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Cpsa Poster Analytical Chemistry Informatics Suite

Date post: 01-Jul-2015
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KNET Report Tools Background: Increase in throughput and subsequent report generation, a solution for producing reports became imperative. No reason why the system couldn’t construct the report. Users input free text fields to complement the information Report generation allows for a capture of the analysis, while providing all the pertinent information surrounding the results. Purpose: To produce server generated reports from the data that is uploaded into the various managers. Homogenized reports to a certain visual format and quick authoring. The report generator allows a user to concentrate on the data analysis Direction: Drive the report generation capabilities into all the various assay and workflow managers. Integration with DocuShare®; seamless flow to archives Abstract The success of the Kalypsys® Analytical Chemistry Department’s technological developments will be largely based on its ability to efficiently process and distribute the data the advancements yield. Presentation of the data in a manner that effectively communicates the findings and facilitates lead optimization is crucial. Managing the information becomes burdensome if measures are not taken to employ appropriate data and document solutions. Properly assessing the workflow and producing specifications for desired solutions is critical. One of the key points in the successful collaboration of Analytical Chemistry and Informatics at Kalypsys was the positive open communication that existed between the departments. Written specifications and SOP documents were effective pieces of information used by Informatics to help achieve the design desired by Analytical. Access by Analytical to the development servers to actively test the products in their design state, and producing testing reports, allowed Informatics to build the products more efficiently. Coupled with weekly meetings, these communication strategies produced the success seen in the deliverables. Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank the following individuals for their input and contributions: Juan Wang, Nahid Yazdani, Jerry Muhammad, Connie Zhao, Devapratim Sarma, and Robert Beltran. Conclusion Xerox DocuShare® Background: To handle the voluminous flow of reports being generated, solutions for document management had to be developed. Jaws PDF Creator® to create a non-editable final version of the reports. Acrobat Digital Signatures® on the cover of the reports SharePoint tools utilized to create a document library Sitrof Compliance Module for Xerox DocuShare®: auto-PDF capabilities, signatures in the reports and advanced routing capabilities Purpose: To provide a tool for: Reviewing documents within the different workgroups Routing for approval Storage of documents in an organized accessible location Direction: Transition to this system, incorporate all historical data. Drive out-of-the-box solutions to the Analytical Departments workflow: Use of established document naming nomenclature Hierarchy routing Posting of approved reports to SQL database Association of supporting documents to the approved (e.g. manifests) Solubility Background: Solubility is performed using the Millipore Multiscreen® Solubility Plate. Stated throughput for this assay is 28 compounds per week Previous data handling: Excel Macros Solubility Manager deployed; online curate and assay management Solubility Test Sets are processed by the server into PDF reports. Purpose: Solubility is deployed as a post biological screening assay. The assay is typically used to diagnose problem compounds Requested for data gathering with little consideration for the results. Needs to be positioned as a mandatory assay Direction: To position the assay accordingly in the discovery process it must be made cost effective, high throughput and capable of delivering data that is pertinent to the projects. Kalypsys® has initiated technology development projects With Solubility Manager, the individual data is drawn into information engines (i.e. SAR table generator) Queuing system allows for workflow management Purity Background: Purity analysis is performed post HTS as a verification step on the screening hit prior to further assay work. Results are compiled into a Fractionlynx® report using the integration methods contained within Masslynx®. UV and ELSD traces are audited by the analyst to check the integration values. Current usage varies from 60 to 3000 samples analyzed per run. Purpose: As Kalypsys® has engaged itself in the application of uHTS technology, the throughput that is necessary to support the hits resulting from these screens must be optimized: Shorter sample cycle time Automated data processing Purity during library building for efficiency in the subsequent testing Database storage; easy access and data mining capable Internet access to plate and sample traces Direction: Evolution in both the technology and the informatics has been identified as the keys to driving this assay forward. Pursue multi channel MS technology: MUX Collaboration with Advanced Chemistry Development (ACD): server based processing suite designed to parse and integrate the MUX data. BioAnalytical Manager v1.0 Background: Prior to Informatics solutions: BioAnalytical workflow management was performed in meetings, by email and through the use of a project whiteboard. This process was conducive to misinformation, mishandling of study analysis and inability to track progress. Purpose: This manager is the definitive record of Kalypsys BioAnalytical work, both internal and external. It is a resource for tracking analyst assignments Monitor study progression through the various stages Document posting for each study (sample receipt, reports, etc.) Built-in email communication allows for updates and notifications Direction: Design more active content: Passive resource that only accepts information Generation of files to better automate the analysis of samples Server based data processing tools designed to auto-generate reports Freezer Management Background: Sample management in the freezer storage is, and will always be, a concern. Focus on the sample management became a priority. Better utilize the freezer space and coordinate sample exchange Purpose: To provide a storage management solution that is capable of tracking information pertaining to sample containers through the use of bar-coding: Location history Checkout status Responsible party Free thaw cycles Link to BioAnalytical Manager item Stock solution management; notification when stocks