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Cray DynaWeb server release 1.2 manual

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  • 8/17/2019 Cray DynaWeb server release 1.2 manual




    Preface   vii

    Rela t ed publica t ion s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii

    Or der in g C r a y Resea rch publica t ions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii

    C onvent ion s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . viii

    Rea d er com m en t s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . viii

    Product Overview [1]   1

    H ow d oes D yn a Web w ork? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

    D yn a Web dir ect or y st r uct ure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

    E xecut a ble fi les . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

    H om e pa ge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

    Access a nd er r or logs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

    C G I scr ipt s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

    H a rd w a r e a nd soft w a r e pla tfor m s suppor t ed . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

    Administering a DynaWeb Server [2]   11

    Run ning D y n a Web . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

    Run n in g D yn a Web a s a server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

    Run n in g D yn a Web a s a C G I scr ipt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

    P rocedure 1: S et tin g up D yna Web a s a C G I script . . . . . . . . 12

    U pgr a din g t h e docum en t ba se . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

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    Contents Online Software Publications Administrator’s



    P rocedur e 2: U pgr a de st eps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

    E xa m ple 1: U pgr a d e exa m ple . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

    C on vert in g C r a yD oc fi les . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

    P rocedur e 3: C ra y D oc con version st eps . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

    E xa m ple 2: C ra yD oc con ver sion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

    Ma n a gin g a ccess logs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

    Security and HTTP Authentication [3]   21

    Aut h en t ica tion con fi gur a tion pa ra met er s . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

    S y n t a x of   DWEB_HOST_ACL   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

    Exa mple 3:   DWEB_HOST_ACL  a nd w ildca rd s . . . . . . . . . . 24

    Pa r sin g o f   DWEB_HOST_ACL   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

    Exa mple 4:   DWEB_HOST_ACL  a nd list pa r sin g . . . . . . . . . 24

    E n a bling H TTP Aut h en t ica t ion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

    P r ocedur e 4: E n a bling a ut h en t ica t ion . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

    Ma in t a in in g a ccess list s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

    P r ocedur e 5: Addin g user s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

    P r ocedur e 6: Ver ifyin g users . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

    P r ocedur e 7: D elet in g user s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

    Aut h en t ica t ion t roublesh oot in g . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

    Index   29

    iv Cray Research, Inc. SG–6104 1.2

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    F igur e 1. D yn a Web dir ect or y st r uct ure . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4


    Ta b le 1. S u ppor t ed pl a t for m s a n d cor r es pon d in g D y n a Web s of t w a r e fi l es . . 8

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    This document d escribes a dministra tion of th e C ray Resear ch Online

    Software Publications server (Cray DynaWeb server ), release 1.2. The CrayDyna Web server provides online a ccess to C ra y Research documenta tion by

    using th e D yna Web server from E lectr onic B ook Technologies, I nc. (EB T).

    Related publications

    The following documents conta in a ddit ional informa tion tha t ma y be helpful:

    •   O n l i n e Sof t w a r e Pu b l i c at i o n s I n s t a l l a t i o n G u i d e  , publication SG–6105

    •   DynaWeb Cli ent U ser Guid e , a n EB T pu b lica t ion , a va i la b le fr om t h e U RL


    Ordering Cray Research publications

    Th e  U ser Publ ications Catalog , publication CP–0099, describes the

    a va ila b il it y a n d con t e n t o f a l l C r a y Re sea r ch h a r d w a r e a n d so ft w a r e

    documents that are available to customers. Cray Research customers who

    subscribe to the Cra y In form (CRInform) program can a ccess this

    information on the CRInform system.

    To order a document, either ca ll the D istribution Center in Mendota Heights,

    Minnesota, at + 1–612–683–5907, or send a facsimile of your request to fax

    number + 1–612–452–0141. Cray Research employees may send electronic

    m a i l t o   orderdsk   (UNIX system users).

    Customers who subscribe to the CRInform program can order software

    release packages electronically by using the   Order Cray Software option.

    C u st o m er s o u t sid e of t h e U n it e d S t a t e s a n d C a n a d a sh ou ld con t a ct t h e ir

    local service organ ization for ordering a nd documenta tion information.

    SG–6104 1.2 Cray Research, Inc. vii

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    Preface Online Software Publications Administrator’s



    The following conventions are used throughout this document:

    C on ven t ion Mea nin g

    command   This fi xed-space font denotes litera l items such

    a s com m a n d s, fi les, r o u t ine s, pa t h n a m e s,

    sign a ls , m e ssa g e s, a n d p r og r a m m in g la n g u a g e


    v a r i a b l e     I ta lic typeface denotes varia ble entries and

    words or concepts being defined.

    user input   This bold, fi xed-space font denotes litera l items

    that the user enters in interactive sessions.

    Output is shown in nonbold, fixed-space font.

    Reader commentsIf you ha ve comments about t he technical accuracy, content, or organizat ion

    of this document, please tell us. You can conta ct us in a ny of t he following

    w a y s :

    • S e n d u s e le ct r o n ic m a il f r om a n y sy st e m con n e ct e d t o t h e I n t e r n et , u sin g

    the following I nternet a ddress:

    [email protected]

    • C on t a c t y ou r C r a y R e s ea r c h r ep res en t a t i v e a n d a s k t h a t a S of t w a r e

    Problem Report (SPR) be filed. Use   PUBLICATIONS   for the group na me,

    PUBS   for the command, and   NO-LICENSE   for the release name.

