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Course Objective: Prerequisi te: Course Content · of parallelogram of forces, Converse law of...

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Directorate Of Technical Education. Karnataka State15SC03S Page 1 Government of Karnataka Department of Technical Education Board of Technical Examinations, Bengaluru Course Title :APPLIED SCIENCE Course Code : 15SC03S Semester : I / II Course Group : Core Teaching Scheme in Hrs (L:T:P) : 4:0:0 Credits : 4 Credits Type of course : Lecture &Assignments Total Contact Hours : 52 CIE : 25 Marks SEE : 100 Marks Programme: Common to all Engineering Diploma Programmes Prerequisite: Dynamics, Heat, Sound, Matter, recent trends in Physics, Basic chemistry in Secondary Education. Course Objective: 1. Learn concepts of Units, Laws of vectors, parallel forces, moment of force, couple. 2. Learn the fundamentals of properties and behavior of the materials 3. Learn the concepts of heat and thermodynamics. 4. Enhance theoretical and practical principles with applications of sound wave. 5. Understand different types of communication systems. 6. Develop awareness about corrosion, materials, and energy sources in engineering field. Course Content: UNIT I:MECHANICS (08 Hrs) Units and Measurements: Definition of unit, types of unit (fundamental and derived) SI units: Definition, Basic and supplementary units, advantages. Measuring Instruments: Vernier calipers, principle and least count, diagram of vernier calipers with labeling the parts. Screw gauge(pitch, ZE, ZC), principle and least count, diagram of screw gauge with labeling the parts, simple problems. Scalars and Vectors: Definition of scalar and vector with examples, representation of a vector, definition of resultant, equilibrium and equilibrant. Laws of vectors: Statement of law of parallelogram of forces, Converse law of triangle of forces, Lamis theorem. Deriving an expression for magnitude and direction of resultant of two vectors acting at a point. Resolution of vectors, mentioning rectangular component of resolution of vector.

Directorate Of Technical Education. Karnataka State15SC03S Page 1

Government of KarnatakaDepartment of Technical Education

Board of Technical Examinations, Bengaluru

Course Title :APPLIED SCIENCE Course Code : 15SC03S

Semester : I / II Course Group : Core

Teaching Scheme in Hrs (L:T:P) : 4:0:0 Credits : 4 Credits

Type of course : Lecture &Assignments Total Contact Hours : 52

CIE : 25 Marks SEE : 100 Marks

Programme: Common to all Engineering Diploma Programmes


Dynamics, Heat, Sound, Matter, recent trends in Physics, Basic chemistry in Secondary Education.

Course Objective:

1. Learn concepts of Units, Laws of vectors, parallel forces, moment of force, couple.

2. Learn the fundamentals of properties and behavior of the materials

3. Learn the concepts of heat and thermodynamics.

4. Enhance theoretical and practical principles with applications of sound wave.

5. Understand different types of communication systems.

6. Develop awareness about corrosion, materials, and energy sources in engineering


Course Content:


Units and Measurements: Definition of unit, types of unit (fundamental and derived)

SI units: Definition, Basic and supplementary units, advantages.

Measuring Instruments: Vernier calipers, principle and least count, diagram of vernier

calipers with labeling the parts. Screw gauge(pitch, ZE, ZC), principle and least count,

diagram of screw gauge with labeling the parts, simple problems.

Scalars and Vectors: Definition of scalar and vector with examples, representation of a

vector, definition of resultant, equilibrium and equilibrant. Laws of vectors: Statement of law

of parallelogram of forces, Converse law of triangle of forces, Lami’s theorem. Deriving an

expression for magnitude and direction of resultant of two vectors acting at a point.

Resolution of vectors, mentioning rectangular component of resolution of vector.

Directorate Of Technical Education. Karnataka State15SC03S Page 2

Experimental verification of law of parallelogram of forces, Converse law of triangle of

forces, Lami’s theorem. Simple problems on laws of vectors

Parallel forces. Types of parallel forces, Moment of force: definition, S.I unit, types and

examples. Couple: definition with examples. Moment of a couple. Conditions of equilibrium

of coplanar parallel forces, applications. Experimental verification of Conditions of

equilibrium of coplanar parallel forces using moment bar and simple problems.


Properties of solids: Definitions of deforming force, elasticity and plasticity, examples for

elasticity and plasticity, definition of stress and its types with examples and its S.I unit,

definition of strain and its types with examples, elastic limit, Hooke’s law, stress - strain

graph with explanation. Modulie of elasticity and its types, derivation of an expression for

Young’s modulus of a material. Definition of Compressibility and factor of safety. Simple

problems on stress, strain and Young’s modulus.

Properties of liquids: Definition of thrust and pressure with S.I units. Derivation of

expression for pressure at a point inside the liquid at rest, simple problems.

Energy of liquid in motion: Kinetic, Potential energies and Pressure energy in moving liquid.