get low. Direction: Future development would include: Possibly expand the system to include all types of storage locations used for sample and stock solutions. PPB Background: Currently in the development phase using BD’s Gentest Serum Binding Plate. Data handling of the development data is time intensive Plate based analysis lends to long sample lists Purpose: This assay is seen as a crucial analysis tool to be used prior to in vivo studies. Direction: This assay will follow the typical development cycle with validation. Integrating this assay on the MUX platform will greatly increase throughput. Use workflow management from Solubility Manager Use data analysis engine from Purity toolkit Move to full automation and investigation into High Throughput PAMPA Background: Not deployed as a production assay; in the process of validating technology. Intense manual manipulation with Excel spreadsheet templates Development was initiated when the plate was identified and applicable informatics solutions began to emerge. Purpose: PAMPA is being designed to take place after solubility analysis. Direction: Take the assay through a similar validation and development plan used on the solubility assay. Use architecture from Solubility Manager Assay will be expanded to include multiple pH and lipid configurations. Move to full automation and investigation into high throughput BioAnalytical Manager v2.0 Background: BioAnalytical Manager v1.0 revolutionized the workflow for the department. Rate limiting steps for BioAnalytical work were identified: Human sample preparation Report authoring Result table generation Freezer sample management Purpose: This version will work to provide files necessary to prepare and analyze samples using the technology currently present in the department: LiHA worklists and LC/MS sample lists Utilize the log files generated from equipment; processing and analysis errors are accurately captured in the report. Compound requesting Freezer management integration Platemap tools and result table generation to assist analyst WinNonLin® compatibility will allow for easier regression work Direction: The implementation of the solutions contained in this release will greatly impact the capacity of work that an analyst will be able to perform. The introduction of data into the system through this version provides for a wealth of information to be made available. Implementation of this data into SAR table generation Open Access Webpage Background: Utilizing the SharePoint® internet tools provided on the Kalypsys® intranet, a system management webpage was created to track and publish system events. The page evolved to include: Purpose: The page is open to all users, serving as a public forum for communication. Helps to reduce the number of hallway conversations and mass emails Serves as the official downtime record and repair log for the system Easy access is invaluable during repair troubleshooting Backpressure monitoring allows for quick assessment of system Marketed as a primary information tool for allowing synthetic chemists to troubleshoot some of the minor problems, or provide more detailed troubleshooting tickets. Direction: Training for the system via the webpage is being planned. Method information Column information Easy chromatography solutions Figure 10: Spec UI Sample Check-in page Figure 11: Spec UI Inventory Management page; used for auditing Figure 2: Studies arranged in tabs by stage Figure 8: User curate ability in Solubility Manager Figure 9: Incoming sample queue. Figure 3: Details page for a study Figure 12: BD PPB Plate Figure 13: Millipore PAMPA Plate Figure 6: Illustration of BioAnalytical Manager v2.0 functions. Figure 14: Example PDF Report Figure 15: DocuShare Screenshot Figure 4: Waters LCT Premier® MUX Mass Spectrometer Figure 5: Instrument trace above, with ACD using CODA algorithm below. Time 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 9.00 10.00 11.00 % 11 052306_uSomes_None_06 1: TOF MS ES+ TIC 8.87e3 0.71 0.65 8.78 1.10 7.43 6.58 6.49 5.92 3.32 3.26 1.55 2.28 5.72 3.83 4.78 4.64 4.95 6.82 8.16 7.63 8.41 9.28 10.81 9.71 10.24 11.24 Figure 7: Sample results page (from left to right); pass/fail indicator, tabulated results, triplicate spectra, calibration spectra, calibration curve, structure, compound ID, plate barcode, and well location. Analytical Support Group Point Person Automatically posted Standard Daily Backpressure Log Important Documents Troubleshooting Log System Component Information Surveys Feedback (Complaint) Section Service Contact Information The ability for Analytical Chemists to impact the drug discovery process will be dictated by their applied informatics tools; which will provide efficiency to their workflow and effectiveness in their data communication. Focused Analytical Informatics solutions have been developed by Kalypsys for varying responsibilities. Open Access Support Intranet information solution was constructed to act as a repository for all information concerning each system: system status troubleshooting log standard LC/MS traces which are automatically posted daily backpressure log contact information for all applicable vendors BioAnalytical Workflow Management BioAnalytical Analysis, a server-based experiment tracking system, was developed to assist communication between the analysts and clients. Mandatory inclusion of demographics and data files has produced a system where workload can be anticipated, and forensic tasks simplified. Assay Data Handling. Utilized server based technology to construct powerful assay managers. Document Management The homogenizing solution for the data handling has been the emergence of auto-generating PDF reports. Created by server applications that can be e-signed before distribution. Power of producing historical reports with pertinent experimental sections, Verapamil Verapamil Verapamil Figure 1: Open Access LC/MS Intranet Page Document Reference Product Reference AC-MethDev-2006-005v1 Solubility SharePoint® Microsoft AC-MethDev-2006-012v1 HT Solubility SpecManager Suite ACD AC-MethDev-2006-014v1 BioA Mgr v2.0 Automation Server ACD AC-MethDev-2006-015v2 Freezer Multiscreen Solubility (MSSLBPC50) Millipore AC-MethDev-2006-018v2 DocuShare® PPB Plate (P/N 453700) BD Gentest PAMPA (P/N MAIPN4510) Millipore Poster Contact DocuShare® Xerox® Charles Taylor [email protected] Sitrof Compliance Module Sitrof Technologies PLATEMAP BIOANALYTICAL MANAGER v2.0 PLATEMAP ENGINE BIOANALYTICAL REPORT GENERATOR DMPK REPORT GENERATOR TECAN WORKLIST LC/MS WORKLIST LiHA SAMPLE PREP LC/MS ANALYSIS BIOANALYTICAL REPORT (PDF) WINNONLIN DMPK REPORT (PDF)
Page 1: Cpsa Poster Analytical Chemistry Informatics Suite

