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EXHIBIT G Case 2:05-cv-01217-JS-MLO Document 84-15 Filed 10/11/2006 Page 1 of 28 S & L Vitamins, Inc. v. Australian Gold, Inc. Doc. 84 Att. 14 Dockets.Justia.com


Case 2:05-cv-01217-JS-MLO Document 84-15 Filed 10/11/2006 Page 1 of 28S & L Vitamins, Inc. v. Australian Gold, Inc. Doc. 84 Att. 14


Case 2:05-cv-01217-JS-MLO Document 84-15 Filed 10/11/2006 Page 2 of 28

CONFIDENTIAL Michael Nierman 03/28/06









6 Plaintiff/CounterclaimDefendant,

7- against -



10De fendan t / Coun terclaim



12Third-Party Plaintiff,

13- against -


15Third-Party Defendants.




19New York, New York

20Tuesday, March 28, 2006



23Reported by:




One Penn Plaza, NYC

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CONFIDENTIAL Michael Nierman




2 1234March 28, 2006 51:20 p.m. 6789

DEPOSmON of MICHAEL NIERMAN, held 10at the offces of MINTZ LEVIN COHN FERRIS 11GLOVSKY AND POPEO, P.c., 666 Third Avenue, 12

New York, New York 10017 before 13Michele Rossi, a Registered Professional 14Reporter and Notary Public within and for the 15State of New York. 16






Attorneys for Plaintiff1350 Broadway, Suite 1212New York, New York 10018



Attorneys for Defendant,Australian Gold, Inc.

One American Square, Suite 3100Indianapolis, Indiana 46282-0200




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and among counsel for the respective partieshereto that the sealing and certifiætion ofthe within deposition shall be and the sameare hereby waived;


all objections, except to the form of thequestion, shall be reserved to the time of ..



the within deposition may be signed beforeany Notary Public with the same force andeffect as if signed and sworn to before theCourt.

1 Nierman 52 MICHAEL NIERMAN3 stating his residence as 71 Maple Road,

4 Kings Park, New York 10754, having been5 duly sworn by the Notary Public6 (Michele Rossi, RPR), was examined and7 testified as follows:8 EXAMINATION BY MR. MATTHEWS:9 Q My name is Scott Matthews. We met off10 the record. Have you ever been deposed before?

11 A No.12 Q Have you ever given a deposition?13 A No.14 Q This is what we æll a deposition. And15 let me explain to you what wil happen, so you16 can at least understand the framework in which17 we're operating today.18 I'm an attorney for Australian Gold,19 Inc. Australian Gold, Inc. is a defendant, a

20 third-part plaintiff in a lawsuit filed by your21 employer, S&L Vitamins, Inc. You've been

22 identified as an employee of S&L Vitamins.23 And my purpose today is to ask you24 questions about fact that you may know related25 to the issues in the lawsuit. So I'm going to be


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1 Nierman 62 asking you a series of questions, and you need to

3 give me truthful answers. Okay?

4 A Sure.5 Q Just as a ground rule, when you respond6 to my question, either yes, no or provide an

7 answer out loud. Shakes of the head or nods or8 slugs of the shoulders are hard to transcribe, so

9 if you answer audibly, it makes for a better

10 record beæuse she's taking down every word that11 we say. Fair enough?

12 A Yes.13 Q Are you under any mediætion today that14 would prevent you today from testifying15 truthfully?16 A No.17 Q If there's any question that I ask you18 that you don't understand, please let me know,19 okay?20 A Yes.21 Q And I wil be happy to rephrase it.22 Otherwise, I'll just assume that you understood23 my question. Fair enough?24 A Yes.25 Q Would you state your home address,

1 Nierman 72 please?

3 A 71 Maple Road, Kings Park, New York4 10754.5 Q How old are you?6 A I am 26 years old.7 Q Are did you go to high school?8 A Northport High School.9 Q Is that located in Long Island?

10 A Yes, Northport, Long Island.11 Q What year did you graduate?12 A 1998.13 Q Did you take any classes after high14 school?

15 A I went to college.16 Q Where did you go to college?17 A C.W. Post.18 Q Where is C.W. Post loæted?19 A Brookvile, New York.20 Q Did you graduate from C. W. Post?21 A Yes.22 Q What year did you graduate?23 A January 2004.24 Q What is your degree in?25 A Criminal justice.

Michael Nierman 03/28/06

1 Nierman 82 Q That's a 4-year degree?3 A Yes.4 Q Did you have a minor?5 A No.6 Q Are you currently enrolled in school?7 A No.8 Q Do you have any plans to attend any9 graduate school in the future?10 A No.11 Q Are you married?12 A No.13 Q Do you have any children?14 A No.15 Q Where are you currently employed?16 A S&L Vitamins.17 Q Many how hours a week do you work at S&L

18 Vitamins?

19 A About 32.20 Q How many days a week do you work there?21 A Five.22 Q What days are those?23 A Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday,24 Saturday.

25 Q What are your shift on each day? How

1 Nierman 92 long are you there at the store?

3 A I work 11 until about 6.4 Q Is that a set schedule or does that5 vary?6 A It varies.7 Q Does it vary just beæuse of the need of8 the owners or what?

9 A Some days I switch my off day.10 Q What about your hours, is it typically11 11 to 6 even if you switch your off day?12 A Yes. And sometimes I stay until seven.13 Q Why would you switch your off day, is14 there any particular reason?15 A Doctor's appointments.16 Q Do you have any other employment besides17 S&L Vitamins, Inc.?18 A No.19 Q What is your job title at S&L Vitamins,20 Inc.?21 A Store manager.22 Q What is the loætion of the store that23 you manage?24 A Body Source, 308 East Montauk Highway,25 Lindenhurst, 11757.


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CONFIDENTIAL Michael Nierman 03/28/06

1 Nierman 10 1 Nierman 122 Q How long have you been the store 2 closed.3 manager? 3 Q Where is Mr. Sagarin, you said he's not4 A 3 years. 4 there all the time between 11 and 6, where does5 Q Do you have any employees that report to 5 he go, do you know?6 you? 6 A I don't know.7 A No. 7 Q Is he at his other store?8 Q Who do you report to? 8 A I don't know.9 A Steve Merædante. 9 Q So if I walked into the Body Source

10 Q Who is Steven Merædante? 10 store on Montauk Highway on a typical Monday .;..

11 A An owner of Body Source. 11 afternoon, I would find you, Mr. Sagarin,;:-

12 Q Do you report to anyone else? 12 perhaps, and Mr. Mercadante present?..

13 A Larry Sagarin. , 13 A Yes.14 Q Who is Larry Sagarin? 14 Q Are you paid a salary? ..

15 A Steven Merædante's partner. 15 A Yes.16 Q Does your shift at Body Source overlap 16 Q Is that a set amount each week?17 with the hours that Steve Mercadante or Larry 17 A Yes.18 Sagarin are present? 18 Q Do you receive any commission for sales?19 A Rephrase that, please. 19 A No.20 Q Sure. The time that you're at the Body 20 Q Do you receive any income from any21 Source store, is either Steven Merædante or 21 revenues generated from the website?

22 Larry Sagarin there? 22 A No.23 A Yes. 23 Q What is your salary?


24 Q Can you give me an idea of their 24 MR. STEIN: Objection. You can answer. ~-7.'

25 schedules, how frequently -- let's start with 25 I object. ~:

1 Nierman 11 1 Nierman 132 Mr. Merædante first. What dates he's usually 2 A I take home $350 a week.


i :::

3 present at Body Source? 3 Q i believe you said you've been there4 A Steven is usually there from about 10 4 about 3 years at Body Source on Montauk Highway;5 a.m. until 7 p.m., Monday through Friday. 5 is that correct?6 Q And on the weekends? 6 A No. You asked me how long I was the7 A No. .7 manager.8 Q What about Mr. Sagarin, what are his 8 Q I'm sorry. How long have you been at9 hours? 9 Body Source on East Montauk Highway?

10 A Mr. Sagarin is there from about 11 a.m. 10 A 5 years.11 until 6 p.m. and his hours change frequently. 11 Q What did you do for the first 2 years of12 Q You mean, 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. varies from 12 your employment at Body Source?

13 day-to-day? 13 A Stock shelves, ring up customers.14 A He does not stay with us the whole time. 14 Q Did do you anything else those first 215 Q What days is he there at Body Source? 15 years?16 A Monday through Friday. 16 A Clean the store.17 Q What about the weekends? 17 Q Anything else?18 A No. 18 A No.19 Q Is the store closed on Saturday, Body 19 Q Was there a store manager at that time,20 Source? 20 those first 2 years of your employment?21 A No. 21 A I guess you consider Steven Mercadante,22 Q What are the hours of operation of Body 22 the store manager.23 Source? 23 Q How long has the Body Source store on24 A Monday through Friday, 10:30 a.m. to 7 24 East Montauk been open?25 p.m. Saturday, 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday, 25 A I don't know.

......................... ..................................::::..::::::::::;:;:::::::~~:::::::::;w;;::.;~. :-:;:::::::::::::::::':':':':':':':':':':'Z'Z;:':':;:~::;:, . .:;:::::::::;::::::::::~~;~::::::::::::::~~::.::'':~~:~:::::::::::::~:~~:::::::::::::: : '.' . . . . . .


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CONFIDENTIAL Michael Nierman 03/28/06

1 Nierman 142 Q Was it open when you arrived there 53 years ago?

4 A Yes.5 Q How have your duties changed, if at all,6 since you became the store manager?

7 A I'm busier.8 Q Well, the specific duties that you've9 listed, have they increased?

10 A Yes.11 Q How so?12 A I answer phones. I do a lot of customer13 service.14 Q Anything else?15 A Sometimes if it's busy, I help pack16 orders in the back room.17 Q Do you have any responsibility for18 ordering product?19 A No.20 Q Do you have any interaction with any21 vendors or suppliers of Body Source?22 A No.23 Q You said you do customer service. What24 does that mean?

25 A Someone wil æll up, ask about a

1 Nierman 152 product. I explain the product to them. That's

3 about it.4 Q Have you ever given a customer a refund5 for a product?

6 A No.7 Q Are you responsible for handling8 customer complaints?

9 A I answer e-mails.10 Q Does that mean e-mails regarding11 customer complaints?

12 A Sometimes a customer might complain.13 Q So that's a yes to my question?14 A Yes.15 MR. STEIN: Well, do you know what his16 question was?17 MR. MATTHEWS: We æn read it back.18 (The requested portion was read back.)19 A E-mails can mean a lot of things.20 Q Do you respond to e-mails involving21 customers who are complaining to the Body Source?22 A A few times we had complaints on certain23 protein powders and I took care of that.24 Q How did you handle those complaints?25 A I refunded them their money.

1 Nierman 162 Q Did they return the product to you?3 A Yes.4 Q What was the nature of their complaint?5 A The powder did not mix well.6 Q So in your employment at Body Source,

7 your testimony is that it's been a few ocæsions

8 on which customers have complained bye-mail

9 about a protein product that the Body Source

10 sold?

11 A Yes, very few.12 Q Have there been any other complaints13 that you've addressed while at Body Source?

14 A No.15 Q Are you aware of any complaints about16 tanning loætions lodged by a customer at Body

17 Source?18 A No.19 Q To your knowledge, has any customer of20 Body Source ever asked for a refund for tanning21 lotions that they purchased from Body Source?22 A I don't know.23 Q Who is primarily responsible for24 addressing customer refunds at Body Source?

25 A Refunds regarding what?

1 Nierman 172 Q A refund for any reason.3 A I don't know.4 Q Well, you're the store manager, who5 would know?6 A I could take a guess.7 Q Is there a reason you don't know?8 A I usually do not handle returns. I9 usually do sales up front, you know, manage the

10 store, make sure it's clean. I don't really11 handle problems.