Bernoulli’s theorem: statement and expression (No derivation). Cohesive and adhesive forces,

angle of contact.

Surface Tension: Definition of surface tension and its S.I unit, factors affecting surface

tension, applications of surface tension, capillarity and its applications.

Viscosity: Types of flow of liquid, definition of stream line flow and turbulent flow,

definition of viscosity, expression for coefficient of viscosity, experimental determination of

coefficient of viscosity of water, effect of temperature on viscosity. List of applications of

viscosity. Simple problems.


Concept of heat & temperature: Definitions of heat and temperature with S.I units,

definition of Specific heat of substance with S I unit, equation for specific heat of a substance

(no derivation).

Transmission of heat: Definitions of conduction, convection and radiation with examples,

definition of thermal conductivity, derivation of co-efficient of thermal conductivity(K) and

its S.I unit. Applications of conduction, convection and radiation, simple problems on K.

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Gas laws: Statement of Boyle’s law, Charle’s law, Gay-Lussac’s law, derive the relation

between them (PV=nRT), definition of Cp and Cv ,relation between them (Mayer’s equation

no derivation), simple problems on Boyle’s law and Charle’s law.

Thermodynamics: Definition of thermodynamics, Laws of thermo dynamics: Zeroth law,

Istlaw and IIndlaw (only statement), types of thermodynamics process: isothermal process,

adiabatic process.


Simple Harmonic Motion: Definition of periodic motion with example, definition of Simple

Harmonic Motion, representation of S.H.M with respect to particle in circular motion,

derivation of displacement of a particle executing S.H.M. Definitions of period, frequency,

amplitude, in case of vibrating particle.

Wave: Definition of wave, wave period(T), wave frequency (n or f), wave amplitude (a),

wave length(λ) and wave velocity (v) in case of wave motion. Derive the relation between v,

n and λ. simple problems.

Types of waves: Mechanical and Non mechanical waves with examples. Definition of

longitudinal and transverse waves, differences.

Propagation of sound waves in air: Newton’s formula for the velocity of sound in air and

Laplace’s correction to it, various factors affecting velocity of sound in air. Simple problems.

Vibrations: Free vibrations, Forced vibration, Damped vibrations and Un-damped vibrations

with examples. Resonance with examples. Laws of transverse vibrations of stretched string,

derivation of equation for fundamental frequency of vibrations of stretched string. Simple


Experiment to determine the unknown frequency of a given tuning fork by absolute and

comparison methods using sonometer.

Stationary waves: Formation of stationary waves and their characteristics. Experimental

determination of velocity of sound in air by using resonance air column apparatus.

Beats: Formation of Beats, definition of beat frequency, its applications.


Electromagnetic waves: Definition, generation of electromagnetic waves and their


Electromagnetic spectrum: Definition, classification and its applications.

Lasers: Principle and listing the types of Laser, properties of Laser, applications.

Nano-Technology: Definition of Nano-Technology, advantages and dis-advantages of nano-


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Advance Communication Systems: Basic elements of communication systems with block

diagram, List commonly used terms in electronic communication systems.

Satellite communication: Introduction, advantages and disadvantages,

Optical fiber: principle and applications.


Electrolysis: Definition of electrolyte, types of electrolytes with examples, definition of

electrolysis. Arrhenius theory of electrolytic dissociation. Mechanism of Electrolysis.

Faradays laws of Electrolysis: state and explain.

Corrosion: Definition, necessary conditions for corrosion, electrochemical theory of

corrosion, list the preventive methods of corrosion.

Batteries: Basic concept, classification and applications of batteries.

Fuel cells: Definition, mentioning the types and advantages.

Metallurgy: Definitions of minerals, ore, flux, slag, alloys. Purpose of making alloys,

composition and uses of alloys.

Polymers: Definition and classification of polymers, methods of polymerization and


Composite materials: Definition, types, advantages and dis-advantages of composite


Solutions: Definition of solute, solvent, solutions. Saturated and unsaturated solutions,

concentration of solutions: normal, molar and molal solutions, simple problems on

concentration of solution.

pH Value: Hydrogen ion concentration and concept of pH, definition of pH of solution, pH

scale, applications of pH in different fields.

Course Delivery:

The Course will be delivered through lectures, class room interaction and exercises.

Course Outcome:

On successful completion of the course the student will be able to:

1. Determine the dimensions of objects using measuring instruments and analyze vector in mechanics.

2. Create knowledge of properties of matter applicable to engineering.3. Apply the concepts of thermal properties of matter and gas laws related to

engineering.4. Analyse the different concepts of waves and vibration in the field of engineering.5. Analyse the recent trends in physics related to engineering.6. Apply the basic concepts of chemistry in the field of engineering.

