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CREW v. Executive Office of the President – Report Numbered Footnotes: 206-EOP0000127-33

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  • 8/9/2019 CREW v. Executive Office of the President Report Numbered Footnotes: 206-EOP0000127-33



    S I N ] 32-5] Information Teclmo]ogy Serviee~S I N " 1 3 ~ . -8 P~rc~a~e of Equ{~rnentSIN 132-33 Software Li~ensing

    The Co ntractors Basic GSA S chedule contract i s applicable to the Task O rder tha tis awarded under this R_FQ

    ISSUED BY:General Services Administra tionFederal Systems Integrat ion and Mianagem ent Center (FEI)SIIV0Metro Park6354 W alker Lane, Suite 200Alexandria , VA 223 10

    26, 2007


    Records Ma.nagemeat Implementat ionIN SUPPORT OF:

    Executive Office of the President (EOP)Office of the Chief I~1forma ~on O fficer

    FEDSIM. P roject Number 27120 EOM

    T~k-Order GST0007AJ003 2GSA Schedule GS-35 F-07g0M


  • 8/9/2019 CREW v. Executive Office of the President Report Numbered Footnotes: 206-EOP0000127-33




    The contractor shall, performthe effort required by tl~is task order on a Labor.Hour (LH) basis forCLINs 000 1, Firm FixeA Price (FFP.) for CL~I.10002, and Time & Materials for CL1Ns 0 003.Tlle work shall be performed in accordance w ith all sections ofth~s task order and the offerorsGSA Schedule, under which the resulting task order will be placed. The contractor, o~ throughthooontractors teaming agreement.or st~bcontraetorsi ~a-ll support all Special. Item N m:nbers onth is ta~k order. Additionally, all so~vare, ma intenance, and licensing shall be on theoontract0rs GSA Schedule and/or contractors teaming agreem ent at t ime of purchase.] .2 SERVICES AND PRICES/COSTSThe fol16wing a bbreviations are used i n this price schedule:CLAN : Contract Line Item Num berODC : Other Dkeot CostNTE: Not to ExceedLH: Labor HourTAM : Labor & MaterialsFFP: Firm Fi~ed Price1,2.1 MANDATORY LABOR HOUR TASK:CLiN DESCRIPTION TOTAL TOTAL NTE CEILINGHOURS

    Labor 904 $225 ,23 O , 00Labo~ Category I~0nrs Hourly RateD e p l o y m e n t M a n a g e r ~4 $251 .25Solutions Archi tect I 240 $265.00DCTM Solu tions Arch i tee{ i 240" $230,00DCTM Sys tems Consul tan t 160 $230 ,00D C TM S o l u ti ons A r ch i te c t 20 4 $265,00TOTAL ,HOURS 904 $225,230.00

    Task Order GST0007AJ00 32GSA Schedule OS-35F-0780M PAGE !-1


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    -1.2.2 MANDATORY FFP SOFTWARE, NL&INTENANCECLIN DESCKIPTION CONTRACT. TOTA.LT Y P E0002 See Bill of Materials Below FF PAmendment 1: All hardware removed



    $10,617.60$1,419.39$5,256.84$734.30~373.52$ 0 , 0 0~ 1 . 6 8

    Sofhva re

    Cl ien! P roduc tsWebl@ (Include~ Desktop} Per Seat)

    EMC~ [Per UserMailbox)E~C-gM C - F~ ~ysl~mManager ge~erEM C F~ eManage /Clus te rEMC -~ File System

    Se~,er Products

    ]r o d U e l N u m b e r P a r tdeepro~t1019 1 8 3 1decprod 1 ] 9 4 6 0 1456-003-545 18314 56 - 1 0 ~ 0 2 8 1831456-004-573 l456-004-587456-004-589 1457-000-256 2

    $76.57$ 255853.41


    2 0 . 0 0




    docprod 1152 1 0 $28%13\

    $330871.22$54 301.91$57,457.51$7,667.50


    $2,021.57$ 0 . 0 0

    $331L81Enterprise Sen, er [P~.r Seal) docprod 10 26 1831 $57.43 $105,146.27 ~1g,926.33 24,072160Retent ion PoIicy Sen, ices ( Per C P U ) doeprod 1159 $45.17630.Content Services for EMC Cenlera (Per 40 5 1 ~ 9 , 5 7 1 . 2 5 $9 ,571 .2 5 $1 ,722 .83 $11 ,294.08C e n t e r a R a c k ) ,: ,CI Services .0?er C P Lr) doeprod,,ll,,l~ 4 $ 1 9 , 1 4 2 . 5 , 0 $76,570.00 $13,782~60 $90~352,60Tm~ t~d Contenl Sin, ices, (Per CPU) docprod 1028 4 $9,571.25 $38,285.00 $6,891.30 $ 4 5 , 1 7 6 . 3 0Admlnistralion Preducls