12 Q So if I come into your store and say, I13 want to see the store manager, I have a product14 that I want to return, I want a refund, and15 you're at the counter, then do you pass it off to16 a particular person?17 A If I did not know what to do with it, I18 would.

19 Q And who would you give that to?20 A Steven.21 Q What about Mr. Sagarin, would he also be22 someone who would handle customer complaints, or23 no?24 A I don't know.25 Q Does Body Source have a policy with


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CONFIDENTIAL Michael Nierman 03/28/06

1 Nierman 182 respect to returns?

3 A I don't know.4 Q Who would know?5 A Not me.6 Q Does Body Source keep track of the7 amount of returns it receives in a year?8 A I don't know.9 Q Does Body Source keep track of customer

10 complaints that it receives?11 A I don't know.12 Q Who would know?13 A Possibly Steven.14 Q Does the Body Source have a protocol for15 handling Internet returns?16 MR. STEIN: I want to lodge an objection17 insofar as questions concerning Body Source

18 because the nature of my objection is as to19 relevance simply because Body Source is not a

20 defendant in this action.21 I've given a lot of latitude in asking22 questions about Body Source, but the23 objection stil stands as to relevance24 because I don't know that the questions25 pertain to the lawsuit involving S&L

1 Nierman 192 Vitamins.3 Notwithstanding that, I'll allow him to4 answer the question. I'm not instructing him

5 not to answer.6 MR. MATTHEWS: We'll hold that question7 for a minute. Let's clear something up.

8 Q Your employer is S&L Vitamins?9 A Correct, yes.

10 Q S&L Vitamins does business as Body11 Source; is that true?12 MR. STEIN: If you know.13 A I don't know.14 Q Well, you testified earlier in your15 deposition, I said, where do you work? And you16 said, Body Source, 308 --17 A That's the name on the sign in front of18 the store. I'm not too familar with what19 happens, you know, with corporations and

20 business.21 Q But if I enter S&L Vitamins's place of22 business, I first have to drive to 308 East23 Montauk Highway, correct? If I wanted to go to24 S&L Vitamins's place of business, I'd first go to25 308 East Montauk, correct?


1 Nierman 202 A Yes.3 Q When I arrived at 308 East Montauk, I4 would see a sign above the entrance to S&L

5 Vitamins' place of business that said, Body

6 Source, correct?

7 A Yes.8 Q With that-- and how do you answer the9 phone as a store manager of this retail10 establishment?

11 A I answer the phone, Body Source.12 Q I don't think there's any confusion.13 I'm going to use them both.14 And all the questions I asked you about15 refunds and returns, do any of your answers16 change now that we've kind of clarified this Body17 Source versus S&L Vitamins distinction, if there18 is one?19 A No. My role in more complex part of20 the business doesn't exist.21 Q Do you know the name of the website on22 which S&L Vitamins does business?

23 A Yes.24 Q What is the name of the website or25 websites?

1 Nierman 212 A BODYSOURCEONUNE.COM.3 Q Is there another one?4 A Not that I know of.5 Q Are you familiar with THESUPPLENET.COM

6 website?

7 A Yes.8 Q What is the THESUPPLENET.COM?9 A I think that's the name before it10 switched over to BODYSOURCEONUNE.COM, and that's

11 BODYSOURCEONUNE.COM. But I did not do anything12 with the other site.13 Q Is the BODYSOURCEONUNE.COM website part14 of S&L Vitamins's business, if you know?

15 A I don't know.16 Q Does S&L Vitamins have a protocol for17 handling returns for sales made on the Internet?18 A I don't know.19 Q Do you know if there are, in fact, any20 returns from products on the Internet?21 A No.22 Q How are the products sold over the23 Internet by S&L Vitamins shipped to the

24 consumers?

25 A UPS.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.::::::::~:::::::::::::::::~:::::::::::::::::::::::~;::::r-~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::


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CONFIDENTIAL Michael Nierman 03/28/06

1 Nierman 222 Q Does UPS come to the store and pick the3 product up?4 A Every night.5 Q Does UPS come more than once a day?6 A If they have a delivery.7 Q What types of product are delivered to8 S&L Vitamins by UPS?

9 A Sport and nutrition.10 Q So product ordered from your suppliers?11 A Sure.12 Q Who is responsible for checking in the13 orders from UPS?

14 A For sports nutrition, myself and Steven.15 Q How do you know that an order for sport16 and nutrition versus maybe another type of17 package, such as another product or customer18 return or anything of that nature, how do you19 know what --

20 A You look at the label and it tells you21 who it's from.22 Q So what process do you go through? You23 look and see if the label is from a name that you24 recognized as a sport and nutrition supplier and25 then if it is, you check it in?

1 Nierman 232 A Sure.3 Q What if the package that you receive is4 from a name that is unfamiliar to you, who5 handles that package?

6 A Steven.7 Q Let me just clarify something here. You8 talked about one of your roles that expanded when

9 you became store manager was customer service10 issues. I just want to make sure I understand11 what that does and does not entaiL.12 And I believe you said, customer refunds13 are generally not done by you. Is that a true14 statement?

15 A Yes. I generally do not handle any16 returns.17 Q Have you ever handled a return for any18 tanning lotion product?19 A No, sir.20 Q And customer complaint, you handle on21 ocæsion, but not regularly; did I understand22 that right or am I getting that wrong?23 A It depends, honestly, who picks up the24 phone. Usually, I am up front handling the25 store.

1 Nierman 242 Q Are most of your complaints over the3 phone?4 A Yes.5 Q Are they from customers who purchased6 something in your retail store or are the7 telephone complaints mostly from customers who

8 purchased something on the Internet?

9 A I would think mostly, the store.10 Q Do you have an idea of the gross sales11 for S&L Vitamins for last year?12 A No.13 Q Do you have any responsibility with14 respect to the financial records of S&L Vitamins?15 A None.16 Q Do you do anything else with respect to17 customer service issues that you have not already18 explained to me in this deposition?19 A Yes.20 Q What are those things that involve21 customer service issues that you have not already22 explained to me?

23 A I track packages.24 Q Anything else?25 A No.

1 Nierman 252 Q When you say track packages, what do you3 mean?4 A I use the UPS system to tell the5 customer when their order that was shipped by us6 wil arrive.7 Q Do you do that with respect to every8 order that is placed?

9 A No.10 Q So this is something that you do if a11 customer calls and e-mails and asks about a12 status of their order?13 A Correct.14 Q Does S&L Vitamins have a special15 softare program provided by UPS that it uses to16 track orders?17 A UPS World Ship.18 Q Is that a program that's downloaded on19 S&L Vitamins's computer or is that like an20 Internet placed program that you go to the21 Internet and track packages, if you know?22 A I don't know.23 Q And that's fair. If you don't know the24 answer to a question, it's perfectly fine just to25 tell me you don't know. I'm not here to test


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CONFIDENTIAL Michael Nierman 03/28/06

1 Nierman 26 1 Nierman 28

2 your knowledge, just to see what you know. 2 Vitamins, where were you employed?

3 Do you know if S&L Vitamins has any 3 A Elco Lock and Door.

4 softare management tools that, for example, æn 4 Q What were your dates of employment

5 track the amount of shipments that are sent to 5 there?6 and from or through UPS, things of that nature. 6 A 1997 on and off until 1999.

7 A I'm not too sure on the full æpacity of 7 Q i believe you said you've been the store8 that program. 8 manager at S&L Vitamins for the last 3 years, and

9 Q Who is responsible at S&L Vitamins for 9 overall you've been employed at S&L Vitamins 510 monitoring e-mails received from customers 10 years, correct?

11 through the Internet? 11 A Correct.12 A Steven. 12 Q That takes us back to 2001, when you

13 Q Is there a specific e-mail that a 13 started employment at S&L Vitamins?14 customer, an e-mail address that a customer uses 14 A Okay.

15 if it wants to contact S&L Vitamins about a 15 Q Is that right?

16 purchase it made over the Internet? 16 A 2001 at Lindenhurst, New York.

17 A I believe we have one e-maiL. 17 Q Were you unemployed from 1999 through18 Q What is that address? 18 2001?19 A INFO(QBODYSOURCEONUNE.COM. 19 A No.

20 Q Do you have a password to access that 20 Q Where did you work for those years?21 e-mail account? 21 A Body Source.

22 A It's saved. 22 Q Is that a different Body Source than the23 Q A better question, I guess, would be, do 23 Body Source --

24 you access that e-mail account to look at 24 A Yes, sir.

25 e-mails? 25 MR. STEIN: Let him just finish the

1 Nierman 27 1 Nierman 29

2 A I access that if I have to process an 2 question before you answer, just so the court:::

3 order. 3 reporter æn take can take it all down. "

4 Q Do you access the e-mail account to read 4 Q Is that Body Source, Inc. or is that5 e-mails that S&L Vitamins has received from its 5 just Body Source? What's the --6 customers? 6 A I don't know.


7 A Rephrase that. 7 Q Where is the address of that business? ..

8 Q Sure. Do you get on that e-mail account 8 A It was in East Northport. I don't know

9 to look at e-mails that S&L Vitamins has received 9 the address.

10 from its customers? 10 Q What were your dates of employment at11 A Only if a have to process an order. 11 Body Source in Northport?

12 Q When you say process an order, what do 12 MR. STEIN: Approximately.

13 you mean by that? 13 A Approximately November 1999 until 200114 A I make the shipping label for the order. 14 when the Lindenhurst store opened.15 That's not my job, but if someone is not able to 15 Q What did you do for Elco Lock and Door?16 do it at the time, I do it. 16 A Install locks.

17 Q What else is involved in processing an 17 Q Was that a full-time job?18 order? 18 A No.

19 A You just pack it up and send it out. 19 Q Was that a part-time position while you20 Q Do you own any businesses? 20 were in school?21 A No. 21 A It's my father's company.


22 Q Do you have any promise of ownership in 22 Q Where is that loæted?il

23 S&L Vitamins? 23 A 20 Elm Drive, East Northport, 11731.24 A No. 24 Q What was your job title at Body Source ..

25 Q Prior to your employment with S&L 25 in Northport?


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CONFIDENTIAL Michael Nierman 03/28/06

1 Nierman 30 1 Nierman 322 A Just a regular employee. 2 A No.

3 Q What kind of business is the Body Source 3 Q Who offered you a job at the Montauk4 in -- I'm going to try to be clear because I may 4 Highway store?5 use Body Source on Montauk, so I'm going to try 5 A Steven Merædante.6 to say, Northport. 6 Q Did you work with Steven Merædante at7 So if you're confused, David, or 7 Northport?8 Mr. Nierman, let me know, so we have a clear 8 A I believe he left to open Lindenhurst9 record on that. 9 and he trained me there, but I don't think that's

10 Generally, what is the business of the 10 working with him.11 Body Source store in Northport? 11 Q Did Larry Sagarin ask you to move from12 A It was a sport nutrition store. 12 the Northport store to the Montauk store?13 Q Is it stil in business? 13 A I asked him.14 A No. 14 MR. STEIN: In addition to the Steve15 Q Who owned that store? 15 Merædante answer that he gave?16 A I don't know. 16 MR. MATTHEWS: Yes.17 Q Who did you work for? Let me ask a 17 Q You could answer.18 better question, who did you report to? 18 A I asked for a job.19 A Larry Sagarin. 19 Q Did you have discussions with Larry20 Q Did Larry Sagarin work at the Body 20 Sagarin about moving from Northport to Montauk?21 Source Northport store? 21 A I asked him to ask Steven if it was22 A Before I started working there, yes. 22 okay.23 Q In November of 1999 through 2001, did 23 Q Why did you ask Mr. Merædante if it was24 Larry Sagarin also work at that store? 24 okay?25 A Yes. 25 A I thought it was his store.

