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Cowboy West and Industrial East Powerpoint

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The Cowboy West And The Industrial East http://www.thewagnerreview.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/railroad-19 http://www.forgecattle.com/Cowboy%20Up.J by Baker Lawrimore
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The Cowboy West

And The Industrial East


http://www.forgecattle.com/Cowboy%20Up.JPGby Baker Lawrimore

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1857 1862 1864

Homestead Act

During the 1860s, many men wanted to go to move west due to its wonderful land. The Homestead Act gave 160 acres of land for free to any member of a family that is head of the household. From 1862-1900 about 600,000 families took this offer and moved west.

Sand Creek Massacre

Most of the Cheyenne thought they were under government protection and returned to Colorado’s Sand Creek Reserve. General SR Curtis sent a message to militia Colonel John Chivington saying he didn’t want peace until the Native Americans suffered more. On November 29th, Chivington & his troops attacked Cheyenne and Arapaho Indians killing over 150 people, mostly women and children.





Frederick Law Olmstead

A landscape architect heading the movement for planned urban parks. Made plans for Central Park, NY City (Greensward) with Calvert Vaux. Also planned the landscaping at Asheville’s own Biltmore Estate. http://www.museumsyndicate.com/images/1/8307.jpg



An African American who moved from the post-reconstruction South to Kansas after the passing of the Homestead Act in 1862

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1864 1867 1869

Credit Mobilier

Formed by stockholders in the Union Pacific Railroad. Company laid track and charged approximately three times the value and kept the profits. Congress investigated and uncovered that the company had stolen 23 million dollars.

Transcontinental Railroad

A railroad line running from the Atlantic to the Pacific Coasts of North America completed in 1869. Because of the railroad, time differences in the country were noticed. People began considering Professor C.F. Dowd’s idea of splitting the earth into 24 time zones.

The Grange

Oliver Kelley started the Patrons of Husbandry as a social and educational outlet for isolated farmers. This organization became known as the Grange and fought against the Railroad industry in the 1870’s. The Grange helped form farmer’s alliances and taught members how to organize to bring about change.

http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQdpwDNsW3RPtGpux3fe2AKWy81vloxW2ap8Zhj6d5aQskmffT3 http://www.icsm.gov.au/mapping/images/time_zones.jpg

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1869 1870’s 1873

Tweed Ring

William M. Tweed led this group in a scheme using of the NY County Court House. Taxpayers paid 13 million dollars for the construction of the Court House—10 million more than it cost. Ring broke up win 1871 when the public found out about the scheme. Tweed escaped from jail during his second sentence and was caught in Spain due to a political cartoon by Thomas Nast. http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQHVaoFe_X3EI8n-l193mJB4xixjnJT2fCJDs0Dif9Dd5yxrvgBgQ

Jacob Riis

A photographer, journalist and social reformer who exposed poor conditions in tenements through his photography.

Andrew Carnegie

Entered the steel business in 1873. Had risen from poverty and by 1899 the Carnegie Steel Company made more steel than all of Great Britain. Used new techniques and equipment, hired talented workers, and used horizontal and vertical integration to make a lot of money and to control the steel industry.


Social Darwinism

Charles Darwin’s theory of biological evolution, applied to human laissez faire economics.


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1874 1876 1876

George Armstrong Custer

After hearing Custer’s report of gold found in the Black Hills in 1874, many people flooded to Wyoming. The Native Americans living there protested against the large numbers of people. In June of 1876, Custer and his troops met Native American soldiers at Little Bighorn River and Custer and all of his men were killed.

Sitting Bull

The leader of the Hunkpapa Sioux Tribe. He was a warrior, spiritual leader, and a medicine man. He led his people with strength of character and purpose. His most famous battle was at Little Bighorn River where he killed George Armstrong Custer.



Battle of Little Bighorn

Native Americans under the leadership of Gall, Sitting Bull, and Crazy Horse defeated American troops led by George Armstrong Custer.


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1876 1876 1877

Thomas Alva Edison

Established the first research laboratory in Menlo Park, NJ in 1876. Later, in 1880, he perfected the incandescent light bulb. He created an entire system for producing and collecting electrical power. Because of Edison, electricity became cheaper and more abundant.

Alexander Graham Bell

Created the telephone with the aid of Thomas Watson in 1876, opening the way for worldwide communication.


Chief Joseph

Succeeded his father Tuekakas as the leader of the Wallawa band of Nez Perce. He led them when the US government forced them to move to the reservation in Lapwai, Idaho. They went into hiding in Canada.


