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Credentialing Cohort Webinar June30-V5 [Read-Only] · Title: Microsoft PowerPoint - Credentialing...

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Learning Table on State Policy and Supports to Promote Effective Teaching and Learning Credentialing Cohort Webinar June 30, 2016 – 3:00-4:30 EASTERN
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Learning Table on State Policy and Supports to Promote Effective Teaching and LearningCredentialing Cohort WebinarJune 30, 2016 – 3:00-4:30 EASTERN

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AGENDA• Illinois: Problem of Practice• National Perspectives on the Early Childhood Workforce Policy• Getting to Policy Change: Financing & Advocacy • Getting Results: What’s Next for Your State?

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IL| Problem of Practice

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State & National Perspectives on Early Childhood Workforce Policy and PracticeLauren Hogan, Senior Director of Public Policy and Advocacy, NAEYCAlison Lutton, Independent Consultant

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A L I S O N L U T T O N , C O N S U L T A N TE A R L Y C H I L D H O O D P D S Y S T E M S

National Perspectiveson credentials, articulation and career pathways

Next: 3 Considerations Alison Lutton, [email protected]

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1 . M E A S U R E C R E D E N T I A L Q U A L I T Y B Y C O M P L E T E R O U T C O M E S

2 . D E S I G N A R T I C U L A T I O N A G R E E M E N T S F O R I N T E G R A T E D , B 8 P D S Y S T E M S

3 . D E S I G N C A R E E R P A T H W A Y S F O R C O M P E N S A T I O N P A R I T Y A N D E Q U I T Y

3 Considerations

Next: CredentialsAlison Lutton

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Consideration 1. Measure credential quality by completer outcomesTool: Programmatic accreditation from the profession• http://www.aspa-usa.orghttp://www.aspa-usa.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/Outcomes-Report-June-2016.pdfhttp://www.naeyc.org/ecada/http://www.naeyc.org/caep/

Consider Shifting credential and credential prep

program evaluations from inputs (content and structure) to outcomes (completer performance on standards and competencies)

Expect comparable rigor for both higher edand alternate programs 0-8 Early educator and principal/administrator

licensure Related degree programs and alternate pathway

programs Other 0-8 state credentials including non-credit

or non-higher education based credentials.

Next: Articulation agreementsAlison Lutton

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Consideration 2. Design articulation agreements for integrated, B8 PD systemsTool: Early Educator Central articles and samples• https://earlyeducatorce


Consider Shifting articulation strategies from inputs

(course content, numbers, credits and hours) to outcomes (completer performance on standards and competencies) Look at courses in blocks to find comparable

competencies Look at what is assessed, not just what is taught Encourage change and improvement in content

and teaching practices over time

Expecting alignment with the national standards of the profession and with additional state-specific standards as needed

Next: Career PathwaysAlison Lutton

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Consideration 3. Design Career Pathways for compensation parity and equity

Tool: NAEYC “Build It Better” PD System indicators• http://www.naeyc.org/


Consider Designing a shared professional B8 framework of terminology, standards, and stackable and portable credentials that makes comparable professional roles, qualifications and responsibilities across sectors, settings and age groups - and the case for B8 compensation parity - more transparent. Using data and other evidence to address class, racial, ethnic, gender, geographic and other issues of equity in

Compensation Access to high quality PD Access to opportunities for movement, leadership and advancement

Next: Lauren HoganAlison Lutton

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L A U R E N H O G A N S E N I O R D I R E C T O R , P U B L I C P O L I C Y A N D A D V O C A C Y

N A T I O N A L A S S O C I A T I O N F O R T H E E D U C A T I O N O F Y O U N G C H I L D R E N ( N A E Y C )

For Your Consideration: These Things Need Your Attention

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Diversity and Equity

In 2015, NAEYC conducted research with current and potential early childhood educators; one finding was that educators of color expressed more concerns about mentoring, training and college affordability than white educators. 48% of educators of color identified a “lack of mentoring and career guidance” as a major challenge to remaining in the field 51% of educators of color said college inaccessibility was a major barrier to entering the field

Compared to 37% of white educators on both measures. Address mentoring and college affordability as an issue of equity and workforce diversity Support PD providers’ and IHE’s capacity to help diverse students at different stages in life with varying educational backgrounds and preparation enroll in and successfully complete their programs.

