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CRANKSHAFT - MK2 Consul~Zephyr~Zodiac Owners club

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November/December 2010
ZODIAC & ZEPHYR CLUB SOUTHLAND INC. This is a family club. Our aims are to restore and maintain Zodiacs,
Zephyrs and MKI and MKII Consuls, and promote activities
in which all members of the family can join. Membership
is open to owners of these vehicles.
Please address all correspondence to:
c/- Club Secretary, PO Box 6132, Invercargill. NZ
Email: [email protected]
President: Adrian Harris 03 248 5150
Vice President: Mervyn Soper 03 208 6568
Publicity/Secretary: Jenny Scobie 03 206 4692
Treasurer: Dennis Williams 215 8070
New members co- ordinator:
Jenny Blain 218 6400
03 448 8670
Assistant Club Captain:
Outings Committee:
June Gutschlag – Gore Alan Sim - Mosgiel Wayne Campbell -
03 208 5317 03 489 4076 03 448 8670
Residential Flats Custodian:
Presidents Report
Hi Members,
Well another year has just about gone and very fast as well, but that may be a good thing I think. Had a good run up to Ranfurly last weekend, very hot on the Saturday which made for good cruising. It was good to have everything laid on and to sit back and relax for a change at Christmas run. The organizers deserve a big thank you for that. There were eleven cars and 1 Mk5 on that run, quite a good turnout. However you should keep Twizel in the back of your minds and if you are thinking of going you better get your registration in and accommodation sorted. Flats and sheds all going ok with no problems. Club Mk 4 all up and going. Trev’s giving her a service this week so she will be ready to race - well drive. We will have to start getting the Southern Connection organized in the New Year just to keep on top of it, although not a great lot to do. Well thats about all from me so have a merry Christmas and a happy New Year, and keep safe on the roads over the holiday time. Cheers
From The Treasury Bench
Hi to everyone. The club bank accounts are looking good with very little in the way of expenditure over the past couple of months apart from a small issue with a light fitting in the front flat, however our tame sparky (if there is such a thing) rushed around and sorted it pronto. Our annual insurance payment has been made, quarterly rates, monthly electricity and loan payments have all been paid whilst our tenants keep on banking their rent every two weeks. Mike thinks it is great to have two tenants who don't cause any trouble and who pay their rent on time. Unfortunately the past few club runs have not suited me and Di. Can't do everything – but I am sure that everyone who has attended our club events have had a great time. Hopefully we will be able to attend more of these next year. All the best to everyone, hope you all have a great Xmas and New Year.
Drive safely. C U in 2011
Dennis Williams Treasurer. ZZC Southland Inc
Sheriff’s Report
Ranfurly Xmas Run!
1. Joyce Soper – For holding up 9 Z cars for a quarter of an hour at
the big fish in Gore, the excuse was that she was helping make truffles for the Lioness group (good one Joyce).
2. Dave & Jenny Blain – For leaving straight away after the breakfast without the usual club goodbyes, we all missed ya’s on the rest of the run.
3. Brian & Christine Quinn – (our new members from up north) For operating the left hand indicator consistently from Ettrick to Roxburgh, 12 kms total. Repositioning the battery to your boot area was a great idea, but obviously has massive uncontrollable power to your indicator arm.
4. Blain Again – Autoplex owner David Blain was seen and photographed drinking ½ pints!!! At the Oturehua pub on the Xmas run. Don’t panic Dave coz 4 is the same as 2 pints eh? (Penalties Pending)
So let’s be
Information from the NZ Federation of Motoring Clubs suggest that it may pay club members to check with their vehicle insurance company on whether your classic car is covered when on a car club run. It has been noted in the Vintage Car Club magazine "Beaded Wheels" that some insurance companies have altered their interpretation of what constitutes a road rally. They are suggesting that "any group of vehicles gathering for either a competitive or non-competitive event that is being organised by a club or a private individual may now be deemed as a rally" and unless you have special cover, your vehicle may not be covered by your present insurance policy.
The NZFOMC insurance advisor advises everyone to check with their insurance company on what they are not covered for and maybe look at insuring their vehicles thru a specialist classic car insurance company who understand the culture of car clubs and can offer full vehicle cover to include rallies, motorkhana's etc.
