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COUNTY ICT ROADMAP 2015 -2020 - ICT Authorityicta.go.ke/pdf/26.pdf · 4.2 GOVERNANCE, MANAGEMENT...

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MOMBASA COUNTY GOVERNMENT OCTOBER 2015 ‘A vibrant, modern and regional commercial hub with a high standard of living for her residents through the use of ICTies’ COUNTY ICT ROADMAP 2015 -2020
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Mombasa County Government ICT Roadmap 2015-2020




‘A vibrant, modern and regional commercial hub with a high standard of living for her residents through the

use of ICTies’


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Mombasa County Government ICT Roadmap 2015-2020




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Mombasa County Government ICT Roadmap 2015-2020



ASAL Arid & Semi-Arid Lands BPR Business Process Re-engineeringCA County Assembly CDF Constituency Development Fund CEC County Executive CommitteeCIDP County Integrated Development Plan CO ChiefOfficerCPSB County Public Service Board CRM Citizen Relationship ManagementDG Deputy Governor DHIS District Health Information System ERP Enterprise Resource PlanningGIS Geographical Information SystemHMIS Health Management Information SystemICT Information and Communications TechnologyICTA Information & Communication Technology Authority IFMIS Integrated Financial Management Information System IPPD Integrated Personnel and Payroll DatabaseKPLC Kenya Power and Lighting Company LAN Local Area NetworkMAN Metropolitan Area Network MCA Member of County Assembly MTP Mid-Term Plan NOFBI National Optical Fibre Backbone InfrastructurePABX Private Automated Branch ExchangeRFID RadioFrequencyIdentificationSLA Service Level AgreementSP Strategic Plan TA Transition AuthorityUNESCO UnitedNationsEducational,Scientific&CulturalOrganisationWAN Wide Area NetworkWB World Bank WDF Ward Development Fund


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Mombasa County Government ICT Roadmap 2015-2020


H.E. Hon. Hassan JohoGovernor, Mombasa County

The Mombasa County ICT Roadmap (2015-2020) preparation is a result of immense sacrifice from many stakeholders. Special commendation goes to the World Bank through the ICTA for financing this process. Special appreciation goes to HE Hassan Joho, the Mombasa County Government Governor through the CEC- Finance, ICT Director and the ICT Manager for the tireless effort in consolidating effort to realise this roadmap.

Special thanks go to the Honourable Speaker and Clerk to the County Assembly (Mr. Tubman Otieno) through the Assembly ICT Director for their valuable contribution into the preparation of this strategy. Special commendation goes to the ICT Director for coordinating the Technical Committee and stakeholders’ validation workshops. Finally, the participation and effort by the different county departments and stakeholders in the County Government of Mombasa into this report is most appreciated and fully acknowledged.

We acknowledge the support of the above-mentioned persons in the different stages of the assignment and we are confident that with the implementation of this Roadmap the future of Mombasa County in the use of ICT in offering services to the citizens will be a great success. The commitment and participation of all stakeholders in this process will ensure that the County Government delivers the services to the people.

With the already set up planning committee and committed stakeholders, we are confident that Mombasa County will be able to compete effectively in both the National , regional and global environment.

Thank you so much.

HE Hassan Joho,

The Governor Mombasa County Government


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Mombasa County Government ICT Roadmap 2015-2020



This roadmap intends to deliver on four objectives that are:

APPROACHThe development of the roadmap involved consultative meetings with the County leadership in the two arms and the Public Service Board. The Consultancy team collected data across the functions and departments of the County Government and validated the information before generating a status report. Further consultations with the stakeholders informed finalisation of the first draft under the stewardship of the planning and technical committees. The ICT Authority has also validated each stage of the development process.

This roadmap is benchmarked on the global, regional and national ICT trends, demands, expectations, standards and best practices. It analyses the status of ICT in the county and analyses the gaps using the maturity level analysis. Finally, four thematic roadmaps and three cross cutting themes are discussed.

However, public service delivery is still largely manual, slow and tedious. That is, deployment of ICT in public service delivery is partial, sub-optimal and uncoordinated. Currently, the County Government is implementing modules of IFMIS and a parallel system (LAIFOMS) with the two being not interoperable.

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Mombasa County Government ICT Roadmap 2015-2020


The County’s legal framework and policy environment is still underdeveloped to support full deployment of ICT. It is evident that the County Government arms and functions pursue the ICT needs independently and this results in wastage and often-increased costs. The financing of ICT is low and stands at 1.4 % against a recommended Gartner level of 5% for institutions and organisations with low ICT maturity levels.

The gaps that exist lead to sub-optimality in deploying ICT. The gaps include inability to optimise on the ICT infrastructure. In addition, the County experiences shortages of ICT equipment and lacks well developed business continuity plans. Automation of processes, internal coordination and communication are evident challenges in public service delivery systems. The existing human capital can hardly support full ICT deployment while the legal framework and policy environment are lacking on optimising ICT. It is evident that optimisation shall not be realised in the absence of a shared services plan, change management plan and citizen participation and involvement.

This roadmap seeks to achieve optimal ICT deployment by focusing on four thematic areas that include:

• Infrastructure and Connectivity • Public Service Delivery Systems,• Human Capital and Workforce Development and • The Policy Environment and the Legal Framework.

The roadmap shall also seek to optimise ICT by implementing a Shared Services Plan, a Change Management Plan and Citizen Participation &Involvement mechanisms.

This roadmap shall be supported by a functional governance, management and organisation structure.

This roadmap involves implementing a number of projects across the four thematic areas. This implementation requires a mix of strategies for it to deliver on its objectives. These strategies are assessed using the critical success factors. In addition a monitoring and evaluation mechanism provides for an implementation feedback and improvement mechanism. Furthermore, the roadmap is alive to possible risks in the life of implementation and therefore suggests the mitigation strategies. The roadmap has an inbuilt communication strategy targeting different stakeholders.

