900, GSM1800, andGSM1900 digitalwireless systems.

The present edition of the dictionary applies to V14.3 BSS operations by default.

In the V14.3 release, the OMC--R manages V14, V13 and V12 BSSs with BSCs12000 and BSCs 12000 “HC”. Some differences or restrictionsmay apply when theOMC--R manages V12 BSS. The user is informed when it is necessary to refer tospecific subsystem features.

The Observation Counter Dictionary is part of the BSS NTP Suite. It is closelyassociated with the following manuals:

TheBSSOperating Principlesmanual (NTP < 07 >) describes general operatingprinciples and explains the mechanisms that enable Man-Machine interfacecommands.

The BSS Parameter Dictionary (NTP < 124 >) contains all the parameters usedin OMC--R commands.

The OMC--R User Manual (NTPs < 128 >, < 129 > and < 130 >) is auser-oriented guide to performing Human-Machine interface commands.

The BSS Operating Procedures Manual (NTP < 34 >) describes variousprocedures that help users operate or reconfigure a BSS.

Precautionary message

The following message:

CAUTIONGSM--R specific

Indicates that specific equipment and specific software (such asspecific software in the BSC) dedicated to Railway application isused and that the feature is therefore not available for all standardGSM users.

GSM--R specific counters listed in this dictionary contain “(GSM--R V12)” in the“Feature” field.

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This document is intended for:

OMC--R administrators

OMC--R maintenance attendants

GSM network engineers

users who want to know more about OMC--R


Users must be familiar with networking principles.

They must also be familiar with the following manuals :

< 00 >:BSS Product Documentation Overview

< 01 >:BSS Overview

< 06 >:OMC--R Architecture and Reference Manual

< 07 >:BSS Operating Principles

< 32 >:OMC--R Preventive and Corrective Maintenance Manual

< 34 >:BSS Operating procedures

< 124 >:BSS Parameter Dictionary

< 128 >:OMC--R User Manual -- Volume 1 of 3: Object and Fault menus

< 129 >:OMC--R User Manual -- Volume 2 of 3: Configuration, Performance,and Maintenance menus

< 130 >:OMC--R User Manual -- Volume 3 of 3: Security, Administration,SMS--CB, and Help menus

How this document is organized

This document is organized into two main chapters:

Chapter 1 “Introduction” contains general information on observation counters.

Chapter 2 “Counter description” describes all the observation counters listed byfamilies, and explains their use.

Appendix A “V14 release counters” highlights the differences between V14,V13, and V12 release observation counters.

Vocabulary conventions

The glossary is presented in Manual < 00 >.

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1 INTRODUCTIONThis chapter contains the following information:

After a brief reminder of the principles underlying BSS observations detailed inNTP < 07 >, the structure and contents of the BSS observation counters, withtheir accounting algorithms, are described and the observation classes defined(see Paragraph 1.1).

Then the various diagrams illustrate the principles underlying counterincrements based on the traffic management procedures executed by the BSC(see Paragraph 1.2).

The following paragraphs list:

• the raw permanent BSS observation counters (see Paragraph 1.3)

• temporary observation counters appearing in V12 BSS observation reports(see Paragraph 1.4)

Counters are listed according to their class and are identified by their number andQ3 name. The type is also indicated.

The four observation types (ORT, OFS, OGS, and ODIAG) available withpermanent observation counters are described in Paragraph 1.5.

The structure of the Dictionary is presented in Paragraph 1.7.

The following figure provides the user with guidelines for locating a BSSobservation counter in the dictionary of counters, starting from different points.

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Starting point

See Paragraphs1.3 to 1.5

See the index ofcounters at the end

of the manual

The type and class ofthe counter are known

(for example:permanent/handover)

The Q3 name of thecounter is known

(for example: assign-Failure)

The number of thecounter is known(for example: 1055)

Search for the counter in the Dictionary of counters(numerical lists in Chapter 2)

Figure 1--1 Guidelines for locating a BSS observation counter

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1.1 BSS observations

1.1.1 Observation management principles Observation types

BSS observations covers the following:

BSS permanent observation

• General statistic observation (OGS) (a preview of the report is visible in theperformance window at the OMC--R)

• Fast statistic observation (OFS) (visible in theReport windowat theOMC--R)

• Real time observation (ORT) (a preview of the report is visible in thePerformance window of the OMC--R)

• Diagnostic observation (ODIAG)

Temporary Observation

• Interference temporary observation

• Abis Interface temporary observation

• SS7 link temporary observation

The BSS observations apply to the following releases:

Observation typeRelease

Observation typeV12 V13 V14




Temporary Interference X

Temporary Abis Interface X

Temporary SS7 Link XODIAG X X X Observation management

BSS observations are activated by creating mdScanner objects whosemdGranularityPeriod attribute defines the periods at which the observationcounters are read and transferred to the OMC--R agent.

When a BSS observation is activated, all the related counters start counting. Whenthe observation is deactivated, the counters stop counting; they are no longercollected.

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Preliminary 14.14/EN June 2004 Copyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks Observed entities

The observed entities are shared between three main groups:

Radio resources, including radio channels, serving cells, and neighbor cells

Data links, including A and Abis interfaces

Equipment, including BSC equipment, PCM links, and BSS/OMC--R link Observation domains

The evaluation of network performance based on the results of radio entityobservation covers four domains:

traffic load

quality of service

resource availability

network configuration control

1.1.2 Observation counters Counter types

There are three types of observation counter:




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Each observation counter has a header containing the following three fields:




COUNTER TYPE identifies the type of the counter (totalizer, value, load)

COUNTER IDENTIFIER identifies the observation counter. This identifier is relatedto the counting function

SCREENINGCRITERIA is used when an event occurs which can be expanded to givemore information, and a counter is required to be maintained for each sub--class ofinformation.

Cumulative counters

This type of counter provides a raw count. It contains an additional field:


The accounting algorithm is as follows:

initialization: CUMULATED VALUE = 0

event: add N to CUMULATED VALUE




Value counters

This type of counter provides average values from raw counts obtained by internalsampling (the time interval between two events is variable and is not accessible tousers). It can also provide a minimum or maximum value.

It contains three additional fields:



MIN or MAX VALUE (if required)

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The accounting algorithm is as follows:initialization:• CUMULATED VALUE = 0• NUMBER OF SAMPLES = 0• MIN/MAX value = reference threshold (if required)event:• add N to CUMULATED VALUE


• if N < MIN VALUE, then MIN VALUE = N (if required)• if N > MAX VALUE, then MAX VALUE = N (if required)collect:• read CUMULATED VALUE


• read MIN or MAX VALUE

• reset CUMULATED VALUE = 0• reset NUMBER OF SAMPLES = 0• reset MIN or MAX VALUE = reference threshold

Load counters

This type of counter provides average values from raw counts obtained by internalsampling (the time interval between two events is variable and is not accessible tousers). It can also provide a minimum or maximum value.

It contains five additional fields:



MIN or MAX VALUE (if required)



The accounting algorithm is as follows:initialization:• CURRENT VALUE = initial value• CUMULATED VALUE = 0• NUMBER OF SAMPLES = 0• MIN or MAX FLAG = reference threshold (if required)• EXTERNAL SAMPLING PERIOD = T1

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• add or subtract 1 to/from VALUE (depending on maximum or minimumcount)



on external sampling period T1 elapse:






• read MIN or MAX VALUE



• reset MIN or MAX VALUE = reference threshold

1.1.3 Observation classes

BSS observation counters are classified as follows (in alphabetical order):

A interface

Abis interface

allocation (of radio resources)

assignment (of dedicated channels)

ASCI (GSM--R feature)

BSC equipment

BSS/OMC--R link



Layer 1 management (L1M)

monitoring (of common control channels)

PCM link

release (of resources)

setup (of calls)

SMS service

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1.2 Observation counter incrementation principles and dataflow diagram (DFD)

1.2.1 Radio resource allocation SDCCH allocation request

SDCCH allocation request

SDCCH resource


No handover in--progressand TCH resource



Yes sdcchAllocatedsdcchAveragedUsedallSdcchAllocatedTime (possibly)

Yes tchFrAllocated (cause = Overflow)tchFrAveragedUsed (cause = Overflow)allTchFrAllocatedTime (possibly)



A PDTCH resource


Yes tchFrAllocated (cause = Overflow)tchFrAveragedUsed (cause = Overflow)allTchFrAllocatedTime (possibly)

is preemptable TCH allocation request in primo-allocation

TCH allocation request in primo--allocation

TCH resource


SDCCH resource





tchFrAllocated (cause = Primo--allocation)tchFrAveragedUsed (cause = Primo--allocation)allTchFrAllocatedTime (possibly)

sdcchAllocatedsdcchAveragedUsedallSdcchAllocatedTime (possibly)



No PDTCH can be preempted on a primo--allocation.

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Attempt of allocation

TCH resourceavailable


A PDTCH resource




tchFr/HrAllocated (cause = TCH channel)tchFr/HrAveragedUsed (cause = TCH channel)allTchFrAllocatedTime (possibly)

of a TCH

can be preemptable

Request can be queued




tchFr/HrAllocated (cause = TCH channel)tchFr/HrAveragedUsed (cause = TCH channel)allTchFrAllocatedTime (possibly)

tchAverageQueueLength (cause highest priority or internalpriority)

Each time a queueingrequest is served(set from a queueto the TCH pool)

tchFr/HrAllocated (cause = TCHchannel)

tchFr/HrAveragedUsed (cause =TCH channel)

allTchFrAllocatedTime (possibly)


tchAverageQueueLength (cause =highest priority or internal priority)

tchQueueingExpiration (cause =highest priority or internal priority)tchAverageQueueLength (cause =highest priority or internal priority)tchQueueingDuration

Each time a queueingrequest is extractedfrom a queue on timer


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1.2.2 Call setup

Call setup is initiated by the mobiles (Mobile Originating Call setup) or the MSC(Mobile Terminating Call setup).

In the second case, a paging procedure precedes the immediate assignmentprocedure.

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Data Flow Diagram: immediate assignment procedure (normal completion)

Set timer TchnAck

Reset timer TchnAck

Set timer T3101

Reset timer T3101


174817021191/n (1)1730 (1)160616071744 (2)1746 (2)1609/2 (2)1611/2 (2)






17501193/n1195 or 1196















(1) The following counters are incremented depending on the cause value in theCHANNEL REQUIRED message:

1191 cause 000

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1191/1 and 1730 for cause 0011191/2 for cause 0101191/3 for cause 0111191/4 and 1730 for cause 1001191/5 for cause 1011191/6 for cause 1101191/7 for cause 111

(2) Since V9 releases, the following modifications have been performed:1606 instead of 10341607 instead of 10351609 instead of 10511611 instead of 1052

(3) If no SDCCH is available, the BSCmay try to allocate a TCH in signalingmode.In this case, the following counters are incremented:1744, 1746, 1609/2, 1611/2

List of the counters incremented during this procedure:


Counter name Function

1104/0 sccpAllocated number of SCCP connections forSSN BSSMAP in the BSC

1105 sccpAveragedUsedMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

average number of SCCPconnections established

1107 aInputMessage number of BSSAP messagesreceived by the BSC

1108 aOutputMessage number of BSSAP messages sent bythe BSC

1191/n[n= 0 to 7]

channelRequestCauseXxx number of channel allocationrequests: Cause xxx

1192/n[n= 0 to 7]


number of successful immediateassignments: Cause xxx

1193/n[n= 0 to 3]


number of ESTABLISH INDICATIONmessages in establishment phasereceived for mobile originating calls:Cause Xxx

1195 estabIndicSigPhaseI number of ESTABLISH INDICATIONmessages in establishment phasereceived for Phase I mobiles

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FunctionCounter name

1196 estabIndicSigPhaseII number of ESTABLISH INDICATIONmessages in establishment phasereceived for Phase II mobiles

1500 aTransparentUp number of DTAP messages sent bythe BSC to the MSC

1501 aTransparentDown number of DTAP messages received

1502 aNonTransparentUp number of BSSMAP messages sentby the BSC

1606 sdcchAllocatedTrZone number of SDCCH allocated in thezone (concentric cell)

1607 sdcchAveragedUsedTrZoneMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

average number of SDCCHs used inthe inner or outer zone of the cell

1609/2 tchFrAllocatedOverflowAllocationTrZone

number of TCH/FR allocated in theinner or outer zone of the cellbecause of SDCCH unavailability

1611/2 tchFrAveragedUsedOverflowAllocationTrZoneMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

average and maximum number ofTCH/FR used in the inner or outerzone of the cell because of SDCCHunavailability

1629/0 channelActivateSignallingFullRate

number of Full Rate channelsactivated for signaling

1702 channelRequestExtended number of receipt of CHANNELREQUIRED message with a timingadvance greater than 63

1730 pagingResponse number of responses to pagingrequests in the cell

1744 tchFrAllocated


number of TCH/FR or preemptedPDTCH allocated in the cellornumber of TCH/FR or preemptedPDTCH allocated in the inneror outer zone of the concentric cell

1746 tchFrAveragedUsedMoy/Max/Cum/EchortchFrAveragedUsedTrZoneMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

average number of TCH/FR orpreempted PDTCH used in the celloraverage number of TCH/FR orpreempted PDTCH used in the inneror outer zone of the cell

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FunctionCounter name

1748 channelRequest number of channel allocation requests

1749 immediateAssignmentSuccess

number of successful immediateassignments

1750 estabIndicSignalling number of ESTABLISH INDICATIONmessages in establishment phasereceived Paging procedure

Data Flow Diagram: immediate assignment: paging procedure (normalcompletion)

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Set timer TchnAck

Reset timer TchnAck


Set timer T3101

Reset timer T3101








CHANNEL_REQUIRED174817021191/n (1)1730 (1)160616071744 (2)1746 (2)1609/2 (2)1611/2 (2)






11071501DTAP (SETUP)





17501193/n1195 or 1196

(1) The following counters are incremented depending on the cause value in theCHANNEL REQUIRED message:

1191/0 for cause 000

1191/1 and 1730 for cause 001

1191/2 for cause 010

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1191/3 for cause 011

1191/4 and 1730 for cause 100

1191/5 for cause 101

1191/6 for cause 110

1191/7 for cause 111

(2) Since V9 releases, the following modifications have been performed:

1606 instead of 1034

1607 instead of 1035

1609 instead of 1051

1611 instead of 1052

(3) If no SDCCH is available, the BSCmay try to allocate a TCH in signalingmode.In this case, the following counters are incremented:

1744, 1746, 1609/2, 1611/2

List of the counters incremented during this procedure:


Counter name Function

1104/0 sccpAllocated number of SCCP connections forSSN BSSMAP in the BSC

1105 sccpAveragedUsedMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

average number of SCCPconnections established

1107 aInputMessage number of BSSAP messagesreceived by the BSC

1108 aOutputMessage number of BSSAP messages sent bythe BSC

1191/n[n= 0 to 7]

channelRequestCauseXxx number of channel allocationrequests: Cause xxx

1192/n[n= 0 to 7]


number of successful immediateassignments: Cause xxx

1193/n[n= 0 to 3]


number of ESTABLISH INDICATIONmessages in establishment phasereceived for mobile originating calls:Cause Xxx

1195 estabIndicSigPhaseI number of ESTABLISH INDICATIONmessages in establishment phasereceived for Phase I mobiles

1196 estabIndicSigPhaseII number of ESTABLISH INDICATIONmessages in establishment phasereceived for Phase II mobiles

1500 aTransparentUp number of DTAP messages sent bythe BSC to the MSC

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FunctionCounter name

1501 aTransparentDown number of DTAP messages received

1502 aNonTransparentUp number of BSSMAP messages sentby the BSC

1503 aNonTransparentDown number of BSSMAP messagesreceived by the BSC from the MSC

1606 sdcchAllocatedTrZone number of SDCCH allocated in thezone (concentric cell)

1607 sdcchAveragedUsedTrZoneMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

average number of SDCCHs used inthe inner or outer zone of the cell

1609/2 tchFrAllocatedOverflowAllocationTrZone

number of TCH/FR allocated in theinner or outer zone of the cellbecause of SDCCH unavailability

1611/2 TchFrAveragedUsedOverflowAllocationTrZoneMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

average and maximum number ofTCH/FR used in the inner or outerzone of the cell because of SDCCHunavailability

1629/0 channelActivateSignallingFullRate

number of Full Rate channelsactivated for signaling

1702 channelRequestExtended number of receipt of CHANNELREQUIRED message with a timingadvance greater than 63

1730 pagingResponse number of responses to pagingrequests in the cell

1744 tchFrAllocated


number of TCH/Fr or preemptedPDTCH allocated in the cellornumber of TCH/FR or preemptedPDTCH allocated in the inner or outerzone of the concentric cell

1746 tchFrAveragedUsedMoy/Max/Cum/EchortchFrAveragedUsedTrZoneMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

average number of TCH/FR orpreempted PDTCH used in the celloraverage number of TCH/FR orpreempted PDTCH used in the inneror outer zone of the cell

1748 channelRequest number of channel allocation requests1749 immediateAssignmentSucce

ssnumber of successful immediateassignments

1750 estabIndicSignalling number of ESTABLISH INDICATIONmessages in establishment phasereceived

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Preliminary 14.14/EN June 2004 Copyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks Abnormal completions

No resource available (SDCCH)

Data Flow Diagram: immediate assignment failure procedure: no resourceavailable (SDCCH)




17481191/0160817511611/1 (1)


List of the counters incremented during this procedure:


Counter name Function

1161/1 immediateAssignmentRejectRadioRes

number of immediate assignmentsrejected for lack of radio resources

1191/0 channelRequestCause000 number of channel allocationrequests: Cause 000

1608 sdcchResourceFailureTrZone

number of SDCCH allocation failuresdue to lack of SDCCH in the inner andouter zone of the cell

1748 channelRequest number of channel allocation requests

1751 immediateAssignmentReject number of immediate assignmentsrejected

Negative reponse from the BTS

Data Flow Diagram: immediate assignment failure procedure: negative responsefrom BTS

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Set timer TchnAck

Reset timer TchnAck



174817021191/n (1)1730 (1)160616071744 (2)1746 (2)1609/2 (2)1611/2 (2)










Set timer T3101

Reset timer T3101

(1) The following counters are incremented depending on the cause value in theCHANNEL REQUIRED message:

1191/0 for cause 000

1191/1 and 1730 for cause 001

1191/2 for cause 010

1191/3 for cause 011

1191/4 and 1730 for cause 100

1191/5 for cause 101

1191/6 for cause 110

1191/7 for cause 111

(2) Since V9 releases, the following modifications have been performed:

1606 instead of 1034

1607 instead of 1035

1609 instead of 1051

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1611 instead of 1052

(3) If no SDCCH is available, the BSCmay try to allocate a TCH in signalingmode.In this case, the following counters are incremented:

1744, 1746, 1609/2, 1611/2

List of the counters incremented during this procedure:


Counter name Function

1161/2 immediateAssignmentRejectChanActNack

number of immediate assignmentsrejected because a CHANNELACTIVATE NACK message isreceived

1191/n[n= 0 to 7]

channelRequestCauseXxx number of channel allocationrequests: Cause xxx

1606 sdcchAllocatedTrZone number of SDCCH allocation in theinner and outer zone of the cell

1607 sdcchAverageUsedTrZoneMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

average and maximum number ofSDCCHs used in the inner or outerzone of the cell

1609/2 tchFrAllocatedOverflowAllocationTrZone

number of TCH/FR allocated in theinner or outer zone of the cellbecause of SDCCH unavailability

1611/2 tchFrAveragedUsedOverflowAllocationTrZoneMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

average and maximum number ofTCH/FR used in the inner or outerzone of the cell because of SDCCHunavailability

1629/0 channelActivateSignallingFullRate

number of Full Rate channels(SDCCH or TCH/FR) activated forsignaling in the cell

1702 channelRequestExtended number of receipt of CHANNELREQUIRED message with a timingadvance greater than 63

1730 pagingResponse number of responses to pagingrequests in the cell

1744 tchFrAllocated


number of TCH/FR allocated in thecellornumber of TCH/FR allocated in theinneror outer zone of the concentric cell

1746 tchFrAveragedUsedMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

average number of TCH/FR used inthe inner or outer zone of theconcentric cell

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FunctionCounter name

1748 channelRequest number of channel allocation requests

1751 immediateAssignmentReject number of immediate assignmentsrejected


Data Flow Diagram: immediate assignment failure procedure: no response toCHANNEL ACTIVATE


Set timer TchnAck

Reset timer TchnAck


174817021191/n (1)1730 (1)160616071744 (2)1746 (2)1609/2 (2)1611/2 (2)






Set timer T3101

Reset timer T3101




(1) The following counters are incremented depending on the cause value in theCHANNEL REQUIRED message:

1191/0 for cause 000

1191/1 and 1730 for cause 001

1191/2 for cause 010

1191/3 for cause 011

1191/4 and 1730 for cause 100

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1191/5 for cause 101

1191/6 for cause 110

1191/7 for cause 111

(2) Since V9 releases, the following modifications have been performed:

1606 instead of 1034

1607 instead of 1035

1609 instead of 1051

1611 instead of 1052

(3) If no SDCCH is available, the BSCmay try to allocate a TCH in signalingmode.In this case, the following counters are incremented:

1744, 1746, 1609/2, 1611/2(1) Since V9 releases, the following modificationshave been performed:

1606 instead of 1034

1607 instead of 1035

1609 instead of 1051

1611 instead of 1052

List of the counters incremented during this procedure:


Counter name Function

1161/3 immediateAssignmentRejectChanActTimmack

number of immediate assignmentsrejected because of TimmAcktime--out elapse

1191/n[n= 0 to 7]

channelRequestCauseXxx number of channel allocationrequests: Cause xxx

1606 sdcchAllocatedTrZone number of SDCCH allocation in theinner and outer zone of the cell

1607 sdcchAverageUsedTrZoneMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

average and maximum number ofSDCCHs used in the inner or outerzone of the cell

1609/2 tchFrAllocatedOverflowAllocationTrZone

number of TCH/FR allocated in theinner or outer zone of the cellbecause of SDCCH unavailability

1611/2 tchFrAveragedUsedOverflowAllocationTrZoneMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

average and maximum number ofTCH/FR used in the inner or outerzone of the cell because of SDCCHunavailability

1629/0 channelActivateSignallingFullRate

number of Full Rate channelsactivated for signaling

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FunctionCounter name

1702 channelRequestExtended number of receipt of CHANNELREQUIRED message with a timingadvance greater than 63

1744 tchFrAllocated


number of TCH/FR allocated in thecellornumber of TCH/FR allocated in theinner or outer zone of the concentriccell

1746 tchFrAveragedUsedMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

average number of TCH/FR used inthe inner or outer zone of theconcentric cell

1748 channelRequest number of channel allocation requests

1751 immediateAssignmentReject number of immediate assignmentsrejected

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Incorrect first L3 message

Data Flow Diagram: immediate assignment failure procedure: timer T3101 expiry


Set timer TchnAck

Reset timer TchnAck







174817021191/n (1)1730 (1)160616071744 (2)1746 (2)1609/2 (2)1611/2 (2)


Set timer T3101

Timer T3101 expired



Set timer TrfAck

Reset timer TrfAck

1607 (--1)

(1) The following counters are incremented depending on the cause value in theCHANNEL REQUIRED message:

1191/0 for cause 000

1191/1 and 1730 for cause 001

1191/2 for cause 010

1191/3 for cause 011

1191/4 and 1730 for cause 100

1191/5 for cause 101

1191/6 for cause 110

1191/7 for cause 111

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Observation Counter DictionaryCopyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

(2) Since V9 releases, the following modifications have been performed:

1606 instead of 1034

1607 instead of 1035

1609 instead of 1051

1611 instead of 1052

(3) If no SDCCH is available, the BSCmay try to allocate a TCH in signalingmode.In this case, the following counters are incremented:

1744, 1746, 1609/2, 1611/2(1) Since V9 releases, the following modificationshave been performed:

1606 instead of 1034

1607 instead of 1035

1609 instead of 1051

1611 instead of 1052

List of the counters incremented during this procedure:


Counter name Function

1161/3 immediateAssignmentRejectChanActTimmack

number of immediate assignmentsrejected because of TimmAcktime--out elapse

1191/n[n= 0 to 7]

channelRequestCausexxx number of channel allocationrequests: Cause xxx

1192/n[n= 0 to 7]


number of immediate assignmentswith cause xxx satisfied

1606 sdcchAllocatedTrZone number of SDCCH allocation in theinner and outer zone of the cell

1607 sdcchAverageUsedTrZoneMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

average and maximum number ofSDCCHs used in the inner or outerzone of the cell

1609/2 tchFrAllocatedOverflowAllocationTrZone

number of TCH/FR allocated in theinner or outer zone of the cellbecause of SDCCH unavailability

1611/2 tchFrAveragedUsedOverflowAllocationTrZoneMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

average and maximum number ofTCH/FR used in the inner or outerzone of the cell because of SDCCHunavailability

1629/0 channelActivateSignallingFullRate

number of Full Rate channelsactivated for signaling

1702 channelRequestExtended number of receipt of CHANNELREQUIRED message with a timingadvance greater than 63

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FunctionCounter name

1744 tchFrAllocated


number of TCH/FR allocated in thecellornumber of TCH/FR allocated in theinner or outer zone of the concentriccell

1746 tchFrAveragedUsedMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

average number of TCH/FR used inthe inner or outer zone of theconcentric cell

1748 channelRequest number of channel allocation requests

1749 immediateAssignmentSuccess

number of immediate assignmentssatisfied

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Timer 3101 expiry

Data Flow Diagram: immediate assignment failure procedure: incorrect first L3message


Set timer T3101

Reset timer T3101







174817021191/n (1)1730 (1)160616071744 (2)1746 (2)1609/2 (2)1611/2 (2)




1607 (--1)

Set timer TchnAck

Reset timer TchnAck




Reset timer TdeacAck1753

1778 Set timer T3109

Reset timer T31091163/4

Set timer T3111

Timer T3111 expires



Set timer TrfAck

Reset timer TrfAck




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(1) The following counters are incremented or decremented depending on the causevalue in the CHANNEL REQUIRED message:

1191/0 for cause 000

1191/1 and 1730 for cause 001

1191/2 for cause 010

1191/3 for cause 011

1191/4 and 1730 for cause 100

1191/5 for cause 101

1191/6 for cause 110

1191/7 for cause 111

(2) Since V9 releases, the following modifications have been performed:

1606 instead of 1034

1607 instead of 1035

1609 instead of 1051

1611 instead of 1052

(3) If no SDCCH is available, the BSCmay try to allocate a TCH in signalingmode.In this case, the following counters are incremented:

1744, 1746, 1609/2, 1611/2(1) Since V9 releases, the following modificationshave been performed:

1606 instead of 1034

1607 instead of 1035

1609 instead of 1051

1611 instead of 1052

List of the counters incremented or decremented during this procedure:


Counter name Function

1163/4 signallingReleaseBtsIncFirstL3

number of communications insignaling phase release because ofincorrect First L3 message when acell is associated with thecommunication

1191/n[n= 0 to 7]

channelRequestCausexxx number of channel allocationrequests: Cause xxx

1192/n[n= 0 to 7]


number of immediate assignmentswith cause xxx satisfied

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FunctionCounter name

1606 sdcchAllocatedTrZone number of SDCCH allocation in theinner and outer zone of the cell

1607 sdcchAverageUsedTrZoneMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

average and maximum number ofSDCCHs used in the inner or outerzone of the cell

1609/2 tchFrAllocatedOverflowAllocationTrZone

number of TCH/FR allocated in theinner or outer zone of the cellbecause of SDCCH unavailability

1611/2 tchFrAveragedUsedOverflowAllocationTrZoneMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

average and maximum number ofTCH/FR used in the inner or outerzone of the cell because of SDCCHunavailability

1629/0 channelActivateSignallingFullRate

number of Full Rate channelsactivated for signaling

1702 channelRequestExtended number of receipt of CHANNELREQUIRED message with a timingadvance greater than 63

1744 tchFrAllocated


number of TCH/FR allocated in thecellornumber of TCH/FR allocated in theinner or outer zone of the concentriccell

1746 tchFrAveragedUsedMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

average number of TCH/FR used inthe inner or outer zone of theconcentric cell

1748 channelRequest number of channel allocation requests

1749 immediateAssignmentSuccess

number of immediate assignmentssatisfied

1753 signallingReleaseBts number of releases while thecommunication is in “signaling phase”and a cell associated to thecommunication

1778 signallingAbnormalReleaseCell

number of abnormal releases whilethe communication is in “signalingphase” and a cell associated to thecommunication

Traffic with the MSC close

Data FlowDiagram: immediate assignment failure procedure: trafficwith theMSCclosed

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17481191/017511611/0 (1)


List of the counters incremented during this procedure:


Counter name Function

1161/0 immediateAssignmentRejectTraffMsc

number of immediate assignmentsrejected because the traffic with theMSC is interrupted

1191/0 channelRequestCause000 number of channel allocationrequests: Cause 000

1608 sdcchResourceFailureTrZone

number of SDCCH allocation failuresdue to lack of SDCCH in the inner andouter zone of the cell

1748 channelRequest number of channel allocation requests1751 immediateAssignmentReject number of immediate assignments


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Data Flow Diagram: immediate assignment failure procedure: connection failureindication





Set timer T3101

Reset timer T3101

Set timer TdeacAck







174817021191/n (1)1730 (1)1606 (2)1607 (2)1744 (2)1746 (2)1609/2 (2)1611/2 (2)




17501193/n1195 or 1196








Set timer TchnAck

Reset timer TchnAck




Reset timer Tmea



Set timer TchnAck

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1607 (--1)

Set timer TrfAck

Reset timer TrfAck






Set timer T3109

Timer T3109 expires11081502

1105 (--1)


Reset timer TdeacAck

(1) The following counters are incremented depending on the cause value in theCHANNEL REQUIRED message:

1191/0 for cause 000

1191/1 and 1730 for cause 001

1191/2 for cause 010

1191/3 for cause 011

1191/4 and 1730 for cause 100

1191/5 for cause 101

1191/6 for cause 110

1191/7 for cause 111

(2) Since V9 releases, the following modifications have been performed:

1606 instead of 1034

1607 instead of 1035

1609 instead of 1051

1611 instead of 1052

(3) If no SDCCH is available, the BSCmay try to allocate a TCH in signalingmode.In this case, the following counters are incremented:

1744, 1746, 1609/2, 1611/2

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List of the counters incremented or decremented during this procedure:


Counter name Function

1044 signallingPhaseDurationMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

average and maximum seizure ofsignaling channels expressed inmilliseconds, calculated on allallocations lasting more than 25milliseconds

1045 signallingPhaseDurationHighMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

average and maximum seizure ofsignaling channels expressed inmilliseconds, calculated on allallocations in the cell

1104/0 sccpAllocated number of SCCP connections forSSN BSSMAP in the BSC

1105 sccpAveragedUsedMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

average number of SCCPconnections established

1107 aInputMessage number of BSSAP messagesreceived by the BSC

1108 aOutputMessage number of BSSAP messages sent bythe BSC

1191/n[n= 0 to 7]

channelRequestCauseXxx number of channel allocationrequests: Cause xxx

1192/n[n= 0 to 7]


number of successful immediateassignments: Cause xxx

1193/n[n= 0 to 3]


number of ESTABLISH INDICATIONmessages in establishment phasereceived for mobile originating calls:Cause Xxx

1195 estabIndicSigPhaseI number of ESTABLISH INDICATIONmessages in establishment phasereceived for Phase I mobiles

1196 estabIndicSigPhaseII number of ESTABLISH INDICATIONmessages in establishment phasereceived for Phase II mobiles

1502 aNonTransparentUp number of BSSMAP messages sentby the BSC

1503 aNonTransparentDown number of BSSMAP messages sentby the MSC

1606 sdcchAllocatedTrZone number of SDCCH allocated in thezone (concentric cell)

1607 sdcchAveragedUsedTrZoneMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

average number of SDCCHs used inthe inner or outer zone of the cell

1609/2 tchFrAllocatedOverflowAllocationTrZone

number of TCH/FR allocated in theinner or outer zone of the cellbecause of SDCCH unavailability

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FunctionCounter name

1611/2 tchFrAveragedUsedOverflowAllocationTrZoneMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

average and maximum number ofTCH/FR used in the inner or outerzone of the cell because of SDCCHunavailability

1629/0 channelActivateSignallingFullRate

number of Full Rate channelsactivated for signaling

1702 channelRequestExtended number of receipt of CHANNELREQUIRED message with a timingadvance greater than 63

1730 pagingResponse number of responses to pagingrequests in the cell

1744 tchFrAllocated


number of TCH/Fr or preemptedPDTCH allocated in the cellornumber of TCH/FR or preemptedPDTCH allocated in the inner or outerzone of the concentric cell

1746 tchFrAveragedUsedMoy/Max/Cum/Ech


average number of TCH/FR orpreempted PDTCH used in the celloraverage number of TCH/FR orpreempted PDTCH used in the inneror outer zone of the cell

1748 ChannelRequest number of channel allocation requests1749 ImmediateAssignmentSucce

ssnumber of successful immediateassignments

1750 EstabIndicSignalling number of ESTABLISH INDICATIONmessages in establishment phasereceived

1753 signallingReleaseBts number of releases while thecommunication is in “signaling phase”and a cell associated to thecommunication

1778 signallingAbnormalReleaseCell

number of abnormal releases whilethe communication is in “signalingphase” and a cell associated to thecommunication

ERROR indication

Data Flow Diagram: immediate assignment failure procedure: connection failureindication

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Set timer T3101

Reset timer T3101

Start timer Tend

Reset timer Tend







174817021191/n (1)1730 (1)1606 (2)1607 (2)1744 (2)1746 (2)1609/2 (3)1611/2 (3)




17501193/n1195 or 1196








Set timer TchnAck

Reset timer TchnAck




Reset timer Tmea

Set timer Tmea


Set timer TrelREQ

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1607 (--1)

Set timer TdeacAck

Reset timer TdeacAck






Set timer T3109

Timer T3109 expires




STOP_MEASUREMENT_ACK160116021603162216231624162516261805 (4)1806 (4)1807 (4)1808 (4)

Set timer TclrCMD

Reset timer TclrCMD

Set timer TrfAck

Reset timerr TrfAck



Reset timer TrelREQ

(1) The following counters are incremented depending on the cause value in theCHANNEL REQUIRED message:1191/0 for cause 0001191/1 and 1730 for cause 0011191/2 for cause 0101191/3 for cause 0111191/4 and 1730 for cause 1001191/5 for cause 1011191/6 for cause 1101191/7 for cause 111

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(2) Since V9 releases, the following modifications have been performed:1606 instead of 10341607 instead of 10351609 instead of 10511611 instead of 1052

(3) If no SDCCH is available, the BSCmay try to allocate a TCH in signalingmode.In this case, the following counters are incremented:1744, 1746, 1609/2, 1611/2

List of the counters incremented or decremented during this procedure:

(4) ASCI counters are optional since they are related to the GSM--R functionality.

List of the counters incremented or decremented during this procedure:


Counter name Function

1044 signallingPhaseDurationMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

average and maximum seizure ofsignaling channels expressed inmilliseconds, calculated on allallocations lasting more than 25milliseconds

1045 signallingPhaseDurationHighMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

average and maximum seizure ofsignaling channels expressed inmilliseconds, calculated on allallocations in the cell

1104/0 sccpAllocated number of SCCP connections forSSN BSSMAP in the BSC

1105 sccpAveragedUsedMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

average number of SCCPconnections established

1107 aInputMessage number of BSSAP messagesreceived by the BSC

1108 aOutputMessage number of BSSAP messages sent bythe BSC

1163/18 signallingReleaseBtsErrorIndDm

number of communications insignaling phase released because ofDM frames received in establishedmultiframe mode when a cell isassociated to the communication

1191/n[n= 0 to 7]

channelRequestCauseXxx number of channel allocationrequests: Cause xxx

1192/n[n= 0 to 7]


number of successful immediateassignments: Cause xxx

1193/n[n= 0 to 3]


number of ESTABLISH INDICATIONmessages in establishment phasereceived for mobile originating calls:Cause Xxx

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FunctionCounter name

1195 estabIndicSigPhaseI number of ESTABLISH INDICATIONmessages in establishment phasereceived for Phase I mobiles

1196 estabIndicSigPhaseII number of ESTABLISH INDICATIONmessages in establishment phasereceived for Phase II mobiles

1502 aNonTransparentUp number of BSSMAP messages sentby the BSC

1503 aNonTransparentDown number of BSSMAP messages sentby the MSC

1601 downlinkPowerCtrlMaxSdcchMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

duration of maximum downlink poweruse on busy SDCCHs

1602 uplinkPowerCtrlMaxSdcchMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

duration of maximum uplink poweruse on busy SDCCHs

1603 connectionDurationSdcchMoy/Max/Cum/EchorconnectionDurationSdcchTrZoneMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

connection duration of SDCCHs(concentric cell)orconnection duration of SDCCHs(non--concentric cell)

1606 sdcchAllocatedTrZone number of SDCCHs allocated in theinner or outer zone of the cell

1607 sdcchAveragedUsedTrZoneMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

average number of SDCCHs used inthe inner or outer zone of the cell

1609/2 tchFrAllocatedOverflowAllocationTrZone

number of TCH/FR allocated in theinner or outer zone of the cellbecause of SDCCH unavailability

1611/2 tchFrAveragedUsedOverflowAllocationTrZoneMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

average and maximum number ofTCH/FR used in the inner or outerzone of the cell because of SDCCHunavailability

1622 msLostMeasurements


number of MS measurementmessages not received by the cellornumber of MS measurementmessages not received by the inner orouter zone of the cell

1623 rxLevDownLink


sum of downlink signal strengthmeasurements received on the cellorsum of downlink signal strengthmeasurements received on the inneror outer zone of the cell

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FunctionCounter name

1624 rxLevUpLink


sum of uplink signal strengthmeasurements received on the cellorsum of uplink signal strengthmeasurements received on the inneror outer zone of the cell

1625 rxQualDownLink


sum of downlink signal qualitymeasurements on the cellorsum of downlink signal qualitymeasurements on the inner or outerzone of the cell

1626 rxQualUpLink


sum of uplink signal qualitymeasurements on the cellorsum of uplink signal qualitymeasurements on the inner or outerzone of the cell

1744 tchFrAllocated


number of TCH/Fr or preemptedPDTCH allocated in the cellornumber of TCH/FR or preemptedPDTCH allocated in the inner or outerzone of the concentric cell

1746 tchFrAveragedUsedMoy/Max/Cum/EchortchFrAveragedUsedTrZoneMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

average number of TCH/FR orpreempted PDTCH used in the celloraverage number of TCH/FR orpreempted PDTCH used in the inneror outer zone of the cell

1748 ChannelRequest number of channel allocation requests

1749 immediateAssignmentSuccess

number of successful immediateassignments

1750 estabIndicSignalling number of ESTABLISH INDICATIONmessages in establishment phasereceived

1753 signallingReleaseBts number of releases while thecommunication is in ”signalling phase”and a cell associated to thecommunication

1778 signallingAbnormalReleaseCell

number of abnormal releases whilethe communication is in ”signallingphase” and a cell associated to thecommunication

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FunctionCounter name

1805 msPowerIncControl number of MS increment powercontrols ordered by the Layer 1management

1806 msPowerDecControl number of MS decrement powercontrols ordered by the Layer 1management

1807 bsPowerIncControl number of BS increment powercontrols ordered by the Layer 1management

1808 bsPowerDecControl number of BS decrement powercontrols ordered by the Layer 1management

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Rejection from the MSC

Data Flow Diagram: immediate assignment failure procedure: rejection from theMSC





Set timer T3101

Reset timer T3101







174817021191/n (1)1730 (1)160616071744 (2)1746 (2)1609/2 (2)1611/2 (2)




17501193/n1195 or 1196





DATAREQ [05 22]

Set timer TchnAck

Reset timer TchnAck

Reset timer Tmea

Set timer Tmea

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1607 (--1)

Set timer TdeacAck

Reset timer TdeacAck





Set timer Tend

Timer T3111 expires





Reset timer TclrCMD

Set timer TrfAck

Reset timer TrfAck


Reset timer Tend






Set timer T3109

Reset timer T3109

Set timer T3111

(1) The following counters are incremented depending on the cause value in theCHANNEL REQUIRED message:

1191/0 for cause 000

1191/1 and 1730 for cause 001

1191/2 for cause 010

1191/3 for cause 011

1191/4 and 1730 for cause 100

1191/5 for cause 101

1191/6 for cause 110

1191/7 for cause 111

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(2) Since V9 releases, the following modifications have been performed:1606 instead of 10341607 instead of 10351609 instead of 10511611 instead of 1052

(3) If no SDCCH is available, the BSCmay try to allocate a TCH in signalingmode.In this case, the following counters are incremented:1744, 1746, 1609/2, 1611/2

(4) DTAP service is now open

(5) ASCI counters are optional since they are related to the GSM--R functionality.

List of the counters incremented or decremented during this procedure:


Counter name Function

1044 signallingPhaseDurationMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

average and maximum seizure ofsignaling channels expressed inmilliseconds, calculated on allallocations lasting more than 25milliseconds

1045 signallingPhaseDurationHighMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

average and maximum seizure ofsignaling channels expressed inmilliseconds, calculated on allallocations in the cell

1104/0 sccpAllocated number of SCCP connections forSSN BSSMAP in the BSC

1105 sccpAveragedUsedMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

average number of SCCPconnections established

1107 aInputMessage number of BSSAP messagesreceived by the BSC

1108 aOutputMessage number of BSSAP messages sent bythe BSC

1163/20 signallingReleaseBtsClearCommand

number of communications insignaling phase released because ofCLEAR COMMAND received when acell is associated to thecommunication

1191/n[n= 0 to 7]

channelRequestCauseXxx number of channel allocationrequests: Cause xxx

1192/n[n= 0 to 7]


number of successful immediateassignments: Cause xxx

1193/n[n= 0 to 3]


number of ESTABLISH INDICATIONmessages in establishment phasereceived for mobile originating calls:Cause Xxx

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FunctionCounter name

1195 estabIndicSigPhaseI number of ESTABLISH INDICATIONmessages in establishment phasereceived for Phase I mobiles

1196 estabIndicSigPhaseII number of ESTABLISH INDICATIONmessages in establishment phasereceived for Phase II mobiles

1502 aNonTransparentUp number of BSSMAP messages sentby the BSC

1503 aNonTransparentDown number of BSSMAP messages sentby the MSC

1601 downlinkPowerCtrlMaxSdcchMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

duration of maximum downlink poweruse on busy SDCCHs

1602 uplinkPowerCtrlMaxSdcchMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

duration of maximum uplink poweruse on busy SDCCHs

1603 connectionDurationSdcchMoy/Max/Cum/EchorconnectionDurationSdcchTrZoneMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

connection duration of SDCCHs(concentric cell)orconnection duration of SDCCHs(non--concentric cell)

1606 sdcchAllocatedTrZone number of SDCCHs allocated in theinner or outer zone of the cell

1607 sdcchAveragedUsedTrZoneMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

average number of SDCCHs used inthe inner or outer zone of the cell

1609/2 tchFrAllocatedOverflowAllocationTrZone

number of TCH/FR allocated in theinner or outer zone of the cellbecause of SDCCH unavailability

1611/2 tchFrAveragedUsedOverflowAllocationTrZoneMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

average and maximum number ofTCH/FR used in the inner or outerzone of the cell because of SDCCHunavailability

1622 msLostMeasurements


number of MS measurementmessages not received by the cellornumber of MS measurementmessages not received by the inner orouter zone of the cell

1623 rxLevDownLink


sum of downlink signal strengthmeasurements received on the cellorsum of downlink signal strengthmeasurements received on the inneror outer zone of the cell

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FunctionCounter name

1624 rxLevUpLink


sum of uplink signal strengthmeasurements received on the cellorsum of uplink signal strengthmeasurements received on the inneror outer zone of the cell

1625 rxQualDownLink


sum of downlink signal qualitymeasurements on the cellorsum of downlink signal qualitymeasurements on the inner or outerzone of the cell

1626 rxQualUpLink


sum of uplink signal qualitymeasurements on the cellorsum of uplink signal qualitymeasurements on the inner or outerzone of the cell

1744 tchFrAllocated


number of TCH/Fr or preemptedPDTCH allocated in the cellornumber of TCH/FR or preemptedPDTCH allocated in the inner or outerzone of the concentric cell

1746 tchFrAveragedUsedMoy/Max/Cum/EchortchFrAveragedUsedTrZoneMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

average number of TCH/FR orpreempted PDTCH used in the celloraverage number of TCH/FR orpreempted PDTCH used in the inneror outer zone of the cell

1748 ChannelRequest number of channel allocation requests

1749 immediateAssignmentSuccess

number of successful immediateassignments

1750 estabIndicSignalling number of ESTABLISH INDICATIONmessages in establishment phasereceived

1753 signallingReleaseBts number of releases while thecommunication is in “signaling phase”and a cell associated to thecommunication

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1.2.3 Dedicated channel assignment

Dedicated channel assignment procedures are used to modify previous radiochannel assignments. Nominal procedure

This procedure is used to modify a channel type (change from SDCCH to TCH orchange of transmission mode) or to process handover requests.

Data Flow Diagram: dedicated channel assignment procedure (a MS switchingfrom an SDCCH to a TCH for service).

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110715031841/0174417461609/01611/0 (1)1812





10491715 (3)








Set timer TchnAck

Reset timer TchnAck

Set timer T3107

Reset timer T3107


1197/0 or 1197/1or 1709 and 1705/n (2)or 1710 and 1707/n

160116021603162216231624162516261805180618071808 (4)


10501716 (5)







1607(--1) (4)17171718171917201721

Set timer TrfAck

Reset timer TrfAck

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(1) When a TCH resource is successfully allocated internally in the BSC software,the following counters are incremented:

1609/0 tchFrAllocatedTchAllocation (number ofTCH/FRallocated for traffic inthe inner or outer zone of the cell)

1611/0 tchFrAveragedUsedTchAllocationMoy/Max/Cum/Ech (average numberof TCH/FR used for traffic in the inner or outer zone of the cell)

1812 allocatedCircuitTsMoy/Max/Cum/Ech (number of TS allocations fortraffic on circuit mode in the cell orallocatedCircuitTsTrZoneMoy/Max/Cum/Ech (number of TS allocations fortraffic on circuit mode in the inner or the outer of the cell

(2) The counter incremented depends on the channel mode used (speech or data):

either 1197/0 (FR) or 1197/1 (EFR) for speech

or 1709 and 1705/n (n=0 to 6) for transparent data

or 1710 and 1707/n (n=0 to 2) for non--transparent data

(3) When the ASSIGNMENT_COMMAND message is received, 1049attemptedTchFrSeizures (number of TCH/FR assignment requests) is incrementedand, if theMS is the dualband type, 1715 attemptedTchFrSeizuresMsDualdb is alsoincremented.

(4) When the STOP_MEASUREMENT message for the SDCCH channel isreceived, if the BTS reports measurement counters, the BSC increments 1601,1602, 1603, 1622, 1623, 1624, 1625, 1626, 1804, 1805, 1806, 1807 and 1808.

(5) The old (SDCCH) channel is released. 1050 successfulTchFrSeizures isincremented and, if the MS is the dualband type, 1716successfulTchFrSeizuresMsDualb is also incremented.

(6) When the old (SDCCH) channel has been released, 1607 counting the averagenumber of SDCCH used in the inner or outer zone of the cell is decremented.

List of counters incremented or decremented during this procedure:


Counter name Function

1044 signallingPhaseDurationMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

average time of a signaling chan-nel seizure

1045 signallingPhaseDurationHighMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

average time of a signaling chan-nel seizure > 25s

1049 attempedTchFrSeizures number of TCH/FR assignmentrequests

1050 successfulTchFrSeizures number of TCH/FR successfullyassigned

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FunctionCounter name

1094 tcAllocated number of terrestrial circuits allo-cated

1095 tcAveragedUsedMoy/Max/Cum//Ech average number of terrestrial cir-cuits used

1107 aInputMessage number of BSSAP messagesreceived by the BSC

1108 aOutputMessage number of BSSAP messagessent by the BSC

1197/0 channelActivateSpeechFullRate number of channels activated forspeech: Full Rate algorithm

1197/1 channelActivateSpeechEnhanced-FullRate

number of channels activated forspeech: Enhanced Full Ratealgorithm

1502 aNonTransparentUp number of BSSMAP messagessent by the BSC

1503 aNonTransparentDown number of BSSMAP messagesreceived by the BSC

1601 downlinkPowerCtrlMaxSdcchMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

duration of maximum downlinkpower use on busy SDCCHs

1602 uplinkPowerCtrlMaxSdcchMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

duration of maximum uplinkpower use on busy SDCCHs

1603 connectionDurationSdcchMoy/Max/Cum/EchorconnectionDurationSdcchTrZoneMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

connection duration of SDCCHs(concentric cell)orconnection duration of SDCCHs(non--concentric cell)

1607 sdcchAveragedUsedTrZoneMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

average number of SDCCHsused in the inner or outer zone ofthe cell

1609/0 tchFrAllocatedTchAllocationTrZone number of TCH/FR or preemptedPDTCH allocated for traffic in theinner of outer zone of the cell

1611/0 tchFrAveragedUsedTchAllocation-TrZoneMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

average number of TCH/FR orpreempted PDTCH used for traf-fic in the inner or outer zone ofthe cell

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FunctionCounter name

1622 msLostMeasurements


number of MS measurementmessages not received (non--concentric cell)ornumber of MS measurementmessages not received (concen-tric cell)

1623 rxLevDownLink


sum of downlink signal strengthmeasurements received (non--concentric cell)orsum of downlink signal strengthmeasurements received (concen-tric cell)

1624 rxLevUpLink


sum of uplink signal strengthmeasurements received (non--concentric cell)orsum of uplink signal strengthmeasurements received (concen-tric cell)

1625 rxQualDownLink


sum of downlink signal qualitymeasurements (concentric cell)orsum of downlink signal qualitymeasurements (non--concentriccell)

1626 rxQualUpLink


sum of uplink signal quality mea-surements (non--concentric cell)orsum of uplink signal quality mea-surements (concentric cell)

1629/0 channelActivateSignallingFullRate number of Full--Rate channelsactivated for signaling

1629/1 channelActivateSignallingEnhanced-FullRate

number of Enhanced--Full--Ratechannels activated for signaling

1705/n(n = 0 to 6)

channelActivateTchFrDataTx (x = 16to 14400 b/s)

number of TCH/FR activation fortransparent data service with atransmission rate = x

1707/n(n = 0 to 2)

channelActivateTchFrDataNTx(x = 6 to 14500 b/s)

number of TCH/FR activation fornon transparent data service witha transmission rate = x

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FunctionCounter name

1709 channelActivateTchFrDataTHscsd number of channel activation fortransparent data service onTCH/FR

1710 channelActivateTchFrNDa-taNTHscsd

number of channel activation fornon transparent data service onTCH/FR

1715 attemptedTchFrSeizuresMsDualb number of attempts of assigna-tion of a TCH/FR for dualbandmobiles

1716 successfulTchFrSeizuresMsDualb number of successful TCH/FRassignations for dualbandmobiles

1717 abisTrauFrameDlReceived number of frames TRAU donw-link received

1718 abisTrauFrameDlCorrected number of frames TRAU donw-link corrected

1719 abisTrauFrameDlMuted number of frames TRAU donw-link that can not be corrected

1720 abisTrauFrameUlReceived number of frames TRAU uplinkreceived

1721 erroneousFrameNumber number of erroneous frames(ECU may be activated or not)

1744 tchFrAllocated


number of TCH/FR or preemptedPDTCH allocated in the cellornumber of TCH/FR or preemptedPDTCH allocated in the inner orouter zone of the concentric cell

1746 tchFrAveragedUsedMoy/Max/Cum/Ech


average number of TCH/FR orpreempted PDTCH used in thecelloraverage number of TCH/FR orpreempted PDTCH used in theinner or outer zone of the cell

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FunctionCounter name

1812 allocatedCircuitTsMoy


number of TS allocations for traf-fic in circuit mode in the cellornumber of TS allocations fortraffic in circuit mode in the inneror the outer zone of the concen-tric cell

1841/0 assignRequestSdcchToTchChannel number of assignement requestmessages received: modificationfrom an SDCCH channel to aTCH channel MODE MODIFY procedure

This procedure is used to modify the coding/decoding/transcoding mode on thededicated cell channels used for sending speech or data.

It is also used when the MS initiates a call re--establishment request. In this case,the BSC allocates a TCH for signaling and may use this particular procedure toaccomplish the transition from signaling to speech mode rather than the generalprocedure which is much longer.

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Set timer TmodAck

Reset timer TmodAck

Set timer TmodMS










1197/n (2)17091705/n17101707/n




(1) Downlink DTAP service is suspended.(2) The counter incremented depends on the channel mode used (speech or data):

-- Either 1197/0 (FR) or 1197/1 (EFR) for speech-- 1709 and 1705/n (n = 0 to 6) for transparent data-- 1710 and 1705/n (n = 0 to 6) for non transparent data

(3) Downlink DTAP service is resumed.

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List of counters incremented or decremented during this procedure:


Counter name Function

1044 signallingPhaseDurationMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

average time of a signaling channelseizure

1045 signallingPhaseDurationHighMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

average time of a signaling channelseizure > 25s

1094 tcAllocated number of terrestrial circuits allocated

1095 tcAveragedUsedMoy/Max/Cum//Ech

average number of terrestrial circuitsused

1107 aInputMessage number of BSSAP messagesreceived by the BSC

1108 aOutputMessage number of BSSAP messages sent bythe BSC

1197/0 channelActivateSpeechFullRate

number of channels activated forspeech: Full Rate algorithm

1502 aNonTransparentUp number of BSSMAP messages sentby the BSC

1503 aNonTransparentDown number of BSSMAP messagesreceived by the BSC

1841/0 assignRequestSdcchToTchChannel

number of assignement requestmessages received: modification froman SDCCH channel to a TCH channel No ressource available and queuing not activated

The terrestrial circuit allocation is engaged before the radio resource allocation. Ifthe radio resource allocation fails because of radio resource shortage, theTCH--FR--RESOURCE--FAILURE observation point is incremented.

The cause value is one of the following:

“BSS not equipped”

“requested terrestrial resource unavailable”

“terrestrial resource already allocated”

“no radio ressource available”

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Data Flow Diagram: dedicated channel assignment procedure (no resourceavailable and queuing not activated).


1107 (1)15031841/01094 (2)109516131842/0 (3)1095 (--1) (4)


11081502 (5)

(1) Downlink DTAP service is suspended.

(2) The Terrestrial Circuit is allocated before sending a request to allocator.

(3) The request for a radio resource is rejected.

(4) The Terrestrial Circuit is deallocated before sending an ASSIGNMENT_FAILURE


(5) Downlink DTAP service is resumed.

List of counters incremented or decremented during this procedure:


Counter name Function

1094 tcAllocated number of terrestrial circuits allocated

1095 tcAveragedUsedMoy/Max/Cum//Ech

average number of terrestrial circuitsused

1107 aInputMessage number of BSSAP messages receivedby the BSC

1108 aOutputMessage number of BSSAP messages sent bythe BSC

1502 aNonTransparentUp number of BSSMAP messages sent bythe BSC

1503 aNonTransparentDown number of BSSMAP messagesreceived by the BSC

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FunctionCounter name

1613 tchFrResourceFailureTrZone number of TCH/FR and preemptablePDTCH allocation failures in the inneror outer zone of the cell

1841/0 assignRequestSdcchToTch-Channel

number of assignment request mes-sages received: modification from anSDCCH channel to a TCH channel

1842/0 assignFailureSdcchToTch-Channel

number of emission of ASSIGNEMENTFAILURE messages on the A interface:modification from an SDCCH channelto a TCH channel or a preemptedPDTCH

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Data FlowDiagram: queuing of the assignment procedure (successful completion).




QUEUEING1108 (3)15021616/n(--1)1618/n(--1)174417461609/01611/0181210941095



Set timer T11

Reset timer T11CONNECTION_STATE_REQUESTSet timer Tcnx

Reset timer TcnxCONN_STATE_REQ_ASK


Reset timer TchnAck

1197/0 or 1197/1or 1709 and 1705/n (5)or 1710 and 1707/n



1049 (6)1715




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1601 (7)16021603162216231624162516261805 (8)1806 (8)1807 (8)1808 (8)







1050 (9)1716








1607 (--1)

Set timer Tmea

Reset timer Tmea

Reset timer T3107


1607 (--1)17171718171917201721

Set timer TrfAck

Reset timer TrfAck


(1) Downlink DTAP service is suspended.

(2) There are no TCH resources available. Downlink DTAP service is resumed.

(3) When a TCH resource is successfully allocated internally in the BSC software,the queued request is serviced and the following counters are incremented:

1094 tcAllocated (number of terrestrial circuits allocated)

1095 tcAveragedUsedMoy/Max/Cum//Ech (average number of terrestrialcircuits used)

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1609/0 chFrAllocatedTchAllocationTrZone (number of TCH/FR allocated fortraffic in the inner of outer zone of the cell)

1611/0 tchFrAveragedUsedTchAllocationTrZoneMoy/Max/Cum/Ech (averagenumber of TCH/FR used for traffic in the inner or outer zone of the cell)


1812 allocatedCircuitTsMoy/Max/Cum/Ech (number of TS allocations fortraffic on circuit mode in the cell orallocatedCircuitTsTrZoneMoy/Max/Cum/Ech (number of TS allocations fortraffic on circuit mode in the inner or the outer of the cell

(4) Downlink DTAP service is suspended.

(5) The counter incremented depends on the channel mode used (speech or data):

either 1197/0 (FR) or 1197/1 (EFR) for speech

or 1709 and 1705/n (n=0 to 6) for transparent data

or 1710 and 1707/n (n=0 to 2) for non transparent data

(6) When the ASSIGNMENT_COMMAND message is received, 1049attemptedTchFrSeizures (number of TCH/FR assignment requests) is incrementedand, if the MS is the dualband type, 1715 attemptedTchFrSeizuresMsDualb is alsoincremented.

(7) When the STOP_MEASUREMENT message for the SDCCH channel isreceived, if the BTS reports measurement counters, the BSC increments 1601,1602, 1603, 1622, 1623, 1624, 1625, 1626, 1805, 1806, 1807 and 1808.

(8) The old (SDCCH) channel is released. 1050 successfulTchFrSeizures isincremented and, if the MS is the dualband type, 1716successfulTchFrSeizuresMsDualb is also incremented.

(9) Downlink DTAP service is resumed.

(10) ASCI counters are optional since they are related to the GSM--R functionality.

List of the counters incremented or decremented during this procedure:


Counter name Function

1044 signallingPhaseDurationMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

average time of a signaling channelseizure

1045 signallingPhaseDurationHigh-Moy/Max/Cum/Ech

average time of a signaling channelseizure > 25s

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FunctionCounter name

1049 attempedTchFrSeizures number of TCH/FR assignmentrequests

1050 successfulTchFrSeizures number of TCH/FR successfullyassigned

1094 tcAllocated number of terrestrial circuits allocated

1095 tcAveragedUsedMoy/Max/Cum//Ech

average number of terrestrial circuitsused

1107 aInputMessage number of BSSAP messages receivedby the BSC

1108 aOutputMessage number of BSSAP messages sent bythe BSC

1197/0 channelActivateSpeechFull-Rate

number of channels activated forspeech: Full Rate algorithm

1197/1 channelActivateSpeechEn-hancedFullRate

number of channels activated forspeech: Enhanced Full Rate algorithm

1502 aNonTransparentUp number of BSSMAP messages sent bythe BSC

1503 aNonTransparentDown number of BSSMAP messagesreceived by the BSC

1601 downlinkPowerCtrlMaxSdc-chMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

duration of maximum downlink poweruse on busy SDCCHs

1602 uplinkPowerCtrlMaxSdcchMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

duration of maximum uplink power useon busy SDCCHs

1603 connectionDuration-SdcchMoy/Max/Cum/EchorconnectionDurationSdcchTrZo-neMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

connection duration of SDCCHs(concentric cell)orconnection duration of SDCCHs(non--concentric cell)

1607 sdcchAveragedUsedTrZone-Moy/Max/Cum/Ech

average number of SDCCHs used inthe inner or outer zone of the concen-tric cell

1609/0 tchFrAllocatedTchAllocation-TrZone

number of TCH/FR or preemptedPDTCH allocated for traffic in the innerof outer zone of the cell

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FunctionCounter name

1611/0 tchFrAveragedUsedTchAlloca-tionTrZoneMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

average number of TCH/FR or pre-empted PDTCH used for traffic in theinner or outer zone of the cell

1616/n[n= 0 to 1]

tchAveragedQueueLength-HighPriorityMoy/Max/Cum/Ech for n=0andtchAveragedQueueLengthO-therPriorityMoy/Max/Cum/Echfor n=1

number of queued TCH requests withthe highest priorityandnumber of queued TCH requests withan internal priority different than thehighest one

1622 msLostMeasurements


number of MS measurement messagesnot received (non--concentric cell)ornumber of MS measurement messagesnot received (concentric cell)

1623 rxLevDownLink


sum of downlink signal strength mea-surements received (non--concentriccell)orsum of downlink signal strength mea-surements received (concentric cell)

1624 rxLevUpLink


sum of uplink signal strength measure-ments received (non--concentric cell)orsum of uplink signal strength measure-ments received (concentric cell)

1625 rxQualDownLink


sum of downlink signal quality mea-surements (concentric cell)orsum of downlink signal quality mea-surements (non--concentric cell)

1626 rxQualUpLink


sum of uplink signal quality measure-ments (non--concentric cell)orsum of uplink signal quality measure-ments (concentric cell)

1705/n(n = 0 to 6)

channelActivateTchFrDataTx (x= 16 to 14400 b/s)

number of TCH/FR activation for trans-parent data service with a transmissionrate = x

1707/n(n = 0 to 2)

channelActivateTchFrDa-taNTx (x = 6 to 14500 b/s)

number of TCH/FR activation for nontransparent data service with a trans-mission rate = x

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FunctionCounter name

1709 channelActivateTchFrDa-taTHscsd

number of channel activation for trans-parent data service on TCH/FR

1710 channelActivateTchFrNDa-taNTHscsd

number of channel activation for nontransparent data service on TCH/FR

1715 attemptedTchFrSeizu-resMsDualb

number of attempts of assignation of aTCH/FR for dualband mobiles

1716 successfulTchFrSeizu-resMsDualb

number of successful TCH/FR assigna-tions for dualband mobiles

1717 abisTrauFrameDlReceived number of frames TRAU downlinkreceived

1718 abisTrauFrameDlCorrected number of frames TRAU downlink cor-rected

1719 abisTrauFrameDlMuted number of frames TRAU downlink thatcan not be corrected

1720 abisTrauFrameUlReceived number of frames TRAU uplinkreceived

1721 erroneousFrameNumber number of erroneous frames (ECU maybe activated or not)

1744 tchFrAllocated


number of TCH/FR or preemptedPDTCH allocated in the cellornumber of TCH/FR or preemptedPDTCH allocated in the inner or outerzone of the cell

1746 tchFrAveragedUsedMoy/Max/Cum/EchortchFrAveragedUsedTrZone-Moy/Max/Cum/Ech

average number of TCH/FR or pre-empted PDTCH used in the celloraverage number of TCH/FR or pre-empted PDTCH used in the zone (con-centric cell)

1805 msPowerIncControl number of MS increment power con-trols ordered by the Layer 1 manage-ment

1806 msPowerDecControl number of MS decrement power con-trols ordered by the Layer 1 manage-ment

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FunctionCounter name

1807 bsPowerIncControl number of BS increment power con-trols ordered by the Layer 1 manage-ment

1808 bsPowerDecControl number of BS decrement power con-trols ordered by the Layer 1 manage-ment

1812 allocatedCircuitTsMoy/Max/Cum/EchorallocatedCircuitTsTrZoneMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

number of TS allocations for traffic incircuit mode in the cellornumber of TS allocations for traffic incircuit mode in the inner or the outerzone of the concentric cell

1841/0 assignRequestSdcchToTch-Channel

number of assignment request mes-sages received: modification from anSDCCH channel to a TCH channel

1.2.4 Handovers Overview

Each handover procedure performed in a cell requires two phases, a selection phaseand an execution phase.

selection phase: choice of the target cell (outgoing handover) or radio channel(incoming or intra-bts handover)

execution phase: switchover from one radio channel to another

The execution phase is not started unless the selection phase is successfullycompleted as shown in the following diagram.



call interrupted


Yes: execution

request request EXECUTIONYes: handover




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7The ratios between the following counters are used to evaluate the efficiency ofthe procedures implemented in the BSS:

Number of handovers required (hoRequiredXxx)

Number of handover requests (hoRequestXxx)

Number of handovers executed (hoExecutionXxx)

Number of successful handovers (hoSuccessXxx)

The procedures call on the following counters in problem cases:

permanent bsc observation:

• hoIndicationNotTreatedTchoke

• hoIndicationNotTreatedTmtBtwHo

• hoUnsuccessReestIntraBts on TCH or SDCCH

• hoUnsuccessReestOutgoingIntraBss on TCH or SDCCH

• hoUnsuccessReestIncomingIntraBss on TCH or SDCCH

• hoUnsuccessOutgoingIntraBssNAttempt on TCH or SDCCH

• hoUnsuccessReestOutgoingInterBss on TCH or SDCCH

• hoUnsuccessOutgoingInterBssNAttempt on TCH or SDCCH

temporary “handover” observation:

• hoIntraBtsUnsuccessXxx on TCH or SDCCH

• hoIntraBtsFailureXxx on TCH or SDCCH

• hoOutIntraUnsuccessXxx on TCH or SDCCH

• hoOutIntraFailureXxx on TCH or SDCCH

• hoInIntraUnsuccessXxx on TCH or SDCCH

• hoInIntraFailureXxx on TCH or SDCCH

• hoOutInterUnsuccessXxx on TCH or SDCCH

• hoOutInterFailureXxx on TCH or SDCCH

• hoInInterUnsuccessXxx on TCH or SDCCH

• hoInInterFailureXxx on TCH or SDCCH

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To synchronize accounting, all the counters concerned by the same handoverrequest are incremented at the end of the procedure, except for the counters used totally repeated requests and refusals, which are stepped up in real time.

The following diagram is an example of an outgoing handover requested by cell Nin BSS 1 that is refused by the first cell in the list (cell A in BSS 1) and executedsuccessfully in the second cell (cell B in BSS 2). It shows the counters that areupdated by the handover procedure.

requestcell A BSS 1cell N BSS 1

hoRequestOutgoingIntra cell NhoRequestIncomingIntra cell NhoOutIntraFailureXxx cell NhoInIntraFailureXxx cell A




hoRequiredXxx cell NhoRequestOutgoingInter cell NhoRequestIncomingInter cell BhoExecutionOutgoingInter cell NhoExecutionIncomingInter cell BhoSuccessOutgoingInter cell NhoSuccessIncomingInter cell B


cell B BSS 2cell N BSS 1

hoRequiredXxx cell N

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In the intra-bts handover procedure, a dedicated channel is assigned in response toa modify radio channel request sent by Level 1 (Layer 1 Management).

Data Flow Diagram : intra--cell handover procedure (normal completion withcommunication on TRAFFIC phase)




1780106717811073106510711075106912001839/n (4)1840/n (4)10771793, 1794, 1795 and1208, 1789, 1209 or1783, 1790, 1786 or1784, 1791, 1787 or1785, 1792, 1788





Reset timer T3107


1812 (--1) (5)1746 (--1)1611 (--1)

Set timer TrfAck

Reset timer TrfAck

(1) A TCH resource is successfully allocated internally in the BSC software on thetarget cell. Then the following counters are incremented:

1609/0 tchFrAllocatedTchAllocationTrZone (number of TCH/FR allocated fortraffic in the inner of outer zone of the cell)

1611/0 tchFrAveragedUsedTchAllocationTrZoneMoy/Max/Cum/Ech (averagenumber of TCH/FR used for traffic in the inner or outer zone of the cell)

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1812 allocatedCircuitTsMoy/Max/Cum/Ech (number of TS allocations fortraffic on circuit mode in the cell orallocatedCircuitTsTrZoneMoy/Max/Cum/Ech (number of TS allocations fortraffic on circuit mode in the inner or the outer of the cell

(2) The counter incremented depends on the channel mode used (speech or data):

either 1197/0 (FR) or 1197/1 (EFR) for speech

1709 and 1705/n (n=0 to 6) for transparent data

1710 and 1707/n (n=0 to 2) for non transparent data

(3) When the STOP_MEASUREMENTmessage for the TCH channel is received,if the BTS reports measurement counters, the BSC increments 1198, 1199, 1600,1622, 1623, 1624, 1625, 1626, 1805, 1806, 1807, 1808 and 1809/n

(4) ASCI counters are optional since they are related to the GSM--R functionality.

(5)When the deallocation of TCH is successfully performed in the originating cell,the following counters are decremented:

1812 allocatedCircuitTsMoy/Max/Cum/Ech (number of TS allocations fortraffic on circuit mode in the cell orallocatedCircuitTsTrZoneMoy/Max/Cum/Ech (number of TS allocations fortraffic on circuit mode in the inner or the outer of the cell

1746 tchFrAveragedUsedMoy/Max/Cum/Ech (average number of TCH/FRused in the cell) or tchFrAveragedUsedTrZoneMoy/Max/Cum/Ech (averagenumber of TCH/FR used in the inner or outer zone of the cell)

1611/0 tchFrAveragedUsedTchAllocationTrZoneMoy/Max/Cum/Ech (averagenumber of TCH/FR used for traffic in the inner or outer zone of the cell)

List of the counters incremented or decremented during this procedure:


Counter name Function

1065 hoExecutionOutgoingIntraBss number of attempts to executeoutgoing intra--bss handovers onTCH

1067 hoSuccessOutgoingIntraBss number of successful outgoingintra--bss handovers on TCH

1069 hoRequestIncomingIntraBss number of incoming intra--bsshandover requests on TCH

1071 hoExecutionIncomingIntraBss number of attempts to executeincoming intra--bss handovers onTCH

1073 hoSuccessfulIncomingIntraBss

number of successful incomingintra--bss handovers on TCH

1075 hoRequestOutgoingIntraBss number of outgoing intra--bsshandover requests on TCH

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FunctionCounter name

1077 hoSuccessOutgoingFirstIntra number of successful outgoingintra--bss handovers on TCH to thefirst cell from the list of eligible cells

1108 aOutputMessage number of BSSAP messages sentby the BSC to the MSC

1138/n[n=0 to 16]

hoRequiredTchXxx number of handovers on TCHrequired: CauseXxx

1197/0 channelActivateSpeechFullRate

number of channels activated forspeech: Full Rate algorithm

1197/1 channelActivateSpeechEnhancedFullRate

number of channels activated forspeech: Enhanced Full Ratealgorithm

1198 downlinkPowerCtrlMaxTchMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

duration of maximum downlink poweruse on busy TCHs

1199 uplinkPowerCtrlMaxTchMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

duration of maximum uplink poweruse on busy TCHs

1200 hoNcellsExecution number of handovers on TCHexecuted

1208 hoRequestOutgoingMbandEbandMsDualb

number of outgoing requested bydualband mobiles from the mainfrequency band to the secondfrequency band of the network

1209 hoSuccessOutgoingMbandEbandMsDualb

number of successful outgoinghandovers for dualband mobilesfrom the main frequency band to thesecond frequency band of thenetwork

1502 aNonTransparentUp number of BSSMAP messages sentby the BSC to the MSC

1600 connectionDurationTchMoy/Max/Cum/Ech


average duration and maximumduration of TCH/FR or preemptedPDTCH connections in the celloraverage duration and maximumduration of TCH/FR or preemptedPDTCH connections in the inner orouter zone of the cell

1609/0 tchFrAllocatedTchAllocationTrZone

number of TCH/FR or preemptedPDTCH allocated for traffic in theinner of outer zone of the cell

1611/0 tchFrAveragedUsedTchAllocationTrZoneMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

average number of TCH/FR FR orpreempted PDTCH used for traffic inthe inner or outer zone of the cell

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FunctionCounter name

1622 msLostMeasurements


number of MS measurementmessages not received by the cellornumber of MS measurementmessages not received by the inneror outer zone of the cell

1623 rxLevDownLink


sum of downlink signal strengthmeasurements performed by the MSon the cellorsum of downlink signal strengthmeasurements performed by the MSon the inner or outer zone of the cell

1624 rxLevUpLink


sum of uplink signal strengthmeasurements performed by theBTS on the cellorsum of uplink signal strengthmeasurements performed by theBTS on the inner or outer zone ofthe cell

1625 rxQualDownLink


sum of downlink signal qualitymeasurements performed by the MSon the cellorsum of downlink signal qualitymeasurements performed by the MSon the inner or outer zone of the cell

1626 rxQualUpLink


sum of uplink signal qualitymeasurements performed by theBTS on the cellorsum of uplink signal qualitymeasurements performed by theBTS on the inner or outer zone ofthe cell

1705/n[n = 0 to 6]

channelActivateTchFrDataTx(x = 16 to 14400 b/s)

number of TCH/FR activation fortransparent data service with atransmission rate = x

1707/n[n = 0 to 2]

channelActivateTchFrDataNTx (x = 6 to 14500 b/s)

number of TCH/FR activation for nontransparent data service with atransmission rate = x

1709 channelActTchFrDataT number of channel activation fortransparent data service on TCH/FR

1710 channelActTchFrDataNT number of channel activation for nontransparent data service on TCH/FR

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FunctionCounter name

1744 tchFrAllocated


number of TCH/FR or preemptedPDTCH allocated in the cellornumber of TCH/FR or preemptedPDTCH allocated in the inner orouter zone of the cell

1746 tchFrAveragedUsedMoy/Max/Cum/EchortchFrAveragedUsedTrZoneMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

average number of TCH/FR orpreempted PDTCH used in the celloraverage number of TCH/FR oepreempted PDTCH used in the inneror outer zone of the cell

1776 hoRequiredTch number of handovers on TCHrequired

1780 hoSuccessOutgoingTch number of successful outgoinghandovers from the cell

1781 hoSuccessfulIncomingTch number of successful incominghandovers in the cell

1783 hoRequestOutgoingMbandMbandMsDualb

number of outgoing handoversrequested by dualband mobiles fromthe main frequency band to thesame frequency band of the network

1784 hoRequestOutgoingEbandEbandMsDualb

number of outgoing handoversrequested by dualband mobiles fromthe second frequency band to thesame frequency band of the network

1785 hoRequestOutgoingEbandMbandMsDualb

number of outgoing handoversrequested by dualband mobiles fromthe second frequency band to themain frequency band of the network

1786 hoSuccessOutgoingMbandMbandMsDualb

number of successful outgoinghandovers for dualband mobiles fromthe main frequency to the samefrequency band of the network

1787 hoSuccessOutgoingEbandEbandMsDualb

number of successful outgoinghandovers for dualband mobiles fromthe second frequency band to thesame frequency band of the network

1788 hoSuccessOutgoingEbandMbandMsDualb

number of successful outgoinghandovers for dualband mobiles fromthe second frequency band to themain frequency band of the network

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FunctionCounter name

1789 hoExecutionOutgoingMbandEbandMsDualb

number of outgoing handoversexecutions by dualband mobiles forthe main frequency band to thesecond frequency band of thenetwork

1790 hoExecutionOutgoingMbandMbandMsDualb

number of outgoing handoversexecutions by dualband mobiles forthe main frequency band to thesame frequency band of the network

1791 hoExecutionOutgoingEbandEbandMsDualb

number of outgoing handoversexecutions by dualband mobiles forthe second frequency band to thesame frequency band of the network

1792 hoExecutionOutgoingEbandMbandMsDualb

number of outgoing handoversexecutions by dualband mobiles forthe second frequency band to themain frequency band of the network

1793 hoRequestIncomingIntraBssTchMsDualb

number of incoming intra--bsshandovers on TCH requested bydualband mobiles

1794 hoExecutionIncomingIntraBssTchMsDualb

number of incoming intra--bsshandovers on TCH executionattempts for dualband mobiles

1795 hoSuccessIncomingIntraBssTchMsDualb

number of successful incomingintra--bss handovers on TCH fordualband mobiles

1805 msPowerIncControl number of MS increment powercontrols ordered by the Layer 1management

1806 msPowerDecControl number of MS decrement powercontrols ordered by the Layer 1management

1807 bsPowerIncControl number of BS increment powercontrols ordered by the Layer 1management

1808 bsPowerDecControl number of BS decrement powercontrols ordered by the Layer 1management

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FunctionCounter name

1809/n[n= 0 to 1]

timingAdvanceAverage [forn=0]ortimingAdvanceAverageTrZone [for n=0]ortimingAdvanceMaximum [forn=1]ortimingAdvanceMaximumTrZone [for n=1]

average timing advance value for thecommunication in the cell oraverage timing advance value for thecommunication in the inner or outerzone of the cell ormaximum timing advance value forthe communication in the cell ormaximum timing advance value forthe communication in the inner orouter zone of the cell

1812 allocatedCircuitTsMoy/Max/Cum/EchorallocatedCircuitTsTrZoneMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

number of TS allocations for traffic incircuit mode in the cellornumber of TS allocations for trafficin circuit mode in the inner or theouter zone of the concentric cell

1839/n[n=o to 9]

hoNcellsRequestOutgoingXxx number of outgoing intra--bss orinter--bss handover attempts from acentral cell to a neighboring one:Cause Xxx

1840/n[n=o to 9]

hoNcellsSuccessOutgoingXxx number of outgoing intra--bss orinter--bss handover successes froma central cell to a neighboring one:Cause Xxx Inter cell intra--bss handover procedure (normal completion)

An intra-bss handover request is initiated by the BSC. TheMSC is informed of thechange by a HANDOVER PERFORMED message at the end of the procedure.

Dataflows: inter--cell intra BSC handover procedure (normal completion withcommunication on TRAFFIC phase).

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1198 (1)11991600162216231624162516261805 (4)1806 (4)1807 (4)1808 (4)1806/n (4)





17761138/n174417461609/0 (1)1611/0 (1)1812 (1)

1197/0 or 1197/1or 1709 and 1705/n (2)or 1710 and 1707/n

Set timer TchnAck

Reset timer TchnAck

Set timer T3103



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Reset timer T3103

Set timer TrfAck

Reset timer TrfAck






1812 (--1) (5)1746 (--1)1611 (--1)

1780106717811073106510711075106912001839/n (4)1840/n (4)10771793, 1794, 1795 and1208, 1789, 1209 or1783, 1790, 1786 or1784, 1791, 1787 or1785, 1792, 1788

(1) A TCH resource is successfully allocated internally in the BSC software on thetarget cell. Then the following counters are incremented:1609/0 tchFrAllocatedTchAllocationTrZone (number of TCH/FR allocated fortraffic in the inner of outer zone of the cell)1611/0 tchFrAveragedUsedTchAllocationTrZoneMoy/Max/Cum/Ech (averagenumber of TCH/FR used for traffic in the inner or outer zone of the cell)

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1812 allocatedCircuitTsMoy/Max/Cum/Ech (number of TS allocations fortraffic on circuit mode in the cell orallocatedCircuitTsTrZoneMoy/Max/Cum/Ech (number of TS allocations fortraffic on circuit mode in the inner or the outer of the cell

(2) The counter incremented depends on the channel mode used (speech or data):

either 1197/0 (FR) or 1197/1 (EFR) for speech

or 1709 and 1705/n (n=0 to 6) for transparent data

or 1710 and 1707/n (n=0 to 2) for non transparent data

(3) When the STOP_MEASUREMENTmessage for the TCH channel is received,if the BTS reports measurement counters, the BSC increments 1198, 4499, 1600,1622, 1623, 1624, 1625, 1626, 1805, 1806, 1807, 1808 and 1809/n

(4) ASCI counters are optional since they are related to the GSM--R functionality.

(5)When the deallocation of TCH is successfully performed in the originating cell,the following counters are decremented:

1812 allocatedCircuitTsMoy/Max/Cum/Ech (number of TS allocations fortraffic on circuit mode in the cell orallocatedCircuitTsTrZoneMoy/Max/Cum/Ech (number of TS allocations fortraffic on circuit mode in the inner or the outer of the cell

1746 tchFrAveragedUsedMoy/Max/Cum/Ech (average number of TCH/FRused in the cell) or tchFrAveragedUsedTrZoneMoy/Max/Cum/Ech (averagenumber of TCH/FR used in the inner or outer zone of the cell)

1611/0 tchFrAveragedUsedTchAllocationTrZoneMoy/Max/Cum/Ech (averagenumber of TCH/FR used for traffic in the inner or outer zone of the cell)

List of the counters incremented or decremented during this procedure:


Counter name Function

1065 hoExecutionOutgoingIntraBss number of attempts to execute outgo-ing intra--bss handovers on TCH

1067 hoSuccessOutgoingIntraBss number of successful outgoing intra--bss handovers on TCH

1069 hoRequestIncomingIntraBss number of successful incoming intra--bss handovers on TCH requested

1071 hoExecutionIncomingIntraBss number of successful incoming intra--bss handovers on TCH executionattempts

1073 hoSuccessfulIncomingIntraBss number of successful incoming intra--bss handovers on TCH

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FunctionCounter name

1075 hoRequestOutgoingIntraBss number of successful outgoing intra--bss handovers on TCH requested

1077 hoSuccessOutgoingFirstIntra number of successful outgoing intra--bss handovers on TCH after firstattempt

1108 aOutputMessage number of BSSAP messages sent bythe BSC to the MSC

1138/n[n=0 to 16]

hoRequiredTchXxx number of handovers on TCHrequired: CauseXxx

1197/0 channelActivateSpeechFull-Rate

number of channels activated forspeech: Full Rate algorithm

1197/1 channelActivateSpeechEn-hancedFullRate

number of channels activated forspeech: Enhanced Full Rate algorithm

1198 downlinkPowerCtrlMaxTchMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

duration of maximum downlink poweruse on busy TCHs

1199 uplinkPowerCtrlMaxTchMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

duration of maximum uplink poweruse on busy TCHs

1200 hoNcellsExecution number of handovers on TCH exe-cuted

1208 hoRequestOutgoingMbandE-bandMsDualb

number of outgoing requested bydualband mobiles from the main fre-quency band to the second frequencyband of the network

1209 hoSuccessOutgoingMbandE-bandMsDualb

number of successful outgoing hand-overs for dualband mobiles from themain frequency band to the secondfrequency band of the network

1502 aNonTransparentUp number of BSSMAP messages sentby the BSC to the MSC

1600 connectionDurationTchMoy/Max/Cum/Ech


average duration and maximum dura-tion of TCH/FR or preempted PDTCHconnections in the celloraverage duration and maximum dura-tion of TCH/FR or preempted PDTCHconnections in the inner or outer zoneof the cell

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FunctionCounter name

1609/0 tchFrAllocatedTchAllocation-TrZone

number of TCH/FR or preemptedPDTCH allocated for traffic in theinner of outer zone of the cell

1611/0 tchFrAveragedUsedTchAllocation-TrZoneMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

average number of TCH/FR or pre-empted PDTCH used for traffic in theinner or outer zone of the cell

1622 msLostMeasurements


number of MS measurement mes-sages not received by the cellornumber of MS measurement mes-sages not received by the inner orouter zone of the cell

1623 rxLevDownLink


sum of downlink signal strength mea-surements performed by the MS onthe cellorsum of downlink signal strength mea-surements performed by the MS onthe inner or outer zone of the cell

1624 rxLevUpLink


sum of uplink signal strength mea-surements performed by the BTS onthe cellorsum of uplink signal strength mea-surements performed by the BTS onthe inner or outer zone of the cell

1625 rxQualDownLink


sum of downlink signal quality mea-surements performed by the MS onthe cellorsum of downlink signal quality mea-surements performed by the MS onthe inner or outer zone of the cell

1626 rxQualUpLink


sum of uplink signal quality measure-ments performed by the BTS on thecellorsum of uplink signal quality measure-ments performed by the BTS on theinner or outer zone of the cell

1705/n[n = 0 to 6]

channelActivateTchFrDataTx (x= 16 to 14400 b/s)

number of TCH/FR activation fortransparent data service with a trans-mission rate = x

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FunctionCounter name

1707/n[n = 0 to 2]

channelActivateTchFrDataNTx(x = 6 to 14500 b/s)

number of TCH/FR activation for nontransparent data service with a trans-mission rate = x

1709 channelActivateTchFrDa-taTHscsd

number of channel activation fortransparent data service on TCH/FR

1710 channelActivateTchFrNDa-taNTHscsd

number of channel activation for nontransparent data service on TCH/FR

1744 tchFrAllocated


number of TCH/FR or preemptedPDTCH allocated in the cellornumber of TCH/FR or preemptedPDTCH allocated in the inner or outerzone of the cell

1746 tchFrAveragedUsedMoy/Max/Cum/EchortchFrAveragedUsedTrZone-Moy/Max/Cum/Ech

average number of TCH/FR or pre-empted PDTCH used in the celloraverage number of TCH/FR or pre-empted PDTCH used in the inner orouter zone of the cell

1776 hoRequiredTch number of handovers on TCHrequired

1780 hoSuccessOutgoingTch number of successful outgoing hand-overs from the cell

1781 hoSuccessfulIncomingTch number of successful incoming hand-overs in the cell

1783 hoRequestOutgoingMbandM-bandMsDualb

number of outgoing handoversrequested by dualband mobiles fromthe main frequency band to the samefrequency band of the network

1784 hoRequestOutgoingEbandE-bandMsDualb

number of outgoing handoversrequested by dualband mobiles fromthe second frequency band to thesame frequency band of the network

1785 hoRequestOutgoingEbandM-bandMsDualb

number of outgoing handoversrequested by dualband mobiles fromthe second frequency band to themain frequency band of the network

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FunctionCounter name

1786 hoSuccessOutgoingMbandM-bandMsDualb

number of successful outgoing hand-overs for dualband mobiles from themain frequency to the same frequencyband of the network

1787 hoSuccessOutgoingEbandE-bandMsDualb

number of successful outgoing hand-overs for dualband mobiles from thesecond frequency band to the samefrequency band of the network

1788 hoSuccessOutgoingEbandM-bandMsDualb

number of successful outgoing hand-overs for dualband mobiles from thesecond frequency band to the mainfrequency band of the network

1789 hoExecutionOutgoingMbandE-bandMsDualb

number of outgoing handovers execu-tions by dualband mobiles for themain frequency band to the secondfrequency band of the network

1790 hoExecutionOutgoingMbandM-bandMsDualb

number of outgoing handovers execu-tions by dualband mobiles for themain frequency band to the same fre-quency band of the network

1791 hoExecutionOutgoingEbandE-bandMsDualb

number of outgoing handovers execu-tions by dualband mobiles for the sec-ond frequency band to the same fre-quency band of the network

1792 hoExecutionOutgoingEbandM-bandMsDualb

number of outgoing handovers execu-tions by dualband mobiles for the sec-ond frequency band to the main fre-quency band of the network

1793 hoRequestIncomingIn-traBssTchMsDualb

number of incoming intra--bss hand-overs on TCH requested by dualbandmobiles

1794 hoExecutionIncomingIn-traBssTchMsDualb

number of incoming intra--bss hand-overs on TCH execution attempts fordualband mobiles

1795 hoSuccessIncomingIn-traBssTchMsDualb

number of successful incoming intra--bss handovers on TCH for dualbandmobiles

1805 msPowerIncControl number of MS increment power con-trols ordered by the Layer 1 manage-ment

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FunctionCounter name

1806 msPowerDecControl number of MS decrement power con-trols ordered by the Layer 1 manage-ment

1807 bsPowerIncControl number of BS increment power con-trols ordered by the Layer 1 manage-ment

1808 bsPowerDecControl number of BS decrement power con-trols ordered by the Layer 1 manage-ment

1809/n[n= 0 to 1]

timingAdvanceAverage for n=0ortimingAdvanceAverageTrZonefor n=0

timingAdvanceMaximum forn=1ortimingAdvanceMaximumTr-Zone for n=1

average timing advance value for thecommunication in the cell oraverage timing advance value for thecommunication in the inner or outerzone of the cellmaximum timing advance value forthe communication in the cell ormaximum timing advance value forthe communication in the inner orouter zone of the cell

1812 allocatedCircuitTsMoy/Max/Cum/EchorallocatedCircuitTsTrZoneMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

number of TS allocations for traffic incircuit mode in the cellornumber of TS allocations for traffic incircuit mode in the inner or the outerzone of the concentric cell

1839/n[n=o to 9]

hoNcellsRequestOutgoingXxx number of outgoing intra--bss or inter--bss handover attempts from a centralcell to a neighboring one: Xxx

1840/n[n=o to 9]

hoNcellsSuccessOutgoingXxx number of outgoing intra--bss or inter--bss handover successes from a cen-tral cell to a neighboring one: Xxx Inter-bss handover procedure

Data FlowDiagram : inter BSS intraMSC handover procedure (normal completionwith communication on TRAFFIC phase)

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1198 (3)11991600162216231624162516261805 (4)1806 (4)1807 (4)1808 (4)1809/n (4)


1197/0 or 1197/1or 1709 and 1705/n (1)or 1710 and 1707/n




Set timer T7




Set timer T3107

Reset timerTchnAck


Set timer T8


Reset timer T7






11081502 CONNECTION_


11071503 (2)

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Reset timer T3107















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1812 (5)1746 (5)1611 (5)


1107150317541164/201095 (--1)


Set timer TrfAck

Reset timer T8






1105 (--1)

Reset timer TrfAck

(1) The counter incremented depends on the channel mode used (speech or data):

either 1197/0 (FR) or 1197/1 (EFR) for speech

1709 and 1705/n (n=0 to 6) for transparent data

1710 and 1707/n (n=0 to 2) for non transparent data

(2) DTAP is suspended.

(3) When the STOP_MEASUREMENTmessage for the TCH channel is received,if the BTS reports measurement counters, the BSC increments 1198, 1199, 1600,1622, 1623, 1624, 1625, 1626, 1805, 1806, 1807, 1808 and 1809/n

(4) ASCI counters are optional since they are related to the GSM--R functionality.

(5)When the deallocation of TCH is successfully performed in the originating cell,the following counters are decremented:

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1812 allocatedCircuitTsMoy/Max/Cum/Ech (number of TS allocations fortraffic on circuit mode in the cell orallocatedCircuitTsTrZoneMoy/Max/Cum/Ech (number of TS allocations fortraffic on circuit mode in the inner or the outer of the cell

1746 tchFrAveragedUsedMoy/Max/Cum/Ech (average number of TCH/FRused in the cell) or tchFrAveragedUsedTrZoneMoy/Max/Cum/Ech (averagenumber of TCH/FR used in the inner or outer zone of thecell )

1611/0 tchFrAveragedUsedTchAllocationTrZoneMoy/Max/Cum/Ech (averagenumber of TCH/FR used for traffic in the inner or outer zone of the cell)

List of the counters incremented or decremented during this procedure:


Counter name Function

1066 hoExecutionOutgoingInterBss

number of attemps to executeoutgoing inter--bss handovers on TCH

1068 hoSuccessOutgoingInterBss number of successful outgoinginter--bss handovers on TCH exceptthose after the first attempt

1070 hoRequestIncomingInterBss number of incoming inter--bsshandover requests on TCH

1072 hoExecutionIncomingInterBss

number of attempts to executeincoming inter--bss handovers onTCH

1074 hoSuccessfulIncomingInterBss

number of successful incominginter--bss handovers on TCH

1076 hoRequestOutgoingInterBss number of outgoing inter--bsshandover requests on TCH

1078 hoSuccessOutgoingFirstInter

number of successful outgoinginter--bss handovers on TCH to thefirst cell from the list of eligible cells

1094 tcAllocated number of terrestrial circuit allocationsin the BSC

1095 tcAveragedUsedMoy/Max/Cum//Ech

average and maximum number ofterrestrial circuits allocated in the BSC

1104/0 sccpAllocated number of SCCP connections forSSN BSSMAP in the BSC

1105 sccpAverageUsedMoy/Max/Cum//Ech

average and maximum number ofSCCP connections established in theBSC

1107 aInputMessage number of BSSAP messagesreceived by the BSC

1138/n[n=0 to 16]

hoRequiredTchXxx number of handovers on TCHrequired: CauseXxx

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FunctionCounter name

1197/0 channelActivateSpeechFullRate

number of channels activated forspeech: Full Rate algorithm

1197/1 channelActivateSpeechEnhancedFullRate

number of channels activated forspeech: Enhanced Full Rate algorithm

1198 downlinkPowerCtrlMaxTchMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

duration of maximum downlink poweruse on busy TCHs

1199 uplinkPowerCtrlMaxTchMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

duration of maximum uplink poweruse on busy TCHs

1200 hoNcellsExecution number of handovers on TCHexecuted

1500 aTransparentUp number of DTAP messages sent bythe BSC to the MSC

1501 aTransparentDown number of DTAP messages sent bythe MSC to the BSC

1503 aNonTransparentDown number of BSSMAP messages sentby the MSC to the BSC

1600 connectionDurationTchMoy/Max/Cum/Ech


average duration and maximumduration of TCH/FR or preemptedPDTCH connections in the celloraverage duration and maximumduration of TCH/FR or preemptedPDTCH connections in the inner orouter zone of the cell

1609/0 tchFrAllocatedTchAllocationTrZone

number of TCH/FR or preemptedPDTCH allocated for traffic in theinner of outer zone of the cell

1611/0 tchFrAveragedUsedTchAllocationTrZoneMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

average number of TCH/FR FR orpreempted PDTCH used for traffic inthe inner or outer zone of the cell

1623 rxLevDownLink


sum of downlink signal strengthmeasurements performed by the MSon the cellorsum of downlink signal strengthmeasurements performed by the MSon the inner or outer zone of the cell

1624 rxLevUpLink


sum of uplink signal strengthmeasurements performed by the BTSon the cellorsum of uplink signal strengthmeasurements performed by the BTSon the inner or outer zone of the cell

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FunctionCounter name

1625 rxQualDownLink


sum of downlink signal qualitymeasurements performed by the MSon the cellorsum of downlink signal qualitymeasurements performed by the MSon the inner or outer zone of the cell

1626 rxQualUpLink


sum of uplink signal qualitymeasurements performed by the BTSon the cellorsum of uplink signal qualitymeasurements performed by the BTSon the inner or outer zone of the cell

1705/n[n = 0 to 6]

channelActivateTchFrDataTx(x = 16 to 14400 b/s)

number of TCH/FR activation fortransparent data service with atransmission rate = x

1707/n[n = 0 to 2]

channelActivateTchFrDataNTx (x = 6 to 14500 b/s)

number of TCH/FR activation for nontransparent data service with atransmission rate = x

1709 channelActTchFrDataT number of channel activation fortransparent data service on TCH/FR

1710 channelActTchFrDataNT number of channel activation for nontransparent data service on TCH/FR

1744 tchFrAllocated


number of TCH/FR or preemptedPDTCH allocated in the cellornumber of TCH/FR or preemptedPDTCH allocated in the inner or outerzone of the cell

1746 tchFrAveragedUsedMoy/Max/Cum/EchortchFrAveragedUsedTrZoneMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

average number of TCH/FR orpreempted PDTCH used in the celloraverage number of TCH/FR oepreempted PDTCH used in the inneror outer zone of the cell

1776 hoRequiredTch number of handovers on TCHrequired

1780 hoSuccessOutgoingTch number of successful outgoinghandovers from the cell

1781 hoSuccessfulIncomingTch number of successful incominghandovers in the cell

1805 msPowerIncControl number of MS increment powercontrols ordered by the Layer 1management

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FunctionCounter name

1806 msPowerDecControl number of MS decrement powercontrols ordered by the Layer 1management

1807 bsPowerIncControl number of BS increment powercontrols ordered by the Layer 1management

1808 bsPowerDecControl number of BS decrement powercontrols ordered by the Layer 1management

1809/n[n= 0 to 1]

timingAdvanceAverage [forn=0]ortimingAdvanceAverageTrZone [for n=0]ortimingAdvanceMaximum [forn=1]ortimingAdvanceMaximumTrZone [for n=1]

average timing advance value for thecommunication in the cell oraverage timing advance value for thecommunication in the inner or outerzone of the cell ormaximum timing advance value forthe communication in the cell ormaximum timing advance value forthe communication in the inner orouter zone of the cell

1812 allocatedCircuitTsMoy/Max/Cum/EchorallocatedCircuitTsTrZoneMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

number of TS allocations for traffic incircuit mode in the cellornumber of TS allocations for traffic incircuit mode in the inner or the outerzone of the concentric cell

1839/n[n=o to 9]


number of outgoing intra--bss orinter--bss handover attempts from acentral cell to a neighboring one:Cause Xxx

1840/n[n=o to 9]


number of outgoing intra--bss orinter--bss handover successes from acentral cell to a neighboring one:Cause Xxx

The downlink DTAP messages sent by MSC to the target BSC between sendingHANDOVER REQUEST and receiving HANDOVER COMPLETE are ignored.

The uplinkDTAP service is not inhibited on the channel being useduntil the channelis released. Directed retry handover procedure

The following diagram describes the case where the BSC asks the BTS for a list ofneighbor cells. It does not describe directed retry handovers in microcells.

DataFlowDiagram: directed retry handover procedure (successful completionwithcommunication on SIGNALLING phase)

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Set timer T11

Reset timer T11Set timer Tcnx

Reset timer Tcnx







(1) Downlink DTAP service is suspended.(2) There are no TCH resources available. Downlink DTAP service is resumed.(3) The message CONNECTION_STATE_REQUEST is sending with e request type value equal to

0x00 = Directed retry.(4) The HANDOVER_INDICATION message is sending by the BTS with and hanover cause value

equal to Directed retry (0=x0A).(5) After that, the process is identical to an handover intra--BSS or inter--BSS following the preferred

cell list sending by the L1M BTS.



1108150210941095 (2)



List of the counters incremented during this procedure:


Counter name Function

1094 tcAllocated number of terrestrial circuit allocationsin the BSC

1095 tcAveragedUsedMoy/Max/Cum//Ech

average and maximum number ofterrestrial circuits allocated in the BSC

1107 aInputMessage number of BSSAP messagesreceived by the BSC

1108 aOutputMessage number of BSSAP messages sent bythe BSC

1138/n[n= 0 to 16]

hoRequiredTchCauseXxx number of handovers on TCHrequired: CauseXxx

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FunctionCounter name

1616/n[n= 0 to 1]

tchAveragedQueueLengthHighPriorityMoy/Max/Cum/Ech [for n=0]

tchAveragedQueueLengthOtherPriorityMoy/Max/Cum/Ech [for n=1]

number of queued TCH requests withthe highest priority in the cellnumber of queued TCH requests withan internal priority different than thehighest one

1776 hoRequiredTch number of handovers on TCHrequired

1841/0 assignRequestSdcchToTchChannel

number of assignment requestmessages received: modification froman SDCCH channel to a TCH channel

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1.2.5 Resource release Radio channel release

The BSC supports several radio channel release procedures.

The following procedure performs a “clean” break on the currently used dedicatedchannel and uses timers T3111 and T3109.

T3109 is only used when the DEACTIVATE SACCH ACK message is receivedbefore the RELEASE INDICATION message.

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Data Flow Diagram: Radio channel release procedure (release indication first withcommunication on TRAFFIC phase)

Set timer TDeacAck

Reset timer TDeacAck






119811991600162216231624162516261805 (1)1806 (1)1807 (1)1808 (1)1809/n (1)


1105 (--1)

1607 (--1)

timer T3111

Timer T3111 expires


Set timer TrfAck

Reset timer TrfAck






(1) ASCI counters are optional since they are related to the GSM--R functionality.

1095 (--1)


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List of the counters incremented or decremented during this procedure:


Counter name Function

1095 tcAverageUsedMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

average number of terrestrial circuitsused

1105 SccpAverageUsedMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

average number of SCCPconnections established

1198 downlinkPowerCtrlMaxTchMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

duration of maximum downlink poweruse on busy TCHs

1199 uplinkPowerCtrlMaxTchMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

duration of maximum uplink poweruse on busy TCHs

1600 connectionDurationTchMoy/Max/Cum/Ech


average duration and maximumduration of TCH/FR or preemptedPDTCH connections in the celloraverage duration and maximumduration of TCH/FR or preemptedPDTCH connections in the inner orouter zone of the cell

1607 sdcchAllocatedUsedTrZoneMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

average number of SDCCHs used inthe inner or outer zone of the cell

1622 msLostMeasurements


number of MS measurementsmessages not received by the cellornumber of MS measurementsmessages not received by the innerof the outer zone of the cell

1623 rxLevDownLink


sum of downlink signal strengthmeasurements performed by the MSin the cellorsum of downlink signal strengthmeasurements performed by the MSin the inner or outer zone of the cell

1624 rxLevUpLink


sum of uplink signal strengthmeasurements performed by the MSin the cellorsum of downlink signal strengthmeasurements performed by the MSin the inner or outer zone of the cell

1625 rxQualDownLink


sum of downlink signal qualitymeasurements performed by the MSin the cellorsum of downlink signal qualitymeasurements performed by the MSin the inner or outer zone of the cell

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FunctionCounter name

1626 rxQualUpLink


sum of uplink signal qualitymeasurements performed by the MSin the cellorsum of uplink signal qualitymeasurements performed by the MSin the inner or outer zone of the cell

1805 msPowerIncControl number of MS increment powercontrols ordered by the L1M

1806 msPowerDecControl number of MS decrement powercontrols ordered by the L1M

1807 bsPowerIncControl number of BS increment powercontrols ordered by the L1M

1808 bsPowerDecControl number of BS decrement powercontrols ordered by the L1M

1809/n[n=0 to 1]

timingAdvanceAverage [forn=0]ortimingAdvanceAverageTrZone [for n=0]ortimingAdvanceMaximum [forn=1]ortimingAdvanceMaximumTrZone [for n=1]

average timing advance value for thecommunication in the cell oraverage timing advance value for thecommunication in the inner or outerzone of the cellormaximum timing advance value forthe communication in the cell ormaximum timing advance value forthe communication in the inner orouter zone of the cell

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Data FlowDiagram:Radio channel releaseprocedure (deactivateSACCHAckwithcommunication on TRAFFIC phase)

Set timer TDeacAck

Reset timer TDeacAck






160116021603162216231624162516261805 (1)1806 (1)1807 (1)1808 (1)1809/n (1)


1105 (--1)

1607 (--1)

timer T3109

Reset timer T3109


timer T3111

Timer T3111 expiresSet timer TrfAck

Reset timer TrfAck







(1) ASCI counters are optional since they are related to the GSM--R functionality.

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List of the counters incremented or decremented during this procedure:


Counter name Function

1105 SccpAverageUsedMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

average number of SCCPconnections established

1601 downlinkPowerCtrlMaxSdcchMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

duration of maximum downlinkpower use on busy SDCCHs

1602 uplinkPowerCtrlMaxSdcchMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

duration of maximum uplink poweruse on busy SDCCHs

1603 connectionDurationSdcchTrZoneMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

connection duration of SDCCHs

1607 sdcchAllocatedUsedTrZoneMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

average number of SDCCHs usedin the inner or outer zone of thecell

1622 msLostMeasurements


number of MS measurementsmessages not received by the cellornumber of MS measurementsmessages not received by theinner of the outer zone of the cell

1623 rxLevDownLink


sum of downlink signal strengthmeasurements performed by theMS in the cellorsum of downlink signal strengthmeasurements performed by theMS in the inner or outer zone ofthe cell

1624 rxLevUpLink


sum of uplink signal strengthmeasurements performed by theMS in the cellorsum of downlink signal strengthmeasurements performed by theMS in the inner or outer zone ofthe cell

1625 rxQualDownLink


sum of downlink signal qualitymeasurements performed by theMS in the cellorsum of downlink signal qualitymeasurements performed by theMS in the inner or outer zone ofthe cell

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FunctionCounter name

1626 rxQualUpLink


sum of uplink signal qualitymeasurements performed by theMS in the cellorsum of uplink signal qualitymeasurements performed by theMS in the inner or outer zone ofthe cell

1805 msPowerIncControl number of MS increment powercontrols ordered by the L1M

1806 msPowerDecControl number of MS decrement powercontrols ordered by the L1M

1807 bsPowerIncControl number of BS increment powercontrols ordered by the L1M

1808 bsPowerDecControl number of BS decrement powercontrols ordered by the L1M

1809/n[n=0 to 1]

timingAdvanceAverage [forn=0]ortimingAdvanceAverageTrZone[for n=0]timingAdvanceMaximum [forn=1]ortimingAdvanceMaximumTrZone[for n=1]

average timing advance value forthe communication in the celloraverage timing advance value forthe communication in the inner orouter zone of the cellmaximum timing advance value forthe communication in the cellormaximum timing advance value forthe communication in the inner orouter zone of the cell Connection release

The procedures use the following counters:



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Release requested by the MSC

Data Flow Diagram: connection clearing required by the MSC procedure.

Communication on TRAFFIC phase

Set timer TrfAck

timer T3111

Set timer TDeacAck

Set timer TDeacAck


1107150317531164/201095 (--1)





1198 (1)1199160016221624162516261805180618071808












1105 (5)


1812 (2)1746 (3)1611/0 (4)

Reset timer T3111

Reset timer TrfAck

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(1) When the STOP_MEASUREMENTmessage for the TCH channel is received,if theBTS reportsmeasurement counters, theBSC increments counters 1198, 1499,1600, 1622, 1623, 1624, 1625, 1626, 1805, 1806, 1807 and 1809/n

(2) 1812 is decremented.

(3)When the deallocation of TCH happens, 1746 is decremented.

(4) 1611 is decremented.

(5)When the release of SCCP connection happens, 1105 is decremented.

List of the counters incremented or decremented during this procedure:


Counter name Function

1095 tcAveragedUsedMoy/Max/Cum//Ech

average number of terrestrial circuitsused

1105 sccpAveragedUsedMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

average number of SCCP connectionsestablished

1107 aInputMessage number of BSSAP messages received

1108 aOutputMessage number of BSSAP messages sent by theBSC to the MSC

1164/20 trafficReleaseClearCommand number of communications in trafficphase released: CLEAR COMMANDmessage received

1198 downlinkPowerCtrlMaxTchMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

duration of maximum downlink power useon busy TCHs

1199 uplinkPowerCtrlMaxTchMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

duration of maximum uplink power useon busy TCHs

1502 aNonTransparentUp number of BSSMAP messages sent bythe BSC to the MSC

1600 connectionDurationTchMoy/Max/Cum/Ech


average duration and maximum durationof TCH/FR or preempted PDTCH con-nections in the celloraverage duration and maximum durationof TCH/FR or preempted PDTCH con-nections in the inner or outer zone of thecell

1611/0 tchFrAveragedUsedTchAlloca-tionTrZoneMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

average number of TCH/FR or pre-empted PDTCH used for traffic in theinner of outer zone of the cell

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FunctionCounter name

1622 msLostMeasurements


number of MS measurement messagesnot received (non--concentric cell)ornumber of MS measurement messagesnot received (concentric cell)

1623 rxLevDownLink


sum of downlink signal strength mea-surements received (non--concentric cell)orsum of downlink signal strength mea-surements received (concentric cell)

1624 rxLevUpLink


sum of uplink signal strength measure-ments received (non--concentric cell)orsum of uplink signal strength measure-ments received (concentric cell)

1625 rxQualDownLink


sum of downlink signal quality measure-ments (concentric cell)orsum of downlink signal quality measure-ments (non--concentric cell)

1626 rxQualUpLink


sum of uplink signal quality measure-ments (non--concentric cell)orsum of uplink signal quality measure-ments (concentric cell)

1746 tchFrAveragedUsedMoy/Max/Cum/EchortchFrAveragedUsedTrZone-Moy/Max/Cum/Ech

average number of TCH/FR used in thecelloraverage number of TCH/FR used in theinner or outer zone of the cell

1754 trafficRelease number of releases while the commu-nication is in traffic phase

1805 msPowerIncControl number of MS increment power controlsordered by the Layer 1 management

1806 msPowerDecControl number of MS decrement power controlsordered by the Layer 1 management

1807 bsPowerIncControl number of BS increment power controlsordered by the Layer 1 management

1808 bsPowerDecControl number of BS decrement power controlsordered by the Layer 1 management

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FunctionCounter name

1809/n[n= 0 to 1]

timingAdvanceAverage forn=0ortimingAdvanceAverageTr-Zone for n=0timingAdvanceMaximum forn=1ortimingAdvanceMaximumTr-Zone for n=1

average timing advance value for thecommunication in the celloraverage timing advance value for thecommunication in the inner or outer zoneof the cellmaximum timing advance value for thecommunication in the cell ormaximum timing advance value for thecommunication in the inner or outer zoneof the cell

1812 allocatedCircuitTsMoy/Max/Cum/EchorallocatedCircuitTsTrZoneMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

Number of TS allocations for traffic in cir-cuit mode in the cellornumber of TS allocations for traffic in cir-cuit mode in the inner or the outer zoneof the concentric cell

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Communication on SIGNALLING phase

Set timer TchncAck

Reset timer TchnAck







1601 (1)16021603162216231624162516261805180618071808











1105 (--1)


1607 (--1)

Set timer TrfAck

timer T3111

Reset timer T3111

Reset timer TrfAck

(1)When the STOP_MEASUREMENT message for the SDCCH channel isreceived, if the BTS reports measurement counters, the BSC increments counters1601, 1602, 1603, 1622, 1623, 1624, 1625, 1626, 1805, 1806, 1807 and 1808.

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List of the counters incremented or decremented during this procedure:


Counter name Function

1044 signallingPhaseDurationMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

average time of a signaling channel sei-zure

1045 signallingPhaseDurationHigh-Moy/Max/Cum/Ech

average time of a signaling channel sei-zure > 25s

1105 sccpAveragedUsedMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

average number of SCCP connectionsestablished

1107 aInputMessage number of BSSAP messages received

1108 aOutputMessage number of BSSAP messages sent by theBSC to the MSC

1163/20 signallingReleaseBtsClear-Command

number of communications in signallingphase released: CLEAR COMMANDreceived

1502 aNonTransparentUp number of BSSMAP messages sent bythe BSC to the MSC

1503 aNonTransparentDown number of BSSMAP messages receivedby the BSC from the MSC

1601 downlinkPowerCtrlMaxSdc-chMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

duration of maximum downlink power useon busy SDCCHs

1602 uplinkPowerCtrlMaxSdcchMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

duration of maximum uplink power useon busy SDCCHs

1603 connectionDurationSdcchMoy/Max/Cum/EchorconnectionDurationSdcchTrZo-neMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

connection duration of SDCCHs (concen-tric cell)orconnection duration of SDCCHs (non--concentric cell)

1607 sdcchAveragedUsedTrZone-Moy/Max/Cum/Ech

average number of SDCCHs used in theinner or outer zone of the cell

1622 msLostMeasurements


number of MS measurement messagesnot received (non--concentric cell)ornumber of MS measurement messagesnot received (concentric cell)

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FunctionCounter name

1623 rxLevDownLink


sum of downlink signal strength mea-surements received (non--concentric cell)orsum of downlink signal strength mea-surements received (concentric cell)

1624 rxLevUpLink


sum of uplink signal strength measure-ments received (non--concentric cell)orsum of uplink signal strength measure-ments received (concentric cell)

1625 rxQualDownLink


sum of downlink signal quality measure-ments (concentric cell)orsum of downlink signal quality measure-ments (non--concentric cell)

1626 rxQualUpLink


sum of uplink signal quality measure-ments (non--concentric cell)orsum of uplink signal quality measure-ments (concentric cell)

1753 signallingReleaseBts number of releases while the commu-nication is in “signalling phase” and a cellassociated to the communication

1805 msPowerIncControl number of MS increment power controlsordered by the Layer 1 management

1806 msPowerDecControl number of MS decrement power controlsordered by the Layer 1 management

1807 bsPowerIncControl number of BS increment power controlsordered by the Layer 1 management

1808 bsPowerDecControl number of BS decrement power controlsordered by the Layer 1 management

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Release requested by the BSC

Data Flow Diagram: connection clearing required by the BSC procedure

Communication on TRAFFIC phase


1198 (1)119916001622162316241625162618051806180718081809/n








Set timer TclrCMD

Reset timer TclrCMD



1107150317531164/201095 (--1)







Reset timer TDeacAck

Set timer T3111

Reset timer T3111

Set timer TrAck

Reset timer TrAck

1812 (2)1746 (3)1611/0 (4) 1105 (5)


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(1) When the STOP_MEASUREMENTmessage for the TCH channel is received,if the BTS report measurement counters, the BSC increments counters 1198, 1199,1600, 1622, 1623, 1624, 1625, 1626, 1805, 1806, 1807 , 1808 and 1809/n

(2) 1812 is decremented.

(3) When the deallocation of TCH happens, 1746 is decremented.

(4) 1611 is decremented.

(5) When the release of SCCP connection happens, 1105 is decremented.

List of the counters incremented or decremented during this procedure:


Counter name Function

1095 tcAveragedUsedMoy/Max/Cum//Ech

average number of terrestrial circuitsused

1105 sccpAveragedUsedMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

average number of SCCPconnections established

1107 aInputMessage number of BSSAP messagesreceived

1108 aOutputMessage number of BSSAP messages sent bythe BSC to the MSC

1164/20 trafficReleaseClearCommand

number of communications in trafficphase released: CLEAR COMMANDmessage received

1198 downlinkPowerCtrlMaxTchMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

duration of maximum downlink poweruse on busy TCHs

1199 uplinkPowerCtrlMaxTchMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

duration of maximum uplink poweruse on busy TCHs

1502 aNonTransparentUp number of BSSMAP messages sentby the BSC to the MSC

1600 connectionDurationTchMoy/Max/Cum/EchorconnectionDurationTchTrZoneMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

connection duration of TCH/FR orpreempted PDTCH in the cellorconnection duration of TCH/FR orpreempted PDTCH in the inner ofouter zone of the cell

1611/0 tchFrAveragedUsedTchAllocationTrZoneMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

average number of TCH/FR orpreempted PDTCH used for traffic inthe inner of outer zone of the cell

1622 msLostMeasurements


number of MS measurementmessages not received by the cellornumber of MS measurementmessages not received by the inner orouter zone of the cell

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FunctionCounter name

1623 rxLevDownLink


sum of downlink signal strengthmeasurements received on the cellorsum of downlink signal strengthmeasurements received on the inneror outer zone of the cell

1624 rxLevUpLink


sum of uplink signal strengthmeasurements received on the cellorsum of uplink signal strengthmeasurements received on the inneror outer zone of the cell

1625 rxQualDownLink


sum of downlink signal qualitymeasurements on the cellorsum of downlink signal qualitymeasurements on the inner or outerzone of the cell

1626 rxQualUpLink


sum of uplink signal qualitymeasurements on the cellorsum of uplink signal qualitymeasurements on the inner or outerzone of the cell

1746 tchFrAveragedUsedMoy/Max/Cum/EchortchFrAveragedUsedTrZoneMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

average number of TCH/FR orpreempted PDTCH used in the celloraverage number of TCH/FR orpreempted used in the inner or outerzone of the cell

1754 trafficRelease number of releases while thecommunication is in traffic phase

1805 msPowerIncControl number of MS increment powercontrols ordered by the Layer 1management

1806 msPowerDecControl number of MS decrement powercontrols ordered by the Layer 1management

1807 bsPowerIncControl number of BS increment powercontrols ordered by the Layer 1management

1808 bsPowerDecControl number of BS decrement powercontrols ordered by the Layer 1management

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FunctionCounter name

1809/n[n= 0 to 1]

timingAdvanceAverage [forn=0]ortimingAdvanceAverageTrZone [for n=0]ortimingAdvanceMaximum [forn=1]ortimingAdvanceMaximumTrZone [for n=1]

average timing advance value for thecommunication in the cell oraverage timing advance value for thecommunication in the inner or outerzone of the cell ormaximum timing advance value forthe communication in the cell ormaximum timing advance value forthe communication in the inner orouter zone of the cell

1812 allocatedCircuitTsMoy/Max/Cum/EchorallocatedCircuitTsTrZoneMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

number of TS allocations for traffic incircuit mode in the cellornumber of TS allocations for traffic incircuit mode in the inner or the outerzone of the concentric cell

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Communication on SIGNALLING phase








Reset timer TclrCMD

1607 (--1)

1601 (1)16021603162216231624162516261805180618071808

Set timer TclrCMD






Reset timer TchnAck


Reset timer T3111


1105 (--1)






Set timer TrAck

Reset timer TrAck

(1) When the STOP_MEASUREMENT message for the SDCCH channel isreceived, if the BTS reports measurement counters, the BSC increments counters1601, 1602, 1603, 1622, 1623, 1624, 1625, 1626, 1805, 1806, 1807 and 1808.

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List of the counters incremented or decremented during this procedure:


Counter name Function

1044 signallingPhaseDurationMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

average time of a signaling channelseizure

1045 signallingPhaseDurationHighMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

average time of a signaling channelseizure > 25s

1105 sccpAveragedUsedMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

average number of SCCPconnections established

1107 aInputMessage number of BSSAP messagesreceived

1108 aOutputMessage number of BSSAP messages sent bythe BSC to the MSC

1163/20 signallingReleaseBtsClearCommand

number of communications insignalling phase released: CLEARCOMMAND received

1502 aNonTransparentUp number of BSSMAP messages sentby the BSC to the MSC

1503 aNonTransparentDown number of BSSMAP messagesreceived by the BSC from the MSC

1601 downlinkPowerCtrlMaxSdcchMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

duration of maximum downlink poweruse on busy SDCCHs

1602 uplinkPowerCtrlMaxSdcchMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

duration of maximum uplink poweruse on busy SDCCHs

1603 connectionDurationSdcchMoy/Max/Cum/EchorconnectionDurationSdcchTrZoneMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

connection duration of SDCCHs in thecellorconnection duration of SDCCHs in theinner or the outer zone of the cell

1607 sdcchAveragedUsedTrZoneMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

average number of SDCCHs used inthe inner or outer zone of the cell

1622 msLostMeasurements


number of MS measurementmessages not received by the cellornumber of MS measurementmessages not received by the inner orouter zone of the cell

1623 rxLevDownLink


sum of downlink signal strengthmeasurements received on the cellorsum of downlink signal strengthmeasurements received on the inneror outer zone of the cell

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FunctionCounter name

1624 rxLevUpLink


sum of uplink signal strengthmeasurements received on the cellorsum of uplink signal strengthmeasurements received on the inneror outer zone of the cell

1625 rxQualDownLink


sum of downlink signal qualitymeasurements on the cellorsum of downlink signal qualitymeasurements on the inner or outerzone of the cell

1626 rxQualUpLink


sum of uplink signal qualitymeasurements on the cellorsum of uplink signal qualitymeasurements on the inner or outerzone of the cell

1753 signallingReleaseBts number of releases while thecommunication is in “signalling phase”and a cell associated to thecommunication

1805 msPowerIncControl number of MS increment powercontrols ordered by the Layer 1management

1806 msPowerDecControl number of MS decrement powercontrols ordered by the Layer 1management

1807 bsPowerIncControl number of BS increment powercontrols ordered by the Layer 1management

1808 bsPowerDecControl number of BS decrement powercontrols ordered by the Layer 1management

1.2.6 SMS service

The SMS service uses a SAPI 3 session that is opened when the mobile is stable ona SDCCH or TCH using a SAPI 0 session.

A communicating mobile can send a request to open a SAPI 3 session at any time.

The initial setup procedure described in the following diagram is exactly the sameas the immediate assignment procedure, but, in this case, the ESTABLISHINDICATION message contains the information “short message”.

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Data Flow Diagram : SMS procedureSMS established by the MS







Reset timer TchnAck















Set timer T3111

Reset timer T3111








List of the counters incremented or decremented during this procedure:


Counter name Function

1104/0 sccpAlloccated number of SCCP connections forSSN BSSMAP in the BSC

1105 sccpAveragedUsedMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

average number of SCCPconnections established

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FunctionCounter name

1107 aInputMessage number of BSSAP messagesreceived

1108 aOutputMessage number of BSSAP messages sent bythe BSC to the MSC

1191/n[n= 0 to 7]

channelRequestCauseXxx number of channel allocationrequests: Cause Xxx

1192/n[n= 0 to 7]


number of successful immediateassignments:Cause Xxx

1193/n[n= 0 to 3]


number of ESTABLISH INDICATIONmessages in establishment phasereceived for mobile originating calls:Cause Xxx

1196 estabIndicSigPhase2 number of ESTABLISH INDICATIONmessages in establishment phasereceived for Phase II mobiles

1500 aTransparentDown number of DTAP messages receivedby the BSC

1501 aNonTransparentUp number of BSSMAP messages sentby the BSC to the MSC

1502 aNonTransparentUp number of BSSMAP messages sentby the BSC to the MSC

1606 sdcchAllocatedTrZone number of SDCCH allocated in theinner or outer zone of the cell

1607 sdcchAllocatedUsedTrZoneMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

average and maximum number ofSDCCHs used in the inner or outerzone of the cell

1621 sapi3SessionEstablishment number of sessions established forSMS to satisfy a short messagebroadcast request in the cell

1629/0 channelActivateSignallingFullRate

number of Full Rate channelsactivated for signaling

1748 channelRequest number of channel allocation requests

1749 immediateAssignmentSuccess

number of successful immediateassignments

1750 estabIndicSignalling number of ESTABLISH INDICATIONmessages in establishment phasereceived

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SMS established by the MSC

List of the counters incremented or decremented during this procedure:


Counter name Function

1107 aInputMessage number of BSSAP messagesreceived

1501 aNonTransparentUp number of BSSMAP messagessent by the BSC to the MSC

1621 sapi3SessionEstablishment number of sessions establishedfor SMS to satisfy a shortmessage broadcast request inthe cell

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1.2.7 GPRS Nominal procedure (in the case of Mobile Originating Call)

The GPRS procedure described in the following diagram is the normal completionof the preemption on PDTCH (in the case of Mobile Originating Call).






1195 or 1196



Set timer TchnAck

Reset timer TchnAck

Set timer T3101

Reset timer T3101





















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Set timer TchnAck

Reset timer TchnAck

Set timer T3107

Reset timer T3107

















1195 or 1196




1607 (--1)17171718171917201721

1197/0 or 1197/1or 1709 and 1705/n (2)or 1710 and 1707/n

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Set timer TDeacAck

Reset timer TDeacAck












1107150317541164/201095 (--1)




119811991600162216231624162516261805 (3)1806 (3)1807 (3)1808 (3)1809/n (3)


Set timer TrfAck

Reset timer TrfAck



1812 (--1)17461611 1105 (--1)



1813 (--1)


(1) Before sending the TDMA TS STATUS message, the BSC performs theswitching connection between Abis and Agprs interface.

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(2) The counter incremented depends on the channel mode used (speech or data):either 1197/0 (FR) or 1197/1 (EFR) for speechor 1709 and 1705/n (n=0 to 6) for transparent dataor 1710 and 1707/n (n=0 to 2) for non--transparent data

(3) ASCI counters are optional since they are related to the GSM--R functionality.