    Adm inistrator (Per Seal) dovprod 1193 2 $1,914.25 $3,828.50 $689 .13 $4,517.63Developer Studio V"P~r Seal) docpmd 1196 2 $ I ; 9 1 4 . 2 5 S3,828.50 $689.13 $ 4 , 5 1 7 . 6 3Records Manager Administ rator (Per Sei t) docprod 1195 2 $1,9!~.25 $3,828.50 ~689.13 $4,517.63 -ECl Services SDK (Per Seal) docprod 1122 2, $1,914.25 $3 82&50 , $689.13 $4,517.63ECI S e n . i c e s A D K (,,pe~t Se a t ) docprod 1123 2 $1 ,91 42 5 $3 ,82 g.5 0 $689.13 $4,517.63l~flsc Products and Senices~-,;ra ~r I CD- $45,ooo.oo $45,ooo .oo. _ $o .0o ~ 4 5 , o 0 0 , o 0 l~g ~:~i!~) ~ ~c~{~CWorl~ferencePasse~ ETS-CONF , ~1,595.00 ] I3,190.00 $0.00 $3,190.00


    Task Order GST000 7M003 2GSA Schedule GS-35F-0780M PAGE 1-2 -


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    CLINi Description Total Not-to-Exceed PriceODCs Depending n GSA Schedule used include " "0003 Indirect Handling R.ato__0 % NTIi , . $3,000,00G1}ANDT6TA~L ~LINS: ....... $ ...... .$1,051;973,22 "

    1.3 SUP.PLI~S OR SERV][,C~ES AND PRICES/COSTS TABLES1.3.1 LIMITAT]ON ON OTHER DIRECT COSTSODC costs incurred on GSA Schedule task orders are limited to amaximum of g3,000 over thelife ofth~ task order.1.3.2 INDI-R_ECT/MATERI.&LHANDLING RATEODC costs incurred may be b~rdcncd with the contractors indirecffmatcrial handling rate if onei s ~nter~d in the co nt ractors bas ic schedule cont ract (cont ractor to enter am ount , but not to~xceed thecei ling rat~ of the basic contract) an__~ d such indirect /material hand ling rate is not "inolude~l in the f u l l y burdened labor rate, If no indirect/mat.erial handliag rate is specified inthe basic contract, no indirect/material handling rate shah be applied to or reimbursed onsuch cost~. If no rate is specified in th~ basic contract, none shall b~ applied in this taskorder,1,3,3 LABOR HOUR ~ILX AND RATESThe labor hour ni l m ~ d ra t~s speci fied in the cont ractors qu ote and incorporated into thi s orderare for ~stimafion purposes, The ~ontragtor may increase or decrease, with prior written.approval of th~ IFEDSIM CO R~ the num ber of hours by labor ca tegory , w i th in ~ach]abor .CLINas needed to eff~ ct iwly m anage the project , provided the to ta l fundedlabor co~t and to ta l hoursare not exceeded. A ny ad di t ional labor categor ies or in~reases to tota l ] ]ours or ] .ncreases to~ei l ings required during performan ce m ust be added to the task order by modif ica t ion .

    1.4 INCREMENTAL FUNDING1.4.1. INCREM]gNTAL FUNDING LIMITATION OF GOVERNYvIENTS OBLIGATIONLncrm nentat funding for CLINs 00 0l through 000 3 is currently allotted and avMlabla forpaym ant by the Governm ent. Additional incrcvflenta] f~nding for these CL INs w ill be allottedand available for payment by the Go vernm ent as the funds become av ailable. The estimatedperiod of performance covered by th~ allotments for the mandat.ory CLINs is from aw ardthrough nine w eeks, The task o.rd~, will be modified to add fnnds h~crem entaIly up to thema ximum of $I,051 ,973,22 o ver the petfom~ ance period of this TO. Th~se allotrffents constituteTask Order GST0007AJ0032GSA Schedule GS-35F-0780M P A G E 1-3


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    the estimated cost for lhe purposc of.FAR Clause 52232-22, Limitation of Funds, which applie.~to th is task order on a CLIN -by-CL kN basis ,1.4.2 INCREMENTAL FUNDING TABLE

    ~ .... C E I L I N G .......... FUNDED-J0001 ~$ 2 2 5 , 2 3 0 . 0 0 $ 2 2 5 ,2 30.00 ~ $ ---"~"~~-} ~ 8 2 3 , 74 3 . 2 2 $ ~.~- | $--~ a , e o o , o o ~ ~ . o ~ ! ~~m~ 1,051,973.22 $ 1,049,308.30I $ 2 ,664 .921

    rask Order GST0007AJ003 2GSA Schedule GSG5F-0780 M PAGE 1-4



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    S T A T E M E N T O 1 7 W O R K

