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CREEP OF ICE UNDER LOW STRESS · CREEP OF ICE UNDER LOW STRESS ... on fine-grained polycrystalline...

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Journal o /Glacialao, Vol. 8, No. 52, 1969 CREEP OF ICE UNDER LOW STRESS By MALCOLM MELLOR and RICHARD TESTA ( U.S. Army T errestrial Sciences Center , Hanover , New Hampshire 03755, U .S.A. ) ABSTRACT. Uniaxial compress ive cr eep t ests on fine-gra ined polycrystalline ice indi cate that seco ndar y strain-rate is proportional to a' · s, wh ere a is applied str ess, for the ra nge o. I < a < 0.5 kgf /cm' ( 10 < a < 50 k. /m'). On th e bas is of the present t es ts, earlier r es ult s suggest.ing lin ea r viscous behav io ur at low stress are beli eved to be in va lid. REs UME. Fluage de la glace sous contrainte fai ble. Des experiences de Auage sous contr a int e comp ressive uniaxiale d' ec han tillons de glace polycristalline a grains fins indiqu e nt que la vitesse de deformat ion secon- daire est propo rtionnelle a a'. s, OU a est le co ntr a int e pour l'int ervalle 0,1 < a < 0,5 kgf/cm' ( 10 < a < 50 kN/m'). Sur la base d e ces experiences , on peut penser que des resu lt a ts anterieurs suggera nt un compo rt e- ment visqueux lin ea ire sous faible contraint e n' on t pas de poid s. ZUSAMMENFASSUNG. Kriechen des Eises bei geringer B eans/Jruc!lll1lg. U nt ersuc hun gen des Kri echens von feinkornigem, polykri sta llin em E is unter ein ac hsiger Dru ckspannu ng zeigen, dass die sek und are Ve rf or- mungsgesc hwindi gkeit im Bereich 0,1 < a < 0,5 kp/cm' ( 10 < a < 50 kN/m ') proportional zu a' ·s ist, wobe i a di e ange wa ndt e Dru ckspa nnun g bede utet. Im Li c ht e der vor li ege nd en Untersuchungen scheinen friihere Ergebnisse , die bei ger in ge r Beanspruchnug ein lineares viskoses Verhalten a nn a hm en, ihr e Giiltigkeit zu ver li eren. I ",TROD UCTION T he str ess jstra in-rate relation for polycrystalline ice cree pin g ste adily und er Iow s tr ess has never been firmly es tabli shed. Ample data exist for creep und er stresses in the ran ge I to 20 kgf jcm 2 (0. 1 to 2 MNjm 2 ), but for lower stresses, which are repr ese ntativ e of dev iator s tr esses in gla cier s, there is a shortage of exp erimental inf orma tion . Most of the available data suggest that the depend ence of strain-rat e up on stress b ecomes weaker as stress level decreases, and there ha s been spec ulation as to whether or not the stressj s tr a in-rat e relation becomes lin ear at low s tr ess. Accepted at fa ce valu e, expe rim e nt s by Butkovich and Landauer ( 1960) show that s train I-at e is pwporti o nal to stress in the str ess range 0.02 to 0.2 kgfjcm' (2 to 20 kNjm'). Lik ewise, r es ult s by MelIor and Smith ( 196 7) te nd to support the id ea of a tran sition to lin ea r viscous be ha viour below about 1 kgf /cm' (100 kN/m'). However, in neither of these cases were st rain-rat es co mpar ed for the sam e d eg ree of s train in th e ice, a nd ther e remained a definite p oss ibility that seco ndar y cr eep rates for sam pl es und er high er stresses and te mp erature s were being co mpar ed with primary creep rates for those sa mpl es subject to Iow stresses and temperatures. Furthermore, in most of the tests made by Butkovi ch and Landau er, gl -a in size was co mparabl e to sam ple size. Brom er and Kinger y (1968) apparently found a lin ear str ess/st rain-rat e relation for poly c rystalIine ice in the temperature range - 3° to - J C, but the duration of their t es ts was not giv en. The sampl e creep c urve s hown in the paper had a duration of only 1 000 min , which seems too short a pe riod for establishment of secondary c reep in the range of str ess and tempera t ur e co nsider ed . In the prese nt t es ts, an att em pt was mad e to avoid so me of the flaws which exist in ea rlier work. TEST PROCEDURES Homogeneo us, iso twpi c sa mpl es of fine-grained polycr ys talIine ice were pre pared by pa cking sieved ice grains into a vibrated mo ld and sa turating with degassed distilIed wat er before freezing. Size of the finished cy lindri ca l sa mpl e prior to loading was 3.59 cm diam eter by 9.98 cm long , and th e co nst itu e nt randomly oriented cr ys tals were approximately I mm in diameter. Ice density was 0.90 Mg /m 3 . 147
Page 1: CREEP OF ICE UNDER LOW STRESS · CREEP OF ICE UNDER LOW STRESS ... on fine-grained polycrystalline ice indicate that secondary ... were being compared with primary creep rates ...

