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Cpd support staff

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1 CPD Portfolio Contents Page Numbers Personal Details Sheet 2 Foreword 3 Introduction 4 What is a Personal Portfolio? 5 Section 1 Employment Documentation Insert– Job Description/Introduction Information 6 and Contract of Employment How to write a CV 7 Insert CV 8 Membership of Professional Organisation 9 Section 2 Your Achievements/Personal Development Learning & Development 10 Career Development 11 & 12 Section 3 Supervision and Competency Framework PR&D 13 Insert PR&D here 14 Qualifications & Experience 15 Section 4 Additional Evidence Activities Supporting Development 16 Summary of Learning 17 Reflective Practice 18 Different ways of recording learning 19 – 24 Insert Supervision Framework 25 Supervision Agreement 26 Supervision Record 27 Competency Framework Evidence 28 Useful Websites 29
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1CPD Portfolio

ContentsPage Numbers

l Personal Details Sheet 2

l Foreword 3

l Introduction 4

l What is a Personal Portfolio? 5

Section 1 Employment Documentation

l Insert– Job Description/Introduction Information 6

and Contract of Employment

l How to write a CV 7

l Insert CV 8

l Membership of Professional Organisation 9

Section 2 Your Achievements/Personal Development

l Learning & Development 10

l Career Development 11 & 12

Section 3 Supervision and Competency Framework

l PR&D 13

l Insert PR&D here 14

l Qualifications & Experience 15

Section 4 Additional Evidence

l Activities Supporting Development 16

l Summary of Learning 17

l Reflective Practice 18

l Different ways of recording learning 19 – 24

l Insert Supervision Framework 25

l Supervision Agreement 26

l Supervision Record 27

l Competency Framework Evidence 28

l Useful Websites 29

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2CPD Portfolio

Personal Details Sheet



Current Base:

Current Post:

Telephone Number and Extentions:

Commencement of Employment:

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3CPD Portfolio


This portfolio has been designed for non-qualified clinical support staff employed by

Rushcliffe Primary Care Trust. The portfolio should be used as a source of information

and to gauge your personal development throughout your employment with the Trust.

The portfolio is a personal collection of evidence, demonstrating your achievements, the

skills you have acquired in your role, your strengths and areas of development.

If you have career aspirations, the portfolio should enable you to reflect on your

development and with guidance from your Line Manager, set learning objectives, which

will assist you in your future career goals.

Matthew Jackson – Clinical Trainer Learning and Development Advisor

Theresa Brennan – Practice Development Facilitator

Julie Napper – Occupational Therapy Professional Lead

This portfolio has been developed from the existing Rushcliffe PCT Clinical and Non-

clinical staff CPD portfolios.

We would like to acknowledge the work of the teams who developed these portfolios.

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4CPD Portfolio


Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is part of the process of lifelong learning forall healthcare staff. It involves the continual updating and extending of knowledge andskills that is essential to providing safe and efficient care. Its purpose is to help staff carefor patients and to ensure protection of the public.

CPD should be:

• Patient centred

• Meet local practice needs

• Meet individuals personal development needs

• Be work based

• Not rely solely on formal courses but include work shadowing

and personal study.

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5CPD Portfolio

What is a Personal Portfolio?

A portfolio is a collection of evidence, which shows your knowledge, skills andachievements and helps you to plan your development.

It will help you to identify your strengths and achievements and act as a source ofinformation for you and your manager.

The following should be kept in your portfolio:

• Job description

• Performance review documentation

• Supervision documentation

• Evidence of training – certificates, reflection, qualifications

• Reflection on courses.

• Work-based learning and practice

• Copies of work you have done

• Witness statements

• Competency Framework

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6CPD Portfolio

Insert the Following:

Personal Job DescriptionContract of Employment

Induction Information

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7CPD Portfolio

How to write a CV

A Curriculum Vitae (CV) is a short written account of your career, qualifications and

achievement. It can be used to support application forms for job vacancies.

• A CV should demonstrate your previous and current work experience and

therefore should be continually revised and up-dated.

• A CV should be tailored to the job you are applying for.

• It must be well presented and accurate.

• It should be no longer than 2 sides of A4.

In writing your CV you need to communicate your main experiences, knowledge,

achievements, interests, education and employment history. In doing so you should

highlight skills that you have used and developed. You can do this by using either:

• Continuous prose

• Bullet points

Your CV should be interesting, flow in a logical manner and justify all that you claim to

be. A section of categories form the basis of the contents.

Your CV should include the following information:

• Personal information – biographical information.

• Profile/career aims – short summary of you as an individual, highlighting key

qualities and if required, a career plan

• Employment history – starting with the most recent first (which should be

your current post), include post title, dates of employment and brief resume of

responsibilities of the previous posts. Include any voluntary work.

