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Course Syllabus Mobile Computing Fresher Lab

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Mobile Computing – iphone/ipad Android and Blackberry Application and Game Development Course Syllabus Complete Mobile application Development Training company Catalyzing Mobile Computing Revolution
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Computing –iphone/ipadAndroid and

BlackberryApplication andGameDevelopmentCourse Syllabus

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Module 1 – Advanced C+ + ProgrammingTotal Hours = 20 Hours

Days/Topics Theory ScopeDuration : 2 HoursMode : Presentation

Lab SessionDuration : 2 HoursMode : Code

Topic 1 : Generic Programmingand the C+ + Standa rd Library

An STL Roadmap,W eb STL ref erences: concepts, man pa ges,samples.

Practicing sample codebased on library of STL andits Alg orithm

Topic 2 : Exception-Safety Issuesand Techniques

Exceptions from the C+ + libra ry ref erence,Exception Bugs found,The go lden rule of exceptions.

W riting safe program usingExceptional Handling

Topic 3: Class Design and


O bject land terminology (adop ting one languag e),

ty pes verses ob jects,

Design O bject oriented basedUML diagram for software


Topic 4: Memory Management Intro to design by color,O verwrite new a nd d elete,Create a memory pool,

a . W r it ing complex so f twaremodule to use customallocation and reallocationof memory.

b . W r it ing Complex Sof twareMod ule using memory pool.

Topic 5: Hands O n Small Project ba sed on the knowled ge ga ined during this Mod ule. Continue same Project

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Module 2 – Core JAVATotal Hours = 20 Hours

Days/Topics Theory ScopeDuration : 2 HoursMode : Presentation

Lab SessionDuration : 2 HoursMode : Code

Topic 1 : Introduction - Class introduction- Revision of ba sic Java- IDE (Eclipse), Packages, and JarBasics

1. Und erstand course structureand objectives2. Get a broad understanding ofJavatechnologies and its ap plications3. Prepare for the advancedJava top ics covered in this course

Topic 2 : Streams and FileI/ O

- Streams- Various Stream classes- Using Streams- O bject Streams- File Ma nagement

1. Learn ab out the Streamsframework of Java2. Learn how to rea d f rom andwriteto files in Java3. W alk through an example ofdoing File I/ O

Topic 3: Multithreading - W hat are Threads- Thread Properties- Thread States: Life Cycle of a Thread- Interrupting Threads- Thread Priorities- Thread G roups- Synchronization- Animation- Timers- Runnable Interface

1. Learn about threads in Java2. W rite a Java Ap plet that usesthreads to perform animation

Topic 4: Collections - Arrays- Collection Interfa ces- Concrete Collections- The Collections Framewo rk- Algorithms- Lega cy Collections

1. Learn how to use Arrays inJava2. Learn about Collection classesavailable in Java3. Applications of Collections inprogramming4. Use a collection in an example

Topic 5: Hands O nSmall Project ba sed on the knowled ge ga ined during this Mod ule. Continue same Project

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Module 3 – Basic Objective C ProgrammingTotal Hours = 20 Hours

Days/Topics Theory ScopeDuration : 2 HoursMode : Presentation

Lab SessionDuration : 2 HoursMode : Code

Topic 1 : Introduction to Mac OS,iOS and O bjective C

• Introducing architecture of Ma c O S• Architecture of iOS• Introduction to Xcode and O bjective C.• Hello W orld program.• Primitive Data Type and Operators• Flow control Statements, Arra ys and Structures

a. Creat ing and compilingproject on xcode

b . W r it ing He llo iphoneprogram.

c. W r it ing complex program inobjective C.

Topic 2 : Cla sses, Objects andMessaging

a. Objective C Classes and ObjectsThe @ interf ace, The @ Implementati on, Class Intera ction, The @ class Directive,Allocating a nd Initializing O bjects, Initializing O bjects and writing customInitializer.b. Methods and MessagingDefining Methods, Calling methods, Multiple Argument Methods and sending

messages to objects.

W riting object oriented p rogramin objective C

Topic 3: Memory Management

and Properties

a. Memory M anagementMa nual M emory M anag ement, Reta in Count, Relea se, Encap sulation a nd

Memory Ma nagement, Autorelease and pool, G arb age collector, TurningGa rbage collector on and O ff.b. Properties

Declaring Properties, Dot Notation and Properties Attributes

a . W r it ing p rogram to managememory using reta incount

and a utorelease.b . Wr i ti ng p ro gra m t oimplement properties, setterand getter method.

