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Criminal Code Revised 2012

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  • 8/10/2019 Criminal Code Revised 2012


    C R I M I N A L C O D E

    The Code was published in the Official Gazette of the RoM Nos. 70/2003!3/2003 "7/200# and the Official Gazette of MN$ Nos. "0/200% 2&/20!0 and

    32/20!!. The p'o(isions of Chapte' )*+ ,ee -'t. !% of the aw #"/20!! ! will be'epealed on ! ,epte1be' 20!2.




    Basis and Framework of Criminal !s"i#e Coer#ion

    Ar"i#le $

    'o tection of pe'sons and othe' funda1ental social (alues constitutes the basisand f'a1ewo' fo' definin4 what acts constitute statuto'5 c'i1inal offences fo'p'esc'ibin4 c'i1inal sanctions and fo' thei' application to the e6tent necessa'5 fo' thesupp'ession of these offences.

    Le%ali"& in De'nin% S"a"!"or& Criminal O(en#es and

    Pres#ri)in% Criminal San#"ions

    Ar"i#le *

    - punish1ent o' othe' c'i1inal sanction 1a5 onl5 be i1posed fo' an act whichconstituted a statuto'5 c'i1inal offence befo'e the ti1e of co11ission and fo' whichpunish1ent was autho'ized b5 law.

    No P!nis+men" wi"+o!" G!il"

    Ar"i#le ,

    - punish1ent o' an5 of the wa'nin4 1easu'es 1a5 be i1posed onl5 on ape'pet'ato' who is 4uilt5 of ha(in4 co11itted a c'i1inal offence.

    Criminal San#"ions and T+eir General P!r-ose

    Ar"i#le .

  • 8/10/2019 Criminal Code Revised 2012


    !8 C'i1inal sanctions shall include the followin4+ punish1ents wa'nin41easu'es secu'it5 1easu'es and co''ectional 1easu'es.

    28 C'i1inal sanctions shall be p'esc'ibed and i1posed fo' the 4ene'al pu'pose of supp'essin4 the acts which (iolate and th'eaten the (alues p'otected b5 c'i1inalle4islation.



    $0 General Pro1isions on Criminal O(en#es

    Criminal O(en#e

    Ar"i#le 2 - c'i1inal offence shall be an act which is established b5 law as a c'i1inal

    offence which is unlawful and fo' which 4uilt was dete'1ined.

    Manner of Commission of Criminal O(en#e

    Ar"i#le 3

    !8 - c'i1inal offence 1a5 be co 11itted b5 co11ission o' o1ission.

    28 - c'i1inal offence was co11it ted b5 o1ission when the pe'pet'ato' o1itted

    to do what he was obli4ed to do.38 O1ission 1a5 'esu lt in a c'i1inal offence e(en when the act co11itted is not

    established b5 law as o1ission p'o(ided that the pe'pe t'ato' satisfied the ele1ents of ac'i1inal offence b5 o1ittin4 to do what he was obli4ed to do.

    Time of Commission of Criminal O(en#e

    Ar"i#le 4

    !8 - c'i1inal offence shall be conside'ed to ha(e been co11itted at a ti1e when

    the p'incipal ac ted o' was obli4ed to act i''especti(e of when the conse9uence of that actoccu''ed.

    28 - n acco1plice shall be conside'ed to ha(e co11itted a c'i1inal offence at ati1e when he acted o' was o bli4ed to act.

    Pla#e of Commission of Criminal O(en#e

  • 8/10/2019 Criminal Code Revised 2012


    Ar"i#le 5

    !8 - c'i1inal offence shall be conside'ed to ha(e been co11itted at a place whe'e the p'incipal acted and was obli4ed to act o' whe'e the conse9uence of the actoccu''ed in whole o' in pa't and in case of atte1pts also at a place whe'e theconse9uence of an atte1pted act acco'din4 to his w'on4ful intent should ha(e o' could

    ha(e occu''ed.28 -n acco1plice shall be conside'ed to ha(e co11itted an offence also at a

    place whe'e he acted in the capacit5 of an acco1plice.

    Pe""& O(en#es

    Ar"i#le 6


    Le%i"ima"e Self7defense

    Ar"i#le $8

    !8 -n act co11itted in le4iti1ate self defense shall not constitute a c'i1inaloffence.

    28 e4iti1ate self defense is such defense which is absolutel5 necessa'5 fo' oneto defend his 4ood and 4ood of anothe' pe'son f'o1 a concu''ent o' i11inent unlawfulattac .

    38 :he'e a pe'pet'ato' e6ceeded the li1its of le4iti1ate self defense he 1a5 'ecei(e a li4hte' punish1ent and whe'e the use of e6cessi(e powe' was caused b5 st'on4e6cite1ent o' fea' due to an assault punish1ent 1a5 be 'e1itted.

    E9"reme Ne#essi"&

    Ar"i#le $$

    !8 -n act co11itted in e6t'e1e necessit5 shall not constitute a c'i1inal offence.

    28 $6t'e1e necessit5 is a condition unde' which a pe'pet'ato' co11itted an actto eli1inate concu''ent o' i11inent dan4e' to his 4ood o' 4ood of anothe' pe'son whichhe did not cause and which could not ha(e been eli1inated in an5 othe' 1anne'p'o(ided that the ha'1 caused the'eb5 does not e6ceed the ha'1 th'eatened.

    38 :he'e a pe'pet'ato' caused dan4e' b5 ne4li4ence o' whe'e he e6ceeded theli1its of e6t'e1e nece ssit5 he 1a5 'ecei(e a li4hte' punish1ent and whe'e he e6ceededthe li1its unde' pa'ticula'l5 1iti4atin4 ci'cu 1stances punish1ent 1a5 be 'e1itted.

    "8 :he'e a pe'pet'ato' was unde' an obli4ation to e6pose hi1self to the dan4e'th'eatened such an act 1a5 not constitute e6t'e1e necessit5.

  • 8/10/2019 Criminal Code Revised 2012


    For#e and T+rea"

    Ar"i#le $*

    !8 -n act which was co11itted unde' the influence of absolute fo'ce shall notconstitute a c'i1inal offence.

    28 *f a pe'pet'ato' co11itted a c'i1inal offence to eli1inate dan4e' to his 4oodo' 4ood of anothe' pe'son and whe'e such dan4e' was 'ep'esented b5 eithe' fo'ce whichis not absolute o' a th'eat the pe'pet'ato' shall be sub;ect to the p'o(isions of -'t.!!he'eof m!"a"is m!"and!m and the fo'ce and th'eat shall be conside'ed to be a dan4e'

    which he did not cause.

    38 *f a pe'pet'ato' co11itted a c'i1inal offence unde' fo'ce o' th'eat whe'e theconditions 'efe''ed to in pa'as ! and 2 he'eof a'e not 1et the pe'pet'ato' the'eof 1a5 'ecei(e a li4hte' punish1ent and whe'e such an offence was co11itted unde'pa'ticula'l5 1iti4atin4 ci'cu1stances punish1ent 1a5 be 'e1itted.

    "8 *n the cases 'efe''ed to in pa'as ! and 2 he'eof whe'e the pe'son who wasunde' fo'ce o' th'eat is not conside'ed to be the p'incipal of that c'i1inal offence thenthe pe'son who applied fo'ce o' th'eat shall be conside'ed to be the p'incipal.


    Ar"i#le $,

    !8 Conside'ed to be 4uilt5 of a c'i1inal offence shall be a pe'pet'ato' who is of sound 1ind and who acted with w'on4ful intent and was awa'e o' was obli4ed to be

    awa'e o' could ha(e been awa'e that his act was p'ohibited.28 - pe'pet'ato' 1a5 be conside'ed 4uilt5 of a c'i1inal offence co11itted b5

    ne4li4ence onl5 whe'e so p'o(ided b5 law.

    Men"al Ca-a#i"&

    Ar"i#le $.

    !8 - pe'pet'ato' shall be conside'ed to ha(e been 1entall5 incapacitated whe'eat the ti1e of co11ission of an unlawful act which constitutes a c'i1inal offence he wasunable to unde'stand the effects of his act o' could not cont'ol his actions due to a1ental illness te1po'a'5 1ental alienation a''ested 1ental de(elop1ent o' othe'se(e'e 1ental alienation 1ental incapacit58.

    28 - p e'pet'ato' whose capacit5 to unde'stand the effects of his act o' to cont'olhis actions was substantiall5 di1inished due to an5 of the conditions 'efe''ed to in pa'a.! he'eof si4nificantl5 'educed 1ental capacit58 1a5 'ecei(e a li4hte' punish1ent.

    38 The culpabilit5 of a pe'pet'ato' who due to the use of alcohol d'u4s o' othe'ci'cu1stances b'ou4ht hi1self to a state in which he could not unde'stand the effects of

  • 8/10/2019 Criminal Code Revised 2012


    his acts o' cont'ol his actions shall be dete'1ined based on the ti1e i11ediatel5 p'ecedin4 such state.

    "8 - pe'pet'ato' who unde' the ci'cu1stances 'efe''ed to in pa'a. 3 he'eof co11itted a c'i1inal offence in the state of si4nificantl5 'educed 1ental capacit5 1a5 not 'ecei(e a li4hte' punish1ent.

    /ron%f!l In"en"

    Ar"i#le $2

    - c'i1inal offence shall be conside'ed to ha(e been co11itted with w'on4fulintent when the pe'pet'ato' was awa'e of his act and desi'ed its co11ission o' when thepe'pet'ato' was awa'e that he could co11it an act and decided to co11it it.


    Ar"i#le $3

    - c'i1inal offence shall be conside'ed to ha(e been co11it ted b5 ne4li4ence when the pe'pet'ato' was awa'e that his action 1a5 'esult in an offence but ca'elessl5 assu1ed that it would not occu' o' that he could p'e(ent it if it occu''ed o' when he wasnot awa'e that with his act he 1a5 co11it an offence althou4h 4i(en the ci'cu1stancesunde' which the offence was co11itted and his pe'sonal capacit5 he should ha(e beenawa'e o' could ha(e been awa'e of this possibilit5.

    Lia)ili"& for Se1ere Conse:!en#e

    Ar"i#le $4

    :hen a c'i1inal offence 'esulted in a se(e'e conse9uence fo' which law p'o(idesfo' a 1o'e se(e'e punish1ent the pe'pet'ato' 1a5 'ecei(e such 1o'e se(e'epunish1ent whe'e with 'espect to that conse9uence he acted with ne4li4ence but also if he acted with w'on4ful intent p'o(ided that the act co11itted does not contain ele1entsof anothe' c'i1inal offence.

    Error of Fa#"

    Ar"i#le $5

    !8 -n act co11itted unde' an i''epa'able e''o' of fact shall not constitute ac'i1inal offence.

    28 -n i''epa'able e''o' of fact e6ists whe'e a pe'pet'ato' was not obli4ed toa(oid and could not ha(e a(oided the e''o' with 'espect to a factual ci'cu1stance

  • 8/10/2019 Criminal Code Revised 2012


    'e4a'ded as an ele1ent of c'i1e o' with 'espect to a factual ci'cu1stance which had ite6isted would ha(e 1ade the act lawful.

    38 *f the pe'pet'ato' acted unde' an e''o' of law due to ne4li4ence the act shallconstitute a c'i1inal offence co11itted b5 ne4li4ence whe'e so p'o(ided b5 law.

    Error of Law

    Ar"i#le $6

    !8 -n act co11itted unde' an i''epa'able e''o' of law shall not constitute ac'i1inal offence.

    28 -n i''epa'able e''o' of law e6ists whe'e a pe'pet'ato' was not obli4ed to now and could not ha(e nown that the act he co11itted was p'ohibited.

    38 :he'e a pe'pet'ato' was not awa'e that the act was p'ohibited but was obli4edto now o' could ha(e nown it was p'ohibited he 1a5 'ecei(e a li4hte' punish1ent.

    *0 A""em-"ed Criminal O(en#e and Vol!n"ar& A)andonmen"


    Ar"i#le *8

    !8 -n5one who co11ences the co11ission of a c'i1inal offence with w'on4ful

    intent but does not co1plete it shall be punished fo' atte1pted c'i1inal offencepunishable unde' law b5 a p'ison te'1 of fi(e 5ea's o' lon4e' whe'eas othe' atte1ptedc'i1inal offences shall onl5 be punishable whe'e it is e6plicitl5 p'o(ided fo' b5 law thatthe punish1ent also applies to an atte1pt.

    28 -lso conside'ed to be the co11ence1ent of a c'i1e is the use of a specifictool o' the application of a specific 1ethod of co11ission p'o(ided that the5 a'e defined

    b5 law as ele1ents of the c'i1e.

    38 - pe'pet'ato' shall be punished fo' an atte1pt b5 the punish1ent laid downfo' the c'i1inal offence but 1a5 also 'ecei(e a li4hte' punish1ent.

    Ina--ro-ria"e A""em-"

    Ar"i#le *$

    :he'e a pe'pet'ato' atte1pted to co11it a c'i1inal offence with aninapp'op'iate tool o' a4ainst an inapp'op'iate ob;ect punish1ent 1a5 be 'e1itted.

    Vol!n"ar& A)andonmen"

  • 8/10/2019 Criminal Code Revised 2012


    Ar"i#le **

    !8 :he'e a pe'pet'ato' atte1pted to co11it a c'i1inal offence but has (olunta'il5 abandoned its co11ission punish1ent 1a5 be 'e1itted.

    28 :he'e a pe'pet'ato' (olunta'il5 abandoned the co11ission of a c'i1inaloffence he shall 'ecei(e punish1ent fo' the acts that constitute anothe' sepa'atec'i1inal offence which is not co(e'ed b5 the c'i1inal offence that the pe'pet'ato'abandoned.