• Education and qualifications – provide details of educational achievement,

which should include any evening classes and short courses attended. It is best

to list these with the most recent information first.

• Key Achievements – provides an opportunity for you to sell yourself. Includes

strengths, interpersonal skills, related activities. Put these in an order that will

impress your potential employers. Analyse them giving examples of benefits


• Interests – indicate what you do in your spare time. Avoid a long list of

activities, but try and make it interesting

• Referees – include the names of two referees – one of which is normally your

current Line Manager.

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8CPD Portfolio

Curriculum Vitae

Insert your current CV

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9CPD Portfolio

Membership of Professional Organisation or Union

Name of Organisation:

Membership Number/PIN No:Date of Registration:Details

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10CPD Portfolio

Learning and Development

This section is for you to record events and activities that you have undertaken orexperienced, which have helped you to develop yourself, your skills and your practice.

These events could include:

• Study days

• Personal reading

• Practical activities

• Courses (NVQ etc)

Specific events in your work area

Any event that has had an impact on your personal growth can be included.

Pages have been included to help you to do this – please see the section on ReflectivePractice.

You will need to insert your certificate of attendance in with your reflection on yourlearning.

Career ambitions

This section also gives you the opportunity to record your career ambitions. These maywell change as your career progresses and you become aware of all the options.

Identifying your ambitions can help you to focus your learning and development tohelp you achieve those ambitions.

The Learning & Development Department and your Line Manager can help you withthis.

Training, Learning & Development

Information on training, learning and development opportunities can be obtained via:

• Your Line Manager

• The Learning & Development Brochure

• The Lifelong Learning Team at Standard Court

• Linden House Resource Centre

Other learning opportunities are advertised in your work area. Please speak to yourmanager about these.

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11CPD Portfolio

Career Objectives

Please identify any ideas for career development, which you wish to share with yourLine Manager.

In this list you could include:

• Work shadowing colleagues in your own and other professions

• Visits to different departments

• Specific courses you have identified that are of interest and which could aid

your development

Career Developments/InterestDate

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12CPD Portfolio

Career Developments/InterestDate

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13CPD Portfolio

Performance Review and Development

Within 3 months of you starting your post, you will have a review meeting with yourLine Manager.

Thereafter you will undergo a PRD once a year, between the months of April andSeptember.

PRD’s are a two way process and gives you the opportunity to discuss and shareconfidentially with your Line Manager:

• Your job and it’s key objectives

• Your competence, knowledge and skills

• Your observations of your post and any ideas for development

• What help you need to achieve these

• Your progress since your last PRD

The PRD should not be seen as a "once a year" event. You should have regular informaldiscussions with your Line Manager to support you in your post and these should bepositive and forward thinking.

The PRD Process

PRD Preparation form – prior to your meeting you will be required to complete a PRDPreparation Form. The contents of this form will be used as a discussion point with yourLine Manager. Please complete the sections as well as you can.

Objective Setting – there are two areas of objectives:

• Key Objectives – both you and your Line Manager will set objectives in relation

to your role. It will be agreed how these are going to be achieved and by which


• Training and Development Objectives – these should reflect areas of

identified training including mandatory training.

Your PRD Plan could also include a wide range of activities that support your development, which could include:

• On the job training within your role

• Objectives/tasks identified in your PRD

• Project work

• Training of colleagues

• Work shadowing

• Areas of increased responsibility

• Open learning programmes

• Training courses

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14CPD Portfolio

PRD Documentation

Insert your Performance Review and Development Documentation (PRD)

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15CPD Portfolio

Qualifications and Experiences1. Brief description of qualification/experiences and where obtained Date achieved

2. Brief description of qualification/experiences and where obtained Date achieved

3. Brief description of qualification/experiences and where obtained Date achieved

4. Brief description of qualification/experiences and where obtained Date achieved

5. Brief description of qualification/experiences and where obtained Date achieved

6. Brief description of qualification/experiences and where obtained Date achieved

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16CPD Portfolio

Additional Responsibilities/Activities

Use this section to note additional responsibilities/activities, which have relevance toyour role and have contributed to the development of practice, policies, procedures,standard and guidelines. The table below suggests way in which you may choose torecord this. As you progress you may think of other methods of recording.This section may be used by your line manager to assess your competency.Remember to share your ideas with others and use reflection as a tool forrecording your learning.

