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Coup De Beast - Prologue

Date post: 25-May-2015
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Page 1: Coup De Beast - Prologue
Page 2: Coup De Beast - Prologue

Our story begins, 19 years ago. In a mansion miles and miles away from anyone or anything. This mansion, however far away it was, was famous. As was the owner of said mansion. Despite living in the desert, the mansion was surrounded by water and plants. Many believed the owner was a wizard, capable of performing miracles. They walked from the farthest corners of the desert, carrying all they valued, to the front door of the mansion.

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Though a wizard he was not, Jonathan Macamara was indeed a greedy soul. When the villagers came and offered their values, he merely scowled and gave them a cheap promise and false hope. He always laughed, not only because his riches were growing, but at the villagers, and how they could believe such a ridiculous rumor. There was only one who did not believe, and the only one who wanted to stop him.

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That one was Julianne. Jonathan’s wife. She was the nicest and most beautiful in the desert.Though she did not marry Jonathan for his love or his money. She hoped to change him and his ways. Long ago, Julianne’s uncle had died, and left the money from his oil company to Julianne, making her the second richest person in the desert. Jonathan could not ignore this, and offered to take her hand in marriage, promising to change his ways should they be wed.

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But change he did not. He did refuse the gifts and offerings of the villagers, but only because he had his eyes set on a bigger prize. Julianne’s fortune. He did act as nice as possible, until the very minute that she signed her will. His eyes showing greed as she watched her scribble her name on the old parchment. Little did he know what Julianne was actually signing.‘I, Julianne Macamara, hereby promise my fortune and all my possessions to Tyschon Leon Macamara.’

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However greedy he may be, Jonathan was still a man. And men had hormones.Several months before the will signing, Jonathan had bed his wife, which had the result of her becoming pregnant. Fearful that Jonathan may bring harm to the child if he had reason to think the fortune may go to it, Julianne locked herself away in her room, staying there and living off the few vegetable plants that she managed to keep alive. She vowed to stay there until her child was born.

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Several months later, Jonathan sat in the grand room, staring at the fireplace. Although he really did not care about what happened to his wife, he was curious as to why he hadn’t seen her in this long amount of time. Rage bubbled in him as the many thoughts ran through his head. Could she be spending her fortune on something else? Could she have run away? He was so deep in though, that he did not notice the small child crawl into the room.

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Once he caught sight of the small child, Jonathan immediately stood up, disgusted by the sight. The young girl merely looked up at him in awe, her silver eyes shining with curiosity. Getting angrier by the second at the fact that the toddler didn’t seem to understand, he pulled his foot back, ready to aim a kick at the small person.

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Running in as fast as she could Julianne quickly pushed her husband back, acting as a barrier between him and the child. Angry, she began yelling at him. She tried to explain how this was their one and only daughter, and how he should care for her. However, Jonathan obviously wanted nothing to do with the child, and continued to claim that he was in no way related to such a ‘revolting creature’.

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Many hours had the fight lasted, until Jonathan stormed off, rage building up within him. Sighing in defeat, Julianne sat in front of the fire, trying to warm herself on this cold night. Julianne’s mind kept replaying the last thing that Jonathan said to her, as the fire seemed to grow closer. She found herself hypnotized by it, as if it were pulling her in. The young child, who had remained in the same spot on the floor, watched as the fire engulfed her mother. The last thing her father yelled rang in her head, even though she could not understand the words.‘Burn in hell, Julianne!’

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Long after the fire had burned out, burning every corner of the room except the small child, Jonathan returned downstairs, only to find the Grim Reaper hovering over the toddler. He quickly ran to the otherworldly one, a look of greed, and perhaps happiness on his face. He demanded the fortune, pointing to the will the Reaper was reading. When the Grim Reaper shook his head, Jonathan became enraged. He yelled out the Reaper, until finally the master of the undead got a word in, informing that Julianne had actually signed the fortune over to the child. Tyschon Leon Macamara.

