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  • 8/8/2019 Course Work 2 Da Nk Siap.




    1) Identify main points of the given articles.

    2) Identify thesis statement, topic sentence and supporting sentences.

    3) Transfer related information from linear to non-linear text.

    4) Write an essay by giving personal response on the assigned issue.

    5) Give an oral presentation on the assigned issue.

  • 8/8/2019 Course Work 2 Da Nk Siap.



    Q uestion


    Course Work 1 (Individual Presentation)

    Based on the 3 text provided, prepare an Oral Presentation of about 12-15

    minutes. Here are the guidelines for your Oral Presentation and Written


    1. Read the 3 text and identify the following: Theme



    Moral values

    Own responses/reflection

    2. Transfer the related information from linear to non-linear text.

    3. The presentation is done individually (use power point).

  • 8/8/2019 Course Work 2 Da Nk Siap.



    Course Work 2

    1. Read the 3 texts and write a personal response of about 500 words.

    2. Write a reflection on how you prepare for the Oral Presentation and

    Writing Assingment. (about 100 words)

    3. The assignment must be typed using Arial, size 12 and double spacing.

    4. References should be quote and written using APA format.

    5. The cover of the assignment should include the following:


    I/C No




    Due Date

  • 8/8/2019 Course Work 2 Da Nk Siap.



    TEXT 1

    In this story, Dora Ward remembers how, as a little girl, she was given a very special

    Christmas present.

    My family wasnt used to hard times. Daddy had been an assistant postmaster,

    and we had lived comfortably. But, after loosing his position, Daddy had to take what

    jobs he could get. He lost his savings, our home was sold, and we moved into a

    dilapidated house on a dirt road.

    Mama! I called, one winter afternoon, as I ran into the house. We wrote letters

    to Santa Claus today! Look mine.

    Mama hugged me, then read my letter. It is short because there was only one

    thing I wanted. She took a long time to read it. I bet a lot of little girls want a Shirley

    Temple doll, Mama finally said. If there arent enough to go around, Im sure youll get

    a doll youll like just as so much.

    It was our custom to have Christmas before anyone was permitted to open their

    presents. At last, we finished, and I tore into the living room with only one thought. I

    stopped short when I saw a doll leaning stiffly against the arm of our couch. I moved

    closer. The doll was the right size, but she had no golden curls framing her face. A

    chipped spot on one hand had been painted over. I picked her up awkwardly, as if she

    had been put in my house by mistake. Frantically I scanned the room, my eyes filming

    with tears. There was no Shirley Temple anyway.

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    Unable to hold back my sobs, I ran to my bedroom, where I threw the doll into

    chair and fell across my bed. Mama was right behind me. Sit up, Dora, she


    Why, Mama? I asked. Why did get this doll instead of the only dolly in the world

    that I really want?

    For some time I had suspected Santa was not real, and Mamas next words

    confirmed this.

    We couldnt afford the doll you wanted, Dora. So we dressed up a second-hand

    one to be just as pretty. I studied the dolls blue print dress with buttons down the front.

    Her shoes were fancy white snap-ons, her socks trimmed lace. A black-and-white knit

    sweater with cap to match topped of the outfit.

    Mama put her arms around me. Your brother, Len, had been saving to buy a

    radio, but he decided to use that money for the dolls clothes. Betty spent hours to

    knitting, and Annie sewed on the lace. Look! Even the underwear has lace on it!

    They did all that for me?

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    We love you, Dora. And your love for us is the sweetest of all because you give

    it so naturally. Remember when Betty got a free perm at the beauty school and it came

    out frizzy? You told her she still the prettiest girl in town. One day, when Annie was

    lonely, you told her she was your favorite friend. And the way you rush into Lens arms

    when he comes from work Now thats love. You are able to love because you are


    Mama watched me snap and unsnap the doll shoes. Now Im going to ask you

    to give the nicest gift you can give them, she said. Put aside your disappointment.

    Make them believe you are grateful for the doll and all their hard work. She reached

    over to take my hand.

    Bravely, I marched back to the living room.

    The tree shone in the middle of the room, my family all around it. My brother ran

    his fingers over a pair of new socks. I thought of the radio that he wasnt going to get. I

    remembered how Betty had taken me to the beach an awful lot that summer, instead of

    going with her latest boyfriend, of the times Annie had let me tag along with her and her

    friends, the endless piggyback rides Daddy gave me

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    Daddy reached up to fix an ornament on the tree. He must have felt me staring

    and looked over his shoulder. His blue eyes seemed unusually tired as he turned and

    softly smiled. Hey, Honeybun, he said. Weve been waiting for you.

