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YCL 3—Iv3. 1. COYINGTGN, N.Y., THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 1887. PRICE FIVE CENTS. •eraI Business Directory* LECAL CARDS. H AL. D. .STiiViiNS, ATTORNEY k Count •'.tor-ij^l-s'.r. OtT:c4 *r> Ain^len't \| ATT HANSOM, A1TOBNEY 1VX and Oouiukfliar at IAW, Port Uoviog- toa. :*. Y. A' *>* AdYOttttKf 1734 Notre l'rUr^ai.—»Afd«!-rraa-ti;J^ 8, "XRCHI- . A..iiO.I*, Pri»ffw«or ! VrimjDai Lev, \tii«g»; D, MeOoiutrc?*, B.C.L,; :4H. #a , EWiuo**, P.A7ri^F7fa—Mr. He Tr?tJ attond UM Oourus !n I*c*uliarf. r.iirtln* and Huntingdon, PJQ<J give aUoaWtfM District. Mr. Dados toe Courts In asd giv* special a lias DinLizcitf of £<L. H.vacialhe- i Accounts *br coilecuon may -1 to th« firta, Montreal, or M. fa. MEDICAL CARDS 7 AND r'JN. Iki«i4eaoe end ofiSoe, Wixi- e, Fort Covingtou, K. T. Ha gav Ay, »y, wirl* | That ooe*» •«•«.«! ooly miuo. ;*»-* Only an o!d-tlffl» i«tt«r ; Bui frpm <~-ach yftJI~.w pagr^. ^Tbere eoin«» "ar~wo# of }«*n* «§**—' tTfie ghost of a **e-?te» age. Only an old tirao Jctier, 1*8 rfc Trtlh tbd sfaia of y&ars ; Bot oft thai wHbcred writing Has bloomed t*?r>wah mj tears. But oil 1 that 4re*ra Is «baltered— Tfi* foant of grief run dry ; , # TO-4AJT the sad rtnnctnbaranett sn?i in icH§ than one bo*ir from that crew mount tho sttjc of tke wreck. With a pang of reproach I saw them hand down into the boat half a dozen he!f4as» men. Jthsy wera just ia time—the boat had not pulled a fur- loiJg away when thtrwreek ptt&hod iyrer d wpnt down by the bowe. * II w s tome Httle lime after onr ship r«s before the wind again that I went iowa iu to fore boid where the doctor was working ov«r tiie poor, starred, faicUhod fellows who wore taken frein _WfQck, N I h*dfrftftna iwtilor twenty Yoe, the page is -eld an ; And tl»e nco«« i« on thr »ra?e, "Wb-re tt-p pall mwi! nSEl:t!y silvers Th&fch.-vi^vfsof w;nd-b;airn wave ; WiH»re tb« loot s^d fcJa«t rlvar Ead*. in tL^ aioaiiing t^a. An ihy*we*t flit? had Tau»«ihed Into eteraity. — T^ r . J. IJencereon. Sdated Miscellany. Captain Brscs's Story. , and BeTer saw so pitiia! a sight *tfbre. " Can any of them 2i»o ?•" I asked. He shook hit fc*ad doubtfV:y. 44 Two have died *Iaeo they esme on o*rd, en4 the others are iiktiy to- tal* one. lie's far snoagli :on«y poor boy ; but he seems *e rally nder tfee atiauiaiiifl, and I juui* ho\>es, kim." The man that he ppokor of opened s eyes at the so cad of oar voices, 4t What's, the matter with yon TWO WAYS OF DOING IT dose that thoy g K.sep your Sll ll in fiood repair, ll p y f p Sell all you can tud buy all yoa can at home. I/you are rich iDvafctsomething, em- ploy somebody. Be c^urteouiTtostrangers thai come good i , %. , . - , „ . i »aould deservo io be robbod of home An exchange pubhshc* the following | and i fc?d 9 " Simply eo«ight an abate- sect ia their r^nts, abatapiants less ban ]£arl Cowpsr's Royal Commission ppoiatcd by a Torv Government—de- )art?d l*c aquitaLle; leas even than ho Land CouiwitfsioD Ccarts are grant- ing to ceigboriog estates, and finally, I ! . * _ - _ ! • 1 Y IT" ^ I h is spplicscja to'^l! IncaUtie:! HOW TO KELP TOUB TOWN. Talk about it. Write about it. Beautify the streeta: Elect good men-to all offices. reduetioas to which Lord Lansdowoe'a own arbitrator, Mr. Dccning, gave hit assent and approval in black and white/' ftiOTE AMD COMMENT. ^-remarks Always cheer on tho men who go in for improvements. "on June21 Queen Victoria will have n h«r salary for fifty ycari," aod pur Washington Imter. <Prt»raoor Regular Correspondent) WA8UIKOTO2T, B, C , May 23rd, ig$t. The soldier boys are ail here, #nd Washington is fall of martial tnusio and beat of dnims The Nation rial DriU opened this morning,, but tKo con- tests will not begin until to-morrow. To dcy was devoted ""lo so«ie TorraSRti^^ ~^a as receiving t£o troops, naming camp, aud this afternoon there wan a dress parada by all the companies. For the past few day* br£e crowds of people have conj&egaied at the rail- way stations, ia sae nxid welooaH? the Always oucsr on ine men wuu goto drawn har'salary for fifty yeari," aod r improvements, l o u r portion of ttic \ . , . . , »t 4l b* nothing but what is right then, dropping into %ur.i, it relates J(j .-Ui+ f that that baiary is £38a,u00 a year, Bon?"-' kick " at any proposed im-1 f !^. u ? J rt t ?^£^ 9 '! 5<) ' 000 OT , ,t any proper becaupo it U uot st j doer, cr for fear yoar t«.xc3 will bo fifty cent« HOW TO 1SJUR3. TOUR TOWK. Oppose improvetDeiit. M'uirmi ita T>ubiio men. your 1 ll P warda of 190,000,000 for her term .of serric«. IT is ssid that New England fbber- ?B fire jubiUnt over die Uitt Hvxapton of yiuiiiag OD the part-of tho Canadian mthoriiie»t in allowing tho Amerir<*n m*ko their ap{^»rarscc were tne Loui^attn Rifles, of Now Orleftns, who marched ' quitely cp PennesylfaDia ataoaeto Wil- Ur^Hotel and afterwards to cuiap wbich they catered aj silently ta'spies. ~ Vicksburg Sonthroci foliowedj making quite a nobe with cornets, and the Lcai*an« i tLeir Missis&ipi neighbors i cheer which was daly reciprocsted. The city of teuts around lh« bam cf the WsKhington monument is quite- pietnmqy, nod il camp jast north of the parade grands. Large parties of ladies accompanied souse of tho military organizations hera and some of them perferred to go nto camp to stopping at the hotels and boarding bouses. Some preferred it tut the uoveity of Uie experience and others beoaoso of the eeonomk features icamp life. Quite -a sensation occurred when it was reported that there would be BO liquor