List of the counters incremented or decremented during this procedure:


Counter name Function

1044 signallingPhaseDurationMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

average time of a signaling channel sei-zure

1045 signallingPhaseDurationHigh-Moy/Max/Cum/Ech

average time of a signaling channel sei-zure > 25s

1049 attempedTchFrSeizures number of TCH/FR assignment requests

1050 successfulTchFrSeizures number of TCH/FR successfullyassigned

1094 tcAllocated number of terrestrial links allocated

1095 tcAverageUsedMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

average number of terrestrial circuitsused

1104/0 sccpAlloccated number of SCCP connections for SSNBSSMAP in the BSC

1105 sccpAverageUsedMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

average number of SCCP connectionsestablished

1107 aInputMessage number of BSSAP messages received bythe BSC

1108 aOutputMessage number of BSSAP messages sent by theBSC to the MSC

1164/20 trafficReleaseClearCommand number of communications in trafficphase released: CLEAR COMMANDmessage received

1191/n[n= 0 to 7]

channelRequestCauseXxx number of channel allocation requests:Cause Xxx

1192/n[n= 0 to 7]


number of successful immediate assign-ments: Cause Xxx

1193/n[n= 0 to 3]


number of ESTABLISH INDICATIONmessages in establishment phasereceived for mobile originating calls:Cause Xxx

1195 estabIndicSigPhase1 number of ESTABLISH INDICATIONmessages in establishment phasereceived for Phase I mobiles

1196 estabIndicSigPhase2 number of ESTABLISH INDICATIONmessages in establishment phasereceived for Phase II mobiles

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FunctionCounter name

1197/0 channelActivateSpeechFull-Rate

number of channels activated for speech:Full Rate algorithm

1197/1 channelActivateSpeechFull-Rate

number of channels activated for speech:Enhanced Full Rate algorithm

1198 downlinkPowerCtrlMaxTch-Moy/Max/Cum/Ech

duration of maximum downlink power useon busy TCHs

1199 uplinkPowerCtrlMaxTchMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

duration of maximum uplink power useon busy TCHs

1500 aTransparentUp number of DTAP messages sent by theBSC to the MSC

1501 aTransparentDown number of DTAP messages received bythe BSC

1502 aNonTransparentUp number of BSSMAP messages sent bythe BSC to the MSC

1503 aNonTransparentDown number of BSSMAP messages receivedby the BSC from the MSC

1600 connectionDurationTchMoy/Max/Cum/Ech


average duration and maximum durationof TCH/FR or preempted PDTCH con-nections in the celloraverage duration and maximum durationof TCH/FR or preempted PDTCH con-nections in the inner or outer zone of thecell

1601 downlinkPowerCtrlMaxSdc-chMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

duration of maximum downlink power useon busy SDCCHs

1602 uplinkPowerCtrlMaxSdc-chMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

duration of maximum uplink power useon busy SDCCHs

1603 connectionDuration-SdcchTrZoneMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

connection duration of SDCCHs

1606 sdcchAllocatedTrZone number of SDCCH allocated in the inneror outer zone of the cell

1607 sdcchAllocatedUsedTrZone-Moy/Max/Cum/Ech

average number of SDCCHs used in theinner or outer zone of the cell

1609/2 tchFrAllocatedOverflowAl-locationTrZone

number of TCH/FR allocated in the inneror outer zone of the cell because ofSDCCH unavailability

1611/2 tchFrAveragedUsedOverflo-wAllocationTrZoneMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

average and maximum number ofTCH/FR used in the inner or outer zoneof the cell because of SDCCH unavail-ability

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FunctionCounter name

1622 msLostMeasurements


number of MS measurements messagesnot received by the cellornumber of MS measurements messagesnot received by the inner or outer zone ofthe cell

1623 rxLevDownLink


sum of downlink signal strength mea-surements performed by the MS in thecellorsum of downlink signal strength mea-surements performed by the MS in theinner or outer zone of the cell

1624 rxLevUpLink


sum of uplink signal strength measure-ments performed by the MS in the cellorsum of uplink signal strength measure-ments performed by the MS in the inneror outer zone of the cell

1625 rxQualDownLink


sum of downlink signal quality measure-ments performed by the MS in the cellorsum of uplink signal strength measure-ments performed in the inner or outerzone of the cell

1626 rxQualUpLink


sum of uplink signal quality measure-ments performed by the MS in the cellorsum of uplink signal quality measure-ments performed in the inner or outerzone of the cell

1629/0 channelActivateSignallingFull-Rate

number of Full--Rate channels activatedfor signaling

1702 channelRequestExtended number of channels requested with a tim-ing advance greater than 63

1705/n[n = 0 to 6]

channelActivateTchFrDatax (x= 16 to 14400 b/s)

number of TCH/FR activation for trans-parent data service with a transmissionrate = x

1707/n[n = 0 to 2

channelActivateTchFrNDatax(x = 6 to 14500 b/s)

number of TCH/FR activation for nontransparent data service with a transmis-sion rate = x

1709 channelActivateTchFrData number of channel activation for trans-parent data service on TCH/FR

1710 channelActivateTchFrNData number of channel activation for nontransparent data service on TCH/FR

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FunctionCounter name

1715 attemptedTchFrSeizu-resMsDualb

number of attempts of assignation of aTCH/FR or preempted PDTCH for dual-band mobiles

1716 successfulTchFrSeizu-resMsDualb

number of successful TCH/FR or pre-empted PDTCH assignations for dual-band mobiles

1717 abisTrauFrameDlReceived number of frames TRAU downlinkreceived

1718 abisTrauFrameDlCorrected number of frames TRAU downlink cor-rected

1719 abisTrauFrameDlMuted number of frames TRAU downlink thatcan not be corrected

1720 abisTrauFrameUlReceived number of frames TRAU uplink received

1721 erroneousFrameNumber number of erroneous frames (ECU maybe activated or not)

1730 pagingResponse number of responses to paging requestsin the cell

1744 tchFrAllocated


number of TCH/FR or preemptedPDTCH allocated in the cellornumber of TCH/FR or preemptedPDTCH allocated in the inner or outerzone of the cell

1746 tchFrAveragedUsedMoy/Max/Cum/EchortchFrAveragedUsedTrZone-Moy/Max/Cum/Ech

average number of TCH/FR or pre-empted PDTCH used in the celloraverage number of TCH/FR or pre-empted PDTCH used in the inner orouter zone of the cell

1748 channelRequest number of channel allocation requests

1749 immediateAssignmentSuc-cess

number of successful immediate assign-ments

1750 estabIndicSignalling number of ESTABLISH INDICATIONmessages in establishment phasereceived

1754 trafficRelease number of releases while the commu-nication is in traffic phase

1805 msPowerIncControl number of MS increment power controlsordered by the L1M

1806 msPowerDecControl number of MS decrement power controlsordered by the L1M

1807 bsPowerIncControl number of BS increment power controlsordered by the L1M

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FunctionCounter name

1808 bsPowerDecControl number of BS decrement power controlsordered by the L1M

1809/n[n= 0 to 1]



maximum timing advance value for thecommunication in the cellormaximum timing advance value for thecommunication inthe inner or outer zoneof the cell

1812 allocatedCircuitTsMoy


number of TS allocations for traffic in cir-cuit mode in the cellornumber of TS allocations for traffic in cir-cuit mode in the inner or the outer zoneof the concentric cell

1813 allocatedPacketTsMoy/Max/Cum/EchorallocatedPacketTsTrZone-Moy/Max/Cum/Ech

number of TS allocations for packetmode in the cellornumber of TS allocations for packetmode in the inner or the outer zone of thecell

1814 gprsPreemption number of GPRS preemption successes

1841/0 assignRequestSdcchToTch-Channel

number of assignment request messagesreceived: modification from an SDCCH toa TCH channel

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Data Flow Diagram: GPRS procedure (no available resource for a PDTCHpreemption)





1746 (--1)1611/0 (--1)

1842/01095 (--1)





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(1) : The internal counter 1057, allTchFrAllocatedTimeMoy/Max/Cum/Ech(average and maximum duration during which all TCH/FR resources and PDTCHresources configured as preemptable are used in the cell) is incremented after apreemption nack. Two cases are to be considered:

In a cell with no resource PDTCH configured :

• When all TCH--FR resources are used, the measurement is started (when theallocator sends an ASSIGNMENT FAILURE message)

• When a TCH--FR resource is free, the measurement is stopped and the timer1057 is incremented by the value of the measurement

In a cell with PDTCH resources configured (all TCH--FR resources are used andthere is a PDTCH pre--emptable):

• A new request for a TCH/FR is received by the BSC => a GPRS preemptionprocedure is launched and the PCU sends a TDMA_TS_STATUS_NACK..At this time, the measurement is started.

• Themeasurement is stopped as soon a resource is released or as soon the timerGprsPreemptionProtection elapses. The counter 1057 is incremented by thevalue of the measurement.

List of the counters incremented or decremented during this procedure:


Counter name Function

1094 tcAllocated number of terrestrial links allocated

1095 tcAverageUsedMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

average number of terrestrial circuitsused

1107 aInputMessage number of BSSAP messages received

1108 aOutputMessage number of BSSAP messages sent by theBSC to the MSC

1502 aNonTransparentUp number of BSSMAP messages sent bythe BSC to the MSC

1503 aNonTransparentDown number of BSSMAP messages receivedby the BSC from the MSC

1609/0 tchFrAllocatedTchAllocation-TrZone

number of TCH/FR or preemptedPDTCH allocated for traffic in the inner ofouter zone of the cell

1611/0 tchFrAveragedUsedTchAl-locationTrZoneMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

average number of TCH/FR or pre-empted PDTCH used for traffic in theinner or outer zone of the cell

1613 tchFrRessourceFailureTrZone number of TCH/FR or preemptedPDTCH allocation failures in the inner orouter zone of the cell

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FunctionCounter name

1744 tchFrAllocated


number of TCH/FR or preemptedPDTCH allocated in the cellornumber of TCH/FR or preemptedPDTCH allocated in the inner or outerzone of the cell

1746 tchFrAveragedUsedMoy/Max/Cum/EchortchFrAveragedUsedTrZone-Moy/Max/Cum/Ech

average number of TCH/FR or pre-empted PDTCH used in the celloraverage number of TCH/FR or pre-empted PDTCH used in the zone (con-centric cell)

1815 gprsPreemptionNack number of GPRS preemption failures(requests non acknowledged by thePCU)

1841/0 assignRequestSdcchToTch-Channel

number of assignment request messagesreceived: modification from an SDCCH toa TCH channel

1842/0 assignFailureSdcchToTch-Channel

number of emission of ASSIGNMENTFAILURE messages on the A interface:modification from an SDCCH channel toa TCH channel

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161318151746 (--1)1611/0 (--1)1842/01095 (--1)









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1805 (2)1806 (2)1807 (2)1808 (2)1809/n (2)





1105 (--1)

1607 (--1)






(1) When the BSC receives the TDMATS STATUS NACKmessage with the errorcause, it aborts the current allocation procedure.

(2) ASCI counters are optional since they are related to the GSM--R functionality.

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List of the counters incremented or decremented during this procedure:


Counter name Function

1044 signallingPhaseDurationMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

average time of a signaling channel sei-zure

1045 signallingPhaseDurationHigh-Moy/Max/Cum/Ech

average time of a signaling channel sei-zure > 25s

1094 tcAllocated number of terrestrial links allocated

1095 tcAverageUsedMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

average number of terrestrial circuitsused

1105 SccpAverageUsedMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

average number of SCCP connectionsestablished

1107 aInputMessage number of BSSAP messages received

1108 aOutputMessage number of BSSAP messages sent by theBSC to the MSC

1163/20 signallingReleaseBtsClear-Command

number of communications in signalingphase released: sequencing error

1502 aNonTransparentUp number of BSSMAP messages sent bythe BSC to the MSC

1503 aNonTransparentDown number of BSSMAP messages receivedby the BSC from the MSC

1601 downlinkPowerCtrlMaxSdc-chMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

duration of maximum downlink power useon busy SDCCHs

1602 uplinkPowerCtrlMaxSdc-chMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

duration of maximum uplink power useon busy SDCCHs

1603 connectionDuration-SdcchTrZoneMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

connection duration of SDCCHs

1607 sdcchAllocatedUsedTrZone-Moy/Max/Cum/Ech

average number of SDCCHs used in theinner or outer zone of the cell

1609/0 tchFrAllocatedTchAllocation-TrZone

number of TCH/FR or preemptedPDTCH allocated for traffic in the inner ofouter zone of the cell

1611/0 tchFrAveragedUsedTchAl-locationTrZoneMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

average number of TCH/FR or pre-empted PDTCH used for traffic in theinner or outer zone of the cell

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FunctionCounter name

1613 tchFrRessourceFailureTrZone number of TCH/FR allocation failures inthe zone (concentric cell)

1622 msLostMeasurements


number of MS measurements messagesnot received by the cellornumber of MS measurements messagesnot received by the inner of the outerzone of the cell

1623 rxLevDownLink


sum of downlink signal strength mea-surements performed by the MS in thecellorsum of downlink signal strength mea-surements performed by the MS in theinner or outer zone of the cell

1624 rxLevUpLink


sum of uplink signal strength measure-ments performed by the MS in the cellorsum of downlink signal strength mea-surements performed by the MS in theinner or outer zone of the cell

1625 rxQualDownLink


sum of downlink signal quality measure-ments performed by the MS in the cellorsum of downlink signal quality measure-ments performed by the MS in the inneror outer zone of the cell

1626 rxQualUpLink


sum of uplink signal quality measure-ments performed by the MS in the cellorsum of uplink signal quality measure-ments performed by the MS in the inneror outer zone of the cell

1744 tchFrAllocated


number of TCH/FR or preemptedPDTCH allocated in the cellornumber of TCH/FR or preemptedPDTCH allocated in the inner or outerzone of the cell

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FunctionCounter name

1746 tchFrAveragedUsedMoy/Max/Cum/EchortchFrAveragedUsedTrZone-Moy/Max/Cum/Ech

average number of TCH/FR or pre-empted PDTCH used in the celloraverage number of TCH/FR or pre-empted PDTCH used in the inner orouter zone of the cell

1753 signallingReleaseBts number of releases while the commu-nication is in “signaling phase” and a cellassociated to the communication

1805 msPowerIncControl number of MS increment power controlsordered by the L1M

1806 msPowerDecControl number of MS decrement power controlsordered by the L1M

1807 bsPowerIncControl number of BS increment power controlsordered by the L1M

1808 bsPowerDecControl number of BS decrement power controlsordered by the L1M

1815 gprsPreemptionNack number of GPRS preemption failures(requests non acknowledged by thePCU)

1841/0 assignRequestSdcchToTch-Channel

number of assignment request messagesreceived: modification from an SDCCH toa TCH channel

1842/0 assignFailureSdcchToTch-Channel

number of emission of ASSIGNMENTFAILURE messages on the A interface:modification from an SDCCH channel toa TCH channel Counter behavior when GPRS is activated

The following counter definition table lists the 193 BTS and BSC counters takinginto account the type of radio channel resource (TCH or pre--empted PDTCH).Their behavior is not influenced by GPRS activation.

The behavior of the other counters not listed in this table does not depend onchanneltype (TCH full rate or pre--empted PDTCH).

As a consequence, GPRS has no impact on the other counters (for examplethose for the handover). Their behavior is strictly the same with or withoutGPRS activation.

Note: GPRS activation means enabling GPRS calls when GPRS is configured.

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The counter definition table is made of five columns:

Counter: identifier of the counter

CCT: Circuit Calls on TCH Channel

• Concerns all circuit calls which will get a TCH traffic channel.

• Writing “y” means that those calls, at some point, will concern this counter.

Example: RACH access for Originating call will deserve a “y” because theoriginating circuit call using a configured TCH Channel will have a RACHthat will be counted in counter C1027.

CCP: Circuit calls on PDTCH pre--empted.

• Concerns all circuit calls which will pre--empt a PDTCH Channel (to make aTCH).

• Writing ”y” means that those calls, at some point, will concern this counter.

Example: RACH access for Originating call will deserve a “y” because theoriginating circuit call using a reconfigured PDTCH Channel will have aRACH that will be counted in counter C1027.

CP: Com Packet. Those necessarily take place on PDTCH channel.

Example: there will be a RACH access for those calls (“y” for RACH counters)but no SDCCH assignment (“n” for SDCCH counters).

Note: The Note column contains comments, when necessary.

Counter CCT CCP CP Note

1026 y y y This counter is computed at the BTS level; no distinction is madebetween RACH dedicated to Circuit Calls or Packets Calls

1027 y y y This counter is computed at the BTS level; no distinction is madebetween RACH dedicated to Circuit Calls or Packet Calls

1028 y y y This counter is computed at the BTS level; no distinction is madebetween Paging dedicated to Circuit Calls or Packet Calls.

1029 y y y This counter is computed at the BTS level; no distinction is madebetween Paging dedicated to Circuit Calls or Packet Calls.

1030 y y y This counter is computed at the BTS level; no distinction is madebetween Paging dedicated to Circuit Calls or Packet Calls.

1031 y y y This counter is computed at the BTS level; no distinction is madebetween Paging dedicated to Circuit Calls or Packet Calls.

1033 y y y This counter is computed at the BTS level; no distinction is madebetween RACH dedicated to Circuit Calls or Packet Calls.

1044 y y n

1045 y y n

1049 y y n

1050 y y n

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1055 y y n

1057 y y n Number of milliseconds during which all the available TCH_FRresources and pre--emptable PDTCH resources are used. Thiscounter starts measurement on allocation of all the availableTCH full rate and pre--emptable PDTCH resources of the CELL,and stops as soon as a resource is free. As a result, its behav-ior depends on the setting of gprsPreemption parameter atthe OMC--R side.

1060 y y n

1065 y y n

1066 y y n

1067 y y n

1068 y y n

1069 y y n

1070 y y n

1071 y y n

1072 y y n

1073 y y n

1074 y y n

1075 y y n

1076 y y n

1077 y y n

1078 y y n

1081 y y n

1082 y y n

1083 y y n

1084 y y y

1086 n n y

1087 n n y

1088 n n y

1094 y y n

1095 y y n

1104/0 y y n

1105 y y n

1106 y y n

1107 y y n

1108 y y n

1109 y y n

1114 y y y

1115 y y y

1121 y y y

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1122 y y y

1134 y y n

1135 y y n

1136 y y n

1137 y y n

1138 y y n

1139 y y n

1140 y y n

1141 y y n

1142 y y n

1143 y y n

1144 y y n

1145 y y n

1146 y y n

1147 y y n

1148 y y n

1149 y y n

1150 y y n

1151 y y n

1152 y y n

1153 y y n

1154 y y n

1155 y y n

1156 y y n

1157 y y n

1158 y y n

1159 y y n

1160 y y n

1161 y y n

1162 y y n

1163 y y n

1164 y y n

1165 y y n

1167 y y n

1168 y y n

1169 y y n

1170 y y n

1172 y y n

1191 y y n

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1192 y y n

1193 y y n

1195 y y n

1196 y y n

1197 y y n

1198 y y n

1199 y y n

1206 y y n

1207 y y n

1208 y y n

1209 y y n

1300 y y y OMC--R management1301 y y y OMC--R management1302 y y y OMC--R management1303 y y y OMC--R management1304 y y y OMC--R management1305 y y y OMC--R management1400 y y y This counter gives the Real load of the processor. Note that the

load of a given BSC processor is impacted by GPRS messagestreated by this processor.

1500 y y n

1501 y y n

1502 y y n

1503 y y n

1504 y n n GSMR & GPRS can not be activated at the same time;1505 y n n GSMR & GPRS can not be activated at the same time;1506 y y n

1600 y y n

1601 y y n

1602 y y n

1603 y y n

1604 y y y This counter is computed at the BTS level; no distinction is madebetween Paging dedicated to Circuit Calls or Packet Calls.

1605 y y y This counter is computed at the BTS level; no distinction is madebetween Paging dedicated to Circuit Calls or Packet Calls.

1606 y y n

1607 y y n

1608 y y n

1609/n(n= 0 to 2)

y y n Number of full rate TCH allocations. This counter includesTCH/FR channel and preempted PDTCH for screenings 0 and 2.

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1611 /n(n= 0 to 2)

y y n Average and maximum number of full rate TCH or preemptedPDTCH allocations for screenings 0 and 2.

1613 y y n

1616 y y n

1617 y y n

1618 y y n

1619 y n n Measurement of interference is performed when in Idle mode;before the pre--emption, the PDTCH is assigned to the PCU andthus considered as used from the BSS side. During the pre--emp-tion, the PDTCH is re--configured as TCH_FR and then assignedto a Circuit Call. As a result, measurement of interferencesinvolves configured (static) TCH_FR only.

1620 y y n

1621 y y n

1622 y y n

1623 y y n

1624 y y n

1625 y y n

1626 y y n

1629 y y n

1700 y y n Number of available TS for circuit calls. Used resources arecounted as available. This counter is related to TCH_FR chan-nel, pre--emptable PDTCH and PDTCH not allocated toPCUSN.

1701 y y n

1702 y y n

1705 y y n This counter is related to TCH_FR & pre--empted PDTCH chan-nel type (Circuit Call).

1707 y y n This counter is related to TCH_FR & pre--empted PDTCH chan-nel type (Circuit Call).

1714 y n n Measurement of the duration of the overload situation in the cell:_ when the number of free TCHs (this number does not takeinto account pre--emptable PDTCH) is lower than a minimumthreshold,_ or when the number of queued TCH requests is greater than athreshold.

1715 y y n

1716 y y n This counter is related to TCH_FR & pre--empted PDTCH chan-nel type (Voice Call); it gives the number of successful TCHassignations for a dualband mobile.

1717 y y n

1718 y y n

1719 y y n

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1720 y y n

1721 y y n

1722 y n n GSMR & GPRS can not be activated at the same time.1723 y n n GSMR & GPRS can not be activated at the same time.1724 y n n GSMR & GPRS can not be activated at the same time.1725 y n n GSMR & GPRS can not be activated at the same time.1726 y y n

1728 y y n

1729 y y n

1778 y y n

1779 y y n

1782 y y n

1783 y y n

1784 y y n

1785 y y n

1786 y y n

1787 y y n

1788 y y n

1789 y y n

1790 y y n

1791 y y n

1792 y y n

1793 y y n

1794 y y n

1795 y y n

1796 y y n

1797 y y n

1798 y y n

1799 y y n

1800 y n n GSMR & GPRS cannot be activated at the same time.1801 y y n

1802 y y n

1803 y y n

1804 y n n GSMR & GPRS can not be activated at the same time.1805 y n n GSMR & GPRS can not be activated at the same time.1806 y n n GSMR & GPRS can not be activated at the same time.1807 y n n GSMR & GPRS can not be activated at the same time.1808 y n n GSMR & GPRS can not be activated at the same time.1809 y n n GSMR & GPRS can not be activated at the same time.

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1810 y n n GSMR & GPRS can not be activated at the same time.1811 y n n GSMR & GPRS can not be activated at the same time.1812 y y n This counter gives the number of channels (TCH FR or PDTCH

pre--empted) allocated to circuit traffic. Type: load.1813 y y n This counter gives the number of PDTCH channels given to the

PCU equipment. Type: load.1814 n y n This counter gives the number of PDTCH pre--emption success.1815 n y n This counter gives the number of PDTCH pre--emption failure,

i.e. not acknowledged by the PCU.1834 y y y This counter is computed at the BSC level; In case of rejection,

no distinction is made between Channel Request message dedi-cated to Circuit Calls or Packet Calls.

1835 y y y

1841 y y n

1842 y y n

3000/nn = 0 to 1

y y y Each counter has a value between 0 and 100 ; the value 100represents a load 100%.

3001/nn = 0 to 2

y y y Each counter has a value between 0 and 100 ; the value 100represents a load 100%.

3004/nn = 0 to 2

y y y Each counter has a value between 0 and 100 ; the value 100represents a load 100%.

3005/nn = 0 to 2

y y y Each counter has a value between 0 and 100 ; the value 100represents a load 100%.

3008 /nn = 0 to 3

y y y

1.2.8 BSC equipment CPUE overload

The process that detects CPUE processor overloads in the BSC is built around acounter that tallies the accumulated cost of transaction processing for calls handledby the BSC.

Call regulation is triggered when the counter crosses a given threshold value, andis gradually applied as the BSC starts to refuse new calls according to four definedpriority levels.

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1.2.9 PCUSN Flow Control

The flow control procedure is initiated by the BSS. The flow control parametersallow the SGSN to locally control its transmission output in the SGSN to BSSdirection. The SGSN shall perform flow control on each BVC (BVC flow controlmechanism) and on each MS (MS flow control mechanism).

Data Flow Diagram: BVC flow control and MS flow control mechanisms


















List of counters incremented during this procedure:

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Counter name Function

15004/0 pduDataDn number BSSGP DL--UNITDATA PDUreceived by the BVC (SGSN-->PCU)

15005/0 octetsDataDn cumulative size (in bytes) of all the BSSGPDL--UNITDATA PDU received by the BVC(SGSN-->PCU). The size does not includethe FR, NS, and BSSGP header sizes.

15010/0 bvcFlowControlRequests

number of BSSGP FLOW--CONTROL--BVCPDU sent by the BVC (PCU-->SGSN)

15010/1 msFlowControlRequests

number of BSSGP FLOW--CONTROL--MSPDU sent by the BVC (PCU-->SGSN) LLC Discarded

This procedure is used by the BSS to indicated that a number of bufferedLLC--PDUs in a cell for an MS have been deleted inside the BSS.

Data Flow Diagram: Discard of LLC PDUs










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Counter name Function

15004/0 pduDataDn number BSSGP DL--UNITDATA PDUreceived by the BVC (SGSN-->PCU)

15005/0 octetsDataDn cumulative size (in bytes) of all the BSSGPDL--UNITDATA PDU received by the BVC(SGSN-->PCU). The size does not includethe FR, NS, and BSSGP header sizes.

15012/0 llcDiscardedPdu Number of BSSGP LLC--DISCARDED PDUsent for the BVC (PCU-->SGSN)

15012/1 llcDiscardedOctets Cumulative size (in bytes) of all the bytesdiscarded by the BSSGP DISCARDED PDUsent for the BVC ( the number of bytesdiscarded is specified in the field “number ofoctets affected”) UL TBF Establishment: Normal Completion

The UL TBF establishment procedure is used by the mobile station to establish aTBF to support the transfer of LLC PDUs in the direction from the MS to thenetwork.

Data Flow Diagram: Establishment of an UL TBF in two phases access with firstphase in CCCH












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Counter name Function

15047/0 controlBlocksUp Cumulative number of RLC/MAC controlblocks received in uplink by the PCU on thisTDMA. This means all the valid RLC/MACcontrol blocks received on the Agprs andrelated to UL or DL TBF.

15047/1 controlBlocksDn Cumulative number of RLC/MAC controlblocks different from Packet DownlinkDummy Control Block sent by the PCU

15056/1 packetResourceRequest

Cumulative number of Packet ResourceRequest messages received by the PCU inthis cell for the second phase of an uplinkestablishment

15058/0 upTbfImmediateAssignment

Cumulative number of ImmediateAssignment Uplink messages sent by thePCU to establish an UL TBF in this cell. Inthe case of CCCH management of the BTS,this counter corresponds to the cumulativevalues periodically received from the BTS inthe CCCH information

15059/0 channelRequestCcch Cumulative number of RACH (ChannelRequest) received by the PCU in this cell UL TBF Establishment: UL TBF Establishment during DL transfer

The mobile station may request establishment of an uplink TBF during a downlinkTBF by including aChannel Request Description information element in the PacketDownlink Ack/Nack message.

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Data Flow Diagram: Establishment of an UL TBF during DL TBF
















(1) Channel Request Description

List of counters incremented during this procedure:


Counter name Function

15034/0 PDANWithUlReq Cumulative number of Packet DownlinkAck/Nack messages, with the ChannelRequest Description included

15046/0 dataBlocksUp Cumulative number of RLC data blocksreceived by the PCU on this TDMA. Thismeans all the valid RLC data blocksreceived on the Agprs, including theretransmitted and out of sequence frames.

15046/1 dataBlocksDn Cumulative number of RLC blocks sent bythe PCU on this TDMA.

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FunctionCounter name

15047/0 controlBlocksUp Cumulative number of RLC/MAC controlblocks received in uplink by the PCU on thisTDMA. This means all the valid RLC/MACcontrol blocks received on the Agprs andrelated to UL or DL TBF.

15047/1 controlBlocksDn Cumulative number of RLC/MAC controlblocks different from Packet DownlinkDummy Control Block sent by the PCU

15049/1 packetAckNackDn Cumulative number of Packet DownlinkAck/Nack messages received by the PCUon this TDMA. UL TBF Release: Normal Completion

The normal UL TBF release procedure occurswhen themobile station sends aRLCdata block with CV=0 while the BSS has correctly received all the UL RLC datablocks.

Data Flow Diagram: Normal UL TBF release












(1) CV= 0(2) FAI = 1

List of counters incremented during this procedure:

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Counter name Function

15033/0 upTbfReleases Cumulative number of UL TBF released inthe cell (related to half duplex or full duplextransfers). This counter counts the normaland abnormal releases due to loss ofcommunications, OAM event, TS sharingevent.

15046/0 dataBlocksUp Cumulative number of RLC data blocksreceived by the PCU on this TDMA. Thismeans all the valid RLC data blocksreceived on the Agprs, including theretransmitted and out of sequence frames.

15047/0 controlBlocksUp Cumulative number of RLC/MAC controlblocks received in uplink by the PCU on thisTDMA. This means all the valid RLC/MACcontrol blocks received on the Agprs andrelated to UL or DL TBF.

15047/1 controlBlocksDn Cumulative number of RLC/MAC controlblocks different from Packet DownlinkDummy Control Block sent by the PCU

15055/0 tbfNormalReleaseUp Cumulative number of normal releases of ULTBFs (related to half duplex or full duplextransfer). Abnormal UL TBF Release: lossOfComNN0002

This abnormal release occurs when there is no progression of the received window(no progression of V(Q) in UL).

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Data Flow Diagram: Abnormal release of an UL TBF due to non progression ofV(Q)




























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Counter name Function

15033/0 upTbfReleases Cumulative number of UL TBF released inthe cell (related to half duplex or full duplextransfers). This counter counts the normaland abnormal releases due to loss ofcommunications, OAM event, TS sharingevent.

15046/0 dataBlocksUp Cumulative number of RLC data blocksreceived by the PCU on this TDMA. Thismeans all the valid RLC data blocksreceived on the Agprs, including theretransmitted and out of sequence frames.

15047/1 controlBlocksDn Cumulative number of RLC/MAC controlblocks different from Packet DownlinkDummy Control Block sent by the PCU

15057/0 lossOfComNN002Max Number of abnormal releases due to nonprogression of V(Q) in uplink and V(A) indownlink. This means the number ofabnormal releases with a mobile in uplinkTBF or downlink TBF because the receivedor transmitted window does not progress Abnormal UL TBF Release (FULL Duplex): LossOfComNN0002

This abnormal release occurs when there is no progression of the received window(non progression of V(Q) in UL).

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Data Flow Diagram: Abnormal release of an UL TBF due to non progression ofV(Q) during full duplex transfer, in the case that DL TBF is also released.




























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Counter name Function

15033/0 upTbfReleases Cumulative number of UL TBF released inthe cell (related to half duplex or full duplextransfers). This counter counts the normaland abnormal releases due to loss ofcommunications, OAM event, TS sharingevent.

15033/1 dnTbfReleases Cumulative number of DL TBF released inthe cell (related to half duplex or full duplextransfers). This counter counts the normaland abnormal releases due to loss ofcommunications, OAM event, TS sharingevent.

15046/0 dataBlocksUp Cumulative number of RLC data blocksreceived by the PCU on this TDMA. Thismeans all the valid RLC data blocksreceived on the Agprs, including theretransmitted and out of sequence frames.

15046/1 dataBlocksDn Cumulative number of RLC blocks sent bythe PCU on this TDMA.

15047/1 controlBlocksDn Cumulative number of RLC/MAC controlblocks different from Packet DownlinkDummy Control Block sent by the PCU

15057/0 lossOfComNN002Max Number of abnormal releases due to nonprogression of V(Q) in uplink and V(A) indownlink. This means the number ofabnormal releases with a mobile in uplinkTBF or downlink TBF because the receivedor transmitted window does not progress

15057/3 lossOfComT3195 Number of downlink TBF abnormal releasesdue to non response from the mobile duringthe establishment procedure or packettransfer Abnormal UL TBF Release: N3101

This abnormal release occurs when the mobile station does not respond to USF.

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Data Flow Diagram: Non response from the mobile station after N3101 scheduledblocks (means with USF set in downlink)













List of counters incremented during this procedure:


Counter name Function

15033/0 upTbfReleases Cumulative number of UL TBF released inthe cell (related to half duplex or full duplextransfers). This counter counts the normaland abnormal releases due to loss ofcommunications, OAM event, TS sharingevent.

15046/1 dataBlocksDn Cumulative number of RLC blocks sent bythe PCU on this TDMA.

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FunctionCounter name

15057/1 lossOfComT3169 Number of uplink TBF abnormal releasesdue to non response from the mobile duringthe establishment procedure or packettransfer. In the case of full duplex transfer,this also counts the uplink TBF releasesconsecutive to downlink TBF abnormalrelease.

15057/2 lossOfComNT0001 Number of uplink TBF abnormal releasesdue to non response from the mobile to USFand assignment messages Abnormal UL TBF Release (FULL Duplex): N3101

This abnormal release occurs when the mobile station does not respond to USF.

Data Flow Diagram: Non response from the mobile station after N3101 scheduledblocks (meanswithUSF set in downlink) during full duplex transfer, in the case thatDL TBF is also released













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Counter name Function

15033/0 upTbfReleases Cumulative number of UL TBF released inthe cell (related to half duplex or full duplextransfers). This counter counts the normaland abnormal releases due to loss ofcommunications, OAM event, TS sharingevent

15033/1 dnTbfReleases Cumulative number of DL TBF released inthe cell (related to half duplex or full duplextransfers). This counter counts the normaland abnormal releases due to loss ofcommunications, OAM event, TS sharingevent

15046/0 dataBlocksUp Cumulative number of RLC data blocksreceived by the PCU on this TDMA. Thismeans all the valid RLC data blocksreceived on the Agprs, including theretransmitted and out of sequence frames

15046/1 dataBlocksDn Cumulative number of RLC blocks sent bythe PCU on this TDMA

15057/1 lossOfComT3169 Number of uplink TBF abnormal releasesdue to non response from the mobile duringthe establishment procedure or packettransfer. In the case of full duplex transfer,this also counts the uplink TBF releasesconsecutive to downlink TBF abnormalrelease

15057/2 lossOfComNT0001 Number of uplink TBF abnormal releasesdue to non response from the mobile to USFand assignment messages

15057/3 lossOfComT3195 Number of downlink TBF abnormal releasesdue to non response from the mobile duringthe establishment procedure or packettransfer Abnormal UL TBF Release: UP_NASSIGNMAX

This abnormal release occurs when themobile station does not acknowledge uplinkassignment messages.

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Data Flow Diagram: Non response from the mobile after UP_NASSIGNMAXPacket Uplink Assignment messages

























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Counter name Function

15033/0 upTbfReleases Cumulative number of UL TBF released inthe cell (related to half duplex or full duplextransfers). This counter counts the normaland abnormal releases due to loss ofcommunications, OAM event, TS sharingevent

15036/0 ulsecondPhaseRadioFailure

Cumulative number of abnormal releasesduring second phase uplink establishment(half duplex transfer), due to radio linkproblems

15047/0 controlBlocksUp Cumulative number of RLC/MAC controlblocks received in uplink by the PCU on thisTDMA. This means all the valid RLC/MACcontrol blocks received on the Agprs andrelated to UL or DL TBF

15047/1 controlBlocksDn Cumulative number of RLC/MAC controlblocks different from Packet DownlinkDummy Control Block sent by the PCU

15056/1 packetResourceRequest

Cumulative number of Packet ResourceRequest messages received by the PCU inthis cell for the second phase of an uplinkestablishment

15057/1 lossOfComT3169 Number of uplink TBF abnormal releasesdue to non response from the mobile duringthe establishment procedure or packettransfer. In the case of full duplex transfer,this also counts the uplink TBF releasesconsecutive to downlink TBF abnormalrelease.

15057/2 lossOfComNT0001 Number of uplink TBF abnormal releasesdue to non response from the mobile to USFand assignment messages

15058/0 upTbfImmediateAssignment

Cumulative number of ImmediateAssignment Uplink messages sent by thePCU to establish and UL TBF in the cell. Inthe case of CCCH management at the BTS,this counter corresponds to the cumulativevalues periodically received from the BTS inthe CCCH information.

15059/0 channelRequestCcch Cumulative number of RACH (ChannelRequest) received by the PCU in this cell

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Preliminary 14.14/EN June 2004 Copyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks Abnormal UL TBF Release (FULL Duplex): UP_NASSIGNMAX

This abnormal release occurs when themobile station does not acknowledge uplinkassignment messages.

Data Flow Diagram: No response from the mobile after UP_NASSIGNMAXPacket Uplink Assignment messages during full duplex transfer, in the case that theDL TBF is also released

























(1) Channel Request Description

List of counters incremented during this procedure:

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Counter name Function

15033/0 upTbfReleases Cumulative number of UL TBF released inthe cell (related to half duplex or full duplextransfers). This counter counts the normaland abnormal releases due to loss ofcommunications, OAM event, TS sharingevent.

15033/1 dnTbfReleases Cumulative number of DL TBF released inthe cell (related to half duplex or full duplextransfers). This counter counts the normaland abnormal releases due to loss ofcommunications, OAM event, TS sharingevent.

15034/0 PDANWithUlReq Cumulative number of Packet DownlinkAck/Nack messages, with the ChannelRequest Description included

15046/1 dataBlocksDn Cumulative number of RLC data blocks sentby the PCU on this TDMA.

15047/0 controlBlocksUp Cumulative number of RLC/MAC controlblocks in uplink by the PCU on this TDMA.This means all the valid RLC/MAC controlblocks received on the Agprs and related toUL or DL TBF.

15047/1 controlBlocksDn Cumulative number of RLC/MAC controlblocks different from Packet DownlinkDummy Control Block sent by the PCU onthis TDMA

15057/1 lossOfComT3169 Number of uplink TBF abnormal releasesdue to non response from the mobile duringthe establishment procedure or packettransfer. In the case of full duplex transfer,this also counts the uplink TBF releasesconsecutive to downlink TBF abnormalrelease.

15057/2 lossOfComNT0001 Number of uplink TBF abnormal releasesdue to non response from the mobile to USFand assignment messages

15057/3 lossOfComT3195 Number of downlink TBF abnormal releasesdue to non response from the mobile duringthe establishment procedure or packettransfer

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Preliminary 14.14/EN June 2004 Copyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks Abnormal UL TBF Release: N3103

This abnormal release occurswhen themobile station does not acknowledge the lastpacket uplink ack/nack (with FAI=1).

Data Flow Diagram: Non response from the mobile after N3103 Packet UplinkAck/Nack sent with FAI=1





















(1) CV= 0(2) V(Q) <> V(R)

List of counters incremented during this procedure:

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Counter name Function

15033/0 upTbfReleases Cumulative number of UL TBF released inthe cell (related to half duplex or full duplextransfers). This counter counts the normaland abnormal releases due to loss ofcommunications, OAM event, TS sharingevent.

15046/0 dataBlocksUp Cumulative number of RLC data blocksreceived by the PCU on this TDMA. Thismeans all the valid RLC data blocksreceived on the Agprs, including theretransmitted and out of sequence frames.

15047/1 controlBlocksDn Cumulative number of RLC/MAC controlblocks different from Packet DownlinkDummy Control Block sent by the PCU

15057/1 lossOfComT3169 Number of uplink TBF abnormal releasesdue to non response from the mobile duringthe establishment procedure or packettransfer. In the case of full duplex transfer,this also counts the uplink TBF releasesconsecutive to downlink TBF abnormalrelease. Abnormal UL TBF Release (FULL Duplex): N3103

This abnormal release occurswhen themobile station does not acknowledge the lastpacket uplink ack/nack (with FAI=1).

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Data Flow Diagram: Non response from the mobile after N3103 Packet UplinkAck/Nack sent with FAI=1 during full transfer, in the case that the DL TBF is alsoreleased

























(1) CV= 0(2) V(Q) <> V(R)

List of counters incremented during this procedure:

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Counter name Function

15033/0 upTbfReleases Cumulative number of UL TBF released inthe cell (related to half duplex or full duplextransfers). This counter counts the normaland abnormal releases due to loss ofcommunications, OAM event, TS sharingevent.

15033/1 dnTbfReleases Cumulative number of DL TBF released inthe cell (related to half duplex or full duplextransfers). This counter counts the normaland abnormal releases due to loss ofcommunications, OAM event, TS sharingevent.

15046/0 dataBlocksUp Cumulative number of RLC data blocksreceived by the PCU on this TDMA. Thismeans all the valid RLC data blocksreceived on the Agprs, including theretransmitted and out of sequence frames.

15046/1 dataBlocksDn Cumulative number of RLC blocks sent bythe PCU on this TDMA.

15047/1 controlBlocksDn Cumulative number of RLC/MAC controlblocks different from Packet DownlinkDummy Control Block sent by the PCU

15057/1 lossOfComT3169 Number of uplink TBF abnormal releasesdue to non response from the mobile duringthe establishment procedure or packettransfer. In the case of full duplex transfer,this also counts the uplink TBF releasesconsecutive to downlink TBF abnormalrelease.

15057/3 lossOfComT3195 Number of downlink TBF abnormal releasesdue to non response from the mobile duringthe establishment procedure or packettransfer DL TBF Establishment: MS in StandBy State

For amobile station in Standby State, the networkmay initiate the pagingprocedurefor downlink packet transfer in order to obtain the mobile station cell location forthe downlink packet transfer. The mobile station performs a page response bysending and LLC PDU to the network.

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Data FlowDiagram: Paging procedure initiated by the network for downlink packettransfer towards a MS in standby state


























15046/1 LLC_DL_FRAME


(1) Downlink pre--establishment(2) FAI = 1

List of counters incremented during this procedure:

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Counter name Function

15004/0 pduDataDn number BSSGP DL--UNITDATA PDUreceived by the BVC (SGSN-->PCU)

15004/1 pduDataUp number BSSGP UL--UNITDATA PDU sentby the BVC (PCU-->SGSN)

15005/0 octetsDataDn cumulative size (in bytes) of all the BSSGPDL--UNITDATA PDU received by the BVC(SGSN-->PCU). The size does not includethe FR, NS, and BSSGP header sizes.r

15005/1 octetsDataUp cumulative size (in bytes) of all the BSSGPDL--UNITDATA PDU received by the BVC(PCU-->SGSN). The size does not includethe FR, NS, and BSSGP header sizes.

15031/1 FirstDlUnitDataFrame Cumulative number of downlink TBF (for halfduplex and full duplex transfer) which hastransmitted an RLC data block containingthe first segment of the first DL--UNITDATAin a MS bucket. Similarly in the SGSN, theMS bucket in the PCU used to handleDL--UNITDATA related to a MS identified byits TLLI. It is created on reception of aSL--UNITDATA with an unknown TLLI andremoved when the last DL--UNITDATA iscompletely transmitted or discarded. Thiscounter must count the number of DL TBFpre--established but not used for thetransmission of DL LLC frames.

15046/0 dataBlocksUp Cumulative size (in bytes) of all the BSSGPUL--UNITDATA PDU sent by the BVC(PCU-->SGSN). The size does not includethe FR and NS header

15046/1 dataBlocksDn Cumulative number of RLC data blocks sentby the PCU on this TDMA

15047/0 controlBlocksUp Cumulative number of RLC/MAC controlblocks in uplink by the PCU on this TDMA.This means all the valid RLC/MAC controlblocks received on the Agprs and related toUL or DL TBF.

15047/1 controlBlocksDn Cumulative number of RLC/MAC controlblocks different from Packet DownlinkDummy Control Block sent by the PCU

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FunctionCounter name

15056/1 packetResourceRequest

Cumulative number of Packet ResourceRequest messages received by the PCU inthis cell for the second phase of an uplinkestablishment.

15058/0 upTbfImmediateAssignment

Cumulative number of immedateAssignment Uplink messages sent by thePCU to establish an UL TBF in the cell. Inthe case of CCCH management at the BTS,this counter corresponds to the cumulativevalues periodically received from the BTS inthe CCCH information.

15059/0 channelRequestCcch Cumulative number of RACH (ChannelRequest) received by the PCU in this cell DL TBF Establishment: MS in Ready State

The network may initiate the establishment of a downlink TBF to support thetransfer of LLC PDUs in the direction from the network to the mobile station.

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Data Flow Diagram: Downlink establishment towards a mobile in Ready State andPacket Idle Mode
























(1) Fast Downlink Assignment

List of counters incremented during this procedure:

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Counter name Function

15004/0 pduDataDn number BSSGP DL--UNITDATA PDUreceived by the BVC (SGSN-->PCU)

15005/0 octetsDataDn cumulative size (in bytes) of all the BSSGPDL--UNITDATA PDU received by the BVC(SGSN-->PCU). The size does not includethe FR, NS, and BSSGP header sizes.

15031/1 FirstDlUnitDataFrame Cumulative number of downlink TBF (for halfduplex and full duplex transfer) which hastransmitted an RLC data block containingthe first segment of the first DL--UNITDATAin a MS bucket. Similarly in the SGSN, theMS bucket in the PCU used to handleDL--UNITDATA related to a MS identified byits TLLI. It is created on reception of aSL--UNITDATA with an unknown TLLI andremoved when the last DL--UNITDATA iscompletely transmitted or discarded. Thiscounter must count the number of DL TBFpre--established but not used for thetransmission of DL LLC frames.

15046/1 dataBlocksDn Cumulative number of RLC data blocks sentby the PCU on this TDMA.

15047/0 controlBlocksUp Cumulative number of RLC/MAC controlblocks in uplink by the PCU on this TDMA.This means all the valid RLC/MAC controlblocks received on the Agprs and related toUL or DL TBF.

15047/1 controlBlocksDn Cumulative number of RLC/MAC controlblocks different from Packet DownlinkDummy Control Block sent by the PCU

15058/2 dnTbfImmediateAssignment

Cumulative number of ImmediateAssignment Downlink messages sent by thePCU to establish a DL TBF DL TBF Establishment during UL transfer

During uplink TBF, the network may initiate a downlink TBF by sending a PacketDownlink Assignment message or a Packet Timeslot Reconfigure, to the mobilestation.

Data Flow Diagram: Establishment with Packet Downlink Assignment and PacketTimeslot Reconfigure

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Note: To assign DL resources which need modification of the UL resources, aPacket Timeslot Reconfigure message is sent:











15046/1 LLC_DL_FRAME


List of counters incremented during this procedure:


Counter name Function

15004/0 pduDataDn number BSSGP DL--UNITDATA PDUreceived by the BVC (SGSN-->PCU)

15005/0 octetsDataDn cumulative size (in bytes) of all the BSSGPDL--UNITDATA PDU received by the BVC(SGSN-->PCU). The size does not includethe FR, NS, and BSSGP header sizes.

15031/1 FirstDlUnitDataFrame Cumulative number of downlink TBF (for halfduplex and full duplex transfer) which hastransmitted an RLC data block containingthe first segment of the first DL--UNITDATAin a MS bucket. Similarly in the SGSN, theMS bucket in the PCU used to handleDL--UNITDATA related to a MS identified byits TLLI. It is created on reception of aSL--UNITDATA with an unknown TLLI andremoved when the last DL--UNITDATA iscompletely transmitted or discarded. Thiscounter must count the number of DL TBFpre--established but not used for thetransmission of DL LLC frames.

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FunctionCounter name

15046/1 dataBlocksDn Cumulative number of RLC data blocks sentby the PCU on this TDMA.

15047/0 controlBlocksUp Cumulative number of RLC/MAC controlblocks in uplink by the PCU on this TDMA.This means all the valid RLC/MAC controlblocks received on the Agprs and related toUL or DL TBF.

15047/1 controlBlocksDn Cumulative number of RLC/MAC controlblocks different from Packet DownlinkDummy Control Block sent by the PCU DL TBF Release: Normal Completion

The network initiates release of a downlinkTBF by sending an RLCdata blockwiththe Final Block Indicator (FBI) set to the value of 1 and with a valid RRBP field.If the mobile station has correctly received all the RLC data blocks of the TBF, itshall send a Packet Downlink Ack/Nack with Final Ack Indicator (FAI) set to thevalue of 1.

Data Flow Diagram: Normal DL TBF Release








(1) FBI=1, Polling(2) FAI=1

List of counters incremented during this procedure:

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Counter name Function

15033/1 dnTbfReleases Cumulative number of DL TBF released inthe cell (related to half duplex or full duplextransfers). This counter counts the normaland abnormal releases due to loss ofcommunications, OAM event, TS sharingevent.

15046/1 dataBlocksDn Cumulative number of RLC data blocks sentby the PCU on this TDMA.

15047/0 controlBlocksUp Cumulative number of RLC/MAC controlblocks in uplink by the PCU on this TDMA.This means all the valid RLC/MAC controlblocks received on the Agprs and related toUL or DL TBF.

15055/1 tbfNormalReleaseDn Cumulative number of normal releases of DLTBFs (related to half duplex or full duplextransfer). Abnormal DL TBF Release: lossOfComNN0002

This abnormal release occurs when there is no progression of the transmit window(non progression of V(A) in DL)

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Data Flow Diagram: Abnormal release of an DL TBF due to non progression ofV(A)

























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Counter name Function

15033/1 dnTbfReleases Cumulative number of DL TBF released inthe cell (related to half duplex or full duplextransfers). This counter counts the normaland abnormal releases due to loss ofcommunications, OAM event, TS sharingevent.

15046/1 dataBlocksDn Cumulative number of RLC data blocks sentby the PCU on this TDMA.

15047/0 controlBlocksUp Cumulative number of RLC/MAC controlblocks in uplink by the PCU on this TDMA.This means all the valid RLC/MAC controlblocks received on the Agprs and related toUL or DL TBF.

15057/0 lossOfComNN002Max Number of abnormal releases due to nonprogression of V(Q) in uplink and V(A) indownlink. This means the number ofabnormal releases with a mobile in uplinkTBF or downlink TBF because the receivedor transmitted window does not progress Abnormal DL TBF Release (FULL Duplex): lossOfComNN0002

This abnormal release occurs when there is no progression of the transmit window(non progression of V(A) in DL).

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Data Flow Diagram: Abnormal release of an DL TBF due to non progression ofV(A) during full duplex transfer, in the case that the UL TBF is also released





























List of counters incremented during this procedure:

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Counter name Function

15033/0 upTbfReleases Cumulative number of UL TBF released inthe cell (related to half duplex or full duplextransfers). This counter counts the normaland abnormal releases due to loss ofcommunications, OAM event, TS sharingevent.

15033/1 dnTbfReleases Cumulative number of DL TBF released inthe cell (related to half duplex or full duplextransfers). This counter counts the normaland abnormal releases due to loss ofcommunications, OAM event, TS sharingevent.

15046/0 dataBlocksUp Cumulative number of RLC data blocksreceived by the PCU on this TDMA. Thismeans all the valid RLC data blocksreceived on the Agprs, including theretransmitted and out of sequence frames.

15046/1 dataBlocksDn Cumulative number of RLC data blocks sentby the PCU on this TDMA.

15047/0 controlBlocksUp Cumulative number of RLC/MAC controlblocks in uplink by the PCU on this TDMA.This means all the valid RLC/MAC controlblocks received on the Agprs and related toUL or DL TBF.

15057/0 lossOfComNN002Max Number of abnormal releases due to nonprogression of V(Q) in uplink and V(A) indownlink. This means the number ofabnormal releases with a mobile in uplinkTBF or downlink TBF because the receivedor transmitted window does not progress

15057/1 lossOfComT3169 Number of uplink TBF abnormal releasesdue to non response from the mobile duringthe establishment procedure or packettransfer. In the case of full duplex transfer,this also counts the uplink TBF releasesconsecutive to downlink TBF abnormalrelease. Abnormal DL TBF Release: N3105

This abnormal release occurs when the mobile station does not send a PacketDownlink Ack Nack after N3105 downlink data block sent with S/P=1.

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Data FlowDiagram:Non response from themobile after N3105 downlink datawithS/P=1





















List of counters incremented during this procedure:

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Counter name Function

15033/1 dnTbfReleases Cumulative number of DL TBF released inthe cell (related to half duplex or full duplextransfers). This counter counts the normaland abnormal releases due to loss ofcommunications, OAM event, TS sharingevent.

15046/1 dataBlocksDn Cumulative number of RLC blocks sent bythe PCU on this TDMA.

15047/0 controlBlocksUp Cumulative number of RLC/MAC controlblocks in uplink by the PCU on this TDMA.This means all the valid RLC/MAC controlblocks received on the Agprs and related toUL or DL TBF.

15057/3 lossOfComT3195 Number of downlink TBF abnormal releasesdue to non response from the mobile duringthe establishment procedure or packettransfer Abnormal DL TBF Release (FULL Duplex): N3105

This abnormal release occurs when the mobile station does not send a PacketDownlink Ack Nack after N3105 downlink data block sent with S/P=1.

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Data FlowDiagram:Non response from themobile after N3105 downlink datawithS/P=1 during full duplex transfer, in the case that the UL TBF is also released.

























List of counters incremented during this procedure:

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Counter name Function

15033/0 upTbfReleases Cumulative number of UL TBF released inthe cell (related to half duplex or full duplextransfers). This counter counts the normaland abnormal releases due to loss ofcommunications, OAM event, TS sharingevent.

15033/1 dnTbfReleases Cumulative number of DL TBF released inthe cell (related to half duplex or full duplextransfers). This counter counts the normaland abnormal releases due to loss ofcommunications, OAM event, TS sharingevent.

15046/0 dataBlocksUp Cumulative number of RLC data blocksreceived by the PCU on this TDMA. Thismeans all the valid RLC data blocksreceived on the Agprs, including theretransmitted and out of sequence frames.

15046/1 dataBlocksDn Cumulative number of RLC data blocks sentby the PCU on this TDMA.

15047/0 controlBlocksUp Cumulative number of RLC/MAC controlblocks in uplink by the PCU on this TDMA.This means all the valid RLC/MAC controlblocks received on the Agprs and related toUL or DL TBF.

15057/1 lossOfComT3169 Number of uplink TBF abnormal releasesdue to non response from the mobile duringthe establishment procedure or packettransfer. In the case of full duplex transfer,this also counts the uplink TBF releasesconsecutive to downlink TBF abnormalrelease.

15057/3 lossOfComT3195 Number of downlink TBF abnormal releasesdue to non response from the mobile duringthe establishment procedure or packettransfer Abnormal DL TBF Release: DN_NASSIGNMAX

This abnormal release occurs when the mobile station does not acknowledgedownlink assignment messages.

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Data Flow Diagram: Non response from the mobile after DN_NASSIGNMAXPacket Downlink Assignment messages.


















List of counters incremented during this procedure:

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Counter name Function

15033/1 dnTbfReleases Cumulative number of DL TBF released inthe cell (related to half duplex or full duplextransfers). This counter counts the normaland abnormal releases due to loss ofcommunications, OAM event, TS sharingevent.

15047/1 controlBlocksDn Cumulative number of RLC/MAC controlblocks different from Packet DownlinkDummy Control Block sent by the PCU

15057/3 lossOfComT3195 Number of downlink TBF abnormal releasesdue to non response from the mobile duringthe establishment procedure or packettransfer Abnormal DL TBF Release (FULL Duplex): DN_NASSIGNMAX

This abnormal release occurs when the mobile station does not acknowledgedownlink assignment messages.

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Data Flow Diagram: Non response from the mobile after DN_NASSIGNMAXPacket Downlink Assignment messages during full duplex transfer, in the case thatthe DL TBF is also released.























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List of counters incremented during this procedure:


Counter name Function

15033/0 upTbfReleases Cumulative number of UL TBF released inthe cell (related to half duplex or full duplextransfers). This counter counts the normaland abnormal releases due to loss ofcommunications, OAM event, TS sharingevent.

15033/1 dnTbfReleases Cumulative number of DL TBF released inthe cell (related to half duplex or full duplextransfers). This counter counts the normaland abnormal releases due to loss ofcommunications, OAM event, TS sharingevent.

15046/0 dataBlocksUp Cumulative number of RLC data blocksreceived by the PCU on this TDMA. Thismeans all the valid RLC data blocksreceived on the Agprs, including theretransmitted and out of sequence frames.

15047/1 controlBlocksDn Cumulative number of RLC/MAC controlblocks different from Packet DownlinkDummy Control Block sent by the PCU onthis TDMA

15049/0 packetAckNackUp Cumulative number of Packet UplinkAck/Nack messages sent by the PCU onthis TDMA

15057/1 lossOfComT3169 Number of uplink TBF abnormal releasesdue to non response from the mobile duringthe establishment procedure or packettransfer. In the case of full duplex transfer,this also counts the uplink TBF releasesconsecutive to downlink TBF abnormalrelease.

15057/3 lossOfComT3195 Number of downlink TBF abnormal releasesdue to non response from the mobile duringthe establishment procedure or packettransfer Abnormal DL TBF Release: No Final PDAN

This abnormal release occurswhen themobile station does not acknowledge the lastdownlink data block (sent with FBI=1 and S/P=1)

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Data Flow Diagram: Non response from the mobile after NN0002 downlink datablocks sent with FBI=1 and S/P=1



















(1) FBI=1, Polling

List of counters incremented during this procedure:


Counter name Function

15033/1 dnTbfReleases Cumulative number of DL TBF released inthe cell (related to half duplex or full duplextransfers). This counter counts the normaland abnormal releases due to loss ofcommunications, OAM event, TS sharingevent.

15046/1 dataBlocksDn Cumulative number of RLC data blocks sentby the PCU on this TDMA.

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FunctionCounter name

15057/0 lossOfComNN002Max Number of abnormal releases due to nonprogression of V(Q) in uplink and V(A) indownlink. This means the number ofabnormal releases with a mobile in uplinkTBF or downlink TBF because the receivedor transmitted window does not progress

15057/4 lossOfComT3191 Number of downlink TBF abnormal releaseswhich occur during the release of a downlinkTBF (while the PCU is waiting for the lastacknowledgement coming from the mobile). Abnormal DL TBF Release (FULL Duplex): No Final PDAN

This abnormal release occurswhen themobile station does not acknowledge the lastdownlink data block (sent with FBI=1 and S/P=1)

Data Flow Diagram: Non response from the mobile after NN0002 downlink datablocks sent with FBI=1 and S/P=1 during full duplex transfer, in the case that theUL TBF is also released.

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(1) FBI=1, Polling

List of counters incremented during this procedure:

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Counter name Function

15033/0 upTbfReleases Cumulative number of UL TBF released inthe cell (related to half duplex or full duplextransfers). This counter counts the normaland abnormal releases due to loss ofcommunications, OAM event, TS sharingevent.

15033/1 dnTbfReleases Cumulative number of DL TBF released inthe cell (related to half duplex or full duplextransfers). This counter counts the normaland abnormal releases due to loss ofcommunications, OAM event, TS sharingevent.

15046/0 dataBlocksUp Cumulative number of RLC data blocksreceived by the PCU on this TDMA. Thismeans all the valid RLC data blocksreceived on the Agprs, including theretransmitted and out of sequence frames.

15046/1 dataBlocksDn Cumulative number of RLC data blocks sentby the PCU on this TDMA.

15057/1 lossOfComT3169 Number of uplink TBF abnormal releasesdue to non response from the mobile duringthe establishment procedure or packettransfer. In the case of full duplex transfer,this also counts the uplink TBF releasesconsecutive to downlink TBF abnormalrelease.

15057/3 lossOfComT3195 Number of downlink TBF abnormal releasesdue to non response from the mobile duringthe establishment procedure or packettransfer

15057/4 lossOfComT3191 Number of downlink TBF abnormal releaseswhich occur during the release of a downlinkTBF (while the PCU is waiting for the lastacknowledgement coming from the mobile). Preemption

The preemption procedure is used by the BSC to preempt some radio timeslots tothe PCU to allow dynamic sharing between GSM and GPRS on the air interface.

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Data Flow Diagram: Preemption of radio timeslots.

















List of counters incremented during this procedure:


Counter name Function

1814 gprsPreemption Number of PDTCH preemption successes

1815 gprsPreemptionNack Number of PDTCH preemption failures(requests “nacked” by the PCU)

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FunctionCounter name

15010/0 bvcFlowControlRequests

Number of BSSGP FLOW--CONTROL--BVCPDU sent by the BVC (PCU -->SGSN).

15046/0 dataBlocksUp Cumulative number of RLC data blocksreceived by the PCU on this TDMA. Thismeans all the valid RLC data blocksreceived on the Agprs, including theretransmitted and out of sequence frames. Cell Update: Packet Transfer

The cell reselection occurs when a mobile goes from one cell to another. Duringpacket transfer and from a PCU point of view, this corresponds to a release of TBFin one cell and the establishment of a new TBF in the other cell. Note that the cellupdate is controlled by the mobile station.

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Data Flow Diagram: Cell reselection from cell A to cell B and establishment of anew uplink TBF in cell B





















15046/0 LLC_UL_FRAME


List of counters incremented during this procedure:

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Counter name Function

15004/1 pduDataDn Number of BSSGP UL--UNITDATA PDUsent by the BVC (PCU-->SGSN).

15005/1 octetsDataUp cumulative size (in bytes) of all the BSSGPDL--UNITDATA PDU received by the BVC(PCU-->SGSN). The size does not includethe FR, NS, and BSSGP header sizes.

15014/0 msFlushLLRequest Number of BSSGP FLUSH--LL PDUreceived by the BVCI0 for all MS in the cellassociated to the BVC (the BVC is indicatedin the message by the field BVCI (old)).

15046/0 dataBlocksUp Cumulative number of RLC data blocksreceived by the PCU on this TDMA. Thismeans all the valid RLC data blocksreceived on the Agprs, including theretransmitted and out of sequence frames.

15046/1 dataBlocksDn Cumulative number of RLC data blocks sentby the PCU on this TDMA.

15047/0 controlBlocksUp Cumulative number of RLC/MAC controlblocks in uplink by the PCU on this TDMA.This means all the valid RLC/MAC controlblocks received on the Agprs and related toUL or DL TBF.

15047/1 controlBlocksDn Cumulative number of RLC/MAC controlblocks different from Packet DownlinkDummy Control Block sent by the PCU onthis TDMA

15056/1 packetResourceRequest

Cumulative number of Packet ResourceRequest messages received by the PCU inthis cell for the second phase of an uplinkestablishment.

15058/0 upTbfImmediateAssignment

Cumulative number of ImmediateAssignment Uplink messages sent by thePCU to establish and UL TBF in the cell. Inthe case of CCCH management at the BTS,this counter corresponds to the cumulativevalues periodically received from the BTS inthe CCCH information.

15059/0 channelRequestCcch Cumulative number of RACH (ChannelRequest) received by the PCU in this cell

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1.3 Permanent bsc observation counters

1.3.1 Counter classes

The permanent general observation covers the following counter classes:

general permanent observation (GPO) counters

general statistic observation (OGS) counters

fast statistic observation (OFS) counters

real time observation (ORT) counters

diagnostic observation (ODIAG) counters

1.3.2 Common control channel monitoring

These counters are collected on the bts object and appear in an observation reporton bts level. RACH access

Counter No. Q3 name Type1026 rachBusyCount totalizer1027 rachAccessCount totalizer1033 rachNonDecodedAvLevel value Paging requests

Counter No. Q3 name Type1028 pchNoWait totalizer1029 pchOneWait totalizer1030 pchTwoWait totalizer1031 pchMoreWait totalizer1604 pchAveragedQueueLength load1605 pchQueuePagesDiscarded totalizer

1.3.3 Radio resource allocation

These counters are collected on the bts object (non–concentric cell) or thetransceiverZone object (concentric cell), and appear in an observation report on btslevel (non–concentric cell) or transceiverZone level (concentric cell).

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Counter No. Q3 name Type1034or1606
















1060 allSdcchAllocatedTime value TCH resources

Counter No. Q3 name Type1051/n




1744 tchFrAllocated totalizer1052/n




1746 tchFrAverageUsedMoy totalizer1039or1613






1057 allTchFrAllocatedTime value1616/n tchAveragedQueueLengthHighPriority


1617/n tchQueuingExpirationHighPrioritytchQueuingExpirationOtherPriority


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Counter No. TypeQ3 name1618/n tchQueuingDurationHighPriority


1713 data14K5NtRateFallBackTCH totalizer1726/n (V12) dataNtRateFbTchResLack


1714 (V12) btsOverloadDuration value PDTCH resources

Counter No. Q3 name Type

1049 attemptedTchFrSeizures raw permanent

1050 successfulTchFrSeizures raw permanent

1057 allTchAllocatedTime value



raw permanentraw permanent




raw permanent

raw permanent

1613 tchFrResourceFailureTrZone raw permanent

1700 tchFrAveragedAvailableTrZoneMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

raw permanent

1715 attemptedTchFrSeizuresMsDualb raw permanent

1716 successfulTchFrSeizuresMsDualb raw permanent

1744 tchFrAllocatedtchFrAllocatedTrZone

raw permanentraw permanent

1746 tchFrAveragedUsedMoy/Max/Cum/EchtchFrAveragedUsedTrZoneMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

raw permanentraw permanent

1812 allocatedCircuitTsMoy/Max/Cum/EchallocatedCircuitTsTrZoneMoy/Max /Cum/Ech

raw permanentraw permanent

1813 allocatedPacketTsMoy/Max/Cum/EchallocatedPacketTsTrZoneMoy/Max /Cum/Ech

raw permanentraw permanent

1814 gprsPreemption raw permanent

1.3.4 Interferences

These counters are collected on the bts object and appear in an observation reporton bts level.

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Counter No. Q3 name Type1619/n channelAveragedIdlePerInterfBand0



1.3.5 Call setup

These counters are collected on the bts object and appear in an observation reporton bts level.

Counter No. Q3 name Type1191/n channelRequestCause000



1748 channelRequest totalizer1702 channelRequestExtended value1192/n immediateAssignmentSuccessCause000



1749 immediateAssignmentSuccess totalizer1193/n estabIndicSignallingPagingRes



1750 estabIndicSignalling totalizer1195 estabIndicSigPhase1 totalizer1196 estabIndicSigPhase2 totalizer1207 immediateAssignmentMultiband totalizer

1.3.6 Dedicated channel assignment

These counters are collected on the bts object and appear in an observation reporton bts level.

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Counter No. Q3 name Type1049 attemptedTchFrSeizures totalizer1715 (V12) attemptedTchFrSeizuresMsDualb totalizer1050 successfulTchFrSeizures totalizer1716 (V12) successfulTchFrSeizuresMsDualb totalizer1055 assignFailure totalizer1799 (V12) assignToOtherBandOrZone totalizer1841/0 (V12) assignRequestSdcchToTchChannel totalizer1841/1 (V12) assignRequestOthers totalizer1842/0 (V12) assignFailureSdcchToTchChannel totalizer1841/1 (V12) assignFailureOthers totalizer Activation

Counter No. Q3 name Type1627/0 channelActivateDataTranspFullRate totalizer1628/0 channelActivateDataNonTranspFullRate totalizer1629/0 channelActivateSignallingFullRate totalizer1197/01197/1



1705/n channelActivateTchFrDataT16channelActivateTchFrDataT600channelActivateTchFrDataT1200channelActivateTchFrDataT2400channelActivateTchFrDataT4800channelActivateTchFrDataT9600channelActivateTchFrDataT14400


1707/n channelActivateTchFrDataNT6000channelActivateTchFrDataNT12000channelActivateTchFrDataNT14500


1709 channelActTchFrDataT totalizer1710 channelActTchFrDataNT totalizer1044 signallingPhaseDuration value1045 signallingPhaseDurationHigh value1206 speechAlgoFallBack totalizer

1.3.7 Directed retry handovers

This counter is collected on the bts object and appears in an observation report onbts level.

Counter No. Q3 name Type1620 directedRetryUnsuccessNoBts totalizer

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1.3.8 Handovers Handover requirements

These counters are collected on the bts object and appear in an observation reporton bts level.

Counter No. Q3 name Type1138/01138/11138/21138/31138/41138/51138/61138/71138/81138/91138/101138/111138/121138/131138/14 (V12)



1139/01139/11139/21139/31139/41139/51139/61139/71139/81139/91139/131139/14 (V12)



1776 hoRequiredTch totalizer1777 hoRequiredSdcch totalizer1165 hoIndicationNotTreatedTchoke totalizer1166 (V11--) hoIndicationNotTreatedTmtBtwHo totalizer1782 (V12) hoBtsRejected totalizer1208 hoRequestOutgoingMbandEbandMsDualb totalizer1783 (V12) hoRequestOugoingMbandMbandMsDualb totalizer1784 (V12) hoRequestOugoingEbandEbandMsDualb totalizer1785 (V12) hoRequestOugoingEbandMbandMsDualb totalizer1789 (V12) hoExecutionOutgoingMbandEbandMsDualb totalizer1790 (V12) hoExecutionOutgoingMbandMbandMsDualb totalizer1791 (V12) hoExecutionOutgoingEbandEbandMsDualb totalizer1792 (V12) hoExecutionOutgoingEbandMbandMsDualb totalizer

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Counter No. TypeQ3 name1209 hoSuccessOutgoingMbandEbandMsDualb totalizer1786 (V12) hoSuccessOutgoingMbandMbandMsDualb totalizer1787 (V12) hoSuccessOutgoingEbandEbandMsDualb totalizer1788 (V12) hoSuccessOutgoingEbandMbandMsDualb totalizer1780 hoSuccessOutgoingTch totalizer1781 hoSuccessIncomingTch totalizer Intra–bts handovers

These counters are collected on the bts object and appear in an observation reporton bts level.

Counter No. Q3 name Type10811154



1796 (V12) hoRequestIntraBtsMsDualb totalizer10821155



1797 (V12) hoExecutionIntraBtsMsDualb totalizer10831156



1798 (V12) hoSuccessIntraBtsMsDualb totalizer11341157



1756/n hoFailureIntraBtsTchRadioLackhoFailureIntraBtsTchChannelActivateNackhoFailureIntraBtsTchTchnAckTimerExp


1757/n hoFailureIntraBtsSdcchRadioLackhoFailureIntraBtsSdcchChannelActivateNackhoFailureIntraBtsSdcchTchnAckTimerExp

totalizer Intra–bss handovers

These counters are collected on the bts object and appear in an observation reporton bts level.

Counter No. Q3 name Type10751150












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Counter No. TypeQ3 name11351158






1762/01762/11762/21762/31762/4 (V12)






1768/n hoUnsuccessOutgoingIntraCellTchReturnOldChannelhoUnsuccessOutgoingIntraCellTchT3107TimerExp

1769/n hoUnsuccessOutgoingIntraCellSdcchReturnOldChannelhoUnsuccessOutgoingIntraCellSdcchT3107TimerExp




1793 (V12) hoRequestIncomingIntraBssTchMsDualb totalizer10711146



1794 (V12) hoExecutionIncomingIntraBssTchMsDualb totalizer10731148



1795 (V12) hoSuccessIncomingIntraBssTchMsDualb totalizer11371160



1758/01758/11758/21758/31758/4 (V12)






1772/n hoUnsuccessIncomingIntraCellTchReturnOldChannelhoUnsuccessIncomingIntraCellTchT3107TimerExp


1773/n hoUnsuccessIncomingIntraCellSdcchReturnOldChannelhoUnsuccessIncomingIntraCellSdcchT3107TimerExp

totalizer Inter–bss handovers

These counters are collected on the bts object and appear in an observation reporton bts level.

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Counter No. Q3 name Type10761151


















1764/01764/11764/21764/31764/41764/5 (V12)






1770/n hoUnsuccessOutgoingInterCellTchReturnOldChannelhoUnsuccessOutgoingInterCellTchT3107TimerExphoUnsuccessOutgoingInterCellTchOtherCases


1771/n hoUnsuccessOutgoingInterCellSdcchReturnOldChannelhoUnsuccessOutgoingInterCellSdcchT3107TimerExphoUnsuccessOutgoingInterCellSdcchOtherCases

















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Counter No. TypeQ3 name1774/n hoUnsuccessIncomingInterBssTchTimerExp


1775/n hoUnsuccessIncomingInterBssSdcchTimerExphoUnsuccessIncomingInterBssSdcchOtherCases

totalizer Handovers in neighbor cells

These counters are collected on the adjacentCellHandOver object and appear in anobservation report on adjacentCell level (one occurence per neighbor cell).

Counter No. Q3 name Type12001202



1204/n hoNcellsUnsuccessTchChlRhoNcellsUnsuccessTchTimerhoNcellsUnsuccessTchOther


1205/n hoNcellsUnsuccessSdcchChlRhoNcellsUnsuccessSdcchTimerhoNcellsUnsuccessSdcchOther


1.3.9 Radio resource release Release in signaling phase

These counters are collected on the bts object or the bsc object.

Counters collected on the bts object appear in an observation report on bts level.Counters collected on the bsc object appear in an observation report on bsc level.

Counters on bts level

Counter No. Q3 name Type1161/01161/11161/21161/31161/51161/61161/7



1751 immediateAssignmentReject totalizer

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Counter No. TypeQ3 name1163/n signallingReleaseBtsSccpDiscInd



1753 signallingReleaseBts totalizer1778 signallingAbnormalReleaseCell totalizer

Counters on bsc level

Counter No. Q3 name Type1162/01162/11162/31162/261162/271162/28


1752 signallingReleaseNoBts totalizer

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These counters are collected on the bts object and appear in an observation reporton bts level.

Counter No. Q3 name Type1164/n trafficReleaseSccpDiscInd



1754 trafficRelease totalizer1779 trafficAbnormalRelease totalizer

1.3.10 SMS service

This counter is collected on the bts object and appears in an observation report onbts level.

Counter No. Q3 name Type1621 sapi3SessionEstablishment totalizer

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1.3.11 Layer 1 management

These counters are collected on the bts object and appear in an observation reporton bts level.

Counter No. Q3 name Type11981601









1622 msLostMeasurements totalizer16231625






1.3.12 A interface

These counters are collected on the bsc object and appear in an observation reporton bsc level.

Counter No. Q3 name Type11071108



1109 aMessageErrors totalizer1104/01104/1



1105 sccpAveragedUsed load1106/01106/1 (V12)1106/2 (V13)1106/3 (V13)









1094 tcAllocated totalizer1095 tcAveragedUsed load1171 data14K5NtRateFallBackTCB totalizer1172/0 (V12)1172/1 (V12)



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1.3.13 Abis interface

These counters are collected on the lapdLink object and appear in an observationreport on bsc level (one occurence per LAPD link).

Counter No. Q3 name Type1084/01084/31084/4



1717 (V12) abisTrauFrameDIReceived totalizer1718 (V12) abisTrauFrameCorrected totalizer1719 (V12) abisTrauFrameMuted totalizer1720 (V12) radioFrameUIReceived totalizer1721 (V12) erroneousFrameNumber totalizer3012/03012/13012/23012/33012/43012/53012/63012/73012/8






3014 e3AbisRslLevel2UnavaibilityTime totalizer3015 e3AbisAccLevel2CongestionTime totalizer3100/03100/13100/23100/33100/4






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1.3.14 BSS/OMC--R link

These counters are collected on the bsc object and appear in an observation reporton bsc level (one occurence per external X.25 link).

Counter No. Q3 name Type130013021304






1115 omcLinkSwitchOver totalizer

1.3.15 PCM links

These counters are collected on the pcmCircuit object and appears in an observationreport on bsc level (one occurence per external PCM).

Counter No. Q3 name Type1114 pcmUnavailability value1755/n pcmFaultExternal






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1.3.16 BSC equipment

These counters are collected on the bsc object and appear in an observation reporton bsc level.

Counter No. Q3 name Type1121 chainStandbyUpdate totalizer1122 chainStandbyResponse totalizer1400 prLoadCpue<x>



1506/n (V12) aintOverloadRejectedOpPageReqaintOverloadRejectedOpIncomingExtHoReq


1803/n (V12) cpueOverloadRejectedOpPageReqCpue<x>cpueOverloadRejectedOpChannelReqCpue<x>cpueOverloadRejectedOpEstablishIndCpue<x>cpueOverloadRejectedOpHoReqCpue<x>cpueOverloadRejectedOpPageReqBtsCpue<x>


1834 (V12) lapdOverloadRejectedOpSicd<x> totalizer1835 (V12) cardSynthLoadCpum



3000/0 (V13)

3000/1 (V13)




3001/0 (V13)

3001/1 (V13)

3001/2 (V13)





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Counter No. TypeQ3 name3004/0 (V13)

3004/1 (V13)

3004/2 (V13)





3005/0 (V13)

3005/1 (V13)

3005/2 (V13)





3008 /0 (V13)

3008/1 (V13)

3008/2 (V13)

3008/3 (V13)






3020 e3ChannelIdleLevel Value

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1.3.17 SS7 links

These counters are collected on the signallingLink object in the case of a BSC e3(one occurance per SS7 link defined in a given BSS).

Counter No. Q3 name Type3016/03016/13016/23016/3









3019 e3Ss7Level3Errors totalizer

1.3.18 GPRS

Counter No. Q3 name Type1086 gprsRachRejectedSicd<x> totalizer1087 gprsImmAssRejectedSicd<x> totalizer1088 gprsPagingRejectedSicd<x> totalizer1812 allocatedCircuitTsMoy/Max/Cum/Ech


1813 allocatedPacketTsMoy/Max/Cum/EchallocatedPacketTsTrZoneMoy/Max/Cum/Ech


1814 gprsPreemption totalizer1815 gprsPreemptionNack totalizer

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1.3.19 ASCI (V12 -- GSM--R)

Counter No. Q3 name Type1722 /01722/1






1723 asciInbandPaging totalizer1724 asciInbandNotification totalizer1725 asciPreemptionPerformed totalizer1504 vgcsAccessGrant totalizer1505 vgcsMscReject totalizer1804 deleteIndication totalizer1805 msPowerIncControl totalizer1806 msPowerDecControl totalizer1807 bsPowerInControl totalizer1808 bsPowerDecControl totalizer1809/01809/1



1810 tchFrAverageConfigurated load1811 sdcchAverageConfigurated totalizer1839/01839/11839/21839/31839/41839/51839/61839/71839/81839/9






1.3.20 Counter configuration

Paragraph 1.5 gives the V13 default configuration of the permanent generalobservation counters in the different observation types OGS, OFS, ORT, andODIAG.

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1.4 Temporary observation counters

1.4.1 SS7 links

These counters are collected on the signallingLink object (one occurence per SS7link defined in a given BSS).

Counter No. Q3 name Type5100/05101/0



5102/n ss7Level2ErrorNegAckRecss7Level2ErrorNegAckTransss7Level2ErrorMsuCongestss7Level2ErrorSuErr


5103/n ss7Level3ErrorDelayss7Level3ErrorHighErrRatess7Level3ErrorDistOutServ


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1.4.2 Abis interface

These counters are collected on the bts object and the dependent transceiver objects.

Counters on transceiver level

Counter No. Q3 name Type5600/05601/0












Counters on bts level

Counter No. Q3 name Type5608/n abisLevel2ErrorRxSup1



5609 abisUnavailabilityTime value5610 abisCongestionTime value

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1.5 BSS Permanent observation counters configurationThe permanent general observations can be configured in the four followingobservation types:

the real time permanent observation (ORT)This observation enables the detection in real time of incidents through thenetwork and observation of fast variations of the traffic load.

the fast statistic permanent observation (OFS)This observation enables the carrying out of periodic statistics. It can be figuredto collect observations every 15, 30, 45, or 60 minutes.

the general statistic permanent observation (OGS)This observation enables the carrying out of daily statistics.

the diagnostic permanent observation (ODIAG)This observation enables the investigation of bad functioning, or the verificationand the control of the network (after reorganization). This observation reportscounters that are associated to specific cells of thenetwork. BSCcountersmaybeassociated to this observation

1.5.1 Raw counters configuration (BSC 2G)

The following tables give theV15 default configuration of the counters in thediffer-ent observation types (ORT, ODIAG, OFS, and OGS).

All the counters for types ODIAG, OFS, and OGS (except 1084 and those not set-table by the operator) are configurable. The default is always used for type ORT.

The counters in bold characters are linked to the optional ASCI features (GSM--R). Raw permanent general counters settable by the operator


Counter name ORT ODIAG OFS OGS

1026 rachBusyCountrachBusyCountTs2rachBusyCountTs4rachBusyCountTs6


1027 rachAccessCountrachAccessCountTs2rachAccessCountTs4rachAccessCountTs6


1028 pchNoWaitpchNoWaitTs2pchNoWaitTs4pchNoWaitTs6


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1029 pchOneWaitpchOneWaitTs2pchOneWaitTs4pchOneWaitTs6


1030 pchTwoWaitpchTwoWaitTs2pchTwoWaitTs4pchTwoWaitTS6


1031 pchMoreWaitpchMoreWaitTs2pchMoreWaitTs4pchMoreWaitTs6


1033 rachNonDecodedAvLevelMoy/Max/Cum/EchrachNonDecodedAvLevelTs2Moy/Max/Cum/EchrachNonDecodedAvLevelTs4Moy/Max/Cum/EchrachNonDecodedAvLevelTs6Moy/Max/Cum/Ech


1035 sdcchAveragedUsedMoy/Max/Cum/Ech X X

1036 sdcchRessourceFailure X X

1039 tchFrRessourceFailure X X

1044 signallingPhaseDurationMoy/Max/Cum/Ech X X

1045 signallingPhaseDurationHighMoy/Max/Cum/Ech X X

1049 attemptedTchFrSeizures X X

1050 successfulTchFrSeizures X X

1055 assignFailure X X

1057 allTchFrAllocatedTimeMoy/Max/Cum/EchallTchFrAllocatedTimeTrZoneMoy/Max/Cum/Ech



1059 sdcchAveragedAvailableMoy/Max/Cum/Ech X X

1060 allSdcchAllocatedTimeMoy/Max/Cum/EchallSdcchAllocatedTimeTrZoneMoy/Max/Cum/Ech


1065 hoExecutionOutgoingIntraBss X X

1066 hoExecutionOutgoingInterBss X X

1067 hoSuccessOutgoingIntraBss X X

1068 hoSuccessOutgoingInterBss X X

1069 hoRequestIncomingIntraBss X X

1070 hoRequestIncomingInterBss X X

1071 hoExecutionIncomingIntraBss X X

1072 hoExecutionIncomingInterBss X X

1073 hoSuccessIncomingIntraBss X X

1074 hoSuccessIncomingInterBss X X

1075 hoRequestOutgoingIntraBss X X

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1076 hoRequestOutgoingInterBss X X

1077 hoSuccessOutgoingFirstIntra X X

1078 hoSuccessOutgoingFirstInter X X

1081 hoRequestIntraBts X X

1082 hoExecutionIntraBts X X

1083 hoSuccessIntraBts X X

1094 tcAllocated X X

1095 tcAveragedUsedMoy/Max/Cum/Ech X X X X





1105 sccpAveragedUsedMoy/Max/Cum/Ech X X X





1135 hoUnsuccessReestOutgoingIntraBssTch X X

1136 hoUnsuccessReestOutgoingInterBssTch X X

1137 hoUnsuccessReestIncomingIntraBssTch X X

1140 hoExecutionOutgoingIntraBssSdcch X X

1141 hoExecutionOutgoingInterBssSdcch X X

1142 hoSuccessOutgoingIntraBssSdcch X X

1143 hoSuccessOutgoingInterBssSdcch X X

1144 hoRequestIncomingIntraBssSdcch X X

1145 hoRequestIncomingInterBssSdcch X X

1146 hoExecutionIncomingIntraBssSdcch X X

1147 hoExecutionIncomingInterBssSdcch X X

1148 hoSuccessIncomingIntraBssSdcch X X

1149 hoSuccessIncomingInterBssSdcch X X

1150 hoRequestOutgoingIntraBssSdcch X X

1151 hoRequestOutgoingInterBssSdcch X X

1152 hoSuccessOutgoingFirstIntraSdcch X X

1153 hoSuccessOutgoingFirstInterSdcch X X

1154 hoRequestIntraBtsSdcch X X

1155 hoExecutionIntraBtsSdcch X X

1156 hoSuccessIntraBtsSdcch X X

1157 hoUnsuccessReestIntraBtsSdcch X X

1158 hoUnsuccessReestOutgoingIntraBssSdcch X X

1159 hoUnsuccessReestOutgoingInterBssSdcch X X

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1160 hoUnsuccessReestIncomingIntraBssSdcch X X










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1165 hoIndicationNotTreatedTchoke X X

1166 hoIndicationNotTreatedTmtBtwHo X X

1167 hoUnsuccessOutgoingIntraBssNAttemptTch X X

1168 hoUnsuccessOutgoingIntraBssNAttemptSdcch X X

1169 hoUnsuccessOutgoingInterBssNAttemptTch X X

1170 hoUnsuccessOutgoingInterBssNAttemptSdcch X X

1171 data14K5NtRateFallBackTCB X X










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1195 estabIndicSigPhase1 X X

1196 estabIndicSigPhase2 X X




1198 downlinkPowerCtrlMaxTchMoy/Max/Cum/Ech X X

1199 uplinkPowerCtrlMaxTchMoy/Max/Cum/Ech X X

1200 hoNcellsExecution X X

1202 hoNcellsExecutionSdcch X X







1206 speechAlgoFallBack X X

1207 immediateAssignmentMultiband X X

1208 hoRequestOutgoingMbandEbandMsDualb X X

1209 hoSuccessOutgoingMbandEbandMsDualb X X

1300 omcOutputIFrame X

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1301 omcInputIFrame X

1302 omcOutputRepeatedIFrame X

1303 omcInputRepeatedIFrame X

1304 omcOutputRnrFrame X

1305 omcInputRnrFrame X

1400 prLoadCpue<x>Moy/Max/Cum/EchprLoadCpumMoy/Max/Cum/EchprLoadSicd<x>Moy/Max/Cum/Ech


1500 aTransparentUp X X

1501 aTransparentDown X X

1502 aNonTransparentUp X X

1503 aNonTransparentDown X X

1504 vgcsAccessGrant X X

1505 vgcsMscReject X X




1600 connectionDurationTchMoy/Max/Cum/EchconnectionDurationTchTrZoneMoy/Max/Cum/Ech



1601 downlinkPowerCtrlMaxSdcchMoy/Max/Cum/Ech X X

1602 uplinkPowerCtrlMaxSdcchMoy/Max/Cum/Ech X X

1603 connectionDurationSdcchMoy/Max/Cum/EchconnectionDurationSdcchTrZoneMoy/Max/Cum/Ech



1604 pchAveragedQueueLengthMoy/Max/Cum/EchpchAveragedQueueLengthTs2Moy/Max/Cum/EchpchAveragedQueueLengthTs4Moy/Max/Cum/EchpchAveragedQueueLengthTs6Moy/Max/Cum/Ech


1605 pchQueuePagesDiscardedpchQueuePagesDiscardedTs2pchQueuePagesDiscardedTs4pchQueuePagesDiscardedTs6


1606 sdcchAllocatedTrZone X X

1607 sdcchAveragedUsedTrZoneMoy/Max/Cum/Ech X X X

1608 sdcchRessourceFailureTrZone X X







1613 tchFrRessourceFailureTrZone X X

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1620 directedRetryUnsuccessNoBts X X

1621 sapi3SessionEstablishment X X

1622 msLostMeasurements X X

1623 rxLevDownLink X X

1624 rxLevUpLink X X

1625 rxQualDownLink X X

1626 rxQualUpLink X X

1629/0 channelActivateSignallingFullRate X X

1700 tchFrAveragedAvailableTrZoneMoy/Max/Cum/Ech X X X

1701 sdcchAveragedAvailableTrZoneMoy/Max/Cum/Ech X X

1702 channelRequestExtended X X







1713 data14K5NtRateFallBackTCH X X

1714 btsOverloaddurationMoy/Max/Cum/Ech X X

1715 attemptedTchSeizuresMsDualb X X

1716 successfulTchFrSeizuresMsDualb X X

1717 abisTrauFrameDIReceived X X

1718 abisTrauFrameCorrected X X

1719 abisTrauFrameMuted X X

1720 radioFrameUIReceived X X

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1721 erroneousFrameNumber X X




1723 asciInbandPaging X X

1724 asciInbandNotification X X

1725 asciPreemptionPerformed X X




1744 tchFrAllocated X X X

1746 tchFrAveragedUsedMoy/Max/Cum/Ech X

1750 estabIndicSignalling X






















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1776 hoRequiredTch X X X

1777 hoRequiredSdcch X X X

1778 signallingAbnormalReleaseCell X X

1779 signallingAbnormalRelease X X

1780 hoSuccessOutgoingTch X

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1781 hoSuccessIncomingTch X

1782 hoBtsRejected X X

1783 hoRequestOutgoingmbandMbandMsDualb X X

1784 hoRequestOutgoingEbandEbandMsDualb X X

1785 hoRequestOutgoingEbandMbandMsDualb X X

1786 hoSuccessOutgoingMbandMbandMsDualb X X

1787 hoSuccessOutgoingEbandEbandMsDualb X X

1788 hoSuccessOutgoingEbandMbandMsDualb X X

1789 hoExecutionOutgoingMbandEbandMsDualb X X

1790 hoExecutionOutgoingMbandMbandMsdualb X X

1791 hoExecutionOutgoingEbandEbandMsDualb X X

1792 hoExecutionOutgoingEbandMbandMsDualb X X

1793 hoRequestIncomingIntraBssTchMsDualb X X

1794 hoExecutionIncomingIntraBssTchMsDualb X X

1795 hoSuccessIncomingIntraBssTchMsDualb X X

1796 hoRequestIntraBtsMsDualb X X

1797 hoExecutionIntraBtsMsDualb X X

1798 hoSuccessIntraBtsMsDualb X X

1799 assignToOtherBandOrZone X X

1800 asciTalkerHandoverVbs X X

1801 asciTalkerHandoverVgcs X X




1804 deleteIndication X X

1805 msPowerIncControl X X

1806 msPowerDecControl X X

1807 bsPowerIncControl X X

1808 bsPowerDecControl X X




1810 tchFrAverageConfigurated X X

1811 sdcchAverageConfigurated X X

1816/0 pathBalance X X

1817/0 burstToTransmit X

1818/0 burstTransmitted X

1819/0 burstToTransmitReqPwr X

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1820/0 STPMAttenuation X X






X X Raw permanent general counters not settable by the operator but present in the defaultlist


Counter name ORT ODIAG OFS OGS




1121 chainStandByUpdate X

1122 chainStandByResponse X

1300 omcOutputIFrame X

1301 omcInputIFrame X

1302 omcOutputRepeatedIFrame X

1303 omcInputRepeatedIFrame X

1304 omcOutputRnrFrame X

1305 omcInputRnrFrame X

1400 prLoadCpumMoy/Max/Cum/EchprLoadCpue<x>Moy/Max/Cum/EchprLoadSicd<x>Moy/Max/Cum/Ech


1834 lapdOverloadRejectedOpSicd<x> X

1835 cardSynthLoadCpumMoy/Max/Cum/EchcardSynthLoadCpue<x>Moy/Max/Cum/EchcardSynthLoadSicd<x>Moy/Max/Cum/EchcardSynthLoadBscb<x>Moy/Max/Cum/EchcardSynthLoadTscb<x>Moy/Max/Cum/Ech


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1.5.2 Raw counter configuration (BSC e3, AMR) Raw permanent counters settable by the operator (BSC e3)

Counter number Counter name ORT ODIAG OFS OGS

1507/0 e3OverloadRejectedOpPagingReq X X

1507/1 e3OverloadRejectedOpChannelReq X X

1507/2 e3OverloadRejectedOpEstablishInd X X

1507/3 e3OverloadRejectedOpHoReq X X

1507/4 e3OverloadRejectedOpPagingReqReject X X

3000/0 prLoadCne3OmuSbcMoy/Max/Cum/Ech X X3002/0 prLoadCne3CC1Moy/Max/Cum/Ech X X

3003/0 e3PrLoadSpmMoy/Max/Cum/Ech X










3006/0 e3PrMemCnCC1Moy/Max/Cum/Ech X X

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Counter number OGSOFSODIAGORTCounter name

3007/0 e3PrMemSpmMoy/Max/Cum/Ech X X

3008 /03008/13008/23008/3



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Preliminary 14.14/EN June 2004 Copyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks Raw permanent counters settable by the operator (AMR)

Counter num-ber

Counter name ORT ODIAG OFS OGS

1197/2 channelActivateSpeechAmrHr X X

1197/3 channelActivateSpeechAmrFr X X1780/1 AmrFrHoSuccessOutgoingTch X X

1780/2 AmrHrHoSuccessOutgoingTch X X

1900 amFrTchAllocated X

1901 amFrTchStdAveragedUsedMoy/Max/Cum/Ech X

1902 amFrTchConnectionDurationMoy/Max/Cum/Ech X1903 amrFrSuccessfullyAssigned X

1904 amFrTchAssignFfailure X

1905 CIUplinkFr X

1906 DownlinkPowerCtrlMaxTchAmrFrMoy/Max/Cum/Ech


1907 UplinkPowerCtrlMaxTchAmrFrMoy/Max/Cum/Ech X

1908 RxLevDownlinkAmrFr X1909 RxLevUplinkAmrFr X

1910 RxQualDownlinkAmrFr X

1911 RxQualUplinkAmrFr X

1913 msPowerDecControlAmrFr X

1914 bsPowerIncControlAmrFr X1915 bsPowerDecControlAmrFr X

1916 CIUplinkAmrFr X

1917 TimingAdvanceAmrFr X

1918 DownlinkPowerCtrlMaxTchAmrHrMoy/Max/Cum/Ech


1919 UplinkPowerCtrlMaxTchAmrHrMoy/Max/Cum/Ech X1920 RxLevDownlinkAmrHr X

1921 RxLevUplinkAmrHr X

1922 RxQualDownlinkAmrHr X

1923 RxQualUplinkAmrHr X

1924 msPowerIncControlAmrHr X

1925 msPowerDecControlAmrHr X1926 bsPowerIncControlAmrHr X

1927 bsPowerDecControlAmrHr X

1928 CIUplinkAmrHr X

1929 TimingAdvanceAmrHr X

1930 msLostMeasurementAmrFr X1931 msLostMeasurementAmrHr X

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Counter num-ber


1932 QualityHoFiltered X

1933 CapacityHoFiltered X1950 FrAmrHoRequiredTch X

1951 HrAmrHoRequiredTch X

1952 HoRequestOutgoingTch X

1953 AmrHoRequestIntraCellTch X

1954 AmrHoExecutionIntraCellTch X1955 AmrHoSuccessIntraCellTch X

1956 HoNcellsExecutionTchAmrHr X

1957 HoNcellsExecutionTchAmrFr X

1958 HoNcellsUnsuccessTchAmrHr X

1959 HoNcellsUnsuccessTchAmrFr X

1960 TrafficReleaseAmrFr X1961 TrafficReleaseAmrHr X

1963 HoNcellsRequestOutgoingAmrHr X

1964 HoNcellsRequestOutgoingAmrFr X

1975 UplinkCodecAmrFr X

1976 UplinkCodecAmrHr X1977 DownlinkCodecAmrFr X

1978 DownlinkCodecAmrHr X

1979 BadSpeechFramesAmrFr X

1980 ReceivedSpeechFramesAmrFr X

1981 BadSpeechFramesAmrHr X1982 ReceivedSpeechFramesAmrHr X

1983 AmrNoDataFrames X

1984 upModificationsAmrFr X

1985 DownModificationsAmrFr X

1986 upModificationsAmrHr X

1987 DownModificationsAmrHr X1988 AmrRatscchError X

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1.5.3 Correspondence between BSC2G and BSC e3 counters

BSC e3


Counter name BSC 2G


Counter name

3000/0 prLoadCne3OmuSbcMoyMax/Cum/Ech 1400 prLoadCpumMoy/Max/Cum/EchprLoadCpueMoy/Max/Cum/Ech



1400 prLoadCpumMoy/Max/Cum/Echpr-LoadCpueMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

3002/0 prLoadCne3CC1Moy/Max/Cum/Ech

3003/0 e3PrLoadSpmMoy/Max/Cum/Ech






3006/0 e3PrMemCnCC1Moy/Max/Cum/Ech

3007/0 e3PrMemSpmMoy/Max/Cum/Ech

3008 /0














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BSC e3


Counter nameBSC 2G


Counter name





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1.5.4 Synthetic counters configuration ORT & IPO synthetic counters

Counter number Counter name IPO

9500 bscSdcchAveragedUsed X

9501 bscTchAveragedUsed X

9502 bscPagingResponse X

9503 bscOtherChannelRequest X

9504 bscHoExecutionOutgoingTch X

9505 bscHoExecutionOutgoingSdcch X

9506 bscHoExecutionIncomingTch X

9507 bscHoExecutionIncomingSdcch X

9508 bscHoExecutionIntraBtsTch X

9509 bscHoExecutionIntraBtsSdcch X OFS & OGS synthetic counters in standard configuration

Counter number Counter name OFS OGS

8000 hoOutTchGlobalFaiLRate X

8001 hoOutSdcchGlobalFailRate X

8002 hoOutTchRequestRatio X

8003 hoOutSdcchRequestRatio X

8004 hoOutTchSelectionFailRate X

8005 hoOutSdcchSelectionFailRate X

8006 hoOutTchExecutionFailRate X

8007 hoOutSdcchExecutionFailRate X

8008 hoInTchSelectionFailRate X

8009 hoInSdcchSelectionFailRate X

8010 hoInTchExecutionFailRate X

8011 hoInSdcchExecutionFailRate X

8012 hoOutTchFirstAttemptSuccessRatio X

8013 hoOutSdcchFirstAttemptSuccessRatio X

8016 allEstabIndicSignalling X

8017 t3107ExpAssign X

8018 t3107ExpIntraBtsHoSdcch X

8019 t3107expIntraBtsHoTch X

8020 t3103ExpTch X

8021 t3103ExpSdcch X

8037 attemptedTchFrSeizureNotInclHo X

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Counter number OGSOFSCounter name

8039 attemptedTchFrSeizureInclHo X

8040 allocationFailureTchFrSeizureInclHo X

8044 clearRequestTraffic X

8050 relativeTimeDLPowerCtrlMaxTch X

8051 relativeTimeULPowerCtrlMaxTch X

8052 relativeTimeDLPowerCtrlMaxSdcch X

8053 relativeTimeULPowerCtrlMaxSdcch X

8104 requestedHandoverForDualBandMSToSecondVersusMainBand


8105 immAssignDualBandMSRate X

8500 hoOutTchMaxFailRate X

8501 hoOutSdcchMaxFailRate X

8502 hoOutTchRequestMaxRatio X

8503 hoOutSdcchRequestMaxRatio X

8504 hoOutTchSelectionFailMaxRate X

8505 hoOutSdcchSelectionFailMaxRate X

8506 hoOutExecutionFailMaxRate X

8507 hoOutSdcchExecutionFailMaxRate X

8508 hoInTchSelectionFailMaxRate X

8509 hoInSdcchSelectionFailMaxRate X

8510 hoInTchExecutionFailMaxRate X

8511 hoInSdcchExecutionFailMaxRate X

8512 hoOutTchFirstAttemptSuccessMinRatio X

8513 hoOutSdcchFirstAttemptSuccessMinRatio X

8550 hoOutTchBscGlobalFailRate X

8551 hoOutSdcchBscGlobalFailRate X

8552 hoOutTchRequestBscRatio X

8553 hoOutSdcchrequestBscRatio X

8554 hoOutTchSelectionBscFailRate X

8555 hoOutSdcchSelectionBscFailRate X

8856 hoOutTchExecutionBscFailRate X

8557 hoOutSdcchExecutionBscFailRate X

8558 hoInInterTchSelectionBscFailRate X

8559 hoInInterSdcchSelectionBscFailRate X

8560 hoInInterTchExecutionBscFailRate X

8561 hoInInterSdcchExecutionBscFailRate X

8562 hoInIntraTchExecutionBscFailRate X

8563 hoInIntraSdcchExecutionBscFailRate X

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Counter number OGSOFSCounter name

8564 hoOutInterTchExecutionBscFailRate X

8565 hoOutInterSdcchExecutionBscFailRate X

8566 hoOutFirstSuccessTchRatio X

8567 hoOutFirstSuccessSdcchRatio X

8568 aMessageErroneousRate X

8569 sccpResourceFailureRatio X

8600 bscSdcchAveragedUsedMoy X

8601 bscTchFrAveragedUsedOverflowAllocationMoy X

8602 bscTchAveragedUsedPrimoAllocationMoy X

8603 bscTchFrAveragedUsedTchAllocationMoy X

8604 bscPagingResponse X

8605 bscOtherThanPaging X

8606 hoOutExecutionBscTch X

8607 hoOutExecutionBscSdcch X

8608 hoInExecutionBscTch X

8609 hoInExecutionBscSdcch X

8610 bscSdcchAllocated X

8611 bscTchFrAllocatedOverflowAllocation X

8612 bscTchFrAllocatedPrimoAllocation X

8613 bscTchFrAllocatedAllocation X

8623 averageDLRxLev X

8624 averageULRxLev X

8625 averageDLRxQual X

8626 averageULRxQual X

8628 dlMutedAbisTrauFrameRate X

8637 bscAttemptedTchFrSeizureNotInclHo X

8639 bscAttemptedTchFrSeizureInclHo X

8640 bscAllocationFailureTchFrSeizureInclHo X

8644 bscClearRequestTraffic X

8700 pcminseconds X

8701 allTchinseconds X

8702 allSdcchinseconds X

8706 cellSdcchResourceFailureRatio X

8707 cellTchResourceFailureRatio X

8713 signallingReleaseRatio X

8714 callDropTrafficRatio X

8726 rachBusyCountCell X

8727 rachAccessCountCell X

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Counter number OGSOFSCounter name

8728 pchNoWaitCell X

8729 pchOneWaitCell X

8730 pchTwoWaitCell X

8731 pchMoreWaitCell X

8733 rachNonDecodedAvLevelCell X

8734 pchAveragedQueueLengthCell X

8735 pchQueuePagesDiscardedCell X

8760 cpue0LoadRatio X

8761 cpue1LoadRatio X

8803 tchOccupancy X

8813 faultyTrxNoBcch X OFS &OGS synthetic counters proposal

Counter number Counter name OFS OGS

8022 hoOutTchReestRatio X

8023 hoOutSdcchReestRatio X

8024 underUsedTch X

8025 overUsedCell X

8026 assignFailureRateDualBandMSh X

8027 directTchRate X

8028 directTchDualBandRate X

8029 fallBackNonTransparentTchRate X

8041 g11 X

8042 g12 X

8043 g13 X

8100 requestedHandoverForDualBandMSFromMainBand X

8101 requestedHandoverForDualBandMSToMainBand X

8102 requestedHandoverForDualBandMSFromSecondBand X

8103 requestedHandoverForDualBandMSToSecondBand X

8110 hoIntraBtsFailRateTchTieringLargeToSmallPattern X

8111 hoIntraBtsFailRateTchTieringSmallToLargePattern X

8112 requestedIntraBtsHandoverForDualBandMSRate X

8113 hoIntraBtsFailRateDualBandMS X

8114 requestedInIntraBscHandoverForDualBandMSRate X

8115 hoInInterBtsFailRateDualBandMS X

8614 bscTchAveragedUsed X

8627 ecuEfficiency X

8629 pcmErrCorrEfficiency X

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Counter number OGSOFSCounter name

8704 pchNoWaitRatio X

8708 immediateAssignmentFailureRatio X

8709 estabIndicSigPhase1Ratio X

8710 estabIndicSigPhase2Ratio X

8711 assignFailureRate X

8712 immediateAssignmentRejectRatio X

8715 saturatedTchCell X

8716 saturatedSdcchCell X

8723 zoneAverageDLRxLev X

8724 zoneAverageULRxLev X

8725 zoneAverageDLRxQual X

8736 zoneAverageULRxQual X

8756 tdmaClassSdcchResourceFailureRatio X

8757 tdmaClassTchResourceFailureRatio X

8758 overLoadRejChannelReq X

8759 overLoadRejPagingReq X

8800 callDropTchRatioSystem X

8801 callDropTchRatioRadio X

8802 qosCell X

8804 tchOccupancy X

8807 globalBlockingRate X

8808 doubleAllocationRate X

8809 locUpRate X

8810 pagingResponseDegradation X X

8811 channelRequestExtRate X

8812 smsRate X

8814 faultyTxBcch X X

8815 faultyPaWithPwrcDl X

8816 faultyPaWithoutPwrcDl X X

8817 faultyPaBcchWithFrequencyHopping X X

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Counter number Counter name OFS OGS

8900 vgcsRejectRate X

8904 immAssignDeletedRate X

8905 msPwrcIncPerChannel X

8906 msPwrcDecPerChannel X

8907 bsPwrcIncPerChannel X

8908 bsPwrcDecPerChannel X

8909 averagedTimingAdvance X

8910 availableTchRate X

8911 availableScchRate X

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1.6 Raw Permanent PCUSN Observation Counters

1.6.1 PCUSN Observation Classes

The PCUSN produces observation counters for:

the network elements depending on the BSCs it is connected to

its own depending elements (logicalProcessor, pBlock, and framer).

The counters are not displayed on the Man--Machine Interface but are only sent tothe OMC--R Data Server (SDO).

The observed object classes found in the PCUSN observation records storing thePCUSN related data are the following:

logicalProcessor (new class)

pBlock (new class)

framer (new class)

The observed object classes found in the PCUSN observation records storing theBSS related data are the following:


ccch (new class)



These observed object classes of the PCUSN can be seen in the figure below:

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pcmCircuit btsSiteManager





logicalProcessor framer



Legend: Classes that are already observed by the BSS observation.

Classes that produce observation counters for the PCUSN observation.

Figure 1--2 Observation Classes

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1.6.2 PCUSN Observation Types

There are two types of PCUSN Observation types: OFS and ORT.

OFS counters are accessible by SDO (OMC--R data server)

ORT counters are accessible by the Command Console (CAS) of the PCUSNOAM Plugin. ORT counters are cumulative and return to zero when the SPM isreset.

The following table shows a complete list of the PCUSN counters. The column onthe left shows the counter number. The next two columns show the class and nameof these counters as they appear in the CAS Interface. The final two columns showthe class and name of these counters as the appear in SDO output. In some cases,the class and name of these types of counters can differ.


CAS Interface SDO Output

Class Name Class Name

15001/0 PcmLink octetsDn pcmCircuit octetsDn

15001/1 PcmLink octetsUp pcmCircuit octetsUp

15004/0 Bvc pduDataDn bts pduDataDn

15004/1 Bvc pduDataUp bts pduDataUp

15005/0 Bvc octetsDataDn bts octetsDataDn

15005/1 Bvc octetsDataUp bts octetsDataUp

15010/0 Bvc bvcFlowControlRequests bts bvcFlowControlRe-quests

15010/1 Bvc msFlowControlRequests bts msFlowControlRe-quests

15012/0 Bvc llcDiscardedPdu bts llcDiscardedPdu

15012/1 Bvc llcDiscardedOctets bts llcDiscardedOctets

15014/0 Bvc msFlushLLRequest bts msFlushLLRequest

15028/1 CgiCell upMultiSlotRequests bts upMultiSlotRequest1

15028/2 CgiCell upMultiSlotRequests bts upMultiSlotRequest2

15028/3 CgiCell upMultiSlotRequests bts upMultiSlotRequest3

15028/4 CgiCell upMultiSlotRequests bts upMultiSlotRequest4

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SDO OutputCAS Interface

15030/1 CgiCell dnMultiSlotRequests bts dwMultiSlotRequest1

15030/2 CgiCell dnMultiSlotRequests bts dwMultiSlotRequest2

15030/3 CgiCell dnMultiSlotRequests bts dwMultiSlotRequest3

15030/4 CgiCell dnMultiSlotRequests bts dwMultiSlotRequest4

15031/1 CgiCell dnMultiSlotAllocations bts FirstDlUnitDataFrame

15031/2 CgiCell dnMultiSlotAllocations bts dlTBFAllocFailure

15031/3 CgiCell dnMultiSlotAllocations bts dlTBFRadioFailure

15032/0 CgiCell fullDuplexTbfEstablish-ment

bts fullDuplexTbfEstablish-ment

15032/3 CgiCell closeEndedUpTbfEsta-blishment

bts ulsecondPhaseAlloc-Failure

15033/0 CgiCell upTbfReleases bts upTbfReleases

15033/1 CgiCell dnTbfReleases bts dnTbfReleases

15034/0 CgiCell cumulativeTimeUpTbf bts PDANWithUlReq

15036/0 CgiCell allocatedBlocksUpTbf bts ulsecondPhaseRadio-Failure

15038/0 Tdma localBusy tranceiver localBusy

15041/0 Tdma cumulativeUpActiveTi-meslots

tranceiver upUserdataBlocks

15043/0 Tdma cumulativeUpTbfPerTi-meslots

tranceiver RequestedRetransmit-tedDataBlocksDN

15045/0 Tdma llcPacketUp tranceiver llcPacketUp

15045/1 Tdma llcPacketDn tranceiver llcPacketDn

15046/0 Tdma dataBlocksUp tranceiver dataBlocksUp

15046/1 Tdma dataBlocksDn tranceiver dataBlocksDn

15047/0 Tdma controlBlocksUp tranceiver controlBlocksUp

15047/1 Tdma controlBlocksDn tranceiver controlBlocksDn

15048/0 Tdma invalidBlocksUp tranceiver invalidBlocksUp

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SDO OutputCAS Interface

15048/1 Tdma invalidProtocolError-BlocksUp

tranceiver invalidProtocolError-BlocksUp

15048/2 Tdma outOfSequenceBlock-sUp

tranceiver outOfSequenceBlock-sUp

15049/0 Tdma packetAckNackUp tranceiver packetAckNackUp

15049/1 Tdma packetAckNackDn tranceiver packetAckNackDn

15050/0 Tdma totalRetransmissionRe-quested

tranceiver totalRetransmissionRe-quested

15051/0 Tdma cumulativeUpRxQual tranceiver cumulativeUpRxQual

15054/0 Tdma retransmittedData-BlocksDn

tranceiver retransmittedData-BlocksDn

15055/0 Tdma tbfNormalReleaseUp tranceiver tbfNormalReleaseUp

15055/1 Tdma tbfNormalReleaseDn tranceiver tbfNormalReleaseDn

15056/0 Tdma noPacketResourceReq tranceiver noPacketResourceReq

15056/1 Ccch packetResourceRequest packetResourceRe-quest

15057/0 Tdma lossOfComNN002Max tranceiver lossOfComNN002Max

15057/1 Tdma lossOfComT3169 tranceiver lossOfComT3169

15057/2 Tdma lossOfComNT0001 tranceiver lossOfComNT0001

15057/3 Tdma lossOfComT3195 tranceiver lossOfComT3195

15057/4 Tdma lossOfComT3191 tranceiver lossOfComT3191

15058/0 Ccch upTbfImmediateAssign-ment

ccch upTbfImmediateAs-signment

15058/2 Ccch dnTbfImmediateAssign-ment

ccch dnTbfImmediateAs-signment

15058/3 Ccch upTbfImmAssigReject-NoTs

ccch dnPipebet-ween11and22kbps

15058/4 Ccch upTbfImmAssigReject-NoTbf

ccch dnPipebet-ween22and33kbps

15059/0 Ccch channelRequest ccch channelRequestCcch

15060/0 Ccch deleteIndicationUp ccch dnPipeGreater33kbps

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SDO OutputCAS Interface

15061/0 Ccch packetUpAssignment ccch upPipeless11kbps

15062/0 Ccch upTbfPacketAccessRe-jectNoPdch

ccch upPipeGreater11kbps

15062/1 Ccch upTbfPacketAccessRe-jectNoTs

ccch dnPipeLess11kbps

15063/0 PBlock cpuPBlockUtilAvg pBlock cpuPBlockUtilAvg

15063/2 PBlock cpuPBlockUtilMax pBlock cpuPBlockUtilMax

15066/0 Lp cpuUtilAvg logicalPro-cessor


15066/1 Lp cpuUtilAvgMin logicalPro-cessor


15066/2 Lp cpuUtilAvgMax logicalPro-cessor


15067/0 Lp memoryCapacity logicalPro-cessor


15067/1 Lp memoryCapacity logicalPro-cessor


15067/2 Lp memoryCapacity logicalPro-cessor


15068/0 Lp memoryUsageAvg logicalPro-cessor


15068/0 Lp memoryUsageAvgMin logicalPro-cessor


15068/0 Lp memoryUsageAvgMax logicalPro-cessor


15068/1 Lp memoryUsageAvg logicalPro-cessor


15068/1 Lp memoryUsageAvgMin logicalPro-cessor


15068/1 Lp memoryUsageAvgMax logicalPro-cessor


15068/2 Lp memoryUsageAvg logicalPro-cessor


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SDO OutputCAS Interface

15068/2 Lp memoryUsageAvgMin logicalPro-cessor


15068/2 Lp memoryUsageAvgMax logicalPro-cessor


15069/0 Lp sharedMsgBlockCapa-city



15069/1 Lp sharedMsgBlockUsa-geAvg



15069/1 Lp sharedMsgBlockUsa-geAvgMin



15069/1 Lp sharedMsgBlockUsa-geAvgMax



15069/2 Lp localMsgBlockCapacity logicalPro-cessor


15069/3 Lp localMsgBlockUsageAvg logicalPro-cessor


15069/3 Lp localMsgBlockUsageMin logicalPro-cessor


15069/3 Lp localMsgBlockUsage-Max



15070/0 Framer rxBytes framer rxBytes

15070/1 Framer txBytes framer txBytes

15071/0 Framer rxFrames framer rxFrames

15071/1 Framer txFrames framer txFrames

15072/0 Framer rxTotalLinkUtil framer rxTotalLinkUtil

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1.6.3 Throughput Counters and Satisfaction Rate Counters

This following is a list of these counters:

Counter No. Q3 name15077/0 dnTbfGoldSatisfactMore90pCent15077/1 dnTbfGoldSatisfactBet5090pCent15077/2 dnTbfGoldSatisfactLess50pCent15078/0 dnTbfSilverSatisfactMore90pCent15078/1 dnTbfSilverSatisfactBet5090pCent15078/2 dnTbfSilverSatisfactLess50pCent15079/0 dnTbfBronzeSatisfactMore90pCent15079/1 dnTbfBronzeSatisfactBet5090pCent15079/2 dnTbfBronzeSatisfactMore90pCent15029/1 upTbfGoldSatisfactMore90pCent15029/2 upTbfGoldSatisfactBet5090pCent15029/3 upTbfGoldSatisfactLess50pCent15031/4 upTbfSilverSatisfactMore90pCent15034/1 upTbfSilverSatisfactBet5090pCent15062/2 upTbfSilverSatisfactLess50pCent15061/1 upTbfBronzeSatisfactMore90pCent15062/3 upTbfBronzeSatisfactBet5090pCent15062/4 upTbfBronzeSatisfactMore90pCent15079/2 dnTbfBronzeSatisfactLess50pCent15058/3 dnPipeBetween11and22kbps15058/4 dnPipebetween22and33kbps15060/0 dnPipeGreater33kbps15061/0 upPipeless11kbps15062/0 upPipeGreater11kbps15062/1 dnPipeLess11kbps

In the following paragraphs:<direction> takes place for up and dn (i.e uplink or downlink)<ServiceClass> takes place for Gold, Silver or Bronze.

The following downlink throughput counters:dnPipeLess11kbpsdnPipeBetween11and22kbpsdnPipeBetween22and33kbpsdnPipeGreater33kbps

provide altogether a downlink throughput histogram in the related cell.

Each one represents the cumulative number of times a throughput between thespecified limits is reached in dowlnlink direction by a MS in the cell.

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The following uplink throughput counters:



provide altogether an uplink throughput histogram in the related cell.

Each one represents the cumulative number of times a throughput between thesepcified limits is reached in uplink direction by a MS in the cell.

The following <direction> satisfaction rate counters:




provide altogether a <direction> satisfaction rate histogram for the <ServiceClass>in the related cell.

Each one represent the cumulative number of times a satisfaction rate between thespecified limits is reached in <direction> by a <ServiceClass> MS in the cell.

The throughput counters and the satisfaction rate counters are computed as follow.For each pipe (set of radio resources allocated to aMS), the following counters aredefined :

dnNbDataBytes: cumulative number of bytes in downlink RLC data blockreceived on the pipe

dnVerboseTime: cumulative time the PCU is ready to transmit downlink RLCdata blocks on the pipe (this excludes for instance MS reaction times after aresource assignment, keep alive duration, ...)

upNbDataBytes: cumulative number of bytes in uplink RLC data blockstransmitted on the pipe

upVerboseTime: cumulative time the PCU is ready to receive uplink RLC datablocks on the pipe (this excludes for instance MS reaction times after a resourceassignment)

On pipe closure (and if <direction>VerboseTime is not null), for both directions thefollowing actions are done:

Compute the throughput as follows:

• <direction>Throughput=<direction>NbDataByte <direction>VerboseTime

Increments the right <direction> throughput counter corresponding to the limitsincluding the <direction>Throughput value

Compute the satisfaction rate as follows:

• <direction>SatisfactionRate=<direction>Throughput/<direction>PeakThroughput

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· Increments the right <direction> satisfaction rate counter corresponding to thelimits including the <direction>SatisfactionRate value

A pipe closure occurs in the following cases:

at a normal or abnormal release of a half duplex transfer

at an abonormal release of a full duplex transfer

at transitions from half to full duplex transfer, in this case a new pipe is created

at allocation of new resources (after a TS pre--emption for instance), in this case anew pipe is created

Note that the pipe is not necessarily closed at transitions from full to half duplextransfers. Example of how Throughput Monitoring Counters work

To facilitate understanding of this type of counter, the following is an example ofhow this counter works.


MS Side:

Mobile 3+1 with the following traffic profile parameters:

Delay Class: class 1

Reliability Class: Unacknowledged GTP and LLC; acknowledged RLC,protected data

Peak Throughput: Up to 2,000 octets

Precedence Class: High Priority

Mean Throughput: 500 octet/h

Radio Priority: priority level 4

Network Side:

1 Cell with at least 4 configured Pdtch for the mobile originated ping.

1 Cell with 2 configured Pdtch for the network originated ping

Mobile Originated Ping

Test Method:

Mobile is in stand--by mode.

Perform one ping from the client (size 100 octets).

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Test Results:

Mobile establishes an uplink TBF with the parameters negotioated with the SGSN(UL traffic profile), the ping request is transmitted over the Gb interface.

Before the ping response, downlink TBF is established (DownlinkPre--establishment) with the default traffic profile parameters (Radio Priority 2,peak bit = 0 best effort).

Finally the ping response is transmitted through the downlink TBF previouslyestablished and both TBF end.

Counter Incrementations:

UpPipeGreater11kbps +1

DnPipeGreater33kbps +1

Note: If the UL traffic profile parameters used for the establishment of the uplinkTBF are different from the PCU default traffic profile parameters used forDownlink Pre--establishment, the incrementations are as follows:

• UpPipeGreater11kbps +2 (instead of upPipeGreater11kbps +1)

Network Originated Ping

Test Method:

Mobile is in stand--by mode.

Perform one ping from the network to the client (size = 100 octets).

Test Results:

SGSN sends a Paging Command which is broadcast over the whole routing area.

It triggers an uplink TBF establishment from the mobile with the signalling profileparameters (UL signaling profile). The mobile is then located thanks to the emptyLLC frame transmitted to the SGSN.

PCU establishes a downlink TBF that will allow to transmit the ping request to theclient: theprofile parameters received fromSGSN (DL traffic profile) are thenused.

Once the ping request has been received by the client, an uplink TBF is establishedto transmit the ping response: the profile parameters received from the MS (ULtraffic profile) are used. Finally both TBF end.

Note: The traffic profile used to establish the downlink TBF depends on theSGSN implementation.

Counter Incrementations:

1st Case: DL traffic profile¸ UL traffic profile and DL traffic profile ¸ ULsignaling profile:

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• UpPipeGreater11kbps +3

• dnPipeBetween22and33kbps +2

2nd Case: DL traffic profile = UL traffic profile and DL traffic profile¸ ULsignaling profile:

• UpPipeGreater11kbps +3

• dnPipeBetween22and33kbps +1

3rd Case: DL traffic profile ¸ UL traffic profile and DL traffic profile = ULsignaling profile:

• UpPipeGreater11kbps +2

• dnPipeBetween22and33kbps +2

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1.7 Dictionary presentation

1.7.1 Dictionary contents

The Dictionary of counters describes each of the observation counters contained inpermanent (BSS, md, and manager) and temporary observation reports.

It includes the synthetic counters defined by the network operator in agreementwiththe manufacturer, which supplement the counters displayed in permanent bscobservation reports.

The first paragraph presents the observation counters and defines the main termsused in the Dictionary of counters.

The following paragraphs of the Dictionary describes the counters on a pertype/family basis, and in ascending numerical order:

type = raw or synthetic

family = permanent BSS, temporary, permanent md, or permanent manager

The last paragraph presents the counter differences between the BSS releaseshandled by the V13 OMC--R.

1.7.2 Observation counter references Counter numbering

On the OMC--R, each observation counter is referenced by a number thatunambiguously identifies it in the type/family to which it belongs:

• 1nxx raw permanent BSS counter (BSC 2G). . . . . . . . . . . . .

• 3nxx raw permanent BSS counter (BSC e3). . . . . . . . . . . . .

• 5nxx raw temporary counter. . . . . . . . . . . . .

• 8nxx synthetic permanent BSS counter. . . . . . . . . . . . .

• 99xx, 100xx raw permanent md counter. . . . . . .

• 150xx raw permanent pcuSN counter. . . . . . . . . . . .


By definition, a raw counter contains raw measurements taken by the observedentity whereas a synthetic counter contains the processed results calculated by theOMC--R from raw measurements.

BSS temporary, permanent md, and permanent manager observations only use rawcounters.

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1.7.3 Counter definition

The following fields describe each counter: Number, Title, Name Q3, Feature,Object, Function, Formula (synthetic counter), Event (raw counter), Type, Class(raw permanent bsc counters), Source, Precise incrementation conditions,Exception conditions, Dataflows.

Note: These fields contain the following information:

Number: counter number = nnxx or nnxx/c. It is unique on the OMC--R and isthe absolute counter definition.

The suffix “/c” identifies the associated cause number when the counter isidentified by cause.

Title: counter name. It explains the counter in plain language and summarizes itsexact function.

A counter whose name begins with Number tallies a number of events in adefined observation period, a counter whose name begins with Rate displays apercentage, a counter whose name begins with Ratio does not contain unitvalues.

Name Q3: name of the counter mediated on the NMC/MD--R interface

Feature: new field introduced since V12, to give the name of the feature thatrequested the creation of the counter

Object: geographic counter coverage. A counter occurrence is defined by therelated object occurrence:

• BSS counter: adjacentCellHandOver, bsc, bts, btsSiteManager, channel,pcmCircuit, signallingLink, transceiverZone

• MD counter: active OMC--R agent server

• OMC counter: active OMC--R manager and connected workstation servers

Function: functional description of the counter

Formula: mathematical formula used to calculate synthetic permanent bsccounters according to the elementary counters they contain.

The counter titles and numbers included in the calculation are indicated:

• sum_cell = total of all BSS cells

• max_cell = calculated maximum in BSS cells

• min_cell = calculated minimum in BSS cells

Event: event affecting the counter value(s)

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Type: type of the counter (raw/synthetic) and type of the observation(permanent/temporary):• raw: counter reading collected by a BTS, a BSC, or the OMC--R agent, andforwarded to the OMC--R manager, or counter reading directly processed bytheOMC--Rmanager. The only possible calculations are the averages of samecounter occurrence values.

• synthetic: counter processed by the OMC--R manager using severaloccurrences of the same counter or several BSS (raw or synthetic) counters.

• permanent: observation counter displayed in response to a permanentobservation report request.

• temporary: observation counter displayed in response to a temporaryobservation request.

Class: class of a permanent BSS observation counter. The following classes aredefined:• A interface• Abis interface• ASCI (GSM--R functions)• assignment (of dedicated channels)• BSC equipment• BSS/OMC--R link• GPRS• handover• interference• L1M (Layer 1 Management)• monitoring (of common control channels)• PCM link• release (of resources)• setup (of calls)• sms (SMS--CB service)Source: responsible subsystem. There are four possible origins:• detected by the BTS, recorded by the BSC: The event responsible forincreasing the counter value is detected by the BTS and the information isforwarded to the BSC as a message on the Abis interface. The BSCdynamicallymanages the list of counter occurrences received on the interfaceduring the observation period.In case of an Abis interface break (by locking or defective equipment (AbisPCM, site, cell)), nomessage is forwarded to the BSC and no counter value iscollected. If the interface break covers the entire observation period, thecounters are empty in the CCCH array in permanent bsc observation reports.

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• recorded by the BSC: The events that modify the counter values are detectedby the BSC. The BSC manages the counter and the OMC--R stores it.

• calculated by the OMC: (permanent bsc and instrument panel observations):The OMC--R calculates the counter value from one or more raw countersreceived from the BSC in response to a report request. The OMC--R does notstore the counter.

• calculated by theOMC--R agent (permanentmd observation): The events thatmodify the counter value are detected by the OMC--R agent. The OMC--Rmanages and stores the counter.

• calculated by the OMC--R manager (permanent manager observation): Theevents thatmodify the counter value are detected by theOMC--Rmanager or aconnected workstation. The OMC--R manages and stores the counter.

Precise incrementation conditions: new field introduced since V12, to explainwhen and why the counter is triggeredException conditions: new field introduced sinceV12, to explainwhen andwhythe counter is NOT triggeredDataflows: new field introduced since V12, to show graphically when thecounter is triggeredNote: optional field containing comments

1.7.4 Basic definitions

The following definitions apply to the terms used in the Dictionary of Counters. Resources


Resource allocation is a purely software function that consists of reserving aresource for future use and must not be confused with ACTIVATION which is aprocess involving a physical action (radio transmission, data transfer).

Message sequencing situates resource allocation in time:an SDCCH is allocated on receipt of the Abis CHANNEL REQUIREDmessageand before sending the Abis CHANNEL ACTIVATE message.a TCH is allocated before sending the Abis CHANNEL ACTIVATE message inASSIGNMENT, INTERNAL, and EXTERNAL HANDOVER procedures.a CIC is allocated immediately before the TCH, that is before the AbisCHANNEL ACTIVATE message is sent in ASSIGNMENT and incomingEXTERNAL HANDOVER procedures.


Resource deallocation is a purely software function that consists of releasing aresource after use and must not be confused with DEACTIVATION which is aprocess involving a physical action.

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Message sequencing situates resource de--allocation in time:an SDCCH is deallocated on receipt of the Abis RF CHAN RELEASE ACKmessage or when the “Trfack” timer expires.a TCH is deallocated on receipt of the AbisRF CHANRELEASEACKmessageor when the “Trfack” timer expires.a CIC is deallocated immediately after the TCH, that is on receipt of the Abis RFCHAN RELEASE ACK message or when the “Trfack” timer expires. SCCP connections

SCCP connection setup

An SCCP connection is set up on the following:on BSC request, on receipt of a CONNECTION CONFIRM message on the Ainterfaceon MSC request, by sending a CONNECTION CONFIRM message on the Ainterface

SCCP connection refusal

AnSCCP connection is refusedon receipt of aCONNECTIONREFUSEDmessagefrom the SCCP layer.