Topic 4: Inheritance, Protocoland Categories

a. InheritanceInheritance explained, Ancestry Inheritance, Inheriting Properties,

Extension,O verriding Methods, No O verriding Instance Varia bles and N OMethod O verload ing, Inheritance and UIViewController.b. Protocol

Mod elling Protocol, Syntax , Adop ting a protocol, Properties and Protocols,O ptional Methods, Properties and id, Ad opting Multiple Protocols, ExtendingProtocols, Protocols and Deleg ate s in UIKits.c. Categories and poseexte nding class wit hout source code, A ccessing child cla ss method fro m pa rent


W riting progra m which requireimplementation of Methodoverriding, Protocol, Categ oriesand Pose.

Topic 5: Hands O n Small Project ba sed on the knowled ge ga ined during this Mod ule. Continue same Project

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Days/Topics Theory ScopeDuration : 2 HoursMode : Presentation

Lab SessionDuration : 2 HoursMode : Code

Topic 1 : Some FoundationFramework Classes and FileHandling

a. Foundation Framework ClassesNSString, N SMutab leString, N SNumber, N SDate, N SDate Forma tter,NSArray, N SMutable Arra y, NSEnumerator , Fast Enumeration,NSDictionary and NSMutab leDictionary.b. File I/O and HandlingNSHomeDirector y, NSSearchPa thForDir ectorie sInDomains,

NSTemporaryDirectory, NSBundle, NSFileManager, NSString,Paths,Text Files and NSData

a . W r it ing code to pract ice onFoundation Frameworkclasses

b. W ri ting code to pract ice onFile I/ O .

Topic 2: Selectors andTargets/ Action

Delay ing a Selectors, Backg round Thread , MultiThread ing,Notifications, Delegates and Target-Action, Some commonly usedSubclasses of N SControl, Imple menting the Ap pController Class.

a . W r it ing code to p ract ice onSelector and Targets.

b . Sp ea kLi ne ex a mp le

Topic 3: Helper Objects Delegates, The NSTab leView and its data Source, How Delega tesW ork, Make a Delega te, Ma ke a Data Source

W riting code to practice ondelaga tes and Data Source.

Topic 4: Key-Value Coding:Key-Value O bserving

Key-Value Coding, Bindings, Key-Value Ob ser ving, Ma king keysO bservab le, Key Paths, Key-Value O bserving.

W riting code based on key-valuecoding, binding and key-valueObserving.

Topic 5: Hands O nSmall Project ba sed on the knowled ge ga ined during this Mod ule. Continue same Project

Module 4 – Objective C Programming – Foundation FrameworkTotal Hours = 20 Hours

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Days/Topics Theory ScopeDuration : 2 HoursMode : Presentation

Lab SessionDuration : 2 HoursMode : Code

Topic 1 : NSArrayController,NSUndoM anager and NSTimer

a. NSArrayControllerKey-Value Coding a nd nil, Ad d sorting, Sorting withoutNSArrayControllerb. NSUndoManagerNSInvocation, How the N SUndoM anager W orks, Key-ValueO bserving, Undo for Edits, Beg in Editing on Insert, W indows and the

Undo Manager.c. NSTimerW hat is NSTimer, NSRunLoop

a. Star ting the RaiseManApplication

b. Adding Undo to RaiseManApplication

Topic 2 : Property Lists, NSCopyand Archiving

W riting a Prop erty List, Rea ding a Prop erty List, NSCopy, NSCodingand NSCoder, NSKeyedAr chiver and NSKeyed Unar chiver, TheDocument Architecture, Preventing Infinite Loops

a. W ri ting code to seria l izesingle data type in to .plistFile.

b . W ri ting code to seria l izeobjects and r einitializingobjects through serializedfile.

Topic 3: Basic Core Data NSManagedObjectModel, Interface and How Core Data Works W riting simple program for coreData.

Topic 4: User Defaults andNotifications

a . User Defaul tsNSDictionary and NSMutab leDictionar y, NSUserDef aults, Reg isteringDefaults, NSUserDefaultsController

b. NotificationW hat are Notif ications are, NSNotification andNSNotif icationCenter, Posting a Notif ication, Registering a s anO bserver, Handling the No tificat ion when it Arrives, The UserInfoDictionary, Delegates and Notifications

a . W r it ing simple app li ca t ionwith user d efa ult.

b . W ri ting simple appl icat ionwhich send and receiveNotification.