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Mapping Course Outcomes with Program Outcomes:

CO –PO mappingCourse Outcome PO



Allotted marks on cognitive


R U ACO1 Determine the dimensions of

objects using measuringinstruments and analyzevector in mechanics

1,2,3,4,9 R/U/A

08 8 10 6 24

CO2 Create knowledge ofproperties of matter applicableto engineering.

1,2 R/U/A10 6 15 6 27

CO3 Apply the concepts of thermalproperties of matter and gaslaws related to engineering

1,2,3,9 R/U/A07 4 10 6 20

CO4 Apply the different concepts of waves and vibration in the field of engineering.

1,2,3,9 R/U/A10 4 10 18 32

CO5 Apply the recent trends inphysics related to engineering.

1,2,6 R/U/A 07 4 10 6 20

CO6 Apply the basic concepts of chemistry in the field of engineering.

1,2,6 R/U/A10 4 20 6 30

Total Hours of instruction

52 Totalmarks


R-Remember; U-Understanding; A-Application

Course outcomes –Program outcomes mapping strength

Course Programme Outcomes1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Applied Science

3 3 3 1 - 2 - - 2 -

Level 3- Highly Addressed, Level 2-Moderately Addressed, Level 1-Low Addressed.

Method is to relate the level of PO with the number of hours devoted to the COs which address the given PO. If >40% of classroom sessions addressing a particular PO, it is considered that PO is addressed at Level 3

If 25 to 40% of classroom sessions addressing a particular PO, it is considered that PO is addressed at Level 2If 5 to 25% of classroom sessions addressing a particular PO, it is considered that PO is addressed at Level 1If < 5% of classroom sessions addressing a particular PO, it is considered that PO is considered not-addressed.

Reference Books:

1. Principle of physicsfor class XI and XII by V.K.Mehata and Rohit Mehta, as per Karnataka state PUC syllabusS.Chand and Company, New Delhi

2. Engineering chemistry for Diploma by Ranjan Kumar Mahapatra(PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi)

3. Basic Physics by Kongbam Chandramani Singh (PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi)4. Principle of physics by P.V.Naik (PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi)

Directorate Of Technical Education. Karnataka State15SC03S Page 6


1. www.rsc.org/Education/Teachers/resources/Inspirational/…/4.3.1.pdf2. www.nanogloss.com/nanotechnology/advantages and disadvantages3. www.freebookcentre.net/physics/ introductory-physics-books.html


1. Introduction to physics – II, Robert P Johnson.

2. Lecture notes physics university of Rochester.

3. Text book of Physics poynting J.H Thomson sir J.J.

Course Assessment and Evaluation:



Max Mark


Evidence Collected

Course Outcomes










s In


al E




I A Tests




Three tests (average of three

tests will be computed)

20 Blue Books 1 to 6

Class room Assignments

Two Assignments based on CO’s

(Average marks ofTwo Assignmentsshall be rounded offto the next higherdigit.)

05Log of Activity

1 and 6












End Exam




End Of the Course 100Answer

Scripts at BTE

1 to 6



t A



t Student Feedback on course




Middle Of The Course

Feedback forms1 to 3

delivery of the course

End Of Course Survey End Of The Course Questionnaire

1 to 6 Effectivenessof delivery of instructions

and assessment

*CIE – Continuous Internal Evaluation *SEE – Semester End ExaminationNote: I.A. test shall be conducted for 20 marks. Average marks of three tests shall be rounded off to the next higher digit.

Directorate Of Technical Education. Karnataka State15SC03S Page 7


Test/Date and Time Semester/year Course/Course Code Max Marks

Ex: I test/6 th weak of sem 10-11 Am


Year: Course code:15SC03S

Name of Course coordinator : Units:__ CO’s:____






4Note: Internal Choice may be given for each CO at the same cognitive level (CL).

Directorate Of Technical Education. Karnataka State15SC03S Page 8

Question Paper Blue Print:

Course Title :APPLIED SCIENCE Course Code : 15SC03S

Name andUnit No.

Allotted Hours

Questionsto be set for(2marks )


Questionsto be set for



Questionsto be set for




08 04 02 01

Properties of Solids and Liquids

II10 03 03 01

Heat and properties ofgasesIII

07 02 02 01

Wave motionIV

10 02 02 03

Modern PhysicsV

07 02 02 01

Industrial chemistryVI

10 02 04 01

Total 52 15 15 8

Guidelines for Question Paper Setting:

1. The question paper must be prepared based on the blue print without changing the

weightage of model fixed for each unit.

2. The question paper pattern provided should be adhered to

Part – A: 10 questions to be answered out of 15 questions each carrying 02 marks

Part – B: 10 questions to be answered out of 15 questions each carrying 05 marks.

Part – C: 05 questions to be answered out of 08 questions each carrying 06 marks.