The County Government shall require an investment of up to KES 1,669,300,000 over the period of implementation. The roadmap requires a financing mix that includes internal County equity, external support from the national Government and other multilateral and bilateral partners. The sustainability of this roadmap depends on a strong public private partnerships as well as a robust and actualised shared services plan.

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Mombasa County Government ICT Roadmap 2015-2020


Both Governments and businesses widely acknowledge that ICT is a driver to economic development and a strategic approach to realising increased efficiencies. Both admit that ICT plays a significant role in providing superior services and products to the target consumers. Both also acknowledge that the opportunities that ICT comes with immense opportunities that define new approaches to service delivery, faster services and quality results in processes. ICT has led to reduced costs, maximised resource use and shared services that refocus the scarce resources to other sectors of the economy. The County Governments are timely in embracing ICT as a strategic approach to service provision.

It is for this reason that Mombasa County Government seeks to tap efficiently into this approach, adopting successful ICT models, integrating the strategy in service delivery and using it as a benchmark to measuring success in service delivery. This 5 - Year ICT roadmap provides this coordinated approach. The Roadmap shall focus on improving the existing infrastructure to allow for ICT enabled public service delivery systems. The roadmap shall also include support pillars that ensure that optimisation is real through a continuous capacity-building programme, a robust change management plan while embracing a superior shared services plan.

1.1 Background of the CountyThis section presents the location and position of Mombasa County, its administrative and political units as well as the arms of the County Government.

County General InformationMombasa County, one of the 47 Counties of Kenya and is at the heart of the Coastal strip of Kenya. Mombasa town is the second largest town in Kenya after Nairobi and famed as a tourist destination as well as a transport hub holding the port that serves the East African region. Administratively, the county is divided into seven (7) divisions, eighteen (18) locations and thirty (30) sub-locations. Mombasa County is divided into 6 administrative units and political units crucial for management of the County and service delivery to the public. In terms of political units, the County has seven constituencies namely, Changamwe, Jomvu, Kisauni, Nyali, Mvita and Likoni. The County has into 30 electoral wards, otherwise referred to as County assembly areas. Mombasa County Demographics

Mombasa County GovernmentThe County Government consists of the Executive (headed by HE the Governor and his Deputy Governor), the County Assembly (headed by the Speaker) as well as the County Public Service Board with the latter having a specific mandate to handle all policy issues related to the public service in the County.


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Mombasa County Government ICT Roadmap 2015-2020


The County Government is fully established following the successful transfer of all the functions of the County Government that was facilitated by the Transition Authority (TA) in 2013. The Executive arm of the County Assembly is implemented through the departments (County Ministries) headed by the Executive Committee Members and the Chief Officers (the chief accounting officers). The Governor with the approval of the County Assembly appoints this team. The technical functions of each department are clustered in directorates headed by directors of departments as established in the Department.

The Executive functions are further devolved to the six sub-counties headed by a Sub-County Administrator. The County Government offers its services further at the Wards through the coordination of the ward administrators. The County is finalising on the appointment and deployment of the Village Administrators and the Village Coordination Councils.

The County AssemblyThe County Assembly of Mombasa is the legislative arm of the County Government. The County Assembly chambers and offices for the speaker and the Clerk are established within the same premise. Mombasa County Assembly inherited infrastructure that included the chambers and offices from the defunct Mombasa Municipal Council. The assembly aligns itself to the constitutional and legal provisions of the republic of Kenya. The Speaker elected by the Members of the County Assembly heads the Assembly. An elected Member of the County Assembly (MCA) represents each Ward in the Assembly.

The Assembly is composed of elected members and nominated members. The Assembly executes its legislative, oversight and representation roles through established sectoral committees of the Assembly. The clerk of the County Assembly (who is the Chief Accounting Officer) coordinates the day-to-day affairs of the Assembly.

The County Public Service Board The County Government Act (2012) created the County Public Service Board. The Board has a mandate to recruit and manage the County Human resources. The Board conducts the human resource needs analysis, recruits suitable resources, and seconds them to the directorate of personnel management at the Governor’s office for placement. The Governor with the approval of the County Assembly appoints the five CPSB members and the Secretary. The Board hires its own human resources.

ICT in Mombasa County The County Government in its official policy statement recognises the role ICT plays in service delivery. ICT is a directorate under the Department of Finance and

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Mombasa County Government ICT Roadmap 2015-2020


Economic Planning because of heavy reliance on ICT in implementation of IFMIS. The directorate offers support services across all the departments in the County Executive. The directorate also provides support to the yet to be fully established County Public Service Board. The ICT department implements its mandate through a lean staff establishment of 14 officers headed by the Director of ICT.

1.2 ScopeThe Mombasa County 2015-2020 ICT Road-map is a deliberate effort towards provision of coordinated service in the County. The Roadmap aligns itself to the following three principles:

Value for money

Sharing of resources

ICT as an enabler for

service delivery

1. Value for MoneyThe focus and the in-built philosophy of this roadmap is to make ICT investments generate maximum returns for the Mombasa County residents.

2. Sharing of Resources The roadmap development approach takes cognisance of the reality that ICT investments are capital intensive within the competing needs in the midst of the scarce resources. Thus, intra as well as inter-county approaches that allow for joint ventures as strategic focus in investments may be critical for realising immediate results. In addition, sharing of resources between the National and County Government shall lead

to increased focus in investments while removing any chances of duplication.

3. ICT as an Enabler for Service Delivery This roadmap recognises the central role ICT plays in facilitating efficient service delivery to the County of Mombasa residents. It acknowledges that strategic investments in ICT shall lead to operational efficiencies that reduce lead times, improve communication with the County stakeholders, improve the County image and meet the needs of the Counties in a timely and efficient manner.