1 Nierman 31 1 Nierman 332 Q Who else worked at that store during the 2 Q Did you ever work at the Body Source3 time in which you were an employee? 3 store in Miler Place?4 A I believe just me. 4 A I filled in for Helen Sagarin on three5 Q What types of product did Body Source 5 ocæsions.6 Northport sell? 6 Q And Helen Sagarin is Larry's mother?7 A Protein powders, fat burners, muscle 7 A Yes.8 builders. 8 Q Do you know who owned the Body Source9 Q Did it sell tanning lotions? 9 store in Miler Place?

10 A No. 10 A No.

11 Q What were your responsibilties at that 11 Q Do you have an understanding it was12 store? 12 Larry Sagarin?13 A Cashier. 13 A No. I believe it was Helen.14 Q Did you have any other responsibilties? 14 Q With respect to the Northport store, did15 A Keep the store clean. 15 you have an understanding that Larry Sagarin was16 Q Anything else? 16 the owner of that store?17 A No. 17 A It depends on what owner means.18 Q You say at some point in time in 2001, 18 Q Well, what does it mean to you?19 the Body Source store in Northport closed? 19 A Someone who pays the bils and collect20 A Yes. 20 money.21 Q Did you go directly from that store to 21 Q Well, did Larry Sagarin pay the bils22 the store on Montauk Highway? 22 and collect money at Northport?23 A Yes. 23 A I don't know.24 Q Do you know why the store in Northport 24 Q Do you know why the Lindenhurst store25 closed? 25 was opened?


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CONFIDENTIAL Michael Nierman 03/28/06

1 Nierman 342 A I don't know.3 Q Did the Body Source store at Miler4 Place sell tanning lotions, to your knowledge?

5 A No.6 Q Did the Body Source store at Northport7 have a website?

8 A No.9 Q Do you know if the Body Source store at

10 Miler Place has a website?11 A I don't know.12 Q When is the last time you worked at the13 Body Source store in Miler Place?14 A 2002.15 Q Was that one of the dates in which you16 filled in for Helen Sagarin?17 A Yes. I think it was around December or18 January, there was snow on the ground.19 Q Do you know who Laura Fanning is?20 A Yes.21 Q How do you know Laura Fanning?22 A I know that she is Larry Sagarin's wife.23 Q Have you met her before?24 A Yes.25 Q How many occasions?

Nierman 351

234567 Q8 work?9 A I used to be a customer of Body Source,

10 Northport.11 Q Was that how you were first introduced12 to Larry Sagarin?

13 A Yes.14 Q i take it, you were a good customer?15 A Yes.16 Q Are you a body builder?17 A At one point, I was.18 Q Did you ever enter any competitions or19 was it just a hobby or --20 A I was training for a competition and I21 fell il.22 Q When did you first meet Larry Sagarin,23 do you remember what year, approximately?24 A 1997.25 Q That was at the Northport store where

A Once.Q When was that?A Steven Merædante's wedding.

MR. MATTHEWS: Let's take a break.(A recess was taken.)How do you know Larry Sagarin outside of

1 Nierman 362 you met him?

3 A Yes.4 Q i don't know the geography around here,5 but I take it that's where you grew up, where you

6 went to high school, so the Body Source Northport

7 store would be your local supplement store; is

8 that right?9 A Yes, correct.

10 Q How did that lead to a job opportunity?11 A I asked if he was hiring.12 Q And his response?13 A If you don't already know, yes.14 Q Are you friends with Larry Sagarin15 outside of work?16 A I don't see him outside of work, but I17 would æll him my friend.

18 Q Did you know Steve Merædante before19 your employment with Body Source?

20 A No.21 Q Have you ever been involved in any other22 lawsuits?23 A No.24 Q Who at S&L Vitamins is primarily25 responsible for fillng customer orders over the

Nierman 371

2 Internet?

3 A Steven.4 Q Do you assist Mr. Merædante in fillng5 customer orders?

6 A If we're busy, I help pack the orders.7 Q Does anyone else help Mr. Mercadante in8 fillng customer orders?

9 A Not while I'm there.10 Q I kind of gather from your testimony11 that your primary responsibilty is out in the12 retail space of the store; is that right?13 A Yes.14 Q Describe for me the layout of the Body15 Source store in Lindenhurst.16 A When you first walk in, there is a17 freezer on the right-hand side and then many18 shelves and wall units filled with with sport19 supplements.

20 Q Is there a sales counter as well?21 A Yes. On the left-hand side, the22 computer, which is the æsh register.23 Q i take it that's probably where you24 spend most of your time, behind that computer and "'25 cash register, as well as just in the retail


10 (Pages 34 to 37)

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1 Nierman 382 store?

3 A I spend 95 percent of my time there.4 Q At the æsh register?5 A Yes.6 Q Are you one that's primarily responsible7 for stocking the shelves in the retail store?

8 A Yes.9 Q Where is the product that you stock the

10 shelves with kept?11 A The back room.12 Q How big is the back room?13 A About the side of this room.14 Q Can you estimate --15 A No.16 Q -- in feet?17 A Do I have to?18 Q Well, if you can.19 A I æn't.20 Q i mean, I don't know what this room is,21 maybe 15 feet wide by about maybe 25,30 feet22 long. I don't know.23 A Then that sounds about right.24 MR. MATTHEWS: We could get out a tape25 measure, David, you stand on one end, I'll

1 Nierman 392 stand on the other and we'll figure it out.3 Q What's in the back room?4 A Sport supplements and tanning lotion.5 Q Are they kept on shelves?6 A Yes.7 Q Are the shelves lined up against the8 wall, are they just every which way?

9 A On the walL.10 Q How many shelves are in the back room?11 A About seven.12 Q How many shelves contain tanning13 lotions?14 A Seven.15 Q Is there any shelves that contain16 nutritional supplements?17 A No. That's a certin corner of the back1819202122232425

room.Q How are they kept? Are they kept on the

shelf, on a pallet or what? The nutritionalsupplements, I'm talking about.

A It's like a stand.Q The seven shelves where the tanning

lotions are kept, are those shelves floor toceilng?

1 Nierman 402 A No.3 Q How high are the shelves?4 A 6- 1/2, 7 feet.5 Q Are the shelves full with tanning lotion6 or are they empty?

7 A It depends on the time of year.8 Q Well, generally now, in March -- what9 did the shelves look like yesterday?

10 A There was a decent amount of tanning11 lotion.12 Q Can you estimate how much is on the13 shelves?

14 A I don't know. I just went to the15 bathroom and passed them.

16 Q What else besides shelves of tanning17 lotions and then the corner with the nutrition18 supplements is in the back room of S&L Vitamins?19 A Two computers loæted on a long desk.20 Q Anything else?21 A A ælendar.22 Q Who uses the computers in the back room?23 A Larry Sagarin, Steven Mercadante and24 myself.25 Q What are the computers used for?

1 Nierman 412 A Processing orders and checking e-mail,3 personal e-maiL.

4 Q For business purposes of S&L Vitamins,5 are the two computers primarily used then for

6 processing Internet orders?

7 A Yes.8 Q Do you know why there are two computers9 versus only one?

10 A I don't know.11 Q Is one dediæted to a certain function12 and another computer dedicated to another13 function?14 A No.15 Q And your use of the computers in the16 back room would be to process orders?17 A Only if I have to, otherwise I use them18 for personal use.19 Q How do the tanning lotions arrive at the20 Body Source store in Lindenhurst?21 A I don't know.22 Q Have you ever received an order for23 tanning lotions?24 A Personally?25 Q No, not like your place, but have helped


11 (Pages 38 to 41)

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CONFIDENTIAL Michael Nierman 03/28/06

1 Nierman 422 Larry Sagarin or Steven Mercadante --

3 A Yes.4 Q -- unload an order or receive an order5 from a supplier?

6 A I've helped carry boxes containing7 tanning lotions into the store.8 Q Tell me about that.9 A Larry opened the trunk of his ær, which

10 is in the back, and I took a box that was brown11 and I brought it inside.12 Q How many boxes did Larry have in his13 ær?14 A Three.15 Q On how many occasions have you helped16 Mr. Sagarin unload tanning lotions?17 A Three times.18 Q Have you ever received an order of19 tanning lotions in another manner other than from20 the trunk of Mr. Sagarin's car?21 A No.22 Q Have you ever gone with Mr. Sagarin or23 Mr. Merædante or by yourself to another loætion24 to pick up tanning lotions for S&L Vitamins?

25 A No.

1 Nierman 442 Q What is that?3 A Something in criminal justice, possibly4 a police offcer, maybe a probation offcer.

5 Q So something in your field of study is6 your ultimate æreer objective?

7 A Yes.8 Q Did they explain to you why they were in9 litigation or in a lawsuit with tanning lotion10 companies?11 A I think they said they don't like it12 being sold online.13 Q Did they say anything else that you14 recall?15 A No.16 Q Are you aware of a manufacturer of17 tanning lotions called California Tan?18 A Sure.19 Q Are you aware of a lawsuit between S&L20 Vitamins and California Tan; if you know?21 A Can I say a little bit?22 Q Sure.23 MR. STEIN: Whatever the truth is,24 that's what you æn say.25 A A little bit.

1 Nierman 432 Q Have you had any discussions with3 Mr. Sagarin or Mr. Mercadante about where they

4 obtain the tanning lotions?

5 A No. I don't ære.6 Q Why don't you ære?7 A Beæuse it's not my job to care.8 Q What discussions have you had with9 Mr. Sagarin or Mr. Mercadante about this lawsuit?

10 A None.11 Q They told you there is a lawsuit12 involving their company and Australian Gold?13 A They mentioned it briefly.14 Q When did they mention it to you?15 A Around September of 'OS.16 Q What did they say to you?17 A We are getting sued.18 Q What did you say in response to that?19 A I'm sorry.20 Q Did you ask them if that affected21 whether or not you had a job?22 A No. What I do is temporary.23 Q What do you mean by that?24 A It means that I wil work there until I25 get into the career of choice.

1 Nierman 452 Q Did you give any testimony in that case?3 A No.4 Q Did you have any discussions with5 Mr. Sagarin or Mr. Mercadante about California

6 Tan and S&L Vitamins reaching a resolution on the7 issues of that æse?

8 MR. STEIN: I'm going to object again9 just as to relevance. He æn answer the

10 question, but I don't know that it's11 reasonably ælculated to lead to the12 discovery of admissible evidence.13 I'm sorry for interrupting your train of14 thought. Would you mind reading the question

15 back?16 A Can you repeat it.17 Q Let me just rephrase it. Do you have18 any understanding of how the California Tan19 lawsuit was resolved with S&L Vitamins?20 A Yes.21 Q What's your understanding of that?22 A I believe they had to pay a certain sum23 of money.

24 Q Anything else?25 A No, not that I know of.

.::.:::: :.:::::::::::::::::::::;:::::~::::::z::::::::::::::::::,:~::~~: . ........; :.:., :.:':...:.:':.:.:.:.:.:.:.:::.'.:X~~-:;:;::::~~:::::::::.:.: :.: . "," '," ...........................:.....;,.............:::::::::~:~~;:~:::~~; ::::::.:.:.:.:...............................:-"z:.~;.:;:.:;:,:; ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~::::~~~:~:~:.:.:.;.;.:...' . ...


12 (Pages 42 to 45)

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CONFIDENTIAL Michael Nierman 03/28/06

1 Nierman 462 Q Did you play any role in deciding how to3 resolve that lawsuit?

4 A No.5 Q In this lawsuit, do you have any role6 with respect to how this æse moves forward?

7 A No.8 Q Back to the questions I was asking you9 about receiving the orders. You testified you

10 carried boxes in the car. Then what's done with11 the product once the boxes are inside S&L

12 Vitamins's place of business?13 A You check to make sure the correct14 amount of product is there. And that's all I15 have done.