sold ia c«mp boo*u» of aa order " by the Prtwdeot to revoke the B E LU\ H r, Water . SL.OOID, S. GBSCOJES, FJIU1L PROVISIONS Produce, Ac-, A-c-. Coraer Ob&te&uj^vj ^ Water SI*. FORT COV1NGTOX, NT Xulj 26th, 1««S. WATGHJEAZEE, Ata.H. Xickeisen'e FT. COVlNCTty, I, I. Find Watches a Special ty. CENTRAL VERMOXTR. R. O. A U C. PIYMHOK AFTEBMONOAY, NOV. 22, V/ «, »nd uattl fbrtber aotioe. iraics VlH Iflcro Bruabtoa as folloirs:— far back as I ean find any Aoco«ot of n*y aacesators they foliow<*d the pea. My father and my grandfather foucd their graves in the ocean : two cf my brother* were never heard of after their laat Toyage; and «o-loogs time had goae bj «ueo my brother Blias eaiied trcui New York for Bombay without any tidings coining bnck_rrom him that I had besrua to fear tibat he, too, waa to be qnoted a» acodier example cf tbii- lacs of the Braoes. I a thoso days I waa the master of one of to.a fastest dippers tbat rounded the Horn. Ws had not heard of Pacific railways then ; steam on tho ocean T not what it is now, asd oar swift ships made royages between Boston and San Francisco that astonished and delightod both cities. The discovery of gold In California waa followed by a great emigration, thither, and all the carrying trade was etioiuiaUid. Mj ship kzd made an aycra^e speed on several of these loog voyotrc^ of which the owner? were proud, and I was naiuraly anxious to beat my own tima We were bowling along merrily in the South Atlantic before a stiff north wind wbea the masthead lookout re- n ? w aefced the dcwlor. ** Tbu^r© aa 3,1 a P.M.—MAXZ. stoppins* avt all stations on U.4LC. a.B.,oo.nn«cU««atEoaa^ePoint vriUi sl«ploc oar train for points on D.AH. C.' C«.'« S.R. Arrlrtiig at Troy 2.25 X.M., Albaxi'r 2.«5 A.M.. New York 8-tO A.M. At Bi. AiUaM WUbfile«f<lBgear vU OentraJ Vt. CRT for Tray, Albany and Now York, ar- rive S.M A-M. ; also all points cost. Arrive &t Bo«tOB 7.44>; B{Hrlo«aeId 7.05 A.K. f Malone local traia—Goes a»d west 4.SS p.m. —-— OOOCQ WEST. S.i5A.M.—MAII^ Bto^pln* at alLjtetions. AniT«atOffd<?naburg 11.0© A.M. Connect- IOK at Norwood vrilb R-.W-dtiJ-U-R., at Og- ^aunburr wltb G.T.H.torall poInU west, aad with 8LL4O. BaJlway. 9.W P. M.—Exr*BBe,forstations «iO.4L K O M. Ck>D&ectlng with O. T. 12ail wayforall polato wast. s&r Itcketa to all point* east and west oa 6«fo *i Ticket Office. - S. W. CTJMMING9, J. W. Hom4BT, Oen- P»«8. A^t. President. J. BQIE, WftTERTQWI X *r p^ftU Baat, SoOt&raed Woat. :KalhJnnc&.45^m.; rf, 9. $5 a. m.; POTla- I Lm.; CJaylon, 10.25 a.m. ; Albany, 6.(k) r Vork, ».0C p-m. ; arrive* Watertawn LOO a-ui.; Same, 1.45 p.m. ; Oswago, 1.40 plm.; RochosU-r, 1.60 p. in.; 51 M D I I ^H^«> IXtfUJb June. 5.06 d.OU I .m. p. m.; O?deu*barg, 7.0&.; p. m.; UUca, lo.oo p. in.; Albany, 2.00 a. J*Trt/*0 Sta, 9.S5 a, jK « *&z* p. m. ; Home, B.ftO p.m.; rtyracuito, Id. 19 P m.; p ^ $* p l O W 165 P-m.; Ntagax* ; Buffalo, 8.06 p.m. CABB «« ran b UJW »mf Yoiat l©»%1ag Ogd«n*> t . VWftoat»lettv- th« train. Space can be reserved by tmm; WfortAillsa Hbd throagli tickaU to polnu Ea*t( Wail andrttnitba to*i. A. Mo»rlU, Depot TlctetAr?ul,Mai GOIKG 1SA6T. Sf,—Expxsaa, for stations raO.iL, C. A.S., ooDB«^Uoca4 Ronses Point with C. V.R.P- for BLAlbaos, BurUa«ton,Portliuxl aa<i<aU polnUe—t, sativlog >t Boston at, 7.i5 P.^. ; Portlaad 8.W r.x OonS©dHar ported"iomethiog Tii eight^ar st Ifo«*er» Jnoctioo wltii l> A H. C po.foriafJx),^. pj*«*k«t^s«iw«tiia«A-Jt « Wai ft a saU? ft I asked. No it was not a sail, and it waa not clear what it was. Soon after cam© another report that it l<>oked like a dismantled hull. " Aay signals ? " I iuquhed. lt 2^0, sir; oo signals." Mr. Mayhew, tho mate who was standing sear me, made the remark (in a Tery proper manner, too)* that if the masts were all gone, it couldn't be expected there would be any signals, am ashamed to say that 1 told him to mind hb own business.': uth is, I wiirrerymuch Texed, So far, we had made a splesdid run, and I waa bopefal of rounding the c*p< in less time than I had ever done i before. And now to change course, lose headway, and perhaps a whole day, looking after a wreck! It was too provoking. For fifteen minutes I walked tfc< deck, Tery much vexed, but not at all satisfied with myself. Then Mr. Msyhew tpprowhed me and touched his hat " I beg your pardon, Captain 1 e said, but the glaas shows her plainly ^ow. She's % large chip, not uuder b«lm, and rolimg heavily as if water- lo^ed. Shall I ohango our course and eead a l^Mttout? *' No I M I tbundrod, and as tho bait and airtonished mate went forward, " dirod down infce the cabin aod shut the door. « c Let the old wroek go, ft I said to myself. " She's seen heaTy weather, aod there's ©othing alive on her." This is wliat I said: but Well I may bo f Hy brother Eiias iy before me. It was two weeks after this, when re had nursed hiui hack to aOmethiog ike streagth, that he ws« able to.sit up u my cabin_and tell me his ad^onturcs. did not befdn to tell a loog story, so will repeat &one of them savt: that »hi*h happened to him the uigbt before tlie rescoe. u Oar horrible isferlngs hj^at last •ut us in that conduioa," he said, whero all complaint was silenced by tore phyeiota! treaSuies. The boat* id been FtoTe or carried away by stress of the storm; the rudder was disabled; prorisiona and water were scant; we drifted helplessly about, while £he ahip slowly filled from a leak that we coald not reach; the time goon oame When we were t^o week to man the pumps. One by one my ehipmatas grew delirious &ad died ; three eaded there suffer