    ,0 Com-li#i"& in Criminal O(en#e

    Prin#i-al and Co7-rin#i-al

    Ar"i#le *,!8 - p'incipal shall be a pe'son who co11its a c'i1inal offence hi1self o' a

    pe'son who ca''ies out the c'i1e th'ou4h anothe' pe'son p'o(ided that this othe' pe'soncan not be conside'ed to be the p'incipal.

    28 :he'e se(e'al pe'sons ;ointl5 ta e pa't in the co11ission of a c'i1e with w'on4ful intent o' b5 ne4li4ence o' whe'e the5 follow thei' p'io' a''an4e1ent and ;ointl5 act with w'on4ful intent and thus 1a e a si4nificant cont'ibution to theco11ission of the c'i1inal offence each pe'son shall 'ecei(e a punish1ent p'esc'ibedfo' the c' i1e in 9uestion.


    Ar"i#le *.

    !8 -n5one who acts with w'on4ful intent to insti4ate anothe' pe'son to co11it ac'i1inal offence shall 'ecei(e a punish1ent as if he co11itted the c'i1e b5 hi1self.

    28 -n5one who acts with w'on4ful intent to insti4ate anothe' pe'son to co11it ac'i1inal offence which ca''ies a fi(e 5ea' p'ison te'1 o' a 1o'e se(e'e punish1ent butdoes not e(en atte1pt co11ission shall 'ecei(e the punish1ent laid down b5 law fo' theatte1pted c'i1inal offence.


    Ar"i#le *2

    !8 -n5one who acts with w'on4ful intent to aid anothe' in the co11ission of ac'i1inal offence shall be punished as if he co11itted it hi1self but 1a5 'ecei(e a li4hte'punish1ent.

    28 The followin4 in pa'ticula' shall be conside'ed as aidin4 in the co11issionof a c'i1inal offence+ 4i(in4 counsel o' inst'uctions on how to co1 1it the c'i1e

  • 8/10/2019 Criminal Code Revised 2012


    suppl5in4 the pe'pet'ato' with the 1eans fo' co11ission of the c'i1e c'eatin4conditions o' 'e1o(in4 obstacles to the co11ission of c'i1e as well as p'o1isin4 on ep'io' to the co11ission to conceal the c'i1e a pe'pet'ato' the 1eans b5 which thec'i1e was co11itted an5 t'aces of the c'i1e o' the p'oceeds of c'i1e.

    Limi"s of Lia)ili"& and P!nis+men" of A##om-li#es

    Ar"i#le *3

    !8 Co p'incipal liabilit5 is defined b5 his w'on4ful intent o' ne4li4ence andinsti4ato' and aide' liabilit5 b5 thei' w'on4ful intent.

    28 :he'e a co p'incipal insti4ato' o' an aide' (olunta'il5 p'e(ented theco11ission of a c'i1inal offence punish1ent 1a5 be 'e1itted.

    38 e'sonal 'elations capacit5 and ci'cu1stances fo' which the law e6cludesculpabilit5 o' allows fo' the 'e1ission of punish1ent and which se'(e as 4'ound to9ualif5 an offence as se'ious o' 1ino' o' ha(e an i1pact on the punish1ent i1posed1a5 appl5 onl5 to the p'incipal co p'incipal insti4ato' o' aide' with who1 such'elations capacit5 and ci'cu1stances e6ist.

    P!nis+men" of Ins"i%a"or and Aider for

    A""em-" and for Minor Criminal O(en#e

    Ar"i#le *4

    !8 :he'e the co11ission 'e1ains inco1plete the insti4ato' and aide' shall'ecei(e a punish1ent fo' an atte1pt.

    28 :he'e the p'incipal co11its a 1ino' c'i1inal offence than the one thatinsti4ation o' aidin4 'efe' s to and which would ha(e been contained in it t he insti4ato'and aide' shall 'ecei(e punish1ent fo' the c'i1inal offence co11itted.

    38 The p'o(ision of pa'a. 2 he'eof shall not appl5 if the insti4ato' would 'ecei(e a1o'e se(e'e punish1ent unde' -'t.2" pa'a. 2 he'eof.

    S-e#ial Pro1isions on Lia)ili"& for Criminal O(en#es

    Commi""ed "+ro!%+ Media

    Lia)ili"& of Edi"or7in7#+ief

    Ar"i#le *5

    !8 iabilit5 fo' c'i1inal offences co11itted th'ou4h 1edia shall be bo'ne b5 theedito' in chief o' a pe'son 'eplacin4 hi1 at the ti1e of publication of the info'1ationp'o(ided that+

  • 8/10/2019 Criminal Code Revised 2012


    !8 until the end of the 1ain hea'in4 befo'e a fi'st instance cou't theautho' 'e1ains un nown

    28 the info'1ation was published without the consent of the autho'

    38 at the ti1e when the info'1ation was published the'e e6isted andstill e6ist factual o' le4al obstacles to p'osecutin4 the autho'.

    28 -n edito' in chief o' a pe'son 'eplacin4 hi1 shall not be liable if fo' ;ustified'easons he had no nowled4e of the ci'cu1stances 'efe''ed to in pa'a. ! subpa'a4'aphs !th'ou4h 3 he'eof.

    Lia)ili"& of P!)lis+er; Prin"in%7en"i"& and Prod!#er

    Ar"i#le *6

    !8 'o(ided that the 'e9ui'e1ents 'efe''ed to in -'t.2% abo(e a'e 1et liabilit5 shall be bo'ne b5 the followin4+

    !8 publishe' < fo' a c'i1inal offence co11itted th'ou4h 'e4ula' p'esspublications and whe'e the publishe' does not e6ist o' whe'e the'e a'e factual o' le4alobstacles to his p'osecution then liabilit5 shall be bo'ne b5 the p'intin4 entit5 which had

    nowled4e of it

    28 p'oduce' < fo' a c'i1inal offence co11itted th'ou4h a co1pact discphono4'aph 'eco'd 1a4netic tape and othe' audio 1eans fil1 intended fo' public o'p'i(ate 'ep'oduction slides (ideos o' othe' si1ila' 1eans of co11unication intendedfo' wide' audience.

    28 :he'e the publishe' p'intin4 entit5 o' p'oduce' is a le4al pe'son o' a stateautho'it5 liabilit5 shall be bo'ne b5 the office' 'esponsible fo' publishin4 p'intin4 o'p'oduction.

    A--li#a"ion of Pro1isions from Ar"i#les *5 and *6

    Ar"i#le ,8

    The p'o(isions on liabilit5 of the pe'sons 'efe''ed to in -'ticles 2% and 2 he'eof shall onl5 appl5 whe'e unde' the 4ene'al p'o(isions of this Code these 'especti(e pe'sons1a5 not be conside'ed to be a pe'pet'ato' of a c'i1inal offence.

    20 Criminal Lia)ili"& of Le%al Persons

    Ar"i#le ,$

    !8 C'i1inal liabilit5 of le4al pe'sons and sanctions to be applied the'eto shall belaid down b5 law.


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  • 8/10/2019 Criminal Code Revised 2012


    !8 - fo't5 5ea' p'ison te'1 1a5 be p'esc'ibed fo' the 1ost se'ious c'i1inaloffences p'o(ided that it is not p'esc'ibed as the onl5 punish1ent fo' a specific c'i1inaloffence.

    28 - fo't5 5ea' p'ison te'1 1a5 not be i1posed on the followin4+

    !8 a pe'son who at the ti1e of co11ission of a c'i1inal offence is not 2!=28 a pe'son who at the ti1e of co11ission of a c'i1inal offence is ofsi4nificantl5 'educed 1ental capacit5 -'t.!" pa'a. 28=

    38 a pe'son who atte1pted to co11it a c'i1inal offence.

    Prison Term

    Ar"i#le ,3

    !8 - p'ison te'1 1a5 not be sho'te' than thi't5 da5s o' lon4e' than twent5 5ea's.

    28 The p'ison te'1 'efe''ed to in pa'a. ! he'eof shall be i1posed in full 5ea's and1onths and te'1s up to si6 1onths shall be i1posed also in da5s.


    Ar"i#le ,4

    !8 - p'isone' who has se'(ed two thi'ds o' e6ceptionall5 has se'(ed a half of hisp'ison te'1 o' his fo't5 5ea' p'ison te'1 1a5 be 'eleased on pa'ole p'o(ided that du'in4his p'ison te'1 he has i1p'o(ed his beha(iou' to an e6tent that it can be 'easonabl5 e6pected that his beha(iou' outside of p'ison will be 4ood and in pa'ticula' that he willnot 'eoffend du'in4 his se'(ice of the 'e1ainde' of the punish1ent. *n decidin4 whethe'a p'isone' 1eets the 'e9ui'e1ents fo' pa'ole due conside'ation shall be 4i(en to hisconduct du'in4 the se'(ice in p'ison his fulfill1ent of wo' obli4ations which isassessed with 'espect to his capacit5 as well as to othe' ci'cu1stances that indicate thatthe pu'pose of the punish1ent has been achie(ed.

    28 The decision 4'antin4 a p'isone' pa'ole 1a5 o'de' that he fulfills anobli4ation set b5 law.

    38 *n the case 'efe''ed to in pa'a. ! he'eof the p'isone' shall be conside'ed toha(e se'(ed his punish1ent p'o(ided that the pa'ole is not 'e(o ed.

    Re1o#a"ion of Parole

    Ar"i#le ,5

    !8 a'ole shall be 'e(o ed b5 cou't whe'e du'in4 his pa'ole the con(icted pe'sonco11its one o' 1o'e c'i1inal offences that ca''5 a p'ison te'1 o(e' one 5ea' o' whe'ehe o1its to fulfill an obli4ation o'de'ed b5 law.

    28 a'ole 1a5 be 'e(o ed b5 cou't if the pe'son on pa'ole co11its one o' 1o'ec'i1inal offences which ca''5 a p'ison te'1 up to one 5ea'. *n decidin4 whethe' to

  • 8/10/2019 Criminal Code Revised 2012


    'e(o e pa'ole the cou't shall conside' in pa'ticula' an5 lin s between the c'i1inaloffences co11itted thei' 'especti(e 1oti(es and othe' ci'cu1stances which 1a5 show that 'e(ocation of pa'ole is ;ustified.

    38 The p'o(isions of pa'as ! and 2 he'eof also appl5 when the pe'son on pa'ole ist'ied fo' a c'i1inal offence that he co11itted befo'e his 'elease on pa'ole.

    "8 :hen a cou't 'e(o es pa'ole it shall i1pose punish1ent b5 appl5in4 thep'o(isions of -'ticles "% and &0 pa'a. 2 he'eof and shall conside' p'e(iousl5 i1posedpunish1ent as al'ead5 established. a't of the punish1ent that the con(icted pe'son hasse'(ed unde' the p'e(ious con(iction shall be included in the new punish1ent while theti1e spent on pa'ole shall not be included.

    &8 :he'e a pe'son on pa'ole is sentenced to a p'ison te'1 up to one 5ea' andthe cou't does not 'e(o e pa'ole the pa'ole shall be e6tended b5 the ti1e he spentse'(in4 that p'ison te'1.

    #8 *n the cases 'efe''ed to in pa'as ! th'ou4h 3 he'eof the pa'ole 1a5 be 'e(o ednot late' than within two 5ea's of the date when the pa'ole e6pi'ed.


    Ar"i#le ,6

    !8 - fine 1a5 n ot be set at below two hund'ed eu'os. - fine 1a5 not e6ceedtwent5 thousand eu'os while fo' c'i1inal offences co11itted out of 4'eed it 1a5 note6ceed one hund'ed thousand eu'os.

    28 :hen i1posed as the p'incipal punish1ent a fine shall be set as follows+

    !8 up to two thousand eu'os fo' c'i1inal offences pun ishable b5 a p'ison te'1 upto th'ee 1onths=

    28 f'o1 fou' hund'ed to fou' thousand eu'os fo' c'i1inal offences punishable b5 a p'ison te'1 up to si6 1onths=

    38 f'o1 si6 hund'ed to ei4ht thousand eu'os fo' c'i1inal offences punishable b5 a p'ison te'1 up to one 5ea'=

    "8 f'o1 ei4ht hund'ed to si6teen thousand eu'os fo' c'i1inal offences punishable b5 a p'ison te'1 up to two 5ea's=

    &8 1ini1u1 one thousand two hund'ed eu'os fo' c'i1inal offences punishable b5 a p'ison te'1 up to fou' 5ea's=

    #8 1ini1u1 one thousand two hund'ed eu'os fo' c'i1inal offences which ca''5 a fine as the onl5 punish1ent.

    38 >o' c'i1inal offences co11itted out of 4'eed the fine as an accesso'5 punish1ent 1a5 be i1posed e(en when it is not p'esc'ibed b5 law o' when law p'esc'ibes that a pe'pet'ato' shall be punished b5 eithe' a p'ison te'1 o' a fine and thecou't i1poses a p'ison te'1 as the p'incipal sentence.

    "8 :he'e the cou't i1poses a fine as the p'incipal punish1ent and additionall5 i1poses a fine as an accesso'5 punish1ent a sin4le fine shall be i1posed unde' the 'uleslaid down in -'t."% he'eof.

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    &8 The cou't 'ulin4 shall specif5 the te'1 of pa51ent which 1a5 not be sho'te'than fifteen o' lon4e' than th'ee 1onths. :he'e so ;ustified the cou't 1a5 allow thecon(icted pe'son to pa5 the fine in install1ents p'o(ided that the pa51ent deadline isnot lon4e' than within one 5ea'.