Directorate Of Technical Education. Karnataka State15SC03S Page 9

Model Question Paper:

Code:15SC03SI Semester Diploma Examination

APPLIED SCIENCE(Common for All Engineering Programmes)

Time: 3 Hours][Max Marks: 100

Note: i) Answer any 10 questions from section A, each carry 02marks.

ii) Answer any 10 questions from section B, each carry 05 marks.

iii) Answer any 05 questions from section C, each carry 06 marks.


1. Define Unit.

2. Differentiate scalars and vectors.

3. Define Resultant of forces.

4. Define moment of couple.

5. Define plasticity.

6. Define compressibility.

7. Define viscosity of liquid.

8. Define specific heat of substance.

9. Define thermodynamics.

10. Define time period.

11. Define beats.

12. Define Electro-magnetic waves.

13. Define Nano-Technology.

14. Define electrolyte.

15. Define composite materials.


1. Draw a neat diagram of Vernier calipers and label its parts.

2. Write the condition for equilibrium of coplanar parallel forces with an example.

3. Explain stress-strain graph.

4. Define K.E of liquid in motion. State Bernoulli’s theorem.

5. Define capillarity? Write any three application of surface tension.

6. State 1st law of thermodynamics. Explain isothermal & adiabatic process.

7. State the three gas laws.( Boyle’s law, Charle’s law & Gay-Lussac law)

Directorate Of Technical Education. Karnataka State15SC03S Page 10

8. Explain mechanical &non- mechanical waves with examples.

9. Distinguish between longitudinal & transverse waves.

10. Write any three advantages and two disadvantages of F.M.

11. Write the principle of laser. Lists its properties.

12. Explain the mechanism of electrolysis of HCL.

13. Write the basic concepts of batteries. Mention any three applications of batteries.

14. Distinguish between minerals and ore. Write any three applications of pH.

15. Define composite materials. Write the advantages of composite materials.


1. Derive an expression for magnitude and direction of resultant of two forces acting at a


2. Describe an experiment to determine coefficient of viscosity of water by Poiseuille’s


3. 1.25cc volume of a gas at 150C &755mm of mercury pressure. Calculate volume at


4. Derive an expression for fundamental frequency of transverse vibrations of stretched


5. Describe an experiment to find the unknown frequency of the given tuning fork using

sonometer by comparison method.

6. Calculate the velocity of sound in air at 250C & 75cm of mercury pressure, if the

density of air at 00C & 76cm of mercury pressure is 1.29kgm-3. (given γ=1.41 for air).

7. Write the basic elements of communication system with block diagram.

8. Explain any two methods of polymerization.


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Model Question Bank:

Course Title :APPLIED SCIENCE Course Code : 15SC03S



1. Define unit of a physical quantity.

2. Define fundamental and derived units.

3. List supplementary units in S.I systems.

4. Define S.I units give two eg of S.I, basic units.

5. Define least count of measuring instrument.

6. Write the principle of Vernier calipers and screw gauge.

7. Define least count of Vernier calipers?

8. Define pitch of a screw.

9. Define ZE and ZC in screw gauge.

10. Define scalar quantity & give its examples.

11. Define vector quantity & give its examples.

12. Write the relation between resultant and equilibrant.

13. State law of parallelogram of vectors.

14. State Converse law of triangle of forces.

15. State Lami’s theorem.

16. Define moment of force.

17. Write the two rectangular component of a vector.

18. Write how moment of force is measured.

19. Discus why the handles of the doors and windows are fixed at the end.

20. Define couple.

21. Define is moment of couple.

22. Write how you measure moment of couple.

23. Define equilibrium.

24. Write the conditions of equilibrium when number of co-planar parallel forces acting

on a body.

25. Define like & unlike parallel forces.


1. Mention seven basic units and two supplementary units of SI system.

2. Draw a neat diagram of Vernier calipers and label its parts.

3. Draw a neat diagram of Screw Gauge and label its parts.

4. Explain parallel forces with their types.

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5. List two types of moment of force. Write any three applications of couple.

6. Write the advantages of S.I system.

7. Mention the difference between scalars and vectors.

8. State Converse law of triangle of forces; write the line diagram & equation of

Converse law of triangle of forces.

9. State Lami’s theorem, write the line diagram & equation of lami’s theorem

10. Define moment of force, write the equation to measure moment of force & give its



1. Derive an expression for magnitude and direction of resultant of two forces acting at a


2. Derive an expression for horizontal and vertical components of force acting at an

angle q with horizontal.

3. Write the conditions for equilibrium of coplanar parallel forces acting on a rigid body

with equations & diagram.

4. Describe an experiment to verify law of parallelogram of forces.

5. Describe an experiment to verify Converse law of triangle of forces.

6. Describe an experiment to verify Lami’s theorem.

7. Describe an experiment to verify the conditions of equilibrium of co-planar parallel

forces using moment bar.