1.3 ICT Achievements, Challenges and Lessons learntMombasa County has acquired some basic infrastructure, deployed IFMIS in financial management, some skilled human resources including an established ICT department. Despite these achievements, Mombasa is unable to maximise on ICT. Service delivery is slow and automation is limited. Mombasa County realizes the

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Mombasa County Government ICT Roadmap 2015-2020


need to invest in ICT to leverage on quality services while developing its workforce to play a critical role in deploying ICT in the County.

ICT shall lead to operational efficiencies that reduce lead times, improve communication with the County stakeholders...

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Mombasa County Government ICT Roadmap 2015-2020



ICT is a growing aspect in the global phenomena that has impacted positively to the economy, political and social environments. This chapter therefore presents the ICT contextual and situational analysis of the current state of Mombasa County in line with the global and national ICT standards and plans.

According to the National ICT Master Plan, three critical actions that need to be undertaken in order to lay a basis of Kenya transitioning to a Knowledge Society and positioning the country as a regional ICT hub by developing quality ICT infrastructure, developing integrated and secure information infrastructure and developing critical mass of high-end ICT human capital were identified as;

2.1.1 ICT Human Capital and Workforce DevelopmentThe development of quality ICT Human Resources is a pre-requisite to the development of a viable ICT sector. It ensures that ICT development, implementation and exploitation are an integral and sustainable component of development. Mombasa county Government staffs require basic and specialised ICT training and capacity building to realise the benefits of ICT.

2.1.2 Integrated ICT InfrastructureICT infrastructure is a key foundation necessary for the successful implementation of other foundations and pillars. It seeks to provide the integrated infrastructure backbone required to enable cost effective delivery of ICT products and services to Kenyans, businesses and other stakeholders. Mombasa County Government has numerous deficiencies as far as ICT infrastructure is concerned. The county faces challenges reliable internet connectivity, mobile network coverage in some areas such as Mwakirunge as well as broadband coverage.

2.1.2 Integrated Information InfrastructureThe national ICT Master Plan recognises that Information is always two ways. The remit of this foundation is the provision of more and better information from the public sector to its Government. The objective is to ensure that there is maximum access to information held by public authorities to all Kenyans and that public information is readily available through consolidated portals in an affordable and secure way. This will in turn improve the quality of e- Government services and enable the county to transition to a knowledge-based society.

Most county governments have a huge gap to fill as far as this foundation is concerned. Mombasa County whose guiding principle/philosophy of embracing ICT is efficiency and timely services to the people of Mombasa has a major task to set-up and equip existing structures and programs to facilitate an integrated information sharing infrastructure in order to transform the county into a knowledge-based society.

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Mombasa County Government ICT Roadmap 2015-2020


Based on the foregoing and guided by the already established thematic areas, the ICT status of the county was established

2.2 Current ICT Status in Mombasa County The status of ICT in Mombasa County focuses on four aspects that include infrastructure and connectivity, public service delivery, human resources as well as an analysis of the policy Environment and The Legal Framework. The status analyses the situation in both arms of the County Government: the Executive and the Legislature. Further, the analysis focuses on the ICT status at the County headquarters, sub-counties and Wards. There is limited focus on ICT status in the villages considering that the devolved structures at the villages are yet to be fully established.

2.2.1 Summary of Infrastructure and Connectivity Status in Mombasa County

Table 2- 1 Summary of Infrastructure and Connectivity Status in Mombasa County

1) Infrastructure and ConnectivityNo Aspect Rationale/Standards Current ICT status

Connectivity • Connection to fibre is reliable.

• Counties require reliable and fast internet to enable ICT based public service delivery systems.

• Connectivity through networks (both LAN and WAN) facilitate shared resources and efficient deployment of ICT

• Except for Mwakirunge Area that falls on the flight path, Mombasa is covered by mobile telephony

• Mobile uptake is high across the County

• NOFBI has reached the County Commissioners office and passes through the County

• Office connectivity is limited to specific areas

• Electricity connection is across the County but frequent power outages

ICT infrastructure optimisation

• ICT can only be optimised through a resource-sharing

• There is limited resource sharing on resources such as printers, copiers and projectors

• There is limited volume licensing

SLA with Service Providers • ICT equipment are expensive and require a guarantee against possible risks.

• 1. Currently no SLA exist with the service providers

Basic ICT equipment • The County Government should provide basic ICT equipment all the staff at their workstations, mobile staff requires portable devices such as laptops, tablets and mobile phone.

• The County has acquired some ICT equipment for the departments

• County human resources use personal laptops and mobile phones

Business Continuity Plan • Business Continuity Plans are at the heart of acquiring and deploying ICT.

• The plan enables the County to plan against possible disasters and data loss.

1. County information is stored on 3 servers

• No network attached storage

• County does not have a data centre

• County lacks neither data Recovery mechanisms nor business continuity plans

• Electricity is erratic leading to working hour losses.

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Mombasa County Government ICT Roadmap 2015-2020


County Department Nature of Functions Current Public Service Delivery Systems1 Finance and Economic Planning Service




3. STS

2 Youth, Gender and Social Services Service 1. Manual

3 Trade and Development Service 2. LAIFOMS

3. Manual

4 Health Service

5 Education and Children Service 1. Manual

6 Agriculture Livestock and Fisheries Service Manual

7 Water, Environment and Natural Resources Service Manual

8 Lands, Housing and Physical Planning Service E-construction permit

9 Tourism and Investments Service 1. Manual

2. County Website

10 Transport and Infrastructure Service 1. Manual

2.2.2 Summary of Public Service Delivery systems in Mombasa CountyThe County government implements its functions through the three arms. The processes are both facilitative and regulatory based. The County Government also relies on data to provide services across the County. The table below presents a Summary of the Public Service Delivery systems in Mombasa County

Table 2- 2: Summary of Public Service Delivery systems in Mombasa County

2.2.3 Summary of ICT Status Human Capital and Workforce Development Human resources play a significant role in deploying and optimising usage of ICTies. The table below gives a summary of the current state.

