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Coyote Calhoun - sassnet.com · the eVent END of TRAIL is the event that created the game of Cowboy...

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END of TRAIL 2008�

Dear Cowboy Action ShootingTM Supporter;

As we celebrate our �7th year we are excited that our organization continues to grow and the Granddaddy of all Cowboy Action Events just gets bigger and better! Celebrating our �7th Anniversary, June 13-��, �008, END of TRAIL is prepared to accommodate more shooters, spectators, and visitors than ever before.

Founders Ranch, SASS’ 480 acre premier Cowboy Action Shooting facility in Edgewood, New Mexico, is just �0 miles east of Albuquerque. The facility has taken on prominence as one of the finest shooting ranges in America and continues to grow with more buildings being added every year.

This year END of TRAIL, the World Championship of Cowboy Action Shooting & Wild West Jubilee, returns to Founders Ranch, New Mexico for its �7th anniversary, June 13-��, �008. This year’s theme is based on Classic Western Movies. These are the movies you know and love, like Shane, High Noon and Stagecoach that brought the Wild West to the Big Screen. In addition to the shooting competition stages, END of TRAIL will follow the Classic Western Movie theme throughout its entertainment, costume contest and exhibitions that will include engagements with some of the nation’s most prolific Wild West authorities.

Over the years sponsors like you have helped build the sport of Cowboy Action Shooting and SASS. Please be part of this significant shooting event and continue your support. We encourage you to join us at the ranch for what is sure to be the best END of TRAIL ever.

Enclosed is our Sponsor Proposal for END of TRAIL �008. Please look it over and call me if you have any questions or simply fill out the sponsorship commitment form and mail it in. We look forward to seeing you in New Mexico in June.

Happy Trails,

Coyote CalhounLamar Shelnutt aka Coyote Calhoun, SASS #�01SASS Marketing Director

SASS®, END of TRAIL™, Cowboy Action Shooting™, The World Championship of Cowboy Action Shooting™ are registered trademarks of The Single Action Shooting Society®, Inc, a California Corporation


Single Action Shooting Society®

95 Highway 344 Suite 7Edgewood, NM 87015Phone: (505) 286-4566; Fax: (505) 286-4563

END of TRAIL 2008 3

The SASSScholarship Foundation

The SASS Scholarship Foundation is a shining star

on the lapel of the Single Action Shooting Society.

Through contributions from the membership and sup-

porting sponsors, events and pro-

grams, the SASS Scholarshipship

Foundation has given 169 grants

totaling more than $�67,500 since its


In 1999 SASS proudly

announced the formation of the SASS

Scholarship Foundation, a non-prof-

it, tax exempt corporation dedicated

to providing financial assistance in

the form of scholarships to deserving

SASS members in pursuit of higher


One-year scholarships in

amounts between $1000 and $�000

are awarded annually and are lim-

ited to undergraduate studies at an

accredited college or post high school vocational/technical

institution. The Foundation awards as many scholarships as

the fund can provide.

SASS Scholarships are awarded based on character,

personal merit and commitment to the shooting sports,

particularly Cowboy Action Shooting™. Merit is demon-

strated through leadership in school, on the shooting range,

extracurricular activities, academic achievement, and moti-

vation to serve and succeed.

Contributions and donations are accepted from mem-

bers, affiliated clubs, annual matches, sponsors and other

concerned parties and philanthropic organizations.

Awards are announced annually during opening cer-

emonies at END of TRAIL.

The SASS Western Heritage Museum& Cowboy Action Shooting Hall of Fame

The history of the Single Action Shooting Society

and the sport of Cowboy Action Shooting is one of

dedication, creativity and achievement. Its people and their

lives have created a family union

with enduring appeal not only in the

United States but also throughout

the world.

The Mission of the SASS Western

Heritage Museum and Cowboy

Action Shooting Hall of Fame is to

preserve the historic significance of

Cowboy Action Shooting and the

cultural aspects of the Single Action

Shooting Society for the enrichment

of the SASS membership, Western

lifestyles public and Cowboy Action

Shooting industry.

The SASS Western Heritage

Museum and Cowboy Action

Shooting Hall of Fame is a not-for-

profit 501 (c)(3) educational institution designed to docu-

ment and preserve the American Western Culture.