    • C a ll ou r S of t w a r e P u b lica t io n s G r ou p in Ea g a n , M in n esot a , t h r o u gh t h e

    Customer S ervice Ca ll Center, using either of t he following numbers:

    1–800–950–2729 (toll free from the Unit ed St at es a nd Ca na da)

    + 1–612–683–5600

    viii Cray Research, Inc. SG–6104 1.2

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    • S e n d a f a csim ile of y ou r com m e n t s t o t h e a t t e n t ion o f “S of t w a r e

    P u b lica t io n s G r o u p” in Ea g a n , M in n e sot a , a t f a x n u m b e r

    + 1–612–683–5599.

    We value your comments and will respond to them promptly.

    SG–6104 1.2 Cray Research, Inc. ix

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    Product Overview [1]

    The Cra y R esear ch Online Softwa re P ublicat ions server (Cray DynaWeb 

    ser ver ) makes Cray Research documents available to World Wide Web(WWW) br ows ers .

    The Cra y Dyna Web server is ba sed on Dyn aWeb softwa re produced by

    Electronic B ook Technologies, I nc. (EB T). Dyn a Web is a commercial-grade

    Web server tha t serves documents m ar ked up in a sta ndar d generalized

    ma rk-up langua ge (SG ML) implementa tion to Web browsers for ra pid

    na vigation a nd searching. The Cr ay Dyna Web server provides t he following

    b en e fi t s t o C r a y u se r s:

    • Serves Cray Research electronic documents to Web browsers such as

    Netscape Navigator

    • P rovides access to documents from the Cra y Resear ch WWW home page

    (http://www.cray.com) or from a local insta llat ion on your network

    • Accommodates searching across document groupings

    • I n t e g r a t e s w it h ot h e r WWW se rver s

    The Dyna Web server t ran sforms the S G ML source files to hypertext ma rk-up

    lan gua ge (HTML), delivering document s t o your Web browser. To ena ble

    browsing of large manuals, the server automatically separates large

    documents int o smaller units an d generat es a ta ble of contents (TOC) for t he

    documents. Users can na vigate t hrough the TOC hiera rchy, selecting

    informa tion man aged by t he Web browser. If you choose to run t he server

    within your network, you can add new Cray Research documents and

    updates t o documents as needed.

    The Cra y Dyna Web server provides a user interface called the   O n l i n e  

    L i b r a r y  , which provides access to the documents in the DynaWeb directories.

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    Product Overview [1] Online Software Publications Administrator’s


    Note: Throughout this chapter, references are ma de t o the Dyna Webdirectory structure. The directories above the DynaWeb server root

    directory (servroot) ca n b e w h a t e ver y o u w a n t . Th is m a n u a l u ses t h e

    p a t h n a m e   /path /servroot   to define the path to the DynaWeb server

    root directory.

    1.1 How does DynaWeb work?

    Documents in D yna Web are st ored in SG ML a nd converted t o HTML w hen a

    Web browser requests the document.

    Like any Web server, a DynaWeb server listens for hypertext transfer

    protocol (HTTP) requests from browsers. Each request contains a uniform

    resource locator (URL) tha t identifies t he server a nd a particular block of

    data such as a home page, a section of text , or an image.

    Online Library documents (mostly manuals) are binary files that contain

    SG ML-ta gged text a nd graphics. The S G ML-to-HTML converter tra nsformseach request for all or part of a n online document into an HTML-ta gged text

    stream . If a large block of text is r equested, the converter dyna mically builds

    a table of contents for the text .

    B y default , t he Cra y D yna Web server listens for incoming requests on port

    8080, w hich d oes n ot req uire su per user (root) privileges.

    !Caution:   As noted a bove, Dyna Web uses a port number greater tha n1024 (8080, by default) so that root privileges are not required to run

    the D yna Web daemon. However, if you ha ve an Internet connection,

    ports over 1024 are accessible to users external to your site. This is a

    security r isk for your site, an d a violat ion of copyright a nd licensing

    restrict ions under which Cray Research and its customers must

    operate. Consequently, y ou must disable external access to port 8080 on

    the DynaWeb server or employ other access control measures for port

    8080 on tha t ma chine.

    The server can ha ndle up t o 256 simulta neous requests. The connections a re

    short-lived, lasting only long enough for the server to process the requested

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    Product Overview [1]

    data and send it to the browser. After sending the requested information, the

    server terminat es its connection.

    As a n alterna tive to running D yna Web as a server, another H TTP server can

    serve Online Library documents. In this case, the HTTP server runs the

    Dyna Web SG ML-to-HTML converter a s a common ga tewa y interface (CGI )script . For informa tion on runn ing Dyna Web as a CG I script , see Section

    2.1.2, page 12.1

    Note: The Cra y Dyna Web server has been tested using NetscapeNaviga tor 2.02. The server is a lso accessible using the Mosaic a nd Lynx

    browsers; however, ta bles a re not fully supported. Other browsers ma y

    work but ar e not explicit ly supported by t he server.

    1.2 DynaWeb directory structure

    The following shows the DynaWeb directory structure:

    1 Deferred implementation.

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    Product Overview [1] Online Software Publications Administrator’s



    binplatform    cgi-bin data logs servroot

    config styles


    C docs icons images library


    help summary


    Figure 1. Dyna Web directory st ructure

    Directories below   path   are created by the installat ion process.