    #8 :he'e a con(icted pe'son does not pa5 a fine within the deadline set the'eof

    the cou't shall 'eplace the fine b5 a p'ison te'1 b5 substitutin4 each twent5 fi(e eu'oa1ount in his fine b5 one da5 of p'ison te'1 p'o(ided that the p'ison te'1 does note6ceed si6 1oths and whe'e a fine e6ceedin4 nine thousand eu'os is i1posed the p'isonte'1 1a5 not be lon4e' than one 5ea'.

    78 ?pon p'io' consent of the con(icted pe'son an outstandin4 fine not e6ceedin4two thousand eu'os 1a5 be substituted b5 co11unit5 wo' and not b5 a p'ison te'1.$ach twent5 fi(e eu'o a1ount of his fine shall be substituted b5 ei4ht hou's of co11unit5 wo' p'o(ided that the co11unit5 wo' does not e6ceed th'ee hund'ed andsi6t5 hou's.

    %8 :he'e the con(icted pe'son pa5s onl5 pa't of the fine the cou't shallsubstitute the 'e1ainde' b5 a p'ison te'1 on a p'o 'ata basis and whe'e the con(ictedpe'son pa5s the 'e1ainde' of the fine his se'(ice of the p'ison te'1 shall be suspended.

    8 The fine 1a5 not be enfo'ced in the e(ent of death of the con(icted pe'son.

    Amo!n" of Dail& Fine

    Ar"i#le .8

    !8 *n the cases when it is possible to establish the pe'pet'ato'@s assets andliabilities the cou't 1a5 p'onounce a fine in dail5 a1ounts.

    28 The nu1be' of dail5 fines 1a5 not be less than ten o' 1o'e than th'eehund'ed and si6t5. The nu1be' of dail5 fines to be i1posed fo' the c'i1inal offenceco11itted shall be set in acco'dance with the 4ene'al 'ules on fi6in4 of punish1ent aslaid down in -'t."2 he'eof.

    38 The a1ount of dail5 fine shall be dete'1ined b5 di(idin4 the diffe'ence between the pe'pet'ato'@s assets and liabilities in the p'e(ious calenda' 5ea' b5 thenu1be' of da5s in a 5ea' whe'eb5 the dail5 fine 1ust be 1o'e than fi(e and less thanone thousand eu'os.

    "8 The total a1ount of fine shall be calculated b5 the cou't b5 1ultipl5in4 thenu1be' of dail5 fines b5 the a1ount of the dail5 fine.

    &8 *n dete'1inin4 the (alue of dail5 fines the cou't 1a5 'e9uest data f'o1 ban sand othe' financial institutions state autho'ities and le4al entities which shallco11unicate the data 'e9uested and which 1a5 not in(o e p'otection of business o'othe' sec'ets.

    #8 :he'e it is not possible to obtain 'eliable data on pe'pet'ato'@s assets andliabilities o' whe'e the pe'pet'ato' does not ea'n an5 inco1e but is the owne' of p'ope't5 o' holde' of p'ope't5 'i4hts the cou't shall use the a(ailable data anddete'1ine the a1ount of dail5 fine at its own disc'etion.

    78 The p'o(isions of -'t. 3 pa'as 3 th'ou4h he'eof shall also appl5 when afine is i1posed in co1pliance with the abo(e p'o(isions.

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    Comm!ni"& /ork

    Ar"i#le .$

    !8 Co11unit5 wo' 1a5 be i1posed fo' c'i1inal offences punishable b5 a fineo' p'ison te'1 up to fi(e 5ea's.

    28 Co11unit5 wo' 1a5 be i1posed fo' 1ini1u1 si6t5 and 1a6i1u1 th'eehund'ed and si6t5 hou's to be se'(ed o(e' a pe'iod of ti1e not sho'te' than thi't5 da5s o'lon4e' than si6 1onths.

    38 This punish1ent shall be i1posed upon p'io' consent of the pe'pet'ato' and1a5 not be se'(ed fo' lon4e' than si6t5 hou's in a 1onth.

    "8 Co11unit5 wo' shall be conside'ed to be an5 wo' which is beneficial fo'societ5 does not ha'1 one@s di4nit5 and is not done fo' an5 4ain.

    &8 *n p'onouncin4 this punish1ent the cou't shall 4i(e due conside'ation to the

    t5pe of the c'i1inal offence co11itted and the pe'pet'ato'@s pe'sonalit5.#8 *f a pe'pet'ato' o1its to co1plete his co11unit5 wo' this punish1ent shall

    be 'eplaced b5 a p'ison te'1 whe'eb5 each si6t5 hou' pe'iod of co11unit5 wo' initiated will be substituted b5 one 1onth p'ison te'1.

    *0 Fi9in% of P!nis+men"

    General R!les for Fi9in% P!nis+men"

    Ar"i#le .*!8 The cou't shall fi6 the punish1ent fo' the pe'pet'ato' of a c'i1inal offence

    within the statuto'5 li1its fo' that pa'ticula' offence ta in4 into account the pu'pose of punish1ent and 4i(in4 due conside'ation to an5 ci'cu1stances which 'esult in li4hte' o'1o'e se(e'e punish1ent 1iti4atin4 and a44'a(atin4 ci'cu1stances8 as well as thefollowin4 in pa'ticula'+ de4'ee of culpabilit5 1oti(es fo' the co11ission of offencede4'ee of pe'il o' in;u'5 to the p'otected 4ood ci'cu1stances unde' which the offence

    was co11itted pe'pet'ato'@s histo'5 his pe'sonal situation his beha(iou' afte' theco11ission of c'i1inal offence pa'ticula'l5 his attitude towa'ds the (icti1 of thec'i1i nal offence as well as an5 othe' ci'cu1stances conce'nin4 the pe'pet'ato'@spe'sonalit5.

    28 *n fi6in4 a fine the cou't shall 4i(e pa'ticula' conside'ation to thepe'pet'ato'@s financial situation.

    38 The ci'cu1stance which is an ele1ent of the c'i1inal offence 1a5 not beadditionall5 ta en into conside'ation as eithe' an a44'a(atin4 o' 1iti4atin4ci'cu1stance e6cept whe'e it e6ceeds the 1easu'e 'e9ui'ed fo' establishin4 the c'i1inaloffence o' a ce'tain fo'1 of c'i1inal offence o' whe'e the'e a'e two o' 1o'e suchci'cu1stances of which onl5 one is sufficient fo' the establish1ent of a 1o'e se'ious o'1ino' fo'1 of the c'i1inal offence.

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    Ar"i#le .,

    :hen fi6in4 punish1ent fo' a pe'pet'ato' who has 'eoffended afte' he has se'(eda punish1ent been fo'4i(en a punish1ent had his punish1ent ba''ed b5 the statute of li1itations o' has had his punish1ent 'e1itted afte' the deadline fo' 'e(ocation of pa'ole has e6pi'ed o' afte' he has been i1posed ;udicial ad1onition the cou't can ta ethis as an a44'a(atin4 ci'cu1stance while at the sa1e ti1e 4i(in4 due conside'ation tothe se'iousness of the p'io' offence whethe' his p'io' offence is of the sa1e ind as thenew one whethe' both offences we'e co11itted out of the sa1e 1oti(es as well as tothe ci'cu1stances unde' which the offences we'e co11itted and how 1uch ti1e haspassed since the ea'lie' con(iction o' since the punish1ent i1posed fo'4i(en o' ba''ed

    b5 the statute of li1itations since the 'e1ission of punish1ent e6pi'5 of the deadlinefo' 'e(ocation of an ea'lie' suspended sentence o' since the ;udicial ad1onitioni1posed.

    M!l"i-le Reo(endin%

    Ar"i#le ..

    !8 >o' a c'i1inal offence which was co11itted with w'on4ful intent and whichis punishable b5 a p'ison te'1 the cou't 1a5 i1pose a 1o'e se(e'e punish1ent than thepunish1ent p'o(ided fo' b5 law on condition that+

    !8 the pe'pet'ato' has al'ead5 been con(icted twice o' 1o'e ti1es fo' c'i1inaloffences co11itted with w'on4ful intent to a p'ison te'1 of 1ini1u1 one 5ea' and that

    he shows p'opensit5 fo' offendin4=28 less than fi(e 5ea's passed f'o1 his 'elease f'o1 se'(ice of the p'e(ious

    punish1ent to the co11ission of the new c'i1inal offence.

    28 The 1o'e se(e'e punish1ent 1a5 be p'onounced fo' 1a6i1u1 twice thea1ount of the punish1ent p'o (ided fo' b5 law and fo' 1a6i1u1 twent5 5ea' p'isonte'1.

    38 *n assessin4 whethe' to i1pose a 1o'e se(e'e punish1ent than thepunish1ent p'o(ided fo' b5 law the cou't shall 4i(e due conside'ation in pa'ticula' tothe nu1be' of p'io' con(ictions an5 'elations between such p'io' c'i1inal offences1oti(es out of which the5 we'e co11itted ci'cu1stances unde' which the offences we'eco11itted and the need to i1pose such punish1ent in (iew of the pu'pose of

    punish1ent to be achie(ed.

    Mi"i%a"ion of P!nis+men"

    Ar"i#le .2

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    The cou't 1a5 i1pose on a pe'pet'ato' a punish1ent below the li1it laid down b5 law o' a li4hte' punish1ent p'o(ided that+

    !8 a li4hte' punish1ent is p'o(ided fo' b5 law=

    28 'e1ission of punish1ent is p'o(ided fo' b5 law but the punish1ent does not4et 'e1itted b5 cou't=

    38 it is established that the'e we'e pa'ticula'l5 1iti4atin4 ci'cu1stances and it isassessed that a 1iti4ated punish1ent will be sufficient to achie(e the pu'pose of punish1ent.

    Limi"s of Mi"i%a"ion of P!nis+men"

    Ar"i#le .3

    !8 :he'e the 'e9ui'e1ents fo' 1iti4ation of punish1ent 'efe''ed to in -'t."& of this Code a'e 1et the cou't shall i1pose a li4hte' punish1ent sub;ect to the followin4

    li1its+!8 if the c'i1inal offence ca''ies a 1ini1u1 p'ison te'1 of fi(e 5ea's o'

    lon4e' the punish1ent 1a5 be 1iti4ated up to two 5ea' p'ison te'1=

    28 if the c'i1inal offence ca''ies a 1ini1u1 p'ison te'1 of th'ee 5ea's o'lon4e' the punish1ent 1a5 be 1iti4ated up to one 5ea' p'ison te'1=

    38 if the c'i1inal offence ca''ies a 1ini1u1 p'ison te'1 of two 5ea'sthe punish1ent 1a5 be 1iti4ated up to si6 1onth p'ison te'1=

    "8 if the c'i1inal offence ca''ies a 1ini1u1 p'ison te'1 of one 5ea' thepunish1ent 1a5 be 1iti4ated up to th'ee 1onth p'ison te'1=

    &8 if the c'i1inal offence ca''ies a 1ini1u1 p'ison te'1 unde' one 5ea'

    the punish1ent 1a5 be 1iti4ated up to thi't5 da5 p'ison te'1= #8 if the c'i1inal offence ca''ies a p'ison te'1 fo' which 1ini1u1 te'1

    is not specified the punish1ent 1a5 be 'eplaced b5 a fine=

    78 if the c'i1inal offence ca''ies a fine fo' which the lowest a1ount isspecified the punish1ent 1a5 be 1iti4ated to si6 hund'ed eu'o.

    28 :hen the cou't is autho'ized to 'e1it punish1ent to a pe'pet'ato' thepunish1ent 1a5 be 1iti4ated without ta in4 into conside'ation the li1its p'esc'ibed fo'1iti4ation of punish1ent.

    Remission of P!nis+men"

    Ar"i#le .4

    !8 unish1ent 1a5 be 'e1itted b5 cou't onl5 whe'e so e6plicitl5 p'o(ided fo' b5 law.

    28 unish1ent 1a5 also be 'e1itted b5 cou't whe'e a pe'pet'ato' co11itted anoffence b5 ne4li4ence and whe'e the conse9uences of that offence affect the pe'pet'ato'

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    to an e6tent that 1a es it 'easonable to belie(e that i1position of punish1ent would notse'(e its pu'pose.

    38 unish1ent 1a5 also be 'e1itted b5 cou't whe'e a pe'pet'ato' co11itted ac'i1inal offence punishable b5 1a6i1u1 fi(e 5ea' p'ison te'1 p'o(ided that afte' theco11ission but befo'e he lea'ned he was unco(e'ed he had eli1inated the conse9uences

    of the offence o' had co1pensated the da1a4e inflicted b5 the c'i1inal offence.

    Con#!rren#e of Criminal O(en#es

    Ar"i#le .5

    !8 :he'e a pe'pet'ato' b5 one o' 1o'e acts co11itted se(e'al c'i1inal offencesfo' which he is t'ied at the sa1e ti1e the cou't shall fi'st p'onounce the punish1ent fo'each of the 'especti(e c'i1inal offences and then i1pose a cu1ulati(e punish1ent fo'all the offences.