16 Q How do you check to see if the correct17 amount of product is there?18 A I count the bottles. And I tell19 Mr. Sagarin how many bottles of a certin product20 are on the table. And he says either okay or no,21 check again.22 Q Do you compare that with an invoice or23 something written down on a sheet of paper?24 A No.25 Q Is that Mr. Sagarin who does that?

1 Nierman 472 A Yes.3 Q Does Mr. Sagarin have a piece of paper4 or something in his hand that he's using to check5 the orders against the actual count that you

6 performed?7 A A piece of paper, I'm not sure if it's8 an invoice. I don't look.9 Q He's never shown it to you?10 A No.11 Q And then what happens next after the12 inventory is counted and checked in? It gets13 placed on the shelves?14 A Yes.15 Q Shifting gears just a little bit, same16 process. I'm a customer. I place an order over17 the Internet for purchase of tanning lotions.18 Let's say I want an Australian Gold product, say19 I want Crystal, and let's say, I also want a20 bottle of Swedish Beauty Amaretto.21 So I type it in and I go through online,22 get to the shopping cart and I pay for it and I23 hit the submit button, how does that order come24 to S&L Vitamins?

25 A Through a Yahoo hosted website.

1 Nierman 482 Q Do you receive an e-mail that says --3 MR. STEIN: I'm going to just for4 purposes of clarification, I'm going to say

5 that the record should reflect that that6 sentence that he just said should end with a

7 question mark because that's how I believe

8 the way that it was phrased.

9 Q Okay. Do you know how the order is10 processed?

11 A I have an idea.12 Q Tell me what your idea is.13 A You click order when it has a little14 red, I guess, asterisk there, then you can view15 the order. You can click sale and that would, I16 believe, charge the person's credit card.17 And then you æn hit another, I'd like18 to say, link that says print invoice. And then19 you create a UPS labeL.

20 Q And this is some kind of a softare21 that's provided through the Yahoo business22 platform, if you wil?23 A I believe it is all Yahoo.24 Q Do you get an e-mail or is it just some25 kind of a report that you can go to see, oh, I

1 Nierman 492 have a new order?

3 A I believe with every order, for example,4 666, there would be an e-mail saying order 666.

5 Then you click on e-mail and that would show the6 order.

7 Q And so it would identify what product8 had been ordered and you click on the order and

9 it would tell you what product have been ordered

10 by this customer, correct?11 A Yes.12 Q And then you have a button that you hit13 manually that says sale and that charges the14 credit ærd?15 A Yes.16 Q And then there's another button that17 allows you to print the invoice?18 A Yes.19 Q Is the invoice placed in the customer's20 order when it's shipped to them?21 A Yes.22 Q Does S&L Vitamins keep a copy of its23 invoice?24 A I don't know.25 Q And then you print a UPS label?


13 (Pages 46 to 49)

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1 Nierman 512 Q Does he generally spend his time in the3 back room where the tanning lotions are and those4 two computers?

5 A Yes.6 Q What about Mr. Sagarin, where does he7 primarily spend his time when he is at S&L

8 Vitamins?

9 A In the back and some up front.10 Q What does he do up front?11 A Checks to see what new product are out.12 Q Are tanning lotions displayed in the13 retail storefront of S&L Vitamins?14 A Yes.15 Q How many tanning lotions are on display16 in your retail store?17 A There's just one shelf, a wall unit.18 Q Does the shelf display every product19 that's offered for sale over the Internet?20 A I don't know.21 Q Who is responsible for stocking that22 shelf of tanning lotions in the retail portion of23 S&L Vitamins's store?24 A Steven and Larry.25 Q Does the S&L Vitamins store on Montauk

1 Nierman 532 prices than BODYSOURCEONLINE.COM?

3 A I don't know.4 Q Why did you purchase it from a5 competitor on the Internet?

6 A They had the product I wanted.7 Q What product did you purchase, do you8 remember?9 A Supre Cocoa, Cocoa Beach Pod.

10 Q And Supre is another manufacturer of11 tanning lotion or is a manufacturer of tanning12 lotions, right?13 A Right.14 Q Did you apply the tingle all over your15 body?16 A No.17 Q Did you put any on your face?18 A No.19 Q Why not?20 A I usually do not put lotion on my face.21 Q Did you turn red with the tingle?22 A No.23 Q You didn't?24 A No. Maybe a little, not red.25 Q Did it burn?

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14 (Pages 50 to 53)

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CONFIDENTIAL Michael Nierman 03/28/06

1 Nierman 542 A You feel a burn sensation.3 Q Did it tingle?4 A Yes.5 Q Have you ever seen anybody who's put a6 tingle product on their face?

7 A Yes.8 Q Tell me about those circumstances.9 A They looked a little too red.

10 Q Was that at a tanning salon where you11 saw that?12 A Yes.13 Q Were you there as a patron or just, what14 were the circumstances under which you were

15 there?16 A Customer.17 Q You were a customer?18 A Yes.19 Q And you saw another customer with tingle20 on their face?21 A Yes.22 Q Did that customer complain or was she23 upset or he?24 A No. She was maybe a little surprised25 and laughed about it.

1 Nierman 552 Q Surprised that it would turn her face3 red?4 A Yes. She said it felt very, very5 strong.

6 Q Was she dissatisfied with the product7 beæuse she wasn't expecting that reaction?8 A I could ære less. I didn't stay9 around.

10 Q i understand. I just didn't know if you11 heard her say anything like this stuff is12 terrible or I æn't believe it did it to me?13 A No.14 Q Do you know where BESTPRICETANNING.COM 1415 is loæted?16 A No.17 Q Do you know the owner of18 BESTPRICETANNING.COM?19 A No.20 Q Do you know if Mr. Merædante or 1921 Mr. Sagarin know who owns BESTPRICETANNING.COM? 2022 A I don't know. 2123 Q How did you find the ~~24 BESTPRICETANNING.COM website?

25 A Yahoo shopping.

1 Nierman 562 Q I think I asked you this, do you know3 where they're located?4 MR. STEIN: He said he doesn't know.5 MR. MATTHEWS: Okay. Fair enough. I6 have a short memory.7 MR. STEIN: Don't believe that for a

8 second.9 MR. MATTHEWS: Well, I didn't remember

10 if I asked him that.11 MR. STEIN: I don't believe you have a12 short memory.13 Q Have you ever received any training from14 Australian Gold concerning the use of their15 tanning lotions?16 A No.17 MR. MATTHEWS: Let's go off the record.18 (A discussion was held off the record.)19 MR. MATTHEWS: This part wil be subject20 to the highly confidential portion of the21 protective order for attorneys' eyes only.22 (Whereupon, the following portion has23 been deemed highly confidential and wil be24 bound under a separate cover.)25




6 Plaintiff/CounterclaimDefendant,

7- against -





12Third-Part Plaintiff,

13- against -


Third-Part Defendants.



(Highly Confidential)18


New York, New York

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Report by:24 MICHELE ROSSI, RPR25


15 (Pages 54 to 57)

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CONFIDENTIAL Michael Nierman 03/28/06

1 Nierman - Highly Confidential 58 1 Nierman - Highly Confidential 60

2 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL EXMINATION BY MR. MATTHEWS: 2 contract with Australian Gold to be a premier3 Q Mr. Nierman, do you know who Danny 3 salon with Australian Gold? ::.

4 Sheehan is? 4 A I don't know.

5 A Yes. 5 Q Have you ever had any discussions with .~.

6 Q Who is Danny Sheehan? 6 Mr. Sheehan that he's obligated to sell only7 A He's my friend. 7 Australian Gold and Swedish Beauty product?8 Q How long have you known Mr. Sheehan? 8 A No.

9 A 6 years. 9 Q Have you had any discussions with ..

10 Q How did you first become acquainted with 10 Mr. Sheehan about tanning lotions?(

11 Danny Sheehan? 11 A No. d

12 A At the gym. 12 Q Did you introduce Steven Mercadante or13 Q Was he a body builder as well? 13 Larry Sagarin to Danny Sheehan? ;::

14 A More so a weekend warrior. 14 A No.

15 Q You said he's your friend. Did you 15 Q Do you know how Mr. Merædante and ;;=

16 become personal friends after you met at the gym 16 Mr. Sagarin first beæme acquainted with Danny17 and -- 17 Sheehan?


18 A Yes. 18 A I think Larry knew him from high school.19 Q Do you know what Mr. Sheehan does for a 19 Steven, I do not know.20 living? 20 Q Were you introduced to Danny Sheehan by21 A Yes. 21 Larry Sagarin?22 Q What does he do? 22 A No.

23 A He owns tanning salons. 23 Q Did anyone else introduce you to Danny24 Q Do you know the names of the tanning 24 Sheehan or did you just happen to meet him at the25 salons he owns? 25 gym?

1 Nierman - Highly Confidential 592 A Yuæ Tan.3 Q Is that where you tan?4 A Sometimes.5 Q Where else do you tan?6 A Hollywood Tan.7 Q Anywhere else?8 A Palm Beach Tan.9 Q Anywhere else?

10 A No. It's been a long time.11 Q Are Hollywood Tans and Palm Beach Tans

12 chains, like a chain salon, do you know?13 A Palm Beach is.14 Q Who is the owner of Hollywood Tans?15 A I don't know.16 Q So the only friend you have that owns a17 tanning salon is Danny Sheehan?

18 A Yes.19 Q Are you aware that Mr. Sheehan sells20 Australian Gold and Swedish Beauty tanning

21 lotions?22 A Through his tanning salons, yes.23 Q Do you know what a premier salon is?24 A No.25 Q Are you aware if Mr. Sheehan has a

1 Nierman - Highly Confidential 612 A I walked up to Danny and told him that I3 work for Larry. "4 Q So you knew who Danny Sheehan was prior5 to your introducing yourself to him?

6 A Yes.7 Q How did you know who he was?8 A When you are in a gym, you know who9 certin people are.

10 Q Does that mean Mr. Sheehan was also a11 prett large guy?

12 A Yes.13 Q So you know who the big guys are in the14 gym?15 A Yes.16 Q Did you have any involvement at all with17 S&L Vitamins' purchase of tanning lotions from18 Mr. Sheehan?

19 A No.20 Q Were you aware that S&L Vitamins was21 purchasing its tanning lotions from Mr. Sheehan?22 A No.23 Q Larry Sagarin or Mr. Merædante never24 told you that Danny Sheehan is one of our25 sourcings?

: . : : : : ; ;.:.: :;:;:;:;:::;:;:;:::::;:::r..-.;:::.:.:.:.:.: ".".... . .: .::::::::: :.: ; :::::,::;::::::::::::::~/#/-~::::~~~".,::;:;"""""........ .'~. ..... .....::::::::::::::::z:~::;::::::.:.:.:.: :.::.. . . .:: : : : ;.:::::.:;:::::;:;:;:::::::::;:::::;::;;:;:;r-:::::::::::::::::::::: . . . . . . . . . . . . ;.: :.:.:.:.:.:.;';;;.:.~:.:.:.:.::""::'::::::Z:::::::::::::~::r(.~(.::::.:~;::::::::: :::;':;::::::::::::::::::~.;~;'~:::.:.:.:.:.': . ..


16 (Pages 58 to 61)

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CONFIDENTIAL Michael Nierman 03/28/06

1 Nierman - Highly Confidential 62 1 Nierman - Highly Confidential 642 A Never directly. 2 believe.3 Q Did they ever tell you who their sources 3 Q How do you know that?4 of the Australian Gold and Swedish Beauty 4 A My friend used to be partners with him5 product were? 5 many years ago or at least I think he was a6 A No. 6 partner.7 Q Would you care? 7 Q Partner in Midnight Sun?8 A No. 8 A Yes.9 Q What about John Tufarella, do you know 9 Q What was your friend's name?