J ournal o/Glacialao, Vol. 8, No. 52 , 1969



(U.S. Army T errestrial Sciences Center, Hanover, New Hampshire 03755, U .S.A. )

ABSTRACT. Uniaxial compressive creep tests on fine-gra ined polycrystalline ice indicate that secondary strain-rate is proportional to a' ·s, where a is applied stress, for the range o. I < a < 0.5 kgf/cm' ( 10 < a < 50 k. /m ' ) . On the basis of the present tests, earli er results suggest.ing linear viscous behaviour at low stress a re believed to be invalid.

REsUME. Fluage de la glace sous contrainte faible. Des experiences de Auage sous contrainte compressive uniaxiale d 'echantillons de glace polycristalline a gra ins fins indiquent que la vitesse de deformat ion secon­daire est proportionnelle a a'. s, OU a est le contra inte pour l'intervalle 0,1 < a < 0,5 kgf/cm' ( 10 < a < 50 kN/m ' ) . Sur la base de ces experiences, on peut penser que des resulta ts anterieurs suggerant un comporte­ment visqueux linea ire sous fa ible contrainte n 'on t pas de poids.

ZUSAMMENFASSUNG. Kriechen des Eises bei geringer B eans/Jruc!lll1lg . U ntersuchungen des Kriechens von feinkornigem, polykrista llinem E is unter einachsiger Druckspannung zeigen , dass die sekundare Verfor­mungsgeschwindigkeit im Bereich 0, 1 < a < 0,5 kp/cm ' ( 10 < a < 50 kN/m ') proportional zu a' ·s ist, wobei a die angewa ndte Druckspa nnung bedeutet. Im Lichte d er vor li egenden Untersuchungen scheinen friihere Ergebnisse, die bei geringer Beanspruchnug ein lineares viskoses Verhalten a nna hmen, ihre Giiltigkeit zu verlieren.


T he stressjstrain-rate relation for polycrys ta lline ice creeping steadily under Iow stress has never been firmly established . Ample data exist for creep under stresses in the range I to 20 kgfjcm 2 (0. 1 to 2 M N jm 2

), but for lower stresses, which are representative of deviator stresses in glaciers, there is a shortage of experimental information .

Most of the available data suggest that the dependence of strain-rate upon stress becomes weaker as stress level decreases, and there has been speculation as to whether or not the stressj stra in-rate relation becomes linear at low stress. Accepted at face value, experiments by Butkovich and Landauer ( 1960) show that strain I-ate is pwportional to stress in the stress range 0.02 to 0.2 kgfjcm' (2 to 20 kN jm ' ) . Likewise, results by MelIor and Smith ( 196 7) tend to support the idea of a transition to linear viscous behaviour below about 1 kgf/cm ' ( 100 kN/m ' ) . However, in neither of these cases were strain-rates compared for the same d egree of strain in the ice, and there remained a definite possibility that secondary creep rates for sam ples under higher stresses and temperatures were being compared with primary creep rates for those samples subject to Iow stresses and temperatures. Furthermore, in most of the tests made by Butkovich and Landauer, gl-ain size was comparable to sample size.

Bromer and Kingery (1968) apparently found a linear stress/strain-rate relation for polycrystalIine ice in the temperature range - 3° to - J 3°C, but the duration of their tests was not given. The sample creep curve shown in the paper had a duration of only 1 000 min , which seems too short a period for establishment of secondary creep in the range of stress and temperature considered .