    28 - cu1ulati(e punish1ent shall be i1posed b5 the cou't sub;ect to thefollowin4 'ules+

    !8 whe'e fo' one of the concu''ent c'i1inal offences the cou't p'onounceda f o't5 5ea' p'ison te'1 the cou't shall i1pose that punish1ent onl5=

    28 whe'e fo' concu''ent c'i1inal offences the cou't p'onounced p'isonte'1s the cou't shall inc'ease the 1ost se(e'e punish1ent fi6ed p'o(ided thatthe cu1ulati(e punish1ent is sho'te' than the su1 of indi(idual punish1entsfi6ed and that it does not e6ceed twent5 5ea' p'ison te'1=

    38 whe'e all of the 'especti(e concu''ent c'i1inal offences ca''5 a p'isonte'1 of up to th'ee 5ea's the cu1ulati(e punish1ent 1a5 not e6ceed ten 5ea'p'ison te'1=

    "8 whe'e fo' concu''ent c'i1inal offences the cou't p'onounced onl5 fines the cou't shall i1pose a cu1ulati(e fine which a1ounts to the su1 of indi(idual fines p'o(ided that it does not e6ceed twent5 thousand eu'os o' ahund'ed thousand eu'os whe'e one o' 1o'e c'i1inal offences we'e co11ittedout of 4'eed= and whe'e the cou't p'onounced onl5 dail5 fines the5 1a5 note6ceed the a1ount of th'ee hund'ed and si6t5 thousand eu'os=

    &8 whe'e fo' concu''ent c'i1inal offences the cou't p'onouncedco11unit5 wo' as the onl5 punish1ent the cou't shall i1pose a cu1ulati(epunish1ent of co11unit5 wo' which a1ounts to the su1 of hou's of wo' to

    be se'(ed p'o(ided that the punish1ent does not e6ceed th'ee hund'ed and

    si6t5 hou's and that the pe'iod within which the co11unit5 wo' 1ust be donedoes not e6ceed si6 1onths=

    #8 whe'e fo' so1e concu''ent c'i1inal offences the cou't p'onouncedp'ison te'1s and fines fo' othe' concu''ent c'i1inal offences the cou't shalli1pose a cu1ulati(e p'ison te'1 and a sin4le fine unde' the p'o(isions of subpa'a4'aphs 2 th'ou4h " of this pa'a4'aph.

    38 The cou't shall i1pose a fine as an accesso'5 punish1ent p'o(ided that it wasp'onounced as punish1ent fo' at least one of the concu''ent c'i1inal offences and

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    whe'e the cou't p'onounced 1o'e than one fine it shall i1pose a cu1ulati(e fine unde'the p'o(ision of pa'a. 2 subpa'a. " he'eof.

    "8 :he'e the cou't p'onounced p'ison te'1s and ;u(enile p'ison te'1s fo'concu''ent c'i1inal offences the cou't shall i1pose a cu1ulati(e p'ison te'1 unde' the'ules laid down in pa'a. 2 subpa'a4'aph 2 he'eof.

    Con"in!in% Criminal O(en#e

    Ar"i#le .6

    !8 - continuin4 c'i1inal offence is co1posed of se(e'al c'i1inal offences thata'e identical o' of the sa1e ind we'e co11itted b5 the sa1e pe'pet'ato' and'ep'esent a whole because at least two of the followin4 ci'cu1stances appl5+ the (icti1 isthe sa1e the ob;ect of offence is the sa1e the sa1e situation o' the sa1e pe'1anent'elationship is used the place o' a'ea of co11ission is the sa1e o' the pe'pet'ato'@s

    w'on4ful intent is the sa1e.

    28 C'i1inal offences a4ainst pe'son 1a5 constitute a continuin4 c'i1inal offenceonl5 when co11itted a4ainst the sa1e pe'son.

    38 Offences that due to thei' natu'e 1a5 not be ;oined into a sin4le offence 1a5 not constitute a continuin4 c'i1inal offence.

    "8 :he'e a continuin4 c'i1inal offence co1p'ises 1ino' and 1o'e se'iousfo'1s of the sa1e offence the 1ost se'ious fo'1 of the offences co11itted shall beconside'ed to constitute a continuin4 c'i1inal offence.

    &8 - continuin4 c'i1inal offence 1a5 be punished b5 a 1o'e se(e'e punish1entthan the punish1ent p'o(ided fo' b5 law p'o(ided that the continuin4 c'i1inal offenceconsists of at least th'ee c'i1inal offences that 1eet the 'e9ui'e1ents 'efe''ed to in pa'a.! he'eof.

    #8 - 1o'e se(e'e punish1e nt 1a5 not e6ceed twice the punish1ent laid down b5 law o' e6ceed a twent5 5ea' p'ison te'1.

    78 The c'i1inal offence that is not included in the continuin4 c'i1inal offence asset in the final ;ud41ent constitutes a sepa'ate c'i1inal offence and 1a es pa't of asepa'ate continu in4 c'i1inal offence.

    Fi9in% P!nis+men" for Con1i#"ed Person

    Ar"i#le 28!8 :he'e a con(icted pe'son is t'ied fo' a c'i1inal offence co11itted befo'e he

    sta'ted se'(ice of punish1ent as a 'esult of a p'io' con(iction o' is t'ied fo' a c'i1inaloffence co11itted du'in4 his se'(ice of a p'ison te'1 o' a ;u(enile p'ison te'1 the cou'tshall i1pose a cu1ulati(e punish1ent fo' all the c'i1inal offences pu'suant to thep'o(isions of -'t."% he'eof and shall in so doin4 accept the p'e(iousl5 i1posedpunish1ent as al'ead5 p'onounced. The punish1ent o' pa' t of punish1ent that thecon(icted pe'son has se'(ed will be included in the p'ison te'1 p'onounced.

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    28 :he'e a con(icted pe'son is t'ied fo' a c'i1inal offence co11itted du'in4 hisse'(ice of a p'ison te'1 o' a ;u(enile p'ison te'1 the cou't shall i1pose a punish1enti''especti(e of the p'e(iousl5 i1posed punish1ent if the pu'pose of punish1ent 1a5 not

    be achie(ed b5 appl5in4 the p'o(isions of -'t."% he'eof ta in4 into account these'iousness of the c'i1inal offence and the pa't of ea'lie' punish1ent not 5et se'(ed.

    38 - con(icted pe'son who du'in4 his se'(ice of a p'ison te'1 o' a ;u(enilep'ison te'1 co11its a c'i1inal offence which is punishable b5 law b5 eithe' a fine o' upto one 5ea' p'ison te'1 shall 'ecei(e a disciplina'5 punish1ent.

    Time of De"en"ion and Earlier P!nis+men" In#l!ded

    Ar"i#le 2$

    !8 The ti1e spent in p'e t'ial detention as well as an5 othe' dep'i(ation of libe't5 in 'elation to the c'i1inal offence shall be included in the i1posed p'ison te'1

    ;u(enile p'ison te'1 co11unit5 wo' o' a fine.

    28 :he'e a c'i1inal p'oceedin4 was conducted fo' se(e'al concu''ent c'i1inaloffences and detention was not o'de'ed fo' 'especti(e offences the ti1e spent in p'et'ial detention shall be included in the i1posed p'ison te'1 ;u(enile p'ison te'1co11unit5 wo' o' a fine fo' the c'i1inal offence fo' which the accused pe'son wascon(icted.

    38 The p'ison te'1 o' the fine that the con(icted pe'son se'(ed o' paid fo' a1isde1eano' o' econo1ic offence as well as punish1ent o' disciplina'5 1easu'e of dep'i(ation of libe't5 which he se'(ed fo' (iolation of 1ilita'5 discipline shall beincluded in the punish1ent i1posed fo' a c'i1inal offence whose ele1ents include theele1ents of a 1isde1eano' econo1ic offence o' (iolation of 1ilita'5 discipline.

    "8 *n calculatin4 an ea'lie' punish1ent e9ui(alence shall appl5 a1on4 thefollowin4+ a da5 of p'e t'ial detention a da5 of dep'i(ation of libe't5 a da5 of ;u(enilep'ison te'1 a da5 o' p'ison te'1 ei4ht hou's of co11unit5 wo' and the fine of twent5fi(e eu'os.



    $0 S!s-ended Sen"en#e and !di#ial Admoni"ion

    P!r-ose of S!s-ended Sen"en#e and !di#ial Admoni"ion

    Ar"i#le 2*

    !8 :a'nin4 1easu'es shall be+ suspended sentence and ;udicial ad1onition.

    28 :ithin the 4ene'al pu'pose of c'i1inal sanctions -'t." pa'a. 28 the pu'poseof a suspended sentence and ;udicial ad1onition shall be to a(oid i1position on the

  • 8/10/2019 Criminal Code Revised 2012


    pe'pet'ato' of a punish1ent fo' 1ino' c'i1inal offences when that is conside'ed notnecessa'5 fo' c'i1inal law p'otection and when it is 'easonable to e6pect thatad1onition to4ethe' with i11inent punish1ent suspended sentence8 o' anad1onition alone ;udicial ad1onition8 will ha(e sufficient influence on the pe'pet'ato'to dete' 'epeat offendin4.

    S!s-ended Sen"en#e

    Ar"i#le 2,

    !8 A5 p'onouncin4 a suspended sentence the cou't p'onounces a punish1entand o'de's at the sa1e ti1e that such punish1ent shall not be enfo'ced p'o(ided thatthe con(icted pe'son does not 'eoffend within a te'1 set b5 the cou't fo' not sho'te' thanone o' lon4e' than fi(e 5ea's p'obation te'18.

    28 The cou't 1a5 specif5 in the suspended sentence that the punish1ent shall beenfo'ced if the con(icted pe'son does not 'etu'n the pecunia'5 4ain obtained th'ou4h the

    co11ission of the c'i1inal offence o' does not co1pensate fo' the da1a4e he caused b5 the co11ission of c'i1inal offence o' does not fulfill an5 othe' obli4ations p'o(ided fo'in c'i1inal law p'o(isions. The deadline b5 which these obli4ations 1ust be fulfilledshall be set b5 the cou't within the p'obation te'1 p'esc'ibed.

    38 ,ecu'it5 1easu'es which a'e i1posed to4ethe' with a suspended sentenceshall be enfo'ced.

    Condi"ions for Im-osin% S!s-ended Sen"en#e

    Ar"i#le 2.

    !8 - suspended sentence 1a5 be i1posed when the pe'pet'ato' is p'onounced ap'ison te'1 up to two 5ea's.

    28 - suspended sentence 1a5 not be i1posed fo' c'i1inal offences punishable b5 a p'ison te'1 up to ten 5ea's o' a 1o'e se(e'e punish1ent.

    38 - suspended sentence 1a5 not be i1posed unless 1o'e than fi(e 5ea's ha(epassed since the date of the finalit5 of the ;ud41ent of c on(iction fo' an offenceco11itted with w'on4ful intent. - suspended sentence 1a5 not be i1posed on ape'pet'ato' who has al'ead5 been i1posed two suspended sentences.

    "8 :hen dete'1inin4 whethe' to i1pose a suspended sentence the cou't shallta e into account the pu'pose of the suspended sentence and 4i(e pa'ticula'

    conside'ation to the pe'pet'ato'@s pe'sonalit5 his pe'sonal histo'5 his beha(iou' afte'the co11ission of the c'i1inal offence the de4'ee of 4uilt and othe' ci'cu1stancesunde' which the offence was co11itted.

    &8 *f both a p'ison te'1 and a fine a'e p'onounced on a pe'pet'ato' a suspendedsentence 1a5 be i1posed onl5 fo' the p'ison te'1.

    Re1o#a"ion of S!s-ended Sen"en#e d!e "o New Criminal O(en#e

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    Ar"i#le 22

    !8 The cou't shall 'e(o e a suspended sentence if du'in4 his p'obation te'1 thecon(icted pe'son co11its one o' 1o'e c'i1inal offences and 'ecei(es a p'ison te'1 of two 5ea's o' lon4e'.

    28 :he'e du'in4 his p'obation te'1 the con(icted pe'son co11its one o' 1o'ec'i1inal offences and 'ecei(es a p'ison te'1 of less than two 5ea's o' a fine the cou'tshall decide whethe' to 'e(o e the suspended sentence afte' ha(in4 'e(iewed all theci'cu1stances of the offences co11itted and the pe'pet'ato' hi1self and in pa'ticula'the 'elatedness of co11itted c'i1inal offences thei' i1po'tance and 1oti(es out of

    which the5 we'e co11itted. The cou't shall the'eat be li1ited b5 the 'ule that asuspended sentence 1a5 not be i1posed if the pe'pet'ato' should be i1posedpunish1ent of 1o'e than two 5ea's in p'ison fo' c'i1inal offences dete'1ined in thesuspended sentence and fo' the new c'i1inal offences -'t.&" pa'a. !8.

    38 :he'e the cou't 'e(o es a suspended sentence it shall i1pose a cu1ulati(ep'ison te'1 b5 appl5in4 the p'o(isions of -'t."% he'eof fo' both the p'e(iousl5

    co11itted and the new c'i1inal offence b5 ta in4 the punish1ent f'o1 the 'e(o edsuspended sentence as al'ead5 i1posed.

    "8 :he'e the cou't does not 'e(o e a suspended sentence it can i1pose asuspended sentence o' a punish1ent fo' the new c'i1inal offence. - con(icted pe'son

    who 'ecei(es a p'ison te'1 fo' the new c'i1inal offence shall not ha(e the pe'iod se'(edin p'ison included in the p'obation te'1 p'onounced unde' the suspended sentence fo'the p'e(ious offence.

    &8 :he'e the cou't finds that a suspended sentence should also be i1posed fo'the new c'i1inal offence the cou't shall p'onounce a cu1ulati(e punish1ent fo' boththe ea'lie' and the new c'i1inal offence unde' the p'o(isions of -'t."% he'eof and shallspecif5 a ne w p'obation te'1 fo' 1ini1u1 one and 1a6i1u1 fi(e 5ea's countin4 f'o1

    the date of finalit5 of the new ;ud41ent. *f the con(icted pe'son co11its a c'i1inaloffence du'in4 his new p'obation te'1 the cou't shall 'e(o e the suspended sentenceand i1pose a p'ison te'1 b5 appl5in4 the p'o(ision of pa'a. 3 he'eof.