    2.1 pLrRPOSEThe purpose of this w ork effort is to 6btain highly technical and experienced resources w ho canassist the Office of the Chief Infon,aation Office~ (OC lO) with t i le installation, configuration,and testing othe selected electronic records management system, EMCs ~, Theoutcome of flfis_w.ork.wil!.be.the availability.elan enterpfis.e,wide electrortie.records .........manag ement system which w ill enable the Executive Office of the President (EOP ) to bettermeet the retention policies of the varions com ponents as approved in their Records Schedules.2.2 BACKGROUNDAgency EOP does not have a compressive enterprise wide certified electton~e recordsma nagem ent system. Given the si~ifieant increase in electronic data and a desire to meet paperreduction goals, the OCIO is seeking s u p p o r t to install, configure, and test a n e w electror~orecords management systerm2,3 SCOPEThe scope of th is effort involves providing consultat ion during the installat ion, implem entat ion,and testing phases of this project as w ell as technical training for O CIO resources.The EOP is standardizing the enterprise records management strategy with EMC ~Software products. The Government will be purchasing EMC hardware components andproviding tb the ~ontractor as Government :Furnished Equipmen.t.Tlie organizations W ithin the EOP have sophisticated records managem ent needs while theFederal organization, s have m ore standard retention and disposition requirements. There are anumber of different formats for documents that will ~ventuaDy be managed in the ~sof tware so lution. Thib Pildt wil l focus o n email and electronic document form ats. It will notaddress paper, scanning, or remote access solutions.There are t w o product areas that will be implemented during this Pilot, email storage using~ / ~ and electro Tic document, retention using ~OCIO w ill require expertise in both of these core areas along with Records M anagementexpertise that spans these and other products within the ov erall sblufion. OC IO specificallyheeds assistance in:

    Review o f EOP records policies and Records Schedules (RS), procedures, and systemrequirements .-Development era pi lot design documen tInstallation and c~n figuration o f server co.mponentsSuccessful demonstration of the systems .email~fonctionalil~ for electronic documents

    T a s k Order GST0007AJ0032GSA Schedule GS-35F-07801v~ PAGE 2 -1


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    PresenI rollout reconm~endations for em a{1 storage and electronic records across thefederal organizations Of theThe two products, ~/~ and i111111!i!~~, will be installed~nd configured on h]divid.ual server components.

    ....T.be OCIO% gee! is.an.aggressive.six:week project to .achiex, e the.abm:e o bjectives..Because thisinitial implem entation will use non- production data and m ay not be !n a production Serv erenvirorm ~ent it will be considered a Pilot. The aggressive tim e frame lim its the-Pilot to providingout-of-box functionality and configuration With no customizations.

    users) within several weeks of the Pilots conclusion. The Pilot ~411 demo nstrate the use of~ with 400 user email boxes and t~n user ioles. During the Pilot, the contractorshall outline the steps required to roll ou| this solution to 18 00 e m ail boxes. Actual roll out of"this solution for 1800 ma il boxes is not included wilhin the scope of this engag emen t and isexpected to be awarded separaMy.2.4 TASKS

    Provide Project M~nagemcntPropose Rcquircments and Integation StrategyRMS Migration Assessmen~ PhaseProduction Infrastructure Analgsis P haseTechnical Training2.4.1 TASK l -PROVIDE PROJECT MANAGENIENTThe coutractor shall provide project man ~gernm ~t support under this Task Order. This includesthe man agem ent and oyersigh! of all activities performed by con tractor personnel, includingsubcontractors, to satis[y the requirements identified in tMs R equest for Quo te (RFQ), Thecon[rector shall identify a Proem Man ager (PM) by name, who shall provide manag~ nnent,direction, adn~ nistratian, quality assurance, and leadersN p of the execution o fl~is task order.2,4.1.1 SUBTASK 1 .1 - COORD INATE A PROJECT KICKOFF M EETIN~The contractor shall sghedule and. coord{nae a Project KJck-OffMeeting at the Igoation ~approved by the Gov ernm ent. Tbo meeting will provide an introduction between the contractorpersonr]el and Government person:reel who will be involwd with the task ordBr, The meeting \MIIprovide the opportunity to discuss tecN~ical,, mm ~agem ent, and security issues, and travelauthorizat~o~ and reporting procedure~. At a m iNmura, the otter)does shall include keycontractor personnel key EOP persorm el, and the FEDSIM Contracting ON c~rs Representative(COR).2 ,d .1 .2 SUBTASK 1 .Z - CONVENE TECH NICAL STATUS M EETINGSTask Order GST0007AJ00 ~2G S A Schedule GS-35F-0780M PAGE2-2