The men and women honored within the SASS Hall of

Fame, SASS' highest honor, represent the heart and spirit

of this truly American pastime. Sport founders, promoters,

manufacturers, makers, shooters and others whose contri-

butions to the game helped it to grow and endure, find a

home within this unique memorial.

The SASS Cowboy Action Shooting Hall of Fame

honors and memorializes the men and women who have

through their exemplary contributions and achievements

have embodied and perpetuated the sport of Cowboy

Action Shooting and the Single Action Shooting Society.


has raised more than $300,000for charities

END of TRAIL 20084

Thank You END of TRAIL Sponsors

Presenting sPonsors

EMF CoMpany

Colt’s ManuFaCturing CoMpany

WahMakEr old WEst Clothing

team events sPonsor

aMEriCan CoWboy MagazinE

Wild WEst arEna

WahMakEr old WEst Clothing

stage sPonsorsa. ubErti • aCtion targEt • aMEriCan pionEEr poWdEr • bErEtta • broWnElls, inC.

Chiappa FirEarMs • CiMarron FirEarMs CoMpany

dillon prECision produCts • hEnry rEpEating arMs CoMpany • intErstatE arMs Corp.Marlin FirEarMs Co. • shoot MagazinE • stoEgEr industriEs • sturM, rugEr & CoMpany

taylor's & CoMpany • tEn-X aMMunition • truE WEst MagazinE

Wild WEst MErCantilE • WinChEstEr aMMunition

sPecial events sPonsors

ClassiC old WEst stylEs • MundEn EntErprisEs • sandia trailEr tillEry ChEvrolEt • vihtavouri/lapua

mounted shooting stage sPonsors

J & b blanks • lindholM brothErs spurs • sandia trailEr • tonto riM trading CoMpany

side match sPonsors:aJaX CustoM grips • blaCk hills aMMunition • bond arMs • CoWboys & indians storE • EaglE grips

El paso saddlEry • Frank lEaMan • guns oF thE old WEst MagazinE Midland radio • MgM targEts • starlinE brass

tiMErs: CoMpEtition ElECtroniCs

shootist sPonsors

CoMpEtition ElECtroniCs • El paso saddlEry • goEX poWdEr CoMpany • grEat basin CartridgE Co.nra • purdy gEar • sECond aMEndMEnt Foundation

costume contest

Wild WEst MErCantilE

los amigos sPonsor

bianChi intErnational • bronCo suE • ds WElding • orEgon trail • WEs tErnEr's outFittEr

merchandise sPonsors

dEspErado CoWboy bullEts • ds WElding • kEy-loCk saddlEry

END of TRAIL 2008 5

27th annual end of trail®

the World championshipofcoWboy action shooting™

& Wild West Jubilee

the eVent

END of TRAIL is the event that created the game of Cowboy Action Shooting™. Growing from 67 competitors in 198�, END of TRAIL �007 brought together 1300 shootists vying for the claim to the title of “best in the World.” A complete sellout is expected for our �7th annual outing, June 13-��, �008. END of TRAIL is the largest Cowboy Action Shooting™ event in the World and includes SASS Mounted Shooting for those who like to play the game on horseback. Our prestigious event is widely regarded as one of the premiere shooting competitions of the past decade. But more than just another shooting competition, END of TRAIL has become a five day cowboy festival with a Wild West Show, equestrian exhibitions, entertainment, sutlers, poker parlor, costume contests, antique firearms demonstrations, stunt shows, historical encampments, and the largest gathering of Cowboy Action Shooting™ enthusiasts, vendors, and manufacturers in the world. END of TRAIL has effectively incorporated the best elements of competitive shooting and outdoor, family recreation. The Single Action Shooting Society (SASS) has promulgated rules and regulations intended to attract new shooters to the game. Each shooter competes based not on the latest technological advances, but on pure shooting skill. SASS membership is represented in all fifty states and eighteen foreign countries. Through the support of SASS, more than 500 Cowboy Action Shooting™ clubs are operating across the country and around the world. No longer a western regional phenomena, annual, multi-day Cowboy Action Shooting™ competitions have grown from two in 1987 to more than 350 in �007. The public’s positive perception of our Old West heritage, their affection for Hollywood’s west-ern heroes, and the continuing popularity of the “western theme” in movies, products, promotion, and design all add to END of TRAIL’s allure and the popularity of Cowboy Action Shooting™.