    Re1o#a"ion of S!s-ended Sen"en#e

    d!e "o Prior Criminal O(en#e

    Ar"i#le 23

    !8 The cou't shall 'e(o e a suspended sentence if afte' its i1position the cou'testablishes that the con(icted pe'son co11itted a c'i1inal offence p'io' to thei1position of a suspended sentence and if the cou't finds that the'e would ha(e been no4'ounds fo' the i1position of a suspended sentence had the e6istence of that offence

    been nown. *n such a case the p'o(ision of -'t.&& pa'a. 3 he'eof shall appl5.

    28 *f the cou't does not 'e(o e a suspended sentence p'o(ision of -'t.&& pa'a. "he'eof shall appl5.

    Re1o#a"ion of S!s-ended Sen"en#e d!e "o

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    "+e Omission "o F!l'll S-e#i'# O)li%a"ions

    Ar"i#le 24

    :he'e unde' the suspended sentence the con(icted pe'son is o'de'ed to fulfill

    an5 of the obli4ations 'efe''ed to in -'t.&3 pa'a. 2 he'eof and whe'e he o1its to co1pl5 within the ti1e li1it p'o(ided fo' in the ;ud41ent the cou't 1a5 within the li1its of p'obation te'1 e6tend the deadline fo' fulfillin4 the obli4ation o' it 1a5 'e(o e thesuspended sentence the'eof and i1pose the punish1ent p'onounced in the suspendedsentence. *f the cou't establishes that the con(icted pe'son 1a5 not fulfill the obli4ationfo' ;ustified 'easons the cou't shall 'elie(e hi1 of the dut5 to co1pl5 o' 'eplace it b5 othe' app'op'iate obli4ation laid down b5 law.

    Time7limi"s for Re1o#a"ion of S!s-ended Sen"en#e

    Ar"i#le 25

    !8 - suspended sentence 1a5 be 'e(o ed du'in4 the p'obation te'1. Bu'in4 thiste'1 if a con(icted pe'son co11its a c'i1inal offence which entails a 'e(ocation of thesuspended sentence whe'eas it is dete'1ined b5 the ;ud41ent onl5 afte' the e6pi'5 of the p'obation te'1 the suspended sentence 1a5 be 'e(o ed within 1a6i1u1 one 5ea'of the date the p'obation te'1 e6pi'ed.

    28 *f a con(icted pe'son does not fulfill an obli4ation 'efe''ed to in -'t.&3 pa'a.2 he'eof within the ti1e li1it set the cou't 1a5 o'de' within 1a6i1u1 one 5ea' of thedate when the p'obation te'1 e6pi'ed that the punish1ent p'onounced in the suspendedsentence be enfo'ced.

    S!s-ended Sen"en#e wi"+ Pro"e#"i1e S!-er1ision

    Ar"i#le 26

    !8 The cou't 1a5 o'de' that the pe'pet'ato' who has been i1posed a suspendedsentence be placed unde' p'otecti(e supe'(ision fo' a specific pe'iod of ti1e du'in4 thep'obation te'1.

    28 'otecti(e supe'(ision includes the 1easu'es of assistance ca'e supe'(isionand p'otection as laid down b5 law.

    Condi"ions for Orderin% Pro"e#"i1e S!-er1ision

    Ar"i#le 38

    !8 :hen a cou't i1poses a suspended sentence it 1a5 o'de' that a pe'pet'ato' be placed unde' p'otecti(e supe'(ision if on account of his pe'sonalit5 pe'sonal histo'5 beha(iou' afte' the co11ission of c'i1inal offence and pa'ticula'l5 his attitude to the (icti1 of the c'i1inal offence and the ci'cu1stances of co11ission of the c'i1inal

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    offence it 1a5 be 'easonabl5 e6pected that the p'otecti(e supe'(ision will bette' se'(e thepu'pose of the suspended sentence.

    28 'otecti(e supe'(ision shall be o'de'ed b5 the cou't in the ;ud41ent b5 whichit i1poses the suspended sentence and p'onounces the 1easu'es of p'otecti(esupe'(ision thei' du'ation and 1anne' fo' thei' i1ple1entation.

    O)li%a"ions /+ile !nder Pro"e#"i1e S!-er1ision

    Ar"i#le 3$

    'otecti(e supe'(ision 1a5 co1p'ise one o' 1o'e of the followin4 obli4ations+

    !8 'epo'tin4 to a co1petent autho'it5 in cha'4e of enfo'ce1ent of p'otecti(esupe'(ision within the ti1e li1its specified b5 that autho'it5=

    28 t'ainin4 of the pe'pet'ato' fo' a pa'ticula' p'ofession=

    38 acceptin4 a ;ob app'op'iate to the abilities and p'opensities of the pe'pet'ato'=

    "8 fulfill1ent of the obli4ations to suppo't fa1il5 ca'e and b'in4 up child'en andca''5 out othe' fa1il5 obli4ations=

    &8 'ef'ainin4 f'o1 (isitin4 ce'tain places ba's o' e(ents if that 1a5 be a chance o'incenti(e fo' 'epeat offendin4=

    #8 ti1el5 'epo'tin4 of an5 chan4e of 'esidence add'ess o' ;ob=

    78 'ef'ainin4 f'o1 the use of d'u4s and alcohol=

    %8 t'eat1ent in an app'op'iate 1edical institution=

    8 (isitin4 pa'ticula' p'ofessional and othe' counselin4 offices o' institutions andfollowin4 thei' inst'uctions=

    !08 eli1inatin4 o' 1iti4atin4 the da1a4e inflicted b5 the c'i1inal offence in9uestion and in pa'ticula' 'econciliation with the (icti1 of the c'i1e.

    Sele#"ion of Meas!res of Pro"e#"i1e S!-er1ision

    Ar"i#le 3*

    :hen selectin4 the obli4ations 'efe''ed to in -'ticle #! he'eof and dete'1inin4thei' du'ation the cou't shall ta e into account in pa'ticula' the a4e of pe'pet'ato' hishealth condition p'opensities and habits 1oti(es fo' the co11ission of c'i1inal

    offence beha(iou' afte' co11ission of c'i1inal offence pe'sonal histo'5 pe'sonal andfa1il5 situation conditions fo' fulfillin4 the obli4ations o'de'ed as well as othe'ci'cu1stances which a'e 'elated to the pe'pet'ato'@s pe'sonalit5 and which bea''ele(ance to the selection of the 1easu'es of p'otecti(e supe'(ision and thei' du'ation.

    D!ra"ion of Pro"e#"i1e S!-er1ision

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    Ar"i#le 3,

    !8 The du'ation of the 1easu'es of p'otecti(e supe'(ision shall be set within theli1its of the p'obation te'1 specified in the suspended sentence.

    28 'otecti(e supe'(ision shall be te'1inated b5 'e(ocation of the suspendedsentence.

    38 Bu'in4 the pe'iod of p'otecti(e supe'(ision the cou't 1a5 in conside'ation of the 'esults achie(ed o'de' cancellation of ce'tain obli4ations o' thei' 'eplace1ent withothe' obli4ations.

    "8 :he'e in the cou'se of p'otecti(e supe'(ision the cou't finds that the pu'poseof this 1easu'e has been achie(ed the p'otecti(e supe'(ision 1a5 be te'1inated befo'ee6pi'ation of the ti1e pe'iod fo' which it was o'de'ed.

    Conse:!en#es of Non#om-lian#e w+ile !nder Pro"e#"i1e S!-er1ision

    Ar"i#le 3.

    :he'e a con(icted pe'son who 'ecei(ed p'otecti(e supe'(ision does not fulfill theobli4ations o'de'ed b5 the cou't the cou't 1a5 ad1onish hi1 o' 'eplace p'e(iousobli4ations with othe' obli4ations o' e6tend the p'otecti(e supe'(ision within the li1itsof the p'obation te'1 o' 'e(o e the suspended sentence.

    !di#ial Admoni"ion

    Ar"i#le 32

    !8 udicial ad1onition 1a5 be i1posed fo' c'i1inal offences which ca''5 ap'ison te'1 of 1a6i1u1 one 5ea' o' a fine and which we'e co11itted unde' such1iti4atin4 ci'cu1stances which 'ende' the1 pa'ticula'l5 1ino'.

    28 >o' ce'tain c'i1inal offences and unde' the conditions p'o(ided fo' b5 law a ;udicial ad1onition 1a5 be i1posed e(en fo' the offences which ca''5 a p'ison te'1 note6ceedin4 th'ee 5ea's.

    38 udicial ad1onition 1a5 be i1posed b5 the cou't fo' se(e'al c'i1inaloffences co11itted in concu''ence p'o(ided that the conditions 'efe''ed to in pa'as !and 2 abo(e ha(e been established fo' each of these 'especti(e c'i1inal offences.

    "8 :hen decidin4 whethe' to i1pose a ;udicial ad1onition the cou't shallta in4 into account the pu'pose of the ;udicial ad1onition conside' in pa'ticula' thepe'sonalit5 of the pe'pet'ato' his pe'sonal histo'5 his beha(iou' afte' the co11issionof c'i1inal offence specificall5 his 'elationship towa'ds the (icti1 of c'i1e the de4'eeof 4uilt and othe' ci'cu1stances unde' which the offence the'eof was co11itted.

    &8 - ;udicial ad1onition 1a5 not be i1posed on 1ilita'5 pe'sons fo' c'i1inaloffences a4ainst the -'15 of Montene4'o.

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    P!r-ose of Se#!ri"& Meas!res

    Ar"i#le 33

    :ithin the 4ene'al pu'pose of c'i1inal sanctions -'t." pa'a. 28 the pu'pose of secu'it5 1easu'es shall be to eli1inate the situations o' conditions which 1i4htinfluence a pe'pet'ato' to 'eoffend.

    T&-es of Se#!ri"& Meas!res

    Ar"i#le 34

    - pe'pet'ato' 1a5 'ecei(e an5 of the followin4 secu'it5 1easu'es+

    !8 1andato'5 ps5chiat'ic t'eat1ent and place1ent in a 1edical institution=

    28 1andato'5 ps5chiat'ic outpatient t'eat1ent=

    38 1andato'5 1edical t'eat1ent of d'u4 addiction=

    "8 1andato'5 1edical t'eat1ent of alcoholis1=

    &8 dis9ualification f'o1 a p'ofession acti(it5 o' dut5=

    #8 d'i(in4 p'ohibition=

    78 confiscation of ob;ects=

    %8 e6pulsion of a fo'ei4n national f'o1 the count'5=

    8 publication of the ;ud41ent.

    Im-osi"ion of Se#!ri"& Meas!res

    Ar"i#le 35

    !8 The cou't 1a5 i1pose one o' 1o'e secu'it5 1easu'es a4ainst a pe'pet'ato'

    p'o(ided that the 'e9ui'e1ents fo' thei' i1position as set b5 this Code a'e 1et.28 Mandato'5 ps5chiat'ic t'eat1ent and place1ent in a 1edical institution and

    1andato'5 ps5chiat'ic outpatient t'eat1ent a'e 1easu'es which a'e i1posed asindi(idual 1easu'es on a 1entall5 incapacitated pe'pet'ato'. *n addition to these1easu'es the cou't 1a5 o'de' dis9ualification f'o1 a p'ofession acti(it5 o' dut5d'i(in4 p'ohibition and confiscation of ob;ect s.

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    38 The 1easu'es 'efe''ed to in pa'a. 2 abo(e 1a5 be i1posed on a pe'pet'ato' whose 1ental capacit5 has been si4nificantl5 di1inished p'o(ided that he has al'ead5 'ecei(ed a punish1ent o' suspended sentence.

    "8 Mandato'5 1edical t'eat1ent of d'u4 addiction 1andato'5 1edicalt'eat1ent of alcoholis1 dis9ualification f'o1 a p'ofession acti(it5 o' dut5 d'i(in4

    p'ohibition confiscation of ob; ects and publication of the ;ud41ent 1a5 be i1posed if the pe'pet'ato' has al'ead5 'ecei(ed punish1ent suspended sentence o' ;udicialad1onition o' if his punish1ent has been 'e1itted

    &8 The 1easu'e of e6pulsion of a fo'ei4n national f'o1 the count'5 1a5 bei1posed p'o(ided that the pe'pet'ato' has al'ead5 'ecei(ed punish1ent o' suspendedsentence.

    #8 - secu'it5 1easu'e shall be i1posed fo' concu''ent c'i1inal offencesp'o(ided that it was p'onounced fo' at least one of the concu''ent c'i1inal offences.

    Manda"or& Ps+ia"ri# Trea"men" and Pla#emen" in Medi#al Ins"i"!"ion

    Ar"i#le 36

    !8 The cou't shall i1pose 1andato'5 ps5chiat'ic t'eat1ent and place1ent in anapp'op'iate 1edical institution on a pe'pet'ato' who co11itted a c'i1inal offence inthe state of si4nificantl5 di1inished 1ental capacit5 if it establishes that in conside'ationof the co11itted offence and the state of 1ental alienation the'e is a se'ious th'eat thatthe pe'pet'ato' 1a5 co11it a 1o'e se'ious c'i1inal offence and that it is necessa'5 too'de' his 1edical t'eat1ent in such an institution in o'de' to eli1inate this th'eat.