An abbreviated version of a discussion paper by Mark Stockdale, Secretary NZ FOMC
What are biofuels? There are two types of biofuels: Bioethanol – blended with petrol. Mostly sourced from sugarcane and corn, can be derived from whey in NZ. Retail blends will range from 3% (E3) to 10% (E10) These fuels are currently available now from Gull or Mobil
Biodiesel – blended with diesel. Most common feedstock is palm oil, but in NZ, this could again be sourced from a by-product of agriculture, namely tallow. Not permitted to be retailed in blends above 5% (B5). Despite the lower energy content of biofuels, there are performance benefits – biodiesel improves lubrication while ethanol boosts octane ratings. Compatibility with your vehicle - E3, E10, 2.5%? What does any of this mean for classic car or bike owners? What you really want to know is, can I use this stuff in my classic? Well, the short answer is, no. According to AA Technical Advice Manager Jack Biddle, vehicles fitted with carburettors are “highly unlikely to be able to use E3 or E10.” That’s an estimated 378,400 incompatible cars, or 14% of the NZ vehicle fleet. As for the rest, a Government commissioned study by Transport Engineering & Research NZ suggests that up to half the fleet (over one million cars) are not compatible with ethanol blends above 3%. At a 10% blend (E10), potentially 1.7 million vehicles are at risk, not including recreational boats or planes, which even the Energy Efficiency & Conservation Authority advises not to use ethanol blends. That’s because ethanol can separate from the fuel if it’s tainted with water. Ethanol blends should not be stored for long periods, making it even less compatible with classic cars, which tend to go weeks if not months between fills. Gull concedes that its Force 10 is “better
suited to newer vehicles”, while Mobil cautions owners of pre-1986 (i.e. carb-fed) cars to consult the vehicle manufacture before using an ethanol blend. Oh, and by the way – neither the oil companies nor Government are liable for fuel system failures resulting from biofuel use. Basically it comes down to this; the vast majority of classic cars will not run safely on biofuels I think I will stick to the usual fuels that my classic has used for years For more information: www.aa.co.nz; www.eeca.govt.nz.
This thing runs on nitrous and is powered by 450 cubes
& 23 rd
th to 27
th 2011
Queenstown Auto Extravaganza Classic Car Show Queenstown Events Centre - 25th to 27th Feb 2011 This was a great show last year although there were no Zed cars in it.
Club Kingston Weekend – 11 th to 13
th February 2011
Keep your fingers crossed for great weather to support our annual Kingston weekend for 2011. The main get-together –Saturday night BBQ tea and drinks, Sunday morning brunch will be held at Joyce and Merv Soper’s residence at 23 Sommerset Street. We plan to do the usual boating and fishing etc but if the weather is against us we will take a short cruise to Arrowtown for a browse around. Some accommodation will be available with Club Members at their holiday homes and also the camping ground, and maybe the Doc hut, which is next door to the Sopers, - for Saturday night only. Please contact your local club members for more information on this accommodation. All members wishing to attend please bring a bit of BBQ meat and a salad to help with the food situation. The club will supply the Sunday morning brunch, tea and coffee etc. We are all looking forward to hopefully seeing our new members again for a relaxing weekend of fun. If there is anything you need to know about this outing please ring: Mervyn Soper (03) 208 6568 Ray Watson (03) 208 4134 Wayne Campbell (03) 448 8670 See You All There
October 2010
Twelve cars meet at Edendale on a beautiful Southland Sunday, received our instructions on where we were going and off we went. We made our way to the old Waituna Lignite Coal Mine, where we were joined by another Z car and to be welcomed by Dave.
Some were given some bread to feed the Swans and Ducks which were dotted around the ponds. As we walked around the beautiful gardens Dave told us the history of the mine and how he and Maria started planting and constructing the 16 acres. What they have done is remarkable and you can see why he received an Innovative Environmental Award in 2006. Ducks took to following us around the tracks, while the Swans were very protective of their ponds. Dave has also built up a small museum which includes a Morris 8.
We then enjoyed afternoon tea in a huge marquee of sandwiches, savouries and cream cakes, which were delicious. After photo shoot of cars, some decided to journey home, while some went on to Winton and others went to Glenham Gardens.
Great day was had by all and a BIG THANK YOU to Erol and Jenny Scobie for organizing the trip.
Mike & Heather
Mk2 Ute in all its glory at the Roxburgh Car Show along with many other Fords from Colin’s amazing collection.