Topic 5: Hands O n Small Project ba sed on the knowled ge ga ined during this Mod ule. Continue same Project

Module 5 – Advanced Objective C Programming – Foundation FrameworkTotal Hours = 20 Hours

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Days/Topics Theory ScopeDuration : 2 HoursMode : Presentation

Lab SessionDuration : 2 HoursMode : Code

Topic 1 : The View Views Geometry - G eometric typ e d efinition, UIScreen Class , The Frame a ndcenter prop erties , The Bound Property , The View HierarchyThe Multitouch Interface - UITouch class,UIEvent class,UIResponderclass,Handling a swip e and M ore Adva nced gesture recognitionAnimation - UIView class animat ion, slid ing view, Flip A nimation, Transitionanimation

Developing V iew Basedapplication .

Topic 2 : controls and ViewControllers

a. controls - The Founda tion of all controls , UIControl attrib utes and Targ et-action mechanism, The Text Field , Interacting with the keyboa rd, Thedeleg ate, Creating a nd wor king with a UITextField, O ther Controls like sliders,Switches, Buttons, Segmented Controls, pa ge controls and Da te Pickersb. View Controllers - The Simple Vi ew Controller, The view controlle r, Theview, The application Delegate and creating simple MVC ap plication, Rad ioInterfa ces, Na vigation Controllers, Mod al View Controllers and Tab Barcontroller

a . Implement ing d i ffe rentcontrol in a a pp lication.b . Deve lop ing Naviga t ion

based ap plicationc. Developing Tab bar based


Topic 3: Special-Purpose Viewsand custom UI Components

a. Special Purpose viewpicker view, prog ress views, scroll view s, Text View, Al ert View, Action sheet

and web viewb. Custom UI ComponentsText Field A lert V iew, Tab le A lert View and Progress Alert View

Developing custom innovativeview .

Topic 4: Table View Controller simple tab le View Ap plication , Tab le View with both Image s and Text, Tab leView w ith Section Head ers and Footers , Tab le view w ith ability to DeleteRows, Tab le V iew w ith the a bility to Insert Rows , Reordering Tab le Rows,Presenting Hiera rchical Information, G rouped Tab le Views , Indexed Tab leViews , Dynamic Tab le View s , W hitening Text in Custom Cells

Developing application based onTable view controller.

Topic 5: DevelopingProfessional User Interfacewith Ap ple G uideline andHands on

a. Developing Professional User Interface with App le Guideline

a. Small Project based on the knowledge ga ined during this Module.Continue same Project

Module 6 – iphone GUI ProgrammingTotal Hours = 20 Hours

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Days/Topics Theory Scope

Duration : 2 HoursMode : Presentation

Lab Session

Duration : 2 HoursMode : Code

Topic 1 : Handling Location a. Core Location Frameworkb. Google Maps API

- Developing tracking ap plication with Map s, Working w ith ZIP Codes,c. Working with Map Kit API

MKMa pView Class, MKCoordinateRegion Structure, MKAnnotation Protocol,MKAnnotationView class, MKUserLocation class and MKPinAnnotation Viewclass

A Simple Location-awareApplication with GM APintegration.

Topic 2 : Working with Devices a. Working with accelerometer - Getting Device Orientation, GettingShakes from the UIResponder Chain, G etting Raw A cceleromete r Data ,Filtering Accelerometer Data

b. Working with Audio - playing and recording audio file, using mediapicker controller class and searching the ipod libra ry.

c. Working with video - Playing, recording and streaming vid eo.d. Accessing Device Informatione. Taking and selecting Picturesf. Monitoring Device Battery - Battery level, Battery state, Battery state

and level notificationsg. Accessing the proximity sensor - Enabling proximity monitoring,

subscribing to proximity change, Subscribing to proximity changenotification and Retrieving the proximity state.

a . Moving a Bal l on screen withaccelerometer.

b . Developing audio recorderand Player

c. Developing Video recorderand Player

d. Applicat ion which monitorbattery level.