• Continue this unique opportunity for a select group of quality sponsors to enhance their image, product awareness, and sales in the outdoor and sport-shooting marketplaces.

• Obtain the financial and merchandise support necessary to continue END of TRAIL’s position as the preeminent Cowboy Action Shooting™ event. Increase awareness of, and expand participation in SASS Cowboy Action Shooting™ nationally and internationally.

• Make a significant contribution to the SASS Scholarship Foundation & SASS Western Heritage Museum..

• Foster lasting relationships with sponsors to help them more effectively create and keep customers.

• Continue our successful efforts promoting a positive public image of recreational and competitive sport shooting.

END of TRAIL 20086


Companies presently active in outdoor and equestrian products, sport-shooting, or nostalgia markets will increase their product awareness and enhance their corporate image with a large group of known customers.

Consumer product companies presently involved in diverse and aggressive “outdoor” or “western” theme marketing programs have a unique vehicle to reach their target market.

Sponsors are afforded the opportunity to reach millions of potential customers through the extraor-dinary media coverage END of TRAIL receives each year. With the tremendous interest generated by this Cowboy themed event, sponsors are positively exposed to consumers in a variety of non-tradi-tional media outlets. END of TRAIL has been the subject of countless television segments and spe-cials including, CNN Headline News, ESPN, History Channel, Discovery Channel, Outdoor Channel, Outdoor Life Network, MTV, and independent television stations throughout the nation. END of TRAIL, with RTM Productions produced a one-hour video special on Cowboy Action Shooting™ featuring Randy Travis, Roy Rogers, and Dusty Rogers. END of TRAIL 1997, 1998, �001, �004 and �006 was filmed by Lenny Magill Productions and is currently sold nationwide. The SASS television show, Cowboy Action Shooter premiered on the Outdoor Life Nework with 13 original episodes in October of �004. Three of the episodes were devoted exclusively to END of TRAIL.


Cowboy Action Shooting™ competitors, conventioneers, their families, friends, fans, and the specta-tors at END of TRAIL represent a very diverse, upscale audience with a large discretionary spending capability. END of TRAIL �007 was attended by 15,000 spectators.

END of TRAIL and Cowboy Action Shooting™ are unusually appealing to women. Historically, more than �0% of the competitors at END of TRAIL have been women, significant as compared to many other shooting disciplines. Also of interest, Cowboy Action Shooting™ attracts “participant” spectators, spouses and friends of the competitors, who participate actively through their costuming and vicariously in the competition.

END of TRAIL draws competitors and spectators from across the country and around the world. Shootists at END of TRAIL �007 represented all fifty states. Participants were also in attendance from Italy, Austria, England, Australia, New Zealand, Germany, Scandanavia, Poland, Czech Republic, and Canada.

SASS routinely surveys its membership concerning their occupation, income, discretionary spending capacity, involvement in shooting sports, sponsor recognition, and sponsor loyalty.

SASS Members consistently represent:







END of TRAIL 2008 7


END of TRAIL is a ten day event, held Friday through the following Sunday. The venue for our twenty seventh annual outing is SASS’ World Premiere Cowboy Action Shooting Facility, Founders Ranch, near Albuquerque, New Mexico. A pristine 480-acre ranch in the lushly rolling hills just �0 miles east of Albuquerque, Founders Ranch is a rustic, picturesque property with a gentle valley and breathtaking views of the mountains all the way to Santa Fe. The shooting range features 16 world class shooting bays and one extra wide bay for entertainment and exhibition shooting. The ranch accomo-dates up to 650 RVs and is designed to handle thousands of participants. Competitors and their guests began arriving Friday the 13th . A warm-up match for the range officers is also sched-uled on Friday. Saturday through Monday is the overflow main match and the Wild Bunch Match, which is new to END of TRAIL this year. Tuesday is a warm-up match for the END of TRAIL main match competitors. The END of TRAIL competition begins Wednesday morning with the day devoted to team events and side matches. The actual END of TRAIL competition begins with the grand opening ceremonies and shooters’ safety meeting Wednesday Evening. The action competitors participate in twelve individual stages over Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. END of TRAIL features three and four gun events for the action shooters, requiring the shooter to perform with six-guns, rifle, and shotgun in

combination in each of the main match stages. Mounted shooters use two pistols firing SASS provided black powder blanks in six match stages. Friday evening features food, drink, music, and dancing in the big tent. In addi-tion to a big measure of cowboy camara-derie, the evening is also an opportunity to witness a variety of specialty entertainment and costume contests, including live music from the nation’s most popular Old West Cowboy artists. Saturday ends with END of