10 who he is? 10 A Chris Bottalato.11 A Yes. 11 Q Have you ever been to Mr. Bartone's12 Q Who is John Tufarella? 12 tanning salon?

13 A He is Danny's partner in Syosset, New 13 A No.

14 York. 14 Q Have you ever had any discussions with15 Q Partner at a Yuca? 15 Mr. Bartone about supplying S&L Vitamins with

16 A Yuæ. 16 tanning lotion?17 Q Have you met Mr. Tufarella? 17 A I've never spoke to Mr. Bartone.18 A Yes. 18 Q You just know him by name only?19 Q How many times have you met 19 A Yes.20 Mr. Tufarella? 20 (Nonconfidential portion continues.)21 A Maybe six. 2122 Q Is Mr. Tufarella a body builder, as 2223 well? 2324 A No, but he's in great shape. 2425 Q Does he work out at a gym, as well? 25

1 Nierman - Highly Confidential 63 1 Nierman 652 A Yes. 2 (Continuation of nonconfidential portion.)3 Q Did you know that Mr. Tufarella was also 3 CONTINUED EXAMINATION BY MR. MATTHEWS:4 supplying Australian Gold and Swedish Beauty 4 Q Has anyone ever told you about5 tanning lotions to S&L Vitamins? 5 Australian Gold's distribution system, how its6 A No. 6 product are distributed to tanning salons?7 Q i take it that you didn't have any 7 A No.

8 discussions with Mr. Tufarella about supplying 8 Q Have you ever seen a contract between9 any product to S&L Vitamins? 9 Australian Gold and any of its distributors?

10 A No discussions. 10 A No.

11 Q Do you know who Plaza Sport is? 11 Q Do you ære?12 A Yes. 12 A No.

13 Q Who do you know at Plaza Sport? 13 Q Do you have any responsibilty for the14 A I don't know anybody there. 14 maintenance or upkeep of S&L Vitamins's website?15 Q What is Plaza Sport? 15 A No.

16 A They have a prett big chain of sport 16 Q Have you ever added any product or

17 stores, I believe. There might be two or three 17 deleted any product from the websites?

18 on the island. 18 A No.

19 Q Were you aware that Plaza Sport was a 19 MR. STEIN: Scott, are we finished now20 supplier of S&L Vitamins for tanning lotions? 20 with the confidential portion?

21 A No. 21 MR. MATTHEWS: We are, thank you. Could22 Q Do you know who Dominic Bartone is? 22 we go back? Just after I asked about the23 A Yes. 23 last entity and that question, then we just24 Q Who is Dominic Bartone? 24 stop the designation there, because I asked a25 A He owns Midnight Sun tanning salon, I 25 few questions that probably don't belong in


17 (Pages 62 to 65)

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CONFIDENTIAL Michael Nierman

1 Nierman 66 1

2 there. 2

3 Q Does S&L Vitamins have a warehouse? 3

4 A Not that I know of. 4

5 Q Other than Lindenhurst store, is there 5

6 any other space it occupies? 6

7 A Not that I know of. 7

8 MR. MATTHEWS: Let's take a break. 8

9 (A recess was taken.)9

10 MR. MATTHEWS: I have no further10

11 questions.11

12 MR. STEIN: I've got no questions.12

13 (Time noted: 2:50 p.m.)13






19 2020 212122 2223 2324 2425 25

1 Nierman 67 1




6 I, MICHAEL NIERMAN, hereby certify, I have 5

7 read the transcript of my testimony taken under8 oath in my deposition of March 28, 2006; that the 6

9 transcript is a true, complete and correct record 7

10 of what was asked, answered and said during this11 deposition, and that the answers on the record as


12 given by me are true and correct.9






17 Subscribed and sworn to before me15

18 this _ day of ,2006.1617


20 2021 2122 2223 2324 2425 25




I, MICHELE ROSSI, a Registered ProfessionalReporter and Notary Public within and for theState of New York, do hereby certify:

That, MICHAEL NIERMAN, the witness whosedeposition is hereinbefore set forth, was dulysworn by me and that such deposition is a truerecord of the testimony given by said witness.

I further certify that I am not related toany of the parties to this action by blood ormarriage and that I am in no way interested inthe outcome of this matter.

In witness, whereof, I have hereunto set myhand this 20th day of April, 2006.



Page LineExamination by Mr. Matthews 5 9

Highly Confidential 58 3Examination by Mr. Matthews

Continued Examination byMr. Matthews



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CONFIDENTIAL Michael Nierman 03/28/06

Page 1

A anyone 10:12 37:7 bed 52:2,14 burn 53:2554:2 clarify 23:7

able 27:15 60:2365:4 before 2:13 4:12,14 burners 31:7 classes 7:13

about 5:248:199:3,10 anything 13:14,17 5:1021:929:230:22 busier 14:7 clean 13:16 17:10

11:4,8,10,1713:4 14:1421:11 22:18 34:2336:1867:17 business 19:10,20,22 31:15

14:25 15:3 16:9,15 24:16,2431:1640:20 behind 37:24 19:24 20:5,20,22 clear 19:7 30:4,8

17:2118:2220:14 44:13 45:2455:11 being 44:12 21:1429:730:3,10 click 48:13,15 49:5,8

23:825:11 26:15 Anywhere 59:7,9 believe 13:3 23:12 30:13 41:446:12 closed 11:19 12:231:19

32:20 38:13,21,23 apply 53:14 26:1728:731:432:8 48:21 50:25 31:25

39:11,2142:843:3,9 appointments 9:15 33:13 45:2248:7,16 businesses 27 :20 Cocoa 53:9,9

45:546:951:652:24 approximately 29:12 48:23 49:3 52:22 busy 14:15 37:6 COHN 2:11

54:8,2560:10 62:9 29:13 35:23 55:1256:7,1163:17 button 47:2349:12,16 COLEMA 3:3

63:8 64:15 65:4,22 Apri 68:19 64:2 collect 33:22

above 20:4 around 34:17 36:4 belong 65:25 C collects 33:19

access 26:20,2427:2,4 43:1555:9 besides 9:16 40:16 C 5:2 67:2 68:2,2 college 7:15,16

account 26:21,2427:4 arrive 25:641:19 BESTPRICETAN.. calculated 45:11 come 17:12 22:2,5

27:8 arrived 14:220:3 52:22,2555:14,18,21 calendar 40:21 47:23 50:12

acquainted 58:10 asked 13:6 16:2020:14 55:24 Caliorna 44:17,20 commission 12:18

60:16 32:13,18,21 36:11 better 6:9 26:23 30:18 45:5,18 companies 44:10

action 18:20 68:15 56:2,10 65:22,24 52:25 call 5:14 14:25 36:17 company 29:21 43:12

actual 47:5 67:10 between 12:4 44:19 called 44:17 compare 46:22

added 65:16 askig 6:2 18:21 46:8 65:8 calls 25:11 50:24 competition 35:20

addition 32:14 asks 25:11 big 38:1261:1363:16 capacity 26:7 competitions 35:18

address 6:25 26:14,18 assemblig 50:5 bils 33:19,21 car 42:9,13,20 46:10 competitor 53:5

29:7,9 assist 37:4 bit 44:21,2547:15 card 48:1649:14 complain 15:12 54:22

addressed 16:13 assume 6:22 50:4 blood 68:15 care 15:23 43:5,6,7 complained 16:8

addressing 16:24 asterisk 48:14 body 9:24 10:11,16,20 55:862:765:11 complaing 15:21

admissible 45:12 attend 8:8 11:3,15,19,22 12:9 career 43:25 44:6 complaint 16:423:20

affected 43:20 attorney 5:18 13:4,9,12,23 14:21 carried 46:10 complaints 15:8,11,22

after 7:13 47:11 58:16 attorneys 3:4,8 56:21 15:2116:6,9,13,16 carry 42:6 15:2416:12,1517:22

65:22 audibly 6:9 16:20,21,2417:25 cart 47:22 18:1024:2,7

afternoon 12:11 Australian 1:8,11 3:9 18:6,9,14,17,19,22 case 45:2,746:6 complete 67:9

again 45:846:21 5:18,1943:1247:18 19:10,16 20:5,11,16 cash 37:22,2538:4 complex 20:19

against 1:7,13 39:756:1457:8,11 59:20 28:21,22,23 29:4,5 Cashier 31:13 computer 25:19 37:22

47:557:7,13 60:2,3,762:463:4 29:11,2430:3,5,11 ceilg 39:25 37:2441:12

ago 14:3 52:23,24 64:5 65:5,9 30:2031:5,1933:2,8 certain 15:22 39:17 computers 40:19,22,25

AGREED 4:2,7,11 Avenue 2:12 34:3,6,9,13 35:9,16 41:11 45:2246:19 41:5,8,1551:4

allow 19:3 aware 16:15 44:16,19 36:6,1937:1441:20 61:9 concerning 18:17

allows 49:17 59:19,2561:2063:19 53:1558:13 62:22 certifcation 4:4 56:14

already 24:17,2136:13 a.m 11:5,10,12,24,25 BODYSOURCEON.. certify 67:668:9,14 confidential 56:20,23

Amaretto 47:20 21:2,10,11,13 53:2 chain 59:1263:16 57:17 58:1,2 59:1

American 3:9 B both 20:13 chains 59:12 60:1 61:1 62:1 63:1

among 4:3 back 14:16 15:17,18 Bottalato 64:10 change 11:11 20:16 64:1 65:20 69:5

amount 12:16 18:7 28:1238:11,1239:3 bottle 47:20 changed 14:5 confused 30:7

26:540:10 46:14,17 39:10,1740:18,22 bottles 46:18,19 50:3 charge 48:16 50:8 confusion 20:12

another 21:322:16,17 41:1642:1045:15 bound 56:24 charges 49:13 conjunction 52:13

41:12,1242:19,23 46:851:3,965:22 box 42:10 50:9 check22:2546:13,16 consider 13:21

48:17 49:16 53:10 Bartone 63:22,24 boxes 42:6,12 46:10,11 46:21 47:4 consumers 21:24

54:19 64:15,17 break35:566:8 checked 47:12 contact 26:15

answer 6:7,912:24 Bartone's 64:11 briefly 43:13 checkig 22:1241:2 contain 39:12,15

14:12 15:9 19:4,5 bathroom 40:15 Broadway 3:4 Checks 51:11 containg 42:6

20:8,11 25:2429:2 Beach 53:9 59:8,11,13 Brookvile 7:19 children 8:13 Continuation 65:2

32:15,17 45:9 Beauty 47:20 59:20 brought 42:11 choice 43:25 Continued 65:3 69:7

answered 67:10 60:762:463:4 brown 42:10 Chri 64:10 continues 64:20

answers 6:3 20:15 became 14:623:9 builder 35:1658:13 circumstances 54:8,14 contract 60:2 65:8

67:11 60:16 62:22 clarication 48:4 copy 49:22

anybody 54:563:14 become 58:10,16 builders 31:8 claried 20:16 corner 39:17 40:17

,:.:.:.:.;.:.;-:,~:.;.:.;.::.z.....:.....:.:.:.:.:.:.:.%~.:.:.:.:.................. .................................................................................?...................w,.