Topic 3: W orking W ithAddressbook da taba se

a. Working With Addressbook database - pro pe rty Typ es, AccessingSingl e-Val ue Proper ties, Accessing Multi- Value Prop ertie s, Person andG roup Records, Ad dr essboo k, Multithrea ding a nd Identif iers, Person photoRetrie ver App licatio n, ABUnknownPersonViewControll er class,ABPeoplePickerNa vigationController class, ABPersonViewController classand ABNewPersonViewController class

a. Integra ting Add ress book in acustom ap plication which ismultilingual.

Topic 4: Advanced Networking a. Determining N etwork Connectivityb. Uploading Multimedia Contentc. Computing MD5 Hash Valued. Multithreaded Downloadse. push notificationf. peer to peer networking

a. Voice chat ap plicationdevelopment

Topic 5: Hands O nSmall Project based on the knowled ge ga ined during this Mod ule.

Continue same Project

Module 7 – iphone/ ipad Device ProgrammingTotal Hours = 20 Hours

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Days/Topics Theory ScopeDuration : 2 HoursMode : Presentation

Lab SessionDuration : 2 HoursMode : Code

Topic 1 : W orking W ithDatabase

SQLITE Introduction and Basic Database Operations - O pening, creatingand closing da ta ba ses; ta ble op era tions, Processing Row Results, Prepa redStatements pr epa rat ion, Execution, Finaliza tion, Putting it tog ether., Userde fined f unctions , storing BLO Bs and Retrie ving BLO Bs

a. Creating SQLITE Databaseand executive differenttypes of SQL query.

b. Using SQLITE database inthe project.

Topic 2 : XMLProcessing/ parsing

a. XML and RSS - XML Parsing, working on RSS feeds and configuring XCodeProject.b. Document Object Model (DOM)c. Simple API for XML (SAX)d. An RSS Reader Application

Developing simple RSS Read erapplication.

Topic 3: Core Data a. Core Data Application Components - Entity, Managed Ob ject Model,Persistent store coordinator, Managed object context a nd Ma naged objectb. Using the Modeling Toolc. Create, Read, Update and Deleted. Working with Relationships

Developing simple SearchApplication.

Topic 4: Consuming W ebservices [SOAP and REST]

a. SOAP - Developing SOAP Client , Consuming and parsing soapresponse

b. REST – consuming REST Web Services, JSON Objects

Developing application whichtakes data f rom SOAP and RESTAPI.

Topic 5: Hands O n

Small Project based on the knowled ge ga ined during this Mod ule.Continue same Project

Module 8 – Database and WebServicesTotal Hours = 20 Hours

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Module 9 – Blackberry DevelopmentTotal Hours = 20 Hours

Days/Topics Theory ScopeDuration : 2 HoursMode : Presentation

Lab SessionDuration : 2 HoursMode : Code

Topic 1 : Blackberry : GUIsBasic

• The components of Blackber ry UI• Handling User Interaction• Creating Menu

• Create a simple form• Create menu with form• Home assignment

Topic 2 : Ad vance G UIDevelopment

• W orking w ith font• Drawing to the Screen Using the Graphics Context• Crea ting Custom Field s• Creating Custom Ma nagers• Crea ting a Custom Screen• W orking w ith the BlackBerry Storm• Creating Basic Animation

• Create a f ancier form• Creating fa ncy screen• Touch based G UI

Development• Home assignment

Topic 3: Storing Da ta • Storing Data on the BlackBerry• Persistance• BlackBerry Persistent Store• The FileConnection API

• Saving form dataApplication

• Home assignment

Topic 4: Using Location-Based Ser vices

The Locatio n API• Location Ap plication• Using BlackBerry Ma ps

Friend LocatorApplication• Home assignment

Topic 5: Hands O n Small Project ba sed on the knowled ge ga ined during this Mod ule. Continue same Project

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Module 10 – Android GUI DevelopmentTotal Hours = 20 Hours

Days/Topics Theory ScopeDuration : 2 HoursMode : Presentation

Lab SessionDuration : 2 HoursMode : Code

Topic 1 : Targeting Android –The Big Picture.

· Introducing Android· Stacking up Android· Booting Android development· An Android application· Summary

Development environment.· The Android SDK· Fitting the pieces together· Building an Androidapplication in Eclipse· The Android Emulator· Debugging

· Summary

Topic 2 : Android : Guts &GUIs

· W hat makes up an Android a pp lication· Using XML for UI layout· Basic widgets· Introd uctions to LinearLayout, Rela tiveLayout, and Tab leLayout

· Create a simple formApplication.