TRAIL’s “formal” event with all the competitors and their guests dressed in their Old West finery for dinner and dancing accompanied by the finest in Old West Cowboy entertainment. Sunday starts with a simple Cowboy Church, and the competition resumes with The Top Gun Shootoff, team events, the final round of the High Noon Shootout. About midday Sunday the shooting concludes, and the awards are presented. A complete listing of awards appears on the last page of this proposal.

END of TRAIL 20088

SASS #1 Harper Creigh Judge Roy Bean SASS Ambassador

SASS #� Boyd A. Davis U.S. Grant SASS President

SASS #4 Don Ormand Tex SASS Editor-in-Chief

SASS #7 Brad Myers Hipshot SASS Affiliations Director

SASS #�01 Lamar Shelnutt Coyote Calhoun SASS Marketing Director


Single Action Shooting Society, Inc. is a privately held California corporation whose Board of Directors is responsible for the production of END of TRAIL. These people have not only staged twenty six incredibly successful END of TRAIL events and grown SASS as an international membership organization, each is a successful professional. The members of the Board, known as The Wild Bunch, are:

END of TRAIL 2008 9


END of TRAIL has been featured in dozens of shooting sports periodicals, including American Rifleman, Guns, American Handgunner, Guns & Ammo, Guns Of The Old West, Gun Week, Gun World, Handguns, Shooting Sports USA, Shooting Times, Shoot!, and Women And Guns. Feature articles on Cowboy Action Shooting™ and SASS Mounted Shooting™ have appeared in a multi-tude of consumer publications, including Outdoor Life, Sports Afield, Cowboys & Indians, Sunset Magazine, Alaska, Delta, and America West Airline Magazines, Los Angeles Magazine, Associated Press, United Press International, The Los Angeles Times, Orange County Register, Wall Street Journal, and the Dallas Times Herald newspapers. American Handgunner, Guns, American Cowboy Magazine, Guns of the Old West, Shooting Times, and Shoot! Magazines, have sponsored END of TRAIL and have printed feature articles on the event. END of TRAIL is always the feature article in the July edition of The Cowboy Chronicle, Monthly Journal of The Single Action Shooting Society. END of TRAIL establishes promotional relationships with many of the major country-western radio stations serving our market area and has received extensive coverage in horse related publica-tions such as Western Horseman, Horsemen’s News, and Ride. Due to the rapidly expanding interest in Cowboy Action Shooting™, its related western life-style attributes, and our charity involvement,

our pre-event promotion is unprecedented. Television coverage of END of TRAIL has not only achieved a national prominence, but international as well. END of TRAIL has been featured on The Discovery Channel, History Channel, ESPN, TNN, and ABC’s Wild About The West. OLN’s American Shooter has featured END of TRAIL every year since 1994 and in �004, �005 and �006 was fea-tured on the new Jim Scouten series, Shooting USA. In October of �004, the SASS television show, Cowboy

Action Shooting premiered on the Outdoor Life Network with 13 original episodes. The highly acclaimed show featured three episodes devoted exclusively to END of TRAIL and also covered SASS’ national shooting program. In addition to all the media coverage, SASS, in conjunction with RTM productions, produced a one-hour television special, Cowboy Action Shooting™, the Wild West Lives, hosted by country music superstar Randy Travis and our great supporter and hero, the late Roy Rogers. END of TRAIL 1997, 1998, �001, �004 and �006 were filmed by Lenny Magill Productions and are currently sold nationwide.

END of TRAIL 200810

master sponsor

one master sPonsorshiP is available. benefits include:

• Recognition as “Sponsor’s Name” �7th Annual END of TRAIL World Championship of Cowboy Action Shooting™ & Wild West Jubilee in all event literature, press releases, event advertising, and promotion.

• Six prominent 4' X 10' Sponsor banner positions throughout the event location including shooting line, activities tent, entry gate, arena, grand stands, information/registration area, and entertainment locations.