In the present tes ts, an attempt was made to avoid some of the flaws which exist in earli er work.


Homogeneous, isotwpic samples of fine-grained polycrys talIine ice were prepared by packing sieved ice grains into a vibrated mold and sa turating with d egassed distilIed water before freezing. Size of the fini shed cylindrical sample prior to loading was 3.59 cm diameter by 9.98 cm long, and the constituent randomly oriented crystals were approximately I mm in diameter. Ice density was 0.90 Mg/m 3.


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The cylindrical samples were loaded axially in compression by dead weight, using a simple lever a rrangement. Tests were made at axial stresses of 0 .093 and 0 .43 kgffcm' (9. 1 and 42 kN Im' ). The upper loading plate was free to rotate a nd translate in all directions. Three identical samples were tested simultaneously under identical test conditions. Axial deforma­tions of the samples were detected by Statham Type G7A strain gages, which were read on a Baldwin- Lima- Hamilton SR4, Type NB, strain indicator. The gage readings could be resolved to 4 X 10- 6 cm which, taking into account the 2 X lever multiplication factor of the loading device, represented a displacement of 2 X 10- 6 cm at the sample, or a n axial strain of 2 X 10- 7. The gages were calibrated individually before and a fter the tests.

Test samples were housed in a Styrofoam cabinet which was refrigerated by its surround­ings, i. e. a cold room regulated to - lOoe. Temperature inside the box was regulated by a heating unit and fan actuated through a relay by a Philadelphia Microset mercury regulator.

0 5 0.15




I-z w :::li w u cl ...J "- 0 .0 5 en Cl

o 5xl03

T I ME, days

10x 103



'er: 0.43 kgf/cm 2

Lo: 9.98 cm


T I ME , minutes


20xl03 25xl03

Fig. I. Low-stress creep curves for fine-grained ice whose c~ystal orientation was initially random. Test temperature - 2.06°C. Constant axial compressive stress of 0.43 kgflcm' (42 kNlm') on ice which had not been previously loaded.

T he rated response of the regulator was ± O.OI deg., and variation of air temperature in the immediate vicinity of the test samples was always less than 0.1 deg. To avoid evaporation from the sample, its surface was wrapped with a thin film of plasticized polyvinylidene chloride (sandwich wrap), and copious quantities of loose snow were placed inside the test cabinet to saturate the air.

T est temperature was - 2.06°C. A high temperature was chosen in order to speed the creep process and thus improve the chances for establishing secondary creep in the limited time available.

The first set of tests to be made were terminated prematurely, following evaporative losses from the samples near their contact with the loading platens. This evaporation was apparently caused by air circulation in the narrow gap between the platens and the end of the plastic film wrapped around the ice cylinder. Preferred absorption of radiation at the platens may have been a contributing factor. The tests were run, however, for periods comparable

Page 3: CREEP OF ICE UNDER LOW STRESS · CREEP OF ICE UNDER LOW STRESS ... on fine-grained polycrystalline ice indicate that secondary ... were being compared with primary creep rates ...


T M E days

0 100 200 0.0 1

E RUN 2 eT : 0.093 kgf /e m2 E

E L o: 9.98 em

~ 0 "0


::: 0

..c 0

E 0


I-z - 0 .01 w ~ w u et --' "-If) .-0

-0.0 2 0 Ix 105 2x l05 3x l0 5

T M E , min ute s

Fig . 2. Low-stress crCf!/J curves Jar fine-grained ice whose c/~ vstaL orientation was initiaL~ll randolll. T est tem/Jeratllre - 2.06"C. Constant axial com/)ress;ve stress of 0 .093 kgflcm' (g . [ k.A f m' ) after removal of the load of Figllre I.

with those for the tests by Butkovich a nd Landa uer. Axia l stress of 0-43 kgfjcm 1 (42 kN jm ' ) was app lied for 130 h, 0.20 kgfjcm 2 (20 kN jm 2) for 125 h, a nd 0.093 kgfjcm 2 (g. 1 kN jm 2

) for 375 h. For the ma in series of tes ts, samples were first p laced under consta nt load , a pproximating

constan t stress, a t 0.43 kgfjcm 2 (42 kN jm 1) . Creep was a ll owed to proceed until a n appa rentl y

0 0 .15



0. 10

I-z W ~ W U et --' a. 0.05 If)



T M E. days



eT : 0.43 kg ! / cm2

Lo: 9 .98 cm

M E m i nu 1es


Fig. 3. Low-stress creep curves for fine-grained ice whose crystal orientation was initially random . Test temperatllre - 2.06°C. Constant axial compressive stress of 0·43 kgflcm' (42 kNlm' ) after the loading of Figure 2.