    The D yna Web directories and their contents are as follows:

    D irect or y D escript ion

    bin   Executa ble fi les.

    cgi-bin   S a m p le C G I scr ipt s .

    data/config   Configura tion fi les for Dyna Web.

    data/security   Licensing fi le.

    4 Cray Research, Inc. SG–6104 1.2

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    Product Overview [1]

    data/styles   St yle sheet templa tes for SG ML-to-HTML


    logs   Log fi les produced by Dyn a Web.

    servroot   The Dyn a Web root directory. All informa tion

    below this directory is publicly accessible.

    servroot/C   Er ror messa ge pages a nd HTTP error codes.

    servroot/docs   HTML fi les tha t provide the interface for the

    Online Library, including the home page. This

    directory ha s tw o subdirectories:

    help   HTML fi les tha t provide help for

    the Online Library interface.

    summary   HTML fi les tha t provide summa ry

    pages for documents in t he Online


    servroot/icons   Icon fi les for the control buttons used byDynaWeb. This directory has one subdirectory:

    alt   Alterna tive icons for some

    Dyna Web but tons.

    servroot/images   Ima ge (graphics) fi les used by Dyna Web an d the

    Online Library.

    servroot/library   Online Library subdirectories, which conta in

    the Online Library documents.

    1.3 Executable files

    The DynaWeb installation procedure places executable files (programs) in

    the Dyna Web   /path /binplatform   directory. You will not use these files

    unless you want to implement addit ional security measures as described in

    Cha pter 3, page 21.

    SG–6104 1.2 Cray Research, Inc. 5

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    Product Overview [1] Online Software Publications Administrator’s


    The insta llat ion a lso places th e   start.stop.dynaweb.sh  a n d

    system.startup.dynaweb.sh   scripts in t he   /path   directory. You can use

    t h e   start.stop.dynaweb.sh   script to start the server manually. The

    system.startup.dynaweb.sh   script is provided to include in normal

    startup procedures called in the event of a system shutdown.

    The program s in t he   binplatform  directory are as follows:

    P r ogra m D escript ion

    dynaweb   Th e   dynaweb  program is the Dyna Web server.

    U sin g t h e   dynaweb   program is described in

    Section 2.1.1, pa ge 11.

    dwpasswd   If th e Dyn a Web server is using HTTP

    aut hentication to limit a ccess to the server, the

    dwpasswd  p r og r a m is u se d t o a d d u ser s a n d

    t h e ir p a ssw o r d s t o a p a ssw or d fi le t h a t i t

    creates. I t a lso verifies users. For more

    informa tion, see Cha pter 3, page 21.

    6 Cray Research, Inc. SG–6104 1.2

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    Product Overview [1] Online Software Publications Administrator’s


    /path /data/config/dynaweb.cfg   configuration file. For information on

    ma king t hese changes, see S ection 2.4, pa ge 19.

    1.6 CGI scripts

    Dyna Web supports CG I scripts.3 C G I d e fi n e s a n in t e r fa ce t h a t let s y o u r

    server run scripts. You can use an HTML form as an interface to an external

    C G I scr ip t t h a t r e pla ces p a r a m e t er s w it h t h e va lu e a u se r sp ecifi e s in t h e

    f or m . S a m p le C G I scr ipt s ca n b e f ou n d in t h e   path /cgi-bin  dir ectory.

    For addit iona l informa tion, including a complete description of C G I, see th e

    following UR L:


    1.7 Hardware and software platforms supported

    Hardware platform support for the Cray DynaWeb server is dictated by

    EB T’s support for D yna Web. The following lists th e ha rdwa re an d softwa re


    Table 1. Supported platforms a nd corresponding D yna Web softw are fi les

    Ven dor H a r dw a re OS a n d levels S oft w a r e fi le

    D E C Alph a ser ies OS F /1 3.x    dynaweb10_decosf.tar

    H e w let t -P a ck a r d H P 9000 s er ies H P -U X 9.x    dynaweb10_hp.tar

    I B M RS 6000 AI X 3.2+ (n ot 4.x )   dynaweb10_ibm.tar

    3 Deferred implementation.

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    Product Overview [1]

    Ven dor H a r dw a re OS a n d levels S oft w a r e fi le

    S ilicon G ra ph ics — I RI X 5.x    dynaweb10_sgi5.tar

    S u n M icr os y st em s S P AR C s er ies S ol a r is 2.x    dynaweb10_sun5.tar

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    Administering a DynaWeb Server [2]

    This chapt er describes procedures for performing Dy na Web server

    a d m in ist r a t ion t a sk s.

    Note: Throughout this chapter, references are ma de t o the Dyna Webdirectory structure. The directories above the DynaWeb server root

    directory (servroot) ca n b e w h a t e ver y o u w a n t . Th is m a n u a l u ses t h e

    p a t h n a m e   /path /servroot   to define the path to the DynaWeb server

    root directory.

    2.1 Running DynaWeb

    D y n a We b ca n r u n e i t h er a s a ser ver o r a s a C G I scr ipt . B e ca u se t h e

    Dyn a Web server current ly s upports only non-secure ba sic HTTP

    authentication, a security-conscious administrator may wish to runDynaWeb as a CGI script piggybacked on another server, using the

    SG ML-to-HTML conversion an d the organizational capabilit ies of t he

    product w hile retaining the extra security provided by t he front-end server.

    This section describes the default method of running Dyna Web a s a server

    and explains how to piggyback DynaWeb on another Web server.