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After the Grim Reaper had left, Jonathan pondered on what to do next. He could not simply kill the child, the will had stated that the fortune belonged to Tyschon until the age of eighteen. Should her life end before that age, the fortune went to all the villagers. By now, it would be too late to fool the villagers as Jonathan had done in the past. IN the end, he decided he simply must raise the child, teaching her one thing, and one thing only.

The fortune was his.

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A few years had passed, since the death of Tyschon’s mother, and she was growing to be just as beautiful, if not more, as her. But Jonathan did not care. All that was important to him was that she learned who her fortune went to. It was only a while ago that, somehow, Tyschon Leon Macamara simply became Tyson Macamara. Long forgetting the true name her mother had given her, Tyson was only happy to try and please her father.

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Moving on to the night before Tyson’s 18th birthday, Jonathan went to talk to his daughter, finding her in the library as he always did. He said what he had been saying to her every day since the death of her mother. The fortune was his, and his alone. And on the day she turned eighteen, she would hand it over. Nodding slightly as he gave his usual lecture, Tyson continued reading, almost ignoring her father.

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That night, Tyson fell asleep, dreaming of a story she had just read. It was a rather modern story, about a poor girl who managed to save money to go to college. That night, Tyson dreamed of going to college. Learning something other then what the books of the Macamara could teach, maybe even make a friend or two. It wasn’t as she hadn’t thought about It before, but she knew so little about the outside world.After thinking hard about it, Tyson finally decided that on her 18th birthday, she’d finally leave and start a life on her own.

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It was just one minute past midnight, and Jonathan decided he could wait any longer. Eighteen years he had been waiting, and now that fortune would be his. Or so he thought. Tyson quickly revealed her plans to go to college and have a life with friends and a new family, hoping he would be happy for her. She explained that she would pay tuition with her fortune, and use whatever was left to build a house once she graduated.

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Needless to say, Jonathan was anything but happy. Enraged by the fact that she thought that the fortune belonged to her, and was hers to spend, he yelled at her, before locking her in the tallest tower of the mansion. He refused to let her out until she was ready to hand him the fortune, and get these silly thoughts of college out of her head.

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Left to cry, Tyson grabbed an envelope from under her mattress and went to the roof. She stared at it before starting to cry again. The envelope contained the will and the check for Julianne’s fortune. These were the only two things Tyson needed to claim her entire fortune. Yet she was stuck.

Though, as you will soon learn, Tyson Macamara was too stubborn to lose.

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After taking a deep breath, she clutched the envelope to her chest.

And jumped.

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Somehow managing to land safely in the land below, Tyson struggled to stay above the water, flailing and kicking her way to the shore. After finally making it to land, she opened the envelope and pulled out the papers, making sure everything was okay. Once she confirmed they were fine, and surprisingly not as water damaged as she thought, she stood up and took one last long look at the mansion, before turning and running as fast as she could.

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Tyson Macamara had managed to escape the confines of the mansion, and her father, and made it safely to the village. None of the villagers knew who she was, since Jonathan had kept both Tyson and Julianne locked away in the mansion, but they believed her as soon as she showed them the will. But it did not matter now. Tyson had taken just enough out of the fortune to pay for college, giving the rest to the village. But it did not end here. Just as Tyson left the desert, her sights set on a peaceful grassy country called Front Creek Valley, Jonathan became aware of his missing daughter, and his scream of anger could be heard for miles.

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Calling in the gypsy that had taken residence near the village, he ordered her to curse Tyson for leaving like this.‘To him, whose heart is filled with greed, With gold and jewels on which he feastsTo him and all those he may breed, To them, add the blood of beasts.’

Shocked to discover that he had also been cursed, Jonathan lunged angrily at the gypsy, but she had only moved aside. Jonathan snarled as she proclaimed that it was his greed that cursed him in the end. In a fit of anger, he took in the dog-like nature the new curse gave him and howled, the sound echoing off the walls as the gypsy disappeared.