• Sponsor logo and/or name in all END of TRAIL advertisements, event literature, press releases and SASS Web Site promotions.

• Hourly public address promotional announcements throughout the event area.

• Four full-page advertising insertions in THE COWBOY CHRONICLE, Monthly Journal of the Single Action Shooting Society.

• END of TRAIL Program advertising: Two color pages including choice of inside front cover, or center fold.

• 600 square feet of enclosed display space with electricity in the main END of TRAIL Event Compound.

• Twelve month license to use END of TRAIL, SASS, and associated trade marks in sponsor’s advertising and public relations activities.

• Ten VIP guest passes to the event, VIP table for ten at all social functions, complete Hospitality Tent access, and ten VIP parking passes.

• National and regional media exposure.

• Title rights to the Top Gun Shoot-off event.

• On camera presentation of the Top Gun Shoot-off event.

• First option to participate as Master Sponsor for END of TRAIL �009.


END of TRAIL 2008 11

presenting sponsors

Presenting sPonsors receive:

• Recognition as a presenting sponsor in all event literature, press releases, event advertising and promotion. • Four prominent 4' X 10' Sponsor banner positions throughout the event location including shooting line, activities tent, entry gate, arena, and grand stands.

• Sponsor logo and/or name in all END of TRAIL advertising, public relations press releases and SASS Web Site promotions.

• Hourly public address promotional announcements throughout the event area.

• Event program cover identification as a presenting sponsor.

• One full color page of event program advertising with premium placement.

• One full color page advertising insertion in THE COWBOY CHRONICLE.

• �0' X �0' enclosed display space on Sutler's Row in the main SASS compound.

• Twelve month license to use END of TRAIL, SASS, and associated trademarks in sponsor’s advertising and public relations activities.

• National and regional media exposure.

• Use of the sponsor's product(s) in the conduct of the competition, as may be appropriate.

• Six VIP guest passes to the event, VIP table for six at all social functions, complete Hospitality Tent access, and six VIP parking passes.

• First option to participate as a Presenting Sponsor at END of TRAIL �009.


END of TRAIL 20081�

World champion trophy sponsor

one sPonsorshiP is available for the Presentation of the

World chamPion troPhy

sPonsorshiP benefits include:

• Recognition as the "World Championship Trophy Sponsor" in all event literature.

• Four prominent 3' X 6' Sponsor banner positions in the shooting area and activities tent.

• Hourly public address promotional announcements throughout the event area.

• Program recognition as the World Champion Trophy Sponsor and one full black and white page of Program advertising.

• On camera presentation of the World Champion Trophies.

• Link on the SASS Web Site.

• �0' X 10' display area in the SASS Compound.

• Twelve month license to use END of TRAIL, SASS, and associated trade marks in sponsor’s advertising and public relations activities.

• Four VIP guest passes to the event, VIP table seating at all social functions, complete Hospitality Tent access, and four VIP parking passes.

• First option to participate as the World Champion Trophy sponsor at END of TRAIL �009.


END of TRAIL 2008 13


mounted shooting arena sponsor

one sPonsorshiP is available for the mounted shooting arena. the arena is a focal Point of end of trail activities.

the mounted shooting arena sPonsor receives:

• Recognition in the END of TRAIL Program as "Sponsor's Name" Arena.

• Four prominent �' X 6' Sponsor banner locations on the arena and in the activities tent.

• Hourly public address promotional announcements throughout the event area.

• One full black and white page of event program advertising.

• Link on the SASS Web Site.

• 10' X 10' display area on Sutlers Row or equivalent credit on larger space.

• National media exposure.

• Twelve month license to use "END of TRAIL Arena Sponsor" with artwork provided by END of TRAIL in advertising and public relations programs.

• Four VIP guest passes to the event, VIP table for four at all social functions, complete Hospitality Tent access, and four VIP parking passes.

• First option to participate as the Wild West Show Arena sponsor at END of TRAIL �009.


END of TRAIL 200814

belle union saloon sponsor

a unique sPonsorshiP is available for end of trail'sbelle union saloon

anchoring the center of toWn, the belle union is the focal Point of the Profes-sional entertainment scheduled throughout each day of end of trail.

the belle union saloon sPonsor receives:

• Recognition in the END of TRAIL Program as "Sponsor's Name" Belle Union Saloon.

