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Kericho County Government ICT Roadmap 2015-2020






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Kericho County Government ICT Roadmap 2015-2020




COUNTYICT ROADMAP ACCEPTANCE SIGNOFF _____________________________ _________________ _______________ Governor/Deputy Governor, KerichoCounty Signature Date ____VICTOR KYALO_____ _____________________ _______________ Chief Executive Officer ICT Authority Signature Date ____ERASTUS NZIOKA___ _____________________ _______________ Project Manager, Infosys Engineering Ltd Signature Date



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I am pleased to acknowledge the support made by the entire County and stakeholders for the Development of this ICT Road Map 2015-2020. We recognize and appreciate with gratefulness the support and contribution given to Kericho County both technically and financially by ICT Authority of Kenya through World Bank and Infosys Engineering Limited during the development of this Roadmap.

I would like to sincerely thank the Governor H.E Prof. Paul Kiprono Chepkwony, H.E the Deputy Governor, Susan Kikwai, OGW, County Executive Committee Member for Information Communication and E-Government Hon. Jolly Chepkirui, all CECs and Chief Officers of departments, The County Public Service Board headed by Mr. Joel Siele, the County Assembly through the Speaker Hon. Japhet Mutai, and the entire ICT and E-government department for the guidance, time committed for and in overall any support given to this process.

Finally, I thank all stakeholders who participated in the validation process. Your views and contributions were inevitably helpful to the development of the desired and all inclusive Roadmap for Kericho County.

Mr. Benard KorirChief Officer - Information, Communication and E-Government


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Statement on Confidentiality and Distribution of this Document

This report has been prepared for and only for County Government of Kericho and the ICT

Authority in accordance with the terms of our engagement letter dated 4th February 2015 and

inception report dated 13th March 2015and for no other purpose.

Infosys Engineering Limited (the Consultant) does not accept or assume any liability or duty of

care for any other purpose or to any other person to whom this report is shown or into whose

hands it may come save where expressly agreed by our prior consent in writing.


The global economy is dependent on and is largely shaped by the use of Information, Communication and Technology. It therefore means ICT is indisputably a driver of Kericho County’s economy and a critical tool for achieving better governance, corporate performance, and citizen development. The Kericho County ICT Roadmap 2015-2020 highlights the County Government’s strategies and programs and its commitment to developing a vibrant, accessible and world-class ICT sector.

The Roadmap is also envisioned to create wider awareness on ICT; define short and medium term objectives; identify key initiatives and help rally stakeholders to undertake programs that complement the short and medium-term ICT development plans of the County Government; provide investment opportunities; lay out sustainable strategies for the further development of ICT; and increase coordination in implementing ICT programs and achieving the desired impact and outcomes.

The Kericho County ICT Roadmap 2015-2020 by and large serves as a Masterplan on ICT to be adopted by the County during the period.

Hon. Jolly ChepkiruiC.E.C-Information Communication and E-Government

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LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMSBPO Business Process OutsourcingCA County Assembly CCTV Closed Circuit TelevisionCDF Constituency Development Fund CEC County Executive CommitteeCDMA Code Division Multiple AccessCIDP County Integrated Development Plan CO ChiefOfficerCPSB County Public Service Board CRA Commission for Revenue AllocationCRM Citizen Relationship ManagementDG Deputy Governor DHIS District Health Information System EAC East Africa CommunityECD Early Childhood DevelopmentECDE Early Childhood Development and EducationERP Enterprise Resource PlanningEASSy East African Submarine Cable SystemGIS Geographical Information SystemGCCN Government Common Core networkGPS Global Positioning SystemGSM Global System for MobileHE His ExcellencyHMIS Health Management Information SystemICT Information and Communications TechnologyICTA Information and Communication Technology Authority ITES Internet Enabled ServicesKeWASCO Kericho Water Services CompanyKPLC Kenya Power and Lighting CompanyKTC Konza Technology CityIFMIS Integrated Financial Management Information System IPPD Integrated Personnel and Payroll DatabaseIPRs Intellectual Property RightsKES Kenya ShillingKPLC Kenya Power and Lighting Company LAN Local Area NetworkLAIFOMS Local Authorities Integrated Financial and Operations Management SystemMCA Member of County Assembly MTP Mid-Term Plan nRI network Readiness IndexNOFBI National Optical Fibre Backbone InfrastructurePABX Private Automated Branch ExchangeSLA Service Level AgreementSP Strategic Plan TA Transition AuthorityTEAMS The East African Marine SystemTTC Teachers Training CollegeTVET Technical and Vocational Educational TrainingUNESCO UnitedNationsEducational,Scientific&CulturalOrganisationUSD United States DollarsVoIP Voice Over Internet ProtocolWAN Wide Area NetworkWB World Bank WDF Ward Development Fund WSIS World Summit on the Information Society

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This roadmap intends to deliver on four objectives namely:

This roadmap intends to deliver on four objectives that are:

This roadmap is benchmarked on the global, regional and national ICT trends, demands, expectations, standards and best practices. It analyses the status of ICT in the county and analyses the gaps using the maturity level analysis. Finally, four thematic roadmaps and three cross cutting themes are discussed.

The National ICT Master Plan aims at making ‘Kenya an ICT hub and a globally competitive digital economy’. The master plan identifies the county governments as one of the key stakeholders and


To develop a coordinated and coherent approach for ICT road map development and guidelines which enable Kericho County to provide high-quality and cost effective ICT- enabled services that meet the needs of County residents

Foster innovation, best practice, and value for money in the use of ICT in management of County resources, learning and Citizen outreach.

To define the conditions under which it will be possible to provide a shared and optimized ICT infrastructure with appropriate user support and standards for the National Government and the Kericho County Government.