    2.1.1 Running DynaWeb as a server

    Th e   dynaweb   program st art s the Dyna Web server as a process. I t usua lly is

    not started from the command line. Instead, it is started automatically from

    the installat ion script or when the system boots, if you have included the

    system.startup.dynaweb.sh   script in your system sta rtup procedures.

    B y default , t he D yna Web server uses port number 8080, which does not

    require s uper u ser (root) privileges.

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    Administering a DynaWeb Server [2] Online Software Publications Administrator’s


    You may need to restart the DynaWeb server manually. I f you do, enter the

    following commands:

    # c d /p a th  

    # ./start.stop.dynaweb.sh

    If the DynaWeb server is already running, the   /start.stop.dynaweb.sh

    script will stop it . I f it is not running, it will be started.

    2.1.2 Running DynaWeb as a CGI script

    The procedure for running D yna Web a s a CG I script under an other server

    (for example, the Mindshare Out Box Web Server from Silicon Graphics or

    the Netscape Communicat ions Server) is described in this section.1 I t

    a ssu m e s t h a t   dynaweb   is not already running as a process.

    Procedure 1: Setting up DynaWeb as a CGI script

    P erform the following st eps a s super user:

    1. St art the Dyna Web server by issuing the following comma nds:

    # c d /p a th  

    # ./start.stop.dynaweb.sh

    St art ing t he Dyn aWeb server links Online Library collections to t he

    DynaWeb root directory.

    2. C r e a t e a l in k n a m e d   nph-dynaweb   t o t h e   dwsgml2html  program :

    # cd   c g i b i n d i r  

    # l n - s /p a th  /bin/dwsgml2html nph-dynaweb

    cgibindir    is t h e   cgi-bin  directory of the server tha t receives requests,not t he D yna Web   cgi-bin   directory. Normally it is   /var/www/


    1 Deferred implementation.

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    Administering a DynaWeb Server [2]

    3. C r ea t e   data  a n d   data/config   directories, as follows:

    # cd ..

    # mkdir data data/config

    4. C r e a t e a l in k t o t h e   /path /data/config/dynaweb.cfg  confi gurat ionfile, as follows:

    # cd data/config

    # l n - s /p a th  /data/config/dynaweb.cfg .

    5. C h e ck t o se e w h e t h e r t h e   icons  a n d   images  directories already exist ,

    as follows:

    # cd ../..

    # ls -d icons images

    If you get a n error message for either directory, it does n ot exist .

    6. For each directory th at already exists, copy the contents of the

    corresponding DynaWeb directory, as follows:

    # cp - r /p a th  /servroot/icons/* icons

    # c p /p a th  /servroot/images/* images

    7. For each directory th at does not exist , create links to the   /path /

    servroot/icons  a n d   /path /servroot/images  d irectories:

    # l n - s /p a th  /servroot/icons .

    # l n - s /p a th  /servroot/images .

    The a lternat ive server ca n now serve Online Library documents.

    2.2 Upgrading the document base

    When you receive a new DynaWeb CD-ROM, you upgrade your existing

    server by running the installat ion script as you do for an init ial installat ion.

    Ensure t ha t you specify t he directory in w hich the exist ing Dyn aWeb server

    resides. The insta llat ion procedure will detect the exist ing server a nd a sk

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    Administering a DynaWeb Server [2]

    %   ./install

    Checking for system utilities the installation scripts need:
















    Type the full path of the base DynaWeb directory

    (RETURN quits):   /var/tmp/dynaweb

    It appears that DynaWeb is already installed in /var/tmp/dynaweb/

    Do you want to upgrade that server’s document base with the documents from

    this CD, or destroy that existing DynaWeb server and documentation,

    (*everything* under "/var/tmp/dynaweb"),replacing it all with the

    software and documents from this CD?

    U = Upgrade (the default)

    D = Destroy


    Proceeding with upgrade

    Install dynaweb_11 documents (1MB)? (y/n) [y]   n

    Install sws_200 documents (4 Mb)? (y/n) [y]   y

    First remove old ’sws 110’ documents? (y/n) [y]   y

    Unpackaging tar file... done

    Updating local script paths... done

    Updating and indexing DynaWeb collections...

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    ’CRAY T3E systems’

    ’System administrator/operator’



    ’Complete list’

    Updating alphabetical titles list... done

    Updating configuration files... done

    %   exit

    2.3 Converting CrayDoc files

    If you have used the CrayDoc online documentation utility at your site, you

    can convert th e documents to run under t he Cra y D yna Web server as part of

    the insta llat ion procedure. I t is highly recommended tha t you convert these

    documents as part of the installat ion procedure. If that is not possible, you

    ca n r u n t h e   craydoc2dynaweb.pl   program as a separate procedure.

    Note:  Not a ll Cra yDoc graphics w ill display in Dy naWeb, as some oft h e se fi le s a r e in f o r m a t s o t h e r t h a n   gif, a nd D yna Web a ccommodat es

    only   gif  fi les.

    A known bug also exists with CrayDoc books that causes the

    appearance of a spurious button between the   Collapse TOC button

    a n d t h e   Clear Search  button wh en they a re visible. On color

    monitors, it is blue; on gra yscale monitors, it is gray. You can ignore the

    b u t t on , a l t h ou g h i t w il l ca u se n o d a m a g e i f y ou u se i t .

    The Cra yDoc files must be local to th e Dyna Web server m achine or on a n

    NFS cross-mounted fi le system.