• Four prominent 3' X 6' Sponsor banner positions in the shooting area and activities tent.

• Hourly public address promotional announcements throughout the event area.

• One full black and white page of event program advertising.

• Link on the SASS Web Site.

• 10' X 10' display area on Sutlers Row or equivalent credit on larger space.

• National media exposure.

• Twelve month license to use "END of TRAIL Entertainment Main Stage Sponsor" with artwork provided by END of TRAIL in advertising and public relations programs.

• Four VIP guest passes to the event, VIP table for four at all social functions, complete Hospitality Tent access, and four VIP parking passes.

• First option to participate as the Belle Union Saloon sponsor at END of TRAIL �009.


END of TRAIL 2008 15

Wild bunch sponsor

four Wild bunch sPonsorshiPs are available.the Wild bunch sPonsor receives:

• Recognition in the stage descriptions included in the END of TRAIL Program as “Sponsor’s Name” Wild Bunch Match.

• Four prominent 3' X 6' Sponsor banner positions in the shooting area and activities tent.

• Range identification signage during team events.

• Hourly public address promotional announcements throughout the event area.

• Program recognition as the team events sponsor and one full black and white page of program advertising.

• Link on the SASS Web Site.

• 10' X 10' display area on Sutlers Row or equivalent credit on larger space.

• Twelve month license to use “END of TRAIL Team Event Sponsor” with artwork provided by END of TRAIL in advertising and public relations programs.

• Four VIP guest passes to the event, all social functions, Hospitality Tent, and two VIP parking passes.

• First option to participate as a Team Event sponsor at END of TRAIL �009.

INVESTMENT: $5,000 ($2,500 Cash, $2,500 Merchandise)

END of TRAIL 200816

stage sponsors

there are tWenty eight stage sPonsorshiPs available, tWo each for the individual shooting events and

tWo each for the conventioneer and gallery. stage sPonsors receive:

• Recognition in the stage descriptions included in the END of TRAIL Shooter's Program as “Stage Sponsor’s Name” Event.

• Three prominent banner locations in the shooting area and activities tent.

• Range identification signage at your Stage.

• Hourly public address promotional announcements throughout the event area.

• Program recognition as an END of TRAIL Stage Sponsor and one half page of black and white program advertising.

• Link on the SASS Web Site.

• 10' X 10' display space in Sutlers Row or equivalent credit on larger space.

• Twelve month license to use “END of TRAIL Stage Sponsor” with artwork provided by END of TRAIL in advertising and public relations programs.

• Four VIP guest passes to the event, all social functions, Hospitality Tent, and two VIP parking passes.

• First option to participate as a Stage sponsor at END of TRAIL �009.

INVESTMENT: $3,500 ($1,000 Cash, $2,500 Merchandise)

END of TRAIL 2008 17

special eVents sponsors

there are an unlimited number of

sPecial event sPonsorshiPs available, includingcostume contest, international recePtion, life member recePtion, territorial governor/

regulator recePtion, chuck Wagon encamPment, oPening ceremonies, and Wild West shoW Performers

sPecial event sPonsors receive:

• Recognition as the “Special Event Sponsor” in the END of TRAIL Program.

• Two Sponsor banner locations; one in the shooting area and one in the main activities tent.

• Banner or Sign identification at your Event.

• Four times daily public address promotional announcements throughout the event area.

• Program recognition as an END of TRAIL Special Event Sponsor, one quarter page of

black and white program advertising and inclusion on the SASS Web Site.

• Fifty percent off 10' X 10' display area in Sutlers Row or equivalent credit on larger


• Twelve month license to use “END of TRAIL Special Event Sponsor” with artwork

provided by END of TRAIL in advertising and public relations programs.

• Two VIP guest passes to the event, all social functions, and Hospitality Tent.

• First option to participate as a side match sponsor at END of TRAIL �009.

INVESTMENT: $2,500 ($1000 Cash, $1,500 Merchandise)

END of TRAIL 200818

side match sponsors

there are fourteen side match sPonsorshiPs available.side match sPonsors receive:

• Recognition in the match descriptions included in the END of TRAIL Program as “Side

Match Sponsor’s Name” Event.

