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Creating A Strong Online Presence, Pacific New Media, June 11, 2016

Date post: 11-Apr-2017
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Shelley Simpson Small & Mighty Marketing @shelleysimpson7 smallandmightymarketing.com

Shelley SimpsonSmall & Mighty Marketing



Who Are You?

1. Name2. Organization/business3. Level of online/digital marketing understanding

(none, beginner, intermediate or expert)4. 1 TIP you’d like to walk away from this class with5. Favorite place to eat in Honolulu

97%.. of consumers use the web to search for local businesses.

Oahu: 97% =924, 610 people

Population density =214 people per sq mile

Source: http://worldpopulationreview.com/states/hawaii-population/

What IS an “online presence?”

Definitions:Online presence: Any existence of an individual or business that can be found via an online search.

Examples:● Website● Linked-In Profile● YouTube Channel● Facebook Profile

What IS An Online Presence?

Website SEO Social Media

How to create one?

The “URL”The “Domain Name”The “Web Address”

URL = Uniform Resource Identifier

Generic term for all types of names and addresses that refer to objects on the World Wide Web.

You have 10 seconds to capture a customer’s attention

Web Design is Important

Web Design Platforms(a sample)

1. Wordpress2. Wix3. Squarespace

Key Items You MUST have on your website:

1. Contact information2. Photos3. Testimonials4. Social media icons5. Content6. Email lead capture

Who Is Looking For Your Website?

Your Target Market

Defining Your Target Market:

Look at your current customers:● Common Characteristics?● Interests?● Age?● Magazines? Grocery Store?

The Onliness Statement:

“My brand is the only _______ that ________.”To create an “onliness statement,” six components must be defined:● What: the only (category)● How: that (differentiation characteristic)● Who: for (customer)● Where: in (market geography)● Why: who (customer need statement)● When: during (underlying trend)

The Onliness Statement Examples

Cirque du Soleil is the only circus that combines acrobatics with theatre.

Harley Davidson:● What: the only motorcycle manufacturer● How: that makes big, loud motorcycles● Who: for macho guys (and “macho wannabees”)● Where: mostly in the United States● Why: who want to join a gang of cowboys● When: in an era of decreasing personal freedom

Images & Photos● Get professional headshots and stock photos

of your business● Use a digital camera - not a cell phone● Use these photos on your website & in

marketing material

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Search engine optimization is a methodology of strategies, techniques and tactics used to increase the amount of visitors to your website by obtaining a high-ranking placement in the search results page of a search engine: Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc

The Algorithms Are Against You1. Google’s “PageRank”

A mathematical algorithm to rate the prominence of web pages. The calculation is a function of the quantity and strength of inbound links.

2. PageRank estimates the likelihood that a page will be reached by a web user who randomly surfs the web, and follows links from one page to another.This means that some links are stronger than others, as a higher PageRank page is more likely to be reached by the random surfer.

3. Inbound Links: Links to your website from other websites.

Optimizing SEO on a website:1. Create content with the KEYWORDS that your Target Market is

searching for.2. Add a title to your page using <H1>3. Make sure it is INDEXED4. Create INBOUND LINKS, back to your website by writing for other


Social Media1. Profile photo is your logo.2. Make use of large graphic area - Cover photo on Facebook, Cover

photo on Twitter3. Post items that are SHARABLE4. Always “like” your followers comments.5. Consistent content, comments, photos, etc on Social Media increases

your exposure.6. #1 Role of Social Media: Customer Service7. #2 Role of Social Media: Engage Your Customers

5 Ways Social Media Helps Your Business

1. Customer Service2. Humanizes Your Brand3. Better SEO (Search Engine Optimization)4. More Opportunities to Convert Customers5. Allows your fans to talk about you (Word of Mouth)

6 Simple Ways to Grow Your Business With Social Media

1. Be consistent w/your handles and voice2. Remember it’s SOCIAL - Give ‘em engaging content3. Offer Discounts and Giveaways4. Promote your handles in your store/office5. Connect with your fans6. Dedicate someone to be your Community Manager.

Better yet, hire a professional.

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