8. A main scale is divided into 0.5 mm the length of vernier attached to it is 12mm and is

divided into 25equal parts. Calculate the value of 1vsd and L.C of vernier.

9. In Vernier calipers, main scale is divided into 1mm;9division of main scale is divided

into 10 equal parts on Vernier scale. In a setting zero of Vernier scale lies between

4.8cm and 4.9cm, and 7th division of vernier coincide with the main scale division.

What is the total reading?

10. A screw gauge has a pitch of 0.5mm and 50 divisions on head scale. The reading

when jaws touch is +5div. When gripping a wire the reading is 3 turns and 17 div.

What is the diameter of the wire?

11. The resultant of two equal forces acting at a right angle to each other is

1414N.Findthe magnitude of each force.

12. Two forces of 5kg wt. and 10kg wt. acts at right angles to one another. Find the

magnitude and direction of the resultant forces.

13. Two unlike parallel forces equal to 20N and 12N acts at two points A and B on a rigid

body. Find the magnitude and direction of their resultant and the point where it acts if


14. Two like parallel forces equal to 80N and 100N act on a body at two points A and B.

If AB=0.6m,find the magnitude and the point where there resultant acts.

15. Three forces P, Q and 100 N acting on a body in equilibrium. If the angles opposite to

P and Q are 1200 and 1500 respectively. Find the magnitude of P and Q.

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1. Define plasticity.

2. Define elasticity.

3. Define deforming force.

4. Define restoring force.

5. Define stress.

6. Write the types of stress.

7. Define strain.

8. Write the type of strain.

9. Define elastic limit.

10. State Hooke’s law.

11. Define Young’s modulus.

12. Define Bulk modulus.

13. Define Rigidity modulus.

14. Define compressibility? Write its S.I unit.

15. Write S.I units of stress and strain.

16. Define pressure of liquid.

17. Write equation for the pressure at a point inside the liquid at rest.

18. State Bernoulli’s theorem.

19. Define cohesive force.

20. Define Adhesive force.

21. Write reason why glue stick to paper?

22. Define angle of a contact.

23. Name the type of angle of a contact formed for water and glass, water and mercury.

24. Define surface tension.

25. List the factors affecting surface tension.

26. Define capillarity.

27. Write any four applications of capillarity.

28. List the applications of surface Tension.

29. Write the equation used to determine surface tension of water by capillary raise


30. Define viscous force.

31. Give two examples of viscous liquid.

32. Define co-efficient of viscosity. Write its S.I unit.

33. List the factors affecting viscosity of liquid.

34. Write the effect on viscosity of gas if temperature is increased.

35. Write any four applications of viscosity.

36. List the types of flow of liquid.

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1. Explain elasticity with an example.

2. Define elasticity and list three types of modulei of elasticity.

3. Define strain. Write the types of strain. Give e.g. for each type of strain.

4. Define stress. Write the types of stress. Give e.g. for each type of stress.

5. Define elastic limit. State Hooke’s law? Write its mathematical form .

6. Explain stress-strain graph.

7. Define compressibility and factor of safety. Write the SI unit of stress.

8. Define thrust and pressure, write their SI units.

9. Define K.E and P.E of liquid. State the Bernoulli’s theorem.

10. Define cohesive and adhesive force with an example.

11. Define pressure energy and angle of contact.

12. Define two types of flow of liquid with an example.

13. Define angle of a contact. What type of angle of contact is formed for water and

glass, water and mercury? List the factors affecting surface tension.

14. Define capillarity. Write any four applications of capillarity.

15. Write the difference between stream line flow and turbulent flow of liquids.

16. Define viscosity and write the effect of temperature on viscosity of liquid & gas.

17. Define stress and explain the types of stress.

18. Define strain and explain the types of strain.

19. State Hooke’s law? List any three applications of viscosity.

20. Define surface tension. Mention any three factors affecting surface tension.


1. Derive an expression for young’s modulus of elasticity.

2. Derive an expression for pressure at any point inside the liquid at rest.

3. Derive an expression for co-efficient of viscosity of liquid.

4. Describe an experiment to determine the surface tension of water by capillary rise


5. Describe an experiment to determine coefficient of viscosity of water by Poiseuille’s


6. A uniform wire of length 0.5m and diameter 0.0006m when stretched by a mass of

5kgextends by 0.0004m. Calculate Young’s modulus of wire.

7. A wire of length 1m is fixed at one end and a mass of 1kg is hung from free end, the

area of cross section of the wire is 2.5 x 10-6 m2 and the Young’s modulus of the

material of the wire is 2 x 1011 Nm-2. Calculate stress, strain and extension of the


8. A spring 60cm long is stretched by 2cm by the application of a load 200g. What will

be the length when the load of 500g is applied (given g = 980cm/s2).

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9. A rectangular tank is 3m long,2m wide and 1.5m in height, it contains water to a

depth of 1m,the density of water is 1000kg/m3. Calculate the pressure at the bottom of

the tank.