    To convert t he document s, you must ha ve wr ite permission to th e followin g

    directories a nd fi les:

    • Ea ch C r a y D o c colle ct ion d ir e ct o r y

    • Ea ch C r a y D o c b ook d ir ect or y (.../collection /books/book_number )

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    Administering a DynaWeb Server [2]

    • E a c h C r a y D o c b ook ’s   style   directory (.../collection /books/

    book_number /styles)

    • Th e D y n a We b   library   directory (/path /servroot/library)

    • Th e D y n a We b   all  collection (/path /servroot/library/all/books)

    • Th e D y n a We b   all  book list (/path /servroot/library/all/


    • Th e D y n a We b   all   index (/path /servroot/library/all/libidx)

    • The Dy na Web Topics page (/path /servroot/docs/topics.html)

    Th e   craydoc2dynaweb.pl  p r og r a m h a s t w o r e q u ir ed a r g u m e n t s:

    •   base_dweb_dir   (the   /path  directory into w hich t he D yna Web softwa re is


    •   dweb_hardware_bin_dir   (the nam e of the directory conta ining the

    Dyna Web softwa re files specific to your hardw are plat form, a s inbinsun5)

    The program will prompt y ou for the full pat h of the C ra yDoc mast er

    .ebtrc  fi le.

    Procedure 3: CrayDoc conversion steps

    To convert your C ra yD oc fi les by using   craydoc2dynaweb.pl, perform the

    following steps:

    1. En su r e t h a t y ou h a ve t h e cor r e ct p er m ission s, t h a t t h e C r a y D o c fi le s

    are accessible, and that you know the location of necessary files and


    2. Cha nge directories to the   /path   directory:

    # c d /p a th  

    3. Ex e cu t e t h e   craydoc2dynaweb.pl  program :

    # ./craydoc2dynaweb.pl   base_dweb_di r dw eb_har dw are_bin_di r  

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    Administering a DynaWeb Server [2] Online Software Publications Administrator’s


    Example 2: CrayDoc conversion

    The following is a sam ple run of the   craydoc2dynaweb.pl   program. The

    base DynaWeb directory is   /opt/dynaweb, t he D yna Web softw ar e directory

    is   binsun5, a n d t h e p a t h t o t h e m a st e r   .ebtrc  fi le is   /var/tmp/cdoc/


    #   cd /opt/dynaweb

    #./craydoc2dynaweb.pl /opt/dynaweb binsun5

    Do you have CrayDoc installed at your site? [n]   y

    Do you want your CrayDoc files available under DynaWeb? [n]   y

    The Craydoc files must be on a file system that is either mounted on the

    machine running DynaWeb or cross-mounted so as to be accessible to it.

    Is this the case? [n]   y

    You will need write permission to:

    * Each Craydoc collection directory

    * Each Craydoc book directory (.../{collection}/books/{book_number})

    * Each Craydoc book’s ’style’ directory ( ^--> /styles)

    * The DynaWeb library directory (.../servroot/library)

    * The DynaWeb ’all’ collection (.../servroot/library/all/books)

    * The DynaWeb ’all’ book list (.../servroot/library/all/booklist.txt)

    * The DynaWeb ’all’ index (.../servroot/library/all/libidx)

    * The DynaWeb topics page (.../servroot/docs/topics.html)

    This script checks for these permissions, but if you don’t have them it

    must quit in mid-conversion. Consequently, it’s best to be sure,

    before starting, that you have these permissions. Do you? [n]   y

    Enter the full path name to the Craydoc installation’s master .ebtrc file:


    Processing "UNICOS Features 9.0.2" ...

    Processing "Basic Admin & Operations 9.0.2" ...

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    Processing "UNICOS Programming Support 9.0.2" ...

    Processing "UNICOS Introductory Information 9.0.2" ...

    Updating topics list and titles list ...

    Re-indexing DynaWeb’s master document search file ...

    Cray Research DynaWeb installation complete

    2.4 Managing access logs

    The a ccess a nd error logs tha t the D yna Web server keeps can get very large

    very quickly. You will probably wa nt to clean them out every w eek or month,

    depending on how much usa ge your server ha s. The fi les are a s follows:

    •   /path /logs/access_log

    •   /path /logs/error_log

    B y default , the server logs every a ccess (tha t is, every mouse click) in t he

    access log file. I f this behavior is more detailed than you need, you may

    deactivate t he server’s logging of a ccesses by changing t he sett ing of th e

    DWEB_ACCESSLOG  pa r a m e t er t o   OFF   in the D yna Web configura tion fi le,

    /path /data/config/dynaweb.cfg.

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    Security and HTTP Authentication [3]

    The Dyna Web server provides the a bility to a uthenticate a ny requests it

    receives from a client against a password file. Authentication is achievedthrough th e HTTP protocol, w hich includes the user na me a nd passw ord in

    the request for informa tion. The user na me a nd pa ssword a re checked

    against a master list of approved users.

    !Caution:  Use the procedures described in this chapter only if Netscapeis the browser that will be used at your site. DynaWeb 1.0 does not

    se n d t h e   WWW-Authenticate  h e a d e r s t h a t L y n x a n d M osa ic r e q u ir e in

    order to designate a security realm; this will be corrected in a future

    EB T Dyna Web release.

    This chapter describes the authentication configuration parameters and

    adm inistrat ive procedures for a uthentication.

    Throughout this chapter, references are made to the DynaWeb directory

    structure. The directories above the DynaWeb server root directory

    (servroot) ca n b e w h a t e ver y o u w a n t . Th is m a n u a l u se s t h e pa t h n a m e   /

    path /servroot   to defi ne th e pat h to th e Dy na Web server root directory.