May have had to “ROBB” the Bank BUT The Mk2 Zephyr Ute Is Finally On The Road!!! Great to see and beautifully done Colin & Liz
Wayne Campbell Wayno Lorraine 6 Children – 3 each
Household members (How many? Incl. pets
2 Adults, 3 Children & “Merlin” the cat
What I drive
Trade or Vocation Brick & Blocklayer, Ceramic Tiler
What do you do most days?
Work the business and around home most nights
What do you enjoy doing in your free time?
Don’t get much but getting away to the city life, rock concerts, hotels etc
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
Hopefully a retired (hands off) business owner
What do you love/hate most about Southland?
Love Tim Shadbolt Bit cold for a Central boy
Your proudest moment?
Where can you be found on a Sunday afternoon?
Mostly at home and sometimes in the garage & sheds
What music is on your stereo/mp3 player?
Led Zepp, Beatles, BTO, Bee Gees, Creedence & Shania Twain
Your least favourite food/drink
Broccoli & Brussell Sprouts Lion Brown
Favourite things: Book title Movies
Beatles Anthology & The AA Accommodation Guide Saving Private Ryan & Band of Brothers
What strikes you as the best thing about Z cars?
The memories of the early days & the friendship of todays enthusiasts
Anything else you would like to tell us about yourself? OR About your car?
Big collector of Elvis & Beatles memorabilia. Please contact me if you have anything along these lines you may want to part with. Cool to drive & great to own (wouldn’t part with them)
Anything else you would like to tell us about?
Yes-We need more members to complete these profiles & forward them to the editors
Christmas Dinner & Get Together
“Mr Merlin” – Head of
Gore and Invercargill members met at the trout on a beautiful sunny day in Gore before setting out for Central Otago. We had to wait on certain members who we won’t mention!! Ray led the way taking us over the hill to Ettrick where we met up with our Dipton members. Brent’s Mark IV brakes were smoking and smelling but after a short spell, we were off again to Alexandra where we were meeting our other members. We all had a nice lunch and some members were lucky to get in some quick shopping. We then went to a very interesting place on Earnscleugh road to view a large collection of old cars and tractors and memorabilia. It almost seemed a little sad like a graveyard where they were in their final resting place under trees.
Then off we went heading for Ranfurly, Brent and I having to make a quick detour to the supermarket for some essentials!! Temperatures were reaching 32 degrees on leaving Alexandra. We got a bit behind the rest of the convoy as Brent’s brakes started jamming on again but caught up at Oturehua where we stopped to relax and quench our thirst and take in some sightseeing.
Then on to our destination Ranfurly. A lovely old Art Deco Hotel, very welcoming. We were all very pleased to find our rooms and
relax and have some nice cool drinks. It was a lovely evening, beautiful food and good company. A special gift of a miniature 4x4 fire truck was presented to our President Adrian who has been having a very hard time of it after losing theirs in Dipton. After dinner we sat outside in the lovely Central Otago fresh air having a few drinks and enjoying each other’s company. I think we were all in bed before midnight, which must be a record! Next morning everyone was up bright and early to enjoy a good hearty breakfast, pack up and then check out Ranfurly. Some of us took the train at the information centre back into the history of the railway in Central Otago, very interesting. Then on our way to Naseby, what a quaint little town. Checked out the motor camp there as we thought it might be a good place for another outing sometime (perhaps curling). Then on our way again to the picturesque blue lake at St Bathans where we stopped at the Vulcan Hotel for refreshments. We all headed back towards Alexandra where we parted company and went on our way. Us ones heading south stopped at Shingle Creek to view the vintage pram museum. Amazing old dolls and prams well worth a look. Then on our way to Heriot where we stopped for refreshments said our goodbyes and headed for home. Thank you everyone for a lovely weekend, great to have Heather and Ewen Dunnage, Christine and Brian Quinn and Karen Wilson and Pat Currie, also nice to meet Jenny and Errol’s friends. A big thank you to Wayne, Lorraine and Ray and anyone else involved in organizing our Christmas get together. Wishing you all a very Happy Christmas
June Gutschlag and Pam Watson – Congratulations to you both on successfully reaching your 60
th birthdays recently from all at ZZC
Southland. Well done girls. Jenny Scobie – Congratulations and thanks, it appears that you have become ZZC Southlands official photographer. Keep that camera rolling.
Bit of a steep price for one of these Errol!
What do you reckon? Ha ha