    28 *f the conditions 'efe''ed to in pa'a. ! abo(e a'e 1et the cou't shall o'de'1andato'5 t'eat1ent and place1ent in a 1edical institution to a pe'pet'ato' who whilein the state of 1ental incapacit5 co11itted an unlawful act that constitutes a c'i1inal

    offence b5 law.38 The cou't shall suspend the 1easu'e 'efe''ed to in pa'as ! and 2 abo(e once

    it has established that the need fo' t'eat1ent and confine1ent of the pe'pet'ato' in a1edical institution has ceased.

    "8 The 1easu'e 'efe''ed to in pa'a. ! abo(e that is i1posed to4ethe' with ap'ison te'1 1a5 last lon4e' than the i1posed sentence.

    &8 The ti1e spent in a 1edical institution b5 the pe'pet'ato' who co11itted ac'i1inal offence in the state of si4nificantl5 di1inished 1ental capacit5 and who has

    been punished b5 p'ison te'1 shall be included in the p'ison te'1 i1posed. *f the pe'iodspent in a 1edical institution is sho'te' than the du'ation of the punish1ent i1posedonce the secu'it5 1easu'e ends the cou't shall o'de' that the con(icted pe'son se'(esthe 'e1ainde' of punish1ent o' be 'eleased on pa'ole. *n ta in4 a decision on the 'eleaseon pa'ole the cou't shall 4i(e due conside'ation in pa'ticula' to the success of thet'eat1ent his health condition the ti1e spent in a 1edical institution and the'e1ainde' of punish1ent not 5et se'(ed in addition to the conditions 'efe''ed to in

    -'t.37 he'eof.

    Manda"or& O!"-a"ien" Ps+ia"ri# Trea"men"

  • 8/10/2019 Criminal Code Revised 2012


    Ar"i#le 48

    !8 - pe'pet'ato' who in the state of 1ental incapacit5 co11itted an unlawful act which constitutes a c'i1inal offence b5 law shall be i1posed the 1easu'e of 1andato'5 outpatient ps5chiat'ic t'eat1ent p'o(ided that the cou't dete'1ines that the'e is se'iousth'eat that the pe'pet'ato' 1a5 co11it an unlawful act which constitutes a c'i1inaloffence b5 law and that in o'de' to eli1inate this th'eat his outpatient t'eat1ent will besufficient.

    28 The 1easu'e 'efe''ed to in pa'a. ! abo(e 1a5 be i1posed also on a 1entall5 incapacitated pe'pet'ato' on who1 1andato'5 ps5chiat'ic t'eat1ent and place1ent inan app'op'iate 1edical institution ha(e been i1posed when the cou't establishes on the

    basis of the 'esults of such t'eat1ent that his place1ent and t'eat1ent in that institutionis no lon4e' needed and that his outpatient t'eat1ent would suffice.

    38 ?nde' the conditions 'efe''ed to in pa'a. ! abo(e the cou't 1a5 also i1pose1andato'5 outpatient ps5chiat'ic t'eat1ent on a pe'pet'ato' whose 1ental capacit5 wassi4nificantl5 di1inished p'o(ided that he was i1posed a suspended sentence o' was

    'eleased on pa'ole pu'suant to -'t.# pa'a. & he'eof."8 Mandato'5 outpatient ps5chiat'ic t'eat1ent 1a5 be occasionall5 conducted in

    an app'op'iate 1edical institution if this is necessa'5 in (iew of a 1o'e successfult'eat1ent the'eof whe'eb5 the pe'iodic t'eat1ent in a 1edical institution 1a5 not lastlon4e' than fifteen da5s continuousl5 o' lon4e' than two 1onths in total.

    &8 Mandato'5 outpatient ps5chiat'ic t'eat1ent shall last as lon4 as the'e is aneed fo' the t'eat1ent li1ited to th'ee 5ea's.

    #8 *n the case 'efe''ed to in pa'as ! th'ou4h 3 abo(e if the pe'pet'ato' does notunde'4o outpatient t'eat1ent o' te'1inates it of his own f'ee will o' if despitet'eat1ent the'eof the'e is dan4e' that he will co11it a4ain an unlawful act whichconstitutes a c'i1inal offence b5 law that 1a5 'ende' his t'eat1ent and confine1ent in a'ele(ant 1edical institution necessa'5 the cou't 1a5 i1pose 1andato'5 ps5chiat'ict'eat1ent and confine1ent in such an institution.

    Manda"or& Medi#al Trea"men" of Dr!% Addi#"ion

    Ar"i#le 4$

    !8 The cou't shall i1pose 1andato'5 t'eat1ent on a pe'pet'ato' who co11itteda c'i1inal offence due to his addiction to na'cotics and whe'e the'e is a se'ious dan4e'that he 1a5 'eoffend due to this addiction.

    28 The 1easu'e 'efe''ed to in pa'a. ! abo(e shall be enfo'ced in an institution fo'the enfo'ce1ent of the punish1ent o' in an app'op'iate 1edical o' o the' specializedinstitution and shall last fo' as lon4 as the'e is a need fo' t'eat1ent li1ited to th'ee


    38 :hen the 1easu'e 'efe''ed to in pa'a. ! abo(e is i1posed in addition to ap'ison te'1 it 1a5 last lon4e' than the i1posed sentence li1ited to th'ee 5ea's.

    "8 The ti1e spent in the institution fo' 1edical t'eat1ent shall be included inthe p'ison te'1.

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    &8 :he'e the 1easu'e 'efe''ed to in pa'a. ! abo(e is i1posed in addition to afine a suspended sentence ;udicial ad1onition o' 'e1ission of penalt5 it shall beenfo'ced outside of an5 confine1ent and 1a5 not e6ceed th'ee 5ea's.

    #8 *f fo' no ;ustified 'eason a pe'pet'ato' decides not to unde'4o outpatientt'eat1ent o' decides to lea(e the t'eat1ent of his f'ee will the cou't shall o'de' the

    coe'ci(e enfo'ce1ent of the 1easu'e in an app'op'iate 1edical o' othe' specializedinstitution.

    Manda"or& Medi#al Trea"men" of Al#o+olism

    Ar"i#le 4*

    !8 The cou't shall i1pose a 1andato'5 1edical t'eat1ent on a pe'pet'ato' whoco11itted a c'i1inal offence due to his addiction to alcohol and whe'e the'e is a se'iousdan4e' that he 1i4ht 'eoffend due to this addiction.

    28 The 1easu'e 'efe''ed to in pa'a. ! abo(e shall be enfo'ced in an institution fo'enfo'ce1ent of p'ison sentences o' in an app'op'iate 1edical o' othe' specializedinstitution and shall last fo' as lon4 as the'e is a need fo' t'eat1ent li1ited to thedu'ation of the p'ison te'1 i1posed.

    38 The ti1e spent in an institution fo' 1edical t'eat1ent shall be included in thep'ison te'1.

    "8 :he'e the 1easu'e 'efe''ed to in pa'a. ! abo(e is i1posed in addition to afine suspended sentence ;udicial ad1onition o' 'e1ission of punish1ent it shall beenfo'ced out of confine1ent and be li1ited to two 5ea's.

    &8 *f fo' no ;ustified 'eason a pe'pet'ato' does not unde'4o an outpatientt'eat1ent o' lea(es the t'eat1ent of his f'ee will the cou't shall o'de' the coe'ci(eenfo'ce1ent of the 1easu'e the'eof in an app'op'iate 1edical o' othe' specializedinstitution.

    Dis:!ali'#a"ion from Profession; A#"i1i"& or D!"&

    Ar"i#le 4,

    !8 The cou't 1a5 dis9ualif5 a pe'pet'ato' f'o1 a ce'tain p'ofession acti(it5 allo' so1e of duties 'elated to the disposition utilization 1ana4e1ent o' handlin4 of so1eone else@s p'ope't5 o' ta in4 ca'e of that p'ope't5 if it is 'easonable to belie(e thathis fu'the' en4a4e1ent in that acti(it5 would be dan4e'ous.

    28 The cou't shall dete'1ine the du'ation of the 1easu'e 'efe''ed to in pa'a. !abo(e li1ited to 1ini1u1 one and 1a6i1u1 ten 5ea's countin4 f'o 1 the date of thefinal ;ud41ent p'o(ided that the ti1e spent in a p'ison o' 1edical institution i n whichthe secu'it5 1easu'e was enfo'ced shall not be included in the te'1 of this 1easu'e.

    38 *f it i1poses a suspended sentence the cou't 1a5 o'de' that the sentence be'e(o ed if the pe'pet'ato' (iolates the p'ohibition the'eof to en4a4e in a p'ofessionacti(it5 o' dut5.

  • 8/10/2019 Criminal Code Revised 2012


    Dri1in% Pro+i)i"ion

    Ar"i#le 4.

    !8 The pe'pet'ato' of a c'i1inal offence a4ainst public t'affic safet5 1a5 'ecei(e

    the 1easu'e of d'i(in4 p'ohibition.28 :hen i1posin4 the 1easu'e 'efe''ed to in pa'a. ! abo(e the cou't shall

    specif5 the t5pe and cate4o'5 of (ehicles that the p'ohibition applies to.

    38 The 1easu'e 'efe''ed to in pa'a. ! abo(e 1a5 be i1posed whe'e the cou'tfinds that the se'iousness of the offence co11itted the ci'cu1stances unde' which it

    was co11itted o' the pe'pet'ato'@s p'io' (iolations of t'affic 'e4ulations indicate that itis dan4e'ous to let this pe'son d'i(e a 1oto' (ehicle of a ce'tain t5pe o' cate4o'5.

    "8 The cou't shall set the te'1 fo' which the 1easu'e 'efe''ed to in pa'a. ! abo(e will appl5 to a pe'iod f'o1 th'ee 1onths to fi(e 5ea's countin4 f'o1 the date o f the final ;ud41ent whe'eb5 the ti1e se'(ed in a p'ison o' institution whe'e a secu'it5 o ' aco''ecti(e 1easu'e was enfo'ced 1a5 not be included in the te'1 of this 1easu'e.

    &8 The pe'pet'ato' of a c'i1inal offence a4ainst public t'affic safet5 which'esulted in the death of one o' 1o'e pe'sons 1a5 'ecei(e the 1easu'e 'efe''ed to in pa'a.! abo(e without ti1e 'est'iction pe'1anentl58 if he has p'e(iousl5 'ecei(ed this secu'it5 1easu'e.

    #8 :he'e the 1easu'e 'efe''ed to in pa'a. ! abo(e is i1posed on a pe'son whoholds a fo'ei4n d'i(e'@s license the p'ohibition shall 'efe' to d'i(in4 on the te''ito'5 of Montene4'o.

    78 :he'e the cou't i1poses a suspended sentence the cou't 1a5 o'de' that thesentence be 'e(o ed if the pe'pet'ato' (iolates the d'i(in4 p'ohibition.

    %8 - 1andato'5 d 'i(in4 p'ohibition 1a5 be laid down b5 law.

    Con's#a"ion of O)?e#"s

    Ar"i#le 42

    !8 The ob;ects which we'e used o' intended fo' use in the co11ission of ac'i1inal offence o' which 'esulted f'o1 the co11ission of a c'i1inal offence 1a5 beconfiscated p'o(ided that the5 a'e owned b5 the pe'pet'ato'.

    28 The ob;ects 'efe''ed to in pa'a. ! abo(e 1a5 be confiscated e(en if the5 a'e notowned b5 the pe'pet'ato' if so 'e9ui'ed fo' 'easons of secu'it5 of people o' p'ope't5 o'fo' 1o'al 'easons but also whe'e the'e is still a 'is that the5 1a5 be used fo' theco11ission of a c'i1inal offence notwithstandin4 howe(e' the 'i4hts of thi'd pe'sons toclai1 da1a4es f'o1 the pe'pet'ato'.

    38 Mandato'5 confiscation and the 'e9ui'e1ents to be 1et fo' confiscation of ob;ects 1a5 be laid down b5 law.

    "8 Mandato'5 dest'uction of confiscated ob;ects 1a5 be laid down b5 law.

    E9-!lsion of Forei%ner Na"ional from "+e Co!n"r&

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    Ar"i#le 43

    !8 - fo'ei4n national who co11itted a c'i1inal offence 1a5 be e6pelled f'o1the te''ito'5 of Montene4'o unde' a cou't ;ud41ent fo' a te'1 f'o1 one to ten 5ea's and

    whe'e a fo'ei4n national is a 'epeat pe'pet'ato' he 1a5 be e6pelled fo' 4ood -'t."38.

    28 *n decidin4 whethe' to i1pose the 1easu'e 'efe''ed to in pa'a. ! abo(e thecou't shall 4i(e due conside'ation to the natu'e and se'iousness of the offenceco11itted the 1oti(es out of which the c'i1inal offence was co11itted the 1anne' in

    which it was co11itted and an5 othe' ci'cu1stances that indicate wh5 the fo'ei4nnational should not be allowed to sta5 in Montene4'o.

    38 The te'1 of e6pulsion shall co11ence on the date of final ;ud41ent the 'eof whe'eb5 the ti1e spent in p'ison 1a5 not be included in the te'1 fo' which the 1easu'eis i1posed.

    "8 The 1easu'e 'efe''ed to in pa'a. ! abo(e shall not be i1posed a4ainst ape'pet'ato' who en;o5s p'otection unde' 'atified inte'national t'eaties.

    P!)li#a"ion of "+e !d%men"

    Ar"i#le 44

    !8 :he'e it 'ende's a ;ud41ent of con(iction fo' a c 'i1inal offence co11ittedth'ou4h 1edia o' a c'i1inal offence which endan4e'ed life o' health of hu1ans whe'ethe publication of the ;ud41ent would help eli1inate o' di1inish such dan4e' the cou't1a5 o'de' that the ;ud41ent be published in whole o' in pa't in the 1edia o' in so1eothe' app'op'iate 1anne' whe'eb5 the costs of such publication shall be bo'ne b5 thecon(icted pe'son.

