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In this interview with Bob Jenkins, you¡¦ll learn about You Based Affiliate Marketing, which has created the path for Bob¡¦s success as an online affiliate marketer and led to his stellar reputation as a coach and teacher. Some key elements Bob discusses include: 1.Three critical elements for successful affiliate marketers 2.How to elevate your brand while promoting others¡¦ campaigns 3.Five ways to earn constant cash flow 4.How to not be distracted by ¡§shiny objects¡¨ 5.Create long term passive income streams 6.The key to choosing the right products for you 7.Build relationships by standing behind your promotions and products
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Bob Jenkins: You Based Affiliate Marketing Page 1 Copyright (©), All Rights Reserved Niche Affiliate Marketing System, Inc. NICHE AFFILIATE MARKETING SYSTEM MYNAMS 200 Interview with Bob Jenkins: HOW TO CREATE MULTIPLE INCOME STREAMS WITH YOU BASED AFFILIATE MARKETING

Bob Jenkins: You Based Affiliate Marketing

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Interview with Bob Jenkins:





Bob Jenkins: You Based Affiliate Marketing

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Bob “The Teacher” Jenkins:

Since 2006, Bob The Teacher Jenkins has used affiliate marketing and

his own products and services to consistently earn up to $10,000/month

or more for his business, while helping thousands of people world-wide.

He's the author of Take Action! Revise Later, and over 40 online

business strategy and marketing methods courses. You'll love how Bob

breaks down seemingly complex steps into simple priorities so you can

finally "get it" and profit from your new knowledge.

Bob the Teacher is also a crowd favorite at the NAMS Seminars, and this webinar is a great way for you to learn from Bob faster than waiting for the next live event! Say hello to Bob on Twitter by using @BobTheTeacher, or connecting to him on Facebook.com/BobTheTeacher.

Resources from Bob Jenkins:

Discover Freemind Tutorial

Bob’s wildly popular course on mastering Freemind as a valuable tool for organizing your

business plans, ideas, ongoing projects, benchmark tracking and so much more.

Discover Affiliate Strategies Virtual Workshop

Grow your affiliate business with guided training from Bob “the Teacher” Jenkins. This program

is designed to help you discover how to supplement your income with quality affiliate programs

while marketing your own products as well.

DAVID PERDEW: David is the founder of NAMS – the Niche Affiliate Marketing System – one of the fastest growing affiliate marketing workshops and affiliate training systems available today. What makes NAMS so different is that the instructors TEACH, demonstrate, and enable the students with hands-on workshops. Students learn from their current experience level. Beginners work with beginners, Intermediates work with intermediates, and Advanced students work with advanced groups. Everyone talks the language they understand.

Bob Jenkins: You Based Affiliate Marketing

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All links are for information purposes only and are not warranted for content, accuracy or any other implied or explicit purpose.

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Bob Jenkins: You Based Affiliate Marketing

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In this interview with Bob Jenkins, you’ll learn about You Based Affiliate Marketing, which has

created the path for Bob’s success as an online affiliate marketer and led to his stellar

reputation as a coach and teacher. Some key elements Bob discusses include:

Three critical elements for successful affiliate marketers

How to elevate your brand while promoting others’ campaigns

Five ways to earn constant cash flow

How to not be distracted by “shiny objects”

Create long term passive income streams

The key to choosing the right products for you

Build relationships by standing behind your promotions and products

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David: It’s David Perdew and the Niche Affilate Marketing System and we are getting started a couple of minutes late here. We had do a little special technical stuff to get this on the screen the way we wanted to show it to you and record it so we’re ready to rock and roll now though. And, we have Bob Jenkins with us tonight to talk about Affiliate Marketing. Bob is one of our premiere instructors at the NAMS Workshop.

He’s been involved for a long time now and brings a lot to all of our students and then Bob always teaches- Bob is a long time teacher and he always teaches very step-by-step methods and does a great job of making sure that people understand exactly what they need to understand on the topic that he’s on.

And, tonight he’s going to talk about You Based Promotions and You Based Affiliate Marketing. So Bob thanks for coming; and I always enjoy it when you come and teach us something.

Bob: Absolutely, David it’s my pleasure to be here and I’m excited and honored to be one of your Deep Dive guests. And I'm excited to see so many people joining us for tonight's session and that’s going to be a lot of fun.

David: Yeah it will, it will. So, we’re going to start tonight and as you go through this I might interrupt you if I hear something that I'm not clear on, or need something-some additional information, but mostly I just want you to take it away and teach us everything you know about You Based promotions.

Bob: Absolutely. I'll be happy to do that and excited when you do come on because I know you serve as an excellent proxy for the audience and you're also monitoring that chat window in case there are some questions that come up. And for you listening you do have the opportunity at the end of the call today to ask some questions.

You might want to start poking them in as they come to you into that question box and to go to meeting.

David: Yeah, it’s always good.

Bob: Absolutely and it helps- I might not see it, but David or Cindy will and between the three of us we’ll figure out a way to get you a good answer.

David: That’s right. That’s right.

Bob: For as much as we can in the time that we have. And, first of all let me thank you David for having me here and prelistening. I'm really excited that you decided to take time out of your

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busy week, out of your perhaps holiday preparation time as we are in a time of year where people have a lot of options of things to do right?

So let me start out first by letting you know my philosophy behind why You Based Affiliate Marketing is so critical for a person like yourself who’s an entrepreneur, who’s a business owner, who’s trying to change the world, who’s trying to impact people while generating a lot of revenue in the process and if you can answer yes to a few of these questions, hopefully, all of these questions than you definitely made the right choice to be here tonight.

So the first question is do you need a boost in revenue? And, I’m going to assume that answer is yes because if you remember the My NAMS community or if you’ve just joined into the membership recently, even the free community I know that you’re looking for ways to generate that extra income and make sure that you can have a good cash flow, you can pay the bills, but beyond that you want to have a better, richer life that money can afford you.

Do you want more consistent cash flow? A lot of people in this industry who are information marketers, who are affiliate marketers, are who service professionals which is the type of client that I usually work with there’s this up and down economy that we don’t really know when it’s going to be a boom time or it’s going to be a bust time and the last couple of years since I stopped teaching high school, which was a very consistent job, right?

Nice consistent salary, was kind of the low salary with this You Based Affiliate Marketing that I’m teaching you today I’ve been able to maintain a very consistent cash flow and I would say about 90% of the months between July 2007 when I quit teaching until today I generated over $10,000 a month in revenue because of the incorporation of affiliate marketing in the same strategy that I’m going to share with you today.

The third question I have is are you ready to help more people? Because with You Based Affiliate Marketing, you’re not stuck just with the people who say yes to your product or service that you offer. You can actually extend your offerings to them by connecting them to other people's products and services as well.

The fourth question I have for you do you have a long-term outlook? A lot of people teach about affiliate marketing in different ways. Even the people in this Deep Dive series with My NAMS some of them they teach affiliate marketing, as an end game, like it’s the only thing that you’ll need in your business and for some people that works really well.

But for me, I always wanted to be thinking longer-term of being an expert. And, whether you're an expert now or you can see the future, and you will be, I know that if you use You Based Affiliate Marketing and I’ll define it a little more and probably what that means in just a second,

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but if you do use that it’s going to allow you to have longer-term business plan that’s going to work for you day in and day out, and for a long time to come.

And then finally I want to ask you if you're sick of the confusion of affiliate marketing? It's a very broad topic. You know, it's funny that David calls NAMS the Niche Affiliate Marketing System in the sense that we then have three or four tracks with 40 sessions during weekends live events.

That's a lot to take in and it's a lot to understand and sometimes people feel like that they have to know everything at the same time, and every expert that teaches at the NAMS live workshops, every expert that is doing these Deep Dives we each have our own take on what's really critical and what the priorities are, and for me I want to focus your attention on You Based affiliate marketing.

I’m going to skip over the paper click, I’m going to skip over all kinds of other styles that do work for people, and just focus you on this You Based affiliate marketing to help you with this strategy that I’ve used and that I think you can take advantage of.

Now, you might be wondering, you know David introduced me. Thank you for that, David, by the way it's always a pleasure to be part of anything that you put on, but I want you to kind of get a sense that if you've ever heard of me before, if you don't know where I'm coming from I just want to give you a sense of why did David have me on beyond what he just said.

So he already mentioned to you that I've been a NAMS faculty member, the photo is actually from the last NAMS workshop and I was teaching in this time, a group of people about mentally marketing pathways similar to what I'm teaching today. I've been teaching NAMS a couple of times, the virtual series that we've done and I also held my own workshops. I do that once or twice a year.

I do virtual seminars every 2 to 3 months, and I've been doing this since 2006. I was a high school teacher for 10 years, and but now I teach you in a classroom that is really about connecting from the computer to the Internet.

One of the things I'm able to do, one of the reasons why David wanted me here is because I continue to practice affiliate marketing even though I have a very active coding business, even though I have a very active information product line and virtual seminar series. The truth of the matter is that 30-50% of my revenue- month in/month out still remains coming from affiliate marketing and that's because I believe in it very strongly.