Page 4: CREEP OF ICE UNDER LOW STRESS · CREEP OF ICE UNDER LOW STRESS ... on fine-grained polycrystalline ice indicate that secondary ... were being compared with primary creep rates ...


steady strain-rate developed in a ll three samples . Th is took about 16 d (Fig. I) . Axial stress was then lowered to 0.og3 kgfjcm' (g. I kN jm 2). Under th e lower stress, relaxation se t in , and creep continued in a direction opposite to the loading direc tion for about 4 months. Creep then resumed in the direction of the app li ed load. The total duration of the low-stress stage of the tes t was 6t months, and secondary creep rate for a stress of 0.og3 kgfjcm ' (g. r kNjm ' ) was taken as the rate which preva il ed during the final 6 weeks (Fig. 2) . Stress was then raised to 0 .43 kgfjcm ' (42 kN jm ' ) again , and observations continued for a further 5 weeks (Fig. 3) .

The main seri es of tests was in progress for St months; the abortive ini tial tests were in progress for I month. Including set-up time, the whole test program took about I I months to complete.


R esults of the main set of tests are given in Table 1.



Sample size: 3.59 cm dia . X 9.98 cm long Gra in-size: , mm Ice dens ity: 0.90 M g/m J T est temperature: - 2.06°±0.05°C

Sample Test sequence T est duration Axial stress Axial strain-rate 111111 kgf, cm' s- '

A- 2 I 22500 0-43 2.84 X 10- '" A- 2 2 290000 0 .093 2 .82 X 10 - 11

A- 2 3 50 500 0-43 3.89 X 10- '· B- 2 , 22500 0-43 2.24 X 10- 1 •

B- 2 2 290000 0.093 2.69 X 10- 11

B- 2 3 50 500 0-43 3-40 X 10- '0 C- 2 22 500 0-43 3.26 X 10- '· C- 2 2 290000 0.093 2.37 X 10 - 11

C- 2 3 50 500 0-43 4.82 X 10- '0

The results show that mlmmum strain-rate for a stress of 0.43 kgfjcm ' (42 kN jm ' ) was consistently higher for the second run at tha t stress, even though th e test duration of the second run was a lmost doubl e that of the first run. T he increase of creep rate is attribu ted to recrys tal­li zation during the 200-d period which separated the two runs, a lthough there is no direct evidence to substantiate this. In considering variation of strain-rate with stress, the second set of data for 0.43 kgfjcm ' (42 kN jm' ) are more acceptab le than the first set since they were obtained at a much smaller time separation from the 0.og3 kgfjcm ' (g . I kN jm 2) de termination than were the first set. Strain-rate determinations I and 2 (Table I ) were sepa ra ted by a period of 5 months, whereas determinations 2 a nd 3 were separated by only 2 weeks.

Using the results from runs 2 a nd 3, the exponent of a simple power relation between strain-rate and stress is I.S for the stress range 0.1 to 0.5 kgfjcm 2 ( 10 to 50 kN Im ' ). This is significantly small er than the exponent values between 3 and 4 found for high stress ranges. *

There may be questions as to whether minimum strain-rate was properly established in these tes ts. In the tests at 0.43 kgf/cm' (42 kN /m ' ) the minimum strain rate measured in the second , and longer, run was actually greater than that meas ured in the first run , which tends to dispel the notion that creep was still decelet-ating. In the test at 0.og3 kgf/cm' (g. I kN 1m2


strain-rate was m easured after a long period of relaxation, and if the strain-rate is in error, it is likely to be too low rather than too high. Thus it is fel t that even if the present data are in error, true strain-rates for these stresses are unlikely to be significantly lower than the values m easured .

* Note added in proof: Holdsworth and Bull (in press) deri ve power-law exponen ts be tween 1.6 and 1. 9 from observations on d eform a tion of Antarctic g lacier ice at - ,8°C and stress < 60 kN /m' .