SCCP connection break or release

An SCCP connection is released on the following:on BSC request, on receipt of a RELEASE ACK messageon MSC request, by sending a RELEASE ACK message Handover

Handover required

The handover decision algorithm sends an internal message containing an orderedlist of potential cells able to satisfy handover needs. Several requests may be sentfor the same handover.

Handover requests

A handover request is a purely software process which consists of examining thecells able to satisfy handover needs.

Executed handover

Ahandover is executed after the HANDOVERCOMMANDmessage is sent on theAbis interface.

Successful handover

A handover is successful if the HANDOVERCOMPLETE message is received onthe Abis interface.

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2.1 Raw permanent BSS counters (BSC 2G)

l1026 Number of decoded RACH access from the mobiles

Name Q3 : rachBusyCountrachBusyCountTs2rachBusyCountTs4rachBusyCountTs6

Object : bts

Location :

Name Q3 Location

rachBusyCount CCCH--0

rachBusyCount2 CCCH--2

rachBusyCount4 CCCH--4

rachBusyCount6 CCCH--6

Function : number of RACH bursts received by the BTS that have been decode;this internal BTS counter is sent to the BSC inCCCH_LOAD_INDICATION message.

Event : receipt of a RACH burst decoded by the BTS; receipt of aCCCH_LOAD_INDICATION message by the BSC.

Type : raw permanent

Class : monitoring

Source : detected by the BTS, recorded by the BSC

Feature : Extended CCCH (TF184 -- V12)

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channelCP: Com packet on PDTCH channel

No distinction is made between RACH dedicated to Circuit Calls orPacket Calls.

Note : Countermultiplexed onTSs 0, 2, 4 and 6 for Extended CCCH feature.

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l1027 Number of decoded RACH access forwarded to the BSC

Name Q3 : rachAccessCountrachAccessCountTs2rachAccessCountTs4rachAccessCountTs6

Object : bts

Location :

Name Q3 Location

rachAccessCount CCCH--0

rachAccessCount2 CCCH--2

rachAccessCount4 CCCH--4

rachAccessCount6 CCCH--6

Function : number of RACH bursts that have been decoded and forwarded to theBSC; this internal BTS counter is sent to the BSC inCCCH_LOAD_INDICATION message.

Event : transmission of CHANNEL REQUEST to the BSC; receipt of aCCCH_LOAD_INDICATION message from the BTS

Type : raw permanent

Class : monitoring

Source : detected by the BTS, recorded by the BSC

Feature : Extended CCCH (TF184 -- V12)

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:

CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channelCP: Com packet on PDTCH channel

No distinction is made between RACH dedicated to Circuit Calls orPacket Calls.

Note : Countermultiplexed onTSs 0, 2, 4 and 6 for Extended CCCH feature.

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l1028 Number of paging messages sent without delay

Name Q3 : pchNoWaitpchNoWaitTs2pchNoWaitTs4pchNoWaitTs6

Object : bts

Location :

Name Q3 Location

pchNoWait CCCH--0

pchNoWait2 CCCH--2

pchNoWait4 CCCH--4

pchNoWait6 CCCH--6

Function : number of paging requestswhich have got a free TS immediately; thisinternal BTS counter is sent to the BSC in aCCCH_LOAD_INDICATION message.

Event : immediat transmission of a PAGING_REQUEST to the MS; receiptof a CCCH_LOAD_INDICATION message from the BTS.

Type : raw permanent

Class : monitoring

Source : detected by the BTS, recorded by the BSC

Feature : Extended CCCH (TF184 -- V12)

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Preciseincrementation conditions :

The counter C1028 is related to theAbis paging and also to thepagingthat is being sent on radio interface for the first time (the bts pagingrepetition is not counted).

The counter C1028 counts the pagingmessages that have found a freePCH on the first paging slot occurrence.That means that C1028 paging messages have waited less thanNoOfMultiframesBetweenPaging multiframes.

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:

CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channel

CCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channelCP: Com packet on PDTCH channel

No distinction is made between RACH dedicated to Circuit Calls orPacket Calls.

Data flows : The following data flow presents the Layer 3 messages related to thepaging:


Paging Cmd



Est Ind



The BTS repeatsNbOfRepeat times all the paging messages comingfrom the MSC but the counter C1028 is incremented for the freshpaging only.

The counter C1028 will be incremented when a free PCH on the firstpaging is available.

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l1029 Number of paging messages sent with one slot delay

Name Q3 : pchOneWaitpchOneWaitTs2pchOneWaitTs4pchOneWaitTs6

Object : bts

Location :

Name Q3 Location

pchOneWait CCCH--0

pchOneWait2 CCCH--2

pchOneWait4 CCCH--4

pchOneWait6 CCCH--6

Function : number of paging requests which had to wait once before finding afree TS; this internal BTS counter is sent to the BSC in aCCCH_LOAD_INDICATION message.

Event : transmission of a PAGING_REQUEST to the MS after one wait;receipt of a CCCH_LOAD_INDICATION message from the BTS.

Type : raw permanent

Class : monitoring

Source : detected by the BTS, recorded by the BSC

Feature : Extended CCCH (TF184 -- V12)

Preciseincrementation conditions :

The counter C1029 is related to theAbis paging and also to thepagingthat is being sent on radio interface for the first time (the bts pagingrepetition is not counted).The counter C1029 counts the pagingmessages that have found a freePCH on the second paging slot occurrence. It means that C1029paging messages have waited more thanNbOfMultiframesBetweenPaging multiframes and less than 2xNbOfMultiframesBetweenPaging multiframes.For example:If NbOfMultiframesBetweenPaging = 8 (8 multiframes of 240msbetween the same paging group), C1029 paging messages havewaited between 1x8x240 ms (about 2 sec) and 2x8x240 ms (about 4sec).

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When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channelCP: Com packet on PDTCH channel

No distinction is made between RACH dedicated to Circuit Calls orPacket Calls.

Data flows : The following dataflow presents the Layer 3 messages related to thepaging:


Paging Cmd


Est Ind




The BTS repeatsNbOfRepeat times all the paging messages comingfrom the MSC but the counter C1029 is incremented for the freshpaging only.The fresh pagingmessage has towait for thenext paginggroup slot asthe first paging group presented was busy.

l1030 Number of paging messages sent with two slots delay

Name Q3 : pchTwoWaitpchTwoWaitTs2pchTwoWaitTs4pchTwoWaitTs6

Object : bts

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Location :

Name Q3 Location

pchTwoWait CCCH--0

pchTwoWait2 CCCH--2

pchTwoWait4 CCCH--4

pchTwoWait6 CCCH--6

Function : number of paging requests which had to wait twice before finding afree TS; this internal BTS counter is sent to the BSC in aCCCH_LOAD_INDICATION message.

Event : transmission of a PAGING_REQUEST to the MS after two waits;receipt of a CCCH_LOAD_INDICATION message from the BTS.

Type : raw permanent

Class : monitoring

Source : detected by the BTS, recorded by the BSC

Feature : Extended CCCH (TF184 -- V12)

Preciseincrementation conditions :

The counter C1030 is related to theAbis paging and also to thepagingthat is being sent on radio interface for the first time (the bts pagingrepetition is not counted).

The counter C1030 counts the pagingmessages that have found a freePCH on the third paging group occurrence because the 2 previousones were busy. It means that the counter C1030 fresh pagingmessages from the MSC have waited more than2xNbOfMultiframesBetweenPaging multiframes and less than3xNbOfMultiframesBetweenPagingmultiframe to get its freePCH.

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:

CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channel

CCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channelCP: Com packet on PDTCH channel

No distinction is made between RACH dedicated to Circuit Calls orPacket Calls.

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Data flows : The following dataflow presents the Layer 3 messages related to thepaging:


Paging Cmd


Est Ind




The BTS repeatsNbOfRepeat times all the paging messages comingfrom the MSC but the counter C1030 is incremented for the freshpaging only.The fresh pagingmessage has towait for thenext paginggroup slot asthe first and second paging groups presented were busy.

l1031 Number of paging messages sent with more than two slots delay

Name Q3 : pchMoreWaitpchMoreWaitTs2pchMoreWaitTs4pchMoreWaitTs6

Object : bts

Location :

Name Q3 Location

pchMoreWait CCCH--0

pchMoreWait2 CCCH--2

pchMoreWait4 CCCH--4

pchMoreWait6 CCCH--6

Function : number of paging requests which had to wait twice before finding afree TS; this internal BTS counter is sent to the BSC in aCCCH_LOAD_INDICATION message.

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Event : transmission of a PAGING_REQUEST to the MS; receipt of aCCCH_LOAD_INDICATION message from the BTS.

Type : raw permanent

Class : monitoring

Source : detected by the BTS, recorded by the BSC

Feature : Extended CCCH (TF184 -- V12)

Preciseincrementation conditions :

The counter C1031 is related to theAbis paging and also to thepagingthat is being sent on radio interface for the first time (the bts pagingrepetition is not counted).

The counter C1031 counts the paging messages that need to waitmore than 2 paginggroup slots. It means that the counter C1031 freshpaging messages from the MSC have waited for more than3xNbOfMultiframesBetweenPaging multiframes.When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:

CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channelCP: Com packet on PDTCH channel

No distinction is made between RACH dedicated to Circuit Calls orPacket Calls.

Data flows : The following dataflow presents the Layer 3 messages related to thepaging:


Paging Cmd


Est Ind




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The BTS repeatsNbOfRepeat times all the paging messages comingfrom the MSC but the counter C1031 is incremented for the freshpaging only.The fresh pagingmessage has towait for thenext paginggroup slot asthe first, second, and third paging groups presented were busy.

l1033 Average level of non-decoded RACH access

Name Q3 : rachNonDecodedAvLevelMoyrachNonDecodedAvLevelTs2MoyrachNonDecodedAvLevelTs4MoyrachNonDecodedAvLevelTs6MoyrachNonDecodedAvLevelMax = Max RACH access levelrachNonDecodedAvLevelTs2Max = Max RACH access levelrachNonDecodedAvLevelTs4Max = Max RACH access levelrachNonDecodedAvLevelTs6Max = Max RACH access levelrachNonDecodedAvLevelCum = Total RACH access levelrachNonDecodedAvLevelTs2Cum = Total RACH access levelrachNonDecodedAvLevelTs4Cum = Total RACH access levelrachNonDecodedAvLevelTs6Cum = Total RACH access levelrachNonDecodedAvLevelEch = Number of samplesrachNonDecodedAvLevelTs2Ech = Number of samplesrachNonDecodedAvLevelTs4Ech = Number of samplesrachNonDecodedAvLevelTs6Ech = Number of samples

Object : bts

Location :

Name Q3 Location

rachNonDecodedAvLevelMoy/Max/Cum/Ech CCCH--0

rachNonDecodedAvLevelTs2Moy/Max/Cum/Ech CCCH--2

rachNonDecodedAvLevelTs4Moy/Max/Cum/Ech CCCH--4

rachNonDecodedAvLevelTs6Moy/Max/Cum/Ech CCCH--6

Function : average (= total level divided by number of samples) and maximumlevel of RACHbursts not decoded (dBm); this internal BTS counter issent to the BSC in a CCCH_LOAD_INDICATION message.

Event : receipt of a RACH burst that the BTS cannot decode

Type : raw permanent

Class : monitoring

Source : detected by the BTS, recorded by the BSC

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Feature : Extended CCCH (TF184 -- V12)

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channelCP: Com packet on PDTCH channel

No distinction is made between RACH dedicated to Circuit Calls orPacket Calls.

Note : Countermultiplexed onTSs 0, 2, 4 and 6 for Extended CCCH feature.

l1034 Number of SDCCHs allocated

Name Q3 : sdcchAllocated

Object : bts (non-concentric cell)

Function : number of SDCCH allocations in the cell

Event : allocation of an SDCCH

Type : raw permanent

Class : allocation

Source : recorded by the BSC

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “GPRS procedure -- preemption on PDTCH (normalcompletion)”

Note : V11-- counter

l1035 Average number of SDCCHs used

Name Q3 : sdcchAveragedUsedMoysdcchAveragedUsedMax Max number of SDCCH used. . . . . . . .sdcchAveragedUsedCum Total number of SDCCH used. . . . . . . .sdcchAveragedUsedEch Number of samples. . . . . . . . .

Object : bts (non-concentric cell)

Function : average (= total number divided by number of samples) andmaximum number of SDCCHs used

Event : SDCCH allocation/deallocation, internal sampling time-out elapse:allocation: step up by one the instantaneous value of the number ofSDCCHs used

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deallocation: step down by one the instantaneous value of thenumber of SDCCHs usedsampling time-out elapse:• read the instantaneous value of the number of SDCCHs used• store its peak value• add it to the total number of allocations for the observationperiod

• step up by one the number of samplesType : raw permanent

Class : allocation

Source : recorded by the BSC

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “GPRS procedure -- preemption on PDTCH (normalcompletion)”DFD “GPRS procedure (negative acknowledgement by the PCUfor a PDTCH preemption)”

l1036 Number of SDCCH allocation failures

Name Q3 : sdcchRessourceFailure

Object : bts (non-concentric cell)

Function : number of SDCCH allocation failures due to a lack of SDCCH in thecell

Event : SDCCH allocation refusal with cause “out of stock”

Type : raw permanent

Class : allocation

Source : recorded by the BSC

l1039 Number of TCH/FRandpreemptable PDTCHallocation failuresName Q3 : tchFrRessourceFailure

Object : bts

Function : number of allocation failures due to a lack of TCH/FR andpreemptable PDTCH in the cell

Event : TCH/FR and preemptable PDTCH allocation refusal with cause “outof stock”

Type : raw permanent

Class : allocation

Source : calculated by the OMC--R agent

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Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1

DFD “GPRS procedure (no available resource for a PDTCHpreemption)”DFD “GPRS procedure (negative acknowledgement bye the PCUfor a PDTCH preemption)”

Formula : For a concentric, dualband, or dualcoupling cell (see concentric cellattribute of the bts object in the “Dictionary of Parameters”):

C1039 = C1613(outer zone) + C1613(inner zone)If the conditions are fulfilled to ask for allocation in the inner zone andthat the allocation is refused, there are C1613(inner zone) + 1requests of allocation in the outer zone which can lead toC1613(outer zone) + 1 refusals.

To sum up, the values are as follows:“C1039 +1”• if the initial request in the outer zone is refused

or• if the initial request in the inner zone is refused and finallyallocated in the outer zone (this value is different from the“C1039 + 0” value expected for there have been no allocationfailures at cell level).

“C1039 +2”• if the initial request in the inner zone is refused and also refusedin the outer zone (this value is different from the “C1039 + 1”value expected for there only has been one allocation failure atcell level).

Note : This counter is also incremented if there are free TCHs that arereserved for allocation requests with the maximum priority(allocPriorityThreshold attribute).

l1044 Average time of a signaling channel seizure

Name Q3 : signallingPhaseDurationMoysignallingPhaseDurationMax Maximum time of seizure. . . . .signallingPhaseDurationCum Total time of seizure. . . .signallingPhaseDurationEch Number of samples. . . . .

Object : bts

Function : average (= total seizure divided by number of samples) andmaximumseizure of signaling channels expressed inmilliseconds, calculated onall allocations in the cell

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Event : signaling channel allocation on reception of CONNECTIONCONFIRM (first establishment in the BSS) or HANDOVERCOMPLETE (incoming inter handover in signaling phase) /deallocationon reception ofASSIGNCOMPLETEorwhen the call isreleasedallocation: start timerdeallocation:• stop and read timer• store its peak value• add measured value to the total number of allocation durationsfor the observation period

• step up by one the number of samples

Type : raw permanent

Class : assignment

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “GPRS procedure (no available resource for a PDTCHpreemption)”DFD “GPRS procedure (negative acknowledgement by the PCUfor a PDTCH preemption)”DFD “GPRS procedure -- preemption on PDTCH (normalcompletion in the case of Mobile Originating Call)”DFD “dedicated channel assignment procedure (normalcompletion)”DFD “queuing of the assignment procedure (normal completion)DFD “connection clearing required by the MSC procedure(normal completion with communication on SIGNALLINGphase)”DFD “Dedicated channel assignment modify procedure (normalcompletion)”DFD “Direct retry handover procedure”DFD “Connection clearing required by the BSC procedure(communication on SIGNALING phase)”

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l1045 Average time of a signaling channel seizure > 25 s

Name Q3 : signallingPhaseDurationHighMoysignallingPhaseDurationHighMax Max time of seizure > 25 s.signallingPhaseDurationHighCum Total time of seizure > 25 ssignallingPhaseDurationHighEch Number of samples.

Object : bts

Function : average (= total seizure divided by number of samples) andmaximumseizure of signaling channels expressed inmilliseconds, calculated onall allocations lasting more than 25 seconds

Event : signaling channel allocation on reception of CONNECTIONCONFIRM (first establishment in the BSS) or HANDOVERCOMPLETE (incoming inter handover in signaling phase) /deallocationon reception ofASSIGNCOMPLETEorwhen the call isreleasedallocation: start timerdeallocation: stop and read timer. When the value read is greaterthan 25 seconds, do the following:• store its peak value• add measured value to the total number of allocations lastingmore than 25 seconds for the observation period

• step up by one the number of samples

Type : raw permanent

Class : assignment

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

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Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “GPRS procedure -- preemption on PDTCH (normalcompletion)DFD “GPRS procedure (negative acknowledgement by the PCUfor a PDTCH preemption)”DFD “dedicated channel assignment procedure (normalcompletion)”DFD “queuing of the assignment procedure (normal completion)”DFD “connection clearing required by the MSC procedure(normal completion with communication on SIGNALLINGphase)”DFD “Dedicated channel assignment modify procedure (normalcompletion)”DFD “Direct retry handover procedure”DFD “Connection clearing required by the BSC procedure(communication on SIGNALING phase)”

l1049 Number of TCH/FR or preempted PDTCH assignment requests

Name Q3 : attemptedTchFrSeizures

Object : bts

Function : number of TCH/FR or preempted PDTCH assignement requests inthe observation period

Event : transmission of ASSIGNMENT COMMAND to the mobile

Type : raw permanent

Class : assignment

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “GPRS procedure -- preemption on PDTCH (normalcompletion in the case of Mobile Originating Call)”DFD “dedicated channel assignment procedure (normalcompletion)”DFD “queuing of the assignment procedure (normal completion)”

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l1050 Number of TCH/FR or a preempted PDTCH successfully


Name Q3 : successfulTchFrSeizures

Object : bts

Function : number of TCH/FR or a preempted PDTCH assignments in theobservation period

Event : receipt of ASSIGNMENT COMPLETE message by the BSC

Type : raw permanent

Class : assignment

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “GPRS procedure -- preemption on PDTCH (normalcompletion in the case of Mobile Originating Call)”DFD “dedicated channel assignment procedure (normalcompletion)”DFD “queuing of the assignment procedure (normal completion)”DFD “Direct retry handover procedure”

l1051/0 Number of TCH/FR or a preempted PDTCHallocated for traffic

Name Q3 : tchFrAllocatedTchAllocation

Object : bts (non-concentric cell)

Function : number of TCH/FR or a preempted PDTCH allocated in the cell fortraffic

Event : TCH/FR or a preempted PDTCH allocation for traffic

Type : raw permanent

Class : allocation

Source : calculated by the OMC--R agent

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Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “dedicated channel assignment procedure (normalcompletion)”DFD “queuing of the assignment procedure (normal completion)”DFD “connection clearing required by the MSC procedure”DFD “intercell handover procedure (normal completion)”

l1051/1 Number of TCH/FR allocated for call reestablishments


Name Q3 : tchFrAllocatedPrimoAllocation

Object : bts (non-concentric cell)

Function : number of TCH/FR allocated in the cell for call reestablishment

Event : TCH/FR allocation for call reestablishment

Type : raw permanent

Class : allocation

Source : calculated by the OMC--R agent

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “Immediate assignment procedure (normal completion)”

l1051/2 Number of TCH/FRor a preemptedPDTCHallocated because of

SDCCH unavailabilityName Q3 : tchFrAllocatedOverflowAllocation

Object : bts (non-concentric cell)

Function : number of TCH/FR or a preempted PDTCH allocated in the cellbecause of SDCCH unavailability

Event : TCH/FR or a preempted PDTCH allocation because of SDCCHunavailability

Type : raw permanent

Class : allocation

Source : calculated by the OMC--R agent

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Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

l1052/0 Average number of TCH/FR or a preempted PDTCH used for


Name Q3 : tchFrAveragedUsedTchAllocationMoytchFrAveragedUsedTchAllocationMax Max TCH/FR used. . . . . .tchFrAveragedUsedTchAllocationCum Total TCH/FR used. . . . . .tchFrAveragedUsedTchAllocationEch Number of samples. . . . . . .

Object : bts (non-concentric cell)

Function : average (= total number divided by number of samples) andmaximum number of TCH/FR or a preempted PDTCH used becauseof traffic in the cell, obtained through internal sampling

Event : TCH/FR or a preempted PDTCH allocation/deallocation, internalsampling time-out elapse:allocation: step up by one the instantaneous value of the number ofTCH/FR or a preempted PDTCH useddeallocation: step down by one the instantaneous value of thenumber of TCH/FR or a preempted PDTCH usedsampling time-out elapse:• read the instantaneous value of the number of TCH/FRallocated

• store its peak value• add it to the total number of allocations for the observationperiod

• step up by one the number of samples

Type : raw permanent

Class : allocation

Source : calculated by the OMC--R agent

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Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:

CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

l1052/1 Average number of TCH/FR used for call reestablishments


Name Q3 : tchFrAveragedUsedPrimoAllocationMoytchFrAveragedUsedPrimoAllocationMax Max TCH/FR. . . .tchFrAveragedUsedPrimoAllocationCum Total TCH/FR. . . .tchFrAveragedUsedPrimoAllocationEch Number of samples. . . . .

Object : bts (non-concentric cell)

Function : average (= total number divided by number of samples) andmaximum number of TCH/FR used for call reestablishment in thecell, obtained through internal sampling

Event : TCH/FR allocation for call reestablishment, channel deallocation,internal sampling time-out elapse:

allocation: step up by one the instantaneous value of the number ofTCH/FR useddeallocation: step down by one the instantaneous value of thenumber of TCH/FR usedsampling time-out elapse:• read the instantaneous value of the number of TCH/FR used• store its peak value• add it to the total number of allocations for the observationperiod

• step up by one the number of samples

Type : raw permanent

Class : allocation

Source : calculated by the OMC--R agent

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1

DFD “Immediate assignment procedure (normal completion)”

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l1052/2 Average number of TCH/FR or a preempted PDTCH used

because of SDCCH unavailability

Name Q3 : tchFrAveragedUsedOverflowAllocationMoytchFrAveragedUsedOverflowAllocationMax Max TCH/FR.tchFrAveragedUsedOverflowAllocationCum Total TCH/FR.tchFrAveragedUsedOverflowAllocationEch Number of samples. .

Object : bts (non-concentric cell)

Function : average (= total number divided by number of samples) andmaximum number of TCH/FR or a preempted PDTCH used becauseof SDCCH unavailability in the cell, obtained through internalsampling

Event : TCH/FR or a preempted PDTCH allocation because of SDCCHunavailability, channel deallocation, internal sampling time-outelapse:

allocation: step up by one the instantaneous value of the number ofTCH/FR or a preempted PDTCH useddeallocation: step down by one the instantaneous value of thenumber of TCH/FR or a preempted PDTCH usedsampling time-out elapse:• read the instantaneous value of the number of TCH/FR or apreempted PDTCH used

• store its peak value• add it to the total number of TCH/FR or a preempted PDTCHallocations for the observation period

• step up by one the number of samples

Type : raw permanent

Class : allocation

Source : calculated by the OMC--R agent

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:

CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

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l1055 Number of ASSIGN FAILURE messages received on TCH

Name Q3 : assignFailure

Object : bts

Function : number of ASSIGNMENT FAILURE messages sent by the cell

Event : receipt of an ASSIGNMENT FAILURE messages sent on TCH orpreempted PDTCH from the MS

Type : raw permanent

Class : assignment

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

l1057 Average duration to allocate all TCH/FRandpreemptedPDTCH


Name Q3 : allTchFrAllocatedTimeMoyallTchFrAllocatedTimeMax Maximum allocation duration. . . . . .allTchFrAllocatedTimeCum Total allocation duration. . . . .allTchFrAllocatedTimeEch Number of samples. . . . . .

Object : bts

Function : average (= total duration divided by number of samples) andmaximumduration during which all available TCH/FR resources andPDTCH resources configured as preemptable are used in the cell forthe observation period, expressed in milliseconds

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Event :Starts measurement on allocation of ALL the available TCH/FRand preemptable PDTCH resources of the cell.Stops as soon as a resource is free.As a result, the counter behavior depends on the setting ofgprsPreemption parameter on the OMC--R side.In case of preemption not acknowledged by the PCU, the counterstarts immediately and stops as soon as a resource is released, or assoon as the timer GprsPreemptionProtection elapses.

Type : raw permanent

Class : allocation

Source : calculated by the OMC--R agent

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Note : A blocked resource is neither considered as used nor available.

l1057 Average duration to allocate all TCH/FRandpreemptedPDTCH


Name Q3 : allTchFrAllocatedTimeTrZoneMoyallTchFrAllocatedTimeTrZoneMax Maximum allocation durationallTchFrAllocatedTimeTrZoneCum Total allocation durationallTchFrAllocatedTimeTrZoneEch Number of samples

Object : transceiverZone

Function : average (= total duration divided by number of samples) andmaximumduration during which all available TCH/FR resources andPDTCH resource configured as preemptable are used in the inner orthe outer zone of the cell, for the observation period, expressed inmilliseconds

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Event :Starts measurement on allocation of ALL the available TCH/FRand preemptable PDTCH resources of the cell.Stops as soon as a resource is free.As a result, the counter behavior depends on the setting ofgprsPreemption parameter on the OMC--R side.In case of preemption not acknowledged by the PCU, the counterstarts immediately and stops as soon as a resource is released, or assoon as the timer GprsPreemptionProtection elapses.

Type : raw permanent

Class : allocation

Source : calculated by the OMC--R agent

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Note : A blocked resource is neither considered as used nor available.

l1059 Average number of SDCCHs available

Name Q3 : sdcchAveragedAvailableMoysdcchAveragedAvailableMax Max available SDCCHs. . . . .sdcchAveragedAvailableCum Total available SDCCHs. . . .sdcchAveragedAvailableEch Number of samples. . . . .

Object : bts (non-concentric cell)

Function : average (= total number divided by number of samples) andmaximum number of available SDCCHs -- allocated or available -- inthe cell, obtained through internal sampling

Event : SDCCH allocation/deallocation, radio channel blocking, SYS INFO5 and 6 acknowledgement not received, internal sampling time-outelapse:allocation: step up by one the instantaneous value of the number ofavailable SDCCHsdeallocation/blocking/non acknowledgement: step down by onethe instantaneous value of the number of available SDCCHs

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sampling time-out elapse:• read the instantaneous value of the number of availableSDCCHs

• store its peak value• add it to the total number of available SDCCHs for theobservation period

• step up by one the number of samples

Type : raw permanent

Class : allocation

Source : recorded by the BSC

l1060 Average allocation duration of all SDCCH resources

Name Q3 : allSdcchAllocatedTimeMoyallSdcchAllocatedTimeMax Maximum allocation duration. . . . . .allSdcchAllocatedTimeCum Total allocation duration. . . . .allSdcchAllocatedTimeEch Number of samples. . . . . .

Object : bts

Function : average (= total duration divided by number of samples) andmaximum allocation duration of all available SDCCHs used in thecell for the observation period, expressed in milliseconds

Event : Start and stop events are the following:

starts when the last available SDCCH resource in the cell isallocatedstops as soon as a SDCCH resource is freed

Type : raw permanent

Class : allocation

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:

CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

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l1060 Average allocation duration of all SDCCH resources

Name Q3 : allSdcchAllocatedTimeTrZoneMoyallSdcchAllocatedTimeTrZoneMax Maximum allocation durationallSdcchAllocatedTimeTrZoneCum Total allocation durationallSdcchAllocatedTimeTrZoneEch Number of samples

Object : transceiverZone

Function : average (= total duration divided by number of samples) andmaximum allocation duration of all available SDCCHs used in theinner or the outer zone of the cell, for the observation period,expressed in milliseconds

Event : Start and stop events are the following:starts when the last available SDCCH resource in the cell isallocatedstops as soon as a SDCCH resource is freed

Type : raw permanent

Class : allocation

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Note : V12 counter

l1065 Number of outgoing intra--bss handovers on TCH executed

Name Q3 : hoExecutionOutgoingIntraBss

Object : bts

Function : number of attempts to execute outgoing intra-bss handovers on TCH

Event : transmission of HANDOVER COMMAND to the serving cell

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

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Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “inter--cell intra BSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Intra cell handover procedure (normal completion withcommunication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Inter BSS intra MSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”

l1065/1 Number of outgoing intra BSS handover execution attempts

from the cell for directed retries

Name Q3 : hoExecutionOutgoingIntraBssTchForDirectedRetry

Object : bts

Function : number of attempts to execute outgoing intra BSS handoverexecution attempts from the cell for directed retries

Event : transmission of HANDOVER COMMAND message (ABISmessage)

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC e3

l1066 Number of outgoing inter--bss handovers on TCH executed

Name Q3 : hoExecutionOutgoingInterBss

Object : bts

Function : number of attempts to execute outgoing inter-bss handovers on TCH

Event : reception of HANDOVER COMMAND from the MSC

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

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Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “Inter BSS intra MSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”

l1066/1 Number of outgoing interBSShandover execution attempts from

the cell for directed retriesName Q3 : hoExecutionOutgoingInterBssTchForDirectedRetry

Object : bts

Function : number of attempts to execute outgoing inter BSS handoverexecution attempts from the cell for directed retries

Event : reception of HANDOVER COMMAND message from the MSC

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC e3

l1067 Number of successful outgoing intra--bss handovers on TCHName Q3 : hoSuccessOutgoingIntraBss

Object : bts

Function : number of successful outgoing intra-bss handovers on TCH

Event : receipt of HANDOVER COMPLETE from the target cell

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

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Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “inter--cell intra BSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Intra cell handover procedure (normal completion withcommunication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Inter BSS intra MSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”

l1067/1 Number of successful outgoing intra BSS handovers from the cell

for directed retries

Name Q3 : hoSuccessOutgoingIntraBssTchForDirectedRetry

Object : bts

Function : number of successful outgoing intra BSS handovers from the cell fordirected retries

Event : receipt of HANDOVERCOMPLETEmessage from themobile units

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC e3

l1068 Number of successful outgoing inter--bss handovers on TCH

except those after first attempt

Name Q3 : hoSuccessOutgoingInterBss

Object : bts

Function : number of successful outgoing inter-bss handovers on TCH exceptthose after first attempt

Event : receipt of CLEARCOMMANDfrom theMSCwith cause “HandoverSuccessful”

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

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Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “Inter BSS intra MSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”

Note : For the number of successful outgoing inter handovers on TCH afterfirst attempt see counter 1078.

l1068/1 Number of successful outgoing inter BSS handovers from the cell

for directed retries

Name Q3 : hoSuccessOutgoingInterBssTchForDirectedRetry

Object : bts

Function : number of successful outgoing inter BSS handovers from the cell fordirected retries

Event : receipt of CLEAR COMMAND message from the MSC with thehandover cause set to “handover successful”

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC e3

l1069 Number of incoming intra--bss handovers on TCH requested

Name Q3 : hoRequestIncomingIntraBss

Object : bts

Function : number of incoming intra-bss handover requests on TCH in the cellfor any kind of the mobile

Event : attempt to select a target cell in the list of eligible cells on transmissionof HANDOVER REQUIRED on the A interface

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

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Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “inter--cell intra BSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Intra cell handover procedure (normal completion withcommunication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Inter BSS intra MSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”

Note : the counter is incremented at the end of the handover (success,selection failure, execution failure or end of call)

l1070 Number of incoming inter--bss handovers on TCH requested

Name Q3 : hoRequestIncomingInterBss

Object : bts

Function : number of incoming inter-bss handover requests on TCH in the cell

Event : receipt of HANDOVERREQUEST from theMSC on the A interface

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1

DFD “Inter BSS intra MSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”

l1071 Number of incoming intra--bss handovers on TCH execution


Name Q3 : hoExecutionIncomingIntraBss

Object : bts

Function : number of attempts to execute incoming intra-bss handovers on TCHin the cell for any kind of the mobile

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Event : transmission of HANDOVER COMMAND to the serving cell

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “inter--cell intra BSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Intra cell handover procedure (normal completion withcommunication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Inter BSS intra MSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”

Note : the counter is incremented at the end of the handover (success,selection failure execution failure or end of call)

l1072 Number of incoming inter--bss handovers on TCH executed

Name Q3 : hoExecutionIncomingInterBss

Object : bts

Function : number of attempts to execute incoming inter-bss handovers on TCH

Event : transmission of HANDOVER REQUEST ACKNOWLEDGE fromthe target BSS to the MSC

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

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Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “Inter BSS intra MSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”

l1073 Number of successful incoming intra--bss handovers on TCH

Name Q3 : hoSuccessIncomingIntraBss

Object : bts

Function : number of successful incoming intra-bss handovers on TCH in thecell

Event : receipt of HANDOVER COMPLETE from the target cell

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “inter--cell intra BSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Intra cell handover procedure (normal completion withcommunication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Inter BSS intra MSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”

l1074 Number of successful incoming inter--bss handovers on TCH

Name Q3 : hoSuccessIncomingInterBss

Object : bts

Function : number of successful incoming inter-bss handovers on TCH

Event : receipt of HANDOVER COMPLETE from the target cell

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

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Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

l1075 Number of outgoing intra--bss handovers on TCH requested

Name Q3 : hoRequestOutgoingIntraBss

Object : bts

Function : number of outgoing intra-bss handover requests on TCH

Event : attempt to select a target cell in the list of eligible cells provided by thehandover algorithm

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “inter--cell intra BSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Intra cell handover procedure (normal completion withcommunication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Inter BSS intra MSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”

l1076 Number of outgoing inter--bss handovers on TCH requested

Name Q3 : hoRequestOutgoingInterBss

Object : bts

Function : number of outgoing inter-bss handover requests on TCH in the cell

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Event : attempt to select a target cell in the list of eligible cells on transmissionof HANDOVER REQUIRED on the A interface

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:

CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1

DFD “Inter BSS intra MSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”

l1077 Number of successful outgoing intra--bss handovers on TCH

after first attempt

Name Q3 : hoSuccessOutgoingFirstIntra

Object : bts

Function : number of successful outgoing intra-bss handoversonTCHto the firstcell from the list of eligible cells

Event : receipt of HANDOVER COMPLETE from the target cell

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:

CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

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Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1

DFD “inter--cell intra BSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Intra cell handover procedure (normal completion withcommunication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Inter BSS intra MSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”

Note : the list is reorganized by the BSC Ho decision according to the cellpriority feature (TF716). It may not be the same order as the onereceived from the L1M.

l1078 Number of successful outgoing inter--bss handoversonTCHafter

first attempt

Name Q3 : hoSuccessOutgoingFirstInter

Object : bts

Function : number of successful outgoing inter-bss handoversonTCHto the firstcell from the list of eligible cells

Event : receipt of CLEARCOMMANDfrom theMSCwith cause “HandoverSuccessful”

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:

CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1

DFD “Inter BSS intra MSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”

Note : the list is reorganized by the BSC Ho decision according to the cellpriority feature (TF716). It may not be the same order as the onereceived from the L1M.

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Observation Counter DictionaryCopyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

l1081 Number of intra-bts handovers on TCH requested

Name Q3 : hoRequestIntraBts

Object : bts

Function : number of intra-bts handovers on TCH requested in the cell

Event : transmission of HANDOVER INDICATION

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:

CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

l1082 Number of intra-bts handovers on TCH executed

Name Q3 : hoExecutionIntraBts

Object : bts

Function : number of attempts to execute intra-bts handovers on TCH in the cell

Event : transmission of ASSIGNCOMMAND to the cell during the intra-btshandover procedure

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

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l1083 Number of successful intra-bts handovers on TCH

Name Q3 : hoSuccessIntraBts

Object : bts

Function : number of successful intra-bts handovers on TCH in the cell

Event : receipt of ASSIGN COMPLETE from the cell during the intra-btshandover procedure

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : This counter is the sum of the 1073 and 1077 counters.

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:

CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

l1084/0 Number of LAPD Level 1 errors: Erroneous frame received

Name Q3 : abisLevel1ErrorsBadFrame<xx>

Object : bsc

Location :

Name Q3 Location

abisLevel1ErrorsBadFrame<xx> LAPD--<xx>

Function : number of “errored frame” errors detected by Level 1

Event : receipt of an “abort” frame

Type : raw permanent

Class : Abis interface

Source : recorded by the BSC

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Counter descriptionNortel Networks Confidential 2--39

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Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channelCP: Com packet on PDTCH channel

Note : V12 counter

l1084/3 Number of LAPD Level 1 errors: CRC errorName Q3 : abisLevel1ErrorsCrcError<xx>

Object : bsc

Location :

Name Q3 Location

abisLevel1ErrorsCrcError<xx> LAPD--<xx>

Function : number of “CRC error” errors detected by Level 1

Event : receipt of an indication that the frame is received with a wrong CRC

Type : raw permanent

Class : Abis interface

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channelCP: Com packet on PDTCH channel

l1084/4 Number of LAPD Level 1 errors: Loss of alignmentName Q3 : abisLevel1ErrorsLostAlign<xx>Object : bsc

Location :

Name Q3 Location

abisLevel1ErrorsLostAlign<xx> LAPD--<xx>

Function : number of “loss of frame alignment” errors detected by Level 1

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Event : receipt of an indication that the alignment is lost

Type : raw permanent

Class : Abis interface

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channelCP: Com packet on PDTCH channel

l1086 Number of GPRS RACHs rejected due to SICD<x> board


Name Q3 : gprsRachRejectedSicd<x>.....for x = 0 to 9

Object : bsc

Location :

Name Q3 Location

gprsRachRejectedSicd<x> SICD--<x>

Function : Number of GPRS RACHs rejected due to SICD<x> board overload

Event : rejection of a GPRS RACH message

Type : raw permanent

Class : equipment

Source : recorded by the BSC

Feature : GPRS (SV407 -- V12)

Note : V12 counter

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by CP calls only(Com packet on PDTCH channel)

It is not concerned by CCT (Circuit calls on TCH channel) or CCP(Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel).

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l1087 Number of GPRS IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENT messages

rejected due to SICD<x> board overload

Name Q3 : gprsImmAssRejectedSicd<x>.....for x = 0 to 9

Object : bsc

Location :

Name Q3 Location

gprsImmAssRejectedSicd<x> SICD--<x>

Function : Number of GPRS IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENT messages rejecteddue to SICD<x> board overload

Event : rejection of a GPRS IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENT message

Type : raw permanent

Class : equipment

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by CP calls only(Com packet on PDTCH channel)It is not concerned by CCT (Circuit calls on TCH channel) or CCP(Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel).

Feature : GPRS (SV407 -- V12)

Note : V12 counter

l1088 Number of GPRS PAGING messages rejected due to SICD<x>

board overload

Name Q3 : gprsPagingRejectedSicd<x>.....for x = 0 to 9

Object : bsc

Location :

Name Q3 Location

gprsPagingRejectedSicd<x> SICD--<x>

Function : Number of GPRS PAGINGmessages rejected due to SICD<x>boardoverload

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Event : rejection of a GPRS PAGING message

Type : raw permanent

Class : equipment

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by CP calls only(Com packet on PDTCH channel)It is not concerned by CCT (Circuit calls on TCH channel) or CCP(Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel).

Feature : GPRS (SV407 -- V12)

Note : V12 counter

l1094 Number of terrestrial circuits allocated

Name Q3 : tcAllocated

Object : bsc

Function : number of terrestrial circuit allocations (CIC) in the BSC

Event : allocation of a terrestrial circuit

Type : raw permanent

Class : A interface

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

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Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “GPRS procedure -- preemption on PDTCH (normalcompletion in the case of Mobile Originating Call)”DFD “GPRS procedure (no resource available for a PDTCHpreemption)”DFD “GPRS procedure (negative acknowledgement by the PCUfor a PDTCH preemption)”DFD “dedicated channel assignment procedure (normalcompletion)”DFD “dedicated channel assignment procedure (no resourceavailable and queuing not activated)”DFD “queuing of the assignment procedure (normal completion)”DFD “Dedicated channel assignment modify procedure (normalcompletion)”DFD “Inter BSS intra MSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Direct retry handover procedure”

1095 Average number of terrestrial circuits usedName Q3 : tcAveragedUsedMoy

tcAveragedUsedMax Max terrestrial circuits allocated. . . . . .tcAveragedUsedCum Total terrestrial circuits allocated. . . . . .tcAveragedUsedEch Number of samples. . . . . . .

Object : bscFunction : average (= total number divided by number of samples) and

maximum number of terrestrial circuits (CIC) allocated in the BSC,obtained through internal sampling

Event : terrestrial circuit allocation/deallocation, internal sampling time-outelapse:allocation: step up by one the instantaneous value of terrestrialcircuits allocateddeallocation: step down by one the instantaneous value ofterrestrial circuits allocatedsampling time-out elapse:• read the instantaneous value of circuits allocated• store its peak value• add it to the total of allocated circuits for the observation period• step up by one the number of samples

Type : raw permanent

Class : A interfaceSource : recorded by the BSC

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Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “GPRS procedure -- preemption on PDTCH (normalcompletion in the case of Mobile Originating Call)”DFD “GPRS procedure (no resource available for a PDTCHpreemption)”DFD “GPRS procedure (negative acknowledgement by the PCUfor a PDTCH preemption)”DFD “dedicated channel assignment procedure (normalcompletion)”DFD “queuing of the assignment procedure (normal completion)”DFD “connection clearing required by the MSC procedure(normal completion with communication on SIGNALLINGphase)”DFD “Dedicated channel assignment modify procedure (normalcompletion)”DFD “Inter BSS intra MSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Direct retry handover procedure”DFD “Radio channel release RELEASE INDICATION procedure(normal completion)”DFD “Connection clearing required by the BSC procedure(communication on TRAFFIC phase)”

l1104/0 Number of SCCP connections established for SSN BSSMAP

Name Q3 : sccpAllocated

Object : bsc

Function : number of SCCP connections for SSN BSSMAP in the BSC

Event : successful SCCP connection request

Type : raw permanent

Class : A interface

Source : recorded by the BSC

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Observation Counter DictionaryCopyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

Preciseincrementation conditions :

This counter is concerned by the following calls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “GPRS procedure -- preemption on PDTCH (normalcompletion)”DFD “Immediate assignment procedure (normal completion)”DFD “Immediate assignment paging procedure (normalcompletion)”DFD “Dedicated channel assignment modify procedure (normalcompletion)”DFD “Inter BSS intra MSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Connection clearing required by the BSC procedure(communication on SIGNALING phase)”DFD “SMS procedure (SMS established by the MS)”

l1104/1 Number of SCCP connections established for SSN LCS

Name Q3 : sccpAllocatedLcs

Object : bsc

Function : number of SCCP connections for SSN LCS in the BSC

Event : successful SCCP connection request

Type : raw permanent

Class : A interface

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

This counter is concerned by the location procedure beginning, forBSS hybrid solution.

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l1105 Average number of SCCP connections established

Name Q3 : sccpAveragedUsedMoysccpAveragedUsedMax Max SCCP connections established. . . .sccpAveragedUsedCum Total SCCP connections established. . . .sccpAveragedUsedEch Number of samples. . . . .

Object : bsc

Function : average (= total number divided by number of samples) andmaximum number of SCCP connections established in the BSC,obtained through internal sampling.

Event : SCCP connection establishment/release, internal sampling time-outelapse:establishment: step up by one the instantaneous value of SCCPconnections establishedrelease: step down by one the instantaneous value of SCCPconnections establishedsampling time-out elapse:• read the instantaneous value of SCCP connections established• store its peak value• add it to the total number of SCCP connections established forthe observation period

• step up by one the number of samples

Type : raw permanent

Class : A interface

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

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Observation Counter DictionaryCopyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1

DFD “GPRS procedure -- preemption on PDTCH (normalcompletion in the case of Mobile Originating Call)”DFD “Immediate assignment procedure (normal completion)”DFD “connection clearing required by the MSC procedure(normal completion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “connection clearing required by the MSC procedure(normal completion with communication on SIGNALLINGphase)”DFD “Immediate assignment paging procedure (normalcompletion)”DFD “Dedicated channel assignment modify procedure (normalcompletion)”DFD “Inter BSS intra MSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Radio channel release DEACTIVATE SACCH ACKprocedure (normal completion)”DFD “Radio channel release RELEASE INDICATION procedure(normal completion)”DFD “Connection clearing required by the BSC procedure(communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Connection clearing required by the BSC procedure(communication on SIGNALING phase)”DFD “SMS procedure (SMS established by the MS)”

l1106/0 Number of SCCP connections refused by the MSC or the local

SCCP layer

Name Q3 : sccpRessourceFailure

Object : bsc

Function : number of SCCP connection establishments refused by the MSC orthe local SCCP layer

Event : SCCP connection establishment refusal due to the following causes:

BSC request refused by local SCCP layerBSC request refused by the MSC

Type : raw permanent

Class : A interface

Source : recorded by the BSC

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Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:

CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

l1106/1 Number of SCCP connections refused by the BSC

Name Q3 : sccpRessourceFailureBscRefusal

Object : bsc

Function : number of SCCP connection establishments refused

Event : SCCP connection establishment refusal due to the following causes:

MSC request refused by the BSC

Type : raw permanent

Class : A interface

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:

CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Note : V12 counter

l1106/2 Number of SCCP connections with SSN LCS, refused by the

MSC or the local SCCP layer

Name Q3 : sccpRessourceFailureLcs

Object : bsc

Function : number of SCCP connections with SSN LCS, refused by the MSC orthe local SCCP layer

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Event : SCCP connection establishment (with SSN LCS) refusal due to thefollowing causes:BSC request refused by local SCCP layerBSC request refused by the MSC

Type : raw permanent

Class : A interface

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

This counter is concerned by the location procedure beginning, forBSS hybrid solution.

l1106/3 Number of SCCP connectionswith SSNLCS, refused by theBSCName Q3 : sccpRessourceFailureBscRefusalLcs

Object : bsc

Function : number of SCCP connections with SSN LCS refused by the BSC

Event : SCCP connection establishment (with SSN LCS) refusal due to thefollowing causes:MSC request refused by the BSC

Type : raw permanent

Class : A interface

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

This counter is concerned by the location procedure beginning, forBSS hybrid solution.

l1107 Number of BSSAP messages received

Name Q3 : aInputMessage

Object : bsc

Function : number of BSSAP messages received by the BSC


Type : raw permanent

Class : A interface

Source : recorded by the BSC

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Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:

CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channel

CCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1

DFD “GPRS procedure -- preemption on PDTCH (normalcompletion)”

DFD “GPRS procedure (no available resource for a PDTCHpreemption)”

DFD “GPRS procedure (negative acknowledgement by the PCUfor a PDTCH preemption)”

DFD “Immediate assignment procedure (normal completion)”

DFD “dedicated channel assignment procedure (normalcompletion)”

DFD “dedicated channel assignment procedure (no Resourceavailable and queuing not activated)”

DFD “inter--cell intra BSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”

DFD “connection clearing required by the MSC procedure(normal completion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”

DFD “connection clearing required by the MSC procedure(normal completion with communication on SIGNALLINGphase)”

DFD “Immediate assignment paging procedure (normalcompletion)”

DFD “Inter BSS intra MSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”

DFD “Direct retry handover procedure”

DFD “Connection clearing required by the BSC procedure(communication on TRAFFIC phase)”

DFD “Connection clearing required by the BSC procedure(communication on SIGNALING phase)”

DFD “SMS procedure (SMS established by the MS)”

DFD “SMS procedure (SMS established by the MSC)”

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l1108 Number of BSSAP messages sent

Name Q3 : aOutputMessage

Object : bsc

Function : number of BSSAP messages sent by the BSC


Type : raw permanent

Class : A interface

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “GPRS procedure -- preemption on PDTCH (normalcompletion)”DFD “GPRS procedure (no available resource for a PDTCHpreemption)”DFD “GPRS procedure (negative acknowledgement by the PCUfor a PDTCH preemption)”DFD “Immediate assignment procedure (normal completion)”DFD “dedicated channel assignment procedure (normalcompletion)”DFD “dedicated channel assignment procedure (no Resourceavailable and queuing not activated)”DFD “inter--cell intra BSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “connection clearing required by the MSC procedure(normal completion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “connection clearing required by the MSC procedure(normal completion with communication on SIGNALLINGphase)”DFD “Immediate assignment paging procedure (normalcompletion)”

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DFD “Intra cell handover procedure (normal completion withcommunication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Inter BSS intra MSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Direct retry handover procedure”DFD “Connection clearing required by the BSC procedure(communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Connection clearing required by the BSC procedure(communication on SIGNALING phase)”DFD “SMS procedure (SMS established by the MS)”

l1109 Number of erroneous BSSAP messages received

Name Q3 : aMessageErrors

Object : bsc

Function : number of errored BSSAP messages received by the BSC atapplication level


Type : raw permanent

Class : A interface

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “Inter BSS intra MSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”

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l1114 Average time of PCM unavailabilityName Q3 : pcmUnavailabilityMoy

pcmUnavailabilityMax Max PCM unavailability time. . . . . . . . .pcmUnavailabilityCum TotalPCM unavailability time. . . . . . . . .pcmUnavailabilityEch Number of samples. . . . . . . . . .

Object : pcmCircuit

Function : average (= total time divided by number of samples) and maximumtime of BSS external PCM unavailability in the observation period,expressed in milliseconds

Event : PCM operational state changes (operationalState attribute):leave “enabled” state: set timerchange to “enabled” state:• stop and read timer• store its peak value• add the value read to the previous total time of unavailability inthe observation period

• step up by one the number of samplesType : raw permanent

Class : PCM link

Source : recorded by the BSCPreciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channelCP: Com packet on PDTCH channel

Note : V12 counter

l1115 Number of link changeoversName Q3 : omcLinkSwitchOver

Object : bscFunction : number of BSS/OMC--R link switchovers

Event : loss of Level 2 on the BSS/OMC--R link

Type : raw permanent

Class : BSS/OMC--R link

Source : recorded by the BSC

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Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channelCP: Com packet on PDTCH channel

Note : V12 counter

l1121 Number of passive chain update messages

Name Q3 : chainStandByUpdate

Object : bsc

Function : number of messages sent from the active to the BSC passive chain

Event : transmission of a message to the BSC passive chain

Type : raw permanent

Class : BSC equipment

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channelCP: Com packet on PDTCH channel

Note : V12 counter

l1122 Number of passive chain response messages

Name Q3 : chainStandByResponse

Object : bsc

Function : number of responsemessages sent from the passive to the BSC activechain

Event : reception of a response message from the BSC passive chain

Type : raw permanent

Class : BSC equipment

Source : recorded by the BSC

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Counter descriptionNortel Networks Confidential 2--55

Observation Counter DictionaryCopyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channelCP: Com packet on PDTCH channel

Note : V12 counter

l1134 Number of unsuccessful intra-bts handovers on TCH for which

the communication has been re--established on starting channelName Q3 : hoUnsuccessReestIntraBtsTchObject : btsFunction : number of unsuccessful intra-bts handovers on TCH for which the

communication has been re--established on starting channelEvent : receipt of ASSIGN FAILURE before T3107 time-out elapse

Type : raw permanent

Class : handoverSource : recorded by the BSCPreciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

l1135 Number of unsuccessful outgoing intra--bss handovers on TCH

forwhich the communicationhasbeen re--established on startingchannel

Name Q3 : hoUnsuccessReestOutgoingIntraBssTchObject : btsFunction : number of unsuccessful outgoing intra-bss handovers for which the

communication has been re--established on starting channel

Event : receipt of HANDOVER FAILURE before T3103 time-out elapseType : raw permanent

Class : handoverSource : recorded by the BSC

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Preliminary 14.14/EN June 2004 Copyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

l1136 Number of unsuccessful outgoing inter--bss handovers on TCH

forwhich the communicationhasbeen re--established on startingchannel

Name Q3 : hoUnsuccessReestOutgoingInterBssTchObject : btsFunction : number of unsuccessful outgoing inter-bss handovers on TCH for

which the communication has been re--established on starting channel

Event : receipt of HANDOVER FAILURE before T3103 time-out elapse(T3103 < bssMapT8) with transmission to the MSC

Type : raw permanent

Class : handoverSource : recorded by the BSCPreciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

l1137 Number of unsuccessful incoming intra--bss handovers on TCH

with reestablishment in the serving cellName Q3 : hoUnsuccessReestIncomingIntraBssTchObject : btsFunction : number of unsuccessful incoming intra-bss handovers on TCH with

call reestablishment in the cell

Event : receipt of HANDOVER FAILURE

Type : raw permanent

Class : handoverSource : recorded by the BSC

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Counter descriptionNortel Networks Confidential 2--57

Observation Counter DictionaryCopyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

l1138/0 Number of handovers on TCH required: Loss of Uplink powerName Q3 : hoRequiredTchUplinkStrength

Object : bts

Function : number of handovers on TCH required because of loss of Uplinkpower (MS-to-BTS direction)

Event : receipt of HANDOVER INDICATION (internal message) withcause “uplink signal strength” from the L1M

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “inter--cell intra BSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Intra cell handover procedure (normal completion withcommunication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Inter BSS intra MSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”

l1138/1 Number of handovers onTCHrequired: Loss of Downlink powerName Q3 : hoRequiredTchDownlinkStrength

Object : bts

Function : number of handovers on TCH required because of loss of Downlinkpower (BTS-to-MS direction)

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Counter description Nortel Networks Confidential2--58


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Event : receipt of HANDOVER INDICATION (internalmessage) with cause“downlink signal strength” from the L1M

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “inter--cell intra BSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Intra cell handover procedure (normal completion withcommunication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Inter BSS intra MSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”

l1138/2 Number of handovers on TCH required: Loss of Uplink quality

Name Q3 : hoRequiredTchUplinkQuality

Object : bts

Function : number of handovers on TCH required because of loss of Uplinkquality (MS-to-BTS direction)

Event : receipt of HANDOVER INDICATION (internalmessage) with cause“uplink signal quality” from the L1M

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

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Counter descriptionNortel Networks Confidential 2--59

Observation Counter DictionaryCopyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “inter--cell intra BSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Intra cell handover procedure (normal completion withcommunication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Inter BSS intra MSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”

l1138/3 Number of handovers on TCH required: Loss of Downlink


Name Q3 : hoRequiredTchDownlinkQuality

Object : bts

Function : number of handovers on TCH required because of loss of Downlinkquality (BTS-to-MS direction)

Event : receipt of HANDOVER INDICATION (internalmessage) with cause“downlink signal quality” from the L1M

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “inter--cell intra BSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Intra cell handover procedure (normal completion withcommunication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Inter BSS intra MSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”

l1138/4 Number of handovers on TCH required: Distance

Name Q3 : hoRequiredTchDistance

Object : bts

Function : number of handovers on TCH required because of distance

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Counter description Nortel Networks Confidential2--60


Preliminary 14.14/EN June 2004 Copyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

Event : receipt of HANDOVER INDICATION (internalmessage) with cause“distance” from the L1M

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “inter--cell intra BSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Intra cell handover procedure (normal completion withcommunication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Inter BSS intra MSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”

l1138/5 Number of handovers on TCH required: Power budget

Name Q3 : hoRequiredTchPowerBudgetQuality

Object : bts

Function : number of handovers on TCH required because of power budget

Event : receipt of HANDOVER INDICATION (internalmessage) with cause“power budget” from the L1M

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

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Counter descriptionNortel Networks Confidential 2--61

Observation Counter DictionaryCopyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “inter--cell intra BSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Intra cell handover procedure (normal completion withcommunication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Inter BSS intra MSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”

l1138/6 Number of handovers on TCH required: Microcell capture

Name Q3 : hoRequiredTchCapture

Object : bts

Function : number of handovers on TCH required because of microcell capture

Event : receipt of HANDOVER INDICATION (internalmessage) with cause“microcell capture” from the L1M

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “inter--cell intra BSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Intra cell handover procedure (normal completion withcommunication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Inter BSS intra MSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”

l1138/7 Number of intra-bts handovers on TCH required: TRX out of

service O&M

Name Q3 : hoRequiredTchIntraBtsOm

Object : bts

Function : number of intra-bts handovers on TCH required because of aTRX/DRX taken out of service (O&M action)

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Counter description Nortel Networks Confidential2--62


Preliminary 14.14/EN June 2004 Copyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

Event : receipt of HANDOVER INDICATION (internal message) withcause “TRX out of service” from the L1M

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “inter--cell intra BSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Intra cell handover procedure (normal completion withcommunication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Inter BSS intra MSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”

l1138/8 Number of intra-bts handovers on TCH required: Loss of Uplink


Name Q3 : hoRequiredTchIntraBtsUplink

Object : bts

Function : number of intra-bts handovers on TCH required because of loss ofUplink quality (MS-to-BTS direction)

Event : receipt of HANDOVER INDICATION (internalmessage) with cause“uplink signal quality” from the L1M

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

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Counter descriptionNortel Networks Confidential 2--63

Observation Counter DictionaryCopyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “inter--cell intra BSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Intra cell handover procedure (normal completion withcommunication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Inter BSS intra MSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”

l1138/9 Number of intra-bts handovers on TCH required: Loss of

Downlink quality

Name Q3 : hoRequiredTchIntraBtsDownlink

Object : bts

Function : number of intra-bts handovers on TCH required because of loss ofDownlink quality (BTS-to-MS direction)

Event : receipt of HANDOVER INDICATION (internalmessage) with cause“downlink signal quality” from the L1M

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “inter--cell intra BSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Intra cell handover procedure (normal completion withcommunication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Inter BSS intra MSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”

l1138/10 Number of directed retry handovers on TCH required

Name Q3 : hoRequiredTchDirectedRetry

Object : bts

Function : number of directed retry handovers on TCH required

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Counter description Nortel Networks Confidential2--64


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Event : receipt of HANDOVER INDICATION (internal message) attempt ofdirected retry: receipt of CONNECTION REQUEST ACK messageor autonomously in case of directed retry from amicro--cell receipt ofa CONNECTION REQUEST ACK with an eligible cells list, afterTchoke expiry

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:

CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1

DFD “inter--cell intra BSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Intra cell handover procedure (normal completion withcommunication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Inter BSS intra MSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”

l1138/11 Number of intra-bts handovers on TCH required (concentric

cell): Class 0 TDMA

Name Q3 : hoRequiredTchTdmaClass0

Object : bts (concentric cell)

Function : number of intra-bts handovers on TCH from the inner zone to theouter zone required in the serving cell

Event : receipt of HANDOVER INDICATION (internalmessage) with causedownlink power level or distance reason from the L1M

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

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Counter descriptionNortel Networks Confidential 2--65

Observation Counter DictionaryCopyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1

DFD “inter--cell intra BSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Intra cell handover procedure (normal completion withcommunication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Inter BSS intra MSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”

l1138/12 Number of intra-bts handovers on TCH required (concentric

cell): Class 1 TDMAName Q3 : hoRequiredTchTdmaClass1Object : bts (concentric cell)Function : number of intra-bts handovers on TCH from the outer zone to the

inner zone required in the serving cellEvent : receipt of HANDOVER INDICATION (internalmessage) with cause

downlink power level or distance reason from the L1MType : raw permanentClass : handoverSource : recorded by the BSCPreciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1

DFD “inter--cell intra BSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Intra cell handover procedure (normal completion withcommunication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Inter BSS intra MSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”

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Counter description Nortel Networks Confidential2--66


Preliminary 14.14/EN June 2004 Copyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

l1138/13 Number of handovers on TCH required: Forced handoverO&M

Name Q3 : hoRequiredTchInterBtsOm

Object : bts

Function : number of handovers onTCH forced towards the neighbor cells of theserving cell

Event : receipt of HANDOVER INDICATION (internalmessage) with cause“forced handover” from the L1M

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “inter--cell intra BSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Intra cell handover procedure (normal completion withcommunication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Inter BSS intra MSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”

l1138/14 Number of handovers on TCH required: Traffic

Name Q3 : hoRequiredTchTraffic

Object : bts

Function : number of handovers onTCH forced towards the neighbor cells of theserving cell

Event : receipt of HANDOVER INDICATION (internalmessage) with cause“traffic” from the L1M

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

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Counter descriptionNortel Networks Confidential 2--67

Observation Counter DictionaryCopyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:

CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “inter--cell intra BSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Intra cell handover procedure (normal completion withcommunication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Inter BSS intra MSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”

Feature : Handover for traffic reasons (TF132 -- V12)

Note : V12 counter

l1138/15 Number of handovers on TCH required: Tiering handover from

large pattern to small pattern

Name Q3 : hoRequiredTchTieringLargeToSmallPattern

Object : bts

Function : number of tiering handovers on TCH from large pattern to smallpattern (non--hopping channel to hopping channel)

Event : receipt of HANDOVER INDICATION (internalmessage) with cause“tiering handover from large pattern to small pattern” from the L1M

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:

CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

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Counter description Nortel Networks Confidential2--68


Preliminary 14.14/EN June 2004 Copyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “inter--cell intra BSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Intra cell handover procedure (normal completion withcommunication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Inter BSS intra MSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”

Feature : Cell Tiering (TF995 -- V12)

Note : V12 counter

l1138/16 Number of handovers on TCH required: Tiering handover from

small pattern to large pattern

Name Q3 : hoRequiredTchTieringSmallToLargePattern

Object : bts

Function : number of tiering handovers on TCH from small pattern to largepattern (hopping channel to non--hopping channel)

Event : receipt of HANDOVER INDICATION (internalmessage) with cause“tiering handover from large small to large pattern” from the L1M

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “inter--cell intra BSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Intra cell handover procedure (normal completion withcommunication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Inter BSS intra MSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”

Feature : Cell Tiering (TF995 -- V12)

Note : V12 counter

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Counter descriptionNortel Networks Confidential 2--69

Observation Counter DictionaryCopyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

l1139/0 Number of handoverson SDCCHrequired: LossofUplinkpower

Name Q3 : hoRequiredSdcchUplinkStrength

Object : bts

Function : number of handovers on SDCCH required because of loss of Uplinkpower (MS-to-BTS direction)

Event : receipt of HANDOVER INDICATION (internalmessage) with cause“uplink signal strength” from the L1M

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

l1139/1 Number of handovers on SDCCH required: Loss of Downlink

powerName Q3 : hoRequiredSdcchDownlinkStrength

Object : bts

Function : number of handovers on SDCCH required because of loss ofDownlink power (BTS-to-MS direction)

Event : receipt of HANDOVER INDICATION (internalmessage) with cause“downlink signal strength” from the L1M

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

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Counter description Nortel Networks Confidential2--70


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l1139/2 Number of handovers on SDCCH required: Loss of Uplink

qualityName Q3 : hoRequiredSdcchUplinkQualityObject : btsFunction : number of handovers on SDCCH required because of loss of Uplink

quality (MS-to-BTS direction)

Event : receipt of HANDOVER INDICATION (internalmessage) with cause“uplink signal quality” from the L1M

Type : raw permanent

Class : handoverSource : recorded by the BSCPreciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

l1139/3 Number of handovers on SDCCH required: Loss of Downlink

qualityName Q3 : hoRequiredSdcchDownlinkQualityObject : btsFunction : number of handovers on SDCCH required because of loss of

Downlink quality (BTS-to-MS direction)

Event : receipt of HANDOVER INDICATION (internalmessage) with cause“downlink signal quality” from the L1M

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSCPreciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

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Counter descriptionNortel Networks Confidential 2--71

Observation Counter DictionaryCopyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

l1139/4 Number of handovers on SDCCH required: Distance

Name Q3 : hoRequiredSdcchDistance

Object : bts

Function : number of handovers on SDCCH required because of distance

Event : receipt of HANDOVER INDICATION (internalmessage) with cause“distance” from the L1M

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

l1139/5 Number of handovers on SDCCH required: Power budget

Name Q3 : hoRequiredSdcchPowerBudget

Object : bts

Function : number of handovers on SDCCH required because of power budget

Event : receipt of HANDOVER INDICATION (internalmessage) with cause“power budget” from the L1M

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

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Counter description Nortel Networks Confidential2--72


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l1139/6 Number of handovers on SDCCH required: Microcell capture

Name Q3 : hoRequiredSdcchCapture

Object : bts

Function : number of handovers on SDCCH required because of microcellcapture

Event : receipt of HANDOVER INDICATION (internalmessage) with cause“microcell capture” from the L1M

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

l1139/7 Number of intra-bts handovers on SDCCH required: TRX out of

service O&MName Q3 : hoRequiredSdcchIntraBtsOm

Object : bts

Function : number of intra-bts handovers on SDCCH required because of aTRX/DRX taken out of service (O&M action)

Event : receipt of HANDOVER INDICATION (internalmessage) with cause“TRX out of service” from the L1M

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

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Counter descriptionNortel Networks Confidential 2--73

Observation Counter DictionaryCopyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

l1139/8 Number of intra-bts handovers on SDCCH required: Loss of

Uplink qualityName Q3 : hoRequiredSdcchIntraBtsUplinkObject : btsFunction : number of intra-bts handovers on SDCCH required because of loss of

Uplink quality (MS-to-BTS direction)

Event : receipt of HANDOVER INDICATION (internalmessage) with cause“uplink signal quality” from the L1M

Type : raw permanent

Class : handoverSource : recorded by the BSCPreciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

l1139/9 Number of intra-bts handovers on SDCCH required: Loss of

Downlink qualityName Q3 : hoRequiredSdcchIntraBtsDownlinkObject : btsFunction : number of intra-bts handovers on SDCCH required because of loss of

Downlink quality (BTS-to-MS direction)

Event : receipt of HANDOVER INDICATION (internalmessage) with cause“downlink signal quality” from the L1M

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSCPreciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

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Counter description Nortel Networks Confidential2--74


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l1139/13 Number of handovers on SDCCH required: Forced handover


Name Q3 : hoRequiredSdcchInterBtsOm

Object : bts

Function : number of handovers on SDCCH forced towards the neighbor cells ofthe serving cell

Event : receipt of HANDOVER INDICATION (internalmessage) with cause“forced handover” from the L1M

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:

CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

l1139/14 Number of handovers on SDCCH required: Traffic

Name Q3 : hoRequiredSdcchTraffic

Object : bts

Function : number of handovers on SDCCH forced towards the neighbor cells ofthe serving cell

Event : receipt of HANDOVER INDICATION (internalmessage) with cause“traffic” from the L1M

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Feature : Handover for traffic reasons (TF132 -- V12)

Note : V12 counter

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Counter descriptionNortel Networks Confidential 2--75

Observation Counter DictionaryCopyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

l1140 Number of outgoing intra--bss handovers on SDCCH executed

Name Q3 : hoExecutionOutgoingIntraBssSdcch

Object : bts

Function : number of attempts to execute outgoing intra-bss handovers onSDCCH

Event : transmission of HANDOVER COMMAND to the serving cell

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

l1141 Number of outgoing inter handovers on SDCCH executed

Name Q3 : hoExecutionOutgoingInterBssSdcch

Object : bts

Function : number of attempts to execute outgoing inter-bss handovers onSDCCH

Event : receipt of HANDOVER COMMAND from the MSC

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

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Counter description Nortel Networks Confidential2--76


Preliminary 14.14/EN June 2004 Copyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

l1142 Number of successful outgoing intra--bss handovers on SDCCH

Name Q3 : hoSuccessOutgoingIntraBssSdcch

Object : bts

Function : number of successful attempts to execute outgoing intra-bsshandovers on SDCCH

Event : receipt of HANDOVER COMPLETE from the target cell

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

l1143 Number of successful outgoing inter--bss handovers on SDCCH

Name Q3 : hoSuccessOutgoingInterBssSdcch

Object : bts

Function : number of successful outgoing inter-bss handovers on SDCCH

Event : receipt of CLEARCOMMANDwith cause “ Handover Successful ”from the MSC

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

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Counter descriptionNortel Networks Confidential 2--77

Observation Counter DictionaryCopyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

l1144 Number of incoming intra--bss handovers on SDCCH requested

Name Q3 : hoRequestIncomingIntraBssSdcch

Object : bts

Function : number of incoming intra-bss handovers on SDCCH requested in thecell for any kind of the mobile

Event : attempt to select the cell as the serving cell

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Note : the counter is incremented at the end of the handover (success,selection failure, execution failure or end of call)

l1145 Number of incoming inter--bss handovers on SDCCH requested

Name Q3 : hoRequestIncomingInterBssSdcch

Object : bts

Function : number of incoming inter-bss handovers on SDCCH requested

Event : receipt of HANDOVERREQUEST from theMSC on the A interface

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

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Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

l1146 Number of incoming intra--bss handovers on SDCCH execution

attemptName Q3 : hoExecutionIncomingIntraBssSdcchObject : btsFunction : number of attempts to execute incoming intra-bss handovers on

SDCCH in the cell for any kind of the mobile

Event : transmission of HANDOVER COMMAND to the serving cellType : raw permanentClass : handoverSource : recorded by the BSCPreciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Note : the counter is incremented at the end of the handover (success,selection failure, execution failure or end of call)

l1147 Number of incoming inter--bss handovers on SDCCH executedName Q3 : hoExecutionIncomingInterBssSdcchObject : btsFunction : number of attempts to execute incoming inter-bss handovers on


the target BSS to the MSCType : raw permanentClass : handoverSource : recorded by the BSC

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Counter descriptionNortel Networks Confidential 2--79

Observation Counter DictionaryCopyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

l1148 Number of successful incoming intra--bss handovers on SDCCH

Name Q3 : hoSuccessIncomingIntraBssSdcch

Object : bts

Function : number of successful incoming intra-bss handovers on SDCCH in thecell

Event : receipt of HANDOVER COMPLETE from the target cell

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

l1149 Number of successful incoming inter--bss handovers on SDCCH

Name Q3 : hoSuccessIncomingInterBssSdcch

Object : bts

Function : number of successful incoming inter-bss handovers on SDCCH

Event : receipt of HANDOVER COMPLETE from the target cell

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

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Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

l1150 Number of outgoing intra--bss handovers on SDCCH requested

Name Q3 : hoRequestOutgoingIntraBssSdcch

Object : bts

Function : number of outgoing intra-bss handovers on SDCCH requested

Event : attempt to select a target cell from the list of eligible cells sent by thehandover algorithm

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

l1151 Number of outgoing inter--bss handovers on SDCCH requested

Name Q3 : hoRequestOutgoingInterBssSdcch

Object : bts

Function : number of outgoing inter-bss handovers on SDCCH requested

Event : attempt to select a cell in the list of eligible cells on transmission ofHANDOVER REQUIRED on the A interface

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

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Counter descriptionNortel Networks Confidential 2--81

Observation Counter DictionaryCopyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

l1152 Number of successful outgoing intra--bss handovers on SDCCH

after first attempt

Name Q3 : hoSuccessOutgoingFirstIntraSdcch

Object : bts

Function : number of successful outgoing intra-bss handovers on SDCCH to thefirst cell from the list of eligible cells

Event : receipt of HANDOVER COMPLETE from the target cell

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Note : the list is reorganized by the BSC Ho decision according tot he cellpriority feature (TF716). It may not be the same order as the onereceived from the L1M

l1153 Number of successful outgoing inter--bss handovers on SDCCH

after first attempt

Name Q3 : hoSuccessOutgoingFirstInterSdcch

Object : bts

Function : number of successful outgoing inter-bss handovers on SDCCH to thefirst cell from the list of eligible cells

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Preliminary 14.14/EN June 2004 Copyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

Event : receipt of CLEAR COMMAND with cause “Handover Successful”from the MSC

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Note : the list is reorganized by the BSC Ho decision according tot he cellpriority feature (TF716). It may not be the same order as the onereceived from the L1M

l1154 Number of intra-bts handovers on SDCCH requestedName Q3 : hoRequestIntraBtsSdcch

Object : bts

Function : number of intra-bts handovers on SDCCH requested in the cell

Event : attempt to select the cell to accomodate an intra-bts handover

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

l1155 Number of intra-bts handovers on SDCCH executedName Q3 : hoExecutionIntraBtsSdcch

Object : bts

Function : number of attempts to execute intra-bts handovers on SDCCH in thecell

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Counter descriptionNortel Networks Confidential 2--83

Observation Counter DictionaryCopyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

Event : transmission of ASSIGNCOMMAND to the cell during the intra-btshandover procedure

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

l1156 Number of successful intra-bts handovers on SDCCH

Name Q3 : hoSuccessIntraBtsSdcch

Object : bts

Function : number of successful intra-bts handovers on SDCCH in the cell

Event : receipt of ASSIGN COMPLETE from the cell during the intra-btshandover procedure

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

l1157 Number of unsuccessful intra-bts handovers on SDCCH for

which the communication has been re--established on startingchannel

Name Q3 : hoUnsuccessReestIntraBtsSdcch

Object : bts

Function : number of unsuccessful intra-bts handovers on SDCCH for which thecommunication has been re--established on starting channel

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Event : receipt of ASSIGN FAILURE before T3107 time-out elapse

Type : raw permanent

Class : handoverSource : recorded by the BSCPreciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

l1158 Number of unsuccessful outgoing intra--bss handovers on

SDCCH for which the communication has been re--establishedon starting channel

Name Q3 : hoUnsuccessReestOutgoingIntraBssSdcchObject : btsFunction : number of unsuccessful outgoing intra-bss handovers on SDCCH for

which the communication has been re--established on starting channel

Event : receipt of HANDOVER FAILURE before T3103 time-out elapse

Type : raw permanent

Class : handoverSource : recorded by the BSCPreciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

l1159 Number of unsuccessful outgoing inter--bss handovers on

SDCCH for which the communication has been re--establishedon starting channel

Name Q3 : hoUnsuccessReestOutgoingInterBssSdcch

Object : btsFunction : number of unsuccessful outgoing inter-bss handovers on SDCCH for

which the communication has been re--established on starting channel

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Observation Counter DictionaryCopyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

Event : receipt of HANDOVER FAILURE before T3103 time-out elapse(T3103 < bssMapT8) with transmission to the MSC

Type : raw permanent

Class : handoverSource : recorded by the BSCPreciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

l1160 Number of unsuccessful incoming intra--bss handovers on

SDCCH for which the communication has been re--establishedon starting channel

Name Q3 : hoUnsuccessReestIncomingIntraBssSdcchObject : btsFunction : number of unsuccessful incoming intra-bsshandovers onSDCCH for

which the communication has been re--established on starting channel

Event : receipt of HANDOVER FAILURE

Type : raw permanent

Class : handoverSource : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

l1161/0 Number of immediate assignments rejected: Traffic with MSC

interruptedName Q3 : immediateAssignmentRejectTraffMscObject : btsFunction : number of immediate assignments rejected because the traffic with

the MSC is interrupted

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Counter description Nortel Networks Confidential2--86


Preliminary 14.14/EN June 2004 Copyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

Event : transmission of IMMEDIATE ASSIGN REJECT to a mobile ontransmission or receipt of RESET by the MSC

Type : raw permanent

Class : release

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

l1161/1 Number of immediate assignments rejected: Lack of radio

resourceName Q3 : immediateAssignmentRejectRadioRes

Object : bts

Function : number of immediate assignments rejected for lack of radio resources

Event : transmission of IMMEDIATEASSIGNREJECT to amobile due to alack of radio resource

Type : raw permanent

Class : release

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

l1161/2 Number of immediate assignments rejected: CHANNEL


Name Q3 : immediateAssignmentRejectChanActNack

Object : bts

Function : number of immediate assignments rejected because a CHANNELACTIVATE NACK message is received

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Observation Counter DictionaryCopyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

Event : transmission of IMMEDIATE ASSIGN REJECT to a mobile onreceipt of CHANNEL ACTIVATE NACK from the BTS

Type : raw permanent

Class : release

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

l1161/3 Number of immediate assignments rejected: Time-out elapse

Name Q3 : immediateAssignmentRejectChanActTimmack

Object : bts

Function : number of immediate assignments rejected because of TimmAcktime-out elapse

Event : transmission of IMMEDIATE ASSIGN REJECT to a mobile onTchnAck time-out elapse

Type : raw permanent

Class : release

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

l1161/5 Number of immediate assignments rejected: Traffic overload

Name Q3 : immediateAssignmentRejectOverload

Object : bts

Function : number of immediate assignments rejected for overload reasons

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Preliminary 14.14/EN June 2004 Copyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

Event : transmission of IMMEDIATEASSIGNREJECT to amobile becausea call originating from amobile (MOC) or aMobile Terminating Call(MTC) is blocked by the BSC for traffic management generaloverload

Type : raw permanent

Class : releaseSource : recorded by the BSCPreciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

l1161/6 Number of immediate assignments rejected: Excessive timing

advanceName Q3 : immediateAssignmentRejectTimingAdvObject : btsFunction : number of immediate assignments rejected for distance reasonsEvent : receipt of CHANNEL REQUIRED with a timing advance value

above the O&M threshold (no IMMEDIATE ASSIGN REJECT issent to the mobile)

Type : raw permanent

Class : releaseSource : recorded by the BSCPreciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

l1161/7 Number of immediate assignments rejected: Other casesName Q3 : immediateAssignmentRejectOthersObject : btsFunction : number of immediate assignments rejected for other reasons

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Counter descriptionNortel Networks Confidential 2--89

Observation Counter DictionaryCopyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

Event : transmission of IMMEDIATE ASSIGN REJECT to a mobile foranother reason

Type : raw permanent

Class : release

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:

CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

l1162/0 Number of SCCP releases before HANDOVER REQUEST

acknowledging: SCCP disconnection

Name Q3 : signallingReleaseNoBtsSccpDiscInd

Object : bsc

Function : number of communications in signaling phase released beforeHANDOVER REQUEST ACKNOWLEDGE is received in theincoming handover procedure, because of SCCP disconnection


Type : raw permanent

Class : release

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:

CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Note : This counter is only incremented in case of incoming externalhandovers.

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Counter description Nortel Networks Confidential2--90


Preliminary 14.14/EN June 2004 Copyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

l1162/1 Number of SCCP releases before HANDOVER REQUEST

acknowledging: Reset

Name Q3 : signallingReleaseNoBtsReset

Object : bsc

Function : number of communications in signaling phase released beforeHANDOVER REQUEST ACKNOWLEDGE is received in theincoming handover procedure, because of reset

Event : receipt of RESET from the MSC

Type : raw permanent

Class : release

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:

CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Note : This counter is only incremented in case of incoming externalhandovers.

l1162/3 Number of SCCP releases before HANDOVER REQUEST

acknowledging: SCCP DATA REFUSAL received

Name Q3 : signallingReleaseNoBtsSccpDataRefusal

Object : bsc

Function : number of communications in signaling phase released beforeHANDOVER REQUEST ACKNOWLEDGE is received in theincoming handover procedure, because of SCCP data refusal

Event : receipt of SCCP DATA REFUSAL from the MSC

Type : raw permanent

Class : release

Source : recorded by the BSC

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Counter descriptionNortel Networks Confidential 2--91

Observation Counter DictionaryCopyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).Note : This counter is only incremented in case of incoming external


l1162/26 Number of SCCP releases before HANDOVER REQUEST

acknowledging: TsccRel elapseName Q3 : signallingReleaseNoBtsTsccRelObject : bscFunction : number of communications in signaling phase released before

HANDOVER REQUEST ACKNOWLEDGE is received in theincoming handover procedure, because of TsccRel time-out elapse

Event : TsccRel time-out elapseType : raw permanentClass : releaseSource : recorded by the BSCPreciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).Note : This counter is only incremented in case of incoming external


l1162/27 Number of SCCP releases before HANDOVER REQUEST

acknowledging: Incorrect DATA INDICATION receivedName Q3 : signallingReleaseNoBtsBadDataIndObject : bscFunction : number of communications in signaling phase released before

HANDOVER REQUEST ACKNOWLEDGE is received in theincoming handover procedure, because of incorrect DATAINDICATION message received

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Type : raw permanent

Class : release

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Note : This counter is only incremented in case of incoming externalhandovers.

l1162/28 Number of SCCP releases before HANDOVER REQUEST

acknowledging: Other cases

Name Q3 : signallingReleaseNoBtsOthers

Object : bsc

Function : number of communications in signaling phase released beforeHANDOVER REQUEST ACKNOWLEDGE is received in theincoming handover procedure for other reasons

Event : call in signaling phase released for another reason

Type : raw permanent

Class : release

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Note : This counter is only incremented in case of incoming externalhandovers.

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Counter descriptionNortel Networks Confidential 2--93

Observation Counter DictionaryCopyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

l1163/0 Number of communications in signaling phase released: SCCP


Name Q3 : signallingReleaseBtsSccpDiscInd

Object : bts

Function : number of communications in signaling phase released because ofSCCP disconnection when a cell is associated with thecommunication


Type : raw permanent

Class : release

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

l1163/1 Number of communications in signaling phase released: Reset

Name Q3 : signallingReleaseBtsReset

Object : bts

Function : number of communications in signaling phase released because ofreset when a cell is associated with the communication

Event : receipt of RESET from the MSC

Type : raw permanent

Class : release

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

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l1163/2 Number of communications in signaling phase released: Reset

circuit downlink

Name Q3 : signallingReleaseBtsResetCirc

Object : bts

Function : number of communications in signaling phase released because ofreset circuit in the Downlink direction when a cell is associated withthe communication

Event : receipt of RESET CIRCUIT DOWNLINK from the MSC

Type : raw permanent

Class : release

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

l1163/3 Number of communications in signaling phase released: SCCP


Name Q3 : signallingReleaseBtsSccpDataRefusal

Object : bts

Function : number of communications in signaling phase released because ofSCCP data refusal when a cell is associated with the communication

Event : receipt of SCCP DATA REFUSAL from the MSC

Type : raw permanent

Class : release

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

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Counter descriptionNortel Networks Confidential 2--95

Observation Counter DictionaryCopyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

l1163/4 Number of communications in signaling phase released:

Incorrect First L3 Msg

Name Q3 : signallingReleaseBtsIncFirstL3

Object : bts

Function : number of communications in signaling phase released because ofincorrect First L3 message when a cell is associated with thecommunication


Type : raw permanent

Class : release

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

l1163/5 Number of communications in signaling phase released: T3101


Name Q3 : signallingReleaseBtsT3101

Object : bts

Function : number of communications in signaling phase released because ofT3101 time-out elapse when a cell is associated with thecommunication

Event : T3101 time-out elapse before ESTABLISH INDICATION isreceived in the immediate assignment procedure

Type : raw permanent

Class : release

Source : recorded by the BSC

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Counter description Nortel Networks Confidential2--96


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Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:

CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

l1163/6 Number of communications in signaling phase released: T3107


Name Q3 : signallingReleaseBtsT3107CircDown

Object : bts

Function : number of communications in signaling phase released because ofT3107 time-out elapse when a cell is associated with thecommunication

Event : T3107 time-out elapse before ESTABLISH INDICATION isreceived in the dedicated channel assignment or intra-bts handover onSDCCH procedure

Type : raw permanent

Class : release

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

l1163/7 Number of communications in signaling phase released: Ts out of

service (O&M)

Name Q3 : signallingReleaseBtsOmTsRemoval

Object : bts

Function : number of communications in signaling phase released because theassociated with the call is taken out of service

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Observation Counter DictionaryCopyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

Event : radio time slot withdrawal due to the cell being taken out of service

Type : raw permanent

Class : release

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

l1163/8 Number of communications in signaling phase released: Ts out of

service (faulty equipment)

Name Q3 : signallingReleaseBtsTsRemovalEqptFail

Object : bts

Function : number of communications in signaling phase released because of afaulty equipment when a cell is associated with the call

Event : radio time slot withdrawal due to a faulty equipment (PCM, etc.)

Type : raw permanent

Class : release

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

l1163/9 Number of communications in signaling phase released: CIC out

of service (O&M)

Name Q3 : signallingReleaseBtsOmCicRemoval

Object : bts

Function : number of communications in signaling phase released because aterrestrial circuit is taken out of service when a cell is associated withthe communication

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Event : CICwithdrawal due to the terrestrial circuit being taken out of service

Type : raw permanent

Class : release

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

l1163/10 Number of communications in signaling phase released: CIC out

of service (faulty equipment)

Name Q3 : signallingReleaseBtsCicRemovalEqptFail

Object : bts

Function : number of communications in signaling phase released because of afaulty equipment when a cell is associated with the communication

Event : CIC withdrawal due to a faulty equipment (PCM, etc.)

Type : raw permanent

Class : release

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

l1163/11 Number of communications in signaling phase released: Radio

channel blocked (O&M)

Name Q3 : signallingReleaseBtsOmRadioChanBloc

Object : bts

Function : number of communications in signaling phase released because ofradio channel blocking when a cell is associated with thecommunication

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Event : radio channel blocking by O&M action

Type : raw permanent

Class : releaseSource : recorded by the BSCPreciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

l1163/12 Number of communications in signaling phase released: CALL

CLEARING receivedName Q3 : signallingReleaseBtsCallClearingObject : btsFunction : number of communications in signaling phase released because of

call clearing when a cell is associated with the communication

Event : receipt of CALL CLEARING because the maximum authorizeddistance is exceeded

Type : raw permanentClass : releaseSource : recorded by the BSCPreciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

l1163/13 Number of communications in signaling phase released: Radio

interface failureName Q3 : signallingReleaseBtsCnxFailRadioIntFailObject : btsFunction : number of communications in signaling phase released because of

radio interface failures when a cell is associated with thecommunication

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Event : receipt of CONNECTIONFAILURE INDICATIONwith Abis cause“radio interface failure”

Type : raw permanent

Class : release

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

l1163/14 Number of communications in signaling phase released: Radio

link failure

Name Q3 : signallingReleaseBtsCnxFailRadioLinkFail

Object : bts

Function : number of communications in signaling phase released because ofradio link failures when a cell is associated with the communication

Event : receipt of CONNECTIONFAILURE INDICATIONwith Abis cause“radio link failure”

Type : raw permanent

Class : release

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

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Observation Counter DictionaryCopyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

1163/16 Number of communications in signaling phase released:RELEASE INDICATION received

Name Q3 : signallingReleaseBtsReleaseInd

Object : bts

Function : number of communications in signaling phase released because ofRELEASE INDICATION received when a cell is associated with thecommunication

Event : receipt of RELEASE INDICATION from the BTS

Type : raw permanent

Class : release

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

This counter is incremented when the BSC receives a RELEASEINDICATION on a channel and the channel is not in a release phase.

Thatmeans that onA interface, no disconnection has been started (noCLEAR COMMAND received nor SCCP disconnection).

The RELEASE INDICATIONmessage sent by the BTS is due to thereception of a DISC frame (LAPDm message) by the BTS from themobile (MS).

In the Nortel Networks implementation:

At the BTS level, each time a LAPDmDISC frame is received by theBTS, a message RELEASE INDICATION is sent by the BTS to theBSC, unless the link layer is in idle mode (as indicated inrecommendation 08.58).

At the BSC level, in normal release scenario, the counter 1163/16 isnot incremented. In all other cases, the counter 1163/16 isincremented.

So, the counter C1163/16 takes into account each RELEASEINDICATION message sent on the SDCCH channel from the BTSwhen the BSC is in a state where it has not send to this BTS a RRCHANNEL RELEASE (triggered by the reception of BSSMAPCLEAR COMMAND from the MSC).

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Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Exception conditions : channel in a release phase

Data flows : The following data flow presents the links between signallingmessages exchanged at CM level (between the MSC and the MS),when the release is initiated by the MS:





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Observation Counter DictionaryCopyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

As a comparison, the following data flow presents the links betweensignallingmessages exchanged at RR level (between theBSS and themobile) in normal release scenario:













l1163/17 Number of communications in signaling phase released: T200


Name Q3 : signallingReleaseBtsErrorIndT200

Object : bts

Function : number of communications in signaling phase released because ofT200 time-out elapse in the cell associated with the communication

Event : receipt of ERROR INDICATION: T200 elapsed (N200 + 1) times

Type : raw permanent

Class : release

Source : recorded by the BSC

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Preciseincrementation conditions :

This counter is related to the Layer2 LAPDm protocol (errordetection + repetition protocol between the BTS and the mobile(MS)).When a Layer 2 frame is not acknowledged by the MS before T200expiration, the BTS sends an Error indicationmessage to the BSC.After (N200+1)Error indication consecutivemessages received fora call in signaling phase, the BSC increments by one the counter1163/17.When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Data flows : The dataflow below presents an example of Layer 2 LAPDmexchange. The Level3 messages (measurements reports in SD,EstInd, SMS, Cyphering, SMS....) are encapsuled in the Layer 2.





Ack frame1




Error indicationN200 + 1 error indication + C1163/17T200 expiration

Error indicationT200 expiration

Error indicationT200 expiration

The Layer 2 exchange begins with a exchange of an SABM (SetAsynchronous Balanced mode) and UA (UnnumberedAcknowledge) frames.

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The frame1 is acknowledged so it has being received correctly by theMS and the BTS has received the acknowledgement of that.The frame2 is not acknowledged either because theMSwas not beingable to decode it or because the BTS could not receive theacknowledgment.The counter C1163/17 is usually linked to radio bad quality (ULor DL).

l1163/18 Number of communications in signaling phase released: DM

errorName Q3 : signallingReleaseBtsErrorIndDmObject : btsFunction : number of communications in signaling phase released because of

DM frames received in established multiframe mode when a cell isassociated with the communication

Event : receipt of ERROR INDICATION: DM frame received in establishedmultiframe mode

Type : raw permanent

Class : releaseSource : recorded by the BSCPreciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

1163/19 Number of communications in signaling phase released:Sequencing error

Name Q3 : signallingReleaseBtsErrorIndSeqObject : btsFunction : number of communications in signaling phase released because of

sequencing errors when a cell is associated with the communication

Event : receipt of ERROR INDICATION: sequencing error

Type : raw permanent

Class : releaseSource : recorded by the BSC

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Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:

CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

l1163/20 Number of communications in signaling phase released: CLEAR

COMMAND received

Name Q3 : signallingReleaseBtsClearCommand

Object : bts

Function : number of communications in signaling phase released because ofCLEAR COMMAND received when a cell is associated with thecommunication

Event : receipt of CLEARCOMMAND from theMSC on normal end of callor outgoing inter-bss handover

Type : raw permanent

Class : release

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:

CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1

DFD “GPRS procedure (negative acknowledgement by the PCUfor a PDTCH preemption)”DFD “Connection clearing required by the MSC procedure(communication on SIGNALLING phase)”DFD “Connection clearing required by the BSC procedure(communication on SIGNALING phase)”

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l1163/21 Number of communications in signaling phase released: RF

RESOURCE INDICATION receivedName Q3 : signallingReleaseBtsRfResIndObject : btsFunction : number of communications in signaling phase released because of RF

RESOURCE INDICATION received when a cell is associated withthe communication

Event : receipt of three RF RESOURCE INDICATION messages

Type : raw permanent

Class : releaseSource : recorded by the BSCPreciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

l1163/22 Number of communications in signaling phase released: BSC

chain switchoverName Q3 : signallingReleaseBtsSwitchOverObject : btsFunction : number of communications in signaling phase released because of

BSC chain switchovers when a cell is associated with thecommunication

Event : BSC chain switchover on receipt of ESTABLISH INDICATION

Type : raw permanent

Class : release

Source : recorded by the BSCPreciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

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l1163/23 Number of communications in signaling phase released: Double

TmodMs elapse

Name Q3 : signallingReleaseBtsTmodMs

Object : bts

Function : number of communications in signaling phase released because ofdouble TmodMs time-out elapse in theCHANNELMODEMODIFYprocedure when a cell is associated with the communication

Event : double TmodMs time-out elapse

Type : raw permanent

Class : release

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:

CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

l1163/24 Number of communications in signaling phase released: T3103


Name Q3 : signallingReleaseBtsT3103

Object : bts

Function : number of communications in signaling phase released because ofT3103 time-out elapse in the handover procedure when a cell isassociated with the communication

Event : T3103 time-out elapse

Type : raw permanent

Class : release

Source : recorded by the BSC

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Counter descriptionNortel Networks Confidential 2--109

Observation Counter DictionaryCopyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

l1163/25 Number of communications in signaling phase released: T8


Name Q3 : signallingReleaseBtsT8

Object : bts

Function : number of communications in signaling phase released because of T8time-out elapse in the inter-bss handover procedure when a cell isassociated with the communication

Event : T8 time-out elapse

Type : raw permanent

Class : release

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

l1163/28 Number of communications in signaling phase released: Other

casesName Q3 : signallingReleaseBtsOthers

Object : bts

Function : number of communications in signaling phase released for otherreasons when a cell is associated with the communication

Event : communication in signaling phase released for another reason

Type : raw permanent

Class : release

Source : recorded by the BSC

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Counter description Nortel Networks Confidential2--110


Preliminary 14.14/EN June 2004 Copyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

l1163/30 Number of communications in signaling phase released: T11

elapseName Q3 : signallingReleaseBtsT11Object : btsFunction : number of communications in signaling phase released because of

T11 time-out elapse in the queuing procedurewhen acell is associatedwith the communication

Event : T11 time-out elapse during the queuing procedureType : raw permanent

Class : releaseSource : recorded by the BSCPreciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

l1163/32 Number of communications in signaling phase released: TCU

failureName Q3 : signallingReleaseBtsCnxFailRemTransFailObject : btsFunction : number of communications in signaling phase released because of a

TCU failure when a cell is associated with the communication

Event : receipt of CONNECTION FAILURE INDICATION with cause“remote transcoder failure”

Type : raw permanentClass : releaseSource : recorded by the BSC

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Counter descriptionNortel Networks Confidential 2--111

Observation Counter DictionaryCopyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

l1164/0 Number of communications in traffic phase released: SCCP


Name Q3 : trafficReleaseSccpDiscInd

Object : bts

Function : number of communications in traffic phase released because of SCCPdisconnection


Type : raw permanent

Class : release

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

l1164/1 Number of communications in traffic phase released: Reset from

the MSC

Name Q3 : trafficReleaseReset

Object : bts

Function : number of communications in traffic phase released because of resetfrom the MSC

Event : receipt of RESET from the MSC

Type : raw permanent

Class : release

Source : recorded by the BSC

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Counter description Nortel Networks Confidential2--112


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Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

l1164/2 Number of communications in traffic phase released: Reset

circuit downlink

Name Q3 : trafficReleaseResetCirc

Object : bts

Function : number of communications in traffic phase released because of resetcircuit in the Downlink direction

Event : receipt of RESET CIRCUIT DOWNLINK from the MSC

Type : raw permanent

Class : release

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

l1164/3 Number of communications in traffic phase released: SCCP


Name Q3 : trafficReleaseSccpDataRefusal

Object : bts

Function : number of communications in traffic phase released because of SCCPdata refusal

Event : receipt of SCCP DATA REFUSAL from the MSC

Type : raw permanent

Class : release

Source : recorded by the BSC

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Counter descriptionNortel Networks Confidential 2--113

Observation Counter DictionaryCopyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

l1164/6 Number of communications in traffic phase released: T3107


Name Q3 : trafficReleaseT3107CircDown

Object : bts

Function : number of communications in traffic phase releasedbecause ofT3107time-out elapse

Event : T3107 time-out elapse in the traffic establishment procedure

Type : raw permanent

Class : release

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

l1164/7 Number of communications in traffic phase released: Ts out of

service (O&M)

Name Q3 : trafficReleaseOmTsRemoval

Object : bts

Function : number of communications in traffic phase released because of thecell being taken out of service

Event : radio time slot withdrawal due to the cell being taken out of service

Type : raw permanent

Class : release

Source : recorded by the BSC

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Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

l1164/8 Number of communications in traffic phase released: Ts out of

service (faulty equipment)

Name Q3 : trafficReleaseTsRemovalEqptFail

Object : bts

Function : number of communications in traffic phase released because of afaulty equipment

Event : radio time slot withdrawal due to a faulty equipment (PCM, etc.)

Type : raw permanent

Class : release

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

l1164/9 Number of communications in traffic phase released: CIC out of

service (O&M)

Name Q3 : trafficReleaseOmCicRemoval

Object : bts

Function : number of communications in traffic phase released because of aterrestrial circuit being taken out of service

Event : CICwithdrawal due to the terrestrial circuit being taken out of service

Type : raw permanent

Class : release

Source : recorded by the BSC

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Counter descriptionNortel Networks Confidential 2--115

Observation Counter DictionaryCopyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

l1164/10 Number of communications in traffic phase released: CIC out of

service (faulty equipment)

Name Q3 : trafficReleaseCicRemovalEqptFail

Object : bts

Function : To list the number of communications in traffic phase releasedbecause of a faulty equipment. Create a synthetic counter towork on aration, not on absolute values.

Event : CIC withdrawal due to a faulty equipment (PCM, etc.)

Type : raw permanent

Class : release

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

l1164/11 Number of communications in traffic phase released: Radio

channel blocked (O&M)Name Q3 : trafficReleaseOmRadioChanBloc

Object : bts

Function : number of communications in traffic phase released because of radiochannel blocking

Event : radio channel blocking by O&M action

Type : raw permanent

Class : release

Source : recorded by the BSC

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Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

l1164/12 Number of communications in traffic phase released: CALL

CLEARING received

Name Q3 : trafficReleaseCallClearing

Object : bts

Function : number of communications in traffic phase released because of callclearing

Event : receipt of a call clearing request

Type : raw permanent

Class : release

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

l1164/13 Number of communications in traffic phase released: Radio

interface failure

Name Q3 : trafficReleaseCnxFailRadioIntFail

Object : bts

Function : number of communications in traffic phase released because of radiointerface failures

Event : receipt of CONNECTIONFAILURE INDICATIONwith Abis cause“radio interface failure”

Type : raw permanent

Class : release

Source : recorded by the BSC

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Counter descriptionNortel Networks Confidential 2--117

Observation Counter DictionaryCopyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

l1164/14 Number of communications in traffic phase released: Radio link


Name Q3 : trafficReleaseCnxFailRadioLinkFail

Object : bts

Function : number of communications in traffic phase released because of radiolink failures

Event : receipt of CONNECTIONFAILURE INDICATIONwith Abis cause“radio link failure”

Type : raw permanent

Class : release

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

l1164/16 Number of communications in traffic phase released: RELEASE

INDICATION receivedName Q3 : trafficReleaseReleaseInd

Object : bts

Function : number of communications in traffic phase released because ofRELEASE INDICATION received

Event : receipt of RELEASE INDICATION from the BTS

Type : raw permanent

Class : release

Source : recorded by the BSC

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Preciseincrementation conditions :

This counter is incremented when the BSC receives a RELEASEINDICATION on a channel and the channel is not in a release phase.Thatmeans that onA interface, no disconnection has been started (noCLEAR COMMAND received nor SCCP disconnection).The RELEASE INDICATIONmessage sent by the BTS is due to thereception of a DISC frame (LAPDm message) by the BTS from themobile (MS).In the Nortel Networks implementation:At the BTS level, each time a LAPDmDISC frame is received by theBTS, a message RELEASE INDICATION is sent by the BTS to theBSC, unless the link layer is in idle mode (as indicated inrecommendation 08.58).At the BSC level, in normal release scenario, the counter 1164/16 isnot incremented. In all other cases, the counter 1164/16 isincremented.So, the counter C1164/16 takes into account each RELEASEINDICATIONmessage sent on the TCHchannel from the BTSwhenthe BSC is in a state where it has not send to this BTS a RRCHANNEL RELEASE (triggered by the reception of BSSMAPCLEAR COMMAND from the MSC).When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Data flows : The following data flow presents the links between signallingmessages exchanged at CM level (between the MSC and the MS),when the release is initiated by the MS:

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As a comparison, the following data flow presents the links betweensignallingmessages exchanged at RR level (between theBSS and themobile) in normal release scenario:













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Counter description Nortel Networks Confidential2--120


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l1164/17 Number of communications in traffic phase released: T200elapse

Name Q3 : trafficReleaseErrorIndT200

Object : bts

Function : number of communications in traffic phase released because of T200time-out elapse

Event : receipt of ERROR INDICATION: T200 elapsed (N200 + 1) times

Type : raw permanent

Class : release

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

This counter is related to the Layer2 LAPDm protocol (errordetection + repetition protocol between the BTS and the mobile(MS)).When a Layer 2 frame is not acknowledged by the MS before T200expiration, the BTS sends an Error indicationmessage to the BSC.After (N200+1)Error indication consecutivemessages received fora call in traffic phase, the BSC increments by one the counter1164/17.When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

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Data flows : The dataflowbelowpresents an exampleof Layer 2 LADmexchange.The Level3 messages (measurements reports in SD, EstInd, SMS,Cyphering, SMS....) are encapsuled in the Layer 2.





Ack frame1




Error indicationN200 + 1 error indication + C1164/17T200 expiration

Error indicationT200 expiration

Error indicationT200 expiration

The Layer 2 exchange begins with a exchange of an SABM (SetAsynchronous Balanced mode) and UA (UnnumberedAcknowledge) frames.

The frame1 is acknowledged so it has being received correctly by theMS and the BTS has received the acknowledgement of that.

The frame2 is not acknowledged either because theMSwas not beingable to decode it or because the BTS could not receive theacknowledgment.

The counter C1164/17 is usually linked to radio bad quality (UL orDL).

1164/18 Number of communications in traffic phase released: DM error

Name Q3 : trafficReleaseErrorIndDm

Object : bts

Function : number of communications in traffic phase released because of DMframes received in established multiframe mode

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Event : receipt of ERROR INDICATION: DM frame received in establishedmultiframe mode

Type : raw permanent

Class : release

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

l1164/19 Number of communications in trafficphase released: Sequencing

errorName Q3 : trafficReleaseErrorIndSeq

Object : bts

Function : number of communications in traffic phase released because ofsequencing errors

Event : receipt of ERROR INDICATION: sequencing error

Type : raw permanent

Class : release

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

l1164/20 Number of communications in traffic phase released: CLEAR

COMMAND received

Name Q3 : trafficReleaseClearCommand

Object : bts

Function : number of communications in traffic phase released because ofCLEAR COMMAND received

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Observation Counter DictionaryCopyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

Event : receipt of CLEARCOMMAND from theMSC on normal end of callor outgoing inter-bss handover

Type : raw permanent

Class : releaseSource : recorded by the BSCPreciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1

DFD “GPRS procedure -- preemption on PDTCH (normalcompletion in the case of Mobile Originating Call)”DFD “Connection clearing required by the MSC procedure(communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Inter BSS intra MSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Connection clearing required by the BSC procedure(communication on TRAFFIC phase)”

l1164/21 Number of communications in traffic phase released: RF

RESOURCE INDICATION receivedName Q3 : trafficReleaseRfResIndObject : btsFunction : number of communications in traffic phase released because of RF

RESOURCE INDICATION receivedEvent : receipt of three RF RESOURCE INDICATION messages

Type : raw permanent

Class : releaseSource : recorded by the BSCPreciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

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l1164/23 Number of communications in traffic phase released: TmodMs


Name Q3 : trafficReleaseTmodMs

Object : bts

Function : number of communications in traffic phase released because ofTmodMs time-out elapse

Event : double TmodMs time-out elapse in theCHANNELMODEMODIFYprocedure

Type : raw permanent

Class : release

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

l1164/24 Number of communications in traffic phase released: T3103


Name Q3 : trafficReleaseT3103

Object : bts

Function : number of communications in traffic phase releasedbecause ofT3103time-out elapse

Event : T3103 time-out elapse in the handover procedure

Type : raw permanent

Class : release

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

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Observation Counter DictionaryCopyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

l1164/25 Number of communications in traffic phase released: T8 elapse

Name Q3 : trafficReleaseT8

Object : bts

Function : number of communications in traffic phase released because of T8time-out elapse

Event : T8 time-out elapse in the inter-bss handover procedure

Type : raw permanent

Class : release

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

l1164/28 Number of communications in traffic phase released:Other cases

Name Q3 : trafficReleaseOthers

Object : bts

Function : To list the number of communications in traffic phase releasedbecause of lack of Ater uplink TRAU frame synchronization.

Event : Receipt of a Release Indicationmessage from the TCUwith cause setto ”Synchro trame error”.

Type : raw permanent

Class : release

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

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l1164/31 Number of communications in traffic phase released: SYS INFO

problemName Q3 : trafficReleaseSysInfoFailObject : btsFunction : number of communications in traffic phase released because the SYS

INFO procedure is aborted following a BSC chain switchover

Event : SYS INFO procedure aborted following a BSC chain switchover

Type : raw permanent

Class : releaseSource : recorded by the BSCPreciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

l1164/32 Number of communications in traffic phase released: TCU

failureName Q3 : trafficReleaseCnxFailRemTransFailObject : btsFunction : To list the number of communications in traffic phase released

because of lack of Abis downlink TRAU frame synchronization.Create a synthetic counter to work on a ration, not on absolute values.

Event : receipt of CONNECTION FAILURE INDICATION with cause“remote transcoder failure”

Type : raw permanent

Class : release

Source : recorded by the BSCPreciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

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Observation Counter DictionaryCopyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

l1165 Number of handover requests not processed: Tchoke in-progress

Name Q3 : hoIndicationNotTreatedTchoke

Object : bts

Function : number of handover requests not processed by the BSC because ofTchoke timer active

Event : receipt of HANDOVER INDICATION while the Tchoke timer isrunning

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:

CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

l1166 Number of handover requests not processed: TmtBtwHo


Name Q3 : hoIndicationNotTreatedTmtBtwHo

Object : bts

Function : number of handover requests not processed by the BSC because ofTmtBtwHo timer active

Event : receipt of HANDOVER INDICATIONwhile the TmtBtwHo timer isrunning

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V11-- counter

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l1167 Number of unsuccessful outgoing intra handovers on TCH to a

non-heading cell without reestablishment in the serving cell

Name Q3 : hoUnsuccessOutgoingIntraBssNAttemptTch

Object : bts

Function : number of unsuccessful outgoing intra-bss handovers on TCHtowards a cell that is not heading the list of eligible cells withoutreestablishment in the current serving cell

Event : receipt of HANDOVER FAILURE on T3103 time-out elapse

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:

CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Note : the list is reorganized by the BSC since Ho decision function. It maynot be the same order as the one received from the L1M

l1168 Number of unsuccessful outgoing intra handovers on SDCCH to

a non-heading cell without reestablishment in the serving cell

Name Q3 : hoUnsuccessOutgoingIntraBssNAttemptSdcch

Object : bts

Function : number of unsuccessful outgoing intra-bss handovers on SDCCHtowards a cell that is not heading the list of eligible cells withoutreestablishment in the current serving cell

Event : receipt of HANDOVER FAILURE on T3103 time-out elapse

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

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Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).Note : the list is reorganized by the BSC since Ho decision function. It may

not be the same order as the one received from the L1M

l1169 Number of unsuccessful outgoing inter handovers on TCH to a

non-heading cell without reestablishment in the serving cellName Q3 : hoUnsuccessOutgoingInterBssNAttemptTchObject : btsFunction : number of unsuccessful outgoing inter-bss handovers on TCH

towards a cell that is not heading the list of eligible cells withoutreestablishment in the current serving cell

Event : T3103 time-out elapse or receipt of CLEAR COMMAND with acause different from “Handover successful” or “Call Control”

Type : raw permanentClass : handoverSource : recorded by the BSCPreciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).Note : the list is reorganized by the BSC since Ho decision function. It may

not be the same order as the one received from the L1M

l1170 Number of unsuccessful outgoing inter handovers on SDCCH to

a non-heading cell without reestablishment in the serving cellName Q3 : hoUnsuccessOutgoingInterBssNAttemptSdcchObject : btsFunction : number of unsuccessful outgoing inter-bss handovers on SDCCH

towards a cell that is not heading the list of eligible cells withoutreestablishment in the current serving cell

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Event : T3103 time-out elapse or receipt of CLEAR COMMAND with acause different from “Handover successful” or “Call Control”

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Note : the list is reorganized by the BSC since Ho decision function. It maynot be the same order as the one received from the L1M

1171 Number of fallbacks from 14.5 kb/s to other data rates for TCBresources cause or TCB configuration

Name Q3 : data14K5NtRateFallBackTCB

Object : bsc

Function : number of fallbacks from 14.5 kb/s to other data rates for TCBresources cause or TCB configuration

Event : response from terrestrial allocator

Type : raw permanent

Class : A interface

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V11 only counterThis counter is incremented if no 14.5 kb/s resources are available orif the fallback is due to TCBconfiguration (14.5 kb/s datamode isnotenabled at TCB level)


1172/0 Number of fallbacks from a data rate to other data rates for TCBlack of resources cause

Name Q3 : dataNtRateFbTcbResLack

Object : bsc

Function : number of fallbacks from a data rate to other data rates for TCB lackof resources cause

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Event : response from terrestrial allocator

Type : raw permanent

Class : A interface

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Note : V12 counter


1172/1 Number of fallbacks from a data rate to other data rates for nonallowed TCB configuration cause

Name Q3 : dataNtRateFbTcbConfNotAllowed

Object : bsc

Function : number of fallbacks from a data rate to other data rates for nonallowed TCB configuration cause

Event : configuration mismatch

Type : raw permanent

Class : A interface

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Note : V12 counter

l1191/0 Number of channel allocation requests: Cause 000

Name Q3 : channelRequestCause000

Object : bts

Function : number of channel allocation requests in the cell with cause 000

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Event : receipt of CHANNEL REQUIRED:Phase I = all other casesPhase II = location update request (0000), other procedures usingan SDCCH (0001)

Type : raw permanentClass : setupSource : recorded by the BSCPreciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1

DFD “GPRS procedure -- preemption on PDTCH (normalcompletion in the case of Mobile Originating Call)”DFD “Immediate assignment procedure (normal completion)”DFD “Immediate assignment paging procedure (normalcompletion)”DFD “SMS procedure (SMS established by the MS)”

l1191/1 Number of channel allocation requests: Cause 001Name Q3 : channelRequestCause001Object : btsFunction : number of channel allocation requests in the cell with cause 001Event : receipt of CHANNEL REQUIRED:

Phase I = nonsignificantPhase II = reply to a paging request

Type : raw permanentClass : setupSource : recorded by the BSCPreciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

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Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “GPRS procedure -- preemption on PDTCH (normalcompletion in the case of Mobile Originating Call)”DFD “Immediate assignment procedure (normal completion)”DFD “Immediate assignment paging procedure (normalcompletion)”DFD “SMS procedure (SMS established by the MS)”

l1191/2 Number of channel allocation requests: Cause 010

Name Q3 : channelRequestCause010

Object : bts

Function : number of channel allocation requests in the cell with cause 010

Event : receipt of CHANNEL REQUIRED:Phase I = nonsignificantPhase II = transmission of speech (0100) or data (0101) on aTCH/FR by a mobile

Type : raw permanent

Class : setup

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “GPRS procedure -- preemption on PDTCH (normalcompletion in the case of Mobile Originating Call)”DFD “Immediate assignment procedure (normal completion)”DFD “Immediate assignment paging procedure (normalcompletion)”DFD “SMS procedure (SMS established by the MS)”

l1191/3 Number of channel allocation requests: Cause 011Name Q3 : channelRequestCause011

Object : bts

Function : number of channel allocation requests in the cell with cause 011

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Event : receipt of CHANNEL REQUIRED:Phase I = nonsignificantPhase II = call reestablishment on a TCH/FR

Type : raw permanent

Class : setup

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “GPRS procedure -- preemption on PDTCH (normalcompletion in the case of Mobile Originating Call)”DFD “Immediate assignment procedure (normal completion)”DFD “Immediate assignment paging procedure (normalcompletion)”DFD “SMS procedure (SMS established by the MS)”

l1191/4 Number of channel allocation requests: Cause 100

Name Q3 : channelRequestCause100

Object : bts

Function : number of channel allocation requests in the cell with cause 100

Event : receipt of CHANNEL REQUIRED for a reply to a paging request

Type : raw permanent

Class : setup

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

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Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “GPRS procedure -- preemption on PDTCH (normalcompletion in the case of Mobile Originating Call)”DFD “Immediate assignment procedure (normal completion)”DFD “Immediate assignment paging procedure (normalcompletion)”DFD “SMS procedure (SMS established by the MS)”

l1191/5 Number of channel allocation requests: Cause 101

Name Q3 : channelRequestCause101

Object : bts

Function : number of channel allocation requests in the cell with cause 100

Event : receipt of CHANNEL REQUIRED for an emergency call

Type : raw permanent

Class : setup

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “GPRS procedure -- preemption on PDTCH (normalcompletion in the case of Mobile Originating Call)”DFD “Immediate assignment procedure (normal completion)”DFD “Immediate assignment paging procedure (normalcompletion)”DFD “SMS procedure (SMS established by the MS)”

l1191/6 Number of channel allocation requests: Cause 110

Name Q3 : channelRequestCause110

Object : bts

Function : number of channel allocation requests in the cell with cause 110

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Event : receipt of CHANNEL REQUIRED for a call reestablishment

Type : raw permanent

Class : setup

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “GPRS procedure -- preemption on PDTCH (normalcompletion in the case of Mobile Originating Call)”DFD “Immediate assignment procedure (normal completion)”DFD “Immediate assignment paging procedure (normalcompletion)”DFD “SMS procedure (SMS established by the MS)”

l1191/7 Number of channel allocation requests: Cause 111

Name Q3 : channelRequestCause111

Object : bts

Function : number of channel allocation requests in the cell with cause 111

Event : receipt of CHANNEL REQUIRED with the following cause:Phase I = any services requested by the mobile (MOC, SMS, SS)Phase II = MOC (Mobile Originating Call) service on TCH/FR

Type : raw permanent

Class : setup

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

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Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “GPRS procedure -- preemption on PDTCH (normalcompletion in the case of Mobile Originating Call)”DFD “Immediate assignment procedure (normal completion)”DFD “Immediate assignment paging procedure (normalcompletion)”DFD “SMS procedure (SMS established by the MS)”

1192/0 Number of successful immediate assignments: Cause 000

Name Q3 : immediateAssignmentSuccessCause000

Object : bts

Function : number of immediate assignments with cause 000 satisfied

Event : transmission of IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENT on receipt ofCHANNEL REQUEST with the following cause:Phase I = all other casesPhase II = location update request (0000), other procedures usingan SDCCH (0001)

Type : raw permanent

Class : setup

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “Immediate assignment procedure (normal completion)”DFD “GPRS procedure preemption on PDTCH (normalcompletion in the case of Mobile Originating Call)”DFD “Immediate assignment paging procedure (normalcompletion)”DFD “Intra cell handover procedure (normal completion withcommunication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “SMS procedure (SMS established by the MS)”

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l1192/1 Number of successful immediate assignments: Cause 001

Name Q3 : immediateAssignmentSuccessCause001

Object : bts

Function : number of immediate assignments with cause 001 satisfied

Event : transmission of IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENT with the followingcause:

Phase I = nonsignificantPhase II = reply to a paging request

Type : raw permanent

Class : setup

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:

CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1

DFD “Immediate assignment procedure (normal completion)”DFD “GPRS procedure preemption on PDTCH (normalcompletion in the case of Mobile Originating Call)”DFD “Immediate assignment paging procedure (normalcompletion)”DFD “Intra cell handover procedure (normal completion withcommunication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “SMS procedure (SMS established by the MS)”

l1192/2 Number of successful immediate assignments: Cause 010

Name Q3 : immediateAssignmentSuccessCause010

Object : bts

Function : number of immediate assignments with cause 010 satisfied

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Event : transmission of IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENT with the followingcause:Phase I = nonsignificantPhase II = transmission of speech (0100) or data (0101) on aTCH/FR by a mobile

Type : raw permanent

Class : setup

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “Immediate assignment procedure (normal completion)”DFD “GPRS procedure preemption on PDTCH (normalcompletion in the case of Mobile Originating Call)”DFD “Immediate assignment paging procedure (normalcompletion)”DFD “Intra cell handover procedure (normal completion withcommunication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “SMS procedure (SMS established by the MS)”

l1192/3 Number of successful immediate assignments: Cause 011

Name Q3 : immediateAssignmentSuccessCause011

Object : bts

Function : number of immediate assignments with cause 011 satisfied

Event : transmission of IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENT with the followingcause:Phase I = nonsignificantPhase II = call reestablishment on a TCH/FR

Type : raw permanent

Class : setup

Source : recorded by the BSC

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Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:

CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1

DFD “Immediate assignment procedure (normal completion)”DFD “GPRS procedure preemption on PDTCH (normalcompletion in the case of Mobile Originating Call)”DFD “Immediate assignment paging procedure (normalcompletion)”DFD “Intra cell handover procedure (normal completion withcommunication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “SMS procedure (SMS established by the MS)”

l1192/4 Number of successful immediate assignments: Cause 100

Name Q3 : immediateAssignmentSuccessCause100

Object : bts

Function : number of immediate assignments with cause 100 satisfied

Event : transmission of IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENT on receipt ofCHANNEL REQUEST with cause “paging request”

Type : raw permanent

Class : setup

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:

CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

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Observation Counter DictionaryCopyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1

DFD “Immediate assignment procedure (normal completion)”DFD “GPRS procedure preemption on PDTCH (normalcompletion in the case of Mobile Originating Call)”DFD “Immediate assignment paging procedure (normalcompletion)”DFD “Intra cell handover procedure (normal completion withcommunication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “SMS procedure (SMS established by the MS)”

l1192/5 Number of successful immediate assignments: Cause 101

Name Q3 : immediateAssignmentSuccessCause101

Object : bts

Function : number of immediate assignments with cause 101 satisfied

Event : transmission of IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENT on receipt ofCHANNEL REQUEST with cause “emergency call”

Type : raw permanent

Class : setup

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:

CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1

DFD “Immediate assignment procedure (normal completion)”DFD “GPRS procedure preemption on PDTCH (normalcompletion in the case of Mobile Originating Call)”DFD “Immediate assignment paging procedure (normalcompletion)”DFD “Intra cell handover procedure (normal completion withcommunication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “SMS procedure (SMS established by the MS)”

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l1192/6 Number of successful immediate assignments: Cause 110Name Q3 : immediateAssignmentSuccessCause110

Object : bts

Function : number of immediate assignments with cause 110 satisfied

Event : transmission of IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENT on receipt ofCHANNEL REQUEST with cause “call reestablishment”

Type : raw permanent

Class : setup

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “Immediate assignment procedure (normal completion)”DFD “GPRS procedure preemption on PDTCH (normalcompletion in the case of Mobile Originating Call)”DFD “Immediate assignment paging procedure (normalcompletion)”DFD “Intra cell handover procedure (normal completion withcommunication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “SMS procedure (SMS established by the MS)”

l1192/7 Number of successful immediate assignments: Cause 111Name Q3 : immediateAssignmentSuccessCause111

Object : bts

Function : number of immediate assignments with cause 111 satisfiedEvent : transmission of IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENT on receipt of

CHANNEL REQUEST with the following cause:Phase I = all services requested by the mobile (MOC, SMS, SS)Phase II = MOC (Mobile Originating Call) service on TCH/FR

Type : raw permanent

Class : setupSource : recorded by the BSC

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Observation Counter DictionaryCopyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:

CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1

DFD “Immediate assignment procedure (normal completion)”DFD “GPRS procedure preemption on PDTCH (normalcompletion in the case of Mobile Originating Call)”DFD “Immediate assignment paging procedure (normalcompletion)”DFD “Intra cell handover procedure (normal completion withcommunication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “SMS procedure (SMS established by the MS)”

l1193/0 Number of ESTABLISH INDICATION messages in

establishment phase received for paging requests

Name Q3 : estabIndicSignallingPagingRes

Object : bts

Function : number of ESTABLISH INDICATION messages received onSDCCH or TCH if no SDCCH is available, for replies to pagingrequests

Event : receipt of ESTABLISH INDICATION for a reply to a paging request

Type : raw permanent

Class : setup

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:

CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

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Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1

DFD “Immediate assignment procedure (normal completion)”DFD “GPRS procedure preemption on PDTCH (normalcompletion in the case of Mobile Originating Call)”DFD “Immediate assignment paging procedure (normalcompletion)”DFD “Dedicated channel assignment modify procedure (normalcompletion)”

l1193/1 Number of ESTABLISH INDICATION messages in

establishment phase received for location updates

Name Q3 : estabIndicSignallingLocUpdate

Object : bts

Function : number of ESTABLISH INDICATION messages received onSDCCH or TCH if no SDCCH is available, for location updaterequests

Event : receipt of ESTABLISH INDICATION for a location update request

Type : raw permanent

Class : setup

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:

CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1

DFD “Immediate assignment procedure (normal completion)”DFD “GPRS procedure preemption on PDTCH (normalcompletion in the case of Mobile Originating Call)”DFD “Immediate assignment paging procedure (normalcompletion)”DFD “Dedicated channel assignment modify procedure (normalcompletion)”

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l1193/2 Number of ESTABLISH INDICATION messages in

establishment phase received for call reestablishments

Name Q3 : estabIndicSignallingReEstab

Object : bts

Function : number of ESTABLISH INDICATION messages received onSDCCH or TCH in primo-allocations, for call reestablishments

Event : receipt of ESTABLISH INDICATION for a call reestablishment

Type : raw permanent

Class : setup

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “Immediate assignment procedure (normal completion)”DFD “GPRS procedure preemption on PDTCH (normalcompletion in the case of Mobile Originating Call)”DFD “Immediate assignment paging procedure (normalcompletion)”DFD “Dedicated channel assignment modify procedure (normalcompletion)”

l1193/3 Number of ESTABLISH INDICATION messages in

establishment phase received for IMSI detachments

Name Q3 : estabIndicSignallingImsiDetach

Object : bts

Function : number of ESTABLISH INDICATION messages received onSDCCH or TCH if no SDCCH is available, for IMSI detachments

Event : receipt of ESTABLISH INDICATION for an IMSI detach request

Type : raw permanent

Class : setup

Source : recorded by the BSC

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Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:

CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1

DFD “Immediate assignment procedure (normal completion)”DFD “GPRS procedure preemption on PDTCH (normalcompletion in the case of Mobile Originating Call)”DFD “Immediate assignment paging procedure (normalcompletion)”DFD “Dedicated channel assignment modify procedure (normalcompletion)”

l1193/4 Number of ESTABLISH INDICATION messages in

establishment phase received for mobile originating calls

Name Q3 : estabIndicSignallingMoc

Object : bts

Function : number of ESTABLISH INDICATION messages received onSDCCH or TCH if no SDCCH is available, for mobile originatingcalls

Event : receipt of ESTABLISH INDICATION for a mobile originating call

Type : raw permanent

Class : setup

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:

CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

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Observation Counter DictionaryCopyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1

DFD “GPRS procedure -- preemption on PDTCH (normalcompletion in the case of Mobile Originating Call)”DFD “Immediate assignment procedure (normal completion)”DFD “Immediate assignment paging procedure (normalcompletion)”DFD “Dedicated channel assignment modify procedure (normalcompletion)”

l1193/5 Number of ESTABLISH INDICATION messages in

establishment phase received for urgent calls

Name Q3 : estabIndicSignallingEmergency

Object : bts

Function : number of ESTABLISH INDICATION messages received onSDCCH or TCH if no SDCCH is available, for emergency calls

Event : receipt of ESTABLISH INDICATION for an emergency call

Type : raw permanent

Class : setup

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:

CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1

DFD “Immediate assignment procedure (normal completion)”DFD “GPRS procedure preemption on PDTCH (normalcompletion in the case of Mobile Originating Call)”DFD “Immediate assignment paging procedure (normalcompletion)”DFD “Dedicated channel assignment modify procedure (normalcompletion)”

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l1193/6 Number of ESTABLISH INDICATION messages in

establishment phase received for short messages

Name Q3 : estabIndicSignallingShortMsg

Object : bts

Function : on SDCCH or TCH if no SDCCH is available, for short messages

Event : receipt of ESTABLISH INDICATION for a short message

Type : raw permanent

Class : setup

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “Immediate assignment procedure (normal completion)”DFD “GPRS procedure preemption on PDTCH (normalcompletion in the case of Mobile Originating Call)”DFD “Immediate assignment paging procedure (normalcompletion)”DFD “Dedicated channel assignment modify procedure (normalcompletion)”

l1193/7 Number of ESTABLISH INDICATION messages in

establishment phase received for other services

Name Q3 : estabIndicSignallingSuppService

Object : bts

Function : number of ESTABLISH INDICATION messages received onSDCCHor TCH if no SDCCH is available, for supplementary service

Event : sreceipt of ESTABLISH INDICATION for a supplementary service

Type : raw permanent

Class : setup

Source : recorded by the BSC

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Observation Counter DictionaryCopyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:

CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1

DFD “Immediate assignment procedure (normal completion)”DFD “GPRS procedure preemption on PDTCH (normalcompletion in the case of Mobile Originating Call)”DFD “Immediate assignment paging procedure (normalcompletion)”DFD “Dedicated channel assignment modify procedure (normalcompletion)”

l1195 Number of ESTABLISH INDICATION messages in

establishment phase received for Phase I mobiles

Name Q3 : estabIndicSigPhase1

Object : bts

Function : number of ESTABLISH INDICATION messages received onSDCCH, or TCH in primo-allocations, or TCH if no SDCCH isavailable, for Phase I mobiles

Event : receipt of ESTABLISH INDICATION for a Phase I mobile

Type : raw permanent

Class : setup

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:

CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

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Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “Immediate assignment procedure (normal completion)”DFD “GPRS procedure preemption on PDTCH (normalcompletion in the case of Mobile Originating Call)”DFD “Immediate assignment paging procedure (normalcompletion)”DFD “Dedicated channel assignment modify procedure (normalcompletion)”DFD “Intra cell handover procedure (normal completion withcommunication on TRAFFIC phase)”

l1196 Number of ESTABLISH INDICATION messages in

establishment phase received for Phase II mobiles

Name Q3 : estabIndicSigPhase2

Object : bts

Function : number of ESTABLISH INDICATION messages received onSDCCH, or TCH in primo-allocations, or TCH if no SDCCH isavailable, for Phase II mobiles

Event : receipt of ESTABLISH INDICATION for a Phase II mobile

Type : raw permanent

Class : setup

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:

CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “GPRS procedure -- preemption on PDTCH (normalcompletion in the case of Mobile Originating Call)”DFD “Immediate assignment procedure (normal completion)”DFD “Immediate assignment paging procedure (normalcompletion)”DFD “SMS procedure (SMS established by the MS)”

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l1197/0 Number of channels activated for speech: Full Rate Algorithm

Name Q3 : channelActivateSpeechFullRate

Object : bts

Function : number of speech channels using the Full-Rate algorithm, activated inthe cell for the observation period

Event : transmission of CHANNEL ACTIVATE or MODE MODIFY withCHANNEL MODE = “speech”

Type : raw permanent

Class : assignment

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “GPRS procedure -- preemption on PDTCH (normalcompletion in the case of Mobile Originating Call)”DFD “dedicated channel assignment procedure (normalcompletion)”DFD “queuing of the assignment procedure (normal completion)DFD “inter--cell intra BSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Intra cell handover procedure (normal completion withcommunication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Inter BSS intra MSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Direct retry handover procedure”

l1197/1 Number of channels activated for speech: Enhanced Full Rate


Name Q3 : channelActivateSpeechEnhancedFullRate

Object : bts

Function : number of speech channels using the Enhanced Full-Rate algorithm,activated in the cell for the observation period

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Event : transmission of CHANNEL ACTIVATE or MODE MODIFY withCHANNEL MODE = “speech”

Type : raw permanent

Class : assignment

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:

CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1

DFD “GPRS procedure -- preemption on PDTCH (normalcompletion in the case of Mobile Originating Call)”DFD “dedicated channel assignment procedure (normalcompletion)”DFD “queuing of the assignment procedure (normal completion)DFD “inter--cell intra BSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Intra cell handover procedure (normal completion withcommunication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Inter BSS intra MSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Direct retry handover procedure”

l1198 Duration ofmaximumDownlink power use on busy TCH/FRs or

preempted PDTCHs

Name Q3 : downlinkPowerCtrlMaxTchMoydownlinkPowerCtrlMaxTchMax Maximum durationdownlinkPowerCtrlMaxTchCum Total durationdownlinkPowerCtrlMaxTchEch Number of samples

Object : bts

Function : average duration ( = total duration divided by the number of samples)and maximum duration of maximumDownlink power use on the cellTCH/FRs or preempted PDTCHs in the observation period

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Event : start/end of maximum TCH Downlink power use:start: start timerend:• stop and read timer• store its peak value• add it to the total of maximum Downlink power use durationson TCH/FRs or preempted PDTCHs in the observation period

• step up by one the number of samples

Type : raw permanent

Class : L1M

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “GPRS procedure -- preemption on PDTCH (normalcompletion in the case of Mobile Originating Call)”DFD “queuing of the assignment procedure (normal completion)DFD “connection clearing required by the MSC procedure(normal completion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Intra cell handover procedure (normal completion withcommunication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Inter BSS intra MSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Connection clearing required by the BSC procedure(communication on TRAFFIC phase)”

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l1199 Duration of maximum Uplink power use on busy TCH/FRs or

preempted PDTCHs

Name Q3 : uplinkPowerCtrlMaxTchMoyuplinkPowerCtrlMaxTchMax Maximum duration. . . .uplinkPowerCtrlMaxTchCum Total duration. . . .uplinkPowerCtrlMaxTchEch Number of samples. . . . .