int^ by jumping oVerfeoi»rd. ""hat last sight I wag so weak from anger and thurst that it seemed is if icath wuld DOtJbe far on", aod I closed iy eyiw, oxpeeting to open them in another wt>dd. Whether 1 ! ^ept and reamed, or whether what I saw was a vision sent fircm beaTdn to eheer and comfort me, I know not; but I saw this ship come sailing OTer the sea to- ward me, w diitincUy that I coald tell mast, «ail and spar, and you, brother, were itandiog at the hoklmg out your haads to me/ When awoke you^and the doctur were standing over me." ' »K J • 'PL A BANEES'S SHREWD TRICK. It was io the days of the early rail- road, waeo it was yet new; tho days " - - - to New York lay your Kan it down to Kefaw to advertise ia yowr JDU uot in?est a cent tonoy out Somewhere elae. Bo particular to discredit the mo- ires of public spirited man. Leiigt i yoor face whoo a stranger peaks Ating in it If - w~» wants to bay yoar property hurge him two i i i i urge him two prio9& it>r itfc If he.w.finiito buy aaybody ©!»«'• nterf«re and discourage. Kef*!** to see th« merit ip any scheme that does not dircotiy banoSt you. U>W> LANBDOWNE "Whether EBitb? O'Brion did net ji the caUBe of tho Irish patriots more than ho helped ; it, by bis rusade against Lord Lau&downe, ic Canada, is aa open qaestioB, Bat Lis k i ; ar.Uvinaa has tikcu Irish tenanU, if half g vessel" Kumboldt," to purchase a sspp?7 of liaei at Halifax, N.3. Tho Caiisdiani tried to bo very %nif[ at>oat it. however, bv sUjmlating that the per- mission should^Se considered J l as an act of courtesy and not a* a rigbL" Backache, stitches in the side, infla- tion tndjoreness of the bowels, are symp- toms cf a disordered «tate of the diges- j tird and a#simlative organs, which «tn be corroeted by tho use ef Ay«r's Oath- ariic Pills. that nine out of ten people would cot know oleomargarine if thoy say it Gcinmtssioner Cokmaa ts going to issue a bulletin giving such mioute iastruciiocs that every man can b$ his own oleomargarine detector. The commissioner says that he urn prove that ihe carcase* of horsas, g^ and swine have been used is the manu- facture of oleomargarine. A sound bodv aad a coo tested mind : I are cecessary to perfect bappi»ess. If _ \^Q j y p pp ;ke ouTs caie* of gioeToppVessioe and 7™ ^p to poreesa tbes«t eleaose yoar •aooaaUWeiDhumanity.'ttaiiaxhia. blocd with Ayers SargapariHa, I t is '- -* prfeetly saf#totake aod is a thorough n bis tpeeeh at'Montreal Hr. O'Briea said: Lord Lans^iowna is laying waste an yfacn tho journey less of a little jaut than it is now when greenbacks were not popular here. One gammer morning & man., walking in happy and fererish, haste, with wild excitement beaming all over his faoe, stepped into the office of a well known banker. " I want exchange for this on New York." " All right. What ia it f ! Tho man looked fearfully around him and brought out a packet, " It's $25,000 ingreeDbacks.** " I Guess I can do it! Goieg eastf *•* Yes. I'm going to-morrow. 1 don't want to carry all this with me. Couldn't do it. Sure to get robbed. Sc give;me » draft, flow much?* " Oh, seetag it's you ono per cent.— $250." completely as if the angel of death knocked at every cabin door in those vailoyi and deTuted every man. woman and child to destruction. As soon as he will have obtained hi* next batch of ejectment decree*, bd will bars made a aiean sweep of tba property, and exoept will b?on banithed and thoir homes 'in know tlieai no more. Mr. O'Brien then quoted from re- ports in the Dublin Freemans Journal of tba evictions on Lord Lansdowne'e estate with headings such aj " One- five people evicted * Lord Lanadowno's own bailiffs creature the whole population f * Sixty persons left homeless,"" and EO oa. Ho delivered incidents attending gome of the evictions: InSrm oki women apd eighty and odd years, whose tottering steps had to hoLgsided out of their little homesteads, were put out in the pitiless storm of hail and snow. The cold March blast blew around them and ures cried bitterly ninety years were Th dli h the poor crea- y Old men over told to clear eut. I tat down and tried to think'of something else* eoeM noXdo it, Thought of the d«ac and the dying fi«am«n who might be on that poor drifting bulk took j)08soesion ofmy niiad and wr>uld net quit mo. Then c»me anotlterthought thaticaused me lo jump up and paee cabia. if my brothers had met their dealt in tfcis way, beo«u»e soioe ielfish, inoftttao ihip'fl captain Utet mjT»lf Wa# j to slop and save tiiem. "' So the banker made out a draft Ifew York and took tlie raoaoy. ** Yoa'co goingtomorrow, are yox^V "Would yon mind taking a little pared for me and banding it to m t Wtterf* "Certainly. Ill doit with ploas- Tke bunker went iota the other room and presently canw back with the par- eel «Just put it io yoar Talfs?, aa< don't k^t it, will y o t r «rUtaketh«be*teireofit. 