To among other things identify: Short term quick wins; Priorities for investment; Plans for deveoplment; Employment and support of ICT services and infrastructure with support the County’s Citizen outreach, learning and administrative activities; A change management plan; Detailed strategies for refinement and evaluation of performance, culture, communications, data reporting and any other strategic management identified issues necessary for succesful implementation of roadmap in relation to ICT services for the Kericho County Government,


The development of the roadmap invilved consultative meetings with tha County leadership in the two arms and the Public Service Board. The Consultancy team collected data across the functions and departments of the County Government and validated the information before generating a status report. Further consultations with the stakeholders informed finalisation of the first draft under the stewardship of the planning and technical committees. The ICT Authority has also validated each stage of the development process

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partners in the implementation process. The Kericho ICT roadmap aligns itself to the national ICT Master-plan. It seeks to position the County in delivering efficient ICT enabled services. Currently, ICT integration is low in public service delivery in addition to sub-optimality in the existing systems.

Kericho County ICT Roadmap 2015-2020The Roadmap covers four strategic areas: Infrastructure and Connectivity, Human Resources and Capacity Building, Public Service Delivery and The Legal and Policy Environment;

The county has achieved significant milestones that include termination of NOFBI at the County headquarters, installation of excellent communication including tele-conferencing in the governor’s offices; and established ICT centres that access internet to the citizens, among other achievements.

However, the county still faces numerous ICT challenges that include; limited ICT infrastructure and poor connectivity, lack of a comprehensive training programme for the county staff and low ICT skills, lack of integrated information management system and a limited ICT enabled public service delivery systems and lack of ICT governance, policies and procedures. In addition to the above, the county lacks a Shared Services plan, a change management plan and there is limited citizen involvement and participation.

An assessment of the ICT maturity level in the County Government of Kericho is currently rating significantly below average with a score of about 224.3 on the weighted maturity ratio and a category maturity of 1.5. The findings confirm the need of a significant County ICT Roadmap and a high investment to accelerate the delivery of the identified ICT infrastructure, information systems, processes and required skills to support the ICT Vision. Key gap- closure projects have been identified to reach the desired ICT maturity level.

The Vision of the ICT roadmap is to ‘Support Information Communication Technology for maximum productivity and excellent innovation in the county’. The ICT Vision is aligned to the County vision of ‘A diverse and dynamic community with a healthy economy and environment where all people and businesses have the opportunity to thrive”. To achieve the desired state, the Kericho County Government shall require an investment of Kshs 1,029,617,750 (USD 11,191,497) over the next 5 years.

At the heart of implementation are the shared services and change management plans as strategic approaches. The County Government shall coordinate the implementation through a project implementation structure. The County Government shall embrace a private public partnership model in financing the roadmap. .

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The second Medium Term Plans (MTP) (2013-2017) of the Vision 2030 considers ICT as a key foundation for economic growth, ‘strengthening the foundations of a knowledge-economy’. The plan highlights ICT as a critical tool in the Kenya’s vision for a knowledge-based economy. The development of these ICTs involves the following:

1. Upgrading the national ICT infrastructure

2. Improving public service delivery

3. Developing the ICT industry

4. Upgrading ICT capacity

The County Government of Kericho through this five-year ICT roadmap seeks to leverage on the advantages of ICT investment as an essential driver that will bring forth improved economic development. The plan will focus the county’s ICT investment under the following areas: ICT infrastructure and connectivity, Public service delivery systems, human resource and capacity building and policy environment and legal frameworks.

1.1 Background of the County Government of KerichoThis section presents the location and position of the County Government of Kericho, its administrative and political units as well as the arms of the County Government

1.1.1 County General Information The County of Kericho is located in the Rift Valley part of Kenya. It borders Uasin Gishu County to the North, Baringo County to the North East, Nandi to the North West, Nakuru to the East and Kericho County to the South. It is located at longitude 35° 02’ and 35° 40’ East and between the equator and latitude 0° 23 South. The County has a land surface of 2,479 Km2. The County consists of six sub counties (constituencies) namely Ainamoi, Belgut, Bureti, Kipkalom East, Kipkelion West and Sigowet/Soin. The County has 15 administrative divisions, 85 locations and 209 sub-locations. The total population is 758,339 (Male – 50 %, Female – 50 %).

1.1.2 County DemographicsThe County Integrated Development Plan indicates that the population of Kericho county as per 2009 census stood at 758,339 (males-381,980; females – 376,359). This population was projected to increase to 881,064 in 2015 with 443,797 males and 437,267 females. This population is projected to increase further to 926,237 by 2017.

1.1.3 County Executive The County Executive consists of 10 departments (sometimes referred to as Ministries) and a County Public Service Board. The County Executive Committee Members and Chief Officers (who are the accounting officers) head the departments. The Directors and their respective directorates perform the technical aspects of the departments. The Governor with the approval of the County Assembly appoints the County Executive committee members and chief officers.

The County Government is fully established and has 10 Executive departments. Ainamoi Sub County (Kericho town) hosts all the offices of the County Executive as the headquarters. The other lower

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administrative offices of the County Government including sub-counties, wards and villages are in their geographical areas.

The Executive functions are devolved to the six sub-counties (headed by Sub-County Administrators), then the 30 wards (Ward Administrators) and down to the villages.

The table below presents the distribution of the functions among the Executive arm of the Kericho County Government

1.1.4 The County Assembly The Speaker elected by the Members of the County Assembly heads the County Assembly of Kericho. An elected member of the County Assembly (MCA) represents each Ward in the Assembly. The Assembly is composed of 30 elected members and 17 nominated members making 47 members. The County Assembly executes its legislative, oversight and representation roles through established eight (8) sectoral committees of the Assembly.

The Clerk of the County Assembly who is the chief accounting officer of the County Assembly coordinates the day-to-day functions of the assembly. The County Assembly has the following departments: - Committee Services, Administration, Security and Internal Audit. These are further divided into the following sections that support running of the Assembly: - ICT, Hansard, Finance, Procurement, Budget & Research, Legal, Human Resources and Public Relations. The ICT department has four staff.

1.1.5 The County Public Service Board There is an independent public service board in Kericho County. The County Public Service Board is in charge of Human Resource Management and Labour Relations, Administration, Coordination of Decentralisation and Disaster Management. The PSB administration team includes an HR office and other professional staff members.