Object : bts

Function : average duration ( = total duration divided by the number of samples)and maximum duration of maximum Uplink power use on the cellTCH/FRs or preempted PDTCHs for the observation period

Event : start/end of maximum TCH Uplink power use:start: start timerend:• stop and read timer• store its peak value• add it to the total of maximum Uplink power use durations onTCH/FRs or preempted PDTCHs in the observation period

• step up by one the number of samplesType : raw permanent

Class : L1M

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “GPRS procedure -- preemption on PDTCH (normalcompletion in the case of Mobile Originating Call)”DFD “queuing of the assignment procedure (normal completion)DFD “connection clearing required by the MSC procedure(normal completion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Intra cell handover procedure (normal completion withcommunication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Inter BSS intra MSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”

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DFD “Radio channel release RELEASE INDICATION procedure(normal completion)”DFD “Radio channel release RELEASE INDICATION procedure(normal completion)”DFD “Connection clearing required by the BSC procedure(communication on TRAFFIC phase)”

l1200 Number of handovers on TCH executed

Name Q3 : hoNcellsExecution

Object : adjacentCellHandOver

Function : number of attempts to execute handovers on TCH from a serving cellto its neighbors

Event : receipt of HANDOVER COMMAND from the MSC (inter-bsshandover) or transmission of Abis HANDOVERCOMMAND to theserving cell (intra-bss handover)

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “Inter--cell intra BSC handovers procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Intra cell handover procedure (normal completion withcommunication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Inter BSS intra MSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”

l1202 Number of handovers on SDCCH executed

Name Q3 : hoNcellsExecutionSdcch

Object : adjacentCellHandOver

Function : number of attempts to execute handovers on SDCCH from a servingcell to its neighbors

Event : receipt of HANDOVER COMMAND from the MSC (inter-bsshandover) or transmission of Abis HANDOVERCOMMAND to theserving cell (intra-bss handover)

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

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l1204/0 Number of unsuccessful outgoing handoversonTCH:Back toold


Name Q3 : hoNcellsUnsuccessTchChlR

Object : adjacentCellHandOver

Function : number of unsuccessful outgoing intra- and inter-bss handovers onTCH with the mobile returning to the old channel

Event : receipt of HANDOVERFAILUREbefore T3103 time-out elapse (theserving cell is unable to transfer the mobile to the new channel)

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

l1204/1 Number of unsuccessful outgoing handovers on TCH: Time-out


Name Q3 : hoNcellsUnsuccessTchTimer

Object : adjacentCellHandOver

Function : number of unsuccessful outgoing intra- and inter-bss handovers onTCH because of T3103 time-out elapse

Event : T3103 time-out elapse

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

l1204/2 Number of unsuccessful outgoing handovers on TCH: Other


Name Q3 : hoNcellsUnsuccessTchOther

Object : adjacentCellHandOver

Function : number of unsuccessful outgoing intra- and inter-bss handovers onTCH because of other reasons

Event : receipt of CLEARCOMMAND from theMSCwith a cause differentfrom “Handover successful” or “Call Control”

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

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l1205/0 Number of unsuccessful outgoing handovers on SDCCH: Back to

old channel

Name Q3 : hoNcellsUnsuccessSdcchChlR

Object : adjacentCellHandOver

Function : number of unsuccessful outgoing intra- and inter-bss handovers onSDCCH with the mobile returning to the old channel

Event : receipt of HANDOVERFAILUREbefore T3103 time-out elapse (theserving cell is unable to transfer the mobile to the new channel)

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

l1205/1 Number of unsuccessful outgoing handovers on SDCCH:

Time-out elapse

Name Q3 : hoNcellsUnsuccessSdcchTimer

Object : adjacentCellHandOver

Function : number of unsuccessful outgoing intra- and inter-bss handovers onSDCCH because of T3103 time-out elapse

Event : T3103 time-out elapse

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

l1205/2 Number of unsuccessful outgoing handovers on SDCCH: Other


Name Q3 : hoNcellsUnsuccessSdcchOther

Object : adjacentCellHandOver

Function : number of unsuccessful outgoing intra- and inter-bss handovers onSDCCH for other reasons

Event : receipt of CLEAR_COMMAND with a cause different from“Handover successful” or “Call Control” coming from the MSC

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

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l1206/0 Number of handovers and assignment for which the initial

request in EFR speech algorithm is degraded into FR speechalgorithm

Name Q3 : speechAlgoFallBack

Object : bsc

Function : number of handovers and assignment for which the initial request inEFR speech algorithm is degraded into FR speech algorithm only incase of the BSC has a CIC bearing EFR and other CICs not bearingEFR and if all CICs bearing EFR are already allocated

Event : receipt of ASSIGN REQUEST or HANDOVER REQUEST with aCIC and a speech coding algorithm incompatible

Type : raw permanent

Class : assignment

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:

CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Note : This counter is only incremented if Enhanced Full Rate is allowed inthe network.

l1206/1 Number of handovers or assignments in which the initial request

in EFR speech algorithm is degraded into FR speech algorithmfor AMR calls

Name Q3 : amrFrSpeechAlgoFallBack

Object : bsc

Function : Number of handovers or assignments in which the initial request inEFR speech algorithm is degraded into FR speech algorithm forAMRcalls

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Event : This counter is incremented on the reception of anASSIGN_REQUEST or an HANDOVER_REQUEST with a CICincompatible with the speech coding algorithm. In the case where theBSC has got CIC bearing EFR and other CIC not bearing EFR and ifall CIC bearing EFR are already allocated

Type : raw permanent

Class : assignment

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V14 counter

l1206/2 Number of handovers or assignments in which the initial request

in AMR speech algorithm is degraded into FR or EFR speechalgorithm for AMR calls

Name Q3 : speechAlgoFallBackCtm

Object : bsc

Function : Number of handovers or assignments in which the initial request inAMR speech algorithm is degraded into FR or EFR speech algorithmfor AMR calls

Event : This counter is incremented on the reception of anASSIGN_REQUEST or an HANDOVER_REQUEST with a CICincompatible with the speech coding algorithm. In the case where theBSC has got CIC bearing EFR and other CIC not bearing EFR and ifall CIC bearing EFR are already allocated

Type : raw permanent

Class : assignment

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V14 counter

l1207 Number of immediate assignments for multiband mobiles

Name Q3 : immediateAssignmentMultiband

Object : bts

Function : number of call establishments for multiband mobiles (externalincoming handover requests are not included)

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Event : receipt of the first CLASSMARK_CHANGEmessage from amobilewith classmark 3 multiband data, whenEarly_Classmark_Sending_Controlled is “true”

Type : raw permanent

Class : assignation

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:

CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

l1208 Number of outgoing handovers requested by dualband mobiles

from the main frequency band to the second frequency band ofthe network

Name Q3 : hoRequestOutgoingMbandEbandMsDualb (V12)hoRequestOutgoingMultiband (V10 & V11)

Object : bts

Function : number of outgoing, intra-bss or inter-bss handovers, on TCH,requested from the main frequency band to the second frequencyband of the network

Event : attempt to select a cell that belongs to the second frequency band inthe list of eligible cells

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

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Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1

DFD “Intra cell handover procedure (normal completion withcommunication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Inter BSS intra MSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”

Note : The target resource is in the second frequency band whereas theoriginated resource is in the main frequency band of the network.

l1209 Number of successful outgoing handovers for dualband mobiles

from the main frequency band to the second frequency band ofthe network

Name Q3 : hoSuccessOutgoingMbandEbandMsDualb (V12)hoSuccessOutgoingMultiband (V10 & V11)

Object : bts

Function : number of successful outgoing, intra-bss or inter-bss handovers, onTCH, from the main frequency band to the second frequency band ofthe network

Event : receipt of CLEAR COMMAND with cause “handover successful”(inter-bss handover) or receipt of HANDOVER COMPLETE fromthe MS (intra-bss handover)

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:

CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1

DFD “Intra cell handover procedure (normal completion withcommunication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Inter BSS intra MSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”

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l1300 Number of I frames sent

Name Q3 : omcOutputIFrame

Object : bsc

Function : number of I (Information) frames sent by the BSC (local X.25Level 2) to the OMC--R agent (remote X.25 Level 2)

Event : transmission of an I frame on the X.25 link by the BSC

Type : raw permanent

Class : BSS/OMC--R link

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channelCP: Com packet on PDTCH channel

No distinction is made between RACH dedicated to Circuit Call orPacket Calls.

Note : V12 counter

l1301 Number of I frames received

Name Q3 : omcInputIFrame

Object : bsc

Function : number of I (Information) frames received by the BSC (local X.25Level 2)

Event : receipt of an I frame on the X.25 link by the BSC

Type : raw permanent

Class : BSS/OMC--R link

Source : recorded by the BSC

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Observation Counter DictionaryCopyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channelCP: Com packet on PDTCH channel

No distinction is made between RACH dedicated to Circuit Call orPacket Calls.

Note : V12 counter

l1302 Number of repeated I frames sent

Name Q3 : omcOutputRepeatedIFrame

Object : bsc

Function : number of repeated I (Information) frames sent by the BSC (localX.25 Level 2) to the OMC--R agent (remote X.25 Level 2)

Event : transmission of a repeated I frame on the X.25 link by the BSC

Type : raw permanent

Class : BSS/OMC--R link

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channelCP: Com packet on PDTCH channel

No distinction is made between RACH dedicated to Circuit Call orPacket Calls.

Note : V12 counter

l1303 Number of repeated I frames received

Name Q3 : omcInputRepeatedIFrame

Object : bsc

Function : number of repeated I (Information) frames received by theBSC(localX.25 Level 2)

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Event : receipt of a repeated I frame on the X.25 link by the BSC

Type : raw permanent

Class : BSS/OMC--R link

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channelCP: Com packet on PDTCH channel

No distinction is made between RACH dedicated to Circuit Call orPacket Calls.

Note : V12 counter

l1304 Number of RNR frames sent

Name Q3 : omcOutputRnrFrame

Object : bsc

Function : number of RNR (Received NonReady) frames sent by the BSC (localX.25 Level 2) to the OMC--R agent (remote X.25 Level 2)

Event : transmission of a RNR frame on the X.25 link by the BSC

Type : raw permanent

Class : BSS/OMC--R link

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channelCP: Com packet on PDTCH channel

No distinction is made between RACH dedicated to Circuit Call orPacket Calls.

Note : V12 counter

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l1305 Number of RNR frames received

Name Q3 : omcInputRnrFrame

Object : bsc

Function : number of RNR (Received Non Ready) frames received by the BSC(local X.25 Level 2)

Event : receipt of a RNR frame on the X.25 link by the BSC

Type : raw permanent

Class : BSS/OMC--R link

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channelCP: Com packet on PDTCH channel

No distinction is made between RACH dedicated to Circuit Call orPacket Calls.

Note : V12 counter

l1400 Average load of CPUM board

Name Q3 : prLoadCpumMoyprLoadCpumMax Maximum load of the CPUM board. . . . . . . . .prLoadCpumCum Total load of the CPUM board. . . . . . . .prLoadCpumEch Number of samples. . . . . . . . .

Object : bsc

Location :

Name Q3 Location

prLoadCpumMoy/Max/Cum/Ech CPUM--0

Function : average load (= total load / number of samples) expressed in percentand maximum load of the CPUM processor in the BSC for theobservation period

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Event : detection of the CPUM processor activity:

activation of the “NULL” task: start timeractivation of another task:• stop and read timer• store its peak value• add it to the total number for the observation period• step up by one the number of samples

Type : raw permanent

Class : equipment

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:

CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channelCP: Com packet on PDTCH channel

This counter gives the real load of the processor. And the load of aBSC processor is impacted by GPRS messages treated by thisprocessor.

Note : V12 counter

l1400 Average load of CPUE x board

Name Q3 : prLoadCpueMoyprLoadCpue1MoyprLoadCpue2MoyprLoadCpueMax Maximum load of the CPUE 0 board. . . . . . . . .prLoadCpue1Max Maximum load of the CPUE 1 board. . . . . . . .prLoadCpue2Max Maximum load of the CPUE 2 board. . . . . . . .prLoadCpueCum Total load of the CPUE 0 board. . . . . . . . .prLoadCpue1Cum Total load of the CPUE 1 board. . . . . . . .prLoadCpue2Cum Total load of the CPUE 2 board. . . . . . . .prLoadCpueEch Number of samples. . . . . . . . . .prLoadCpue1Ech Number of samples. . . . . . . . .prLoadCpue2Ech Number of samples. . . . . . . . .

Object : bsc

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Location :

Name Q3 Location

prLoadCpueMoy/Max/Cum/Ech CPUE--0

prLoadCpue1Moy/Max/Cum/Ech CPUE--1

prLoadCpue2Moy/Max/Cum/Ech CPUE--2

Function : average load (= total load / number of samples) expressed in percentand maximum load of the CPUE x processor in the BSC for theobservation period

Event : detection of the CPUE x processor activity:activation of the “NULL” task: start timeractivation of another task:• stop and read timer• store its peak value• add it to the total number for the observation period• step up by one the number of samples

Type : raw permanent

Class : equipment

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channelCP: Com packet on PDTCH channel

This counter gives the real load of the processor. And the load of aBSC processor is impacted by GPRS messages treated by thisprocessor.

Note : V12 counter

l1400 Average load of SICD<x> board

Name Q3 : prLoadSicd<x>MoyprLoadSicd<x>Max Maximum load of the SICD<x>board. . . . . . .prLoadSicd<x>Cum Total load of the SICD<x> board. . . . . .prLoadSicd<x>Ech Number of samples. . . . . . .

Object : bsc

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Location :

Name Q3 Location

prLoadSicd<x>Moy/Max/Cum/Ech SICD--<x>

Function : average load (= total load / number of samples) expressed in percentand maximum load of the SICD<x> processor in the BSC for theobservation period

Event : detection of the SICD<x> processor activity:activation of the “NULL” task: start timeractivation of another task:• stop and read timer• store its peak value• add it to the total number for the observation period• step up by one the number of samples

Type : raw permanent

Class : equipment

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channelCP: Com packet on PDTCH channel

This counter gives the real load of the processor. And the load of aBSC processor is impacted by GPRS messages treated by thisprocessor.

Note : V12 counter

l1500 Number of DTAP messages sent

Name Q3 : aTransparentUp

Object : bsc

Function : number of transparent messages sent by the BSC to the MSC

Event : transmission of SCCP DATA REQUEST

Type : raw permanent

Class : A interface

Source : recorded by the BSC

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Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:

CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1

DFD “GPRS procedure -- preemption on PDTCH (normalcompletion in the case of Mobile Originating Call)”DFD “immediate assignment procedure (normal completion)”DFD “Immediate assignment paging procedure (normalcompletion)”DFD “Inter BSS intra MSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “SMS procedure (SMS established by the MS)”

l1501 Number of DTAP messages received

Name Q3 : aTransparentDown

Object : bsc

Function : number of transparent messages sent by the MSC to the BSC


Type : raw permanent

Class : A interface

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:

CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

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Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “GPRS procedure -- preemption on PDTCH (normalcompletion in the case of Mobile Originating Call)”DFD “Immediate assignment procedure (normal completion)”DFD “Immediate assignment paging procedure (normalcompletion)”DFD “Inter BSS intra MSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “SMS procedure (SMS established by the MS)”DFD “SMS procedure (SMS established by the MSC)”

l1502 Number of BSSMAP messages sent

Name Q3 : aNonTransparentUp

Object : bsc

Function : number of non transparent messages sent by the BSC to the MSC


Type : raw permanent

Class : A interface

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “GPRS procedure -- preemption on PDTCH (normalcompletion in the case of Mobile Originating Call)”DFD “GPRS procedure (no available resource for a PDTCHpreemption)”DFD “GPRS procedure (negative acknowledgement by the PCUfor a PDTCH preemption)”DFD “immediate assignment procedure (normal completion)DFD “dedicated channel assignment procedure (normalcompletion)”DFD “dedicated channel assignment procedure (no Resourceavailable and queuing not activated)”

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DFD “inter--cell intra BSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “connection clearing required by the MSC procedure(normal completion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “connection clearing required by the MSC procedure(normal completion with communication on SIGNALLINGphase)”DFD “Immediate assignment paging procedure (normalcompletion)”DFD “Dedicated channel assignment modify procedure (normalcompletion)”DFD “Intra cell handover procedure (normal completion withcommunication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Inter BSS intra MSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Direct retry handover procedure”DFD “Connection clearing required by the BSC procedure(communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Connection clearing required by the BSC procedure(communication on SIGNALING phase)”DFD “SMS procedure (SMS established by the MS)”

l1503 Number of BSSMAP messages received

Name Q3 : aNonTransparentDown

Object : bsc

Function : number of non transparent messages sent by the MSC to the BSC


Type : raw permanent

Class : A interface

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

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Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “GPRS procedure -- preemption on PDTCH (normalcompletion in the case of Mobile Originating Call)”DFD “GPRS procedure (no available resource for a PDTCHpreemption)”DFD “GPRS procedure (negative acknowledgement by the PCUfor a PDTCH preemption)”DFD “immediate assignment procedure (normal completion)DFD “dedicated channel assignment procedure (normalcompletion)”DFD “dedicated channel assignment procedure (no Resourceavailable and queuing not activated)”DFD “inter--cell intra BSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “connection clearing required by the MSC procedure(normal completion with communication on SIGNALLINGphase)”DFD “Immediate assignment paging procedure (normalcompletion)”DFD “Dedicated channel assignment modify procedure (normalcompletion)”DFD “Inter BSS intra MSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Direct retry handover procedure”DFD “Connection clearing required by the BSC procedure(communication on SIGNALING phase)”

l1504 Number of BSC acceptations of VGCS talking requests issued by

the BTS

Name Q3 : vgcsAccessGrant

Object : bsc

Function : number of BSC acceptations of VGCS talking requests issued by theBTS

Event : transmission of a UPLINK_REQUEST message towards the MSC

Type : raw permanent

Class : asci

Source : recorded by the BSC

Feature : GSM--R (V12)

Note : V12 counter

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Preciseincrementation conditions :

This counter is concerned by CCT (Circuit Calls on TCH channels)but not by CCP (Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCHchannel) or byCP (Compacket on PDTCHchannel), merely becauseGPRS and GSM--R cannot be activated at the same time.

l1505 Number ofMSC refusals on VGCS talking requests issued by the


Name Q3 : vgcsMscReject

Object : bsc

Function : number ofMSC refusals onVGCS talking requests issued by theBSC

Event : receipt of an UPLINK_REJECT_COMMAND message from theMSC

Type : raw permanent

Class : asci

Source : recorded by the BSC

Feature : GSM--R (V12)

Preciseincrementation conditions :

This counter is concerned by CCT (Circuit Calls on TCH channels)but not by CCP (Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCHchannel) or byCP (Compacket on PDTCHchannel), merely becauseGPRS and GSM--R cannot be activated at the same time.

Note : V12 counter

l1506/0 Number of rejected paging requests due to overload situation

Name Q3 : aintOverloadRejectedOpPageReq

Object : bsc

Function : number of rejected paging requests due to overload situation

Event : receipt of a paging request when the MPU board concerning thegiven operation is in overload situation

Type : raw permanent

Class : equipment

Source : recorded by the BSC

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Feature : Overload defense mechanism based on real load (FM877-- V12)

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Note : V12 counter

l1506/1 Number of rejected incoming external handover requests due to

overload situation

Name Q3 : aintOverloadRejectedOpIncomingExtHoReq

Object : bsc

Function : number of rejected external handover requests due to overloadsituation

Event : receipt of a paging request when at least one OMU, SUP, or MPUboard concerning the given operation is in overload situation

Type : raw permanent

Class : equipment

Source : recorded by the BSC

Feature : Overload defense mechanism based on real load (FM877-- V12)

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Note : V12 counter

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l1600 Connection duration of TCH/FRs or preempted PDTCHs

Name Q3 : connectionDurationTchMoyconnectionDurationTchMax Maximum connection duration. . . . .connectionDurationTchCum Total connection duration. . . . .connectionDurationTchEch Number of samples. . . . . .

Object : bts

Function : average duration ( = total duration divided by the number of samples)and maximum duration of TCH/FR or preempted PDTCHconnections in the cell for the observation period, expressed inmultiples of 480 ms

Event : TCH connection/disconnectionconnection: start timerdisconnection:• stop and read timer• store its peak value• add it to the total of maximumTCH connection durations in theobservation period

• step up by one the number of samples

Type : raw permanent

Class : L1M

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “GPRS procedure -- preemption on PDTCH (normalcompletion)”DFD “Intra cell handover procedure (normal completion withcommunication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Inter BSS intra MSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Radio channel release RELEASE INDICATION procedure(normal completion)”

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DFD “Connection clearing required by the BSC procedure(communication on TRAFFIC phase)”

Note : This counter starts at the beginning of transmission of the SACCHblocks on TCH, and stops at the end of SACCH blocks transmission.This counter can be incremented on TCH/FR or preempted PDTCH.

l1600 Connection duration of TCH/FRs or preempted PDTCH

Name Q3 : connectionDurationTchTrZoneMoyconnectionDurationTchTrZoneMax Maximum connection durationconnectionDurationTchTrZoneCum Total connection durationconnectionDurationTchTrZoneEch Number of samples

Object : transceiverZone

Function : average duration ( = total duration divided by the number of samples)and maximum duration of TCH/FR or preempted PDTCHconnections in the inner or the outer zone of the cell, for theobservation period, expressed in multiples of 480 ms

Event : TCH/FR or preempted PDTCH connection/disconnectionconnection: start timerdisconnection:• stop and read timer• store its peak value• add it to the total of maximum TCH/FR or preempted PDTCHconnection durations in the observation period

• step up by one the number of samples

Type : raw permanent

Class : L1M

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V12 counterThis counter starts at the beginning of transmission of the SACCHblocks on TCH/FR or preempted PDTCH, and stops at the end ofSACCH blocks transmission.

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

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Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1

DFD “GPRS procedure -- preemption on PDTCH (normalcompletion in the case of Mobile Originating Call)”DFD “inter--cell intra BSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “connection clearing required by the MSC procedure(normal completion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Intra cell handover procedure (normal completion withcommunication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Inter BSS intra MSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Radio channel release RELEASE INDICATION procedure(normal completion)”DFD “Connection clearing required by the BSC procedure(communication on TRAFFIC phase)”

l1601 Duration of maximum Downlink power use on busy SDCCHs

Name Q3 : downlinkPowerCtrlMaxSdcchMoydownlinkPowerCtrlMaxSdcchMax Maximum durationdownlinkPowerCtrlMaxSdcchCum Total durationdownlinkPowerCtrlMaxSdcchEch Number of samples.

Object : bts

Function : average duration ( = total duration divided by the number of samples)and maximum duration of maximumDownlink power use on the cellSDCCHs for the observation period

Event : start/end of maximum SDCCH Downlink power use:

start: start timerend:• stop and read timer• store its peak value• add it to the total of maximum Downlink power use durationson SDCCHs in the observation period

• step up by one the number of samples

Type : raw permanent

Class : L1M

Source : recorded by the BSC

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Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “GPRS procedure -- preemption on PDTCH (normalcompletion in the case of Mobile Originating Call)”DFD “GPRS procedure (negative acknowledgement by the PCUfor a PDTCH preemption)”DFD “dedicated channel assignment procedure (normalcompletion)”DFD “queuing of the assignment procedure (normal completion)”DFD “connection clearing required by the MSC procedure(normal completion with communication on SIGNALLINGphase)”DFD “Direct retry handover procedure”DFD “Radio channel release DEACTIVATE SACCH ACKprocedure (normal completion)”DFD “Connection clearing required by the BSC procedure(communication on SIGNALING phase)”

l1602 Duration of maximum Uplink power use on busy SDCCHs

Name Q3 : uplinkPowerCtrlMaxSdcchMoyuplinkPowerCtrlMaxSdcchMax Maximum duration. .uplinkPowerCtrlMaxSdcchCum Total duration. .uplinkPowerCtrlMaxSdcchEch Number of samples. . .

Object : bts

Function : average duration ( = total duration divided by the number of samples)and maximum duration of maximum Uplink power use on the cellSDCCHs for the observation period

Event : start/end of maximum SDCCH Uplink power use:start: start timerend:• stop and read timer• store its peak value

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• add it to the total of maximum Uplink power use durations onSDCCHs in the observation period

• step up by one the number of samples

Type : raw permanent

Class : L1M

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “GPRS procedure -- preemption on PDTCH (normalcompletion in the case of Mobile Originating Call)”DFD “GPRS procedure (negative acknowledgement by the PCUfor a PDTCH preemption)”DFD “dedicated channel assignment procedure (normalcompletion)”DFD “queuing of the assignment procedure (normal completion)”DFD “connection clearing required by the MSC procedure(normal completion with communication on SIGNALLINGphase)”DFD “Direct retry handover procedure”DFD “Radio channel release DEACTIVATE SACCH ACKprocedure (normal completion)”DFD “Connection clearing required by the BSC procedure(communication on SIGNALING phase)”

l1603 Connection duration of SDCCHs

Name Q3 : connectionDurationSdcchMoyconnectionDurationSdcchMax Maximum connection duration. . . .connectionDurationSdcchCum Total connection duration. . .connectionDurationSdcchEch Number of samples. . . .

Object : bts

Function : average duration ( = total duration divided by the number of samples)and maximum duration of SDCCH connections in the cell for theobservation period, expressed in multiples of 470 ms

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Event : SDCCH connection/disconnection

connection: start timerdisconnection:• stop and read timer• store its peak value• add it to the total of maximum SDCCH connection durations inthe observation period

• step up by one the number of samples

Type : raw permanent

Class : L1M

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:

CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1

DFD “GPRS procedure -- preemption on PDTCH (normalcompletion in the case of Mobile Originating Call)”DFD “GPRS procedure (negative acknowledgement by the PCUfor a PDTCH preemption)”DFD “dedicated channel assignment procedure (normalcompletion)”DFD “queuing of the assignment procedure (normal completion)”DFD “connection clearing required by the MSC procedure(normal completion with communication on SIGNALLINGphase)”DFD “Direct retry handover procedure”DFD “Radio channel release DEACTIVATE SACCH ACKprocedure (normal completion)”DFD “Connection clearing required by the BSC procedure(communication on SIGNALING phase)”

Note : This counter starts at the beginning of transmission of SACCHblockson TCH, and stops at the end of SACCH blocks transmission.

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l1603 Connection duration of SDCCHs

Name Q3 : connectionDurationSdcchTrZoneMoyconnectionDurationSdcchTrZoneMax Maximum. . . . . . .connection durationconnectionDurationSdcchTrZoneCum Total connection. . . . . .durationconnectionDurationSdcchTrZoneEch Number of samples. . . . . . .

Object : transceiverZone

Function : average duration ( = total duration divided by the number of samples)and maximum duration of SDCCH connections in the inner or theouter zone of the cell, for the observation period, expressed inmultiples of 470 ms

Event : SDCCH connection/disconnectionconnection: start timerdisconnection:• stop and read timer• store its peak value• add it to the total of maximum SDCCH connection durations inthe observation period

• step up by one the number of samples

Type : raw permanent

Class : L1M

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “GPRS procedure -- preemption on PDTCH (normalcompletion in the case of Mobile Originating Call)”DFD “GPRS procedure (negative acknowledgement by the PCUfor a PDTCH preemption)”DFD “dedicated channel assignment procedure (normalcompletion)”

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DFD “queuing of the assignment procedure (normal completion)”DFD “connection clearing required by the MSC procedure(normal completion with communication on SIGNALLINGphase)”DFD “Direct retry handover procedure”DFD “Radio channel release DEACTIVATE SACCH ACKprocedure (normal completion)”DFD “Connection clearing required by the BSC procedure(communication on SIGNALING phase)”

Note : V12 counterThis counter starts at the beginningof transmissionof SACCHblockson TCH, and stops at the end of SACCH blocks transmission.

l1604 Average number of messages waiting in queue for transmission


Name Q3 : pchAveragedQueueLengthMoypchAveragedQueueLengthTs2MoypchAveragedQueueLengthTs4MoypchAveragedQueueLengthTs6MoypchAveragedQueueLengthMax Max queued messages. . .pchAveragedQueueLengthTs2Max Max queued messagespchAveragedQueueLengthTs4Max Max queued messagespchAveragedQueueLengthTs6Max Max queued messagespchAveragedQueueLengthCum Total queued messages. . .pchAveragedQueueLengthTs2Cum Total queued messagespchAveragedQueueLengthTs4Cum Total queued messagespchAveragedQueueLengthTs6Cum Total queued messagespchAveragedQueueLengthEch Number of samples. . .pchAveragedQueueLengthTs2Ech Number of samples.pchAveragedQueueLengthTs4Ech Number of samples.pchAveragedQueueLengthTs6Ech Number of samples.

Object : bts

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Location :

Name Q3 Location

pchAveragedQueueLengthMoy/Max/Cum/Ech CCCH--0

pchAveragedQueueLengthTs2Moy/Max/Cum/Ech CCCH--2

pchAveragedQueueLengthTs4Moy/Max/Cum/Ech CCCH--4

pchAveragedQueueLengthTs6Moy/Max/Cum/Ech CCCH--6

Function : average number ( = total number divided by the number of samples)and maximum number of messages queued before being transmittedon PCH-AGCH in the observation period; this internalBTS counter issent to the BSC in a CCCH_LOAD_INDICATION message

Event : message queuing, message transmission, internal sampling time-outelapse:queuing: step up by one the number of messages waiting fortransmission on PCH-AGCHtransmission: step down by one the number of messages waitingfor transmission on PCH-AGCHsampling time-out elapse:• read the instantaneous value of the number of messages queued• store its peak value• add it to the total number of messages queued for theobservation period

• step up by one the number of samples

Type : raw permanent

Class : monitoring

Source : recorded by the BSC

Feature : Extended CCCH (TF184 -- V12)

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Preciseincrementation conditions :

Paging + Immediate Assignment

Queue size (120 PCHs for an S8000 BTS)

The queue is increased by a variable flow of Immediate Assignmentand all Pagingmessages (fresh and repeated) and servedby aconstantflow of CCCH resources (3 blocks in case of BCCH combined and 9blocks in case of not combined BCCH).The priority order in the queue is Immediate Assignment never sent,Fresh Paging, Repeated Paging, ImmediateAssignment already sent.

The 1604 counter is related to the size of the queue of these Pagingmessages queued before being transmitted on PCH--AGCH in theobservation period.

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:

CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channelCP: Com packet on PDTCH channel

No distinction is made between RACH dedicated to Circuit Call orPacket Calls.

l1605 Number of paging messages queued up not transmitted

Name Q3 : pchQueuePagesDiscardedpchQueuePagesDiscardedTs2pchQueuePagesDiscardedTs4pchQueuePagesDiscardedTs6

Object : bts

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Location :

Name Q3 Location

pchQueuePagesDiscarded CCCH--0

pchQueuePagesDiscarded2 CCCH--2

pchQueuePagesDiscarded4 CCCH--4

pchQueuePagesDiscarded6 CCCH--6

Function : number of paging messages removed from the paging queue beforebeing transmitted on PCH in the observation period

Event : receipt of a paging message queuing request that leads to remove thelatest request from the queue (the maximum number of pagingmessages that can be queued is reached); receipt of aCCCH_LOAD_INDICATION message from the BTS

Type : raw permanent

Class : monitoring

Source : detected by the BTS, recorded by the BSC

Feature : Extended CCCH (TF184 -- V12)

Preciseincrementation conditions :

CCCH channel POOL

Paging + Immediate Assignment

Queue size (120 PCHs for an S8000)

The queue is increased by a variable flow of Immediate Assignmentand all Pagingmessages (fresh and repeated) and servedby aconstantflow of CCCH resources (3 blocks in case of BCCH combined and 9blocks in case of not combined BCCH).The priority order in the queue is Immediate Assignment never sent,Fresh Paging, Repeated Paging, ImmediateAssignment already sent.The 1605 counter is related to Paging messages that are removedfrom the queue because the maximum size of the queue is reached orbecause the retransDuration timer (maximum time of a Pagingmessage in the queue) expiration.

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Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channelCP: Com packet on PDTCH channel

No distinction is made between RACH dedicated to Circuit Call orPacket Calls.

l1606 Number of SDCCHs allocated in the zone (concentric cell)Name Q3 : sdcchAllocatedTrZone

Object : transceiverZone or bts

Function : number of SDCCH allocations in the zoneCounter value calculation:counter value that appears in the “Transceiver zone report”:number of SDCCH allocations for the transceiver zonecounter value that appears in the “BTS report”: number of SDCCHallocations for the entire cell (cell = sum of the cell transceiverzones)

For a monozone network, the zone is the entire cell

Event : allocation of an SDCCH in the zone (transceiver zone or entire cell)

Type : raw permanent

Class : allocation

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “GPRS procedure -- preemption on PDTCH (normalcompletion in the case of Mobile Originating Call)”DFD “immediate assignment procedure (normal completion)”DFD “Immediate assignment paging procedure (normalcompletion)”DFD “SMS procedure (SMS established by the MS)”

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1607 Average number of SDCCHs used in the zone (concentric cell)

Name Q3 : sdcchAveragedUsedTrZoneMoysdcchAveragedUsedTrZoneMax Max SDCCH allocated. .sdcchAveragedUsedTrZoneCum Total SDCCH allocated. .sdcchAveragedUsedTrZoneEch Number of samples. . .

Object : transceiverZone or bts

Function : average (= total number divided by number of samples) andmaximum number of SDCCHs used in the zoneCounter value calculation:counter value that appears in the “Transceiver zone report”:number of SDCCH used for the transceiver zonecounter value that appears in the “BTS report”: number of SDCCHused for the entire cell (cell = sum of the cell transceiver zones)

For a monozone network, the zone is the entire cell

Event : SDCCH allocation/deallocation in a zone, internal sampling time-outelapse:allocation: step up by one the instantaneous value of the number ofSDCCHs used in the zonedeallocation: step down by one the instantaneous value of thenumber of SDCCHs used in the zonesampling time-out elapse:• read the instantaneous value of the number of SDCCHs used inthe zone

• store its peak value• add it to the total number of SDCCH allocations in the zone forthe observation period

• step up by one the number of samples

Type : raw permanent

Class : allocation

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

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Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “GPRS procedure -- preemption on PDTCH (normalcompletion in the case of Mobile Originating Call)”DFD “GPRS procedure (negative acknowledgement by the PCUfor a PDTCH preemption)”DFD “dedicated channel assignment procedure (normalcompletion)”DFD “queuing of the assignment procedure (normal completion)”DFD “connection clearing required by the MSC procedure(normal completion with communication on SIGNALLINGphase)”DFD “immediate assignment procedure (normal completion)”DFD “Immediate assignment paging procedure (normalcompletion)”DFD “Radio channel release DEACTIVATE SACCH ACKprocedure (normal completion)”DFD “Radio channel release RELEASE INDICATION procedure(normal completion)”DFD “Connection clearing required by the BSC procedure(communication on SIGNALING phase)”DFD “SMS procedure (SMS established by the MS)”

l1608 Number of SDCCH allocation failures in the zone (concentric


Name Q3 : sdcchRessourceFailureTrZone

Object : transceiverZone or bts

Function : number of SDCCH allocation failures due to a lack of SDCCH in thezoneCounter value calculation:counter value that appears in the “Transceiver zone report”:number of SDCCH allocation failures for the transceiver zonecounter value that appears in the “BTS report”: number of SDCCHallocation failures for the entire cell (cell = sum of the celltransceiver zones)

For a monozone network, the zone is the entire cell

Event : SDCCH allocation refusal with cause “out of stock”

Type : raw permanent

Class : allocation

Source : recorded by the BSC

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Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

l1609/0 Number of TCH/FR or preempted PDTCH allocated for traffic

in the zone (concentric cell)

Name Q3 : tchFrAllocatedTchAllocationTrZone

Object : transceiverZone or bts

Function : number of TCH/FR or preempted PDTCH allocated in the zone fortrafficCounter value calculation:counter value that appears in the “Transceiver zone report”:number of TCH/FR or preempted PDTCH allocated thetrasnceiver zonecounter value that appears in the “BTS report”: number ofTCH/FRor preempted PDTCHallocated for the entire cell (cell = sumof thecell transceiver zones)

For a monozone network, the zone is the entire cell

Event : TCH/FR or preempted PDTCH allocation in the zone for traffic

Type : raw permanent

Class : allocation

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

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Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “GPRS procedure (no resource available for a PDTCHpreemption)”DFD “GPRS procedure (negative acknowledgement by the PCUfor a PDTCH preemption)”DFD “dedicated channel assignment procedure (normalcompletion)”DFD “queuing of the assignment procedure (normal completion)”DFD “inter--cell intra BSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Intra cell handover procedure (normal completion withcommunication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Inter BSS intra MSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Direct retry handover procedure”

l1609/1 Number of TCH/FR allocated for call reestablishments in the

zone (concentric cell) (primo-allocation)Name Q3 : tchFrAllocatedPrimoAllocationTrZoneObject : transceiverZone or btsFunction : number of TCH/FR allocated in the zone for call reestablishment

Counter value calculation:counter value that appears in the “Transceiver zone report”:number of TCH/FR allocated for the transceiver zone for callreestablishmentcounter value that appears in the “BTS report”: number ofTCH/FRallocated for the entire cell (cell = sumof the cell transceiver zones)for call reestablishment

For a monozone network, the zone is the entire cellEvent : TCH/FR allocation in the zone for call reestablishmentType : raw permanentClass : allocationSource : recorded by the BSCPreciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by CCT (Circuitcalls on TCH channel), but not by CCP (Circuit Calls on PDTCHpreempted to make a TCH channel) or CP (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).This is because this counter is related to configured (static) TCH/FRchannel only, and does not take into account preempted PDTCH.

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Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “Immediate assignment procedure (normal completion)”

l1609/2 Number of TCH/FR allocated because of SDCCH unavailability

in the zone (concentric cell)

Name Q3 : tchFrAllocatedOverflowAllocationTrZone

Object : transceiverZone or bts

Function : number of TCH/FR allocated in the zone because of SDCCHunavailabilityCounter value calculation:counter value that appears in the “Transceiver zone report”:number of TCH/FR allocated for the transceiver zonecounter value that appears in the “BTS report”: number ofTCH/FRallocated for the entire cell (cell = sumof the cell transceiver zones)

For a monozone network, the zone is the entire cell

Event : TCH/FR allocation in the zone because of SDCCH unavailability

Type : raw permanent

Class : allocation

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “immediate assignment procedure (normal completion)”DFD “Immediate assignment paging procedure (normalcompletion)”

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l1611/0 Average number of TCH/FR or preempted PDTCH used for

traffic in the zone (concentric cell)

Name Q3 : tchFrAveragedUsedTchAllocationTrZoneMoytchFrAveragedUsedTchAllocationTrZoneMaxtchFrAveragedUsedTchAllocationTrZoneCumtchFrAveragedUsedTchAllocationTrZoneEch

Object : transceiverZone or bts

Function : average (= total number divided by number of samples) andmaximum number of TCH/FR or preempted PDTCH used for trafficin the zone of the cell, obtained through internal sampling

Counter value calculation:

counter value that appears in the “Transceiver zone report”:number of TCH/FR or preempted PDTCH used for traffic for thetransceiver zone

counter value that appears in the “BTS report”: number ofTCH/FRor preempted PDTCH used for traffic for the entire cell

For a monozone network, the zone is the entire cell

Event : TCH/FR or preempted PDTCHallocation/deallocation for traffic in azone, internal sampling time-out elapse:

allocation: step up by one the instantaneous value of the number ofTCH/FR or preempted PDTCH used for traffic in the zone

deallocation: step down by one the instantaneous value of thenumber of TCH/FR or preempted PDTCH used for traffic in thezone

sampling time-out elapse:

• read the instantaneous value of the number of TCH/FR orpreempted PDTCH used for traffic in the zone

• store its peak value

• add it to the total number of TCH/FR or preempted PDTCHallocations for traffic in the zone for the observation period

• step up by one the number of samples

Type : raw permanent

Class : allocation

Source : recorded by the BSC

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Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “GPRS procedure (no resource available for a PDTCHpreemption)”DFD “GPRS procedure (negative acknowledgement by the PCUfor a PDTCH preemption)”DFD “dedicated channel assignment procedure (normalcompletion)”DFD “queuing of the assignment procedure (normal completion)”DFD “connection clearing required by the MSC procedure(normal completion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “inter--cell intra BSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Intra cell handover procedure (normal completion withcommunication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Inter BSS intra MSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Direct retry handover procedure”DFD “Connection clearing required by the BSC procedure(communication on TRAFFIC phase)”

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l1611/1 Average number of TCH/FRused for call reestablishments in the

zone (concentric cell) (primo-allocation)

Name Q3 : tchFrAveragedUsedPrimoAllocationTrZoneMoytchFrAveragedUsedPrimoAllocationTrZoneMaxtchFrAveragedUsedPrimoAllocationTrZoneCumtchFrAveragedUsedPrimoAllocationTrZoneEch

Object : transceiverZone or bts

Function : average (= total number divided by number of samples) andmaximum number of TCH/FR used for call reestablishments in thezone, obtained through internal samplingCounter value calculation:counter value that appears in the “Transceiver zone report”:number of TCH/FR used for call reestablisment for the transceiverzonecounter value that appears in the “BTS report”: number ofTCH/FRused for call reestablishment for the entire cell

For a monozone network, the zone is the entire cell

Event : TCH/FR allocation/deallocation for call reestablishment in a zone,internal sampling time-out elapse:allocation: step up by one the instantaneous value of the number ofTCH/FR used for call reestablishment in the zonedeallocation: step down by one the instantaneous value of thenumber of TCH/FR used for call reestablishment in the zonesampling time-out elapse:• read the instantaneous value of the number of TCH/FR used forcall reestablishment in the zone

• store its peak value• add it to the total number of TCH/FR allocations for callreestablishment in the zone for the observation period

• step up by one the number of samples

Type : raw permanent

Class : allocation

Source : recorded by the BSC

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Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by CCT (Circuitcalls on TCH channel), but not by CCP (Circuit Calls on PDTCHpreempted to make a TCH channel) or CP (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).This is because this counter is related to configured (static) TCH/FRchannel only, and does not take into account preempted PDTCH.

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “Immediate assignment procedure (normal completion)”

l1611/2 Average number of TCH/FR PDTCH used because of SDCCH

unavailability in the zone (concentric cell)

Name Q3 : tchFrAveragedUsedOverflowAllocationTrZoneMoytchFrAveragedUsedOverflowAllocationTrZoneMaxtchFrAveragedUsedOverflowAllocationTrZoneCumtchFrAveragedUsedOverflowAllocationTrZoneEch

Object : transceiverZone or bts

Function : average (= total number divided by number of samples) andmaximum number of TCH/FR used because of SDCCHunavailability in the zone, obtained through internal samplingCounter value calculation:counter value that appears in the “Transceiver zone report”:number of TCH/FR used because of SDCCH unavailability thetransceiver zonecounter value that appears in the “BTS report”: number ofTCH/FRor preemptedPDTCHbecauseof SDCCHunavailabillityfor the entire cell

For a monozone network, the zone is the entire cell.

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Event : TCH/FR allocation/deallocation in the zone because of SDCCHunavailability, internal sampling time-out elapse:allocation: step up by one the instantaneous value of the number ofTCH/FR or preempted PDTCH used in the zone because ofSDCCH unavailabilitydeallocation: step down by one the instantaneous value of thenumber of TCH/FR or preempted PDTCH used in the zonebecause of SDCCH unavailabilitysampling time-out elapse:• read the instantaneous value of the number of TCH/FR orpreempted PDTCH used in the zone because of SDCCHunavailability

• store its peak value• add it to the total number of TCH/FR or preempted PDTCHallocations in the zone because of SDCCHunavailability for theobservation period

• step up by one the number of samples

Type : raw permanent

Class : allocation

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by CCT (Circuitcalls on TCH channel), but not by CCP (Circuit Calls on PDTCHpreempted to make a TCH channel) or CP (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).This is because this counter is related to configured (static) TCH/FRchannel only, and does not take into account preempted PDTCH.

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “GPRS procedure -- preemption on PDTCH (normalcompletion in the case of Mobile Originating Call)”DFD “immediate assignment procedure (normal completion)”DFD “Immediate assignment paging procedure (normalcompletion)”

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l1613 Number of TCH/FRandpreemptable PDTCHallocation failures

in the zone (concentric cell)

Name Q3 : tchFrRessourceFailureTrZone

Object : transceiverZone or bts

Function : number of allocation failures due to a lack of TCH/FR andpreemptable PDTCH in the zone, and due to a lack of free entries inthe queueCounter value calculation:counter value that appears in the “Transceiver zone report”:number of TCH/FR and preemptable PDTCH allocation failuresfor the transceiver zonecounter value that appears in the “BTS report”: number ofTCH/FRand preemptable PDTCH allocation failures for the entire cell

For a monozone network, the zone is the entire cell

Event : TCH/FR and preemptable PDTCH allocation refusal in the zonewithcause “out of stock”

Type : raw permanent

Class : allocation

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : This counter is also incremented if there are free TCHs, that arereserved for allocation requests with the maximum priority(allocPriorityThreshold attribute).Also see C1039 counter for summation count at bts level.

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “GPRS procedure (no available resource for a PDTCHpreemption)”DFD “GPRS procedure (negative acknowledgement by the PCUfor a PDTCH preemption)”DFD “dedicated channel assignment procedure (no resourceavailable and queuing not activated)”

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l1616/0 Average number of TCHs with highest priority queued up

Name Q3 : tchAveragedQueueLengthHighPriorityMoytchAveragedQueueLengthHighPriorityMaxtchAveragedQueueLengthHighPriorityCumtchAveragedQueueLengthHighPriorityEch

Object : bts

Function : average (= total number divided by number of samples) andmaximum number of TCH allocation requests with maximumpriority queued for the cell, obtained through internal sampling

Event : TCH allocation request queued with cause “out of stock”, TCHallocation, internal sampling time-out elapse:queuing: step up by one the instantaneous value of the number ofTCHs with maximum priority queuedallocation: step down by one the instantaneous value of thenumberof TCHs with maximum priority queuedsampling time-out elapse:• read the instantaneous value of the number of TCHs withmaximum priority queued

• store its peak value• add it to the total number of TCH allocation requests withmaximum priority queued for the observation period

• step up by one the number of samples

Type : raw permanent

Class : allocation

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “queuing of the assignment procedure (normal completion)”DFD “Direct retry handover procedure”

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l1616/1 Average number of TCHs without highest priority queued up

Name Q3 : tchAveragedQueueLengthOtherPriorityMoytchAveragedQueueLengthOtherPriorityMaxtchAveragedQueueLengthOtherPriorityCumtchAveragedQueueLengthOtherPriorityEch

Object : bts

Function : average (= total number divided by number of samples) andmaximum number of TCH allocation requests with non-maximumpriority queued for the cell, obtained through internal sampling

Event : TCH allocation request queued with cause “out of stock”, TCHallocation, internal sampling time-out elapse:

queuing: step up by one the instantaneous value of the number ofTCHs with non-maximum priority queuedallocation: step down by one the instantaneous value of thenumberof TCHs with non-maximum priority queuedsampling time-out elapse:• read the instantaneous value of the number of TCHs withnon-maximum priority queued

• store its peak value• add it to the total number of TCH allocation requests withnon-maximum priority queued for the observation period

• step up by one the number of samples

Type : raw permanent

Class : allocation

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:

CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1

DFD “queuing of the assignment procedure (normal completion)”DFD “Direct retry handover procedure”

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l1617/0 Number of TCH allocation requests with highest priority queued

up unsatisfiedName Q3 : tchQueuingExpirationHighPriorityObject : btsFunction : number of TCH allocation requests with maximum priority queued

and unsatisfied because of time-out elapse

Event : time-out elapse of a TCH allocation request with maximum priorityqueued

Type : raw permanent

Class : allocationSource : recorded by the BSCPreciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

l1617/1 Number of TCH allocation requests without highest priority

queued up unsatisfiedName Q3 : tchQueuingExpirationOtherPriorityObject : btsFunction : number of TCH allocation requests with non-maximum priority

queued and unsatisfied because of time-out elapse

Event : time-out elapse of a TCH allocation request with non-maximumpriority queued

Type : raw permanent

Class : allocation

Source : recorded by the BSCPreciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

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l1618/0 Average waiting time of TCH allocation requests with highest


Name Q3 : tchQueuingDurationHighPriorityMoytchQueuingDurationHighPriorityMax Max wait durations. . . . . . .tchQueuingDurationHighPriorityCum Total wait durations. . . . . .tchQueuingDurationHighPriorityEch Number of samples. . . . . . .

Object : bts

Function : average waiting duration ( = total duration divided by the number ofsamples) and maximum waiting duration of TCH allocation requestswith maximum priority in the cell, obtained through internalsampling. Counts both requestswhich are served, aborted or extractedon timer expiration

Event : TCH allocation request with maximum priority queued, allocated,removed from the queue, sampling time-out elapse:

queuing: start timerallocation/removal: stop timersampling time-out elapse:• read timer• store its peak value• add it to the total of waiting durations of TCH allocationrequests with maximum priority in the observation period

• step up by one the number of samples

Type : raw permanent

Class : allocation

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:

CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “queuing of the assignment procedure (normal completion)”DFD “Direct retry handover procedure”

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l1618/1 Average waiting time of TCH allocation requests without highest


Name Q3 : tchQueuingDurationOtherPriorityMoytchQueuingDurationOtherPriorityMax Max wait durations. . . . . .tchQueuingDurationOtherPriorityCum Total wait durations. . . . . .tchQueuingDurationOtherPriorityEch Number of samples. . . . . . .

Object : bts

Function : average waiting duration ( = total duration divided by the number ofsamples) and maximum waiting duration of TCH allocation requestswith non-maximum priority in the cell, obtained through internalsampling. Counts both requestswhich are served, aborted or extractedon timer expiration

Event : TCH allocation request with non-maximum priority queued,allocated, removed from the queue, sampling time-out elapse:

queuing: start timerallocation/removal: stop timersampling time-out elapse:• read timer• store its peak value• add it to the total of waiting durations of TCH allocationrequests with non-maximum priority in the observation period

• step up by one the number of samples

Type : raw permanent

Class : allocation

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:

CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “queuing of the assignment procedure (normal completion)”DFD “Direct retry handover procedure”

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Observation Counter DictionaryCopyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

l1619/0 Average number of free channels in interference band No.0

Name Q3 : channelAveragedIdlePerInterfBand0MoychannelAveragedIdlePerInterfBand0Max Max in Band No.0. . . .channelAveragedIdlePerInterfBand0Cum Total in Band No.0. . . .channelAveragedIdlePerInterfBand0Ech Number of samples. . . . .

Object : bts

Function : average (= total number divided by number of samples) andmaximum number of radio idle channels in Interference band No.0,obtained through internal sampling

Event : SDCCH or TCH allocation/deallocation, sampling time-out elapse

Type : raw permanent

Class : interference

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

Measurement of interference is performedwhen in Idlemode.Beforethe preemption, the PDTCH is assigned to the PCU and thusconsidered as used from the BSS side. During the preemption, thePDTCH is re--configured as TCH/FR and then assigned to a CircuitCall. As a result, measurement of interferences involves configured(static) TCH/FR only.

Note : In case of concentric cells (2 TDMAs in one cell):The maximum value is the maximum number of radio channels inthe interference band of the TDMA which supports the greaternumber of channels.The cumulative value, which is relative to oneTDMA, is thereforethe sum of numbers of radio channels in the interference banddivided by the number of TDMAs in the cell (i.e. 2).

l1619/1 Average number of free channels in interference band No.1

Name Q3 : channelAveragedIdlePerInterfBand1MoychannelAveragedIdlePerInterfBand1Max Max in Band No.1. . . .channelAveragedIdlePerInterfBand1Cum Total in Band No.1. . . .channelAveragedIdlePerInterfBand1Ech Number of samples. . . . .

Object : bts

Function : average (= total number divided by number of samples) andmaximum number of radio idle channels in Interference band No.1,obtained through internal sampling

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Event : SDCCH or TCH allocation/deallocation, sampling time-out elapse

Type : raw permanent

Class : interference

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

Measurement of interference is performedwhen in Idlemode.Beforethe preemption, the PDTCH is assigned to the PCU and thusconsidered as used from the BSS side. During the preemption, thePDTCH is re--configured as TCH/FR and then assigned to a CircuitCall. As a result, measurement of interferences involves configured(static) TCH/FR only.

Note : In case of concentric cells (2 TDMAs in one cell):

The maximum value is the maximum number of radio channels inthe interference band of the TDMA which supports the greaternumber of channels.

The cumulative value, which is relative to oneTDMA, is thereforethe sum of numbers of radio channels in the interference banddivided by the number of TDMAs in the cell (i.e. 2).

l1619/2 Average number of free channels in interference band No.2

Name Q3 : channelAveragedIdlePerInterfBand2MoychannelAveragedIdlePerInterfBand2Max Max in Band No.2. . . .channelAveragedIdlePerInterfBand2Cum Total in Band No.2. . . .channelAveragedIdlePerInterfBand2Ech Number of samples. . . . .

Object : bts

Function : average (= total number divided by number of samples) andmaximum number of radio idle channels in Interference band No.2,obtained through internal sampling

Event : SDCCH or TCH allocation/deallocation, sampling time-out elapse

Type : raw permanent

Class : interference

Source : recorded by the BSC

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Observation Counter DictionaryCopyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

Preciseincrementation conditions :

Measurement of interference is performedwhen in Idlemode.Beforethe preemption, the PDTCH is assigned to the PCU and thusconsidered as used from the BSS side. During the preemption, thePDTCH is re--configured as TCH/FR and then assigned to a CircuitCall. As a result, measurement of interferences involves configured(static) TCH/FR only.

Note : In case of concentric cells (2 TDMAs in one cell):The maximum value is the maximum number of radio channels inthe interference band of the TDMA which supports the greaternumber of channels.The cumulative value, which is relative to oneTDMA, is thereforethe sum of numbers of radio channels in the interference banddivided by the number of TDMAs in the cell (i.e. 2).

1619/3 Average number of free channels in interference band No.3

Name Q3 : channelAveragedIdlePerInterfBand3MoychannelAveragedIdlePerInterfBand3Max Max in Band No.3. . . .channelAveragedIdlePerInterfBand3Cum Total in Band No.3. . . .channelAveragedIdlePerInterfBand3Ech Number of samples. . . . .

Object : bts

Function : average (= total number divided by number of samples) andmaximum number of radio idle channels in Interference band No.3,obtained through internal sampling

Event : SDCCH or TCH allocation/deallocation, sampling time-out elapse

Type : raw permanent

Class : interference

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

Measurement of interference is performedwhen in Idlemode.Beforethe preemption, the PDTCH is assigned to the PCU and thusconsidered as used from the BSS side. During the preemption, thePDTCH is re--configured as TCH/FR and then assigned to a CircuitCall. As a result, measurement of interferences involves configured(static) TCH/FR only.

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Note : In case of concentric cells (2 TDMAs in one cell):

The maximum value is the maximum number of radio channels inthe interference band of the TDMA which supports the greaternumber of channels.The cumulative value, which is relative to oneTDMA, is thereforethe sum of numbers of radio channels in the interference banddivided by the number of TDMAs in the cell (i.e. 2).

l1619/4 Average number of free channels in interference band No.4

Name Q3 : channelAveragedIdlePerInterfBand4MoychannelAveragedIdlePerInterfBand4Max Max in Band No.4. . . .channelAveragedIdlePerInterfBand4Cum Total in Band No.4. . . .channelAveragedIdlePerInterfBand4Ech Number of samples. . . . .

Object : bts

Function : average (= total number divided by number of samples) andmaximum number of radio idle channels in Interference band No.4,obtained through internal sampling

Event : SDCCH or TCH allocation/deallocation, sampling time-out elapse

Type : raw permanent

Class : interference

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

Measurement of interference is performedwhen in Idlemode.Beforethe preemption, the PDTCH is assigned to the PCU and thusconsidered as used from the BSS side. During the preemption, thePDTCH is re--configured as TCH/FR and then assigned to a CircuitCall. As a result, measurement of interferences involves configured(static) TCH/FR only.

Note : In case of concentric cells (2 TDMAs in one cell):

The maximum value is the maximum number of radio channels inthe interference band of the TDMA which supports the greaternumber of channels.The cumulative value, which is relative to oneTDMA, is thereforethe sum of numbers of radio channels in the interference banddivided by the number of TDMAs in the cell (i.e. 2).

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Observation Counter DictionaryCopyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

l1620 Number of unsuccessful “directed retry” handovers because the

list of eligible cells is empty

Name Q3 : directedRetryUnsuccessNoBts

Object : bts

Function : number of unsuccessful directed retry handovers because the list ofeligible cells is empty

Event : no reception of HANDOVER INDICATION with cause “directedretry” after receipt of CONNECTION STATE RESPONSE from theBTS (with an empty list of eligible cells and in the directed retryhandover procedure) and before the end of queuing phase

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

l1621 Number of SAPI 3 session establishments for SMS

Name Q3 : sapi3SessionEstablishment

Object : bts

Function : number of SAPI sessions established to satisfy a short messagebroadcast request in the cell

Event : receipt of one of the following messages from the BTS:ESTABLISH INDICATION on SAPI3 (establishment requestedby a mobile)ESTABLISH CONFIRM on transmission of ESTABLISHREQUEST with SAPI3 value (receipt of a DTAP message onSAPI3 from the MSC when no SAPI3 session is in-progress)

Type : raw permanent

Class : SMS service

Source : recorded by the BSC

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Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “SMS procedure (SMS established by the MS)”DFD “SMS procedure (SMS established by the MSC)”

l1622 Number of MS measurement messages not received

Name Q3 : msLostMeasurements

Object : bts

Function : number of mobile measurement messages not received by the cell

Event : BSC receipt of STOPMEASUREMENTACKwith nomeasurementmessage from a mobile

Type : raw permanent

Class : L1M

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “GPRS procedure -- preemption on PDTCH (normalcompletion in the case of Mobile Originating Call)”DFD “GPRS procedure (negative acknowledgement by the PCUfor a PDTCH preemption)”DFD “dedicated channel assignment procedure (normalcompletion)”DFD “queuing of the assignment procedure (normal completion)”DFD “inter--cell intra BSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”

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Observation Counter DictionaryCopyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

DFD “connection clearing required by the MSC procedure(normal completion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “connection clearing required by the MSC procedure(normal completion with communication on SIGNALLINGphase)”DFD “Intra cell handover procedure (normal completion withcommunication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Inter BSS intra MSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Direct retry handover procedure”DFD “Radio channel release DEACTIVATE SACCH ACKprocedure (normal completion)”DFD “Radio channel release RELEASE INDICATION procedure(normal completion)”DFD “Connection clearing required by the BSC procedure(communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Connection clearing required by the BSC procedure(communication on SIGNALING phase)”

l1622 Number of MS measurement messages not received

Name Q3 : msLostMeasurementsTrZone

Object : transceiverZone

Function : number ofmobilemeasurementmessages not received by the inner orthe outer zone of the cell

Event : BSC receipt of STOPMEASUREMENTACKwith nomeasurementmessage from a mobile

Type : raw permanent

Class : L1M

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:

CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

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Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “GPRS procedure -- preemption on PDTCH (normalcompletion in the case of Mobile Originating Call)”DFD “GPRS procedure (negative acknowledgement by the PCUfor a PDTCH preemption)”DFD “dedicated channel assignment procedure (normalcompletion)”DFD “queuing of the assignment procedure (normal completion)”DFD “inter--cell intra BSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “connection clearing required by the MSC procedure(normal completion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “connection clearing required by the MSC procedure(normal completion with communication on SIGNALLINGphase)”DFD “Intra cell handover procedure (normal completion withcommunication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Inter BSS intra MSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Direct retry handover procedure”DFD “Radio channel release DEACTIVATE SACCH ACKprocedure (normal completion)”DFD “Radio channel release RELEASE INDICATION procedure(normal completion)”DFD “Connection clearing required by the BSC procedure(communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Connection clearing required by the BSC procedure(communication on SIGNALING phase)”

Note : V12 counter

1623 Sum of Downlink signal strength measurements

Name Q3 : rxLevDownLink

Object : bts

Function : sum of the downlink signal strength measurements performed by themobiles on the cell in the observation period, expressed in GSMvalues [0 to 63]

Event : BSC receipt of STOP MEASUREMENT ACK from the BTS

Type : raw permanent

Class : L1M

Source : recorded by the BSC

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Counter descriptionNortel Networks Confidential 2--211

Observation Counter DictionaryCopyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:

CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1

DFD “GPRS procedure -- preemption on PDTCH (normalcompletion in the case of Mobile Originating Call)”DFD “GPRS procedure (negative acknowledgement by the PCUfor a PDTCH preemption)”DFD “dedicated channel assignment procedure (normalcompletion)”DFD “queuing of the assignment procedure (normal completion)”DFD “inter--cell intra BSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “connection clearing required by the MSC procedure(normal completion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “connection clearing required by the MSC procedure(normal completion with communication on SIGNALLINGphase)”

1623 Sum of Downlink signal strength measurements

Name Q3 : rxLevDownLinkTrZone

Object : transceiverZone

Function : sum of the downlink signal strength measurements performed by themobiles on the inner or outer zoneof the cell in the observationperiod,expressed in GSM values [0 to 63]

Event : BSC receipt of STOP MEASUREMENT ACK from the BTS

Type : raw permanent

Class : L1M

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

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Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:

CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1

DFD “GPRS procedure -- preemption on PDTCH (normalcompletion in the case of Mobile Originating Call)”DFD “GPRS procedure (negative acknowledgement by the PCUfor a PDTCH preemption)”DFD “dedicated channel assignment procedure (normalcompletion)”DFD “queuing of the assignment procedure (normal completion)”

DFD “inter--cell intra BSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”

DFD “connection clearing required by the MSC procedure(normal completion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”

DFD “connection clearing required by the MSC procedure(normal completion with communication on SIGNALLINGphase)”

Note : V12 counter

l1624 Sum of Uplink signal strength measurements

Name Q3 : rxLevUpLink

Object : bts

Function : sum of the uplink signal strength measurements performed by theBTS on the cell in the observation period, expressed in GSM values[0 to 63]

Event : BSC receipt of STOP MEASUREMENT ACK from the BTS

Type : raw permanent

Class : L1M

Source : recorded by the BSC

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Counter descriptionNortel Networks Confidential 2--213

Observation Counter DictionaryCopyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1

DFD “GPRS procedure -- preemption on PDTCH (normalcompletion in the case of Mobile Originating Call)”DFD “GPRS procedure (negative acknowledgement by the PCUfor a PDTCH preemption)”DFD “dedicated channel assignment procedure (normalcompletion)”DFD “queuing of the assignment procedure (normal completion)”DFD “inter--cell intra BSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “connection clearing required by the MSC procedure(normal completion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “connection clearing required by the MSC procedure(normal completion with communication on SIGNALLINGphase)”DFD “Intra cell handover procedure (normal completion withcommunication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Inter BSS intra MSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Direct retry handover procedure”DFD “Radio channel release DEACTIVATE SACCH ACKprocedure (normal completion)”DFD “Radio channel release RELEASE INDICATION procedure(normal completion)”DFD “Connection clearing required by the BSC procedure(communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Connection clearing required by the BSC procedure(communication on SIGNALING phase)”

l1624 Sum of Uplink signal strength measurementsName Q3 : rxLevUpLinkTrZoneObject : transceiver ZoneFunction : sum of the uplink signal strength measurements performed by the

BTSon the inner or theouter zoneof the cell in the observationperiod,expressed in GSM values [0 to 63]

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Event : BSC receipt of STOP MEASUREMENT ACK from the BTS

Type : raw permanent

Class : L1M

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “GPRS procedure -- preemption on PDTCH (normalcompletion in the case of Mobile Originating Call)”DFD “GPRS procedure (negative acknowledgement by the PCUfor a PDTCH preemption)”DFD “dedicated channel assignment procedure (normalcompletion)”DFD “queuing of the assignment procedure (normal completion)”DFD “inter--cell intra BSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “connection clearing required by the MSC procedure(normal completion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “connection clearing required by the MSC procedure(normal completion with communication on SIGNALLINGphase)”DFD “Intra cell handover procedure (normal completion withcommunication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Inter BSS intra MSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Direct retry handover procedure”DFD “Radio channel release DEACTIVATE SACCH ACKprocedure (normal completion)”DFD “Radio channel release RELEASE INDICATION procedure(normal completion)”DFD “Connection clearing required by the BSC procedure(communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Connection clearing required by the BSC procedure(communication on SIGNALING phase)”

Note : V12 counter

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Counter descriptionNortel Networks Confidential 2--215

Observation Counter DictionaryCopyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

l1625 Sum of Downlink signal quality measurements

Name Q3 : rxQualDownLink

Object : bts

Function : sum of the downlink signal quality measurements performed by themobiles on the cell in the observation period, expressed in 100xBER

Event : BSC receipt of STOP MEASUREMENT ACK from the BTS

Type : raw permanent

Class : L1M

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “GPRS procedure -- preemption on PDTCH (normalcompletion in the case of Mobile Originating Call)”DFD “GPRS procedure (negative acknowledgement by the PCUfor a PDTCH preemption)”DFD “dedicated channel assignment procedure (normalcompletion)”DFD “queuing of the assignment procedure (normal completion)”DFD “inter--cell intra BSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “connection clearing required by the MSC procedure(normal completion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “connection clearing required by the MSC procedure(normal completion with communication on SIGNALLINGphase)”DFD “Intra cell handover procedure (normal completion withcommunication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Inter BSS intra MSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Direct retry handover procedure”DFD “Radio channel release DEACTIVATE SACCH ACKprocedure (normal completion)”

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DFD “Radio channel release RELEASE INDICATION procedure(normal completion)”DFD “Connection clearing required by the BSC procedure(communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Connection clearing required by the BSC procedure(communication on SIGNALING phase)”

l1625 Sum of Downlink signal quality measurements

Name Q3 : rxQualDownLinkTrZone

Object : transceiverZone

Function : sum of the downlink signal quality measurements performed by themobiles on the inner or the outer zone of the cell in the observationperiod, expressed in 100xBER

Event : BSC receipt of STOP MEASUREMENT ACK from the BTS

Type : raw permanent

Class : L1M

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “GPRS procedure -- preemption on PDTCH (normalcompletion in the case of Mobile Originating Call)”DFD “GPRS procedure (negative acknowledgement by the PCUfor a PDTCH preemption)”DFD “dedicated channel assignment procedure (normalcompletion)”DFD “queuing of the assignment procedure (normal completion)”DFD “inter--cell intra BSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “connection clearing required by the MSC procedure(normal completion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “connection clearing required by the MSC procedure(normal completion with communication on SIGNALLINGphase)”

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Observation Counter DictionaryCopyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

DFD “Intra cell handover procedure (normal completion withcommunication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Inter BSS intra MSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Direct retry handover procedure”DFD “Radio channel release DEACTIVATE SACCH ACKprocedure (normal completion)”DFD “Radio channel release RELEASE INDICATION procedure(normal completion)”DFD “Connection clearing required by the BSC procedure(communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Connection clearing required by the BSC procedure(communication on SIGNALING phase)”

Note : V12 counter

l1626 Sum of Uplink signal quality measurements

Name Q3 : rxQualUpLink

Object : bts

Function : sum of the uplink signal quality measurements performed by theBTSon the cell in the observation period, expressed in 100xBER

Event : BSC receipt of STOP MEASUREMENT ACK from the BTS

Type : raw permanent

Class : L1M

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

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Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “GPRS procedure -- preemption on PDTCH (normalcompletion in the case of Mobile Originating Call)”DFD “GPRS procedure (negative acknowledgement by the PCUfor a PDTCH preemption)”DFD “dedicated channel assignment procedure (normalcompletion)”DFD “queuing of the assignment procedure (normal completion)”DFD “inter--cell intra BSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “connection clearing required by the MSC procedure(normal completion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “connection clearing required by the MSC procedure(normal completion with communication on SIGNALLINGphase)”DFD “Intra cell handover procedure (normal completion withcommunication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Inter BSS intra MSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Direct retry handover procedure”DFD “Radio channel release DEACTIVATE SACCH ACKprocedure (normal completion)”DFD “Radio channel release RELEASE INDICATION procedure(normal completion)”DFD “Connection clearing required by the BSC procedure(communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Connection clearing required by the BSC procedure(communication on SIGNALLING phase)”

l1626 Sum of Uplink signal quality measurements

Name Q3 : rxQualUpLinkTrZone

Object : transceiverZone

Function : sum of the uplink signal quality measurements performed by theBTSon the inner or the outer zone of the cell in the observation period,expressed in 100xBER

Event : BSC receipt of STOP MEASUREMENT ACK from the BTS

Type : raw permanent

Class : L1M

Source : recorded by the BSC

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Counter descriptionNortel Networks Confidential 2--219

Observation Counter DictionaryCopyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “GPRS procedure -- preemption on PDTCH (normalcompletion in the case of Mobile Originating Call)”DFD “GPRS procedure (negative acknowledgement by the PCUfor a PDTCH preemption)”DFD “dedicated channel assignment procedure (normalcompletion)”DFD “queuing of the assignment procedure (normal completion)”DFD “inter--cell intra BSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “connection clearing required by the MSC procedure(normal completion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “connection clearing required by the MSC procedure(normal completion with communication on SIGNALLINGphase)”DFD “Intra cell handover procedure (normal completion withcommunication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Inter BSS intra MSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Direct retry handover procedure”DFD “Radio channel release DEACTIVATE SACCH ACKprocedure (normal completion)”DFD “Radio channel release RELEASE INDICATION procedure(normal completion)”DFD “Connection clearing required by the BSC procedure(communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Connection clearing required by the BSC procedure(communication on SIGNALING phase)”

Note : V12 counter

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l1627/0 Number of Full-Rate channels activated for transparent

messagesName Q3 : channelActivateDataTranspFullRateObject : btsFunction : number of full-rate channels activated for transparentmessages in the

cellEvent : transmission of CHANNEL ACTIVATE or MODE MODIFY with

CHANNEL MODE = “data” for a transparent serviceType : raw permanent

Class : assignmentSource : recorded by the BSCNote : GPO V10 only

l1628/0 Number of Full-Rate channels activated for non-transparent

messagesName Q3 : channelActivateDataNonTranspFullRateObject : btsFunction : number of full-rate channels activated for non-transparent messages

in the cell

Event : transmission of CHANNEL ACTIVATE or MODE MODIFY withCHANNEL MODE = “data” for a non-transparent service

Type : raw permanentClass : assignmentSource : recorded by the BSCNote : GPO V10 only

l1629/0 Number of Full-Rate channels activated for signalingName Q3 : channelActivateSignallingFullRateObject : btsFunction : number of full-rate channels (SDCCH or TCH/FR) activated for

signaling in the cellEvent : transmission of CHANNEL ACTIVATE with CHANNEL

MODE = “signalling”Type : raw permanent

Class : assignmentSource : recorded by the BSC

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Counter descriptionNortel Networks Confidential 2--221

Observation Counter DictionaryCopyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “GPRS procedure -- preemption on PDTCH (normalcompletion in the case of Mobile Oritinating Calls)”DFD “Immediate assignment procedure (normal completion)”DFD “Immediate assignment paging procedure (normalcompletion)”DFD “SMS procedure (SMS established by the MS)”

l1700 Average number of TCH/FR and preemptable PDTCHavailable

in multizone cell

Name Q3 : tchFrAveragedAvailableTrZoneMoytchFrAveragedAvailableTrZoneMax Max TCH/FR available. . . .tchFrAveragedAvailableTrZoneCum Total TCH/FR available. . . .tchFrAveragedAvailableTrZoneEch Number of samples. . . .

Object : transceiverZone or bts

Function : average (= total number divided by number of samples) andmaximum number of available radio TS for circuit calls, on a TDMAclass basis. Used resources are:radio TS used for circuit call onlyradio TS shared between circuit services and packet data services

Counter value calculation:counter value that appears in the “Transceiver zone report”:number of TCH/FR and preemptable PDTCH available for thetransceiver zonecounter value that appears in the “BTS report”: number ofTCH/FRand preemptable PDTCH available for the entire cell

For a monozone network, the zone is the entire cell

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Formula : due to theminNbrGprsTS parameter defined on a cell basis, the exactimplementation of this counter is as follows:Outer zone:

if the number of PDTCH in the cell is less than minNbrGprsTS, thenC1700_oz = Number_of_TCH_oz + Number_of_PDTCH_oz –Number_of_PDTCH_cellelseC1700_oz = Number_of_TCH_oz + Number_of_PDTCH_oz –minNbrGprsTSInner zone:

C1700_iz = Number_of_TCH_iz + Number_of_PDTCH_izWhere oz = outer zone and iz = inner zone

Event : TDMA frame allocation/deallocation in the zone, radio channelblocking, SYS INFO5 and 6 acknowledgement not received, internalsampling time-out elapse:allocation: step up by one the instantaneous value of the number ofavailable TCH/FR and preemptable PDTCH in the zonedeallocation/blocking/non-acknowledgement: step down by onethe instantaneous value of the number of available TCH/FR in thezonesampling time-out elapse:• read the instantaneous value of the number of availableTCH/FR and preempted PDTCH in the zone

• store its peak value• add it to the total number of available TCH/FR and preemptedPDTCH in the zone for the observation period

• step up by one the number of samples

Type : raw permanent

Class : allocation

Source : calculated by OMC--R agent

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Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:

CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).To sum it up, this counter is related to TCH/FR channel, preemptablePDTCH and PDTCH not allocated to PCUSN.

Note : In order to guarantee a minimum of GPRS bandwidth, the operatorcan set at the OMC--R level, the number of PDTCHwhich can not beused by circuit call (minNbrGprsTS parameter; for more detailsplease refer to NTP < 124 >)

l1701 Average number of SDCCHavailable in the zone (concentric cell)

Name Q3 : sdcchAveragedAvailableTrZoneMoysdcchAveragedAvailableTrZoneMax Max SDCCH available. . . .sdcchAveragedAvailableTrZoneCum Total SDCCH available. . .sdcchAveragedAvailableTrZoneEch Number of samples. . . .

Object : transceiverZone or bts

Function : average (= total number divided by number of samples) andmaximum number of available SDCCHs -- allocated or availableobtained by internal sampling

Counter value calculation:counter value that appears in the “Transceiver zone report”:number of SDCCH averaged available for the transceiver zonecounter value that appears in the “BTS report”: number of SDCCHaveraged available for the entire cell (cell = sum of the celltransceiver zones)

For a monozone network, the zone is the entire cell

Event : SDCCH allocation/deallocation in the zone (transceiver zone orentire cell), radio channel blocking, SYS INFO 5 and 6acknowledgement not received, internal sampling time-out elapse:allocation: step up by one the instantaneous value of the number ofavailable SDCCHs in the zone (transceiver zone or entire cell)deallocation/blocking/non-acknowledgement: step down by onethe instantaneous value of the number of available SDCCHs in thezone (transceiver zone or entire cell)

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sampling time-out elapse:• read the instantaneous value of the number of availableSDCCHs in the zone

• store its peak value• add it to the total number of available SDCCHs in the zone forthe observation period

• step up by one the number of samples

Type : raw permanent

Class : allocation

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

l1702 Number of channel allocation requests for mobiles over 35 km

(extended mode)

Name Q3 : channelRequestExtended

Object : bts

Function : number of channel allocation requests in the cell because of timingadvance greater than 63

Event : receipt of CHANNEL REQUEST containing a timing advance valuegreater than 63

Type : raw permanent

Class : setup

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

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Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “GPRS procedure -- preemption on PDTCH (normalcompletion in the case of Mobile Originating Call)”DFD “immediate assignment procedure (normal completion)”DFD “Immediate assignment paging procedure (normalcompletion)”

l1705/0 Number of TCH/FR activation for transparent data service with

a 1200/75 b/s transmission rate

Name Q3 : channelActivateTchFrDataT16

Object : bts

Function : number of full–rate channels activated for transparent data servicemessages in the cell with a 1200/75 b/s transmission rate

Event : transmission of CHANNEL ACTIVATE or MODE MODIFY withCHANNEL MODE = “data” for a transparent service on a full--rateTCH with a 1200/75 b/s transmission rate

Type : raw permanent

Class : assignment

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).To sum it up, this counter is related to TCH/FR and preemptedPDTCH channels (circuit calls).

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Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “GPRS procedure -- preemption on PDTCH (normalcompletion in the case of Mobile Originating Call)”DFD “dedicated channel assignment procedure (normalcompletion)”DFD “queuing of the assignment procedure (normal completion)”DFD “inter--cell intra BSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “immediate assignment procedure (normal completion)”DFD “Intra cell handover procedure (normal completion withcommunication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Inter BSS intra MSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Direct retry handover procedure”

Note : V11+ counter

l1705/1 Number of TCH/FR activation for transparent data service with

a 600 b/s transmission rate

Name Q3 : channelActivateTchFrDataT600

Object : bts

Function : number of full–rate channels activated for transparent data servicemessages in the cell with a 600 b/s transmission rate

Event : transmission of CHANNEL ACTIVATE or MODE MODIFY withCHANNEL MODE = “data” for a transparent service on a full--rateTCH with a 600 b/s transmission rate

Type : raw permanent

Class : assignment

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).To sum it up, this counter is related to TCH/FR and preemptedPDTCH channels (circuit calls).

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Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “GPRS procedure -- preemption on PDTCH (normalcompletion in the case of Mobile Originating Call)”DFD “dedicated channel assignment procedure (normalcompletion)”DFD “queuing of the assignment procedure (normal completion)”DFD “inter--cell intra BSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “immediate assignment procedure (normal completion)”DFD “Intra cell handover procedure (normal completion withcommunication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Inter BSS intra MSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Direct retry handover procedure”

Note : V11+ counter

l1705/2 Number of TCH/FR activation for transparent data service with

a 1200 b/s transmission rate

Name Q3 : channelActivateTchFrDataT1200

Object : bts

Function : number of full–rate channels activated for transparent data servicemessages in the cell with a 1200 b/s transmission rate

Event : transmission of CHANNEL ACTIVATE or MODE MODIFY withCHANNEL MODE = “data” for a transparent service on a full--rateTCH with a 1200 b/s transmission rate

Type : raw permanent

Class : assignment

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).To sum it up, this counter is related to TCH/FR and preemptedPDTCH channels (circuit calls).

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Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “GPRS procedure -- preemption on PDTCH (normalcompletion in the case of Mobile Originating Call)”DFD “dedicated channel assignment procedure (normalcompletion)”DFD “queuing of the assignment procedure (normal completion)”DFD “inter--cell intra BSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “immediate assignment procedure (normal completion)”DFD “Intra cell handover procedure (normal completion withcommunication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Inter BSS intra MSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Direct retry handover procedure”

Note : V11+ counter

l1705/3 Number of TCH/FR activation for transparent data service with

a 2400 b/s transmission rate

Name Q3 : channelActivateTchFrDataT2400

Object : bts

Function : number of full–rate channels activated for transparent data servicemessages in the cell with a 2400 b/s transmission rate

Event : transmission of CHANNEL ACTIVATE or MODE MODIFY withCHANNEL MODE = “data” for a transparent service on a full--rateTCH with a 2400 b/s transmission rate

Type : raw permanent

Class : assignment

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).To sum it up, this counter is related to TCH/FR and preemptedPDTCH channels (circuit calls).

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Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “GPRS procedure -- preemption on PDTCH (normalcompletion in the case of Mobile Originating Call)”DFD “dedicated channel assignment procedure (normalcompletion)”DFD “queuing of the assignment procedure (normal completion)”DFD “inter--cell intra BSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “immediate assignment procedure (normal completion)”DFD “Intra cell handover procedure (normal completion withcommunication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Inter BSS intra MSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Direct retry handover procedure”

Note : V11+ counter

l1705/4 Number of TCH/FR activation for transparent data service with

a 4800 b/s transmission rate

Name Q3 : channelActivateTchFrDataT4800

Object : bts

Function : number of full–rate channels activated for transparent data servicemessages in the cell with a 4800 b/s transmission rate

Event : transmission of CHANNEL ACTIVATE or MODE MODIFY withCHANNEL MODE = “data” for a transparent service on a full--rateTCH with a 4800 b/s transmission rate

Type : raw permanent

Class : assignment

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).To sum it up, this counter is related to TCH/FR and preemptedPDTCH channels (circuit calls).

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Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “GPRS procedure -- preemption on PDTCH (normalcompletion in the case of Mobile Originating Call)”DFD “dedicated channel assignment procedure (normalcompletion)”DFD “queuing of the assignment procedure (normal completion)”DFD “inter--cell intra BSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “immediate assignment procedure (normal completion)”DFD “Intra cell handover procedure (normal completion withcommunication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Inter BSS intra MSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Direct retry handover procedure”

Note : V11+ counter

l1705/5 Number of TCH/FR activation for transparent data service with

a 9600 b/s transmission rate

Name Q3 : channelActivateTchFrDataT9600

Object : bts

Function : number of full–rate channels activated for transparent data servicemessages in the cell with a 9600 b/s transmission rate

Event : transmission of CHANNEL ACTIVATE or MODE MODIFY withCHANNEL MODE = “data” for a transparent service on a full--rateTCH with a 9600 b/s transmission rate

Type : raw permanent

Class : assignment

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).To sum it up, this counter is related to TCH/FR and preemptedPDTCH channels (circuit calls).

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Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “GPRS procedure -- preemption on PDTCH (normalcompletion in the case of Mobile Originating Call)”DFD “dedicated channel assignment procedure (normalcompletion)”DFD “queuing of the assignment procedure (normal completion)”DFD “inter--cell intra BSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “immediate assignment procedure (normal completion)”DFD “Intra cell handover procedure (normal completion withcommunication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Inter BSS intra MSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Direct retry handover procedure”

Note : V11+ counter

l1705/6 Number of TCH/FR activation for transparent data service with

a 14400 b/s transmission rate

Name Q3 : channelActivateTchFrDataT14400

Object : bts

Function : number of full–rate channels activated for transparent data servicemessages in the cell with a 14400 b/s transmission rate

Event : transmission of CHANNEL ACTIVATE or MODE MODIFY withCHANNEL MODE = “data” for a transparent service on a full--rateTCH with a 14400 b/s transmission rate

Type : raw permanent

Class : assignment

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).To sum it up, this counter is related to TCH/FR and preemptedPDTCH channels (circuit calls).

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Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “GPRS procedure -- preemption on PDTCH (normalcompletion in the case of Mobile Originating Call)”DFD “dedicated channel assignment procedure (normalcompletion)”DFD “queuing of the assignment procedure (normal completion)”DFD “inter--cell intra BSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “immediate assignment procedure (normal completion)”DFD “Intra cell handover procedure (normal completion withcommunication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Inter BSS intra MSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Direct retry handover procedure”

Note : V11+ counter

l1707/0 Number of TCH/FR activation for non--transparent data service

with a 6000 b/s transmission rate

Name Q3 : channelActivateTchFrDataNT6000

Object : bts

Function : number of full–rate channels activated for non--transparent dataservice messages in the cell with a 6000 b/s transmission rate

Event : transmission of CHANNEL ACTIVATE or MODE MODIFY withCHANNEL MODE = “data” for a non--transparent service on afull--rate TCH with a 6000 b/s transmission rate

Type : raw permanent

Class : assignment

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).To sum it up, this counter is related to TCH/FR and preemptedPDTCH channels (circuit calls).

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Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “GPRS procedure -- preemption on PDTCH (normalcompletion in the case of Mobile Originating Call)”DFD “dedicated channel assignment procedure (normalcompletion)”DFD “queuing of the assignment procedure (normal completion)”DFD “inter--cell intra BSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Intra cell handover procedure (normal completion withcommunication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Inter BSS intra MSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Direct retry handover procedure”

Note : V11+ counter

l1707/1 Number of TCH/FR activation for non--transparent data service

with a 12000 b/s transmission rate

Name Q3 : channelActivateTchFrDataNT12000

Object : bts

Function : number of full–rate channels activated for non--transparent dataservice messages in the cell with a 12000 b/s transmission rate

Event : transmission of CHANNEL ACTIVATE or MODE MODIFY withCHANNEL MODE = “data” for a non--transparent service on afull--rate TCH with a 12000 b/s transmission rate

Type : raw permanent

Class : assignment

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:

CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

To sum it up, this counter is related to TCH/FR and preemptedPDTCH channels (circuit calls).

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Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “GPRS procedure -- preemption on PDTCH (normalcompletion in the case of Mobile Originating Call)”DFD “dedicated channel assignment procedure (normalcompletion)”DFD “queuing of the assignment procedure (normal completion)”DFD “inter--cell intra BSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Intra cell handover procedure (normal completion withcommunication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Inter BSS intra MSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Direct retry handover procedure”

Note : V11+ counter

l1707/2 Number of TCH/FR activation for non--transparent data service

with a 14500 b/s transmission rate

Name Q3 : channelActivateTchFrDataNT14500

Object : bts

Function : number of full–rate channels activated for non--transparent dataservice messages in the cell with a 14500 b/s transmission rate

Event : transmission of CHANNEL ACTIVATE or MODE MODIFY withCHANNEL MODE = “data” for a non--transparent service on afull--rate TCH with a 14500 b/s transmission rate

Type : raw permanent

Class : assignment

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:

CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

To sum it up, this counter is related to TCH/FR and preemptedPDTCH channels (circuit calls).

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Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “GPRS procedure -- preemption on PDTCH (normalcompletion in the case of Mobile Originating Call)”DFD “dedicated channel assignment procedure (normalcompletion)”DFD “queuing of the assignment procedure (normal completion)”DFD “inter--cell intra BSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Intra cell handover procedure (normal completion withcommunication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Inter BSS intra MSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Direct retry handover procedure”

Note : V11+ counter

l1709 Number of TCH/FR activation for transparent data serviceName Q3 : channelActTchFrDataT

Object : bts

Function : number of full–rate channels activated for transparent data servicemessages in the cell

Event : transmission of CHANNEL ACTIVATE or MODE MODIFY withCHANNEL MODE = “data” for a transparent service on a full--rateTCH

Type : raw permanent

Class : assignment

Source : recorded by the BSC

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “GPRS procedure -- preemption on PDTCH (normalcompletion in the case of Mobile Originating Call)”DFD “dedicated channel assignment procedure (normalcompletion)”DFD “queuing of the assignment procedure (normal completion)”DFD “inter--cell intra BSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Intra cell handover procedure (normal completion withcommunication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Inter BSS intra MSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Direct retry handover procedure”

Note : V11+ counter

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l1710 Number of TCH/FR activation for non--transparent data service

Name Q3 : channelActTchFrDataNT

Object : bts

Function : number of full–rate channels activated for non--transparent dataservice messages in the cell

Event : transmission of CHANNEL ACTIVATE or MODE MODIFY withCHANNEL MODE = “data” for a non--transparent service on afull--rate TCH

Type : raw permanent

Class : assignment

Source : recorded by the BSC

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1

DFD “GPRS procedure -- preemption on PDTCH (normalcompletion in the case of Mobile Originating Call)”DFD “dedicated channel assignment procedure (normalcompletion)”DFD “queuing of the assignment procedure (normal completion)”DFD “inter--cell intra BSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Intra cell handover procedure (normal completion withcommunication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Inter BSS intra MSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Direct retry handover procedure”

Note : V11+ counter

l1713 Number of fallbacks from 14.5 kb/s to other data rates for TCH

resources cause or cell configuration

Name Q3 : data14K5NtRateFallBackTCH

Object : bts

Function : number of fallbacks from 14.5 kb/s to other data rates for TCHresources cause or cell configuration

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Event : response from radio allocator

Type : raw permanent

Class : allocation

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V11 only counterThis counter is incremented if no 14.5 kb/s resources are available orif the fallback is due to the cell configuration (the 14.5 kb/s datamodeis not supported at cell level).

l1714 Duration of the overload situation

Name Q3 : btsOverloadDurationMoybtsOverloadDurationMaxbtsOverloadDurationCumbtsOverloadDurationEch

Object : bts

Function : duration of the overload situation: the number of free TCHs in the cellis lower than the minimum threshold, or the number of queued TCHrequests is greater than the threshold.Note that the number of free TCHsdoes not take preemptablePDTCHinto account.

Event : allocation/de--allocation of a TCH, queueing of a TCH request,liberation of a queued TCH request, block/unblock of a TCH, orTDMA attribution/removal

Type : raw permanent

Class : allocation

Source : recorded by the BSC

Feature : Handover for traffic reasons (TF132 -- V12)

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCCP (Circuit Calls on PDTCH preemptedto make a TCH channel) or CP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Note : V12 counter

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l1715 Number of attempts of assignation of a TCH/FR or a preempted

PDTCH for dualband mobilesName Q3 : attemptedTchFrSeizuresMsDualbObject : btsFunction : number of attempts of assignation of a TCH/FR or a preempted

PDTCH for dualband mobiles

Event : transmission of ASSIGNMENT COMMAND to the mobile

Type : raw permanent

Class : assignmentSource : recorded by the BSCFeature : Dualband cell management (TF875 -- V12)Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “GPRS procedure -- preemption on PDTCH (normalcompletion in the case of Mobile Originating Call)”DFD “dedicated channel assignment procedure (normalcompletion)”DFD “immediate assignment procedure (normal completion)”DFD “Direct retry handover procedure”

Note : V12 counter

l1716 Number of successful TCH/FR or a preempted PDTCH

assignations for dualband mobilesName Q3 : successfulTchFrSeizuresMsDualbObject : btsFunction : number of successful TCH/FR or a preempted PDTCH assignations

for dualband mobiles

Event : receipt of ASSIGNMENT COMPLETE message by the BSCType : raw permanent

Class : assignmentSource : recorded by the BSC

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Feature : Dualband cell management (TF875 -- V12)

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).To sum it up, this counter is related to TCH/FR and preemptedPDTCH channels (circuit calls).

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “GPRS procedure -- preemption on PDTCH (normalcompletion in the case of Mobile Originating Call)”DFD “dedicated channel assignment procedure (normalcompletion)”DFD “immediate assignment procedure (normal completion)”DFD “Direct retry handover procedure”

Note : V12 counter

l1717 Number of frames TRAU downlink received

Name Q3 : abisTrauFrameDlReceived

Object : bts

Function : number of frames TRAU downlink received

Event : receipt of a RF channel release ack message

Type : raw permanent

Class : Abis interface

Source : recorded by the BSC

Feature : PCM error correction (FM660 --V12)

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

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Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “GPRS procedure -- preemption on PDTCH (normalcompletion in the case of Mobile Originating Call)”DFD “dedicated channel assignment procedure (normalcompletion)”DFD “immediate assignment procedure (normal completion)”

Note : V12 counter

l1718 Number of frames TRAU downlink corrected

Name Q3 : abisTrauFrameCorrected

Object : bts

Function : number of frames TRAU downlink corrected

Event : receipt of a RF channel release ack message

Type : raw permanent

Class : Abis interface

Source : recorded by the BSC

Feature : PCM error correction (FM660 --V12)

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “GPRS procedure -- preemption on PDTCH (normalcompletion in the case of Mobile Originating Call)”DFD “dedicated channel assignment procedure (normalcompletion)”DFD “immediate assignment procedure (normal completion)”

Note : V12 counter

l1719 Number of frames TRAU downlink that cannot be corrected

Name Q3 : abisTrauFrameMuted

Object : bts

Function : number of frames TRAU downlink that cannot be corrected

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Event : receipt of a RF channel release ack message

Type : raw permanent

Class : Abis interface

Source : recorded by the BSC

Feature : PCM error correction (FM660 --V12)

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “GPRS procedure -- preemption on PDTCH (normalcompletion in the case of Mobile Originating Call)”DFD “dedicated channel assignment procedure (normalcompletion)”DFD “immediate assignment procedure (normal completion)”

Note : V12 counter

l1720 Number of radio frames uplink received

Name Q3 : radioFrameUlReceived

Object : bts

Function : number of radio frames uplink received

Event : receipt of a RF channel release ack message

Type : raw permanent

Class : Abis interface

Source : recorded by the BSC

Feature : PCM error correction (FM660 --V12)

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

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Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “GPRS procedure -- preemption on PDTCH (normalcompletion in the case of Mobile Originating Call)”DFD “dedicated channel assignment procedure (normalcompletion)”DFD “immediate assignment procedure (normal completion)”

Note : V12 counterFER monitoring only concerns the speech frames (Full Rate andEnhanced Full Rate) and does not depend on the ECU activationstatus.

l1721 Number of erroneous frames

Name Q3 : erroneousFrameNumber

Object : bts

Function : number of erroneous frames

Event : receipt of a RF channel release ack message

Type : raw permanent

Class : Abis interface

Source : recorded by the BSC

Feature : PCM error correction (FM660 --V12)

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “GPRS procedure -- preemption on PDTCH (normalcompletion in the case of Mobile Originating Call)”DFD “dedicated channel assignment procedure (normalcompletion)”DFD “immediate assignment procedure (normal completion)”

Note : V12 counterFER monitoring only concerns the speech frames (Full Rate andEnhanced Full Rate) and does not depend on the ECU activationstatus.

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l1722/0 Number of VBS (Voice Broadcast Service) call initiations

Name Q3 : asciCallInitiationVbs

Object : bts

Function : number of VBS (Voice Broadcast Service) call initiations


Type : raw permanent

Class : asci

Source : recorded by the BSC

Feature : GSM--R (V12)

Preciseincrementation conditions :

This counter is concerned by CCT (Circuit Calls on TCH channels)but not by CCP (Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCHchannel) or byCP (Compacket on PDTCHchannel), merely becauseGPRS and GSM--R cannot be activated at the same time.

Note : V12 counter

l1722/1 Number of VGCS (Voice Group Call Service) call initiations

Name Q3 : asciCallInitiationVgcs

Object : bts

Function : number of VGCS (Voice Group Call Service) call initiations


Type : raw permanent

Class : asci

Source : recorded by the BSC

Feature : GSM--R (V12)

Preciseincrementation conditions :

This counter is concerned by CCT (Circuit Calls on TCH channels)but not by CCP (Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCHchannel) or byCP (Compacket on PDTCHchannel), merely becauseGPRS and GSM--R cannot be activated at the same time.

Note : V12 counter

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l1723 Number of inband pagings taken into account

Name Q3 : asciInbandPaging

Object : bts

Function : number of inband pagings taken into account

Event : receipt of a PAGING message if:eMLPP presenteMLPP precedence > O&M thresholdVBS call in progress

Type : raw permanent

Class : asci

Source : recorded by the BSC

Feature : GSM--R (V12)

Preciseincrementation conditions :

This counter is concerned by CCT (Circuit Calls on TCH channels)but not by CCP (Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCHchannel) or byCP (Compacket on PDTCHchannel), merely becauseGPRS and GSM--R cannot be activated at the same time.

Note : V12 counterIf several calls are in progress, only one counter update is performed.

l1724 Number of inband notifications taken into account

Name Q3 : asciInbandNotification

Object : bts

Function : number of inband notifications taken into account

Event : receipt of a VBS_ASSIGNMENT_REQUEST message if:eMLPP presenteMLPP precedence > O&M thresholdcall in progress

Type : raw permanent

Class : asci

Source : recorded by the BSC

Feature : GSM--R (V12)

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Preciseincrementation conditions :

This counter is concerned by CCT (Circuit Calls on TCH channels)but not by CCP (Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCHchannel) or byCP (Compacket on PDTCHchannel), merely becauseGPRS and GSM--R cannot be activated at the same time.

Note : V12 counterIf several calls are in progress, only one counter update is performed.

l1725 Number of preemptions performed on a call in progress in the cell

Name Q3 : asciPreemptionPerformed

Object : bts

Function : number of preemptions performed on a call in progress in the cell

Event : preemption of a call (i.e. conditions on GSM priority satisfied)

Type : raw permanent

Class : asci

Source : recorded by the BSC

Feature : GSM--R (V12)

Preciseincrementation conditions :

This counter is concerned by CCT (Circuit Calls on TCH channels)but not by CCP (Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCHchannel) or byCP (Compacket on PDTCHchannel), merely becauseGPRS and GSM--R cannot be activated at the same time.

Note : V12 counter

l1726/0 Number of fallbacks from a required data rate to another data

rate with cause lack of resources

Name Q3 : dataNtRateFbTchResLack

Object : bts

Function : number of fallbacks from a required data rate to another data ratewithcause lack of resources

Event : configuration mismatch or response from radio allocator

Type : raw permanent

Class : allocation

Source : recorded by the BSC

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Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).Note : V12 counter

l1726/1 Number of fallbacks from a required data rate to another data

rate with cause configuration not allowedName Q3 : dataNtRateFbTchConfNotAllowedObject : btsFunction : number of fallbacks from a required data rate to another data ratewith

cause configuration not allowedEvent : configuration mismatch or response from radio allocatorType : raw permanentClass : allocationSource : recorded by the BSCPreciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).Note : V12 counter

l1730 Number of signaling channels allocated for replies to pagingName Q3 : pagingResponseObject : btsFunction : number of signaling channel allocation requests for “reply to paging

request” in the cell (cause = xx001 or xx100)Event : receipt of CHANNEL REQUEST with cause “reply to paging

request”Type : raw permanentClass : establishmentSource : recorded by the BSC

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Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “immediate assignment procedure (normal completion)”DFD “Immediate assignment paging procedure (normalcompletion)”

l1744 Number of TCH/FR or preempted PDTCH allocated in the cell

Name Q3 : tchFrAllocated

Object : bts

Function : number of TCH/FR or preempted PDTCH allocated in the cell

Event : TCH/FR or preempted PDTCH allocation in the cell

Type : raw permanent

Class : allocation

Source : recorded by the BSC

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “GPRS procedure -- preemption on PDTCH (normalcompletion in the case of Mobile Originating Call)”DFD “GPRS procedure (no available resource for a PDTCHpreemption)”DFD “GPRS procedure (negative acknowledgement by the PCUfor a PDTCH preemption)”DFD “dedicated channel assignment procedure (normalcompletion)”DFD “queuing of the assignment procedure (normal completion)”DFD “inter--cell intra BSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “immediate assignment procedure (normal completion)”DFD “Immediate assignment paging procedure (normalcompletion)”DFD “Intra cell handover procedure (normal completion withcommunication on TRAFFIC phase)”

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DFD “Inter BSS intra MSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Direct retry handover procedure”DFD “Connection clearing required by the BSC procedure(communication on TRAFFIC phase)”

Note : V11+ counter

l1744 Number of TCH/FR or preempted PDTCH allocated in the cell

Name Q3 : tchFrAllocatedTrZone

Object : transceiverZone

Function : number of TCH/FRor preempted PDTCHallocated in the inner or theouter zone of the cell

Event : TCH/FR or preempted PDTCH allocation in the cell

Type : raw permanent

Class : allocation

Source : recorded by the BSC

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “GPRS procedure -- preemption on PDTCH (normalcompletion in the case of Mobile Originating Call)”DFD “GPRS procedure (no available resource for a PDTCHpreemption)”DFD “GPRS procedure (negative acknowledgement by the PCUfor a PDTCH preemption)”DFD “dedicated channel assignment procedure (normalcompletion)”DFD “queuing of the assignment procedure (normal completion)”DFD “inter--cell intra BSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “immediate assignment procedure (normal completion)”DFD “Immediate assignment paging procedure (normalcompletion)”DFD “Intra cell handover procedure (normal completion withcommunication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Inter BSS intra MSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Direct retry handover procedure”DFD “Connection clearing required by the BSC procedure(communication on TRAFFIC phase)”

Note : V11+ counter

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l1746 Average number of TCH/FR or preempted PDTCH used in the


Name Q3 : tchFrAveragedUsedMoytchFrAveragedUsedMaxtchFrAveragedUsedCumtchFrAveragedUsedEch

Object : bts

Function : average (= total number divided by number of samples) andmaximum number of TCH/FR or preempted PDTCH used in the cell,obtained through internal sampling

Event : TCH/FR or preempted PDTCH allocation/deallocation:

allocation: step up by one the instantaneous value of the number ofTCH/FR or preempted PDTCH used in the celldeallocation: step down by one the instantaneous value of thenumber of TCH/FR or preempted PDTCH used in the cell

Type : raw permanent

Class : allocation

Source : recorded by the BSC

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “GPRS procedure -- preemption on PDTCH (normalcompletion in the case of Mobile Originating Call)”DFD “GPRS procedure (no available resource for a PDTCHpreemption)”DFD “GPRS procedure (negative acknowledgement by the PCUfor a PDTCH preemption)”DFD “dedicated channel assignment procedure (normalcompletion)”DFD “queuing of the assignment procedure (normal completion)”DFD “inter--cell intra BSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “connection clearing required by the MSC procedure(normal completion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “immediate assignment procedure (normal completion)”DFD “Immediate assignment paging procedure (normalcompletion)”DFD “Intra cell handover procedure (normal completion withcommunication on TRAFFIC phase)”

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DFD “Inter BSS intra MSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Direct retry handover procedure”DFD “Connection clearing required by the BSC procedure(communication on TRAFFIC phase)”

Note : V11+ counter

l1746 Average number of TCH/FR or preempted PDTCH used in the

zone (concentric cell)

Name Q3 : tchFrAveragedUsedTrZoneMoytchFrAveragedUsedTrZoneMaxtchFrAveragedUsedTrZoneCumtchFrAveragedUsedTrZoneEch

Object : transceiverZone

Function : average (= total number divided by number of samples) andmaximumnumber of TCH/FRor preemptedPDTCHused in the inneror outer zone of the cell, obtained through internal sampling

Event : TCH/FR and preempted PDTCH allocation/deallocation:allocation: step up by one the instantaneous value of the number ofTCH/FR or preempted PDTCH used in the zonedeallocation: step down by one the instantaneous value of thenumber of TCH/FR or preempted PDTCH used in zone

Type : raw permanent

Class : allocation

Source : recorded by the BSC

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “GPRS procedure -- preemption on PDTCH (normalcompletion in the case of Mobile Originating Call)”DFD “GPRS procedure (no available resource for a PDTCHpreemption)”DFD “GPRS procedure (negative acknowledgement by the PCUfor a PDTCH preemption)”DFD “dedicated channel assignment procedure (normalcompletion)”DFD “queuing of the assignment procedure (normal completion)”DFD “inter--cell intra BSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “connection clearing required by the MSC procedure(normal completion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”

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DFD “immediate assignment procedure (normal completion)”DFD “Immediate assignment paging procedure (normalcompletion)”DFD “Intra cell handover procedure (normal completion withcommunication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Inter BSS intra MSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Direct retry handover procedure”DFD “Connection clearing required by the BSC procedure(communication on TRAFFIC phase)”

Note : V11+ counter

l1748 Number of channel allocation requestsName Q3 : channelRequest

Object : bts

Function : number of channel allocation requests in the cell

Event : receipt of CHANNEL REQUIREDType : raw permanent

Class : setup

Source : recorded by the BSC

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “GPRS procedure -- preemption on PDTCH (normalcompletion in the case of Mobile Originating Call)”DFD “Immediate assignment procedure (normal completion)”DFD “Immediate assignment paging procedure (normalcompletion)”DFD “SMS procedure (SMS established by the MS)”

Note : V11+ counter

l1749 Number of successful immediate assignmentsName Q3 : immediateAssignmentSuccess

Object : bts

Function : number of immediate assignmentsEvent : transmission of IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENT on receipt of


Type : raw permanent

Class : setupSource : recorded by the BSC

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Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “GPRS procedure -- preemption on PDTCH (normalcompletion in the case of Mobile Originating Call)”DFD “Immediate assignment procedure (normal completion)”DFD “Immediate assignment paging procedure (normalcompletion)”DFD “SMS procedure (SMS established by the MS)”

Note : V11+ counter

1750 Number of ESTABLISH INDICATION messages in establish-ment phase received

Name Q3 : estabIndicSignalling

Object : bts

Function : number of ESTABLISH INDICATION messages received onSDCCH or TCH if no SDCCH is available


Type : raw permanent

Class : setup

Source : recorded by the BSC

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “GPRS procedure -- preemption on PDTCH (normalcompletion in the case of Mobile Originating Call)”DFD “Immediate assignment procedure (normal completion)”DFD “Immediate assignment paging procedure (normalcompletion)”DFD “SMS procedure (SMS established by the MS)”

Note : V11+ counter

l1751 Number of immediate assignments rejectedName Q3 : immediateAssignmentReject

Object : bts

Function : number of immediate assignments rejected

Event : transmission of IMMEDIATE ASSIGN REJECT to the mobile

Type : raw permanent

Class : release

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V11+ counter

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l1752 Number of releases while the communication is in “signalling

phase” and no cell yet associated to the communicationName Q3 : signallingReleaseNoBts

Object : bsc

Function : number of releases while the communication is in “signalling phase”and no cell yet associated to the communication

Event : All the event causes of 1162/n counters

Type : raw permanent

Class : release

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V11+ counter

1753 Number of releases while the communication is in “signallingphase” and a cell associated to the communication

Name Q3 : signallingReleaseBts

Object : bts

Function : number of releases while the communication is in “signalling phase”and a cell associated to the communication

Event : All the event causes of 1163/n counters

Type : raw permanent

Class : release

Source : recorded by the BSC

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “GPRS procedure (negative acknowledgement by the PCUfor a PDTCH preemption)”DFD “connection clearing required by the MSC procedure(normal completion with communication on SIGNALLINGphase)”DFD “Connection clearing required by the BSC procedure(communication on SIGNALING phase)”

Note : V11+ counter

l1754 Number of releases while the communication is in traffic “phase”Name Q3 : trafficRelease

Object : bts

Function : number releases while the communications is in “traffic” phase

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Event : All the event causes of 1164/n counters

Type : raw permanent

Class : release

Source : recorded by the BSC

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “GPRS procedure -- preemption on PDTCH (normalcompletion in the case of Mobile Originating Call)”DFD “connection clearing required by the MSC procedure(normal completion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Inter BSS intra MSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Connection clearing required by the BSC procedure(communication on TRAFFIC phase)”

Note : V11+ counter

1755/0 Number of faults relating to the PCM with cause external PCMfault

Name Q3 : pcmFaultExternal

Object : pcmCircuit

Function : number of faults relating to PCM

Event : external PCM fault

Type : raw permanent

Class : PCM link

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V11+ counter

l1755/1 Number of faults relating to the PCM with cause internal fault

Name Q3 : pcmFaultInternal

Object : pcmCircuit

Function : number of faults relating to PCM

Event : internal PCM fault

Type : raw permanent

Class : PCM link

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V11+ counter

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l1755/2 Number of faults relating to the PCM with cause DDTI board


Name Q3 : pcmFaultDDTIBoard

Object : pcmCircuit

Function : number of faults relating to PCM

Event : DDTI board fault

Type : raw permanent

Class : PCM link

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V11+ counter

l1755/3 Number of faults relating to the PCM with cause taken out of

service for an O&M reason

Name Q3 : pcmFaultOutOfService

Object : pcmCircuit

Function : number of faults relating to PCM

Event : taken out of service for an O&M reason

Type : raw permanent

Class : PCM link

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V11+ counter

l1756/0 Number of refusals to accept an intra--cell handover in the cell on

TCH with cause lack of radio resources

Name Q3 : hoFailureIntraBtsTchRadioLack

Object : bts

Object : number of refusals to accept an intra--cell handover on TCH in the cellwith cause lack of radio resources

Event : lack of radio resources

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V11+ counter

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l1756/1 Number of refusals to accept an intra--cell handover on TCH in

the cell with cause receipt from the BTS of a CHANNEL ACTI-VATE NACK message

Name Q3 : hoFailureIntraBtsTchChannelActivateNack

Object : bts

Function : number of refusals to accept an intra--cell handover on TCH in the cellwith cause receipt from the BTS of CHANNEL ACTIVATE NACKmessage

Event : receipt from the BTS of a CHANNEL ACTIVATE NACK message

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V11+ counter

l1756/2 Number of refusals to accept an intra--cell handover on TCH in

the cell with cause expiration of TchnAck timer

Name Q3 : hoFailureIntraBtsTchTchnAckTimerExp

Object : bts

Function : number of refusals to accept an intra--cell handover on TCH in the cellwith cause expiration of TchnAck timer

Event : expiration of TchnAck timer

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V11+ counter

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l1757/0 Number of refusals to accept an intra--cell handover in the cell on

SDCCH with cause lack of radio resources

Name Q3 : hoFailureIntraBtsSdcchRadioLack

Object : bts

Function : number of refusals to accept an intra--cell handover on SDCCH in thecell with cause lack of radio resources

Event : lack of radio resources

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V11+ counter

l1757/1 Number of refusals to accept an intra--cell handover on SDCCH

in the cell with cause receipt from the BTS of a CHANNELACTIVATE NACK message

Name Q3 : hoFailureIntraBtsSdcchChannelActivateNack

Object : bts

Function : number of refusals to accept an intra--cell handover on SDCCH in thecell with cause receipt from the BTS of CHANNEL ACTIVATENACK message

Event : receipt from the BTS of a CHANNEL ACTIVATE NACK message

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V11+ counter

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l1757/2 Number of refusals to accept an intra--cell handover on TCH in

the cell with cause expiration of TchnAck timerName Q3 : hoFailureIntraBtsSdcchTchnAckTimerExpObject : btsFunction : number of refusals to accept an intra--cell handover on SDCCH in the

cell with cause expiration of TchnAck timer

Event : expiration of TchnAck timerType : raw permanentClass : handoverSource : recorded by the BSCNote : V11+ counter

l1758/0 Number of incoming intra BSS handover requests, on TCHwith

cause lack of radio resources, which have been refusedName Q3 : hoFailureIncomingIntraBssTchRadioLackObject : btsFunction : number of incoming intraBSS handover requests, on TCHwith cause

lack of radio resources, which have been refusedEvent : lack of radio resourcesType : raw permanentClass : handoverSource : recorded by the BSCNote : V11+ counter

l1758/1 Number of incoming intra BSS handover requests, on TCHwith

cause incominghandovernot allowed in the cell,which havebeenrefused

Name Q3 : hoFailureIncomingIntraBssTchHoNotAllowedObject : btsFunction : number of incoming intraBSS handover requests, on TCHwith cause

incoming handover not allowed in the cell, which have been refused

Event : incoming handover not allowed in the cellType : raw permanentClass : handoverSource : recorded by the BSCNote : V11+ counter

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l1758/2 Number of incoming intra BSS handover requests, on TCHwith

cause receipt from the BTS of a CHANNEL ACTIVATE NACKmessage, which have been refused

Name Q3 : hoFailureIncomingIntraBssTchChannelActivateNack

Object : bts

Function : number of incoming intraBSS handover requests, on TCHwith causereceipt from the BTS of a CHANNEL ACTIVATE NACKmessage,which have been refused

Event : receipt from the BTS of a CHANNEL ACTIVATE NACK message

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V11+ counter

l1758/3 Number of incoming intra BSS handover requests, on TCHwith

cause expiration of TchnAck timer, which have been refused

Name Q3 : hoFailureIncomingIntraBssTchTchnAckTimerExp

Object : bts

Function : number of incoming intraBSS handover requests, on TCHwith causeexpiration of TchnAck timer, which have been refused

Event : expiration of TchnAck timer

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V11+ counter

l1758/4 Number of incoming intra BSS handover requests, on TCH with

cause target cell and speech coding algorithm incompatible ORtarget cell and channel mode incompatible AND no possiblefallback

Name Q3 : hoFailureIncomingIntraBssTchIncompatible

Object : bts

Function : number of incoming intraBSShandover requests, onTCHwith causetarget cell and speech coding algorithm incompatible OR target celland channel mode incompatible AND no possible fallback

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Event : target cell and speech coding algorithm incompatible OR target celland channel mode incompatible AND no possible fallback

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V12 counterIncompatibility for target cell can be hardware (14K5 or HSCSD) orconfiguration (EFR & 14K5 & HSCSD).

l1759/0 Number of incoming intra BSS handover requests, on SDCCH

with cause lack of radio resources, which have been refused

Name Q3 : hoFailureIncomingIntraBssSdcchRadioLack

Object : bts

Function : number of incoming intra BSS handover requests, on SDCCH withcause lack of radio resources, which have been refused

Event : lack of radio resources

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V11+ counter

l1759/1 Number of incoming intra BSS handover requests, on SDCCH

with cause incoming handover not allowed in the cell, whichhavebeen refused

Name Q3 : hoFailureIncomingIntraBssSdcchHoNotAllowed

Object : bts

Function : number of incoming intra BSS handover requests, on SDCCH withcause incoming handover not allowed in the cell, which have beenrefused

Event : incoming handover not allowed in the cell

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V11+ counter

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l1759/2 Number of incoming intra BSS handover requests, on SDCCH

with cause receipt from the BTS of a CHANNEL ACTIVATENACK message, which have been refused

Name Q3 : hoFailureIncomingIntraBssSdcchChannelActivateNack

Object : bts

Function : number of incoming intra BSS handover requests, on SDCCH withcause receipt from the BTS of a CHANNEL ACTIVATE NACKmessage, which have been refused

Event : receipt from the BTS of a CHANNEL ACTIVATE NACK message

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V11+ counter

l1759/3 Number of incoming intra BSS handover requests, on SDCCH

with cause expiration of TchnAck timer, which have been refused

Name Q3 : hoFailureIncomingIntraBssSdcchTchnAckTimerExp

Object : bts

Function : number of incoming intra BSS handover requests, on SDCCH withcause expiration of TchnAck timer, which have been refused

Event : expiration of TchnAck timer

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V11+ counter

l1760/0 Number of incoming inter BSS handover requests, on TCH with

cause lack of radio resources, which have been refused

Name Q3 : hoFailureIncomingInterBssTchRadioLack

Object : bts

Function : number of incoming inter BSS handover requests, on TCHwith causelack of radio resources, which have been refused

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Event : lack of radio resources

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V11+ counter

l1760/1 Number of incoming inter BSS handover requests, on TCH with

cause lack of terrestrial resources, which have been refused

Name Q3 : hoFailureIncomingInterBssTchTerrestLack

Object : bts

Function : number of incoming inter BSS handover requests, on TCHwith causelack of terrestrial resources, which have been refused

Event : lack of terrestrial resources

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V11+ counter

l1760/2 Number of incoming inter BSS handover requests, on TCH with

cause incominghandovernot allowed in the cell,which havebeenrefused

Name Q3 : hoFailureIncomingInterBssTchHoNotAllowed

Object : bts

Function : number of incoming inter BSS handover requests, on TCHwith causeincoming handover not allowed in the cell, which have been refused

Event : incoming handover not allowed in the cell

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V11+ counter

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Counter descriptionNortel Networks Confidential 2--263

Observation Counter DictionaryCopyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

l1760/3 Number of incoming inter BSS handover requests, on TCH with

cause receipt from the BTS of a CHANNEL ACTIVATE NACKmessage, which have been refused

Name Q3 : hoFailureIncomingInterBssTchChannelActivateNack

Object : bts

Function : number of incoming inter BSS handover requests, on TCHwith causereceipt from the BTS of a CHANNEL ACTIVATE NACKmessage,which have been refused

Event : receipt from the BTS of a CHANNEL ACTIVATE NACK message

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V11+ counter

l1760/4 Number of incoming inter BSS handover requests, on TCH with

cause expiration of TchnAck timer, which have been refused

Name Q3 : hoFailureIncomingInterBssTchTchnAckTimerExp

Object : bts

Function : number of incoming inter BSS handover requests, on TCHwith causeexpiration of TchnAck timer, which have been refused

Event : expiration of TchnAck timer

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V11+ counter

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Counter description Nortel Networks Confidential2--264


Preliminary 14.14/EN June 2004 Copyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

l1760/5 Number of incoming inter BSS handover requests, on TCH with

cause CIC and speech coding algorithm incompatible OR targetcell and speech coding algorithm incompatible OR CIC andchannel mode incompatible OR target cell and channel modeincompatible AND no possible fallback

Name Q3 : hoFailureIncomingInterBssTchCICIncompatible

Object : bts

Function : number of incoming inter BSS handover requests, on TCHwith causeCIC and speech coding algorithm incompatible OR target cell andspeech coding algorithm incompatible OR CIC and channel modeincompatible OR target cell and channel mode incompatible AND nopossible fallback

Event : CIC and speech coding algorithm incompatible OR target cell andspeech coding algorithm incompatible OR CIC and channel modeincompatible OR target cell and channel mode incompatible AND nopossible fallback

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V11+ counterIncompatibility for CIC can be hardware or configuration.Incompatibility for target cell can be hardware or configuration.

l1761/0 Number of incoming inter BSS handover requests, on SDCCH

with cause lack of radio resources, which have been refused

Name Q3 : hoFailureIncomingInterBssSdcchRadioLack

Object : bts

Function : number of incoming inter BSS handover requests, on SDCCH withcause lack of radio resources, which have been refused

Event : lack of radio resources

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V11+ counter

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Counter descriptionNortel Networks Confidential 2--265

Observation Counter DictionaryCopyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

l1761/1 Number of incoming inter BSS handover requests, on SDCCH

with cause lack of terrestrial resources, which have been refused

Name Q3 : hoFailureIncomingInterBssSdcchTerrestLack

Object : bts

Function : number of incoming inter BSS handover requests, on SDCCH withcause lack of terrestrial resources, which have been refused

Event : lack of terrestrial resources

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V11+ counter

l1761/2 Number of incoming inter BSS handover requests, on SDCCH

with cause incoming handover not allowed in the cell, whichhavebeen refused

Name Q3 : hoFailureIncomingInterBssSdcchHoNotAllowed

Object : bts

Function : number of incoming inter BSS handover requests, on SDCCH withcause incoming handover not allowed in the cell, which have beenrefused

Event : incoming handover not allowed in the cell

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V11+ counter

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Counter description Nortel Networks Confidential2--266


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l1761/3 Number of incoming inter BSS handover requests, on SDCCH

with cause receipt from the BTS of a CHANNEL ACTIVATENACK message, which have been refused

Name Q3 : hoFailureIncomingInterBssSdcchChannelActivateNack

Object : bts

Function : number of incoming inter BSS handover requests, on SDCCH withcause receipt from the BTS of a CHANNEL ACTIVATE NACKmessage, which have been refused

Event : receipt from the BTS of a CHANNEL ACTIVATE NACK message

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V11+ counter

l1761/4 Number of incoming inter BSS handover requests, on SDCCH

with cause expiration of TchnAck timer, which have been refused

Name Q3 : hoFailureIncomingInterBssSdcchTchnAckTimerExp

Object : bts

Function : number of incoming inter BSS handover requests, on SDCCH withcause expiration of TchnAck timer, which have been refused

Event : expiration of TchnAck timer

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V11+ counter

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Counter descriptionNortel Networks Confidential 2--267

Observation Counter DictionaryCopyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

l1762/0 Number of outgoing intra BSS handover requests, on TCH with

cause lack of radio resources, which have been refused

Name Q3 : hoFailureOutgoingIntraBssTchRadioLack

Object : bts

Function : number of outgoing intra BSS handover requests, on TCHwith causelack of radio resources, which have been refused

Event : lack of radio resources

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V11+ counter

l1762/1 Number of outgoing intra BSS handover requests, on TCH with

cause incominghandovernot allowed in the cell,which havebeenrefused

Name Q3 : hoFailureOutgoingIntraBssTchHoNotAllowed

Object : bts

Function : number of outgoing intra BSS handover requests, on TCHwith causeincoming handover not allowed in the cell, which have been refused

Event : incoming handover not allowed in the cell

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V11+ counter

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Counter description Nortel Networks Confidential2--268


Preliminary 14.14/EN June 2004 Copyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

l1762/2 Number of outgoing intra BSS handover requests, on TCH

with cause receipt from the BTS of a CHANNEL ACTIVATENACK message, which have been refused

Name Q3 : hoFailureOutgoingIntraBssTchChannelActivateNack

Object : bts

Function : number of outgoing intra BSS handover requests, on TCHwith causereceipt from the BTS of a CHANNEL ACTIVATE NACKmessage,which have been refused

Event : receipt from the BTS of a CHANNEL ACTIVATE NACK message

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V11+ counter

l1762/3 Number of outgoing intra BSS handover requests, on TCH with

cause expiration of TchnAck timer, which have been refused

Name Q3 : hoFailureOutgoingIntraBssTchTchnAckTimerExp

Object : bts

Function : number of outgoing intra BSS handover requests, on TCHwith causeexpiration of TchnAck timer, which have been refused

Event : expiration of TchnAck timer

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V11+ counter

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Counter descriptionNortel Networks Confidential 2--269

Observation Counter DictionaryCopyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

l1762/4 Number of outgoing intra BSS handover requests, on TCH with

cause expiration of TchnAck timer, which have been refused

Name Q3 : hoFailureOutgoingIntraBssTchIncompatible

Object : bts

Function : number of outgoing intra BSS handover requests, on TCHwith causetarget cell and speech coding algorithm incompatible OR target celland channel mode incompatible AND no possible fallback, whichhave been refused

Event : target cell and speech coding algorithm incompatible OR target celland channel mode incompatible AND no possible fallback

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V12 counterIncompatibility for target cell can be hardware or configuration

l1763/0 Number of outgoing intra BSS handover requests, on SDCCH

with cause lack of radio resources, which have been refused

Name Q3 : hoFailureOutgoingIntraBssSdcchRadioLack

Object : bts

Function : number of outgoing intra BSS handover requests, on SDCCH withcause lack of radio resources, which have been refused