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Mombasa County Government ICT Roadmap 2015-2020


Policy EnvironmentNo Aspect Rationale/Standards Current ICT status 1 ICT policy • The ICT policy should be detailed to cover all aspects

on acquiring and deploying ICT.

• The development of ICT should heavily align to the ICT policy.

• The County has developed a draft ICT policy

• County relies on the CIDP and fiscal strategy in embracing ICT

2 Strategic Plan • The strategic plan provides a coordinated approach to ICT enabled service delivery.

• It details the investment priorities and the resources needed.

• The County has not developed the ICT Strategic plan

3 ICT financing • ICT investments are capital intensive. The County equity is probably insufficient in meeting those needs.

• A financing mix should respond to providing a sustainable and effective financing mechanism.

• County has been allocating ICT finances (1.4% of the 2014/2015 County budget)

2.2.4 Summary of Policy and Legal Framework Status The policy environment provides the framework for deploying ICT. The policy framework responds to the government position and processes in addressing the ICT needs. It focuses on the policy documents including statements of intention, laws as well as financing options the Government appreciates in deploying ICT. Table 2.3 below presents the summary of the current ICT policy and legal framework in Mombasa County.

Table 2- 3: Summary of Policy and Legal Framework status

Table 2- 3 Current ICT Status for Human Resource in Mombasa County

Human resource and Capacity BuildingNo Aspect Rationale/Standards Current ICT status

Basic ICT skills • Basic ICT skills are necessary for deploying ICT.

• County human resources should possess basic skills that facilitate them to manage basic operations and ICT operations such as operating systems and word processing

• Only 8% of the County staff have basic ICT

• Training opportunities exist across the city

• County staff have developed skills as personal initiative

Specialised and technical ICT skills

• The County ICT human resources require specialised skills to support other ICT users.

• The ICT department is instrumental in implementing IFMIS and IPPD.

• They also trouble shoot the challenges that the end-users face.

• The technical staff include both system and network specialists

• County has 14 ICT human resources

• Some have requisite skills to support the Departments

• Some staff skills cannot match their job descriptions

Human resources establishment

• The County Government requires sufficient technical staff at the County headquarters, sub-counties and wards.

• All the staff were seconded from the defunct municipality. Most of them lack any requisite skills

Change management

• The County Government requires a deliberate plan for transiting from manual to automated processes. The plan should be technical, people and approach based.

• County is keen on embracing ICT in service delivery

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Mombasa County Government ICT Roadmap 2015-2020


Shared Services Currently, Mombasa County lacks a shared services framework among the County departments, arms, other County Governments and with the national Government. Each department and arm pursues ICT needs independently. Furthermore, no workgroup mapping, resource allocation and volume licensing optimising on the economies of scale exist.

Change Management Currently, ICT is optional in the County. The County lacks mechanisms that would compel the County citizens and human resources to embrace ICT. As such, there is open resentment towards automating systems and using ICT in service delivery

Citizen participation and Involvement

• The Constitution of Kenya provides for citizen involvement and participation in the management of their affairs. Both the national and County Government are expected to ensure that citizen participation and involvement is evident. Currently, citizen participation and involvement is both manual. The feedback mechanisms on social media are sub-optimal

Other areas focused in analyzing the current state were;

2.2.5 Current ICT Expenditure AnalysisThe current level of budgeting in the County was analysed based on Gartner IT key metric data report (2012) that provides a market benchmark for key ICT metrics including spend level as compared to revenue. These ICT key metrics such as average percentages of ICT expenditures or budgets against the organisation revenue and analysed per industry give high-level benchmark for assessing organisations’ ICT department.

The County ICT allocation for 2014/2015 was 1.4% of the overall County budget. The Kenya Government ICT Master Plan recommended expenditure of 5% on ICT of the overall revenue in line with a study by Gartner in 2012 that observed ICT spending as a percentage of total revenue for organisations close to the County to range between 3% and 5%.

2.3 ICT Maturity LevelThe ICT infrastructure and connectivity assessment of the status was benchmarked against the National ICT Standards. Similarly, the public service delivery aspect was assessed with emphasis on the basic infrastructure that will facilitate service delivery. The overall rankings for ICT maturity were based on CMMI model advanced by Garter, 2012, which provides a range between 0 and 4, where 0 represents Relative Immaturity, 1- Ad Hoc Maturity, 2-Emerging Maturity, 3- Relative Maturity and 4-Robust Maturity

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Mombasa County Government ICT Roadmap 2015-2020


At a maturity Level of 1.6, the County is still at initial stages of setting up functional systems, structures, Infrastructure and infostructures that will steer e-governance adoption and optimal utilisation.

Capability Maturity Model Integration model was used to conduct the assessment. It’s basically a collection of best practices that help organizations to improve their processes

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Mombasa County Government ICT Roadmap 2015-2020



The ICT roadmap respond to the evident needs that shall transit the county to an ICT enabled service delivery model. The roadmaps align to the need to optimise ICT as a strategic approach to the service provision. The acquisition and subsequent deployment of ICT shall respond to the relationships that exist between the following:

1. G2G (County government to governments (other counties and National Government))

2. G2C (County government to citizens)

3. G2E (County government to employees)

4. G2B (County government to businesses

3.1 Strategic PrinciplesThis section details the desired end state definition for ICT in Mombasa County. It is described in the Vision and Mission statement, the core values embraced in deploying ICT as well as the roadmaps that shall be implemented over the 5-year period.

VisionThe Vision of the ICT Department is;

‘A vibrant, modern and regional commercial hub with a high standard of living for her residents through the use of ICTies’

MissionThe Mission of the ICT Department is:

‘To collaborate with Mombasa county stakeholders to lead in public service delivery through appropriate integration of ICTies. By so doing we seek to empower our residents, functional units, staff to use ICT in promoting high standards of living. We recognize ICT as a tool that enables us to attain the county’s integrated plan and V2030’

Core Values 1. Efficiency

2. Integrity

3. Innovation

4. Citizen-oriented

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Mombasa County Government ICT Roadmap 2015-2020


3.2 Mombasa County Roadmap Mombasa County shall optimise ICT by implementing four roadmaps that respond to the current needs. The capital investments shall seek to strengthen the existing infrastructure to realise efficient and automated public service delivery systems. The County shall also continuously build the capacities of the County human resources within a progressive policy framework. The County shall progressively increase allocations to ICT within a coordinated financing approach.