4< Thank yoa. Good J^y. Plcasan *JJ~M f - -. , t\ ^^rrivod io N«»T«*, the Califor sum mosttotin h»« draft. Th«WM«»e«4t^ pack ney y Tho delicate mother, with her babe only a fortnight ^bld clasped ia her arms, stood shivering outside, which the M em- gency men " pitched out her little be- longings. The " emergency men n where there with sledge hammers, crow- bars, ladders, saws and hatcheta to pull down the houso and smash tho furniture. A- miserable thatched cottage isto which tiie rain poured through the roof, y p prfeetly saf#totake, aod is a thorough- ly reliable, highly coaeeattafeod and powerful blood purmer. mszi of Now York recently deposited four Urge bars supposed to be gold with the assayer to be refined and made into standard gold bars. The gpotleman said that the hart were from California and were etimatad to be worth $1(^,000 each, or $40,00 for tfee four, and that an assay which he had made before showed the bars to be about 72 per cent noe. The bars were found to oe copper washed with gold and worth about $4. IT is said that Thursday of last week was the busiest day which Ctstk den, in New York baa known during its entire his, "Thirteen steamships came ia together with an aggregate of 9S02 immigrants. Every nation in Europe was largely represented in the swam and the numbers of the multi- tude swamped all the existing arrange- ments for feeding, registering and .ship- ping the new comers. This one day's rash was in part a consequence of & tliree day's fag which detain*! a num- cf ladies, appointed for tne purpowfey 1 0i« W. T. C. U., called upon tki Pre-^ sideot and prc3onted him a protest agaiDst the snie of intoxicating liquors on the drill grounds, it b^bg a govarn- meot property, and asked his ftfence. The'^diea said tha received them most pressed hi? diiiipprovaj of to sell liquors on^ths drill ground, and gave them much encoara^ameat th bdtie it would not be dose. The ladies also called on Col Wilaoo, commis- sioner on pubjio buildings and grouad-s and other gentiomeo having authority. l*!ra bar-room privilegt "f the groBsd had bessi sold by the drill committee bat about noon on last F iday, tho man who had bought the privilege of opeaing the bar un^er tho grand stand, was notified that tbe order granting aim this privilege was rwoked, and he at onco ceased hw prtpMUbopa, Later it was itated that thmtcum of the drill coiniflUtea was is DO way due to thfi President or to the effort of tbe kdies'o/ tfas W. TE Q tL, before the ladies had waited* on President tho drill committee passed their resointion revoking sale of intoxicating liqitora on the ground. ; ProbiWy the roal secret of the tbrongfe the grounds, a polite iniimation that would be vory gratifying to the War Department, to whicb the drill grcmad belongs, if iotoxiaition liquors *-^ere exduded. The oommit^e, thready uoder great obligations to the War Department, oonJd not afford to ignore a hint of that kind, and they proeiptly made aa ordar reToking the l%ar frhfc privilege. So, at the refreshment ber of veasefe off Bandy Hook. But the oountor under the grand staad, &tty tide of immigratioo is setting to this j temperanoa drinks will U Bold this hi aAa «mm mp hafe been chopped away, i*i I • boa that is stow. ®* had UT8 aboard not tlong o°~ occapied by a tenant named Houry Muithil, was eatered by the sheriff. On * chair ne*r the fire was a poor old woman, who did not seem to realiie that she was going to be put oat of tho house wkich bad sheltered; b«.r from her ^Mtood. It was rainiur at the time and see was put out on the road- aid* \n the pitiless storm. These are a few typical cases of the hundreds ot evictions that have been going on oa Lord Lanedowne's Queen's county es- tate?. When the dispute arose the tenant* owed duly hali a yew's rent, after all the frightful lo»ea of the past years. One yearft rent should be due belbie evictions can take placs, and unworihy y the that oue years rent was due. The second half j e a r ^ rat said to be doe but was not, was a mere lawyer^ myth legal fiction knowo at gale," Tno&ttgg* honest peaoefol and immigration ia setting to ooactry at a tremendous rate. \THI foBowieg terriblo story comes from Vincsnnas, Ind., under date May 10th:—Mr. Phillip Geir, a wealthy manufaoturer of Cincinnati, attended the annual cocferonea of the German Evao- gelical Synod of North Anierioa, hekl at Booneviil?, Ioi, list Saturday. Mr. Geir attempuid to make a speech in the afternoon of Saturday, but said teat he was ill, and withoat a.waruing fell dead. The body was taken out of the church and life proaouoedd oxtinot. Toe body was harriddly plaeed iaa ca&ket and shipped on a special train to Vinccnces, 'whore it was transferred to the Ohio and Mississippi passeng^ train en route to Oiocioaati. TUa man bore who handled the lemaias wer^ in a groat hurry, as the; had only five miouuw "to raako tbe tr»osier, bat asserted that the oompaut of the cask kickea the sides and wa*aiiva. IW- tpatohea were sent forward to aati and the informatjoo came back that upon opening the box tae body lay upon Us &od aad the abroad was hoct pe p ^ So far as crime it eooetraed, the looal|ty » simply stainless, Ihiriog thttt barVr- ous evirtiooj* rot a blew waa stftock, not s ?hw <!nt»f-aiil »h»^ hate badly tore. rJnesshoqW _ D4 oot ta«r*ctio». Tfc© womlerfoi atirngtfcaa- mg aad curative •freta, realiied fro« the use of Ayers Sareaparilla. *uaUin U»« r«patatioQ of Ous remedy as the .weak. The President, who has IMJOB work- ing vary steady for «oxa& t»*, k&3 decided to take a rest. He will go gooo, aooompacied by his wife aad hid walker, Colon al andMrs. Laaoot, to Ssranac I^ke, K. J ~ days* fishing, l^sst his irip to tha moantaias almost to late for his pecta to gel there before." Adirondack visitors vkw of secsrxng aw probabJc that this will betik00 portaoiry to be awav from W. too for an? leet^V sos&ioii talk w again revived, taxi aksaii he doem it neceesary to>oa!l 1 session cf Oangr€ga ? as capaj proininenoe tkiok be will, I#1P» bably ha deprived of a l*Wr I vacation. An ex£ra scasisa-ii i the sdvocatsa of uariM i tbink tbu Uw. ceaotry lief from tmca&s a«t ' agooddealof theflsoaef OM* by locked op is tbt partwan avoid as wrtra -J . •,. X., wble. v . "*.*