    I wiped my eyes. Thank you for the doll! I blurted, running to Daddys arms.

    Shell always be my favorite. Suddenly we were all mingled around the tree, kissing

    and hugging. I hadnt hard to make-believe after all.

    Eventually, things got better for Daddy and my family, but that Christmas I

    received a gift of inestimable value. I learned Christmas is not about presents or Santa,

    but about love, the greatest gift of all.

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    TEXT 2

    The boarders who had parent were busy preparing to go home, while we

    orphans got ready our belongings for inspection. We were allowed a week in which to

    get our bits and pieces together and we spent a great deal of time ironing and mending.

    Then, on the appointed morning, we took our suitcases and all we possessed to the

    play hall which was in the main building and there we spread everything out on the floor.

    Miss Lane and Miss Kilgour began the inspection from the senior students downwards

    and each article was carefully examined, the torn clothing condemned, the suitable and

    usable ones passed from one to the other. A list of each students clothes was kept by

    Miss Lane and when there was nothing, she could find to fit a particular girl, new clothes

    had to be brought.

    With sixty cent pocket money a month, it was rather difficult to save. I, for

    instance, was always tempted to buy sweets and ice-cream and yet there were soap

    and toilet articles and shoe polished to be brought. One of the boarders, a good friend

    of mine, was rather rich and she found washing and ironing very tiresome. I helped to

    clean her shoes and do her washing and ironing. In return, she gave me one dollar a

    month, with which the matron was able to buy a pretty new red Chinese suit for me.

    We orphans did not like school holidays because then we were very lonely; most

    of the boarders went home and only a handful of us remained. It was always during

    school holidays that I thought of my parents most; perhaps it was when I saw the

    boarders go away with their parents that I felt most lost, unwanted and homeless.

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    I remember that one such holiday fell on a Chinese New Year, and that the

    thoughts of all of us went back to those happy New Years, which we had spent with our

    parents, but we pretended to be happy all the same. As usual, during school vacations,

    there was not much to do and Miss Lane, realising this, sent a few yards of calico for us

    to sew. Looking at the material, someone remarked: This is used only for mourning.

    However, we cut it up and, before beginning to sew, I suggested that we should play a

    funeral game. We pretended that it was my fathers funeral and we each tied a piece

    of the material round our heads as chief mourners do and pretended to cry. As orphans,

    we had all known some such tragedy in our homes so, of course, this brought sad

    memories back to us and, from being a mere game, it turned into a truly tragic scene

    when we all started wailing loudly. Miss Lane, hearing this, came to investigate. The

    scene must have touched her; girls were sobbing on the floor; some rested theirs heads

    on tables, others just stood; even the matron, who accompanied Miss Lane, wept. The

    wise principal said nothing but gathered up the material and told the matron to take us

    for a walk. We felt terribly ashamed.

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    One evening we went to bed early and suddenly, in the dead of night, someone

    screamed. I knew that voice, the light switch was near my bed but my courage had

    gone. I covered my self with my blanket and sank deeper into bed. No one stirred in the

    room; the scream came again, louder and more terrifying. Someone shouted: Janet,

    switch on the light quickly! When I heard my name, it seemed to give me courage. I

    switched on the light and all the boarders sat up in theirs beds. The girl opposite me

    was sobbing and, between her sob, she said: There was a man in my bed. We were

    shocked and horrified. The missionaries must have heard the scream for they were

    soon with us. Miss Lane wore a long nightgown and her hair was loose. At that point we

    were more interested in Miss Lanes appearance than in the man. She look younger

    and even kinder like this. The police were informed and men were posted in every

    corner of the building but the intruder was not caught. We were unhappy and terrified,

    and dreaded the time when darkness would come.

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    TEXT 3

    In this account, a former drug addict, recalls how he become hooked on drugs.

    Andrew was waiting for me at the prison gates, said Samuel. If he hadnt been

    there, I would probably be on Death Row today. 15 years of my life- the best years- all

    wasted on drugs. He sighed mournfully over the loss of those years. I was 20 when it

    began and 35 when I stopped.