The four roadmaps are:1. Roadmap 1: Infrastructure and Connectivity2. Roadmap 2: Public Service Delivery systems3. Roadmap 3: Human Capital and Workforce Development4. Roadmap 4: Policy environment and legal framework

Table 3.1 below presents the rationale and parameters for each of the four roadmaps.

Roadmap Roadmap Rationale Roadmap Parameters 1 Roadmap 1:

Infrastructure and connectivity

ICT based service delivery rely on infrastructure. ICT infrastructure is the basis upon which public service delivery shall be made possible

• Internet Connectivity, NOFBI

• Access Devices, ICT equipment

• Network infrastructure- LAN/WAN

• Tele-communication- Telephony, Unified communication

• Data Centre

• Business Continuity plans- servers, Cyber Security, Access Environment

2 Roadmap 2: Public Service Delivery systems

The aim of this roadmap is to deliver highly efficient and quality services to the people of Mombasa County. ICT in service delivery is viewed as the most attractive strategy to realising this goal. This is the main roadmap.

• System automation

• Workflow automation

• Internal coordination

• Service delivery points

3 Roadmap 3: Human Resources and Capacity building

The Human Resource is critical in implementing ICT enabled service. County staff require targeted training and capacity building to use and apply systems in service delivery

1. Training needs assessment

2. Basic ICT training

3. System (application) based specialised trainings

4. ICT department Human Resources establishment

4 Roadmap 4: Policy environment and legal framework

ICT is not devolved. The ICT frameworks and investments should conform to the National Master-plan

County ICT policy framework

County ICT investment framework- PPPs in infrastructure acquisition

County ICT legal framework

County ICT budget allocations

Roadmap 1: Infrastructure and Connectivity Mombasa County shall seek to achieve the following five objectives that touch on infrastructure, connectivity and interoperability. The County shall implement twenty-four interventions across the six objectives. Table 3.2 presents the summary of these interventions.

Table 3- 1 Roadmaps Framework

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Mombasa County Government ICT Roadmap 2015-2020



connectivity by December 2018

• Implement local area networks (LANs) in the mapped out county offices

• Implement a metro area network (MAN) using NOFBI Infrastructure

2. Enhance ICT resource sharing by December 2017

• Develop a policy framework for sharing ICT resources (servers, printers, applications)

• Set up a Datacenter and implement network attached storage (NAS)

• Procure a human resource management system for the county

• Implement a single uniform DBMS platform for interoperability

3. To improve ICT infrastructure management system by December 2017

• Carry out an ICT assets inventory& ICT needs infrastructure audit

• Procure an asset management system (already procured)

• Employ Service Level Agreements (SLAs) for ICT infrastructure

• Secure ICT infrastructure

• Implement volume licenses

4. To promote ICT business continuity by December 2017

• Develop a disaster recovery and business continuity plan

• Acquire Power backup generators for all sub county offices

• Establish an offsite backup facility

5. To promote process automation by June 2017

• Automate revenue collection

• Automate registries (medical records, education, lands, procurement)

• Automate document and workflows in all departments


1. Eliminate Over-reliance on manual Operations by December 2017

• Map out and geo-reference revenue collection points

• Develop and implement an e-revenue collection system that is interoperable with IFMIS

• Automate PoS service points and integrate with revenue collection for real-time financial reporting

• Optimize e-construction permit

• Develop an e-payment system /and or configure e-construction to link the banking systems and IFMIS reporting

• Increase the service centres and make them PoS

• Automate surveying processes

• Set up a GIS lab

• Setup client experience portals fully integrated with other platforms in the county

Table 3- 2 Infrastructure and Connectivity Interventions

Roadmap 2: Public Service DeliveryMombasa County shall seek to achieve the following four objectives that touch on public service delivery systems. The County shall implement seventeen interventions across the five objectives. Table 3.3 presents the summary of these interventions.

Table 3- 3 Public Service Delivery systems interventions

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2. Improve the public involvement and participation in County decisions by June 2017

• Develop an interactive e-portal for public involvement and participation

• Develop county mobile application e.g. an SMS applications, Toll-free Call Centre

• Establish Service centre and Equip the service centres with TVs with County digital content etc

• Utilise town halls, social centres for public education on value of ICT

• Set up digital marketing screens (with remote control media centre

3. To enhance public communication by June 2017

• Provision of internet to all county offices (department offices, 6 sub counties, 30 wards )

• Implement unified communication system(voice, video and data) in all county offices

• Establish 1 media centre (dissemination of information thru digital screens, information service centers, local media)

• Establish County call centre

4. Resolve limited information dissemination mechanisms to the general public

• Establish and equip Information service centres in 2 phases (phase 1 sub counties, phase 2 wards) by December 2017

• Procure USSD for enquiries and e-payments,

• Procure Corporate bulk messaging system (alerts, notices etc) by June 2016


1. To develop general ICT skills and knowledge annually

• Conduct Training needs assessment / analysis

• Conduct sensitisation an awareness campaigns on ICT as an enabler

• Conduct technical trainings on staff on respective software and applications

2. To strengthen the technical ICT skills annually

• Train staff in other departments

• Recruit competent ICT staff in adverse circumstances

• Conduct advanced specialised (service oriented) training for ICT Staff

3. To develop and implement a change management strategy by June 2016

• Identify a change consultant

• Conduct Public awareness campaigns for citizens to appreciate and embrace ICT enabled service provision by June 2016


1. To develop and implement a comprehensive ICT policy environment

• Develop a comprehensive ICT Policy by August 2016

• Develop and implement a 5 Year Mombasa county ICT Strategic plan (2015-2020) by October 2015

• Enact a Comprehensive ICT law guiding the development and deployment of ICT by December 2016

Roadmap 3: Human Capital and workforce DevelopmentMombasa County shall seek to achieve the following three objectives that touch on human resources and capacity building. The County shall implement six interventions across the five objectives. Table 3.4 presents the summary of these interventions.