10. Calculate the pressure at the bottom of a swimming pool 10m wide if the water is 3m

deep, the density of water is 1000kg/m3.

11. A square plate of 6cm side moves parallel to another plate with a velocity of 10cm/s,

both the plates being immersed in water (η = 0.01poise). If the distance between the

plates 0.5mm.Calculate the viscous force.

12. In a certain experiment on the flow of water through a capillary tube, the following

data were obtained. Volume of water coming out per minute = 15cc; pressure head of

water = 30cm

Length of tube = 25cm; radius of tube = 0.05cm; calculate coefficient of viscosity of

water(g=980cm/s2, density=1gm/cc)

13. A castor oil of viscosity 98.6NS/ m2 fills the space between two horizontal

plates1cm apart. If the lower plate is stationary and upper plate is moving horizontally

with a velocity of 3m/s . Find the tangential force per unit area.



1. Define heat & write SI unit of heat.

2. Define temperature & write SI unit of temperature.

3. Define specific heat of substance & write its SI unit.

4. Define conduction of heat.

5. Define convection of heat.

6. Define Radiation of heat.

7. Define Thermal conductivity.

8. Define specific heat of a gas at constant volume.

9. Define specific heat of a gas at constant pressure.

10. State Boyle’s law.

11. State Charle’s law.

12. State Gay-Lussac’s law

13. Define isothermal process.

14. Define adiabatic process.

15. Define thermodynamics.

16. State zeroth law of thermodynamics.

17. State Ist law of Thermodynamics.

18. State IInd law of Thermodynamics

19. Write Mayer’s equation.


1. Write any five differences between heat & temperature.

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2. Define heat, temperature & specific heat of Substance. Write Mayer’s equation for


3. Define conduction, convection, radiation and thermal conductivity.

4. Write any five applications of conduction.

5. Write any five applications of convection.

6. Write any five applications of radiation.

7. Define Cp & Cv , write the relation between them.

8. Define conduction, write applications of conduction.

9. Define convection, write applications of convection.

10. Define radiation, write applications of radiation..

11. State 1st law of thermodynamics, explain isothermal & adiabatic process.

12. Derive an expression for coefficient of thermal conductivity (K).

13. Compare the three modes of transfer of heat.

14. State the three gas laws. (Boyle’s law, Charle’s law & Gay-Lussac’s law).

15. State zeroth law, 1st law& 2nd law of thermodynamics.


1. With usual notations prove that pv = nRT

2. Define thermal conductivity. Derive an equation for co-efficient of thermal

conductivity (K).

3. Define specific heat of a substance. Derive an equation for specific heat of substance.

4. Describe an experiment to verify Boyle’s law.

5. The volume of a gas at 270c at2 atmospheric pressure is 2 liters.

If the pressure is double & absolute temperature is reduced to half.

What will be the new volume of gas?

6. A sealed glass bulb contains air at 300C at normal pressure. The bulb is immersed in

an oil bath &heated gradually. Find the temperature in degree centigrade at which the

bulb bursts if it can withstand a maximum pressure of 3.5atm.

7. The volume of certain mass of a gas at STP is 2x10-4 m3. Find its volume at 27 0C at

pressure 2.2x105 Pa.

8. The volume of a gas at 150C is1.25cc &755mm of mercury pressure. Calculate

volume at NTP.

9. How much heat is required to raise the temperature of 5kg of copper from 270C to its

melting point of 10630C? Given that specific heat of copper is 400 J/k0C.

10. A hot iron ball of mass 0.2kg is dropped into 0.5g of water at 100C. The resulting

temperature is 300C. Calculate the temperature of the hot ball. Specific heat of iron =

336J/kg0C and specific heat of water = 4200J/kg0C.

11. A silver rod 0.15m long has cross-sectional area of 0.0003m2. If one end is

maintained at 100C and other end at 750C. How much heat will flow through the rod

in 5 minutes? Given that co-efficient of thermal conductivity of silver = 406 J/ms0C.

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1. Define frequency and amplitude of a vibrating particle.

2. Wrote the relation between frequency and time period.

3. Define periodic motion with example.

4. Define S.H.M with example.

5. Write the equation for displacement of the particle in S.H.M.

6. Define wave motion.

7. Define wave period, wave frequency.

8. Write the relation between wave velocity, wavelength & wave frequency

9. Define non mechanical wave. Give an example.

10. Define mechanical wave. Write two types of Mechanical wave

11. Define transverse wave & give an example.

12. Define longitudinal wave & give an example.

13. Write any two differences between transverse wave and longitudinal wave.

14. Write two characteristics of transverse wave.

15. Write two characteristics of longitudinal wave.

16. Write Newton’s equation for velocity of sound in a medium and name the terms

involved in the equation.