1.1.6 ICT Department in Kericho County The County government of Kericho has a Department of Information Communication and E-Government as an independent department in the Executive arm of the Government headed by a CEC Member. The ICT department is in charge of the county communication and information needs and offers other functions related to e-government. The mandate of the department is to position itself in order to grow a Knowledge-based economy in line with the Mid-Term Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and aspiration of Kenya’s Vision 2030. The department cuts across all the other county government entities. Unfortunately, ICT is not yet visualised as a core function of the County Government and County Assembly and both institutions receives minimal funding.

The functions of the department are:

1. To develop and implement ICT policies and strategies

2. Set up and maintain County ICT infrastructures that supports and enables the provision of applications and systems that address the needs of the county

3. Coordinate rigorous processes of sourcing or developing, deployment and installations of assorted Enterprise Resource Planning (ERPs) systems in the County

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4. Coordinate e-government platforms in the county for core development agenda in the agriculture, roads, trade and education among others

5. To establish robust and reliable platforms to facilitate public communication and access to information in the form of media, weekly county paper, monthly and quarterly magazines, journals, Annual Information Expo and county radio with a wide outreach in the county

6. To develop structures that facilitate citizen participation in the county

The ICT department implements its mandate through a lean staff. All the components of the organogram are functional except for the Director for ICT. This Roadmap offers an opportunity for the county to source for the relevant skills to facilitate implementation of the roadmap. The department disseminates information to the public. The Governor’s press service unit works with the ICT team to disseminate information. The mandate of the department includes ensuring overall coordination and policy leadership in the provision of the ICT support services across the County Departments.

1.1.7 Scope The Kericho County ICT Roadmap 2015/2016-2019/2020 is a clear, concise and coordinated approach to delivering quality ICT services to the people of Kericho County. The following four principles have guided the development of this Roadmap:-

i) ICT as an enabler for service delivery

ii) Desire to deliver better public service at lower costs

iii) Sharing of resources

iv) Desire to offer high quality services

1.2 ICT Achievements, Challenges and Lessons Learnt The county has made some achievements as follows: The county has improved connectivity because of NOFBI that terminates at the county headquarters; there is excellent communication including tele-conferencing in the governor’s offices; and the county has established ICT centres that access internet to the citizens, among other achievements.

However, even with the above achievements, some of the challenges in the development of ICT have been limited budget has continued to hamper the progress of all the ICT initiatives; Projects start without any clear close-dates; and a very lean staff are affected the ICT support across departments and at sub-county level.

The County Government over time acknowledges that ICT development requires close collaboration between the county and national governments in order to effectively leverage on existing systems; and that Public-Private -Partnership model with a clear exit strategy is essential for the ICT roadmap

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This section discusses the ICT context from a global, regional and national perspective. The section further delves into the foundations, national government enterprise architecture, strategic pillars, and current ICT status in the county, maturity level, Gap analysis and current expenditure analysis on ICT.

2.1 Overview of the Global, Regional and Nation ICT Trends This subsection highlights some of the trends at the global, regional and national levels in ICT. It focuses on the best practice standards and regulatory frameworks within which the ICT developments occur in the County.

The world’s advances in ICT over the last 20 years have been phenomenal. The uses of ICT have been so pervasive that we cannot imagine a world without mobile phones and computers. ICT has brought remarkable transitions such as World-Wide Web, high-speed broadband Internet and universal increase in the use of mobile devices to communicate and collect information. ICTs have gained increased importance especially with the advent of globalisation and increased information –intensive economic activities (World Bank 2006).

As a result, both the private and public sector acknowledge ICT’s pivotal role in national development because the use of ICTs enhances public sector effectiveness, efficiency and transparency. Kericho County acknowledges the importance of ICT to enhance service delivery and accountability to the citizens. There is a general move towards enabling citizens of Kericho County “access the global village” through establishment of citizen service centres.

2.1.1 Alignment to National ICT TrendsThe National ICT Master Plan that aligns to Vision 2030 is one of the most transformative documents produced by the Government to spearhead and revolutionise the country. It provides major foundations that are critical to undertake in order to lay a basis of Kenya transitioning to a Knowledge-based society and positioning the country as a regional ICT hub. These foundations are:

1. The development of quality ICT infrastructure

2. The development of an integrated and secure information infrastructure and

3. The development of critical mass of high-end ICT human capital

The above foundations, form part of the key thematic areas in this ICT Roadmap (i) ICT Human Capital and workforce development (ii) integrated ICT Infrastructure and (iii) integrated information infrastructure (Service Delivery Mechanisms)

Internet access is a key driver for the ICT revolution. The National ICT Master Plan (2014), the national broadband strategy (2014) has put emphasis on infrastructure, and connectivity by year 2017 hence demands for more coordinated and coalesced efforts by the national and county governments to realise the vision. Inter- county joint investment ventures for instance will facilitate heavy infrastructure investment through sharing. The underlying assumptions are that the essential reliable power, compliant infrastructure buildings and human capacity are provided.

The National Optic Fibre Backbone Infrastructure (NOFBI) connects major towns. In order to

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extend fibre capacity to all parts of the country, the Government is reviewing NOFBI with a view of extending and building additional links. This provides Kericho County with an opportunity to ride on these national initiatives for fast, efficient and stable Internet connectivity with minimal expenditure. NOFBI terminates at the county Head Quarters and the ICT team hopes to have this extended to the sub- counties.

2.2 Foundations The Kericho County ICT Roadmap aligns to the policies and strategies proposed in the National ICT Master Plan, the Broadband Strategy Paper and the Infrastructure sharing Paper as the key papers to spearhead Kenya’s ICT sector. The following are the thematic areas that are guiding the ICT roadmap’s current assessment and proposed implementation.

Figure 21 Kericho County ICT Thematic Areas

2.2.1 ICT Human Capital and Workforce DevelopmentWhile the Government and the private sector have been investing heavily in the ICT infrastructure, there has comparatively been little investment in the human resources required to design, develop and operate this infrastructure and the associated e-applications. With the increasing sophistication of ICT and its applications, high-end skill sets are increasingly required and availability presents a challenge to growth and to achieving the vision 2030.