    28Mandato'5 publication of ;ud41ent 1a5 be laid down b5 law. *n that case thecou't shall specif5 the 1edia of publication and whethe' it shall be published in itsenti'et5 o' in su11a'5 fo'1.

    38 The ;ud41ent shall be published within not lon4e' than thi't5 da5s of the dateof the final ;ud41ent.

    S!s-ension of Se#!ri"& Meas!res )& Co!r" De#ision

    Ar"i#le 45

    !8 The cou't 1a5 o'de' suspension of enfo'ce1ent of the secu'it5 1easu'es of dis9ualification f'o1 a p'ofession acti(it5 o' dut5 and d'i(in4 p'ohibition p'o(ided thatth'ee 5ea's ha(e lapsed since the date thei' enfo'ce1ent sta'ted.

    28 *n decidin4 whethe' to o'de' suspension of the secu'it5 1easu'es 'efe''ed toin pa'a. ! abo(e the cou't shall 4i(e due conside'ation the con(ict@s beha(iou' followin4the con(iction whethe' he has co1pensated fo' the da1a4e inflicted b5 the c'i1inaloffence whethe' he has 'etu'ned the pecunia'5 4ain obtained th'ou4h the co11ission of the c'i1inal offence as well as an5 othe' ci'cu1stances that 1a5 indicate it is ;ustified too'de' suspension of the enfo'ce1ent.

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    $0 Basi# Pro1isions

    A--li#a)ili"& of S-e#ial Criminal Pro1isions "o !1eniles

    Ar"i#le 46

    !8 The p'o(isions contained in this Title shall appl5 to ;u(enile offende's whileothe' p'o(isions of this Code shall appl5 unless othe'wise p'o(ided fo' in this Title.

    28 ,pecial p'o(isions that a'e applicable to ;u(enile offende's shall also appl5 toadults unde' the conditions laid down b5 the p'o(isions of this Title whe'e such adults

    a'e t'ied fo' c'i1inal offences that the5 co11itted as ;u(eniles and b5 wa5 of ane6ception whe'e such adults co11itted the offence as 5oun4 adults.

    Non7a--li#a)ili"& of Criminal San#"ions "o C+ildren

    Ar"i#le 58

    - pe'son who at the ti1e of co11ission of an unlawful act which constitutes ac'i1inal offence b5 law is 5oun4e' than fou'teen child8 1a5 not be sub;ect to c'i1inalsanctions.

    A""endan#e Orders

    Ar"i#le 58

    !8 - ;u(enile c'i1inal offende' 1a5 be sub;ect to one o' 1o'e attendance o'de's fo' ac'i1e that ca''ies a fine o' up to fi(e 5ea's in p'ison.

    28 -n attendance o'de' 1a5 be issued to a ;u(enile b5 eithe' a cou't at its owndisc'etion o' at the p'oposal of a 'ele(ant public p'osecuto'.

    38 -n attendance o'de' 1a5 be issued onl5 whe'e the ;u(enile offende' confesses tothe c'i1e and whe'e he has an app'op'iate attitude to the c'i1inal offence co11ittedand to the (icti1 of the c'i1e.

    P!r-ose of A""endan#e Orders

    Ar"i#le 58)

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    The pu'pose of attendance o'de's is to di(e't f'o1 c'i1inal p'oceedin4s a4ainst a ;u(enile o' to suspend a p'oceedin4 a4ainst a ;u(enile as well as to use the1 as a 1eans b5 which to encou'a4e ;u(enile@s p'ope' de(elop1ent and help a ;u(enile de(elop a senseof pe'sonal 'esponsibilit5 in o'de' to p'e(ent 'epeat offendin4 in the futu'e.

    T&-es of A""endan#e Orders

    Ar"i#le 58#

    -ttendance o'de's include a dut5 to+

    !8 settle with the (icti1 and co1pensate fo' the da1a4e offe' an apolo45 do the wo' o' ta e othe' action b5 which to eli1inate in whole o' in pa't the ha'1fulconse9uences of the offence=

    28 attend school o' 4o to wo' 'e4ula'l5=

    38 do hu1anita'ian wo' without 'e1une'ation o' ta e othe' action beneficial fo' thesocial ca'e local co11unit5 o' en(i'on1ent p'otection=

    "8 unde'4o e6a1ination and a d'u4 o' alcohol addiction 'ehabilitation p'o4'a11e=

    &8 ;oin an indi(idual o' 4'oup the'ap5 in a health institution o' counsellin4 se'(ice.

    Sele#"ion of A""endan#e Order

    Ar"i#le 58d

    !8 *n selectin4 an attendance o'de' the 'ele(ant public p'osecuto' and the cou't inacco'dance with thei' 'especti(e powe's shall ta e into conside'ation the enti'e inte'estsof the ;u(enile and the (icti1 and shall in so doin4 1a e su'e that the i1ple1entationof one o' 1o'e attendance o'de's does not inte'fe'e with the ;u(enile@s school o' wo' obli4ations.

    28 -ttendance o'de's 1a5 be i1ple1ented fo' not lon4e' than si6 1onths in whichpe'iod it can be 'eplaced b5 anothe' attendance o'de' o' be suspended.

    38 ,election and i1ple1entation of attendance o'de's shall be done in collabo'ation with the ;u(enile@s pa'ents adopti(e pa'ents o' 4ua'dians and the co1petent4ua'dianship autho'it5.

    A--li#a"ion of A""endan#e Orders

    Ar"i#le 58e

    *1ple1entation of attendance o'de's 'efe''ed to in -'t.%0c he'eof shall be 'e4ulated b5 a sepa'ate seconda'5 le4islation.

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    Criminal San#"ions a%ains" !1eniles

    Ar"i#le 5$

    !8 - ;u(enile who at the ti1e of co11ission of a c'i1inal offence had 'eached

    fou'teen 5ea's of a4e but had not 'eached si6teen 5ea's of a4e a 5oun4e' ;u(enile8 1a5 be i1posed co''ectional 1easu'es onl5.

    28 - ;u(enile who at the ti1e of co11ission of a c'i1inal offence had 'eachedsi6teen 5ea's of a4e but had not 'eached ei4hteen 5ea's of a4e an olde' ;u(enile8 1a5 bei1posed co''ectional 1easu'es and b5 e6ception a ;u(enile p'ison te'1.

    38 ,ecu'it5 1easu'es 1a5 also appl5 to a ;u(enile unde' the conditions p'o(idedfo' in -'t.!0 he'eof.

    "8 - suspended sentence and a ;udicial ad1onition 1a5 not be i1posed on a ;u(enile.

    P!r-ose of Corre#"ional Meas!res and !1enile Prison

    Ar"i#le 5*

    :ithin the 4ene'al pu'pose of c'i1inal sanctions -'t." pa'a. 28 the pu'pose of co''ectional 1easu'es and ;u(enile p'ison shall be to p'o(ide p'otection and suppo't to

    ;u(enile c'i1inal offende's b5 wa5 of supe'(ision (ocational education and de(elop1entof a sense of pe'sonal 'esponsibilit5 in o'de' to allow the1 to be educated 'efo'1ed andp'ope'l5 de(eloped. The pu'pose of a ;u(enile p'ison te'1 is to e6e't positi(e influenceon ;u(enile offende's to p'e(ent 'epeat offendin4 as well as to dete' othe' ;u(eniles f'o1c'i1inal offendin4.

    *0 Corre#"ional Meas!res

    T&-es of Corre#"ional Meas!res

    Ar"i#le 5,

    - ;u(enile c'i1inal offende' 1a5 'ecei(e the followin4 co''ectional 1easu'es+

    !8 disciplina'5 1easu'es+ 'ep'i1and and 'efe''al to a ;u(enile co''ectionalfacilit5=

    28 di'ect supe'(ision 1easu'es+ di'ect supe'(ision b5 pa'ents adopti(e pa'ent o'

    4ua'dian= di'ect supe'(ision b5 4ua'dianship autho'it5= and di'ect supe'(ision co1bined with da5 t'eat1ent p'o4'a11e in an institution fo' pe'sonal and educationalde(elop1ent of ;u(eniles=

    38 co''ectional facilit5 ca'e+ 'efe''al to a co11unit5 based co''ectional facilit5 'efe''al to a co''ectional ho1e and 'efe''al to a special education and t'eat1ent facilit5.

    Sele#"ion of Corre#"ional Meas!re

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    Ar"i#le 5.

    *n selectin4 a co''ectional 1easu'e the cou't shall ta e into conside'ation the ;u(enile@s a4e 1atu'it5 othe' 9ualities p'opensities le(el of ne4lect in te'1s of thei'pe'sonal and educational de(elop1ent 1oti(e fo' which the c'i1e was co11ittedo(e'all li(in4 en(i'on1ent befo'e the co11ission se'iousness of the c'i1e whethe' the

    ;u(enile has p'e(iousl5 'ecei(ed an5 co''ectional 1easu'es o' sanctions and an5 othe'ci'cu1stances that 1a5 assist in the selection of the 1easu'e which best se'(es itspu'pose.

    Im-osi"ion of Corre#"ional Meas!res

    Ar"i#le 52

    !8 Bisciplina'5 1easu'es shall be i1posed on a ;u(enile who need not besub1itted to e6tended co''ectional 1easu'es and pa'ticula'l5 if he co11itted ac'i1inal offence out of 'ec lessness o' le(it5.

    28 Bi'ect supe'(ision 1easu'es shall be i1posed on a ;u(enile if it appea'snecessa'5 to sub1it hi1 to e6tended 1easu'es of education 'efo'1ation o' t'eat1ent

    with ade9uate supe'(ision but whe'e it is not necessa'5 to co1pletel5 isolate hi1 f'o1his usual en(i'on1ent.

    38 *nstitutional 1easu'es shall be i1posed on a ;u(enile whe'e it appea'snecessa'5 to sub1it hi1 to e6tended 1easu'es of education co''ecti(e t'ainin4 o't'eat1ent but also to isolation f'o1 his usual en(i'on1ent and whe'e the cou't findsthat the pu'pose of co''ectional 1easu'es 1a5 not be achie(ed b5 appl5in4 the 1easu'es'efe''ed to in pa'as ! and 2 abo(e. *nstitutional co''ectional 1easu'es shall last sub;ectto the li1its laid down b5 this Code onl5 until the pu'pose p'o(ided fo' in -'t.%2 he'eof has been achie(ed.


    Ar"i#le 53

    !8 Rep'i1and shall be i1posed if it is conside'ed sufficient to onl5 'ep'i1and a ;u(enile fo' a co11itted c'i1inal offence.

    28 :hen i1posin4 a 'ep'i1and the cou't shall point to the w'on4fulness of hisact to the ;u(enile and info'1 hi1 of the possibilit5 that a 1o'e se(e'e sanction be

    i1posed if he co11its a c'i1inal offence a4ain.

    Referral "o !1enile Corre#"ional Fa#ili"&

    Ar"i#le 54

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  • 8/10/2019 Criminal Code Revised 2012


    "8 The 4ua'dianship autho'it5 shall o(e'see the ;u(enile@s educatione1plo51ent and 1a e su'e that the ;u(enile distances hi1self f'o1 an5 ha'1fulen(i'on1ent unde'4oes t'eat1ent and shall assist the ;u(enile in b'in4in4 o'de' andstabilit5 to his li(in4 en(i'on1ent.

    Dire#" S!-er1ision T+ro!%+ a Da& Trea"men" Pro%ramme in !1enileCorre#"ional Fa#ili"&

    Ar"i#le 68!8 The 1easu'e of di'ect supe'(ision alon4 with the dut5 to unde'4o da5

    t'eat1ent p'o4'a11e in a ;u(enile co''ectional facilit5 shall be i1posed b5 the cou't whe'e in addition to the co''ectional 1easu'e of di'ect supe'(ision b5 ;u(enile@s pa'entadopti(e pa'ent o' 4ua'dian o' in addition to the co''ectional 1easu'e of di'ectsupe'(ision b5 ;u(enile@s 4ua'dianship autho'it5 the'e is a need to en4a4e p'ofessionals

    wo' in4 in an institution dealin4 with pe'sonal de(elop1ent and education of ;u(eniles.28 This co''ectional 1easu'e in addition to di'ect supe'(ision b5 ;u(enile@s

    pa'ent adopti(e pa'ent o' 4ua'dian o' di'ect supe'(ision b5 4ua'dianship autho'it5includes an obli4ation fo' the ;u(enile to unde'4o a da5 t'eat1ent p'o4'a11e in a

    ;u(enile co''ectional facilit5.38 This 1easu'e is i1posed fo' a te'1 f'o1 si6 1onths to two 5ea's with the

    cou't ha(in4 the dut5 to 'ende' a subse9uent decision on its te'1ination."8 Th'ou4hout the i1ple1entation of this 1easu'e the ;u(enile shall continue to

    li(e with his pa'ents o' othe' pe'sons suppo'tin4 o' ta in4 ca'e of hi1 whe'eb5 thedi'ect supe'(ision o'de'ed b5 the cou't shall be conducted b5 the pa'ents adopti(epa'ent o' 4ua'dian o' 4ua'dianship autho'it5.

    &8 The 1anne' in which this 1easu'e is enfo'ced shall be supe'(ised b5 the4ua'dianship autho'it5.