17. Write the Newton’s Laplace equation for velocity of sound in air

18. Write the effect of pressure on velocity of sound in air.

19. Write the effect of temp on velocity of sound in air.

20. Write the equation for velocity of sound in air at 0°c.

21. Write the effect of humidity on velocity of sound in air.

22. Define free and forced vibration.

23. Define natural frequency.

24. Define resonance.

25. Give any two practical examples of resonance.

26. Define how stationary waves are produced?

27. Write any two characteristics of stationary waves.

28. Define nodes and antinodes.

29. Write the difference between stationary waves and progressive waves.

30. Write the fundamental note in vibration of stretched string.

31. Write the formula for the fundamental frequency of vibration of stretched string.

32. State the law of tension as applied to the vibration of stretched string.

33. State the law of length as applied to the vibration of stretched string.

34. State the law of mass per unit length as applied to the vibration of stretched string.

35. Define beats.

36. Define beat frequency.

37. Write any two applications of beats.

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38. Write how beat frequency can be calculated?


1. Define period, frequency & amplitude of vibrating particle.

2. Explain mechanical &non mechanical waves with examples.

3. Define longitudinal waves & transverse waves.

4. Define beat and beat frequency.

5. Obtain the relation between v, n and λ.

6. Define periodic motion & SHM with example in each.

7. Derive an expression for displacement of a particle executing SHM.

8. Define wave period, wave frequency, wave amplitude, wave length and wave velocity.

9. Distinguish between longitudinal & transverse waves.

10. Explain propagation of sound waves in air with practical example.

11. Describe Newton’s formula for velocity of sound in air.

12. Explain Newton’s formula for velocity of sound in air and hence Laplace correction to


13. Explain various factors affecting velocity of sound in air.

14. What is stationary wave? Mention the characteristics of stationary waves.

15. Why the soldiers are asked to break steps while marching across bridges.


1. Derive an expression for displacement of a particle executing SHM

2. Derive an expression for velocity of wave in terms of its frequency and wavelength.

3. Derive an expression for fundamental frequency of vibrations of stretched string.

4. Describe an experiment to determine the velocity of sound in air at room temperature

by resonance air column method.

5. Describe an experiment to find the unknown frequency of the given tuning fork using

sonometer by comparison method.

6. Describe an experiment to determine frequency of Turing fork by absolute method

using sonometer.

7. A wave of frequency 600MHZ travels at a speed of 3x108 m/s. Calculate its

wavelength &calculate the frequency of same type of wave whose wavelength is 40m.

8. If the frequency of tuning fork is 500Hz & velocity of sound is 300m/s. Find how

far sound travels while the fork completes 25 vibrations.

9. Calculate the velocity of sound in air at 250C & 75cm of mercury pressure, if the

density of air at 00C & 76cm of mercury pressure is 1.29kgm-3. (Given γ=1.41 for air).

10. Calculate the speed of sound at -500 C & at +1000C, given speed of sound at 00c is

332 m/s.

11. The density of air at NTP is 1.293 kgm-3&γ=1.402. Calculate the frequency of a

tuning fork which emits sound of wavelength 0.75m at 260 c.

12. A string of length 2m is stretched by a force of 3200N. If the frequency of vibration is

Directorate Of Technical Education. Karnataka State15SC03S Page 19

100Hz. Find the mass of the string.

13. A string has length of 0.3m & weight 2x10-3kg. What must be the tension in the string

so that when vibrating string transversely, it has a fundamental frequency 320 Hz?

14. A Sonometer wire of 0.5m long vibrates in two segments & is stretched by a force of

5kg wt. Calculate the frequency of the note emitted. (g=9.8m/s2 linear density of the


15. The frequency of Sonometer wire is doubled when the tension is increased by 12kg

wt. Find the original tension.



1. Define electromagnetic waves.

2. State two characteristics of electromagnetic waves.

3. Write how electromagnetic waves are produced?

4. Define electromagnetic spectrum.

5. Write any two uses of electromagnetic spectrum.

6. Write the principle of LASER.

7. List any two types of LASER.

8. Write any two principle of LASER.

9. Write any two applications of LASER.

10. Define nanotechnology.

11. Write two advantages of nanotechnology.

12. Write two disadvantages of nanotechnology.

13. Write what do you mean by communication?

14. Write the basic elements of communication system.

15. List any two commonly used terms in electronic communication system.

16. Write two advantages of communication satellite.

17. Write two disadvantages of communication satellite.

18. Define optical fiber.

19. Write the principle of optical fiber.

20.Write two advantages of optical fiber.


1. Describe the generation of electromagnetic waves.

2. Write any five properties of electromagnetic waves.

3. Explain how electromagnetic spectrum is classified?

4. Write any five applications of electromagnetic spectrum.

5. Explain the principle of LASER. List the properties of LASER.

6. Write any five advantages of LASER.

7. Write five advantages of nanotechnology.

8. Write advantages and disadvantages of nanotechnology.

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9. Write the block diagram of communication system.