KNET Report Tools Background: Increase in throughput and subsequent report generation, a solution for producing reports became imperative.

• No reason why the system couldn’t construct the report.

• Users input free text fields to complement the information

• Report generation allows for a capture of the analysis, while providing all the pertinent information surrounding the results.

Purpose: To produce server generated reports from the data that is uploaded into the various managers.

• Homogenized reports to a certain visual format and quick authoring.

• The report generator allows a user to concentrate on the data analysis

Direction: Drive the report generation capabilities into all the various assay and workflow managers.

• Integration with DocuShare®; seamless flow to archives


The success of the Kalypsys® Analytical Chemistry Department’s technological developments will be largely based on its ability to efficiently process and distribute the data the advancements yield. Presentation of the data in a manner that effectively communicates the findings and facilitates lead optimization is crucial. Managing the information becomes burdensome if measures are not taken to employ appropriate data and document solutions. Properly assessing the workflow and producing specifications for desired solutions is critical. One of the key points in the successful collaboration of Analytical Chemistry and Informatics at Kalypsys was the positive open communication that existed between the departments. Written specifications and SOP documents were effective pieces of information used by Informatics to help achieve the design desired by Analytical. Access by Analytical to the development servers to actively test the products in their design state, and producing testing reports, allowed Informatics to build the products more efficiently. Coupled with weekly meetings, these communication strategies produced the success seen in the deliverables. Acknowledgements

The authors would like to thank the following individuals for their input and contributions: Juan Wang, Nahid Yazdani, Jerry Muhammad, Connie Zhao, Devapratim Sarma, and Robert Beltran.


Xerox DocuShare® Background: To handle the voluminous flow of reports being generated, solutions for document management had to be developed.