I integrated it very intensively, and I love being able to share great resources and the people who I recommend are more than willing to share in that revenue with me.

So, if there's any reason why my business slows down a little bit, I still have the affiliated marketing pieces to catch up on that. So sometimes it’s as much as 50%, usually it's about 30 to 40, but it continues to be a major part and I want you to understand this is not something that I used to do, it’s not something that I got tired of, it’s something that I do all the time and

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continue to practice. And ,of course, David has me here and were keeping it simple as matter-of-fact my life events are called “Simple”. Sorry, David were you there?

David: Yeah, I just wanted to ask you being 30 to 50% of your revenue. Give people a sense of what that means that you can do on a regular basis. I mean…

Bob: And so for example, yeah I understand what your question is.

David: Okay.

Bob: So for example the last month, I don't know if you know all this David, but I think you do, we chatted briefly about it, but for the last month I basically spent a week in North Carolina packing up my house, then moving it in a pod, then taking a week of vacation with my family and my girlfriend in Maryland, and then came back and had a few days of unpacking to do.

Meanwhile, while I was doing the vacation and the packing and moving my business was generating money because of the affiliated marketing promotions that I put in place. Not just that I did via e-mail that went out while I was on vacation or on these trips, but because of the promotions that I put in three or four years ago are still generating revenue for me because of the integration and some of the steps that I’ll be sharing with you today.

I've been able to take much more time off over the last three or four years than I ever would be able to do as a teacher. I've been able to see places, go on cruises, and just relax. You know, just take time to relax and not worry so much about whether I can pay the bills this week, or I had to do something else.

I don't have to work three or four jobs. I've been able to enjoy travel much more and just build relationships with my family and my girlfriend. And even with the best of clients that I have they continue to be strong because affiliated marketing provides that buffer for me where I can take the time off, and I can also use that to connect with people I would otherwise wouldn't be able to do. So does that answer your question David?

David: That's exactly what I wanted you to talk about. Affiliate marketing as a base for your revenue streams is just… once you start building it up to 50% of your revenue gives you a lot of freedom.

Bob: That’s right, that’s right and the reason it drops to 30%, honestly, is not because the Affiliated Marketing slows down, it’s because I have a live event. (chuckles). I have a launch of my own products and, then, of course, it drops in the percentage, but it still maintains a nice base line…

David: Sure.

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Bob: So I have that comfort ability and security. It's kind of like my own 401(k) plan, to be honest and I know that other experts in this series relate it to that and I would share that same sentiment.

Bob: Okay. Okay, by the end of this session today, by the end of our hour together I want to make sure that you get a few things under your belt. So the first thing I want to do is to help you understand the three critical elements that any successful affiliate marketing campaign needs to have, and you’re going to be surprised at what I tell you here because a lot of folks get this wrong especially if they want to do You Based Affiliate Marketing.

The second thing is I want you to elevate your brand while promoting other people. That's the centerpiece behind why I call it You Based because you're still front and center. Your name, your website, your Facebook profile, etc. is still prominent in these types of promotions because at the end of the day people want to know you and you’ll get a lot further faster if you have yourself at the center of your marketing.

And, that takes a bit of an adjustment for a lot of people because you might not be a natural attention seeker or someone who wants the spotlight. And I'm not saying that you need to step on stage, or you need to attempt to toot your own horn or anything like that, but it does mean you got to be proud and excited about what you have and the value that you offer and then you use that and leverage it for a longer-term success.

I'll be sharing with you a few tips on determining which products and people that you would promote to your growing audience so that you can have that long-term success and I'm also going to be sharing with you five ways to earn consistent cash flow with affiliate marketing, and at the end of the day, at the end of the session I hope that you'll decide that You Based affiliate marketing is what you want to do and that you’ll move forward faster with some extra help from me.

So let's get started into the meat, like I could drag on all the earn the right stuff that you hear and I could show you screenshots of everything and a little bit later I'll show you an example of a specific type of affiliated marketing strategy that I use and give you some data, but let me share with you first those three elements.

Actually, before I do that let me make sure you got your affiliate marketing checklist that you were given by David and me before this seminar, but after you registered for it. In that affiliate marketing checklist just three pages it's a quick guide to your success in this area and I encourage you to rebrand it and to share it and if you don't know what that's about, yet just make sure you read page 3.

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But I've laid out 19 steps for you and I’m going to be sharing a few of those here, but it's a good guide for you to have as a baseline, printed out, put it next to your computer and refer to it often.

David: And, Bob, if they haven’t picked that out yet they can get that from the forum? In the post that you have in the forum? And we have a link to that and that is NAMS.ws/bfree and I will- I’ll post the link here in the question box for people as well so they can just click on it.

Bob: Okay, and is that the letter “B” free?

David: That’s the letter bfree, all lower case.

Bob: Okay, great. So let’s jump in with the three critical elements that will ensure your long-term success with every affiliate promotion that you do, and the quality. Excuse me, the element number one that I want you to be thinking about is quality- is quality.

The thing about promoting affiliate products that a lot of people get wrong, or they kind of leave incomplete is they start chasing these products that make money, that convert well on the sales page etc., and they really don't pay enough attention to how good the product actually is and they don't pay enough attention to the support on the back end of their products.

As you are building a You Based business where you are front and center, you’re the expert, you’re the people- you're the person that people are coming to. I want you to understand that your job as a resource connector is to get, is to prequalify what's good and what's not good. So as you're seeking great results with your affiliate marketing campaigns the one thing that you have to look for is quality in the product and in the support.

If you can stand behind the product as if it was created by you, you can stand behind the support as if you were doing it then you're going to be in much better shape.

The second thing to realize is that you're looking for quality of products to promote and quality of promotions is going to build up your reputation, and as you continue in business. You probably already know this; you certainly have seen it in other people's businesses.

If you promote something; it turns out to be a real bomb, and you haven't built up a reputation that can buffer yourself against that you will be doomed for six months to a year to trying to build your business. Even if you're not promoting anything else, but your own stuff, because when you attach your name to something that doesn't have quality people transfer that bad quality you.

Now, it may be unfair, but it's the reality. Now if you do build up a reputation and you wind up promoting a product that turns out to be great at first and then the product owner lets people down afterwards, if you built up this reputation you can be forgiven by your audience.

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I know that Lynn tells a story about one time she promoted a product and a membership that was awesome.

It was freaking amazing, and then they had too much- too many support problems, too much whatever and the promotion ending up bombing, but because of her reputation that she built up and because of how she dealt with the reaction and how she preemptively talked to her customers who went to buy that other product she was able to still maintain a very solid business and continued to grow.

So it's very critical here that you’re focusing on quality products and support but also that you build up this reputation with the audience that you're working with.

David: Let me add something there.

Bob: Yeah, go ahead David.

David: I went to a workshop seminar was more seminar and workshop about five years ago. And I actually won a contest to promote a product that we created at the workshop and 90 minutes.

So I sent it out to my list and sold like 45 of those and it was a $70 product and within about five hours one of my best friends in the marketing world sent me note that said, “If you weren’t my friend I would unsubscribe and never buy anything from you again”.

So we had created that product on-the-fly at the workshop, and I didn't look at it closely enough and so even though I won the contest for promoting it I ended up for refunding all of those sales to everybody because of the quality of that product and that did more for my integrity and reputation than anything that I've done in a long time.

Bob: That's right.

Bob: That’s such a great example and that's really what it comes down to your integrity, your ethics, your character have to be strong. You're not just chasing after the dollars, you’re not just chasing after commissions because if you want a long-term success in this area. So thank you David for that story.

Now, the other thing about the quality that I want you to understand is that it’s setting up a pattern for your future promotions. So if you create a promotion for one particular product and people love it and then if you create another promotion for product number two people are going to remember how good your product recommendations were in the past and use that as a deciding factor for that in the future.

And some of them will actually come to you and ask you, “Do you have an affiliate link for a particular product?” because they respect your recommendations. They’ll come to you and ask you, “Do you think I should buy this or not?” And that's the kind of relationship I'm talking

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about with the You Based affiliate promotion strategy is that people then start coming to you. It's not just people randomly finding you on the Internet, although that will happen as well.

So that's all in number one, the quality factor that has to be in any affiliate marketing promotion that you do. The second element is relevance. And boy did I get this from when I first started.

I don't know about you David, but I was in that mentality when I first started as a teacher. I just wanted extra money, and so if I thought people would buy it, I would promote it. And it didn't matter if it made any sense coming from me or not. And so I need you to understand if you want long-term success you’re going to say no more often than yes to promoting products because at the end of the day people are going to ask this question. “Why are you talking about that product or service?”

What gives you the- not only the right, but what gives you the motivation to be talking about it? And if you don't have the connection and you don't have the relevance to the product then people are going to believe and assume that the only reason that you're promoting it is to get a commission. So make sure that you’re promoting relevant products and services that people would expect you to be talking about to them.