    Samuel grew up in a large Indian family, the fourth of six boys and five girls. His

    parents were happily married, although his father suffered from an inferiority complex

    causing him to stammer, an impediment which Samuel inherited. In this close and

    rather boisterous family, he grew up a shy boy, rarely venturing to express an opinion in

    case he was laughed at.

    Failing his From Five examination, Samuel joined the Royal Malaysian Air Force

    (RMAF) at 18, and immediately felt an affinity with his job as a trainee radar operator.

    He enjoyed his work, did well, and was sent for a years training in Darwin.

    On his return, he was posted to Butterworth. Work was fine- but what does a 20-

    year-old young man do in the evenings? Stay on the base and read? Watch television?

    Why dont we go to Penang? he and his friend felt sure there would be something

    going on over on the island, and they began to go regularly. His friend introduced him

    to two other friends but, unknown to Samuel, they were drug pushers.

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    A cigarette was offered in the friendliest of gestures, and Samuel, used to smoking

    though never to excess, innocently accepted it. But this cigarette was different- it was

    spiked with marijuana. (one tube of marijuana may be spiked into three or four

    cigarettes.) the effect on Samuel was immediate. Not only did he feel good, but his

    stammering tongue was loosened, and his fear of being failure in a crowd evaporated.

    He found himself chatting and laughing freely with his new friends in a way he had

    never been able to before. A whole hour passed thus and Samuel felt elated and happy.

    He was a social success after all! But now the truth come out- there was something in

    the cigarette. Recklessly Samuel paid RM3 and bought a tube. After the first

    exhilarating hour, however, Samuel realized he was reverting to his normal self- the flow

    of chatter began too dry up and he became silent and ill at ease. As the hours wore on,

    the realization swept over him with increasing tension that not only had he returned to

    normal- he was now feeling shyer and even more inadequate. He smoked a second


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    In the days following, he found he needed a whole tube daily, and after two

    weeks he had come to the end of his money. Disillusioned and miserable, he wandered

    along the beach wondering what had happened to him. His friend found him and

    explained that the way he felt was due to the drugs he was taking. There was no doubt

    about it, he was an addict. But I can stop any time I want to! he cried, the familiar and

    self-deceiving cry of every drug addict.

    Samuels pay was soon insufficient to support his habit and he began to do some

    careful thinking. He thought out a plan which worked very well for a whole year. As soon

    as he received his pay, he went across to Penang and bought a packet of marijuana for

    RM60. This he converted into 100 tubes which he sold for RM3 each but half of this

    amount he needed for his own consumption. Samuel had become a pusher. Only later,

    much later- 15 years later in fact- would he fully appreciate, with profound regret, the

    harm he had done to others. But a man on drugs has no concern for anyone except

    himself. The driving force above all others is How and where can I get the next fix? In

    next to no time at all his friends were also hooked, and everyone knew Samuel was the

    source of the supply. It was only a question of time before he was caught.

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    i. My personal respons from 3 texts are given

    In the three text I have read, I found a comman theme. The comman theme is

    love. The definition of love from verb transitive is to become more equal with something

    due to understanding. From noun, love is the process of equalization through

    understanding and the condition of felling something to be extraordinary intimate to

    oneself, is an end state to love as a process. As I seen, the primary definition of love

    what I want conclude is considered an emotion or an action. Note that is specifically

    excludes equalization through a vehicle other than understanding, and also excludes

    understanding without achieving equalization.

    Now, my first personal response from the text given. From what Im reading in

    text 1, I thought the theme from this text is family love. Love between the main character

    and her friends. The characters name are Dora Ward. She is a little girl who wished for

    a doll from Santa Claus on Christmas. The conflict is when Dora Wards dream did not

    come true and her wishes are unfulfilled. She sad but when she know the truth, she

    realize that love from her family are more important from other. The moral value is love

    brings absolute satisfaction and happiness.

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    For the next text, the theme is more to friends love. Friends love meaning that u

    and your friend circle which born from the need and makes a part of heart to bound us

    together in the main character situation. Janet are an orphan who stay in an orphanage

    with her friends. Janet dont have a parents, siblings or relatives. The conflict is Janet

    wishes having own family and longing for parental love. In the end from this text story,

    we get the lesson is friendship also meaningful in our life when we dont have no one.

    Sometimes friends love can give a way replace familys love .