Table 3- 4 Human Capital and Workforce Development

Roadmap 4: Environment and Legal Framework Mombasa County shall seek to achieve the following one objective that touch on public legal and policy framework. The County shall implement five interventions across the three objectives. Table 3.5 presents the summary of these interventions.

Table 3- 5 Policy Framework and Legal Environment Interventions

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Shared Services Plan

To optimise ICT services through shared resources by December 2018

• Develop an ICT resource sharing policy

• Setup ICT infrastructure managed services- Emails, Security, Business continuity, Maintenance, Network attached storage

2. Promote the intra sharing interfaces-

- Workgroups; Interdepartmental,

- County to county,

- County government arms (executive, County Assembly and County Public Service Board)

- County government - national government.

3. Establish and implement ICT leadership structure to promote

- ICT training needs,

- Centralised ICT equipment acquisition

- Centralised ICT equipment management

- ICT investments

4. Manage service level agreements (SLAs)

Change Management

Develop and implement a change management plan by June 2016

• Design and develop a change management programme for the Staff and community structures

• Enforce use of ICT in all public service delivery

3.3 Supporting Roadmaps 1. Shared Services PlanThe County Government shall optimise ICT in service delivery through a shared services plan. Table 3-7 below summarises this plan.

Table 3- 6 Shared Services Plan

2. Change ManagementThe County Government recognises that ICT deployment shall be optimal when a change management strategy is developed and continuously implemented. Table 3-7 summarises this change management plan.

Table 3- 7 Change Management

3. Citizen Involvement and participation The County places emphasis on the need to involve the public in managing the County affairs. Table 3.8 below summarises the scope and plan by the County Government.

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Table 3- 8 Citizen Participation and Involvement

Citizen Participation and Involvement

To increase citizen participation spaces

• Conduct an e-readiness survey targeting citizens by December 2015

• Develop a communication strategy -County Website to management portal, notice boards, sms platforms, toll free lines, social media, radio, TV, information centres at the ward levels by August 2015

• Set up digital kiosks across the wards by June 2016

• Partner with the National Government in establishing Huduma Service Centres at the sub-county by June 2017

3.4 Key Strategies for ImplementationThe matrix below presents the possible strategies Mombasa County Government shall employ in acquisition and deployment of ICT.

The Strategies are clustered along the roadmaps as indicated in table 3.9 below

Table 3- 9 Key Strategies for Implementation

1 Roadmap 1: Infrastructure and Connectivity 1 Key Strategies

• Diversify fundraising campaigns beyond the allocated county budgets

• Use Private Public Partnerships arrangements to realize ICT investments

• Lobby the County government to increase ICT budgetary allocation from the 1.4% to 5% by 2016/2017 financial year.

2 Roadmap 2: Public Service Delivery Key Strategies

• Diversify fundraising campaigns above the County Government ICT allocations.

• Use Private Public Partnerships arrangements to realise ICT investments.

• Publicise e-services offered by departments.

• Automate operations to reduce operational costs.

2 Roadmap 3: Human Resources and Capacity Building Key Strategies

• Liaise with County Assembly to pass the current Mombasa County Human Capital development Bill/HR Manual

• Use Private Public Partnerships arrangements to realize ICT investments and institutional strengthening.

• Develop a monitoring and evaluation tool to assess the extent of service delivery and customer satisfaction.

• Develop and implement a change management Plan.

Roadmap 4: Legal Environment and Policy FrameworkKey Strategies

• Assign ICT staff portions of the ICT Policy and strategic plan to work on.

• Develop terms of reference for the development of an investment framework.

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This chapter focuses on the structure that the County requires to implement the roadmap successfully. In addition, it highlights the key priorities, critical success factors as well as the implementation matrix, risk management and the monitoring and evaluation framework.

4.2 Governance, Management and Organisation4.2.1 ICT Governance Supportive planning, advisory policies, and a well thought out and inspirational strategy can go a long way in the successful implementation and achievement of this road map. Policy areas where the County government shall have increasing interest include technology diffusion to business, specific government development projects and intellectual property rights.

The overall direction and delivery of the ICT Program is under the governance of the ICT Steering Committee, responsible for overall decision-making and ensuring delivery of strategy outcomes that achieve the strategic directions and objectives outlined herein.

The policy approach for the ICT needs to evolve. The focus needs to be on ensuring that the broad policy environment encourages innovation and risk taking, stimulates the growth and fosters the widespread use of ICT to achieve productivity benefits and other broad national objectives.

A number of national documents inform the policy context for the Mombasa county government ICT road map. Local policy is contained in the ICT policy for Mombasa County government. Others include IT strategic documents like the national ICT master plan, the national broadband policy. National policy is contained in the Blueprint policy document known as Vision 2030 and the national ICT policy

4.2.2 Project ManagementDelivery of this road map is going to be a major transformational programme, which will require diligent planning, excellence in implementation, cultural change and an increase in capability across all county government. Successful implementation requires a detailed implementation plan with associated change and programme management. This will also require leadership and support at the Governor’s level, Ministerial and senior official levels across the county, as well as the engagement of other key stakeholders, including the Private Sector, in creating a new and modern ICT enabled service delivery programmes in the county.

4.2.3 OrganisationIn the current arrangement, the ICT department is the County ministry of Education,

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ICT, Youth Affairs and Sports. This implies that the ICT is not a stand-alone department in the County Government. Currently the ICT department is grossly understaffed with four members only. Mombasa County requires a strong governance structure that shall maintain oversight over the implementation of the roadmaps. The County Government shall pursue cost effective management approach and matrix. The County Government shall functionally implement the roadmaps by supporting the existing structures and functions to optimise ICT enabled service delivery.