•eraI Business Directory*


HAL. D. .STiiViiNS, ATTORNEY kCount •'.tor-ij^l-s'.r. OtT:c4 *r> Ain^len't

\ | ATT HANSOM, A1TOBNEY1VX and Oouiukfliar at I A W , Port Uoviog-toa. :*. Y.

A' *>* AdYOttttKf 1734 Notrel'rUr^ai.—»Afd«!-rraa-ti;J^ 8, "XRCHI-. A..iiO.I*, Pri»ffw«or!VrimjDai Lev ,\tii«g»; D, MeOoiutrc?*, B.C.L,;

:4H. #a

, EWiuo**, P.A7ri^F7fa—Mr. HeTr?tJ attond UM Oourus !n I*c*uliarf.r.iirtln* and Huntingdon, PJQ<J give

aUoaWtfM District. Mr. Dadostoe Courts In asd giv* special

a lias DinLizcitf of £<L. H.vacialhe-i Accounts *br coilecuon may-1 to th« firta, Montreal, or M. fa.


7 ANDr'JN. Iki«i4eaoe end ofiSoe, Wixi-e, Fort Covingtou, K. T.

Ha gav Ay, »y, wirl*

|That ooe*» •«•«.«! ooly miuo. ;*»-*

Only an o!d-tlffl» i«tt«r ;Bui frpm <~-ach yftJI~.w pagr .

^Tbere eoin«» "ar~wo# of }«*n* «§**—'tTfie ghost of a **e-?te» age.

Only an old tirao Jctier,1*8 rfc Trtlh tbd sfaia of y&ars ;

Bot oft thai wHbcred writingHas bloomed t*?r>wah m j tears.

But oil 1 that 4re*ra Is «baltered—Tfi* foant of grief run dry ; , #

TO-4AJT the sad rtnnctnbaranett

sn?i in icH§ than one bo*ir from that

crew mount tho sttjc of tkewreck. With a pang of reproach Isaw them hand down into the boat halfa dozen he!f4as» men. Jthsy wera justia time—the boat had not pulled a fur-loiJg away when thtrwreek ptt&hod iyrer

d wpnt down by the bo we. *II w s tome Httle lime after onr ship

r«s before the wind again that I wentiowa iu to fore boid where the doctorwas working ov«r tiie poor, starred,faicUhod fellows who wore taken frein

_WfQck, N I h*d frftftn a iwtilor twenty

Yoe, the page is -eld an ;And tl»e nco«« i« on thr »ra?e,

"Wb-re tt-p pall mwi! nSEl:t!y silversTh& fch.-vi^vfs of w;nd-b;airn wave ;

WiH»re tb« loot s^d fcJa«t rlvarEad*. in tL^ aioaiiing t^a.

An ihy*we*t flit? had Tau»«ihedInto eteraity.

— T r. J. IJencereon.

Sdated Miscellany.

Captain Brscs's Story.

, and BeTer saw so pitiia! a sight*tfbre.

" Can any of them 2i»o ?•" I asked.He shook hit fc*ad doubtfV:y.44 Two have died *Iaeo they esme on

o*rd, en4 the others are iiktiy t o -tal* one. lie's far snoagli

:on«y poor boy ; but he seems *e rallynder tfee atiauiaiiifl, and I juui* ho\>es,

kim."The man that he ppokor of openeds eyes at the so cad of oar voices,4t What's, the matter with yon

TWO WAYS OF DOING IT dose that thoy

gK.sep yourS l l ll

in fiood repair,ll

p y f pSell all you can tud buy all yoa can

at home.I/you are rich iDvafctsomething, em-

ploy somebody.Be c^urteouiTtostrangers thai come

good i

, %. , . - , „ . i »aould deservo io be robbod of homeAn exchange pubhshc* the following | a n d ifc?d 9 " Simply eo«ight an abate-

sect ia their r^nts, abatapiants lessban ]£arl Cowpsr's Royal Commissionppoiatcd by a Torv Government—de-)art?d *© l*c aquitaLle; leas even thanho Land CouiwitfsioD Ccarts are grant-

ing to ceigboriog estates, and finally,I ! . * _ - _ ! • 1 Y I T " ^ I

h is spplicscja to'^l! IncaUtie:!HOW TO KELP TOUB TOWN.

Talk about it.Write about it.Beautify the streeta:

Elect good men-to all offices. reduetioas to which Lord Lansdowoe'aown arbitrator, Mr. Dccning, gave hitassent and approval in black andwhite/'



Always cheer on tho men who go infor improvements.

"on June21 Queen Victoria will haven h«r salary for fifty ycari," aod

p u r Washington Imte r .

<Prt»raoor Regular Correspondent)WA8UIKOTO2T, B, C , May 23rd, ig$t.

The soldier boys are ail here, #ndWashington is fall of martial tnusioand beat of dnims The Nation rialDriU opened this morning,, but tKo con-tests will not begin until to-morrow.To dcy was devoted ""lo so«ie TorraSRti^^~^a as receiving t£o troops, naming

camp, aud this afternoon there wana dress parada by all the companies.For the past few day* br£e crowds ofpeople have conj&egaied at the rail-way stations, ia sae nxid welooaH? the

Always oucsr on ine men wuu g o t o drawn har'salary for fifty yeari," aodr improvements, l o u r portion of ttic \ . , . . „ ,»t 4 l b* nothing but what is right then, dropping into %ur.i , i t relatesJ(j .-Ui+ f that that baiary is £38a,u00 a year,

Bon?"-' kick " at any proposed im-1 f ! ^ . u ? J r tt ? ^ £ ^ 9 ' ! 5 < ) ' 0 0 0 OT,,t any proper

becaupo it U uot stj doer, cr for fear yoar t«.xc3 will bo

fifty cent«HOW TO 1SJUR3. TOUR TOWK.

Oppose improvetDeiit.M'uirmi ita T>ubiio men.

your 1 l l P w a r d a of 190,000,000 for her term .ofserric«.

I T is ssid that New England fbber-?B fire jubiUnt over die Uitt Hvxapton

of yiuiiiag OD the part-of tho Canadianmthoriiie»t in allowing tho Amerir<*n

m*ko their ap{^»rarscc were tne Loui^attnRifles, of Now Orleftns, who marched

' quitely cp PennesylfaDia ataoaeto Wil-Ur^Hotel and afterwards to cuiap wbichthey catered aj silently ta'spies. ~Vicksburg Sonthroci foliowedjmaking quite a nobe withcornets, and the Lcai*an« itLeir Missis&ipi neighbors icheer which was daly reciprocsted.

