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Crafting Value Proposition with Strategic Content

Date post: 01-Mar-2018
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Privileged & Confdential | © 2014 – Addkrat. All Rights Reserved.

Reciients o this doc!"ent agree that the# $ill not $itho!t the e%ress $ritten er"ission o Addkrat co# rerod!ce or distri'!te this roosal in$hole or in art to individ!als or entities o!tside the reciient co"an# or !se the contents hereo or an# !rose other than to eval!ate the

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Crating val!e roosition

$ith(trategic Content

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)!siness (cenario

*e live in a co"etitive $orld $here $ords and ideas

are in a'!ndance #et sincerit# and gen!ineness are


So what are the questions that will help us find the best-fit content?

+o$ do $e !se content to connect $ith the target

a!dience in a

co""oditi,ed ast-changing and co"etitive $orld


+o$ do $e !se content to connect $ith the target

a!dience in a nois# and advertising-cl!ttered $orld



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/!est to ans$er the 'ig content !eries

The Road to

discovering theanswers has fourmilestones

(trategic "arketing skills

Content-'ased "arketingco"etence

 actics to create and distri'!te

conte%t-'ased content(kill sets ena'ling creation o theright content to derive re"i!"val!e

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!r ans$er to these !eries

addkraft takes insiration ro"

these o!r "ilestones & aves the$a# to achieve '!siness goals !sing


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3arketing Co"etence

• )!ilding '!siness ecos#ste"s

Prearing go-to-"arket lans• Content lan

o-to-3arket53arketing Plan

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Conte%t!al Content

Content Conte%t

Conte%t!al content creates the rotot#e o theorgani,ation6s val!e service or rod!ct

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Co"etitive 7ntelligence and Content

Co"etitive intelligence

involves s!rve#ing the

co"etitors in the"arket to deter"ine the

organi,ation8s val!e in

co"arison $ith other


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9aser-:oc!sed (trategic Content & Co""!nication 

(trategic "arketing

hels create strategic

content or vario!s"odes o "arketing

otions 'ased on the

gathered intelligence

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!r arget A!dience

• +ealthcare and9ie (ciences

• ;d!cation

• 3an!act!ring and;ngineering

• Retail

• )anking and:inance

• 3edia andP!'lishing

7(<s e-co""erce ;3s s#ste" integrators e-learningand

an# '!siness ho!se that re!ires content

4 =e#

)!siness #es





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!r Process


t<is!alise ;%ec!te

Anal#,eosition• (coe o $ork

• )!ilding '!sinessecos#ste"

• Co"etitiveanal#sis

• C!rrentercetion

)!ild vision• <al!e roosition

• Positioning

 ranslate &Create• Content strateg#

• o-to-"arketlans

• 3arketinglanning

7"le"ent &3anage• Content


• 9ead generation

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Contact >s

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