Event : lack of radio resources

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V11+ counter

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Counter description Nortel Networks Confidential2--270


Preliminary 14.14/EN June 2004 Copyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

l1763/1 Number of outgoing intra BSS handover requests, on SDCCH

with cause incoming handover not allowed in the cell, whichhavebeen refused

Name Q3 : hoFailureOutgoingIntraBssSdcchHoNotAllowed

Object : bts

Function : number of outgoing intra BSS handover requests, on SDCCH withcause incoming handover not allowed in the cell, which have beenrefused

Event : incoming handover not allowed in the cell

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V11+ counter

l1763/2 Number of outgoing intra BSS handover requests, on SDCCH

with cause receipt from the BTS of a CHANNEL ACTIVATENACK message, which have been refused

Name Q3 : hoFailureOutgoingIntraBssSdcchChannelActivateNack

Object : bts

Function : number of outgoing intra BSS handover requests, on SDCCH withcause receipt from the BTS of a CHANNEL ACTIVATE NACKmessage, which have been refused

Event : receipt from the BTS of a CHANNEL ACTIVATE NACK message

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V11+ counter

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Counter descriptionNortel Networks Confidential 2--271

Observation Counter DictionaryCopyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

l1763/3 Number of outgoing intra BSS handover requests, on SDCCH

with cause expiration of TchnAck timer, which have been refusedName Q3 : hoFailureOutgoingIntraBssSdcchTchnAckTimerExp

Object : bts

Function : number of outgoing intra BSS handover requests, on SDCCH withcause expiration of TchnAck timer, which have been refused

Event : expiration of TchnAck timer

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V11+ counter

l1764/0 Number of outgoing inter BSS handover requests, on TCH with

cause lack of radio resources, which have been refusedName Q3 : hoFailureOutgoingInterBssTchRadioLack

Object : bts

Function : number of outgoing inter BSS handover requests, on TCHwith causelack of radio resources, which have been refused

Event : lack of radio resources

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V11+ counter

l1764/1 Number of outgoing inter BSS handover requests, on TCH with

cause lack of terrestrial resources, which have been refusedName Q3 : hoFailureOutgoingInterBssTchTerrestLack

Object : bts

Function : number of outgoing inter BSS handover requests, on TCHwith causelack of terrestrial resources, which have been refused

Event : lack of terrestrial resources

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V11+ counter

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Counter description Nortel Networks Confidential2--272


Preliminary 14.14/EN June 2004 Copyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

l1764/2 Number of outgoing inter BSS handover requests, on TCH with

cause incominghandovernot allowed in the cell,which havebeenrefused

Name Q3 : hoFailureOutgoingInterBssTchHoNotAllowedObject : btsFunction : number of outgoing inter BSS handover requests, on TCHwith cause

incoming handover not allowed in the cell, which have been refusedEvent : incoming handover not allowed in the cellType : raw permanent

Class : handoverSource : recorded by the BSCNote : V11+ counter

l1764/3 Number of outgoing inter BSS handover requests, on TCH with

cause T7 timer expiration, which have been refusedName Q3 : hoFailureOutgoingInterBssTchT7TimerExpObject : btsFunction : number of outgoing inter BSS handover requests, on TCHwith cause

T7 timer expiration, which have been refusedEvent : T7 timer expirationType : raw permanentClass : handoverSource : recorded by the BSCNote : V11+ counter

l1764/4 Number of outgoing inter BSS handover requests, on TCH with

cause “every other cases”, which have been refusedName Q3 : hoFailureOutgoingInterBssTchOtherCasesObject : btsFunction : number of outgoing inter BSS handover requests, on TCHwith cause

“every other cases”, which have been refused

Event : “every other cases”Type : raw permanentClass : handoverSource : recorded by the BSCNote : V11+ counter

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Counter descriptionNortel Networks Confidential 2--273

Observation Counter DictionaryCopyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

l1764/5 Number of outgoing inter BSS handover requests, on TCH with

cause CIC and speech coding algorithm incompatible OR targetcell and speech coding algorithm incompatible OR CIC andchannel mode incompatible OR target cell and channel modeincompatible AND no possible fallback, which have beenrefused

Name Q3 : hoFailureOutgoingInterBssTchIncompatible

Object : bts

Function : number of outgoing inter BSS handover requests, on TCHwith causeCIC and speech coding algorithm incompatible OR target cell andspeech coding algorithm incompatible OR CIC and channel modeincompatible OR target cell and channel mode incompatible AND nopossible fallback, which have been refused

Event : “every other cases”

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V12 counter

Incompatibility for CIC or target cell can be hardware orconfiguration.

l1765/0 Number of outgoing inter BSS handover requests, on SDCCH

with cause lack of radio resources, which have been refused

Name Q3 : hoFailureOutgoingInterBssSdcchRadioLack

Object : bts

Function : number of outgoing inter BSS handover requests, on SDCCH withcause lack of radio resources, which have been refused

Event : lack of radio resources

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V11+ counter

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Counter description Nortel Networks Confidential2--274


Preliminary 14.14/EN June 2004 Copyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

l1765/1 Number of outgoing inter BSS handover requests, on SDCCH

with cause lack of terrestrial resources, which have been refused

Name Q3 : hoFailureOutgoingInterBssSdcchTerrestLack

Object : bts

Function : number of outgoing inter BSS handover requests, on SDCCH withcause lack of terrestrial resources, which have been refused

Event : lack of terrestrial resources

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V11+ counter

l1765/2 Number of outgoing inter BSS handover requests, on SDCCH

with cause incoming handover not allowed in the cell, whichhave been refused

Name Q3 : hoFailureOutgoingInterBssSdcchHoNotAllowed

Object : bts

Function : number of outgoing inter BSS handover requests, on SDCCH withcause incoming handover not allowed in the cell, which have beenrefused

Event : incoming handover not allowed in the cell

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V11+ counter

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Counter descriptionNortel Networks Confidential 2--275

Observation Counter DictionaryCopyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

l1765/3 Number of outgoing inter BSS handover requests, on SDCCH

with cause T7 timer expiration, which have been refused

Name Q3 : hoFailureOutgoingInterBssSdcchT7TimerExp

Object : bts

Function : number of outgoing inter BSS handover requests, on SDCCH withcause T7 timer expiration, which have been refused

Event : T7 timer expiration

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V11+ counter

l1765/4 Number of outgoing inter BSS handover requests, on SDCCH

with cause “every other cases”, which have been refused

Name Q3 : hoFailureOutgoingInterBssSdcchOtherCases

Object : bts

Function : number of outgoing inter BSS handover requests, on SDCCH withcause “every other cases”, which have been refused

Event : “every other cases”

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V11+ counter

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Counter description Nortel Networks Confidential2--276


Preliminary 14.14/EN June 2004 Copyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

l1766/0 Number of refusals to accept an intra--cell handover on TCH in

the cell with cause mobile returns to the old channel (HAND-OVER FAILURE before T3107 timer expiration)

Name Q3 : hoUnsuccessIntraCellTchReturnOldChannel

Object : bts

Function : number of refusals to accept an intra--cell handover on TCH in the cellwith cause mobile returns to the old channel (HANDOVERFAILURE before T3107 timer expiration)

Event : mobile returns to the old channel (HANDOVER FAILURE beforeT3107 timer expiration)

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V11 only counter

l1766/1 Number of refusals to accept an intra--cell handover on TCH in

the cell with cause receipt from the BTS of a CHANNELACTIVATE NACK message

Name Q3 : hoUnsuccessIntraCellTchT3107TimerExp

Object : bts

Function : number of refusals to accept an intra--cell handover on TCH in the cellwith cause T3107 timer expiration

Event : T3107 timer expiration

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V11 only counter

l1767/0 Number of refusals to accept an intra--cell handover on

SDCCH in the cell with cause mobile returns to the old chan-nel (HANDOVER FAILURE before T3107 timer expiration)

Name Q3 : hoUnsuccessIntraCellSdcchReturnOldChannel

Object : bts

Function : number refusals to accept an intra--cell handover on SDCCH in thecell with cause mobile returns to the old channel (HANDOVERFAILURE before T3107 timer expiration)

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Event : mobile returns to the old channel (HANDOVER FAILURE beforeT3107 timer expiration)

Type : raw permanentClass : handoverSource : recorded by the BSCNote : V11 only counter

l1767/1 Number of refusals to accept an intra--cell handover on SDCCH

in the cell with cause receipt from the BTS of a CHANNELACTIVATE NACK message

Name Q3 : hoUnsuccessIntraCellSdcchT3107TimerExpObject : btsFunction : number of refusals to accept an intra--cell handover on SDCCH in the

cell with cause T3107 timer expirationEvent : T3107 timer expirationType : raw permanentClass : handoverSource : recorded by the BSCNote : V11 only counter

l1768/0 Number of refusals to accept an outgoing Intra--BSS handover

on TCH in the cell with cause mobile returns to the old chan-nel (HANDOVER FAILURE before T3103 (respectivelyT3107) timer expiration for V12 (respectively V11))

Name Q3 : hoUnsuccessOutgoingIntraBSSTchReturnOldChannelhoUnsuccessOutgoingIntraBSSTchReturnOldChannel8w

Object : btsFunction : number of refusals to accept an outgoing intra--cell handover on TCH

in the cell with causemobile returns to the old channel (HANDOVERFAILURE before T3103 (respectively T3107) timer expiration forV12 (respectively V11))

Event : mobile returns to the old channel (HANDOVER FAILURE beforeT3103 (respectively T3107) timer expiration for V12(respectively V11))

Type : raw permanentClass : handoverSource : recorded by the BSCNote : V11+ counter

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Counter description Nortel Networks Confidential2--278


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l1768/1 Number of refusals to accept an outgoing Intra--BSS handover

on TCH in the cell with cause receipt from the BTS of aCHANNEL ACTIVATE NACK message

Name Q3 : hoUnsuccessOutgoingIntraBSSTchT3103TimerExp (V11 and V12)hoUnsuccessOutgoingIntraBSSTchT3107TimerExp8w

Object : bts

Function : number of refusals to accept an outgoing Intra--BSS handover onTCH in the cell with cause T3103 (respectively T3107) timerexpiration for V12 (respectively V11)

Event : T3103 (respectively T3107) timer expiration for V12(respectively V11)

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V11+ counter

l1769/0 Number of refusals to accept an outgoing Intra--BSS handover on

SDCCH in the cell with cause mobile returns to the old channel(HANDOVER FAILURE before T3103 (respectively T3107)timer expiration for V12 (respectively V11))

Name Q3 : hoUnsuccessOutgoingIntraBSSSdcchReturnOldChannel

Object : bts

Function : number refusals to accept an outgoing Intra--BSS handover onSDCCH in the cell with cause mobile returns to the old channel(HANDOVER FAILURE before T3103 (respectively T3107) timerexpiration for V12 (respectively V11))

Event : mobile returns to the old channel (HANDOVER FAILURE beforeT3103 (respectively T3107) timer expiration for V12(respectively V11))

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V11+ counter

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Counter descriptionNortel Networks Confidential 2--279

Observation Counter DictionaryCopyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

l1769/1 Number of refusals to accept an outgoing Intra--BSS handover

on SDCCH in the cell with cause receipt from the BTS of aCHANNEL ACTIVATE NACK message

Name Q3 : hoUnsuccessOutgoingIntraBSSSdcchT3103TimerExp (V12)hoUnsuccessOutgoingIntraBSSSdcchT3107TimerExp (V11)

Object : btsFunction : number of refusals to accept an outgoing Intra--BSS handover on

SDCCH in the cell with cause T3103 (respectively T3107) timerexpiration for V12 (respectively for V11)

Event : T3103 (respectively T3107) timer expiration for V12 (respectivelyfor V11)

Type : raw permanentClass : handoverSource : recorded by the BSCNote : V11+ counter

l1770/0 Number of refusals to accept an outgoing inter--cell handover on

TCH in the cell with cause mobile returns to the old channelName Q3 : hoUnsuccessOutgoingInterCellTchReturnOldChannelObject : btsFunction : number of refusals to accept an outgoing inter--cell handover on TCH

in the cell with cause mobile returns to the old channel

Event : mobile returns to the old channelType : raw permanent

Class : handoverSource : recorded by the BSCNote : V11+ counter

l1770/1 Number of refusals to accept an outgoing inter--cell handover on

TCH in the cell with cause T3103 (respectively T3107) timerexpiration for V12 (respectively V11)

Name Q3 : hoUnsuccessOutgoingInterCellTchT3103TimerExp (V12)hoUnsuccessOutgoingInterCellTchT3107TimerExp (V11)

Object : btsFunction : number of refusals to accept an outgoing inter--cell handover on TCH

in the cell with causeT3103 (respectively T3107) timer expiration forV12 (respectively V11)

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Event : T3103 (respectively T3107) timer expiration for V12(respectively V11)

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V11+ counter

l1770/2 Number of refusals to accept an outgoing inter--cell handover on

TCH in the cell with cause “every other cases”

Name Q3 : hoUnsuccessOutgoingInterCellTchOtherCases

Object : bts

Function : number of refusals to accept an outgoing inter--cell handover on TCHin the cell with cause “every other cases”

Event : “every other cases”

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V11+ counter

l1771/0 Number of refusals to accept an outgoing inter--cell handover on

SDCCH in the cell with cause mobile returns to the old channel

Name Q3 : hoUnsuccessOutgoingInterCellSdcchReturnOldChannel

Object : bts

Function : number of refusals to accept an outgoing inter--cell handover onSDCCH in the cell with cause mobile returns to the old channel

Event : mobile returns to the old channel

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V11+ counter

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Counter descriptionNortel Networks Confidential 2--281

Observation Counter DictionaryCopyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

l1771/1 Number of refusals to accept an outgoing inter--cell handover on

SDCCH in the cell with cause T3103 (respectively T3107) timerexpiration for V12 (respectively V11)

Name Q3 : hoUnsuccessOutgoingInterCellSdcchT3103TimerExp (V12)hoUnsuccessOutgoingInterCellSdcchT3107TimerExp (V11)

Object : bts

Function : number of refusals to accept an outgoing inter--cell handover onSDCCH in the cell with cause T3103 (respectively T3107) timerexpiration for V12 (respectively V11)

Event : T3103 (respectively T3107) timer expiration for V12(respectively V11)

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V11+ counter

l1771/2 Number of refusals to accept an outgoing inter--cell handover on

SDCCH in the cell with cause “every other cases”

Name Q3 : hoUnsuccessOutgoingInterCellSdcchOtherCases

Object : bts

Function : number of refusals to accept an outgoing inter--cell handover onSDCCH in the cell with cause “every other cases”

Event : “every other cases”

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V11+ counter

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Counter description Nortel Networks Confidential2--282


Preliminary 14.14/EN June 2004 Copyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

l1772/0 Number of refusals to accept an incoming intra--BSS handover

on TCH in the cell with cause mobile returns to the old chan-nel (HANDOVER FAILURE before T3103 (respectivelyT3107) timer expiration for V12 (respectively V11))

Name Q3 : hoUnsuccessIncomingIntraBSSTchReturnOldChannel

Object : bts

Function : number of refusals to accept an incoming intra--cell handover onTCHin the cell with causemobile returns to the old channel (HANDOVERFAILURE before T3103 (respectively T3107) timer expiration forV12 (respectively V11))

Event : mobile returns to the old channel (HANDOVER FAILURE beforeT3103 (respectively T3107) timer expiration for V12(respectively V11))

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V11+ counter

l1772/1 Number of refusals to accept an incoming intra--BSS handover

on TCH in the cell with cause receipt from the BTS of aCHANNEL ACTIVATE NACK message

Name Q3 : hoUnsuccessIncomingIntraBSSTchT3103TimerExp (V12)hoUnsuccessIncomingIntraBSSTchT3107TimerExp (V11)

Object : bts

Function : number of refusals to accept an incoming intra--cell handover onTCHin the cell with receipt from the BTS of a CHANNEL ACTIVATENACKmessage before T3103 (respectively T3107) timer expirationfor V12 (respectively V11)

Event : receipt from the BTS of a CHANNEL ACTIVATE NACK messagebeforeT3103 (respectively T3107) timer expiration for V12(respectively V11)

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V11+ counter

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Counter descriptionNortel Networks Confidential 2--283

Observation Counter DictionaryCopyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

l1773/0 Number of refusals to accept an incoming intra--BSS handover

on SDCCH in the cell with cause mobile returns to the oldchannel (HANDOVER FAILURE before T3103 (respectivelyT3107) timer expirationc for V12 (respectively V11))

Name Q3 : hoUnsuccessIncomingIntraBSSSdcchReturnOldChannel

Object : bts

Function : number refusals to accept an incoming intra--cell handover onSDCCH in the cell with cause mobile returns to the old channel(HANDOVER FAILURE before T3103 (respectively T3107) timerexpiration for V12 (respectively V11))

Event : mobile returns to the old channel (HANDOVER FAILURE beforeT3103 (respectively T3107) timer expiration for V12(respectively V11))

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V11+ counter

l1773/1 Number of refusals to accept an incoming intra--BSS handover

on SDCCH in the cell with cause receipt from the BTS of aCHANNEL ACTIVATE NACK message

Name Q3 : hoUnsuccessIncomingIntraBSSSdcchT3103TimerExp (V12)hoUnsuccessIncomingIntraBSSSdcchT3107TimerExp (V11)

Object : bts

Function : number of refusals to accept an incoming intra--cell handover onSDCCH in the cell with cause receipt from the BTS of a CHANNELACTIVATE NACK message before T3103 (respectively T3107)timer expiration for V12 (respectively V11)

Event : receipt from the BTS of a CHANNEL ACTIVATE NACK messagebefore T3103 (respectively T3107) timer expiration for V12(respectively V11)

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V11+ counter

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l1774/0 Number of refusals to accept an incoming inter--bss handover on

TCH in the cell with cause timer expiration

Name Q3 : hoUnsuccessIncomingInterBssTchTimerExp

Object : bts

Function : number of refusals to accept an incoming inter--bss handover on TCHin the cell with cause timer expiration

Event : timer expiration (expiration of ThndCom timer before receipt ofABIS HANDOVER COMPLETE from the MSC or receipt ofCLEAR COMMAND message from the MSC)

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V11+ counter

l1774/1 Number of refusals to accept an incoming inter--bss handover on

TCH in the cell with cause “every other cases”

Name Q3 : hoUnsuccessIncomingInterBssTchOtherCases

Object : bts

Function : number of refusals to accept an incoming inter--bss handover on TCHin the cell with cause “every other cases”

Event : “every other cases” (receipt of a CLEARCOMMANDmessage witha cause set to a different value than “handover successful” or “Callcontrol”

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V11+ counter

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l1775/0 Number of refusals to accept an incoming inter--bss handover on

SDCCH in the cell with cause timer expiration

Name Q3 : hoUnsuccessIncomingInterBssSdcchTimerExp

Object : bts

Function : number of refusals to accept an incoming inter--bss handover onSDCCH in the cell with cause timer expiration

Event : timer expiration (expiration of ThndCom timer before receipt ofABIS HANDOVER COMPLETE from the MSC or receipt ofCLEAR COMMAND message from the MSC)

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V11+ counter

l1775/1 Number of refusals to accept an incoming inter--bss handover on

SDCCH in the cell with cause “every other cases”

Name Q3 : hoUnsuccessIncomingInterBssSdcchOtherCases

Object : bts

Function : number of refusals to accept an incoming inter--bss handover onSDCCH in the cell with cause “every other cases”

Event : “every other cases” (receipt of a CLEARCOMMANDmessage witha cause set to a different value than “handover successful” or “Callcontrol”

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V11+ counter

l1776 Number of handovers on TCH required

Name Q3 : hoRequiredTch

Object : bts

Function : number of handovers on TCH required

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Event : receipt of HANDOVER INDICATION (internal message) attempt ofdirected retry: receipt of CONNECTION REQUEST ACK messageor autonomously in case of directed retry from amicro--cell receipt ofa CONNECTION REQUEST ACK with an eligible cells list, afterTchoke expiry

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “inter--cell intra BSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Intra cell handover procedure (normal completion withcommunication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Inter BSS intra MSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”

Note : V11+ counter

l1777 Number of handovers on SDCCH required

Name Q3 : hoRequiredSdcch

Object : bts

Function : number of handovers on SDCCH required

Event : receipt of HANDOVER INDICATION (internal message) attempt ofdirected retry: receipt of CONNECTION REQUEST ACK messageor autonomously in case of directed retry from amicro--cell receipt ofa CONNECTION REQUEST ACK with an eligible cells list, afterTchoke expiry

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V11+ counter

l1778 Number of abnormal releases while the communication is in “sig-

nalling phase” and a cell associated to the communication

Name Q3 : signallingAbnormalReleaseCell

Object : bts

Function : number of abnormal releases while the communication is in“signalling phase” and a cell associated to the communication

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Event : All the event causes of 1163/n counters except those of 1163/5 and1163/24 counters

Type : raw permanent

Class : release

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:

CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Note : V11+ counter

l1779 Number of abnormal releases while the communication is in

“traffic phase”

Name Q3 : trafficAbnormalRelease

Object : bts

Function : number abnormal releases while the communications is in “trafficphase”

Event : All the event causes of 1164/n counters except the one of 1164/20counter

Type : raw permanent

Class : release

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:

CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Note : V11+ counter

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1780/0 Number of successful outgoing classic handovers from the cell

Name Q3 : hoSuccessOutgoingTch

Object : bts

Function : number of successful outgoing intra–bss or inter–bss handovers onTCH (only classic handovers, no AMR handovers)

Event : receipt of HANDOVER COMPLETE message from the MS(intra–bss handover) or receipt of CLEAR COMMAND messagefrom the MSC with a handover cause “handover successful”(inter–bss handover)

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1

DFD “inter--cell intra BSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Intra cell handover procedure (normal completion withcommunication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Inter BSS intra MSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”

Note : V11+ counter

1781 Number of successful incoming handovers in the cell

Name Q3 : hoSuccessIncomingTch

Object : bts

Function : number of successful incoming intra–bss or inter–bss handovers onTCH

Event : receipt of HANDOVER COMPLETE message from the MS(intra–bss and inter--bss handover)

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

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Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1

DFD “inter--cell intra BSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”

DFD “Intra cell handover procedure (normal completion withcommunication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Inter BSS intra MSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”

Note : V11 only counter

l1782 Number of handover requirements which are not treated by the

BSC because the ping--pong handover configuration is notallowed

Name Q3 : hoBtsRejected

Object : bts

Function : number of handover requirements which are not treated by the BSCbecause the ping--pong handover configuration is not allowed

Event : receipt of HANDOVER INDICATION message from the BTS

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:

CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Feature : General protection against ping--pong handovers (TF821 -- V12)

Note : V12 counter

A non essential handover to a cell fromwhich themobile has alreadybeen rejected due to alarm reason is not treated.This counter is incremented only for ping--pong handoverfunctionality.

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l1783 Number of outgoing handovers requested by dualband mobiles

from themain frequency band to the same frequency band of thenetwork

Name Q3 : hoRequestOutgoingMbandMbandMsDualb

Object : bts

Function : number of outgoing, intra-bss or inter-bss handovers, on TCH,requested from the main frequency band to the same frequency bandof the network

Event : attempt to select a resource of an eligible cell

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Feature : Dualband cell management (TF875 -- V12)

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “inter--cell intra BSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Intra cell handover procedure (normal completion withcommunication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Inter BSS intra MSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”

Note : V12 counterThe originated and target resources are in themain frequency band ofthe network.

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l1784 Number of outgoing handovers requested by dualband mobiles

from the second frequency band to the same frequency band ofthe network

Name Q3 : hoRequestOutgoingEbandEbandMsDualb

Object : bts

Function : number of outgoing, intra-bss or inter-bss handovers, on TCH,requested from the second frequency band to the same frequencyband of the network

Event : attempt to select a resource of an eligible cell

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Feature : Dualband cell management (TF875 -- V12)

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “inter--cell intra BSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Intra cell handover procedure (normal completion withcommunication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Inter BSS intra MSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”

Note : V12 counterThe originated and target resources are in the second frequency bandof the network.

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l1785 Number of outgoing handovers requested by dualband mobiles

from the second frequency band to the main frequency band ofthe network

Name Q3 : hoRequestOutgoingEbandMbandMsDualb

Object : bts

Function : number of outgoing, intra-bss or inter-bss handovers, on TCH,requested from the second frequency band themain frequency bandofthe network

Event : attempt to select a resource of an eligible cell

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Feature : Dualband cell management (TF875 -- V12)

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “inter--cell intra BSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Intra cell handover procedure (normal completion withcommunication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Inter BSS intra MSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”

Note : V12 counterThe target resource is in the main frequency band of the networkwhereas the originated resource is in the second frequency band.

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l1786 Number of successful outgoing handovers for dualband mobiles

from themain frequency band to the same frequency band of thenetwork

Name Q3 : hoSuccessOutgoingMbandMbandMsDualb

Object : bts

Function : number of successful outgoing, intra-bss or inter-bss handovers, onTCH, from the main frequency band to the same frequency band ofthe network

Event : receipt of CLEAR COMMAND with cause “handover successful”(inter-bss handover) or receipt of HANDOVER COMPLETE fromthe MS (intra-bss handover)

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Feature : Dualband cell management (TF875 -- V12)

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “inter--cell intra BSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Intra cell handover procedure (normal completion withcommunication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Inter BSS intra MSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”

Note : V12 counter

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l1787 Number of successful outgoing handovers for dualband mobiles

from the second frequency band to the same frequency band ofthe network

Name Q3 : hoSuccessOutgoingEbandEbandMsDualb

Object : bts

Function : number of successful outgoing, intra-bss or inter-bss handovers, onTCH, from the second frequency band to the same frequency band ofthe network

Event : receipt of CLEAR COMMAND with cause “handover successful”(inter-bss handover) or receipt of HANDOVER COMPLETE fromthe MS (intra-bss handover)

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Feature : Dualband cell management (TF875 -- V12)

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “inter--cell intra BSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Intra cell handover procedure (normal completion withcommunication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Inter BSS intra MSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”

Note : V12 counter

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l1788 Number of successful outgoing handovers for dualband mobiles

from the second frequency band to the main frequency band ofthe network

Name Q3 : hoSuccessOutgoingEbandMbandMsDualb

Object : bts

Function : number of successful outgoing, intra-bss or inter-bss handovers, onTCH, from the second frequency band to the main frequency band ofthe network

Event : receipt of CLEAR COMMAND with cause “handover successful”(inter-bss handover) or receipt of HANDOVER COMPLETE fromthe MS (intra-bss handover)

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Feature : Dualband cell management (TF875 -- V12)

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “inter--cell intra BSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Intra cell handover procedure (normal completion withcommunication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Inter BSS intra MSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”

Note : V12 counter

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l1789 Number of outgoing handover executions by dualband mobiles

for the cell from the main frequency band to the secondfrequency band of the network

Name Q3 : hoExecutionOutgoingMbandEbandMsDualb

Object : bts

Function : number of outgoing handover (intra-bss or inter-bss) executions bydualband mobiles for the cell, from the main frequency band to thesecond frequency band of the network

Event : transmission of ASSIGN COMMAND message

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Feature : Dualband cell management (TF875 -- V12)

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “inter--cell intra BSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Intra cell handover procedure (normal completion withcommunication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Inter BSS intra MSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”

Note : V12 counter

l1790 Number of outgoing handover executions by dualband mobiles

for the cell from themain frequency band to the same frequencyband of the network

Name Q3 : hoExecutionOutgoingMbandMbandMsDualb

Object : bts

Function : number of outgoing handover (intra-bss or inter-bss) executions bydualband mobiles for the cell, from the main frequency band to thesame frequency band of the network

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Event : transmission of ASSIGN COMMAND message

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:

CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Feature : Dualband cell management (TF875 -- V12)

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1

DFD “inter--cell intra BSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Intra cell handover procedure (normal completion withcommunication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Inter BSS intra MSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”

Note : V12 counter

l1791 Number of outgoing handover executions by dualband mobiles

for the cell from the second frequency band to the samefrequency band of the network

Name Q3 : hoExecutionOutgoingEbandEbandMsDualb

Object : bts

Function : number of outgoing handover (intra-bss or inter-bss) executions bydualband mobiles for the cell, from the second frequency band to thesame frequency band of the network

Event : transmission of ASSIGN COMMAND message

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

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Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Feature : Dualband cell management (TF875 -- V12)

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “inter--cell intra BSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Intra cell handover procedure (normal completion withcommunication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Inter BSS intra MSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”

Note : V12 counter

l1792 Number of outgoing handover executions by dualband mobiles

for the cell from the second frequency band to the mainfrequency band of the network

Name Q3 : hoExecutionOutgoingEbandMbandMsDualb

Object : bts

Function : number of outgoing handover (intra-bss or inter-bss) executions bydualband mobiles for the cell, from the second frequency band to themain frequency band of the network

Event : transmission of ASSIGN COMMAND message

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Feature : Dualband cell management (TF875 -- V12)

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Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “inter--cell intra BSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Intra cell handover procedure (normal completion withcommunication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Inter BSS intra MSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”

Note : V12 counter

l1793 Number of incoming intra BSS handovers on TCH requested by

dualband mobiles

Name Q3 : hoRequestIncomingIntraBssTchMsDualb

Object : bts

Function : number of incoming intra BSS handover requests on TCH in the cellfor dualband mobiles

Event : attempt to select the cell as a serving cell

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Feature : Dualband cell management (TF875 -- V12)

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “inter--cell intra BSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Intra cell handover procedure (normal completion withcommunication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Inter BSS intra MSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”

Note : V12 counterThe counter is incremented at the end of the handover.

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l1794 Number of incoming intra BSS handovers on TCH execution

attempts for dualband mobiles

Name Q3 : hoExecutionIncomingIntraBssTchMsDualb

Object : bts

Function : number of attempts to execute incoming intraBSShandovers onTCHin the cell for dualband mobiles

Event : transmission of HANDOVER COMMAND message to the servingcell

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Feature : Dualband cell management (TF875 -- V12)

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “inter--cell intra BSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Intra cell handover procedure (normal completion withcommunication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Inter BSS intra MSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”

Note : V12 counterThis counter is incremented at the end of the handover and on TCHonly.

l1795 Number of successful incoming intra BSS handovers on TCH for

dualband mobiles

Name Q3 : hoSuccessIncomingIntraBssTchMsDualb

Object : bts

Function : number of successful incoming intra BSS handovers on TCH in thecell for dualband mobiles

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Event : receipt of HANDOVER COMPLETE from mobile

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Feature : Dualband cell management (TF875 -- V12)

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “inter--cell intra BSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Intra cell handover procedure (normal completion withcommunication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Inter BSS intra MSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”

Note : V12 counter

l1796 Number of intra-bts handovers on TCH requested by dualband

mobilesName Q3 : hoRequestIntraBtsMsDualb

Object : bts

Function : number of intra-bts handovers on TCH requested in the cell bydualband mobiles

Event : attempt to select a TCH in the cell

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

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Feature : Dualband cell management (TF875 -- V12)

Note : V12 counterThis counter is incremented at the end of the handover.

l1797 Number of intra-bts handovers on TCH executed for dualband


Name Q3 : hoExecutionIntraBtsMsDualb

Object : bts

Function : number of attempts to execute intra-bts handovers on TCH in the cellby dualband mobiles

Event : transmission of ASSIGN COMMAND message

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Feature : Dualband cell management (TF875 -- V12)

Note : V12 counter

l1798 Number of successful intra-bts handovers on TCH for dualband


Name Q3 : hoSuccessIntraBtsMsDualb

Object : bts

Function : number of successful intra-bts handovers on TCH in the cell fordualband mobiles

Event : receipt of ASSIGN COMPLETE from the mobile

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

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Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Feature : Dualband cell management (TF875 -- V12)

Note : V12 counter

l1799 Number of direct allocations of TCHs in the second band (or

zone) of a dualband (or concentric or dual--coupling) cell

Name Q3 : assignToOtherBandOrZone

Object : bts

Function : number of direct allocations of TCHs in the second band (or zone) of adualband (or concentric or dual--coupling) cell

Event : receipt of an ASSIGN COMPLETE message on TCH or preemptedPDTCH from the mobile

Type : raw permanent

Class : assignment

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Feature : Dualband cell management (TF875 -- V12)

Note : V12 counter

l1800/0 Number of handovers performed on the talker side of a VBS call

in the cell

Name Q3 : asciTalkerHandoverVbs

Object : bts

Function : number of handovers performed on the talker side of a VBS call in thecell

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Type : raw permanent

Class : asci

Source : recorded by the BSC

Feature : GSM--R (V12)

Preciseincrementation conditions :

This counter is concerned by CCT (Circuit Calls on TCH channels)but not by CCP (Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCHchannel) or byCP (Compacket on PDTCHchannel), merely becauseGPRS and GSM--R cannot be activated at the same time.

Note : V12 counter

l1800/1 Number of handovers performed on the talker side of a VGCS

call in the cell

Name Q3 : asciTalkerHandoverVgcs

Object : bts

Function : number of handovers performed on the talker side of a VGCS call inthe cell


Type : raw permanent

Class : asci

Source : recorded by the BSC

Feature : GSM--R (V12)

Preciseincrementation conditions :

This counter is concerned by CCT (Circuit Calls on TCH channels)but not by CCP (Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCHchannel) or byCP (Compacket on PDTCHchannel), merely becauseGPRS and GSM--R cannot be activated at the same time.

Note : V12 counter

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l1801/0 Number of tiering handover failures due to lack of radio

resources: Handover from large pattern to small patternName Q3 : hoFailureTieringTchNorrLargeToSmallPatternObject : btsFunction : Number of tiering handover failures due to lack of radio resourcesEvent : handover from large pattern to small pattern (non--hopping channel to

hopping channel)Type : raw permanentClass : equipmentSource : recorded by the BSCPreciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).Feature : Cell Tiering (TF995 -- V12)Note : V12 counter

l1801/1 Number of tiering handover failures due to lack of radio

resources: Handover from small pattern to large patternName Q3 : hoFailureTieringTchNorrSmallToLargePatternObject : btsFunction : Number of tiering handover failures due to lack of radio resourcesEvent : handover from small pattern to large pattern (hopping channel to

non--hopping channel)Type : raw permanentClass : equipmentSource : recorded by the BSCPreciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

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Feature : Cell Tiering (TF995 -- V12)

Note : V12 counter

l1802/0 Number of tiering handover successes: Handover from large

pattern to small pattern

Name Q3 : hoSuccessTieringTchLargeToSmallPattern

Object : bts

Function : Number of tiering handover successes

Event : handover from large pattern to small pattern (non--hopping channel tohopping channel)

Type : raw permanent

Class : equipment

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Feature : Cell Tiering (TF995 -- V12)

Note : V12 counter

l1802/1 Number of tiering handover successes: Handover from small

pattern to large pattern

Name Q3 : hoSuccessTieringTchSmallToLargePattern

Object : bts

Function : Number of tiering handover successes

Event : handover from small pattern to large pattern (hopping channel tonon--hopping channel)

Type : raw permanent

Class : equipment

Source : recorded by the BSC

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Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:

CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Feature : Cell Tiering (TF995 -- V12)

Note : V12 counter

l1803/0 Number of rejected calls on paging requests due to overload

Name Q3 : cgOverloadRejectedOpPageReqcg0cgOverloadRejectedOpPageReqcg1cgOverloadRejectedOpPageReqcg2

Object : bsc

Location :

Name Q3 Location

cgOverloadRejectedOpPageReqcg0 CPUE--0

cgOverloadRejectedOpPageReqcg1 CPUE--1

cgOverloadRejectedOpPageReqcg2 CPUE--2

Function : Number of rejected calls on paging requests due to overload

Event : receipt of a paging request message when at least one boardconcerning the paging request is in overload situation

Type : raw permanent

Class : equipment

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

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Feature : Overload defense mechanism based on real load (FM877-- V12)

Note : V12 countercgOverloadRejectedOpPageReqcg2 is not significant since theoverload on paging requests is onlymeasured onBIFP boards (cpue0and cpue1).

l1803/1 Number of rejected calls on channel requests due to overload

Name Q3 : cgOverloadRejectedOpChannelReqcg0cgOverloadRejectedOpChannelReqcg1cgOverloadRejectedOpChannelReqcg2

Object : bsc

Location :

Name Q3 Location

cgOverloadRejectedOpChannelReqcg0 CPUE--0

cgOverloadRejectedOpChannelReqcg1 CPUE--1

cgOverloadRejectedOpChannelReqcg2 CPUE--2

Function : Number of rejected calls on channel requests due to overload

Event : receipt of a channel request message when at least one boardconcerning the channel request is in overload situation

Type : raw permanent

Class : equipment

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Feature : Overload defense mechanism based on real load (FM877-- V12)

Note : V12 countercgOverloadRejectedOpChannelReqcg2 is not significant sincethe overload on channel requests is only measured on BIFP boards(cpue0 and cpue1).

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l1803/2 Number of rejected calls on establish indication due to overload

Name Q3 : cgOverloadRejectedOpEstablishIndcg0cgOverloadRejectedOpEstablishIndcg1cgOverloadRejectedOpEstablishIndcg2

Object : bsc

Location :

Name Q3 Location

cgOverloadRejectedOpEstablishIndcg0 CPUE--0

cgOverloadRejectedOpEstablishIndcg1 CPUE--1

cgOverloadRejectedOpEstablishIndcg2 CPUE--2

Function : Number of rejected calls on establish indication due to overload

Event : receipt of a n establish indication message when at least one boardconcerning the establish indication is in overload situation

Type : raw permanent

Class : equipment

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Feature : Overload defense mechanism based on real load (FM877-- V12)

Note : V12 countercgOverloadRejectedOpEstablishIndcg2 is not significant sincethe overload on establish indication is onlymeasured on BIFP boards(cpue0 and cpue1).

31803/3 Number of rejected calls on handover requests due to overload

Name Q3 : cgOverloadRejectedOpHoReqcg0cgOverloadRejectedOpHoReqcg1cgOverloadRejectedOpHoReqcg2

Object : bsc

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Location :

Name Q3 Location

cgOverloadRejectedOpHoReqcg0 CPUE--0

cgOverloadRejectedOpHoReqcg1 CPUE--1

cgOverloadRejectedOpHoReqcg2 CPUE--2

Function : Number of rejected calls on handover request due to overload

Event : receipt of an handover request message when at least one boardconcerning the handover request is in overload situation

Type : raw permanent

Class : equipment

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Feature : Overload defense mechanism based on real load (FM877-- V12)

Note : V12 countercgOverloadRejectedOpHoReqcg2 is not significant since theoverload on handover requests is only measured on BIFP boards(cpue0 and cpue1).

31803/4 Number of rejected calls on handover requests due to an

overloaded cellName Q3 : cgOverloadRejectedOpPageReqBtscg0


Object : bsc

Location :

Name Q3 Location

cgOverloadRejectedOpPageReqBtscg0 CPUE--0

cgOverloadRejectedOpPageReqBtscg1 CPUE--1

cgOverloadRejectedOpPageReqBtscg2 CPUE--2

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Function : Number of rejected calls on handover requests due to overloaded cell

Event : receipt of a paging request rejection caused by an overloaded cellwhen at least one board concerning the establish indication is inoverload situation

Type : raw permanent

Class : equipment

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Feature : Overload defense mechanism based on real load (FM877-- V12)

Note : V12 counterFor a same originating paging request message, this counter will beraised as many times as there are overloaded target cells.cgOverloadRejectedOpPageReqBtscg2 is not significant since theoverload on handover requests is only measured on BIFP boards(cpue0 and cpue1).

31803/4 Number of rejected calls on handover requests due to an

overloaded cell

Name Q3 : cgOverloadRejectedOpPageReqBtscg0cgOverloadRejectedOpPageReqBtscg1cgOverloadRejectedOpPageReqBtscg2

Object : bsc

Location :

Name Q3 Location

cgOverloadRejectedOpPageReqBtscg0 CPUE--0

cgOverloadRejectedOpPageReqBtscg1 CPUE--1

cgOverloadRejectedOpPageReqBtscg2 CPUE--2

Function : Number of rejected calls on handover requests due to overloaded cell

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Event : receipt of a paging request rejection caused by an overloaded cellwhen at least one board concerning the establish indication is inoverload situation

Type : raw permanent

Class : equipment

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Feature : Overload defense mechanism based on real load (FM877-- V12)

Note : V12 counterFor a same originating paging request message, this counter will beraised as many times as there are overloaded target cells.cgOverloadRejectedOpPageReqBtscg2 is not significant since theoverload on handover requests is only measured on BIFP boards(cpue0 and cpue1).

l1805 Number of MS increment power controls ordered by the Layer

One ManagementName Q3 : msPowerIncControl

Object : bts

Function : number of MS increment power controls ordered by the Layer OneManagement

Event : receipt of a STOP MEASUREMENT ACK message from the BTS

Type : raw permanent

Class : asci

Source : recorded by the BSC

Feature : GSM--R (V12)

Preciseincrementation conditions :

This counter is concerned by CCT (Circuit Calls on TCH channels)but not by CCP (Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCHchannel) or byCP (Compacket on PDTCHchannel), merely becauseGPRS and GSM--R cannot be activated at the same time.

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Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1

DFD “GPRS procedure -- preemption on PDTCH (normalcompletion in the case of Mobile Originating Call)”DFD “GPRS procedure (negative acknowledgement by the PCUfor a PDTCH preemption)”DFD “queuing of the assignment procedure (normal completion)”DFD “inter--cell intra BSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “connection clearing required by the MSC procedure(normal completion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Intra cell handover procedure (normal completion withcommunication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Inter BSS intra MSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Direct retry handover procedure”DFD “Radio channel release DEACTIVATE SACCH ACKprocedure (normal completion)”DFD “Radio channel release RELEASE INDICATION procedure(normal completion)DFD “Connection clearing required by the BSC procedure(communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Connection clearing required by the BSC procedure(communication on SIGNALING phase)”

Note : V12 counter

l1806 Number of MS decrement power controls ordered by the Layer

One Management

Name Q3 : msPowerDecControl

Object : bts

Function : number of MS decrement power controls ordered by the Layer OneManagement

Event : receipt of a STOP MEASUREMENT ACK message from the BTS

Type : raw permanent

Class : asci

Source : recorded by the BSC

Feature : GSM--R (V12)

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Preciseincrementation conditions :

This counter is concerned by CCT (Circuit Calls on TCH channels)but not by CCP (Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCHchannel) or byCP (Compacket on PDTCHchannel), merely becauseGPRS and GSM--R cannot be activated at the same time.

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1

DFD “GPRS procedure -- preemption on PDTCH (normalcompletion in the case of Mobile Originating Call)”DFD “GPRS procedure (negative acknowledgement by the PCUfor a PDTCH preemption)”DFD “queuing of the assignment procedure (normal completion)”DFD “inter--cell intra BSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “connection clearing required by the MSC procedure(normal completion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Intra cell handover procedure (normal completion withcommunication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Inter BSS intra MSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Direct retry handover procedure”DFD “Radio channel release DEACTIVATE SACCH ACKprocedure (normal completion)”DFD “Radio channel release RELEASE INDICATION procedure(normal completion)DFD “Connection clearing required by the BSC procedure(communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Connection clearing required by the BSC procedure(communication on SIGNALING phase)”

Note : V12 counter

l1807 Number of BS increment power controls ordered by the Layer

One Management

Name Q3 : bsPowerIncControl

Object : bts

Function : number of BS increment power controls ordered by the Layer OneManagement

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Event : receipt of a STOP MEASUREMENT ACK message from the BTS

Type : raw permanent

Class : asci

Source : recorded by the BSC

Feature : GSM--R (V12)

Preciseincrementation conditions :

This counter is concerned by CCT (Circuit Calls on TCH channels)but not by CCP (Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCHchannel) or byCP (Compacket on PDTCHchannel), merely becauseGPRS and GSM--R cannot be activated at the same time.

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1

DFD “GPRS procedure -- preemption on PDTCH (normalcompletion in the case of Mobile Originating Call)”

DFD “GPRS procedure (negative acknowledgement by the PCUfor a PDTCH preemption)”

DFD “queuing of the assignment procedure (normal completion)”

DFD “inter--cell intra BSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”

DFD “connection clearing required by the MSC procedure(normal completion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”

DFD “Intra cell handover procedure (normal completion withcommunication on TRAFFIC phase)”

DFD “Inter BSS intra MSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”

DFD “Direct retry handover procedure”

DFD “Radio channel release DEACTIVATE SACCH ACKprocedure (normal completion)”

DFD “Radio channel release RELEASE INDICATION procedure(normal completion)

DFD “Connection clearing required by the BSC procedure(communication on TRAFFIC phase)”

DFD “Connection clearing required by the BSC procedure(communication on SIGNALING phase)”

Note : V12 counter

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l1808 Number of BS decrement power controls ordered by the Layer

One Management

Name Q3 : bsPowerDecControl

Object : bts

Function : number of BS decrement power controls ordered by the Layer OneManagement

Event : receipt of a STOP MEASUREMENT ACK message from the BTS

Type : raw permanent

Class : asci

Source : recorded by the BSC

Feature : GSM--R (V12)

Preciseincrementation conditions :

This counter is concerned by CCT (Circuit Calls on TCH channels)but not by CCP (Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCHchannel) or byCP (Compacket on PDTCHchannel), merely becauseGPRS and GSM--R cannot be activated at the same time.

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1

DFD “GPRS procedure -- preemption on PDTCH (normalcompletion in the case of Mobile Originating Call)”DFD “GPRS procedure (negative acknowledgement by the PCUfor a PDTCH preemption)”DFD “queuing of the assignment procedure (normal completion)”DFD “inter--cell intra BSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “connection clearing required by the MSC procedure(normal completion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Intra cell handover procedure (normal completion withcommunication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Inter BSS intra MSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Direct retry handover procedure”DFD “Radio channel release DEACTIVATE SACCH ACKprocedure (normal completion)”

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DFD “Radio channel release RELEASE INDICATION procedure(normal completion)DFD “Connection clearing required by the BSC procedure(communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Connection clearing required by the BSC procedure(communication on SIGNALING phase)”

Note : V12 counter

l1809/0 Average timing advance value for the communications in the cell

Name Q3 : timingAdvanceAverage

Object : bts

Function : average timing advance value for the communications in the the cell(only for communications on TCH channel)

Event : receipt of a STOP MEASUREMENT ACK message from the BTS

Type : raw permanent

Class : asci

Source : recorded by the BSC

Feature : GSM--R (V12)

Preciseincrementation conditions :

This counter is concerned by CCT (Circuit Calls on TCH channels)but not by CCP (Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCHchannel) or byCP (Compacket on PDTCHchannel), merely becauseGPRS and GSM--R cannot be activated at the same time.

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “GPRS procedure -- preemption on PDTCH (normalcompletion in the case of Mobile Originating Call)”DFD “GPRS procedure (negative acknowledgement by the PCUfor a PDTCH preemption)”DFD “inter--cell intra BSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “connection clearing required by the MSC procedure(normal completion with communication on SIGNALLINGphase)”DFD “Intra cell handover procedure (normal completion withcommunication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Inter BSS intra MSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”

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DFD “Radio channel release DEACTIVATE SACCH ACKprocedure (normal completion)”DFD “Radio channel release RELEASE INDICATION procedure(normal completion)DFD “Connection clearing required by the BSC procedure(communication on TRAFFIC phase)”

Note : V12 counterThe value given by the BTS is the average timing advance percommunication (this value is multiplexed by the C1600 value:connectionDurationTch)

l1809/1 Maximum timing advance value for the communications in the


Name Q3 : timingAdvanceMaximumTrZone

Object : transceiverZone

Function : maximum timing advance value for the communications in the inneror the outer zone of the cell (only for communications on TCHchannel)

Event : receipt of a STOP MEASUREMENT ACK message from the BTS

Type : raw permanent

Class : asci

Source : recorded by the BSC

Feature : GSM--R (V12)

Preciseincrementation conditions :

This counter is concerned by CCT (Circuit Calls on TCH channels)but not by CCP (Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCHchannel) or byCP (Compacket on PDTCHchannel), merely becauseGPRS and GSM--R cannot be activated at the same time.

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “GPRS procedure -- preemption on PDTCH (normalcompletion in the case of Mobile Originating Call)”DFD “GPRS procedure (negative acknowledgement by the PCUfor a PDTCH preemption)”DFD “inter--cell intra BSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “connection clearing required by the MSC procedure(normal completion with communication on SIGNALLINGphase)”

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DFD “Intra cell handover procedure (normal completion withcommunication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Inter BSS intra MSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Radio channel release DEACTIVATE SACCH ACKprocedure (normal completion)”DFD “Radio channel release RELEASE INDICATION procedure(normal completion)DFD “Connection clearing required by the BSC procedure(communication on TRAFFIC phase)”

Note : V12 counterThe value given by the BTS is the maximum timing advance percommunication (the maximum value for all the communications inthe transceiverZone of cell)

l1810 Average and maximum numbers of configurated TCH full rate


Name Q3 : tchFrAverageConfiguratedMoytchFrAverageConfiguratedMaxtchFrAverageConfiguratedCumtchFrAverageConfiguratedEch

Object : bts

Function : average and maximum numbers of configurated TCH full rateresource (resource configured by the OMC; it can be available orunavailable). Preemptable PDTCHs are not taken into account.

Event : receipt of a TGE from the OMC modifying the number of TCHresources in the cell

Type : raw permanent

Class : asci

Source : recorded by the BSC

Feature : GSM--R (V12)

Preciseincrementation conditions :

This counter is concerned by CCT (Circuit Calls on TCH channels)but not by CCP (Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCHchannel) or byCP (Compacket on PDTCHchannel), merely becauseGPRS and GSM--R cannot be activated at the same time.

Note : V12 counterThis resource configured by the OMC may be available or not.

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l1811 Average and maximum numbers of configurated SDCCH


Name Q3 : sdcchAverageConfiguratedTrZoneMoysdcchAverageConfiguratedTrZoneMaxsdcchAverageConfiguratedTrZoneCumsdcchAverageConfiguratedTrZoneEch

Object : transceiverZone

Function : average and maximum numbers of configurated SDCCH resource(= resource configured by the OMC; it can be available orunavailable)

Event : receipt of a TGE from the OMC modifying the number of SDCCHresources in the inner or the outer zone of the cell

Type : raw permanent

Class : asci

Source : recorded by the BSC

Feature : GSM--R (V12)This counter is concerned by CCT (Circuit Calls on TCH channels)but not by CCP (Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCHchannel) or byCP (Compacket on PDTCHchannel), merely becauseGPRS and GSM--R cannot be activated at the same time.

Preciseincrementation conditions :

Note : V12 counterThis resource configured by the OMC may be available or not.

l1812 Number of activated and non activated circuit TS for traffic in

circuit mode in the inner or the outer zone of the cell

Name Q3 : allocatedCircuitTsTrZoneMoyallocatedCircuitTsTrZoneMaxallocatedCircuitTsTrZoneCumallocatedCircuitTsTrZoneEch

Object : transceiverZone

Function : number of activated and non activated circuit TS (all TCHs andPDTCHs activated for traffic in circuit mode) in the inner or outerzone of the cell

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Event : allocation of a TCH or a PDTCH for traffic in circuit mode

Type : raw permanent

Class : GPRS

Source : recorded by the BSC

Feature : GPRS (TF1121 and TF1128 -- V12)

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “GPRS procedure -- preemption on PDTCH (normalcompletion in the case of Mobile Originating Call)”DFD “GPRS procedure (negative acknowledgement by the PCUfor a PDTCH preemption)”DFD “queuing of the assignment procedure (normal completion)”DFD “inter--cell intra BSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “connection clearing required by the MSC procedure(normal completion with communication on SIGNALLINGphase)”DFD “immediate assignment procedure (normal completion)”DFD “Intra cell handover procedure (normal completion withcommunication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Inter BSS intra MSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Direct retry handover procedure”DFD “Connection clearing required by the BSC procedure(communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Connection clearing required by the BSC procedure(communication on SIGNALING phase)”

Note : V12 counter

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l1813/0 Number of TS allocations for packet mode in the cellName Q3 : allocatedPacketTsMoy


Object : transceiverZone and btsFunction : number of available PDTCHforGPRS (= all configured PDTCHsnot

preempted for traffic in circuit mode)Event : PDTCH configuration or preemption / release of the GPRS channel

by the BSCType : raw permanentClass : GPRSSource : recorded by the BSCFeature : GPRS (TF1121 and TF1128 -- V12)Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1

DFD “GPRS procedure -- preemption on PDTCH (normalcompletion)”DFD “GPRS procedure (no available resource for a PDTCHpreemption)” which shows that c1813 is decremented when noresource is available to perform a PDTCH preemptionCounts the preemption on PDTCHs not mapped on AGPRS; aswhen available PDTCHs are used for circut calls.This counter gives the number of PDTCH channels given to thePCU equipment.

Note : V12 counter

l1813/1 Number of PDTCH configured on the cellName Q3 : totalNumberOfPacketTsMoy


Object : transceiverZone and btsFunction : number of PDTCH configured on the cell (total number of available

PDTCH)Event : TDMA configuration/deconfigurationType : raw permanentClass : GPRSSource : recorded by the BSC

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Feature : GPRS (PM1367)

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “GPRS procedure -- preemption on PDTCH (normalcompletion)”DFD “GPRS procedure (no available resource for a PDTCHpreemption)” which shows that c1813 is decremented when noresource is available to perform a PDTCH preemptionCounts the preemption on PDTCHs not mapped on AGPRS; aswhen available PDTCHs are used for circut calls.This counter gives the number of PDTCH channels given to thePCU equipment.

Note : V14 Counter

l1813/2 Number of PDTCH preempted

Name Q3 : totalNumberOfPacketTsUsedForCircuitMoytotalNumberOfPacketTsUsedForCircuitMaxtotalNumberOfPacketTsUsedForCircuitCumtotalNumberOfPacketTsUsedForCircuitEch

Object : transceiverZone and bts

Function : number of PDTCH preempted (number of available PDTCH used forcircuit PDTCH)

Event : Channel activation and RF channel release of a PDTCH

Type : raw permanent

Class : GPRS

Source : recorded by the BSC

Feature : GPRS (PM136F)

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “GPRS procedure -- preemption on PDTCH (normalcompletion)”DFD “GPRS procedure (no available resource for a PDTCHpreemption)” which shows that c1813 is decremented when noresource is available to perform a PDTCH preemptionCounts the preemption on PDTCHs not mapped on AGPRS; aswhen available PDTCHs are used for circut calls.This counter gives the number of PDTCH channels given to thePCU equipment.

Note : V14 Counter

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l1814 Number of GPRS preemption successes

Name Q3 : gprsPreemption

Object : bts

Function : number of PDTCH preemption successes

Event : successful preemption of a PDTCH in circuit mode

Type : raw permanent

Class : GPRS

Source : recorded by the BSC

Feature : GPRS (TF1121 -- V12)

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by CCP only(Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel).

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “GPRS procedure -- preemption on PDTCH (normalcompletion in the case of Mobile Originating Call)”DFD “GPRS procedure (no resource available for a PDTCHpreemption)”

Note : V12 counter

l1815 Number of GPRS preemption failures (requests nacked by the


Name Q3 : gprsPreemptionNack

Object : bts

Function : number of PDTCHpreemption failures (requests nacked by the PCU)

Event : receipt of a refusal message from the PCU to release its PDTCHchannel

Type : raw permanent

Class : GPRS

Source : recorded by the BSC

Feature : GPRS (TF1121 -- V12)

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by CCP only(Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel).

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Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “GPRS procedure (negative acknowledgement by the PCUfor a PDTCH preemption)”

Note : V12 counter

l1816/0 Path balance for all the communications on TCH full rate

channel or preempted PDTCH on the BCCH TDMAName Q3 : pathBalanceCum


Object : cellFunction : Averaging value of the path balance for all the communications on

TCH full rate channel or preempted PDTCH on the BCCH TDMA

Event : Data are received by the BSC from the BTS in STOPMEASUREMENT ACK messages. For each communication, theBTS gives the number of measurements and the cumulated value.

Type : raw permanent

Class : cellSource : recorded by the BSC

Note : V14 counter

l1817/0 Number of bursts that must be transmittedName Q3 : burstToTransmitObject : cellFunction : Number of bursts that must be transmitted.

Event : Data are received by the BSC from the BTS in STOPMEASUREMENT ACK messages.

Type : raw permanent

Class : cellSource : recorded by the BSC

Note : V14 counter

l1818/0 Number of bursts that have been transmittedName Q3 : burstTransmittedObject : cellFunction : Number of bursts that have been transmitted.

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Event : Data are received by the BSC from the BTS in STOPMEASUREMENT ACK messages.

Type : raw permanent

Class : cell

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V14 counter

l1819/0 Number of bursts thatmust be transmitted at the requiredpower

Name Q3 : burstToTransmitReqPwr

Object : cell

Function : Number of bursts that must be transmitted at the required power.

Event : Data are received by the BSC from the BTS in STOPMEASUREMENT ACK messages.

Type : raw permanent

Class : cell

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V14 counter

l1820/0 Sum of the Smart Transmit Power Management attenuation

Name Q3 : STPMAttenuation

Object : cell

Function : Sum of the Smart Transmit Power Management attenuation

Event : Data are received by the BSC from the BTS in STOPMEASUREMENT ACK messages.

Type : raw permanent

Class : cell

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V14 counter

l1834 Number of rejected calls on paging requests due to SICD<x>

board overload

Name Q3 : lapdOverloadRejectedOpSicd<x>.....for x = 0 to 9

Object : bsc

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Location :

Name Q3 Location

lapdOverloadRejectedOpSicd<x> SICD--<x>

Function : Number of channel requests rejected due to SICD<x> board overload

Event : receipt of a channel request message

Type : raw permanent

Class : equipment

Source : recorded by the BSC

Feature : Overload defense mechanism based on real load (FM877-- V12)

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:

CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channelCP: Com packet on PDTCH channel

In case of rejection, no distinction is made between CHANNELREQUESTS messages dedicated to Circuit Call or Packet Calls.

Note : V12 counter

l1835 Synthetic load on CPUM, CPUE<x>, SICD<y> board

Name Q3 : cardSynthLoadCpumMoycardSynthLoadCpumMaxcardSynthLoadCpumCumcardSynthLoadCpumEchcardSynthLoadCpue<x>Moy.....for x = 0 to 2cardSynthLoadCpue<x>MaxcardSynthLoadCpue<x>CumcardSynthLoadCpue<x>EchcardSynthLoadSicd<y>Moy.....for y = 0 to 9cardSynthLoadSicd<y>MaxcardSynthLoadSicd<y>CumcardSynthLoadSicd<y>Ech

Object : bsc

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Location :

Name Q3 Location

cardSynthLoadCpumMoy/Max/Cum/Ech CPUM--0

cardSynthLoadCpue<x>Moy/Max/Cum/Ech CPUE--<x>

cardSynthLoadSicd<y>Moy/Max/Cum/Ech SICD--<y>

Function : synthetic load on CPUM, CPUE[x], SICD[y] board expressed in %Event : the synthetic load is generated every second

Type : raw permanent

Class : equipment

Source : recorded by the BSCPreciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channelCP: Com packet on PDTCH channel

Feature : Overload defense mechanism based on real load (FM877-- V12)

Note : V12 counterThis counter is only read when the sicd board is in service.

l1839/0 Number of outgoing intra--bss or inter--bss handover attempts

from a central cell to a neighboring one: Loss of Uplink powerName Q3 : hoNcellsRequestOutgoingUplinkStrength

Object : adjacentCellHandOverFunction : number of outgoing intra--bss or inter--bss handover attempts from a

central cell to a neighboring one because of Loss of Uplink power

Event : attempt of selection of an eligible cell resource

Type : raw permanent

Class : asciSource : recorded by the BSC

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “Intra cell handover procedure (normal completion withcommunication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Inter BSS intra MSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”

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Feature : GSM--R (V12)Note : V12 counter

This counter only applies on TCH channel.

l1839/1 Number of outgoing intra--bss or inter--bss handover attempts

from a central cell to a neighboring one: Loss of Downlink powerName Q3 : hoNcellsRequestOutgoingDownlinkStrengthObject : adjacentCellHandOverFunction : number of outgoing intra--bss or inter--bss handover attempts from a

central cell to a neighboring one because of Loss of Downlink powerEvent : attempt of selection of an eligible cell resourceType : raw permanentClass : asciSource : recorded by the BSCData flows : Refer to Chapter 1

DFD “Intra cell handover procedure (normal completion withcommunication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Inter BSS intra MSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”

Feature : GSM--R (V12)Note : V12 counter

This counter only applies on TCH channel.

l1839/2 Number of outgoing intra--bss or inter--bss handover attempts

from a central cell to a neighboring one: Loss of Uplink qualityName Q3 : hoNcellsRequestOutgoingUplinkQualityObject : adjacentCellHandOverFunction : number of outgoing intra--bss or inter--bss handover attempts from a

central cell to a neighboring one because of Loss of Uplink qualityEvent : attempt of selection of an eligible cell resourceType : raw permanentClass : asciSource : recorded by the BSCData flows : Refer to Chapter 1

DFD “Intra cell handover procedure (normal completion withcommunication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Inter BSS intra MSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”

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Feature : GSM--R (V12)

Note : V12 counterThis counter only applies on TCH channel.

l1839/3 Number of outgoing intra--bss or inter--bss handover attempts

from a central cell to a neighboring one: Loss of Downlinkquality

Name Q3 : hoNcellsRequestOutgoingDownlinkQuality

Object : adjacentCellHandOver

Function : number of outgoing intra--bss or inter--bss handover attempts from acentral cell to a neighboring one because of Loss of Downlink quality

Event : attempt of selection of an eligible cell resource

Type : raw permanent

Class : asci

Source : recorded by the BSC

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “Intra cell handover procedure (normal completion withcommunication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Inter BSS intra MSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”

Feature : GSM--R (V12)

Note : V12 counterThis counter only applies on TCH channel.

l1839/4 Number of outgoing intra--bss or inter--bss handover attempts

from a central cell to a neighboring one: Distance

Name Q3 : hoNcellsRequestOutgoingDistance

Object : adjacentCellHandOver

Function : number of outgoing intra--bss or inter--bss handover attempts from acentral cell to a neighboring one because of distance

Event : attempt of selection of an eligible cell resource

Type : raw permanent

Class : asci

Source : recorded by the BSC

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Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “Intra cell handover procedure (normal completion withcommunication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Inter BSS intra MSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”

Feature : GSM--R (V12)Note : V12 counter

This counter only applies on TCH channel.

l1839/5 Number of outgoing intra--bss or inter--bss handover attempts

from a central cell to a neighboring one: Power BudgetName Q3 : hoNcellsRequestOutgoingPowerBudgetObject : adjacentCellHandOverFunction : number of outgoing intra--bss or inter--bss handover attempts from a

central cell to a neighboring one because of power budgetEvent : attempt of selection of an eligible cell resourceType : raw permanentClass : asciSource : recorded by the BSCData flows : Refer to Chapter 1

DFD “Intra cell handover procedure (normal completion withcommunication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Inter BSS intra MSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”

Feature : GSM--R (V12)Note : V12 counter

This counter only applies on TCH channel.

l1839/6 Number of outgoing intra--bss or inter--bss handover attempts

from a central cell to a neighboring one: Directed retryName Q3 : hoNcellsRequestOutgoingDirectedRetryObject : adjacentCellHandOverFunction : number of outgoing intra--bss or inter--bss handover attempts from a

central cell to a neighboring one because of directed retryEvent : attempt of selection of an eligible cell resourceType : raw permanentClass : asciSource : recorded by the BSC

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Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “Intra cell handover procedure (normal completion withcommunication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Inter BSS intra MSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”

Feature : GSM--R (V12)

Note : V12 counterThis counter only applies on TCH channel.

l1839/7 Number of outgoing intra--bss or inter--bss handover attempts

from a central cell to a neighboring one: Forced handoverO&M

Name Q3 : hoNcellsRequestOutgoingInterCellOM

Object : adjacentCellHandOver

Function : number of outgoing intra--bss or inter--bss handover attempts from acentral cell to a neighboring one with cause “forced handover” fromthe L1M

Event : attempt of selection of an eligible cell resource

Type : raw permanent

Class : asci

Source : recorded by the BSC

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “Intra cell handover procedure (normal completion withcommunication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Inter BSS intra MSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”

Feature : GSM--R (V12)

Note : V12 counterThis counter only applies on TCH channel.

l1839/8 Number of outgoing intra--bss or inter--bss handover attempts

from a central cell to a neighboring one: Traffic

Name Q3 : hoNcellsRequestOutgoingTraffic

Object : adjacentCellHandOver

Function : number of outgoing intra--bss or inter--bss handover attempts from acentral cell to a neighboring one with cause “traffic” from the L1M

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Event : attempt of selection of an eligible cell resourceType : raw permanentClass : asciSource : recorded by the BSCData flows : Refer to Chapter 1

DFD “Intra cell handover procedure (normal completion withcommunication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Inter BSS intra MSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”

Feature : GSM--R (V12)Note : V12 counter

This counter only applies on TCH channel.

l1839/9 Number of outgoing intra--bss or inter--bss handover attempts

from a central cell to a neighboring one: Other causesName Q3 : hoNcellsRequestOutgoingOtherObject : adjacentCellHandOverFunction : number of outgoing intra--bss or inter--bss handover attempts from a

central cell to a neighboring one for other causesEvent : attempt of selection of an eligible cell resourceType : raw permanent

Class : asciSource : recorded by the BSCData flows : Refer to Chapter 1

DFD “Intra cell handover procedure (normal completion withcommunication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Inter BSS intra MSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”

Feature : GSM--R (V12)Note : V12 counter

This counter only applies on TCH channel.

l1840/0 Number of outgoing intra--bss or inter--bss handover successes

from a central cell to a neighboring one: Loss of Uplink powerName Q3 : hoNcellsSuccessOutgoingUplinkStrengthObject : adjacentCellHandOverFunction : number of outgoing intra--bss or inter--bss handover successes from a

central cell to a neighboring one because of Loss of Uplink power

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Event : receipt of a CLEAR COMMAND message from the MSC with acause set to “handover successful” (inter--bss handovers) or receipt ofa HANDOVER COMPLETE message (intra--bss handovers)

Type : raw permanent

Class : asci

Source : recorded by the BSC

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “Intra cell handover procedure (normal completion withcommunication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Inter BSS intra MSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”

Feature : GSM--R (V12)

Note : V12 counterThis counter only applies on TCH channel.

l1840/1 Number of outgoing intra--bss or inter--bss handover successes

from a central cell to a neighboring one: Loss of Downlink power

Name Q3 : hoNcellsSuccessOutgoingDownlinkStrength

Object : adjacentCellHandOver

Function : number of outgoing intra--bss or inter--bss handover successes from acentral cell to a neighboring one because of Loss of Downlink power

Event : receipt of a CLEAR COMMAND message from the MSC with acause set to “handover successful” (inter--bss handovers) or receipt ofa HANDOVER COMPLETE message (intra--bss handovers)

Type : raw permanent

Class : asci

Source : recorded by the BSC

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “Intra cell handover procedure (normal completion withcommunication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Inter BSS intra MSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”

Feature : GSM--R (V12)

Note : V12 counterThis counter only applies on TCH channel.

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l1840/2 Number of outgoing intra--bss or inter--bss handover successes

from a central cell to a neighboring one: Loss of Uplink quality

Name Q3 : hoNcellsSuccessOutgoingUplinkQuality

Object : adjacentCellHandOver

Function : number of outgoing intra--bss or inter--bss handover successes from acentral cell to a neighboring one because of Loss of Uplink quality

Event : receipt of a CLEAR COMMAND message from the MSC with acause set to “handover successful” (inter--bss handovers) or receipt ofa HANDOVER COMPLETE message (intra--bss handovers)

Type : raw permanent

Class : asci

Source : recorded by the BSC

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “Intra cell handover procedure (normal completion withcommunication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Inter BSS intra MSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”

Feature : GSM--R (V12)

Note : V12 counterThis counter only applies on TCH channel.

l1840/3 Number of outgoing intra--bss or inter--bss handover successes

from a central cell to a neighboring one: Loss of Downlinkquality

Name Q3 : hoNcellsSuccessOutgoingDownlinkQuality

Object : adjacentCellHandOver

Function : number of outgoing intra--bss or inter--bss handover successes from acentral cell to a neighboring one because of Loss of Downlink quality

Event : receipt of a CLEAR COMMAND message from the MSC with acause set to “handover successful” (inter--bss handovers) or receipt ofa HANDOVER COMPLETE message (intra--bss handovers)

Type : raw permanent

Class : asci

Source : recorded by the BSC

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Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “Intra cell handover procedure (normal completion withcommunication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Inter BSS intra MSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”

Feature : GSM--R (V12)

Note : V12 counterThis counter only applies on TCH channel.

l1840/4 Number of outgoing intra--bss or inter--bss handover successes

from a central cell to a neighboring one: Distance

Name Q3 : hoNcellsSuccessOutgoingDistance

Object : adjacentCellHandOver

Function : number of outgoing intra--bss or inter--bss handover attempts from acentral cell to a neighboring one because of distance

Event : receipt of a CLEAR COMMAND message from the MSC with acause set to “handover successful” (inter--bss handovers) or receipt ofa HANDOVER COMPLETE message (intra--bss handovers)

Type : raw permanent

Class : asci

Source : recorded by the BSC

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “Intra cell handover procedure (normal completion withcommunication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Inter BSS intra MSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”

Feature : GSM--R (V12)

Note : V12 counterThis counter only applies on TCH channel.

l1840/5 Number of outgoing intra--bss or inter--bss handover successes

from a central cell to a neighboring one: Distance

Name Q3 : hoNcellsSuccessOutgoingPowerBudget

Object : adjacentCellHandOver

Function : number of outgoing intra--bss or inter--bss handover successes from acentral cell to a neighboring one because of power budget

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Event : receipt of a CLEAR COMMAND message from the MSC with acause set to “handover successful” (inter--bss handovers) or receipt ofa HANDOVER COMPLETE message (intra--bss handovers)

Type : raw permanent

Class : asci

Source : recorded by the BSC

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “Intra cell handover procedure (normal completion withcommunication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Inter BSS intra MSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”

Feature : GSM--R (V12)

Note : V12 counterThis counter only applies on TCH channel.

l1840/6 Number of outgoing intra--bss or inter--bss handover successes

from a central cell to a neighboring one: Directed retry

Name Q3 : hoNcellsSuccessOutgoingDirectedRetry

Object : adjacentCellHandOver

Function : number of outgoing intra--bss or inter--bss handover successes from acentral cell to a neighboring one because of directed retry

Event : receipt of a CLEAR COMMAND message from the MSC with acause set to “handover successful” (inter--bss handovers) or receipt ofa HANDOVER COMPLETE message (intra--bss handovers)

Type : raw permanent

Class : asci

Source : recorded by the BSC

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “Intra cell handover procedure (normal completion withcommunication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Inter BSS intra MSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”

Feature : GSM--R (V12)

Note : V12 counterThis counter only applies on TCH channel.

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l1840/7 Number of outgoing intra--bss or inter--bss handover successes

from a central cell to a neighboring one: Forced handoverO&M

Name Q3 : hoNcellsSuccessOutgoingInterCellOM

Object : adjacentCellHandOver

Function : number of outgoing intra--bss or inter--bss handover successes from acentral cell to a neighboring one with cause “forced handover” fromthe L1M

Event : receipt of a CLEAR COMMAND message from the MSC with acause set to “handover successful” (inter--bss handovers) or receipt ofa HANDOVER COMPLETE message (intra--bss handovers)

Type : raw permanent

Class : asci

Source : recorded by the BSC

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “Intra cell handover procedure (normal completion withcommunication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Inter BSS intra MSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”

Feature : GSM--R (V12)

Note : V12 counterThis counter only applies on TCH channel.

l1840/8 Number of outgoing intra--bss or inter--bss handover successes

from a central cell to a neighboring one: Traffic

Name Q3 : hoNcellsSuccessOutgoingTraffic

Object : adjacentCellHandOver

Function : number of outgoing intra--bss or inter--bss handover successes from acentral cell to a neighboring one with cause “traffic” from the L1M

Event : receipt of a CLEAR COMMAND message from the MSC with acause set to “handover successful” (inter--bss handovers) or receipt ofa HANDOVER COMPLETE message (intra--bss handovers)

Type : raw permanent

Class : asci

Source : recorded by the BSC

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Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “Intra cell handover procedure (normal completion withcommunication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Inter BSS intra MSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”

Feature : GSM--R (V12)

Note : V12 counterThis counter only applies on TCH channel.

l1840/9 Number of outgoing intra--bss or inter--bss handover successes

from a central cell to a neighboring one: Other causesName Q3 : hoNcellsSuccessOutgoingOther

Object : adjacentCellHandOver

Function : number of outgoing intra--bss or inter--bss handover successes from acentral cell to a neighboring one for other causes

Event : receipt of a CLEAR COMMAND message from the MSC with acause set to “handover successful” (inter--bss handovers) or receipt ofa HANDOVER COMPLETE message (intra--bss handovers)

Type : raw permanent

Class : asci

Source : recorded by the BSC

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “Intra cell handover procedure (normal completion withcommunication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Inter BSS intra MSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”

Feature : GSM--R (V12)

Note : V12 counterThis counter only applies on TCH channel.

l1841/0 Number of assignment request messages received: modification

from a SDCCH channel to a TCH or a preempted PDTCHchannel

Name Q3 : assignRequestSdcchToTchChannel

Object : bts

Function : number of assignment request messages received because of amodification from a SDCCH channel to a TCH or a preemptedPDTCH channel

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Event : receipt of a ASSIGNMENT REQUEST message from the MSCbecause of a modification from a SDCCH channel to a TCH or apreempted PDTCH channel

Type : raw permanent

Class : assignment

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “GPRS procedure -- preemption on PDTCH (normalcompletion in the case of Mobile Originating Call)”DFD “GPRS procedure (negative acknowledgement by the PCUfor a PDTCH preemption)”DFD “GPRS procedure (no resource available for a PDTCHpreemption)”DFD “dedicated channel assignment procedure (no resourceavailable and queuing not activated)”DFD “dedicated channel assignment procedure (normalcompletion)”DFD “queuing of the assignment procedure (normal completion)”DFD “inter--cell intra BSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “connection clearing required by the MSC procedure(normal completion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Dedicated channel assignment modify procedure (normalcompletion)”DFD “Direct retry handover procedure”

Note : V12 counter

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l1841/1 Number of assignment request messages received: Cause other

than modification from a SDCCH channel to a TCH or apreempted PDTCH channel

Name Q3 : assignRequestOthers

Object : bts

Function : number of assignment request messages received because of a causeother than a modification from a SDCCH channel to a TCH or apreempted PDTCH channel

Event : receipt of a ASSIGNMENT REQUEST message from the MSCbecause of a cause other a modification from a SDCCH channel to aTCH or a preempted PDTCH channel

Type : raw permanent

Class : assignment

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “Dedicated channel assignment modify procedure (normalcompletion)”DFD “Direct retry handover procedure”

Note : V12 counter

l1842/0 Number of emission of ASSIGNMENT FAILURE messages on

theA interface:Modification from anSDCCH channel to aTCHor a preempted PDTCH channel

Name Q3 : assignFailureSdcchToTchChannel

Object : bts

Function : number of ASSIGNMENT FAILURE messages sent on theA interface because of a modification from a SDCCH channel to aTCH or a preempted PDTCH channel

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Event : sending of an ASSIGNMENT FAILURE message to the MSCbecause of a modification from a SDCCH channel to a TCH or apreempted PDTCH channel

Type : raw permanent

Class : assignment

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “GPRS procedure (negative acknowledgement by the PCUfor a PDTCH preemption)”DFD “GPRS procedure (no resource available for a PDTCHpreemption)”DFD “dedicated channel assignment procedure (no resourceavailable and queuing not activated)”

Note : V12 counter

l1842/1 Number of emission of ASSIGNMENT FAILURE messages on

the A interface: Cause other than modification from a SDCCHchannel to a TCH or a preempted PDTCH channel

Name Q3 : assignFailureOthers

Object : bts

Function : number of ASSIGNMENT FAILURE messages sent on theA interface because of a cause other than a modification from aSDCCH channel to a TCH or a preempted PDTCH channel

Event : sending of an ASSIGNMENT FAILURE message to the MSCbecause of a cause other a modification from a SDCCH channel to aTCH or a preempted PDTCH channel

Type : raw permanent

Class : assignment

Source : recorded by the BSC

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Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Note : V12 counter

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2.2 Raw permanent BSS counters (BSC e3, AMR)

2.2.1 Raw permanent BSS counters (BSC e3)

l1507/0 Number of rejected paging requests due to overload situationName Q3 : e3OverloadRejectedOpPagingReq

Object : bsc

Function : number of rejected paging requests due to overload situation (thiscounter is incremented if the local card is overloaded or the operationfamily named paging request is overloaded)

Event : receipt of a paging request when at least one card concerning thisoperation is in an overload situation

Type : raw permanent

Class : equipment

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V14 counter

l1507/1 Number of rejected channel requests due to overload situation

Name Q3 : e3OverloadRejectedOpChannelReq

Object : bsc

Function : number of rejected channel requests due to overload situation

Event : receipt of a channel request when at least one card concerning thisoperation is in an overload situation

Type : raw permanent

Class : equipment

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V14 counter

l1507/2 Number of rejected establish indicationmessages due to overload

situationName Q3 : e3OverloadRejectedOpEstablishInd

Object : bsc

Function : number of rejected establish indication messages due to overloadsituation

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Counter descriptionNortel Networks Confidential 2--345

Observation Counter DictionaryCopyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

Event : receipt of an establish indication message when at least one cardconcerning this operation is in an overload situation

Type : raw permanent

Class : equipment

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V14 counter

l1507/3 Number of rejected handover requests due to overload situation

Name Q3 : e3OverloadRejectedOpHoReq

Object : bsc

Function : number of rejected handover requests due to overload situation

Event : receipt of a handover request when at least one card concerning thisoperation is in an overload situation (receipt of a handover indicationmessage or attempt of outgoing internal or external handovers,incoming external handover request, local directed retry)

Type : raw permanent

Class : equipment

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V14 counter

l1507/4 Number of rejected paging request rejections caused by an

overloaded cell

Name Q3 : e3OverloadRejectedOpPagingReqReject

Object : bsc

Function : number of rejected paging request rejections caused by an overloadedcell

Event : receipt of a paging request rejection caused by an overloaded cellwhen at least one card concerning this operation is in an overloadsituation (for the same originating paging request message, thiscounter will be increased each time the target cell is overloaded)

Type : raw permanent

Class : equipment

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V14 counter

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l3000/0 Load of a OMU processor inside the Control Node of the sys-

tem: SBC

Name Q3 : prLoadCne3OmuSbcMoyprLoadCne3OmuSbcMaxprLoadCne3OmuSbcCumprLoadCne3OmuSbcEch

Object : bsc

Function : Load of a OMU processor inside the Control Node of the system

Event : Core system internal counting

Type : raw permanent

Class : BSC equipment

Source : recorded by BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit Calls on TCH channelsCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channelCP: Com Packets on PDTCH channel

Note : V13.1 counterThis counter has a value between 0 and 100 (the value 100 representsa 100% load).

3001/0 Load of a given TMU processor inside the Control Node of thesystem: SBC

Name Q3 : prLoadCne3TmuSbcMoyprLoadCne3TmuSbcMaxprLoadCne3TmuSbcCumprLoadCne3TmuSbcEch

Object : bsc

Function : Load of a givenTMUprocessor inside theControl Node of the system

Event : Core system internal counting

Type : raw permanent

Class : BSC equipment

Source : recorded by BSC

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Counter descriptionNortel Networks Confidential 2--347

Observation Counter DictionaryCopyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit Calls on TCH channelsCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channelCP: Com Packets on PDTCH channel

Note : V13.1 counterEach counter has a value between 0 and 100 (the value 100 representsa 100% load).

3001/2 Load of a given TMU processor inside the Control Node of thesystem: PMC

Name Q3 : prLoadCne3TmuPmcMoyprLoadCne3TmuPmcMaxprLoadCne3TmuPmcCumprLoadCne3TmuPmcEch

Object : bsc

Function : Load of a given TMU processor inside the Control Node of thesystem: PCM

Event : Core system internal counting

Type : raw permanent

Class : BSC equipment

Source : recorded by BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit Calls on TCH channelsCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channelCP: Com Packets on PDTCH channel

Note : V13.1 counterThis counter has a value between 0 and 100 (the value 100 representsa 100% load).The PMCmay be an option. In this case it is not significant value andthe result will be a succession “***…***” at the OMC level.

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3002 Load of a given CC1 processor inside the Control Node of thesystem

Name Q3 : prLoadCne3CC1MoyprLoadCne3CC1MaxprLoadCne3CC1CumprLoadCne3CC1Ech

Object : bsc

Function : Load of a givenCC1 processor inside theControl Node of the system.As long as theCC1 isonly composedwith aSCB, there is no screening

Event : Core system internal counting

Type : raw permanent

Class : BSC equipment

Source : recorded by BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit Calls on TCH channelsCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channelCP: Com Packets on PDTCH channel

Note : V13.1 counterThis counter has a value between 0 and 100 (the value 100 representsa 100% load).

3003 Load of a given BSC(IN)/TCU processor

Name Q3 : e3PrLoadSpmMoye3PrLoadSpmMaxe3PrLoadSpmCume3PrLoadSpmEch

Object : bsc

Function : Load of a given BSC(IN)/TCU processor which the counter isassociated with: CEM IN, CEM TCU

Event : Core system internal counting

Type : raw permanent

Class : BSC equipment

Source : recorded by BSC

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Counter descriptionNortel Networks Confidential 2--349

Observation Counter DictionaryCopyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:

CCT: Circuit Calls on TCH channelsCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channelCP: Com Packets on PDTCH channel

Note : V13.1 counter

This counter has a value between 0 and 100 (the value 100 representsa 100% load).

3004/0 Memory usage on OMU processor inside the Control Node ofthe system: SCB_MEM

Name Q3 : e3PrMemCnOmuSbcMemMoye3PrMemCnOmuSbcMemMaxe3PrMemCnOmuSbcMemCume3PrMemCnOmuSbcMemEch

Object : bsc

Function : Memory usage on OMU processor inside the Control Node of thesystem: SCB_MEM (DRAM usage)

Event : Core system internal counting

Type : raw permanent

Class : BSC equipment

Source : recorded by BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:

CCT: Circuit Calls on TCH channelsCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channelCP: Com Packets on PDTCH channel

Note : V13.1 counter

This counter has a value between 0 and 100 (the value 100 representsa 100% load).

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3004/1 Memory usage on OMU processor inside the Control Node ofthe system: SCB_SWAP

Name Q3 : e3PrMemCnOmuSbcSwapMoye3PrMemCnOmuSbcSwapMaxe3PrMemCnOmuSbcSwapCume3PrMemCnOmuSbcSwapEch

Object : bsc

Function : Memory usage on OMU processor inside the Control Node of thesystem: SCB_SWAP (disk usage for swap)

Event : Core system internal counting

Type : raw permanent

Class : BSC equipment

Source : recorded by BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:

CCT: Circuit Calls on TCH channelsCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channelCP: Com Packets on PDTCH channel

Note : V13.1 counterThis counter has a value between 0 and 100 (the value 100 representsa 100% load).

3005/0 Memory usage on TMU processor inside the Control Node ofthe system: SBC

Name Q3 : e3PrMemCnTmuSbcMoye3PrMemCnTmuSbcMaxe3PrMemCnTmuSbcCume3PrMemCnTmuSbcEch

Object : bsc

Function : Memory usage on TMU processor inside the Control Node of thesystem: SBC

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Counter descriptionNortel Networks Confidential 2--351

Observation Counter DictionaryCopyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

Event : Core system internal counting

Type : raw permanent

Class : BSC equipment

Source : recorded by BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit Calls on TCH channelsCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channelCP: Com Packets on PDTCH channel

Note : V13.1 counterThis counter has a value between 0 and 100 (the value 100 representsa 100% load).

3005/2 Memory usage on TMU processor inside the Control Node ofthe system: PMC

Name Q3 : e3PrMemCnTmuPmcMoye3PrMemCnTmuPmcMaxe3PrMemCnTmuPmcCume3PrMemCnTmuPmcEch

Object : bsc

Function : Memory usage on TMU processor inside the Control Node of thesystem: SBC

Event : Core system internal counting

Type : raw permanent

Class : BSC equipment

Source : recorded by BSC

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Counter description Nortel Networks Confidential2--352


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Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit Calls on TCH channelsCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channelCP: Com Packets on PDTCH channel

Note : V13.1 counterThis counter has a value between 0 and 100 (the value 100 representsa 100% load).The PMCmay be an option. In this case it is not significant value andthe result will be a succession “***…***” at the OMC level.

3006 Memory usage on CC1 processor inside the Control Node ofthe system

Name Q3 : e3PrMemCnCC1Moye3PrMemCnCC1Maxe3PrMemCnCC1Cume3PrMemCnCC1Ech

Object : bsc

Function : Memory usage on CC1 processor inside the Control Node of thesystem

Event : Core system internal counting

Type : raw permanent

Class : BSC equipment

Source : recorded by BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit Calls on TCH channelsCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channelCP: Com Packets on PDTCH channel

Note : V13.1 counterThis counter has a value between 0 and 100 (the value 100 representsa 100% load).

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Counter descriptionNortel Networks Confidential 2--353

Observation Counter DictionaryCopyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

3007 Memory usage on BSC(IN)/TCU processor

Name Q3 : e3PrMemSpmMoye3PrMemSpmMaxe3PrMemSpmCume3PrMemSpmEch

Object : bsc

Function : Memory usage on BSC(IN)/TCU processor which the counter isassociated with: CEM IN, CEM TCU

Event : Core system internal counting

Type : raw permanent

Class : BSC equipment

Source : recorded by BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit Calls on TCH channelsCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channelCP: Com Packets on PDTCH channel

Note : V13.1 counter

3008/0 Disk usage on OMU processor inside the Control Node of thesystem: local disk access for write operation

Name Q3 : e3PrDiskCnOmuLdWMoye3PrDiskCnOmuLdWMaxe3PrDiskCnOmuLdWCume3PrDiskCnOmuLdWEch

Object : bsc

Function : Disk usage onOMUprocessor inside the Control Node of the system:disk access on local disk for write operation (Kbyte/s)

Event : Core system internal counting

Type : raw permanent

Class : BSC equipment

Source : recorded by BSC

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Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit Calls on TCH channelsCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channelCP: Com Packets on PDTCH channel

Note : V13.1 counter

3008/1 Disk usage on OMU processor inside the Control Node of thesystem: local disk access for read operation

Name Q3 : e3PrDiskCnOmuLdRMoye3PrDiskCnOmuLdRMaxe3PrDiskCnOmuLdRCume3PrDiskCnOmuLdREch

Object : bsc

Function : Disk usage onOMUprocessor inside the Control Node of the system:disk access on local disk for read operation (Kbyte/s)

Event : Core system internal counting

Type : raw permanent

Class : BSC equipment

Source : recorded by BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit Calls on TCH channelsCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channelCP: Com Packets on PDTCH channel

Note : V13.1 counter

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Counter descriptionNortel Networks Confidential 2--355

Observation Counter DictionaryCopyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

3008/2 Disk usage on OMU processor inside the Control Node of thesystem: mirror disk access for write operation

Name Q3 : e3PrDiskCnOmuMdWMoye3PrDiskCnOmuMdWMaxe3PrDiskCnOmuMdWCume3PrDiskCnOmuMdWEch

Object : bsc

Function : Disk usage onOMUprocessor inside the Control Node of the system:disk access on mirror disk for write operation (Kbyte/s)

Event : Core system internal counting

Type : raw permanent

Class : BSC equipment

Source : recorded by BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit Calls on TCH channelsCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channelCP: Com Packets on PDTCH channel

Note : V13.1 counter

3008/3 Disk usage on OMU processor inside the Control Node of thesystem: mirror disk access for read operation

Name Q3 : e3PrDiskCnOmuMdRMoye3PrDiskCnOmuMdRMaxe3PrDiskCnOmuMdRCume3PrDiskCnOmuMdREch

Object : bsc

Function : Disk usage onOMUprocessor inside the Control Node of the system:disk access on mirror disk for read operation (Kbyte/s)

Event : Core system internal counting

Type : raw permanent

Class : BSC equipment

Source : recorded by BSC

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Counter description Nortel Networks Confidential2--356


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Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit Calls on TCH channelsCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channelCP: Com Packets on PDTCH channel

Note : V13.1 counter

3009/0 ES (Errored Seconds) in accordance with ITU--T G826 stan-dard

Note: This counter has not yet been activated in BSC software.

Name Q3 : e3PcmG826EsCume3PcmG826EsEche3PcmG826EsMoye3PcmG826EsMax

Object : pcmCircuit (BSC or TCU)

Function : Number of errored seconds during a fixed measurements interval(ES=1 s with one or more errored blocks or at least one defect)

Event : Refer to function

Type : raw permanent

Class : PCM link

Source : recorded by the BSC

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Counter descriptionNortel Networks Confidential 2--357

Observation Counter DictionaryCopyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

3009/1 SES (Severely Errored Second) in accordance with ITU--TG826 standard

Note: This counter has not yet been activated in BSC software.

Name Q3 : e3PcmG826SesCume3PcmG826SesEche3PcmG826SesMoye3PcmG286SesMax

Object : pcmCircuit (BSC or TCU)

Function : Number of severely errored seconds during a fixed measurementinterval (SES = 1s with >30% errored blocks or at least one defect --subset of ES)

Event : Refer to function

Type : raw permanent

Class : PCM link

Source : recorded by the BSC

3009/2 BBE (Background Block Error) in accordance with ITU--TG826 standard

Note: This counter has not yet been activated in BSC software.

Name Q3 : e3PcmG826BbeCume3PcmG826BbeEche3PcmG826BbeMoye3PcmG826BbeMax

Object : pcmCircuit (BSC or TCU)

Function : Number of background block errors during a fixed measurementinterval (BBE = 1 errored block not counting as part of an SES)

Event : Refer to function

Type : raw permanent

Class : PCM link

Source : recorded by the BSC

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3009/3 UAS (Unavailable Seconds) in accordance with ITU--T G826standard

Note: This counter has not yet been activated in BSC software.

Name Q3 : e3PcmG826UasCume3PcmG826UasEche3PcmG826UasMoye3PcmG826UasMax

Object : pcmCircuit (BSC or TCU)

Function : Number of available seconds during a fixed measurementinterval

Event : Refer to function

Type : raw permanent

Class : PCM link

Source : recorded by the BSC

3010/0 Number of FAS (Frame Alignment Signal) errors relating tothe PCM

Note: This counter has not yet been activated in BSC software.

Name Q3 : e3PcmEventsFAS

Object : pcmCircuit (BSC or TCU)

Function : Number of FAS errors relating to the PCM

Event : FAS events are different for E1 and T1 PCMs:-- single frame E1: number of errors in received FAS (time slot 0)-- CRC4 multiframe E1: not significant-- SFmodeT1: number of errors in the Ft and Fs framing bits positions(errored FAS)-- ESF mode T1: not significant

Type : raw permanent

Class : PCM link

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note: The counter is disabled during the loss of synchronization.

Note: This counter is dedicated to ODIAGObservations only. This observation isactivated by the Tei associated with a BtsSiteManager:

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-- either for a given cell and it applies to each of the cell’s TDMAs-- either for a given TDMA

3010/1 Number of CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check) errors relating tothe PCM

Note: This counter has not yet been activated in BSC software.

Name Q3 : e3PcmeventsCRC

Object : pcmCircuit (BSC or TCU)

Function : Number of CRC errors relating to the PCM

Event : CRC events are different for E1 and T1 PCMs:-- single frame E1: not significant-- CRC4 multiframe E1: not significant-- SF mode T1: not significant-- ESF mode T1: number of CRC6 code error

Type : raw permanent

Class : PCM link

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note: the counter is disabled during the loss of synchronization (LFAset criterion)

Note: This counter is dedicated to ODIAGObservations only. This observation isactivated by the Tei associated with a BtsSiteManager:-- either for a given cell and it applies to each of the cell’s TDMAs-- either for a given TDMA

3010/2 Number of E--bit (remote CRC error Indication) errorsrelating to the PCM

Note: This counter has not yet been activated in BSC software.

Name Q3 : e3PcmeventsEbit

Object : pcmCircuit (BSC or TCU)

Function : Number ofE--bit (remoteCRC4 error Indication) errors relating to thePCM

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Event : E--bit events are different for E1 and T1 PCMs:-- single frame E1: not significant-- CRC4multiframe E1: number of received E--bit set to zero (that is,E--bit=0 if the remote equipment received the correspondingsub--multi--frame with an errored CRC4 code)-- SF mode T1: not significant-- ESF mode T1: not significant

Type : raw permanent

Class : PCM link

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note: This counter is dedicated to ODIAGObservations only. This observation isactivated by the Tei associated with a BtsSiteManager:-- either for a given cell and it applies to each of the cell’s TDMAs-- either for a given TDMA

3010/3 Number of BPV (BiPolar Violation) errors relating to the PCM

Note: This counter has not yet been activated in BSC software.

Name Q3 : e3PcmeventBpv

Object : pcmCircuit (BSC or TCU)

Function : Number of BPV (BiPolar Violation) errors relating to the PCM

Event : BPV events are differenet for E1 and T1 PCMs:-- E1--HDB3 coding: number of consecutive bipolar violations for thesame polarity detected on the receiving line-- T1--AMI coding: number of consecutive bipolar violations of thesame polarity and the number of excessive zeroes detected (forexample, 16 consecutive zeroes) on the receiving line-- T1--B8ZS coding: number of consecutive bipolar violations of thesame polarity and the number of excessive zeroes detected (forexample, eight consecutive zeroes) on the receiving line

Type : raw permanent

Class : PCM link

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note: The counter is enabled even during loss of frame alignment

Note: This counter is dedicated to ODIAGObservations only. This observation isactivated by the Tei associated with a BtsSiteManager:

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Observation Counter DictionaryCopyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

-- either for a given cell and it applies to each of the cell’s TDMAs-- either for a given TDMA

3010/4 Number of SLIP errors relating to the PCM

Note: This counter has not yet been activated in BSC software.

Name Q3 : e3PcmeventsSLIP

Object : pcmCircuit (BSC or TCU)

Function : Number of SLIP errors relating to the PCM

Event : SLIP events for E1 and T1 PCMs:-- E1 or T1: number of secondswhere at least one slip events occurred(SLIP = frame repetition or deletion on transmit or receive side)

Type : raw permanent

Class : PCM link

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note: This counter is dedicated to ODIAGObservations only. This observation isactivated by the Tei associated with a BtsSiteManager:-- either for a given cell and it applies to each of the cell’s TDMAs-- either for a given TDMA

3011/0 Number of LOS (Loss of Signal) faults relating to the PCM

Note: This counter is not activated in BSC software.

Name Q3 : e3PcmAlarmsLOS

Object : pcmCircuit (BSC or TCU)

Function : Number of LOS faults relating to the PCM

Event : LOS alarm at PCM level (ITU--T G775):-- E1 or T1: loss of incoming signal

Type : raw permanent

Class : PCM link

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note: This counter is dedicated to ODIAGObservations only. This observation isactivated by the Tei associated with a BtsSiteManager:-- either for a given cell and it applies to each of the cell’s TDMAs-- either for a given TDMA

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3011/1 Number of AIS (Alarm Indication Signal) faults relating tothe PCM

Note: This counter is not activated in BSC software.

Name Q3 : e3PcmAlarmsAIS

Object : pcmCircuit (BSC or TCU)

Function : Number of AIS (Alarm Indication Signal) faults relating to the PCM

Event : AIS alarm at PCM level (ITU--T G775):-- E1 or T1: alarm indication signal sent by the remote equipmentindicating that a transmission fault is located either at the remoteequipment or upstream of the transmitting equipment

Type : raw permanent

Class : PCM link

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note: This counter is dedicated to ODIAGObservations only. This observation isactivated by the Tei associated with a BtsSiteManager:-- either for a given cell and it applies to each of the cell’s TDMAs-- either for a given TDMA

3011/2 Number of LFA (Loss of Frame Alignment) faults relatingto the PCM

Note: This counter is not activated in BSC software.

Name Q3 : e3PcmAlarmsLFA

Object : pcmCircuit (BSC or TCU)

Function : Number of LFA faults relating to the PCM

Event : LFA alarm at PCM level (ITU--T G706):-- E1 or T1: loss of frame alignment due to errored framing patterns

Type : raw permanent

Class : PCM link

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note: This counter is dedicated to ODIAGObservations only. This observation isactivated by the Tei associated with a BtsSiteManager:-- either for a given cell and it applies to each of the cell’s TDMAs-- either for a given TDMA

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Counter descriptionNortel Networks Confidential 2--363

Observation Counter DictionaryCopyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

3011/3 Number of CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check) faults relatingto the PCM

Note: This counter is not activated in BSC software.

Name Q3 : e3PcmAlarmsCRC

Object : pcmCircuit (BSC or TCU)

Function : Number of CRC faults relating to the PCM

Event : CRC alarm at PCM level (ITU--T G706):-- CRC4 multi--frame E1 only: loss of multiframe frame alignment

Type : raw permanent

Class : PCM link

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note: This counter is dedicated to ODIAGObservations only. This observation isactivated by the Tei associated with a BtsSiteManager:-- either for a given cell and it applies to each of the cell’s TDMAs-- either for a given TDMA

3011/4 Number of FE (Frame Error) faults relating to the PCM

Note: This counter is not activated in BSC software.

Name Q3 : e3PcmAlarmsFE

Object : pcmCircuit (BSC or TCU)

Function : Number of FE faults relating to the PCM

Event : FE alarm at PCM level (ITU--T G732)

Type : raw permanent

Class : PCM link

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note: This counter is dedicated to ODIAGObservations only. This observation isactivated by the Tei associated with a BtsSiteManager:-- either for a given cell and it applies to each of the cell’s TDMAs-- either for a given TDMA

3011/5 Number of RAI (Remote Alarm Indication) faults relating tothe PCM

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Note: This counter is not activated in BSC software.

Name Q3 : e3PcmAlarmsRAI

Object : pcmCircuit (BSC or TCU)

Function : Number of RAI faults relating to the PCM

Event : RAI alarm at PCM level (ITU--T G704):-- E1 or T1: remote alarm indication received by the local equipment.This alarm indicates remote equipment receivingwrong data from thelocal equipment

Type : raw permanent

Class : PCM link

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note: This counter is dedicated to ODIAGObservations only. This observation isactivated by the Tei associated with a BtsSiteManager:-- either for a given cell and it applies to each of the cell’s TDMAs-- either for a given TDMA

3012/0 Number of I frames received from the TDMA

Note: This counter is not activated in BSC software.

Name Q3 : e3AbisRslLevel2UseIfr

Object : bts

Function : The traffic counter onRSLSapi gives the number of I frames receivedfrom the TDMA

Event : Internal counting on datalink

Type : raw permanent

Class : Abis interface

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note: This counter is dedicated to ODIAGObservations only. This observation isactivated by the Tei associated with a BtsSiteManager:-- either for a given cell and it applies to each of the cell’s TDMAs-- either for a given TDMA

3012/1 Number of I frames transmitted to the TDMA

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Observation Counter DictionaryCopyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

Note: This counter is not activated in BSC software.

Name Q3 : e3AbisRslLevel2UseIftObject : bts

Function : The traffic counter on RSL Sapi gives the number of I framestransmitted to the TDMA.

Event : Internal counting on DatalinkType : raw permanent

Class : Abis interfaceSource : recorded by the BSC

Note: This counter is dedicated to ODIAGObservations only. This observation isactivated by the Tei associated with a BtsSiteManager:-- either for a given cell and it applies to each of the cell’s TDMAs-- either for a given TDMA

3012/2 Number of UI frames received from the TDMA

Note: This counter is not activated in BSC software.

Name Q3 : e3AbisRslLevel2UseUifrObject : btsFunction : The traffic counter on RSL Sapi gives the number of UI frames

received from the TDMA

Event : Internal counting on Datalink

Type : raw permanent

Class : Abis interfaceSource : recorded by the BSC

Note: This counter is dedicated to ODIAGObservations only. This observation isactivated by the Tei associated with a BtsSiteManager:-- either for a given cell and it applies to each of the cell’s TDMAs-- either for a given TDMA

3012/3 Number of UI frames transmitted to the TDMA

Note: This counter is not activated in BSC software.

Name Q3 : e3AbisRslLevel2UseUiftObject : bts

Function : The traffic counter on RSL Sapi gives the number of UI framestransmitted to the TDMA

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Event : Internal counting on Datalink

Type : raw permanent

Class : Abis interface

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note: This counter is dedicated to ODIAGObservations only. This observation isactivated by the Tei associated with a BtsSiteManager:-- either for a given cell and it applies to each of the cell’s TDMAs-- either for a given TDMA

3012/4 Volume of I bytes received from the TDMA

Note: This counter is not activated in BSC software.

Name Q3 : e3AbisRslLevel2UseIbr

Object :

Function : The traffic counter on RSL Sapi gives the volume of I bytes receivedfrom the TDMA

Event : Internal counting on Datalink

Type : raw permanent

Class : Abis interface

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note: This counter is dedicated to ODIAGObservations only. This observation isactivated by the Tei associated with a BtsSiteManager:-- either for a given cell and it applies to each of the cell’s TDMAs-- either for a given TDMA

3012/5 Volume of I bytes transmitted to the TDMA

Note: This counter is not activated in BSC software.

Name Q3 : e3AbisRslLevel2UseIbt

Object :

Function : The traffic counter on RSL Sapi gives the volume of I bytestransmitted to the TDMA.

Event :

Type : raw permanent

Class : Abis interface

Source :

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Counter descriptionNortel Networks Confidential 2--367

Observation Counter DictionaryCopyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

Note: This counter is dedicated to ODIAGObservations only. This observation isactivated by the Tei associated with a BtsSiteManager:-- either for a given cell and it applies to each of the cell’s TDMAs-- either for a given TDMA

3012/6 Volume of UI bytes received from the TDMA

Note: This counter is not activated in BSC software.

Name Q3 : e3AbisRslLevel2UseUibr

Object : bts

Function : The traffic counter on RSL Sapi gives the volume of I bytestransmitted to the TDMA.

Event : Internal counting on DataLink.

Type : raw permanent

Class : Abis interface

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note: This counter is dedicated to ODIAGObservations only. This observation isactivated by the Tei associated with a BtsSiteManager:-- either for a given cell and it applies to each of the cell’s TDMAs-- either for a given TDMA

3012/7 Volume of UI bytes transmitted to the TDMA

Note: This counter is not activated in BSC software.

Name Q3 : e3AbisRslLevel2UseUibt

Object : bts

Function : The traffic counter on RSL Sapi gives the volume of I bytestransmitted to the TDMA.

Event : Internal counting on Datalink

Type : raw permanent

Class : Abis interface

Source : recorded by BSC

Note: This counter is dedicated to ODIAGObservations only. This observation isactivated by the Tei associated with a BtsSiteManager:

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-- either for a given cell and it applies to each of the cell’s TDMAs-- either for a given TDMA

3012/8 Number of 1 frame retries on transmission

Note: This counter is not activated in BSC software.

Name Q3 : e3AbisRsLevel2UseIfrtObject : btsFunction : The traffic counter on RSL Sapi gives the volume of I bytes

transmitted to the TDMA.

Event : Internal counting on Datalink.Type : raw permanent

Class : Abis interfaceSource : recorded by BSC

Note: This counter is dedicated to ODIAGObservations only. This observation isactivated by the Tei associated with a BtsSiteManager:-- either for a given cell and it applies to each of the cell’s TDMAs-- either for a given TDMA

3012/9 N/A

Note: This counter is not activated in BSC software.

Name Q3 : e3AbisRsLevel2UseSfrObject :Function :

Event :Type :Class :Source :


3012/10 N/A

Note: This counter is not activated in BSC software.

Name Q3 : e3AbisRsLevel2UseSftObject :Function :

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Counter descriptionNortel Networks Confidential 2--369

Observation Counter DictionaryCopyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

Event :

Type :

Class :

Source :


3013/0 Number of MDL_ERROR_A received on RSL Sapi

Note: This counter is not activated in BSC software.

Name Q3 : e3AbisRslLevel2ErrorsMdlErrorA

Object : bts

Function : Number of MDL_ERROR_A (level 2 errors) received on RSL Sapi.MDL_ERROR_A: supervision frame receivedwith the last bit set to 1in established multiframe mode.

Event : Counting internal to the layers

Type : raw permanent

Class : Abis interface

Source : recorded by BSC

Note: This counter is dedicated to ODIAGObservations only. This observation isactivated by the Tei associated with a BtsSiteManager:-- either for a given cell and it applies to each of the cell’s TDMAs-- either for a given TDMA

3013/1 Number of MDL_ERROR_B received on RSL Sapi

Note: This counter is not activated in BSC software.

Name Q3 : e3ABISRslLevel2ErrorsMdlErrorB

Object : bts

Function : Number of MDL_ERROR_B (level 2 errors) received on RSL Sapi.MDL_ERROR_B: frame (disconnected mode) received with the lastbit set to 1 in established multiframe mode.

Event : Counting internal to the lower layers

Type : raw permanent

Class : Abis interface

Source : recordes by the BSC

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Preliminary 14.14/EN June 2004 Copyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

Note: This counter is dedicated to ODIAGObservations only. This observation isactivated by the Tei associated with a BtsSiteManager:-- either for a given cell and it applies to each of the cell’s TDMAs-- either for a given TDMA

3013/2 Number of MDL_ERROR_C received on RSL Sapi

Note: This counter is not activated in BSC software.

Name Q3 : e3AbisRslLevel2ErrorsMdlErrorC

Object : bts

Function : Number of MDL_ERROR_C (level 2 errors) received on RSL Sapi.MDL_ERROR_C: UA (un--numbered reception acknowledgment)received with the last bit set to 1 when TEI is assigned, in establishedmultiframe mode or when a time--out on multiframe mode is current.

Event : Counting internal to the layers

Type : raw permanent

Class : Abis interface

Source : recorded be the BSC

Note: This counter is dedicated to ODIAGObservations only. This observation isactivated by the Tei associated with a BtsSiteManager:-- either for a given cell and it applies to each of the cell’s TDMAs-- either for a given TDMA

3013/3 Number of MDL_ERROR_D received on Sapi

Note: This counteris not activated in BSC software.

Name Q3 : e3AbisRslLevel2ErrorsMdlErrorD

Object : bts

Function : Number of MDL_ERROR_D (level 2 errors) received on RSL Sapi.MDL_ERROR_D: UA (un--numbered reception acknowledgment)receivedwith the last bit set to 0when aTEI is assigned, in establishedmultiframe mode, when a time--out on multiframe mode is current,waiting for establishement or waiting for release.

Event : Counting internal to the lower layers

Type : raw permanent

Class : Abis interface

Source : recorded by the BSC

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Counter descriptionNortel Networks Confidential 2--371

Observation Counter DictionaryCopyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

Note: This counter is dedicated to ODIAGObservations only. This observation isactivated by the Tei associated with a BtsSiteManager:-- either for a given cell and it applies to each of the cell’s TDMAs-- either for a given TDMA

3013/4 Number of MDL_ERROR_E received on RSL Sapi

Note: This counter is not activated in BSC software.

Name Q3 : e3AbisRslLevel2ErrorsMdlErrorE

Object : bts

Function : Number of MDL_ERROR_E (level 2 errors) received on RSL Sapi.MDL_ERROR_E: frame (disconnected mode) received with the lastbit set to 0 in established multiframe mode or when a time--out onmultiframe mode is current.

Event : Counting internal to lower layers

Type : raw permanent

Class : Abis interface

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note: This counter is dedicated to ODIAGObservations only. This observation isactivated by the Tei associated with a BtsSiteManager:-- either for a given cell and it applies to each of the cell’s TDMAs-- either for a given TDMA

3013/5 Number of MDL_ERROR_F received on RSL Sapi

Note: This counter is not activated in BSC software.

Name Q3 : e3AbisRslLevel2ErrorsMdlErrorF

Object : bts

Function : Number of MDL_ERROR_F (level 2 errors) received on RSL Sapi.MDL_ERROR_F: SABME (set to asynchronous balanced modeextension) received in established multframe mode or when atime--out on multiframe mode is current.

Event : Counting internal to the lower layer

Type : raw permanent

Class : Abis interface

Source : recorded by the BSC

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Counter description Nortel Networks Confidential2--372


Preliminary 14.14/EN June 2004 Copyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

Note: This counter is dedicated to ODIAGObservations only. This observation isactivated by the Tei associated with a BtsSiteManager:-- either for a given cell and it applies to each of the cell’s TDMAs-- either for a given TDMA

3013/6 Number of MDL_ERROR_G received on RSL Sapi

Note: This counter is not activated in BSC software.

Name Q3 : e3AbisRslLevel2ErrorsMdlErrorG

Object : bts

Function : Number of MDL_ERROR_G (level 2 errors) received on RSL Sapi.MDL_ERROR_G: SABME re--transmitted N150 times withoutsuccess while waiting for establishment.

Event : Counting internal to the lower layers

Type : raw permanent

Class : Abis interface

Source : recorded by BSC

Note: This counter is dedicated to ODIAGObservations only. This observation isactivated by the Tei associated with a BtsSiteManager:-- either for a given cell and it applies to each of the cell’s TDMAs-- either for a given TDMA

3013/7 Number of MDL_ERROR_H received on RSL Sapi

Note: This counter has not yet been activated in BSC software.

Name Q3 : e3AbisRslLevel2ErrorsMdlErrorH

Object : bts

Function : Number of MDL_ERROR_H (level 2 errors) received on RSL Sapi.MDL_ERROR_H: DISC re--transmitted N150 time without successwhile waiting for release.

Event : Counting internal to the lower layers

Type : raw permanent

Class : Abis interface

Source : recorded by the BSC

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Counter descriptionNortel Networks Confidential 2--373

Observation Counter DictionaryCopyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

Note: This counter is dedicated to ODIAGObservations only. This observation isactivated by the Tei associated with a BtsSiteManager:-- either for a given cell and it applies to each of the cell’s TDMAs-- either for a given TDMA

3013/8 Numberof MDL_ERROR_I received on RSL Sapi

Note: This counter is not activated in BSC software.

Name Q3 : e3AbisRslLevel2MdlErrorI

Object : bts

Function : Number of MDL_ERROR_I (level 2 errors) received on RSL Sapi.MDL_ERROR_I: Status request made while a time--out onmultiframe mode is current.

Event : Counting internal to the lower layer

Type : raw permanent

Class : Abis interface

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note: This counter is dedicated to ODIAGObservations only. This observation isactivated by the Tei associated with a BtsSiteManager:-- either for a given cell and it applies to each of the cell’s TDMAs-- either for a given TDMA

3013/9 Numbre of MDL_ERROR_J received on RSL Sapi

Note: This counter is not activated in BSC software.

Name Q3 : e3AbisRslLevel2ErrorMdlErrorJ

Object : bts

Function : Number of MDL_ERROR_J (level 2 errors) received on RSL Sapi.MDL_ERROR_J: Incorrect N(R) received in established multiframemode or when a time--out on multiframe mode is current.

Event : Counting internal to the lower layers

Type : raw permanent

Class : Abis interface

Source : recorded by the BSC

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Counter description Nortel Networks Confidential2--374


Preliminary 14.14/EN June 2004 Copyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

Note: This counter is dedicated to ODIAGObservations only. This observation isactivated by the Tei associated with a BtsSiteManager:-- either for a given cell and it applies to each of the cell’s TDMAs-- either for a given TDMA

3013/10 Number of MDL_ERROR_K received on RSL Sapi

Note: This counter is not activated in BSC software.

Name Q3 : e3AbisRslLevel2ErrorsMdlErrorK

Object : bts

Function : Number of MDL_ERROR_K (level 2 errors) received on RSL Sapi.MDL_ERROR_K: FRMR (frame rejection) received in establishedmultiframe mode or when a time--out on multiframe mode is current.

Event : counting internal to the lower layers

Type : raw permanent

Class : Abis interface

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note: This counter is dedicated to ODIAGObservations only. This observation isactivated by the Tei associated with a BtsSiteManager:-- either for a given cell and it applies to each of the cell’s TDMAs-- either for a given TDMA

3013/11 Number of NDL_ERROR_L received on RSL Sapi

Note: This counter is not activated in BSC software.

Name Q3 : e3AbisRslLevel2ErrorsMdlErrorL

Object : bts

Function : Number MDL_ERROR_L (level 2 errors) received on RSL Sapi.MDL_ERROR_L:Non implemented Frame receivedwithout the endbit set to 0 when a TEI is assigned, in established multiframe mode,when a time--out on multiframe mode is current, waiting forestablishment on\or waiting for release.

Event : Counting internal to the lower layers

Type : raw permanent

Class : Abis interface

Source : recorded by the BSC

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Counter descriptionNortel Networks Confidential 2--375

Observation Counter DictionaryCopyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

Note: This counter is dedicated to ODIAGObservations only. This observation isactivated by the Tei associated with a BtsSiteManager:-- either for a given cell and it applies to each of the cell’s TDMAs-- either for a given TDMA

3013/12 Number of MDL_ERROR_N received on RSL Sapi

Note: This counter is not activated in BSC software.

Name Q3 : e3AbisRslLevel2ErrorsMdlErrorNObject : btsFunction : Number of MDL_ERROR_N (level 2 errors) received on RSL Sapi.

MDL_ERROR_N:Frame length is incorrectly receivedwhenaTEI isassigned, in established multiframe mode, when a time--out onmultiframe mode is current, waiting for establishment or waiting forrelease.

Event : Counting internal to the lower layersType : raw permanent

Class : Abis interfaceSource : recorded by the BSC

Note: This counter is dedicated to ODIAGObservations only. This observation isactivated by the Tei associated with a BtsSiteManager:-- either for a given cell and it applies to each of the cell’s TDMAs-- either for a given TDMA

3014 Number of milli--seconds of unavailability during each perma-nent observation period on RSL sapi.

Note: This counter is not activated in BSC software.

Name Q3 : e3AbisRslLevel2UnavaibilityTImeCume3AbisRslLevel2UnavaibilityTImeEche3AbisRslLevel2UnavaibilityTImeMaxe3AbisRslLevel2UnavaibilityTImeMoy

Object : btsFunction : Number of multi--seconds of unavailability during each permanent

observation period on RSL Sapi.

Event : Counting internal to the lower layersType : raw permanentClass : Abis interfaceSource : recorded by the BSC

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Counter description Nortel Networks Confidential2--376


Preliminary 14.14/EN June 2004 Copyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

Note: This counter is dedicated to ODIAGObservations only. This observation isactivated by the Tei associated with a BtsSiteManager:-- either for a given cell and it applies to each of the cell’s TDMAs-- either for a given TDMA

3015 Number of multi--seconds of congestion during each permanentobservation period on RSL Sapi.

Note: This counter is not activated in BSC software.

Name Q3 : e3AbisRslLevel2CongestionTimeCume3AbisRslLevel2CongestionTimeEche3AbisRslLevel2CongestionTimeMaxe3AbisRslLevel2CongestionTimeMoy

Object : bts

Function : Number of multi--seconds of congestion during each permanentobservation period on RSL Sapi.

Event : Counting internal to the lower layer

Type : raw permanent

Class : Abis interface

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note: The number of samples gives the number of times the link is unavailable.The max gives the maximum consecutive period the link is unavaliableduring the observation period, however themaximum time unavailable canextend over several observation periods.

Note: This counter is dedicated to ODIAGObservations only. This observation isactivated by the Tei associated with a BtsSiteManager:-- either for a given cell and it applies to each of the cell’s TDMAs-- either for a given TDMA

3016/0 SS7 Signaling Link at MTP3 level (Q.752/Table3): number ofMSU frames received (Q.752/O3.5)

Note: This counter has not yet been activated in BSC software.

Name Q3 : e3Ss7SIUseMsuFramesRev

Object : signaling link

Function : About SS7 Signaling LinkUtilization atMTP3 level (Q.752/Table3):This counter gives the number of MSU frames received(Q.752/O3.5).

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Counter descriptionNortel Networks Confidential 2--377

Observation Counter DictionaryCopyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

Event : Refer to Function

Type : raw permanent

Class : BSC equipment

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note: About 3016, 3017, 3018, and 3019counters: In accordancewithmandatorymeasurements from ITU Q.752 (monitoring and measurements forsigmaling SS7), the BSCe3 support these MTP2/MTP3 counters.

Note: This counter is dedicated to ODIAGObservations only. This observation isactivated by the Tei associated with a BtsSiteManager:-- either for a given cell and it applies to each of the cell’s TDMAs-- either for a given TDMA

3016/1 SS7 Signaling Link at MTP3 level (Q.752/Table3): number ofMSU frames transmitted (Q.752/O3.3)

Note: This counter is not activated in BSC software.

Name Q3 : e3Ss7SIUseMsuFramesTrs

Object : signalingLink

Function : About SS7 Signaling Link Utilization at MTP3 level (q.752/Table3):This counter gives the number of MSU frames transmitted(Q.752/O3.3)

Event : Refer to function

Type : raw permanent

Class : BSC equipment

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note: About 3016, 3017, 3018, and 3019counters: In accordancewithmandatorymeasurements from ITU Q.752 (monitoring and measurements forsigmaling SS7), the BSCe3 support these MTP2/MTP3 counters.

Note: This counter is dedicated to ODIAGObservations only. This observation isactivated by the Tei associated with a BtsSiteManager:-- either for a given cell and it applies to each of the cell’s TDMAs-- either for a given TDMA

3016/2 SS7 Signaling Link at MTP3 level (Q.752/Table3): number ofSIF/SIO bytes received (Q.752/M3.4)

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Counter description Nortel Networks Confidential2--378


Preliminary 14.14/EN June 2004 Copyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

Note: This counter is not activated in BSC software.

Name Q3 : e3Ss7SIUseSifSioBytesRcv

Object : SignalingLink

Function : About SS7 Signaling LinkUtilization at MTP3level (Q.752/Table3):This counter gives the number of SIF/SIO bytes received(Q.752/M3.4)

Event : Refer to Function

Type : raw permanent

Class : BSC equipment

Source : recorded be the BSC

Note: About 3016, 3017, 3018, and 3019counters: In accordancewithmandatorymeasurements from ITU Q.752 (monitoring and measurements forsigmaling SS7), the BSCe3 support these MTP2/MTP3 counters.

Note: This counter is dedicated to ODIAGObservations only. This observation isactivated by the Tei associated with a BtsSiteManager:-- either for a given cell and it applies to each of the cell’s TDMAs-- either for a given TDMA

3016/3 SS7 Signaling Link at MTP3 level (Q.752/Table3): number ofSIF?SIO bytes transmitted (Q.752/M3.1)

Note: This counter is not activated in BSC software.

Name Q3 : e3Ss7SIUseSifSioBytesTrs

Object : signaling Link

Function : About SS7 Signaling Link Utilization at MTP3level (Q.752/Table3):This counter gives the number of SIF/SIO bytes transmitted(Q.752/M3.1)

Event : Refer to Function

Type : raw Permanent

Class : BSC equipment

Source : recorded by BSC

Note: About 3016, 3017, 3018, and 3019counters: In accordancewithmandatorymeasurements from ITU Q.752 (monitoring and measurements forsigmaling SS7), the BSCe3 support these MTP2/MTP3 counters.

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Counter descriptionNortel Networks Confidential 2--379

Observation Counter DictionaryCopyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

Note: This counter is dedicated to ODIAGObservations only. This observation isactivated by the Tei associated with a BtsSiteManager:-- either for a given cell and it applies to each of the cell’s TDMAs-- either for a given TDMA

3017/0 SS7 Signaling Link Performance and Availability statics(Q.752/Table1 and Table3): duration the link is in the “InSer-vice” state (MTP2) (Q.752/M1.1)

Note: This counter is not activated in BSC software.

Name Q3 : e3s&SIAvaibilityDurLnkInIsStateCume3s&SIAvaibilityDurLnkInIsStateEche3s&SIAvaibilityDurLnkInIsStateMaxe3s&SIAvaibilityDurLnkInIsStateMoy

Object : signalingLink

Function : About SS7 Signaling Link Performance and Availability statistics(Q.752/Table1 and Table3): This counter gives the duration the link isin the “InService” state (MTP2) (Q.752M1.1) This duration is givenin seconds.

Event : Beginning and end of the “InService” state (refer to Function)

Type : raw permanent

Class : BSC equipment

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note: About 3016, 3017, 3018, and 3019counters: In accordancewithmandatorymeasurements from ITU Q.752 (monitoring and measurements forsigmaling SS7), the BSCe3 support these MTP2/MTP3 counters.

Note: This counter is dedicated to ODIAGObservations only. This observation isactivated by the Tei associated with a BtsSiteManager:-- either for a given cell and it applies to each of the cell’s TDMAs-- either for a given TDMA

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Counter description Nortel Networks Confidential2--380


Preliminary 14.14/EN June 2004 Copyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

3017/1 SS7 Signaling Link Performance and Availability statics(Q.752/Table1 and Table3): duration of Signaling Link inavail-ability (MTP3) (Q.752/M2.1)

Note: This counter is not activated in BSC software.

Name Q3 : e3s&SIAvaibilityDurSlUaCume3s&SIAvaibilityDurSlUaEche3s&SIAvaibilityDurSlUaMaxe3s&SIAvaibilityDurSlUaMoy

Object : signalingLink

Function : About SS7 Signaling Link Performance and Availability statistics(Q.752/Table1 and Table3): This counter gives the duration theSignaling link is unavailable (MTP3) (Q.752/2.1) This duration isgiven in seconds.

Event : Beginning and end of unavailability (refer to Function)

Type : raw permanent

Class : BSC equipment

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note: About 3016, 3017, 3018, and 3019counters: In accordancewithmandatorymeasurements from ITU Q.752 (monitoring and measurements forsigmaling SS7), the BSCe3 support these MTP2/MTP3 counters.

Note: This counter is dedicated to ODIAGObservations only. This observation isactivated by the Tei associated with a BtsSiteManager:-- either for a given cell and it applies to each of the cell’s TDMAs-- either for a given TDMA

3018/0 Level 2 errors detected (Q.752/Tabele1): number of the follow-ing SL failures: All reasons (Q.752/M1.2)

Note: This counter is not activated in BSC software.

Name Q3 : e3Ss7Level2ErroraSiErrorA

Object : signaling link

Function : About level 2 errors detected (q.752/Table1): This counter gives thenumber of the following Signaling Link (SL) failures: (All reasons)(Q.752/M1.2).

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Counter descriptionNortel Networks Confidential 2--381

Observation Counter DictionaryCopyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

Event : Internal count in MTP2 (Q.752/Table1) (refer to Function)

Type : raw permanent

Class : BSC equipment

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note: About 3016, 3017, 3018, and 3019counters: In accordancewithmandatorymeasurements from ITU Q.752 (monitoring and measurements forsigmaling SS7), the BSCe3 support these MTP2/MTP3 counters.

Note: This counter is dedicated to ODIAGObservations only. This observation isactivated by the Tei associated with a BtsSiteManager:-- either for a given cell and it applies to each of the cell’s TDMAs-- either for a given TDMA

3018/1 Level 2 errors detected (Q.752/Tabele1): number of the follow-ing SL failures: Abnormal FIBR/BSNR (Q.752/O1.3)

Note: This counter is not activated in BSC software.

Name Q3 : e3Ss7Level2ErroraSiErrorB

Object : signaling link

Function : About level 2 errors detected (q.752/Table1): This counter gives thenumber of the following Signaling Link (SL) failures: AbnormalFIBR/BSNR (Q.752/O1.3)

Event : Internal count in MTP2 (Q.752/Table1) (refer to Function)

Type : raw permanent

Class : BSC equipmenet

Source : recorded be the BSC

Note: About 3016, 3017, 3018, and 3019counters: In accordancewithmandatorymeasurements from ITU Q.752 (monitoring and measurements forsigmaling SS7), the BSCe3 support these MTP2/MTP3 counters.

Note: This counter is dedicated to ODIAGObservations only. This observation isactivated by the Tei associated with a BtsSiteManager:-- either for a given cell and it applies to each of the cell’s TDMAs-- either for a given TDMA

3018/2 Level 2 errors detected (Q.752/Tabele1): number of the follow-ing SL failures: Excessive delay of ack (Q.752/O1.4)

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Counter description Nortel Networks Confidential2--382


Preliminary 14.14/EN June 2004 Copyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

Note: This counter is not activated in BSC software.

Name Q3 : e3Ss7Level2ErroraSiErrorC

Object : signaling link

Function : About level 2 errors detected (q.752/Table1): This counter gives thenumber of the following Signaling Link (SL) failures: Excessivedelay of ACK (Q.752/O1.4)

Event : Internal count in MTP2 (Q.752/Table1) (refer to Function)

Type : raw permanent

Class : BSC equipment

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note: About 3016, 3017, 3018, and 3019counters: In accordancewithmandatorymeasurements from ITU Q.752 (monitoring and measurements forsigmaling SS7), the BSCe3 support these MTP2/MTP3 counters.

