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Credit for Renting

Date post: 13-Jan-2017
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Credit For Renting #WBChat #Credit4Rent Wise Bread

Credit For Renting


Wise Bread

Experian RentBureau sponsored Wise Bread’s weekly Twitter chat.

The community shared some great tips to help consumers learn about reporting their on-time rental payments to

build credit history.


Have you rented or are you currently

renting where you live?



Leanne G@ladyleanneg

I have rented and I am currently renting.

I rented years ago. We own the home we are in.

Snower Ball@snowerball


Have been on both sides of the fence. Have been a tenant and a landlord.

Scott Matteson@matteson66


Currently renting through a program for military.



I rented for eight years before purchasing our current home.

Paul Moyer@SavingFreak


I can’t believe it, but I have never rented!



Did you know there are over 110 million renters in the U.S?



I rented in college, but no more!

F Reed III@fwreed3


The young often are not ready to make a permanent housing commitment. They

are still working on career goals.



After a decade of owning an older home, I kind of want to go back to renting.

Alicia S.@NinjaMomAllie


One thing I like about renting is not having to do any house repairs.

Susan Smith@susan1215


Do you think more people today are renting or buying a home?



Renting, because loans are harder to get.



In our area, rent is crazy! Goes within hours of becoming available!


Kristen Schwarz@kkschwarz2009

I think more people probably rent. Especially with our economy.


Amber Chandler@Chandlermom221

Renting; credit is a huge factor.


Stephanie Rollman@stephrollman

Renting; economy is bad where I live. Should be buying houses but everyone

is selling and renting.



I think a LOT more people are renting, especially millennials and people who

live in urban areas.



First time home buyers rent for six years before buying a home.


Paul Moyer@SavingFreak

It will vary greatly by where you live. In areas where housing is less

expensive, buying makes more sense.



Buying. Renting doesn’t give the feeling of stability. I think more people

want to be grounded.



Depends on the location. People in the HCOL areas are renting more I think.


Rebecca Lock@alady3lads

Renting - at least around here the rental market is competitive - many

looking but little availability.


Susan Smith@susan1215

More people are buying houses, with the lower interest rates.


Kristina P@krazykris_2000

I’d say renting because it’s so hard to get good financing or be approved in

this market!


Wise Bread@wisebread

Homeownership is down. More people are renting/paying more.


Leslie H. Tayne, Esq@LeslieHTayneEsq

I’d have to imagine more people are renting. Considering how many folks are struggling to build good credit!



Rents are way too high out here. If you make the minimum wage or less than $17 per hour, you just can’t make it.


Credit Info Center@creditinfocentr

In June, the New York Times said more Americans are renting.


Mortgage payments are reported on credit reports, are rent payments on credit reports?



I was told by a lender that you can use them if you need to in order to show a

number of timely payments.


Paul Moyer@SavingFreak

It depends on the landlord and whether they report to the credit bureaus. Just

like some utilities are reported.


Scott Matteson@matteson66

Depends on if you rent from a property management company or an individual.

Individual not likely to report.


Lisa P.@MykidsMylife72

Yes, for us it was reported unless we went through a private homeowner.


Rebecca Lock@alady3lads

It depends if it is through a management company that reports or

not, but usually no.


Credit Info Center@creditinfocentr

It depends. Some landlords report payment history to credit bureaus,

some don’t.



Rent payments are on credit reports. NerdWallet reported on the change

about a year ago.


Alyssa Jarrett@alyjarrett

I’ve never seen rent payments on credit reports, but miss one and you

bet your credit will suffer.



Experian now adds positive rent payments reported to Experian RentBureau to credit reports!


Wise Bread@wisebread

Experian is the first credit-reporting agency to include on-time rental payments on their credit reports!



We did this to empower Americans to build their credit history through rent



Leslie H. Tayne, Esq@LeslieHTayneEsq

Depends on whether or not your landlord reports your payments or not!



In the past, only negative rental collections information was on credit



Leslie H. Tayne, Esq@LeslieHTayneEsq

Payments show up like a car loan (if you have a defined lease period) or charge card (when you pay month-to-month).


If you rent from an individual landlord or property management company that does not report data, sign up through a rent payment service

working with Experian RentBureau; ClearNow, RentTrack or PayYourRent.



Renters should get credit for their on-time rental payments to help renters

build credit history.


Can rent payments on your credit report help you build credit history? If yes, how?