You've got to get that connection to your audience, whether it's on Facebook or Linked In or

your e-mail marketing, or even face-to-face with your partners, your colleagues, your family, you know just people that you know. Why would they listen to you to recommend this product to them, and then would it make sense to them to buy it?

The thing about relevance really needs to be that it adds to your relationship for your partnership with your customers with your prospects. Okay? If you got to add to your relationship so you can build this long-term connection to the people on your list and in your community.

So for example, I started promoting health cleansing products when I was 15 pounds underweight. I was selling dental plans. I was selling all kinds of random stuff and all of them were good products, right?

All of them were products that people needed, but why would a high school history teacher be marketing that? It just didn't seem to make a lot of sense and so I didn't have a lot of success, but once I started to teach people, which is my skill set and I relied on my skill set, and once I start teaching people in areas that I knew then when I made recommendations that were related to that it made all the difference in the world.

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And it's also important for you to understand that when you create your own product and services you can think about what are relevant products and services that are connected to what it is that you're selling.

So for example, if I'm teaching people how to use and create teleseminars to market their business doesn't it make sense that I would promote a conference bridge line as an affiliate; that's very tied in to my expertise area and to what I'm talking about. So a lot of people do get this area wrong, and it holds them back, and it keeps people from really building a long-term relationship with them.

David, any comments on relevance before I go to element three.

David: Well, if you look at relevance as part of your sales funnel than this is where your gold is because you start you start finding out- you start finding all the related products that people need that tele-seminar and the bridge line is really a good example because there are multiple things that you can promote then and also add value.

I mean, you don't promote just to promote, but you continue adding value.

Bob: That's right, because they need those types of things and I'm going to be talking about how to pick your products in a second, but the bottom line is you're looking for things that are essential to doing whatever it is that you’re helping them to do in your own central business, and you can't do everything for them. So it's usually something else that you rely on that you can pass along and you would recommend it even if you got paid or you didn't.

David: Yeah, yeah and you know, it's like the connections in that 6° of separation show, that Kevin Bacon game, if it's related somehow with a direct connection between… It’s almost an ancestry thing, you know it’s a grandfather and a cousin relationship, you know? That’s the kind of thing that we’re talking about.

Bob: Yeah, I could see that. So the third element to a good campaign is consistency. And again, this is something that I have gotten wrong in the past and every now or then I'll forget this lesson, and it will show up in the results that I get.

But when I am consistent, and when I am in my coaching clients are consistent with their affiliates marketing promotions they get much better results so the key thing to think about is less is more when it comes to affiliate marketing as a You Based affiliate marketer, which means that you don't promote 15 different things in a week. You don’t promote even five things in the same day.

You promote just one thing at a time as much as possible. And yes, you can have occasionally toss out a little recommendation for something as people are coming up with questions about it, but for a strategic promotion strategy you want to focus on just a couple of things and to do so independently of each other.

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You also need to understand that if you're consistent it means that you’re repeating yourself. You’re not just assuming that one mention of a product or service is going to get you results. Repetition is going to be very important; that can become repetition of mentions in social media. It can be e-mail sequences that have the same promotion basically going out on a series of days, and it can even be a series of tele-seminars or articles that you post out that let you say the same kind of information, the same kind of hot button points over a longer period of time so people really understand that you do stand behind what it is your promoting.

And consistency also is important, if you're sticking within what I call your golden triad. And this is an important part of the entire affiliate marketing process, but it's essentially where you identify what you're really good at, what people are looking for and what people are willing to pay for.

I call this the passion, the knowledge and the marketplace, or the P K &N is what makes up this golden triad. And if you’re consistent, and you're consistently promoting things within that skill set, where the market is that at and what they’re willing to pay for, you’re going to see much better results instead of jumping around, the shiny objects, and looking at different areas to promote just because it's a hot thing.

It's trendy and everybody and their brother is promoting it doesn't make sense, it's not relevant, and it's not consistent to the message your sharing; it's not going to impact your business as positively as you would like, and certainly not as much long-term and you would like.

Okay, so again, the three elements again are quality and consistency, and why am I relevant, I’m having a blank here… It's too cold here where I am it's 12°.

David: Man, it’s your golden triad.

Bob: Yeah, exactly. So quality relevance and consistency are the three key elements of an effective affiliate marketing campaign.

So let's jump into elevating your brand. So how can promoting other people's products increase your credibility and also help more people? At the end of the day that's what separates You Based marketing from traditional training of affiliate marketing. And the first thing is I want to share with you why you really benefit, okay?

Why are you really going to get the long-term effects from this? For me, I believe the fastest path to the KLT, which is know, like and trust is for people to buy and to be happy with their purchases and whether they buy from you or they buy from your recommendation. If they're happy with their purchase. You get those brownie points. You get that credibility boost when you say, “Hey. I really recommend this WordPress theme and people love it. If you recommend a live event like NAMS, for example.

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People come to NAMS seven, and it’s the best event they ever attended they're going to attribute the experience they had not only to David and his team and everybody that's there, but to you for recommending that they attend, okay?

This brings up another thing here that's really key that there’s a psychology of being the guide to someone's discovery. And I really benefited from this personally as a business owner over the last five years, and the people who do this type of marketing. Most of whom are NAMS instructors they benefit from this as well.

If you are shown, it's like being shown a magic trick, if you're shown a magic trick and you get excited about that discovery of you now know how something works not only do you feel good about it, but you have this, it's almost like an invisible tether, it's a little invisible beam of light that continues to tie you to the original person who shared it with you.

And you might even think about right now, who was it that shared with you something that you've never forgotten and has helped you since the day you were introduced to it and you still to this day think fondly of that particular person. And you can benefit the same way when you hook people up with right tools and resources and people.

Again, they’re not just again be thankful of the quality of the products for whoever made that product they’re going to give you some of that credibility, as well, which is going to leave for you to be a trusted advisor in the long term. And again, this is one of the critical elements of a You Based affiliate marketer is that you’re going to be the person that people turn to. It happens to me at least once a week, people will ask me do you have a link for that?

I keep being shown about this resource, blah-blah-blah. Do you recommend it? If so, do you have a link for that?

So that’s being a trusted advisor and when you’re selling your own products and services and people have purchased the products you’ve recommended; even before you have own product, even before you have a service of your own and you’re recommending quality products it makes sense coming from you when you do release your own product people are going to trust you because of what you recommended to them in the past.

Because, again, they’ve purchased, they’ve shown commitment with their wallet and then they’ve been happy with the result because at the end of the day people do love to buy stuff that helps their life improve and if you’re their one that gets them to do so; provides them with

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the right information that allows them to say yes, they will tie that back to you. Any comments here David before I continue on?

David: No, but it just tickles- well that's a yes it tickles me to death when people send me a note and say do you have an affiliate link to something even if I’m not promoting it, and one of the things you mentioned here… the psychology of discovery guide.

People are clamoring to become instructors at NAMS, and I love that because it's getting a good reputation for being the filter, really, for quality instructors and quality people and so we've got like 40 people on the faculty staff now of NAMS and occasionally we have to call somebody out because they don't hold up to our standards, but most of the time they come as recommendations from other instructors and this thing has grown completely on its own, because of the recommendations and the involvement of the people, students and instructors, who really want to perpetuate that kind of integrity.

So it really works when you let it work and it's not always about the money. I guarantee you it’s not about the money, seldom is it about the money; it’s more about satisfying the need.

Bob: That’s right, and if you can satisfy that need, you will benefit both in the warm fuzzy feelings and in the bank account. We are certainly keen on making sure business motivations, business decisions are made with an ide of profit.

And if you are doing You Based promotion it's not You Based because you're the only one that benefits, it’s you based because you're connecting people and you're sticking around and you're not hiding behind anonymous review sites and you're not hiding behind pay per click ads and you're not hiding behind any of those things.

I'm not saying that those are bad, because they do work and they work for the right kind of marketing, but for me and for You Based people it works because we're standing behind with our name on the line.

David: That’s right.

Bob: We’re standing behind images that are out there and that’s, again, why I think that people who do it that way have long term success, and that’s why I’m so excited about sharing with you.

Bob: So let’s change gears for just a second and talk about how do you choose the right products. Okay, because at the end of the day we have a limited time, we have limited resources to products, and you do have to choose. You have to say yes to some things and you’re going to have to say no to other things.

Well, how are you going to pick? So first of all I want you to promote people. Okay, we’ll talk about products in a second, but I want you to promote people because if you connect people to people building this relationship that’s going to last a longer time. And, because people typically

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create more than one product, you're able to build that relationship longer and that reciprocity of that promotional will come back to you as well.

So the first thing is I want you to think about who is where you want to be? Who is doing things that you already know how to do, but they’re already doing it in either a bigger way or a more public way.

In other words they may not be do things the same way as you do, but they’re addressing the same challenges, they’re providing similar solutions as what you want to do, but they’ve got a head start. If you can connect people to that kind of a person than they’re going to thank you for it.