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1877 1879 1879

Nez Perce

Native American Tribe indigenous to the Wallawa Valley. Fought what became known as the Nez Perce war. War was the result of their pursuit by the US Army and General Oliver O. Howard.

The Vanderbilt Family

Shipped products via the Railroad to make money. William Henry Vanderbilt II along with Cyrus W. Fields and J. Gould formed a trust with the Union Pacific, NY Central, and Lakeshore & Independence lines.

Dumbbell Tenements

Built in NY City after the Tenement House Act of 1879 and before the second act in 1901. The tenements looked like dumbbells because it was required for all living areas to have a window. Therefore there was a space between the walls of the buildings to let air flow.



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1880s 1880s 1880s

Wild Bill Hickok

Toured America in the 1880s in William F. Cody’s Wild West Shows. These performances helped make western life a part of American mythology.

Bessemer Process

Developed independently by a British man named Henry Bessemer and American Iron maker William Kelly in 1850. In the 1880s American manufacturers used it to make 90% of the nation’s steel.

Voting Restrictions on African Americans

Literacy Test: Only those who could read could vote. Some tests could be in a foreign language and some others were made harder for African Americans.

Grandfather Clause: Said men could vote even if they couldn’t pay a poll tax or pass the literacy test if their grandfather or father voted before January 1, 1867. This let poor whites vote, but left African Americans behind because no black man could vote before that date.

Poll Tax: An annual tax that had to be paid in order to vote. Most African Americans didn’t have the money to pay for it and couldn’t vote.



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1880s 1880s 1880


Separation of black and white races in public institutions. Began when African Americans lost their voting rights.


A mix of European music forms and African American spirituals played in saloons in the South. Scott Joplin became famous because of Ragtime music.

John D. Rockefeller

Set up the Standard Oil Company and used trust agreements as a kind of merger. His father tricked him a lot when he was a child to make him sharper. By 1880, The Standard Oil Company of Ohio controlled 90% of the industry. In the beginning he paid his workers very little and sold oil at a lower price than he made it. Then when his competitors were out of business, he shot up his prices.




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1881 1881 1883

Booker T. Washington

Believed racism would end when black people required more skills and proved they were useful. Born a slave but graduated from Virginia’s Hampton Institute. By 1881, he was the head of Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute, now called Tuskegee University.


Plan where Native Americans would give up their culture and become Americans. Many sympathizers supported this even after reading Helen Hunt Jackson’s book a Century of Dishonor.

Joseph Pulitzer

Bought NY World newspaper in 1883. He created the large Sunday edition, comics, women’s news, and sports. He competed with William Randolph Hearst’s Morning Journal. By 1898, both papers’ circulations surpassed one million copies daily.



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1886Mid 1880s 1887

Political Machine

An organized group that controlled political party actions in a city. Received financial support by helping businesses and voters. Worked like a pyramid. At the bottom there were precinct captains and ward captains and at the top was the city boss.

Hay Market Affair

On May 4th 1886, 3000 people gathered in Chicago at Hay Market Square to protest police brutality. Someone tossed a bomb into the police line and seven officers and several workers died. Police turned against the union.

Dawes Act

Passed in 1887, this act was meant to Americanize Native Americans. It split up the reservations and gave 160 acres of land to head of households and 80 acres to unmarried adults. Government was supposed to sell remaining land to settlers and give the money to the Native Americans. However the Government did do this.


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Late 1880s 1888 1890s


A house made by pioneers in the west out of sod that was warm in the winter and cool in the summer. They were small and offered little light and air. Insects and snakes and it leaked when it rained.

George Eastman

Developed an alternative to heavy glass plates on cameras. Used flexible film with a coat of gelatin. In 1888, he created his Kodak camera and sold it and a 100 picture roll of film for $25.

Samel Gompers

Led the cigar makers union to join other craft unions in 1886. President of the American Federation of Labor. From 1890-1915 the average weekly wages rose from $17.50 to $24.00 and the work week went down from 54.5 hours to 49 hours.



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1890s 1890 1890

Settlement House

Community centers in slum areas that gave assistance to people in the area, especially immigrants. Many workers lived in the house to learn about the living conditions. They provided educational, cultural, and social services. Charles Stover and Stanton Colt created the houses in NY.

Sherman Anti-Trust Act

This act made it illegal in 1890 to form a trust interfering with free trade between states or with other countries. Eventually government stopped enforcing it because the consolidation of businesses continued.

Wounded Knee

On December 28, 1890, the 7th Calvary rounded up 350 Native Americans and brought them to the camp at Wounded Knee. Someone fired a shot and the soldiers opened fire with the canon. 300 unarmed Native Americans were killed in minutes. This battle brought the period of Native American war to an end.