4.3 Change management In order to have a successful implementation of the Mombasa County ICT Roadmap, a change management plan is critical. The change management process shall adopt the 7-S organisational change model that focuses on the hard Ss strategy – strategy, structure and systems and the Soft Ss- Skills, staff and style. Most organisations focus of the Hard Ss and overlook the Soft Ss. This model addresses the critical role of coordination rather than structure in organizational effectives.

1. Strategy, Structure, systems ChangesMombasa County has an approved CIDP that mentions ICT as an important aspect in service delivery. The Development of this roadmap is of great importance to linking the citizens with the County since the focus of the county is poverty eradication. The county is currently using manual processes in most departments. This roadmap is proposing the purchase and implementation of an enterprise resource planner that will enable online processes resulting in faster, integrated, and cost effective services.

While Mombasa County has an ICT structure in place, there is need to align it to the recommendations of ICT Authority and have a technical planning committee incorporated into the structure. This important structure will monitor the implementation of the ICT plan of action within the roadmaps. The

Shared Values

Strategy Systems




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Mombasa County Government ICT Roadmap 2015-2020


Technical planning team has representation from all the County departments. This structure will work hand in hand with the ICT department and the stakeholders to ensure that departments integrate ICT in services delivery and feedback from the citizens.

2. Skills, staff and style, shared Values:The soft Ss are a very critical and important area of a successful change plan. Placing shared values at the middle of the process is an indication that they are central to the development of all other elements. Mombasa County ICT department has already developed shared values that include Integrity, Innovativeness, Allegiance, Creativity, and Teamwork. All the other aspects of the organization align themselves to what the county stands for as stipulated in the Mission and vision.

The staff skills are important portion of the county’s success in the implementation of this roadmap. These include both basics and Technical ICT skills. In addition to the skills, development of greater importance is the attitude towards change from manual processes to ICT enabled ones. There is need for development of change management plan that will tackle the issues of culture and attitude. There is need to identify a change management agent that will lead in the formulation of a change management plan and ensure its implementation.

4.4 Citizen participation and InvolvementCitizen participation is constitutional requirements. ICT enabled citizen participation enhances the quality of the decisions in addition to providing feedback from the citizens. This roadmap presents the following platforms for Mombasa County to involve its citizenry.

1. Public barazas

2. Service centres - only sub-counties offices exist as service centres and the County headquarter

3. County web portals; websites with interactive blogs that Citizens can use

4. Social halls across the County; Should be optimised in disseminating information

5. Mobile application; Some services can be facilitated via mobile applications such as having toll free lines, USSD codes among other mobile phone applications

4.5 Monitoring and EvaluationThe County Government requires a comprehensive monitoring and evaluation framework to assess progress and orient the results to the initial plan. The framework shall provide the trajectory for measuring progress against the initial plans.

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This shall provide for corrective mechanisms when negative deviations emerge.

The M & E structure will continuously strengthened and linked to the specific activities.

There will be a three-tier monitoring and evaluation structure, which includes the following at National Level, County level and Community level

At the national level the ICT Authority through the organised county forums will receive update reports, discuss them and advice of change of strategy if need be will be dome. They will also carry out county monitoring trips to give support and to ensure that national guidelines and policies are adhered to. At county level, the technical team and the planning committee team will be formed and will from time to time review, modify and recommend corrective mechanisms in ensuring that that the roadmaps are wholesomely implemented. The county structure/committee will oversee the ICT Projects and therefore they will be able to monitor the usage of the ICTies by the citizens. In addition, they will mobilise the community for sensitisation forums.

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Mombasa County Government ICT Roadmap 2015-2020



Mombasa County shall implement the following projects over the roadmap period.

5.1 ICT Priority Projects


1 Data Centre

• Establish an offsite backup facility by June 2018

• Establish County Data centre by June 2016

• Install NAS

2 LAN, WAN and Internet

• Map all areas that need to be networked by December 2015

• Implement local area networks (LANs) in the mapped areas by June 2016

• Implement a metro area network (MAN) using NOFBI Infrastructure by Dec 2016

• Provision of internet to all county offices (department offices, 6 sub counties, 30 wards) by June 2017

3 ICT Equipment

• Carry out an ICT assets inventory& ICT needs infrastructure audit

• Establish and equip Information service centres in 2 phases (phase 1 sub counties, phase 2 wards) June 2017

• Employ Service Level Agreements (SLAs) for ICT infrastructure

• Employ Service Level Agreements(SLAs) for ICT infrastructure by December 2015

4 Unified Communication • Implement unified communication system (telephony, video, emails) by December 2015

5 Storage • Implement network attached storage (NAS) by July 2016

ROAD MAP 2: PUBLIC SERVICE DELIVERY 6 IFMIS • Fully implement IFMIS for consistency by June 2016

7 Integrated County ERP

• Revenue collection; Automate revenue collection by June 2017

• Develop and implement an e-revenue collection system that is interoperable with IFMIS by June 2016

• Automate PoS service points and integrate with revenue collection for real-time financial reporting especially Land, Public Houses, trade & social amenities

• Procure USSD for enquiries and e-payments by June 2017

• Implement a single uniform DBMS platform for interoperability and automation of registries (medical records, education, lands, procurement)by June 2018

8 Geographic Information System

• Map out and geo-reference revenue collection points by Dec 2015

• Automate surveying processes by June 2019

• Set up a GIS lab by June 2020

• Employ Service Level Agreements(SLAs) for ICT infrastructure by December 2015

9 Web portal • Develop county interactive web portal (e - services) by June 2016

10 Electronic Document management • Automate document and workflows in all departments

11 Citizen participation (CRM)

• Develop e-portal for public involvement and participation – explore developing an SMS applications e.g. USSD short code