One Penn Plaza, NYC

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corporations 19:19

correct 13:5 19:9,23,25

20:625:13 28:10,11

36:9 46:13,16 49:1067:9,12

counsel 4:3count 46:1847:5counted 47:12

counter 17:1537:20COUNY 67:4 68:5court 1:2 4:15 29:2

57:2cover 56:24create 48:19credit 48:1649:14crimiaI7:2544:3Crystal 47:19currently 8:6,15

customer 14:12,2315:415:8,11,1216:16,1916:2417:2218:922:17 23:9,12,2024:17,2125:5,1126:14,1435:9,1436:2537:5,847:1649:10 54:16,17,19,22

customers 13:13 15:2116:824:5,726:1027:6,10

customer's 49:19

C.W 7:17,18,20

DD 3:11 67:2Danny 58:3,6,11 59:17


Danny's 62:13

dates 11:2 28:4 29:1034:15

David 3:630:738:25day 8:25 9:9,11,13 22:5

50:4,1567:1868:19days 8:20,22 9:911:15day-to-day 11:13

December 34:17decent 40:10deciding 46:2

dedicated 41:11,12

deemed 56:23defendant 1:6 3:8 5:19

18:2057:6Defendants 1:15 57:15Defendant/Counterc...

1:957:9degree 7:248:2

Toby Feldman, Inc.

deleted 65:17delivered 22:7

delivery 22:6depends 23:2333:17

40:7deposed 5:10deposition 1:18 2:10

4:5,125:12,14 19:15


Describe 37:14

designation 65:24desk40:19different 28:22directly 31:2162:2discovery 45:12discussion 56:18discussions 32:19 43:2

43:845:460:5,963:863:10 64:14

display 51:15,18displayed 51:12dissatisfied 55:6distinction 20:17distributed 65:6

distribution 65:5

distributors 65:9

DISTRICT 1:2,3 57:257:3

Doctor's 9:15

Dominic 63 :22,24done 23:13 46:10,15Door 28:329:15

down 6:10 29:3 46:23downloaded 25:18drive 19:2229:23duly 5:568:11during 31:267:10duties 14:5,8

EE 5:2,267:2,2,268:2,2

each 8:25 12:16earlier 19:14

East 9:24 13:9,24 19:22

19:25 20:3 29:8,23EASTERN 1:357:3effect 4:14either 6:6 10:21 46:20Elco 28:3 29:15Elm 29:23employed 8:15 28:2,9employee 5:22 30:2

31:3employees 10:5employer 5:2119:8

Michael Nierman

employment 9:1613:12,20 16:627:2528:4,13 29:10 36:19

empty 40:6end 38:25 48:6enough 6:11,23 56:5enrolled 8:6

entail 23: 11

enter 19:21 35:18

entity 65:23entrance 20:4

ESQ 3:6,11establishment 20:10

estimate 38:1440:12even 9:11ever 5:10,12 15:4 16:20

23:1733:235:1836:21 41:2242:18,2252:6,11 54:5 56:1360:562:3 64:11,14

65:4,8,16every 6:10 22:4 25:7

39:849:3 51:18

evidence 45:12Examiation 5:8 58:2

65:369:3,5,7examined 5:6example 26:4 49:3except 4:8

exist 20:20expanded 23:8expecting 55:7

explain 5:1515:244:8explained 24:18,22

eyes 56:21e-mail 16:826:13,14,17


e-mails 15:9,10,19,20

25:11 26:10,25 27:5


FF68:2face 53:17,2054:6,20

55:2fact 21:19facts 5 :24

fair 6:11,2325:2356:5familar 19:1821:5

Fanning 34:19,21fat 31:7father's 29:21feel 54:2feet 38:16,21,21 40:4fell 35:21

felt 55:4FERRS 2:11few 15:22 16:7,11

65:25field 44:5figure 39:2r.ed 5:20

riled 33:434:1637:18r.lig 36:2537:4,8

rmancial24:14rmd 12:11 55:23 .'rme 25 :24rmish 28:25rmished 65:19

FIRM 3:3first 11:2 13:11,14,20

19:22,24 35:11,2237:1658:1060:16

Five 8:21

floor 39:24following 56:22follows 5:7

force 4:13form 4:8forth 68:11

forward 46:6

framework 5 :16freezer 37:17frequently 10:2511:11Friday 8:23 11:5,16,24

friend 36:17 58:7,15

59:16 64:4friends 36:1458:16friend's 64:9from 6:147:20 11:4,10

11:1212:20,2116:2121:2022:10,13,21,2323:424:5,726:6,1027:5,1028:17 31:21

32:11,2037:1042:542:19 52:21 53:456:1360:1861:17,2165:17

front 17:919:1723:2451:9,10

full 26:7 40:5 50:18full-time 29:17function 41:11,13

further 4:7,11 66:10

68:14future 8:9

GG67:2gather 37:10

gave 32:15

. .............. '.' . ................:.:.:.:.:.:...:.:.:...;.:...;..;..;..;.,.:.:~.:-:.. .'.':':':~ :.:.z.;.:.:~~.:.:-.:.:~ :':';'':':':':':':':':';'Ù"/. ,:.;.:.:.:.:.;..:. .........:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:~.y,.',. ,': :.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.',z,:,:,:,:,:,:':~~':';z..,:.: :':-':':':':':':';';';';';''.'Ú.';';' .



Page 2

gears 47:15generally 23:13,15

30:10 40:8 51:2generated 12:21

geography 36:4gets 47:12getting 23:2243:17give 6:3 10:2417:19

45:2given 5:12 15:4 18:21

67:1268:13GLOVSKY 2:12go 7:7,1612:519:23,24 ,.

22:2225:2031:21 il47:2148:2556:1765:22

going 5:2520:13 30:4,545:848:3,4

Gold 1:8,11 3:95:18,1943:1247:1856:1457:8,11 59:20 60:2,3

60:762:463:465:9Gold's 65:5

gone 42:22good 35:14graduate 7:11,20,22

8:9great 62:24grew 36:5gross 24:10ground 6:534:18

guess 13:2117:626:2348:14

guy 61:11

guys 61:13

gym 58:12,16 60:2561:8,1462:25

HH5:2hand 47:468:19

handle 15:2417:8,11

17:22 23:15,20handled 23 :17handles 23:5 50:24handlig 15:718:15

21:1723:24hands 52:16

happen 5:15 60:24happens 19:19 47:11happy 6:21hard 6:8

having 5:4

head 6:7heard 55:11

held 2:10 56:18


One Penn Plaza, NYC

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CONFIDENTIAL Michael Nierman 03/28/06

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Helen 33:4,6,13 34:16 41:647:1751:19 34:19,21,2235:7 33:2437:1541:20 53:10,11help 14:15 37:6,7 53:5 36:4,13,18 38:20,22 66:5 many 8:17,20 34:25

helped 41:2542:6,15 interrupting 45:13 40:1441:8,10,21 Line 69:3 37:1739:10,1242:12her 34:23 55:2,11 introduce 60:12,23 44:20 45:10,25 48:9 lied 39:7 42:15 46:19 50:15

hereinbefore 68:11 introduced 35:11 60:20 49:2450:15,1751:20 lik 48:18 51:1562:1964:5hereto 4:4 introducing 61:5 52:953:3 55:10,14 listed 14:9 Maple 5:37:3hereunto 68:18 inventory 47:12 55:17,20,21,2256:2 litigation 44:9 March 1:20 2:5 40:8high 7:7,8,13 36:640:3 invoice 46:2247:8 56:4 58:3,19,24 little 44:21,2547:15 57:2067:8

60:18 48:1849:17,19,23 59:12,15,23 60:4,15 48:13 53:2454:9,24 mark48:7highly 56:20,2357:17 50:9 60:1961:7,8,13 62:9 living 58:20 marriage 68:16

58:1,259:1 60:1 61:1 involve 24:20 63:3,11,13,14,22 LLP 3:8 married 8:11

62:1 63:1 64:1 69:5 involved 27:1736:21 64:3,1866:4,7 local 36:7 matter 68:17

Highway 9:24 12:10 involvement 61:16 knowledge 16:19 26:2 located 7:9,1829:22 Matthews 3:11 5:8,913:4,9 19:23 31:22 involving 15:20 18:25 34:4 40:19 55:15 56:3 15:17 19:6 32:16

32:4 52:2 43:12 known 58:8 location 9:22 42:23 35:538:2456:5,9,17hi 19:3,4 28:25 32:10 island 7:9,10 63:18 locations 16:16 56:1958:265:3,21

32:13,21 36:2,16,17 issues 5:25 23:10 24:17 L Lock28:329:15 66:8,1069:3,5,756:10 60:18,24 61:2 24:21 45:7 L 5:2 67:2 locks 29:16 may 4:12 5:24 30:4

61:564:4,18 label 22:20,2327:14 lodge 18:16 maybe 22:16 38:21,21

hig 36: 11 J 48:19 49:25 50:9 lodged 16:16 44:453:2454:24hit 47:2348:1749:12 January 7:2334:18 large 61:11 long 7:9,10 9:2 10:2 62:21hobby 35:19 job 9:1927:1529:17 Larry 1:14 10:13,14,17 13:6,8,23 38:22 mean 11:1214:24hold 19:6 29:24 32:3,18 36:10 10:22 30:19,20,24 40:19 52:23 58:8 15:10,1925:327:13Hollywood 59:6,11,14 43:7,21 32:11,1933:12,15,21 59:10 33:1838:2043:23home6:2513:2 John 1:14 57:14 62:9 34:2235:7,12,22 look 22:20,23 26:24 61:10honestly 23:23 62:12 36:1440:2342:2,9 27:940:947:8 means 33:17 43:24

hosted 47:25 just 6:5,229:723:7,10 42:1251:2457:14 looked 54:9 measure 38:25

hours 8:17 9:10 10:17 25:2426:227:19 60:13,18,21 61:3,23 lot 14:12 15:19 18:21 medication 6:13

11:9,11,22 28:25 29:2,5 30:2 Larry's 33:6 lotion 23:1839:440:5 meet 35:22 60:2431:435:1937:25 last 24:11 28:8 34:12 40:11 44:9 50:4 memory 56:6,12

I 39:840:1445:9,17 65:23 53:11,2064:16 mention 43: 14ICE 3:8 47:1548:3,6,24 latitude 18:21 lotions 16:21 31:934:4 mentioned 43:13

idea 10:24 24:10 48:11 51:1754:1355:10 laughed 54:25 39:13,2440:1741:19 Mercadante 10:9,10,1748:12 60:24 64:18 65:22,23 Laura 34:19,21 41:2342:7,16,19,24 10:2111:212:12

identifed 5:22 justice 7:2544:3 LAW 3:3 43:444:1747:17 13:21 32:5,6,15,23identify 49:7 lawsuit 5:20,25 18:25 51:3,12,15,2252:7 36:1837:4,740:23il 35:21 K 43:9,11 44:9,19 53:1256:1559:21 42:2,2343:3,945:5Inc 1:5,8,11 3:9 5:19,19 K67:2 45:19 46:3,5 60:1061:17,21 63:5 50:1855:2060:12,15

5:219:17,2029:4 keep 18:6,9 31:15 lawsuits 36:22 63:20 61:2357:5,8,11 49:22 layout 37:14 loud 6:7 Mercadante's 10:15

income 12:20 kept 38:10 39:5,19,19 lead 36:10 45:11 35:4increased 14:9 39:24 least 5:1664:5 M met 5:934:23 36:2

INDEX 69:2 kid 20:1630:337:10 left 32:8 M 5:2,2 67:2 58:1662:17,19Indiana 3:10 48:20,25 left-hand 37:21 made 21:17 26:16 MICHAL 1:18 2:10Indianapoli 3:10 Kigs 5:47:3 less 55:8 maintenance 65:14 57:1867:6,1568:10INFO(gBODYSOU.. knew 60:1861:4 let 5:156:1823:728:25 make 17:10 23:10 Michele 1:24 2:14 5:6