    S-e#ial O)li%a"ions alon% wi"+ Dire#" S!-er1ision

    Ar"i#le 6$

    !8 *n i1posin4 an5 of the co''ectional 1easu'es of di'ect supe'(ision the cou't1a5 o'de' to the ;u(enile if so needed fo' a 1o'e effecti(e acco1plish1ent of thepu'pose of the 1easu'e i1posed one o' 1o'e of the followin4 obli4ations+

    !8 to pe'sonall5 offe' an apolo45 to the (icti1=

    28 to eli1inate within his own capacit5 the da1a4e inflicted b5 the c'i1inaloffence=

    38 to 4o to school o' wo' 'e4ula'l5=

    "8 to unde'4o (ocational t'ainin4 app'op'iate fo' his capabilities and talents=

    &8 to 'ef'ain f'o1 alcohol and d'u4 consu1ption o' to unde'4o app'op'iate1edical t'eat1ent=

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    #8 to (isit an app'op'iate 1edical institution o' a counselin4 office and tofollow the inst'uctions 'ecei(ed f'o1 these institutions=

    78 to sta5 with anothe' fa1il5 which is willin4 to ta e hi1 and which iscapable of ad1iniste'in4 supe'(ision o(e' hi1.

    !8 The cou't 1a5 o'de' the ;u(enile a special obli4ation to do without'e1une'ation hu1anita'ian wo' o' ta e othe' action beneficial fo' the social ca'elocal co11unit5 o' en(i'on1ent p'otection. ,uch wo' 1a5 last thi't5 hou's within asin4le 1onth and 1a5 be done within a ti1e pe'iod not sho'te' than one 1onth o'lon4e' than fou' 1onths. *n p'onouncin4 this obli4ation the cou't shall 1a e su'e thisdoes not inte'fe'e with the ;u(enile@s school o' wo' obli4ations.

    38 - pa'ent adopti(e pa'ent o' 4ua'dian of a ;u(enile who has 'ecei(ed one o'1o'e obli4ations unde' pa'a. ! abo(e shall info'1 the 4ua'dianship autho'it5 in ti1eabout an5 chan4e o' lon4e' absence f'o1 his pe'1anent o' te1po'a'5 'esidence.

    "8 The obli4ations 'efe''ed to in pa'as ! and 2 abo(e shall last fo' not lon4e'than the te'1 of the co''ectional 1easu'e whe'eb5 the cou't shall ha(e the autho'it5 to'eplace o' 'e(o e the obli4ations that it has o'de'ed.

    &8 :hen o'de'in4 the obli4ations 'efe''ed to in pa'a. ! abo(e the cou't shall wa'n the ;u(enile but also his pa'ents adopti(e pa'ent o' 4ua'dian about thepossibilit5 that in case of nonco1pliance the 1easu'e of di'ect supe'(ision 1a5 be'eplaced b5 anothe' co''ectional 1easu'e.

    Referral "o Comm!ni"&7Based Corre#"ional Fa#ili"&

    Ar"i#le 6*

    !8 The cou't shall i1pose the 1easu'e of 'efe''al to a co11unit5 based

    co''ectional facilit5 when the'e is a need to p'o(ide a ;u(enile with pe'1anentsupe'(ision b5 p'ofessionals.

    28 - ;u(enile shall sta5 in a co11unit5 based co''ectional facilit5 fo' notsho'te' than si6 1onths o' lon4e' than two 5ea's whe'eb5 the cou't shall ha(e theautho'it5 to o'de' suspension of the 1easu'e du'in4 its se'(ice.

    Referral "o Corre#"ional

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    38 - ;u(enile shall sta5 at co''ectional ho1e fo' not sho'te' than one o' lon4e'than fou' 5ea's whe'eb5 the cou't shall ha(e the autho'it5 to o'de' suspension of the1easu'e du'in4 its se'(ice.

    Release on Parole from Corre#"ional

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    S!s-ension of Enfor#emen" and Re-la#emen" of Prono!n#ed Corre#"ionalMeas!re )& ano"+er Corre#"ional Meas!re

    Ar"i#le 63

    !8 :he'e afte' the decision i1posin4 a di'ect supe'(ision 1easu'e o' aninstitutional 1easu'e the'e a'ise ci'cu1stances that we'e non e6istent o' not nown atthe ti1e the decision was 'ende'ed and whe'e the decision 1a5 not be enfo'ced due to'efusal b5 the ;u(enile o' his pa'ents adopti(e pa'ent o' 4ua'dian to follow the o'de' of the entit5 enfo'cin4 the 1easu'e o' whe'e othe' ci'cu1stances en(isa4ed b5 law shoulda'ise whe'e such ci'cu1stances 1i4ht ha(e a si4nificant influence on the decision1a in4 p'ocess the enfo'ce1ent of the 1easu'e 1a5 be suspended o' 'eplaced b5 anothe' di'ect supe'(ision 1easu'e o' an institutional 1easu'e.

    28 ,a(e fo' the cases unde' pa'a. ! abo(e and p'o(ided no othe' p'o(isions a'een(isa4ed fo' 'especti(e co''ectional 1easu'es a di'ect supe'(ision 1easu'e o' aninstitutional 1easu'e 1a5 in (iew of the success of the 'efo'1ation p'ocess besuspended f'o1 enfo'ce1ent but 1a5 also be 'eplaced b5 anothe' 1easu'e that will

    bette' achie(e the pu'pose of the co''ectional 1easu'es. The suspension of enfo'ce1ento' 'eplace1ent b5 anothe' 1easu'e f'o1 within a set of institutional 1easu'es shall besub;ect to the followin4 li1itations+

    !8 the 1easu'e of 'efe''al to a co11unit5 based co''ectional facilit5 1a5 not be suspended within si6 1onths of its be4innin4 du'in4 whichpe'iod it 1a5 be 'eplaced b5 the 1easu'e of 'efe''al to a co''ectionalho1e o' a special education and t'eat1ent facilit5.

    28 the 1easu'e of 'efe''al to a co''ectional ho1e 1a5 not be suspended within one 5ea' du'in4 which pe'iod it 1a5 be 'eplaced with the1easu'e of 'efe''al to a co11unit5 based co''ectional facilit5 o' aspecial education and t'eat1ent facilit5.

    Re7e9amina"ion of Corre#"ional Meas!res

    Ar"i#le 64

    !8 :he'e 1o'e than two 5ea's ha(e passed since the date of final decisiono'de'in4 a co''ectional 1easu'e of di'ect supe'(ision o' an institutional 1easu'e a nd

    whe'e the enfo'ce1ent has not 5et sta'ted the cou't shall 'e e6a1ine the need toenfo'ce the p'onounced 1easu'e. *n so doin4 the cou't 1a5 decide that a p'e(iousl5 o'de'ed 1easu'e be enfo'ced be not enfo'ced o' be 'eplaced with anothe' 1easu'e.

    28 The 1easu'e of 'efe''al to a ;u(enile co''ecti onal facilit5 shall not be enfo'cedif 1o'e than si6 1onths ha(e elapsed f'o1 the date of final decision o'de'in4 this1easu'e and whe'e its enfo'ce1ent has not 5et sta'ted.

    Prono!n#in% Corre#"ional Meas!re for Crimes in Con#!rren#e

    Ar"i#le 65

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    !8 :he'e a ;u(enile co11itted se(e'al c'i1es in concu''ence the cou't shall ;ointl5 assess all the c'i1inal offences and i1pose one of the co''ectional 1easu'es.

    28The cou't shall act in the 1anne' desc'ibed unde' pa'a. ! abo(e e(en whe'eafte' the i1position of the 1easu'e it is established that the ;u(enile co11itted anothe'c'i1inal offence eithe' befo'e o' afte' its i1position.

    Pro1ision of Da"a on Corre#"ional Meas!res Im-osed

    Ar"i#le 66

    !8 Bata on i1posed co''ectional 1easu'es 1a5 be disclosed solel5 to the cou'tpublic p'osecuto' 4ua'dianship autho'it5 and institution in cha'4e of the p'otection of

    ;u(eniles p'o(ided that the offende' has not 'eached the a4e of twent5 one.

    28 Bata on i1posed co''ectional 1easu'es 1a5 be disclosed to the autho'ities'efe''ed to in pa'a. ! abo(e e(en afte' the offende' 'eaches the a4e of twent5 onep'o(ided that such data 'efe' to c'i1inal offences punishable b5 a p'ison te'1 of o(e'

    fi(e 5ea's.,0 !1enile Prison

    P!nis+men" of Older !1eniles

    Ar"i#le $88

    ,ub;ect to punish1ent 1a5 onl5 be an olde' ;u(enile who co11itted a c'i1e which b5 law ca''ies a punish1ent of o(e' fi(e 5ea' p'ison te'1 whe'e fo' 'eason of ahi4h de4'ee of pe'pet'ato'@s 4uilt and se'iousness of the c'i1e it would be 1anifestl5 ill

    ;ustified to p'onounce a co''ectional 1easu'e.

    !1enile Prison

    Ar"i#le $8$

    !8 - ;u(enile p'ison te'1 1a5 be set fo' not less than si6 1onths o' lon4e' thanei4ht 5ea's. A5 e6ception fo' c'i1es which ca''5 a 1ini1u1 p'ison te'1 of not less thanten 5ea's the cou't 1a5 p'onounce punish1ent of up to ten 5ea's in p'ison.

    28 - ;u(enile p'ison te'1 shall be set in full 1onths and 5ea's.

    38 Olde' ;u(eniles shall se'(e thei' te'1 in special ;u(enile penitentia'5co''ectional facilities whe'e the5 1a5 sta5 b5 the a4e of twent5 th'ee. :hen the5 will notha(e se'(ed thei' punish1ent b5 that a4e the5 will be 'efe''ed to a penitentia'5co''ectional facilit5 fo' adult offende's. A5 e6ception a ;u(enile 1a5 be allowed to sta5 ina special ;u(enile penitentia'5 co''ectional facilit5 afte' he has 'eached the a4e of twent5 th'ee whe'e that is necessa'5 to allow the ;u(enile to co1plete thei' education o'

    (ocational t'ainin4 li1ited to the a4e of twent5 fi(e.

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    Ar"i#le $82

    The punish1ent of ;u(enile p'ison te'1 1a5 not be enfo'ced whe'e+

    !8 ten 5ea's ha(e passed since the date of con(iction to a ;u(enile p'ison te'1o(e' fi(e 5ea's=

    28 fi(e 5ea's ha(e passed since the date of con(iction to a ;u(enile p'ison te'1 ofo(e' th'ee 5ea's=

    38 th'ee 5ea's ha(e passed since the date of con(iction to a ;u(enile p'ison te'1up to th'ee 5ea's.

    Cessa"ion of Corre#"ional Meas!res d!e "o Prono!n#emen" of !1enile Prison Term

    Ar"i#le $83

    :he'e within the te'1 of a co''ectional 1easu'e the cou't i1poses a ;u(enilep'ison te'1 on an olde' ;u(enile the co''ectional 1easu'e shall be te'1inated uponco11ence1ent of the p'ison te'1.

    E(e#" of P!nis+men" on Corre#"ional Meas!res

    Ar"i#le $84

    :he'e within the te'1 of a co''ectional 1easu'e the cou't i1poses thepunish1ent of a ;u(enile p'ison te'1 on an adult -'t.!!0 pa'a 38 o' a p'ison te'1

    -'t.!!0 pa'a "8 fo' one 5ea' o' lon4e' the co''ectional 1easu'e shall be te'1inated

    upon co11ence1ent of the p'ison te'1 and whe'e a p'ison te'1 is i1posed fo' asho'te' te'1 the cou't shall specif5 in its ;ud41ent whethe' followin4 the se'(ice of punish1ent the enfo'ce1ent of the co''ectional 1easu'e will continue o' whethe' that1easu'e will be suspended.

    E(e#" of Corre#"ional Meas!res and of !1enile Prison Term

    Ar"i#le $85

    !8 Co''ectional 1easu'es and a ;u(enile p'ison te'1 shall not 4i(e 'ise to an5 le4al conse9uences which consist of p'ohibition to ac9ui'e ce'tain 'i4hts.

    28 e'sons se'(in4 the 1easu'e of 'efe''al to a co''ectional ho1e o' ;u(enilep'ison te'1 shall be dis9ualified fo' the te'1 of the co''ectional 1easu'e o' ;u(enilep'ison te'1 f'o1 an5 wo' o' functions in state autho'ities local self 4o(e'n1entautho'ities business o'4anisations o' othe' entities that ope'ate usin4 state ownedp'ope't5 o' in o'4anizations ent'usted b5 law with the e6e'cise of public powe's.

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    Im-osin% Se#!ri"& Meas!res on !1eniles

    Ar"i#le $86

    !8 ,ecu'it5 1easu'es with the e6ception of dis9ualification f'o1 a p'ofession

    acti(it5 o' dut5 1a5 be i1posed on ;u(eniles p'o(ided that the5 'ecei(ed a co''ectional1easu'e o' a ;u(enile p'ison te'1.

    28 ,ecu'it5 1easu'es of 1andato'5 1edical t'eat1ent of d'u4 addiction and1andato'5 t'eat1ent of alcoholis1 1a5 not be i1posed alon4 with disciplina'5 co''ectional 1easu'es.

    38 ,ecu'it5 1easu'es of 1andato'5 ps5chiat'ic t'eat1ent and place1ent in a1edical institution as well as 1andato'5 outpatient ps5chiat'ic t'eat1ent shall bei1posed independentl5.

    .0 A--li#a"ion of !1enile !s"i#e Pro1isions "o Ad!l"s

    Im-osin% Criminal San#"ions on Ad!l"s for

    O(en#es "+e& Commi""ed as !1eniles

    Ar"i#le $$8

    !8 -n adult who has 'eached the a4e of twent5 one 1a5 not be t'ied fo' a c'i1ehe co11itted as a 5oun4e'