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1892 1892 1892


Strike breakers. One case was on June 29, 1892 when the president of Carnegie Steel Company’s Homestead Plant in Pennsylvania, Henry Clay Frick hired scabs to work in place of strikers.

Ida B. Wells

Born a slave, she moved to Memphis in the early 1880s to be a teacher. She became the editor of a local paper with the persistent theme of racial justice in her reports. Her theme became a crusade on March 9, 1892 when three African American businessmen were lynched in Memphis.

Ellis Island

Immigrant inspection station in NY Harbor. About 20% of the daily immigrants were detained for about a day. Two percent were usually denied entry. Usually processing took about 5 hours. Those with health problems were sent home. From 1892-1924, 17 million immigrants passed though Ellis Island.


Omaha Platform

1892 National Convention of the Populist Party. Economic reforms included increase in money supply, graduated income tax, federal loan program.


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1894 1896

Pullman Strike

After the Panic of 1893, the Pullman company laid off 3000 out of their 5800 employees. It also cut pay by 25-50% and after paying rent, workers took home less than six dollars a week. Strike was called in 1894 and it became violent. Many strikers were fired. Eugene Debbs was jailed. The ARU boycotted Pullman cars.

Eugene V. Debbs

Attempted to form American Railway Union (ARU). Most members were unskilled or semi-skilled laborers. In 1894, the new union won a strike for higher wages. In two months it had 150,000 members. It failed after a strike.


An issue in the 1896 election, this was a monetary system where the government gives citizens either gold or silver in exchange for paper currency or checks. People who believed in this—mostly farmers or laborers--were called silverists.



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1896 1896 1896

Plessy vs. Ferguson

A Supreme Court case testing segregation’s constitutionality. The Court found that separation of races in public accommodations—as long as they were “separate, but equal,”--did not violate the 14th amendment. It allowed segregation to go on for 60 more years. The case was overturned by Brown vs. Board of Education in 1954.

William McKinley

Republican candidate for the 1896 presidential election. He had millions of funds backing him. He was firmly committed to the gold standard. He won the campaign with 7 million votes.

William Jennings Bryan

Democratic candidate for the 1896 presidential election. He gave the Cross of Gold speech. He believed in the free silver economy. He campaigned in 27 states sometimes making 20 speeches a day. He got 6.5 million votes and lost the election.


Cross of Gold Speech

Speech made by William Jennings Bryan at the Democratic National Convention in 1896. Speech condemned the gold standard saying, “You shall not press down upon the brow of labor this crown of thorns, you shall not crucify mankind upon a cross of gold.”



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1898Late 1890s 1901


A form of entertainment in which people performed songs, dance, comedy, juggling, and female chorus lines. Was consider an American invention because it offered something to attract everyone.

William Randolph Hearst

Main competitor of Joseph Pulitzer and the NY World. He purchased the NY Morning Journal in 1895. He wrote about exaggerated tales and scandals. By 1898, the competing papers sold one million copies a day each.


A single business with complete control over the industry’s production. It can determine wages and prices. One way to create a monopoly is to create a holding company to buy out all competitors. US Steel was one of the most successful holding companies, buying out Carnegie Steele in 1901.



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1903 1905 1905

Orville and Wilbur Wright

Started as bike makers in Dayton, Ohio. Made their own glider with a 40’4” wingspan and a four cylinder internal combustion engine. They made their first flight on December 17, 1903, at Kitty Hawk, NC. It was 120 feet and 12 seconds long.


A political system that promotes equal distribution of wealth and communal ownership. Advocated by German philosopher Karl Marx. The Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) was started in 1905 by socialist William “Big Bill Haywood.”

W.E.B. Dubois

First African American to receive doctorate from Harvard. He strongly disagreed with Booker T. Washington’s belief that racism would end over time. In 1905, he founded the Niagara Movement which believed blacks should seek a liberal arts education so that African Americans would have educated leadership.



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1910 1910 1911

Mail Order Catalog

Montgomery Ward and Sears Roebuck brought retail merchandise to small towns through their mail order catalogs which pictured items for sale. By 1910, 10 million Americans shopped by mail.

Debt Peonage

Mexicans and African Americans were forced into this system. It was a system that bound laborers into slavery in order to work off the debt of an employer. In 1911, it was declared a violation of the 13th amendment.

Angel Island

Asian immigrants to America came to the inspection station at Angel Island off the coast of San Francisco. 50,000 Chinese immigrants came through Angel Island between 1910 and 1940.


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