Successful implementation of products and services is dependent on a highly skilled and motivated workforce. The ICT staff should be equipped with focused technical skills as well as appropriate managerial and leadership skills. The County Government of Kericho will continue to enhance its workforce capacity through assessment of current and future needs, identifying capacity gaps and developing relevant and effective capacity building programmes.

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2.2.2 Integrated ICT InfrastructureThis foundation seeks to provide the integrated infrastructure backbone required to enable cost effective delivery of ICT products and services to Kenyans, business community and other stakeholders. There are four sub-marine cables that offer connectivity in world; TEAMS, EASSY, SEACOM and LION. Inland, the National Optical Fiber Backbone Infrastructure is found in over 23 counties. Kericho is one of these counties. The NOFBI phase II program is underway.

It is expected that by 2017, as envisaged in the master plan, Kericho County will have attained a robust ICT infrastructure to facilitate the development of an ICT-enabled economy. This will promote integration and sharing of ICT infrastructure. The ICT team was encouraged to tap into the Universal Access Funds (UAFs) to address the connectivity challenges in the undeserved rural areas.

2.2.3 Integrated Information InfrastructureThis foundation concerns itself with the creation, continuous accessibility and archiving of public information. Currently data is not well organized and is very difficult to access electronically. The master plan proposes that Kenya develops and implements public data hubs based on secure infrastructure for efficient and effective citizen centric services. The national government is currently deploying Huduma Centres across the country to facilitate one –stop-shops that bring services closer to the citizens. Kericho County has started plans to establish similar centres to improve access to information and services to the citizens

2.3 National Government Enterprise ArchitectureInformation Technology Architecture is a high-level map or plan of the information assets in an organization, including the physical design of the building that holds the hardware. This process of development of methodical information technology specifications, models and guidelines, using a variety of Information Technology notations within a coherent Information Technology architecture framework is important in response to the requirement for a coherent, consistent approach to delivery of information technology capabilities.

The National Government of Kenya recognises that Strategic management of Information, Information Systems and Information & Communication Technology is key and needs to be done in a more coordinated manner. The Ministry of ICT and ICT Authority constitute the collective governing body of Information & Communication Technology (ICT). These institutions are charged with the responsibility to govern Government-Wide ICT plans and programmes in pursuance of the outcomes, principles of the ICT pillars as depicted in Figure 2 below.

ICTA has developed the Kenyan Government Wide Enterprise Architecture (GEA) Framework as a minimum standard to use across all government departments and agencies. The GEA Framework is intended to supersede any prevailing Enterprise Architecture and ICT planning frameworks and methods in use in government. County Governments are no exception to this policy requirement. Hence the need for Kericho County Government to conform and abide by the GEA framework as prescribed by the government policy.

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In the development of the Kericho County ICT strategy road map, the foregoing (GEA) framework shall guide the County Government Enterprise Architecture accordingly. The purpose of Kericho County utilizing Enterprise Architecture will be to provide an overview of how information technology can support the County in achieving the vision and mission of the core business strategy; run business in a better way; support business strategies that are constantly evolving; direct and motivate the development of information technology activities. The Government Enterprise Architecture as summarized in Figure 2-3 below shall guide the implementation of the ICT Road map for the County Government of Kericho.

2.4 Pillars in line with National Master PlanThe Government developed a Government Common Core network (GCCN), that serves as a shared and secure interoperable Government-wide ICT architecture. The system will not only integrate work processes and information flows, but also improve inter-ministerial sharing of databases and exchange of information. This is to ensure that there is maximum access to information held by public authorities to all Kenyans and that public information is readily available through consolidated portals in an affordable and secure way.

Some of the key issues that will facilitate and guide the implementation of the national master plan in the county are:



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of S







ICT Planning (GEA) →ICT Acquisition → ICT Operations







Citizen Convenience

Figure 22 ICT House of Values

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1. Commonality in Counties

2. E-Government Services

3. ICT as a driver of Industry

4. Development of ICT Business

2.4.1 National ICT Flagship Projects The National Government has initiated a number of ICT Flagship projects that have a direct impact on all Counties. Counties shall tap in to these projects and align their ICT Strategies to the National Government strategies. These cover the following areas;

1. Infrastructure, connectivity and interoperability

2. Human Capital and Workforce Development

3. Public Service Delivery Systems

4. Policy Environment and Legal Frameworks

2.5 The ICT Status in Kericho County The section presents the county status of the Infrastructure Connectivity and Interoperability, Public Service Delivery Systems, Human Resources and End-Users Capacities and the Legal and Policy Environment. The status is for both the County Assembly and County Executive with specifics being highlighted appropriately

The table below summarises the status of the ICT in Kericho County

Table 21 Kericho County ICT Current Status

Aspect Current Status

Infrastructure The County has National Optical Fibre Backbone Infrastructure (NOFBI). The fibre optic is in the county headquarters. There are also independent service providers also supplying fibre optics (Jamii Telkom and Orange)

There is general focus on infrastructure in the sub counties with LAN in Ainamoi, Litein, Kipkelion West while the other sub counties Kipkelion East and Belgut have no LANs

LANs exists in the Head Quarters

GSM, Wireless, Fiberlink are available in the county

General office automation is low at the departments.

Few or no desktop/ laptops available in most of the sub-county offices

Interoperability IFMIS system is operational

IPPD is used to manage payroll

LAIFOMS is used to collect revenue in some revenue streams and is not connected to IFMIS

Human Resource Information System (HRIS) system is being piloted

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Aspect Current Status

Human Resource Several institutions of higher learning present an opportunity to improve ICT skills for the county citizens. In-house training is also provided

Most of the staff in the departments at the sub-county level have a challenge in the use of computers

Some of the staff in the departments at the county level have working knowledge of computers

Sometimes the ICT staff in collaboration with external consultants conduct in-house training

Policy Environment Draft ICT policy in existence

ICT funding level is low

No county ICT legislation in place

2.6 Kericho County ICT Gap Analysis This section analyses the existing gaps that limit Kericho County from optimising and deploying ICT in service delivery. It uses the maturity level analysis to establish gaps in the existing ICT environment and the desired ICT optimisation in Kericho County

2.6.1 Kericho County ICT Maturity Level AnalysisThe first step in ICT development is to assess the status in understanding the areas for development to raise the maturity level of the ICT environment.