Online coursework and coursework in other languages Cohort and peer support networks Faculty training, guidance and mentorship programs, Targeted scholarships and grants.

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Compensation and Compensation Parity

Low compensation undermines quality. And look state by state.

When raising qualifications, invest simultaneously in increasing compensation, scholarships, financial aid loan cancellation and forgiveness, and tax credit strategies. Louisiana School Readiness Tax Credits Nebraska School Readiness Tax Credits Federal Tax Reform.

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Quality in Higher Education

Teacher preparation: what efforts bashing higher education get both right and wrong Economist article: Teaching the Teachers NCTQ Study: Some Assembly Required

State policy tool: Higher education program accreditation as a quality assurance tool in evaluation of and support for program quality Expansion of NAEYC Higher Education Accreditation to include bachelor’s and master’s degrees

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Power to the Profession

A national collaboration to define the early childhood profession by establishing a shared and unifying framework for career pathways, knowledge and competencies, qualifications, standards and compensation. Building on guidelines, frameworks and standards that currently operate across programs, organizations and states

Task Force: 15 national organizations who represent and engage with large groups of early childhood professionals Stakeholder Group: Over 25 national organizations with systems-level influence Early childhood researchers and experts who will participate in national town halls Early childhood educators, parents and other invested individuals who will participate through state and local initiatives that reflect and inform the national conversation and processes.

Learn more at www.naeyc.org/profession

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Financing & Advocacy “Necessary Bedfellows”• What data are needed to “use money wisely”?

• What needs financing?• How much does it cost?• What resources are available? when?• Who makes decisions about resources?

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What are the costs of improving teaching? Thomas Kane of Harvard University estimates that if African-American children were all taught by the top 25% of teachers, the gap between blacks and whites would close within eight years. He adds that if the average American teacher were as good as those at the top quartile the gap in test scores between America and Asian countries would be closed within four years.Source: Teaching the Teachers, The Economist

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Cost Data Is Influencing Policy & Advocacy in IndianaIN team has used CEELO’s Cost of Preschool Quality (CPQ) cost model to determine costs of expanding access to high quality preschool, increasing education requirements, and achieving compensation parity.

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CPQ Can Provide Data on… How much would it cost to serve more children with current quality standards How much would it cost to raise standards in an existing program What is an adequate per child/program allocation based on total available funding What ae the costs of various state specific policy proposals, e.g. increase compensation How much funding is needed at different points in time (e.g. when federal/private grant funds end)

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CPQ Tool Components

Teacher Specialized TrainingTeacher Degree

Assistant Teacher DegreeTeacher In-Service

NIEER Quality Standards

Staff-Child RatioMaximum Class SizeScreening/ Referral & Support Services

MealsEarly Learning Standards Monitoring

CoachingCurriculum Standards Technical Assistance Ratings & Monitoring

State Level Infrastructure & Supports

Professional DevelopmentProgram Evaluation System SupportsAdminCosts Capacity Building

Wages, Taxes & BenefitsNon-Personnel Costs*

Provider Level Direct & Indirect Services

Indirect CostsOtherDirectCosts

*Non-Personnel Costs include per-child costs (e.g., food and food prep), per-classroom costs (e.g., rent and utilities allocations), per-staff costs (e.g., consultants and training incremental to NIEER Quality Standards assumptions), and per-site costs (e.g., audit and legal expense).

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How Indiana is Using Cost DataTo Drive Policy ChangeMeghan Smith, Program Director, IN Family and Services AdministrationErin Kissling, Early Learning Specialist, IN Department of Education

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Estimated Costs of Public Funded Preschool in IN

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Back to the BeginningWhat data & relationships do you NEED to move policy forward?• Who has an opinion about your work? • Have you garnered buy-in and commitment of those in authority to make the change or to fund it? • Who will make the final decision and are they at your table?

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The Learning Table is ConcludingBut your work is not done, nor is our support of your state!Getting Results: What’s Next for Your State?

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Thank YouContacts:

Lori Connors-Tadros [email protected] Martella [email protected] Mathias [email protected]

Aisha Ray - [email protected] Tarrant [email protected]

Landing Pad: http://buildinitiative.org/OurWork/LearningCommunity/LearningTablesArchive/2016StatePolicyLearningTable/2016StatePolicyLearningTableITSession2.aspx