10. List any five commonly used terms in electronic communication system..

11. Write five advantages of satellite communication.

12. Write any five disadvantages of satellite communication.

13. Write any five advantages of optical fiber.

14. Explain satellite communication. List any two disadvantages of satellite

communication system.


1. Define electromagnetic waves. Write four properties of electromagnetic waves.

2. Define electromagnetic spectrum. Explain how electromagnetic spectrum is classified.

3. Write the applications of electromagnetic spectrum.

4. List six applications of LASER.

5. Write six advantages of nanotechnology.

6. Write what you mean by communication system. Write the block diagram of

communication system..

7. Define satellite communication system. Write four advantages of satellite

communication system.

8. Write the principle of optical fiber. Write four applications of optical fiber.



1.Define electrolysis.

2.Define electrolyte.

3.Write any four examples of electrolyte.

4.Define strong and weak electrolyte.

5.Write any two postulates of Arrhenius theory of electrolytic dissociation.

6.State Faradays Ist law of electrolysis.

7.State Faradays IInd law of electrolysis.

8.Define corrosion.

9.List any two preventive methods of corrosion.

10.Define batteries.

11.Write any two applications of batteries.

12.Define fuel cells.

13.Write any two types of fuel cells.

14.Write any two advantages of fuel cells.

15.Define minerals.

16.Define ore.

17.Define flux.

18.Define slag.

19.Define an alloy.

20.Write any two uses of alloys.

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21.Define polymers.

22.Define polymerization.

23.Write any two applications of polymers.

24.List the methods of polymerization.

25. Define composite materials.

26.Write any two types of composite materials.

27.Write two advantages of composite materials.

28. Write two disadvantages of composite materials.

29.Define solute.

30.Define solvent.

31.Define solution.

32.Define saturated solution.

33.Define unsaturated solution.

34.Define concentration of a solution.

35.Define normal solution.

36. Define molar solution.

37.Define molal solution.

38.Define pH of a solution.

39.Write any two applications of pH.

40.Write hydrogen ion concentration in case of neutral solution.


1.Explain the mechanism of electrolysis of HCl.

2.Define corrosion. Write the necessary condition of corrosion.

3.Write any five postulates of Arrhenius theory of electrolytic dissociation.

4.State Ist and IInd Faradays laws of electrolysis.

5.Write any five preventive methods of corrosion.

6. Write the classification of batteries. Write two applications of batteries.

7. Write two types of fuel cells. List any three advantages of fuel cells.

8.Define alloys. Write the purpose of making alloys.

9. Write the classification of polymers. Write any three applications of polymers.

10.Define composite material. Write any two advantages of composite materials.

11. Calculate the concentration of solution when 110gmof copper sulphate is dissolved in

550gm of a solvent.

12. Define pH of a solution. Explain acid, base, and neutral solution on the basis of pH value.


1. State and explain Faradays laws of electrolysis?

2. Explain the mechanism of electrolysis of HCL.

3. Define corrosion. Write the necessary condition for corrosion.

4. Write any six preventive methods of corrosions.

5. Explain the electrochemical theory of corrosion.

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6. Mention what is battery? Write the applications of batteries.

7. Define fuel cells. Mention the types of fuel cells.

8. Write the advantages of fuel cells.

9. Define minerals, ore, flux, slag and alloys?

10. Write the composition steel. List three uses of alloys.

11. Explain any two methods of polymerization.

12. Write the applications of polymers.

13. Write the advantages and disadvantages of composite materials.

14. Define molar and normal solution. What is concentration of a solution?

15 .Write any six applications of pH.


Government of KarnatakaDepartment of Technical Education, Bengaluru

Course: APPLIED SCIENCECourse code: 15SC03S

Curriculum Drafting Committee 2015-16

Name Designation Institution

1 Mr. R B Pawar Principal Govt. Polytechnic, Bijapur

2 Mr. K.Nazeer Ahmed Selection Grade Lecturer Govt. Polytechnic, Mulbagilu

3 Mr. Liyakhat Ali Khan Selection Grade Lecturer S.J. Govt. Polytechnic, Bengaluru

4 Dr. HanumanthaNayak Selection Grade Lecturer S.J. Govt. Polytechnic, Bengaluru

5 Ms. Bhagirathi B N Selection Grade Lecturer S.J. Govt. Polytechnic, Bengaluru


Curriculum Review Committee

Name Designation Institution

1 Mr. K.Nazeer Ahmed Selection Grade Lecturer Govt. Polytechnic, Mulbagilu

2 Mr. Liyakhat Ali Khan Selection Grade Lecturer S.J. Govt. Polytechnic, Bengaluru

3 Smt. Revathi Selection Grade Lecturer M.E.I. Polytechnic, Bengaluru