Melanie Pridgen@lnghairedgrl

If they are on time, yes. On-time payments are always a great thing for

creditors to see.



On-time rental payments help consumers build credit history.


Kristen Schwarz@kkschwarz2009

Definitely! It shows history of reliability and hopefully can help

increase your score.


Alicia S. @NinjaMomAllie

If reported to Experian, positive payment rental history can help grant

approvals from lenders.


Kristina P @krazykris_2000

Absolutely! Paying bills on time shows creditors that you are reliable and



Paul Moyer @SavingFreak

Anytime you are making on-time payments, it shows that you are being

responsible and are a good risk for more credit.


Marcea @andmarcea

Yes, because it reflects the ability of the renter to pay a bill on time!


Zerina Grace@ZerinaGrace

Making payments on time is always a good thing for your credit history!


Mortgages Dot Com@WeAreMortgages

By making them on time, and making sure they’re reported. Might help to

do auto withdrawal.



Yes, it’s a positive on your credit report.



Yes, because it shows you’re a reliable tenant, can make big payments, and

increase your credit score.


Rebecca Lock@alady3lads

Yes, showing you’ve consistently made on-time payments over a long period

of time builds credit history.


Leslie H. Tayne, Esq@LeslieHTayneEsq

Paying on time is a great way to show you can manage credit - whether it’s

through rent or anything else!


Navicore Solutions@navicorePR

Paying on time, whether it’s rent or mortgage, is key to building a solid

credit score.


Credit Info Center@creditinfocentr

Your landlord can sign up for RentTrack and opt in to RentBureau,

which reports to Experian.


Credit Info Center@creditinfocentr

Can help boost your credit score when you’re ready to buy.


Should renters, like homeowners, be able to build credit history through rent payments?


Melissa Agelson@mom321

Yes, if you are paying on time!



Yes, because it’s their money. They are paying on time.


Scott Matteson@matteson66

Yes, renters should be able to, but late payments should also cause a negative

like homeowners.


Lisa P.@MykidsMylife72

Of course! They make their payments too and deserve it!


Shirley DuBose@MzShirleyD

Absolutely! We pay monthly just like homeowners, so we should get credit

for good payment history.



Absolutely, no one should be at a disadvantage because they choose to

rent instead of buying!



Absolutely! Paying rent on time can help you establish or build credit




Yes, they should! The positive rental payment history must be included!



Yes, if they know they can consistently pay their rent on time. Remember the consequences if you don’t pay on time.



Absolutely, and it is something that is long overdue.


Leslie H. Tayne, Esq@LeslieHTayneEsq

If you can build credit by leasing a car, you should be able to build credit by

renting an apartment or home.


Navicore Solutions@navicorePR

Yes, credit score is an indicator of your ability to manage your money and pay

on time.


Elan Karpinski@withElan

Absolutely. This is a lot of moneywe’re talking about!



There are over 100 million renters who deserve to get credit for their rent



Rebecca Lock@alady3lads

Yes, they should be able to - paying on time is paying on time.


Atlanta Braves Fan@MomLuvsSPORTZ

Yes, they are obligated to make timely payments through a contract too! A

contract is a contract!


Leslie H. Tayne, Esq@LeslieHTayneEsq

Making rent payments on time and in full is something that is commendable. If you do well, it should be reflected.


Alicia S.@NinjaMomAllie

Absolutely! It shows to potential lenders they are capable of paying rent

or a mortgage.


Anna Pry@DaPryz

Yes! It’s a monthly obligation like a mortgage payment is.



Gen Y is taking longer to establish credit.


Paul Moyer@SavingFreak

Absolutely! We should be pushing for any place, where you make regular payments,

to report to credit bureaus.


JoAnn Riker@JoRiker

Yes sir! Building great credit is important for future investments and purchases.


Kevin C. Swanson@kevincswanson

Just like paying an auto loan, paying regular rent should build your credit




Rental payments could help build their credit history.


Krystie Vines@MrsKrystie

I think so! They are responsible enough to keep their apartment just

like homeowners do homes!


Melanie Pridgen@lnghairedgrl

Should be! It’s a huge responsibility and part of one’s monthly income. Shows a lot if payments are timely.


Credit Info Center@creditinfocentr

Absolutely! If you pay rent on time every month, you are rocking it, and

that should count for something.



Paying your rent on time will not only build credit history, but will make sure you don’t end up evicted! No bueno.


Mortgages Dot Com@WeAreMortgages

Absolutely! An on-time payment is an on-time payment.