26:19 know 5:246:18 12:5,6 30:8,17 45:17 27:14 46:13 57:2468:7,21inside 42:11 46:11 12:813:2515:15 let's 10:25 19:735:5 makes 6:9 Midnight 63:25 64:7insofar 18:17 16:2217:3,5,7,9,17 47:18,1950:3,4 manage9:2317:9 might 15:1263:17Install 29:16 17:24 18:3,4,8,11,12 56:17 66:8 management 26:4 Miler 3:833:3,934:3

instructing 19:4 18:24 19:12,13,19 LEVIN 2:11 manager 9:21 10:3 34:10,13interaction 14:20 20:21 21:4,14,15,18 like 25:1939:2240:9 13:7,19,2214:6 17:4 mind 45:14

interested 68:16 21:1922:15,1925:21 41:2544:1148:17 17:1320:923:928:8 minor 8:4

Internet 18:1521:17 25:22,23,2526:2,3 55:11 59:12 manner 42:19 MIZ 2:11

21:20,2324:825:20 29:6,830:8,1631:24 Lindenhurst 9:25 manually 49:13 minute 19:7

25:2126:11,1637:2 33:8,23,24 34:2,9,11 28:1629:1432:8 manufacturer 44:16 mix 16:5

. /_x ,:.~;,.:.:.:.:.; :.:.:.;.;.;.:.;.:.:,. .~. ....;;.;.z,z.....:............ "." . . . . . . ................................:.;.;.:.:.;:- .-:':':';' ,;..:.:.;.; :.:.:.;..;.;.;.;.:.:.:.:.;.:.:.:.:..-,:.:.:.:.;.:.-.:.:............. .. . . . . . .. ........ "." . . ..................;...;.;.;...;.;...;.:.;.;.;.;.;.:.;.:.:~ :.:.; /, ....x.:.:.:.:.:.:. .....;.;...;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.:.;.;.;.;.;.;.;...:.;..:.:.;, ú:.;'......


One Penn Plaza, NYC

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CONFIDENTIAL Michael Nierman 03/28/06

Page 4

Monday 8:23 11:5,16 nods 6:7 operation 11 :22 parts 20:19 12:12 i

11:24 12:10 nonconfidential64:20 opportunity 36:10 part-time 29:19 pretty 61:11 63:16 imoney 15:25 33:20,22 65:2 order 22:1525:5,8,12 pass 17:15 prevent 6:14 ;.:

45:23 None 24:15 43:10 27:3,11,12,14,18 passed 40:15 prices 53:2

monitorig 26:10 Northport 7:8,1029:8 41:224,2:4,4,18 password 26:20 primariy 16:23 36:24

Montauk 9:24 12:10 29:11,23,25 30:6,11 47:16,2348:9,13,15 patron 54:13 38:641:551:713:4,9,24 19:23,25 30:21 31:6,19,24 49:2,3,4,6,8,20 50:6 pay 33:2145:2247:22 primary 37:11 ;;:

20:330:531:2232:3 32:7,12,2033:14,22 50:6,9 56:21 pays 33:19 prit 48:1849:17,25

32:12,2051:25 34:635:10,2536:6 ordered 22:10 49:8,9 people 61:9 50:8,9

more 20:1922:558:14 Notary 2:154:13 5:5 50:3 per 50:15 prior 27:25 61:4,.


most 24:237:2450:24 67:1968:8 orderigJ4:18 percent 38:3 probably 37:2365:25

mostly 24:7,9 noted 66:13 orders 14:16 22:13 perfectly 25:24 probation 44:4..

mother 33:6 Notwithstanding 19:3 25:16 ;t6:25 37:5,6,8 performed 47:6 problems 17:11

move 32:11 November 29:13 30:23 41:2,6,1646:947:5 perhaps 12:12 process 22:22 27:2,11

moves 46:6 nutrition 22:9,14,16,24 50:11,15,23 person 17:16 50:12 27:1241:1647:16moving 32:20 30:1240:17 other 9:16 12:7 16:12 personal 41:3,1858:16 processed 48:10 50:16

much 40:12 nutritional 39:16,20 21:1231:1436:21 Personally 41 :24 processing 27:1741:2muscle 31:7 39:242:19 50:21,22 person's 48:16 41:6

myself22:14 40:24 0 66:5,6 ' pertin 18:~5 product 15:2,2,5 16:2,9067:2 otherwise 6:22 41:17 phone 20:9,11 23:24 17:1322:1723:18

N oath 67:8 out 6:727:1937:11 24:3 50:24 38:946:14,17,19 ;.;:

N 5:2,267:2,2 object 12:25 45:8 38:24 39:2 50:8,9 phones 14:12 47:1851:1852:9,11 *:.,

name 5:9 19:1720:21 objection 12:24 18:16 51:11 62:25 phrased 48:8 52:1753:6,754:620:2421:922:23 18:18,23 outcome 68:17 pick 22:2 42:24 50:12 55:6 f

23:4 64:9,18 objections 4:8 outside 35:736:15,16 picks 23:23 products 14:18 21:20

names 58:24 objective 44:6 over 21:10,2224:2 piece 47:3,7 21:2222:3,7,10 31:5

nature 16:4 18:18 obligated 60:6 26:1636:25,47:16 place 19:21,24 20:5 46:11 49:7,951:11. 22:18 26:6 obtain 43:4

'.51:1953:14 33:3,934:4,10,13 60:7 62:5 63:9 65:6

need 6:2 9:7 occasion 23:21 overall 28:9 41:2546:1247:16 65:16,17never 47:961:23 62:2 occasions 16:7 33:5 overlap 1,0:16 50:10 Professional 2:1468:7

64:17 34:25 42:15 own 27:20 placed 25:8,20 47:13 program 25:15,18,20new 1:3,19,19 2:13,13 occupies 66:6 owned 30:1533:8 49:19 26:8

2:163:5,55:47:3,19 off 5:99:9,11,13 17:15 owner 10:11 33:16,17 plaintiff 1:10,123:4 promie 27 :2228:1649:251:11 28:656:17,18 55:1759:14 5:2057:10,12 protective 56:2157:3,19,1962:13 offered 32:3 51:19 owners 9:8 PlaintifCounterclaim protein 15:23 16:931:767:3,4 68:4,5,9 offcer 44:4,4 ownership 27:22 1:657:6 protocol 18:14 21:16

next 47:11 offces 2:11 owns 55:2158:23,25 plans 8:8 provide 6:6 x

Nierman 1:18 2:10 5:1 oh 48:25 59:16 63:25 platform 48:22 provided 25:1548:216:1 7:1 8:1 9:1 10:1 okay 6:3,1928:14 play 46:2 Public 2:154:13 5:5 ..

11:112:113:114:1 32:22,24 46:20 48:9 P Plaza 63:11,13,15,19 67:1968:815:116:117:118:1 56:5 pack 14:1527:1937:6 please 6:18 7:2 10:19 purchase 26:1647:17 *:

19:1 20:1 21:1 22:1 old 7:5,6 package 22:17 23:3,5 Pod 53:9 52:2153:4,761:1723:1 24:1 25:1 26:1 once 22:5 35:246:11 packages 24:2325:2,21 point 31:1835:17 purchased 16:21 24:5,8


27:1 28:1 29:1 30:1,8 50:6 packig 50:22 police 44:4 52:18 ;.;:

31:1 32:1 33:1 34:1 one 3:920:1821:323:8 Page 69:3 policy 17 :25 purchasing 61:21

35:1 36:1 37:1 38:1 26:1734:1535:17 paid 12:14 POPEO 2:12 purpose 5 :23 .,

39:1 40:1 41:1 42:1 38:6,2541:9,11 50:5 pallet 39::20 . portion 15:18 51:22 purposes 41:448:443:144:145:146:1 51:1761:24 Palm 59:8,1l,13 56:20,2264:2065:2 put 53:17,2054:5


47:1 48:1 49:1 50:1 onlie 44:12 47:21 paper 46:2347:3,7 65:20 P.C 2:12

51:1 52:1 53:1 54:1 only 27:11 41:9,17 Park 5:4 7:3 position 29:19 p.m 2:6 11 :5,11,12,25

55:1 56:1 57:1,18 56:21 59:16 60:6 part 21:13 56:19 possibly 18:13 44:3 11:2566:1358:1,3 59:1 60:1 61:1 64:18 particular9:1417:16 Post 7:17,18,20

62:1 63:1 64:1 65:1 open 13:2414:2 32:8 parties 4:3 68:15 powder 16:5 Q

66:1 67:1,6,15 68:1 opened 29:1433:25 partner 10:15 62:13,15 powders 15:23 31:7 question 4:96:6,17,2368:10 42:9 64:6,7 . premier 59:23 60:2 15:13,16 19:4,6

night 22:4 operating 5:17 partners 64:4 present 10:18 11:3 25:2~ 26:23 29:2



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questions 5:24 6:218:17,22,2420:1446:8 65:25 66:11,12

RR 5:2 68:2reaching 45:6

reaction 55:7

read 15:17,1827:467:7

reading 45:14

reaDy 17:10

reason 9:1417:2,7reasonably 45:11

recaD 44:14receive 12:18,20 23:3

42:448:2 50:6

received 26:10 27:5,9

41:2242:1856:13receives 18:7,10receiving 46:9recess 35:6 66:9recognized 22:24record 5:10 6:10 30:9

48:556:17,1867:967:11 68:13

records 24:14red 48:1453:21,24

54:955:3reflect 48:5refund 15:4 16:20 17:2

17:14refunded 15:25

refunds 16:24,25 20:15

23:12regarding 15:10 16:25

register 37:22,2538:4Registered 2:1468:7regular 30:2

regularly 23:21

related 5:24 68:14relevance 18:19,23

45:9remember 35:23 53:8

56:9repeat 45:16rephrase 6:21 10:19

27:745:17report 10:5,8,12 30:18

48:25Reported 1:23 57:23reporter 2:15 29:3 68:8

requested 15:18

reserved 4:9

residence 5:3

resolution 45:6

resolve 46:3

resolved 45:19respect 18:2 24:14,16

25:733:1446:6respective 4:3

respond 6:515:20response 36:12 43:18responsibilties 31:11

31:1450:21responsibilty 14:17

24:13 37:11 65:13responsible 15:7 16:23

22:12 26:9 36:2538:650:551:21

retail 20:9 24:6 37:1237:2538:751:13,1651:2252:19

return 16:217:14

22:1823:17returns 17:8 18:2,7,15

20:1521:17,2023:16revenues 12:21

right 23:2228:1536:837:1238:23 53:12,13

right-hand 37:17

rig 13:13

Road 5:3 7:3role 20:19 46:2,5roles 23:8room 14:16 38:11,12


Rossi 1:24 2:14 5:657:2468:7,21

RPR 1:24 5:6 57:24rule 6:5

R.P.R 68:21


Sagari 1:14 10:13,14

10:18,2211:8,1012:3,11 17:2130:1930:20,24 32:11,2033:4,6,12,15,2134:1635:7,12,2236:1440:2342:2,1642:2243:3,9 45:5

46:19,2547:3 51:6

55:21 57:1460:13,1660:21 61:23

Sagari's 34:2242:20

salary 12:14,23

sale 48:1549:13 51:19sales 12:18 17:9 21:17

Michael Nierman

24:10 37:20salon 52:4,1954:10


salons 58:23,25 59:2265:6

same 4:5,13 47:15Saturday 8:24 11:19

11:25saved 26:22saw 54:11,19saying 49:4says 46:20 48:2,18

49:13schedule 9:4schedules 10:25

school 7:7,8,148:6,9

29:20 36:6 60:18Scott 3:11 5:9 65:19sealig 4:4

second 56:8see 17:13 20:4 22:23

26:236:1646:1648:25 50:6 51:11

seen 54:5 65:8seD 31:6,934:460:6

seDs 59:19send 27:19sensation 54:2sent 26:5sentence 48:6separate 56:24September 43:15series 6:2service 14:13,23 23:9