    Note:  DynaWeb uses a port number greater than 1024 (8080, bydefault) so that root privileges a re not required to run t he D yna Web

    daemon. However, if you ha ve a n Internet connection, ports over 1024

    ar e accessible to users externa l to your site. This is a security r isk for

    your site, a nd a violat ion of copyright a nd licensing restrict ions under

    which Cray Research and its customers must operate.

    Consequently, you m ust disable external access t o port 8080 on the

    DynaWeb server or employ other access control measures for port 8080on t h a t m a ch in e.

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    3.1 Authentication configuration parameters

    The HTTP authentication process used by DynaWeb is controlled through

    the use of two parameters located in the configuration file   /path /data/

    config/dynaweb.cfg. Th e se t w o p a r a m e t e r s a r e   DWEB_PASSWD_FILE  a n d

    DWEB_HOST_ACL. When the D yna Web server is fi rst insta lled, theseparameters are commented out in the configuration file. A description of the

    para meters follows:

    P a r a m et er F unct ion

    DWEB_PASSWD_FILE   P oin t s t o t h e loca t ion of t h e p a ssw o r d fi le t h a t

    the DynaWeb server checks when it receives a

    request for auth enticat ion. The location a nd

    n a m e o f t h e p a ssw o r d fi le ca n b e a n y t h in g y ou

    desire, as long as you specify an absolute path

    n a m e t o t h e p a ssw o r d fi le, a s in t h e f ol low in g


    DWEB_PASSWORD_FILE = \ /p a th  /passwdfile

    Note:  En su r e t h a t y ou p la ce y ou r p a ssw or d fi leabove the   servroot   directory in the DynaWeb

    directory structure. If it is below the   servroot

    directory, browsers will be able t o a ccess it .

    DWEB_HOST_ACL   Acts as an access control list for the Dyna Web

    se rver . I t h a s t h e va lu e   *, which allows

    everyone a ccess. To change t he defau lt, list in

    t h e con fi g u r a t ion fi le t h e h ost s t h a t a r e a l low e d

    or denied a ccess to t he information served by

    the DynaWeb server. Whenever the server

    receives a request for informa tion a ndDWEB_HOST_ACL  is present, t he server checks t o

    see that the host name of the requestor matches

    one of the values in   DWEB_HOST_ACL. I f either

    the name of the client cannot be found in the

    list or the name is found, but marked for

    non-access, the request is denied. If t he na me is

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    Security and HTTP Authentication [3]

    found as a value of   DWEB_HOST_ACL, th e server

    fulfills the request .

    The next two sections provide more information about   DWEB_HOST_ACL.

    3.1.1 Syntax of  DWEB_HOST_ACL

    The va lue of   DWEB_HOST_ACL   in t h e   /path /data/config/dynaweb.cfg

    configuration file is a list of individual host names and regular expressions

    that make up a complete list of the clients that are able to access the server.

    Each value is separated from the next by a blank space and can contain both

    regular expressions an d t he boolean " not" expression, signifi ed by t he

    exclamation point (!). The following modifiers are used in   DWEB_HOST_ACL:

    Mod ifi er Mea nin g

    *   Mat ches any chara cter or set of chara cters until a space is


    ?   Mat ches any single chara cter.

    !   Host na mes with the exclam at ion point (!) in front of them are

    not a llowed to a ccess the server.

    Because the wildcard   *   (asterisk) is equal to all host names, using it means

    that all hosts are allowed access. This is necessary if you wish to allow full

    access to your server from the Internet , because you have no way to

    determine ahead of t ime wh o will request access. To deny a ccess to a ll hosts

    but the ones you specify, remove the   *  a n d r e pla ce it w it h t h e n a m e s of t h e

    hosts you want. Wildcards can be combined with partial host names to allow 

    or disallow groups of clients. For example, the line   DWEB_HOST_ACL =

    *.company.com   a llows any user from   company.com   to access your server.

    You can also use the exclamation point (!) to na me a specifi c host or group of

    hosts you do not want to access the server. If you add the   !   to t he example

    above, (DWEB_HOST_AUTH = !*.company.com), n o one from   company.com

    can browse the server.

    The following exam ple shows the effect of various uses of the para meter:

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    Security and HTTP Authentication [3] Online Software Publications Administrator’s


    Example 3:  DWEB_HOST_ACL  and wildcards

    To allow a nyone to a ccess th e server, use t he following sy nta x:


    To a llow access only by clients from   first.com  or   second.com, u se t h e

    following synta x:

    DWEB_HOST_ACL = *.first.com *.second.com

    To allow everyone but the h osts a t   first.com   to a ccess the server, use t he

    following synta x:

    DWEB_HOST_ACL = !*.first.com *

    Ensure t ha t you list exclusions fi rst , as described in E xample 4, page 24.

    3.1.2 Parsing of DWEB_HOST_ACL

    When Dyn a Web checks t he   DWEB_HOST_ACL   l ist for authentication, it starts

    a t t h e f r on t a n d p a r se s t h e l ist u n t i l i t fi n d s a m a t ch . I t t h e n st o ps ch eckin g

    and grants or denies access. This means that , if you deny a group access and

    later decide to gra nt access t o one member of tha t group, you need to specify

    t h a t t h is u se r h a s a cce ss  before you deny a ccess to t he group. When list ingvalues, work from the most specific t o the most general.