ICT Standard’s maturity analysis is performed as a self-assessment where each ICT function gets a score according to a scale that is consistent with CMMI (Capability Maturity Model Integration) model. This way, the organisation will have visibility about the maturity of ICT and how people inside and outside of the organisation view it.

Organisations cannot implement ICT developments as a single project. They must implement it as a coordinated program that evolves over time. A maturity model will enable organisations to identify their maturity stages and what actions to take to reach the next level.

The model adopted for the analysis of Kericho County ICT status is explained below:

The findings of the maturity level are as indicated in Table 2.2 below;

Table 22 Summary of ICT Maturity Findings


Infrastructure & Connectivity 0.7 82.4

Public Service Delivery Systems 1.5 62.5

Human Resources & Capacity Building 2.6 35.7

Policy Environment & Legal Framework 1.3 66.7


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Figure 23 Kericho County Maturity Diagram

Weighted Maturity Ratio

Based on the above maturity analysis, the County rated well below average with a score of 224.23 on the weighted maturity ratio and a category maturity of 1.5. There is huge potential and opportunity for growth in all the areas considered. Most progress made is in the Human resource and capacity building with near similar Legal and Policy environment and Public service delivery systems. The needs of the county are not being met with the current ICT infrastructure and service delivery mechanisms.

2.6.2 Kericho County ICT Gap AnalysisThe maturity level analysis brings to fore ICT Gaps as per the four thematic areas. The table below represents a summary of the ICT Gap analysis and some of the proposed closure projects.

Table 23 Kericho County ICT Gap analysis summary

1. Infrastructure and Connectivity

1. Inadequate signal strength for mobile connectivity in some parts of the county.

2. Lack of local area network in the departments outside the county Head Quarters and county assembly-research department

3. Lack of Wide Area Network between the departments covering the offices in Kericho town;

4. Lack of data centre (server room, servers, air conditioning) at the County Executive

5. Lack of integrated systems to operationalise the functions of the departments

6. Lack of centralised data storage and management in spite of the need being raised by the departments;

7. No storage, back- up and recovery system including co-location facilities for both the county executive and assembly

8. No information/data security systems in place

9. Insufficient office space

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2. Public Service Delivery Systems

1. Weak GSM signal strength

2. Inadequate use of mobile phone applications for service delivery by departments

3. Ineffective use of the website as a source of information for both the departmental needs and public information

4. The departments and county assembly lack a unified communication system

5. Lack of integrated information flow across directorates and departments.

6. Lack of automated systems to monitor projects (both Executive and the Assembly)

7. Lack of interoperability between IFMIS, IPPD and LAIFOMS

8. Lack of Human Resource Information Management System

9. There are inadequate systems to relay information to the public

10. Operations within and across departments are not optimised;

11. IFMIS is not fully operational and not linked to the departments;

12. The Members of County Assembly do not have I-Pads to facilitate their operations (to receive bills)

3. Human Capital and Workforce Development

1. Lack of a Training Needs Assessment (TNA) to establish the capacity gaps and needs for the application of ICT in service delivery in the County

2. Inadequate ICT skills among the MCAs

3. Many staff in the county lack basic ICT skills

4. ICT department organisation structure not fully established;

5. Inadequate sensitisation of the citizenry on methods of engaging with the County Government

4. Policy Environment and Legal Framework

1. Lack of a final CIDP

2. Lack of comprehensive County Law supporting the deployment and use of ICT in the County with focus on the general citizenry. Thus, the application and use of ICT in the County does not have sufficient enforcement mechanisms as well as the framework for ICT investments.

3. Lack of an approved ICT strategy

4. The draft ICT policy has gaps. Need to improve to ensure that all the relevant policies on use and management of ICT are properly documented

5. Inadequate legislative framework to guide ICT implementation

2.7 Current Kericho County Government ICT Budget (2014/2015)The current level of budgeting in the County was analysed based on Gartner IT key metric data report (2012) which provides a market benchmark for key ICT metrics including spend level as compared to revenue. These ICT key metrics such as average percentages of ICT expenditures or budgets against the organisation revenue and analysed per industry give high level benchmark for assessing organisations ICT departments. The Exchange rate used was KES 92 per USD.

The analysis in the table below shows that the total ICT Budget based on Supplementary Estimates of 2014-2015 was at around 1.2%. The ICT department directly receives 0.8% of the budget with more than half of the budget being for capital expenditure.

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This chapter defines the Vision, mission and guiding principles of the ICT Roadmap informed by the stakeholders contacted and literature review both before and during the planning process

The vision of the County Government of Kericho is that “ICT has a crosscutting role to support and facilitate the county in achieving its objectives”. From the gap analysis and the department’s end-state definition, the ICT roadmap is expected to support the Kericho County government enhance the County government’s operations and strategic focus by the application and execution of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to support improvements in productivity, management effectiveness and ultimately, the quality of services offered to citizens.

3.1 Strategic Principles The foundation of the ICT road map is based on the improvement of current delivery systems and expectations from the 10 departments. This section details some of the fundamental principles for the ICT roadmap.

3.1.1 VisionThe Vision of the ICT Department is to:

To support Information Communication Technology for maximum productivity and excellent innovation in the county

3.1.2 MissionThe Mission of the ICT Department is:

To develop, deploy a support innovative, quality and sustainable ICTs and E-government solutions and services that meet and exceed the changing needs of governance and management of the county government of Kericho.”