And again, this is where you going to have to be a little bit humble and you’re going to have to get your ego out of the way for a second and recognize that if somebody else is doing a better job than you or as good a job as you, but just has that head start you're going to benefit long-term and your audience is going to benefit in the short-term by you saying, “Hey, if you want these solutions this is the guy or the girl that you’re going to talk to, okay?”

And a perfect example for that and when I first got started I had done tele-seminars and I knew how to teach tele-seminars, but I didn't have as nearly the credibility nor the track record as a couple of other people that did and so even though people were coming to me asking me how you do tele-seminars. I could've charged them money, but instead I said, “You should go check out this guy. You should go check out this woman. You should go check out this person because they have a fantastic program that's been laid out for you step-by-step, okay?”

And that applies to pretty much any kind of solution out there that's already doing it with you turn to for advice for support services or whatever your typically already doing this when it comes to the haircuts of plumbers and lawn care all these things in your local communities, which you should also be doing it to the folks at your learning business from. Some people on the line right now, perhaps yourselves, you're not trying to show people how to make money online.

I'm hoping that 95% of you or more are not trying to show people how to make money online. I hope that you're showing people an expertise that you have already established and that you're using online marketing to do it.

Well, some of your colleagues and your family are going to ask you, who did you go to- to learn how to do a website? Then, who did you go to- to learn marketing online? And those are some of the types of people that would make sense for you to promote.

And then who has compatible and complementary services to you? These are the kinds of people that you want to promote as well. And this steps into this idea of reciprocity as well.

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When you promote people, it might not happen for the first couple of months, it may not have a for the first couple years.

If you promote people with compatible and complimentary services when you get off the ground with your products that you have or your products that you already have get a little more visibility. The people that you've promoted since day one are more likely to be in your support camp, and promote you back in return, or however you'd want to say that. It’s not just scratch my back, I'll scratch yours.

It’s simply the nature of helping people out. Now, David and I are the perfect example of that, right?

He has an event called NAMS, I have an event called Simple. We both have compatible and complementary workshops. They serve two different types of purposes, but they serve very similar audiences and so I am able to send people to his event, and I am able to send people to his event and we don't have to worry about, “Oh, I can’t promote one event because they won't come to mine because at the end of the day we know that both of our events will help people out and we’re more than happy to get them to say yes to at least one of us so that their lives can improve.

Bob: That’s right and one of the other things that I love to do, and you said it here, is that you promote other people and I’ve basically made a career out of that. I mean NAMS is really what an opportunity for me to bring the people together that I want to learn from and so everybody that’s an instructor at NAMS does their thing much better than I do, whatever that is, and it’s always a pleasure for me to do that because those are the people that I want to hear from and by doing that it makes it a great service for the people that attend.

David: That’s right and look at what’s happened. We’ve had six iterations of NAMS and we're getting ready to do the seventh one and we have hundreds of people attending NAMS.

Bob: Yeah.

David: And so we're able to even exist if they're even getting canceled a week or two before they're supposed to run so it’s a little tangent, but it comes back to you.

Bob: It does and it’s pretty amazing. It’s pretty amazing the way it grows on its own once you do that, you drop that approach.

David: That’s right. All right so that was about promoting people, but there's also products obviously that you want to promote and the most important element of a product to promote is something you already know how to use, and I want you to be racking your brain and thinking about the software.

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The books you read, the online tools you use on a regular basis, the gadgets you might use in your business that is particular to your industry and perhaps some services that you rely upon to do more of what you do.

Bob: Okay, for example, a software great promotion that most people on this call would want to do would be WordPress themes. Software like how- like Microsoft Word even or software for your accounting like QuickBooks. These are types of products pending in your industry that will make very good sense and you talk about. Books that are written by some of the top people in your field you can recommend through the promotion of an affiliate thing.

They’re, in fact, great on books, but they can be very consistent to add onto it. So as you look through, what is the basis? May be you just tilt your head away from the screen for just a second, look around your room, look over at the shelf that you have some courses on, look at your laptop, look at some of the programs that are on your desktop, you know amongst all those downloaded e-books PLR and all the other trash that's on your desktop right now.

I want you to really think about what are the things that you rely on a regular basis that would make sense for you to share with people.

And when you do this, you know you’re going to be picking products very well that you know very well and that you can explain in excellent detail during your promotions. Another thing that you can promote is live events, and I'm assuming that you're on this call, and you will be attending NAMS seven, and if not NAMs Seven, NAMS Eight .

Sometime in the next year I hope to see you at one of these events I hope that you promote this event to the business colleagues that you have because of how strong it is. And obviously it’s going to be relevant to you, it’s going to be a quality thing, it’s going to be something that you can consistently talk about, because it's something that you experienced.

Now as you look at these ideally, the products that you promote are going to be essential to what it is that you do. In other words, if you didn't have this you would not be able to do what it is that you do.

Again, if you’re, David gave you an example of an accountant; an accountant must have software to run the numbers. But yes, they can use a calculator just as they can use pieces of paper, but at the end of the day in the 21st century people are using software like QuickBooks or Peachtree or whatever those types of things would be great for an accountant to be promoting.

Another aspect of a good product to promote is it must be simple to you and the reason this is

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important is because you're going to find out in a minute some of the steps that I recommend that you take to promote, but one of those is to explain to people how to use the product that you're talking about.

And, if you find it easy it is going to be easier for you to get that connection to people who are looking for a solution, but who are going to want to learn how to use it from you and perhaps pay you for that.

The third is that it does need to be challenging for other people to get into it so if it’s so simple, anybody can pick up then you might not be as successful at it in the long-term although it's still a good thing to promote. But if it's challenging for others, it’s going to elevate your long-term revenue based on some of the methods that I'll be sharing with you in a second.

And, of course, a product must be sold with an online affiliate program for you to really stand behind promoting it as an affiliate marketer, and you can promote it all you want and not get paid for it. But if you want a You Based affiliate marketing success in the profit zone then they have to give you credit for those sales, and they have to have an online affiliate program. S

o as you look at these tools and resources and people that you want to promote check in with their websites and see that they have an affiliate program. If they do, then obviously it's another check in the box that you can go ahead and promote with it.

Okay, so we're going to jump into some of the five areas that I wanted to really key in on your attention, but I wanted to get some of the strategic, big picture thinking out of the way first. The five ways to grow your cash flow is really about integrating affiliate marketing into your business for consistent long-term revenue and the first way is most often overlooked. And it's the thing that I make sure anybody whoever comes to any of my programs or is a coaching client of mine is going to remember.

Now before I give you that first one, I want to make sure that you, again, remember that checklist. The checklist itself has 19 steps in it. I’m going to be giving you this Deeper Dive into my favorite five right now, and the rest of them I’m going to be showcasing and even these five I’m going to be showcasing, but we’ll be diving deeper into all 19 in the upcoming discover affiliate strategies virtual seminar.

Virtually starts tomorrow and I'll be sharing more details about that with you in just a second before we get to questions, but just stay tuned for that because I have a great way for you to get into that with a great NAMS special discount.

Okay so, let's jump into with number one. Step number one is what I would call link control, link control, and I don't know David, this is such a cool topic that I could spend a long, long time on, but the bottom line is most people make the mistake of using the basic affiliate link that a product owner gives them.

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Whether it's Clickbank, or Digital Access Pass or One Shopping Cart or whatever it's this really long link and it's very easy to just copy and paste it. But boy could you realize over the course of the next year, two or three years how much money, you'll likely lose in your promotional efforts if you use the given link.

David, do you have any horror stories of your own before I share one of mine?

David: I don't have a horror story because I really started doing this right away at first. The horror story…

The closest thing to a horror story is that I made it difficult for myself by getting complicated with those links instead of just creating a simple redirect system. And I use a commercial redirect system now, but I have over 3,000 redirects right now and you got to have a system for being able to find those when you need them and being able to update them, but I'm sure you’re going to get into this, but being able to change out the referred link so you can change the traffic pattern if you need to switch to another product.

Bob: That's right, that's right, so here's the short story. Okay, the short story is that people will,,, let me come back to it, one of my favorite promotions. One of my favorite promotions I did early on, and luckily I also had the domain redirect going on and I’ll tell you about that in a second. But one of my first big affiliate promotions was teaching people how to do so with tele-seminars, and I referred them to a mastermind partner of mine who created a fantastic course, but he wound up only teaching it once and then he took it off the market.

So it's everywhere that I've promoted that program with the natural link, with the given link. When he took it off the market, it first went to a page it said, ”SORRY IT’S CLOSED” with no alternatives that I could get paid on as an affiliate.

So all the articles, all the blog posts, all the social media, everything that was out there with that particular link is now dead. Not only does that hurt me, but I don't earn income from any of those links anymore, it also hurts the people that I’m recommending the product to because they’re ready for that solution and now they can't get to it.