    The following example demonstrates how DynaWeb parses   DWEB_HOST_ACL.

    Example 4:  DWEB_HOST_ACL  and list parsing

    If you currently a llow everyone to access your server, the confi gurat ion fi le

    r e a d s  DWEB_HOST_ACL = *

    .Suppose you wish to deny a competitor a ccess to your server, so you a dd t he

    competitor’s domain to th e control list an d use the exclam at ion point to deny

    access, as follows:

    DWEB_HOST_ACL = * !*.competitor.com

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    Security and HTTP Authentication [3]

    Unfortunately, this syntax does   not deny the competitor access. B ecause t heparser checks the list from left to r ight , the first thing it encounters is the

    a st e r isk, w h ich m a t ch e s a n y h ost n a m e b y d e fi n it ion . B e ca u se t h e p a r ser h a s

    found an entry that it can match to the host requesting access, it stops

    looking an d a ccepts the request . The parser never encounters the qua lifying

    st a t e m e n t   !*.competitor.com, which would have denied access to this

    particular requestor.

    A good rule of thumb when dealing with the   DWEB_HOST_ACL  p a r a m e t e r is

    to sta rt with the specific a nd end w ith th e general. To deny the competitor

    access, use t he following synta x:

    DWEB_HOST_ACL = !*competitor.com *

    3.2 Enabling HTTP Authentication

    When th e Dyn aWeb server is insta lled, a uthentication is ina ctive. The

    following procedure enables HTTP authentication.

    Procedure 4: Enabling authentication

    To enable user n am e a nd passw ord checking, perform the following steps a s

    super user:

    1. U se a n y t e x t e d it o r t o op en t h e   /path /data/config/dynaweb.cfg

    configuration file.

    2. U n com m e n t t h e lin e t h a t s t a r t s   DWEB_PASSWD_FILE =   by removing

    the pound sign (#) from the beginning of th e line.

    3. D e t e r m in e t h e p a t h n a m e of t h e fi le t h a t w il l con t a in t h e p a ssw o r d

    in for m a t io n . Ad d t h e a b solu t e p a t h n a m e o f t h e fi le a s t h e va lu e o f


    Note:  To prevent other browsers from a ccessing th e passw ord fi le,create it above the   servroot  dir ectory.

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    Security and HTTP Authentication [3] Online Software Publications Administrator’s


    3. Write the fi le and exit th e editor. That user no longer has access t o the


    3.4 Authentication troubleshooting

    I t m ig h t b e t r u e t h a t , a f t er u se r s su pp ly a n I D a n d p a ssw or d a n d t h e y h a ve

    been va lidated by the server, they a re a gain prompted for t heir informa tion

    when t hey sw itch from one page to a nother.

    The server authenticates users for each URL that contains a different host

    n a m e . E n s u r e t h a t a l l U R L s m a t ch t h e   DWEB_HOST   para meter. For exam ple,

    mycomputer:8080  does not ma tch   mycomputer.mycompany.com:8080.

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    Access lists

    a ddin g users t o . . . . . . . . 26

    d elet in g u ser s fr om . . . . . . 27

    maintaining for HTTP

    a ut hen tica t ion . . . . . . . 26

    ver ify in g users in . . . . . . . 27

    Access logs . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

    m a in t a in in g . . . . . . . . . 19

    Ad d in g d ocu m en t s t o s er v er . . . . 13

    alt subdirectory

    con t en t s . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

    AuthenticationH TTP

    a d d i ng us er s t o a c ce ss li st s . . 26

    d e le t ing u ser s in a cce ss l ist s . 27

    en a blin g . . . . . . . . . . 25

    m a i n t a i n in g a cce ss li st s for . . 26

    t roubleshoot ing . . . . . . . 28

    ver if yin g u ser s in a cce ss l ist s . 27


    bin directory

    con t en t s . . . . . . . . . . . . 4B o ok S u m m a r y p a g e s

    loca t ion in d ir ect or y st r u ct u r e . . . 5

    B r ow sers support ed . . . . . . . . 3



    m oun t in g . . . . . . . . . . . 14

    C G I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

    C G I script s . . . . . . . . . . 3, 8

    run nin g D yn aWeb a s . . . . . 12

    cgi-bin directory

    con t en t s . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

    C o m m on g a t e w a y in t e rf a ce (C G I )

    script s . . . . . . . . . . 3, 8

    run nin g D yn aWeb a s . . . . . 12

    config subdirectory

    con t en t s . . . . . . . . . . . . 4Converting CrayDoc files

    exa m ple . . . . . . . . . . . 18

    C r a yD oc fi l e con ver sion . . . . . . 16

    exa m ple . . . . . . . . . . . 18

    C ra yD oc gr a ph ics . . . . . . . . 16

    craydoc2dynaw eb.pl program

    exa m ple . . . . . . . . . . . 18

    run n in g . . . . . . . . . . . 18


    data directorycon fi g subd irect ory . . . . . . . 4

    s ecu rit y s ubd ir ect or y . . . . . . 5

    st yles subdir ect or y . . . . . . . 5

    Directory contents

    D yn aWeb server . . . . . . . . . 4

    SG–6104 1.2 Cray Research, Inc. 29

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    Index Online Software Publications Administrator’s