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In Figure 4, the results of runs 2 and 3 a re plotted on logarithmic scales. The mean stra in­rate found ea rlier in three tests at 1 kgf/cm 2 (98. 1 kN /m ' ) a nd _ 2°C (Me li or and Smith, 1966) has been added, together with a strain- rate for 12 kgf/cm2 ( I.I 8 MN/m ' ) given by the results of ano ther set of tests (Melior a nd Testa, 1969) . The li ne through the data points is drawn so as to give a slope for the high stress range corresponding to th e slope estab lished in prev ious tes ting (Melior a nd Smith, 1966) .

10-6 TEMP : -2.06·C


w !;t 0:: Z

~ 10-8



~ X <t 10-9

10-11 ':-:--'--'...J....o.J..U.L-.L-<...J....o..J..W.L-.J..........J....o.J.o.WL-L.J.-'-'..I..WJ_L..L...l...LL.o.W

0.01 0.1 1.0 10 100 1000 AXIAL STRESS , kgflcm2

Fig . 4. Axial strain-rale as a fllnction of axial com/Jressive stress for j lle-gra ined, randomly oriented ice at - 2.o6°C. The poinls marked with triangles arefram olher /;apers; I;o;nt A from IvleLlor al/d SlIlith ( [.9 67). and I;oint B from M elior and T esla ( 1969 ). The sioj;e at the high stress end cormpol/ds to that established ~)I M eLIor and Smith ( /.967).

In view of results from the presen t tes ts, it seems unlikely that Butkovich and Landaue r es tablished secondary creep in short-dur'ati on tests on polYCl-ys talline (" MP I " ) ice at very low stress (0.02 kgf/cm ' (2 kN /m' )) , especia ll y at the lower temperature . T heir Cl-eep rates fo r the lowest stresses may well be exaggerated; th is wo uld tend to depress the appa rent va l ue of the flow-law exponent. Their tests on " commercia l" ice are difficult to assess, since the grain-size was so la rge in comparison with sample size that they cannot be regarded as va lid tes ts for po lycrystalli ne ice.


T he present results a re not concl usive in es tab lishing a stress/strain-ra te relat ion for the low stress range, since more pro tracted testing a t the lowest stress might have yielded a somewhat higher stra in-rate. They do cast doubt on low-stress laboratOl-y stud ies in which secondary creep was assumed to have developed a fter a few days.

Page 6: CREEP OF ICE UNDER LOW STRESS · CREEP OF ICE UNDER LOW STRESS ... on fine-grained polycrystalline ice indicate that secondary ... were being compared with primary creep rates ...


If secondary creep i to be observed direc tly for polycrystalline ice which initially is ran­domly oriented , o.S kgf/cm 2 (so kN /m 2

) may be a practical lower limi t for employment of the classical constant-load creep test. For lower stresses , test durations are inordinately long ; reliabi lity of the test chamber and sample deterioration becom e serious problems.

MS. received 27 May f968 and in revisedjorm [ 2 August f968


Bromer D. ] ., and Kingery, VV. D. 1968. Flow of polycrystalline ice at low stresses and sma ll strains. Journal of AfJPlied Physics, Vol. 39, No. 3, p. 1688- 9 1.

Butkovich, T. R., and Landauer, J. K . 1960. Creep of ice at low st resses. U.S. Snow, l ee and Permafrost Research Establishment. Research R e/Jort 72 .

H oldsworth, G ., and Bull, C. B. B. In press. The Row law of cold ice: investiga tions on the M cserve G lacier, Anta rctica. (In Special Committee OIL Alltarctic Research. international Symposium on Antarctic Glaciological Exploration , Hanover, N. H. , September 1968. )

Melior, M. , and Sm ith, J. H . 1967. Creep of snow a nd ice. (In Oura, H. , ed. Physics q{ mow and ice: international conference OIL low temperatllre science . .. . 1966 . . .. Proceedings , Vol. " Pt. 2. [Sapporo] , Institute of Low T emperature Science, H okka ido U ni versity, p. 843- 55. )

M elior, M., and T esta, R . 1969. Effect of temperature on the creep of ice. Journal qf Glaciology, Vol. 8, No. 52, p. ' 3 1- 45.