• Jaws PDF Creator® to create a non-editable final version of the reports. • Acrobat Digital Signatures® on the cover of the reports • SharePoint tools utilized to create a document library • Sitrof Compliance Module for Xerox DocuShare®: auto-PDF

capabilities, signatures in the reports and advanced routing capabilities

Purpose: To provide a tool for:

• Reviewing documents within the different workgroups

• Routing for approval • Storage of documents in an

organized accessible location Direction: Transition to this system, incorporate all historical data. Drive out-of-the-box solutions to the Analytical Departments workflow:

• Use of established document naming nomenclature • Hierarchy routing • Posting of approved reports to SQL database • Association of supporting documents to the approved (e.g. manifests)

Solubility Background: Solubility is performed using the Millipore Multiscreen® Solubility Plate.

• Stated throughput for this assay is 28 compounds per week • Previous data handling: Excel Macros • Solubility Manager deployed; online curate and assay management • Solubility Test Sets are processed by the server into PDF reports.

Purpose: Solubility is deployed as a post biological screening assay.

• The assay is typically used to diagnose problem compounds • Requested for data gathering with little consideration for the results. • Needs to be positioned as a mandatory assay

Direction: To position the assay accordingly in the discovery process it must be made cost effective, high throughput and capable of delivering data that is pertinent to the projects.

• Kalypsys® has initiated technology development projects • With Solubility Manager, the individual data is drawn into information

engines (i.e. SAR table generator) • Queuing system allows for workflow management

Purity Background: Purity analysis is performed post HTS as a verification step on the screening hit prior to further assay work.

• Results are compiled into a Fractionlynx® report using the integration methods contained within Masslynx®.

• UV and ELSD traces are audited by the analyst to check the integration values.

• Current usage varies from 60 to 3000 samples analyzed per run. Purpose: As Kalypsys® has engaged itself in the application of uHTS technology, the throughput that is necessary to support the hits resulting from these screens must be optimized:

• Shorter sample cycle time • Automated data processing • Purity during library building for efficiency in the subsequent testing • Database storage; easy access and data mining capable • Internet access to plate and sample traces

Direction: Evolution in both the technology and the informatics has been identified as the keys to driving this assay forward.

• Pursue multi channel MS technology: MUX • Collaboration with Advanced Chemistry Development (ACD): server

based processing suite designed to parse and integrate the MUX data.

BioAnalytical Manager v1.0 Background: Prior to Informatics solutions:

• BioAnalytical workflow management was performed in meetings, by email and through the use of a project whiteboard.

• This process was conducive to misinformation, mishandling of study analysis and inability to track progress.

Purpose: This manager is the definitive record of Kalypsys BioAnalytical work, both internal and external.

• It is a resource for tracking analyst assignments • Monitor study progression through the various stages • Document posting for each study (sample receipt, reports, etc.) • Built-in email communication allows for updates and notifications

Direction: Design more active content:

• Passive resource that only accepts information

• Generation of files to better automate the analysis of samples

• Server based data processing tools designed to auto-generate reports

Freezer Management Background: Sample management in the freezer storage is, and will always be, a concern.

• Focus on the sample management became a priority. • Better utilize the freezer space and coordinate sample exchange

Purpose: To provide a storage management solution that is capable of tracking information pertaining to sample containers through the use of bar-coding:

• Location history • Checkout status • Responsible party • Free thaw cycles • Link to BioAnalytical Manager item • Stock solution management; notification when stocks get low.

Direction: Future development would include:

• Possibly expand the system to include all types of storage locations used for sample and stock solutions.

PPB Background: Currently in the development phase using BD’s Gentest Serum Binding Plate.

• Data handling of the development data is time intensive • Plate based analysis lends to long sample lists

Purpose: This assay is seen as a crucial analysis tool to be used prior to in vivo studies. Direction: This assay will follow the typical development cycle with validation. Integrating this assay on the MUX platform will greatly increase throughput.

• Use workflow management from Solubility Manager • Use data analysis engine from Purity toolkit • Move to full automation and investigation into High Throughput

PAMPA Background: Not deployed as a production assay; in the process of validating technology.

• Intense manual manipulation with Excel spreadsheet templates • Development was initiated when the plate was identified and

applicable informatics solutions began to emerge. Purpose: PAMPA is being designed to take place after solubility analysis. Direction: Take the assay through a similar validation and development plan used on the solubility assay.