Topic 3: Development Tools · Hierarchy Viewer· DDMS and log results· DDMS and simulating calls· DDMS and f ile upload/ download· DDMS and screenshots· Making a nd using SD card images

· Create a fancier form· Home assignment

Topic 4: Selection W idg ets · The role and use of ad ap ters· Lists· Spinners· Grids· Auto-completion field s

· Add a selection list to the form· Home assignment

Topic 5: Hands O n Small Project ba sed on the knowled ge ga ined during this Mod ule. Continue same Project

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Days/Topics Theory ScopeDuration : 2 HoursMode : Presentation

Lab SessionDuration : 2 HoursMode : Code

Topic 1 : Fancy Lists · Using custom layouts in list entries· Populating list entries· Recycling vi ews· Using the holder p attern

· Ad d icons to the selection list

Topic 2 : Fancy W idgets · Date and time pickers· Tabb ed dialogs· ViewFlipper· Ga lleries

· Make the for m spa n multipletabs: list on one, details onanother

Topic 3: Menus andMessages

· Add ing op tion menus· Adding popup menus· Showing d ialog s· Raising toasts

· Add a menu to the app thatraises a toast

Topic 4: Threads · The “one thread to rule them all” rule· Handlers· Alternatives to Handler· Progress bars

· Add a menu choice that d oesfake background processing andupdates a progress bar

Topic 5: Hands O nSmall Project ba sed on the knowled ge ga ined during this Mod ule. Continue same Project

Module 11 – Advance GUI DevelopmentTotal Hours = 20 Hours

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Days/Topics Theory ScopeDuration : 2 HoursMode : Presentation

Lab SessionDuration : 2 HoursMode : Code

Topic 1 : The ActivityLifecycle

· How activities are supp osed to behave· onCreate() and onDestroy()· onPause() and onResume()· onSaveInstanceState()

Stop the fake b ackgroundprocessing when the activity ispaused, pick up again whenresumed

Topic 2 : Resources - General theory of resources- Drawables- Va lues- XML- Of fering multiple resource sets

· Support a different layout forlandscape instead of portraitviews

Topic 3: Using Multiple


- Having multiple activities in your project- Starting other activities from your project- Getting results from activities- Using URIs to launch system activities

· Remove the ta bs, put the list onone activity and the detail formon a sub-activity

Topic 4: Preferences andFiles

- Using shared preferences- Preference screens- Preference XML configuration- Preference change notification- Simple reading and writ ing of f ile

· Allow users to configure defaultvalues

Topic 5: Hands onSmall Project based on the knowled ge ga ined during this Mod ule.

Continue same Project

Module 12 – Advance Android ProgrammingTotal Hours = 20 Hours

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Days/Topics Theory ScopeDuration : 2 HoursMode : Presentation

Lab SessionDuration : 2 HoursMode : Code

Topic 1 : W orking W ithDatabase

- Int roducing SQLi te- SQLiteOpenHelper and creat ing a database- Opening and closing a database- Working wi th curso rs- Inserts, updates, and deletes

a. Creating SQLITE Databaseand executive differenttypes of SQL query.

b. Using SQLITE database inthe project.

Topic 2 : XM LProcessing / parsing

a. XML and RSS - XML Parsing, wo rking on RSS fe edsb. Document Object Model (DOM)c. Simple API for XML (SAX)d. An RSS Reader Application

Developing simple RSS Read erapplication.

Topic 3: Using HttpClient Overview of native networking options- Simple HTTP G ET using HttpClient- Post ing f o rms- Cookies

- A ut he nt ica ti on- XM L a nd JSO N

· W riting simple Http Client.

Topic 4: Consuming W ebservices [SOAP and REST]

a. SOAP - Developing SOAP Client , Consuming and parsing soapresponse

b. REST – consuming REST Web Services, JSON Objects

Developing application whichtakes data f rom SOAP and RESTAPI.

Topic 5: Hands O nSmall Project based on the knowled ge ga ined during this Mod ule.