Note: This counter is dedicated to ODIAGObservations only. This observation isactivated by the Tei associated with a BtsSiteManager:-- either for a given cell and it applies to each of the cell’s TDMAs-- either for a given TDMA

313018/3 Level 2 errors detected (Q.752/Tabele1): number of the follow-

ing SL failures: Excessive rate (Q.752/O1.5)

Note: This counter is not activated in BSC software.

Name Q3 : e3Ss7Level2ErroraSiErrorD

Object : signaling link

Function : About level 2 errors detected (q.752/Table1): This counter gives thenumber of the following SignalingLink (SL) failures: Excessive errorrate (Q.752/O1.5)

Event : Internal count in MTP2 (Q.752/Table1) (refer to Function)

Type : raw permanent

Class : BSC equipment

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note: About 3016, 3017, 3018, and 3019counters: In accordancewithmandatorymeasurements from ITU Q.752 (monitoring and measurements forsigmaling SS7), the BSCe3 support these MTP2/MTP3 counters.

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Counter descriptionNortel Networks Confidential 2--383

Observation Counter DictionaryCopyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

Note: This counter is dedicated to ODIAGObservations only. This observation isactivated by the Tei associated with a BtsSiteManager:-- either for a given cell and it applies to each of the cell’s TDMAs-- either for a given TDMA

313018/4 Level 2 errors detected (Q.752/Tabele1): number of the follow-

ing SL failures: Excessive duration of congestion (Q.752/O1.6)

Note: This counter is not activated in BSC software.

Name Q3 : e3Ss7Level2ErroraSiErrorE

Object : signaling link

Function : About level 2 errors detected (q.752/Table1): This counter gives thenumber of the following Signaling Link (SL) failures: Excessiveduration of congestion (Q.752/O1.6)

Event : Internal count in MTP2 (Q.752/Table1) (refer to Function)

Type : raw permanent

Class : BSC equipment

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note: About 3016, 3017, 3018, and 3019counters: In accordancewithmandatorymeasurements from ITU Q.752 (monitoring and measurements forsignaling SS7), the BSCe3 support these MTP2/MTP3 counters.

Note: This counter is dedicated to ODIAGObservations only. This observation isactivated by the Tei associated with a BtsSiteManager:-- either for a given cell and it applies to each of the cell’s TDMAs-- either for a given TDMA

313018/5 Level 2 errors detected (Q.752/Table1): number of the follow-

ing SL failures: Alignment or proving failure (Q.752/O1.7)

Note: This counter is not activated in BSC software.

Name Q3 : e3Ss7Level2ErroraSiErrorF

Object : signaling link

Function : About level 2 errors detected (q.752/Table1): This counter gives thenumber of the following Signaling Link (SL) failures: Alignment orproving failure (Q.752/O1.7)

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Event : Internal count in MTP2 (Q.752/Table1) (refer to Function)

Type : raw permanent

Class : BSC equipment

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note: About 3016, 3017, 3018, and 3019counters: In accordancewithmandatorymeasurements from ITU Q.752 (monitoring and measurements forsigmaling SS7), the BSCe3 support these MTP2/MTP3 counters.

Note: This counter is dedicated to ODIAGObservations only. This observation isactivated by the Tei associated with a BtsSiteManager:-- either for a given cell and it applies to each of the cell’s TDMAs-- either for a given TDMA

313018/6 Level 2 errors detected (Q.752/Table1): number of the follow-

ing SL failures: Negative ack received (Q.752/O1.9)

Note: This counter is not activated in BSC software.

Name Q3 : e3Ss7Level2ErroraSiErrorG

Object : signaling link

Function : About level 2 errors detected (q.752/Table1): This counter gives thenumber of the following SignalingLink (SL) failures: NegativeACKreceived (Q.752/O1.9).

Event : Internal count in MTP2 (Q.752/Table1) (refer to Function)

Type : raw permanent

Class : BSC equipment

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note: About 3016, 3017, 3018, and 3019counters: In accordancewithmandatorymeasurements from ITU Q.752 (monitoring and measurements forsigmaling SS7), the BSCe3 support these MTP2/MTP3 counters.

Note: This counter is dedicated to ODIAGObservations only. This observation isactivated by the Tei associated with a BtsSiteManager:-- either for a given cell and it applies to each of the cell’s TDMAs-- either for a given TDMA

313019 Level 3 errors detected: number of MSU dropped due to con-


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Note: This counter is not activated in BSC software.

Name Q3 : e3Ss7Level3errors

Object : signaling link

Function : About Level 3 errors detected: This counter gives the number ofMSUdropped due to congestion

Event : Congestion state. Internal count to MTP3. (Q.752/m3.10) (refer toFunction)

Type : raw permanent

Class : BSC equipment

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note: About 3016, 3017, 3018, and 3019counters: In accordancewithmandatorymeasurements from ITU Q.752 (monitoring and measurements forsigmaling SS7), the BSCe3 support these MTP2/MTP3 counters.

Note: This counter is dedicated to ODIAGObservations only. This observation isactivated by the Tei associated with a BtsSiteManager:-- either for a given cell and it applies to each of the cell’s TDMAs-- either for a given TDMA

313020 Average level of interference on the channel when it is idle

Note: This counter is not activated in BSC software.

Name Q3 : e3ChannelIdleLevelCume3ChannelIdleLevelEche3ChannelIdleLevelMaxe3ChannelIdleLevelMoy

Object : signaling link

Function : Average level of interference on the channelwhen it is idle. APDTCHchannel is not taken into account.

Event : RF RESOURCE INDICATION message recipt (refer to Function)

Type : raw permanent

Class : BSC equipment

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note: This counter hasbeen designed for useunderODIAGObservation only andduring a definite period of time.

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Note: This observation is activated for a given cell. Many counters are collectedas there are channels idle for a certain time during the observation period:the value of the time interval during which the channel must be idle is apermanent data item belonging to the cell object

Note: For TCH channels, interference measurement is on a per TCH basis: onreceipt of an interferencemeasurement on a half rate channel from theBTS,the BSC elaborates the interference class:--either theworst of teh two classes reported for the two half rate channels ifthe TCH is idle.The average and maximum interference levels are given as averageinterference classes. The number of samples gives the number of times thechannel has been idle for the required time.Only SDCCH or TCH/HR are used by the BTS to report a measurement:--each idle SDCCH /8 or SDCH/4of a timeslot is counted as an idle channel.--two idle TCH/HR in the same timeslot are counted as one idle channel,even if they can be allocated as two TCH/HR channels. As a result, thenumber of idle channels does not change when allocated to one of the twochannels.

313100/0 PCM Number

Note: This counter is not activated in BSC software.

Name Q3 : e3AbisAccLevel1ErrorsCh1PcmNb

Object : bsc

Function : PCM Number (is not the result of a counter, but a value, see notes)

Event : This screening (0) is not accumulated. It provides the number of thePCM which the HDLC is plugged (towards) the BTS

Type : raw permanent

Class : Abis interface

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note: Due to BSCe3 design, the location of Lapd Port is no longer available; thenotion of LAPDPort (not static, but dynamic) is not sufficient. ThusHDLCobservation is linked to a BTS and its PCM/Timeslots of signaling. Theinformatioin of PCM/TS isprovided inside the samesignaling link towardsthe BTS, regardless of BSC internal activity (dynamic swacts inside theBSC).

Note: The 3100, 3101, 3102, 3103, 3104, and 3105 counterscorrespond to the 6maximum possible HDLC signaling--Timeslot towards a BTS. In case of a

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small BTS (less than 6 timeslots of signaling), only the first counters (from3100) are sent back to the OMC--R (in case of a BTS with only 3 Timeslotsof signaling, only 3100, 3101, and 3102 counters are provided to theOMC--R).

313100/1 Timeslot Number

Note: This counter is not activated in BSC software.

Name Q3 : e3AbisAccLevel1ErrorsCh 1TsNb

Object : bsc

Function : Timeslot Number (is not the result of a counter, but a value, see notes)

Event : This screening (1) is not accumulated. It provides the Timeslotnumber in which the HDLC is plugged (towards) the BTS

Type : raw permanent

Class : Abis interface

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note: Due to BSCe3 design, the location of Lapd Port is no longer available; thenotion of LAPDPort (not static, but dynamic) is not sufficient. ThusHDLCobservation is linked to a BTS and its PCM/Timeslots of signaling. Theinformatioin of PCM /TS is provided inside the counter itself, allowing theobserved errors linked to the samesignaling towards theBTS, regardless ofBSC internal activity (dynamic swacts inside the BSC).

Note: The 3100, 3101, 3102, 3103, 3104, and 3105 counterscorrespond to the 6maximum possible HDLC signaling--Timeslot towards a BTS. In case of asmall BTS (less than 6 timeslots of signaling), only the first counters (from3100) are sent back to the OMC--R (in case of a BTS with only 3 Timeslotsof signaling, only 3100, 3101, and 3102 counters are provided to theOMC--R).

313100/2 Number of erroneous frames received

Note: This counter is not activated in BSC software.

Name Q3 : e3AbisAccLevel1Errors Ch1Nefr

Object : bsc

Function : Number of erroneous frames received (level 1 errors) on Abis idlelinks to a BTS.

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Event : Counting internal to the lower layers

Type : raw permanent

Class : Abis interface

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note: The 3100, 3101, 3102, 3103, 3104, and 3105 counterscorrespond to the 6maximum possible HDLC signaling--Timeslot towards a BTS. In case of asmall BTS (less than 6 timeslots of signaling), only the first counters (from3100) are sent back to the OMC--R (in case of a BTS with only 3 Timeslotsof signaling, only 3100, 3101, and 3102 counters are provided to theOMC--R).

313100/3 Number of CRC errors

Note: This counter is not activated in BSC software.

Name Q3 : e3AbisAccLevel1Errors Ch1Ncrce

Object : bsc

Function : Number of CRC errors (level1 errors) on Abia HDLC links to a BTS.

Event : Counting internal to the lower layers

Type : raw permanent

Class : Abis interface

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note: The 3100, 3101, 3102, 3103, 3104, and 3105 counterscorrespond to the 6maximum possible HDLC signaling--Timeslot towards a BTS. In case of asmall BTS (less than 6 timeslots of signaling), only the first counters (from3100) are sent back to the OMC--R (in case of a BTS with only 3 Timeslotsof signaling, only 3100, 3101, and 3102 counters are provided to theOMC--R).

313100/4 Number of loss of frame alignment

Note: This counter is not activated in BSC software.

Name Q3 : e3AbisAccLevel1Errors Ch1Nlfa

Object : bsc

Function : Number of CRC errors (level1 errors) on Abia HDLC links to a BTS.

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Event : Counting internal to the lower layers

Type : raw permanent

Class : Abis interface

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note: The 3100, 3101, 3102, 3103, 3104, and 3105 counterscorrespond to the 6maximum possible HDLC signaling--Timeslot towards a BTS. In case of asmall BTS (less than 6 timeslots of signaling), only the first counters (from3100) are sent back to the OMC--R (in case of a BTS with only 3 Timeslotsof signaling, only 3100, 3101, and 3102 counters are provided to theOMC--R).

313101/0 PCM Number

Note: This counter is not activated in BSC software.

Name Q3 : e3AbisAccLevel1ErrorsCh2PcmNb

Object : bsc

Function : PCM Number (is not the results of a counter but a value, see notes)

Event : Counting internal to the lower layers

Type : raw permanent

Class : Abis interface

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note: Due to BSCe3 design, the location of Lapd Port is no longer available; thenotion of LAPDPort (not static, but dynamic) is not sufficient. ThusHDLCobservation is linked to a BTS and its PCM/Timeslots of signaling. Theinformatioin of PCM /TS is provided inside the counter itself, allowing theobserved errors linked to the samesignaling towards theBTS, regardless ofBSC internal activity (dynamic swacts inside the BSC).

Note: The 3100, 3101, 3102, 3103, 3104, and 3105 counterscorrespond to the 6maximum possible HDLC signaling--Timeslot towards a BTS. In case of asmall BTS (less than 6 timeslots of signaling), only the first counters (from3100) are sent back to the OMC--R (in case of a BTS with only 3 Timeslotsof signaling, only 3100, 3101, and 3102 counters are provided to theOMC--R).

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313101/1 Timeslot Number

Note: This counter is not activated in BSC software.

Name Q3 : e3AbisAccLevel1ErrorsCh2TsNb

Object : bsc

Function : Timeslott Number (is not the results of a counter but a value, seenotes)

Event : This screening (1) is not accumulated. It provides the timeslot numberin which the HDLC is plugged (toward) the BTS

Type : raw permanent

Class : Abis interface

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note: .Due to BSCe3 design, the location of Lapd Port is no longer available; thenotion of LAPDPort (not static, but dynamic) is not sufficient. ThusHDLCobservation is linked to a BTS and its PCM/Timeslots of signaling. Theinformatioin of PCM /TS is provided inside the counter itself, allowing theobserved errors linked to the samesignaling towards theBTS, regardless ofBSC internal activity (dynamic swacts inside the BSC).

Note: The 3100, 3101, 3102, 3103, 3104, and 3105 counterscorrespond to the 6maximum possible HDLC signaling--Timeslot towards a BTS. In case of asmall BTS (less than 6 timeslots of signaling), only the first counters (from3100) are sent back to the OMC--R (in case of a BTS with only 3 Timeslotsof signaling, only 3100, 3101, and 3102 counters are provided to theOMC--R).

313101/2 Number of erroneous frames received

Note: This counter is not activated in BSC software.

Name Q3 : e3AbisAccLevel1ErrorsCh2Nefr

Object : bsc

Function : Number of erroneous frames received (level 1 errors) on Abis HDLClinks to a BTS.

Event : Counting internal to the lower layers

Type : raw permanent

Class : Abis interface

Source : recorded by the BSC

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Observation Counter DictionaryCopyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

Note: The 3100, 3101, 3102, 3103, 3104, and 3105 counterscorrespond to the 6maximum possible HDLC signaling--Timeslot towards a BTS. In case of asmall BTS (less than 6 timeslots of signaling), only the first counters (from3100) are sent back to the OMC--R (in case of a BTS with only 3 Timeslotsof signaling, only 3100, 3101, and 3102 counters are provided to theOMC--R).

313101/3 Number of CRC errors

Note: This counter is not activated in BSC software.

Name Q3 : e3AbisAccLevel1ErrorsCh2Ncrce

Object : bsc

Function : Number of erroneous frames received (level 1 errors) on Abis HDLClinks to a BTS.

Event : Counting internal to the lower layers

Type : raw permanent

Class : Abis interface

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note: The 3100, 3101, 3102, 3103, 3104, and 3105 counterscorrespond to the 6maximum possible HDLC signaling--Timeslot towards a BTS. In case of asmall BTS (less than 6 timeslots of signaling), only the first counters (from3100) are sent back to the OMC--R (in case of a BTS with only 3 Timeslotsof signaling, only 3100, 3101, and 3102 counters are provided to theOMC--R).

313101/4 Number of loss of fram alignment

Note: This counter is not activated in BSC software.

Name Q3 : e3AbisAccLevel1ErrorsCh2Nlfa

Object : bsc

Function : Number of frame alignment losses (level 1 errors) on Abis HDLClinks to a BTS.

Event : Counting internal to the lower layers

Type : raw permanent

Class : Abis interface

Source : recorded by the BSC

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Note: The 3100, 3101, 3102, 3103, 3104, and 3105 counterscorrespond to the 6maximum possible HDLC signaling--Timeslot towards a BTS. In case of asmall BTS (less than 6 timeslots of signaling), only the first counters (from3100) are sent back to the OMC--R (in case of a BTS with only 3 Timeslotsof signaling, only 3100, 3101, and 3102 counters are provided to theOMC--R).

313102/0 PCM Number

Note: This counter is not activated in BSC software.

Name Q3 : e3AbisAccLevel1ErrorsCh3PcmNb

Object : bsc

Function : PCM Number (is not the results of a counter but a value, see notes)

Event : This screening (0) is not accumulated. It provides the timeslot numberin which the HDLC is plugged (toward) the BTS

Type : raw permanent

Class : Abis interface

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note: Due to BSCe3 design, the location of Lapd Port is no longer available; thenotion of LAPDPort (not static, but dynamic) is not sufficient. ThusHDLCobservation is linked to a BTS and its PCM/Timeslots of signaling. Theinformatioin of PCM /TS is provided inside the counter itself, allowing theobserved errors linked to the samesignaling towards theBTS, regardless ofBSC internal activity (dynamic swacts inside the BSC).

Note: The 3100, 3101, 3102, 3103, 3104, and 3105 counterscorrespond to the 6maximum possible HDLC signaling--Timeslot towards a BTS. In case of asmall BTS (less than 6 timeslots of signaling), only the first counters (from3100) are sent back to the OMC--R (in case of a BTS with only 3 Timeslotsof signaling, only 3100, 3101, and 3102 counters are provided to theOMC--R).

313102/1 Timeslot Number

Note: This counter is not activated in BSC software.

Name Q3 : e3AbisAccLevel1ErrorsCh3TsNb

Object : bsc

Function : Timeslot Number ( is not the result of a counter, but a value, see notes)

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Event : This screening (1) is not accumulated. It provides the timeslot numberin which the HDLC is plugged (toward) the BTS

Type : raw permanent

Class : Abis interface

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note: Due to BSCe3 design, the location of Lapd Port is no longer available; thenotion of LAPDPort (not static, but dynamic) is not sufficient. ThusHDLCobservation is linked to a BTS and its PCM/Timeslots of signaling. Theinformation of PCM /TS is provided inside the counter itself, allowing theobserved errors linked to the samesignaling towards theBTS, regardless ofBSC internal activity (dynamic swacts inside the BSC).

Note: The 3100, 3101, 3102, 3103, 3104, and 3105 counterscorrespond to the 6maximum possible HDLC signaling--Timeslot towards a BTS. In case of asmall BTS (less than 6 timeslots of signaling), only the first counters (from3100) are sent back to the OMC--R (in case of a BTS with only 3 Timeslotsof signaling, only 3100, 3101, and 3102 counters are provided to theOMC--R).

313102/2 Number of erroneous frames received

Note: This counter is not activated in BSC software.

Name Q3 : e3AbisAccLevel1ErrorsCh3Nefr

Object : bsc

Function : Number of erroneous frames received (level 1 errors) on Abis HDLClinks to a BTS

Event : Counting internal to the lower layers

Type : raw permanent

Class : Abis interface

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note: The 3100, 3101, 3102, 3103, 3104, and 3105 counterscorrespond to the 6maximum possible HDLC signaling--Timeslot towards a BTS. In case of asmall BTS (less than 6 timeslots of signaling), only the first counters (from3100) are sent back to the OMC--R (in case of a BTS with only 3 Timeslotsof signaling, only 3100, 3101, and 3102 counters are provided to theOMC--R).

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313102/3 Number of CRC errors

Note: This counter is not activated in BSC software.

Name Q3 : e3AbisAccLevel1ErrorsCh3Ncrce

Object : bsc

Function : Number of CRC errors (level 1 errors) an Abis HDLC links to a BTS

Event : Counting internal to the lower layers

Type : raw permanent

Class : Abis interface

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note: The 3100, 3101, 3102, 3103, 3104, and 3105 counterscorrespond to the 6maximum possible HDLC signaling--Timeslot towards a BTS. In case of asmall BTS (less than 6 timeslots of signaling), only the first counters (from3100) are sent back to the OMC--R (in case of a BTS with only 3 Timeslotsof signaling, only 3100, 3101, and 3102 counters are provided to theOMC--R).

3102/4 Number of loss of frame alignment

Note: This counter is not activated in BSC software.

Name Q3 : e3AbisAccLevel1ErrorsCh3Nlfa

Object : bsc

Function : Number of frame alignment losses (level 1 errors) on Abis HDLClinks to a BTS.

Event : Counting internal to the lower layers

Type : raw permanent

Class : Abis interface

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note: The 3100, 3101, 3102, 3103, 3104, and 3105 counterscorrespond to the 6maximum possible HDLC signaling--Timeslot towards a BTS. In case of asmall BTS (less than 6 timeslots of signaling), only the first counters (from3100) are sent back to the OMC--R (in case of a BTS with only 3 Timeslotsof signaling, only 3100, 3101, and 3102 counters are provided to theOMC--R).

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Observation Counter DictionaryCopyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

3103/0 PCM Number

Note: This counter is not activated in BSC software.

Name Q3 : e3AbisAccLevel1ErrorsCh4PcmNb

Object : bsc

Function : PCM Number (is not the results of a counter , but a value, see notes)

Event : This screening (0) is not accumulated. It provides the timeslot numberin which the HDLC is plugged (toward) the BTS

Type : raw permanent

Class : Abis interface

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note: Due to BSCe3 design, the location of Lapd Port is no longer available; thenotion of LAPDPort (not static, but dynamic) is not sufficient. ThusHDLCobservation is linked to a BTS and its PCM/Timeslots of signaling. Theinformatioin of PCM /TS is provided inside the counter itself, allowing theobserved errors linked to the samesignaling towards theBTS, regardless ofBSC internal activity (dynamic swacts inside the BSC).

Note: The 3100, 3101, 3102, 3103, 3104, and 3105 counterscorrespond to the 6maximum possible HDLC signaling--Timeslot towards a BTS. In case of asmall BTS (less than 6 timeslots of signaling), only the first counters (from3100) are sent back to the OMC--R (in case of a BTS with only 3 Timeslotsof signaling, only 3100, 3101, and 3102 counters are provided to theOMC--R).

3103/1 Timeslot Number

Note: This counter is not activated in BSC software.

Name Q3 : e3AbisAccLevel1ErrorsCh4TsNb

Object : bsc

Function : Timeslot Number ( is not the results of a counter, but a value, seenotes)

Event : This screening (1) is not accumulated. It provides the timeslot numberin which the HDLC is plugged (toward) the BTS

Type : raw permanent

Class : Abis interface

Source : recorded by the BSC

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Note: Due to BSCe3 design, the location of Lapd Port is no longer available; thenotion of LAPDPort (not static, but dynamic) is not sufficient. ThusHDLCobservation is linked to a BTS and its PCM/Timeslots of signaling. Theinformatioin of PCM /TS is provided inside the counter itself, allowing theobserved errors linked to the samesignaling towards theBTS, regardless ofBSC internal activity (dynamic swacts inside the BSC).

Note: The 3100, 3101, 3102, 3103, 3104, and 3105 counterscorrespond to the 6maximum possible HDLC signaling--Timeslot towards a BTS. In case of asmall BTS (less than 6 timeslots of signaling), only the first counters (from3100) are sent back to the OMC--R (in case of a BTS with only 3 Timeslotsof signaling, only 3100, 3101, and 3102 counters are provided to theOMC--R).

3103/2 Number of erroneous frames received

Note: This counter is not activated in BSC software.

Name Q3 : e3AbisAccLevel1ErrorsCh4Nefr

Object : bsc

Function : Number of erroneous frames received (level 1 errors) on AbisHDLClinks to a BTS.

Event : Counting internal to the lower layers

Type : raw permanent

Class : Abis interface

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note: The 3100, 3101, 3102, 3103, 3104, and 3105 counterscorrespond to the 6maximum possible HDLC signaling--Timeslot towards a BTS. In case of asmall BTS (less than 6 timeslots of signaling), only the first counters (from3100) are sent back to the OMC--R (in case of a BTS with only 3 Timeslotsof signaling, only 3100, 3101, and 3102 counters are provided to theOMC--R).

3103/3 Number of CRC errors

Note: This counter is not activated in BSC software.

Name Q3 : e3AbisAccLevel1ErrorsCh4Ncrce

Object : bsc

Function : Number of CRC frames received (level 1 errors) on Abis HDLC linksto a BTS.

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Event : Counting internal to the lower layers

Type : raw permanent

Class : Abis interface

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note: The 3100, 3101, 3102, 3103, 3104, and 3105 counterscorrespond to the 6maximum possible HDLC signaling--Timeslot towards a BTS. In case of asmall BTS (less than 6 timeslots of signaling), only the first counters (from3100) are sent back to the OMC--R (in case of a BTS with only 3 Timeslotsof signaling, only 3100, 3101, and 3102 counters are provided to theOMC--R).

3103/4 Number of losses of frame alignment

Note: This counter is not activated in BSC software.

Name Q3 : e3AbisAccLevel1ErrorsCh4Nlfa

Object : bsc

Function : Number of frame alignment losses (level 1 errors) on Abis HDLClinks to a BTS.

Event : Counting internal to the lower layers

Type : raw permanent

Class : Abis interface

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note: The 3100, 3101, 3102, 3103, 3104, and 3105 counterscorrespond to the 6maximum possible HDLC signaling--Timeslot towards a BTS. In case of asmall BTS (less than 6 timeslots of signaling), only the first counters (from3100) are sent back to the OMC--R (in case of a BTS with only 3 Timeslotsof signaling, only 3100, 3101, and 3102 counters are provided to theOMC--R).

3104/0 PCM Number

Note: This counter is not activated in BSC software.

Name Q3 : e3AbisAccLevel1ErrorsCh5 PcmNb

Object : bsc

Function : PCM Number (is not the results of a counter, but a value, see notes)

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Event : This screening (0) is not accumulated. It provides the timeslot numberin which the HDLC is plugged (toward) the BTS

Type : raw permanent

Class : Abis interface

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note: Due to BSCe3 design, the location of Lapd Port is no longer available; thenotion of LAPDPort (not static, but dynamic) is not suffisant. ThusHDLCobservation is linked to a BTS and its PCM/Timeslots of signaling. Theinformatioin of PCM /TS is provided inside the counter itself, allowing theobserved errors linked to the samesignaling towards theBTS, regardless ofBSC internal activity (dynamic swacts inside the BSC).

3104/1 Timeslot Number

Note: This counter is not activated in BSC software.

Name Q3 : e3AbisAccLevel1ErrorsCh5TsNb

Object : bsc

Function : TimeslotNumber (is not the results of a counter, but a value, seenotes)

Event : This screening (1) is not accumulated. It provides the timeslot numberin which the HDLC is plugged (toward) the BTS

Type : raw permanent

Class : Abis interface

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note: Due to BSCe3 design, the location of Lapd Port is no longer available; thenotion of LAPDPort (not static, but dynamic) is not sufficient. ThusHDLCobservation is linked to a BTS and its PCM/Timeslots of signaling. Theinformatioin of PCM /TS is provided inside the counter itself, allowing theobserved errors linked to the samesignaling towards theBTS, regardless ofBSC internal activity (dynamic swacts inside the BSC).

Note: The 3100, 3101, 3102, 3103, 3104, and 3105 counterscorrespond to the 6maximum possible HDLC signaling--Timeslot towards a BTS. In case of asmall BTS (less than 6 timeslots of signaling), only the first counters (from3100) are sent back to the OMC--R (in case of a BTS with only 3 Timeslotsof signaling, only 3100, 3101, and 3102 counters are provided to theOMC--R).

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Observation Counter DictionaryCopyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

3104/2 Number of erroneous frames received

Note: This counter is not activated in BSC software.

Name Q3 : e3AbisAccLevel1ErrorsCh5Nefr

Object : bsc

Function : Number of erroneous frames received (level 1 errors) on Abis HDLClinks to a BTS.

Event : Counting internal to the lower layer

Type : raw permanent

Class : Abis interface

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note: The 3100, 3101, 3102, 3103, 3104, and 3105 counterscorrespond to the 6maximum possible HDLC signaling--Timeslot towards a BTS. In case of asmall BTS (less than 6 timeslots of signaling), only the first counters (from3100) are sent back to the OMC--R (in case of a BTS with only 3 Timeslotsof signaling, only 3100, 3101, and 3102 counters are provided to theOMC--R).

3104/3 Number of CRC errors

Note: This counter is not activated in BSC software.

Name Q3 : e3AbisAccLevel1ErrorsCh5Ncrce

Object : bsc

Function : Number of CRC frames received (level 1 errors) on Abis HDLC linksto a BTS.

Event : Counting internal to the lower layer

Type : raw permanent

Class : Abis interface

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note: The 3100, 3101, 3102, 3103, 3104, and 3105 counterscorrespond to the 6maximum possible HDLC signaling--Timeslot towards a BTS. In case of asmall BTS (less than 6 timeslots of signaling), only the first counters (from3100) are sent back to the OMC--R (in case of a BTS with only 3 Timeslotsof signaling, only 3100, 3101, and 3102 counters are provided to theOMC--R).

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3104/4 Number of loss of frame alignment

Note: This counter is not activated in BSC software.

Name Q3 : e3AbisAccLevel1ErrorsCh5Nlfa

Object : bsc

Function : Number of frame alignment losses (level 1 errors) on Abis HDLClinks to a BTS.

Event : Counting internal to the lower layer

Type : raw permanent

Class : Abis interface

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note: The 3100, 3101, 3102, 3103, 3104, and 3105 counterscorrespond to the 6maximum possible HDLC signaling--Timeslot towards a BTS. In case of asmall BTS (less than 6 timeslots of signaling), only the first counters (from3100) are sent back to the OMC--R (in case of a BTS with only 3 Timeslotsof signaling, only 3100, 3101, and 3102 counters are provided to theOMC--R).

3105/0 PCN Number

Note: This counter is not activated in BSC software.

Name Q3 : e3AbisAccLevel1ErrorsCh6PcmNb

Object : bsc

Function : PCMNumber ( is not the results of a counter, but is a value, see notes)

Event : This screening (0) os not accumulated. It provides the timeslotnumber in which the HDLC is plugged (toward) the BTS

Type : raw permanent

Class : Abis interface

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note: Due to BSCe3 design, the location of Lapd Port is no longer available; thenotion of LAPDPort (not static, but dynamic) is not suffisant. ThusHDLCobservation is linked to a BTS and its PCM/Timeslots of signaling. Theinformatioin of PCM /TS is provided inside the counter itself, allowing theobserved errors linked to the samesignaling towards theBTS, regardless ofBSC internal activity (dynamic swacts inside the BSC).

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Note: The 3100, 3101, 3102, 3103, 3104, and 3105 counterscorrespond to the 6maximum possible HDLC signaling--Timeslot towards a BTS. In case of asmall BTS (less than 6 timeslots of signaling), only the first counters (from3100) are sent back to the OMC--R (in case of a BTS with only 3 Timeslotsof signaling, only 3100, 3101, and 3102 counters are provided to theOMC--R).

3105/1 Timeslot Number

Note: This counter is not activated in BSC software.

Name Q3 : e3AbisAccLevel1ErrorsCh6TsNb

Object : bsc

Function : Timeslot Number (is not the results of a counter, but is a value, seenotes)

Event : This screening (0) is not accumulated. It provides the timeslot numberin which the HDLC is plugged (toward) the BTS

Type : raw permanent

Class : Abis interface

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note: Due to BSCe3 design, the location of Lapd Port is no longer available; thenotion of LAPDPort (not static, but dynamic) is not sufficient. ThusHDLCobservation is linked to a BTS and its PCM/Timeslots of signaling. Theinformatioin of PCM /TS is provided inside the counter itself, allowing theobserved errors linked to the samesignaling towards theBTS, regardless ofBSC internal activity (dynamic swacts inside the BSC).

Note: The 3100, 3101, 3102, 3103, 3104, and 3105 counterscorrespond to the 6maximum possible HDLC signaling--Timeslot towards a BTS. In case of asmall BTS (less than 6 timeslots of signaling), only the first counters (from3100) are sent back to the OMC--R (in case of a BTS with only 3 Timeslotsof signaling, only 3100, 3101, and 3102 counters are provided to theOMC--R).

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3105/2 Number of erroneous frames received

Note: This counter is not activated in BSC software.

Name Q3 : e3AbisAccLevel1ErrorsCh6Nefr

Object : bsc

Function : Number of erroneous frames received (level 1 errors) on Abis HDLClinks to a BTS.

Event : Counting internal to the lower layer

Type : raw permanent

Class : Abis interface

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note: The 3100, 3101, 3102, 3103, 3104, and 3105 counterscorrespond to the 6maximum possible HDLC signaling--Timeslot towards a BTS. In case of asmall BTS (less than 6 timeslots of signaling), only the first counters (from3100) are sent back to the OMC--R (in case of a BTS with only 3 Timeslotsof signaling, only 3100, 3101, and 3102 counters are provided to theOMC--R).

3105/3 Number of CRC errors

Note: This counter is not activated in BSC software.

Name Q3 : e3AbisAccLevel1ErrorsCh6Ncrce

Object : bsc

Function : Number of CRC errors (level 1 errors) on Abis HDLC links to a BTS.

Event : Counting internal to the lower layer

Type : raw permanent

Class : Abis interface

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note: The 3100, 3101, 3102, 3103, 3104, and 3105 counterscorrespond to the 6maximum possible HDLC signaling--Timeslot towards a BTS. In case of asmall BTS (less than 6 timeslots of signaling), only the first counters (from3100) are sent back to the OMC--R (in case of a BTS with only 3 Timeslotsof signaling, only 3100, 3101, and 3102 counters are provided to theOMC--R).

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3105/4 Number of loss of frame alignment

Note: This counter is not activated in BSC software.

Name Q3 : e3AbisAccLevel1ErrorsCh6Nlfa

Object : bsc

Function : Number of frame alignment losses (level 1 errors) on Abis HDLClinks to a BTS.

Event : Counting internal to the lower layer

Type : raw permanent

Class : Abis interface

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note: The 3100, 3101, 3102, 3103, 3104, and 3105 counterscorrespond to the 6maximum possible HDLC signaling--Timeslot towards a BTS. In case of asmall BTS (less than 6 timeslots of signaling), only the first counters (from3100) are sent back to the OMC--R (in case of a BTS with only 3 Timeslotsof signaling, only 3100, 3101, and 3102 counters are provided to theOMC--R).

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2.2.2 Raw permanent BSS counters (AMR)

l1197/2 Number of channels activated for speech: AMR Half Rate


Name Q3 : channelActivateSpeechAmrHr

Object : bts

Function : number of speech channels using the AMR Half-Rate algorithm,activated in the cell for the observation period

Event : transmission of CHANNEL ACTIVATE or MODE MODIFY withCHANNEL MODE = “speech”

Type : raw permanent

Class : assignment

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “GPRS procedure -- preemption on PDTCH (normalcompletion in the case of Mobile Originating Call)”DFD “dedicated channel assignment procedure (normalcompletion)”DFD “queuing of the assignment procedure (normal completion)DFD “inter--cell intra BSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Intra cell handover procedure (normal completion withcommunication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Inter BSS intra MSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Direct retry handover procedure”

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l1197/3 Number of channels activated for speech: AMR Full Rate


Name Q3 : channelActivateSpeechAmrFr

Object : bts

Function : number of speech channels using the AMR Full-Rate algorithm,activated in the cell for the observation period

Event : transmission of CHANNEL ACTIVATE or MODE MODIFY withCHANNEL MODE = “speech”

Type : raw permanent

Class : assignment

Source : recorded by the BSC

Preciseincrementation conditions :

When GPRS is activated, this counter is concerned by the followingcalls:CCT: Circuit calls on TCH channelCCP: Circuit Calls on PDTCH preempted to make a TCH channel

But it is not concerned byCP calls (Com packet on PDTCHchannel).

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “GPRS procedure -- preemption on PDTCH (normalcompletion in the case of Mobile Originating Call)”DFD “dedicated channel assignment procedure (normalcompletion)”DFD “queuing of the assignment procedure (normal completion)DFD “inter--cell intra BSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Intra cell handover procedure (normal completion withcommunication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Inter BSS intra MSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Direct retry handover procedure”

1780/1 Number of successful outgoingAMR--FRhandovers from the cell

Name Q3 : AmrFrHoSuccessOutgoingTch

Object : bts

Function : number of successful outgoing intra–bss or inter–bss handovers onTCH (only AMR--FR handovers)

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Event : receipt of HANDOVER COMPLETE message from the MS(intra–bss handover) or receipt of CLEAR COMMAND messagefrom the MSC with a handover cause “handover successful”(inter–bss handover)

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “inter--cell intra BSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Intra cell handover procedure (normal completion withcommunication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Inter BSS intra MSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”

Note : V11+ counter

1780/2 Number of successful outgoing AMR--HR handovers from thecell

Name Q3 : AmrHrHoSuccessOutgoingTch

Object : bts

Function : number of successful outgoing intra–bss or inter–bss handovers onTCH (only AMR--HR handovers)

Event : receipt of HANDOVER COMPLETE message from the MS(intra–bss handover) or receipt of CLEAR COMMAND messagefrom the MSC with a handover cause “handover successful”(inter–bss handover)

Type : raw permanent

Class : handover

Source : recorded by the BSC

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “inter--cell intra BSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Intra cell handover procedure (normal completion withcommunication on TRAFFIC phase)”DFD “Inter BSS intra MSC handover procedure (normalcompletion with communication on TRAFFIC phase)”

Note : V11+ counter

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l1900/0 Number of AMR full rate TCH allocations

Name Q3 : amrFrTchAllocated

Object : bsc

Function : number of AMR full rate TCH allocations

Event : This counter is incremented when a AMR full rate TCH is allocated

Type : raw permanent

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V14 counter

l1901/0 Average and Maximum number of AMR full rate TCH


Name Q3 : amrFrTchStdAveragedUsedMoyamrFrTchStdAveragedUsedMaxamrFrTchStdAveragedUsedCumamrFrTchStdAveragedUsedEch

Object : bsc

Function : Average and Maximum number of AMR full rate TCH allocations

Event : This counter is incremented when an AMR full rate TCH is allocatedor de--allocated

Type : raw permanent

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V14 counter

l1902/0 Duration of the AMR full rate TCH connections

Name Q3 : amrFrTchConnectionDurationMoyamrFrTchConnectionDurationMaxamrFrTchConnectionDurationCumamrFrTchConnectionDurationEch

Object : bsc

Function : Duration of theAMRfull rate TCHconnections. This counter starts atthe beginning of transmission of SACCH blocks, and stops at the endof SACCH blocks transmission.

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Event : This counter is triggered when data is received by the BSC from theBTS in STOP MEASUREMENT ACK messages

Type : raw permanentSource : recorded by the BSCNote : V14 counter

l1902/1 Duration of the AMR half rate TCH connectionsName Q3 : amrHrTchConnectionDurationMoy


Object : bscFunction : Duration of the AMR half rate TCH connections. This counter starts

at the beginning of transmission of SACCH blocks, and stops at theend of SACCH blocks transmission.

Event : This counter is triggered when data is received by the BSC from theBTS in STOP MEASUREMENT ACK messages

Type : raw permanentSource : recorded by the BSCNote : V14 counter

l1903/0 Number of Successful AMR full rate TCH assignations for any

kind of mobileName Q3 : amrFrTchSuccessfullyAssignedObject : bscFunction : Number of Successful AMR full rate TCH assignations for any kind

of mobileEvent : See functionType : raw permanentSource : recorded by the BSCNote : V14 counter

l1903/1 Number of Successful AMR half rate TCH assignations for any

kind of mobileName Q3 : amrHrTchSuccessfullyAssignedObject : bscFunction : Number of Successful AMR half rate TCH assignations for any kind

of mobile

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Event : See function

Type : raw permanent

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V14 counter

l1904/0 Number of Failures of the Dedicated Channel Assignment

Procedure for AMR full rate TCH

Name Q3 : amrFrTchAssignFail

Object : bsc

Function : Number of Failures of the Dedicated Channel Assignment Procedurefor AMR full rate TCH

Event : This counter is triggered on reception of an Assign_Fail message onAMR TCH from the mobile

Type : raw permanent

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V14 counter

l1904/1 Number of Failures of the Dedicated Channel Assignment

Procedure for AMR half rate TCH

Name Q3 : amrHrTchAssignFail

Object : bsc

Function : Number of Failures of the Dedicated Channel Assignment Procedurefor AMR half rate TCH

Event : This counter is triggered on reception of an Assign_Fail message onAMR TCH from the mobile

Type : raw permanent

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V14 counter

l1905/0 Total of the uplink C/I received from the L1m, for a non AMR


Name Q3 : CIUplinkFr

Object : bsc

Function : Total of theuplinkC/I received from theL1m, for anonAMRchannel(i.e. classic TCH and SDCCH)

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Event : This counter is triggered when data is received by the BSC from theBTS in STOP MEASUREMENT ACK messages

Type : raw permanent

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V14 counter

l1906/0 Amount of time the downlink power control was running at the

maximum level for the busy full rate AMR TCHs

Name Q3 : downlinkPowerCtrlMaxTchAmrFrCumdownlinkPowerCtrlMaxTchAmrFrEchdownlinkPowerCtrlMaxTchAmrFrMaxdownlinkPowerCtrlMaxTchAmrFrMoy

Object : bsc

Function : Amount of time the downlink power control was running at themaximum level for the busy full rate AMR TCHs

Event : This counter is triggered when data is received by the BSC from theBTS in STOP MEASUREMENT ACK messages

Type : raw permanent

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V14 counter

l1907/0 Amount of time the uplink power control was running at the

maximum level for the busy full rate AMR TCHs

Name Q3 : uplinkPowerCtrlMaxTchAmrFrCumuplinkPowerCtrlMaxTchAmrFrEchuplinkPowerCtrlMaxTchAmrFrMaxuplinkPowerCtrlMaxTchAmrFrMoy

Object : bsc

Function : Amount of time the uplink power control was running at themaximum level for the busy full rate AMR TCHs

Event : This counter is triggered when data is received by the BSC from theBTS in STOP MEASUREMENT ACK messages

Type : raw permanent

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V14 counter

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l1908/0 Number of downlink RXLEV received from the L1m for AMR

full rate TCH

Name Q3 : RxLevDownlinkAmrFr

Object : bsc

Function : Number of downlink RXLEV received from the L1m for AMR fullrate TCH

Event : This counter is triggered when data is received by the BSC from theBTS in STOP MEASUREMENT ACK messages

Type : raw permanent

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V14 counter

l1909/0 Number of uplink RXLEV received from the L1m for AMR full

rate TCH

Name Q3 : RxLevUplinkAmrFr

Object : bsc

Function : Number of uplink RXLEV received from the L1m for AMR full rateTCH

Event : This counter is triggered when data is received by the BSC from theBTS in STOP MEASUREMENT ACK messages

Type : raw permanent

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V14 counter

l1910/0 Number of downlink RXQUAL received from the L1m forAMR

full rate TCH

Name Q3 : RxQualDownlinkAmrFr

Object : bsc

Function : Number of downlink RXQUAL received from the L1m for AMR fullrate TCH

Event : This counter is triggered when data is received by the BSC from theBTS in STOP MEASUREMENT ACK messages

Type : raw permanent

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V14 counter

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l1910/0 Number of downlink RXQUAL received from the L1m forAMR

full rate TCH

Name Q3 : RxQualDownlinkAmrFr

Object : bsc

Function : Number of downlink RXQUAL received from the L1m for AMR fullrate TCH

Event : This counter is triggered when data is received by the BSC from theBTS in STOP MEASUREMENT ACK messages

Type : raw permanent

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V14 counter

l1911/0 Number of uplinkRXQUALreceived fromtheL1mforAMRfull

rate TCH

Name Q3 : RxQualUplinkAmrFr

Object : bsc

Function : Number of uplink RXQUAL received from the L1m for AMR fullrate TCH

Event : This counter is triggered when data is received by the BSC from theBTS in STOP MEASUREMENT ACK messages

Type : raw permanent

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V14 counter

l1912/0 Number of MS increment power control ordered by the L1m for

AMR full rate TCH

Name Q3 : msPowerIncControlAmrFr

Object : bsc

Function : Number ofMS increment power control orderedby theL1m forAMRfull rate TCH

Event : This counter is triggered when data is received by the BSC from theBTS in STOP MEASUREMENT ACK messages

Type : raw permanent

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V14 counter

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l1913/0 Number of MS decrement power control ordered by the L1m for

AMR full rate TCH

Name Q3 : msPowerDecControlAmrFr

Object : bsc

Function : Number of MS decrement power control ordered by the L1m forAMR full rate TCH

Event : This counter is triggered when data is received by the BSC from theBTS in STOP MEASUREMENT ACK messages

Type : raw permanent

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V14 counter

l1914/0 Number of BS increment power control ordered by the L1m for

AMR full rate TCH

Name Q3 : bsPowerIncControlAmrFr

Object : bsc

Function : Number of BS increment power control ordered by theL1m forAMRfull rate TCH

Event : This counter is triggered when data is received by the BSC from theBTS in STOP MEASUREMENT ACK messages

Type : raw permanent

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V14 counter

l1915/0 Number of BS decrement power control ordered by the L1m for

AMR full rate TCH

Name Q3 : bsPowerDecControlAmrFr

Object : bsc

Function : Number of BS decrement power control orderedby theL1m forAMRfull rate TCH

Event : This counter is triggered when data is received by the BSC from theBTS in STOP MEASUREMENT ACK messages

Type : raw permanent

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V14 counter

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l1916/0 Total of the uplink C/I received from the L1m, for AMR full rate


Name Q3 : CIUplinkAmrFr

Object : bsc

Function : Total of the uplink C/I received from the L1m, for AMRfull rate calls

Event : This counter is triggered upon reception of uplink C/I from the L1m

Type : raw permanent

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V14 counter

l1917/0 Average timing advance values for AMR full rate calls in the cell

Name Q3 : timingAdvanceAmrFrAvg

Object : bsc

Function : Average timing advance values for AMR full rate calls in the cell

Event : This counter is triggered upon reception of a STOPMEASUREMENT ACKmessage from the BTS. The value given bythe BTS is the average timing advance per communication

Type : raw permanent

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V14 counter

l1917/1 Maximum timing advance values for AMR full rate calls in the


Name Q3 : timingAdvanceAmrFrMax

Object : bsc

Function : Maximum timing advance values for AMR full rate calls in the cell

Event : This counter is triggered upon reception of a STOPMEASUREMENT ACKmessage from the BTS. The value given bythe BTS is the maximum timing advance per communication

Type : raw permanent

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V14 counter

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l1918/0 Amount of time the downlink power control was running at the

maximum level for the busy half rate AMR TCHs

Name Q3 : downlinkPowerCtrlMaxTchAmrHrCumdownlinkPowerCtrlMaxTchAmrHrEchdownlinkPowerCtrlMaxTchAmrHrMaxdownlinkPowerCtrlMaxTchAmrHrMoy

Object : bsc

Function : Amount of time the downlink power control was running at themaximum level for the busy half rate AMR TCHs

Event : This counter is triggered when data is received by the BSC from theBTS in STOP MEASUREMENT ACK messages

Type : raw permanent

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V14 counter

l1919/0 Amount of time the uplink power control was running at the

maximum level for the busy half rate AMR TCHs

Name Q3 : uplinkPowerCtrlMaxTchAmrHrCumuplinkPowerCtrlMaxTchAmrHrEchuplinkPowerCtrlMaxTchAmrHrMaxuplinkPowerCtrlMaxTchAmrHrMoy

Object : bsc

Function : Amount of time the uplink power control was running at themaximum level for the busy half rate AMR TCHs

Event : This counter is triggered when data is received by the BSC from theBTS in STOP MEASUREMENT ACK messages

Type : raw permanent

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V14 counter

l1920/0 Number of downlink RXLEV received from the L1m for AMR

half rate TCH

Name Q3 : RxLevDownlinkAmrHr

Object : bsc

Function : Number of downlink RXLEV received from the L1m for AMR halfrate TCH

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Event : This counter is triggered when data is received by the BSC from theBTS in STOP MEASUREMENT ACK messages

Type : raw permanent

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V14 counter

l1921/0 Number of uplink RXLEV received from the L1m for AMR half

rate TCHName Q3 : RxLevUplinkAmrHr

Object : bsc

Function : Number of uplink RXLEV received from the L1m for AMR half rateTCH

Event : This counter is triggered when data is received by the BSC from theBTS in STOP MEASUREMENT ACK messages

Type : raw permanent

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V14 counter

l1922/0 Number of downlink RXQUAL received from the L1m forAMR

half rate TCH

Name Q3 : RxQualDownlinkAmrHr

Object : bsc

Function : Number of downlinkRXQUAL received from the L1m for AMRhalfrate TCH

Event : This counter is triggered when data is received by the BSC from theBTS in STOP MEASUREMENT ACK messages

Type : raw permanent

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V14 counter

l1923/0 Number of uplink RXQUAL received from the L1m for AMR

half rate TCHName Q3 : RxQualUplinkAmrHr

Object : bsc

Function : Number of uplink RXQUAL received from the L1m for AMR halfrate TCH

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Event : This counter is triggered when data is received by the BSC from theBTS in STOP MEASUREMENT ACK messages

Type : raw permanent

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V14 counter

l1924/0 Number of MS increment power control ordered by the L1m for

AMR half rate TCHName Q3 : msPowerIncControlAmrHr

Object : bsc

Function : Number ofMS increment power control orderedby theL1m forAMRhalf rate TCH

Event : This counter is triggered when data is received by the BSC from theBTS in STOP MEASUREMENT ACK messages

Type : raw permanent

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V14 counter

l1925/0 Number of MS decrement power control ordered by the L1m for

AMR half rate TCH

Name Q3 : msPowerDecControlAmrHr

Object : bsc

Function : Number of MS decrement power control ordered by the L1m forAMR half rate TCH

Event : This counter is triggered when data is received by the BSC from theBTS in STOP MEASUREMENT ACK messages

Type : raw permanent

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V14 counter

l1926/0 Number of BS increment power control ordered by the L1m for

AMR half rate TCHName Q3 : bsPowerIncControlAmrHr

Object : bsc

Function : Number of BS increment power control ordered by theL1m forAMRhalf rate TCH

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Event : This counter is triggered when data is received by the BSC from theBTS in STOP MEASUREMENT ACK messages

Type : raw permanent

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V14 counter

l1927/0 Number of BS decrement power control ordered by the L1m for

AMR half rate TCH

Name Q3 : bsPowerDecControlAmrHr

Object : bsc

Function : Number of BS decrement power control orderedby theL1m forAMRhalf rate TCH

Event : This counter is triggered when data is received by the BSC from theBTS in STOP MEASUREMENT ACK messages

Type : raw permanent

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V14 counter

l1928/0 Total of the uplink C/I received from the L1m, for AMR half rate


Name Q3 : CIUplinkAmrHr

Object : bsc

Function : Total of the uplinkC/I received from theL1m, for AMRhalf rate calls

Event : This counter is triggered upon reception of uplink C/I from the L1m

Type : raw permanent

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V14 counter

l1929/0 Average timing advance values for AMR half rate calls in the cell

Name Q3 : timingAdvanceAmrHrAvg

Object : bsc

Function : Average timing advance values for AMR half rate calls in the cell

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Event : This counter is triggered upon reception of a STOPMEASUREMENT ACKmessage from the BTS. The value given bythe BTS is the average timing advance per communication

Type : raw permanent

Source : recorded by the BSCNote : V14 counter

l1929/1 Maximum timing advance values for AMR half rate calls in the

cellName Q3 : timingAdvanceAmrHrMax

Object : bscFunction : Maximum timing advance values for AMR half rate calls in the cell

Event : This counter is triggered upon reception of a STOPMEASUREMENT ACKmessage from the BTS. The value given bythe BTS is the maximum timing advance per communication

Type : raw permanent

Source : recorded by the BSCNote : V14 counter

l1930/0 Number of MS measurement messages not received by the BTS

for a AMR full rate callName Q3 : msLostMeasurementAmrFr

Object : bscFunction : Number ofMSmeasurement messages not received by the BTS for a

AMR full rate call

Event : This counter is triggered when data is received by the BSC from theBTS in STOP MEASUREMENT ACK messages

Type : raw permanent

Source : recorded by the BSCNote : V14 counter

l1931/0 Number of MS measurement messages not received by the BTS

for a AMR half rate callName Q3 : timingAdvanceAmrHrObject : bsc

Function : Number ofMSmeasurement messages not received by the BTS for aAMR half rate call

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Event : This counter is triggered when data is received by the BSC from theBTS in STOP MEASUREMENT ACK messages

Type : raw permanent

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V14 counter

l1932/0 Number of quality intracell handovers filtered

Name Q3 : qualityHoFiltered

Object : bsc

Function : Number of quality intracell handovers filtered

Event : This counter is triggered when data is received by the BSC from theBTS in STOP MEASUREMENT ACK messages

Type : raw permanent

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V14 counter

l1933/0 Number of capacity intracell handovers filtered

Name Q3 : capacityHoFiltered

Object : bsc

Function : Number of capacity intracell handovers filtered

Event : This counter is triggered when data is received by the BSC from theBTS in STOP MEASUREMENT ACK messages

Type : raw permanent

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V14 counter

l1950/0 Number of Intracell AMR full rate uplink required handovers in

the cell

Name Q3 : intracellAmrFrUpHoRequiredTch

Object : bsc

Function : Number of Intracell AMR full rate uplink required handovers in thecell

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Event : This counter is triggered on reception of:HANDOVER INDICATION (except when this message shall beignored)Directed retry attempt: reception of a CONNECTIONREQUESTACK message or autonomously in case of directed retry from amicro--cellCONNECTION REQUEST ACK with an eligible cells list afterTchoke expires

Type : raw permanent

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V14 counter

l1950/1 Number of Intracell AMRfull rate downlink required handovers

in the cell

Name Q3 : intracellAmrFrDownHoRequiredTch

Object : bsc

Function : Number of Intracell AMR full rate downlink required handovers inthe cell

Event : This counter is triggered on reception of:HANDOVER INDICATION (except when this message shall beignored)Directed retry attempt: reception of a CONNECTIONREQUESTACK message or autonomously in case of directed retry from amicro--cellCONNECTION REQUEST ACK with an eligible cells list afterTchoke expires

Type : raw permanent

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V14 counter

l1950/2 Number of AMR Quality full rate uplink required handovers in

the cell

Name Q3 : amrQualityFrUpHoRequiredTch

Object : bsc

Function : Number of AMR Quality full rate uplink required handovers in thecell

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Event : This counter is triggered on reception of:HANDOVER INDICATION (except when this message shall beignored)Directed retry attempt: reception of a CONNECTIONREQUESTACK message or autonomously in case of directed retry from amicro--cellCONNECTION REQUEST ACK with an eligible cells list afterTchoke expires

Type : raw permanent

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V14 counter

l1950/3 Number of AMRQuality full rate downlink required handovers

in the cell

Name Q3 : amrQualityFrDownHoRequiredTch

Object : bsc

Function : Number ofAMRQuality full rate downlink required handovers in thecell

Event : This counter is triggered on reception of:HANDOVER INDICATION (except when this message shall beignored)Directed retry attempt: reception of a CONNECTIONREQUESTACK message or autonomously in case of directed retry from amicro--cellCONNECTION REQUEST ACK with an eligible cells list afterTchoke expires

Type : raw permanent

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V14 counter

l1950/4 Number of the capacity of full rate to half rate required

handovers in the cell

Name Q3 : capacityFrToHrRequiredTch

Object : bsc

Function : Number of the capacity of full rate to half rate required handovers inthe cell

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Event : This counter is triggered on reception of:HANDOVER INDICATION (except when this message shall beignored)Directed retry attempt: reception of a CONNECTIONREQUESTACK message or autonomously in case of directed retry from amicro--cellCONNECTION REQUEST ACK with an eligible cells list afterTchoke expires

Type : raw permanent

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V14 counter

l1951/0 Number of half rate to full rate alarms in AMR uplink required

handovers in the cell

Name Q3 : alarmAmrHrToFrUpHoRequiredTch

Object : bsc

Function : Number of half rate to full rate alarms in AMR uplink requiredhandovers in the cell

Event : This counter is triggered on reception of:HANDOVER INDICATION (except when this message shall beignored)Directed retry attempt: reception of a CONNECTIONREQUESTACK message or autonomously in case of directed retry from amicro--cellCONNECTION REQUEST ACK with an eligible cells list afterTchoke expires

Type : raw permanent

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V14 counter

l1951/1 Number of half rate to full rate alarms in AMR downlink

required handovers in the cell

Name Q3 : alarmAmrHrToFrDownHoRequiredTch

Object : bsc

Function : Number of half rate to full rate alarms in AMR downlink requiredhandovers in the cell

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Event : This counter is triggered on reception of:HANDOVER INDICATION (except when this message shall beignored)Directed retry attempt: reception of a CONNECTIONREQUESTACK message or autonomously in case of directed retry from amicro--cellCONNECTION REQUEST ACK with an eligible cells list afterTchoke expires

Type : raw permanent

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V14 counter

l1951/2 Number of AMRQuality half rate uplink required handovers in

the cell

Name Q3 : amrQualityHrUpHoRequiredTch

Object : bsc

Function : Number of AMR Quality half rate uplink required handovers in thecell

Event : This counter is triggered on reception of:HANDOVER INDICATION (except when this message shall beignored)Directed retry attempt: reception of a CONNECTIONREQUESTACK message or autonomously in case of directed retry from amicro--cellCONNECTION REQUEST ACK with an eligible cells list afterTchoke expires

Type : raw permanent

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V14 counter

l1951/3 Number of AMRQuality half rate downlink required handovers

in the cell

Name Q3 : amrQualityHrDownHoRequiredTch

Object : bsc

Function : Number ofAMRQuality half rate downlink requiredhandovers in thecell

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Event : This counter is triggered on reception of:HANDOVER INDICATION (except when this message shall beignored)Directed retry attempt: reception of a CONNECTIONREQUESTACK message or autonomously in case of directed retry from amicro--cellCONNECTION REQUEST ACK with an eligible cells list afterTchoke expires

Type : raw permanent

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V14 counter

l1952/0 Number of outgoing handovers (intra/inter_bss) requests by a

full rate AMR MS

Name Q3 : amrFrHoRequestOutgoingTch

Object : bsc

Function : Number of outgoing handovers (intra/inter_bss) requests by a full rateAMR MS

Event : See function

Type : raw permanent

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V14 counter

l1952/1 Number of outgoing handovers (intra/inter_bss) requests by a

half rate AMR MS

Name Q3 : amrHrHoRequestOutgoingTch

Object : bsc

Function : Number of outgoing handovers (intra/inter_bss) requests by a halfrate AMR MS

Event : See function

Type : raw permanent

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V14 counter

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l1953/0 Number of Intracell full rate handover requests for the cell, by an

AMR mobile

Name Q3 : amrFrHoRequestIntracellTch

Object : bsc

Function : Number of Intracell full rate handover requests for the cell, by anAMRmobile. This counter is incremented at the end of the handover(success, selection failure, execution, failure or end of call)

Event : This counter is triggered upon an attempt of selection in the cell

Type : raw permanent

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V14 counter

l1953/1 Number of Intracell full rate to half rate handover requests for

the cell, by an AMR mobile

Name Q3 : amrFrToHrHoRequestIntracellTch

Object : bsc

Function : Number of Intracell full rate to half rate handover requests for the cell,by an AMR mobile. This counter is incremented at the end of thehandover (success, selection failure, execution, failure or end of call)

Event : This counter is triggered upon an attempt of selection in the cell

Type : raw permanent

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V14 counter

l1953/2 Number of Intracell half rate to full rate handover requests for

the cell, by an AMR mobile

Name Q3 : amrHrToFrHoRequestIntracellTch

Object : bsc

Function : Number of Intracell half rate to full rate handover requests for the cell,by an AMR mobile. This counter is incremented at the end of thehandover (success, selection failure, execution, failure or end of call)

Event : This counter is triggered upon an attempt of selection in the cell

Type : raw permanent

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V14 counter

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l1954/0 Number of Intracell full rate handover executions for the cell, by

an AMR mobile

Name Q3 : amrFrHoExecutionIntracellTch

Object : bsc

Function : Number of Intracell full rate handover executions for the cell, by anAMRmobile. This counter is incremented at the end of the handover(success, selection failure, execution, failure or end of call)

Event : This counter is triggered upon the transmission ofASSIGN_COMMAND message

Type : raw permanent

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V14 counter

l1954/1 Number of Intracell full rate to half rate handover executions for

the cell, by an AMR mobile

Name Q3 : amrFrToHrHoExecutionIntracellTch

Object : bsc

Function : Number of Intracell full rate to half rate handover executions for thecell, by an AMRmobile. This counter is incremented at the end of thehandover (success, selection failure, execution, failure or end of call)

Event : This counter is triggered upon the transmission ofASSIGN_COMMAND message

Type : raw permanent

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V14 counter

l1954/2 Number of Intracell half rate to full rate handover executions for

the cell, by an AMR mobile

Name Q3 : amrHrToFrHoExecutionIntracellTch

Object : bsc

Function : Number of Intracell half rate to full rate handover executions for thecell, by an AMRmobile. This counter is incremented at the end of thehandover (success, selection failure, execution, failure or end of call)

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Event : This counter is triggered upon the transmission ofASSIGN_COMMAND message

Type : raw permanent

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V14 counter

l1955/0 Number of successful Intracell full rate handovers for the cell, by

an AMR mobileName Q3 : amrFrHoSuccessIntracellTch

Object : bsc

Function : Number of successful Intracell full rate handovers for the cell, by anAMR mobile.

Event : This counter is triggered upon the transmission ofASSIGN_COMPLETE message from the mobile

Type : raw permanent

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V14 counter

l1955/1 Number of successful Intracell full rate to half rate handovers for

the cell, by an AMR mobile

Name Q3 : amrFrToHrHoSuccessIntracellTch

Object : bsc

Function : Number of successful Intracell full rate to half rate handovers for thecell, by an AMR mobile.

Event : This counter is triggered upon the transmission ofASSIGN_COMPLETE message from the mobile

Type : raw permanent

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V14 counter

l1955/2 Number of successful Intracell half rate to full rate handovers for

the cell, by an AMR mobileName Q3 : amrHrToFrHoSuccessIntracellTch

Object : bsc

Function : Number of successful Intracell half rate to full rate handovers for thecell, by an AMR mobile.

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Observation Counter DictionaryCopyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

Event : This counter is triggered upon the transmission ofASSIGN_COMPLETE message from the mobile

Type : raw permanent

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V14 counter

l1956/0 Number of attempts of half rate AMR handover from a central

cell to a neighboring one

Name Q3 : hoNCellsExecutionTchAmrHr

Object : bsc

Function : Number of attempts of half rateAMRhandover froma central cell to aneighboring one

Event : This counter is triggered upon reception of the HANDOVERCOMMAND message from the MSC (inter BSC handover), ortransmission of ABIS HANDOVER COMMAND message (intraBSC handover)

Type : raw permanent

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V14 counter

l1957/0 Number of attempts of full rate ARM handover from a central

cell to a neighboring one

Name Q3 : hoNCellsExecutionTchAmrFr

Object : bsc

Function : Number of attempts of full rate ARMhandover from a central cell to aneighboring one

Event : This counter is triggered upon reception of the HANDOVERCOMMAND message from the MSC (inter BSC handover), ortransmission of ABIS HANDOVER COMMAND message (intraBSC handover)

Type : raw permanent

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V14 counter

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l1958/0 Number of unsuccessful half rate AMRhandovers from a central

cell to a neighboring one caused by themobile returning to theoldchannel

Name Q3 : hoNCellsUnsuccessTchAmrHrHandoverFailure

Object : bsc

Function : Number of unsuccessful half rate AMR handovers from a central cellto a neighboring one caused by themobile returning to the old channel

Event : This counter is triggered upon reception of the HANDOVERFAILURE message before T3103 timer expiration

Type : raw permanent

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V14 counter

l1958/1 Number of unsuccessful half rate AMRhandovers from a central

cell to a neighboring one caused by the expiration of the T3103timer

Name Q3 : hoNCellsUnsuccessTchAmrHrTimerExpiration

Object : bsc

Function : Number of unsuccessful half rate AMR handovers from a central cellto a neighboring one caused by the expiration of the T3103 mobile

Event : This counter is triggered upon the expiration of the T3103 timer. Thisis relevant for intra BSS and inter BSS handovers

Type : raw permanent

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V14 counter

l1958/2 Number of unsuccessful half rate AMRhandovers from a central

cell to a neighboring one caused by other causes

Name Q3 : hoNCellsUnsuccessTchAmrHrClearCommand

Object : bsc

Function : Number of unsuccessful half rate AMR handovers from a central cellto a neighboring one caused by other causes (i.e. not caused by thosementioned in counters 1958/0 or 1958/1)

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Event : This counter is triggered upon reception of the CLEARCOMMANDmessagewith a cause set to another value than “Handover Successful”or “Call Control”, relevant for inter BSS handovers

Type : raw permanent

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V14 counter

l1959/0 Number of unsuccessful full rate AMR handovers from a central

cell to a neighboring one caused by themobile returning to theoldchannel

Name Q3 : hoNCellsUnsuccessTchAmrFrHandoverFailure

Object : bsc

Function : Number of unsuccessful full rate AMR handovers from a central cellto a neighboring one caused by themobile returning to the old channel

Event : This counter is triggered upon reception of the HANDOVERFAILURE message before T3103 timer expiration

Type : raw permanent

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V14 counter

l1959/1 Number of unsuccessful full rate AMR handovers from a central

cell to a neighboring one caused by the expiration of the T3103timer

Name Q3 : hoNCellsUnsuccessTchAmrFrTimerExpiration

Object : bsc

Function : Number of unsuccessful full rate AMR handovers from a central cellto a neighboring one caused by the expiration of the T3103 mobile

Event : This counter is triggered upon the expiration of the T3103 timer. Thisis relevant for intra BSS and inter BSS handovers

Type : raw permanent

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V14 counter

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l1959/2 Number of unsuccessful full rate AMR handovers from a central

cell to a neighboring one caused by other causes

Name Q3 : hoNCellsUnsuccessTchAmrFrClearCommand

Object : bsc

Function : Number of unsuccessful full rate AMR handovers from a central cellto a neighboring one caused by other causes (i.e. not caused by thosementioned in counters 1959/0 or 1959/1)

Event : This counter is triggered upon reception of the CLEARCOMMANDmessagewith a cause set to another value than “Handover Successful”or “Call Control”, relevant for inter BSS handovers

Type : raw permanent

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V14 counter

l1960/0 Number of releases for full rate AMR mobile caused by Lapdm

Name Q3 : trafficReleaseAmrFrLapdmCause

Object : bsc

Function : Number of releases for full rate AMR mobile caused by Lapdm

Event : See Function

Type : raw permanent

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V14 counter

l1960/1 Number of releases for full rate AMR mobile caused the radio

Name Q3 : trafficReleaseAmrFrRadioCause

Object : bsc

Function : Number of releases for full rate AMR mobile caused by the radio

Event : See Function

Type : raw permanent

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V14 counter

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l1960/2 Number of releases for full rate AMR mobile caused by other

causesName Q3 : trafficReleaseAmrFrOthersCause

Object : bscFunction : Number of releases for full rate AMRmobile caused by other causes

(i.e. not caused by those mentioned in counters 1960/0 or 1960/1)

Event : See FunctionType : raw permanent

Source : recorded by the BSCNote : V14 counter

l1961/0 Number of releases for half rate AMR mobile caused by LapdmName Q3 : trafficReleaseAmrHrLapdmCauseObject : bsc

Function : Number of releases for half rate AMR mobile caused by Lapdm

Event : See Function

Type : raw permanent

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V14 counter

l1961/1 Number of releases for half rate AMR mobile caused the radioName Q3 : trafficReleaseAmrHrRadioCause

Object : bscFunction : Number of releases for half rate AMR mobile caused by the radio

Event : See FunctionType : raw permanent

Source : recorded by the BSCNote : V14 counter

l1961/2 Number of releases for half rate AMR mobile caused by other

causesName Q3 : trafficReleaseAmrHrOthersCauseObject : bsc

Function : Number of releases for half rate AMRmobile caused by other causes(i.e. not caused by those mentioned in counters 1961/0 or 1961/1)

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Event : See Function

Type : raw permanent

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V14 counter

l1963/0 Number of half rate AMR handovers requested from a central

cell to a neighboring one

Name Q3 : hoNCellsRequestOutgoingAmrHr

Object : bsc

Function : Number of half rateAMRhandovers requested from a central cell to aneighboring one

Event : This counter is triggered upon reception of the HANDOVERCOMMAND message from the MSC (inter BSC handover), ortransmission of ABIS HANDOVER COMMAND message (intraBSC handover)

Type : raw permanent

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V14 counter

l1964/0 Number of full rateAMRhandovers requested froma central cell

to a neighboring one

Name Q3 : hoNCellsRequestOutgoingAmrFr

Object : bsc

Function : Number of full rate AMRhandovers requested from a central cell to aneighboring one

Event : This counter is triggered upon reception of the HANDOVERCOMMAND message from the MSC (inter BSC handover), ortransmission of ABIS HANDOVER COMMAND message (intraBSC handover)

Type : raw permanent

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V14 counter

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l1975/0 Number of 40ms periods during which Codec 4.75 has been

applied on the uplink for full rate AMR

Name Q3 : amrFrUplinkCodec475

Object : bsc

Function : Number of 40ms periods during which Codec 4.75 has been appliedon the uplink for full rate AMR

Event : This counter is triggered when data is received by the BSC from theBTS in STOP MEASUREMENT ACK messages

Type : raw permanent

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V14 counter

l1975/1 Number of 40ms periods during which Codec 5.9 has been

applied on the uplink for full rate AMR

Name Q3 : amrFrUplinkCodec59

Object : bsc

Function : Number of 40ms periods during which Codec 5.9 has been applied onthe uplink for full rate AMR

Event : This counter is triggered when data is received by the BSC from theBTS in STOP MEASUREMENT ACK messages

Type : raw permanent

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V14 counter

l1975/2 Number of 40ms periods during which Codec 6.7 has been

applied on the uplink for full rate AMR

Name Q3 : amrFrUplinkCodec67

Object : bsc

Function : Number of 40ms periods during which Codec 6.7 has been applied onthe uplink for full rate AMR

Event : This counter is triggered when data is received by the BSC from theBTS in STOP MEASUREMENT ACK messages

Type : raw permanent

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V14 counter

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l1975/3 Number of 40ms periods during which Codec 10.2 has been

applied on the uplink for full rate AMR

Name Q3 : amrFrUplinkCodec102

Object : bsc

Function : Number of 40ms periods during which Codec 10.2 has been appliedon the uplink for full rate AMR

Event : This counter is triggered when data is received by the BSC from theBTS in STOP MEASUREMENT ACK messages

Type : raw permanent

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V14 counter

l1976/0 Number of 40ms periods during which Codec 4.75 has been

applied on the uplink for half rate AMR

Name Q3 : amrHrUplinkCodec475

Object : bsc

Function : Number of 40ms periods during which Codec 4.75 has been appliedon the uplink for half rate AMR

Event : This counter is triggered when data is received by the BSC from theBTS in STOP MEASUREMENT ACK messages

Type : raw permanent

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V14 counter

l1976/1 Number of 40ms periods during which Codec 5.9 has been

applied on the uplink for half rate AMR

Name Q3 : amrHrUplinkCodec59

Object : bsc

Function : Number of 40ms periods during which Codec 5.9 has been applied onthe uplink for half rate AMR

Event : This counter is triggered when data is received by the BSC from theBTS in STOP MEASUREMENT ACK messages

Type : raw permanent

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V14 counter

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l1976/2 Number of 40ms periods during which Codec 6.7 has been

applied on the uplink for half rate AMR

Name Q3 : amrHrUplinkCodec67

Object : bsc

Function : Number of 40ms periods during which Codec 6.7 has been applied onthe uplink for half rate AMR

Event : This counter is triggered when data is received by the BSC from theBTS in STOP MEASUREMENT ACK messages

Type : raw permanent

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V14 counter

l1977/0 Number of 40ms periods during which Codec 4.75 has been

applied on the downlink for full rate AMR

Name Q3 : amrFrDownlinkCodec475

Object : bsc

Function : Number of 40ms periods during which Codec 4.75 has been appliedon the downlink for full rate AMR

Event : This counter is triggered when data is received by the BSC from theBTS in STOP MEASUREMENT ACK messages

Type : raw permanent

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V14 counter

l1977/1 Number of 40ms periods during which Codec 5.9 has been

applied on the downlink for full rate AMR

Name Q3 : amrFrDownlinkCodec59

Object : bsc

Function : Number of 40ms periods during which Codec 5.9 has been applied onthe downlink for full rate AMR

Event : This counter is triggered when data is received by the BSC from theBTS in STOP MEASUREMENT ACK messages

Type : raw permanent

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V14 counter

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l1977/2 Number of 40ms periods during which Codec 6.7 has been

applied on the downlink for full rate AMR

Name Q3 : amrFrDownlinkCodec67

Object : bsc

Function : Number of 40ms periods during which Codec 6.7 has been applied onthe downlink for full rate AMR

Event : This counter is triggered when data is received by the BSC from theBTS in STOP MEASUREMENT ACK messages

Type : raw permanent

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V14 counter

l1977/3 Number of 40ms periods during which Codec 10.2 has been

applied on the downlink for full rate AMR

Name Q3 : amrFrDownlinkCodec102

Object : bsc

Function : Number of 40ms periods during which Codec 10.2 has been appliedon the downlink for full rate AMR

Event : This counter is triggered when data is received by the BSC from theBTS in STOP MEASUREMENT ACK messages

Type : raw permanent

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V14 counter

l1978/0 Number of 40ms periods during which Codec 4.75 has been

applied on the downlink for half rate AMR

Name Q3 : amrHrDownlinkCodec475

Object : bsc

Function : Number of 40ms periods during which Codec 4.75 has been appliedon the downlink for half rate AMR

Event : This counter is triggered when data is received by the BSC from theBTS in STOP MEASUREMENT ACK messages

Type : raw permanent

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V14 counter

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Observation Counter DictionaryCopyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

l1978/1 Number of 40ms periods during which Codec 5.9 has been

applied on the downlink for half rate AMR

Name Q3 : amrHrDownlinkCodec59

Object : bsc

Function : Number of 40ms periods during which Codec 5.9 has been applied onthe downlink for half rate AMR

Event : This counter is triggered when data is received by the BSC from theBTS in STOP MEASUREMENT ACK messages

Type : raw permanent

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V14 counter

l1978/2 Number of 40ms periods during which Codec 6.7 has been

applied on the downlink for half rate AMR

Name Q3 : amrHrDownlinkCodec67

Object : bsc

Function : Number of 40ms periods during which Codec 6.7 has been applied onthe downlink for half rate AMR

Event : This counter is triggered when data is received by the BSC from theBTS in STOP MEASUREMENT ACK messages

Type : raw permanent

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V14 counter

l1979/0 Number of bad speech frames (BFIKO) received at the BTS level

for full rate AMR at Codec 4.75

Name Q3 : amrFrBadSpeechFramesCodec475

Object : bsc

Function : Number of bad speech frames (BFI KO) received at the BTS level forfull rate AMR at Codec 4.75

Event : This counter is triggered when data is received by the BSC from theBTS in STOP MEASUREMENT ACK messages

Type : raw permanent

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V14 counter

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l1979/1 Number of bad speech frames (BFIKO) received at the BTS level

for full rate AMR at Codec 5.9

Name Q3 : amrFrBadSpeechFramesCodec59

Object : bsc

Function : Number of bad speech frames (BFI KO) received at the BTS level forfull rate AMR at Codec 5.9

Event : This counter is triggered when data is received by the BSC from theBTS in STOP MEASUREMENT ACK messages

Type : raw permanent

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V14 counter

l1979/2 Number of bad speech frames (BFIKO) received at the BTS level

for full rate AMR at Codec 6.7

Name Q3 : amrFrBadSpeechFramesCodec67

Object : bsc

Function : Number of bad speech frames (BFI KO) received at the BTS level forfull rate AMR at Codec 6.7

Event : This counter is triggered when data is received by the BSC from theBTS in STOP MEASUREMENT ACK messages

Type : raw permanent

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V14 counter

l1979/3 Number of bad speech frames (BFIKO) received at the BTS level

for full rate AMR at Codec 10.2

Name Q3 : amrFrBadSpeechFramesCodec102

Object : bsc

Function : Number of bad speech frames (BFI KO) received at the BTS level forfull rate AMR at Codec 10.2

Event : This counter is triggered when data is received by the BSC from theBTS in STOP MEASUREMENT ACK messages

Type : raw permanent

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V14 counter

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l1980/0 Received speech frames AMR FR at Codec 4.75

Name Q3 : amrFrValidSpeechFramesCodec475

Object : bsc

Function : Number of correct and bad speech frames received at the BTS levelfor full rate AMR at Codec 4.75

Event : This counter is triggered when data is received by the BSC from theBTS in STOP MEASUREMENT ACK messages

Type : raw permanent

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V14 counter

l1980/1 Received speech frames AMR FR at Codec 5.9

Name Q3 : amrFrValidSpeechFramesCodec59

Object : bsc

Function : Number of correct and bad speech frames received at the BTS levelfor full rate AMR at Codec 5.9

Event : This counter is triggered when data is received by the BSC from theBTS in STOP MEASUREMENT ACK messages

Type : raw permanent

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V14 counter

l1980/2 Received speech frames AMR FR at Codec 6.7

Name Q3 : amrFrValidSpeechFramesCodec67

Object : bsc

Function : Number of correct and bad speech frames received at the BTS levelfor full rate AMR at Codec 6.7

Event : This counter is triggered when data is received by the BSC from theBTS in STOP MEASUREMENT ACK messages

Type : raw permanent

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V14 counter

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l1980/3 Received speech frames AMR FR at Codec 10.2

Name Q3 : amrFrValidSpeechFramesCodec102

Object : bsc

Function : Number of correct and bad speech frames received at the BTS levelfor full rate AMR at Codec 10.2

Event : This counter is triggered when data is received by the BSC from theBTS in STOP MEASUREMENT ACK messages

Type : raw permanent

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V14 counter

l1981/0 Number of bad speech frames (BFIKO) received at the BTS level

for half rate AMR at Codec 4.75

Name Q3 : amrHrBadSpeechFramesCodec475

Object : bsc

Function : Number of bad speech frames (BFI KO) received at the BTS level forhalf rate AMR at Codec 4.75

Event : This counter is triggered when data is received by the BSC from theBTS in STOP MEASUREMENT ACK messages

Type : raw permanent

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V14 counter

l1981/1 Number of bad speech frames (BFIKO) received at the BTS level

for half rate AMR at Codec 5.9

Name Q3 : amrHrBadSpeechFramesCodec59

Object : bsc

Function : Number of bad speech frames (BFI KO) received at the BTS level forhalf rate AMR at Codec 5.9

Event : This counter is triggered when data is received by the BSC from theBTS in STOP MEASUREMENT ACK messages

Type : raw permanent

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V14 counter

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l1981/2 Number of bad speech frames (BFIKO) received at the BTS level

for half rate AMR at Codec 6.7

Name Q3 : amrHrBadSpeechFramesCodec67

Object : bsc

Function : Number of bad speech frames (BFI KO) received at the BTS level forhalf rate AMR at Codec 6.7

Event : This counter is triggered when data is received by the BSC from theBTS in STOP MEASUREMENT ACK messages

Type : raw permanent

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V14 counter

l1982/0 Received speech frames AMR HR at Codec 4.75

Name Q3 : amrHrValidSpeechFramesCodec475

Object : bsc

Function : Number of correct and bad speech frames received at the BTS levelfor half rate AMR at Codec 4.75

Event : This counter is triggered when data is received by the BSC from theBTS in STOP MEASUREMENT ACK messages

Type : raw permanent

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V14 counter

l1982/1 Received speech frames AMR HR at Codec 5.9

Name Q3 : amrHrValidSpeechFramesCodec59

Object : bsc

Function : Number of correct and bad speech frames received at the BTS levelfor half rate AMR at Codec 5.9

Event : This counter is triggered when data is received by the BSC from theBTS in STOP MEASUREMENT ACK messages

Type : raw permanent

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V14 counter

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l1982/2 Received speech frames AMR HR at Codec 6.7

Name Q3 : amrHrValidSpeechFramesCodec67

Object : bsc

Function : Number of correct and bad speech frames received at the BTS levelfor half rate AMR at Codec 6.7

Event : This counter is triggered when data is received by the BSC from theBTS in STOP MEASUREMENT ACK messages

Type : raw permanent

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V14 counter

l1983/0 Number of no data frames received or sent on the Abis interface

on the uplink for AMR calls

Name Q3 : amrUplinkNoDataFrames

Object : bsc

Function : Number of no data frames received or sent on theAbis interface on theuplink for AMR calls

Event : This counter is triggered when data is received by the BSC from theBTS in STOP MEASUREMENT ACK messages

Type : raw permanent

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V14 counter

l1983/1 Number of no data frames received or sent on the Abis interface

on the downlink for AMR calls

Name Q3 : amrDownlinkNoDataFrames

Object : bsc

Function : Number of no data frames received or sent on theAbis interface on thedownlink for AMR calls

Event : This counter is triggered when data is received by the BSC from theBTS in STOP MEASUREMENT ACK messages

Type : raw permanent

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V14 counter

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l1984/0 Number of Codec increment modifications for full rate AMR in


Name Q3 : incAmrFrUpModif

Object : bsc

Function : Number of Codec increment modifications for full rate AMR inuplink

Event : This counter is triggered when data is received by the BSC from theBTS in STOP MEASUREMENT ACK messages

Type : raw permanent

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V14 counter

l1984/1 Number of Codec decrement modifications for full rate AMR in


Name Q3 : decAmrFrUpModif

Object : bsc

Function : Number of Codec decrement modifications for full rate AMR inuplink

Event : This counter is triggered when data is received by the BSC from theBTS in STOP MEASUREMENT ACK messages

Type : raw permanent

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V14 counter

l1985/0 Number of Codec increment modifications for full rate AMR in


Name Q3 : incAmrFrDownModif

Object : bsc

Function : Number of Codec increment modifications for full rate AMR indownlink

Event : This counter is triggered when data is received by the BSC from theBTS in STOP MEASUREMENT ACK messages

Type : raw permanent

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V14 counter

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l1985/1 Number of Codec decrement modifications for full rate AMR in


Name Q3 : decAmrFrDownModif

Object : bsc

Function : Number of Codec decrement modifications for full rate AMR indownlink

Event : This counter is triggered when data is received by the BSC from theBTS in STOP MEASUREMENT ACK messages

Type : raw permanent

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V14 counter

l1986/0 Number of Codec increment modifications for half rate AMR in


Name Q3 : incAmrHrUpModif

Object : bsc

Function : Number of Codec increment modifications for half rate AMR inuplink

Event : This counter is triggered when data is received by the BSC from theBTS in STOP MEASUREMENT ACK messages

Type : raw permanent

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V14 counter

l1986/1 Number of Codec decrement modifications for half rate AMR in


Name Q3 : decAmrHrUpModif

Object : bsc

Function : Number of Codec decrement modifications for half rate AMR inuplink

Event : This counter is triggered when data is received by the BSC from theBTS in STOP MEASUREMENT ACK messages

Type : raw permanent

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V14 counter

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l1987/0 Number of Codec increment modifications for half rate AMR in


Name Q3 : incAmrHrDownModif

Object : bsc

Function : Number of Codec increment modifications for half rate AMR indownlink

Event : This counter is triggered when data is received by the BSC from theBTS in STOP MEASUREMENT ACK messages

Type : raw permanent

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V14 counter

l1987/1 Number of Codec decrement modifications for half rate AMR in


Name Q3 : decAmrHrDownModif

Object : bsc

Function : Number of Codec decrement modifications for half rate AMR indownlink

Event : This counter is triggered when data is received by the BSC from theBTS in STOP MEASUREMENT ACK messages

Type : raw permanent

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V14 counter

l1988/0 Number of CMI/CMR inversqtion phase procedure failure for

AMR calls

Name Q3 : amrReversalPhaseFailure

Object : bsc

Function : Number of CMI/CMR inversqtion phase procedure failure for AMRcalls

Event : This counter is triggered when data is received by the BSC from theBTS in STOP MEASUREMENT ACK messages

Type : raw permanent

Source : recorded by the BSC

Note : V14 counter

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2.3 Raw temporary counters (odiag excluded)

2.3.1 Temporary Interference observation

ll5000 Average interference level on idle channelsName Q3 : channelIdleLevelMoy

channelIdleLevelMaxchannelIdleLevelCumchannelIdleLevelEch = Number of samples

Object : channel (dedicated radio channel)

Function : interference class [0 to 4] on a radio channel (= average level ofmeasured values on SDCCH or TCH) when it is free and number offree logical channels carried by the radio channel during theobservation period

Event : receipt of RF RESOURCE INDICATION message

Type : raw temporary

Source : detected by the BTS, recorded by the BSC

Note : A PDTCH channel is not taken into account

2.3.2 Temporary SS7 link observation

l5100/0 Number of MSU frames received on Level 2Name Q3 : ss7InputMsu

Object : signallingLinkFunction : number of MSU (Message Signal Unit) frames received by the BSC

Event : transmission by MTP2 to MTP3 of an MSU frame received from theremote MTP2

Type : raw temporary

Source : recorded by the BSC

ll5101/0 Number of MSU frames sent on Level 2Name Q3 : ss7OutputMsu

Object : signallingLink

Function : number of MSU (Message Signal Unit) frames sent by the BSC

Event : receipt by MTP2 from MTP3 of an MSU frame for transmission

Type : raw temporary

Source : recorded by the BSC

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ll5102/0 Number of SS7 Level 2 errors: Negative ACK received

Name Q3 : ss7Level2ErrorNegAckRec

Object : signallingLink

Function : number of errors detected by Level 2 due to receipt of negativeacknowledgement of frames

Event : receipt by theBSC link of a request for retransmission on the SS7 linkfrom the remote MTP2

Type : raw temporary

Source : ecorded by the BSC

l5102/1 Number of SS7 Level 2 errors: Negative ACK sent

Name Q3 : ss7Level2ErrorNegAckTrans

Object : signallingLink

Function : number of errors detected by Level 2 due to transmission of negativeacknowledgement of frames

Event : transmission by the BSC of a request for retransmission on the SS7link to the remote MTP2

Type : raw temporary

Source : recorded by the BSC

ll5102/2 Number of SS7 Level 2 errors: MSU rejected for congestion

Name Q3 : ss7Level2ErrorMsuCongest

Object : signallingLink

Function : number of MSU frames rejected byMTP2 because of lack of internalmemory

Event : rejection of an MSU frame by MTP2 because of lack of internalmemory

Type : raw temporary

Source : recorded by the BSC

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ll5102/3 Number of SS7 Level 2 errors: SU error

Name Q3 : ss7Level2ErrorSuErr

Object : signallingLink

Function : number of errors detected by Level 2 because of errored SU

Event : receipt by the MTP2 of one of the following:

a frame with a false CRCa frame too short (length equal or inferior to 2 bytes)16 bytes in “OCM” byte counting mode

Type : raw temporary

Source : recorded by the BSC

ll5103/0 Number of SS7 Level 3 errors: ACK delay exceeded

Name Q3 : ss7Level3ErrorDelay

Object : signallingLink

Function : number of errors detected by Level 3 because of lengthy delay inacknowledgement messages

Event : Level 3 bssMapT7 time-out elapse

Type : raw temporary

Source : recorded by the BSC

ll5103/1 Number of SS7 Level 3 errors: High error rate

Name Q3 : ss7Level3ErrorHighErrRate

Object : signallingLink

Function : number of errors detected by monitoring the error rate of SS7 frames

Event : detection by MTP2 of an excessive error rate, according to thedefinition of the CCITT Q703 recommendation (Paragraph 10,page 67)

Type : raw temporary

Source : recorded by the BSC

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2.3.3 Temporary Abis interface observation

l5600/0 Number of IU frames sent on sapi RSL

Name Q3 : abisOutputUiFrame

Object : bts

Function : number of UI (Unnumbered Information) frames sent to the cellTDMA frames on RSL SAPI

Event : transmission of a UI frame on a RSL by the BSC

Type : raw temporary

Source : recorded by the BSC

l5601/0 Number of UI frames received on sapi RSL

Name Q3 : abisInputUiFrame

Object : bts

Function : number of UI (Unnumbered Information) frames received from thecell TDMA frames on RSL SAPI

Event : receipt of a UI frame on a RSL by the BSC

Type : raw temporary

Source : recorded by the BSC

l5602/0 Number of I frames sent on sapi RSL

Name Q3 : abisOutputIFrame

Object : bts

Function : number of I (Information) frames sent to the cell TDMA frames onRSL SAPI

Event : transmission of an I frame on a RSL by the BSC

Type : raw temporary

Source : recorded by the BSC

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l5603/0 Number of I frames received on sapi RSLName Q3 : abisInputIFrame

Object : btsFunction : number of I (Information) frames received from the cell TDMA

frames on RSL SAPI

Event : reception of an I frame on a RSL by the BSC

Type : raw temporary

Source : recorded by the BSC

l5604/0 Number of UI bytes received on sapi RSLName Q3 : abisOutputUiByteObject : bts

Function : number of UI (Unnumbered Information) bytes sent to the cellTDMA frames on RSL SAPI

Event : transmission of a UI frame on a RSL by the BSCType : raw temporary

Source : recorded by the BSC

l5605/0 Number of UI bytes sent on sapi RSLName Q3 : abisInputUiByteObject : bts

Function : number ofUI (Unnumbered Information) bytes received from the cellTDMA frames on RSL SAPI

Event : receipt of a UI frame on a RSL by the BSCType : raw temporary

Source : recorded by the BSC

l5606/0 Number of I bytes sent on sapi RSLName Q3 : abisOutputIByteObject : btsFunction : number of I (Information) bytes sent to the cell TDMAframes onRSL


Event : transmission of an I frame on a RSL by the BSCType : raw temporary

Source : recorded by the BSC

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l5607/0 Number of I bytes received on sapi RSL

Name Q3 : abisInputIByte

Object : bts

Function : number of I (Information) bytes received from the cell TDMAframeson RSL SAPI

Event : receipt of an I frame on a RSL by the BSC

Type : raw temporary

Source : recorded by the BSC

l5608/0 Number of Abis Level 2 errors: SUP received with PF 1

Name Q3 : abisLevel2ErrorRxSup1

Object : bts

Function : number of SUP (supervision) frameswith the final bit set to 1 receivedin established multiframe mode

Event : receipt of a SUP frame with the final bit set to 1 in establishedmultiframe mode by the BSC

Type : raw temporary

Source : recorded by the BSC

l5608/1 Number of Abis Level 2 errors: DM received with PF 1

Name Q3 : abisLevel2ErrorRxDm1

Object : bts

Function : number of DM (DisconnectedMode) frameswith the final bit set to 1received in established multiframe mode

Event : receipt of a DM frame with the final bit set to 1 in establishedmultiframe mode by the BSC

Type : raw temporary

Source : recorded by the BSC

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l5608/2 Number of Abis Level 2 errors: UA received with PF 1

Name Q3 : abisLevel2ErrorRxUa1

Object : bts

Function : number of UA (Unnumbered Acknowledge) frames with the final bitset to 1 received in one of the states listed below

Event : receipt by theBSCof aUA framewith the final bit set to 1 in one of thefollowing states:a TEI is allocatedthe multiframe mode is establisheda multiframe mode time-out is running

Type : raw temporary

Source : recorded by the BSC

l5608/3 Number of Abis Level 2 errors: UA received with PF 0

Name Q3 : abisLevel2ErrorRxUa0

Object : bts

Function : number of UA (Unnumbered Acknowledge) frames with the final bitset to 0 received in one of the states listed below

Event : receipt by theBSCof aUA framewith the final bit set to 0 in one of thefollowing states:a TEI is allocatedthe multiframe mode is establisheda multiframe mode time-out is runningwaiting for establishmentwaiting for clear

Type : raw temporary

Source : recorded by the BSC

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l5608/4 Number of Abis Level 2 errors: DM received with PF 0

Name Q3 : abisLevel2ErrorRxDm0

Object : bts

Function : number of DM (DisconnectedMode) frameswith the final bit set to 0received in one of the states listed below

Event : receipt by the BSC of a DM frame with the final bit set to 0 in one ofthe following states:the multiframe mode is establisheda multiframe mode time-out is running

Type : raw temporary

Source : recorded by the BSC

l5608/5 Number of Abis Level 2 errors: SABME received

Name Q3 : abisLevel2ErrorRxSabme

Object : bts

Function : number of SABME (Set in Asynchronous Balance Mode Extended)frames received in one of the states listed below

Event : receipt by the BSC of a SABME frame in one of the following states:the multiframe mode is establisheda multiframe mode time-out is running

Type : raw temporary

Source : recorded by the BSC

l5608/6 Number of Abis Level 2 errors: SABME retransmitted

Name Q3 : abisLevel2ErrorTxNSabme

Object : bts

Function : number of SABME frames unsuccessfully retransmitted N150 timesduring an establishment period

Event : N150 unsuccessful retransmissions of an SABME frame during anestablishment period

Type : raw temporary

Source : recorded by the BSC

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l5608/7 Number of Abis Level 2 errors: DISC retransmitted

Name Q3 : abisLevel2ErrorTxNDisc

Object : bts

Function : number of DISC (Disconnect) frames unsuccessfully retransmittedN150 times during a clearing period

Event : N150 unsuccessful retransmissions of aDISC frame during a clearingperiod

Type : raw temporary

Source : recorded by the BSC

l5608/8 Number of Abis Level 2 errors: I frame with PF 1 retransmitted

Name Q3 : abisLevel2ErrorReqOutState

Object : bts

Function : number of I frames with final bit set to 1 (state request) retransmittedwhile a multiframe mode time-out is running

Event : receipt by the BSC of an I frame with final bit set to 1 (state request)retransmitted while a multiframe mode time-out is running

Type : raw temporary

Source : recorded by the BSC

l5608/9 Number of Abis Level 2 errors: Wrong NR received

Name Q3 : abisLevel2ErrorBadRxNr

Object : bts

Function : number of errored NR (Not Ready) frames received in one of thestates listed below

Event : receipt by the BSC of an errored NR frame in one of the followingstates:

the multiframe mode is establisheda multiframe mode time-out is running

Type : raw temporary

Source : recorded by the BSC

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l5608/10 Number of Abis Level 2 errors: FRMR received

Name Q3 : abisLevel2ErrorRxFrmr

Object : bts

Function : number of FRMR (frame reject) frames received in one of the stateslisted below

Event : receipt by the BSC of an FRMR frame in one of the following states:the multiframe mode is establisheda multiframe mode time-out is running

Type : raw temporary

Source : recorded by the BSC

l5608/11 Number of Abis Level 2 errors: Unknown frame

Name Q3 : abisLevel2ErrorRxNoImpl

Object : bts

Function : number of unknown frameswith final bit set to 0 received inone of thestates listed below

Event : receipt by theBSCof anunknown framewith final bit set to 0 in oneofthe following states:a TEI is allocatedthe multiframe mode is establisheda multiframe mode time-out is runningwaiting for establishmentwaiting for clear

Type : raw temporary

Source : recorded by the BSC

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l5608/12 Number of Abis Level 2 errors: Wrong length

Name Q3 : abisLevel2ErrorBadLg

Object : bts

Function : number of wrong length frames received in one of the states listedbelow

Event : receipt by the BSC of a wrong length frame in one of the followingstates:a TEI is allocatedthe multiframe mode is establisheda multiframe mode time-out is runningwaiting for establishmentwaiting for clear

Type : raw temporary

Source : recorded by the BSC

l5609 Duration of Abis resource unavailability

Name Q3 : abisUnavailabilityTimeMoyabisUnavailabilityTimeMax Maximum unavailability duration.abisUnavailabilityTimeCum Total unavailability durationabisUnavailabilityTimeEch Number of samples.

Object : bts

Function : average unavailability duration (= total duration divided by thenumber of samples) andmaximumunavailability duration of theRSLLAPD links used by the cell TRX/DRXs, expressed in milliseconds

Event : LAPD link unavailability/availability, internal sampling time-outelapse:unavailability: start timeravailability: stop timersampling time-out elapse:• read the instantaneous value of LAPD unavailability duration• store its peak value• add it to the total duration of LAPD unavailability in theobservation period

• step up by one the number of samples

Type : raw temporary

Source : recorded by the BSC

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l5610 Duration of Abis resource congestion

Name Q3 : abisCongestionTimeMoyabisCongestionTimeMax Maximum congestion duration. . . . . . . .abisCongestionTimeCum Total congestion duration. . . . . . . .abisCongestionTimeEch Number of samples. . . . . . . .

Object : bts

Function : average congestion duration (= total duration divided by the numberof samples) and maximum congestion duration of the RSL LAPDlinks used by the cell TRX/DRXs, expressed in milliseconds

Event : LAPD link congestion/non-congestion, internal sampling time-outelapse:congestion: start timernon-congestion: stop timersampling time-out elapse:• read the instantaneous value of LAPD congestion duration• store its peak value• add it to the total duration of LAPD congestion in theobservation period

• step up by one the number of samples

Type : raw temporary

Source : recorded by the BSC

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2.4 Synthetic permanent BSS counters

l8000 Global failure rate of outgoing handovers on TCH

Name Q3 : hoOutTchGlobalFailRate

Object : bts

Function : global failure rate, in selection and execution, of outgoing intra-bss,inter-bss, and intra-bts handovers on TCH in the cell

Formula :successful outgoing intra handovers on TCH +successful outgoing inter handovers on TCH +successful intra-bts handovers on TCH

1 - --------------------------------------------handovers on TCH required (by cause)

=(1067 + 1068 + 1083)

1 - ----------------------------------∑(1138/i), i = 0 to 14

Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

l8001 Global failure rate of outgoing handovers on SDCCH

Name Q3 : hoOutSdcchGlobalFailRate

Object : bts

Function : global failure rate, in selection and execution, of outgoing intra-bss,inter-bss, and intra-bts handovers required on SDCCH in the cell

Formula :successful outgoing intra handovers on SDCCH +successful outgoing inter handovers on SDCCH +successful intra-bts handovers on SDCCH

1 - ----------------------------------------------handovers on SDCCH required (by cause)

=(1142 + 1143 + 1156)

1 - -----------------------------------------∑(1139/i), i = 0 to 14 \ {10,11,12}

Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

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l8002 Ratio of outgoing handover requests on TCH

Name Q3 : hoOutTchRequestRatio

Object : bts

Function : ratio of outgoing intra-bss, inter-bss, and intra-bts handoversrequested to handovers required on TCH in the cell

Formula :outgoing intra handovers on TCH requested +outgoing inter handovers on TCH requested +intra-bts handovers on TCH requested-------------------------------------------

handovers on TCH required (by cause)

=(1075 + 1076 + 1081)

----------------------------------∑(1138/i), i = 0 to 14

Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

l8003 Ratio of outgoing handover requests on SDCCH

Name Q3 : hoOutSdcchRequestRatio

Object : bts

Function : ratio of outgoing intra-bss, inter-bss, and intra-bts handoversrequested to handovers required on SDCCH in the cell

Formula :outgoing intra handovers on SDCCH requested +outgoing inter handovers on SDCCH requested +intra-bts handovers on SDCCH requested---------------------------------------------

handovers on SDCCH required (by cause)

=(1150 + 1151 + 1154)

------------------------------------------∑(1139/i), i = 0 to 14 \ {10,11,12}

Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

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l8004 Selection failure rate of outgoing handovers on TCH

Name Q3 : hoOutTchSelectionFailRate

Object : bts

Function : selection failure rate of outgoing intra-bss, inter-bss, and intra-btshandovers on TCH in the cell

Formula : V10 & V11outgoing intra-bss handovers on TCH executed +outgoing inter-bss handovers on TCH executed +intra-bts handovers on TCH executed

1 - ---------------------------------------------handovers on TCH required (by cause)

=(1065 + 1066 + 1082)

1 - -------------------------------∑(1138/i), i = 0 to 13

V12outgoing intra-bss handovers on TCH executed +outgoing inter-bss handovers on TCH executed +intra-bts handovers on TCH executed

1 - ---------------------------------------------outgoing intra-bss handovers on TCH requested +outgoing inter-bss handovers on TCH requested +intra-bts handovers on TCH requested

=(1065 + 1066 + 1082)

1 - ---------------------⟨ 1075 + 1076 + 1081)

Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

l8005 Selection failure rate of outgoing handovers on SDCCH

Name Q3 : hoOutSdcchSelectionFailRate

Object : bts

Function : selection failure rate of outgoing intra-bss, inter-bss, and intra-btshandovers on SDCCH in the cell

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Formula : V10 & V11outgoing intra handovers on SDCCH executed +outgoing inter handovers on SDCCH executed +intra-bts handovers on SDCCH executed

1 - --------------------------------------------handovers on SDCCH required (by cause)

=(1140 + 1141 + 1155)

1 - -----------------------------------------∑(1139/i), i = 0 to 14 \ {10,11,12}

V12outgoing intra handovers on SDCCH executed +outgoing inter handovers on SDCCH executed +intra-bts handovers on SDCCH executed

1 - --------------------------------------------outgoing intra handovers on SDCCH required +outgoing inter handovers on SDCCH required +intra-bts handovers on SDCCH required

=(1140 + 1141 + 1155)

1 - -----------------------------------------1150 + 1151 + 1154

Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

l8006 Execution failure rate of outgoing handovers on TCH

Name Q3 : hoOutTchExecutionFailRate

Object : bts

Function : execution failure rate of outgoing intra-bss, inter-bss, and intra-btshandovers on TCH in the cell

Formula :successful outgoing intra handovers on TCH +successful outgoing inter handovers on TCH +successful intra-bts handovers on TCH

1 - --------------------------------------------outgoing intra handovers on TCH executed +outgoing inter handovers on TCH executed +intra-bts handovers on TCH executed

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=(1067 + 1068 + 1083)

1 - --------------------(1065 + 1066 + 1082)

Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

l8007 Execution failure rate of outgoing handovers on SDCCH

Name Q3 : hoOutSdcchExecutionFailRate

Object : bts

Function : execution failure rate of outgoing intra-bss, inter-bss, and intra-btshandovers on SDCCH in the cell

Formula :successful outgoing intra handovers on SDCCH +successful outgoing inter handovers on SDCCH +successful intra-bts handovers on SDCCH

1 - ----------------------------------------------outgoing intra handovers on SDCCH executed +outgoing inter handovers on SDCCH executed +intra-bts handovers on SDCCH executed

=(1142 + 1143 + 1156)

1 - --------------------(1140 + 1141 + 1155)

Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

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l8008 Selection failure rate of incoming handovers on TCH

Name Q3 : hoInTchSelectionFailRate

Object : bts

Function : selection failure rate of incoming intra- and inter-bss handovers onTCH in the cell

Formula :incoming intra handovers on TCH executed +incoming inter handovers on TCH executed

1 - -------------------------------------------incoming intra handovers on TCH requested +incoming inter handovers on TCH requested

=(1071 + 1072)

1 - -------------(1069 + 1070)

Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

l8009 Selection failure rate of incoming handovers on SDCCH

Name Q3 : hoInSdcchSelectionFailRate

Object : bts

Function : selection failure rate of incoming intra- and inter-bss handovers onSDCCH in the cell

Formula :incoming intra handovers on SDCCH executed +incoming inter handovers on SDCCH executed

1 - ---------------------------------------------incoming intra handovers on SDCCH requested +incoming inter handovers on SDCCH requested

=(1146 + 1047)

1 - -------------(1144 + 1145)

Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

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l8010 Execution failure rate of incoming handovers on TCH

Name Q3 : hoInTchExecutionFailRate

Object : bts

Function : execution failure rate of incoming intra- and inter-bss handovers onTCH in the cell

Formula :successful incoming intra handovers on TCH +successful incoming inter handovers on TCH

1 - --------------------------------------------incoming intra handovers on TCH executed +incoming inter handovers on TCH executed

=(1073 + 1074)

1 - -------------(1071 + 1072)

Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

l8011 Execution failure rate of incoming handovers on SDCCH

Name Q3 : hoInSdcchExecutionFailRate

Object : bts

Function : execution failure rate of incoming intra- and inter-bss handovers onSDCCH in the cell

Formula :successful incoming intra handovers on SDCCH +successful incoming inter handovers on SDCCH

1 - ----------------------------------------------incoming intra handovers on SDCCH executed +incoming inter handovers on SDCCH executed

=(1148 + 1149)

1 - -------------(1146 + 1147)

Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

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l8012 Ratio of successful outgoing handovers on TCH after first


Name Q3 : hoOutTchFirstAttemptSuccessRatio

Object : bts

Function : ratio of successful outgoing intra- and inter-bss handovers to the firstcell in the list of eligible cells to successful outgoing handovers onTCH in the cell

Formula :successful outgoing (intra + inter)handovers on TCH after first attempt

-------------------------------------------------------successful outgoing (intra + inter) handovers on TCH

(1077 + 1078)= ---------------

(1067 + 1068)

Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

l8013 Ratio of successful outgoing handovers on SDCCH after first


Name Q3 : hoOutSdcchFirstAttemptSuccessRatio

Object : bts

Function : ratio of successful outgoing intra- and inter-bss handovers to the firstcell in the list of eligible cells to successful outgoing handovers onSDCCH in the cell

Formula :successful outgoing (intra + inter)handovers on SDCCH after first attempt

--------------------------------------------------------successful outgoing (intra + inter) handovers on SDCCH


(1152 + 1153)-------------(1142 + 1143)

Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

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l8016 Total number of establishment indications received for call


Name Q3 : allEstabIndicSignalling

Object : bts

Function : number of establishment indications received for call initialization

Formula :IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENT messages transmitted on SDCCH

= [∑(1193/i)], i = 0 to 7

Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

l8017 Number of t3107 time-out elapse: Changing from SDCCH to

TCH or preempted PDTCH

Name Q3 : t3107ExpAssign

Object : bts

Function : number of mobiles lost during a change from SDCCH to TCH orpreempted PDTCH because of T3107 time-out elapse

Formula :TCH/FR or preempted PDTCH assignment requests -TCH/FR successfully assigned -ASSIGN FAILURE messages received -intra-bts handovers on TCH executed +successful intra-bts handovers on TCH +unsuccessful intra-bts handovers on TCH with

reestablishment in the serving cell= 1049 - (1050 + 1055)- (1082 - (1083 + 1134))

Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

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l8018 Number of t3107 time-out elapse: Intra-bts handover on SDCCH

Name Q3 : t3107ExpIntraBtsHoSdcch

Object : bts

Function : number of mobiles lost during intra-bts handovers on SDCCHbecause of T3107 time-out elapse

Formula :intra-bts handovers on SDCCH executed -successful intra-bts handovers on SDCCH -unsuccessful intra-bts handovers on SDCCH

= 1155 - (1156 + 1157)

Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

l8019 Number of t3107 time-out elapse: Intra-bts handover on TCH

Name Q3 : t3107ExpIntraBtsHoTch

Object : bts

Function : number ofmobiles lost during intra-bts handovers onTCH because ofT3107 time-out elapse

Formula :intra-bts handovers on TCH executed -successful intra-bts handovers on TCH -unsuccessful intra-bts handovers on TCH

= 1082 - (1083 + 1134)

Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

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l8020 Number of t3103 time-out elapse: Handover on TCH

Name Q3 : t3103ExpTch

Object : bts

Function : number of mobiles lost during a handover on TCH because of T3103time-out elapse. This counter also tallies --for rare cases-- the receipt ofCLEAR COMMAND during an inter-bss handover with a causedifferent from “handover successful” or “call control”

Formula :outgoing intra handovers on TCH executed -successful outgoing intra handovers on TCH -unsuccessful outgoing intra handovers on TCH

+outgoing inter handovers on TCH executed -successful outgoing inter handovers on TCH -unsuccessful outgoing inter handovers on TCH

= 1065 - (1067 + 1135) +1066 - (1068 + 1136)

Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

l8021 Number of t3103 time-out elapse: Handover on SDCCH

Name Q3 : t3103ExpSdcch

Object : bts

Function : number of mobiles lost during a handover on SDCCH because ofT3103 time-out elapse. This counter also tallies --for rare cases-- thereceipt of CLEAR COMMAND during an inter-bss handover with acause different from “handover successful” or “call control”

Formula :outgoing intra handovers on SDCCH executed -successful outgoing intra handovers on SDCCH -unsuccessful outgoing intra handovers on SDCCH

+outgoing inter handovers on SDCCH executed -successful outgoing inter handovers on SDCCH -unsuccessful outgoing inter handovers on SDCCH

= 1140 - (1142 + 1158) +1141 - (1143 + 1159)

Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

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l8022 Ratio of re--established outgoing handovers on TCH

Name Q3 : hoOutTchReestRatio

Object : bts

Function : ratio of the number of execution failures of outgoing handovers onTCH for which the communication has been re--established on thestarting cell

Formula :1135 + 1136

-------------------------1065 + 1066 - 1067 - 1068

Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

l8023 Ratio of re--established outgoing handovers on SDCCH

Name Q3 : hoOutSdcchReestRatio

Object : bts

Function : ratio of the number of execution failures of outgoing handovers onSDCCH for which the communication has been re--established on thestarting cell

Formula :1158 + 1159

-------------------------1140 + 1141 - 1142 - 1143

Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

l8024 Under--used zone TCH and preempted PDTCH

Name Q3 : underUsedTch

Object : transceiverZone

Function : difference between maximum available and used TCH/FR andpreempted PDTCH

Formula :1700max - 1746max

Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

Note : V12 counter

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l8025 Over--used cell

Name Q3 : overUsedCell

Object : bts

Function : ratio of overload situation duration and observation duration

Formula :1714


Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

Note : V12 counter

l8026 Ratio of TCH or preeempted PDTCH assignement failures for

dualband MS

Name Q3 : assignFailureRateDualBandMS

Object : bts

Function : ratio of the number of failed TCH or preeempted PDTCHassignments (t3107 expiration or ASSIGN_FAILURE received fromthe MS) to the number of TCH or preeempted PDTCH seizuresattemps to dualband MS

Formula :1716

1 - --------1715

Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

Note : V12 counter

l8027 Ratio of direct allocations of the TCHs used

Name Q3 : directTchRate

Object : bts

Function : ratio of the number of direct allocations of TCHs (in the second bandor zone) to the number of TCH or preeempted PDTCH first attempts(in a dualband, concentric or dualcoupling cell)

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Formula :1799

---------------1050 - 1083

Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

Note : V12 counter

l8028 Ratio of dualband mobile direct allocations of the TCHs in a

dualband cell used

Name Q3 : directTchDualBandRate

Object : bts

Function : ratio of the number of direct allocations of a TCH in the second bandto the number of TCH or preeempted PDTCH first attempts for adualband mobile in a dualband cell, but only significant for dualbandcells

Formula :1799

---------------1715 - 1798

Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

Note : V12 counter

l8029 Ratio of fallback allocations for non transparent data on full rate


Name Q3 : fallBackNonTransparentTchRate

Object : bts

Function : ratio of the number of fallbacks from a required data rate to other datarate to the number of channel activations for non transparent dataservice on full rate TCHs

Formula :1726


Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

Note : V12 counter

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8037 Total TCHseizureattempts (not including handovers) at cell levelName Q3 : attemptedTchFrSeizureNotInclHo

Object : btsFunction : number of TCH seizure attempts not including handovers = Mobile

originating call attempt(s) + Mobile terminating call attempt(s) +Re--establishment attempt(s) + Directed Retry attempt(s)

Formula : (1051/0 + 1051/1 + 1039) -- (1069 + 1070 + 1081)Type : synthetic permanentSource : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

Note : V11 counterIn V12, 1841/0 counter is more accurate.