• Use architecture from Solubility Manager • Assay will be expanded to include multiple pH and lipid configurations. • Move to full automation and investigation into high throughput

BioAnalytical Manager v2.0 Background: BioAnalytical Manager v1.0 revolutionized the workflow for the department. Rate limiting steps for BioAnalytical work were identified:

• Human sample preparation

• Report authoring • Result table generation • Freezer sample


Purpose: This version will work to provide files necessary to prepare and analyze samples using the technology currently present in the department:

• LiHA worklists and LC/MS sample lists • Utilize the log files

g e n e r a t e d f r o m equipment; processing and analysis errors are accurately captured in the report.

• Compound requesting • Freezer management integration • Platemap tools and result table generation to assist analyst • WinNonLin® compatibility will allow for easier regression work

Direction: The implementation of the solutions contained in this release will greatly impact the capacity of work that an analyst will be able to perform.

• The introduction of data into the system through this version provides for a wealth of information to be made available.

• Implementation of this data into SAR table generation Open Access Webpage

Background: Utilizing the SharePoint® internet tools provided on the Kalypsys® intranet, a system management webpage was created to track and publish system events. The page evolved to include:

Purpose: The page is open to all users, serving as a public forum for communication.

• Helps to reduce the number of hallway conversations and mass emails • Serves as the official downtime record and repair log for the system • Easy access is invaluable during repair troubleshooting • Backpressure monitoring allows for quick assessment of system • Marketed as a primary information tool for allowing synthetic chemists

to troubleshoot some of the minor problems, or provide more detailed troubleshooting tickets.

Direction: Training for the system via the webpage is being planned.

• Method information • Column information • Easy chromatography solutions

Figure 10: Spec UI Sample Check-in page Figure 11: Spec UI Inventory Management page; used for auditing Figure 2: Studies arranged in tabs by stage

Figure 8: User curate ability in Solubility Manager

Figure 9: Incoming sample queue.

Figure 3: Details page for a study

Figure 12: BD PPB Plate Figure 13: Millipore PAMPA Plate

Figure 6: Illustration of BioAnalytical Manager v2.0 functions.

Figure 14: Example PDF Report

Figure 15: DocuShare Screenshot

Figure 4: Waters LCT Premier® MUX Mass Spectrometer

Figure 5: Instrument trace above, with ACD using CODA algorithm below.

Time1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 9.00 10.00 11.00



052306_uSomes_None_06 1: TOF MS ES+ TIC







5.723.83 4.78

4.64 4.95



7.63 8.419.28 10.819.71 10.24 11.24

Figure 7: Sample results page (from left to right); pass/fail indicator, tabulated results, triplicate spectra, calibration spectra, calibration curve, structure, compound ID, plate

barcode, and well location.

Analytical Support Group Point Person

Automatically posted Standard

Daily Backpressure Log

Important Documents

Troubleshooting Log

System Component Information


Feedback (Complaint) Section

Service Contact Information

The ability for Analytical Chemists to impact the drug discovery process will be dictated by their applied informatics tools; which will provide efficiency to their workflow and effectiveness in their data communication. Focused Analytical Informatics solutions have been developed by Kalypsys for varying responsibilities.

Open Access Support Intranet information solution was constructed to act as a repository for all information concerning each system:

• system status • troubleshooting log • standard LC/MS traces which are automatically posted daily • backpressure log • contact information for all applicable vendors

BioAnalytical Workflow Management

• BioAnalytical Analysis, a server-based experiment tracking system, was developed to assist communication between the analysts and clients.

• Mandatory inclusion of demographics and data files has produced a system where workload can be anticipated, and forensic tasks simplified.

Assay Data Handling.

• Utilized server based technology to construct powerful assay managers.

Document Management • The homogenizing solution for the data handling has been the emergence

of auto-generating PDF reports. • Created by server applications that can be e-signed before distribution. • Power of producing historical reports with pertinent experimental sections,




Figure 1: Open Access LC/MS Intranet Page

Document Reference Product Reference

AC-MethDev-2006-005v1 Solubility SharePoint® Microsoft

AC-MethDev-2006-012v1 HT Solubility SpecManager Suite ACD

AC-MethDev-2006-014v1 BioA Mgr v2.0 Automation Server ACD

AC-MethDev-2006-015v2 Freezer Multiscreen Solubility (MSSLBPC50) Millipore

AC-MethDev-2006-018v2 DocuShare® PPB Plate (P/N 453700) BD Gentest

PAMPA (P/N MAIPN4510) Millipore

Poster Contact DocuShare® Xerox®

Charles Taylor [email protected] Sitrof Compliance Module Sitrof Technologies
