    Directory structure

    D yn aWeb ser ver . . . . . . . . . 4

    Document base

    upgr a din g . . . . . . . . . . 13

    D WEB _AC C E S S L O G p a r a m e t e r

    dyn a w eb.cfg fi le . . . . . . . . 21

    DWEB_HOST_ACL parameter

    dynaweb.cfg file

    descript ion . . . . . . . . . 22

    pa r sin g . . . . . . . . . . 24

    sy n t a x . . . . . . . . . . . 23

    usin g w ildca rds . . . . . . . 24

    DWEB _PASSWD_FILE para meter

    dyn a w eb.cfg fi le . . . . . . . . 22

    e n a b lin g HTTP a u t h e n t ica t ion 25

    d w pa ssw d pr ogr a m . . . . . . . . 6

    d w sgm l2h tm l pr ogr a m . . . . . . . 7

    d yn a w eb progr a m . . . . . . . . . 6

    st a r t in g . . . . . . . . . . . 11

    Dyna Web softwa re fi les

    for s uppor ted h a rd wa r e . . . . . 8

    dynaweb.cfg file

    creating links to

    t o r u n D y n a We b a s C G I s cr i pt 13

    DWEB_HOST_ACL parameter

    descript ion . . . . . . . . . 22

    pa r sin g . . . . . . . . . . 24

    sy n t a x . . . . . . . . . . . 23

    usin g w ildca rds . . . . . . . 24

    DWEB _PASS WD_FILE para meter

    22, 25e n a b lin g HTTP a u t h e n t ica t io n in 25

    sett ing DWEB_ACCESSLOG

    pa r a m et er . . . . . . . . 21


    Error codes

    s er vr oot /C d ir ect or y . . . . . . . 5

    E r r or logs . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

    m a in t a in in g . . . . . . . . . 19

    E xecut able fi les . . . . . . . . . . 6


    H a r d w a r e pl a t for m s s uppor t ed . . . 8

    help subdirectory

    con t en t s . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

    Home page

    chan ging/a dding links

    ca ut ion a ga in st . . . . . . . . 7

    On lin e L ibr a ry . . . . . . . . . 7

    HTTP authentication

    a d d in g u ser s t o a c ces s l is t s . . . 26

    d e le t in g u ser s fr om a cce ss list s . 27

    ena blin g . . . . . . . . . . . 25

    m a i n t a i n in g a c ce ss l is t s f or . . . 26

    t roublesh oot in g . . . . . . . . 28

    ver ify in g u ser s in a cce ss l ist s . . 27

    Hypertext mar k-up language (HTML) 1


    icons subdirectorycon t en t s . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

    images subdirectory

    con t en t s . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

    creating links to

    t o r u n D y n a We b a s C G I s cr i pt 13

    insta ll script

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    r un nin g for u pg ra d es . . . . . 14


    library subdirectory

    con t en t s . . . . . . . . . . . . 5


    chan ging/a dding on home page

    ca ut ion a ga in st . . . . . . . . 7

    creating to dynaweb.cfg file

    t o r u n D y n a We b a s C G I s cr i pt 13

    creat ing t o images subdirectory

    t o r u n D y n a We b a s C G I s cr i pt 13


    a ccess a nd err or . . . . . . . . . 8

    m a in t a in in g . . . . . . . . 19

    logs directory

    con t en t s . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

    Lyn x support . . . . . . . . . . . 3


    Mosa ic suppor t . . . . . . . . . . 3

    M ou nt in g t he C D -R OM . . . . . . 14


    N et s ca p e N a v ig a t or s up por t . . . . . 3Network connections

    es ta b lis hin g on s er ver . . . . . . 3


    Online Library

    h om e pa ge . . . . . . . . . . . 7

    in t er fa ce . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

    loca t ion in d ir ect or y st r u ct u r e . . . 5

    Opera ting system levels supported . . 8

    Overview of ser ver . . . . . . . . . 1


    Port number

    server . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2


    security subdirectory

    con t en t s . . . . . . . . . . . . 5


    con n ect ions . . . . . . . . . . . 3

    fea t ur es . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

    overview . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

    port n um ber . . . . . . . . . . 2

    root dir ect or y . . . . . . . . . . 5

    u pg ra d in g d ocu men t b a se . . . 13

    servroot directory

    C subd irect ory . . . . . . . . . 5

    con t en t s . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

    docs subdirect ory . . . . . . . . 5h elp s ubd ir ect or y . . . . . . . 5

    s um m a ry s ub dir ect or y . . . . . 5

    icon s s ubd ir ect or y . . . . . . . . 5

    a lt subdir ect or y . . . . . . . . 5

    im a ges s ubd ir ect or y . . . . . . . 5

    libr a ry s ubd ir ect or y . . . . . . . 5

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    Index Online Software Publications Administrator’s


    S G M L

    defi nit ion . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

    S G M L -t o-H TM L con v er s ion . . . 1, 2

    Standard generalized mark-up

    la ngua ge (S G ML ) . . . . . . . 1

    start .stop.dynaweb.sh script

    e n a b lin g HTTP a u t h e n t ica t io n . 26

    loca t ion . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

    run n in g . . . . . . . . . . . 12

    styles subdirectory

    con t en t s . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

    summary subdirectory

    con t en t s . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

    s y s t em . st a r t u p .d y n a w e b. sh s cr i pt . 11

    loca t ion . . . . . . . . . . . . 6


    Uniform resource locator (URL)

    defi nit ion . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

    U pg ra d in g d ocu men t b a se . . . . 13


    Web b row s er s s uppor t ed . . . . . . 3

    32 Cray Research, Inc. SG–6104 1.2