Why should on-time rent payments be reported to credit bureaus?


Alicia S. @NinjaMomAllie

It’s only fair - negative payment history is reported!



Because it can help millions of people build credit history! Especially younger




So it can help the renter’s credit! They are paying on time and should benefit

from that.


Gina B@jigglesfrog

They’re recurring payments that show an ability to pay on time.



You need credit to buy a car, a home, or even to buy a cell phone/rent a car.


Amber Cheras@shadow62310jail

It’s a way to build your credit up and to show everyone how responsible

you are when you pay on time.


Shawna Poole@BamAubLev3

Because as you are with credit cards, you are making payments, and that

should be reported too.


Shirley DuBose@MzShirleyD

It shows a person is capable of paying a bigger bill on time. It shows responsibility.


Leanne G.@ladyleanneg

On-time rent payments should be reported to prove credit worthiness

and could boost a person’s score!



Because it is important that the responsible renters get credit for their

timely rent payments.


Paul Moyer@SavingFreak

Any type of recurring on-time payment should help people’s credit. We need to

reward people for being responsible.



To build credit history for the renter, and show creditworthiness and risk.


Kristen Schwarz@kkschwarz2009

To help build renter’s credit reports and scores. It can help them become a

homeowner sooner.


Kristina P.@krazykris_2000

To show creditors that we ARE creditworthy, responsible, and

reliable! We are trying hard!



Because it shows you are just as responsible as the person making a

mortgage payment.


Charlotte Stacy@stacycharlotte1

Because we pay just like everyone else, and it helps us in buying our own home.


Rebecca Lock@alady3lads

Show that payments are made in a timely manner, which is what companies

viewing credit reports want to know.



You can’t build credit without opportunities that show you are

responsible and it counting.



Because you need credit for major purchases. Many people rent and

should be rewarded if they pay on time.



Because it’s just like any other account you have to pay - like utilities. And it

helps build credit!



Responsible renters can build credit history from on-time rental payments.



Having rent payments reported to credit bureaus can benefit landlords too!



You show responsibility by paying your rent on time. It is also great for

younger people to build their credit.


Melanie Pridgen@lnghairedgrl

It shows responsibility to make payments on time. Young renters may

not have credit cards to help build credit.


Credit Info Center@creditinfocentr

Credit scores are indicators of creditworthiness (i.e. financial responsibility). On-time rent

payments qualify.


What should renters do if they want their rent reported on their credit report?



A good place to start would be with their landlord. Ask them to report good payments to credit centers.


Josh L.@coyotezeyes

Ask their landlords to report it. If they won’t, then maybe find a new place

that will.


Steven Weber@groogruxking40

Ask the landlords to report it - they’re obligated.



An excellent point on the value of establishing credit.


Alicia S.@NinjaMomAllie

Ask the property management company if they report rental payment

info to Experian RentBureau.


Paul Moyer@SavingFreak

You will have to push the landlord or property manager. Doubtful they are going to seek this out on their own.



The first step is to ask the landlord to start reporting it. If they don’t, encourage the

landlord to join a program.


Krystie Vines@MrsKrystie

Ask the leasing agent before signing the lease.


Betsy R. Barnes@sassypinktaz

Contact their landlord and request it be reported.



Rent from a landlord who reports rent payments to Experian RentBureau!


Mortgages Dot Com@WeAreMortgages

Use one of the rent payment service providers mentioned here.



Or consider enrolling with a rental payment service that works with

Experian RentBureau.



Dress up in your scariest Halloween costume and scare your landlord into

making sure it’s reported.


Stephanie Christensen@WellnessOnLess

Politely ask your landlord to report it, to help your credit. Many simply may

not know of the service.


If you could pick the perfect roommate,who would it be and why?



Carlton Banks! Fresh Prince of Bel-Air! Neat and will pay on time!


Scott Matteson@matteson66

Robin Williams, so I could tell him every day what he meant to this world.



My ideal roommate is Mary Poppins. She could clean and cook for me, and take

care of me when I’m sick.


Leanne G.@ladyleanneg

I would choose Superman! I think he would be so handy! Moving furniture

and repairing things!


Shirley DuBose@MzShirleyD

Beyonce, so she could teach me all her dance moves.



Ben Franklin, I know he would be good with money and a great



Toni B.@rychepet

Rachel Ray - she could have dinner ready in less than 30 minutes!


For more information on how paying rent on time builds your credit history, visit