The city of teuts around lh« bam cfthe WsKhington monument is qui te -p ie tnmqy , nod ilcamp jast north of the parade grands.Large parties of ladies accompaniedsouse of tho military organizationshera and some of them perferred to gonto camp to stopping at the hotels and

boarding bouses. Some preferred it tutthe uoveity of Uie experience andothers beoaoso of the eeonomk featuresicamp life.

Quite -a sensation occurred when itwas reported that there would be BOliquor sold ia c«mp boo*u» of aa order

" by the Prtwdeot to revoke the

BE LU\ Hr, Water



Coraer Ob&te&uj vj Water SI*.

FORT COV1NGTOX, N TXulj 26th, 1««S.

WATGHJEAZEE,Ata.H. Xickeisen'eFT. COVlNCTty, I , I.

Find Watches a Special ty.


AFTEBMONOAY, NOV. 22,V / « , »nd uattl fbrtber aotioe. iraicsVlH Iflcro Bruabtoa as folloirs:—

far back as I eanfind any Aoco«ot of n*y aacesators theyfoliow<*d the pea. My father and mygrandfather foucd their graves in theocean : two cf my brother* were neverheard of after their laat Toy age; and«o-loogs time had goae bj «ueo mybrother Blias eaiied trcui New Yorkfor Bombay without any tidings coiningbnck_rrom him that I had besrua tofear tibat he, too, waa to be qnoteda» acodier example cf tbii- lacs of theBraoes.

Ia thoso days I waa the master of oneof to.a fastest dippers tbat rounded theHorn. Ws had not heard of Pacificrailways then ; steam on tho ocean Tnot what it is now, asd oar swift shipsmade royages between Boston and SanFrancisco that astonished and delightodboth cities. The discovery of gold InCalifornia waa followed by a greatemigration, thither, and all the carryingtrade was etioiuiaUid. Mj ship kzdmade an aycra^e speed on several ofthese loog voyotrc^ of which the owner?were proud, and I was naiuraly anxiousto beat my own tima

We were bowling along merrily inthe South Atlantic before a stiff northwind wbea the masthead lookout re-

n ? w aefced the dcwlor. ** Tbu^r© aa

3,1 a P.M.—MAXZ. stoppins* avt all stations onU . 4 L C . a.B.,oo.nn«cU««atEoaa^ePointvriUi s l«ploc oar train for points on D.AH.C.' C«.'« S.R. Arrlrtiig at Troy 2.25 X.M.,Albaxi'r 2.«5 A.M.. New York 8-tO A.M. AtBi. AiUaM WUb file«f<lBg ear v U OentraJ Vt.CRT for Tray, Albany and Now York, ar-rive S.M A-M. ; also all points cost. Arrive&t Bo«tOB 7.44>; B{Hrlo«aeId 7.05 A.K.

f Malone local traia—Goesd« a»d west 4.SS p.m.

— - — OOOCQ WEST.S. i5A.M.—MAII^ Bto^pln* at alLjtetions.

AniT«atOffd<?naburg 11.0© A.M. Connect-IOK at Norwood vrilb R-.W-dtiJ-U-R., at Og-^aunburr wltb G.T.H. tor all poInU west,aad with 8 L L 4 O . BaJlway.

9.W P. M.—Exr*BBe, for stations « i O . 4 LK O

M. Ck>D&ectlng with O. T.12ail way for all polato wast.s&r Itcketa to all point* east and west oa

6«fo *i Ticket Office. -S. W. CTJMMING9,

J. W. Hom4BT, Oen- P»«8. A^t.President.



X * r p^ftU Baat, SoOt&raed Woat.:KalhJnnc&.45^m.;rf, 9. $5 a. m . ; POT la-

I Lm.; CJaylon, 10.25 a.m. ;Albany, 6.(k)

r Vork, ».0C p-m. ; arrive* WatertawnLOO a-ui.; Same, 1.45 p.m. ; Oswago,

1.40 plm.; RochosU-r, 1.60 p. in . ;

51 M D I I ^H^«> IXtfUJb June. 5.06d.OU I . m . p . m . ; O?deu*barg, 7.0&.; p.

m.; UUca, lo.oo p. in.; Albany, 2.00 a.J*Trt/*0 S t a , 9.S5 a,

j K « * & z * p. m. ;Home, B.ftO p .m. ; rtyracuito, Id. 19 Pm.; p ^ $* p l O

W 165 P-m.; Ntagax*; Buffalo, 8.06 p.m.

CABB « « ran bUJW »mf Yoiat l©»%1ag Ogd«n*>


. VWftoat»lettv-th« train. Space can be reserved by

tmm; WfortAillsa Hbd throaglitickaU to polnu Ea*t( Wail and rttnitb ato*i. A. Mo»rlU, Depot TlctetAr?ul,Mai

GOIKG 1SA6T.Sf,—Expxsaa, for stations raO.iL,

C. A.S., ooDB« Uoca4 Ronses Point with C.V.R.P- for BLAlbaos, BurUa«ton,Portliuxlaa<i<aU polnUe—t, sativlog >t Boston at,7.i5 P.^. ; Portlaad 8.W r.x OonS©dHar ported"iomethiog Tii eight^arst Ifo«*er» Jnoctioo wltii l> A H. C po. for iafJx),^.pj*«*k«t^s«iw«tiia«A-Jt « Wai ft a saU? ft I asked. No

it was not a sail, and it waa not clearwhat it was.

Soon after cam© another report thatit l<>oked like a dismantled hull.

" Aay signals ? " I iuquhed.lt 2^0, sir; oo signals."Mr. Mayhew, tho mate who was

standing sear me, made the remark(in a Tery proper manner, too)* thatif the masts were all gone, it couldn'tbe expected there would be any signals,

am ashamed to say that 1 told him tomind hb own business.':

uth is, I wiirrerymuch Texed,So far, we had made a splesdid run,and I waa bopefal of rounding the c*p<in less time than I had ever done ibefore. And now to change course,lose headway, and perhaps a wholeday, looking after a wreck! It wastoo provoking.

For fifteen minutes I walked tfc<deck, Tery much vexed, but not at allsatisfied with myself. Then Mr.Msyhew tpprowhed me and touchedhis hat

" I beg your pardon, Captain 1e said, but the glaas shows her plainly

^ow. She's % large chip, not uuderb«lm, and rolimg heavily as if water-lo^ed. Shall I ohango our course andeead a l^Mttout? *'

No IM I tbundrod, and as tho baitand airtonished mate went forward, "dirod down infce the cabin aod shut thedoor.