8039 Total TCH seizure attempts (including handovers) at cell levelName Q3 : attemptedTchFrSeizureInclHo

Object : btsFunction : number of TCH seizure attempts including handovers = Mobile

originating call attempt(s) + Mobile terminating call attempt(s) +Re--establishment attempt(s) +Directed Retry attempt(s) + Incomingintra--bss handover(s) + incoming inter--bss handover(s)

Formula : 1841/0 + 1069 +1070Type : synthetic permanentSource : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

Note : V12 counter

l8040 TCH allocation failures at cell levelName Q3 : allocationFailureTchFrSeizureInclHo

Object : btsFunction : number of TCH allocation failures including handovers = Mobile

originating call failure(s) + Mobile terminating call failure(s) +Re--establishment failure(s) + Directed Retry failure(s) + incomingintra--bss (inter--bts) handover TCH allocation failure(s) + incominginter--bss handover TCH allocation failure(s)

Formula : 1842/0 + 1758/0 + 1760/0

Type : synthetic permanentSource : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

Note : V12 counter

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l8041 Handover attempts

Name Q3 : g11

Object : bts

Function : number of handover attempts

Formula : 1069 + 1075 + 1070 + 1076

Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

Note : V12 counter

l8042 Handovers successful at cell level

Name Q3 : g12

Object : bts

Function : number of successful handovers

Formula : 1073 + 1067 + 1074 + 1068

Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

Note : V12 counter

l8043 Successful TCH or preempted PDTCH assignments at cell level

Name Q3 : g13

Object : bts

Function : number of successful TCH or preempted PDTCH assignments

Formula : 1050 + 1073 + 1074

Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

Note : V12 counter

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l8044 Clear request at cell level

Name Q3 : clearRequestTraffic

Object : bts

Function : number of call dropped by a CLEAR REQUEST after TCHassignment complete

Function : Σ 1164/i -- (1164/0 + 1164/1 + 1164/3 + 1164/20 +1164/28 + 1164/31)

Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

Note : V12 counter

l8050 Ratio of maximum Downlink power use on TCHs

Name Q3 : relativeTimeDLPowerCtrlMaxTch

Object : bts

Function : ratio of maximum Downlink power use duration on busy TCHs toTCH connection duration in the cell

Formula :duration of maximum Downlink power use on busy TCHs---------------------------------------------------

connection duration of TCHs

1198Cum= -------1600Cum

with 1600Cum = ∑(1600) on all transceiverZones

Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

Note : V11-- counter

l8051 Ratio of maximum Uplink power use on TCHs

Name Q3 : relativeTimeULPowerCtrlMaxTch

Object : bts

Function : ratio of maximum Uplink power use duration on busy TCHs to TCHconnection duration in the cell

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Formula :duration of maximum Uplink power use on busy TCHs-------------------------------------------------

connection duration of TCHs

1199Cum= -------1600Cum

with 1600Cum = ∑(1600) on all transceiverZones

Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

Note : V11-- counter

l8052 Ratio of maximum Downlink power use on SDCCHs

Name Q3 : relativeTimeDLPowerCtrlMaxSdcch

Object : bts

Function : ratio of maximumDownlink power use duration on busy SDCCHs toSDCCH connection durations in the cell

Formula :duration of maximum Downlink power use on busy SDCCHs-----------------------------------------------------

connection duration of SDCCHs

1601Cum= -------1603Cum

with 1603Cum = ∑(1603) on all transceiverZones

Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

Note : V11-- counter

l8053 Ratio of maximum Uplink power use on SDCCHs

Name Q3 : relativeTimeULPowerCtrlMaxSdcch

Object : bts

Function : ratio of maximum Uplink power use duration on busy SDCCHs toSDCCH connection durations in the cell

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Formula :duration of maximum Uplink power use on busy SDCCHs---------------------------------------------------

connection duration of all SDCCHs

1602Cum= -------1603Cum

with 1603Cum = ∑(1603) on all transceiverZones

Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

Note : V11-- counter

l8100 Number of requested handovers by dualband MSs from main

frequency band

Name Q3 : requestedHandoverForDualBandMSFromMainBand

Object : bts

Function : number of outgoing handovers (intra/inter--bss) requested bydualband MSs from the main frequency band

Formula : 1208 + 1783

Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

Note : V12 counter

l8101 Number of requested handovers by dualband MSs to main

frequency band

Name Q3 : requestedHandoverForDualBandMSToMainBand

Object : bts

Function : number of outgoing handovers (intra/inter--bss) requested bydualband MSs to the main frequency band

Formula : 1785 + 1783

Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

Note : V12 counter

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l8102 Number of requested handovers by dualband MSs from second

frequency band

Name Q3 : requestedHandoverForDualBandMSFromSecondBand

Object : bts

Function : number of outgoing handovers (intra/inter--bss) requested bydualband MSs from the second frequency band

Formula : 1784 + 1785

Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

Note : V12 counter

l8103 Number of requested handovers by dualband MSs to second

frequency band

Name Q3 : requestedHandoverForDualBandMSToSecondBand

Object : bts

Function : number of outgoing handovers (intra/inter--bss) requested bydualband MSs to the second frequency band

Formula : 1784 + 1208

Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

Note : V12 counter

l8104 Ratio of number of requested handovers by dualband MSs to

second frequency band to the number of requested handover fordualband MS to main frequency band

Name Q3 : requestedHandoverForDualBandMSToSecondVersusMainBand

Object : bts

Function : ratio of number of requested handovers by dualband MSs to secondfrequency band to the number of requested handover by dualbandMSs to main frequency band

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Formula :outgoing handovers requested by dualband MSs from

main to second frequency band +outgoing handovers requested by dualband MSs from

second to same frequency band

---------------------------------------------------outgoing handovers requested by dualband MSs from

main to same frequency band +outgoing handovers requested by dualband MSs from

second to main frequency band

1208 + 1784= ------------1783 + 1785

Type : synthetic permanentSource : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation reportNote : V12 counter

l8105 Ratio of number of establishments of dualbandMSs to numberof

establishments of phase 1 & 2 MSsName Q3 : immAssignDualBandMSRateObject : btsFunction : ratio of number of establishments of dualband MSs to number of

establishments of phase 1 & 2 MSsFormula :

immediate assignments for dualband MS

---------------------------------------------------ESTABLISH INDICATION messages inestablishement phase received (by cause)


-------------------------∑(1193/i), i = 0 to 7

Type : synthetic permanentSource : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation reportNote : V12 counter

l8110 Failure rate of cell tiering from large pattern to small patternName Q3 : hoIntraBtsFailRateTchTieringLargeToSmallPatternObject : btsFunction : failure rate in selection and execution of intra--bts handovers in the

cell for cell tiering from large pattern to small pattern

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Formula :1802/0

1 - -----------1138/15

Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

Feature : Cell Tiering (TF995 -- V12)

Note : V12 counter

l8111 Failure rate of cell tiering from small pattern to large pattern

Name Q3 : hoIntraBtsFailRateTchTieringSmallToLargePattern

Object : bts

Function : failure rate in selection and execution of intra--bts handovers in thecell for cell tiering from small pattern to large pattern

Formula :1802/1

1 - -----------1138/16

Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

Feature : Cell Tiering (TF995 -- V12)

Note : V12 counter

l8112 Ratio of requested intra--bts handovers by dualband MSs

Name Q3 : requestedIntraBtsHandoverForDualBandMSRate

Object : bts

Function : ratio of the number of intra--bts handover requests for the cell bydualbandMSs to the number of intra--bts handver requests for the cellby any kind of mobile

Formula :1796

-------------1081 + 1154

Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

Note : V12 counter

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l8113 Failure rate of intra--bts handovers for dualband MSs

Name Q3 : hoIntraBtsFailRateDualBandMS

Object : bts

Function : failure rate in selection and execution of intra--bts handovers in thecell for dualband MSs

Formula :1798

1 - --------1796

Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

Note : V12 counter

l8114 Ratio of requested incoming intra--bsc handovers for dualband


Name Q3 : requestedInIntraBscHandoverForDualBandMSRate

Object : bts

Function : ratio of the number of inter--bts intra--bsc incoming handoverrequests for the cell by dualband MSs to the number of inter--btsintra--bsc incoming handover requests for the cell by any kind of MS

Formula :1793

-------------1069 + 1144

Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

Note : V12 counter

l8115 Failure rate for inter--bts handovers for dualband MSs

Name Q3 : hoInInterBtsFailRateDualBandMS

Object : bts

Function : failure rate in selection and execution of inter--bts handovers in thecell for dualband MSs

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Formula :1795

1 - ---------1793

Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

Note : V12 counter

l8500 Maximum global failure rate of outgoing handovers on TCH

Name Q3 : hoOutTchMaxFailRate

Object : bsc

Function : maximum global failure rate, in selection and execution, of outgoingintra-bss, inter-bss, and intra-bts handovers on TCH in the BSS

Formula :max_cell(global failure rate of

outgoing handovers on TCH)

= max_cell(8000)

Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

Note : V11-- counter

l8501 Maximum global failure rate of outgoing handovers on SDCCH

Name Q3 : hoOutSdcchMaxFailRate

Object : bsc

Function : maximum global failure rate, in selection and execution, of outgoingintra-bss, inter-bss, and intra-bts handovers on SDCCH in the BSS

Formula :max_cell(global failure rate of

outgoing handovers on SDCCH)

= max_cell(8001)

Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

Note : V11-- counter

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l8502 Maximum ratio of outgoing handover requests on TCHName Q3 : hoOutTchRequestMaxRatioObject : bsc

Function : maximum ratio of outgoing intra-bss, inter-bss, and intra-btshandover requests to handovers on TCH required in the BSS

Formula :max_cell(ratio of outgoing handover requests on TCH)

= max_cell(8002)

Type : synthetic permanentSource : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

Note : V11-- counter

l8503 Maximum ratio of outgoing handover requests on SDCCHName Q3 : hoOutSdcchRequestMaxRatioObject : bscFunction : maximum ratio of outgoing intra-bss, inter-bss, and intra-bts

handover requests to handovers on SDCCH required in the BSS

Formula :max_cell(ratio of outgoing handover requests on SDCCH)

= max_cell(8003)

Type : synthetic permanentSource : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

Note : V11-- counter

l8504 Maximum selection failure rate of outgoing handovers on TCHName Q3 : hoOutTchSelectionFailMaxRateObject : bscFunction : maximum selection failure rate of outgoing intra-bss, inter-bss, and

intra-bts handovers on TCH in the BSS

Formula :max_cell(selection failure rate of

outgoing handovers on TCH)

= max_cell(8004)

Type : synthetic permanentSource : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

Note : V11-- counter

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l8505 Maximum selection failure rate of outgoing handovers on


Name Q3 : hoOutSdcchSelectionFailMaxRate

Object : bsc

Function : maximum selection failure rate of outgoing intra-bss, inter-bss, andintra-bts handovers on SDCCH in the BSS

Formula :max_cell(selection failure rate of

outgoing handovers on SDCCH)

= max_cell(8005)

Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

Note : V11-- counter

l8506 Maximum execution failure rate of outgoing handovers on TCH

Name Q3 : hoOutTchExecutionFailMaxRate

Object : bsc

Function : maximum execution failure rate of outgoing intra-bss, inter-bss, andintra-bts handovers on TCH in the BSS

Formula :max_cell(execution failure rate of

outgoing handovers on TCH)

= max_cell(8006)

Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

Note : V11-- counter

l8507 Maximum execution failure rate of outgoing handovers on


Name Q3 : hoOutSdcchExecutionFailMaxRate

Object : bsc

Function : maximum execution failure rate of outgoing intra-bss, inter-bss, andintra-bts handovers on SDCCH in the BSS

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Formula :max_cell(execution failure rate of

outgoing handovers on SDCCH)

= max_cell(8007)

Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

Note : V11-- counter

l8508 Maximum selection failure rate of incoming handovers on TCH

Name Q3 : hoInTchSelectionFailMaxRate

Object : bsc

Function : maximum selection failure rate of incoming intra- and inter-bsshandovers on TCH in the BSS

Formula :max_cell(selection failure rate of

incoming handovers on TCH)

= max_cell(8008)

Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

Note : V11-- counter

l8509 Maximum selection failure rate of incoming handovers on


Name Q3 : hoInSdcchSelectionFailMaxRate

Object : bsc

Function : maximum selection failure rate of incoming intra- and inter-bsshandovers on SDCCH in the BSS

Formula :max_cell(selection failure rate of

incoming handovers on SDCCH)

= max_cell(8009)

Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

Note : V11-- counter

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l8510 Maximum execution failure rate of incoming handovers on TCH

Name Q3 : hoInTchExecutionFailMaxRate

Object : bsc

Function : maximum execution failure rate of incoming intra- and inter-bsshandovers on TCH in the BSS

Formula :max_cell(execution failure rate of

incoming handovers on TCH)

= max_cell(8010)

Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

Note : V11-- counter

l8511 Maximum execution failure rate of incoming handovers on


Name Q3 : hoInSdcchExecutionFailMaxRate

Object : bsc

Function : maximum execution failure rate of incoming intra- and inter-bsshandovers on SDCCH in the BSS

Formula :max_cell(execution failure rate of

incoming handovers on SDCCH)

= max_cell(8011)

Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

Note : V11-- counter

l8512 Minimum ratio of successful outgoing handovers on TCH after

first attempt

Name Q3 : hoOutTchFirstAttemptSuccessMinRatio

Object : bsc

Function : minimum ratio of successful outgoing intra- and inter-bss handoversafter first attempt on TCH in the BSS

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Formula :min_cell(ratio of successful outgoing

handovers on TCH after first attempt)

= min_cell(8012)

Type : synthetic permanentSource : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

Note : V11-- counter

l8513 Minimum ratio of successful outgoing handovers on SDCCH

after first attemptName Q3 : hoOutSdcchFirstAttemptSuccessMinRatioObject : bscFunction : minimum ratio of successful outgoing intra- and inter-bss handovers

after first attempt on SDCCH in the BSS

Formula :min_cell (ratio of successful outgoing

handovers on SDCCH after first attempt)

= min_cell (8013)

Type : synthetic permanentSource : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

Note : V11-- counter

l8550 BSC global failure rate of outgoing handovers on TCHName Q3 : hoOutTchBscGlobalFailRateObject : bscFunction : global failure rate, in selection and execution, of outgoing intra-bss,

inter-bss, and intra-bts handovers on TCH in the BSS

Formula :sum_cell (successful outgoing

intra + inter + intra-btshandovers on TCH)

1 - ----------------------------------------------sum_cell(handovers on TCH required (by cause))

=sum_cell(1067 + 1068 + 1083)

1 - --------------------------------------------sum_cell(∑(1138/i)), i = 0 to 14

Type : synthetic permanentSource : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

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l8551 BSC global failure rate of outgoing handovers on SDCCH

Name Q3 : hoOutSdcchBscGlobalFailRate

Object : bsc

Function : global failure rate, in selection and execution, of outgoing intra-bss,inter-bss, and intra-bts handovers on SDCCH in the BSS

Formula :sum_cell (successful outgoing

intra + inter + intra-btshandovers on SDCCH)

1 - ------------------------------------------------sum_cell(handovers on SDCCH required (by cause))

=sum_cell(1142 + 1143 +1156)

1 - ---------------------------------------------------sum_cell(∑(1139/i)), i = 0 to 14 \ {10,11,12}

Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

l8552 BSC ratio of outgoing handover requests on TCH

Name Q3 : hoOutTchRequestBscRatio

Object : bsc

Function : ratio of outgoing intra-bss, inter-bss, and intra-bts handoversrequested to handovers on TCH required in the BSS

Formula :sum_cell

(outgoing intra handovers on TCH requested +outgoing inter handovers on TCH requested +intra-bts handovers on TCH requested)

1 - -----------------------------------------------sum_cell(handovers on TCH required (by cause))

=sum_cell(1075 + 1076 + 1081)

1 - --------------------------------------------sum_cell(∑(1138/i)), i = 0 to 14

Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

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l8553 BSC ratio of outgoing handover requests on SDCCH

Name Q3 : hoOutSdcchRequestBscRatio

Object : bsc

Function : ratio of outgoing intra-bss, inter-bss, and intra-bts handoversrequested to handovers on SDCCH in the BSS

Formula :sum_cell

(outgoing intra handovers on SDCCH requested +outgoing inter handovers on SDCCH requested +intra-bts handovers on SDCCH requested)

1 - -------------------------------------------------sum_cell(handovers on SDCCH required (by cause))

=sum_cell(1150 + 1151 + 1154)

1 - ----------------------------------------------------sum_cell(∑(1139/i)), i = 0 to 14 \ {10,11,12}

Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

l8554 BSC selection failure rate of outgoing handovers on TCH

Name Q3 : hoOutTchSelectionBscFailRate

Object : bsc

Function : selection failure rate of outgoing intra-bss, inter-bss, and intra-btshandovers on TCH in the BSS

Formula : V10 & V11sum_cell

(outgoing intra handovers on TCH executed +outgoing inter handovers on TCH executed +intra-bts handovers on TCH executed)

1 - -----------------------------------------------sum_cell(handovers on TCH required (by cause))

=sum_cell(1065 + 1066 + 1082)

1 - --------------------------------------------sum_cell(∑(1138/i)), i = 0 to 13

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V12outgoing intra-bss handovers on TCH executed +outgoing inter-bss handovers on TCH executed +intra-bts handovers on TCH executed

1 - ---------------------------------------------outgoing intra-bss handovers on TCH requested +outgoing inter-bss handovers on TCH requested +intra-bts handovers on TCH requested

=(1065 + 1066 + 1082)

1 - ----------------------------------1075+ 1076 + 1081

Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

l8555 BSC selection failure rate of outgoing handovers on SDCCH

Name Q3 : hoOutSdcchSelectionBscFailRate

Object : bsc

Function : selection failure rate of outgoing intra-bss, inter-bss, and intra-btshandovers on SDCCH in the BSS

Formula : V10 & V11sum_cell

(outgoing intra handovers on SDCCH executed +outgoing inter handovers on SDCCH executed +intra-bts handovers on SDCCH executed)

1 - -------------------------------------------------sum_cell (handovers on SDCCH required (by cause))

=sum_cell(1140 + 1141 + 1155)

1 - ---------------------------------------------------sum_cell(∑(1139/i)), i = 0 to 14 \ {10,11,12}

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V12outgoing intra handovers on SDCCH executed +outgoing inter handovers on SDCCH executed +intra-bts handovers on SDCCH executed

1 - --------------------------------------------outgoing intra handovers on SDCCH required +outgoing inter handovers on SDCCH required +intra-bts handovers on SDCCH required

=(1140 + 1141 + 1155)

1 - -----------------------------------------1150 + 1151 + 1154

Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

l8556 BSC execution failure rate of outgoing handovers on TCH

Name Q3 : hoOutTchExecutionBscFailRate

Object : bsc

Function : execution failure rate of outgoing intra-bss, intra-bss, and intra-btshandovers on TCH in the BSS

Formula :sum_cell

(successful outgoing intra handovers on TCH +successful outgoing inter handovers on TCH +successful intra-bts handovers on TCH)

1 - ------------------------------------------------sum_cell

(outgoing intra handovers on TCH executed +outgoing inter handovers on TCH executed +intra-bts handovers on TCH executed)

=sum_cell(1067 +1068 +1083)

1 - --------------------------sum_cell(1065 +1066 +1082)

Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

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l8557 BSC execution failure rate of outgoing handovers on SDCCH

Name Q3 : hoOutSdcchExecutionBscFailRate

Object : bsc

Function : execution failure rate of outgoing intra-bss, intra-bss, and intra-btshandovers on SDCCH in the BSS

Formula :sum_cell

(successful outgoing intra handovers on SDCCH +successful outgoing inter handovers on SDCCH +successful intra-bts handovers on SDCCH)

1 - --------------------------------------------------sum_cell

(outgoing intra handovers on SDCCH executed +outgoing inter handovers on SDCCH executed +intra-bts handovers on SDCCH executed)

=sum_cell(1142 + 1143 + 1156)

1 - ----------------------------sum_cell(1140 + 1141 + 1155)

Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

l8558 BSC selection failure rate of incoming inter handovers on TCH

Name Q3 : hoInInterTchSelectionBscFailRate

Object : bsc

Function : selection failure rate of incoming inter-bss handovers on TCH in theBSS

Formula :sum_cell(incoming inter handovers on TCH executed)

1 - ---------------------------------------------------sum_cell(incoming inter handovers on TCH requested)


1 - --------------sum_cell(1070)

Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

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l8559 BSC selection failure rate of incoming inter handovers on


Name Q3 : hoInInterSdcchSelectionBscFailRate

Object : bsc

Function : selection failure rate of incoming inter-bss handovers on SDCCH inthe BSS

Formula :sum_cell(incoming inter handovers on SDCCH executed)

1 - -----------------------------------------------------sum_cell(incoming inter handovers on SDCCH requested)


1 - --------------sum_cell(1145)

Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

l8560 BSC execution failure rate of incoming inter handovers on TCH

Name Q3 : hoInInterTchExecutionBscFailRate

Object : bsc

Function : execution failure rate of incoming inter-bss handovers on TCH in theBSS

Formula :sum_cell(successful incoming inter handovers on TCH)

1 - ----------------------------------------------------sum_cell(incoming inter handovers on TCH executed)


1 - --------------sum_cell(1072)

Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

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l8561 BSC execution failure rate of incoming inter handovers on


Name Q3 : hoInInterSdcchExecutionBscFailRate

Object : bsc

Function : execution failure rate of incoming inter-bss handovers on SDCCH inthe BSS

Formula :sum_cell(successful incoming inter handovers on SDCCH)

1 - ------------------------------------------------------sum_cell(incoming inter handovers on SDCCH executed)


1 - --------------sum_cell(1147)

Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

l8562 BSC execution failure rate of incoming intra handovers on TCH

Name Q3 : hoInIntraTchExecutionBscFailRate

Object : bsc

Function : execution failure rate of incoming intra-bss handovers on TCH in theBSS

Formula :sum_cell(successful incoming intra handovers on TCH)

1 - ----------------------------------------------------sum_cell(incoming intra handovers on TCH executed)


1 - --------------sum_cell(1071)

Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

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l8563 BSC execution failure rate of incoming intra handovers on


Name Q3 : hoInIntraSdcchExecutionBscFailRate

Object : bsc

Function : execution failure rate of incoming intra-bss handovers on SDCCH inthe BSS

Formula :sum_cell(successful incoming intra handovers on SDCCH)

1 - ------------------------------------------------------sum_cell(incoming intra handovers on SDCCH executed)


1 - --------------sum_cell(1146)

Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

l8564 BSC execution failure rate of outgoing inter handovers on TCH

Name Q3 : hoOutInterTchExecutionBscFailRate

Object : bsc

Function : execution failure rate of outgoing inter-bss handovers on TCH in theBSS

Formula :sum_cell(successful outgoing inter handovers on TCH)

1 - ----------------------------------------------------sum_cell(outgoing inter handovers on TCH executed)


1 - --------------sum_cell(1066)

Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

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l8565 BSC execution failure rate of outgoing inter handovers on


Name Q3 : hoOutInterSdcchExecutionBscFailRate

Object : bsc

Function : execution failure rate of outgoing inter-bss handovers on SDCCH inthe BSS

Formula :sum_cell(successful outgoing inter handovers on SDCCH)

1 - ------------------------------------------------------sum_cell(outgoing inter handovers on SDCCH executed)


1 - --------------sum_cell(1141)

Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

l8566 BSC ratio of successful outgoing handovers on TCH after first


Name Q3 : hoOutFirstSuccessTchRatio

Object : bsc

Function : ratio of successful outgoing intra- and inter-bss handovers after firstattempt to successful handovers on TCH in the BSS

Formula :sum_cell (successful outgoing (intra + inter)

handovers on TCH after first attempt)-----------------------------------------------sum_cell (successful outgoing (intra + inter)

handovers on TCH)

=sum_cell(1077 + 1078)---------------------sum_cell(1067 + 1068)

Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

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l8567 BSC ratio of successful outgoing handovers on SDCCHafter first


Name Q3 : hoOutFirstSuccessSdcchRatio

Object : bsc

Function : ratio of successful outgoing intra- and inter-bss handovers after firstattempt to successful handovers on SDCCH in the BSS

Formula :sum_cell (successful outgoing (intra + inter)

handovers on SDCCH after first attempt)-------------------------------------------------sum_cell (successful outgoing (intra + inter)

handovers on SDCCH)

=sum_cell(1152 + 1153)---------------------sum_cell(1142 + 1143)

Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

l8568 Rate of erroneous messages on the A interface

Name Q3 : aMessageErroneousRate

Object : bsc

Function : rate of erroneous messages on the A interface (applicative level)

Formula :number of erroneous BSSAP messages received----------------------------------------------number of erroneous BSSAP messages received +number of BSSAP messages received


-------------(1109 + 1107)

Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

Note : V11-- counter

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l8569 Ratio of SCCP failure

Name Q3 : sccpResourceFailureRatio

Object : bsc

Function : ratio of the number of SCCP connection refusals (by BSC orMSC) tothe number of SCCP connections allocated (refer to the followingformula)

Formula :sccpResourceFailureRatio bsc=((sccpRessourceFailure+sccpRessourceFailureBscRefusal) /(sccpAllocated+sccpRessourceFailure+sccpRessourceFailureBscRefusal))

*greaterperc (sccpAllocated+sccpRessourceFailure+sccpRessourceFailureBscRefusal,signif1bsc)

1106/0 + 1106/1 greaterperc(1104/0= ------------------------- * +1106/0+1106/1,1104/0 + 1106/0 + 1106/1 signif1bsc)

Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

l8600 Average number of SDCCHs used in the BSS

Name Q3 : bscSdcchAveragedUsedMoy

Object : bsc

Function : average number of SDCCHs allocated in all cells controlled by theBSC

Formula :sum_cell(average number of SDCCHs used)

= sum_cell(1035)with 1035 = ∑(1607) on all transceiverZones

Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

Note : V11-- counter

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l8601 Average number of TCH/FR used in the BSS because of SDCCH


Name Q3 : bscTchFrAveragedUsedOverflowAllocationMoy

Object : bsc

Function : average number of TCH/FR allocated because of SDCCHunavailability in all cells controlled by the BSC

Formula :sum_cell(average number of TCH/FR used)

= sum_cell(1052/2)with 1052/2= ∑(1611/2) on all transceiverZones

Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

Note : V11-- counter

l8602 Average number of TCH/FR used in the BSS for call


Name Q3 : tchFrAveragedUsedPrimoAllocation

Object : bsc

Function : average number of TCH/FR allocated for call reestablishments in allcells controlled by the BSC

Formula :sum_cell(average number of TCH/FR used)

= sum_cell(1052/1)with 1052/1 = ∑(1611/1) on all transceiverZones

Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

Note : V11-- counter

l8603 Average number of TCH/FR used in the BSS for traffic

Name Q3 : bscTchFrAveragedUsedTchAllocationMoy

Object : bsc

Function : average number of TCHs allocated for traffic in all cells controlled bythe BSC

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Formula :sum_cell(average number of TCH/FR used)

= sum_cell(1052/0)with 1052/0 = ∑(1611/0) on all transceiverZones

Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

Note : V11-- counter

l8604 Number of signaling channels allocated in the BSS for replies to


Name Q3 : bscPagingResponse

Object : bsc

Function : number of signalling channel allocation requests with cause “reply topaging request” in all cells controlled by the BSC

Formula :sum_cell (number of signalling channel requests for

replies to paging)

= sum_cell (1191/1 + 1191/4)

Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

Note : V11-- counter

l8605 Number of signaling channels allocated in the BSS for access

other than paging

Name Q3 : bscOtherThanPaging

Object : bsc

Function : number of signalling channel allocation requests with cause differentfrom “reply to paging request” in all cells controlled by the BSC

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Formula :sum_cell

(number of signalling channel requests for non

urgent calls = other services + call

reestablishments + urgent calls))

= sum_cell (1191/0 + 1191/2 + 1191/3 + 1191/5 + 1191/6

+ 1191/7)

Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

Note : V11-- counter

l8606 Number of outgoing handovers on TCH executed in the BSS

Name Q3 : hoOutExecutionBscTch

Object : bsc

Function : number of attempts to executeoutgoing intra- and inter-bsshandoverson TCH in all cells controlled by the BSC

Formula :sum_cell

(outgoing intra handovers on TCH executed +outgoing inter handovers on TCH executed +intra-bts handovers on TCH executed)

= sum_cell(1065 + 1066 + 1082)

Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

Note : V11-- counter

l8607 Number of outgoing handovers on SDCCH executed in the BSS

Name Q3 : hoOutExecutionBscSdcch

Object : bsc

Function : number of attempts to executeoutgoing intra- and inter-bsshandoverson SDCCH in all cells controlled by the BSC

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Formula :sum_cell

(outgoing intra handovers on SDCCH executed +outgoing inter handovers on SDCCH executed +intra-bts handovers on SDCCH executed)

= sum_cell(1140 + 1141 + 1155)

Type : synthetic permanentSource : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation reportNote : V11-- counter

l8608 Number of incoming handovers on TCH executed in the BSSName Q3 : hoInExecutionBscTchObject : bscFunction : number of attempts to execute incoming intra- and inter-bss

handovers on TCH in all cells controlled by the BSCFormula :

sum_cell(incoming intra handovers on TCH executed +incoming inter handovers on TCH executed)

= sum_cell(1071 + 1072)

Type : synthetic permanentSource : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation reportNote : V11-- counter

l8609 Number of incoming handovers on SDCCH executed in the BSSName Q3 : hoInExecutionBscSdcchObject : bscFunction : number of attempts to execute incoming intra- and inter-bss

handovers on SDCCH in all cells controlled by the BSCFormula :

sum_cell(incoming intra handovers on SDCCH executedincoming inter handovers on SDCCH executed)

= sum_cell(1146 + 1147)

Type : synthetic permanentSource : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation reportNote : V11-- counter

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l8610 Total number of SDCCHs allocated in the BSS

Name Q3 : bscSdcchAllocated

Object : bsc

Function : total number of SDCCH allocations in the BSS

Formula :sum_cell(number of SDCCHs allocated)

= sum_cell(1034)with 1034 = ∑(1606) on all transceiverZones

Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

Note : V11-- counter

l8611 Total numberof TCH/FRallocated in theBSSbecause of SDCCH


Name Q3 : bscTchFrAllocatedOverflowAllocation

Object : bsc

Function : total number of TCH allocations because of SDCCH unavaibility inall cells controlled by the BSS

Formula :sum_cell (number of TCH/FR allocated)because of SDCCH unavailibity

= sum_cell(1051/2)with 1051/2 = ∑(1609/2) on all transceiverZones

Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

Note : V11-- counter

l8612 Total number of TCH/FR allocated in the BSS for call


Name Q3 : bscTchFrAllocatedPrimoAllocation

Object : bsc

Function : total number of TCH allocations for call reestablishments in all cellscontrolled by the BSC

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Formula :sum_cell(number of TCH/FR allocated)for call reestablishments

= sum_cell(1051/1)with 1051/1 = ∑(1609/1) on all transceiverZones

Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

Note : V11-- counter

l8613 Total number of TCH/FR allocated in the BSS for trafficName Q3 : bscTchFrAllocatedTchAllocation

Object : bsc

Function : total number of TCH allocations for traffic in all cells controlled bythe BSC

Formula :sum_cell(number of TCH/FR allocated) for traffic

= sum_cell(1051/0)with 1051/0 = ∑(1609/0) on all transceiverZones

Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

Note : V11-- counter

l8614 Average number of TCHs used in the BSSName Q3 : bscTchAveragedUsed

Object : bsc

Function : average number of TCHs used in all cells controlled by the BSC

Formula :∑(1746)with 1746 = ∑(1746) on all transceiverZones

Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

Note : V11-- counter

l8623 Average downlink RxLev in dBmName Q3 : averageDLRxLev

Object : bts

Function : average downlink RxLev for the cell, in dBm

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Formula :1623

---------------------------------- - 1101600Cum/480 + 1603Cum/470 - 1622

= -110 +(rxLevDownlink /(connectionDurationTchCum / 480+ connectionDurationSdcchCum / 470

- msLostMeasurements) )

Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

Note : V11-- counter

l8624 Average uplink RxLev in dBm

Name Q3 : averageULRxLev

Object : bts

Function : average uplink RxLev for the cell, in dBm

Formula :1624

---------------------------------- - 1101600Cum/480 + 1603Cum/470

= -110 + (rxLevUplink /(connectionDurationTchCum / 480+ connectionDurationSdcchCum / 470) )

Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

Note : V11-- counter

l8625 Average downlink RxQual in BER

Name Q3 : averageDLRxQual

Object : bts

Function : average downlink RxQual for the cell, in BER

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Formula :1625

----------------------------------/ - 1101600Cum/480 + 1603Cum/470 - 1622

= (rxQualDownlink / (connectionDurationTchCum / 480+ connectionDurationSdcchCum / 470- msLostMeasurements) /100))

Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

Note : V11-- counter

l8626 Average uplink RxQual in BER

Name Q3 : averageULRxQual

Object : bts

Function : average uplink RxQual for the cell, in BER

Formula :1626

---------------------------------- / 1101600Cum/480 + 1603Cum/470

= (rxQualUplink / (connectionDurationTchCum / 480+ connectionDurationSdcchCum / 470) / 100)

Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

Note : V11-- counter

l8627 Rate of uplink radio frame improved by ECU

Name Q3 : ecuEfficiency

Object : bts

Function : ratio of the number of uplink radio frame received and improved byECU to the number of uplink radio frame received

Formula :1721


Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

Note : V12 counter

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l8628 Quality of downlink Abis TRAU frameName Q3 : dlMutedAbisTrauFrameRateObject : btsFunction : ratio of the number of downlink Abis TRAU frame muted or

corrected to the number of downlink Abis TRAU frame receivedFormula :

1718 + 1719-------------------------

1717=(abisTrauFrameCorrected + abisTrauFrameMuted)/


Type : synthetic permanentSource : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation reportNote : V12 counter

l8629 Correction rate of downlink Abis TRAU frameName Q3 : pcmErrorCorrEfficiencyObject : btsFunction : ratio of the number of downlink Abis TRAU frames corrected to the

number of downlink Abis TRAU frames receivedFormula :


Type : synthetic permanentSource : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation reportNote : V12 counter

l8637 Total TCH seizure attempts (not including handovers) at BSC

levelName Q3 : bscAttemptedTchFrSeizureNotInclHoObject : bscFunction : number of TCH seizure attempts not including handoversFormula : Σ 1841/0Type : synthetic permanentSource : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation reportNote : V12 counter

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l8639 Total TCH seizure attempts (including handovers) at bsc levelName Q3 : bscAttemptedTchFrSeizureInclHo

Object : bscFunction : number of TCH seizure attempts including handovers

Formula : Σ 8039Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

Note : V12 counter

l8640 TCH allocation failures at bsc levelName Q3 : bscAllocationFailureTchFrSeizureInclHo

Object : bscFunction : number of TCH allocation failures including handovers

Formula : Σ 8040Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

Note : V12 counter

l8644 G14 consolidated at bsc levelName Q3 : bscClearRequestTrafficObject : bsc

Function : number of calls dropped by a CLEAR_REQUEST after TCHassignment completed

Formula : Σ 8044Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

Note : V12 counter

l8700 PCM unavailability in the BSS in secondsName Q3 : pcmensecondesCum


Object : bscFunction : PCM unavailability in the BSS, expressed in seconds

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Formula :average time of PCM availability--------------------------------


= c1114 divided by 1000

Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

Note : V11-- counter

l8701 Duration of TCH saturation in seconds

Name Q3 : allTchensecondesCumallTchensecondesMaxallTchensecondesMoyallTchensecondesEch

Object : bts

Function : average duration to allocate all TCH/FR resources and PDTCHresources configured as preemptable in the cell

Formula :average duration to allocate all TCH/FR resources

and PDTCH resources configured as preemptable-------------------------------------------------


= c1057 divided by 1000with 1057 = ∑ (1057) on all transceiverZones

Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

Note : V11-- counter

l8702 Duration of SDCCH saturation in seconds

Name Q3 : allSdcchensecondesMaxallSdcchensecondesMoyallSdcchensecondesCumallSdcchensecondesEch

Object : bts

Function : average allocation duration of all SDCCH resources in the cell

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Formula :average duration of all SDCCH resource allocations--------------------------------------------------


= c1060 divided by 1000with 1060 = ∑ (1060) on all transceiverZones

Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

Note : V11-- counter

l8704 Ratio of the immediately served paging requests

Name Q3 : pchNoWaitRatio

Object : bts

Function : ratio of the number of paging requests which have got a free time slotimmediately

Formula :V12

87281 - --------------------------------

8728 + 8729 + 8730 + 8731 + 8735V11

1028-------------------------------1028 + 1029 + 1030 + 1031 + 1605

Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

Note : V11+ counter

l8706 Ratio of SDCCH resource failures in the cell

Name Q3 : cellSdcchResourceFailureRatio

Object : bts

Function : ratio of the number of SDCCH allocation failures in the cell to thenumber of SDCCH allocation attempts

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Formula :C1036

-------------------------1034 + 1036 + 1051/2

with 1036 = ∑ (1608) on all transceiverZoneswith 1034 = ∑ (1606) on all transceiverZoneswith 1051/2 = ∑ (1609/2) on all transceiverZones

Type : synthetic permanentSource : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation reportNote : V12 counter

l8707 Ratio of TCH resource failures in the cellName Q3 : cellTchResourceFailureRatioObject : btsFunction : ratio of thenumber ofTCHallocation failures in the cell to thenumber

of TCH or preempted PDTCH allocation attemptsFormula :

1039 + 1163/30-----------------------------------------

1039 + 1163/30 + 1051/2 + 1051/1

with 1039 = ∑(1613) on all transceiverZoneswith 1051/1 = ∑(1609/1) on all transceiverZoneswith 1051/2 = ∑(1609/2) on all transceiverZones

Type : synthetic permanentSource : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation reportNote : V12 counter

l8708 Ratio of immediate assignment failuresName Q3 : immediateAssignmentFailureRatioObject : btsFunction : ratio of the number of successful immediate assignment failures to the

number of channel requestsFormula :

∑(1192/i) with i for each possible cause1 - --------------------------------------------

∑(1191/i) with i for each possible cause

Type : synthetic permanentSource : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation reportNote : V11+ counter

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l8709 Ratio of establishment indications for a phase 1 MS

Name Q3 : estabIndicSigPhase1Ratio

Object : bts

Function : ratio of the number of establishment indications for a phase 1 MS tothe total number of establishment indications in call establishmentphase

Formula :V12

1195--------------1195 + 1196



Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

Note : V11+ counter

l8710 Ratio of establishment indications for a phase 2 MS

Name Q3 : estabIndicSigPhase2Ratio

Object : bts

Function : ratio of the number of establishment indications for a phase 2 MS tothe total number of establishment indications in call establishmentphase

Formula :V12

1196--------------1195 + 1196



Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

Note : V11+ counter

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l8711 Ratio of TCH or preempted PDTCH assignement failures

Name Q3 : assignFailureRate

Object : bts

Function : ratio of the number of failed TCH assignments (t3107 expiration orASSIGN_FAILURE received from theMS) to the number of TCH orpreempted PDTCH seizures attempts

Formula :1050

1 - -------1049

Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

Note : V11+ counter

l8712 Ratio of rejected immediate assignments

Name Q3 : immediateAssignmentRejectRatio

Object : bts

Function : ratio of the number of rejected immediate assignments to the numberof channel requests

Formula :1751-------1748

Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

Note : V11+ counter

l8713 Ratio of the number of communications abnormaly released in

signalling phase in the cell

Name Q3 : signallingReleaseRatio

Object : bts

Function : ratio of the number true communications released in signalling phasein the cell, except release by standard CLEAR_COMMAND or onphantom requests, to the number of communications established in asignalling channel (initial call establishment or successful incominghandover on SDCCH

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Formula :∑(1163/i), i for each possible cause

-----------------------------------------1195 + 1196

bdr1778 - 1163/6

= --------------------1195 + 1196

Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

Note : V12 counter

l8714 Ratio of the number of communications abnormaly released in

traffic phase in the cell

Name Q3 : callDropTrafficRatio

Object : bts

Function : ratio of the number of communications released in traffic phase in thecell, except release by standard CLEAR_COMMAND, to the numberof communications established in a traffic channel (initial TCH orpreempted PDTCH seizures or successful incoming handover onTCH)

Formula :∑(1164/i), i for each possible cause

-----------------------------------------1050 - 1083 + 1073 + 1074


= -----------------------------------------1050 - 1083 + 1073 + 1074

Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

Note : V12 counter

l8715 Saturated cell versus TCH

Name Q3 : saturatedTchCell

Object : bts

Function : ratio of average allocation duration of all TCH/FR resources in thecell and observation duration

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Formula :8701


Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

Note : V12 counter

l8716 Saturated cell versus SDCCHName Q3 : saturatedSdcchCell

Object : bts

Function : ratio of average allocation duration of all SDCCH resources in the celland observation duration

Formula :8702


Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

Note : V12 counter

l8723 Average downlink rxLev in dBm at zone level

Name Q3 : zoneAverageDLRxLev

Object : transceiverZone

Function : average downlink rxLev for the zone, in dBm

Formula :1623

----------------------------- - 1101600 /480 + 1603 /470 - 1622

Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

Note : V12 counter

l8724 Average uplink rxLev in dBm at zone levelName Q3 : zoneAverageULRxLev

Object : transceiverZone

Function : average uplink rxLev for the zone, in dBm

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Formula :1624

----------------------- - 1101600 /480 + 1603 /470

Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

Note : V12 counter

l8725 Average downlink rxQual in BER at zone level

Name Q3 : zoneAverageDLRxQual

Object : transceiverZone

Function : average downlink rxQual for the zone, in BER

Formula :1625

------------------------------ /1001600 /480 + 1603 /470 - 1622

Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

Note : V12 counter

l8726 Number of decoded ramdom accesses received by the BTS from

the MS for all the cells

Name Q3 : rachBusyCountCell

Object : bts

Function : sum for each CCCH occurence of decoded random accesses receivedby the BTS from the MS

Formula :∑(1026), for each CCCH occurence=rachBusyCount + rachBusyCount2+ rachBusyCount4 + rachBusyCount6

Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

Note : V12 counter

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l8727 Number of ramdom accesses transmitted to the BSC for all the

cellsName Q3 : rachAccessCountCellObject : btsFunction : sum for each CCH occurrence of transmitted random accesses

Formula :∑(1027), for each CCCH occurence

Type : synthetic permanentSource : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

Note : V12 counter

l8728 Number of paging requests immediately served for all the cellsName Q3 : pchNoWaitCellObject : btsFunction : sum for each CCCH occurence of immediately served pagings

Formula :∑(1028), for each CCCH occurence

Type : synthetic permanentSource : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

Note : V12 counter

l8729 Number of paging requests served after one wait for all the cellsName Q3 : pchOneWaitCellObject : btsFunction : sum for each CCCH occurence of served pagings after one wait

Formula :∑(1029), for each CCCH occurence

Type : synthetic permanentSource : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

Note : V12 counter

l8730 Number of paging requests served after two waits for all the cellsName Q3 : pchTwoWaitCellObject : btsFunction : sum for each CCCH occurence of served pagings after two waits

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Formula :∑(1030), for each CCCH occurence

Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

Note : V12 counter

l8731 Number of paging requests served after more than two waits for

all the cells

Name Q3 : pchMoreWaitCell

Object : bts

Function : sum for each CCCH occurence of served pagings after more than twowaits

Formula :∑(1031), for each CCCH occurence

Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

Note : V12 counter

l8733 Average level on non decoded RACHs for all the cells

Name Q3 : rachNonDecodedAvLevelCell

Object : bts

Function : average on all CCCH occurrences of level on non decoded RACHs

Formula :∑(1033cum)/ ∑(1033ech), for each CCCH occurence= MAX (1033max), for each CCCH occurence

Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

Note : V12 counter

l8734 Average number of waitingmessages in PAGCHqueue for all the


Name Q3 : pchAveragedQueueLengthCell

Object : bts

Function : average on all CCCH occurrences of number of waiting messages inPAGCH

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Formula :∑(1604cum)/ ∑(1604ech), for each CCCH occurence= MAX (1604max), for each CCCH occurence

Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

Note : V12 counter

l8735 Number of pagings discarded in the PAGCH queue for all the


Name Q3 : pchQueuePagesDiscardedCell

Object : bts

Function : sum for each CCCH occurence of discarded pagings

Formula :∑(1605), for each CCCH occurence

Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

Note : V12 counter

l8736 Average uplink rxQual in BER at zone level

Name Q3 : zoneAverageULRxQual

Object : transceiverZone

Function : average uplink rxQual for the zone, in BER

Formula :1626

----------------------- /1001600 /480 + 1603 /470

Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

Note : V12 counter

l8756 Ratio of SDCCH resource failures in the TDMA class

Name Q3 : tdmaClassSdcchResourceFailureRatio

Object : transceiverZone

Function : ratio of the number of SDCCH allocation failures in the TDMA class

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Formula :1608

-------------------1608 + 1606 + 1609/2

Type : synthetic permanentSource : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

Note : V12 counter

l8757 Ratio of TCH or preempted PDTCH resource failures in the

TDMA className Q3 : tdmaClassTchResourceFailureRatioObject : transceiverZoneFunction : ratio of the number of TCH or preempted PDTCH allocation failures

in the TDMA class

Formula :1613

----------------------1613 + 1609/0 + 1609/1

Type : synthetic permanentSource : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

Note : V12 counter

l8758 Number of channel requests rejected due to generalized overloadName Q3 : overLoadRejChannelReqObject : btsFunction : number of channel requests received when CPUE or SICD is in

overload situationFormula :

1803/1 + 1834

Type : synthetic permanentSource : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation reportNote : V12 counter

l8759 Number of paging requests rejected due to generalized overloadName Q3 : overLoadRejPagingReqObject : btsFunction : number of paging requests receivedwhen at least one concerning card

is in overload situation

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Formula :1803/0 + 1803/4 + 1506/0

Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

Note : V12 counter

l8760 Ratio between BIFP0 load and BIFP load averageName Q3 : cpue0LoadRatio

Object : bts

Function : ratio between BIFP0 load and BIFP load average

Formula :1835Moy (cpue0)

------------------------------------1835Moy (cpue0) + 1835Moy (cpue1)

Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

Note : V12 counter

l8761 Ratio between BIFP1 load and BIFP load averageName Q3 : cpue1LoadRatio

Object : bts

Function : ratio between BIFP1 load and BIFP load average

Formula :1835Moy (cpue1)

------------------------------------1835Moy (cpue0) + 1835Moy (cpue1)

Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

Note : V12 counter

l8800 Call drop system ratioName Q3 : callDropTchRatioSystem

Object : bts

Function : ratio of the number of ongoing TCH communications on the celldropped (except by radio or distance or handover or synchronizationcause) to the number of ongoing TCH or preempted PDTCHcommunications

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Formula :1164/0 + 1164/1 + 1164/2 + 1164/3 + 1164/7 + 1164/8+ 1164/9 + 1164/10 + 1164/11 + 1164/28 + 1164/30 + 1164/31-------------------------------------------------------------

1050 - 1083 + 1074 + 1073

Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

Note : V12 counter

l8801 Call drop radio ratioName Q3 : callDropTchRatioRadio

Object : bts

Function : ratio of the number of ongoing TCH communications on the celldropped (except by radio or distance or handover or synchronizationcause) to the number of ongoing TCH or preempted PDTCHcommunications

Formula :1164/6 + 1164/13 + 1164/14 + 1164/16 + 1164/17 + 1164/18+ 1164/19 + 1164/21 + 1164/23 + 1164/25------------------------------------------------------------

1050 - 1083 + 1074 + 1073

Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

Note : V12 counter

l8802 Quality of service of the cellName Q3 : qosCell

Object : bts

Function : balanced sum for the cell of call--drop--ratio, estab--fail--ratio,sdcch--alloc--fail--ratio, tch--alloc--fail--ratio, in--intra--ho--fail andin--inter--ho--fail--ratio

Formula :100 - (50 x 8714 + 10 x 8713 + 10 x 8706 +10 x 8707

+ 20 x 8010)

Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

Note : V12 counter

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l8803 TCH channel occupancy for cell

Name Q3 : tchOccupancy

Object : bts

Function : ratio of average number of TCHs used to the average of TCHsavailable

Formula :1052/0 + 1052/1 + 1052/2


Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

Note : V12 counter

l8804 TCH and preempted PDTCH channel occupancy for zone

Name Q3 : tchOccupancyTrZone

Object : transceiverZone

Function : ratio of average number of TCHs and preempted PDTCH used to theaverage of TCHs and preempted PDTCH available

Formula :1611/0 + 1611/1 + 1611/2


Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

Note : V12 counter

l8807 Global blocking rate

Name Q3 : globalBlockingRate

Object : bts

Function : global blocking rate for SDCCH, TCH and CCCH

Formula :1 - (1- 8705) x (1 - 8706) x (1 - 8707))

Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

Note : V12 counter

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l8808 Double allocation

Name Q3 : doubleAllocationRate

Object : bts

Function : ratio of double allocations of a signalling channel to the number ofSDCCH requests

Formula :1034 + 1051/2 - (1195 + 1196)--------------------------------

1034 + 1051/2

Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

Note : V12 counter

l8809 Location update rate

Name Q3 : locUpRate

Object : bts

Function : ratio of the number of ESTAB_INDIC received withLOCATION_UPDATE_REQUEST L3 message to the total numberof ESTABLISHMENT_INDICATION received

Formula :1193/4

---------------1195 + 1196

Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

Note : V12 counter

l8810 Paging without response ratio

Name Q3 : pagingResponseDegradation

Object : bts

Function : ratio of the number of ESTAB_INDIC received withPAGING_RESPONSE L3 message to the total number ofPAGING_REQUEST sent

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Formula :1193/0

1 - ---------------------------8728 + 8729 + 8730 + 8731

Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

Note : V12 counter

l8811 Channel request extended ratio

Name Q3 : channelRequestExtRate

Object : bts

Function : ratio of the number of CHANNEL_REQUIREDreceivedwtih timingadvance greater than 63 to the total number ofCHANNEL--REQUIRED received

Formula :1702


Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

Note : V12 counter

l8812 SMS rate

Name Q3 : smsRate

Object : bts

Function : ratio of the number of SAPI 3 session establishments to the totalnumber of ESTABLISHMENT_INDICATION received

Formula :1621

------------1195 + 1196

Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

Note : V12 counter

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l8813 Bad virtual timeslotName Q3 : faultyTrxNoBcch

Object : bts

Function : ratio of the number of failed TCH assignments (t3107 expiration orASSIGN_FAILURE received from theMS) to the number of TCH orpreempted PDTCH seizures attempts. This ratio is balanced by theaverage of TCH or preempted PDTCH available

Formula :1050

(1 - ------- ) x 10561049

Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

Note : V12 counter

l8814 Immediate Assignment procedure NoResponse rateName Q3 : faultyBcch

Object : bts

Function : ratio of the number of T3101 expiration before receipt ofESTABLISHMENT_INDICATION during an Immediate Assignprocedure to the number of release while the communication is insignalling phase

Formula :1163/5

-----------------------------------------∑ (1163/i) for i = each possible cause

Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

Note : V12 counter

l8815 Maximum downlink power used on TCH versus maximum

uplink power used on TCH

Name Q3 : faultyPaWithPwrcDl

Object : bts

Function : ratio of the time downlink power control running at maximum to thetime uplink power control running at maximum level for the busyTCHs, balanced by the average of TCHs available

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Formula :1056 x (1198cum - 1199cum) - 6 x 1600---------------------------------------------


with 1600 = ∑(1600) on all transceiverZones

Type : synthetic permanentSource : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

Note : V12 counter

l8816 Balanced link budgetName Q3 : linkBudgetObject : bts

Function : difference between average downlink rxLev and average uplinkrxLev

Formula : 8624 -- 8623

Type : synthetic permanentSource : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

Note : V12 counter

l8817 Outgoing handovers on TCHversus incoming handover on TCHName Q3 : faultyPaBcchObject : btsFunction : ratio of the number of outgoing handovers on TCH to the number of

incoming handover on TCH

Formula :1075 + 1076-----------------1069 + 1070

Type : synthetic permanentSource : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

Note : V12 counter

l8900 Ratio of VGCS MSC reject on the BSCName Q3 : vgcsMscRejectRateObject : bts

Function : ratio of the number of uplink reject command received and thenumber of VGCS access grant transmitted

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Formula :1505


Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

Feature : GSM--R V12

Note : V12 counter

l8904 Ratio of immediate assign messages discarded

Name Q3 : immAssignDeletedRate

Object : bts

Function : ratio of the number of delete indications received from the cell and thenumber of immediate assign sent to the cell

Formula :1804

---------------------------------------------------1749 + ∑(1161/i) with i = each possible cause

Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

Feature : GSM--R V12

Note : V12 counter

l8905 Average of MS increment power controls per channel

Name Q3 : msPwrcIncPerChannel

Object : bts

Function : ratio of the number of MS increment powers to the number ofchannels used

Formula :1805

-----------------------1600ech + 1603ech

Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

Feature : GSM--R V12

Note : V12 counter

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l8906 Average of MS decrement power controls per channel

Name Q3 : msPwrcDecPerChannel

Object : bts

Function : ratio of the number of MS decrement powers to the number ofchannels used

Formula :1806

-------------------1600ech + 1603ech

Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

Feature : GSM--R V12

Note : V12 counter

l8907 Average of BS increment power controls per channel

Name Q3 : bsPwrcIncPerChannel

Object : bts

Function : ratio of the number of BS increment powers to thenumber of channelsused

Formula :1807

-------------------1600ech + 1603ech

Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

Feature : GSM--R V12

Note : V12 counter

l8908 Average of BS decrement power controls per channel

Name Q3 : bsPwrcDecPerChannel

Object : bts

Function : ratio of the number of BS decrement powers to the number ofchannels used

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Formula :1808

-------------------1600ech + 1603ech

Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

Feature : GSM--R V12

Note : V12 counter

l8909 Averaged timing advance measured

Name Q3 : averagedTimingAdvance

Object : bts / transceiverZone

Function : ratio of the time weighted timing advance values to the totalmeasurement time

Formula :1809/0


Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

Feature : GSM--R V12

Note : V12 counter

l8910 TCH available rate

Name Q3 : availableTchRate

Object : bts / transceiverZone

Function : ratio of the average number of of available TCHs to the averagenumber of TCHs configured

Formula :1056


Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

Feature : GSM--R V12

Note : V12 counter

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l8911 SDCCH available rate

Name Q3 : availableSdcchRate

Object : bts / transceiverZone

Function : ratio of the average number of available SDCCHs to the averagenumber of SDCCHs configured

Formula :1059


Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

Feature : GSM--R

Note : V12 counter

l8912 TCH available TDMA class rate

Name Q3 : availableTchRateTrZone

Object : transceiverZone

Function : ratio of the average number of available TCHs to the average numberof TCHs configured

Formula :Σ 1700/0 on all tranceiverZones---------Σ 1810/0 on all tranceiverZones

Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

Feature : GSM--R

Note : V12 counter

l8913 SDCCH available TDMA class rate

Name Q3 : availableSdcchRateTrZone

Object : transceiverZone

Function : ratio of the average number of available TCHs to the average numberof TCHs configured

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Formula :Σ 1701/0 on all tranceiverZones---------Σ 1811/0 on all tranceiverZones

Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

Feature : GSM--R

Note : V12 counter

l8919 Average of Timing Advance measured in a zone

Name Q3 : averagedTimingAdvanceTrZone

Object : transceiverZone

Function : ratio of the time weighted timing advance values to the totalmeasurement time

Formula :Σ 1809/0 on all tranceiverZones---------Σ 1600/0 on all tranceiverZones

Type : synthetic permanent

Source : calculated by the OMC when the user asks for an observation report

Feature : GSM--R

Note : V12 counter

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2.5 Raw permanent md counters

2.5.1 SYBASE counters

These totalizer counters are provided by the SYBASE OMC6R agent server. Theyare read by the OMC--R agent self-observation task at the end of eachmdGranularityPeriod.

ll9940 Total number of SYBASE errors

Name Q3 : sybaseTotalError

Object : SYBASE agent server

Function : number of anomalies detected by the SYBASE server during diskread/write operations in the observation period

Type : raw permanent

Source : SYBASE server, calculated by the OMC--R agent

ll9941 Total number of SYBASE read operations

Name Q3 : sybaseTotalRead

Object : SYBASE agent server

Function : number of disk read operations performed by the SYBASE server inthe observation period

Type : raw permanent

Source : SYBASE server, calculated by the OMC--R agent

ll9942 Total number of SYBASE write operations

Name Q3 : sybaseTotalWrite

Object : SYBASE agent server

Function : number of disk write operations performed by the SYBASE server inthe observation period

Type : raw permanent

Source : SYBASE server, calculated by the OMC--R agent

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ll9943 CPU time used by the SYBASE server (1/10 s)

Name Q3 : sybaseCpuBusy

Object : SYBASE agent server

Function : CPU time used by the SYBASE server in the observation period,expressed in 1/10th of a second

Type : raw permanent

Source : SYBASE server, calculated by the OMC--R agent

ll9944 I/O time used by the SYBASE server (1/10 s)

Name Q3 : sybaseIoBusy

Object : SYBASE agent server

Function : time spent by the SYBASE server in input/output operations duringthe observation period, expressed in 1/10th of a second

Type : raw permanent

Source : SYBASE server, calculated by the OMC--R agent

ll9945 SYBASE server idle time (s)

Name Q3 : sybaseIdle

Object : SYBASE agent server

Function : time of SYBASE server unoccupancy in the observation period,expressed in seconds

Type : raw permanent

Source : SYBASE server, calculated by the OMC--R agent

ll9946 Number of packets received by the SYBASE server

Name Q3 : sybasePacketIn

Object : SYBASE agent server

Function : number of data packets received by the SYBASE server in theobservation period

Type : raw permanent

Source : SYBASE server, calculated by the OMC--R agent

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ll9947 Number of packets sent by the SYBASE server

Name Q3 : sybasePacketOut

Object : SYBASE agent server

Function : number of data packets sent by the SYBASE server in the observationperiod

Type : raw permanent

Source : SYBASE server, calculated by the OMC--R agent

ll9948 Number of erroneous packets sent or received by the SYBASE


Name Q3 : sybasePacketErr

Object : SYBASE agent server

Function : number of anomalies detected by the SYBASE server when sendingor receiving data packets in the observation period

Type : raw permanent

Source : SYBASE server, calculated by the OMC--R agent

ll10047 Average filling rate of configuration database cm_db

Name Q3 : cmDatabaseUsedcmDatabaseUsedCum Total filling rate. . . . . . . . . .cmDatabaseUsedEch Number of samples. . . . . . . . . . .

Object : active OMC--R agent server

Function : average rate (= total rate divided by the number of samples) ofconfiguration “cm_db” database used, calculated at the end of theobservation period, expressed in %

Type : raw permanent

Source : SYBASE server, calculated by the OMC--R agent

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ll10048 Average filling rate of fault database fm_db

Name Q3 : fmDatabaseUsedfmDatabaseUsedCum Total filling rate. . . . . . . . . .fmDatabaseUsedEch Number of samples. . . . . . . . . . .

Object : active OMC--R agent server

Function : average rate (= total rate divided by the number of samples) of fault“fm_db” database used, calculated at the end of the observationperiod, expressed in %

Type : raw permanent

Source : SYBASE server, calculated by the OMC--R agent

ll10049 Average filling rate of configuration log cm_db

Name Q3 : cmLogUsedcmLogUsedCum Total filling rate. . . . . . . . . . . . . .cmLogUsedEch Number of samples. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Object : active OMC--R agent server

Function : average rate (= total rate divided by the number of samples) ofconfiguration “cm_db” log used, calculated at the end of theobservation period, expressed in %

Type : raw permanent

Source : SYBASE server, calculated by the OMC--R agent

ll10050 Average filling rate of fault log fm_db

Name Q3 : fmLogUsedfmLogUsedCum Total filling rate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .fmLogUsedEch Number of samples. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Object : active OMC--R agent server

Function : average rate (= total rate divided by the number of samples) of fault“fm_db” log used, calculated at the end of the observation period,expressed in %

Type : raw permanent

Source : SYBASE server, calculated by the OMC--R agent

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2.5.2 SCSE counters

These totalizer counters are provided by the SCSE service. They are read by theOMC--R agent self-observation task at the end of each mdGranularityPeriod.

ll9970 Number of TGE sent

Name Q3 : scseTgeOut

Object : active OMC--R agent server

Function : number of global operation transactions (TGE) sent by the server tothe BSC in the observation period

Type : raw permanent

Source : SCSE service, calculated by the OMC--R agent

ll9971 Number of RGE received

Name Q3 : scseRgeIn

Object : active OMC--R agent server

Function : number of global operation replies (RGE) sent by the BSC to theserver in the observation period

Type : raw permanent

Source : SCSE service, calculated by the OMC--R agent

ll9972 Number of BSS/OMC--R link failures

Name Q3 : scseFailConnect

Object : active OMC--R agent server

Function : number of BSS/OMC--R link failures detected in the observationperiod

Type : raw permanent

Source : SCSE service, calculated by the OMC--R agent

ll9973 Total number of TGE reservations refused

Name Q3 : scseTotTgeRefused

Object : active OMC--R agent server

Function : number of TGE reservations refused by the server in the observationperiod

Type : raw permanent

Source : SCSE service, calculated by the OMC--R agent

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ll9974 Total number of association release requests sent by the BSC

Name Q3 : scseTotAssocFree

Object : active OMC--R agent server

Function : number of association release requests sent by the BSC in theobservation period

Type : raw permanent

Source : SCSE service, calculated by the OMC--R agent

2.5.3 UNIX counters

These totalizer and value counters are provided by the SUNOS system. They areread by the OMC--R agent self-observation task at the end of eachmdGranularityPeriod.

ll9984 Average load of NMC server CPU 0

Name Q3 : unixCpu0UsedNMCSrvunixCpu0UsedNMCSrvCum Total load of NMC server CPU 0. . . .unixCpu0UsedNMCSrvEch Number of samples. . . . .

Object : active OMC--R agent server

Function : average load (= total load divided by the number of samples) of theserver CPU 0 in the observation period, expressed in %

Type : raw permanent

Source : SUNOS system, calculated by the OMC--R agent

ll9985 Average load of NMC server CPU 1

Name Q3 : unixCpu1UsedNMCSrvunixCpu1UsedNMCSrvCum Total load of NMC server CPU 1. . . .unixCpu1UsedNMCSrvEch Number of samples. . . . .

Object : active OMC--R agent server

Function : average load (= total load divided by the number of samples) of theserver CPU 1 in the observation period, expressed in %

Type : raw permanent

Source : SUNOS system, calculated by the OMC--R agent

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ll9988 Average filling rate of NMC server SWAP area

Name Q3 : unixSwapNMCSrvunixSwapNMCSrvCum Total filling rate of SWAP area. . . . . . . . .unixSwapNMCSrvEch Number of samples. . . . . . . . . .

Object : active OMC--R agent server

Function : average rate (= total rate divided by the number of samples) of swapmemory used in the server, calculated at the end of the observationperiod, expressed in %

Type : raw permanent

Source : SUNOS system, calculated by the OMC--R agent

ll9990 Average filling rate of NMC server “/” partition

Name Q3 : unixRootPartitionNMCSrvunixRootPartitionNMCSrvCum Total partition filling rate. .unixRootPartitionNMCSrvEch Number of samples. . .

Object : active OMC--R agent server

Function : average rate (= total rate divided by the number of samples) of diskroot partition used in the server, calculated at the end of theobservation period, expressed in %

Type : raw permanent

Source : SUNOS system, calculated by the OMC--R agent

ll9991 Average filling rate of NMC server “/tmp” partition

Name Q3 : unixTmpPartitionNMCSrvunixTmpPartitionNMCSrvCum Total partition filling rate. .unixTmpPartitionNMCSrvEch Number of samples. . .

Object : active OMC--R agent server

Function : average rate (= total rate divided by the number of samples) of disk“/tmp” partition used in the server, calculated at the end of theobservation period, expressed in %

Type : raw permanent

Source : SUNOS system, calculated by the OMC--R agent

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ll9993 Average filling rate of “/MD/obs” partition

Name Q3 : unixObsPartitionunixObsPartitionCum Total partition filling rate. . . . . . . . . .unixObsPartitionEch Number of samples. . . . . . . . . . .

Object : active OMC--R agent server

Function : average rate (= total rate divided by the number of samples) of disk“/MD/obs” partition used in the server, calculated at the end of theobservation period, expressed in %

Type : raw permanent

Source : SUNOS system, calculated by the OMC--R agent

ll9994 Average filling rate of “/MD/notif” partition

Name Q3 : unixNotifPartitionunixNotifPartitionCum Total partition filling rate. . . . . . . . .unixNotifPartitionEch Number of samples. . . . . . . . . .

Object : active OMC--R agent server

Function : average rate (= total rate divided by the number of samples) of disk“/MD/notif” partition used in the server, calculated at the end of theobservation period, expressed in %

Type : raw permanent

Source : SUNOS system, calculated by the OMC--R agent

ll9995 Average filling rate of “/MD/restored/obs” partition

Name Q3 : unixRestoredObsPartitionunixRestoredObsPartitionCum Total partition filling rate. . .unixRestoredObsPartitionEch Number of samples. . . .

Object : active OMC--R agent server

Function : average rate (= total rate divided by the number of samples) of disk“/MD/restored/obs” partition used in the server, calculated at the endof the observation period, expressed in %

Type : raw permanent

Source : SUNOS system, calculated by the OMC--R agent

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ll9996 Average filling rate of “/MD/restored/notif” partition

Name Q3 : unixRestoredNotifPartitionunixRestoredNotifPartitionCum Total partition filling rate. .unixRestoredNotifPartitionEch Number of samples. . .

Object : active OMC--R agent server

Function : average rate (= total rate divided by the number of samples) of disk“/MD/restored/notif” partition used in the server, calculated at the endof the observation period, expressed in %

Type : raw permanent

Source : SUNOS system, calculated by the OMC--R agent

ll9997 Average filling rate of “/MD/trace_function” partition

Name Q3 : unixTracePartitionunixTracePartitionCum Total partition filling rate. . . . . . . . .unixTracePartitionEch Number of samples. . . . . . . . . .

Object : active OMC--R agent server

Function : average rate (= total rate divided by the number of samples) of disk“/MD/trace_function” partition used in the server, calculated at theend of the observation period, expressed in %

Type : raw permanent

Source : SUNOS system, calculated by the OMC--R agent

ll9998 Average filling rate of “/MD/data/ssn” partition

Name Q3 : unixDataSsnPartitionunixDataSsnPartitionCum Total partition filling rate. . . . . . .unixDataSsnPartitionEch Number of samples. . . . . . . .

Object : active OMC--R agent server

Function : average rate (= total rate divided by the number of samples) of disk“/MD/data/ssn” partition used in the server, calculated at the end ofthe observation period, expressed in %

Type : raw permanent

Source : SUNOS system, calculated by the OMC--R agent

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ll9999 Average filling rate of “/MD/restored/trace_function” partition

Name Q3 : unixRestoredTracePartitionunixRestoredTracePartitionCum Total partition filling rate. .unixRestoredTracePartitionEch Number of samples. . .

Object : active OMC--R agent server

Function : average rate (= total rate divided by the number of samples) of disk“/MD/restored/trace_function” partition used in the server, calculatedat the end of the observation period, expressed in %

Type : raw permanent

Source : SUNOS system, calculated by the OMC--R agent

ll10043 Average filling rate of NMC server “/MD/base” partition

Name Q3 : unixMdrBasePartitionNMCSrvunixMdrBasePartitionNMCSrvCum . . . . . Total partition filling rateunixMdrBasePartitionNMCSrvEch . . . . . . Number of samples

Object : active OMC--R agent server

Function : average rate (= total rate divided by the number of samples) of disk“/MD/base” partition used in the server, calculated at the end of theobservation period, expressed in %

Type : raw permanent

Source : SUNOS system, calculated by the OMC--R agent

ll10044 Average filling rate of NMC server “/MD/data” partition

Name Q3 : unixMdrDataPartitionNMCSrvunixMdrDataPartitionNMCSrvCum . . . . . Total partition filling rateunixMdrDataPartitionNMCSrvEch . . . . . . Number of samples

Object : active OMC--R agent server

Function : average rate (= total rate divided by the number of samples) of disk“/MD/data” partition used in the server, calculated at the end of theobservation period, expressed in %

Type : raw permanent

Source : SUNOS system, calculated by the OMC--R agent

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ll10045 Average filling rate of NMC server “/CMN/base” partitionName Q3 : unixCmnBasePartitionNMCSrv

unixCmnBasePartitionNMCSrvCum . . . . Total partition filling rateunixCmnBasePartitionNMCSrvEch . . . . . . Number of samples

Object : active OMC--R agent server

Function : average rate (= total rate divided by the number of samples) of disk“/CMN/base” partition used in the server, calculated at the end of theobservation period, expressed in %

Type : raw permanent

Source : SUNOS system, calculated by the OMC--R agent

ll10046 Average filling rate of NMC server “/CMN/data” partitionName Q3 : unixCmnDataPartitionNMCSrv

unixCmnDataPartitionNMCSrvCum . . . . Total partition filling rateunixCmnDataPartitionNMCSrvEch . . . . . . Number of samples

Object : active OMC--R agent server

Function : average rate (= total rate divided by the number of samples) of disk“/CMN/data” partition used in the server, calculated at the end of theobservation period, expressed in %

Type : raw permanent

Source : SUNOS system, calculated by the OMC--R agent

2.5.4 Q3 counters

These totalizer counters are provided by the CMIS and FTAM services. They areread by the OMC--R agent self-observation task at the end of eachmdGranularityPeriod. Request on md subtree counters

ll10000 Number of CMIS GET requests received for the md subtreeName Q3 : ommdGetRequest

Object : active OMC--R agent server

Function : number of CMIS GET requests about md subtree objects received inthe observation period

Event : receipt of a CMIS GET request about an md subtree object

Type : raw permanent

Source : CMIS service, calculated by the OMC--R agent

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ll10001 Number of CMIS GET confirmations sent for the md subtree

Name Q3 : ommdGetConf

Object : active OMC--R agent server

Function : number of CMISGET confirmations aboutmd subtree objects sent inthe observation period

Event : transmission of aCMISGET confirmation about anmd subtreeobject

Type : raw permanent

Source : CMIS service, calculated by the OMC--R agent

ll10002 Number of CMIS CREATE requests received for the md subtree

Name Q3 : ommdCreRequest

Object : active OMC--R agent server

Function : number of CMIS CREATE requests about md subtree objectsreceived in the observation period

Event : receipt of a CMIS CREATE request about an md subtree object

Type : raw permanent

Source : CMIS service, calculated by the OMC--R agent

ll10003 Number of CMIS CREATE confirmations sent for the md


Name Q3 : ommdCreConf

Object : active OMC--R agent server

Function : number of CMIS CREATE confirmations about md subtree objectssent in the observation period

Event : transmission of a CMIS CREATE confirmation about an md subtreeobject

Type : raw permanent

Source : CMIS service, calculated by the OMC--R agent

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ll10004 Number of CMIS SET requests received for the md subtree

Name Q3 : ommdSetRequest

Object : active OMC--R agent server

Function : number of CMIS SET requests about md subtree objects received inthe observation period

Event : receipt of a CMIS SET request about an md subtree object

Type : raw permanent

Source : CMIS service, calculated by the OMC--R agent

ll10005 Number of CMIS SET confirmations sent for the md subtree

Name Q3 : ommdSetConf

Object : active OMC--R agent server

Function : number of CMIS SET confirmations about md subtree objects sent inthe observation period

Event : transmission of aCMISSET confirmation about anmd subtree object

Type : raw permanent

Source : CMIS service, calculated by the OMC--R agent

ll10006 Number of CMIS DELETE requests received for the md subtree

Name Q3 : ommdDelRequest

Object : active OMC--R agent server

Function : number of CMIS DELETE requests about md subtree objectsreceived in the observation period

Event : receipt of a CMIS DELETE request about an md subtree object

Type : raw permanent

Source : CMIS service, calculated by the OMC--R agent

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ll10007 Number of CMIS DELETE confirmations sent for the md


Name Q3 : ommdDelConf

Object : active OMC--R agent server

Function : number of CMIS DELETE confirmations about md subtree objectssent in the observation period

Event : transmission of a CMIS DELETE confirmation about an md subtreeobject

Type : raw permanent

Source : CMIS service, calculated by the OMC--R agent

ll10008 Number of CMIS ACTION requests received for the md subtree

Name Q3 : ommdActRequest

Object : active OMC--R agent server

Function : number of CMIS ACTION requests about md subtree objectsreceived in the observation period

Event : receipt of a CMIS ACTION request about an md subtree object

Type : raw permanent

Source : CMIS service, calculated by the OMC--R agent

ll10009 NumberofCMISACTIONconfirmations sent for themdsubtree

Name Q3 : ommdActConf

Object : active OMC--R agent server

Function : number of CMIS ACTION confirmations about md subtree objectssent in the observation period

Event : transmission of a CMIS ACTION confirmation about an md subtreeobject

Type : raw permanent

Source : CMIS service, calculated by the OMC--R agent

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ll10010 Number of CMIS CANCEL GET requests received for the md


Name Q3 : ommdCancelGetRequest

Object : active OMC--R agent server

Function : number of CMIS CANCEL GET requests about md subtree objectsreceived in the observation period

Event : receipt of a CMIS CANCELGET request about anmd subtree object

Type : raw permanent

Source : CMIS service, calculated by the OMC--R agent

ll10011 Number of CMIS CANCEL GET confirmations sent for the md


Name Q3 : ommdCancelGetConf

Object : active OMC--R agent server

Function : number of CMIS CANCEL GET confirmations about md subtreeobjects sent in the observation period

Event : transmission of a CMIS CANCEL GET confirmation about an mdsubtree object

Type : raw permanent

Source : CMIS service, calculated by the OMC--R agent Request on network counters

ll10012 Number of CMISGET requests received for the network subtree

Name Q3 : omnetGetRequest

Object : active OMC--R agent server

Function : number of CMIS GET requests about network subtree objectsreceived in the observation period

Event : receipt of a CMIS GET request about a network subtree object

Type : raw permanent

Source : CMIS service, calculated by the OMC--R agent

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ll10013 Number of CMIS GET confirmations sent for the network


Name Q3 : omnetGetConf

Object : active OMC--R agent server

Function : number of CMIS GET confirmations about network subtree objectssent in the observation period

Event : transmission of a CMIS GET confirmation about a network subtreeobject

Type : raw permanent

Source : CMIS service, calculated by the OMC--R agent

ll10014 Number of CMIS CREATE requests received for the network


Name Q3 : omnetCreRequest

Object : active OMC--R agent server

Function : number of CMIS CREATE requests about network subtree objectsreceived in the observation period

Event : receipt of a CMIS CREATE request about a network subtree object

Type : raw permanent

Source : CMIS service, calculated by the OMC--R agent

ll10015 Number of CMIS CREATE confirmations sent for the network


Name Q3 : omnetCreConf

Object : active OMC--R agent server

Function : number of CMIS CREATE confirmations about network subtreeobjects sent in the observation period

Event : transmission of a CMIS CREATE confirmation about a networksubtree object

Type : raw permanent

Source : CMIS service, calculated by the OMC--R agent

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l10016 Number of CMIS SET requests received for the network subtree

Name Q3 : omnetSetRequest

Object : active OMC--R agent server

Function : number of CMIS SET requests about network subtree objectsreceived in the observation period

Event : receipt of a CMIS SET request about a network subtree object

Type : raw permanent

Source : CMIS service, calculated by the OMC--R agent

ll10017 Number of CMIS SET confirmations sent for the network


Name Q3 : omnetSetConf

Object : active OMC--R agent server

Function : number of CMIS SET confirmations about network subtree objectssent in the observation period

Event : transmission of a CMIS SET confirmation about a network subtreeobject

Type : raw permanent

Source : CMIS service, calculated by the OMC--R agent

ll10018 Number of CMIS DELETE requests received for the network


Name Q3 : omnetDelRequest

Object : active OMC--R agent server

Function : number of CMIS DELETE requests about network subtree objectsreceived in the observation period

Event : receipt of a CMIS DELETE request about a network subtree object

Type : raw permanent

Source : CMIS service, calculated by the OMC--R agent

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ll10019 Number of CMIS DELETE confirmations sent for the network


Name Q3 : omnetDelConf

Object : active OMC--R agent server

Function : number of CMIS DELETE confirmations about network subtreeobjects sent in the observation period

Event : transmission of a CMIS DELETE confirmation about a networksubtree object

Type : raw permanent

Source : CMIS service, calculated by the OMC--R agent

ll10020 Number of CMIS ACTION requests received for the network


Name Q3 : omnetActRequest

Object : active OMC--R agent server

Function : number of CMIS ACTION requests about network subtree objectsreceived in the observation period

Event : receipt of a CMIS ACTION request about a network subtree object

Type : raw permanent

Source : CMIS service, calculated by the OMC--R agent

ll10021 Number of CMIS ACTION confirmations sent for the network


Name Q3 : omnetActConf

Object : active OMC--R agent server

Function : number of CMIS ACTION confirmations about network subtreeobjects sent in the observation period

Event : transmission of a CMIS ACTION confirmation about a networksubtree object

Type : raw permanent

Source : CMIS service, calculated by the OMC--R agent

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ll10022 Number of CMIS CANCEL GET requests received for the

network subtree

Name Q3 : omnetCancelGetRequest

Object : active OMC--R agent server

Function : number of CMIS CANCEL GET requests about network subtreeobjects received in the observation period

Event : receipt of a CMIS CANCEL GET request about a network subtreeobject

Type : raw permanent

Source : CMIS service, calculated by the OMC--R agent

ll10023 Number of CMIS CANCEL GET confirmations sent for the

network subtree

Name Q3 : omnetCancelGetConf

Object : active OMC--R agent server

Function : number of CMIS CANCEL GET confirmations about networksubtree objects sent in the observation period

Event : transmissionof aCMISCANCELGET confirmation about anetworksubtree object

Type : raw permanent

Source : CMIS service, calculated by the OMC--R agent Q3 notification counters

ll10024 Number of notifications received

Name Q3 : notifsReceived

Object : active OMC--R agent server

Function : number of notifications received by the secured notification server ofthe OMC--R agent in the observation period

Event : receipt of a notification by the secured notification server

Type : raw permanent

Source : CMIS service, calculated by the OMC--R agent

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ll10025 Number of notifications sent for the first timeName Q3 : notifsSentOnce

Object : active OMC--R agent server

Function : number of notifications transmitted a first time to themanagers in theobservation period

Event : first transmission of a notification to the managers

Type : raw permanent

Source : CMIS service, calculated by the OMC--R agent

ll10026 Number of notifications sent a second timeName Q3 : notifsTransmitAgainOnce

Object : active OMC--R agent server

Function : number of notifications transmitted a second time to the managers inthe observation period

Event : second transmission of a notification to the managersType : raw permanent

Source : CMIS service, calculated by the OMC--R agent

ll10027 Number of notifications sent more than two timesName Q3 : notifsTransmitAgainTwiceAndMoreObject : active OMC--R agent server

Function : number of notifications transmitted more than two times to themanagers in the observation period

Event : more than two transmissions of a notification to the managersType : raw permanent

Source : CMIS service, calculated by the OMC--R agent

ll10028 Number of notifications that were not sent to all managersName Q3 : notifsReachMaxTransmitObject : active OMC--R agent server

Function : number of notifications that cannot be transmitted to all themanagersin the observation period

Event : stop transmitting a same notification to the managersType : raw permanent

Source : CMIS service, calculated by the OMC--R agent

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Preliminary 14.14/EN June 2004 Copyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks FTAM counters

ll10029 Number of FTAM GET transfer requests

Name Q3 : ftamFtiGet

Object : active OMC--R agent server

Function : number of FTAM GET transfers requested in the observation period

Event : start of an FTAM GET transfer

Type : raw permanent

Source : FTAM service, calculated by the OMC--R agent

ll10030 Number of successful FTAM GET transfers

Name Q3 : ftamFtiGetConf

Object : active OMC--R agent server

Function : number of successful FTAMGET transfers in the observation period

Event : normal completion of an FTAM GET transfer

Type : raw permanent

Source : FTAM service, calculated by the OMC--R agent

ll10031 Number of FTAM PUT transfer requests

Name Q3 : ftamFtiPut

Object : active OMC--R agent server

Function : number of FTAM PUT transfers requested in the observation period

Event : start of an FTAM PUT transfer

Type : raw permanent

Source : FTAM service, calculated by the OMC--R agent

ll10032 Number of successful FTAM PUT transfers

Name Q3 : ftamFtiPutConf

Object : active OMC--R agent server

Function : number of successful FTAM PUT transfers in the observation period

Event : normal completion of an FTAM PUT transfer

Type : raw permanent

Source : FTAM service, calculated by the OMC--R agent

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ll10033 Number of FTAM DELETE requests

Name Q3 : ftamFtiDelete

Object : active OMC--R agent server

Function : number of FTAM DELETE requests in the observation period

Event : transmission of an FTAM DELETE request

Type : raw permanent

Source : FTAM service, calculated by the OMC--R agent

ll10034 Number of successful FTAM DELETE requests

Name Q3 : ftamFtiDeleteConf

Object : active OMC--R agent server

Function : number of successful FTAM DELETE requests in the observationperiod

Event : normal completion of an FTAM DELETE request

Type : raw permanent

Source : FTAM service, calculated by the OMC--R agent

ll10035 Number of FTAM DIR transfer requests

Name Q3 : ftamFtiDir

Object : active OMC--R agent server

Function : number of FTAM DIR transfers requested in the observation period

Event : start of an FTAM DIR transfer

Type : raw permanent

Source : FTAM service, calculated by the OMC--R agent

ll10036 Number of successful FTAM DIR transfers

Name Q3 : ftamFtiDirConf

Object : active OMC--R agent server

Function : number of successful FTAM DIR transfers in the observation period

Event : normal completion of an FTAM DIR transfer

Type : raw permanent

Source : FTAM service, calculated by the OMC--R agent

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ll10037 Number of FTAM RENAME requests

Name Q3 : ftamFtiRename

Object : active OMC--R agent server

Function : number of FTAM RENAME requests in the observation period

Event : transmission of an FTAM RENAME request

Type : raw permanent

Source : FTAM service, calculated by the OMC--R agent

ll10038 Number of successful FTAM RENAME requests

Name Q3 : ftamFtiRenameConf

Object : active OMC--R agent server

Function : number of successful FTAM RENAME requests in the observationperiod

Event : normal completion of an FTAM RENAME request

Type : raw permanent

Source : FTAM service, calculated by the OMC--R agent

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2.6 Raw permanent manager counters

2.6.1 SYBASE counters

These totalizer counters are provided by the SYBASE server. They are read by theOMC--Rmanager self-observation task at the end of each observation period (staticconfiguration data).

llTotal number of SYBASE errors

Name : omcSybaseTotalError

Object : SYBASE server (OMC--R manager and connected workstations)

Function : number of anomalies detected by the SYBASE server during diskread/write operations in the observation period

Type : raw permanent

Source : SYBASE server, calculated by the OMC--R manager

llTotal number of SYBASE read operations

Name : omcSybaseTotalRead

Object : SYBASE server (OMC--R manager and connected workstations)

Function : number of disk read operations performed by the SYBASE server inthe observation period

Type : raw permanent

Source : SYBASE server, calculated by the OMC--R manager

llTotal number of SYBASE write operations

Name : omcSybaseTotalWrite

Object : SYBASE server (OMC--R manager and connected workstations)

Function : number of disk write operations performed by the SYBASE server inthe observation period

Type : raw permanent

Source : SYBASE server, calculated by the OMC--R manager

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llCPU time used by the SYBASE server (1/10 s)

Name : omcSybaseCpuBusy

Object : SYBASE server (OMC--R manager and connected workstations)

Function : CPU time used by the SYBASE server in the observation period,expressed in 1/10th of a second

Type : raw permanent

Source : SYBASE server, calculated by the OMC--R manager

llI/O time used by the SYBASE server (1/10 s)

Name : omcSybaseIoBusy

Object : SYBASE server (OMC--R manager and connected workstations)

Function : time spent by the SYBASE server in input/output operations duringthe observation period, expressed in 1/10th of a second

Type : raw permanent

Source : SYBASE server, calculated by the OMC--R manager

llSYBASE server idle time (s)

Name : omcSybaseIdle

Object : SYBASE server (OMC--R manager and connected workstations)

Function : time of SYBASE server unoccupancy in the observation period,expressed in seconds

Type : raw permanent

Source : SYBASE server, calculated by the OMC--R manager

llNumber of packets received by the SYBASE server

Name : omcSybasePacketIn

Object : SYBASE server (OMC--R manager and connected workstations)

Function : number of data packets received by the SYBASE server in theobservation period

Type : raw permanent

Source : SYBASE server, calculated by the OMC--R manager

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llNumber of packets sent by the SYBASE server

Name : omcSybasePacketOut

Object : SYBASE server (OMC--R manager and connected workstations)

Function : number of data packets sent by the SYBASE server in the observationperiod

Type : raw permanent

Source : SYBASE server, calculated by the OMC--R manager

llNumber of erroneous packets sent or received by the SYBASE server

Name : omcSybasePacketErr

Object : SYBASE server (OMC--R manager and connected workstations)

Function : number of anomalies detected by the SYBASE server when sendingor receiving data packets in the observation period

Type : raw permanent

Source : SYBASE server, calculated by the OMC--R manager

llAverage filling rate of omc_db database

Name : omcDatabaseUsedomcDatabaseUsedCum Total filling rate. . . . . . . . .omcDatabaseUsedEch Number of samples. . . . . . . . . .

Object : active OMC--R manager server

Function : average rate (= total rate divided by the number of samples) of“cm_db” database used, calculated at the end of the observationperiod, expressed in %

Type : raw permanent

Source : SUNOS system, calculated by the OMC--R manager

llAverage filling rate of segment 0 of trace_db database

Name : traceDatabaseSeg0UsedtraceDatabaseSeg0UsedCum Total filling rate. . . . .traceDatabaseSeg0UsedEch Number of samples. . . . . .

Object : active OMC--R manager server

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Function : average rate (= total rate divided by the number of samples) of“trace_db” database segment 0 used, calculated at the end of theobservation period, expressed in %

Type : raw permanent

Source : SUNOS system, calculated by the OMC--R manager

llAverage filling rate of segment 1 of trace_db database

Name : traceDatabaseSeg1UsedtraceDatabaseSeg1UsedCum Total filling rate. . . . .traceDatabaseSeg1UsedEch Number of samples. . . . . .

Object : active OMC--R manager server

Function : average rate (= total rate divided by the number of samples) of“trace_db” database segment 1 used, calculated at the end of theobservation period, expressed in %

Type : raw permanent

Source : SUNOS system, calculated by the OMC--R manager

llAverage filling rate of rst_trace_db database

Name : rsttraceDatabaseUsedrsttraceDatabaseUsedCum Total filling rate. . . . . . .rsttraceDatabaseUsedEch Number of samples. . . . . . . .

Object : active OMC--R manager server

Function : average rate (= total rate divided by the number of samples) of“rsttrace_db” database used, calculated at the end of the observationperiod, expressed in %

Type : raw permanent

Source : SUNOS system, calculated by the OMC--R manager

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2.6.2 X.25 counters

These totalizer counters are provided by the X.25--2 layer. They are read by theOMC--Rmanager self-observation task at the end of each observation period (staticconfiguration data).

llNumber of X25-2 packets received on port xName : omcX25PacketInPort0


Object : active server ( OMC--R manager and connected workstations)Function : number of X.25--2 packets received on the X.25 port x in the

observation periodType : raw permanent

Source : X.25--2 layer, calculated by the OMC--R manager

lNumber of X25-2 packets sent on port xName : omcX25PacketOutPort0


Object : active server (OMC--R manager and connected workstations)

Function : number of X.25--2 packets transmitted on the X.25 port x in theobservation period

Type : raw permanentSource : X.25--2 layer, calculated by the OMC--R manager

lNumber of X25-2 packets received with CRC error on port xName : omcX25CrcErrorsPort0


Object : active server (OMC--R manager and connected workstations)

Function : number of frameswith CRC errors received on the X.25 port 0 or 1 inthe observation period

Event : checksum error detected on receipt of a frame on the X.25 portType : raw permanentSource : X.25--2 layer, calculated by the OMC--R manager

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lNumber of abort requests received on port xName : omcX25AbortsPort0


Object : active server (OMC--R manager and connected workstations)

Function : number of aborted frames received on the X.25 port 0 or 1 in theobservation period

Event : receipt 8 consecutive times on the X.25 port of a frame that does notcomply with HDLC frame numbering

Type : raw permanent

Source : X.25--2 layer, calculated by the OMC--R manager

2.6.3 UNIX counters

These totalizer and value counters are provided by the SUNOS system. They areread by the OMC--R manager self-observation task at the end of each observationperiod (static configuration data).

llAverage load of CPU 0Name : omcUnixCpu0Used

omcUnixCpu0UsedCum Total load of CPU 0. . . . . . . .omcUnixCpu0UsedEch Number of samples. . . . . . . . .

Object : active server (OMC--R manager and connected workstations)

Function : average load (= total load divided by the number of samples) of theserver CPU 0 in the observation period, expressed in %

Type : raw permanent

Source : SUNOS system, calculated by the OMC--R manager

lAverage load of CPU 1Name : omcUnixCpu1Used

omcUnixCpu1UsedCum Total load of CPU 1. . . . . . . .omcUnixCpu1UsedEch Number of samples. . . . . . . . .

Object : active server (OMC--R manager and connected workstations)

Function : average load (= total load divided by the number of samples) of theserver CPU 1 in the observation period, expressed in %

Type : raw permanent

Source : SUNOS system, calculated by the OMC--R manager

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llAverage filling rate of SWAP area

Name : omcUnixSwapomcUnixSwapCum Total filling rate of SWAP area. . . . . . . . . . . .omcUnixSwapEch Number of samples. . . . . . . . . . . . .

Object : active server (OMC--R manager and connected workstations)

Function : average rate (= total rate divided by the number of samples) of swapmemory used in the server, calculated at the end of the observationperiod, expressed in %

Type : raw permanent

Source : SUNOS system, calculated by the OMC--R manager

llAverage filling rate of “/” partition

Name : omcUnixRootPartitionomcUnixRootPartitionCum Total partition filling rate. . . . . .omcUnixRootPartitionEch Number of samples. . . . . . .

Object : active server (OMC--R manager and connected workstations)

Function : average rate (= total rate divided by the number of samples) of diskroot partition used, calculated at the end of the observation period,expressed in %

Type : raw permanent

Source : SUNOS system, calculated by the OMC--R manager

llAverage filling rate of “/tmp” partition

Name : omcUnixTmpPartitionomcUnixTmpPartitionCum Total partition filling rate. . . . . .omcUnixTmpPartitionEch Number of samples. . . . . . .

Object : active server (OMC--R manager and connected workstations)

Function : average rate (= total rate divided by the number of samples) of disk“/tmp” partition used, calculated at the end of the observation period,expressed in %

Type : raw permanent

Source : SUNOS system, calculated by the OMC--R manager

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llAverage filling rate of “/OMC/obs” partition

Name : omcUnixObsPartitionomcUnixObsPartitionCum Total partition filling rate. . . . . . .omcUnixObsPartitionEch Number of samples. . . . . . .

Object : active OMC--R manager server

Function : average rate (= total rate divided by the number of samples) of disk“/OMC/obs” partition used, calculated at the end of the observationperiod, expressed in %

Type : raw permanent

Source : SUNOS system, calculated by the OMC--R manager

llAverage filling rate of “/OMC/mail” partition

Name : omcUnixMailPartitionomcUnixMailPartitionCum Total partition filling rate. . . . . .omcUnixMailPartitionEch Number of samples. . . . . . .

Object : active OMC--R manager server

Function : average rate (= total rate divided by the number of samples) of disk“/OMC/mail” partition used, calculated at the end of the observationperiod, expressed in %

Type : raw permanent

Source : SUNOS system, calculated by the OMC--R manager

llAverage filling rate of “/OMC/base” partition

Name : omcUnixBasePartitionomcUnixBasePartitionCum Total partition filling rate. . . . . .omcUnixBasePartitionEch Number of samples. . . . . . .

Object : active OMC--R manager server

Function : average rate (= total rate divided by the number of samples) of disk“/OMC/base” partition used, calculated at the end of the observationperiod, expressed in %

Type : raw permanent

Source : SUNOS system, calculated by the OMC--R manager

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llAverage filling rate of “/OMC/data” partition

Name : omcUnixDataPartitionomcUnixDataPartitionCum Total partition filling rate. . . . . .omcUnixDataPartitionEch Number of samples. . . . . . .

Object : active OMC--R manager server

Function : average rate (= total rate divided by the number of samples) of disk“/OMC/data” partition used, calculated at the end of the observationperiod, expressed in %

Type : raw permanent

Source : SUNOS system, calculated by the OMC--R manager

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2.7 Raw permanent PCUSN counters

l15001/0 Number of bytes received by all the BVCs associated to this PCM

link in an Element (SPM card)

Name : octetsDn

Value range : [0 to 4294967295]

Object : pcmCircuit

Function : Cumulative size (in bytes) of all the BSSGP PDU received on all theBVCsof a SPMcard (including theBVCI0). The sizedoes not includethe FR and NS header.

Event : Receiving of a DL BSSGP PDU

Class : GPRS

Source : recorded by the PCU

Feature : GPRS (SV407 -- V12)

Note : V12.4b and c counter

l15001/1 Number of bytes sent by all the BVCsassociated to this PCMlink

in an Element (SPM card)

Name : octetsUp

Value range : [0 to 4294967295]

Object : pcmLink

Function : Cumulative size (in bytes) of all theBSSGPPDUsent on all theBVCsof a SPM card (including the BVCI0). The size does not include theFR and NS header.

Event : Sending of an UL BSSGP PDU

Class : GPRS

Source : recorded by the PCU

Feature : GPRS (SV407 -- V12)

Note : V12.4b and c counter

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l15004/0 Number of UNIT--DATA PDUs received downlink by the BVC

Name : pduDataDn

Value range : [0 to 4294967295]

Object : bts

Function : Number of BSSGP DL--UNITDATA PDU received by the BVC(SGSN-->PCU).

Event : Receiving of a DL--UNITDATA PDU

Class : GPRS

Source : recorded by the PCU

Feature : GPRS (SV407 -- V12)

Note : V12.4b and c counter

l15004/1 Number of UNIT--DATA PDUs sent uplink by the BVC

Name : pduDataUp

Value range : [0 to 4294967295]

Object : bts

Function : Number of BSSGP UL--UNITDATA PDU sent by the BVC(PCU-->SGSN).

Event : Sending of a UL--UNITDATA PDU

Class : GPRS

Source : recorded by the PCU

Feature : GPRS (SV407 -- V12)

Note : V12.4b and c counter

l15005/0 Number of bytes received by the BVC in DL--UNIT--DATAPDUs

Name : octetsDataDn

Value range : [0 to 4294967295]

Object : bts

Function : Cumulative size (in bytes) of all the BSSGP DL--UNITDATA PDUreceived by the BVC (SGSN-->PCU). The size does not include theFR, NS, and BSSGP header sizes.

Event : Receiving of a DL--UNITDATA PDU

Class : GPRS

Source : recorded by the PCU

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Feature : GPRS (SV407 -- V12)

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1

DFD “PCUSN: Flow Control”DFD “PCUSN: LLC Discarded”

Note : V12.4b and c counter

l15005/1 Number of bytes sent by the BVC in the UL--UNIT--DATA PDUs

Name : octetsDataUp

Value range : [0 to 4294967296]

Object : bts

Function : Cumulative size (in bytes) of all the BSSGP UL--UNITDATA PDUsent by the BVC (PCU-->SGSN). The size does not include the FR,NS, and BSSGP header sizes.

Event : Sending of a UL--UNITDATA PDU

Class : GPRS

Source : recorded by the PCU

Feature : GPRS (SV407 -- V12)

Note : V12.4b and c counter

l15007/0 Number of times octets discarded because the number of received

PDUs exceeds the bucket size

Name : octetDiscarded

Value range : 0 to 65535

Object : bts

Function : Number of octets discarded, because the number of received PDUsexceeds the bucket size

Event : This counter is incremented after the deletion of a PDU at the PCUlevel

Source : recorded by the PCU

Feature : GPRS

Note : V14 counter

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l15007/1 Averagevalue ofDownlink radio throughput calculatedby the flow

control algorithm

Name : AvgDlThroughput

Value range : 0 to 65535

Object : bts

Function : Average value of Downlink radio throughput calculated by the flowcontrol algorithm (without the lie factor)

Event : This counter is incremented after the emission of 3 Kbytes on theradio

Unit : 100 Bits per second

Source : recorded by the PCU

Feature : GPRS

Note : The lie factor is a feature that is used to exaggerate the leak rate whenthe bucket is near starvation, and to minimze the leak rate when thebucket is almost full. This counter calculates the true average value ofthe downlink radio throughput without using the lie factor.

l15008/0 Maximum value of Downlink radio throughput calculated by the

flow control algorithm

Name : MaxDlThroughput

Value range : 0 to 65535

Object : bts

Function : Maximumvalue ofDownlink radio throughput calculated by the flowcontrol algorithm (without the lie factor)

Event : This counter is incremented after the emission of 3 Kbytes on theradio

Unit : 100 Bits per second

Source : recorded by the PCU

Feature : GPRS

Note : The lie factor is a feature that is used to exaggerate the leak rate whenthe bucket is near starvation, and to minimize the leak rate when thebucket is almost full. This counter calculates the true maximum valueof the downlink radio throughput without using the lie factor

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l15010/0 Number of FLOW--CONTROL--BVC PDUs sent by the BVCName : bvcFlowControlRequestsValue range : [0 to 65535]Object : btsFunction : Number of BSSGP FLOW--CONTROL--BVCPDU sent by the BVC


Event : Sending of a FLOW--CONTROL--BVC PDU

Class : GPRSSource : recorded by the PCUFeature : GPRS (SV407 -- V12)Note : V12.4b and c counter

l15010/1 Number of FLOW--CONTROL--MS PDUs sent by the BVCName : msFlowControlRequestsValue range : [0 to 32767]

Object : btsFunction : Number of BSSGP FLOW--CONTROL--MS PDU sent by the BVC


Event : Sending of a FLOW--CONTROL--MS PDUClass : GPRSSource : recorded by the PCUFeature : GPRS (SV407 -- V12)Note : V12.4b and c counter

l15012/0 Number of LLC--DISCARDED PDUs sent by the BVCName : llcDiscardedPduValue range : [0 to 65535]Object : btsFunction : Number of BSSGP LLC--DISCARDED PDU sent for the BVC

(PCU-->SGSN).Event : Sending of a LLC--DISCARDED PDU

Class : GPRSSource : recorded by the PCUFeature : GPRS (SV407 -- V12)Note : V12.4b and c counter

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l15012/1 Cumulative amount of the all the bytes discarded in the BVC

Name : llcDiscardedOctets

Value range : [0 to 4294967296]

Object : bts

Function : Cumulative amount of the all the bytes discarded in the BVC (i.e.number of bytes discarded from the bucket if not empty)

Event : This counter is triggered by the:

sending of a BSSGP LLC DISCARDED PDU to the SGSNsending of a BSSGP RADIO STATUS to the SGSNreception of a BSSGP FLUSH--LL from the SGSN

Class : GPRS

Source : recorded by the PCU

Feature : GPRS (SV407 -- V12)

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1

DFD “PCUSN: LLC Discarded”

Note : V12.4b and c counter

l15014/0 Flush--LL PDUs relative to the BVC sent from the SGSN to the


Name : msFlushLLRequest

Value range : [0 to 65535]

Object : bts

Function : Number of BSSGP FLUSH--LL PDU received by the BVCI0 for allMS in the cell associated to the BVC (the BVC is indicated in themessage by the field BVCI (old)).

Event : Receiving of a FLUSH--LL PDU

Class : GPRS

Source : recorded by the PCU

Feature : GPRS (SV407 -- V12)

Note : V12.4b and c counter

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l15023/0 Total Number of CS Paging messages sent by the PCU to the BSC

on this LAPD link

Name : CsPagingOnCCCH

Value range : 0 to 4294967296

Object : pcmCircuit

Function : Total Number of CS Paging messages sent by the PCU to the BSC onthis LAPD link

Event : This counter is incremented after the sending of a CS Pagingmessageto the BSC on the LAPD link

Source : recorded by the PCU

Feature : GPRS

Note : V14 counterReserved for future use

l15023/1 TotalNumber of PSPagingmessages sent by thePCU to theBTSon

this LAPD link

Name : PsPagingOnCCCH

Value range : 0 to 4294967296

Object : pcmCircuit

Function : Total Number of PS Paging messages sent by the PCU to the BTS onthis LAPD link

Event : This counter is incremented after the sending of a PS Pagingmessageto the BTS on the LAPD link

Source : recorded by the PCU

Feature : GPRS

Note : V14 counterReserved for future use

l15024/0 Total Number of CS Pagingmessages sent by thePCU to theMSon


Name : CsPagingOnPACCH

Value range : 0 to 4294967296

Object : pcmCircuit

Function : Total Number of CS Paging messages sent by the PCU to the MS onPACCH (on this SPM card)

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Event : This counter is incremented after the sending of a CS Pagingmessageto the MS on PACCH

Source : recorded by the PCU

Feature : GPRS

Note : V14 counterReserved for future use

l15028/1 Cumulative number of uplink and/or downlink radio resource

assignments for a mobile whose multislot class requires 1 uplinktimeslot

Name Q3 : upMultiSlotRequest1

Value range : [0 to 4294967296]

Object : bts

Function : Cumulative number of uplink and/or downlink radio resourceassignments on PACCH for a mobile whose multislot class requires 1uplink timeslot

Event : This counter is incremented after the sending of:Packet Timeslot ReconfigurePacket Downlink AssignmentPacket Uplink Assignment

Class : GPRS

Source : recorded by the PCU

Feature : GPRS

Note : V12.4d counter

l15028/2 Cumulative number of uplink and/or downlink radio resource

assignments on PACCH for a mobile whose multislot classrequires up to 2 uplink timeslots

Name Q3 : upMultiSlotRequest2

Value range : [0 to 4294967296]

Object : bts

Function : Cumulative number of uplink and/or downlink radio resourceassignments on PACCH for a mobile whose multislot class requiresup to 2 uplink timeslots

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Event : This counter is incremented after the sending of:Packet Timeslot ReconfigurePacket Downlink AssignmentPacket Uplink Assignment

Class : GPRS

Source : recorded by the PCU

Feature : GPRS

Note : V12.4d counter

l15028/3 Cumulative number of uplink and/or downlink radio resource

assignments on PACCH for a mobile whose multislot classrequires up to 3 uplink timeslots

Name Q3 : upMultiSlotRequest3

Value range : [0 to 4294967296]

Object : bts

Function : Cumulative number of uplink and/or downlink radio resourceassignments on PACCH for a mobile whose multislot class requiresup to 3 uplink timeslots

Event : This counter is incremented after the sending of:Packet Timeslot ReconfigurePacket Downlink AssignmentPacket Uplink Assignment

Class : GPRS

Source : recorded by the PCU

Feature : GPRS

Note : V12.4d counter

l15028/4 Cumulative number of uplink and/or downlink radio resource

assignments on PACCH for a mobile whose multislot classrequires up to 4 and more than 4 uplink timeslots

Name Q3 : upMultiSlotRequest4

Value range : [0 to 4294967296]

Object : bts

Function : Cumulative number of uplink and/or downlink radio resourceassignments on PACCH for a mobile whose multislot class requiresup to 4 and more than 4 uplink timeslots

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Event : This counter is incremented after the sending of:Packet Timeslot ReconfigurePacket Downlink AssignmentPacket Uplink Assignment

Class : GPRS

Source : recorded by the PCU

Feature : GPRS

Note : V12.4d counter

l15029/1 Cumulative number of gold users’ uplink allocations with a

satisfaction rate equal or better than 90%

Name : upTbfGoldSatisfactMore90pCent

Value range : 0 to 4294967296

Object : bts

Function : Refer to Paragraph 1.6

Event : Refer to Paragraph 1.6

Source : recorded by the PCU

Feature : GPRS

Note : V14 counter

l15029/2 Cumulative number of gold users’ uplink allocations with a

satisfaction rate equal or more than 50% and strictly less than90%

Name : upTbfGoldSatisfactBet5090pCent

Value range : 0 to 4294967296

Object : bts

Function : Refer to Paragraph 1.6

Event : Refer to Paragraph 1.6

Source : recorded by the PCU

Feature : GPRS

Note : V14 counter

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l15029/3 Cumulative number of gold users’ uplink allocations with a

satisfaction rate strictly less than 50%

Name : upTbfGoldSatisfactLess50pCent

Value range : 0 to 4294967296

Object : bts

Function : Refer to Paragraph 1.6

Event : Refer to Paragraph 1.6

Source : recorded by the PCU

Feature : GPRS

Note : V14 counter

l15029/4 Cumulativenumberof goldusers’ uplinkallocations rejecteddue

to the admittance control

Name : upTbfGoldRejectedForMinTput

Value range : 0 to 4294967296

Object : bts

Function : Cumulative number of gold users’ uplink allocations rejected due tothe admittance control

Event : This counter is incremented after the rejection of a new allocation to agold user due to admittance control

Source : recorded by the PCU

Feature : GPRS

Note : V14 counter

l15030/1 Cumulative number of uplink and/or downlink radio resource

assignments for a mobile whose multislot class requires 1downlink timeslot

Name Q3 : dwMultiSlotRequest1

Value range : [0 to 4294967296]

Object : bts

Function : Cumulative number of uplink and/or downlink radio resourceassignments on PACCH for a mobile whose multislot class requires 1downlink timeslot

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Event : This counter is incremented after the sending of:Packet Timeslot ReconfigurePacket Downlink AssignmentPacket Uplink Assignment

Class : GPRS

Source : recorded by the PCU

Feature : GPRS

Note : V12.4d counter

l15030/2 Cumulative number of uplink and/or downlink radio resource

assignments on PACCH for a mobile whose multislot classrequires up to 2 downlink timeslots

Name Q3 : dwMultiSlotRequest2

Value range : [0 to 4294967296]

Object : bts

Function : Cumulative number of uplink and/or downlink radio resourceassignments on PACCH for a mobile whose multislot class requiresup to 2 downlink timeslots

Event : This counter is incremented after the sending of:Packet Timeslot ReconfigurePacket Downlink AssignmentPacket Uplink Assignment

Class : GPRS

Source : recorded by the PCU

Feature : GPRS

Note : V12.4d counter

l15030/3 Cumulative number of uplink and/or downlink radio resource

assignments on PACCH for a mobile whose multislot classrequires up to 3 downlink timeslots

Name Q3 : dwMultiSlotRequest3

Value range : [0 to 4294967296]

Object : bts

Function : Cumulative number of uplink and/or downlink radio resourceassignments on PACCH for a mobile whose multislot class requiresup to 3 downlink timeslots

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Event : This counter is incremented after the sending of:Packet Timeslot ReconfigurePacket Downlink AssignmentPacket Uplink Asssignment

Class : GPRSSource : recorded by the PCUFeature : GPRS

Note : V12.4d counter

l15030/4 Cumulative number of uplink and/or downlink radio resource

assignments on PACCH for a mobile whose multislot classrequires up to 4 and more than 4 downlink timeslots

Name Q3 : dwMultiSlotRequest4Value range : [0 to 4294967296]

Object : btsFunction : Cumulative number of uplink and/or downlink radio resource

assignments on PACCH for a mobile whose multislot class requiresup to 4 and more than 4 downlink timeslots

Event : This counter is incremented after the sending of:Packet Timeslot ReconfigurePacket Downlink AssignmentPacket Uplink Assignment

Class : GPRSSource : recorded by the PCU

Feature : GPRSNote : V12.4d counter

l15031/1 First Downlink Unit Data FrameName Q3 : FirstDlUnitDataFrame

Value range : [0 to 4294967296]

Object : bts

Function : This counter maintains the number of DL TBF pre--established but isnot used for the transmission of DL LLC frames.

Event : Release of a pre--established downlink TBF without reception of aDL--UNITDATA for this TBF.

Class : GPRSSource : recorded by the PCU

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Feature : GPRS

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1:DFD “PCUSN: DL TBF Establishment: MS in Standby State”

Note : V12.4d counter

l15031/2 Number of downlink allocation failuresName Q3 : dlTBFAllocFailure

Value range : [0 to 4294967296]

Object : bts

Function : Cumulative number of downlink TBF establishment failures (halfand full duplex transfer), due to lack of radio resources.

Event : Reception of DL--UNITDATA(with a new TLLI), if the number ofMS in transfer is greater or equal to NB_MAX (SPM capacitylimitation set by Nortel Controlled Feature). The PCU tries toestablish the dowmlink TBF every 5 sec. up to 3 times, so with thesame DL--UNITDATA, the PCU may increment the counter up to 4times.

Class : GPRS

Source : recorded by the PCU

Feature : GPRS

Note : V12.4d counter

l15031/3 Number of downlink radio link failuresName Q3 : dlTBFRadioFailure

Value range : [0 to 4294967296]

Object : bts

Function : Cumulative number of downlink TBF establishment failures (halfand full duplex), due to radio link failure

Event : This counter is incremented when an acknowledgement from theMSis not received for:Packet Polling Request (after 5 transmissions from the PCU)First Packet Downlink Assignment (after 5 transmissions from thePCU)Packet Timeslot Reconfigure for the establishment of a downlinkTBF (after 5 transmissions from the PCU)

Class : GPRS

Source : recorded by the PCU

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Feature : GPRS

Note : V12.4d counter

l15031/4 Cumulative number of silver users’ uplink allocations with a

satisfaction rate equal or better than 90%Name : upTbfSilverSatisfactMore90pCent

Value range : 0 to 4294967296

Object : bts

Function : Refer to Paragraph 1.6

Event : Refer to Paragraph 1.6

Source : recorded by the PCU

Feature : GPRS

Note : V14 counter

l15032/0 Total number of full duplex temporary block flow (TBF)


Name : fullDuplexTbfEstablishment

Value range : [0 to 4294967295]

Object : bts

Function : Cumulative number of attempts to establish a full duplex transfer inthe cell (UL TBF establishment on DL TBF and vice versa).The fullduplex establishmentmay fail but the counter is incremented anyway.

Event : Sending of a message for the establishment of a full duplex transfer(the message can be a Packet Timeslot Reconfiguration, a PacketUplink Assignment or a Packet Downlink Assignment)

Source : recorded by the PCU

Feature : GPRS (SV407 -- V12)

Note : V12.4b and c counter

l15032/3 Number of second phase uplink allocation failures

Name Q3 : ulsecondPhaseAllocFailure

Value range : [0 to 4294967296]

Object : bts

Function : Cumulative number of rejected uplink establishment requests onPACCH (half and full duplex), due to lack of radio resources

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Event : This counter is incremented after the reception of a Packet ResourceRequest or Packet Downlink Ack/Nack with Uplink Request, if thePCU cannot allocate enough resources to this mobile. Reception of afirst PacketResourceRequest (with anewTLLI), if thenumber ofMSin transfer is greater or equal to NB_MAX_MS (SPM capacitylimitation set by Nortel Controlled Feature).

Class : GPRS

Source : recorded by the PCU

Feature : GPRS

Note : V12.4d counter

l15033/0 Number of uplink TBFs released

Name : upTbfReleases

Value range : [0 to 4294967295]

Object : bts

Function : Cumulative number of UL TBF released in the cell (related to halfduplex or full duplex transfers). This counter counts the normal andabnormal releases due to loss of communication, OAM event, TSsharing event.

Event : Release of an UL TBF (related to half duplex or full duplex transferand due to normal or abnormal release). No reception of the first PRR.Resources requested for establishing the uplink TBF

Source : recorded by the PCU

Feature : GPRS (SV407 -- V12)

Note : V12.4b and c counter

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l15033/1 Number of downlink TBFs releasedName : dnTbfReleasesValue range : [0 to 4294967295]

Object : btsFunction : Cumulative number of DL TBF released in the cell (related to half

duplex or full duplex transfers). This counter counts the normal andabnormal releases due to loss of communication, OAM event, TSsharing event.

Event : Release of aULTBF (related to half duplex or full duplex transfer anddue to normal or abnormal release). Resources requested forestablishing the downlinkTBF rejectedby allocator (because no radioresources available, Admission Control) Reception ofDL--UNITDATA (with a new TLLI), if the number of MS in teansferis greater or equal to NB_MAXMS (SPM capacity limitation set byNortel Controlled feature). The PCU tries to establish the downlinkTBF every 5 sec. up to 3 times, so with the same DL--UNITDATA thePCU may increment the counter up to 4 times.

Source : recorded by the PCUFeature : GPRS (SV407 -- V12)

Note : V12.4b and c counter

l15034/0 Number of Packet Downlink Ack/Nack with Uplink RequestName Q3 : PDANWithUlReq

Value range : [0 to 4294967296]

Object : bts

Function : Cumulative number of Packet Downlink Ack/Nack messages, withthe Channel Request Description included

Event : This counter is incremented when a Packet Downlink Ack/Nackmessage is received, with the Channel Request Description included

Class : GPRS

Source : recorded by the PCUFeature : GPRS

Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “PCUSN: Abnormal UL TBF Release (Full Duplex):UP_NASSIGNMAX”DFD “PCUSN: UL TBF Establishment during DL transfer”

Note : V12.4d counter

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l15034/1 Cumulative number of silver users’ uplink allocations with a

satisfaction rate equal ormore than 50%and strictly less than 90%Name : upTbfSilverSatisfactBet5090pCentValue range : 0 to 4294967296Object : btsFunction : Refer to Paragraph 1.6Event : Refer to Paragraph 1.6Source : recorded by the PCUFeature : GPRSNote : V14 counter

l15036/0 Number of second phase uplink radio link failuresName Q3 : ulsecondPhaseRadioFailureValue range : [0 to 4294967296]Object : btsFunction : Cumulative number of abnormal releases during second phase uplink

establishment (half and full duplex transfer)Event : This counter is incremented in the following cases:

Non--reception of 5 consecutive non--acknowledgements of thefirst Packet Uplink AssignmentReception of 20 consecutive TRAU frames with BFI set to 1,without receiving any valid RLC data blockNon--reception of 5 consecutive non--acknowledgments of thePacket Timeslot Reconfigure sent for the establishment of anuplink TBF on downlink TBF

Class : GPRSSource : recorded by the PCUFeature : GPRSNote : V12.4d counter

l15038/0 Total number of RLC data blocks sent by the PCU in astalledwindow condidtionName : localBusyValue range : [0 to 4294967295]Object : transceiverFunction : Cumulative number RLC data blocks sent by the PCU in a stalled

window condition during a downlink transfer on this TDMA.

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Event : This counter is incremented on the sending of an RLC data blockwhen the transmit window is stalled.

Class : GPRS

Source : recorded by the PCU

Feature : GPRS (SV407 -- V12)

Note : V12.4b and c counter

l15039/0 Cumulative value “C” received by the PCU in the message Packet

Downlink Ack/Nack

Name : cumulativeDnRxLev

Value range : 0 to 4294967296

Object : transceiver

Function : Cumulative value “C” received by the PCU in the message PacketDownlink Ack/Nack

Event : This counter is incremented after the reception of a Packet DownlinkAck/Nack by a TBF on this TDMA containing the Channel QualityReport set by the mobile

Source : recorded by the PCU

Feature : GPRS

Note : V14 counter

l15041/0 Number of user uplink data blocks

Name Q3 : upUserdatablocks

Value range : [0 to 4294967296]

Object : transceiver

Function : Cumulative number of blocks received for the first timeat thePCUSNlevel

Event : This counter is incremented after anRLC data block is revieved in theReceive window, which has not been already received by the PCU.

Class : GPRS

Source : recorded by the PCU

Feature : GPRS

Note : V12.4d counter

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l15043/0 Number of retransmitted data blocks due to negative


Name Q3 : RequestedRetransmittedDataBlocksDN

Value range : [0 to 4294967296]

Object : transceiver

Function : Cumulative number of downlink data blocks retransmitted by thePCUSN due to negative acknowledgement from the mobile. Allblocks resent due to the Keep Alive feature and PreventiveRetransmission are not counted in this case.

Event : Retransmission of data blocks in NACKed state.

Class : GPRS

Source : recorded by the PCU

Feature : GPRS

Note : V12.4d counter

l15045/0 Total number of LLCpackets reassembled and transmitted to the

LLC Relay

Name : llcPacketsUp

Value range : [0 to 4294967295]

Object : transceiver

Function : Cumulative number of UL LLC frames reassembled by the PCU onthis TDMA.

Event : Reassembly of LLC frames

Class : GPRS

Source : recorded by the PCU

Feature : GPRS (SV407 -- V12)

Note : V12.4b and c counter

l15045/1 Total number of LLC packets segmented into RLC data blocks

Name : llcPacketsDn

Value range : [0 to 4294967295]

Object : transceiver

Function : Cumulative number of LLC DL frames segmented by the PCU inRLC data blocks on this TDMA.

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Event : Segmentation of LLC frames

Class : GPRS

Source : recorded by the PCU

Feature : GPRS (SV407 -- V12)

Note : V12.4b and c counter

l15046/0 Total number of uplink RLC data blocks received

Name : dataBlocksUp

Value range : [0 to 4294967295]

Object : transceiver

Class : GPRS

Function : Cumulative number of RLC data blocks received by the PCU on thisTDMA

Event : This counter is incremented when a TBF is in progress and onreception of a TRAU frame (without BFI) containing and RLC/MACblock including:a valid RLC data block in sequence received for the first timea valid RLC data block in sequence already receiveda valid RLC data block out of sequencean invalid RLC data block

Source : recorded by the PCU

Feature : GPRS (SV407 -- V12)

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Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “PCUSN: UL TBF Establishment during DL transfer”DFD “PCUSN: Normal UL TBF Release”DFD “PCUSN:Abnormal ULTBFRelease: lossOfComNN0002”DFD “PCUSN: Abnormal UL TBF Release (FULL Duplex):lossOfComNN0002”DFD “PCUSN: Abnormal UL TBF Release: N3101”DFD “PCUSN: Abnormal UL TBF Release (FULL Duplex):N3101”DFD “PCUSN: Abnormal UL TBF Release: N3103”DFD “PCUSN: Abnormal UL TBF Release (FULL Duplex):N3103”DFD “PCUSN: DL TBF Establishment: MS in StandBy State”DFD “PCUSN: Abnormal DL TBF Release (FULL Duplex):lossOfComNN0002”DFD “PCUSN: Abnormal DL TBF Release (FULL Duplex):N3105”DFD “PCUSN: Abnormal DL TBF Release (FULL Duplex):DN_NASSIGNMAX”DFD “PCUSN: Abnormal DL TBF Release (FULL Duplex): NoFinal PDAN”DFD “PCUSN: Preemption”DFD “PCUSN: Cell Update: Packet Transfer”

Note : The term valid/invalid is linked to the protocol integrity. This meansthat the block has been correctly received on the radio by theBTS, andafter decoding by the PCU the block is declared valid/invalidaccording to the header contents.

l15046/1 Total number of downlink RLC data blocks transmitted

Name : dataBlocksDn

Value range : [0 to 4294967295]

Object : transceiver

Function : Cumulative number of RLC data blocks sent by the PCU on thisTDMA.

Event : Sending of a DL RLC data block

Class : GPRS

Source : recorded by the PCU

Feature : GPRS (SV407 -- V12)

Note : V12.4b and c counter

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l15047/0 Total number of uplink RLC control blocks received

Name : controlBlocksUp

Value range : [0 to 4294967295]

Object : transceiver

Class : GPRS

Function : Cumulative number of RLC/MAC control blocks received in uplinkby the PCU on this TDMA.

Event : This counter is incremented when a TBF is in progress and onreception of a TRAU frame (without BFI) containing:an RLC/MAC block including a valid RLC/MAC control blockanRLC/MACblock including an invalidRLC/MAC control blocka valid Stealing Frame (PCA 4--burst access mode)an invalid Stealing Frame (PCA 4--burst access mode)

Source : recorded by the PCU

Feature : GPRS (SV407 -- V12)

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Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “PCUSN: UL TBF Establishment”DFD “PCUSN: UL TBF Establishment during DL transfer”DFD “PCUSN: Normal UL TBF Release”DFD “PCUSN: Abnormal UL TBF Release:UP_NASSIGNMAX”DFD “PCUSN: Abnormal UL TBF Release (FULL Duplex):UP_NASSIGNMAX”DFD “PCUSN: Abnormal UL TBF Release: N3103”DFD “PCUSN: DL TBF Establisment: MS in StandBy State”DFD “PCUSN: DL TBF Establisment: MS in Ready State”DFD “PCUSN: Normal DL TBF Release”DFD “PCUSN:Abnormal DLTBFRelease: lossOfComNN0002”DFD “PCUSN: Abnormal DL TBF Release (FULL Duplex):lossOfComNN0002”DFD “PCUSN: Abnormal DL TBF Release: N3105”DFD “PCUSN: Abnormal DL TBF Release (FULL Duplex):N3105”DFD “PCUSN: Abnormal DL TBF Release:DN_NASSIGNMAX”DFD “PCUSN: Cell Update: Packet Transfer”

Note : The term valid/invalid is linked to the protocol integrity. This meansthat the block has been correctly received on the radio by theBTS, andafter decoding by the PCU the block is declared valid/invalidaccording to the header contents

l15047/1 Total number of downlink RLC control blocks transmitted

Name : controlBlocksDn

Value range : [0 to 4294967295]

Object : transceiver

Function : Cumulative number of RLC/MAC control block sent by the PCU onthis TDMA.

Event : Sending of a DL RLC control block

Class : GPRS

Source : recorded by the PCU

Feature : GPRS (SV407 -- V12)

Note : V12.4b and c counter

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l15048/0 Total number of uplink invalid radio blocks received

Name : invalidBlocksUp

Value range : [0 to 4294967295]

Object : transceiver

Function : Cumulative number of RLC/MAC blocks received with BFI (BadFrame Indicator set by the BTS when no correct block has beendecoded on the radio) by the PCU on this TDMA

Event : This counter is incremented when a TBF is in progress and onreception of a TRAU frame with BFI

Class : GPRS

Source : recorded by the PCU

Feature : GPRS (SV407 -- V12)

Note : V12.4b and c counter

l15048/1 Total number of invalid RLC/MAC blocks triggering a protocol


Name : invalidProtocolErrorBlocksUp

Value range : [0 to 4294967295]

Object : transceiver

Function : Cumulative number of invalid RLC/MAC blocks triggering aprotocol error, received by the PCU on this TDMA

Event : This counter is triggered when a TBF is in progress and on receptionof a TRAU frame (without BFI) containing:an invalid Stealing Frame (PCA 4--burst access mode)anRLC/MACblock including an invalidRLC/MAC control blockan RLC/MAC block including an invalid RLC/MAC data block

Class : GPRS

Source : recorded by the PCU

Feature : GPRS (SV407 -- V12)

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Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “PCUSN: Abnormal UL TBF Release: N3101”DFD “PCUSN: Abnormal UL TBF Release (FULL Duplex):N3101”DFD “PCUSN: Abnormal UL TBF Release:UP_NASSIGNMAX”

Note : The term valid/invalid is linked to the protocol integrity. This meansthat the block has been correctly received on the radio by theBTS, andafter decoding by the PCU, the block is declared valid/invalidaccording to the header contents.

l15048/2 Total number of uplink data blocks receivedwith Block Sequence

Number ouside the received window

Name : outOfSequenceBlocksUp

Value range : [0 to 4294967295]

Object : transceiver

Function : Cumulative number of UL RLC data blocks received of out sequenceby the PCU on this TDMA.

Event : Receipt of an RLC/MAC block received out of sequence

Class : GPRS

Source : recorded by the PCU

Feature : GPRS (SV407 -- V12)

Note : V12.4b and c counter

l15049/0 Total number of PACKET UPLINK ACK/NACK messages

Name : packetAckNackUp

Value range : [0 to 4294967295]

Object : transceiver

Function : Cumulative number of PACKET UPLINK ACK/NACK messagessent by the PCU on this TDMA.

Event : Sending of a PACKET UPLINK ACK/NACK message

Class : GPRS

Source : recorded by the PCU

Feature : GPRS (SV407 -- V12)

Note : V12.4b and c counter

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l15049/1 Total number of PACKET DOWNLINK ACK/NACK messages

Name : packetAckNackDn

Value range : [0 to 4294967295]

Object : transceiver

Function : Cumulative number of PACKET DOWNLINK ACK/NACKmessages received by the PCU on this TDMA.

Event : This counter is incremented after the reception of a PACKETDOWNLINK ACK/NACK message

Class : GPRS

Source : recorded by the PCU

Feature : GPRS (SV407 -- V12)

Note : V12.4b and c counter

l15050/0 Total number of RLC/MAC block retransmission requests

Name : totalRetransmissionRequested

Value range : [0 to 4294967295]

Object : transceiver

Function : Cumulative number of UL RLC data blocks badly received by thePCU on this TDMA and where it requested a retransmission.

Event : Sending of a Packet Uplink Ack/Nack resquesting for theretransmission of UL RCL data blocks

Class : GPRS

Source : recorded by the PCU

Feature : GPRS (SV407 -- V12)

Note : V12.4b and c counter

l15051/0 Cumulative uplink rxQual value

Name : cumulativeUpRxQual

Value range : [0 to 4294967295]

Object : transceiver

Function : Cumulative value “upRxQual” received by the PCU in each validRLC/MAC block on this TDMA. The PCU uses the “assumed value”X 100 (refer to 3GPP--05.08). This must be a cumulative value ofestimated bit error rate multiplied by 100.

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Event : Receipt of a valid TRAU frame (and different from a stealing frame)by a TBF on this TDMA (valid means without BFI)

Class : GPRS

Source : recorded by the PCU

Feature : GPRS (SV407 -- V12)

Note : V12.4b and c counterThe average is calculated by dividing this counter value by thenbSamples value.The counter is not incremented if the RLC/MAC block is receivedafter the release of the uplink TBF (specially up to RTD after anabnormal release).

l15051/1 Cumulative value “RxQual” in Channel Quality Report received

by the PCU in the message Packet Downlink Ack/Nack

Name : cumulativeDnRxQual

Value range : 0 to 4294967296

Object : transceiver

Function : Cumulative value “RxQual” in Channel Quality Report received bythe PCU in the message Packet Downlink Ack/Nack

Event : This counter is incremented after the reception of a Packet DownlinkAck/Nack by a TBF on this TDMA containing the Channel QualityReport set by the mobile

Source : recorded by the PCU

Feature : GPRS

Note : V14 counter

l15052/0 Cumulative value “upRxLev” received by the PCU in each valid

RLC/MAC block on this TDMA

Name : cumulativeUpRxLev

Value range : 0 to 4294967296

Object : transceiver

Function : Cumulative value “upRxLev” received by the PCU in each validRLC/MAC block on this TDMA

Event : This counter is incremented after the reception of a valid RLC/MACblock by a TBF on this TDMA (valid means without BFI)

Source : recorded by the PCU

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Feature : GPRS

Note : V14 counter

l15053/0 Number of sampling for uplink rxQual and uplink rxLev

cumulative values

Name : nbSamplesUpQuality

Value range : 0 to 4294967295

Object : tranceiver

Function : Cumulative number of valid RLC/MAC blocks received by the PCUon this TDMA

Event : Receipt of a valid TRAU frame (and different from a stealing frame)by a TBF on this TDMA (valid means without BFI)

Source : recorded by the PCU

Feature : GPRS

Note : V14 counterThe counter is not incremented if the RLC/MAC block is receivedafter the release of the uplink TBF (specially up to RTD after anabnormal release)

l15053/1 Cumulative number of Packet Downlink Ack/Nack messages

received by the PCU on this TDMA, containing the ChannelQuality Report

Name : nbSamplesDnQuality

Value range : 0 to 4294967296

Object : tranceiver

Function : Cumulative number of Packet Downlink Ack/Nack messagesreceived by the PCU on this TDMA, containing the Channel QualityReport

Event : This counter is incremented after the reception of a Packet DownlinkAck/Nack by a TBF on this TDMA, containing the Channel QualityReport set by the mobile

Source : recorded by the PCU

Feature : GPRS

Note : V14 counter

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l15054/0 Total number of data blocks retransmitted downlink

Name : retransmittedDataBlocksDn

Value range : [0 to 4294967295]

Object : transceiver

Function : Cumulative number of RLC data blocks retransmitted by the PCU onthis TDMA. This number includes all the transmission causes (roundtrip delay, preventive retransmission, keep alive, etc.)

Event : Retransmission of a DL RLC data block

Class : GPRS

Source : recorded by the PCU

Feature : GPRS (SV407 -- V12)

Note : V12.4b and c counter

l15055/0 Total number of uplink TBFs terminated normally

Name : tbfNormalReleaseUp

Value range : [0 to 4294967295]

Object : transceiver

Function : Cumulative number of normal releases of UL TBFs (related to halfduplex or full duplex transfer).

Event : Normal release of a UL TBF

Class : GPRS

Source : recorded by the PCU

Feature : GPRS (SV407 -- V12)

Note : V12.4b and c counter

l15055/1 Total number of downlink TBFs terminated normally

Name : tbfNormalReleaseDn

Value range : [0 to 4294967295]

Object : transceiver

Function : Cumulative number of normal releases of DL TBFs (related to halfduplex or full duplex transfer).

Event : Normal release of a DL TBF

Class : GPRS

Source : recorded by the PCU

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Feature : GPRS (SV407 -- V12)

Note : V12.4b and c counter

l15056/0 Number of TBF abnormal releases due to non receipt of Packet

Resource Request

Name : noPacketResourceReq

Value range : [0 to 4294967295]

Object : transceiver

Function : Cumulative number of time the PCU has allocated a block for a PRR(in an IMMEDIATE ASSIGN UL message) and has not received thePRR from the mobile on this TDMA.

Event : Non receipt of a PRR in the block allocated for this purpose in theimmediate assignment

Class : GPRS

Source : recorded by the PCU

Feature : GPRS (SV407 -- V12)

Note : V12.4b and c counter

l15056/1 Total number of PACKET RESOURCE REQUEST messages

received by the PCU from the MS in the second phase of the2--phase access uplink TBF establishment

Name : packetResourceRequest

Value range : [0 to 4294967295]

Object : ccch

Function : Cumulative number of PACKET RESOURCE REQUEST messagesreceived by the PCU in this cell for the second phase of an uplinkestablishment.

Event : Receipt of a PRR related to the second phase of an UL TBFestablishment

Class : GPRS

Source : recorded by the PCU

Feature : GPRS (SV407 -- V12)

Note : V12.4b and c counter

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l15057/0 Number of TBF abnormal releases due to V(Q) and V(A) non


Name : lossOfComNN002Max

Value range : [0 to 4294967295]

Object : transceiver

Function : Number of abnormal releases due to non progression of V(Q) inuplink and V(A) in downlink. This means the number of abnormalreleases with a mobile in uplink TBF or downlink TBF because thereceived or transmitted window doesn’t progression.

Event :For uplink TBF, NN002 consecutive Packet Uplink Ack/Nack issent to the mobile without evolution of V(Q).For downlink TBF, NN002 consecutive Packet DownlinkAck/Nack is received from the mobile without evolution of V(A).

Class : GPRS

Source : recorded by the PCU

Feature : GPRS (SV407 -- V12)

Note : V12.4b and c counterIn half duplex transfer (UL or DL): when this counter isincremented the counter lossOfComT3169 (UL) orlossOfComT3195 (DL) is not incremented.In full duplex transfer: if the UL TBF is released due to a causelossOfComNN002Max then the counters lossOfComNN002Maxand lossOfComT3195 (DL) are incremented, and the counterlossOfComT3169 is not incremented.In full duplex transfer: if the DL TBF is released due to a causelossOfComNN002Max then the counters lossOfComNN002Maxand lossOfComT3169 (UL) are incremented, and the counterlossOfComT3195 is not incremented.

l15057/1 Number of TBF abnormal releases due to timer T3169 expiry

Name : lossOfComT3169

Value range : [0 to 4294967295]

Object : transceiver

Function : Number of uplink TBF abnormal releases due to non response fromthe mobile during the establishment procedure or packet transfer. Inthe case of full duplex transfer, this also counts the uplink TBFreleases consecutive to downlink TBF abnormal release.

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Event :No valid blocks received in UL from the mobile after N3101scheduled blocks (means with USF set in downlink)No Packet Control Ack received from the mobile after N3103Packet Uplink Ack/Nack sent with FAI=1No Packet Control Ack received from the mobile afterUP_NASSIGNMAX (value=5) Packet Uplink AssignmentAll the full duplex abnormal releases except loss of com. related tolossOfComNN002Max cause in uplink

Class : GPRS

Source : recorded by the PCU

Feature : GPRS (SV407 -- V12)

Note : V12.4b and c counterThis counter is not incremented when a uplink TBF is released dueto a cause lossOfComNN002Max

l15057/2 Number of TBF abnormal releases due to timer NT0001 expiry

Name : lossOfComNT0001

Value range : [0 to 4294967295]

Object : transceiver

Function : Number of uplink TBF abnormal releases due to non response fromthe mobile to USF and assignment messages

Event :No valid blocks received in UL from the mobile after N3101scheduled blocks (means with USF set in downlink)No Packet Control Ack received from the mobile afterUP_NASSIGNMAX (value=5) uplink assignment messages (i.e.Packet Uplink Assignment or Packet Timeslot Reconfigure orPacket Uplink Ack/Nack with assignment)

Class : GPRS

Source : recorded by the PCU

Feature : GPRS (SV407 -- V12)

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Data flows : Refer to Chapter 1DFD “PCUSN: Abnormal UL TBF Release: N3101”DFD “PCUSN: Abnormal UL TBF Release (FULL Duplex):N3101”DFD “PCUSN: Abnormal UL TBF Release:UP_NASSIGNMAX”DFD “PCUSN: Abnormal UL TBF Release (FULL Duplex):UP_NASSOGNMAX”

Note : V12.4b,c and d counterThis counter is a subset of lossOfComT3169This counter is incremented when there is no response from theMS to an uplink assignment message in PCU or FD

l15057/3 Number of TBF abnormal releases due to timer T3195 expiry

Name : lossOfComT3195

Value range : [0 to 4294967295]

Object : transceiver

Function : Number of downlink TBF abnormal releases due to non responsefrom the mobile during the establishment procedure or packettransfer. In the case of full duplex transfer, this also counts thedownlink TBF releases consecutive to uplink TBF abnormal release.

Event :No Packet Downlink Ack/Nack received from the mobile afterN3105 downlink data blocks sent with FBI=1No Packet Control Ack received from the mobile afterUP_NASSIGNMAX (value 5) Packet Downlink AssignmentNo final Packet Downlink Ack/Nack received from the mobileafter NN002 data blocks sent with S/P=1 and FBI=1All the full duplex abnormal releases except loss of com. related tolossOfComNN002Max cause in downlink

Class : GPRS

Source : recorded by the PCU

Feature : GPRS (SV407 -- V12)

Note : V12.4b and c counter

This counter is not incremented when a downlink TBF is releaseddue to a cause lossOfComNN002Max.

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l15057/4 Number of TBF abnormal releases due to timer T3191 expiry

Name : lossOfComT3191

Value range : [0 to 4294967295]

Object : transceiver

Function : Number of downlink TBF abnormal releases which occur during therelease of a downlink TBF (while the PCU is waiting for the lastacknowledgement coming from the mobile).

Event : No final Packet Downlink Ack/Nack received from the mobile afterNN002 data blocks sent with S/P=1 and FBI=1

Class : GPRS

Source : recorded by the PCU

Feature : GPRS (SV407 -- V12)

Note : V12.4b and c counterThis counter is a subset of lossOfComT3195

l15058/0 Total number of IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENT messages

generated by the PCU to theMS in the first phase of the 2--phaseaccess uplink TBF establishment

Name : upTbfImmediateAssignment

Value range : [0 to 4294967295]

Object : ccch

Function : Cumulative number of IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENT UPLINKmessages sent by the PCU to establish an UL TBF in this cell. In thecase of CCCH management at the BTS, this counter corresponds tothe cumulative values periodically received from the BTS in theCCCH information message.

Event : Sending of an IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENT UPLINK message ifmanaged by the PCU or receipt of a CCCH information message ifmanaged by the CCCH at the BTS.

Class : GPRS

Source : recorded by the PCU

Feature : GPRS (SV407 -- V12)

Note : V12.4b and c counter

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l15058/1 Total number of UL and DLTBF establishment rejected because

the number of MS in transfer is greater or equal roNB_MAX_MS

Name : upTbfImmAssigRejectNoPdch

Value range : [0 to 4294967295]

Object : ccch

Function : Cumulative number of UL and DL TBF establishment rejectedbecause the number of MS in transfer is greater or equal toNB_MAX_MS (SPM capacity limitation set by Nortel ControlledFeature)

Event : Reception of a first Packet ResourceRequest (with a newTLLI), if thenumber of MS in transfer is greater or equal to NB_MAX_MS (SPMcapacity limitation set by Nortel Controlled Feature)Reception of DL--UNITDATA(with a new TLLI), if the number ofMS in transfer is greater or equal to NB_MAX_MS (SPM capacitylimitation set by Nortel Controlled Feature).

Class : GPRS

Source : recorded by the PCU

Note : V14 counterThe PCUwill re--try to establish the downlinkTBF every5 secup to3times, sowith the sameDL--UNITDATA the PCUmay increment thecounter up to 4 times.

l15058/2 Total numberof IMMEDIATEASSIGNMENT messages sent for

a downlink TBF establishment from the PCU to the MS

Name : dnTbfImmediateAssignment

Value range : [0 to 4294967295]

Object : ccch

Function : Cumulative number of IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENT DOWNLINKmessages sent by the PCU to establish a DL TBF.


Class : GPRS

Source : recorded by the PCU

Feature : GPRS (SV407 -- V12)

Note : V12.4b and c counter

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l15058/3 Number of times a downlink bandwidth, between 1 and 2

timeslots, has been allocated for some mobiles in the cell

Name Q3 : dnPipeBetween11and22kbps

Object : ccch

Function : Refer to Paragraph 1.6

Event : Refer to Paragraph 1.6

Class : GPRS

Source : recorded by the PCU

Feature : GPRS

Note : V12.4d counter

l15058/4 Number of times a downlink bandwidth, between 2 and 3

timeslots, has been allocated for some mobiles in the cell

Name Q3 : dnPipebetween22and33kbps

Object : ccch

Function : Refer to Paragraph 1.6

Event : Refer to Paragraph 1.6

Class : GPRS

Source : recorded by the PCU

Feature : GPRS

Note : V12.4d counter

l15059/0 Total number of RACH (Channel Request) messages received in

the PCU in this cell

Name : channelRequestCcch

Value range : [0 to 4294967295]

Object : ccch

Function : Cumulative number of RACH (Channel Request) received by thePCU or BTS (in case of CCCH at BTS) in this cell.

Event : Receipt of a Channel Request Message if managed by PCU.Receipt of a CCCH information message in case of CCCH at BTS.