24:17,21set 9:4 12:16 68:11,18seven 9:12 39:11,14,23Shakes 6:7shape 62:24Sheehan 58:4,6,8,11,19


sheet 46:23shelf39:20 51:17,18,22

shelves 13:13 37:1838:7,10 39:5,7,10,1239:15,23,2440:3,5,940:13,1647:13

shift 10:16Shifting 47:15shifts 8:25Ship 25:17shipments 26:5

shipped 21:2325:5

49:20shipping 27:1450:22shopping 47:2255:25short 56:6,12

shoulders 6:8

show 49:5shown 47:9side 37:17,2138:13sign 19:17 20:4signed 4:12,14simply 18:19

since 14:6

sir 23:19 28:24site 21:12six 62:21slugs 6:8snow 34:18software 25:1526:4

48:20sold 16:10 21:22 44:12some 9:931:1848:20

48:2451:9someone 14:2517:22

27:1533:19something 19:723:7

24:6,825:10 44:3,546:2347:4

sometimes 9:12 14:1515:1259:4

sorry 13:8 43:19 45:13

sounds 38:23

Source 9:24 10:11,1610:21 11:3,15,20,23

12:9 13:4,9,12,23

14:21 15:21 16:6,916:13,17,20,21,2417:25 18:6,9,14,1718:19,22 19:11,16

20:6,11,17 28:21,2228:23 29:4,5,11,2430:3,5,11,2131:5,1933:2,8 34:3,6,9,13


sources 62:3

sourcings 61:25

space 37:12 66:6

special 25: 14specific 14:8 26:13spend 37:2438:351:2

51:7spoke 64:17sports 22:9,14,15,24


Square 3:9

Toby Feldman, Inc.

................. u..... :.:.:.:-:.;.;....;.;.: ;.;.;.:",.:.;....:.;.; ;.;.:.:.:.:.:.;.;..;.:.;.;.x..,.:.:.:.:.:................ '.' .. . . ....... . ....................:.:.:...:.:.:...:.:.;.:.;.:.:.:.;.;.,:.:.: :.;..;..:.:.;.;.;.;.:.:.:.:.:.:.: ....;.; ;.;.;.:.:.:.:.;.,,/,:." _,", ,;.:.: :.:...:.:.;.....;. ..;.;...;.ù..:.:.:.;.......... ... "," . ................:...:.....:.....:.;.;.;.:.;.:.:.;.:.;.:.:.;.:.;.¡.x .;.,:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: :.:.:.;..:.:.:.:.:.z,:,.~



Page 5

stand 38:2539:2,22stands 18:23

start 10:25

started 28:13 30:22state 2:166:25 67:3

68:4,9statement 23:14STATES 1:2 57:2stating 5:3

status 25:12stay 9:12 11:1455:8STEIN 3:6 12:24 15:15

18:16 19:1228:2529:1232:1444:2345:848:3 56:4,7,1165:19 66:12

Steve 10:9,17 32:1436:18

Steven 10:10,15,2111:413:2117:2018:13 22:1423:626:1232:5,6,21 35:4

37:340:23 42:2

51:2460:12,19stil 18:23 30:13

STIPULATED 4:2,74:11

stock 13:13 38:9

stockig 38:751:21

stop 65:24store 9:2,21,22 10:2,21

11:19 12:7,10 13:1613:19,22,23 14:6

17:4,10,12,13 19:1820:922:223:9,2524:6,928:729:1430:11,12,15,21,2431:2,12,15,19,21,2231:2432:4,12,12,2533:3,9,14,16,2434:334:6,9,1335:2536:736:737:12,1538:2,741:2042:751:16,2351:2566:5

storefront 51:13

stores 63:17strong 55:5

study 44:5

stulT55:11subject 56:19submit 47:23

Subscribed 67:17

sued 43:17Suite 3:4,9

sum 45 :22Sun 63:2564:7

One Penn Plaza, NYC

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Sunday 11 :25supplement 36:7supplements 37:19

39:4,16,21 40:18supplier 22:24 42:5

63:20suppliers 14:21 22:10supplying 63:4,864:15Supre 53:9,10sure 6:4 10:20 17:10

22:11 23:2,10 26:727:844:18,2246:1347:7

surpried 54:24 55:2

Swedish 47:2059:2060:762:463:4

switch 9:9,11,13

switched 21:10sworn 4:145:567:17

68:12Syosset 62:13system 25:4 65:5

S&L 1:55:21,228:168:179:17,19 18:25

19:8,10,21,24 20:420:17,2221:14,16,2322:824:11,1425:1425:1916:3,9,1527:527:9,23,2528:8,9,1336:2440:1841:442:2444:1945:6,1946:11 47:2449:2250:16,19,2251:7,1351:23,2552:457:561:17,2063:5,9,2064:1565:1466:3

TT 67:268:2,2

table 46:20 50:10take 7:13 13:217:6

29:3,335:5,1436:537:23 63:766:8

taken 35:666:967:7takes 28:12takig 6:10

talked 23:8

talkig 39:21

tan 44:17,20 45:6,18

59:2,3,5,6,8tanng 16:16,20 23:18


Toby Feldman, Inc.

52:14,14,1953:11,1154:10 56:15 58:23,2459:17,20,2260:1061:17,21 63:5,20,25

64:12,1665:6Tans 59:11,11,14tape 38:24telephone 24:7

tell 25:4,25 42:8 46:1848:1249:9 54:8 62:3

tells 22:20temporary 43:22

terrible 55:12test 25 :25

testifed 5:7 19:1446:9testifying 6: 14

testimony 16:7 37:10

45:267:768:13 69:2

thank 65:21their 10:24 15:25 16:4



things 15:19 24:20 26:6

think 20:12 21:9 24:932:9 34:17 44:11

... 56:260:18 64:5Third 2:12

third-party 1:12,15

5:2057:12,15thought 32:2545:14three 33:442:14,17

63:17through 11:5,16,24

22:2226:6,11 28:17


Thursday 8:23time 4:9 10:20 11:14

12:4 13:19 27:1631:3,1834:1237:2438:3 40:7 50:18 51:251:7 59:10 66:13

times 15:22 42:1762:19

tingle 52:9,11,1653:1453:21 54:3,6,19

title 9:1929:24today 5:17,23 6:13,14

told 43:11 61:2,2465:4tools 26:4track 18:6,924:2325:2

25:16,21 26:5train 45:13

trained 32:9 52:6

Michael Nierman

traing 35:2056:13

transcribe 6:8

transcript 67:7,9

trial 4:10true 19:11 23:13 67:9

67:1268:12trunk 42:9,20truth 44:23

truthful 6:3truthfully 6:15

try 30:4,5

Tuesday 1:20 8:2357:20

Tufarella 62:9,12,17

62:20,2263:3,8turn 53:21 55:2

two 40:19 41:5,8 50:351:463:17

type 22:1647:21types 22:731:5typical 12:10typically 9:10

Uultimate 44:6

under 6:13 54:14 56:2467:7

underneath 50:10

understand 5:166:1823:10,21 55:10

understanding 33:11

33:1545:18,21understood 6:22

unemployed 28:17unfamilar 23:4

unit 51:17UNITED 1:2 57:2units 37:18unload 42:4,16

unti 9:3,12 11:5,11

28:6 29:13 43:24upkeep 65:14UPS 21:2522:2,5,8,13

25:4,15,17 26:648:19 49:25 50:12

upset 54:23use 20:13 25:4 30:5


used 35:9 40:25 41:5

52:11 64:4

uses 25:1526:1440:22using 47:4usually 11:2,417:8,9


Vvaries 9:6 11:12vary 9:5,7

vendors 14:21

versus 20:17 22:1641:9

very 16:11 55:4,4

view 48:14Vitamins 1:55:21,22

8:16,189:17,1919:219:8,10 20:5,17,2221:16,23 22:824:1124:1425:1426:3,926:15 27:5,9,23 28:228:8,9,13 36:2440:1841:442:2444:20 45:6,19 47:2449:2250:16,19,2251:8,13,2552:457:561:17,2063:5,9,2064:1566:3

Vitamins's 19:21,24

21:1425:1946:1251:23 65:14

WW67:2waiting 50:12waived 4:6walk 37:16walked 12:9 61:2wall 37:18 39:8,9 51:17want 17:13,14,14 18:16

23:10 47:18,19,19

50:7wanted 19:23 53:6wants 26:15

warehouse 66:3warrior 58:14

wasn't 55:7

way 39:8 48:8 68:16website 12:21 20:21,24

21:6,13 34:7,1047:2555:2465:14

websites 20:2565:17wedding 35:4week 8:17,20 12:16

13:2weekend 58:14weekends 11:6,17well 14:8 15:15 16:5

17:419:1433:18,2137:20,2538:1840:856:9 58:13 62:23,25

went 7:1536:640:14were 28:2,4,17 29:10



Page 6

29:2031:3,11 35:11


we'll 19:6 39:2we're 5:1737:6we've 20:16whereof 68:18

while 16:13 29:19 37:9 ,..~50:19

whole 11:14

wide 38:21

wife 34:22witness 68:10,13,18word 6:10,work 8:17,20 9:319:15 ;.-


worked 31:234:12workig 30:22 32:10World 25:17written 46:23

wrong 23 :22

YYahoo 47:2548:21,23

55:25year 7:11,2218:7

24:11 35:23 40:752:24 ..years 7:610:413:4,10 t,

13:11,15,20 14:3

28:8,10,20 58:9 64:5 "

yesterday 40:9 1:York 1:3,19,19 2:13,13

2:163:5,55:4 7:3,19 ~:28:1657:3,19,1962:1467:3,4 68:4,5,9

Yuca 59:2 62:15,16





11:11.101:1457:141:20 2:6

1010:1 11:4



One Penn Plaza, NYC

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CONFIDENTIAL Michael Nierman 03/28/06

Page 7

11 9:3,1111:1,10,12,25 3939:112:4

1173129:23 4

117579:25 44:1 69:7

1212:1 4-year 8:2

1212 3:4 4040:113 13:1 4141:113503:4 4242:11414:1 4343:11515:1 38:21 4444:116 16:1 4545:11717:1 4646:118 18:1 46282-02003:1019 19:1 4747:1199728:6 35:24 4848:119987:12 4949:1199928:6,17 29:13

30:23 5

55:113:10 14:228:9

2 69:322:113:11,14,20 5050:12:5066:13 5151:12020:1 29:23 52 52: 1

20th 68:19 5353:1200128:12,16,1829:13 5454:1

30:2331:18 5555:1200234:14 5656:12004 7 :23 5757:120061:202:557:20 5858:169:5

67:8,1868:19 5959:12121:12222:1 6

2323:1 66:1 9:3,1111:11,12

2424:1 11:2512:458:92525:138:21 6-1/240:4267:626:1 6060:12727:1 6161:1281:202:528:157:20 6262:1

67:8 6363:12929:1 6464:1

6565:1 69:7

3 6666:133:110:413:428:8 6662:1249:4,4

69:5 6767:13030:1 38:21 6868:13089:24 19:16,22,25 6969:1

20:33131:1 7

31003:9 77:111:5,2440:4328:1932:1 715:37:33333:13434:1 8

3535:1 88:13636:13737:1 9

3838:1 99:1 69:3

9538:3. .........................:.:.:.:...z.z...z.:.:.:.:~'..//....:.:.::.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:~.~::.:.:.:.:.:.:...:,:~,,:-.~:...:...:.:.:.'.z.'.'.'.'.'"......... ...


One Penn Plaza, NYC

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