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Creating an Engaging Classroom Environment with Apps and Google Technologies

Date post: 24-Jan-2017
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Crea%ng an Engaging Classroom Environment with Apps and Google Technologies Andreas Dewanto Email: [email protected] Faculty of Science, Na1onal University of Singapore Block S16 Level 3, 6 Science Drive 2, Singapore 117546 6 th Asian Associa%on of Schools of Pharmacy Conference (AASP 2013)
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Crea%ng  an  Engaging  Classroom  Environment  with  Apps  and  Google  

Technologies  Andreas  Dewanto  

Email:  [email protected]    Faculty  of  Science,  Na1onal  University  of  Singapore  

Block  S16  Level  3,  6  Science  Drive  2,  Singapore  117546  

6th  Asian  Associa%on  of  Schools  of  Pharmacy  Conference  (AASP  2013)  

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About  myself  •  Graduated  in  2005  (B.Sc.  Honors)  and  2008  (M.Sc.)  

•  Instructor,  Physics  Dept  

•  Assist.  Director,  Special  Program  in  Science  

•  Resident  Fellow,  Temasek  Hall,  NUS  


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What  are  we  going  to  do  today?  

•  Who  do  we  face  in  class?  •  Discussion:  What  is  considered  engaging  in  class?  

•  Various  Apps  •  Google  Apps  •  Hands-­‐on  prac%ce  on  Google  Apps  •  Q&A  and  debriefing  

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The  genera%on  born  in  the  1980s  and  1990s,  comprising  primarily  the  children  of  the  baby  boomers  and  typically  perceived  as  increasingly  familiar  with  digital  and  electronic  technology  [Oxford  Online  Dic%onary].      They  are  also  coined  “digital  na%ve”  [Prensky,  2005]  


21st  Century  Students  

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Retrieved  from  www.good.is/posts/atlanta-­‐teacher-­‐uses-­‐angry-­‐birds-­‐for-­‐physics-­‐lessons  

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Retrieved  from  www.reuters.com/ar%cle/2011/01/17/us-­‐singapore-­‐ipads-­‐idUSTRE70G0EK20110117    

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Group  Discussion  

This  workshop  is  about  using  technology  to  create  an  engaging  classroom.    What  is  considered  as  an  engaging  classroom?  

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U%lity  &  Produc%vity    Apps  •  Cloud  storage:    – Dropbox  (www.dropbox.com)      –  Sugarsync  (www.sugarsync.com)    

•  Remote  connec%on:  –  Splashtop  Remote  (www.splashtop,com)    

–  Team  Viewer  (www.teamviewer.com)  

•  Document  “on  the  go”:  –  Evernote    (www.evernote.com)  – Notability  (www.gingerlabs.com/)  

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Applet  or  Flash-­‐based  Apps:  Tom  Greenbowe’s  Simula%on  


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theChemCollec%ve  (www.chemcollec%ve.org)      

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PhET:  Physics  Educa%on  Technology  (phet.colorado.edu)  

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BioDigital  Human  (www.biodigitalhuman.com/home/)    

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WolframAlpha  (www.wolframalpha.com)    

A  powerful  search  engine  cum  mathema%cal  solver,  powered  by  Mathema%caTM.  You  can  use   this   to   solve   equa%on,   plot   func%on,   or   simply   search   for   informa%on   (e.g.   chemical  bond).  It  even  knows  the  answer  to  “why  does  the  chicken  cross  the  road?”  J  

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Google  Apps  (run  on  Google  Engine)  

•  Google  Docs,  Google  Calendar,  Google  Earth  and  Picasa  

•  Use  in  collabora%ve  work  (for  group  work,  biodiversity  field-­‐trip,  etc)  

•  Free  (mostly)  and  convenient  (Google  maintains  the  server  for  you)    

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Create  a  free  Google  account  to  access  various  Google  Apps  

Google  Docs  is  accessed  via  Google  Drive  

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Google  Documents:  Free  “Ms  Office”  in  the  Cloud  

•  Document  resembles  Ms  Word.  

•  Presenta%on  resembles  Ms  Powerpoint.  

•  Spreadsheet  resembles  Ms  Excel.  

•  Form  provides  the  user  interface  to  survey  the  students  and  record  the  data  in  Spreadsheet.  

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Lecture  Helpline  The  lecturer  sets  up  Google  Form  as  an  online  portal  for  students  to  leave  ques%ons  or  comments  during   lecture.  The  entry   to   the  Google  Form   is   recorded  automa%cally   into  Google  Spreadsheet,  where  the  lecturer  has  access  all  the  %me  during  lecture.  

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Pre-­‐tutorial  Survey  The   lecturer   sets   up   a   Google   Form   for  students   to   leave   comments/   feedback   on  the  tutorial  ques%ons.  The  lecturer  accesses  the  Spreadsheet  prior  to  the  tutorial  class  to  an%cipate   students’   difficul%es   with   the  tutorial  ques%ons.  

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In-­‐class  Assignment    with  Real-­‐%me  Feedback  

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Organizing  Consulta%on  Sessions  

The  lecturer  sets  up  a  Spreadsheet  to  manage  students’  sign-­‐ups  for  consulta%ons.  

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Hands-­‐on  Ac%vi%es  What  we  are  going  to  do:  •  Crea%ng  a  Google  Account  •  Naviga%ng  through  various  Google  Apps  •  Crea%ng  a  Google  Form  and  a  Google  Spreadsheet  for  a  class  survey  

•  Linking  Google  Spreadsheet  to  a  webpage  for  visualiza%on  

Some  resources:  •  Reading:  hop://%nyurl.com/google-­‐chart-­‐tools  •  Material:  hop://%nyurl.com/some-­‐files    

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