Class : GPRS

Source : recorded by the PCU

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Feature : GPRS (SV407 -- V12)

Note : V12.4b and c counter

l15060/0 Number of times adownlink bandwidth, ofmore than 3 timeslots,

has been allocated for some mobiles in the cell

Name Q3 : dnPipeGreater33kbps

Object : ccch

Function : Refer to Paragraph 1.6

Event : Refer to Paragraph 1.6

Class : GPRS

Source : recorded by the PCU

Feature : GPRS

Note : V12.4d counter

l15060/1 Cumulative number of silver users’ uplink allocations rejected due

to the admittance control

Name : upTbfSilverRejectedForMinTput

Value range : 0 to 4294967296

Object : CCCH

Function : Cumulative number of silver users’ uplink allocations rejected due tothe admittance control

Event : This counter is incremented after the rejection of a new allocation to asilver user due to admittance control

Source : recorded by the PCU

Feature : GPRS

Note : V12.4d counter

l15061/0 Number of times an uplink bandwidth, of less than 1 timeslot, has

been allocated for some mobiles in the cell

Name Q3 : upPipeless11kbps

Object : ccch

Function : Refer to Paragraph 1.6

Event : Refer to Paragraph 1.6

Class : GPRS

Source : recorded by the PCU

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Feature : GPRS

Note : V12.4d counter

l15061/1 Cumulative number of bronze users’ uplink allocations with a

satisfaction rate equal or better than 90%

Name : upTbfBronzeSatisfactMore90pCent

Value range : 0 to 4294967296

Object : CCCH

Function : Refer to Paragraph 1.6

Event : Refer to Paragraph 1.6

Source : recorded by the PCU

Feature : GPRS

Note : V14 counter

l15062/0 Number of times an uplink bandwidth, of more than 1 timeslot,

has been allocated for some mobiles in the cell

Name Q3 : upPipeGreater11kbps

Object : ccch

Function : Refer to Paragraph 1.6

Event : Refer to Paragraph 1.6

Class : GPRS

Source : recorded by the PCU

Feature : GPRS

Note : V12.4d counter

l15062/1 Number of times a downlink bandwidth, of less than 1 timeslot,

has been allocated for some mobiles in the cell

Name Q3 : dnPipeLess11kbps

Object : ccch

Function : Refer to Paragraph 1.6

Event : Refer to Paragraph 1.6

Class : GPRS

Source : recorded by the PCU

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Feature : GPRS

Note : V12.4d counter

l15062/2 Cumulative number of silver users’ uplink allocations with a

satisfaction rate strictly less than 50%

Name : upTbfSilverSatisfactLess50pCent

Value range : 0 to 4294967296

Object : CCCH

Function : Refer to Paragraph 1.6

Event : Refer to Paragraph 1.6

Source : recorded by the PCU

Feature : GPRS

Note : V14 counter

l15062/3 Cumulative number of bronze users’ uplink allocations with a

satisfaction rate equal ormore than 50%and strictly less than 90%

Name : upTbfBronzeSatisfactBet5090pCent

Value range : 0 to 4294967296

Object : CCCH

Function : Refer to Paragraph 1.6

Event : Refer to Paragraph 1.6

Source : recorded by the PCU

Feature : GPRS

Note : V14 counter

l15062/4 Cumulative number of bronze users’ uplink allocations with a

satisfaction rate strictly less than 50%

Name : upTbfBronzeSatisfactLess50pCent

Value range : 0 to 4294967296

Object : CCCH

Function : Refer to Paragraph 1.6

Event : Refer to Paragraph 1.6

Source : recorded by the PCU

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Feature : GPRS

Note : V14 counter

l15062/5 Cumulative number of bronze users’ uplink allocations rejected

due to the admittance control

Name : upTbfBronzeRejectedForMinTput

Value range : 0 to 4294967296

Object : CCCH

Function : Cumulative number of bronze user’s uplink allocations rejected dueto the admittance control.

Event : This counter is incremented after the rejection of a new allocation to abronze user due to admisttance control.

Source : recorded by the PCU

Feature : GPRS

Note : V14 counter

l15063/0 Average MPC load

Name Q3 : cpuPBlockUtilAvg

Value range : [0 to 100%]

Object : pBlock

Function : This counter indicates the average CPU load (range 0 to 100%). Theaverage CPU load is the percentage of time the application hassomething to since the last reset of this counter. Note that both thespooled and operational counters are reset when either the spooledcounters are retrieved or when the operational counters are reset bythe operator.

Class : GPRS

Source : recorded by the PCU

Feature : GPRS

Note : V12.4d counter

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l15063/2 Max MPC load

Name Q3 : cpuPBlockUtilMax

Value range : [0 to 100%]

Object : pBlock

Function : This counter indicates the maximum CPU load (range 0 to 100%).Every “durationPeriod” (50 ms +/-- 8 ms (random)) the CPU load iscomputed (percentage of time the application has something to doduring the “durationPeriod”). The maximum CPU load is themaximum value of these computed CPU loads since the last reset ofthis counter. Note that both the spooled and the operational countersare reset when either the spooled counters are retrieved or when theoperational counters are reset by the operator.

Class : GPRS

Source : recorded by the PCU

Feature : GPRS

Note : V12.4d counter

l15066/0 Average CPU load

Name : cpuUtilAvg

Value range : [0 to 100] %

Object : logicalProcessor

Function : This counter indicates an average processor utilization level over a thespecified collection interval. This average is calculated based on oneminute CPU utilization averages.

Event : Refer to “function”

Class : GPRS

Source : recorded by the PCU

Feature : GPRS (SV407 -- V12)

Note : V12.4b and c counter

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l15066/1 Minimum CPU load

Name : cpuUtilAvgMin

Value range : [0 to 100] %

Object : logicalProcessor

Function : This counter indicates the minimum processor utilization level over aspecified collection interval. The computing is based on one minuteCPU utilization averages.

Event : Refer to “function”

Class : GPRS

Source : recorded by the PCU

Feature : GPRS (SV407 -- V12)

Note : V12.4b and c counter

l15066/2 Maximum CPU load

Name : cpuUtilAvgMax

Value range : [0 to 100] %

Object : logicalProcessor

Function : This counter indicates themaximumprocessor utilization level over aspecified collection interval. This is based on one minute CPUutilization averages.

Event : Refer to “function”

Class : GPRS

Source : recorded by the PCU

Feature : GPRS (SV407 -- V12)

Note : V12.4b and c counter

l15067/0 Fast RAM memory capacity

Name : memoryCapacityFastRam

Value range : [0 to 2147483647]

Object : logicalProcessor

Function : This counter indicates the processor’smemory capacity (in kilobytes)for fast ram memory.

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Event : Refer to “function”

Class : GPRS

Source : recorded by the PCU

Feature : GPRS (SV407 -- V12)

Note : V12.4b and c counter

l15067/1 Normal RAM memory capacity

Name : memoryCapacityNormalRam

Value range : [0 to 2147483647]

Object : logicalProcessor

Function : This counter indicates the processor’smemory capacity (in kilobytes)for normal ram memory.

Event : Refer to “function”

Class : GPRS

Source : recorded by the PCU

Feature : GPRS (SV407 -- V12)

Note : V12.4b and c counter

l15067/2 Shared RAM memory capacity

Name : memoryCapacitySharedRam

Value range : [0 to 2147483647]

Object : logicalProcessor

Function : This counter indicates the processor’smemory capacity (in kilobytes)for shared ram memory.

Event : Refer to “function”

Class : GPRS

Source : recorded by the PCU

Feature : GPRS (SV407 -- V12)

Note : V12.4b and c counter

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l15068/0 Average, maximum, and minimum Fast RAM utilization

Name : memoryUsageAvgFastRammemoryUsageAvgMaxFastRammemoryUsageAvgMinFastRam

Value range : [0 to 2147483647]

Object : logicalProcessor

Function : This counter indicates the processor’s memory utilization (inkilobytes) for fast ram memory in the specified collection interval.This is calculated using 15 second samples.

Event : Refer to “function”

Class : GPRS

Source : recorded by the PCU

Feature : GPRS (SV407 -- V12)

Note : V12.4b and c counter

l15068/1 Average, maximum, and minimum Normal RAM utilization

Name : memoryUsageAvgNormalRammemoryUsageAvgMaxNormalRammemoryUsageAvgMinNormalRam

Value range : [0 to 2147483647]

Object : logicalProcessor

Function : This counter indicates the processor’s memory utilization (inkilobytes) for normal rammemory in the specified collection interval.This is calculated using 15 second samples.

Event : Refer to “function”

Class : GPRS

Source : recorded by the PCU

Feature : GPRS (SV407 -- V12)

Note : V12.4b and c counter

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l15068/2 Average, maximum, and minimum Shared RAM utilization

Name : memoryUsageAvgSharedRammemoryUsageAvgMaxSharedRammemoryUsageAvgMinSharedRam

Value range : [0 to 2147483647]

Object : logicalProcessor

Function : This counter indicates the processor’s memory utilization (inkilobytes) for shared rammemory in the specified collection interval.This is calculated using 15 second samples.

Event : Refer to “function”

Class : GPRS

Source : recorded by the PCU

Feature : GPRS (SV407 -- V12)

Note : V12.4b and c counter

l15069/0 Memory capacity of the processor card’s shared message blocks

Name : sharedMsgBlockCapacity

Value range : [0 to 2147483647]

Object : logicalProcessor

Function : This counter indicates the processor’s shared message blockmemorycapacity (in kilobytes).

Event : Refer to “function”

Class : GPRS

Source : recorded by the PCU

Feature : GPRS (SV407 -- V12)

Note : V12.4b and c counter

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l15069/1 Average, maximum, and minimum utilization of the processor

card’s shared message blocks

Name : sharedMsgBlockUsageAvgsharedMsgBlockUsageAvgMaxsharedMsgBlockUsageAvgMin

Value range : [0 to 2147483647]

Object : logicalProcessor

Function : This counter indicates the processor’s shared message blockmemoryutilization (in kilobytes) over a specified collection interval. This iscalculated using 15 second samples.

Event : Refer to “function”

Class : GPRS

Source : recorded by the PCU

Feature : GPRS (SV407 -- V12)

Note : V12.4b and c counter

l15069/2 Memory capacity of the processor card’s local message blocks

Name : localMsgBlockCapacity

Value range : [0 to 2147483647]

Object : logicalProcessor

Function : This counter indicates the processor’s local message block memorycapacity (in kilobytes). These message blocks are used for localmessaging on the card.

Event : Refer to “function”

Class : GPRS

Source : recorded by the PCU

Feature : GPRS (SV407 -- V12)

Note : V12.4b and c counter

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l15069/3 Average, maximum, and minimum utilization of the processor

card’s local message blocksName : localMsgBlockUsageAvg


Value range : [0 to 2147483647]

Object : logicalProcessorFunction : This counter indicates the processor’s memory utilization (in

kilobytes) of message blocks used for local messaging on the card,calculated over a specified collection interval. This is calculatedusing15 second samples.

Event : Refer to “function”Class : GPRSSource : recorded by the PCUFeature : GPRS (SV407 -- V12)Note : V12.4b and c counter

l15070/0 Number of bytes received on the link by the FramerName : rxBytesValue range : [long integer]

Object : framerFunction : Number of bytes received on the link by the Framer in the last

collection interval.

Event : Refer to “function”Class : GPRSSource : recorded by the PCUFeature : GPRS (SV407 -- V12)Note : V12.4b and c counter

l15070/1 Number of bytes transmitted to the link by the FramerName : txBytesValue range : [long integer]

Object : framerFunction : This counter provides the number of bytes transmitted to the link by

the Framer in the last collection interval. This value could be zero ifthe application sends the frames directly to the link.

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Event : Refer to “function”

Class : GPRS

Source : recorded by the PCU

Feature : GPRS (SV407 -- V12)

Note : V12.4b and c counter

l15071/0 Number of frames received on the link interface by the Framer

Name : rxFrames

Value range : [long integer]

Object : framer

Function : This counter provides the number of frames received on the linkinterface by the Framer in the last collection interval.

Event : Refer to “function”

Class : GPRS

Source : recorded by the PCU

Feature : GPRS (SV407 -- V12)

Note : V12.4b and c counter

l15071/1 Number of frames transmitted to the link interface by the


Name : txFrames

Value range : [long integer]

Object : framer

Function : This counter provides the number of frames transmitted to the linkinterface by the Framer in the last collection interval. This value couldbe zero if the application sends the frames directly to the link.

Event : Refer to “function”

Class : GPRS

Source : recorded by the PCU

Feature : GPRS (SV407 -- V12)

Note : V12.4b and c counter

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l15072 Average total link utilization, based on the computation of the

total number of bytes received on the link

Name : rxTotalLinkUtil

Value range : [0 to 100]

Object : framer

Function : This counter provides the average total link utilization computedbased on the total number of bytes received on the link in the lastcollection interval.

Event : Refer to “function”

Class : GPRS

Source : recorded by the PCU

Feature : GPRS (SV407 -- V12)

Note : V12.4b and c counter

l15073/0 Cumulative number of BSSGP PAGING PS PDU received on the

SPM and related to this PCM link

Name : psPaging

Value range : 0 to 4294967296

Object : pcmCircuit

Function : Cumulative number of BSSGP PAGING PS PDU received on theSPMand related to this PCM link (received either onBVCI0 or BVCIPTP). The PS PAGING received on BVCI0 and broadcast by theframe relay to the SPM cards are only counted on the master SPM.The PS PAGING received on BVCI PTP are counted on thecorresponding SPM.

Event : This counter is incremented upon reception of a BSSGP PS PAGINGPDU, by any BVC, from the SGSN.

Source : recorded by the PCU

Feature : GPRS

Note : V14 counter

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l15073/1 Cumulative number of BSSGP PAGING CS PDU received on the

SPM and related to this PCM link

Name : csPaging

Value range : 0 to 4294967296

Object : pcmCircuit

Function : Cumulative number of BSSGP PAGING CS PDU received on theSPMand related to this PCM link (received either onBVCI0 or BVCIPTP). The CS PAGING received on BVCI0 and broadcast by theframe relay to the SPM cards are only counted on the master SPM.The CS PAGING received on BVCI PTP are counted on thecorresponding SPM.

Event : This counter is incremented upon reception of a BSSGP CS PAGINGPDU, by any BVC, from the SGSN.

Source : recorded by the PCU

Feature : GPRS

Note : V14 counter

15075/0 Number of modification of Agprs timeslots allocated in the cell

Name : dyAgprsNbModif

Value range : [0 to 4294967296]

Object : bts

Function : Cumulative number of requested modifications of the number ofallocated Agprs timeslots in the cell.

Event : This counter is incremented after the sending of a PCU AGPRS TSSHARINGmessage by the PCUto theBSC (thismessage contains theidentification of the least and the most loaded cell, so for eachmessage sent by thePCU, the corresponding counter is incremented inthe least and the most loaded cell).

Class : GPRS

Source : recorded by the PCU

Note : V14 counter

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15075/1 Average number of Agprs timeslots allocated to the cell by theBSC

Name : dyAgprsAvgNbTimeslots

Value range : [0 to 4294967296]

Object : bts

Function : Average number of Agprs timeslots allocated to the cell by the BSC

Event : Receipt of a PCU TDMA TS STATUS or PCU CELL STATUSmessage from the BSC indicating the number of Agprs timeslotsallocated to the cell.

Class : GPRS

Source : recorded by the PCU

Note : V14 counter

15075/2 Minimum number of Agprs timeslots allocated to the cell bythe BSC

Name : dyAgprsMinNbTimeslots

Value range : [0 to 4294967296]

Object : bts

Function : Minimum number of Agprs timeslots allocated to the cell by the BSC

Event : Receipt of a PCU TDMA TS STATUS or PCU CELL STATUSmessage from the BSC indicating the number of Agprs timeslotsallocated to the cell.

Class : GPRS

Source : recorded by the PCU

Note : V14 counter

15075/3 Maximum number of Agprs timeslots allocated to the cell bythe BSC

Name : dyAgprsMaxNbTimeslots

Value range : [0 to 4294967296]

Object : bts

Function : Maximumnumber ofAgprs timeslots allocated to the cell by theBSC.

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Event : Receipt of a TDMA TS STATUS REQ or PCU CELL STATUSmessage from the BSC indicating the number of Agprs timeslotsallocated to the cell.

Class : GPRSSource : recorded by the PCUNote : V14 counter

15076/0 Average value of Agprs load criterionName : dyAgprsAvgLoadCriterionValue range : [0 to 4294967296]Object : btsFunction : Average value of Agprs load criterion for the related cell.

The average value is calculated since the last reset PCU.Event : Updated after every calculation of cell loading.Class : GPRSSource : recorded by the PCU

Cn= AgprsFilterCoefficient * C + (1-- AgprsFilterCoefficient) * Cn--1C= ∑PeakThroughputi * QoSi

i= allmobilesinthecellFeature : GPRS (TF1262: Dynamic Agprs)Note : V14 counter

The value 4294967296 means load = +∝Note : The operator must to perform a reset of the counter.

Then he has to display the counter (at the end of the test to have finalvalues).

15076/1 Maximum value of Agprs load criterionName : dyAgprsMaxLoadCriterionValue range : [0 to 4294967296]

Object : btsFunction : Maximum value of Agprs load criterion for the related cell.

Event : Updated after every calculation of cell loading.Class : GPRSSource : recorded by the PCU

Cn= AgprsFilterCoefficient * C + (1-- AgprsFilterCoefficient) * Cn--1C= ∑PeakThroughputi * QoSi

i= allmobilesinthecell

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Feature : GPRS (TF1262: Dynamic Agprs)

Note : V14 counterThe value 4294967296 means load = +∝The counter is updated at most every second if the dynamic Agprsis enabled at PCU level.If the dynamic Agprs is deactivated at OMC--R cell level (i.e.AgprsFilterCoefficient is equal to 0), the PCU takes the defaultvalue of this parameter (10) in order to calculate the cell loading.

Note : The operator has to perform a reset of the counter.Then he has to display the counter (at the end of the test to have finalvalues).

l15077/0 Cumulative number of gold users’ downlink allocations with a

satisfaction rate equal or better than 90%

Name : dnTbfGoldSatisfactMore90pCent

Value range : 0 to 4294967296

Object : bts

Function : Refer to Paragraph 1.6

Event : Refer to Paragraph 1.6

Source : recorded by the PCU

Feature : GPRS

Note : V14 counter

l15077/1 Cumulative number of gold users’ downlink allocations with a

satisfaction rate equal ormore than 50%and strictly less than 90%

Name : dnTbfGoldSatisfactBet5090pCent

Value range : 0 to 4294967296

Object : bts

Function : Refer to Paragraph 1.6

Event : Refer to Paragraph 1.6

Source : recorded by the PCU

Feature : GPRS

Note : V14 counter

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l15077/2 Cumulative number of gold users’ downlink allocations with a

satisfaction rate strictly less than 50%

Name : dnTbfGoldSatisfactLess50pCent

Value range : 0 to 4294967296

Object : bts

Function : Refer to Paragraph 1.6

Event : Refer to Paragraph 1.6

Source : recorded by the PCU

Feature : GPRS

Note : V14 counter

l15077/3 Cumulative number of gold users’ downlink allocations rejected

due to the admittance control

Name : dnTbfGoldRejectedForMinTput

Value range : 0 to 4294967296

Object : bts

Function : Cumulative number of gold users’ downlink allocations rejected dueto the admittance control.

Event : This counter is incremented after the rejection of a new allocation to agold user due to admittance control.

Source : recorded by the PCU

Feature : GPRS

Note : V14 counter

l15078/0 Cumulative number of silver users’ downlink allocations with a

satisfaction rate equal or better than 90%

Name : dnTbfSilverSatisfactMore90pCent

Value range : 0 to 4294967296

Object : bts

Function : Refer to Paragraph 1.6

Event : Refer to Paragraph 1.6

Source : recorded by the PCU

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Feature : GPRS

Note : V14 counter

l15078/1 Cumulative number of silver users’ downlink allocations with a

satisfaction rate equal ormore than 50%and strictly less than 90%

Name : dnTbfSilverSatisfactBet5090pCent

Value range : 0 to 4294967296

Object : bts

Function : Refer to Paragraph 1.6

Event : Refer to Paragraph 1.6

Source : recorded by the PCU

Feature : GPRS

Note : V14 counter

l15078/2 Cumulative number of silver users’ downlink allocations with a

satisfaction rate strictly less than 50%

Name : dnTbfSilverSatisfactLess50pCent

Value range : 0 to 4294967296

Object : bts

Function : Refer to Paragraph 1.6

Event : Refer to Paragraph 1.6

Source : recorded by the PCU

Feature : GPRS

Note : V14 counter

l15078/3 Cumulative number of silver users’ downlink allocations rejected

due to the admittance control

Name : dnTbfSilverRejectedForMinTput

Value range : 0 to 4294967296

Object : bts

Function : Cumulative number of silver users’ downlink allocations rejected dueto the admittance control.

Event : This counter is incremented after the rejection of a new allocation to asilver user due to admittance control.

Source : recorded by the PCU

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Feature : GPRS

Note : V14 counter

l15079/0 Cumulative number of bronze users’ downlink allocations with a

satisfaction rate equal or better than 90%

Name : dnTbfBronzeSatisfactMore90pCent

Value range : 0 to 4294967296

Object : bts

Function : Refer to Paragraph 1.6

Event : Refer to Paragraph 1.6

Source : recorded by the PCU

Feature : GPRS

Note : V14 counter

l15079/1 Cumulative number of bronze users’ downlink allocations with a

satisfaction rate equal ormore than 50%and strictly less than 90%

Name : dnTbfBronzeSatisfactBet5090pCent

Value range : 0 to 4294967296

Object : bts

Function : Refer to Paragraph 1.6

Event : Refer to Paragraph 1.6

Source : recorded by the PCU

Feature : GPRS

Note : V14 counter

l15079/2 Cumulative number of bronze users’ downlink allocations with a

satisfaction rate strictly less than 50%

Name : dnTbfBronzeSatisfactLess50pCent

Value range : 0 to 4294967296

Object : bts

Function : Refer to Paragraph 1.6

Event : Refer to Paragraph 1.6

Source : recorded by the PCU

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Feature : GPRS

Note : V14 counter

l15079/3 Cumulative number of bronze users’ downlink allocations rejected

due to the admittance control

Name : dnTbfBronzeRejectedForMinTput

Value range : 0 to 4294967296

Object : bts

Function : Cumulative number of bronze users’ downlink allocations rejecteddue to the admittance control.

Event : This counter is incremented after the rejection of a new allocation to abronze user due to admittance control.

Source : recorded by the PCU

Feature : GPRS

Note : V14 counter

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APPENDIX A V14 RELEASE COUNTERSThis paragraph highlights the differences between V14, V13, and V12 release observationcounters.

The tables below provide the following information for each system release:

new counters (see Paragraphs A.1.1, A1.2, A1.3, A1.4, A.2.1, A.3.1)

counters with new names, semantic or identifiers (see Paragraphs A.1.2, A.2.2, A.3.2,A.3.3)

removed counters (see Paragraph A.3.4)

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A.1 V14 release counters

A.1.1 New V14 PCUSN counters

New V14 counters are counters that are defined in V14 Functional Notes.

Raw permanentPCUSN


15007/0 CUM Number of octets discarded, because the number of receivedPDUs exceeds the bucket size

15007/1 AVG Average value of Downlink radio throughput calculated by theflow control algorithm (without the lie factor)

15008/0 MAX Maximum value of Downlink radio throughput calculated bythe flow control algorithm (without the lie factor)

15023/0 CUM Total number of CS Paging messages sent by the PCU tothe BSC on this LAPD link

15023/1 CUM Total number of PS Paging messages sent by the PCU to theBTS on this LAPD link

15024/0 CUM Total number of CS Paging messages sent by the PCU tothe MS on PACCH (on this SPM card)

15029/1 CUM Cumulative number of gold user’s uplink allocations with asatisfaction rate equal or better than 90%

15029/2 CUM Cumulative number of gold user’s uplink allocations with asatisfaction rate equal or more than 50% and strictly lessthan 90%

15029/3 CUM Cumulative number of gold user’s uplink allocations with asatisfaction rate strictly less than 50%

15029/4 CUM Cumulative number of gold user’s uplink allocations rejecteddue to the admittance control

15031/4 CUM Cumulative number of silver user’s uplink allocations with asatisfaction rate equal or better than 90%

15034/1 CUM Cumulative number of silver user’s uplink allocations with asatisfaction rate equal or more than 50% and strictly lessthan 90%

15039/0 CUM Cumulative value ”C” received by the PCU in the messagePacket Downlink Ack/Nack

15051/1 CUM Cumulative value ”RxQual” in Channel Quality Reportrecieved by the PCU in the messages Packet Downlink Ack/Nack

15052/0 CUM Cumulative value ”upRxLev” received by the PCU in eachvalid RLC/MAC block on this TDMA

15053/0 CUM Cumulative number of valid RLC/MAC blocks received by thePCU on this TDMA

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Raw permanentPCUSN


15053/1 CUM Cumulative number of Packet Downlink Ack/Nack messagesreceived by the PCU on this TDMA, containing the ChannelQuality Report

15058/1 CUM Cumulative number of UL and DL TBF establishmentrejected because the number of MS in transfer is greater orequal to NB_MAX_MS (SPM capacity limitation set by NortelControlled Feature)

15060/1 CUM Cumulative number of silver users’ uplink allocations rejecteddue to the admittance control

15061/1 CUM Cumulative number of bronze users’ uplink allocations with asatisfaction rate equal or better than 90%

15062/2 CUM Cumulative number of silver users’ uplink allocations with asatisfaction rate strictly less than 50%

15062/3 CUM Cumulative number of bronze users’ uplink allocations with asatisfaction rate equal or more than 50% and strictly lessthan 90%

15062/4 CUM Cumulative number of bronze users’ uplink allocations with asatisfaction rate strictly less than 50%

15062/5 CUM Cumulative number of bronze users’ uplink allocationsrejected due to the admittance control

15073/0 CUM Cumulative number of BSSGP PAGING PS PDU received onthe SPM and related to this PCM link (received either onBVCI 0 or BVCI PTP). The PS PAGING received on BVCI0and broadcast by the frame relay to the SPM cards are onlycounted on the master SPM. The PS PAGING received onBVC1PTP are counted on the corresponding SPM.

15073/1 CUM Cumulative number of BSSGP PAGING CS PDU receivedon the SPM and related to this PCM link (received either onBVCI 0 or BVCI PTP). The CS PAGING received on BVCI0and broadcast by the frame relay to the SPM cards are onlycounted on the master SPM. THe CS PAGING received onBVC1PTP are counted on the corresponding SPM.

15075/0 CUM Cumulative number of requested modifications of the numberof allocated Agrps timeslots in the cell

15075/1 AVG Average number of Agprs timeslots allocated to the cell bythe BSC. This counter is calculated by getting the average of”Number of Agprs allocated to the cell” information providedby the BSC in the PCU TDMA TS Status message and inPCU Cell Status message.

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Raw permanentPCUSN


15075/2 MIN Minimum number of Agprs timeslots allocated to the cell bythe BSC. This counter is calculated by getting the minimumof ”Number of Agprs allocated to the cell” information pro-vided by the BSC in the PCU TDMA TS Status message andin PCU Cell Status message.

15075/3 MAX Maximum number of Agprs timeslots allocated to the cell bythe BSC. This counter is calculated by getting the maximumof ”Number of Agprs allocated to the cell” information pro-vided by the BSC in the PCU TDMA TS Status message andin PCU Cell Status message.

15076/0 AVG Average value of the Agprs load criterion.

15076/1 MAX Maximum value of the Agprs load criterion.

15077/0 CUM Cumulative number of gold users’ downlink allocations with asatisfaction rate equal or better than 90%

15077/1 CUM Cumulative number of gold users’ downlink allocations with asatisfaction rate equal or more than 50% and strictly lessthan 90%

15077/2 CUM Cumulative number of gold users’ downlink allocations with asatisfaction rate strictly less than 50%

15077/3 CUM Cumulative number of gold users’ downlink allocationsrejected due to the admittance control

15078/0 CUM Cumulative number of silver users’ downlink allocations witha satisfaction rate equal or better than 90%

15078/1 CUM Cumulative number of gold users’ downlink allocations with asatisfaction rate equal or more than 50% and strictly lessthan 90%

15078/2 CUM Cumulative number of silver users’ downlink allocations witha satisfaction rate strictly less than 50%

15078/3 CUM Cumulative number of silver users’ downlink allocationsrejected due to the admittance control

15079/0 CUM Cumulative number of bronze users’ downlink allocationswith a satisfaction rate equal or better than 90%

15079/1 CUM Cumulative number of bronze users’ downlink allocationswith a satisfaction rate equal or more than 50% and strictlyless than 90%

15079/2 CUM Cumulative number of bronze users’ downlink allocationswith a satisfaction rate strictly less than 50%

15079/3 CUM Cumulative number of bronze users’ downlink allocationsrejected due to the admittance control

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A.1.2 New AMR counters

Raw permanent BSSAMR counters


1197/2 Number of speech channels using the AMR Half--Ratealgorithm, activated in the cell for the observation period

1197/3 Number of speech channels using the AMR Full--Ratealgorithm, activated in the cell for the observation period

1780/2 Number of successful outgoing intra.bss or inter.bsshandovers on TCH (only AMR--HR handovers)

1900/0 CUM Number of AMR full rate TCH allocations


Average and Maximum number of AMR full rate TCHallocations


Duration of the AMR full rate TCH connections. This counterstarts at the beginning of transmission of SAXXH blocks, andstops at the end of SACCH blocks transmission.


Duration of the AMR half rate TCH connections. This counterstarts at the beginning of transmission of SAXXH blocks, andstops at the end of SACCH blocks transmission.

1903/0 CUM Number of Successful AMR full rate TCH assignations forany kind of mobile

1903/1 CUM Number of Successful AMR half rate TCH assignations forany kind of mobile

1904/0 CUM Number of Failures of the Dedicated Channel AssignmentProcedure for AMR full rate TCH

1904/1 CUM Number of Failures of the Dedicated Channel AssignmentProcedure for AMR half rate TCH

1905/0 CUM Total of the uplinkC/I received fromthe L1m, for a nonAMR-channel (i.e. classic TCH and SDCCH)


Amount of time the downlink power control was running atthe maximum level for the busy full rate AMR TCHs


Amount of time the uplink power control was running at the-maximum level for the busy full rate AMR TCHs

1908/0 CUM Number of downlink RXLEV received from the L1m for AMRfull rate TCH

1909/0 CUM Number of uplink RXLEV received from the L1m for AMR fullrate TCH

1910/0 CUM Number of downlink RXQUAL received fromthe L1m for AMRfull rate TCH

1911/0 CUM Number of uplink RXQUAL received from the L1m for AMRfull rate TCH

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Raw permanent BSSAMR counters


1912/0 CUM Number of MS increment power control ordered by the L1mfor AMR full rate TCH

1913/ 0 CUM Number of MS decrement power control ordered by the L1mfor AMR full rate TCH

1914/0 CUM Number of BS increment power control ordered by the L1mfor AMR full rate TCH

1915/0 CUM Number of BS decrement power control ordered by theL1mfor AMR full rate TCH

1916/ 0 CUM Total of the uplink C/I received from the L1m, for AMRfull ratecalls

1917/0 CUM Average timing advance values for AMR full rate calls in thecell

1917/1 CUM Maximum timing advance values for AMR full rate calls in thecell


Amount of time the downlink power control was running atthe maximum level for the busy half rate AMR TCHs


Amount of time the uplink power control was running at themaximum level for the busy half rate AMR TCHs

1920/0 CUM Number of downlink RXLEV received from the L1m for AMRhalf rate TCH

1921/0 CUM Number of uplink RXLEV received from the L1m for AMRhalf rate TCH

1922/0 CUM Number of downlink RXQUAL received fromthe L1m forAMRhalf rate TCH

1923/0 CUM Number of uplink RXQUAL received from the L1m for AMRhalf rate TCH

1924/0 CUM Number of MS increment power control ordered by theL1mforAMR half rate TCH

1925/0 CUM Number of MS decrement power control ordered by the L1mfor AMR half rate TCH

1926/0 CUM Number of BS increment power control ordered by the L1mfor AMR half rate TCH

1927/0 CUM Number of BS decrement power control ordered by the L1mfor AMR half rate TCH

1928/0 CUM Total of the uplink C/I received fromthe L1m, for AMR halfrate calls

1929/0 CUM Average timing advance values for AMR half rate calls in thecell

1929/1 CUM Maximum timing advance values for AMR half rate calls inthe cell

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Observation Counter DictionaryCopyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

Raw permanent BSSAMR counters


1930/0 CUM Number of MS measurement messages not received by theBTS for a AMR full rate call

1931/0 CUM Number of MS measurement messages not received by theBTS for a AMR half rate call

1932/0 CUM Number of quality intracell handovers filtered

1933/0 CUM Number of capacity intracell handovers filtered

1950/0 CUM Number of Intracell AMR full rate uplink required handoversin the cell

1950/1 CUM Number of Intracell AMR full rate downlink required hando-vers in the cell

1950/2 CUM Number of AMR Quality full rate uplink required handovers inthe cell

1950/3 CUM Number of AMR Quality full rate downlink required handoversin the cell

1950/4 CUM Number of the capacity of full rate to half rate required han-dovers in the cell

1951/0 CUM Number of half rate to full rate alarms in AMR uplink requiredhandovers in the cell

1951/1 CUM Number of half rate to full rate alarms in AMR downlink requi-red handovers in the cell

1951/2 CUM Number of AMR Quality half rate uplink required handoversin the cell

1951/3 CUM Number of AMR Quality half rate downlink required hando-vers in the cell

1952/ 0 CUM Number of outgoing handovers (intra/inter_bss) requests bya full rate AMR MS

1952/1 CUM Number of outgoing handovers (intra/inter_bss) requests bya half rate AMR MS

1953/0 CUM Number of Intracell full rate handover requests for the cell, byan AMR mobile. This counter is incremented at the end ofthe handover (success, selection failure, execution, failure orend of call)

1953/1 CUM Number of Intracell full rate handover requests for the cell, byan AMR mobile. This counter is incremented at the end ofthe handover (success, selection failure, execution, failure orend of call)

1953/2 CUM Number of Intracell half rate to full rate handover requests forthe cell, by an AMR mobile. This counter is incremented atthe end of the handover (success, selection failure, execu-tion, failure or end of call)

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Raw permanent BSSAMR counters


1954/0 CUM Number of Intracell full rate handover executions for the cell,by an AMR mobile. This counter is incremented at the end ofthe handover (success, selection failure, execution, failure orend of call)

1954/1 CUM Number of Intracell full rate to half rate handover executionsfor the cell, by an AMR mobile. This counter is incrementedat the end of the handover (success, selection failure, execu-tion, failure or end of call)

1954/2 CUM Number of Intracell half rate to full rate handover executionsfor the cell, by an AMR mobile. This counter is incrementedat the end of the handover (success, selection failure, execu-tion, failure or end of call)

1955/0 CUM Number of successful Intracell full rate handovers for the cell,by an AMR mobile.

1955/1 CUM Number of successful Intracell full rate to half rate handoversfor the cell, by an AMR mobile.

1955/2 CUM Number of successful Intracell half rate to full rate handoversfor the cell, by an AMR mobile.

1956/0 CUM Number of attempts of half rate AMR handover from a cen-tral cell to a neighboring one

1957/0 CUM Number of attempts of full rate ARM handover from a centralcell to a neighboring one

1958/0 CUM Number of unsuccessful half rate AMR handovers from acentral cell to a neighboring one caused by the mobile retur-ning to the old channel

1958/1 CUM Number of unsuccessful half rate AMR handovers from acentral cell to a neighboring one caused by the expiration ofthe T3103 mobile

1958/2 CUM Number of unsuccessful half rate AMR handovers from acentral cell to a neighboring one caused by other causes (i.e.not caused by those mentioned in counters 1958/0 or1958/1)

1959/0 CUM Number of unsuccessful full rate AMR handovers from a cen-tral cell to a neighboring one caused by the mobile returningto the old channel

1959/1 CUM Number of unsuccessful full rate AMR handovers from a cen-tral cell to a neighboring one caused by the expiration of theT3103 mobile

1959/2 CUM Number of unsuccessful full rate AMR handovers from a cen-tral cell to a neighboring one caused by other causes (i.e. notcaused by those mentioned in counters 1959/0 or 1959/1)

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Raw permanent BSSAMR counters


1960/0 CUM Number of releases for full rate AMR mobile caused byLapdm

1960/1 CUM Number of releases for full rate AMR mobile caused by theradio

1960/2 CUM Number of releases for full rate AMR mobile caused by othercauses (i.e. not caused by those mentioned in counters1960/0 or 1960/1)

1961/0 CUM Number of releases for half rate AMR mobile caused byLapdm

1961/1 CUM Number of releases for half rate AMR mobile caused by theradio

1961/2 CUM Number of releases for half rate AMRmobile caused by othercauses (i.e. not caused by those mentioned in counters1961/0 or 1961/1)

1963/ 0 CUM Number of half rate AMR handovers requested froma centralcell to a neighboring one

1964/0 CUM Number of full rate AMR handovers requested from a centralcell to a neighboring one

1975/0 CUM Number of 40ms periods during which Codec 4.75 has beenapplied on the uplink for full rate AMR

1975/1 CUM Number of 40ms periods during which Codec 5.9 has beenapplied onthe uplink for full rate AMR

1975/2 CUM Number of 40ms periods during which Codec 6.7 has beenapplied on the uplink for full rate AMR

1975/3 CUM Number of 40ms periods during which Codec 10.2 has beenapplied on the uplink for full rate AMR

1976/0 CUM Number of 40ms periods during which Codec 4.75 has beenapplied on the uplink for half rate AMR

1976/1 CUM Number of 40ms periods during which Codec 5.9 has beenapplied on the uplink for half rate AMR

1976/2 CUM Number of 40ms periods during which Codec 6.7 has beenapplied on the uplink for half rate AMR

1977/0 CUM Number of 40ms periods during which Codec 4.75 has beenapplied on the downlink for full rate AMR

1977/1 CUM Number of 40ms periods during which Codec 5.9 has beenapplied on the downlink for full rate AMR

1977/2 CUM Number of 40ms periods during which Codec 6.7 has beenapplied on the downlink for full rate AMR

1977/3 CUM Number of 40ms periods during which Codec 10.2 has beenapplied on the downlink for full rate AMR

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Raw permanent BSSAMR counters


1978/0 CUM Number of 40ms periods during which Codec 4.75 has beenapplied on the downlink for half rate AMR

1978/1 CUM Number of 40ms periods during which Codec 5.9 has beenapplied on the downlink for half rate AMR

1978/2 CUM Number of 40ms periods during which Codec 6.7 has beenapplied on the downlink for half rate AMR

1979/0 CUM Number of bad speech frames (BFI KO) received at the BTSlevel for full rate AMR at Codec 4.75

1979/1 CUM Number of bad speech frames (BFI KO) received at the BTSlevel for full rate AMR at Codec 5.9

1979/2 CUM Number of bad speech frames (BFI KO) received at the BTSlevel for full rate AMR at Codec 6.7

1979/3 CUM Number of bad speech frames (BFI KO) received at the BTSlevel for full rate AMR at Codec 10.2

1980/0 CUM Received speech frames AMR FR at Codec 4.75

1980/1 CUM Received speech frames AMR FR at Codec 5.9

1980/ 2 CUM Received speech frames AMR FR at Codec 6.7

1980/3 CUM Received speech frames AMR FR at Codec 10.2

1981/0 CUM Number of bad speech frames (BFI KO) received at the BTSlevel for half rate AMR at Codec 4.75

1981/1 CUM Number of bad speech frames (BFI KO) received at the BTSlevel for half rate AMR at Codec 5.9

1981/2 CUM Number of bad speech frames (BFI KO) received at the BTSlevel for half rate AMR at Codec 6.7

1982/0 CUM Received speech frames AMR HR at Codec 4.75

1982/1 CUM Received speech frames AMR HR at Codec 5.9

1982/2 CUM Received speech frames AMR HR at Codec 6.7

1983/0 CUM Number of no data frames received or sent on the Abis inter-face on the uplink for AMR calls

1983/1 CUM Number of no data frames received or sent on the Abis inter-face on the downlink for AMR calls

1984/0 CUM Number of Codec increment modifications for full rate AMRin uplink

1984/1 CUM Number of Codec decrement modifications for full rate AMRin uplink

1985/0 CUM Number of Codec increment modifications for full rate AMRin downlink

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Raw permanent BSSAMR counters


1985/1 CUM Number of Codec decrement modifications for full rate AMRin downlink

1986/0 CUM Number of Codec increment modifications for half rate AMRin uplink

1986/1 CUM Number of Codec decrement modifications for half rate AMRin uplink

1987/0 CUM Number of Codec increment modifications for half rate AMRin downlink

1987/1 CUM Number of Codec decrement modifications for half rate AMRin downlink

1988/0 CUM Number of CMI/CMR inversqtion phase procedure failure forAMR calls

A.1.3 New BSCe3 V14 counters

Raw permanent BSScounters (BSC e3)


1507/0 Number of rejected paging requests due to overload situation(this counter is incremented if the local card is overloaded orthe operation family named paging request is overloaded)

1507/1 Number of rejected channel requests due to overloadsituation

1507/2 Number of rejected establish indication messages due tooverload situation

1507/3 Number of rejected handover requests due to overloadsituation

A.1.4 New BSC 2G V14 counters

Raw permanent BSScounters (BSC 2G)


1816/0 Averaging value of the path balance for all thecommunications on TCH full rate channel or preemptedPDTCH on the BCCH TDMA

1817/0 Number of bursts that must be transmitted.

1818/0 Number of bursts that have been transmitted.

1819/0 Number of bursts that must be transmitted at the requiredpower.

1820/0 Sum of the Smart Transmit Power Management attenuation

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A.1.5 Modified Counters in V14

Modified counters are counters whose semantic has changed.

Raw permanentPCUSN


15012/1 CUM Cumulative amount of all the bytes discarded in the BVC (i.e.number of bytes discarded from the bucket if not empty)

15028/1 CUM Cumulative number of uplink and/or downlink radio resourceassignments on PACCH for a mobile whose multislot classrequires 1 uplink timeslot

15030/1 CUM Cumulative number of uplink and/or downlink radio resourceassignments on PACCH for a mobile whose multislot classrequires 1 downlink timeslot

15031/1 CUM Cumulative number of downlink TBF (for half and full duplextransfer) which has transmitted an RLC data block containingthe first segment of the first DL--UNITDATA in a MS bucket(number of DL TBF pre--established but not used for thetransmission of DL LLC frames). Similarly in the SGSN, theMS bucket in the PCU is used to handle DL--UNITDATArelated to a MS identified by its TLLI. It is created onreception of a SL--UNITDATA with an unknown TLLI andremoved when the last DL--UNITDATA is completelytransmitted or discarded. This counter must count thenumber of DL TBF pre--established but not used for thetransmission of DL LLC frames.

15031/3 CUM Cumulative number of downlink TBF establishment failures(half and full duplex), due to radio link failure

15036/0 CUM Cumulative number of abnormal releases during secondphase uplink establishment (half and full duplex transfer)

15038/0 CUM Cumulative number of RLC data blocks sent by the PCU in astalled window condition during a downlink transfer on thisTDMA

15046/0 CUM Cumulative number of RLC data blocks received by the PCUon this TDMA

15047/0 CUM Cumulative number of RLC/MAC control blocks received bythe PCU on this TDMA

15048/0 CUM Cumulative number of RLC/MAC blocks received with BFI(Bad Frame Indicator set by the BTS when no correct blockhas been decoded on the radio) by the PCU on this TDMA

15048/1 CUM Cumulative number of invalid RLC/MAC blocks triggering aprotocol error, received by the PCU on this TDMA

15048/2 CUM Cumulative number of UL RLC data blocks received out ofsequence by the PCU on this TDMA

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Observation Counter DictionaryCopyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

Raw permanentPCUSN


15066/0 AVG This counter indicates an average processor utilization levelover a specified collection interval. This average is calculatedbased on one minute CPU utilization averages

15066/0 MIN This counter indicates the minimum processor utilization levelover a specified collection interval. This computing is basedon one minute CPU utilization averages

15066/0 MAX This counter indicates the maximum processor utilizationlevel over a specified collection interval. This computing isbased on one minute CPU utilization averages

15072/0 CUM This counter provides the average total link utilization basedon the total number of bytes received on the link in the lastcollection interval

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A.2 V13 release counters

A.2.1 New V13 counters

Raw permanentBSS



Load of a OMU processor inside the Control Node of the system:SBCLoad of a OMU processor inside the Control Node of the system: TM


Load of a given TMU processor inside the Control Node of thesystem: SBCLoad of a given TMU processor inside the Control Node of thesystem: TMLoad of a given TMU processor inside the Control Node of thesystem: PMC




Memory usage on OMU processor inside the Control Node of thesystem: SCB_MEM (DRAM usage)Memory usage on OMU processor inside the Control Node of thesystem: SCB_SWAP (disk usage for swap)Memory usage on OMU processor inside the Control Node of thesystem: TM


Memory usage on TMU processor inside the Control Node of thesystem: TMMemory usage on OMU processor inside the Control Node of thesystem: TMMemory usage on TMU processor inside the Control Node of thesystem: PCM





Disk usage on OMU processor inside the Control Node of thesystem: disk access on local disk for write operation (Kbyte/s)Disk usage on OMU processor inside the Control Node of thesystem: disk access on local disk for read operation (Kbyte/s)Disk usage on OMU processor inside the Control Node of thesystem: disk access on mirror disk for write operation (Kbyte/s)Disk usage on OMU processor inside the Control Node of thesystem: disk access on mirror disk for read operation (Kbyte/s)

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V14 Release countersNortel Networks Confidential 3--15

Observation Counter DictionaryCopyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

Raw permanentPCUSN GPRS




Toatal number of IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENT REJECT messagessent by the PCU or the BTS due to the cause of”no PDCH availablefor GPRS”Number of modification of Agprs timeslots allocated in the cellAverage number of Agprs timeslots allocated to the cell by the BSCMinimum number of Agprs timeslots allocated to the cell by the BSCMaximum number of Agprs timeslots allocated to the cell by the BSCAverage value of Agprs load criterionMaximum value of Agprs load criterion

A.2.2 Updated counters in V13

Raw permanent PCUSNGPRS




Number of TBF abnormal releases due to V(Q) and V(A) nonprogressionNumber of TBF abnormal releases due to timer T3169 expiryNumber of TBF abnormal releases due to timer NT0001 expiryNumber of TBF abnormal releases due to timer T3195 expiryNumber of TBF abnormal releases due to timer T3191 expiryToatal number of IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENT UPLINKmessages sent by the PCU or the BTS toestablish an UL TBFin the cell

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A.3 V12 release counters

A.3.1 New V12 counters

Raw permanent BSS Function

1086/x Number of GPRS RACHs rejected due to SICD<x> overload

1087/x Number of GPRS IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENT messagesrejected due to SICD<x> overload

1088/x Number of GPRS PAGING messages rejected due toSICD<x> overload

1106/1 Number of SCCP connections refused by the BSC


Number of handovers on TCH required: TrafficNumber of handovers on TCH required: Cell TieringNumber of handovers on TCH required: Cell Tiering

1139/14 Number of handovers on SDCCH required: Traffic


Number of fallbacks from a data rate to other data rates

1504 Number of BSC acceptations of VGCS talking requests

1505 Number of MSC refusals on VGCS talking requests


Number of rejected requests due to overload situation

1600 Connection duration of TCHs on transceiverZone

1603 Connection duration of SDCCHs on transceiverZone

1622 Number of MS measurement messages on transceiverZone

1623 Sum of Downlink signal strength measurements on transceiv-erZone

1624 Sum of Uplink signal strength measurements on transceiver-Zone

1625 Sum of Downlink signal quality measurements on transceiver-Zone

1626 Sum of Uplink signal quality measurements on transceiver-Zone

1714 Duration of overload situation

1715 Number of attempts of assignation of TCH/FR for dualbandmobiles

1716 Number of successful TCH/FR assignations for dualbandmobiles

1717 Number of frames TRAU downlink received

1718 Number of frames TRAU downlink corrected

1719 Number of frames TRAU downlink not corrected

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V14 Release countersNortel Networks Confidential 3--17

Observation Counter DictionaryCopyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

Raw permanent BSS Function

1720 Number of radio frames uplink received

1721 Number of erroneous frames


Number of VBS call initiationsNumber of VGCS call initiations

1723 Number of inband pagings taken into account

1724 Number of inband notifications taken into account

1725 Number of preemptions performed on a call in progress


Number of fallbacks from a required data rate to another datarate

1758/4 Number of incoming intra BSS handover requests with a newcause

1760/5 Number of outgoing inter BSS handover requests with a newcause

1762/4 Number of outgoing intra BSS handover requests with a newcause

1764/5 Number of outgoing inter BSS handover requests with a newcause

1782 Number of handover requirements not treated by the BSC


Number of outgoing handovers requested by dualbandmobiles


Number of successful outgoing handovers for dualbandmobiles


Number of outgoing handover executions by dualband mobiles

1793 Number of incoming intra BSS handovers on TCH requestedby dualband mobiles

1794 Number of incoming intra BSS handovers on TCH executionattempts for dualband mobiles

1795 Number of successful incoming intra BSS handovers on TCHfor dualband mobiles

1796 Number of intra--bts handvoers on TCH requested by dual-band mobiles

1797 Number of intra--bts handovers on TCH executed for dualbandmobiles

1798 Number of successful intra--bts handovers on TCH for dual-band mobiles

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Raw permanent BSS Function

1799 Number of direct allocations on TCHs in the second band of adualband cell


Number of handovers performed on the talker side of a VBS/VGCS call


Number of tiering handover failures


Number of tiering handover successes


Number of rejected calls on paging requests, on channelrequests, on establisment indication, on handover request dueto overload

1804 Number of delete indication messages received

1805 Number of MS increment power control ordered by the LayerOne Management

1806 Number of MS decrement power control ordered by the LayerOne Management

1807 Number of BS increment power control ordered by the LayerOne Management

1808 Number of BS decrement power control ordered by the LayerOne Management


Average/Maximum timing advance value for thecommunications in the cell

1810 Average/Maximum number of configured TCH full rateresource

1811 Average/Maximum number of configured SDCCH resource

1812 Number of TS allocations fo circuit mode

1813 Number of TS allocations fo packet mode


Number of GPRS preemption successesNumber of GPRS preemption failures

1834 Number of rejected calls on paging requests due to SICDboard overload

1835 Synthetic load on CPUM, CPUE, SICD, BSCB boards

1839 Number of outgoing intra-- or inter--bss handover attemptsfrom a central cell to a neighboring one

1840 Number of outgoing intra-- or inter--bss handover successesfrom a central cell to a neighboring one

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V14 Release countersNortel Networks Confidential 3--19

Observation Counter DictionaryCopyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

Raw permanent BSS Function


Number of assignment request messages received


Number of emission of ASSIGNMENT FAILURE messages onthe A interface

OFS & OGS defaultsynthetic permanent BSS


8037 Total TCH seizure attempts (handovers excluded) at bts level

8039 Total TCH seizure attempts (handovers included) at bts level

8040 TCH allocation failures

8044 Clear request

8104 Ratio of the number of requested handovers by dualband MSsto second frequency band to the number of requested hand-overs by dualband MSs to main frequency band

8105 Ratio of the number of establishments of dualband MSs to thenumber of establishments of phase 1 & 2 MSs

8628 Quality downlink Abis TRAU frame

8637 Total TCH seizure attempts (handovers excluded) at bsc level

8639 Total TCH seizure attempts (handovers included) at bsc level

8640 TCH allocation failures at bsc level

8644 G14 consolidated at bsc level

8706 Ratio of SDCCH resource failures in the cell

8707 Ratio of TCH resource failures in the cell

8713 Ratio of the number of communications abnormaly released insignaling phase in the cell

8726 Number of decoded random accesses received by the BTSfrom the MS for all the cells

8727 Number of random accesses transmitted to the BSC for all thecells

8728 Number of paging requests immediately served for all the cells

8729 Number of paging requests served after one wait for all thecells

8730 Number of paging requests served after two waits for all thecells

8731 Number of paging requests served after more than two waitsfor all the cells

8733 Average level on non decoded RACHs for all the cells

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OFS & OGS defaultsynthetic permanent BSS


8734 Average number of waiting messages in PAGCH queue for allthe cells

8735 Average of pagings discarded in the PAGCH queue for all thecells

8760 Ratio between BIFP0 load and BIFP load average

8761 Ratio between BIFP1 load and BIFP load average

8803 TCH channel occupancy for cell

8813 Bad virtual timeslot

OFS & OGS syntheticpermanent BSS proposal


8024 Under--used zone TCH

8025 Over--used cell

8026 Ratio of TCH assignment failures for dualband MSs

8027 Ratio of direct allocations of TCHs used

8028 Ratio of dualband mobile direct allocations of the TCHs in adualband used

8029 Ratio of fallback allocations for non transparent data on fullrate TCHs

8041 Handover attempts

8042 Handovers successful

8043 Successful TCH assignments

8100 Number of requested handovers by dualband MSs from mainfrequency band

8101 Number of requested handovers by dualband MSs to mainfrequency band

8102 Number of requested handovers by dualband MSs from sec-ond frequency band

8103 Number of requested handovers by dualband MSs to secondfrequency band

8110 Failure rate of cell tiering from large pattern to small pattern

8111 Failure rate of cell tiering from small pattern to large pattern

8113 Failure rate of intra--bts handovers for dualband MSs

8114 Ratio of requested incoming intra--bsc handovers by dualbandMSs

8115 Failure rate of inter--bts handovers for dualband MSs

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OFS & OGS syntheticpermanent BSS proposal


8627 Rate of uplink radio frame improved by ECU

8629 Correction rate of downlink Abis TRAU frame

8714 Ratio of the number of communications abnormaly released intraffic phase in the cell

8715 Saturated cell versus TCH

8716 Saturated cell versus SDCCH

8723 Average downlink rxLev in dBm at zone level

8724 Average uplink rxLev in dBm at zone level

8725 Average downlink rxQual in dBm at zone level

8736 Average uplink rxQual in dBm at zone level

8756 Ratio of SDCCH resource failures in the TDMA class

8757 Ratio of TCH resource failures in the TDMA class

8758 Number of channel requests rejected due to generalized over-load

8759 Number of paging requests rejected due to generalized over-load

8800 Call drop system ratio

8801 Call drop radio ratio

8802 Quality of service of the cell

8804 TCH channel occupancy for zone

8807 Global blocking rate

8808 Double allocation

8809 Location update rate

8810 Paging without response ratio

8811 Channel request extended ratio

8812 SMS rate

8814 Immediate Assignment procedure NoResponse rate

8815 Maximum downlink power used on TCH versus maximumuplink power used on TCH

8816 Balanced link budget

8817 Outgoing handovers on TCH versus incoming handovers onTCH

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ASCI & GSM--R syntheticpermanent BSS proposal


8900 Ratio of Vgcs MSC reject on the BSC

8904 Ratio of immediate assign message discarded

8905 Average of MS increment power controls per channel

8906 Average of MS decrement power controls per channel

8907 Average of BS increment power controls per channel

8908 Average of BS decrement power controls per channel

8909 Averaged timing advance measured

8910 TCH available rate

8911 SDCCH available rate

8912 TCH available rate in transceiverZone

8913 SDCCH available rate in transceiverZone

8919 averaged timing advanced measured in transceiverZone

Synthetic Instrument PanelIPO counter


9600 Cell load

Raw permanent PCUSN Function

150xx family PCUSN counters, see Paragraph 2.7

A.3.2 Counter renamed

Raw permanent BSS Function


Number of outgoing handovers in dualbandNumber of successul requested handovers in dualband

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A.3.3 Counter extension

Raw permanent BSS Function


Counters multiplexed for Extended CCCH use on TSs 0, 2, 4 ,and 6

A.3.4 Removed counters in V12

Raw permanent BSS Function

1120 Number of matrix connections executed



Number of communications in signalling phase released:TRX reconfigurationNumber of communications in signalling phase released:Overload

1164/15 Number of communications in traffic phase released: TRXreconfiguration

1164/30 Number of communications in traffic phase released: T11elapse

1166 Number of handover requests not processed: TmtBtwHotimer in--progress

1171 Number of fallbacks from 14.5 kb/s to other data rates forTCB resources cause


Number of channel requests, of paging responses, ofincoming inter handovers, of location updates refused


Service downtime due CPUE overload


Number of rejected calls due to SUP overload


Service downtime due to SUP overload

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Raw permanent BSS Function

1713 Number of fallbacks from 14.5 kb/s to other data rates forTCH resources cause


Number of refusals to accept an intra--cell handover on TCHNumber of refusals to accept an intra--cell handover onSDCCH

Synthetic permanent BSS Function

8050 ratio of maximum downlink power used on TCHs

8051 ratio of maximum uplink power used on TCHs

8052 ratio of maximum downlink power used on SDCCHs

8053 ratio of maximum uplink power used on SDCCHs

8500 Maximum global failure rate of outgoing handovers on TCH

8501 Maximum global failure rate of outgoing handovers on SDCCH

8502 Maximum ratio of outgoing handover requests on TCH

8503 Maximum ratio of outgoing handover requests on SDCCH

8504 Maximum selection failure rate of outgoing handovers on TCH

8505 Maximum selection failure rate of outgoing handovers onSDCCH

8506 Maximum execution failure rate of outgoing handovers on TCH

8507 Maximum execution failure rate of outgoing handovers onSDCCH

8508 Maximum selection failure rate of incoming handovers on TCH

8509 Maximum selection failure rate of incoming handovers onSDCCH

8510 Maximum execution failure rate of incoming handovers onTCH

8511 Maximum execution failure rate of incoming handovers onSDCCH

8512 Minimum ratio of successful outgoing handovers on TCH afterfirst attempt

8513 Minimum ratio of successful outgoing handovers on SDCCHafter first attempt

8568 Rate of errouneous messages on the A interface

8600 Average number of SDCCHs used

8601 Average number of TCH/FR used in the BSS because ofSDCCH unavailability

8602 Average number of TCH/FR used in the BSS for call reestab-lishments

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V14 Release countersNortel Networks Confidential 3--25

Observation Counter DictionaryCopyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

Synthetic permanent BSS Function

8603 Average number of TCH/FR used in the BSS for traffic

8604 Number of signaling channels allocated in the BSS for repliesto paging

8605 Number of signaling channels allocated in the BSS for accessother than paging

8606 Number of outgoing handovers on TCH executed in the BSS

8607 Number of outgoing handovers on SDCCH executed in theBSS

8608 Number of incoming handovers on TCH executed in the BSS

8609 Number of incoming handovers on SDCCH executed in theBSS

8610 Total number of SDCCHs allocated in the BSS

8611 Total number of TCH/FR allocated in the BSS because ofSDCCH unavailability

8612 Total number of TCH/FR allocated in the BSS for call reestab-lishments

8613 Total number of TCH/FR allocated in the BSS for traffic

8614 Average number of TCHs used in the BSS

8623 Average downlink RxLev in dBm

8624 Average uplink RxLev in dBm

8625 Average downlink RxQual in BER

8626 Average uplink RxQual in BER

8700 PCM unavailability in the BSS in seconds

8701 Duration of TCH saturation in seconds

8702 Duration of SDCCH saturation in seconds

Raw permanent MD Function


Number of access to NMC server disk units 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,and 7

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Raw permanent OMC Function


Number of access to NMC server disk units 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,and 7

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IndexNortel Networks Confidential i

Observation Counter DictionaryCopyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

Nombres3AbisAccLevel1ErrorsCh 1TsNb, 2--387

AabisCongestionTime, 2--459

abisInputIByte, 2--453

abisInputIFrame, 2--452

abisInputUiByte, 2--452

abisInputUiFrame, 2--451

abisLevel1ErrorsBadFrame, 2--38

abisLevel1ErrorsCrcError, 2--39

abisLevel1ErrorsLostAlign, 2--39

abisLevel2ErrorBadLg, 2--458

abisLevel2ErrorBadRxNr, 2--456

abisLevel2ErrorReqOutState, 2--456

abisLevel2ErrorRxDm0, 2--455

abisLevel2ErrorRxDm1, 2--453

abisLevel2ErrorRxFrmr, 2--457

abisLevel2ErrorRxNoImpl, 2--457

abisLevel2ErrorRxSabme, 2--455

abisLevel2ErrorRxSup1, 2--453

abisLevel2ErrorRxUa0, 2--454

abisLevel2ErrorRxUa1, 2--454

abisLevel2ErrorTxNDisc, 2--456

abisLevel2ErrorTxNSabme, 2--455

abisOutputIByte, 2--452

abisOutputIFrame, 2--451

abisOutputUiByte, 2--452

abisOutputUiFrame, 2--451

abisTrauFrameCorrected, 2--240

abisTrauFrameDlReceived, 2--239

abisTrauFrameMuted, 2--240

abisUnavailabilityTime, 2--458

aInputMessage, raw permanent, 2--49

aintOverloadRejectedOpIncomingExtHoReq, 2--174

aintOverloadRejectedOpPageReq, 2--173

alarmAmrHrToFrDownHoRequiredTch, 2--423

alarmAmrHrToFrUpHoRequiredTch, 2--423

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allEstabIndicSignalling, 2--468

allocatedCircuitTsTrZone, 2--320

allocatedPacketTs, 2--322, 2--323

allocationFailureTchFrSeizureInclHo, 2--474

allSdcchAllocatedTime, 2--25

allSdcchAllocatedTimeTrZone, 2--26

allSdcchensecondes, 2--510

allTchensecondes, 2--510

allTchFrAllocatedTime, 2--22

allTchFrAllocatedTimeTrZone, 2--23

aMessageErroneousRate, 2--498

aMessageErrors, 2--52

amrDownlinkNoDataFrames, 2--444

amrFrBadSpeechFramesCodec102, 2--440

amrFrBadSpeechFramesCodec475, 2--439

amrFrBadSpeechFramesCodec59, 2--440

amrFrBadSpeechFramesCodec67, 2--440

amrFrDownlinkCodec102, 2--438

amrFrDownlinkCodec475, 2--437

amrFrDownlinkCodec59, 2--437

amrFrDownlinkCodec67, 2--438

amrFrHoExecutionIntracellTch, 2--427

amrFrHoRequestIntracellTch, 2--426

amrFrHoRequestOutgoingTch, 2--425

amrFrHoSuccessIntracellTch, 2--428

AmrFrHoSuccessOutgoingTch, 2--405

amrFrTchAllocated, 2--407

amrFrTchAssignFail, 2--409

amrFrTchConnectionDurationCum, 2--407

amrFrTchConnectionDurationEch, 2--407

amrFrTchConnectionDurationMax, 2--407

amrFrTchConnectionDurationMoy, 2--407

amrFrTchStdAveragedUsedCum, 2--407

amrFrTchStdAveragedUsedEch, 2--407

amrFrTchStdAveragedUsedMax, 2--407

amrFrTchStdAveragedUsedMoy, 2--407

amrFrTchSuccessfullyAssigned, 2--408

amrFrToHrHoExecutionIntracellTch, 2--427

amrFrToHrHoRequestIntracellTch, 2--426

amrFrToHrHoSuccessIntracellTch, 2--428

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IndexNortel Networks Confidential iii

Observation Counter DictionaryCopyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

amrFrUplinkCodec102, 2--436

amrFrUplinkCodec475, 2--435

amrFrUplinkCodec59, 2--435

amrFrUplinkCodec67, 2--435

amrFrValidSpeechFramesCodec102, 2--442

amrFrValidSpeechFramesCodec475, 2--441

amrFrValidSpeechFramesCodec59, 2--441

amrFrValidSpeechFramesCodec67, 2--441

amrHrBadSpeechFramesCodec475, 2--442

amrHrBadSpeechFramesCodec59, 2--442

amrHrBadSpeechFramesCodec67, 2--443

amrHrDownlinkCodec475, 2--438

amrHrDownlinkCodec59, 2--439

amrHrDownlinkCodec67, 2--439

amrHrHoRequestOutgoingTch, 2--425

AmrHrHoSuccessOutgoingTch, 2--406

amrHrTchAssignFail, 2--409

amrHrTchConnectionDurationCum, 2--408

amrHrTchConnectionDurationEch, 2--408

amrHrTchConnectionDurationMax, 2--408

amrHrTchConnectionDurationMoy, 2--408

amrHrTchSuccessfullyAssigned, 2--408

amrHrToFrHoExecutionIntracellTch, 2--427

amrHrToFrHoRequestIntracellTch, 2--426

amrHrToFrHoSuccessIntracellTch, 2--428

amrHrUplinkCodec475, 2--436

amrHrUplinkCodec59, 2--436

amrHrUplinkCodec67, 2--437

amrHrValidSpeechFramesCodec475, 2--443

amrHrValidSpeechFramesCodec59, 2--443

amrHrValidSpeechFramesCodec67, 2--444

amrQualityFrDownHoRequiredTch, 2--422

amrQualityFrUpHoRequiredTch, 2--421

amrQualityHrDownHoRequiredTch, 2--424

amrQualityHrUpHoRequiredTch, 2--424

amrReversalPhaseFailure, 2--447

amrUplinkNoDataFrames, 2--444

aNonTransparentDown, 2--171

aNonTransparentUp, 2--170

aOutputMessage, raw permanent, 2--51

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asciCallInitiationVbs, 2--243

asciCallInitiationVgcs, 2--243

asciInbandNotification, 2--244

asciInbandPaging, 2--244

asciPreemptionPerformed, 2--245

asciTalkerHandoverVbs, 2--303

asciTalkerHandoverVgcs, 2--304

assignFailure, 2--22

assignFailureOthers, 2--342

assignFailureRate, 2--514

assignFailureRateDualBandMS, 2--472

assignFailureSdcchToTchChannel, 2--341

assignRequestOthers, 2--341

assignRequestSdcchToTchChannel, 2--339

assignToOtherBandOrZone, 2--303

aTransparentDown, 2--169

aTransparentUp, 2--168

attemptedTchFrSeizureInclHo, 2--474

attemptedTchFrSeizureNotInclHo, 2--474

attemptedTchFrSeizures, 2--16

attemptedTchFrSeizuresMsDualb, 2--238

availableSdcchRate, 2--532

availableSdcchRateTrZone, 2--532

availableTchRate, 2--531

availableTchRateTrZone, 2--532

averageDLRxLev, 2--505

averageDLRxQual, 2--506

averagedTimingAdvance, 2--531

averagedTimingAdvanceTrZone, 2--533

averageULRxLev, 2--506

averageULRxQual, 2--507

AvgDlThroughput, 2--569

BbscAllocationFailureTchFrSeizureInclHo, 2--509

bscAttemptedTchFrSeizureInclHo, 2--509

bscAttemptedTchFrSeizureNotInclHo, 2--508

bscClearRequestTraffic, 2--509

bscOtherThanPaging, 2--501

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bscPagingResponse, synthetic permanent, 2--501

bscSdcchAllocated, 2--504

bscSdcchAveragedUsedMoy, synthetic permanent bsc, 2--499

bscTchAveragedUsed, 2--505

bscTchFrAllocatedOverflowAllocation, 2--504

bscTchFrAllocatedPrimoAllocation, 2--504

bscTchFrAllocatedTchAllocation, 2--505

bscTchFrAveragedUsedOverflowAllocationMoy, 2--500

bscTchFrAveragedUsedTchAllocationMoy, 2--500

bsPowerDecControl, 2--316

bsPowerDecControlAmrFr, 2--413

bsPowerDecControlAmrHr, 2--418

bsPowerIncControl, 2--314

bsPowerIncControlAmrFr, 2--413

bsPowerIncControlAmrHr, 2--417

bsPwrcDecPerChannel, 2--530

bsPwrcIncPerChannel, 2--530

btsOverloadDuration, 2--237

burstToTransmit, 2--325

burstToTransmitReqPwr, 2--326

burstTransmitted, 2--325

bvcFlowControlRequests, 2--570

CcallDropTchRatioRadio, 2--523

callDropTchRatioSystem, 2--522

callDropTrafficRatio, 2--515

capacityFrToHrRequiredTch, 2--422

capacityHoFiltered, 2--420

cardSynthLoadCpue0, 2--327

cardSynthLoadCpum, 2--327

cardSynthLoadSicd0, 2--327

cellSdcchResourceFailureRatio, 2--511

cellTchResourceFailureRatio, 2--512

cgOverloadRejectedOpChannelReqcg, 2--308

cgOverloadRejectedOpEstablishIndcg, 2--309

cgOverloadRejectedOpPageReqBtscg, 2--310, 2--311

cgOverloadRejectedOpPageReqcg, 2--307

cgOverloadRejectedOpHoReqcg, 2--309

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chainStandbyResponse, 2--54

chainStandbyUpdate, 2--54

channelActivateDataNonTranspFullRate, 2--220

channelActivateDataTranspFullRate, 2--220

channelActivateSignallingFullRate, 2--220

channelActivateSpeechAmrFr, 2--405

channelActivateSpeechAmrHr, 2--404

channelActivateSpeechEnhancedFullRate, 2--151

channelActivateSpeechFullRate, 2--151

channelActivateTchFrDataNT12000, 2--233

channelActivateTchFrDataNT14500, 2--234

channelActivateTchFrDataNT6000, 2--232

channelActivateTchFrDataT1200, 2--227

channelActivateTchFrDataT14400, 2--231

channelActivateTchFrDataT16, 2--225

channelActivateTchFrDataT2400, 2--228

channelActivateTchFrDataT4800, 2--229

channelActivateTchFrDataT600, 2--226

channelActivateTchFrDataT9600, 2--230

channelActTchFrDataNT, 2--236

channelActTchFrDataT, 2--235

channelAveragedIdlePerInterfBand0, 2--203

channelAveragedIdlePerInterfBand1, 2--203

channelAveragedIdlePerInterfBand2, 2--204

channelAveragedIdlePerInterfBand3, 2--205

channelAveragedIdlePerInterfBand4, 2--206

channelIdleLevel, 2--448

channelRequest, 2--251

channelRequestCause000, 2--131

channelRequestCause001, 2--132

channelRequestCause010, 2--133

channelRequestCause011, 2--133

channelRequestCause100, 2--134

channelRequestCause101, 2--135

channelRequestCause110, 2--135

channelRequestCause111, 2--136

channelRequestCcch, 2--602

channelRequestExtended, 2--224

channelRequestExtRate, 2--526

CIUplinkAmrFr, 2--414

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IndexNortel Networks Confidential vii

Observation Counter DictionaryCopyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

CIUplinkAmrHr, 2--418

CIUplinkFr, 2--409

clearRequestTraffic, 2--476

cmDatabaseUsed, 2--536

cmLogUsed, 2--537

connectionDurationSdcch, 2--179

connectionDurationSdcchTrZone, 2--181

connectionDurationTch, 2--175

connectionDurationTchTrZone, 2--176

controlBlocksDn, 2--589

controlBlocksUp, 2--588

cpue0LoadRatio, 2--522

cpue1LoadRatio, 2--522

cpuPBlockUtilAvg, 2--606

cpuPBlockUtilMax, 2--607

cpuUtilAvg, 2--607

cpuUtilAvgMax, 2--608

cpuUtilAvgMin, 2--608

csPaging, 2--616

CsPagingOnCCCH, 2--572

CsPagingOnPACCH, 2--572

cumulativeDnRxLev, 2--584

cumulativeDnRxQual, 2--593

cumulativeUpRxLev, 2--593

cumulativeUpRxQual, 2--592

Ddata14K5NtRateFallBackTCB, 2--130

data14K5NtRateFallBackTCH, 2--236

dataBlocksDn, 2--587

dataBlocksUp, 2--586

dataNtRateFbTcbConfNotAllowed, 2--131

dataNtRateFbTcbResLack, 2--130

dataNtRateFbTchConfNotAllowed, 2--246

dataNtRateFbTchResLack, 2--245

decAmrFrDownModif, 2--446

decAmrFrUpModif, 2--445

decAmrHrDownModif, 2--447

decAmrHrUpModif, 2--446

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directedRetryUnsuccessNoBts, 2--207

directTchDualBandRate, 2--473

directTchRate, 2--472

diTBFAllocFailure, 2--579

dlMutedAbisTrauFrameRate, 2--508

dlTBFRadioFailure, 2--579

dnPipeBetween11and22kbps, 2--602

dnPipebetween22and33kbps, 2--602

dnPipeGreater33kbps, 2--603

dnPipeLess11kbps, 2--604

dnTbfBronzeRejectedForMinTput, 2--623

dnTbfBronzeSatisfactBet5090pCent, 2--622

dnTbfBronzeSatisfactLess50pCent, 2--622

dnTbfBronzeSatisfactMore90pCent, 2--622

dnTbfGoldRejectedForMinTput, 2--620

dnTbfGoldSatisfactBet5090pCent, 2--619

dnTbfGoldSatisfactLess50pCent, 2--620

dnTbfGoldSatisfactMore90pCent, 2--619

dnTbfImmediateAssignment, 2--601

dnTbfReleases, 2--582

dnTbfSilverRejectedForMinTput, 2--621

dnTbfSilverSatisfactBet5090pCent, 2--621

dnTbfSilverSatisfactLess50pCent, 2--621

dnTbfSilverSatisfactMore90pCent, 2--620

doubleAllocationRate, 2--525

downlinkPowerCtrlMaxSdcch, 2--177

downlinkPowerCtrlMaxTch, 2--152

downlinkPowerCtrlMaxTchAmrHrCum, 2--415

downlinkPowerCtrlMaxTchAmrHrEch, 2--415

downlinkPowerCtrlMaxTchAmrHrMax, 2--415

downlinkPowerCtrlMaxTchAmrHrMoy, 2--415

dwMultiSlotRequest1, 2--576

dwMultiSlotRequest2, 2--577

dwMultiSlotRequest3, 2--577

dwMultiSlotRequest4, 2--578

dyAgprsAvgLoadCriterion, 2--618

dyAgprsAvgNbTimeslots, 2--617

dyAgprsMaxLoadCriterion, 2--618

dyAgprsMaxNbTimeslots, 2--617

dyAgprsMinNbTimeslots, 2--617

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Observation Counter DictionaryCopyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

dyAgprsNbModif, 2--616

Ee3AbisAccLevel1Errors Ch1Ncrce, 2--388

e3AbisAccLevel1Errors Ch1Nefr, 2--387

e3AbisAccLevel1Errors Ch1Nlfa, 2--388

e3AbisAccLevel1ErrorsCh1PcmNb, 2--386

e3AbisAccLevel1ErrorsCh2Ncrce, 2--391

e3AbisAccLevel1ErrorsCh2Nefr, 2--390

e3AbisAccLevel1ErrorsCh2Nlfa, 2--391

e3AbisAccLevel1ErrorsCh2PcmNb, 2--389

e3AbisAccLevel1ErrorsCh2TsNb, 2--390

e3AbisAccLevel1ErrorsCh3Ncrce, 2--394

e3AbisAccLevel1ErrorsCh3Nefr, 2--393

e3AbisAccLevel1ErrorsCh3Nlfa, 2--394

e3AbisAccLevel1ErrorsCh3PcmNb, 2--392

e3AbisAccLevel1ErrorsCh3TsNb, 2--392

e3AbisAccLevel1ErrorsCh4Ncrce, 2--396

e3AbisAccLevel1ErrorsCh4Nefr, 2--396

e3AbisAccLevel1ErrorsCh4Nlfa, 2--397

e3AbisAccLevel1ErrorsCh4PcmNb, 2--395

e3AbisAccLevel1ErrorsCh4TsNb, 2--395

e3AbisAccLevel1ErrorsCh5 PcmNb, 2--397

e3AbisAccLevel1ErrorsCh5Ncrce, 2--399

e3AbisAccLevel1ErrorsCh5Nefr, 2--399

e3AbisAccLevel1ErrorsCh5Nlfa, 2--400

e3AbisAccLevel1ErrorsCh5TsNb, 2--398

e3AbisAccLevel1ErrorsCh6Ncrce, 2--402

e3AbisAccLevel1ErrorsCh6Nefr, 2--402

e3AbisAccLevel1ErrorsCh6PcmNb, 2--400

e3AbisAccLevel1ErrorsCh6TsNb, 2--401

e3AbisRsLevel2UseIfrt, 2--368

e3AbisRslLevel2CongestionTimeEch, 2--376

e3AbisRslLevel2CongestionTimeMax, 2--376

e3AbisRslLevel2CongestionTimeMoy, 2--376

e3AbisRslLevel2ErrorsMdlErrorA, 2--369

e3ABISRslLevel2ErrorsMdlErrorB, 2--369

e3AbisRslLevel2ErrorsMdlErrorC, 2--370

e3AbisRslLevel2ErrorsMdlErrorD, 2--370

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e3AbisRslLevel2ErrorsMdlErrorE, 2--371

e3AbisRslLevel2ErrorsMdlErrorF, 2--371

e3AbisRslLevel2ErrorsMdlErrorG, 2--372

e3AbisRslLevel2ErrorsMdlErrorH, 2--372

e3AbisRslLevel2ErrorsMdlErrorN, 2--375

e3AbisRslLevel2MdlErrorI, 2--373

e3AbisRslLevel2UnavaibilityTImeCum, 2--375

e3AbisRslLevel2UnavaibilityTImeEch, 2--375

e3AbisRslLevel2UnavaibilityTImeMax, 2--375

e3AbisRslLevel2UnavaibilityTImeMoy, 2--375

e3AbisRslLevel2UseIbr, 2--366

e3AbisRslLevel2UseIbt, 2--366

e3AbisRslLevel2UseIfr, 2--364

e3AbisRslLevel2UseIft, 2--365

e3AbisRslLevel2UseUibr, 2--367

e3AbisRslLevel2UseUibt, 2--367

e3AbisRslLevel2UseUifr, 2--365

e3AbisRslLevel2UseUift, 2--365

e3ChannelIdleLevelCum, 2--385

e3ChannelIdleLevelEch, 2--385

e3ChannelIdleLevelMax, 2--385

e3ChannelIdleLevelMoy, 2--385

e3OverloadRejectedOpChannelReq, 2--344

e3OverloadRejectedOpEstablishInd, 2--344

e3OverloadRejectedOpHoReq, 2--345

e3OverloadRejectedOpPagingReq, 2--344

e3OverloadRejectedOpPagingReqReject, 2--345

e3PcmAlarmsAIS, 2--362

e3PcmAlarmsCRC, 2--363

e3PcmAlarmsFE, 2--363

e3PcmAlarmsLFA, 2--362

e3PcmAlarmsLOS, 2--361

e3PcmAlarmsRAI, 2--364

e3PcmeventBpv, 2--360

e3PcmeventsCRC, 2--359

e3PcmeventsEbit, 2--359

e3PcmEventsFAS, 2--358

e3PcmeventsSLIP, 2--361

e3PcmG286SesMax, 2--357

e3PcmG826BbeCum, 2--357

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e3PcmG826BbeEch, 2--357

e3PcmG826BbeMax, 2--357

e3PcmG826BbeMoy, 2--357

e3PcmG826EsCum, 2--356

e3PcmG826EsEch, 2--356

e3PcmG826EsMax, 2--356

e3PcmG826EsMoy, 2--356

e3PcmG826SesCum, 2--357

e3PcmG826SesEch, 2--357

e3PcmG826SesMoy, 2--357

e3PcmG826UasCum, 2--358

e3PcmG826UasEch, 2--358

e3PcmG826UasMax, 2--358

e3PcmG826UasMoy, 2--358

e3PrDiskCnOmuLdRCum, 2--354

e3PrDiskCnOmuLdREch, 2--354

e3PrDiskCnOmuLdRMax, 2--354

e3PrDiskCnOmuLdRMoy, 2--354

e3PrDiskCnOmuLdWCum, 2--353

e3PrDiskCnOmuLdWEch, 2--353

e3PrDiskCnOmuLdWMax, 2--353

e3PrDiskCnOmuLdWMoy, 2--353

e3PrDiskCnOmuMdRCum, 2--355

e3PrDiskCnOmuMdREch, 2--355

e3PrDiskCnOmuMdRMax, 2--355

e3PrDiskCnOmuMdRMoy, 2--355

e3PrDiskCnOmuMdWCum, 2--355

e3PrDiskCnOmuMdWEch, 2--355

e3PrDiskCnOmuMdWMax, 2--355

e3PrDiskCnOmuMdWMoy, 2--355

e3PrLoadSpmCum, 2--348

e3PrLoadSpmEch, 2--348

e3PrLoadSpmMax, 2--348

e3PrLoadSpmMoy, 2--348

e3PrMemCnCC1Cum, 2--352

e3PrMemCnCC1Ech, 2--352

e3PrMemCnCC1Max, 2--352

e3PrMemCnCC1Moy, 2--352

e3PrMemCnOmuSbcMemCum, 2--349

e3PrMemCnOmuSbcMemEch, 2--349

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e3PrMemCnOmuSbcMemMax, 2--349

e3PrMemCnOmuSbcMemMoy, 2--349

e3PrMemCnOmuSbcSwapCum, 2--350

e3PrMemCnOmuSbcSwapEch, 2--350

e3PrMemCnOmuSbcSwapMax, 2--350

e3PrMemCnOmuSbcSwapMoy, 2--350

e3PrMemCnTmuPmcCum, 2--351

e3PrMemCnTmuPmcEch, 2--351

e3PrMemCnTmuPmcMax, 2--351

e3PrMemCnTmuPmcMoy, 2--351

e3PrMemCnTmuSbcCum, 2--350

e3PrMemCnTmuSbcEch, 2--350

e3PrMemCnTmuSbcMax, 2--350

e3PrMemCnTmuSbcMoy, 2--350

e3PrMemSpmCum, 2--353

e3PrMemSpmEch, 2--353

e3PrMemSpmMax, 2--353

e3PrMemSpmMoy, 2--353

e3s&SIAvaibilityDurLnkInIsStateCum, 2--379

e3s&SIAvaibilityDurLnkInIsStateEch, 2--379

e3s&SIAvaibilityDurLnkInIsStateMax, 2--379

e3s&SIAvaibilityDurLnkInIsStateMoy, 2--379

e3s&SIAvaibilityDurSlUaCum, 2--380

e3s&SIAvaibilityDurSlUaEch, 2--380

e3s&SIAvaibilityDurSlUaMax, 2--380

e3s&SIAvaibilityDurSlUaMoy, 2--380

e3Ss7Level2ErroraSiErrorA, 2--380

e3Ss7Level2ErroraSiErrorB, 2--381

e3Ss7Level2ErroraSiErrorC, 2--382

e3Ss7Level2ErroraSiErrorD, 2--382

e3Ss7Level2ErroraSiErrorE, 2--383

e3Ss7Level2ErroraSiErrorF, 2--383

e3Ss7Level2ErroraSiErrorG, 2--384

e3Ss7Level3errors, 2--385

e3Ss7SIUseMsuFramesRev, 2--376

e3Ss7SIUseMsuFramesTrs, 2--377

e3Ss7SIUseSifSioBytesRcv, 2--378

e3Ss7SIUseSifSioBytesTrs, 2--378

ecuEfficiency, 2--507

erroneousFrameNumber, 2--242

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IndexNortel Networks Confidential xiii

Observation Counter DictionaryCopyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

estabIndicSignalling, 2--252

estabIndicSignallingEmergency, 2--147

estabIndicSignallingImsiDetach, 2--145

estabIndicSignallingLocUpdate, 2--144

estabIndicSignallingMoc, 2--146

estabIndicSignallingPagingRes, 2--143

estabIndicSignallingReEstab, 2--145

estabIndicSignallingShortMsg, 2--148

estabIndicSignallingSuppService, 2--148

estabIndicSigPhase1, 2--149

estabIndicSigPhase1Ratio, 2--513

estabIndicSigPhase2, 2--150

estabIndicSigPhase2Ratio, 2--513

FfallBackNonTransparentTchRate, 2--473

faultyBcch, 2--527

faultyPaBcch, 2--528

faultyPaWithPwrcDl, 2--527

faultyTrxNoBcch, 2--527

FirstDlUnitDataFrame, 2--578

fmDatabaseUsed, 2--537

fmLogUsed, 2--537

ftamFtiDelete, 2--555

ftamFtiDeleteConf, 2--555

ftamFtiDir, 2--555

ftamFtiDirConf, 2--555

ftamFtiGet, 2--554

ftamFtiGetConf, 2--554

ftamFtiPut, 2--554

ftamFtiPutConf, 2--554

ftamFtiRename, 2--556

ftamFtiRenameConf, 2--556

fullDuplexTbfEstablishment, 2--580

Gg11, 2--475

g12, 2--475

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g13, 2--475

globalBlockingRate, 2--524

gprsImmAssRejectedSicd, 2--41

gprsPagingRejectedSicd, 2--41

gprsPreemption, 2--324

gprsPreemptionNack, 2--324

gprsRachRejectedSicd, 2--40

HhoBtsRejected, 2--289

hoExecutionIncomingInterBss, raw permanent, 2--32

hoExecutionIncomingInterBssSdcch, raw permanent, 2--78

hoExecutionIncomingIntraBss, raw permanent, 2--31

hoExecutionIncomingIntraBssSdcch, raw permanent, 2--78

hoExecutionIncomingIntraBssTchMsDualb, 2--300

hoExecutionIntraBts, raw permanent, 2--37

hoExecutionIntraBtsMsDualb, 2--302

hoExecutionIntraBtsSdcch, raw permanent, 2--82

hoExecutionOutgoingEbandEbandMsDualb, 2--297

hoExecutionOutgoingEbandMbandMsDualb, 2--298

hoExecutionOutgoingInterBss, raw permanent, 2--27

hoExecutionOutgoingInterBssSdcch, raw permanent, 2--75

hoExecutionOutgoingInterBssTchForDirectedRetry, raw permanent, 2--28

hoExecutionOutgoingIntraBss, raw permanent, 2--26

hoExecutionOutgoingIntraBssSdcch, raw permanent, 2--75

hoExecutionOutgoingIntraBssTchForDirectedRetry, raw permanent, 2--27

hoExecutionOutgoingMbandEbandMsDualb, 2--296

hoExecutionOutgoingMbandMbandMsDualb, 2--296

hoFailureIncomingInterBssSdcchChannelActivateNack, 2--266

hoFailureIncomingInterBssSdcchHoNotAllowed, 2--265

hoFailureIncomingInterBssSdcchRadioLack, 2--264

hoFailureIncomingInterBssSdcchTchnAckTimerExp, 2--266

hoFailureIncomingInterBssSdcchTerrestLack, 2--265

hoFailureIncomingInterBssTchChannelActivateNack, 2--263

hoFailureIncomingInterBssTchCICIncompatible, 2--264

hoFailureIncomingInterBssTchHoNotAllowed, 2--262

hoFailureIncomingInterBssTchRadioLack, 2--261

hoFailureIncomingInterBssTchTchnAckTimerExp, 2--263

hoFailureIncomingInterBssTchTerrestLack, 2--262

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IndexNortel Networks Confidential xv

Observation Counter DictionaryCopyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

hoFailureIncomingIntraBssSdcchChannelActivateNack, 2--261

hoFailureIncomingIntraBssSdcchHoNotAllowed, 2--260

hoFailureIncomingIntraBssSdcchRadioLack, 2--260

hoFailureIncomingIntraBssSdcchTchnAckTimerExp, 2--261

hoFailureIncomingIntraBssTchChannelActivateNack, 2--259

hoFailureIncomingIntraBssTchHoNotAllowed, 2--258

hoFailureIncomingIntraBssTchIncompatible, 2--259

hoFailureIncomingIntraBssTchRadioLack, 2--258

hoFailureIncomingIntraBssTchTchnAckTimerExp, 2--259

hoFailureIntraBtsSdcchChannelActivateNack, 2--257

hoFailureIntraBtsSdcchRadioLack, 2--257

hoFailureIntraBtsSdcchTchnAckTimerExp, 2--258

hoFailureIntraBtsTchChannelActivateNack, 2--256

hoFailureIntraBtsTchRadioLack, 2--255

hoFailureIntraBtsTchTchnAckTimerExp, 2--256

hoFailureOutgoingInterBssSdcchHoNotAllowed, 2--274

hoFailureOutgoingInterBssSdcchOtherCases, 2--275

hoFailureOutgoingInterBssSdcchRadioLack, 2--273

hoFailureOutgoingInterBssSdcchT7TimerExp, 2--275

hoFailureOutgoingInterBssSdcchTerrestLack, 2--274

hoFailureOutgoingInterBssTchHoNotAllowed, 2--272

hoFailureOutgoingInterBssTchIncompatible, 2--273

hoFailureOutgoingInterBssTchOtherCases, 2--272

hoFailureOutgoingInterBssTchRadioLack, 2--271

hoFailureOutgoingInterBssTchT7TimerExp, 2--272

hoFailureOutgoingInterBssTchTerrestLack, 2--271

hoFailureOutgoingIntraBssSdcchChannelActivateNack, 2--270

hoFailureOutgoingIntraBssSdcchHoNotAllowed, 2--270

hoFailureOutgoingIntraBssSdcchRadioLack, 2--269

hoFailureOutgoingIntraBssSdcchTchnAckTimerExp, 2--271

hoFailureOutgoingIntraBssTchChannelActivateNack, 2--268

hoFailureOutgoingIntraBssTchHoNotAllowed, 2--267

hoFailureOutgoingIntraBssTchIncompatible, 2--269

hoFailureOutgoingIntraBssTchRadioLack, 2--267

hoFailureOutgoingIntraBssTchTchnAckTimerExp, 2--268

hoFailureTieringTchNorrLargeToSmallPattern, 2--305, 2--410

hoFailureTieringTchNorrSmallToLargePattern, 2--305

hoIndicationNotTreatedTchoke, 2--127

hoIndicationNotTreatedTmtBtwHo, 2--127

hoInExecutionBscSdcch, 2--503

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hoInExecutionBscTch, 2--503

hoInInterBtsFailRateDualBandMS, 2--482

hoInInterSdcchExecutionBscFailRate, 2--495

hoInInterSdcchSelectionBscFailRate, 2--494

hoInInterTchExecutionBscFailRate, 2--494

hoInInterTchSelectionBscFailRate, 2--493

hoInIntraSdcchExecutionBscFailRate, 2--496

hoInIntraTchExecutionBscFailRate, 2--495

hoInSdcchExecutionFailMaxRate, 2--487

hoInSdcchExecutionFailRate, 2--466

hoInSdcchSelectionFailMaxRate, 2--486

hoInSdcchSelectionFailRate, 2--465

hoInTchExecutionFailMaxRate, 2--487

hoInTchExecutionFailRate, 2--466

hoInTchSelectionFailMaxRate, 2--486

hoInTchSelectionFailRate, 2--465

hoIntraBtsFailRateDualBandMS, 2--482

hoIntraBtsFailRateTchTieringLargeToSmallPattern, 2--480

hoIntraBtsFailRateTchTieringSmallToLargePattern, 2--481

hoNcellsExecution, 2--155

hoNcellsExecutionSdcch, 2--155

hoNCellsExecutionTchAmrFr, 2--429

hoNCellsExecutionTchAmrHr, 2--429

hoNCellsRequestOutgoingAmrFr, 2--434

hoNCellsRequestOutgoingAmrHr, 2--434

hoNcellsRequestOutgoingDirectedRetry, 2--331

hoNcellsRequestOutgoingDistance, 2--330

hoNcellsRequestOutgoingDownlinkQuality, 2--330

hoNcellsRequestOutgoingDownlinkStrength, 2--329

hoNcellsRequestOutgoingInterCellOM, 2--332

hoNcellsRequestOutgoingOther, 2--333

hoNcellsRequestOutgoingPowerBudget, 2--331

hoNcellsRequestOutgoingTraffic, 2--332

hoNcellsRequestOutgoingUplinkQuality, 2--329

hoNcellsRequestOutgoingUplinkStrength, 2--328

hoNcellsSuccessOutgoingDirectedRetry, 2--337

hoNcellsSuccessOutgoingDistance, 2--336

hoNcellsSuccessOutgoingDownlinkQuality, 2--335

hoNcellsSuccessOutgoingDownlinkStrength, 2--334

hoNcellsSuccessOutgoingInterCellOM, 2--338

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hoNcellsSuccessOutgoingOther, 2--339

hoNcellsSuccessOutgoingPowerBudget, 2--336

hoNcellsSuccessOutgoingTraffic, 2--338

hoNcellsSuccessOutgoingUplinkgStrength, 2--333

hoNcellsSuccessOutgoingUplinkQuality, 2--335

hoNcellsUnsuccessSdcchChlR, 2--157

hoNcellsUnsuccessSdcchOther, 2--157

hoNcellsUnsuccessSdcchTimer, 2--157

hoNCellsUnsuccessTchAmrFrClearCommand, 2--432

hoNCellsUnsuccessTchAmrFrHandoverFailure, 2--431

hoNCellsUnsuccessTchAmrFrTimerExpiration, 2--431

hoNCellsUnsuccessTchAmrHrClearCommand, 2--430

hoNCellsUnsuccessTchAmrHrHandoverFailure, 2--430

hoNCellsUnsuccessTchAmrHrTimerExpiration, 2--430

hoNcellsUnsuccessTchChlR, 2--156

hoNcellsUnsuccessTchOther, 2--156

hoNcellsUnsuccessTchTimer, 2--156

hoOutExecutionBscSdcch, 2--502

hoOutExecutionBscTch, 2--502

hoOutFirstSuccessSdcchRatio, 2--498

hoOutFirstSuccessTchRatio, 2--497

hoOutInterSdcchExecutionBscFailRate, 2--497

hoOutInterTchExecutionBscFailRate, 2--496

hoOutSdcchBscGlobalFailRate, 2--489

hoOutSdcchExecutionBscFailRate, 2--493

hoOutSdcchExecutionFailMaxRate, 2--485

hoOutSdcchExecutionFailRate, 2--464

hoOutSdcchFirstAttemptSuccessMinRatio, 2--488

hoOutSdcchFirstAttemptSuccessRatio, 2--467

hoOutSdcchGlobalFailRate, 2--460

hoOutSdcchMaxFailRate, 2--483

hoOutSdcchReestRatio, 2--471

hoOutSdcchRequestBscRatio, 2--490

hoOutSdcchRequestMaxRatio, 2--484

hoOutSdcchRequestRatio, 2--461

hoOutSdcchSelectionBscFailRate, 2--491

hoOutSdcchSelectionFailMaxRate, 2--485

hoOutSdcchSelectionFailRate, 2--462

hoOutTchBscGlobalFailRate, 2--488

hoOutTchExecutionBscFailRate, 2--492

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hoOutTchExecutionFailMaxRate, 2--485

hoOutTchExecutionFailRate, 2--463

hoOutTchFirstAttemptSuccessMinRatio, 2--487

hoOutTchFirstAttemptSuccessRatio, 2--467

hoOutTchGlobalFailRate, 2--460

hoOutTchMaxFailRate, 2--483

hoOutTchReestRatio, 2--471

hoOutTchRequestBscRatio, 2--489

hoOutTchRequestMaxRatio, 2--484

hoOutTchRequestRatio, 2--461

hoOutTchSelectionBscFailRate, 2--490

hoOutTchSelectionFailMaxRate, 2--484

hoOutTchSelectionFailRate, 2--462

hoRequestIncomingInterBss, raw permanent, 2--31

hoRequestIncomingInterBssSdcch, raw permanent, 2--77

hoRequestIncomingIntraBss, raw permanent, 2--30

hoRequestIncomingIntraBssSdcch, raw permanent, 2--77

hoRequestIncomingIntraBssTchMsDualb, 2--299

hoRequestIntraBts, raw permanent, 2--37

hoRequestIntraBtsMsDualb, 2--301

hoRequestIntraBtsSdcch, raw permanent, 2--82

hoRequestOutgoingEbandEbandMsDualb, 2--291

hoRequestOutgoingEbandMbandMsDualb, 2--292

hoRequestOutgoingInterBss, raw permanent, 2--34

hoRequestOutgoingInterBssSdcch, raw permanent, 2--80

hoRequestOutgoingIntraBss, raw permanent, 2--34

hoRequestOutgoingIntraBssSdcch, raw permanent, 2--80

hoRequestOutgoingMbandEbandMsDualb, 2--160

hoRequestOutgoingMbandMbandMsDualb, 2--290

hoRequestOutgoingMultiband, 2--160

hoRequiredSdcch, 2--286

hoRequiredSdcchCapture, raw permanent, 2--72

hoRequiredSdcchDistance, raw permanent, 2--71

hoRequiredSdcchDownlinkQuality, raw permanent, 2--70

hoRequiredSdcchDownlinkStrength, raw permanent, 2--69

hoRequiredSdcchInterBtsOm, raw permanent, 2--74

hoRequiredSdcchIntraBtsDownlink, raw permanent, 2--73

hoRequiredSdcchIntraBtsOm, raw permanent, 2--72

hoRequiredSdcchIntraBtsUplink, raw permanent, 2--73

hoRequiredSdcchPowerBudget, raw permanent, 2--71

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hoRequiredSdcchTraffic, 2--74

hoRequiredSdcchUplinkQuality, raw permanent, 2--70

hoRequiredSdcchUplinkStrength, raw permanent, 2--69

hoRequiredTch, 2--285

hoRequiredTchCapture, raw permanent, 2--61

hoRequiredTchDirectedRetry, raw permanent, 2--63

hoRequiredTchDistance, raw permanent, 2--59

hoRequiredTchDownlinkQuality, raw permanent, 2--59

hoRequiredTchDownlinkStrength, raw permanent, 2--57

hoRequiredTchInterBtsOm, raw permanent, 2--66

hoRequiredTchIntraBtsDownlink, raw permanent, 2--63

hoRequiredTchIntraBtsOm, raw permanent, 2--61

hoRequiredTchIntraBtsUplink, raw permanent, 2--62

hoRequiredTchPowerBudgetQuality, raw permanent, 2--60

hoRequiredTchTdmaClass0, raw permanent, 2--64

hoRequiredTchTdmaClass1, raw permanent, 2--65

hoRequiredTchTieringLargeToSmallPattern, 2--67

hoRequiredTchTieringSmallToLargePattern, 2--68

hoRequiredTchTraffic, 2--66

hoRequiredTchUplinkQuality, raw permanent, 2--58

hoRequiredTchUplinkStrength, raw permanent, 2--57

hoSuccessIncomingInterBss, raw permanent, 2--33

hoSuccessIncomingInterBssSdcch, raw permanent, 2--79

hoSuccessIncomingIntraBss, raw permanent, 2--33

hoSuccessIncomingIntraBssSdcch, raw permanent, 2--79

hoSuccessIncomingIntraBssTchMsDualb, 2--300

hoSuccessIncomingTch, 2--288

hoSuccessIntraBts, raw permanent, 2--38

hoSuccessIntraBtsMsDualb, 2--302

hoSuccessIntraBtsSdcch, raw permanent, 2--83

hoSuccessOutgoingEbandEbandMsDualb, 2--294

hoSuccessOutgoingEbandMbandMsDualb, 2--295

hoSuccessOutgoingFirstInter, 2--36

hoSuccessOutgoingFirstInterSdcch, 2--81

hoSuccessOutgoingFirstIntra, 2--35

hoSuccessOutgoingFirstIntraSdcch, 2--81

hoSuccessOutgoingInterBss, raw permanent, 2--29

hoSuccessOutgoingInterBssSdcch, raw permanent, 2--76

hoSuccessOutgoingInterBssTchForDirectedRetry, raw permanent, 2--30

hoSuccessOutgoingIntraBss, raw permanent, 2--28

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hoSuccessOutgoingIntraBssSdcch, raw permanent, 2--76

hoSuccessOutgoingIntraBssTchForDirectedRetry, raw permanent, 2--29

hoSuccessOutgoingMbandEbandMsDualb, 2--161

hoSuccessOutgoingMbandMbandMsDualb, 2--293

hoSuccessOutgoingMultiband, 2--161

hoSuccessOutgoingTch, 2--288

hoSuccessTieringTchLargeToSmallPattern, 2--306

hoSuccessTieringTchSmallToLargePattern, 2--306

hoUnsuccessIncomingInterBssSdcchOtherCases, 2--285

hoUnsuccessIncomingInterBssSdcchTimerExp, 2--285

hoUnsuccessIncomingInterBssTchOtherCases, 2--284

hoUnsuccessIncomingInterBssTchTimerExp, 2--284

hoUnsuccessIncomingIntraCellSdcchReturnOldChannel, 2--283

hoUnsuccessIncomingIntraCellSdcchT3103TimerExp, 2--283

hoUnsuccessIncomingIntraCellSdcchT3107TimerExp, 2--283

hoUnsuccessIncomingIntraCellTchReturnOldChannel, 2--282

hoUnsuccessIncomingIntraCellTchT3103TimerExp, 2--282

hoUnsuccessIncomingIntraCellTchT3107TimerExp, 2--282

hoUnsuccessIntraCellSdcchReturnOldChannel, 2--276

hoUnsuccessIntraCellSdcchT3107TimerExp, 2--277

hoUnsuccessIntraCellTchReturnOldChannel, 2--276

hoUnsuccessIntraCellTchT3107TimerExp, 2--276

hoUnsuccessOutgoingInterBssNAttemptSdcch, 2--129

hoUnsuccessOutgoingInterBssNAttemptTch, 2--129

hoUnsuccessOutgoingInterCellSdcchOtherCases, 2--281

hoUnsuccessOutgoingInterCellSdcchReturnOldChannel, 2--280

hoUnsuccessOutgoingInterCellSdcchT3103TimerExp, 2--281

hoUnsuccessOutgoingInterCellSdcchT3107TimerExp, 2--281

hoUnsuccessOutgoingInterCellTchOtherCases, 2--280

hoUnsuccessOutgoingInterCellTchReturnOldChannel, 2--279

hoUnsuccessOutgoingInterCellTchT3103TimerExp, 2--279

hoUnsuccessOutgoingInterCellTchT3107TimerExp, 2--279

hoUnsuccessOutgoingIntraBssNAttemptSdcch, 2--128

hoUnsuccessOutgoingIntraBssNAttemptTch, 2--128

hoUnsuccessOutgoingIntraCellSdcchReturnOldChannel, 2--278

hoUnsuccessOutgoingIntraCellSdcchT3103TimerExp, 2--279

hoUnsuccessOutgoingIntraCellSdcchT3107TimerExp, 2--279

hoUnsuccessOutgoingIntraCellTchReturnOldChannel, 2--277

hoUnsuccessOutgoingIntraCellTchT3103TimerExp, 2--278

hoUnsuccessOutgoingIntraCellTchT3107TimerExp, 2--278

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hoUnsuccessReestIncomingIntraBssSdcch, 2--85

hoUnsuccessReestIncomingIntraBssTch, 2--56

hoUnsuccessReestIntraBtsSdcch, 2--83

hoUnsuccessReestIntraBtsTch, 2--55

hoUnsuccessReestOutgoingInterBssSdcch, 2--84

hoUnsuccessReestOutgoingInterBssTch, 2--56

hoUnsuccessReestOutgoingIntraBssSdcch, 2--84

hoUnsuccessReestOutgoingIntraBssTch, 2--55

IimmAssignDeletedRate, 2--529

immAssignDualBandMSRate, 2--480

immediateAssignmentFailureRatio, 2--512

immediateAssignmentMultiband, 2--159

immediateAssignmentReject, 2--252

immediateAssignmentRejectChanActNack, 2--86

immediateAssignmentRejectChanActTimmack, 2--87

immediateAssignmentRejectOthers, 2--88

immediateAssignmentRejectOverload, 2--87

immediateAssignmentRejectRadioRes, 2--86

immediateAssignmentRejectRatio, 2--514

immediateAssignmentRejectTimingAdv, 2--88

immediateAssignmentRejectTraffMsc, 2--85

immediateAssignmentSuccess, 2--251

immediateAssignmentSuccessCause000, 2--137

immediateAssignmentSuccessCause001, 2--138

immediateAssignmentSuccessCause010, 2--138

immediateAssignmentSuccessCause011, 2--139

immediateAssignmentSuccessCause100, 2--140

immediateAssignmentSuccessCause101, 2--141

immediateAssignmentSuccessCause110, 2--142

immediateAssignmentSuccessCause111, 2--142

incAmrFrDownModif, 2--445

incAmrFrUpModif, 2--445

incAmrHrDownModif, 2--447

incAmrHrUpModif, 2--446

intracellAmrFrDownHoRequiredTch, 2--421

intracellAmrFrUpHoRequiredTch, 2--420

invalidBlocksUp, 2--590

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invalidProtocolErrorBlocksUp, 2--590

LlapdOverloadRejectedOpSicd0, 2--326

linkBudget, 2--528

llcDiscardedOctets, 2--571

llcDiscardedPdu, 2--570

llcPacketsDn, 2--585

llcPacketsUp, 2--585

localBusy, 2--583

localMsgBlockCapacity, 2--612

localMsgBlockUsageAvg, 2--613

localMsgBlockUsageMax, 2--613

localMsgBlockUsageMin, 2--613

locUpRate, 2--525

lossOfComNN002Max, 2--597

lossOfComNT0001, 2--598

lossOfComT3169, 2--597

lossOfComT3191, 2--600

lossOfComT3195, 2--599

MMaxDlThroughput, 2--569

memoryCapacityFastRam, 2--608

memoryCapacityNormalRam, 2--609

memoryCapacitySharedRam, 2--609

memoryUsageAvgFastRam, 2--610

memoryUsageAvgMaxFastRam, 2--610

memoryUsageAvgMaxNormalRam, 2--610

memoryUsageAvgMaxSharedRam, 2--611

memoryUsageAvgMinFastRam, 2--610

memoryUsageAvgMinNormalRam, 2--610

memoryUsageAvgMinSharedRam, 2--611

memoryUsageAvgNormalRam, 2--610

memoryUsageAvgSharedRam, 2--611

msFlowControlRequests, 2--570

msFlushLLRequest, 2--571

msLostMeasurementAmrFr, 2--419

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msLostMeasurements, 2--208

msLostMeasurementsTrZone, 2--209

msPowerDecControl, 2--313

msPowerDecControlAmrFr, 2--413

msPowerDecControlAmrHr, 2--417

msPowerIncControl, 2--312

msPowerIncControlAmrFr, 2--412

msPowerIncControlAmrHr, 2--417

msPwrcDecPerChannel, 2--530

msPwrcIncPerChannel, 2--529

NnbSamplesDnQuality, 2--594

nbSamplesUpQuality, 2--594

noPacketResourceReq, 2--596

notifsReachMaxTransmit, 2--553

notifsReceived, 2--552

notifsSentOnce, 2--553

notifsTransmitAgainOnce, 2--553

notifsTransmitAgainTwiceAndMore, 2--553

OoctetDiscarded, 2--568

octetsDataDn, 2--567

octetsDataUp, 2--568

octetsDn, 2--566

octetsUp, 2--566

omcDatabaseUsed, 2--559

omcInputIFrame, 2--162

omcInputRepeatedIFrame, 2--163

omcInputRnrFrame, 2--165

omcLinkSwitchOver, 2--53

omcOutputIFrame, 2--162

omcOutputRepeatedIFrame, 2--163

omcOutputRnrFrame, 2--164

omcSybaseCpuBusy, 2--558

omcSybaseIdle, 2--558

omcSybaseIoBusy, 2--558

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omcSybasePacketErr, 2--559

omcSybasePacketIn, 2--558

omcSybasePacketOut, 2--559

omcSybaseTotalError, 2--557

omcSybaseTotalRead, 2--557

omcSybaseTotalWrite, 2--557

omcUnixBasePartition, 2--564

omcUnixCpu0Used, 2--562

omcUnixCpu1Used, 2--562

omcUnixDataPartition, 2--565

omcUnixMailPartition, 2--564

omcUnixObsPartition, 2--564

omcUnixRootPartition, 2--563

omcUnixSwap, 2--563

omcUnixTmpPartition, 2--563

omcX25AbortsPort, 2--562

omcX25CrcErrorsPort, 2--561

omcX25PacketInPort, 2--561

omcX25PacketOutPort, 2--561

ommdActConf, 2--547

ommdActRequest, 2--547

ommdCancelGetConf, 2--548

ommdCancelGetRequest, 2--548

ommdCreConf, 2--545

ommdCreRequest, 2--545

ommdDelConf, 2--547

ommdDelRequest, 2--546

ommdGetConf, 2--545

ommdGetRequest, 2--544

ommdSetConf, 2--546

ommdSetRequest, 2--546

omnetActConf, 2--551

omnetActRequest, 2--551

omnetCancelGetConf, 2--552

omnetCancelGetRequest, 2--552

omnetCreConf, 2--549

omnetCreRequest, 2--549

omnetDelConf, 2--551

omnetDelRequest, 2--550

omnetGetConf, 2--549

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omnetGetRequest, 2--548

omnetSetConf, 2--550

omnetSetRequest, 2--550

outOfSequenceBlocksUp, 2--591

overLoadRejChannelReq, 2--521

overLoadRejPagingReq, 2--521

overUsedCell, 2--472

PpacketAckNackDn, 2--592

packetAckNackUp, 2--591

packetResourceRequest, 2--596

pagingResponse, raw instrument panel, 2--246

pagingResponseDegradation, 2--525

pathBalance, 2--325

pchAveragedQueueLength, 2--182

pchAveragedQueueLengthCell, 2--519

pchAveragedQueueLengthTs2, 2--182

pchAveragedQueueLengthTs4, 2--182

pchAveragedQueueLengthTs6, 2--182

pchMoreWait, 2--8

pchMoreWaitCell, 2--519

pchMoreWaitTs2, 2--8

pchMoreWaitTs4, 2--8

pchMoreWaitTs6, 2--8

pchNoWait, 2--3

pchNoWaitCell, 2--518

pchNoWaitRatio, 2--511

pchNoWaitTs2, 2--3

pchNoWaitTs4, 2--3

pchNoWaitTs6, 2--3

pchOneWait, 2--5

pchOneWaitCell, 2--518

pchOneWaitTs2, 2--5

pchOneWaitTs4, 2--5

pchOneWaitTs6, 2--5

pchQueuePagesDiscarded, 2--184

pchQueuePagesDiscardedCell, 2--520

pchQueuePagesDiscardedTs2, 2--184

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pchQueuePagesDiscardedTs4, 2--184

pchQueuePagesDiscardedTs6, 2--184

pchTwoWait, 2--6

pchTwoWaitCell, 2--518

pchTwoWaitTs2, 2--6

pchTwoWaitTs4, 2--6

pchTwoWaitTs6, 2--6

pcmensecondes, 2--509

pcmErrorCorrEfficiency, 2--508

pcmFaultDDTIBoard, 2--255

pcmFaultExternal, 2--254

pcmFaultInternal, 2--254

pcmFaultOutOfService, 2--255

pcmUnavailability, 2--53

PDANWithUlReq, 2--582

pduDataDn, 2--567

pduDataUp, 2--567

prLoadCne3CC1Cum, 2--348

prLoadCne3CC1Ech, 2--348

prLoadCne3CC1Max, 2--348

prLoadCne3CC1Moy, 2--348

prLoadCne3OmuSbcCum, 2--346

prLoadCne3OmuSbcEch, 2--346

prLoadCne3OmuSbcMax, 2--346

prLoadCne3OmuSbcMoy, 2--346

prLoadCne3TmuPmcCum, 2--347

prLoadCne3TmuPmcEch, 2--347

prLoadCne3TmuPmcMax, 2--347

prLoadCne3TmuPmcMoy, 2--347

prLoadCne3TmuSbcCum, 2--346

prLoadCne3TmuSbcEch, 2--346

prLoadCne3TmuSbcMax, 2--346

prLoadCne3TmuSbcMoy, 2--346

prLoadCpue, 2--166

prLoadCpue1, 2--166

prLoadCpue2, 2--166

prLoadCpum, 2--165

prLoadSicd[x], 2--167

psPaging, 2--615

PsPagingOnCCCH, 2--572

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QqosCell, 2--523

qualityHoFiltered, 2--420

RrachAccessCount, 2--2

rachAccessCountCell, 2--518

rachAccessCountTs2, 2--2

rachAccessCountTs4, 2--2

rachAccessCountTs6, 2--2

rachBusyCount, 2--1

rachBusyCountCell, 2--517

rachBusyCountTs2, 2--1

rachBusyCountTs4, 2--1

rachBusyCountTs6, 2--1

rachNonDecodedAvLevel, 2--10

rachNonDecodedAvLevelCell, 2--519

rachNonDecodedAvLevelTs2, 2--10

rachNonDecodedAvLevelTs4, 2--10

rachNonDecodedAvLevelTs6, 2--10

radioFrameUlReceived, 2--241

relativeTimeDLPowerCtrlMaxSdcch, 2--477

relativeTimeDLPowerCtrlMaxTch, 2--476

relativeTimeULPowerCtrlMaxSdcch, 2--477

relativeTimeULPowerCtrlMaxTch, 2--476

requestedHandoverForDualBandMSFromMainBand, 2--478

requestedHandoverForDualBandMSFromSecondBand, 2--479

requestedHandoverForDualBandMSToMainBand, 2--478

requestedHandoverForDualBandMSToSecondBand, 2--479

requestedHandoverForDualBandMSToSecondVersusMainBand, 2--479

requestedInIntraBscHandoverForDualBandMSRate, 2--482

requestedIntraBtsHandoverForDualBandMSRate, 2--481

RequestedRetransmittedDataBlocksDN, 2--585

retransmittedDataBlocksDn, 2--595

rsttraceDatabaseUsed, 2--560

rxBytes, 2--613

rxFrames, 2--614

rxLevDownLink, 2--210

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RxLevDownlinkAmrFr, 2--411

RxLevDownlinkAmrHr, 2--415

rxLevDownLinkTrZone, 2--211

rxLevUpLink, 2--212

RxLevUplinkAmrFr, 2--411

RxLevUplinkAmrHr, 2--416

rxLevUpLinkTrZone, 2--213

rxQualDownLink, 2--215

RxQualDownlinkAmrFr, 2--411, 2--412

RxQualDownlinkAmrHr, 2--416

rxQualDownLinkTrZone, 2--216

rxQualUpLink, 2--217

RxQualUplinkAmrFr, 2--412

RxQualUplinkAmrHr, 2--416

rxQualUpLinkTrZone, 2--218

rxTotalLinkUtil, 2--615

Ssapi3SessionEstablishment, 2--207

saturatedSdcchCell, 2--516

saturatedTchCell, 2--515

sccpAllocated, 2--44

sccpAllocatedLcs, 2--45

sccpAveragedUsed, raw permanent, 2--46

sccpResourceFailureRatio, 2--499

sccpRessourceFailure, 2--47

sccpRessourceFailureBscRefusal, 2--48

sccpRessourceFailureBscRefusalLcs, 2--49

sccpRessourceFailureLcs, 2--48

scseFailConnect, 2--538

scseRgeIn, 2--538

scseTgeOut, 2--538

scseTotAssocFree, 2--539

scseTotTgeRefused, 2--538

sdcchAllocated, 2--11

sdcchAllocatedTrZone, 2--186

sdcchAverageConfiguratedTrZone, 2--320

sdcchAveragedAvailable, 2--24

sdcchAveragedAvailableTrZone, 2--223

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sdcchAveragedUsed, raw permanent, 2--11

sdcchAveragedUsedTrZone, 2--187

sdcchRessourceFailure, 2--12

sdcchRessourceFailureTrZone, 2--188

sharedMsgBlockCapacity, 2--611

sharedMsgBlockUsageAvg, 2--612

sharedMsgBlockUsageAvgMax, 2--612

sharedMsgBlockUsageAvgMin, 2--612

signallingAbnormalReleaseCell, 2--286

signallingPhaseDuration, 2--13

signallingPhaseDurationHigh, 2--15

signallingReleaseBts, 2--253

signallingReleaseBtsCallClearing, 2--99

signallingReleaseBtsCicRemovalEqptFail, 2--98

signallingReleaseBtsClearCommand, 2--106

signallingReleaseBtsCnxFailRadioIntFail, 2--99

signallingReleaseBtsCnxFailRadioLinkFail, 2--100

signallingReleaseBtsCnxFailRemTransFail, 2--110

signallingReleaseBtsErrorIndDm, 2--105

signallingReleaseBtsErrorIndSeq, 2--105

signallingReleaseBtsErrorIndT200, 2--103

signallingReleaseBtsIncFirstL3, 2--95

signallingReleaseBtsOmCicRemoval, 2--97

signallingReleaseBtsOmRadioChanBloc, 2--98

signallingReleaseBtsOmTsRemoval, 2--96

signallingReleaseBtsOthers, 2--109

signallingReleaseBtsReleaseInd, 2--101

signallingReleaseBtsReset, 2--93

signallingReleaseBtsResetCirc, 2--94

signallingReleaseBtsRfResInd, 2--107

signallingReleaseBtsSccpDataRefusal, 2--94

signallingReleaseBtsSccpDiscInd, 2--93

signallingReleaseBtsSwitchOver, 2--107

signallingReleaseBtsT11, 2--110

signallingReleaseBtsT3101, 2--95

signallingReleaseBtsT3103, 2--108

signallingReleaseBtsT3107CircDown, 2--96

signallingReleaseBtsT8, 2--109

signallingReleaseBtsTmodMs, 2--108

signallingReleaseBtsTsRemovalEqptFail, 2--97

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signallingReleaseNoBts, 2--253

signallingReleaseNoBtsBadDataInd, 2--91

signallingReleaseNoBtsOthers, 2--92

signallingReleaseNoBtsReset, 2--90

signallingReleaseNoBtsSccpDataRefusal, 2--90

signallingReleaseNoBtsSccpDiscInd, 2--89

signallingReleaseNoBtsTsccRel, 2--91

signallingReleaseRatio, 2--514

smsRate, 2--526

speechAlgoFallBack, 2--158

speechAlgoFallBackCtm, 2--159

ss7InputMsu, 2--448

ss7Level2ErrorMsuCongest, 2--449

ss7Level2ErrorNegAckRec, 2--449

ss7Level2ErrorNegAckTrans, 2--449

ss7Level2ErrorSuErr, 2--450

ss7Level3ErrorDelay, 2--450

ss7Level3ErrorHighErrRate, 2--450

ss7OutputMsu, 2--448

STPMAttenuation, 2--326

successfulTchFrSeizures, 2--17

successfulTchFrSeizuresMsDualb, 2--238

sybaseCpuBusy, 2--535

sybaseIdle, 2--535

sybaseIoBusy, 2--535

sybasePacketErr, 2--536

sybasePacketIn, 2--535

sybasePacketOut, 2--536

sybaseTotalError, 2--534

sybaseTotalRead, 2--534

sybaseTotalWrite, 2--534

Tt3103ExpSdcch, 2--470

t3103ExpTch, 2--470

t3107ExpAssign, 2--468

t3107ExpIntraBtsHoSdcch, 2--469

t3107ExpIntraBtsHoTch, 2--469

tbfNormalReleaseDn, 2--595

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IndexNortel Networks Confidential xxxi

Observation Counter DictionaryCopyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

tbfNormalReleaseUp, 2--595

tcAllocated, 2--42

tcAveragedUsed, raw permanent, 2--43

tchAveragedQueueLengthHighPriority, 2--198

tchAveragedQueueLengthOtherPriority, 2--199

tchFrAllocated, 2--247

tchFrAllocatedOverflowAllocation, 2--18

tchFrAllocatedOverflowAllocationTrZone, 2--191

tchFrAllocatedPrimoAllocation, 2--18

tchFrAllocatedPrimoAllocationTrZone, 2--190

tchFrAllocatedTchAllocation, 2--17

tchFrAllocatedTchAllocationTrZone, 2--189

tchFrAllocatedTrZone, 2--248

tchFrAverageConfigurated, 2--319

tchFrAveragedAvailableTrZone, 2--221

tchFrAveragedUsed, 2--249

tchFrAveragedUsedOverflowAllocation, 2--21

tchFrAveragedUsedOverflowAllocationTrZone, 2--195

tchFrAveragedUsedPrimoAllocation, 2--20, 2--500

tchFrAveragedUsedPrimoAllocationTrZone, 2--194

tchFrAveragedUsedTchAllocation, 2--19

tchFrAveragedUsedTchAllocationTrZone, 2--192

tchFrAveragedUsedTrZone, 2--250

tchFrRessourceFailure, raw permanent, 2--12

tchFrRessourceFailureTrZone, 2--197

tchOccupancy, 2--524

tchOccupancyTrZone, 2--524

tchQueuingDurationHighPriority, 2--201

tchQueuingDurationOtherPriority, 2--202

tchQueuingExpirationHighPriority, 2--200

tchQueuingExpirationOtherPriority, 2--200

tdmaClassSdcchResourceFailureRatio, 2--520

tdmaClassTchResourceFailureRatio, 2--521

timingAdvanceAmrFrAvg, 2--414

timingAdvanceAmrFrMax, 2--414

timingAdvanceAmrHr, 2--419

timingAdvanceAmrHrAvg, 2--418

timingAdvanceAmrHrMax, 2--419

timingAdvanceAverage, 2--317

timingAdvanceMaximumTrZone, 2--318

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Index Nortel Networks Confidentialxxxii


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totalRetransmissionRequested, 2--592traceDatabaseSeg0Used, 2--559traceDatabaseSeg1Used, 2--560trafficAbnormalRelease, 2--287trafficRelease, 2--253trafficReleaseAmrFrLapdmCause, 2--432trafficReleaseAmrFrOthersCause, 2--433trafficReleaseAmrFrRadioCause, 2--432trafficReleaseAmrHrLapdmCause, 2--433trafficReleaseAmrHrOthersCause, 2--433trafficReleaseAmrHrRadioCause, 2--433trafficReleaseCallClearing, 2--116trafficReleaseCicRemovalEqptFail, 2--115trafficReleaseClearCommand, 2--122trafficReleaseCnxFailRadioIntFail, 2--116trafficReleaseCnxFailRadioLinkFail, 2--117trafficReleaseCnxFailRemTransFail, 2--126trafficReleaseErrorIndDm, 2--121trafficReleaseErrorIndSeq, 2--122trafficReleaseErrorIndT200, 2--120trafficReleaseOmCicRemoval, 2--114trafficReleaseOmRadioChanBloc, 2--115trafficReleaseOmTsRemoval, 2--113trafficReleaseOthers, 2--125trafficReleaseReleaseInd, 2--117trafficReleaseReset, 2--111trafficReleaseResetCirc, 2--112trafficReleaseRfResInd, 2--123trafficReleaseSccpDataRefusal, 2--112trafficReleaseSccpDiscInd, 2--111trafficReleaseSysInfoFail, 2--126trafficReleaseT3103, 2--124trafficReleaseT3107CircDown, 2--113trafficReleaseT8, 2--125trafficReleaseTmodMs, 2--124trafficReleaseTsRemovalEqptFail, 2--114txBytes, 2--613txFrames, 2--614

UulsecondPhaseAllocFailure, 2--580

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IndexNortel Networks Confidential xxxiii

Observation Counter DictionaryCopyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

ulsecondPhaseRadioFailure, 2--583

underUsedTch, 2--471

unixCmnBasePartitionNMCSrv, 2--544

unixCmnDataPartitionNMCSrv, 2--544

unixCpu0UsedNMCSrv, 2--539

unixCpu1UsedNMCSrv, 2--539

unixDataSsnPartition, 2--542

unixMdrBasePartitionNMCSrv, 2--543

unixMdrDataPartitionNMCSrv, 2--543

unixNotifPartition, 2--541

unixObsPartition, 2--541

unixRestoredNotifPartition, 2--542

unixRestoredObsPartition, 2--541

unixRestoredTracePartition, 2--543

unixRootPartitionNMCSrv, 2--540

unixSwapNMCSrv, 2--540

unixTmpPartitionNMCSrv, 2--540

unixTracePartition, 2--542

uplinkPowerCtrlMaxSdcch, 2--178

uplinkPowerCtrlMaxTch, 2--154

uplinkPowerCtrlMaxTchAmrFrCum, 2--410

uplinkPowerCtrlMaxTchAmrFrEch, 2--410

uplinkPowerCtrlMaxTchAmrFrMax, 2--410

uplinkPowerCtrlMaxTchAmrFrMoy, 2--410

uplinkPowerCtrlMaxTchAmrHrCum, 2--415

uplinkPowerCtrlMaxTchAmrHrEch, 2--415

uplinkPowerCtrlMaxTchAmrHrMax, 2--415

uplinkPowerCtrlMaxTchAmrHrMoy, 2--415

upMultiSlotRequest1, 2--573

upMultiSlotRequest2, 2--573

upMultiSlotRequest3, 2--574

upMultiSlotRequest4, 2--574

upPipeGreater11kbps, 2--604

upPipeless11kbps, 2--603

upTbfBronzeRejectedForMinTput, 2--606

upTbfBronzeSatisfactBet5090pCent, 2--605

upTbfBronzeSatisfactLess50pCent, 2--605

upTbfBronzeSatisfactMore90pCent, 2--604

upTbfGoldRejectedForMinTput, 2--576

upTbfGoldSatisfactBet5090pCent, 2--575

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Preliminary 14.14/EN June 2004 Copyright E 2000--2004 Nortel Networks

upTbfGoldSatisfactLess50pCent, 2--576

upTbfGoldSatisfactMore90pCent, 2--575

upTbfImmAssigRejectNoPdch, 2--601

upTbfImmediateAssignment, 2--600

upTbfReleases, 2--581

upTbfSilverRejectedForMinTput, 2--603

upTbfSilverSatisfactBet5090pCent, 2--583

upTbfSilverSatisfactLess50pCent, 2--605

upTbfSilverSatisfactMore90pCent, 2--580

upUserdatablocks, 2--584

VvgcsAccessGrant, 2--172

vgcsMscReject, 2--173

vgcsMscRejectRate, 2--528

ZzoneAverageDLRxLev, 2--516

zoneAverageDLRxQual, 2--517

zoneAverageULRxLev, 2--516

zoneAverageULRxQual, 2--520

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Wireless Service Provider SolutionsObservation Counter Dictionary

Copyright © 2000--2004 Nortel Networks, All Rights Reserved


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