«c Let the old wroek go,ft I said tomyself. " She's seen heaTy weather,aod there's ©othing alive on her."

This is wliat I said: but

Well I may bo f Hy brother Eiiasiy before me.

It was two weeks after this, whenre had nursed hiui hack to aOmethiogike streagth, that he ws« able to.sit upu my cabin_and tell me his ad^onturcs.did not befdn to tell a loog story, sowill repeat &one of them savt: that

»hi*h happened to him the uigbt beforetlie rescoe.

u Oar horrible isferlngs hj^at last•ut us in that conduioa," he said,whero all complaint was silenced bytore phyeiota! treaSuies. The boat*id been FtoTe or carried away by

stress of the storm; the rudder wasdisabled; prorisiona and water werescant; we drifted helplessly about,while £he ahip slowly filled from a leakthat we coald not reach; the time goonoame When we were t^o week to manthe pumps. One by one my ehipmatasgrew delirious &ad died ; three eadedthere suffer int^ by jumping oVerfeoi»rd.""hat last sight I wag so weak fromanger and thurst that it seemed is ificath wuld DOtJbe far on", aod I closediy eyiw, oxpeeting to open them in

another wt>dd. Whether1! ^ept andreamed, or whether what I saw was a

vision sent fircm beaTdn to eheer andcomfort me, I know not; but I sawthis ship come sailing OTer the sea to-ward me, w diitincUy that I coald tell

mast, «ail and spar, and you,brother, were itandiog at thehoklmg out your haads to me/ When

awoke you^and the doctur werestanding over me."


It was io the days of the early rail-road, waeo it was yet new; tho days

" • - - - • • to New York

lay your

Kan it down toKefaw to advertise ia yowr

JDU uot in?est a centtonoy out Somewhere elae.Bo particular to discredit the mo-

ires of public spirited man.Leiigt i yoor face whoo a stranger

peaks Ating in i tIf - w~» wants to bay yoar property

hurge him two i i ii

urge him two prio9& it>r itfcIf he.w.finiito buy aaybody ©!»«'•

nterf«re and discourage.Kef*!** to see th« merit ip any scheme

that does not dircotiy banoSt you.


"Whether EBitb? O'Brion did netj i the caUBe of tho Irish patriots

more than ho helped ; it, by bisrusade against Lord Lau&downe, icCanada, is aa open qaestioB, Bat Lis

k i; ar.Uvinaa has t ikcuIrish tenanU, if half

g vessel" Kumboldt," to purchasea sspp?7 of liaei at Halifax, N.3. ThoCaiisdiani tried to bo very %nif[ at>oatit. however, bv sUjmlating that the per-mission should^Se considered J l as anact of courtesy and not a* a rigbL"

Backache, stitches in the side, infla-tion tndjoreness of the bowels, are symp-toms cf a disordered «tate of the diges-

j tird and a#simlative organs, which «tnbe corroeted by tho use ef Ay«r's Oath-ariic Pills.

that nine out of tenpeople would cot know oleomargarineif thoy say it Gcinmtssioner Cokmaa tsgoing to issue a bulletin giving suchmioute iastruciiocs that every mancan b$ his own oleomargarine detector.The commissioner says that he urnprove that ihe carcase* of horsas, g^and swine have been used is the manu-facture of oleomargarine.

A sound bodv aad a coo tested mind: I are cecessary to perfect bappi»ess. If_ \^Q j y p pp

;ke ouTs caie* of gioeToppVessioe and 7™ ^ p to poreesa tbes«t eleaose yoar•aooaaUWeiDhumanity.'ttaiiaxhia. blocd with Ayers SargapariHa, I t is

'- -* prfeetly saf# to take aod is a thoroughn bis tpeeeh at'Montreal Hr. O'Brieasaid:

Lord Lans iowna is laying waste an

yfacn tho journeyless of a little jaut than i t is nowwhen greenbacks were not popular here.One gammer morning & man., walkingin happy and fererish, haste, withwild excitement beaming all over hisfaoe, stepped into the office of a wellknown banker.

" I want exchange for this on NewYork."

" All right. What ia it f!

Tho man looked fearfully around himand brought out a packet,

" It's $25,000 ingreeDbacks.**" I Guess I can do i t ! Goieg eastf*•* Yes. I'm going to-morrow. 1

don't „ want to carry all this with me.Couldn't do it. Sure to get robbed. Scgive;me » draft, flow much?*

" Oh, seetag it's you ono per cent.—$250."

completely as if the angel of deathknocked at every cabin door in thosevailoyi and deTuted every man. womanand child to destruction. As soon ashe will have obtained hi* next batch ofejectment decree*, bd will bars made aaiean sweep of tba property, and exoept

willb?on banithed and thoir homes

'in know tlieai no more.Mr. O'Brien then quoted from re-

ports in the Dublin Freemans Journalof tba evictions on Lord Lansdowne'eestate with headings such aj " One-

five people evicted *

Lord Lanadowno's own bailiffsc rea ture the whole population

f* Sixty persons left homeless,"" and EOoa. Ho delivered incidents attendinggome of the evictions:

InSrm oki women a p d eighty andodd years, whose tottering steps had tohoLgsided out of their little homesteads,were put out in the pitiless storm ofhail and snow. The cold March blastblew around them andures cried bitterly

ninety years wereTh d l i h

the poor crea-y Old men overtold to clear eut.

I tat down andtried to think'of something else*eoeM noXdo it, Thought of the d«acand the dying fi«am«n who might be onthat poor drifting bulk took j)08soesionofmy niiad and wr>uld net quit mo.Then c»me anotlterthought thaticausedme lo jump up and paee U» cabia.

if my brothers had met theirdealt in tfcis way, beo«u»e soioe ielfish,inoftttao ihip'fl captain Utet mjT»lf Wa#

j to slop and save tiiem. "'

So the banker made out a draftIfew York and took tlie raoaoy.

