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CPANTS: Kwalitative website and its tools

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CPANTS talk at YAPC::EU 2012
CPANTS Kwalitative website and its tools Kenichi Ishigaki (charsbar) @YAPC::EU 2012 August 22, 2012
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Kwalitative website and its tools

Kenichi Ishigaki (charsbar)

@YAPC::EU 2012 August 22, 2012

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Kenichi Ishigaki (charsbar)

From Shibuya.pm, Tokyo, Japan.

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- Perl programmer - Writer/Translator

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Around 40 CPAN distributions

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We have been enjoying the

CPANTS game since 2005.

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輝け!全日本最強 CPAN Author 決定選手権

by Koichi Taniguchi


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He picked up Japanese authors

by eye.

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Our names are easy to find.

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There were not so many authors.

- Total: ~4000

- Japanese: ~50

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YAPC::Asia increased the number of

Japanese authors.

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YAPC::Asia / Japanese authors

2006 (Mar) 98 2007 (Apr) 154 2008 (May) 191 2009 (Sep) 228 2010 (Oct) 255 2011 (Oct) 270

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Needed something to pick

up Japanese authors more


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That's why I created a list of Japanese authors

and a script to maintain it.

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I've been reporting the

Japanese top 10 authors since


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I've been adding something new

every year.

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2008: sum of the kwalitee scores

per author

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2009: authors who released

most in the year

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2010: authors/ population ratio

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2011: launched a website (finally)


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It had one big problem.

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No data.

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The official CPANTS site had

been down for some time.

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I needed to set up mine.

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I created a private repository and put everything

into it.

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Merged recent commits from

domm's repository.

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Added a few columns.

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Tweaked Catalyst/DBIC


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It worked.

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Warnings were left.

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I needed to find some tuits to remove them.

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Perl QA Hackathon

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Warnings were removed.

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Ported some of the changes I did locally to daxim's


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Showed a new acme.cpanauthors.org

featuring CPANTS info.

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Unfortunately, the porting took too much time.

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I didn't merge the changes back to my repository.

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I finally merged the changes.

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Got several reports that CPANTS was


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What broke CPANTS was a small change.

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"modules" : [ { "file" : "lib/Path/Extended.pm", "in_basedir" : 0, "in_lib" : 1, "module" : "Path::Extended", "uses" : { "Sub::Install" : 1, "strict" : 1, "warnings" : 1 } } ]

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I don't think this change is bad.

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Module::CPANTS::ProcessCPAN shouldn't have died by this.

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It should have had tests.

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Is should have run faster.

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It should have been easier to fix


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Enough issues for a summer.

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What should we do?

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- We need tests. - we need to find

test cases. - we need to do it

many times.

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Making it run faster is the first priority.

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I wrote a barebone script to store data in


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create table if not exists analysis ( id integer primary key autoincrement, path text unique, distv text, author text, json text, duration integer );

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Raw SQL statements

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SQLite queue

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Beware a race condition

my ($id) = $dbh->selectrow_array(" SELECT id FROM queue WHERE status = 0 LIMIT = 1 "); $dbh->do(" UPDATE queue SET status = 1 WHERE id = ? ", undef, $id);

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my $id; my $dbh->sqlite_update_hook(sub { (undef, undef, undef, $id) = @_; });

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$dbh->do(" UPDATE queue SET status = 1, WHERE id IN ( SELECT id FROM queue WHERE status = 0 LIMIT 1 ) ");

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- Bundling is bad - We need a specific version - Derived from OrePAN

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use WorePAN; my $worepan = WorePAN->new( root => 'path/to/a/directory/', files => [qw( I/IS/ISHIGAKI/WorePAN-0.01.tar.gz )], use_backpan => 1, no_network => 0, cleanup => 1, );

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use WorePAN; my $worepan = WorePAN->new( root => 'path/to/a/directory/', files => [qw( I/IS/ISHIGAKI/WorePAN-0.01.tar.gz )], local_mirror => '/home/ishigaki/minicpan/', no_network => 1, cleanup => 1, );

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use WorePAN; my $worepan = WorePAN->new( root => 'path/to/a/directory/', dists => { 'Catalyst-Runtime' => 5.9, 'DBIx-Class' => 0, }, cleanup => 1, );

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Bonus features

my $worepan = WorePAN->new( root => 'path/to/a/CPAN/mirror/', cleanup => 0, ); my $authors = $worepan->authors; my $modules = $worepan->modules; my $file = $worepan->files; my $dists = $worepan->latest_distributions;

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$worepan->add_files(qw{ /path/to/a/local/distribution-0.01.tar.gz }); $worepan->update_indices;

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Now we have enough tools.

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Processing time is significantly decreased.

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What's next?

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::Site refactoring

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I'm preparing the data now.

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Creating more databases/tables.

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Merging information from external sources.

- CPAN indices - CPAN uploads database

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Calculating scores on prerequisite


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It will be this year's something new in my annual


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And then, I'll move on to fixing

the metrics.

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Some of them are badly broken.

"versions" : { "lib/Data/Phrasebook.pm" : "use vars qw($VERSION);¥n", "lib/Data/Phrasebook/Debug.pm" : "use vars qw($VERSION);¥n", "lib/Data/Phrasebook/Generic.pm" : "use vars qw($VERSION);¥n", "lib/Data/Phrasebook/Loader.pm" : "use vars qw($VERSION);¥n", "lib/Data/Phrasebook/Loader/Base.pm" : "use vars qw($VERSION);¥n", "lib/Data/Phrasebook/Loader/Text.pm" : "use vars qw($VERSION);¥n", "lib/Data/Phrasebook/Plain.pm" : "use vars qw($VERSION);¥n", "lib/Data/Phrasebook/SQL.pm" : "use vars qw($VERSION);¥n", "lib/Data/Phrasebook/SQL/Query.pm" : "use vars qw($VERSION);¥n" },

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Error is not a stash.

"error" : { "easily_repackageable" : "easily_repackageable_by_fedora", "easily_repackageable_by_fedora" : "fits_fedora_license", "metayml_conforms_spec_current" : [ "1.4", "Expected a map structure from data string or file. [Validation: 1.4]" ], "metayml_conforms_to_known_spec" : [ "1.0", "Expected a map structure from data string or file. [Validation: 1.0]" ], "no_pod_errors" : " home cpants tmp analyze 11442 8001be43fb65..." }

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Should have initialize/finalize phases.


doesn't clean up after mirrored Debian CPANTS file


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There are much more to do.

- JSON API for metacpan.org and so on. - Email Reporting like CPAN Testers - Evaluate new Kwalitee indicators - New metrics like portable filename - Blog about recent tendency - More comprehensive tests - Analysis per perl version/architecture - Cover Perl::Critic, CPAN::Critic::Module::Abstract - 35 RT tickets and several github isses

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github.com/charsbar/www-cpants github.com/charsbar/worepan


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Thank you
