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Creating Logo (Investigation Stage)

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Creating Logo (Investigation Stage)
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CREATING LOGO Name: Liam Grade: 9-2 Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Name: LiamGrade: 9-2

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Client: SinarMas School

Time Allowed: 5 weeks

Specification and Limitation:

- Pencil and Paper

Unit Question: How important are logos of a Company?

AOI: Approach To Learning

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Unit Question: How important are logos of a Company?

A good and unique logo is the first step to achieve brand recognition. For example,

when people said BMW, people remember it’s emblem, without being force too. But of

course, we must have a good logo to achieve that. Even for a small company, we

must have a great logo.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

INTRODUCTIONI will be designing a new logo for the representative of

Sinarmas world academy school. Since SWA school hired me, there are some requirements that needs to be completed for the Logo. This includes 3 parts of the SWA that needed to be

done. It is the IB learner profile, design cycle and the Areasof Interaction. For the Design cycle stage, 10 Logos is required.

Areas of interactions requires 5 logo’s and the IB learner profile will also require 5 logo. Only one corresponding SWA logo will be chosen

from the three specific area throughout the whole year of SWA.

In this 5 weeks, I will be researching different logos and rate them based on my perspective. This way, I will have an idea on how the

SWA logo will look like. Not only the design, I should also be finding a suitable application for making a Logo. I also have to include the parts

that would then affect my create stage.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

CLIENT INTERVIEW1. Why do you want to change the Logo Of SWA?

Because the Old logo of SWA lacks interest to visitors. This means the color and the Shape needs to be more eye-catchy. This result is taken

because we interviewed visitors that came in to our school.

2. Any requirements for the New logo of SWA? (Aesthestics?, Size?, Design?)

Please do make Size Big enough for everyone to see in a distance, (proper size for the Logo). The color has to be bright enough to

attract people’s attention of our school.

3. How important is a Logo for SWA school?Very important, because our school is one of the famous

school’s in indonesia and we need a good and unique logo so that our school could be recognized by many people.

A good and unique logo is the first step to achieve brand recognition. Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Making A new School Logo For

SWA school

Creative Design(Color should be Bright)

Logo relevant to Teenagers and Adults

Eye-CatchingCost must not be

Overpriced (Affordable Prices)

Appropriate SizeCaptivated by the

Font(Interesting Font)

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Summary of the researchers

I focused more on how my Logo is going to end up. Since I had a lot of experience using PhotoShop application, it will be the most

suitable application to be used for designing a logo. The design of the logo has not been decided yet, however the main material

throughout this whole process is a blank A4 paper first, where the logo is going to be printed there. I have chosen the Blank A4 paper as it’s main material throughout this process because it is the most appropriate material to create a brochure. The price is not a huge

problem to my client.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Design 1:

Design 2:

Design 3:

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


1 2

Style Simple style Eye-catchy style

AesthesticsSimple Shape,

colorful background

Cool Font

Target Group All Ages All Ages

Form Logo Logo


Interesting style

Interesting Shape

All Ages


Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Design Brief

I will design a new logo for Sinarmas School.This process of making the brochure will be made throughout of going five steps of the design cycle, which are investigation, design, plan, create and evaluation. Investigation, design and plan will be done before making

the logo to ensure its appropriate materials for the brochure, time management, design of the logo and specification points to make a

superb quality logo. The create stage will be done at school, at technology class. When the logo is made perfectly, which includes all

steps of the design cycle, then the logo will be evaluated critically based on specific points. After evaluating the logo, the logo will be given to my client for a quick examine and will be posted in front of SinarMas World

academy school.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Impacts on the environment

Impacts to Environment and the Society

When making a logo it has an instant effect on the forest. Wood will most likely to be the main material needed to produce papers. But, If I want to make a logo,

means, trees will be cut down and transferred to the factory to be processed. Trees are being cut down almost

every-day, due to this cause, it makes our environment hotter, makes the soil more vulnerable to land slides and other natural disasters. Without tress, there are no

oxygen and animal will lose their habits on their trees.

Impact on the society

As the world develops further, new logo’s will be made to attract people’s attention. However, they would eventually find different ways to promote themselves throughout the world. A logo could be one of their choices.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Title Specification And Why Test

TimeThe whole process of making the

brochure including the investigation, plan, create and evaluation should be

done by the end of 5 weeks

I will create a timeline for all of the stages of making the logo from

investigation,plan,create and evaluate and making a gantt chart to schedule

and plan of making the logo

FunctionThe primary function of making a

logo is to attractively allow customers to instantly recognize it as Sinarmas

World academy school.

I will obtain a logo and carefully inspect it to come up with my own ideas of making a SWA new logo.

Purpose To promote the school to the surroundings of other people

I will interview with my client regarding about the purpose of

making a new logo for SWA school


The logo should be eye-catching to many people

I need to show the end design of my logo to my friends, teachers, parents

and get feedbacks from them


Safety is not to be concerned at this point because an A4 paper couldn’t do any harm to people unless paper cuts, which occasionally happens to

some people

Making sure the edges of the paper are not that sharp. As an exchange, we

could add materials on the edge of the paper to avoid paper cuts

Design Specifications

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


BoneRoller “Logo”. September 2, 2011. March 13 ,2008. < http://www.google.com/imgres?q=logo+brochure&um=1&hl=en&client=safari&sa=N&rls=en&biw=1234&bih=684&tbm=isch&tbnid=eZJ_zg22pfWvHM:&imgrefurl=http://



Son, Isaac. "Logo is important?" The Q&A Wiki. 03 July 2011. Web. 05 Sept. 2011. <http://

wiki.answers.com/Q/Why Logo is important?>.

Lynnyrd, Skynnyn. “logo." Logo example. 07 July 2006. Web. 02 Sept. 2011. < http://www.google.com/imgres?q=band





Wednesday, November 9, 2011