3.1.3 ValuesThe Core values for the ICT department are:

1. Teamwork and Consultations

2. Embrace excellence and Innovations

3. Efficiency and effectiveness

4. Commitment

5. Professionalism

3.2 Roadmaps3.2.1 Road Map 1: Infrastructure and ConnectivityOverall Objective: Develop County ICT infrastructure and connectivity

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Specific Objectives

1. Conduct ICT infrastructure needs assessment for all county office locations by December 2015;

2. To build and maintain LANs/WANs infrastructure in all County departments, County Assembly, sub-county offices and wards by June 2018;

3. To build and maintain the County’s Data Centre/Server room (Active Directory Services, Mail Services, File Services, Applications Services, Backup and Recovery Services, etc.) by June 2018;

4. Equip staff with appropriate computers and other requisite ICT equipment by June 2018;

5. Provide and maintain adequate internet bandwidth to meet the County’s needs by June 2016.

3.2.2 Road Map 2: Public Service Delivery Overall Objective: To improve public service delivery systems

Specific Objectives

1. To facilitate the county to implement knowledge-based databases and applications by June 2017;

2. Design systems and processes for Services delivery by June 2019;

3. Establish communication and Online access to County information by staff and citizens by June 2019;

3.2.3 Road Map 3: Human Capital and Workforce DevelopmentOverall Objective: Build County Human Resources/people ICT capacities

Specific objectives

1. To equip county staff with the ICT tools that they need to efficiently and cost-effectively carry out their work by June 2018;

2. To train, organise and manage ICT human capacity for Service Delivery by June 2019;

3. Strengthen the ICT services through Budgetary and organisational Mechanisms June 2016;

4. Establish an ICT Resource Centres to facilitate access to ICT facilities to all staff and the citizens by June 2019

3.2.4 Road Map 4: Policy Environment and Legal FrameworkOverall Objective: To develop and adopt ICT Policies, regulations and standards

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Specific Objectives

1. Introduce/adapt the required legal frameworks needed to support usage of the ICT and ensure compatibility, interoperability and secure sharing of information by June 2016 followed by yearly reviews

2. Review the ICT governance structure and directorate by June 2016

3. Develop and implement the County’s, CIDP and ICT Policy to guide in proper usage and application of ICT equipment, systems and services by June 2016 followed by yearly reviews

4. Develop and implement the County’s Security Policy to guide in secure usage and application of ICT equipment, systems and services by June 2016 followed by yearly reviews

3.3 CitizenInvolvement&ParticipationOverall Objective: Increased citizen involvement and participation in the county matters

Specific objectives;

1. Develop a comprehensive ICT policy on citizen involvement and participation by December 2015

2. Identify and review existing mechanisms for citizen involvement and participation in the county by December 2015

3. Carry out a stakeholder analysis on citizen involvement and participation analysis June 2016

4. Develop suitable mechanisms for citizen involvement and participation (Web portal, Social media, e-Newsletters, Emails, Discussion forums, Print, Television, Radio, SMS and Automated calls) by June 2019

3.4 Change Management Objective: Develop a comprehensive change management plan

Specific objectives:

1. Establish the change readiness status and have a comprehensive change management plan June 2016

2. Establish a stakeholder and leadership alignment plan by September 2016

3. Develop a communications strategy plan by September 2016

4. Establish a change management Monitoring and Evaluation plan by December 2016 -onwards.

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3.5 Shared Services Plan Objective: Develop a shared ICT services plan for the County

Specifics objectives:

1. To identify services and or systems to be shared within and outside the County.

2. Develop a platform with a clear framework to share the services within the county, across the county and nationally.

3.6 Key Strategies guiding implementation of RoadmapsThe following is a summary of the key strategies guiding implementation of road maps

Table 31 Key Strategies Guiding Implementation of Roadmaps

Roadmap/other Key strategies Guiding Implementation

Roadmap 1: Infrastructure, Connectivity

1. Lobby the County government to increase ICT budgets from the current 1%to 5% in the subsequent financial years

2. Diversify fundraising campaigns beyond the allocated county budgets

3. Use Private Public Partnerships arrangements to realise ICT investments

4. Lobby the County leadership to provide investment incentives for investors in ICT infrastructure

Road Map 2: Public Service Delivery Systems

1. Build robust delivery systems based on stakeholder analysis

2. Work with National Government and other counties to standardise processes

3. Build systems based on current and future trends in standards and frameworks

Road Map 3: Human Capital and Workforce Development

1. Build the capacity of county technical staff in ICT skills and competencies

2. The Executive and County Assembly work closely to establish a Human Resource development policy and implementation manuals

3. Institutionalise ICT training in the county training institutions

Roadmap 4: Policy Environment and Legal Framework

1. Lobby the Executive and County Assembly to develop ICT policies and reinforcement plans

2. Outsource experts to support the development of policies

3. Secure an Information Security System

4. Plan for annual and mid-term reviews

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This chapter defines the governance, implementation plan, ongoing projects, priorities and quick win, critical success factors and risk factors of the ICT Roadmap informed by the stakeholders contacted and literature review both before and during the planning process

4.1 Governance, Management and Organization The Kericho County ICT Roadmap requires a standardised, flexible and efficient ICT infrastructure to enable delivery of these objectives in an effective, secure and sustainable manner. Above all, it seeks to reduce inefficiency, replication of systems and duplication of effort. Currently, technology investment planning is department-specific, often near-term focused, and is biased significantly towards the purchase of technology infrastructure capital assets.

The ICT & e-government department is currently implementing ICT projects. Other departments have also implemented ICT projects either with County or donor agency funds. A structure constituting of the Planning and Technical Committees is proposed for the governance, management and delivery of the goals and objectives of the Kericho County ICT Roadmap. Its main objective is to bring about increased accountability, transparency, reduce duplication, and greater emphasis on performance to bring about the desired efficiencies and effectiveness and therefore an increased return on ICT investment.

The technical committee chaired by the Chief Officer will meet bi-monthly to review and share all ICT related technical issues for implementation. The committee will also share any new technologies or initiatives for inclusion in the ICT roadmap. Representatives will include the selected departmental technical teams.

The sub-committees will meet monthly and the composition be guided by the specific roadmaps planned for. There will be provision to co-opt in subject matter specialists whenever necessary.

For an effective implementation process, there is need to set up an ICT Project Management Unit to coordinate the implementation of the ICT roadmap. This unit will coordinate the planning, technical committees and the ICT Management.