Now they come to a dead end and remember when I said that you are the discovery guide, the psychology bond that forms. Well, when you lead people to a dead-end the same is true. They believe you to lead them to dead ends and they stop listening to you. It’s a very bad idea.

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Another reason you want to never use the given link is people change their affiliate programs. So don't need to get into this too much, but you’ve probably heard of Click Bank by now. You’ve probably heard of Digital Access Pass or One Shopping Cart etc.

Along the way people will change their affiliate program because either one of them stops working properly or they see a new and better system that they want to use. Well, when they make those changes, 99% of the time they will let you know, “Hey guess what? The affiliate program is changing and here's your new link.” What that means is all the links that you’ve used in the past are now dead, they don’t go anywhere.

They’ll typically go to a four o four page, or just to the homepage of the person’s site and you don’t get credit because they're not using the same account and the same merchant account to process payments.

And then the third thing is what David mentioned. Sometimes you might change your mind about a product, you might change your mind about your being able to stand behind something so you never use a given link because if somebody starts to disappoint you with a product that they've made you can quickly change what it is that you got.

So this is really critical to get right at first, so never use the given link. And I have it here twice, seriously because it is that important area.

So what should you do instead? Well you have two choices- one is a little bit expensive, but only if it's seen as an expense and not a return on your investment, which I always see it as. A domain reader access where you go to simplenichedomains.com or some domain registrar and you buy a domain whose sole purpose is to be redirected to your affiliate link.

So for example, for me, I have Namstickets.com to send people to NAMS seven. This is the domain that I use, in order to send people there, and when people ask me, “Hey, what's your link for NAMS or what events would you recommend I attend?”

I can pull that out of my head quite quickly and say, “Go ahead and go to Namstickets.com. I don't have to send them a link like Mynams.com/amember A=something or other PHP, blah, blah,blah,blah?? And it’s going to make a lot more sense.

The second type of link that you can use and one that you’ll probably want to use when you’re first getting started is simply from a cost perspective, is self hosting redirects. And this is where you have on your domain; your domain name you've got what are called CPanel redirects or PHP redirects/HR redirects and you can do it in a number of different ways.

You can even buy software that'll track it for you, but make sure that it’s on your own site. I do not recommend that you use the URL shortening service like Bitly or Bud URL or any of these other ones because at the end of the day you don't control that, which means that they can be shut down, they can go out of business, they can change their business model or what else happens they can be black listed as spam and all links that have that start like Bitley, for

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example, BIT.ly result in a spam score greater than what you want to tolerate so if you use a self host redirect you maintain that control. Okay?

David, I hear you rustling a little bit itching to talk about this for a second.

David: Yeah, I cannot emphasis this enough. Everybody that sees me, you know, I've put several links in here tonight in the chat box and they're all of Nams.ws/whatever. And for example the free report that you're giving away its Nams.ws/befree and that is the self hosted redirect that you're talking about.

Bob: I like to think of that as a trial run because if I do a self hosted redirect and the affiliate promotion is good and it’s something that I want to keep around for a long time then I can make an investment into Namstickets.com.

And, you know, just buying a domain for $8.00. and go ahead and use that because that’s going to be something that’s a good promotion and I’ll use it forever. So, you know, you end up investing $8.00. I’ve got one that’s bestheadlinessoftware.com.

I’ve used that redirect domain for, gosh six years now and it redirects to a resale product that I have that I sell four or five times a month. It’s made me about six or seven thousand dollars in the last four years just sitting there at nine dollars a sale, and it just sits there and I don't touch it. But that redirect does everything that I need it to do and it comes back to my own domain.

That's right. And one quick tip and I go into this a lot more further in the course that I teach. When you do a domain redirect it's often better for you to create a domain out of keyword benefits than the actual title itself. So like Namstickets.com is not the best type of domain redirect.

If I ever wanted to change that domain name to a different live event, but because I know David well because I know this is a long term program I went ahead picked up that particular domain, but another example would be bestemaildelivery.com.

David: Mhm.

Bob: Is one of my favorite domain names because it’s what I’ve used to promote aWeber for a long, long time, but if there’s ever the chance that aWeber either goes out of business, or starts having bad delivery or starts having charging more than what I think is fair then I can switch that to another service and still use bestemaildelivery.com in all my links for the last five years will still work, but now they’ll be redirected to the new recommendation.

So that’s a very key element that you know, again, this is only Step One of five that I’m sharing with you tonight, but I hope you start to understand just how critical this is to consistent long term profit that’s with affiliate marketing.

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You’re in control of those links and they don’t die without you being able to fix them afterwards.

David: And there’s one more thing we need to talk about as well and if you are using a linking service or that is on your own domain as you explained. I don’t ever recommend Bitley or any of the other kind of linking services even though they do have good analytics.

What I’m going to say is you need something that is going to give you traffic and often it could be your own CPanel or AWstats or whatever, but if it’s on your domain you can see what kind of click throughs your getting on the, on the redirect and that’s an important function as well.

Bob: That’s right. Yeah, because it will give you the ability to make some decisions based on real data rather than just hunches.

All right, Step Number Two is to create an email series so once you’ve created your product, you’ve got your redirect now you can start doing some promotional methods that will result in great sales.

So the email series is not dead. It’s one the best ways still today to make sure that you’ve get this consistent cash flow for affiliate promotions and you’re going to get the best results if you do this in what is called an auto responder follow-up it’s not just a newsletter, but you actually, you might practice a campaign, you might talk about it to your existing subscribers now, but those successful responder campaigns for three or four messages to promote a particular product you put into your auto responder follow sequence and say messages nine, ten and eleven and from that point forward everybody who comes through your sales funnel, through your email marketing funnel will see that promotional sequence.

This why even to this day I get commissions and sales and email leads and what not from various promotions that I’ve done over the last five years because they were put into my follow up sequence.

I’ve got three types of emails I would recommend that you do. This is the sequence that you can start with. There’s a lot of ways that you can do this, but this works super, super well and this email series can go in anywhere in your auto responder series in your follow up sequence, but it’s best that they’re done together and in three successive days, in three consecutive days.

So day number one of the sequence is: Do you ever? And then you fill in the blank with some kind of a challenge that people run into that you address or that you know about.

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So it’s like “Do you ever get frustrated by how much web masters charge?” Do you ever find yourself awake at night wondering are your parents going to die without life insurance or without a plan for their estate or whatever? Do you ever look at the refrigerator and wonder if you’ll ever lose weight? There’s all kinds of questions where you can do this Do you ever? and it pinpoints a pain point to people where they say, “Yeah, I get that”.

And in this message what’s really cool if you do it right is that you can either send people to a blog post that you’ve written or you can simply ask them to reply to you via email and you get them to talk to you, you get them to share with you that yes they do have that experience.

Now in this first email you’re probably not going to actually reveal a solution. You’re just saying, “Hey, do you get this same thing that I give you?” Here’s where it’s showing up for me, or here’s where it showed up for me in the past. What about you, do you have that, let me know. Post about it on my Facebook wall, post about it on my blog, or just send me a reply back and let me know what you think, okay?

The next day, the very next day your second message is going to be a response to those folks who sent you the messages. Now when you first start out you are going already get these responses live, you’re going to incorporate them into your follow up sequence and you’re going to say,” Holy Cats, I didn’t expect to get such a great response from my email yesterday. It seems like a lot of people have the same frustrations that I did about this particular issue”.

Well here’s what I found out and this is where you start to explore the program or product or person who you are going to recommending as an affiliate and you, again, you put this in your auto responder follow up sequence, you might direct people again back to your Facebook log, or back to your blog, or back to whatever and get them to talk more about whether or not they’re looking for that same kind of solution.

And then in the second email you do promote the product or service that you’re recommending.

And then in the Third email which comes out a day later is, “You know, hey yesterday I mentioned that I highly recommend this particular product. Hopefully, you went ahead and picked that up. Here are some shortcuts to really getting the most out of that product or service. Here’s the first three steps you should take.

Here is a part of the product that I want you to jump into first. Again, this is going to be dependent on what product or person that you’re promoting, but this third message is really a shortcut to success with that product, service or the person that you’re promoting.

If you do this with just a couple of products and put them in as once a month or once every other month promotion in between your regular content or auto responder follow up sequence you can see amazing results that continue to payoff and give you that consistent cash flow that you’re looking for, okay?

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What do you think about that David?

David: Well the auto responder series follow ups is the part, that’s the part that creates your 50% base. I mean that’s where the gold is right? Doing that work once and letting people…

Bob: That’s right.

David: get… pay you forever.

Bob: That’s right.

And it just- it boggles my mind sometimes, and I forget that I did this in the past and then commission checks show up and it’s like, “Oh yeah, I forgot about that”.

David: Yeah, we love that.

Bob: It works. It works quite well.

Okay, Step Number Three is what I call “A Self-Serving Bonus”. A self-serving bonus is your next way to generate more cash flow with your affiliate marketing. So as you have seen, like Connie Ragen-Green has done a great job with this, many of you are here because of her. Linda does this quite well. Nicole Dean does this quite well.