• Two Sponsor banner locations; one in the shooting area and one in the main activities tent.

• Four times daily public address promotional announcements throughout the event area.

• Program recognition as an END of TRAIL Side Match Sponsor, one quarter page of

black and white program advertising and inclusion on the SASS Web Site.

• Fifty percent off 10' X 10' display area in Sutlers Row or equivalent credit on larger


• Twelve month license to use “END of TRAIL Side Match Sponsor” with artwork

provided by END of TRAIL in advertising and public relations programs.

• Two VIP guest passes to the event, all social functions, and Hospitality Tent.

• First option to participate as a side match sponsor at END of TRAIL �009.

INVESTMENT: $1,500 ($500 Cash, $1,000 Merchandise)

END of TRAIL 2008 19

shootist category sponsors

tWenty eight shootist category sPonsorshiPs are available, one each for traditional, ladies traditional, modern, ladies modern, duelist, ladies duelist, senior duelist,

frontiersman, frontier cartridge, ladies frontier cartridge, frontier cartridge duelist, ladies frontier cartridge duelist, gunfighter, ladies gunfighter, classic coWboy, classic coWgirl,

Junior boy, Junior girl, 49er, ladies 49er, senior, ladies senior, silver senior, ladies silver senior,elder statesman, grande dame, "b" Western, "b" Western ladies

shootist category sPonsors receive:

• Recognition in the END of TRAIL Official Program as the award sponsor, one quarter

page of black and white Program advertising and inclusion on the SASS Web Site.

• Two Sponsor banner locations; one in the shooting area and one in the main activities tent.

• Twice daily public address promotional announcements throughout the event area.

• Fifty percent discount on 10' X 10' display area in Sutlers Row or equivalent credit

on a larger space.

• Twelve month license to use “END of TRAIL Shootist Sponsor” with artwork provided by

END of TRAIL in advertising and public relations programs.

• Two VIP guest passes to the event, its social functions, and Hospitality Tent.

• First option to participate as a Top Shootist Award sponsor at END of TRAIL �009.

INVESTMENT: $1,000 ($500 Cash, $500 Merchandise)

END of TRAIL 2008�0

mounted shooting sponsors

there are tWelve mounted shooting sPonsorshiPs available, tWo each for the individual shooting stages.

stage sPonsors receive:

• Recognition in the stage descriptions included in the END of TRAIL Shooter's Program as

“Mounted Shooting Stage Sponsor’s Name” Event.

• Two prominent Sponsor banner locations in the Mounted Shooting Arena.

• Four times daily public address promotional announcements throughout the event area.

• Program recognition as an END of TRAIL Mounted Shooting Stage Sponsor, one quarter

page of black and white program advertising and inclusion on the SASS Web Site.

• Fifty percent off 10' X 10' display space in Sutlers Row or equivalent credit on larger


• Twelve month license to use “END of TRAIL Mounted Shooting Stage Sponsor”

with artwork provided by END of TRAIL in advertising and public relations programs.

• Two VIP guest passes to the event, all social functions, and Hospitality Tent.

• First option to participate as a Stage sponsor at END of TRAIL �009.

INVESTMENT: $1,000 ($500 Cash, $500 Merchandise)

END of TRAIL 2008 �1

los amigos de end of trailunlimited sPonsorshiPs are available as los amigos de end of trail

these sPonsorshiPs can be fulfilled With either $300 cash or merchandise

With a retail value of at least $500.these sPonsors can direct their sPonsorshiPs to

the action or mounted events.los amigos de end of trail receive:

• Program recognition as a Los Amigos Sponsor of the �7th Annual END of TRAIL World Championship of Cowboy Action Shooting™ & Wild West Jubilee.

• One sponsor banner location in the main activities area.

• SASS Web Site recognition as a Los Amigos Sponsor of the �7th Annual END of TRAIL World Championship of Cowboy Action Shooting™ & Wild West Jubilee.

• Special recognition as Los Amigos de END of TRAIL in the END of TRAIL appreciation ad in the July issue of THE COWBOY CHRONICLE.

merchandise sponsors

there are an unlimited number of merchandise sPonsorshiPs available. merchandise must be related to leisure time Pursuits or our Western heritage.

merchandise must have minimum item retail value of $100 to receive merchandise sPonsor benefits.

merchandise sPonsors receive:

• Program recognition as a Merchandise Sponsor of the �7th Annual END of TRAIL World Championship of Cowboy Action Shooting™ & Wild West Jubilee.