4.1.1 Shared Services PlanKericho County ICT service aims to provide services to other Countries and organisations and may consume Shared Services from other Counties providing it is the appropriate solution for the County. Therefore, the funding and resourcing of the services are shared and the providing department becomes the internal provider. Some of the key services identified include; data centre, communication infrastructure, application/systems across departments, national systems among others

The basis for shared services in Kericho County is achieving efficiency and cost savings by the use of local or available resources through reduced duplication and maximisation of local expertise. An action plan based the shared services plan will be developed for all delivery mechanisms within Kericho County, other Counties and the National Government in collaboration with ICTA because some of the services are national

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Change Management Plan

The ICT Authority recommends the establishment of a Governance Committee, Technical Committee and a Secretariat as critical for the successful implementation of the developed ICT Roadmap for the Kericho County.

There is need to align the Kericho County governance structure with the ICT Roadmap which will mean reviewing the ICT Department Structure in relation to all executive department. This will ensure viable ICT Projects implementation structure that can deliver the ICT Roadmap. Since ICT is currently a only a directorate in one of the ten departments, it is essential that the Kericho County established a Project Management Office that will work with the ICT Roadmap proposed Committees including the Technical and Planning Committees.

Secondly, it is important for the Kericho County to define a technical structure that will ensure successful Roadmap implementation. This will be handled through management of anticipated structural changes and management of the projects related to the roadmap. A Change Agent and a technical agent with relevant expertise will be required. Such partners must have the relevant expertise and experience to play the following roles:

Change Management Agent

The Change Management Agent will guide the County through the execution of the transformation roadmap and will complement the County internal resources in order to provide a high quality resource base to manage the project.

Technical Management Agent

The ICT Projects Implementation Partner will focus on:

1. Oversee technical aspects of the projects/programme implementation

2. Training and Capacity building to Kericho County staff on effective use of the ICT systems

3. Initial Support and maintenance of the Roadmap projects/programmes.

Cultural Chance

The degree of cultural change required across the County Government to implement the program of work outlined in the ICT Master plan for successful implementation of the ICT Projects in Kericho County.

The extent of cultural change required to implement the Kericho County ICT Roadmap while broad in scope as is, does not fundamentally challenge many of the deeply entrenched cultural characteristics of the Kericho County Government Public Service. It is not expected that by moving from paper to more robust ICT service delivery will require substantial cultural change in service delivery organisations, whether they are in the public or private sector. Using ICT in such a fashion to produce a relatively mild improvement in the quality of service will not be disruptive to existing organisational culture.

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4.1.3 Citizen Involvement and Participation PlanCitizen participation is critical in the county. In addition, the citizens expect the county to establish different mechanisms suitable for all the citizens with different literacy levels. Citizen involvement and participation is a democratic decision process that provides individuals with an opportunity to influence public decisions. ICTs have potential to enhance citizen engagement and advocacy and to increase county government transparency and accountability.

4.2 Other Critical Success Factors The following are the critical success factors that need to be considered during the execution of the implementation plan

1. The Roadmap shall observe the following critical success factors to ensure the successful implementation of this roadmap:

2. Clarity: The ICT scope and governance within the county i.e. ICT HR Management Structure, Top management and Staff

3. People – Staff and Citizens: - Change management across Staff and citizens, Attitude change; Systems/technology change and Structural change

4. Resources and Financing: - Development of Private and Public Partnerships (PPP)

5. Technology development i.e. Information as a resource ICT Infrastructure - NOFBI, Mobile network coverage, Data Centre, Systems and Applications; bridging the digital Divide between Rural and urban areas

6. Policy, Legal and Regulatory Framework:- Development of a Comprehensive County policy, legal and regulatory framework

7. Risk management:- Addressing effects of anticipated Risks

8. Project Management Office or Unit that results in effective transformation of the ICT sector in the county

4.3 Communication StrategyCommunication is critical to the successful strategy implementation. Therefore this ICT Roadmap requires an effective communication plan that involves all the stakeholders.

4.4 MonitoringandEvaluation(M&E)An effective and commensurate monitoring and evaluation system is necessary to ensure timely, focused, objective and evidence-based information on the performance of the Kericho County ICT road map implementation. Continuous observation, monitoring, measurement, feedback and corrective action will inform the anchorage of the County M&E system.

The Kericho ICT Roadmap monitoring and evaluation framework describes the key indicators that will be used to measure progress and impact in the implementation of the Roadmap. The performance of the ICT roadmap is also aligned to the National ICT Master Plan that defines the expected flagship projects and indicators within given timelines. The Master Plan identifies the county governments as one of the key stakeholders and partners in the implementation of the national roadmap.

Continuous update of the M & E structure and linkage with specific interventions will ensure that

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the implementation is successful. The ICT department CEC and the County Assembly ICT Director will be responsible for the M & E process. In consultation with the Heads of departments (Directors and Chief Officers),the ICT department CEC will prepare reporting formats for the ICT road map, incorporating Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that are selected from the implementation matrix. He/ she will collate, verify, analyse and compile the monthly, quarterly and annual M&E reports on ICT road map developments from the various departments for onward transmission to the County Senior Management (Governor and CEC level monthly/quarterly meetings).

Monitoring of the ICT road map will be a continuous process in which information (data) will be collected on specified performance indicators to provide the Senior County Management Team (Governor’s level) with measures of the extent of progress and the attainment of specific road map objectives; and progress in the use of allocated funds. The monitoring will be based on the objectively verifiable indicators (OVIs) as set out in the Implementation Matrix.

The evaluation system will provide for annual assessments of the results arising from the implementation of the road map objectives. The County with the help of an external consultant shall undertake a mid-term review the end of year two and at the end of the Plan period. The purpose of the mid-term review will be to improve overall plan implementation while the terminal evaluation will facilitate the improvement of the next County ICT road map through lessons learned during the implementation of the current Plan. The County may conduct an Impact Assessment on the KPIs after the roadmap implementation to document economic growth and increase of the GDP because of the ICT implementation, increased employment and Return on Investment (ROI)

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The ICT Directorate Roadmap will consolidate ongoing county ICT projects and in some cases expanding their scope to meet the County Government’s transformational goals. New initiatives will be added as concepts and benefits are proven, and will typically require business cases as well subjected to portfolio/Programme management.