Basically, what you’re doing is as you make an offer for somebody to promote something you give them a bonus of your time or energy or whatever in order to kind of persuade them to buy from you instead of from somebody else.

So there’s a few different methods of a self-serving bonus, okay? And I’ll just hit them very quickly because they’ll pretty much stand for themselves. But you can offer consultation or coaching time either individually or in a small group.

You can help them out with implementing whatever it is that you just asked them to purchase or recommended them to purchase or you can provide some kind of accountability group. So for example, you might recommend an optimized press as a WordPress theme.

You can provide a bonus of helping them actually implement that theme into their WordPress site. Now you can provide a small accountability group on how to use this software and they can provide a forum.

Juan Nailer who is an excellent, excellent instructor on Cantasia, hopefully he’ll be on NAMS Seven. I believe he’s slated for NAMS Seven. He has an amazing accountability group for a couple of groups like this on Facebook where he basically says, “Hey, if you buy this webinar system, you can join our mastermind group for free”.

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So normally people would pay $100.00 per month or more for something like that and he’s giving it to them for free as a bonus for them investing in this other program.

You can provide people with a getting started video or report and if you’re really serious about it, you can do it for them. I’ve seen Chris Compton do this, I’ve seen Anita Johnson do this. These are other NAMS attendees who will recommend a particular thing and then they’ll just do it for them. It’s really remarkable how well that works and if it works for you time wise, compensation wise, etc. It’s a great bonus.

But here’s the main point with the self-serving bonus every one of these bonuses ties you to closer to the buyer of somebody else’s product then they’ll ever be tied to actual product creator who sold them the product. Okay?

So let me make sure that you understand that. If I recommend a service to you and you go and buy it and I carry through with the self serving bonus and I’m providing here for you on the screen you and I will actually spend more time together, or we’ll have a stronger connection to each other than you will with the person whose product you just bought and that’s the point because at the end of the day you and I want to have that relationship together.

Yes, another person’s going to benefit from you being a customer of them, but I want to make sure that you and I are connected because I want to have you not only succeed with this product that I recommended, but I want to know what else you are missing. I want to know what else it is that you need that you don’t currently have that I can provide and the best way I can do that is to have you purchase someone else’s product, walk with you, or stand by you as you use the product or service and then as I see what gaps there are I can then offer a product of my own to you.

So a lot of times when I recommend a live event like NAMS’s I’ll offer a bonus of like lunch together, or breakfast together and so you, me and a few other people get together and we brainstorm and we- you know I introduce you people or whatever, but at the end of the day I’m also doing research to know what else that you need and that’s going to benefit you because I’ll provide exactly what you need, and it’ll benefit me because we’ll have that ongoing relationship. Okay?

Comments about that David before I go to Step Four.

David: One of the things that’s happening at the NAMS workshop that I love is that people are actually using the Thursday before or maybe an evening during where they encourage their closest coaching clients or partners to meet them and they do what you’re talking about, brainstorming, feedback, real intense education, one-on-one or one-on-a-group in those hours and it’s becoming a very intense five days of learning.

Bob: Mhm, mhm.

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David: That kind of self-serving bonus it’s draining to you and me and other people, but it is also one of the best things that you can do.

Bob: That’s right, that’s right. And you know it benefits everybody involved so it’s not a gimmick to get the sale. It’s about growing your business long term, right? It’s going to help you, it’s going to help your buyer, it’s going to help the product owner whose products you’re promoting.

The Fourth Step is a virtual event promotion. This is a little bit more advanced, but it can be done as soon as you’re confident in doing it. Maybe even before that. And what I mean by this is you do a tele-seminar for a webinar and you do these probably at least once a month and they can be with the same person every month or they can be a rotation of two or three people or they can be a different person throughout the year.

But the idea is if you want to be front and center in your business you can hold tele-seminars or webinars just like David and I are doing right now where you’re the person that is introducing your audience to someone else that they need to know about.

Now, obviously we don’t have time tonight to talk about how to do a tele-seminar or how to do a webinar, etc., but I want to challenge you over the next thirty days to do one tele-seminar or webinar with someone, maybe in the My NAMS community that you promote them and they promote you. Okay?

If you need help with that, obviously, I have training on that – that make sure that you learn it faster, but I want to challenge you to do that kind of marketing exercise because it takes so little time to actually do. It takes a little time to do it right, but it takes little time to get started with it. Okay?

And if you schedule these once a month you get into this pattern of interviewing somebody, talking about their product and getting a list building event going and being front and center as a person who connects your audience to the right products and services of people and if you really want to get the most benefit out of this promotional strategy you’re going to put it into your follow up sequence.

So you have that three email series that I talked about in Step Number Two and between those you can say, “Hey, I have an audio coming up for you on Thursday and it’s an interview between me and so-and-so and I can’t wait to send it to you and here’s what you’re going to learn”. And that’s the message that you send on Tuesday and on Thursday you send them the audio

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recording, they’re ready for it, they’re excited about it, and then they get to listen and, hopefully, be persuaded to buy whatever it is that you’re talking about in the call.

These types of promotions tend to get between 10-20% conversions of people who show up on the line because if they made that commitment to learn about that particular kind of product or service, you do the right kind of job in your promotion, you’ll see great results from that. Even long term, which, again, is going to provide you with that consistent cash flow. Okay?

Step Five and the last step that I want to share with you today. It is called “Double Dip Promotion” and this is also another one of my advanced strategies that I absolutely love because of how much long term benefits that you can see from it. Okay?

And in our short time here I’ll give you the quick rundown about it. So the basic idea with the double dip promotion is that you’re selling your promotions.

You’re selling your promotions. So you create these tele-seminars or webinars, you create a course, you create a training program, you create a PDF or Ebook that really serves as a promotion to the product that you’re recommending, but then you sell that and when you start selling your own promotions, you start selling your own products that are really just intense promotions of someone else’s stuff you can then launch your own affiliate program in order to support it. Okay?

So, I’ve got an example for you that will really hit this home I think. Okay, it’s called “Discoverdap.com” and I’m inside of the digital access pass member’s area. Okay, this is the member’s area of this particular product and I want to share with you some real stats of how this has worked for me. And now this isn’t the only promotion that I do like this but it’s a good illustration, it’s a good example of one that I think you’ll get a lot out of, okay?

So as soon as my screen refreshes I’ll be able to share with you what those stats are.

David: So while you’re doing that, why you’re refreshing it I’ll tell you this is one of my favorite techniques because I can justify buying products all day long if I’m going to resell them because they cost me nothing. You know?

Bob: That’s right.

David: If I go into something knowing that I want to use it and I want to use it as a customer and I also want to promote it then… For example, NAMS I don’t think anybody should be paying for NAMS.

If you’re not selling two tickets to NAMS it’s a little crazy because it’s so easy for people to promote NAMS and get two more people to go and you use your affiliate link to do that and you’ve paid for your ticket to NAMS and I do that with Aweber, I do that with Hostgater, I do that with all of my other services so that I don’t have to pay for them out of pocket.

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Bob: That’s right. That’s right. So what I’m going to be sharing with you is about two weeks of work. Okay? Two weeks worth of work about a year and half ago and over that time, since that time it was actually earlier in 2010 I generated over $25,000 in sales in this particular product as an affiliate and made for me $975 in commissions so that’s an earning per click of about 44 cents.

Now there’s a couple of things about that I want to share with you. First of all, it’s not a bad chunk of change for two weeks worth of work, right? But I also I want to share with you this idea of an evergreen nature what I’m talking about, okay?

So the initial promotion started in 2009, in November, I went a little too far- sorry about that. So in November 2009 I started promoting digital access pass as a membership seller and made some decent sales. Okay?

Actually, quite a lot of nice sales, but then in the spring of 2010 I created a course called,” Discover DAP” which showed people how to use the software in a way that the tutorials and the help videos didn’t show. You know, of course, the person’s whose product you buy they think of it as an engineer would, they want you to know how to push the buttons, they want you to know how to find this or find that, but they don’t necessarily think about how you would actually apply that information and that’s what my job was on this site.

So, you can see March in 2010 quite a number of sales because of the launch of that product. But check it out, because of this double dip promotion and attaching the affiliate program to it I then continue to make sales in April, in May, in June, in July and August, September, November, December all the way through 2011 even to the point where last week I made another sale.

I haven’t talked about this software that much other than a couple of Tweets on Facebook, and so forth, or posts on Facebook, but it’s this kind of system that continues to bring in revenue and has resulted in almost ten thousand dollars in income for me alone.

So the way that the course itself looks, I put it up on WordPress, I have a couple of videos, there’s six modules in the course and I let people promote it as an affiliate and it runs just over and over again for people that want to learn that software.

So I bring this up, again, to share with you a clear example of if you’ve create a good promotion that shows people the ins and outs of a particular product or service and then you sell it, you can put your own affiliate program to it, not only will you make money on the sale of the commissions, but you’ll also make money from the actual product.