** Yoa'co going to morrow, are yox^V

"Would yon mind taking a littlepared for me and banding it to mtWtterf*

"Certainly. Ill doit with ploas-

Tke bunker went iota the other roomand presently canw back with the par-eel

«Just put it io yoar Talfs?, aa<don't k^t it, will y o t r

«rUtaketh«be*teireofit.4< Thank yoa. Good J y. Plcasan

*JJ~M f - - . , t\

^^rrivod io N«»T«*, the Califorsum most to tin

h»« draft. Th«WM«»e«4t^ pack

ney yTho delicate mother, with her babe onlya fortnight ^bld clasped ia her arms,stood shivering outside, which the M em-gency men " pitched out her little be-longings. The " emergency men n

where there with sledge hammers, crow-bars, ladders, saws and hatcheta to pulldown the houso and smash tho furniture.A- miserable thatched cottage istowhich tiie rain poured through the roof,

y pprfeetly saf# to take, aod is a thorough-ly reliable, highly coaeeattafeod andpowerful blood purmer.

mszi of Now York recently depositedfour Urge bars supposed to be goldwith the assayer to be refined andmade into standard gold bars. Thegpotleman said that the hart were fromCalifornia and were etimatad to beworth $1(^,000 each, or $40,00 for tfeefour, and that an assay which he hadmade before showed the bars to beabout 72 per cent noe. The bars werefound to oe copper washed with goldand worth about $4.

IT is said that Thursday of last weekwas the busiest day which Ctstkden, in New York baa known during itsentire his, "Thirteen steamshipscame ia together with an aggregate of9S02 immigrants. Every nation inEurope was largely represented in theswam and the numbers of the multi-tude swamped all the existing arrange-ments for feeding, registering and .ship-ping the new comers. This one day'srash was in part a consequence of &tliree day's fag which detain*! a num-

cf ladies, appointed for tne purpow fey 1

0i« W. T. C. U., called upon tki Pre-^sideot and prc3onted him a protestagaiDst the snie of intoxicating liquorson the drill grounds, it b^bg a govarn-meot property, and asked hisftfence. The'^diea said thareceived them mostpressed hi? diiiipprovaj ofto sell liquors on^ths drill ground, andgave them much encoara^ameat thbdtie i t would not be dose. The ladiesalso called on Col Wilaoo, commis-sioner on pubjio buildings and grouad-sand other gentiomeo having authority.

l*!ra bar-room privilegt "f the groBsdhad bessi sold by the drill committee

bat about noon on lastF iday, tho man who had bought theprivilege of opeaing the bar un^er thogrand stand, was notified that tbe ordergranting aim this privilege was rwoked,and he at onco ceased hw prtpMUbopa,

Later it was itated that thmtcumof the drill coiniflUtea was is DO waydue to thfi President or to the effortof tbe kdies 'o / tfas W. TE Q tL,before the ladies had waited* onPresident tho drill committeepassed their resointion revokingsale of intoxicating liqitora on theground.


ProbiWy the roal secret of the

tbrongfe thegrounds, a polite iniimation thatwould be vory gratifying to the WarDepartment, to whicb the drill grcmadbelongs, if iotoxiaition liquors *- ereexduded. The oommit^e, threadyuoder great obligations to the WarDepartment, oonJd not afford to ignorea hint of that kind, and they proeiptlymade aa ordar reToking the l%ar

frhfcprivilege. So, at the refreshmentber of veasefe off Bandy Hook. But the oountor under the grand staad, &ttytide of immigratioo is setting to this j temperanoa drinks will U Bold this

hi aAa «mm mphafe been chopped away, i * i I •boa that is stow. ®* had UT8aboard not tlong

o°~ occapied by a tenant named HouryMuithil, was eatered by the sheriff.On * chair ne*r the fire was a poor oldwoman, who did not seem to realiiethat she was going to be put oat of thohouse wkich bad sheltered; b«.r fromher ^ M t o o d . I t was ra iniur at thetime and see was put out on the road-aid* \n the pitiless storm. These are afew typical cases of the hundreds otevictions that have been going on oaLord Lanedowne's Queen's county es-tate?. When the dispute arose thetenant* owed duly hali a yew's rent,after all the frightful lo»ea of the past

years. One yearft rent should bedue belbie evictions can take placs, andunworihy


that oue years rent was due. Thesecond half j ea r^ rat said to be doebut was not, was a mere lawyer^ myth

legal fiction knowo atgale," Tno&ttgg*honest peaoefol and

immigration ia setting toooactry at a tremendous rate.

\ T H I foBowieg terriblo story comesfrom Vincsnnas, Ind., under date May10th:—Mr. Phillip Geir, a wealthymanufaoturer of Cincinnati, attended theannual cocferonea of the German Evao-gelical Synod of North Anierioa, heklat Booneviil?, I o i , list Saturday. Mr.Geir attempuid to make a speech in theafternoon of Saturday, but said teathe was ill, and withoat a.waruing felldead. The body was taken out of thechurch and life proaouoedd oxtinot.Toe body was harriddly plaeed i a aca&ket and shipped on a special trainto Vinccnces, 'whore it was transferredto the Ohio and Mississippi passeng^train en route to Oiocioaati. TUa manbore who handled the lemaias wer^ ina groat hurry, as the; had only fivemiouuw "to raako tbe tr»osier, batasserted that the oompaut of the caskkickea the sides and wa*aiiva. IW-tpatohea were sent forward to €aati and the informatjoo came backthat upon opening the box tae bodylay upon Us &od aad the abroad was

h o c t pe p ^ So faras crime it eooetraed, the looal|ty »simply stainless, Ihiriog t h t t t barVr-ous evirtiooj* rot a blew waa stftock,not s ?hw <!nt»f-aiil »h»^ hate

badly tore.rJnesshoqW

_ D4 ootta«r*ctio». Tfc© womlerfoi atirngtfcaa-mg aad curative •freta, realiied fro«the use of Ayers Sareaparilla. *uaUinU»« r«patatioQ of Ous remedy as the

.weak.The President, who has IMJOB work-

ing vary steady for «oxa& t » * , k&3decided to take a rest. He will go gooo,aooompacied by his wife aad hidwalker, Colon al andMrs. Laaoot, toSsranac I^ke, K. J~days* fishing, l^ssthis irip to tha moantaiasalmost to late for hispecta to gel there before."Adirondack visitorsvkw of secsrxng a w

probabJc that this will be tik 00portaoiry to be awav from W.too for an? l e e t ^ Vsos&ioii talk w again revived, taxi aksaiihe doem it neceesary to>oa!l 1session cf Oangr€ga? as capajproininenoe tkiok be will, I#1P»bably ha deprived of a l*Wr Ivacation.

An ex£ra scasisa-ii ithe sdvocatsa of uariM itbink tbu Uw. ceaotrylief from tmca&s a«t 'agooddealof theflsoaef OM*by locked op i s tbtpartwan

avoid as wrtra

- J . •,. X.,


v . "*.*