• SASS Web Site recognition as a Merchandise Sponsor of the �7th Annual END of TRAIL World Championship of Cowboy Action Shooting™ & Wild West Jubilee.

• Special recognition as a Merchandise Sponsor in the END of TRAIL appreciation ad in the July issue of the THE COWBOY CHRONICLE.

END of TRAIL 2008��

sutlers' roW

END of TRAIL features a Sutlers’ Row display and sales area. With thousands people anticipated to attend END of TRAIL �008, the event is a highly targeted merchandising opportunity. Booth space is available to all sponsors and vendors on a first come, first served basis.

The price of a three-sided 10' X 10' canopied space with one eight foot table and two folding chairs is $450. Additional spac-es are available in increments of 100 square feet. The second space is $400 frontage space, $350 for a deep space. The third and succeeding spaces are $350 each.

Sutlers wishing to use their own traditional-style display must occupy a minimum of �00 square feet. Self-contained, traditional-style displays are subject to advance review and approval by END of TRAIL. A photograph and diagram of your display's footprint (with dimensions) must accompany your reservation request. The charge for the first �00 square feet of traditional display space is $575. If your traditional-style display requires space larger than two hundred square feet, additional space is charged at $�.50 per square foot.

Sutlers Row space reservation requests must be accompanied by a $100 deposit. Payment in full is required by May 1�, �008. END of TRAIL reserves the right to refuse any sutler's display or product determined not to be in keeping with the Old West ambiance of the event. Display space charges are subject to change if the display erected is different than the one submitted with the sutler's reservation.

Table covers, additional tables, chairs, and limited electrical service are available at addi-tional cost. A Sutlers Service Desk will be available throughout END of TRAIL.

Many sponsor categories include booth space and discounts. Please review your sponsor-ship category and declare your reservations as early as possible.

END of TRAIL 2008 �3

sponsor commitmentsEND of TRAIL requires a completed sponsorship commitment, signed by an officer or duly autho-

rized agent of your company, within ten working days of our verbal confirmation of your participa-tion. We require one hundred percent of the cash portion of your sponsorship investment within forty-five days of your signing the sponsorship commitment, and in no case later than May 1, �008.

Although sponsors are welcome to come at the beginning of the event, it is recommended Spon-sors focus on the �nd week of the event, June 18-��. All exhibitors must be set up by sundown on Tuesday, June 17.

**All sponsorship merchandise must be shipped care of Lamar Shelnutt to the New Mexico SASS Office:

Single Action Shooting Society 95 Highway 344 Suite 7 Edgewood, NM 87015

No Later than May 12, 2008

**All promotional literature to be inserted into each participant registration packet (1200) must be shipped to the New Mexico SASS Office:

Single Action Shooting Society 95 Highway 344 Suite 7 Edgewood, NM 87015

No Later than June 1, 2008

**All firearm contributions will be received through Diamond J. Gunsmithing in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Diamond J. Gunsmithing �909 Bel Air Place N.E. Albuquerque, NM 87110-�8�0 Contact: Doug Kunz (505) 888-4633

No Later than June 1, 2008

SASS, Inc. will use sponsor logos in the Master Sponsor and Presenting Sponsor categories for a period of twelve months beginning May 1, �008 and ending May 1, �009, in all advertising and promotion materials.

To ensure accurate reproduction of corporate artwork, we ask each sponsor to provide one large scale, color, camera ready copy of its logo and related art.

Banners will be provided by the Sponsor. END of TRAIL will return banners to sponsor upon request. Sponsor banners should not exceed the designated sizes and dimensions as outlined in each agreement.

QUESTIONS & CONVERSATIONPlease feel free to contact SASS Marketing Director, Coyote Calhoun or Cimarron Lou, with any

questions you may have about any aspect of this proposal and your participation in the �7th Annual END of TRAIL, World Championship of Cowboy Action Shooting™ & Wild West Jubilee.

SASS Marketing Division95 Highway 344, Suite 7Edgewood, NM 87015

505-286-4566; Fax 505-286-24563E-mail: [email protected] or [email protected]