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So not only did I make the $9,500 from promoting the software, I made over $7,200 directly on that particular site selling my course on how to use that software. So all told, two weeks worth of work resulted in over $16,000 in revenue from this kind of double dip promotion.

What are your thoughts on that David?

David: That’s back to the 50% that you’re talking about. If you have – create the base that we try to talk to people at NAMS the base income includes multiple streams of your affiliate income so that you have that kind of stuff coming in every month. Then you can do a lot more with your life when you do that.

But the other thing that I want to point out is that you have to do one at a time. It’s really important to doing one from the beginning to the end.

Bob: That is a critical, critical element and yes, you know about 30-40% of that total revenue came from that specific window, but then once I had it set up and then it’s ready for that set and forget kind of process it continued to make and continues to make revenue for me on an ongoing basis while I’m making more of those.

So every two to three months I’ll create another verbal one of those programs and let it run, and let it run and just keep adding up more and more revenue and what you also don’t see in that particular screen is in addition to the revenue I built my list by another 3,500 people who wanted to listen in to just the free part of that membership.

So that, you know, as a list builder as well, we haven’t really talked about list building too much here, but that’s a key element that also works to your benefit.

David: Yeah, we’re going to be covering list building on January the 4th, which is a Wednesday. We’ve got a great guest for list building so people stay tuned.

Bob: Excellent. So let’s recap, your five steps to affiliate marketing success are:

o Link control;

o A good email series;

o A self-serving bonus;

o A virtual event promotion; and,

o Then Double Dip promo.

Remember those are just five of the nineteen steps that I offer in that checklist and if you don’t mind David I’d love to share with people how they can get to know more about each of these strategies and make sure they have time to implement them. Is that okay with you?

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David: Let’s do and then we’ll go over some questions.

Bob: Thanks and I hope you have some great questions as well.

David: People should put in more questions at this moment. We have several in here, but if you have questions now’s the time.

Bob: Excellent, excellent. So I love to help you get this under your belt faster, faster path to success with affiliate marketing without waiting for NAMS Seven. I am hoping that you’ll attend NAMS Seven in February, but if you want to have some success before then this is a perfect opportunity for you to do so.

Starting tomorrow, starting tomorrow, Thursday, December the 8th I have a replay of this, it’s already passed, but you can still join in on the on demand version of it. I’m going to teaching the Discover Affiliate Strategies Virtual Seminar and you can attend that from home via webinar just like you and I are doing right now, using the same technology, with a little bit of a twist on it with the audio, but you’ll be able to attend seven sessions live from home.

And I’m going to be walking you through exactly what this programming includes, but the link you want to jot down for yourself is NAMS.ws/bj standing for Bob Jenkins. NAMS.ws/bj and when you go to that page this is what you’re going to see, okay?

You’re going to come up to this screen and it’s going to be nice and bright and red and simple just like a simple Word page. Discover how to add multiple streams of income to your existing business to make more money than ever before while helping your clients and customers better. You’ll be helping more people profitably with affiliate marketing, even if you don’t know the first thing about this powerful method of business.

Now I’ve got a coupon code here that will save you $50. I’m going to tell you a different code that will be even better so just hang on for a second.

But here’s what you’re going to get: on Thursday at 1 o’clock we’re going to start with Foundations in You Based Affiliate Marketing. Much of that is going to be similar to what you heard tonight, but there will be some additional things to make sure you really got a clear focus on the big picture.

Session Two is about Social Media and Email Affiliate Strategies. So we’ll talk about Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, a little bit about blogging and, of course, the email marketing piece that’s going to give you more strategies to generate revenue long term.

On Friday, Session Three we’re going to go into affiliate marketing content creation strategies. So we’re talking about making videos, making reports, making blog posts articles, etc. that result in more sales.

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In Session Four on Friday at one o’clock we’re going to have a special guest trainer, named James Grandstaff who is one of my favorite people in this business and he and I have known each other for about two and a half years now and he’s going to be teaching all about rebrandable Ebooks.

Now you notice that the checklist that I gave you is an example of a rebrandable Ebook and James is the person who showed me how to use it and he’s got a great software system that helps the delivery of that. Now if you rebranded the checklist you’d got a sense of the creativity and genius that James Grandstaff has.

In Session Five on Friday is going to be promoting products with virtual events. We’ll talk about tele-seminars and webinars and how to structure those for the most benefit and we’ll even talk a little bit about those evergreen webinars that you’ve been hearing about.

On Saturday, in Session Six we’ll be talking about the other side of affiliate marketing when you have your own affiliate program we’ll be talking about what considerations you need for what type of program to run with and what really makes it an affiliate program work well.

Then in Session Seven we’ll talk about emotional tools that you can develop for your affiliate program in joint venture strategies that you get the most out of your partnerships and the people that you’re meeting at NAMS and in the community and along your industry. So who should register?

Well, you should be a part of this if you’re a small business owner, service professional or entrepreneur who wants to help your past and future client and while increasing your income. If you’re just getting started you’re also want to join because you can discover a shorter path to a profitable business.

Now the course itself, the live three day seminar, but we’re doing this live in person I would charge about a thousand dollars for it, actually I’m just charging you $197 for it and if you wondering if you need to be there live and you will enjoy the recordings of it. Okay.

But I do have a special code for you that’s even better than the $50 off here in a second. So you can read over the rest of the details, I want to get to the bonuses, you get three big bonuses.

Number One: Is the lifetime access. So you get instant access to the audio recordings and a few days after the events are over you’ll have the videos and those do not expire. So attend live and get the repeat learning from the video and audio replays so that you can make sure you get the mastery of affiliate marketing that you want.

Bonus Number Two: Is a pure mastermind group. Basically what this is I set up a Facebook Group where everybody in the group gets to connect to each other now and in the future to

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talk about affiliate marketing and to share ideas, to brainstorm and integrate promotions with each other and also to run some of your promotions by one another for feedback.

This kind of mastermind group is very valuable and people who take my courses generally are people that think alike. They want to be experts, they want to known, they want to be visible, but they also want to add affiliate marketing in the process.

And Bonus Number Three: I’m going to add personal coaching with a session on Tuesday with anybody who’s in this course gets to call in and ask me questions.

You get to ask me whatever question that you want, hopefully, relevant to affiliate marketing, but it can be about any area of business that you wish, but it’s mainly focused on giving that opportunity after the seminar’s done of asking, “What’s next?” or, giving you feed back on your particular promotion. Because it’s a small group you not only get to ask me your question and hear my answer directly on line, you also get to hear other people’s questions and you get a recording of that so if you have to come in late, or if you have to jump off the line you still get the benefit of the entire session.

So again you get the seven modules of the entire course and those three bonuses. I’ve priced it very reasonably at $197. If you use the code AFF50 you’ll save $50 off of that registration. However, I want to give you an even better deal than that. Okay, so if you put in AFF, your code, you get $50 off from $197 it would go down to $147. If you put in the code MYNAMS you are only going to have the payment of $97 for this workshop.

Only $97 for the workshop, however, because David and I know that your serious and committed and I’m looking forward to seeing you in February. So if you enter MYNAMS in the next 24 hours you’re only going to pay $77. So that’s a total savings of $120 try and answer to being here to the end and being part of this program, joining me so that I can teach you more about what I know about affiliate marketing and have a lot of fun in the process.

So I get to your questions, but I want to make sure that you go to NAMS.ws/BJ and that’s going to get you over to the website and if you put in MYNAMS, my nams you’ll get the discount of $77 total price admission of the course. So David let’s get some questions.

David: Okay, we can do that. I want to ask you a question first. What was the date that you were leaving the high school teaching? What was your last day?

Bob: I left teaching in July, June of 2007.

David: June of 2007 so that’s…

Bob: June 20, 2007.

David: So you’re on 4 ½ years.

Bob: Right.

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David: And from the day you left, you have been consecutively hitting more than 10K a month right?

Bob: Ah, with two months exception out of 50 months, 48 months at 10K a month.

David: So the reason that you were able to do that was because of affiliate marketing as your base?

Bob: Base as a lead generator, I use it both to connect people to the right products and I use affiliate marketing to have help promoting my products. All of which will be talked about in time at the seminar.

David: My point is you know what you’re doing and I really appreciate you offering this to people so it’s an opportunity to learn a lot and then come to NAMS if they’re not already and to just hone it and take it to the next level because that’s what we do there and you’re a big part of that and I appreciate that.

So questions. Let’s see the first one is a comment. This is from Outay and she says,”Will not follow anything anymore unless they are from the NAMS faculty, of course, number one, you, Bob and very few that she knew before and that goes back to that psychology thing that you were talking about and I really wanted to get that out there because that’s the kind of customer that we’re trying to build relationships with through this process. That’s a really good example of that so thank you for that comment.

Dale is saying, “Are you speaking of relevant across Niche boundaries?” I think of that as a vertical marketing.

Bob: Basically, yeah, yeah, think of it as a vertical market with maybe a nice- I look at it as a tree, a nice solid tree that has this huge base of a trunk and it goes up, and up, and up, and up, and up, and up before it starts to branch out, okay?

