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Creation of Man

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Page 1: Creation of Man
Page 2: Creation of Man

Creation of Man

Page 3: Creation of Man

ط�ين� م�ن ة� ل ال س� م�ن ان �نس اإل� ا ق�ن ل خ قد� ول

12. And certainly did We create man from an extract of clay.

م0ك�ين� ار� قر ف�ي �ط�فة6 ن اه� �ن جعل �م0 ث13. Then We placed him as a sperm-drop in a firm


Page 4: Creation of Man

م�ض�غة6 قة �عل ال ا ق�ن ل فخ قة6 عل Jط�فة الن ا ق�ن ل خ �م0 ث�م0 ث ح�م6ا ل �ع�ظام ال ا و�ن س فك ع�ظام6ا �م�ض�غة ال ا ق�ن ل فخ

�ق�ين �خال ال ح�سن� أ 0ه� الل ك ار ب فت آخر �ق6ا ل خ اه� �ن أ نش أ

14.Then We made the sperm-drop into a clinging clot, and We made the clot into a lump [of flesh], and We made [from] the lump, bones, and We covered the bones with flesh; then We developed him into another creation. So blessed is Allah, the

best of creators. [Al-Qur’an – Al-Mu’minun (The Believers): 12-14]

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Science Proves Today:

The human body miraculously contains this compound of clay

The substance called clay is a naturally occurring aluminum silicate (Al2(SiO3)3,) composed primarily of fine-grained minerals, including: Andalusite (Al2SiO5), Sillimanite (Al2SiO5), and Kyanite (Al2SiO5).

This is a type of 3-element chemical structure. Each of these elements are found in the modern human molecular formulas.

Over 1400 years ago:

ا ق�ن ل خ قد� ولة� ل ال س� م�ن ان �نس اإل�

ط�ين� م�ن

12. And certainly did We create man from an extract of

clay. [Al-Qur’an- Al-Mu’minun: 12-14]

Theen (Clay)

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 A nutfah  (sperm drop) is placed in Qararin Makeen (firm lodging place).

Nutfah turns into an Alaqa (clinging clot).

Alaqa turns into a Mudgha (chewed lump-like flesh).

Out of Mudgha, Idham (bones) are made

Dressing the Idham with Lahm (flesh)

Nash’a (developing) of Khalqan Akhar (another creation)

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Science Proves today:

Human beings are produced from a mixture of secretions from the male and the female.

Several references are made to the creation of a human being from a sperm drop, and it is also suggested that theresulting organism settles in the woman like a seed, six days

after its fertilization.  

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Today by comparing the fresh water leech to theembryo at the alaqa stage, we find a great


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The embryo is transformed from the stage of Alaqa to the beginning of the stage of Mudgha on the 24th day to the 26th day.

On the 28th day the embryo is formed of several bulges, with grooves in between, thus giving the embryo the image of a chewed gum. 

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The stage of Mudgha starts with

the growth and increase of cells in a

large number. The Mudgha looks like a

piece of meat which has no distinguished


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The embryo (by microscopic and

illustrative images) , as we can see resembles the image of a chewed


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During the 6th week, the cartilaginous skeleton starts to spread in the body

Human features appear at the beginning of

the 7th week , where the shape of the embryo takes the look of the skeleton. 

Transformation from the mudgha form  to the beginning of the skeleton form occurs in a very short period of time at the end of the 6th week and the beginning of the 7th week. 

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This stage is characterized with the appearance of the skeleton which gives

the embryo the human image. 

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This stage starts at the end of the 7th week and ends at the end of the 8th week .

Muscles encircle and tightly surround the bones.

With the completion of clothing the bones with lahm (muscles and flesh), the human image starts to be more clear, as human parts are appropriately connected. 

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After completion of myogenesis (muscle formation), the

embryo can start to move.  

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By the end of the 8th week, a new stage starts where important processes occur.

  The rate of developing accelerates

compared with the previous one.  The embryo transforms into another

creature: the sizes of head, body and limbs start to be balanced and regular between the 9th and 12th week. 

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At the 10th week: external genital organs appear

At the 12th week: skeleton develops structure from soft cartilaginous to hard calcic bones.Limbs and fingers are distinguished at the same week.

  The gender of the embryo is manifest

with the clear appearance of genitalia. 

In this stage the organs and the systems become well prepared to function.

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Starting from the 22nd week to the 26th week: the

respiratory system is ready to function and the nervous system is able to adjust the temperature of

fetus body making the fetus is ready for life (outside the


In this stage, no new system or organs are

formed, and the uterus provides food and suitable

environment for the fetus to thrive until the stage

of labor.