How to RecordInsert project summary/projectevaluation. Special interest groups

Submit a witness statement

Submit evidence e.g. letters, objectives

Copy of the presentation dated withevaluation paper feedback. Use awitness statement from the courseorganiser

Submit letters as evidence, minutes ofmeetings, agenda etc

Describe impact on practice and whatyou learned. Use letters as evidence

Use a witness statement

Any one to one sessions could usewitness statement or learning outcomesummary

Additional tasks or roles, describe andask manager to counter sign

Copy of PRD for completed outcomemanager to sign

E.g. ECDL submit certificate ofachievement


Projects, special interests

Coaching role

Internal/external ‘commitees/meeting etc’

Presentations, demonstrations

Link Role

Internal/external groups

Work shadowing/ a visit

On the job training within your role

Specific areas of increased responsibility

Objectives or tasks from PRD

Open Learning programmes

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17CPD Portfolio

Summary of Learning

Please list all the following events as a summary of training you have completed:

• On the job training within your role

• Objectives/tasks identified in your PRD

• Projects undertaken

• Training of colleagues

• Work shadowing

• Areas of increased responsibility

• Open learning programmes

• Training courses

Course/event Location Date/s attendedDevelopment

record completed(Enter date)

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18CPD Portfolio

Reflective Practice


Reflection enables you to examine and explore any issue or significant event, resultingin you developing a new understanding.

Reflection is unique to you and is based on your experiences. You can probably think ofoccasions when following a significant event, the outcomes from your actions were notwhat you had expected and you wish you has "handled things differently". Reflection canalso lead to you "patting yourself on the back" for events that have gone well.

Reflective Practice

These events and experiences can lead you to practising with improved skills, knowledgeand understanding. Reflective practice is very personal to you and your experiences andyou DO NOT have to share this information with any of your colleagues or your LineManager. However, if you wished you could raise issues with you Line Manager and yourteam – they could offer advice on how you could learn from your experiences andreflection. This should become part of your development and "learning curve"

It would be useful for you to keep a record of significant events on the Reflective PracticeRecord form, or using the reflective cycle guidelines. You can use a blank piece of paperif you prefer.

Here are different formats for you to use to record your learning. Choose aformat that suits you and the type of learning you’ve undertaken.

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19CPD Portfolio

Continuing Education and Development Record

Description of Activity/Personal Study

Total length of time:

A. My learning objectives in undertaking this activity/personal study:

B. Key issues covered:

C. How I intend relating what I have learned to my practice:

D. How and when I intend reviewing my changed practice:

E. Following this learning experience my outstanding development E. needs are:

F. How I intend to take this forward:

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20CPD Portfolio

Reflective Practice Record

Use this section to record and evaluate any Significant Events – both positive andnegative which you feel have contributed to the way in which you deal withsituations.

A. Briefly describe the event

B. Date of the event

C. What did you learn from this event?

D. What changes, if any are you going to make your practice?

E. What, if anything are you going to feedback to your colleagues/Line Manager?

F. If you did discuss this with your Line Manager or colleagues, what advice did you receive?

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21CPD Portfolio

The Reflective Cycle


What happened?


What were you thinking and feeling?


What was good and bad about the experience?


What sense can you make of this situation?

Action Plan?

If it arose again, what would you do?

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22CPD Portfolio

Use of Significant Events

Use this section to record and evaluate any significant events, both positive andnegative, that you feel have contributed to your professional development (e.g. a good presentation, disagreement).

Brief description of event

Date of event?

What did you learn from this event?

What changes are you going to make?

Brief description of event

Date if event?

What did you learn from this event?

What changes are you going to make?

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23CPD Portfolio

Personal Study

Books/journals, reference/literature, review/courses/distance learning you areundertaking. Other examples could include ongoing support, administration,developing clinical practice or contributing to the development of policies and/orprocedures.

Description of personal study:

Key observations/relevance to practice

Learning outcome/impact on practice

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24CPD Portfolio

Witness Statement

Date of activity:

Type of activity:

Learning outcome:

Witness name: Title:

Witness signature: Date:

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25CPD Portfolio

Useful Websites

Please add the website of your own Professional body

Adult Basic Skills Agency – www.basic-skills.co.uk

Department for Education and Skills – www.dfes.gov.uk

Department of Health – www.doh.gov.uk

Department of Health Lifelong Learning e-mail – [email protected]

European Computer Driving Licence – www.ecdl.co.uk

E Learning – www.web-training.co.uk/index.html

Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE)- www.hefce.ac.uk

Learndirect – www.learndirect.co.uk

E-mail – [email protected]

Learning and Skills Councils – www.lsc.gov.uk

NHS/learndirect pilot e-mail –

[email protected]

National Electronic Library for Health (NeLH) www.nelh.nhs.uk

NHS Direct – www.nhsdirect.nhs.uk

NHS Individual Learning Account – www.doh.gov.uk/nhsila

NHSnet – www.nhs.uk

National Service Frameworks (NSF’s) – www.doh.gov.uk/nsf

National Vocational Qualifications (NVQ’s) www.dfes.gov.uk/nvq

Patient Advocacy and Liaison Services (PALS) www.nhs.uk/representation/new-voice

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