If you were practicing the Niche Affiliate Marketing System style that a lot of people do which is works well for that particular style which is find a niche, find what people want in it, set up your sites for it, etc., and then you go for another niche and find that and I’m talking about finding niches that are directly connected to your expertise and experience level and just sticking there for as long as possible and really digging as deep into that as you can before you try to just jump around into other things.

If you’re more of a systems person and you don’t want to be front and center then the other style will work for you. I’m talking about if you want to be the expert with You Tube you want to be front and center, you want to be known, this is the way to go and so the relevancy needs to be in one niche. Start talking about too many niches people become confused. And you’ve seen it at local meetings probably.

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You go to somebody on their business card they have a link to some kind of a makeup line, they have a greeting card system, they have a real estate license, they’ve got an organizer business, they’ve got all these different things and they’re all on one business card and that tells you, “Holy Smoke, I don’t want to work with this person [Laughter] because they seem confused”.

David: Yeah. Okay another Dale, a different Dale asked, “How does this pertain to marketing physical products, Amazon, CJ and the like?

Bob: It’s perfectly right. Amazon, CJ, Commission Junction is what that stands for- these are market places for selling products and if they have products that are relevant to you, of quality, and that you can be consistently promoting then by all means work with it.

I’m working out with a personal trainer once a week and he has supplements as one of things that he’s an affiliate for. He can recommend exercise equipment and sell it through Amazon or through the manufacturers of that equipment. So by all means it doesn’t need to be digital, it just needs to be a solution that people will want, they will logically want to buy from you.

David: And a great way that works. I have an example of that: I’m in the market for a new grill. The bottom fell out of our gas grill and so I’m going to end up buying a new one and I’m going to look for a report or a review system or whatever on line to do a little shopping on line and then when I find what I want I’m sure there will be a link in there with some kind of comparison chart that says to go to Lowe’s or Target or to some other place, Walmart, wherever they have an affiliate program to get this grill and even if I buy it on line which more than likely what I’ll do. That person’s going to get a commission. I know how that works and I’m completely fine with that.

Bob: That’s right and I’m sure that the same grill will be appearing on the sidebar of college football blogs that you and Charlsa control.

David: It could be. .. [Laughing] It could be.

Ah, let’s see. We’ve got a lot of questions about the replay. Was the replay available for this, people loved this, people loved this, they want the replay.

The replay is available the next day and also we put the pdf presentation out there and then in about a week we’ll have what you call it? Transcript of this session out there as well. It’s not that long to get that done and you put that on the MYNAMS membership site.

It is available only to members so if you’re not a member you can become a member quickly and easily by joining MYNAMS at nams.ws/join, and use the discount code, MYNAMS85. You get an 85% discount off the membership price. So do that, get this replay and all the others.

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By the way we do this every Wednesday night if you didn’t know that. And, somebody is asking about pretty links. I don’t use pretty links. I don’t know if you do or if you know anything about it.

Bob: Yeah, I’ve used it before, so for those of you not knowing what pretty links is it’s a plug in- in Word Press there therefore its accessible through the dashboard in WordPress so a lot of people like it because it’s right there, in their site, they don’t have to log into the CPanel, pretty links in general will keep you in a little bit of tracking set up under your own domain name. Basically, pretty links interfaces like CPanel does with setting up simple subfolder redirect.

So Bob would redirect to MYNAMS would be an example. I don’t personally like to use pretty links, I don’t like to use plug ins in Word Press or a function like that simply because plug ins sometimes break and I’ve tried to eliminate for those types of processes anything that might cause me more of a headache down the road. I know that CPanel is the defacto software of choice of most webhosts. I know for me, whether it’s hostgator or I use serpenthosting, but that’s going to stick around and I don’t need to worry about any interference with the plugin or Word Press updating and then the plug in doesn’t work for three months and until they figure out the update. There’s too much that could go wrong for me to rely on it of all the things that are out there though I do think that Pretty Links is one of the best, but I just don’t want to rely on that type of a system for something as important as my affiliate link redirects.

David: Yeah, I agree with that completely. You know how I feel about single points of failure. Not good.

Bob: Yep.

David: Okay. You have somebody asking about double dipping do you also provide free promotion first before selling it and how long do you do that?

Bob: Yes. So you notice that I had quite a bit of revenue from the digital access pass software in November 2009 and that was strictly from me saying, “Hey, I’ve been looking for Word Press theme, excuse me, I have been looking for a Word Press membership system that would work with my theme and I that I think that I found one in Visual Access Pass.

So here’s my review, so here’s why I choosing it over my wish list, here’s why I’m looking at the types of things that I’ll do with it and I blogged about it. I blogged about it for a couple of posts. I did a better review that I could with the two systems without using both their fullest extent for seven months or whatever and then once I understood the systems six months later and I then went back and created the Discover DAP program.

Before I created the Discover DAP program in between the starting point and the double dip, I interviewed the creator of Visual Access Pass on a tele-seminar and then in February there was a bump because I did this tele-seminar with him and then the third phase of that promotion was to sue the court.

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Absolutely the Double Dip comes after some free promotions that allows you to build and test out what people want, who will buy it, what are their concerns and you know I don’t think I mentioned on this call and I don’t think David mentioned it, but you may know I written a book called Take Action and Revise Later.

And this is a perfect example of that, you know where you go forward and keep taking steps along the way and you keep checking back in to see if this is working right? Do I need to adjust? And the double dip usually comes in the second or third phase of that promotion.

David: Yep. Okay, so let’s see. How does this work with a very different topic, like finding your passion, no software or website item to promote. I question that whether there are no software or website items to promote.

Bob: Yeah, I mean there’s… I know a client of mine who has something called a passion test. If you not familiar with that it’s the Atwoods, the group that does that they have a licensing program where you can offer the passion test as an affiliate partner basically.

There’s other types of things like the Disc To File, the Colby Test, there’s Meyers/Briggs. All these types of things that help out- helping people to decide what they’re supposed to do when they grow up. They always have some form of either license or plated agreement that you can send people to it, or you can administer it yourself for some type of a fee.

It might not be as straight as here’s an affiliate link, you might have a different type of relationship, but it basically works out the same. And then, of course, in the self-help aisle of your book store you’ve got boat loads of books that you can review or recommend. And that’s going to help people out quite a bit.

David: Sure. Okay and again let’s see. Dale again says asking you about the linking system you are using or have devised? Do you talk about it anywhere or is there another place that I can go to for link control in depth.

Bob: I am definitely teaching it more in the course this weekend. It’s been part of my simple video velocity program, it’s been part of my original simple program and inside my “I Am Success Library” which is a membership site at the MY NAMS community I do have training on it, but what I share with you today is supplemented in the course that starts tomorrow with more specifics on how to do it in CPanel and watching me walk through it and making sure that it’s there.

If you remember the MYNAMS community, I believe there’s some videos on it as well that you can walk through. I’ll be going through it more in depth inside the course tomorrow.

David: Okay. That’s it for all of our questions, Bob.

And we have gone way over time and I really appreciate you coming here tonight and sticking on and one comment that I’m going to leave you with and that was from Linda, she said, “This

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course that you’re offering affiliate strategies virtual seminar is a steal. Can’t afford not to do it. Thanks guys, invaluable stuff.”

And so with that I think we should say good night and let people go to NAM.ws/bj, use the code MYNAMS to sign up for your course this weekend.

Bob: Excellent. Thank you David and thank you for being part of this seminar tonight and if you enjoyed this hour and I guess an hour and a half now you’re going to love the seven sessions that I teach throughout the next few days. You’re going to be amazed at what you’ll be able to do by Sunday and I can’t wait to teach you. So, I’m looking forward to doing that with you and seeing you at NAMS this summer.

David: Thanks a bunch and we’ll see you guys next Wednesday. Good night.

Bob: Good night.

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Bob Jenkins: You Based Affiliate Marketing

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Niche Affiliate Marketing System, Inc.



1. Simple Video Velocity 2. Take Action and Revise Later

3. Discover DAP 4. Affiliate Marketing Checklist


MyNAMS Premium Membership – Business

training for any experience level

IncomeCPR – Online marketing strategy

Free Affiliate Training – Learn to be an


Internet Success System – Online business

training from a master

6 Steps to Implementing Big Ideas – Get

started now

Word Press Security – Protect your business

Niche Affiliate Marketing System Workshop –

The #1 business building workshop

Nicheology – Awesome monthly products

and training


Hostgator – Inexpensive reliable hosting (Use this 25% Discount Coupon – MyNAMS25Report)

Carbonite Backup System – Essential Backup

Dropbox – Storage BoxShotKing – Graphics Cover Creator

FeedBlitz – Newsletter management IdeaMarketers – Content Marketing

aWeber - Autoresponsder Affiliate Tools Page – Manage Tools

Simple Niche Domains – Domain


GoTryThis – Redirect and link management