• Bulk SMS

• Toll-free Call Centre

• Interactive Web Portal

• Compliance mechanism

• USSD codes

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11 Citizen participation (CRM)

• Setup client experience portals fully integrated with other platforms in the county by June 2016

• Have feedback online blogs by December 2015

• Utilise town halls, social centres for public education on value of ICT by June 2018

• Implement MTEP for public participation Dec 2015

• Set up digital marketing screens (with remote control media centre June 2017

12 ICT Service centres

• Increase the service centres and make them PoS

• Develop departmental procedures on communication in relation to press releases

• Establish Service centre and Equip the service centres with TVs with County digital content by June 2017

• Establish 1 media centre (dissemination of information thru digital screens, information service centres, local media) by June 2016

• Procure Corporate bulk messaging system (alerts, notices etc) June 2017

13 Business Intelligence Analysis• Develop a management reporting application that will be integrated to all

applications in Mombasa and provide summarised detailed management reports and dashboards


14 ICT training

• Conduct Training needs assessment / analysis by December 2015

• Conduct technical trainings on staff on respective software and applications by June 2016

• Train other staff in other departments by June 2016

• Conduct advanced specialized (service oriented) training for ICT Staff by June 2017

• Conduct sensitisation an awareness campaigns on ICT as an enabler by June 2016

15 ICT Governance • Enact the County HR Capacity building/ HR manual by August 2015

• Develop and approve organisational structure/chart that will effectively spearhead and manage ICT investments by 2016

16 Staffing • Recruit in adverse circumstances by June 2018


17 Comprehensive ICT Policy

• Develop a comprehensive ICT Policy; Include provisions on cyber security, email usage, pornography, e-government, deployment of ICT tools, e-learning,, e-waste management by December 2015

• Develop and implement a 5Year Mombasa county ICT Strategic plan (2015-2020) by December 2015

• Enact a Comprehensive ICT law guiding the development and deployment of ICT by June 2016

18 Disaster Recovery and business continuity

• Develop Disaster Recovery and business continuity plans and risk management systems

• Acquire Power backup generators for all sub county offices by June 2017

19 Shared services policy

• Optimize e-construction permit

• Set up systems that will facilitate sharing of resources between G2G (County government to governments (other counties and National Government), G2C (County government to citizens), G2E (County government to employees), G2B (County government to businesses)

• Develop a policy framework for sharing ICT resources (servers, printers, applications) by December 2015

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20 System standardization

• ISO certification

• Information Security

• ITIL – Information Technology infrastructure Library

21 Change management

• Engage a change consultant/ partner

• Develop and implement change management plans

• Conduct Public awareness campaigns for citizens to appreciate and embrace ICT enabled service provision by June 2016

5.2 Summary of Financial Projections - InvestmentsFor Mombasa County to implement this ICT Roadmap, the following is a summary of financial projections for the 5-year strategic period 2015-2020;

Table 5- 2 Summary of ICT Investments

THEMATIC AREATOTAL 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20

KSH (‘000’) USD (‘000’) KSH





(‘000’)1. Road Map 1: Infrastructure, Connectivity and Interoperability

643,300 6,992.391 112,100 228,100 198,100 105,000 -

2. Road Map 2: Public Service Delivery

800,000 8,695.652 123,000 195,000 152,000 165,000 165,000

3. Road Map 3: Human Capital and Workforce Development

121,000 1,315.217 52,000 27,000 32,000 5,000 5,000

4. Road Map 4: Policy Environment and Legal Frameworks

105,000 1,141.304 22,500 40,500 6,000 21,000 15,000

TOTAL 1,669,300 18,144.565 309,600 490,600 388,100 296,000 185,000

5.3 Roadmap Financing Mombasa County requires a robust financing mix of the internal equity and limited debt to realise the ambitions roadmap. The financing model should include successive and incremental allocations to ICT in line with the requirements of the ICT National Masterplan. In addition, the County should take advantage of the huge partnerships that exist to foster resource mobilisation. The private sector participation is critical in financing this roadmap.

1. Private Sector:The private sector presence offers opportunity to develop the infrastructure, collaborations in joint ventures, feedback, learning and monitoring of the existing systems. The presence of telecommunications such as Safaricom and Jamii Telcom provide possible areas of financing infrastructure.

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Mombasa County Government ICT Roadmap 2015-2020


2. Development PartnersThe County should leverage on multilateral development partners to finance this roadmap. The existing laws allow County Governments to engage the development partners with the national Government serving as guarantors. The County Government should take advantage of such opportunities to both material and in-kind ICT development.

3. County Budget Allocation and Resource Sharing within DepartmentsThe County will work to consolidate all Departments ICT Budgets and their implementation plans were possible to ensure sharing of ICT resources. The County will also ensure an allocation of at least 3% - 5% of the total County budget to ICT over the roadmap implementation period.

4. National Government ICT Flagship ProjectsThe County will also work closely with the National Government in rolling out the ICT Flagship projects in the County. In addition, the County Government shall take advantage of its positioning on the northern corridor to tap into the benefits that connect Kenya’s largest cities- Nairobi and Mombasa that pass through Mombasa County.

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Ministry of Information, Communication and Technology

Telposta Towers, 10th Floor, Kenyatta Ave. Koinange Street

P.O Box 30025-00100,Nairobi Kenya

Tel: (+254) 4920000 / 1

Email: [email protected]

Website: www.information.go.ke

Mombasa County Government

P.O. Box 90440 - 80100

Mombasa, Kenya.

Tel: +254 709 000 000, +254 65 62075

Email: [email protected]

Website: www.mombasa.go.ke

ICT Authority

Telposta Towers, 12th Floor, Kenyatta Ave

P.O. Box 27150 - 00100 Nairobi, Kenya

t: + 254-020-2211960/62

Email: [email protected] or [email protected]

Website: www.icta.go.ke

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Ministry of Information, Communication and Technology

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