Continue same Project

Module 13 – Data Structure ProgrammingTotal Hours = 20 Hours

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Days/Topics Theory ScopeDuration : 2 HoursMode : Presentation

Lab SessionDuration : 2 HoursMode : Code

Day 1 : Introduction to GameEngine Ana tomy

a. Application Framework

b. Game State Manager

c. Graphics Engine : IntroductionTexturing , Animation , Physics Engine , Audio Engine , Player Input , G ameLogic

Compiling codes of COCO S 2DGa me samples

Day2 : Graphics Engine -Texturing a. TexturingPixel, Textures and Imag es , Transpare ncy , Texture Blending , Rota tion,


W riting p rogram to add texturein the game.

Day3:Graphics Engine -Rotation


Two-d imensional animat ions:spri tes , Three-d imensional animati on:Mod els,Animation Controllers , Particle Systems , Culling , Texture sorting , Texture f iles, Resource management , Level of deta il

W riting progra m to add and

animate sprites/ chara cter in theprogram.

Day4: Physics Engine :Part I a. Collision detection versus collision resolution

b. Two-dimensional collision detection

W rite program which simulate 2DCollision detection.

Day5: Hands O nSmall Project based on the knowled ge ga ined during this Mod ule.

Continue same Project

Module 14 – Game Engine Anatomy Part ITotal Hours = 20 Hours

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Days/Topics Theory ScopeDuration : 2 HoursMode : Presentation

Lab SessionDuration : 2 HoursMode : Code

Day 1 : Physics Engine : Part II a. Three-dimensional collision detection

b. Collision resolution

W rite program which simulate 3DCollision Detection.

Day2 : Audio Engine Sound samples , playing sound , Multichannel sound , Music versus SFX,Output devices and interruptions

W rite program which gives MultiChannel sound Output.

Day3: Player Input a. Touch events

b. Resolving into high-level events

W rite a program to handle touch

event in game.

Day4: G ame Logic a. High-level events

b. Artificial intelligence

c. Transparent suspend and resume

d. Frame-based versus time-based logic

e. Game logic Organization

W rite a simple G ame Logicprogram.

Day5: Hands O nSmall Project based on the knowled ge ga ined during this Mod ule.

Continue same Project

Module 15 – Game Engine Anatomy Part IITotal Hours = 20 Hours

d l

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Days/Topics Theory ScopeDuration : 2 HoursMode : Presentation

Lab SessionDuration : 2 HoursMode : Code

Day 1 : Game Design a. Feature List

b. User Input Scheme

c. Learning curve : Level1, Level2 , Level3 , Level4 etc..

Design an ad dictive game.

Day2 : Tile Engine a. Unique Ti les

b. Drawing Ti les

c. TileWorld Class : Loading, Rendering, Camera and Physics

W rite a program which renderthe set of Game.

Day3: Animation and sprite


a. Property list

b. Animation Class

c. Sprite class

W rite a program which dodiff erent type of animation tosprite.

Day4: Physics a. Entities

b. Entity-to-World

c. Special Tiles

d. Entity-to-Entity

W rite diff erent types of physicssimulation to a 2D G ame.

Day5: Level 1Implementation

gsEmuLevel , TileW orld

Ma in Character - Entity, gsEmuLevel and User Input

Emu Chicks - Entity, gsEmuLevel

Emu Mother , G ame Logic , Sound

W riting Level 1 of assigned Liveproject G ame

Module 16 – 2D Game Engine Part ITotal Hours = 20 Hours

M d l 17 2D G E i P II

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Days/Topics Theory ScopeDuration : 2 HoursMode : Presentation

Lab SessionDuration : 2 HoursMode : Code

Day 1 : Level 2 Implementation gsLionLevel , TileWorld , McGuffin , Main Character , Lion Entities : Entity a ndgsLionLevel , Sound

W riting Level 2 of assigned Liveproject G ame

Day2 : Level 3 Implementation gsMazeLevel , TileWorld , Buttons , Doors , Cat and Mouse , User Input

G ame Logic : Initializa tion, Context a ction, upda te


W riting Level3 of assigned Liveproject G ame

Day3: Level 4 Implementation gsRiverLevel , TileWorld , Crocodiles , Logs , Tom , User Input

G ame Logic : Initializa tion, Upd ate


W riting Level 4 of assigned Liveproject G ame

Day4: Game StateSerialization

Initialize Storage

End G ame

Modify UI

W riting program to serialize theGa me State.

Day5: Using CO CO S2D toDevelop G ame Develop ing samp le ga me using Cocos2D Continue same Project

Module 17 - 2D Game Engine Part IITotal Hours = 20 Hours