5.1 Priority services and Quick WinsThe County considers the following to be the priorities that shall see quick wins in the County. From the current status and specific government entities/departments visited, the following are some of the ICT projects that need to be considered to achieve the County’s ICT Vision.

1. Infrastructure and connectivity: This includes the general ICT infrastructure, data center, network coverage and service delivery systems

2. Web portal: This requires an improvement to accommodate all the departments in the county. The citizens should access updated information and other services

3. The Geographical Information System (GIS). Some of the departments indicated the need to map their resources for efficient planning, implementation and service delivery to the citizens. An example of these were; Lands, Public Works, Trade and Industrialization and Education.

4. Enterprise Resource Planning: This requires a system that will integrate the revenue collection processes into the current IFMIS system. The ERP should also address some administrative processes within the department such as task scheduling and information sharing amongst departments.

5. Unified Communication that will include email messaging

5.2 Ongoing ProjectsThe current ICT projects under implementation are as indicated below;

1. Establishing of Huduma centres (citizen service centres) – 7 Huduma centres across different sub counties have been planned for (three have been established in 2014-2015 and four are planned for 2015-2016).

2. Creating a wi-fi for the general public (for night use from 6pm to 6am)

3. Creation of ICT centres in the polytechnics in the county – 12 polytechnics already beneficiaries

4. PABX being sourced by Assembly to enable VoIP communication (2014-2015);

5. The implementation of the ERP (2015-2016) ;

6. ICT department is in the process of setting up a data centre (FY 2015-2016);

7. Implementation of Spatial Information Systems is at the conceptualisation stage (in conjunction with department of lands in 2015-2016);

8. WAN is on-going (2014-2015);

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9. Bio-metrics system installation (including clock in – clock out) at headquarters to be completed by 2015

10. Intergrated Health Management Information System (2015-2016)


Road Map 1: Infrastructure, Connectivity and Interoperability

Project Description

Computing Devices This includes the ICT devices requires by the staff; desktops, laptops, printers among others

LAN, WAN and Internet Expand the limited ICT infrastructure to allow for improved ICT connectivity

Data Center Construction

Data Storage

Road Map 2: Public Service Delivery Systems

Project Description

Geo- Spatial Information System (GIS)

This will manage spatial data to support all the project planning processes and improve service delivery

Enterprise Resource Planning System

As a core application, this will automate and manage the county business processes. Some of the systems include the following; Human Resource Integrated System, Financial management systems, procurement, Project Management Systems, Fleet management systems among others.

Unified Communications Includes telephone, PABX, Email, Fax, Video and teleconferencing

ICT Incubation Centres This infrastructure will allow the citizens to access ICT services at affordable rates

County Web Portal An updated and re-branded website for the citizens to apply for and access services.(Enhance website, social media use and publishing tools, Web Portals)

Installation of CCTV in Offices

Electronic Document Management System

An effective workflow solution will reduce the current paper work or manual system

Customer Relationship management System (CRM)

The CRM system will manage interactions with the citizens for effective service delivery. Feedback and registration of complaints will improve service delivery.

Road Map 3: Human Capital and Workforce Development

Project Description

County ICT Training – ICT and Users

Carry out Training Needs Assessments for government staff and for citizenry to adapt to new systems, develop a plan and conduct the required trainings

Establish and equip ICT training facilities in Polytechnics, Vocational training Institutions and ICT Digital Villages

Access to ICT facilities and training in the county institutions

County ICT Governance – PMO and Secretariat

This includes the governance structures that need to be reviewed or established to ensure the success of the ICT roadmap. Align the ICT structure with the ICT Roadmap, review policies, establish the technical and planning committees and also a PMO guide the implementation process. Recruit a change management agent.

County Staffing - Structures Acquisition of the relevant competencies and structures to allow for a seamless implementation even after the ICT roadmap

Change management

Road Map 4: Policy Environment and Legal Framework

Project Description

Review and update the CIDPThe current CIDP is not conclusive and requires an update

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Development of a comprehensive ICT Policy – Covering Security (Cyber), Document workflow, Procurement, SLAs, e-Waste management

This involves the establishment of ICT policies , regulations and standards

Disaster Recover and Business Continuity (DRC) Develop and operationalize a disaster recovery plan for business continuity

Establish a Shared Services Policy

Systems Standardisation (ITIL, ISO Certification, Information Systems Security

Establish an information systems security

5.3 Financial ProjectionsThe table summarises the investments into the roadmap over the 5 year period

Table 5- 2 Summary of Investments


Rate 92 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20

Road Map 1: Infrastructure, Connectivity and Interoperability

379,517,750 4,125,193 15,308,974 98,808,276 172,837,500 33,900,000 58,663,000

Road Map 2: Public Service Delivery and Interoperability

441,600,000 4,800,000 95,450,000 76,475,000 109,595,000 123,280,000 36,800,000

Road Map 3: Human Capital and Workforce Development

187,000,000 2,032,609 28,000,000 36,000,000 40,000,000 40,000,000 43,000,000

Road Map 4: Policy Environment and Legal Frameworks

21,500,000 233,696 12,500,000 - 6,000,000 1,000,000 2,000,000

TOTAL 1,029,617,750 11,191,497 151,258,974 211,283,276 328,432,500 198,180,000 140,463,000

5.4 Road map FinancingAchieving the vision of the National ICT Master Plan for Kericho County will require the mobilisation of significant financial and human capital. Funding of the identified projects will come from the National and County Governments, Development Partners and Other Public or Private Institutions through Private/Public Partnerships (PPPs) and collaborations. It is therefore important develop a resource mobilisation plan that will see the implementation of the Kericho County ICT Roadmap.

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Ministry of Information, Communication and Technology

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ICT Authority

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Ministry of Information, Communication and Technology