    The theme from the third text is also friends love. But this love make a different

    presence. For this text situation, the friend must have a kind heart and slow talk person.

    This is the strongest fell and dedications from one toward others. The character is

    Samuel and his friends name are Andrew. Samuel grew up in a large Indian family. He

    is RMAF soldier. He also a former drug addict and pusher. The conflict from this text are

    when Samuel try smoking the different types of cigarette, it was added with marijuana.

    Samuel become a drug addict and at last, he was caught by police and after that he

    was into the jail. The moral value is we can trust our new friend and a friend in need is a

    friend indeed.

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    The conclusion from the text given that I get is love is the more important things

    in our life because we cant life if we dont have love in our heart. Then, love does not

    exist in a vacuum, and influence from cultural and circumstantial forces will cause its

    manifestation to differ in any scenario. The last but not the least, I conclude that we

    must appreciate any kind of love that we have.

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    "Gravitation can not be held responsible for people falling in love"

    "How on earth are you ever going to explain in terms of chemistry and physics

    so important a biological phenomenon as first love?"

    "Put your hand on a hot stove for a minute, and it seems like an hour.

    Sit with a pretty girl for an hour, and it seems like a minute.

    THAT'S relativity."

    ~Albert Einstein Quotes ~

    "Love is friendship set to music."

    ~E. Joseph Crossmann~

    "Of all the earthly music, that which reaches farthest into heaven is the beating of a truly

    loving heart."

    ~Henry Ward Beecher~

    Love is an act of endless forgiveness, a tender look which becomes a habit.

    ~Peter Ustinov~

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    "The sweetest joy, the wildest woe is love"

    What the world really needs is more love and less paperwork.

    ~Pearl Bailey~

    "Love is a fire.

    But whether it is going to warm your heart or burn down your house,

    you can never tell."

    ~Joan Crawford~

    Lots of peoplewant to ride with you in the limo, but what you want

    is someone who will

    take the bus with you when the limo breaks down.

    ~Oprah Winfrey~

    Let the world stop turning,Let the sun stop burning,

    Let them tell me love's not worth going through.

    If it all falls apart,

    I will know deep in my heart,

    The only dream that mattered had come true

    ...In this life I was loved by you.

    ~ Bette Midler ~

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    Love is like a friendship caught on fire.

    In the beginning a flame, very pretty,

    Often hot and fierce,

    But still only light and flickering.

    As love grows older,

    Our hearts mature

    And our love becomes as coals,

    Deep-burning and unquenchable.

    ~ Bruce Lee ~

    "If you would be loved, love and be lovable."

    ~ Benjamin Franklin ~

    Love is the flower of life, and blossoms unexpectedly

    and without law, and must be plucked where it is found,

    and enjoyed for the brief hour of its duration."


    It is love, not reason, that is stronger than death

    ~ Thomas Mann ~

    Life and hope for the world

    are to be found only in the deeds of love.

    It's easy to fall in love. The hard part is finding someone to catch you

    ~Bertrand Russell~

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    2 0

    Love is that condition in which

    The happiness of another person

    Is essential to your own.

    ~Robert A. Heinlein, Stranger in a Strange Land ~

    For one human being to love another:

    that is perhaps the most difficult of our tasks;

    the ultimate, the last test and proof,

    the work for which all other work is but preparation.

    ~Rainer Maria Rilke~

    Pure love and suspicion cannot dwell together: at the door where the latter enters,

    the former makes its exit.

    ~Alexandre Dumas (1802-1870)~

    There is always some madness in love.But there is also always some reason in madness.

    ~ Friedrich Nietzsche ~

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  • 8/8/2019 Course Work 2 Da Nk Siap.



    ii. Reflection

    From this work, what I get from prepare for the Oral Presentation and Writing

    Assignment is I can improve my English language. Before this, my language quite

    low. From oral presentation work, I more believe myself to present alone to audients

    and I can show what I do more effectively. I can show to my friend how I manage

    my work. I also manage my time to do my all work. From writing assignment work, I

    get something that I dont have before this. Like find points from internet.

    Thats all my reflection about assignment given. Thank you.

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    iii. References



    http://www.christchurchsummit.org/Sermons- 2 00 8 /0 8 05 04 -TheVirtueOfLove.html

    http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid= 2 00 6 111101 2533AA 0RyIF
